1. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

W niewielkiej rodzinnej restauracji w Irlandii chcesz szybko zamówić coś do jedzenia.

- Poinformuj kelnera, że Ci się spieszy.

- Dowiedz się, jak długo będziesz czekać na posiłek.

- Poproś o podanie wybranej potrawy.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Good afternoon, what can I get you?

B: I'm in a hurry so I'd like something that I could eat quickly. I can't wait long.

A: OK. What would you like?

B: How long will I wait for the meal?

A: About 5 to 10 minutes on average.

B: Is there anything you could recommend that takes a bit less time to prepare?

A: Any dish actually. There are not many customers right now so it shouldn't be a problem.

B: Good. Then I'll have a chicken breast with chips, please.

A: All right, any salad, anything to drink?

B: Tomato salad then, please. And a glass of mineral water.

A: OK, your order will be with you shortly. Thank you very much.

B: Thank you.

  1. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiadasz znajomym z zagranicy o posiłku w egzotycznej restauracji. Powiedz:

- o okolicznościach wyboru tej restauracji,

- co zamówiłeś/zamówiłaś,

- jaka była Twoja reakcja na przyniesione do stolika danie.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: You know, I went to a very unusual restaurant last night. I am still in shock.

B: Shock!? What was unusual about it?

A: All the dishes had strange names that I can't remember. There were Asian waiters and the menu was all in Chinese [or Vietnamese, or maybe Korean. I don't really know the difference].

B: What was the occasion?

A: A friend of mine got promoted at work and he decided to celebrate it with a special dinner. And he chose the place.

B: It was very nice of him.

A: Oh, yes. Ordering was difficult because there were only pictures of dishes in the menu instead of English translation. Everybody ordered something. I liked one picture so I ordered that dish. It looked like green and brown pasta with chicken breast. It really looked very tasty, just like in the picture. But it didn't taste like chicken breast at all. It certainly was meat. I think it tasted like pork with a lot of spices. And the pasta was a bit too fatty for me. But it was a very good meal in general.

B: You said you were in shock. So what was the reason?

A: Wait till I tell you. All the time we didn't know what we had. When we were leaving the restaurant, we said goodbye to the staff. Some of them smiled and said something in their language, but one waiter answered in English. It turned out his English was very good and so we asked him what our dishes were made of. Mine was a mixture of beef and some exotic sea food - cooked worms!

B: Oh no!

A: Yes. Now you know why I'm in shock.

  1. Negocjowanie

Podczas pobytu w USA chcesz przyrządzić swoim gospodarzom tradycyjny polski obiad.

- Zaproponuj, że samodzielnie zrobisz zakupy i przygotujesz posiłek.

- Nie zgódź się na propozycję pomocy w przygotowaniu posiłku i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Przedstaw kompromisowe rozwiązanie.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I'd like to prepare a traditional Polish dinner for everyone on Sunday. What do you think?

B: It's a great idea. We'd love to taste some Polish dishes. Are you sure you will be able to do it? It must be a lot of work.

A: No if you know what to do. Tomorrow I'll do the shopping. I found a nice place where I can get the ingredients. And then on Sunday I'll prepare the dinner.

B: That's wonderful. Let me help you, OK?

A: I'd like to do everything myself. You see, this is my way of showing you that I really like your place and that I am very grateful I can stay here. I can't do much more. Please, allow me to do it, OK? It really matters a lot to me.

B: Oh, we really appreciate what you are saying. But let me pay for half the ingredients. You see, you will spend a lot of money on the dinner anyway.

A: OK, let it be this way then. We go shopping together, and then I stay in the kitchen and prepare it. I'd like it to be a kind of surprise. You will be able to smell it anyway.

B: All right.

A: Great. Thank you so much.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

The photograph shows four people of about sixty eating a meal. They are two men and two women, so they are probably two married couples. They are all eating the same dish, so probably they are not in a restaurant but in a house. They are sitting at the table for four, the two men are facing each other, and so are the women. The women are dressed in similar red and pink dresses. They are both smiling and looking at the man to the right. [He is sitting with his back to the camera, but I can say he is elegantly dressed in a dark suit.] He is saying something funny because everyone at the table is looking at him and smiling or laughing. [The last person, the other man is also wearing a dark suit and brown tie. He is looking at the first man. In his right hand he is holding a glass of white wine.] On the table, which is covered with a pink tablecloth, there are four plates with the main dish, at least two smaller plates with pieces of bread, four glasses of wine, and a small vase with flowers.

  1. Are the people in the picture enjoying their meal or rather their own company? Why do you think so?

I think these people, the two couples, have met to talk to one another and at the same time enjoy a wonderful meal. In my opinion one couple invited the other and they are now having a meal together. It is rather a formal occasion, because they are dressed formally. We can say that they are enjoying their own company, because they are smiling and carefully listening to one man. They are amused by his story.

  1. Where would you enjoy a meal more: in a good restaurant or at home? Why?

In my opinion I would enjoy a meal anywhere if it is a good meal. In a restaurant the only thing to worry about is the price of the meal, but I can choose from a great variety of restaurants. At home, such a meal has to be prepared and it takes time. I wouldn't know how to prepare all kinds of dishes at home, but I can order them all in a restaurant. Also, the restaurant has a special atmosphere; I can feel that the meal there is a celebration.
