Zestaw 4 - Praca, Matura ustna podstawowa


  1. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Rozmawiasz z szefem małej restauracji w Brighton, gdzie chciałbyś/chciałabyś zatrudnić się w lecie jako kelner/kelnerka.

- Poinformuj go o swoim doświadczeniu z pracy w polskiej pizzerii.

- Dowiedz się o warunki finansowe zatrudnienia.

- Zapytaj, ile godzin dziennie spędzisz w pracy.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Have you got any experience working as a waiter?

B: Oh yes. Last year, for example, I worked in a pizzeria in Poland. I took orders from customers.

A: All right, that should be enough. It's a small place anyway.

B: Erm… One of the things I'd like to ask you is what salary I could get at your place.

A: Oh, yes. You can earn about 150 pounds plus tips from customers.

B: OK, not bad. And one more question. How long will my shift be? And is it stable or not?

A: Well, it is. On average it's about seven hours plus cleaning after we close.

B: Yes, I expected that, of course.

A: Will that be all?

B: Yes, I think so. See you tomorrow morning then, as we said earlier.

  1. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Pracowałeś/Pracowałaś kilka miesięcy w irlandzkiej firmie. Opowiedz znajomym cudzoziemcom:

- jakiego typu to była firma,

- co należało do Twoich obowiązków,

- jak długo tam pracowałeś/pracowałaś.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I have just finished working for a company that produces ice-cream.

B: Ice-cream? That sounds original. Where was that?

A: It was a small Irish company called “Ice-Queen”. They sell their products to local shops in Dublin.

B: Never heard of it. And what did you do there?

A: It's really small. I did various things. I started from cleaning, and then I moved to packaging and freezing.

B: You got promoted then. It was rather cold working there, wasn't it?

A: Yes, at times it was. But I got used to working like that. I had special clothes. First I cleaned the floors and then all kinds of pots and containers for ingredients. You know, fruit, chocolate, cream. Next, I was allowed to put ice cream in packets and finally I worked in freezing. It was really cold around. I put ice-cream to a huge freezer that looked like a real room.

B: That's interesting. So you must be fed up with ice-cream now.

A: Yes, just a bit maybe. I was allowed to eat some ice-cream but how much can you have every day? And so cold?

B: That's true. How long did you work there?

A: Only five months. I really had enough. It was a nice, clean job but it's not pleasant to work in cold temperatures sometimes several hours a day, even in special [protective] clothing.

B: Oh yeah, I can understand that.

  1. Negocjowanie

W biurze pośrednictwa pracy czasowej w Anglii rozmawiasz o możliwościach zatrudnienia.

- Podaj, w jakim charakterze chciałbyś/chciałabyś znaleźć czasowe zatrudnienie.

- Odrzuć zaoferowaną możliwość podjęcia innej pracy od zaraz i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: As I marked it when I registered with you, I'd like to work as a receptionist, a waiter, or an office temp. Do you have anything of that sort?

B: I'm afraid not. I can only offer cleaning jobs at present. There is a great demand for them. Would you be interested?

A: Rather not. As I said, I'd prefer something different. I'd like to work with people more. I hope my English is good enough.

B: Oh yeah. There's no problem with that. But you should realize that if you reject the offer twice, we remove your name from our database.

A: Yes, I understand. It's my first time anyway. Do you think you will have anything next week?

B: Next month is more likely. But by that time your name will automatically be deleted, I'm afraid.

A: Do you think you could find a short-term job for me then? For example for a week or two, not longer. I hope something more suitable for me will appear soon.

B: A cleaning job?

A: Yes, if it is for a short time, I could take it.

B: All right, there is an offer for ten working days, starting next Monday.

A: It sounds good. I'll take it.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

The picture shows a man of about sixty years sitting at a table. The man has grey hair [and a slightly balding]. He is dressed in a dark suit, a white shirt and a brown tie. He is wearing glasses. He is sitting at a round table, probably in a café. [Behind him there is a white wall to the left and, in the upper right-hand corner, I can see another similar table with a white cup on it and there are probably some people sitting at it.] On the man's table there is an open laptop and at the moment he is holding both his hands over the keyboard. To his right, in the foreground of the picture, there is an open notebook, probably his diary. It seems he is looking at it. [Next to it, slightly to the man's left there is also a cup of coffee, a plate with a croissant and a napkin, and a glass of mineral water. I think it is his breakfast.]

  1. Is the man in the picture working or rather having a break from work? Why do you think so?

I think the man is still before work. His breakfast, a croissant and a cup of coffee, is still on the table. He is trying to eat something and at the same time to prepare himself for something that will take place later in the day. I think he came to this café not to waste time. He has his laptop in front of him, and the food somewhere to his right. It shows what is more important for him at the moment.

  1. What kind of job would you like to have in the future? Why?

I don't know yet what kind of job I would like to have. I think that now I can only say that I will probably have a job that involves some contact with people. It is important to meet all kinds of people. If I had to work in an office in front of a computer, for most of the day separated from other people, I would go crazy, I think. And another important thing is that my job should involve moving around. It is because I like travelling and visiting new places.


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