Zestaw 13 - Świat przyrody, Matura ustna podstawowa


  1. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Przebywający w Polsce znajomi z zagranicy nie chcą zwiedzać miast, lecz obejrzeć polską przyrodę.

- Poinformuj ich, do których regionów powinni pojechać.

- Udziel im wskazówek, jak można do nich dotrzeć.

- Powiedz, gdzie mogą szukać noclegów.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Poland is such a beautiful country.

B: Yes, it is. Would you like to see any places in particular?

A: We are not interested in seeing cities or towns. We'd love to see nature, if you know what I mean.

B: Oh yes. I think you should go to the Mazury Lake District and the Bieszczady Mountains.

A: We've read about Mazury and it sounds like a wonderful place.

B: Oh yes. Do you know how to get there?

A: Not really. By train, I think.

B: Not quite. I think it is best to travel by train to a city or town that you think is the nearest to where you want to go, and then take a bus.

A: Oh, I see. And how about the Bieszczady Mountains? I almost forgot about the accommodation there.

B: It's similar, I think. First by train, then by bus. When you are there, you can find accommodation quite cheaply with the local people if you don't mind. I'd rather advise looking for a place on the Internet or in a phone directory at the post office.

A: Really? It would be great if you could help us find it.

B: OK, just tell me when you need to go.

A: Thank you very much.

B: That's OK.

  1. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Wracasz do domu przemoknięty/przemoknięta na skutek niespodziewanego ulewnego deszczu. Opowiedz znajomemu Anglikowi:

- co robiłeś/robiłaś, gdy zaczęła się ulewa,

- jak starałeś/starałaś się chronić przed nią,

- jaki wpływ ten deszcz miał na Twoje plany.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: What rain! I'm so wet. I forgot to take my umbrella.

B: There you are. Is it still pouring outside?

A: Now not so much, but I was in the park when it started and I had nowhere to hide.

B: In the park?

A: Yes, I had an hour to spare and I was reading a book on a park bench. I was so concentrated on the book that I didn't see the rain coming. You know, it's been cloudy all day. The rain started suddenly.

B: Weren't there any places where you could wait out the rain?

A: No, just small trees. So I took the plastic bag I had with me and put it over my head. I started running to the bus stop. It took me about 5 minutes to get there and wait for the bus. I'm so angry with myself. I wanted to go to the library and work there for a bit. I couldn't go there wet like this.

B: Pity we can't predict such things [with 100% accuracy].

A: Yes. The weather is so unpredictable. They said it was going to be just cloudy.

B: Yes. You never know these days, do you?

A: I think I'd better change. I can't stay like this. All my clothes are wet.

B: OK.

  1. Negocjowanie

Będziesz mieszkać w domu swoich znajomych w Szkocji przez kilka tygodni. Okazuje się, że mają w domu siedem kotów, a Ty nie lubisz tych zwierząt.

- Powiedz, że chciałbyś/chciałabyś unikać za wszelką cenę kontaktu z tymi zwierzętami.

- Odrzuć sugestię właścicielki domu i podaj powód.

- Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe i wyjaśnij, dlaczego jest ono najlepsze w Waszej sytuacji.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I can see you keep cats at home. I saw two in the hall a moment ago. How many are there?

B: We have seven. They are all over the house. We are going to have small kittens soon!

A: Really? I'm afraid I have a problem then.

B: What is it?

A: If it's possible, I'd like to avoid contact with them.

B: Oh, you don't like cats? You can be sure that they won't enter your room if you don't like them. We can take care of that.

A: No, it's not that I don't like cats. You see, I can't go near a cat. I'm allergic to them. If there is a cat a metre from me, I have a runny nose and my eyes are full of tears.

B: Oh, poor you. What can we do? The cats are everywhere. Perhaps you'll go to stay at our friend's house.

A: Oh no. I wouldn't like to involve many people just because I have this problem. We could do it like this: I stay here but in a room that is very far from the cats, for example in the attic. You sent me pictures of the house some time ago and I remember you have a small room there. In this way, I will be comfortable, and you will not worry about me or the cats.

B: Yes, but the room's not ready. And it's too small. It's not for the guests.

A: It doesn't matter. I wouldn't like to cause constant problems, that's all.

B: OK, if you wish. Actually, now there is a bathroom there as well.

A: Oh, great. You see, I'd love to stay here these two weeks, not at some stranger's house. Thank you so much indeed.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

In this picture I can see a man putting a bottle into a container somewhere in a town or city. The man looks about 50 or 60 years old. He has short dark hair but he is balding. He's got a grey cap on his head. He's wearing a cream-coloured jacket and dark trousers. The container is a bottle bank, where people put bottles for recycling. It is situated close to a car park, because in the background I can see a lot of cars along a wall. In the distance behind the car park, there are some buildings. I think this picture was taken in the suburbs of a city. It may be a British city because the bottle bank has instructions on it and they are in English, “Please remove tops”.

  1. Why do you think the man is putting the bottle into the bottle bank?

I think this man knows about recycling and how it may help to keep the environment clean. If he comes to the bottle bank with only one bottle, I can say he is convinced that doing it is useful. Elderly people may not understand the need for recycling and they may say that the younger generation could do it. This man seems to know how important it is.

  1. What can ordinary people do to look after the environment?

Ordinary people can do a lot for the environment. First of all, they should realize how much rubbish they produce every day and how important it is to segregate it somehow. Next, they can recycle many things they have at home instead of throwing them away. Even plastic bags from supermarkets, paper or bottles can be used again somehow. Also, it is a good idea to get interested in environmental problems, and look for guidelines on how to `go green'. Finally, people can save a lot of energy at home, for example by turning the lights off when they don't need them.


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13 Świat przyrody
13 Świat przyrody 2
13 Świat przyrody 2id 14621

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