Zestaw 7 - Zakupy i usługi, Matura ustna podstawowa


  1. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Rozmawiasz z przechodniem na ulicy w Dublinie.

- Poinformuj go, że szukasz sklepu z pamiątkami irlandzkimi.

- Zapytaj, gdzie dokładnie znajduje się sklep.

- Zapewnij przechodnia, że trafisz tam sam/sama.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: Excuse me, I'm looking for a souvenir shop near here.

B: Oh, there are many of them around here.

A: I know, but I'm only interested in souvenirs and gifts that are typically Irish.

B: Oh, I know what you mean. There is a shop in Clover Street, I think.

A: Could you tell me where exactly this shop is?

B: Yes, you go straight ahead and turn left, then go along the street and it's the third turning on the right. The shop is in the middle of the street.

A: OK, so I go straight on, turn left and then take the third right.

B: Yes, it's a pretty long way but it's worth it.

A: Thank you.

B: Are you sure you'll be all right?

A: Oh, yes. I'll get there on my own. Thank you very much.

B: OK, good luck then and enjoy your stay.

A: Thank you.

  1. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiadasz znajomym Amerykanom o pchlim targu w Anglii. Powiedz:

- w jakich okolicznościach trafiłeś/trafiłaś na targ,

- jak sprzedawcy zachęcali Cię do dokonania u nich zakupu,

- co kupiłeś/kupiłaś jako pamiątki i dlaczego.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I like all kinds of flea markets. There are usually a lot of strange things to buy or look at. I remember one in London.

B: Yes? Was it the one in Portobello Road?

A: No, I don't think so. I was just walking round somewhere and I got there by accident. I heard somebody talking about it. I had my city map, I checked where exactly it was and I went.

B: So, was it a big flea market?

A: Hard to say really. It went from one end of the street to the other, along the road, which was closed to traffic. Many people had their stalls. They were trying to sell all kinds of things, old records, jewellery, clothes, and books. And I felt a bit silly when I had to say “No, thank you” to all those sellers shouting at me, “It's a bargain, sir, just look at this, I'll give it to you for half the price”. One of them tried to stop me by standing in front of me.

B: He did? Did you buy anything?

A: Not from him. But I noticed an elderly lady who was selling a lot of crockery, you know, plates, saucers, cups and so on. And I particularly liked one old coffee mug. I mean, she told me it was a coffee mug. Two pounds only.

B: And you bought it.

A: Yes, I did. I still have it. It's a very nice light brown mug. I like it very much and I use it. And the other thing I bought was a book. One man had a huge collection of old books. They all liked like first editions. I took one novel by P.G. Wodehouse. I like his books very much, they are so funny.

B: Yes, true. And now you have souvenirs from that place.

A: Oh yes. I really liked it there.

  1. Negocjowanie

Chcesz odebrać swój plecak z przechowalni bagażu na dworcu kolejowym w Anglii.

- Poinformuj obsługę, że zgubiłeś/zgubiłaś kwitek opłaty za bagaż.

- Odrzuć propozycję pozostawienia bagażu w przechowalni i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Wyjaśnij, dlaczego akceptujesz konieczność wniesienia dodatkowej opłaty.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I'd like to take my luggage but I'm afraid I have lost my left-luggage receipt.

B: If you've lost your receipt, we can't return the luggage to you, I'm afraid. It must remain with us.

A: But I can't leave it here. Actually I think you could give it back to me, because my name isn't on the receipt. You don't ask for names here. So anyone can come and collect the luggage. Perhaps if I describe it to you, you will be convinced. I remember that I paid four pounds for the deposit. And I need to get the luggage because my train leaves in half an hour.

B: Our regulations state that in such a situation you pay an additional charge. On condition that you specify the contents of your bag. So we'll have to open it.

A: OK. How much is that charge?

B: Ten pounds per item.

A: Oh… OK. I'll pay. I think I have no other choice. I can even see my suitcase over there. That's the brown one with a long black handle.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

The picture shows a family choosing a toy car in a shop. The woman is rather tall, with short dark hair and a nice smile. She's wearing a white blouse and navy blue jeans. In her hands she is holding a big red toy car and she's looking at the boy. The man has short brown hair and he's dressed in a white T-shirt, blue vest and blue jeans. He's standing behind the boy with both his hands on the boy's shoulders. The boy has brown hair, too. He's about ten years old. He's wearing a short-sleeved, red jumper with dark blue sleeves and sides. His trousers or shorts are white. He's holding the toy car from the other end and he's looking at the woman. The whole family is in one corner of the toy shop with toy cars for boys. In the background there are shelves filled with toy cars of various types, sizes and colours.

  1. Are the parents going to buy the toy car for the boy or rather not? Why do you think so?

In my opinion the parents would like the boy to have the toy car. They are smiling at him and I think they are encouraging him to say yes. I think the parents have chosen the toy for him because they think it is something he would like to have.

  1. Do you enjoy doing shopping? Why? /Why not?

Many people like doing shopping even if they say they don't. I like doing shopping only sometimes. When I buy something I really want, I feel a lot of satisfaction. But I hate wasting time when I have to choose clothes or shoes and I go from shop to shop looking for that one thing I like. Nowadays shops are full of goods and articles, but when I really want to buy something special or original, I can't find it easily. That's the only thing I don't like about shopping.


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Zestaw 7 Zakupy i usługi
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