Zestaw 11 - Zdrowie, Matura ustna podstawowa


A: Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Zauważasz u znajomego/znajomej z zagranicy objawy silnego przeziębienia.

- Zapytaj, od jak dawna tak źle się czuje.

- Poinformuj go/ją, co powinien/powinna zrobić.

- Zaoferuj pójście do apteki i nabycie leków dla niego/dla niej.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Oh dear! I feel terrible!

B: How long have you had this cold?

A: Since last night.

B: You should take some medicine. Or even see a doctor.

A: I'd rather not go to see a doctor.

B: Actually, you can get most of the medicine without a prescription. You know, I think I could get you something from the chemist's myself. Why don't you go home? You probably should be in bed.

A: Oh, thank you very much!

B. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiadasz znajomym Anglikom o spotkaniu podczas podróży z osobą niepełnosprawną. Opowiedz:

- w jakich okolicznościach spotkałeś/spotkałaś tę osobę,

- co było najbardziej zaskakujące w jej zachowaniu,

- jak to spotkanie wpłynęło na przebieg Twojej podróży.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I'd like to tell you about one person that I met on the train some time ago.

B: Was he or she travelling in the same compartment?

A: Yes, her wheelchair was folded and placed closed to her. She was about forty. She was sitting in front of me and reading a book. I was reading a book too, so we didn't pay attention to each other. But when she started laughing to herself, I looked at her. She was laughing at something she was reading. After some time it repeated: she laughed again. I couldn't help asking her what was funny in the book. She looked at me and said that it was full of funny scenes. We started talking and it turned out she had a great sense of humour. She kept telling jokes and making me laugh. She said she was going to Łódź to visit her sister. I was really surprised. I thought that disabled people were mostly sad and didn't travel much if they didn't have to.

B: A nice surprise, wasn't it?

A: Yeah, she really put me in a very good mood. You know, I hate travelling by trains. Suddenly that long journey became so pleasant. Her jokes and anecdotes did it, I think.

B: And did you talk all the time?

A: Yes, she was a great person to meet. There was nobody else in the compartment and she was such a nice woman, you know. I generally avoid talking to other passengers. I smile when I remember her now.

B: Good. I'm glad there are such people.

C. Negocjowanie

W czasie wakacji dzielisz pokój ze znajomym/znajomą z Irlandii, który/która chce palić papierosy w Waszym pokoju.

- Powiedz, że sprzeciwiasz się paleniu w mieszkaniu.

- Nie zgódź się ja jego/jej propozycję i uzasadnij dlaczego.

- Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe i wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz je za lepsze.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I've got a problem. I know it may be silly, but it's important for me. I think you will have to help me.

B: Yes, what is it?

A: It's rather difficult for me to ask you, you know. I'm very sorry. It's about cigarettes. You smoke and I don't. I wouldn't like to be a passive smoker. I think smoking is harmful. My grandfather died because of smoking. I'm sure of it. He had lung cancer. Could you not smoke in our room?

B: I think I can't, I'm afraid. Smoking is my problem, OK? You don't have to take care of me. I'm so sorry. I'll try to smoke when you're not here, OK?

A: I'm sorry but I don't think it's a good idea. I can smell cigarette smoke anyway. And what if I am here and you want to smoke?

B: You know, some people drink a lot of coffee or smoke a pipe. I just smoke a cigarette from time to time. You must understand.

A: Yes, I do. The problem is that perhaps you smoke too many a day, don't you think? I'm really sorry. I think I have an idea. Could you for example smoke outside? Or at least in the window? It's still summer and it's warm. In this way, I won't smell the smoke in the room and you will not be limited by me.

B: OK, I'll do it. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it would be such a problem. I promise to smoke outside then. But can you promise not to talk about my smoking, please? I hate those conversations.

A: I'm so sorry. I won't. Let's say that I don't talk about it, and you don't smoke here, OK?

B: OK.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

This picture shows a small boy in hospital with a doctor. The boy is lying in bed with a white pillow and duvet. He is about eight years old. He has short dark hair and he's wearing short-sleeved white pyjamas with blue dots. He has a brown teddy bear on his bed. The doctor, who is facing the camera, is leaning over the bed. He's wearing a white uniform. He has short dark hair and looks about thirty years old. He is showing the boy something with the teddy bear, he's probably giving it an injection. He's doing it with his pen. The boy is smiling. In the background between the boy and the doctor I can see a small, brown, wooden bedside locker with some colourful things on top. Above the bed, in the top left-hand corner there are three balloons. The whole room is painted light pink.

  1. Why do you think the doctor is giving the teddy bear an injection?

I think the doctor is giving the teddy bear an injection because he wants to calm down the boy and show him that an injection is not so terrible as it looks. In my opinion he is also doing that to prepare the boy for some medical test. The boy may be very afraid of it and the doctor would like the boy to be brave.

  1. How should people spend their time when they are in hospital?

When people are in hospital and they know they are going to be well, but not only then, they should be optimistic and smile a lot if they can. It helps not only the hospital staff, who deal with so unpleasant cases, but also the patient, who feels better thanks to that. I think we shouldn't discuss diseases and illnesses with other patients in a detailed way because it makes us feel even worse. We should concentrate on getting better and leaving the hospital as soon as possible.


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