Historia wykład 13 10 2011 W


The year 449 has been traditionally accepted as the year of the Germanic conquest of the Island, although Germanic raids had been harassing (nękać) Britain for over two centuries prior to (przed czymś, wcześniej od czegoś) 449. 449 - The “Old English” begins.

King Arthur - fought the Saxon in early 6 century.

Saxons - Germanic tribe from Europe. Jutes, Saxon, Angles - 3 anglo-saxon groups.

  1. Angles - NE coast

  2. Jutes - Kent, Isle of Wight.

  3. Saxons - along East Coast


  1. They were driven far west into the mountains called by the Saxons “Walles” = the land of the foreigners. Saxons wanted to keep the Celts away, so they built Offa's Dyke - defense wall.

  2. Some of them were driven into Cornwall, low lands of Scotland, many escaped to continental Europe

6 century - Saxons were pushing westwards and northwards. Roman Britain was forgotten, and Anglo-Saxon England came into being.

650 AD - The Heptarchy - 7 Saxon kingdoms (Sussex, Wessex, Kent etc.).

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  1. Climate

  2. Rich land and wealth

  3. Natural resources

The early Anglo-Saxon were NOT city dwellers, they were farmers. They lived in villages.


  1. Destruction of Roman civilization

  2. New geographical division

  3. End of Celtic language -> Anglo-Saxon language and culture

  4. Days of the week were named after Germanic gods e.g. Thursday - Thor

  5. New place names -ing, -ham, -ton, surnames indicated something

  6. New administration: shires (coinciding with the modern “county”) ruled by sherrifs

ANGLO-SAXON INSTITUTIONS (they founded them once they settled):

The King Council - Witan (nobbles, bishops, officials, king and his family). They met irregularly to advise the king, to choose the new king, to discuss business, law war and peace. It was an established body and a force to be reckoned with.


There were manors (big house) in every district, where local lord lived with his serfs (chłop pańszczyźniany). They were working on the lord's land. The lord acted as a local judge as well. In manor people also paid taxes and gathered before war.


  1. limited archeological evidence (limited because Anglo-Saxon used wood)

  2. Ecclesiastical History of the English People (written by monk Venerable Bede)

  3. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle - saxon annals (roczniki)


Their attacks were not limited to Britain (they attacked many parts of Europe).

“Viking” = probably “pirate”.

They may seem “barbarian”, but they were skillful traders, fish-men, whalers (łowca wielorybów), sailors, merchants. Their strategy was: sudden unexpected attacks.

They began in 8 century.

  1. Norway -> Norwegians (around Scotland, Isle of Man, Ireland)

  2. Danmark -> Danish, settled East Coast


Because monasteries (so: treasures, gold, silver etc.) were located along the coast.

842 - Vikings raided London

871 - conquest and settlement (Mercia, Northumbria and the most powerful kingdom at that time - Wessex)

King Alfred The Great (871-899) - won battle with Vikings at 878.


The Viking (Danish) rule should be recognized in east and north -> Danelaw was founded.

Rest was ruled by King Alfred.

886 - Alfred captured London.

10 century - Vikings from Ireland (towns founded by them: Dublin, Limerick) wanted to gain control of the northern part of Danelaw -> they did, and they founded Kingdom of York (York), but it stopped existing after 35 years.

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After Alfred there was a new king -> Ethelred, was not respected by the Danish, so he paid them some money to keep them away. He taxed his people -> the tax: Danegeld.

Ethelred died, Cnut (or Canute) - Danish king had controlled a lot of England already, so Witan decided to give England to Cnut (1014-1040).

1042 - Wessex rule was restored (przywrócony). Edward the Confessor (1042-66) - he was back from Normandy. He was not interested in being king, he was interested in church. Westminster Abbey - he started building it.

1066 - he died. He had no children (heir 0x01 graphic
- potomek). There were few candidates to be a king:

  1. Harold Godwinson - Edward's brother-in-law, only Englishman, he was powerful nobleman (arystokrata) from rich family

  2. Harold Hadraada of Norway - he claimed Cnut's son promised his dad a throne, he hoped Viking families from north will support him

  3. William Duke of Normandy - Edward's cousin, he helped William many times

The Witan chose Harold (only Englishman). William send people to England to negotiate the throne, when they didn't agree, he decided to invade. He claimed Edward the Confessor promised him the throne and Harold promised to not stay in the way, his wife Mathilda descended (pochodzić z, wywodzić się z czegoś) from Alfred the Great.

Harold of Norway also invaded the country - from the north.

Hastings 14 Oct 1066 - Harold G. was defeated and killed on the battle field.

Christmas Day 1066, Westminster Abbey - William becomes King of England.

HISTORIA GB - LECTURE - 13.10.2011


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