Zestaw 3 - Szkoła, Matura ustna podstawowa


  1. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Jesteś w biurze informacyjnym szkoły językowej w Anglii.

- Zapytaj o ofertę kursów.

- Poinformuj rozmówcę o interesującym Cię poziomie zaawansowania kursu.

- Zapytaj o ceny i oferty dodatkowe.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Good morning. How can I help?

B: I'd like to ask about courses you offer to foreign students. [I'd be grateful if I could get a brochure.]

A: OK, what level would you be interested in?

B: I think I am pre-intermediate or maybe intermediate.

A: Right. Here is a brochure with our pre-intermediate courses we have currently on offer.

B: Thank you very much.

A: You're most welcome.

B: Is there information in the brochure about the prices?

A: Yes, there is. Look, all the prices are at the bottom of each page.

B: Do you offer any additional activities? For example, trips.

A: Oh, yes. All our learners have them at all levels. The activities are all described in the booklets.

B: Thank you so much. Good-bye.

  1. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Otrzymałeś/Otrzymałaś nagrodę w szkolnym konkursie przedmiotowym. Opowiedz swoim znajomym z zagranicy:

-, jaką dostałeś/dostałaś nagrodę,

- co należało zrobić, aby wziąć udział w konkursie,

- jak nagroda wpłynęła na Twój wybór kierunku studiów.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I took part in a biology school contest last year.

B: Really? And how was it? Did you win anything?

A: I came third so it wasn't bad. And I got a certificate of participation, some books and the satisfaction of studying what I want.

B: Really? Tell me more about it.

A: It was the National Biology Olympiad; I think you can call it that.

B: Oh, so you were third in Poland, not just in your school!

A: Yes, I had to study really hard. I read a lot of books, not just coursebooks. I practised doing those tests. My teacher helped me a lot. [On the day of the test she was with me and kept her fingers crossed for me. Some participants left already at the beginning, but I tried to write as much as I could and finished a minute before they announced that it was the end of the test.]

B: Oh yes, I cam imagine that.

A: Yes. The competition was very tough and I was a bit surprised when I saw my name in third place.

B: You certainly deserved it. So what is it that you're studying? Biology?

A: No, medicine. I always wanted to be a doctor and this contest helped me, because I didn't have to take the entrance exams.

B: Well, you had to study hard for the contest, but it was worth it. Congratulations!

A: Thanks.

  1. Negocjowanie

Jesteś stypendystą na uniwersytecie w Irlandii. Masz prawo wyboru terminu zaliczenia kursu literatury. W rozmowie ze swoim uniwersyteckim opiekunem:

- podaj swoja propozycję terminu zaliczenia kursu,

- nie zgódź się z sugestiami opiekuna i uzasadnij dlaczego,

- zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: We still have to arrange the date for my examinations. When do you expect me to take it?

B: I'd like you to take it, let's say, by the fifteenth of May at the latest.

A: I'd be extremely grateful if we could have it a day later, on the sixteenth. The problem is that I'm going on a trip around Ireland, which will take about two weeks. The university offered it to all the foreign students here and I think it's a wonderful opportunity to see Ireland. I'm coming back on the fourteenth.

B: Why the sixteenth? You could come here on the fifteenth. But, from what I remember, you owe me two essays to complete the course.

A: Yes, that's true. Still, I would like to have one day for revision. But I have an idea about those essays. I wonder if you would agree. I could bring them before I go on the trip, say, by the end of April. Then, when I come back I could take the exam and at the same time we could discuss the essays. I'm sure this would save you time as well.

B: OK then. I see you have planned it all. [I agree because you are a good student and you've always been very active in class.]

A: Thank you very much, sir. I will leave the essays for you and then come back to take the exam on the sixteenth.

B: Yes, that's right.

A: Good-bye. Thank you very much indeed. I'm really grateful.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

The picture shows a young man sitting at the desk in his room. H has short brown hair. He is wearing a checked blue shirt. His hands are on a computer keyboard on the desk. He is looking at the monitor screen to the left. The man is writing something on the computer. [In the bottom left corner of the picture, on the desk, there is a printer and a computer monitor with the keyboard. In the background I can see a large black notebook and some notes with a pen on them.] On the wall behind the man there is a shelf with books.

  1. Is the young man in his room at home or at a students' dormitory? Why do you think so?

I think this man is in his room at the dorm. There are no personal things that we can say the man likes, for example gadgets or photographs. It may mean he is there only for some time and it is not his home. The room may be small, because the desk and the shelves are filled with many things: books, notes, boxes, the computer and the printer, which take a lot of space.

  1. Where would you like to live as a student? Why?

I would like to live in a dorm. In my opinion it is a good idea to live in a dorm, because students live together and they can get to know one another better, they can help each other and have fun together. Besides, students learn to live on their own, and they don't depend on their parents so much.


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