Aubrey Ross Crimson Dichotomy 02 Passion

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Crimson Dichotomy 2: Passion

Aubrey Ross

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2008 Aubrey Ross

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illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary

gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison
and a fine of $250,000.

ISBN: 978-1-60521-011-7
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF,
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader


Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

Editor: Maryam Salim
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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Crimson Dichotomy 2: Passion

Aubrey Ross

Sentinel Lukas Mandalay has never encountered anyone as utterly tempting as
Rebecca McNeil. Despite being half-human, Rebecca is the youngest member of the

Dichotomy elder council. She’s independent, self-sufficient -- and shaped like a
centerfold! Sensing the passion smoldering beneath her professional façade, he
guides her through a journey of sexual discovery.

Rebecca is forced to admit she needs protection when an obsessive vampire nearly

kidnaps her. Still, the handsome Sentinel who prevents her abduction seems nearly
as dangerous as the vampire. Each time Lukas touches her, their bodies erupt with
carnal longing and neither can remember why they should resist their growing


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Chapter One

PSN Headquarters, Sacramento, California

“Has Olin learned anything useful?”

Lukas glanced over his shoulder as Max Brigham walked into the observation

booth. Tall and imposing, Max was the driving force behind the Preternatural Sentinel

Network. He’d taken a group of embittered social misfits and molded them into an elite

paramilitary team. Each Sentinel was unique and most had nowhere else to turn when

the society that created them turned hostile.

With a frustrated sigh, Lukas motioned toward the monitor. Olin had just left the

holding cell after questioning their detainee for the third time. “We can’t get Valerie to

transition and Emily is more confused than we are.”

“Dichotomies are tricky, to say the least.” Max crossed his arms over his chest

and studied the slender young woman. She sat on a padded cot with her knees drawn

up to her chest, staring off into the distance. Long blonde hair framed her pale face and

purple shadows circled her eyes. “It was my understanding that a nocturnal Dichotomy

isn’t able to conceal anything from their day-dwelling twin. Memories are transferred

from one consciousness to the other during their physical transformation. Is Olin sure

Emily knows nothing?”

“Valerie isn’t your ordinary Dichotomy. Taerok’s blood empowered her with a

level of control few have ever achieved. Emily was trapped in energy form for months

at a time. It was only Valerie’s desire to escape us that freed Emily now. Despite the

attitude and her new fangs, Valerie is a coward.”

“Does Emily show any signs of vampirism?”

Lukas shook his head. “We’ve had four different people scan her and everyone

senses only Dichotomy. Olin is beginning to think Taerok didn’t actually convert

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Valerie. He might have fed her only enough of his blood to make her appear


“I scanned Valerie at the gala. She’s a vampire. It’s more likely Emily just hasn’t

been affected yet.”

“Is it possible she never will become a vampire?”

“I don’t know. To my knowledge this is the first time either half of a Dichotomy

has survived a vampiric transformation.” With a shrug of his beefy shoulders, Max

dismissed the speculation. “In any event, Valerie can’t hide inside Emily forever. We’ll

just wait her out.”

“That was Olin’s conclusion too.” Lukas turned from the monitor and faced Max

directly. “Even if we succeed in bringing Valerie out of sleep state, it’s doubtful she’ll

talk. She has nothing to gain by betraying Taerok.”

“And Taerok is too smart to entrust his plans to a blood slave,” Max agreed.

“So what’s our next move?”

“Taerok is determined to free himself from his solar trance, which means he

needs a Dichotomy halfling who can transform at will. Luckily for us there are only


“Which of the three do I get to babysit?”

“Rebecca McNeil.” Max handed him the slim folder he had tucked under his

arm. “She’s the only halfling on the elder council and the fact that she can transform is a

carefully guarded secret.”

“An elder?” Lukas grumbled. If he had to shadow a halfling, why did it have to

be some crotchety old… His mental objections came grinding to a halt as he opened the

dossier. A color photograph was attached to the inside of the front cover. From her

strawberry blonde curls to her vibrant blue eyes, there was nothing unappealing about

Councilwoman McNeil.

“Taerok feeds off fear and hatred. He humiliates and infuriates his victims before

he feeds from them. Negative emotions are as important to him as blood. Do your best

to keep her happy.”

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Lukas looked at Max and groaned. The commander was serious! “I’m a soldier,

not a therapist.”

“I’m well aware of your skills, but you need to understand his MO. Negative

emotions attract and sustain him, while positive emotions repel and weaken him.”

“Many emotions aren’t clearly positive or negative. What about lust and fear?

Wouldn’t it be wisest just to keep her calm?”

“Good luck with that. This situation isn’t conducive to serenity.” Max’s lips

curved in a knowing smile. “I saw your reaction to her picture. Lust was the first

emotion that popped into your mind.”

Lukas didn’t bother arguing the point. Rebecca McNeil was extremely attractive.

“What does she know about Taerok?”

“She knows he’s a vampire and she knows why he’s hunting Dichotomy

halflings. Beyond that, everything is classified.” After a tense pause Max added, “We’re

doing everything possible to find Taerok’s lair. Until we do, we’re stuck babysitting his

potential victims. Rebecca returns from Washington tomorrow and she’s expecting


“I’ll swing by her place tonight and check out the logistics.”

“She’s agreed to twenty-four-hour surveillance, as long as she knows where you

are at all times. None of that shadow shit Steffen pulled on Bella.”

Lukas chuckled. “My brother’s voyeuristic tendencies have never appealed to


“Good. Bella’s father was on our side. There’s no one to run interference if you

piss off Ms. McNeil.”

“Should I be concerned?” He motioned to the photo. “She looks pretty harmless

to me.”

“She negotiates deals with global corporations and international government

agencies. The elder council banks on people underestimating her. Don’t be fooled by

her appearance. Ms. McNeil is shrewdly intelligent and fearlessly independent. She has

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never felt the need for personal security, and the director was surprised when she

agreed to allow us to interfere in her busy schedule.”

“I’ll do my best to stay out of her way.” Lukas opened the folder across the desk

and flipped through the detailed background information.

Max hesitated at the door. “I didn’t mean to make her sound like a shrew. She

seemed reasonable enough when I spoke with her earlier. She’s just all business.”

“Well, this is business. So I don’t see a problem.” He waved the commander

away. “Go find Taerok’s lair.”

* * *

Rebecca lowered her carryon bag to the foot of her bed and kicked off her low-

heeled pumps. Traveling was tedious at best and today hadn’t even qualified as good.

She rubbed the back of her neck and rolled her shoulders.

“Welcome back.”

A smile automatically curved her lips as she turned toward Katsu. His calm,

unassuming presence never failed to soothe her. “It’s good to be home.” He stepped

into the room as she unzipped the bag.

“Would you like something to eat? Unless you’ve changed significantly in the

past two weeks, you grabbed a bagel and a massive cup of coffee on the way to the

airport and haven’t eaten since.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Guilty as charged.” With an audible sigh, she

looked at the contents of her carryon. All the clothing would have to be laundered,

which left the toiletries for her to unpack. “I’m too tired to be hungry.”

Cooking was outside the responsibilities of a personal trainer, in her estimation,

but Katsu often disregarded the norm. He was part executive assistant, part sensei, and

part confidant. He’d been sleeping with Bianca for the past three months and Rebecca

suspected he’d like to sleep with her as well.

“Would you like me to run a bath for you?” The caressing quality in Katsu’s tone

drew her gaze back to his handsome face. With a long rolling stride, he crossed the

bedroom and stood beside her. Jet black hair swept back from his face, a stubborn

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tendril escaping to angle across his brow. The exotic tilt of his dark eyes and prominent

cheekbones reflected Japanese heritage, while his height and the breadth of his

shoulders revealed an Italian grandfather.

“As delightful as a bath sounds, I have too much to do before my guard dog

arrives tomorrow.” She reached for her cosmetic case and his long fingers curved

around her wrist.

“I can protect you, Rebecca.” He spoke her name in a whisper-soft tone that sent

tingles down her spine. “There’s no need to let this… Sentinel invade your privacy.”

The subtle sneer in his voice left no doubt about his feelings. He didn’t want

another man intruding on “his” territory. Her heart fluttered and their gazes locked.

She’d been tempted by Katsu the first time she’d seen him, but she’d resisted the

attraction. Their relationship was uncomplicated and comfortable, and she preferred it

remain that way.

“If the threat were human, I’d agree,” she told him. “You’re fast and strong,

easily capable of combating other humans.”

“You honestly believe a vampire is after you?”

She smiled. “Do you doubt the reality of vampires or that one would be

interested in me?”

He moved closer, cupping the side of her face. “I don’t doubt your appeal. I’m

captivated by you and you know it.”

Awareness arced between them. She licked her lips, enjoying the tingling heat for

another moment before she stepped back. “You’re a trusted friend and valuable

employee. That’s more important to me than sex.”

“Sex doesn’t have to ruin our friendship.” He recaptured the space between

them, lightly resting his hands on her hips. “This is the natural culmination of our

mutual attraction.”

“I know you’re sleeping with Bianca. Isn’t that enough?”

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He framed her face between his palms, desire gleaming in his eyes. “Bianca told

me to bend you over the bed and fuck you fast and hard until you stopped denying that

you want me.”

Lust curled through her body as the graphic image took shape within her mind.

Katsu was always polite and patient. He smiled and patted her hand when she wanted

to be overwhelmed by passion.

“That sounds like Bianca.” Her nocturnal twin had always been more sexually

aggressive, more certain of her desire. “I never denied my attraction to you. The

situation is more complicated than what I want.”

Leaning down, he brushed her lips with his. “Only because you complicate it.”

“Bianca doesn’t have to think about the ramifications of --”

He silenced her objections with a kiss. His mouth pressed over hers and his

tongue traced the seam of her lips. Heat pooled between her thighs, and an odd

heaviness expanded within her chest. Why had he waited so long to confront her? The

timing couldn’t be worse.

For just a moment she relaxed into the embrace, tempted to surrender. The kiss

was gentle, patient. Her obligations loomed and she grew restless. Grasping his upper

arms, she arched away, turning her head sharply to the side.

“Starting tomorrow I’ll have a bodyguard with me night and day.”

His lips grazed the side of her face, his breath warm and moist against her ear.

“It might only take them a day or two to track down the vampire. Besides, we still have


She didn’t want a hurried tumble and the inevitable awkwardness that would

follow once the Sentinel arrived. She wanted endless nights of carnal abandon and a

lover assertive enough to control her. Her mind stumbled over the word control. Did

she want to be controlled? No, more like guided. She wanted a lover strong enough to

guide her.

“I’ll transform. You and Bianca can --”

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Another kiss interrupted her suggestion. “I don’t want half of you. I want all of


* * *

Remaining in the shadow realm, Lukas scanned his surroundings. Rebecca

McNeil’s home was modest by Malibu standards, yet luxurious on any other scale. He

assessed the location in concentric circles, starting at the perimeter and working his way


Three of the four garage bays were occupied, but none of the vehicles showed

signs of recent use. He returned to the house and continued his assessment. Opening a

door or window would trigger basic security sensors. He shook his head. Human

precautions were useless with most vampires. The main floor was empty, no signs of

life anywhere. Drifting closer to the wraparound veranda, he scanned the upper level

room by room.

Awareness jolted his being. The largest bedroom was occupied. Did Rebecca

have guests or had she returned early? Her safety was more important than her need

for privacy. Amusement rippled through him as he projected his energy through the

bedroom wall. Apparently voyeuristic tendencies ran in his family.

The couple stood locked in a heated embrace. Their passionate kiss prevented

Lukas from making a visual identification. He scanned the man. Human, no overt

paranormal abilities. The woman’s energy was more complex. Still, she could be

Rebecca or a relative with similar physiology. The dossier hadn’t mentioned any


The man worked the buttons on her blouse with frantic urgency then tugged his

tee shirt off over his head. With a dexterous flick of his fingers the man unfastened the

front clasp on her bra. Her clothing hung open from her shoulders, exposing the lush

fullness of her breasts.

Damn! With long legs, slim hips, and those amazing breasts, she could easily

moonlight as a lingerie model. The man cupped one breast as he bent over the other.

His lips drew firmly on her pink nipple.

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Grasping her lover’s upper arms, she let her head drop back on her shoulders.

Her hair cascaded down her back in a profusion of strawberry blonde waves. The pose

accentuated her slender neck and the bold thrust of her breasts. Lust curled through

Lukas, hot and heavy, demanding he solidify and join the fun.

He reluctantly dragged his gaze away from her body and looked at her face.

Apparently Rebecca required one last tumble before she accepted his protection. He

couldn’t really blame her for the small deception. There was no telling how long she’d

be under his direct supervision.

The man suckled each breast in turn, leaving one nipple wet and rosy while he

tantalized the other with his mouth. Her cheeks flushed and her tongue peeked out to

moisten her lower lip. It would be so easy to solidify beside them, to taste her lips and

tease her nipples, leaving no portion of her body neglected.

There is no danger! Lukas’ inner voice objected. He was here to protect her, not

seduce her. Desire flared from smoldering heat to consuming flame as he forced himself

back. His mind might acknowledge his mission, but his emotions weren’t ready to


“We can’t do this.” Rebecca’s breathless voice halted Lukas’ retreat. She pushed

the man away and covered her breasts with the unbuttoned halves of her blouse.

“Katsu, please. You’re amazing, sexy as hell, but this has to wait.”

“What are you so afraid of?” Katsu remained by the bed, his eyes flashing like

polished ebony. “I know how long it’s been since you’ve let anyone touch you.”

“You’ve had three months to make your move. It’s not going to happen tonight.”

Her tone was tight, her fingers clutching in the fabric of her blouse. Katsu reached for

her hand, but she snatched it away. “There’s a vampire hunting halflings.”

“This has nothing to do with the vampire. You’ve kept yourself isolated for as

long as I’ve known you.”

“That’s not true.” She squared her shoulders and looked past Katsu, her features

falling into an expressionless mask.

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Lukas lightly scanned her mind. His empathic receptors were only minimally

sensitive, but he needed to understand her attitude. Negative emotions attracted

Taerok. If this argument continued, Lukas might need to interrupt.

Emotions twisted through her mind, contradicting her calm expression.

Frustration coiled around uncertainty, and desire boiled beneath the clutter created by

the other emotions. Regardless of her protests, she wanted Katsu.

Katsu stared at her silently. Lukas didn’t need to scan his mind to understand

what he was feeling. His dark eyes shimmered and his hands clenched at his sides. He

was clearly ready to pounce, so what held him back? She would probably welcome the


She glanced at Katsu and she asked, “What has Bianca told you about our past?”

“She told me someone hurt you badly, and you’d tell me about it when you were

ready. She also told me patience was counterproductive to your recovery.”

“Yeah, I got that from the ‘bend her over the bed and fuck her senseless’


With a frustrated sigh, Katsu slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“You’re driving me crazy. You know that, don’t you?”

Her frustration spiked right along with Katsu’s, so Lukas delved deeper into her

mind. She was paralyzed by fear, aching for Katsu, yet unsure how to make him

understand what she needed. If he didn’t assert himself soon, she would slip back

behind her wall of resignation.

She loosened her grip on the blouse, the movement so subtle it might have been

unintentional. The blouse gaped, revealing the upper swell of her breasts. She waited,

hoping he would take the bait. In her mind Katsu lunged, ripping her blouse apart as he

pushed her up against the wall. In reality, Katsu’s gaze remained fixed on her face.

Lukas drifted around the couple as they stared each other down. Katsu was

every bit as intriguing as Rebecca. His dark handsomeness complemented her golden

beauty and the heated gleam of his eyes reflected how badly he wanted her. Lukas was

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generally more attracted to women than men, but there was something special about


Expounding on Rebecca’s fantasy, Lukas imagined them together, naked, lost in

passion’s thrall. Bracing her against the wall, Katsu wrapped her legs around his waist

and frantically found his target. His angular features tightened as her wet heat

surrounded his cock. The defined muscles in his back bunched and flexed beneath his

smooth skin. She gasped and trembled as he thrust between her thighs. Her full breasts

jostled, echoing each firm stroke.

Lukas took the temptation a step further. He pictured Katsu on the bed, Rebecca

straddling his hips. Katsu reached between their bodies and guided his shaft to her

entrance. He gently rubbed her clit as he pushed into her core. She moaned softly and

her eyes closed against the pleasure.

Lukas insinuated himself into the scene. Kneeling behind her, he caressed her

breasts, while Katsu began to move. Lukas teased her nipples, then nudged Katsu’s

fingers aside so he could tease her clit. They took her to the brink of orgasm over and

over until she was wild and restless between them. Finally, Katsu pulled her forward

and kissed her mouth.

Caressing his way down her back, Lukas savored the firm curve of her hips and

the silky softness of her ass. He ventured between her cheeks and located her other

opening. She didn’t seem the type to indulge her darker impulses, so he initiated her

slowly. Slippery with lubricant, his fingers gently breached her anus.

She tensed then shivered, a distressed murmur escaping her throat. With infinite

care he awakened her senses. She was female perfection, sleek muscles and generous

curves. He watched his fingers slide in and out and felt Katsu’s hardness throbbing in

her pussy.

Together they’d propel her to heights of ecstasy. They’d pass her back and forth,

extending each sensation with tender care. Then they’d thrust inward together,

stretching her so tight she’d --

“Are we going to stare at each other for the rest of the night?”

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Rebecca’s softly spoken question shattered the illusion. Reluctantly, Lukas reined

in his wayward imagination and focused on his mission, protecting this delectable


“Are you going to stay celibate for the rest of your life?” Katsu challenged.

She quickly put several steps between them, using his irritation to fuel her

resolve. “When and if I decide I want a lover, it will be my decision not yours -- or

Bianca’s for that matter.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his gaze on her face. “And I’m

supposed to wait around for this epiphany?”

“I hired you as a personal trainer, not a sexual companion.”

“You responded when I kissed you. Was that some sort of game?”

“That’s not the point.”

“What is the point? Explain this to me, Rebecca. I want to understand.”

Trepidation sparked along Lukas’ consciousness. He pulled back from the couple

and quickly scanned the room. Their argument escalated, tension crackling around

them like a gathering storm. Lukas focused on their surroundings, meticulously

scanning the outer walls.

A surge of awareness confirmed his suspicions. A non-corporeal being was

burrowing through the exterior wall. Vampire! He reinforced his shields and moved

toward the metaphysical fissure, directing energy ahead of him as he approached. The

vampire pushed harder and Lukas pushed back.

Rebecca turned abruptly and looked in the general direction of the struggle.

“Someone’s here,” she whispered.

Fear rippled through the room followed by a stronger wave of anger. Lukas

didn’t take time to sort through the emotions. The vampire lunged, bursting through

the wall with explosive speed. The force propelled Lukas backward and allowed the

vampire to slip past, siphoning off energy as he went.

Lukas groaned. Weakness overcame him in debilitating waves. His being shrank

and vibrated, rocked by the ease with which the vampire had struck.

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Katsu moved in front of Rebecca and balanced his weight on the balls of his feet.

His gaze searched the shadows, arms bent and ready for an offensive.

“Show yourself,” Rebecca snapped.

Taerok materialized in the blink of an eye and sent Katsu flying with the wave of

one pale hand. The human hit the wall like a discarded toy, crumpling to the floor in an

untidy heap.

Forced to watch in impotent fury, Lukas absorbed energy as fast as he could.

Taerok would not claim another victim while he was trapped in the shadow realm!

Rebecca raised both arms, her gaze fixed squarely on the vampire. “Don’t come

near me.” Her palms glowed and sparks jumped between her fingers. Taerok laughed

and reached for her throat. She launched a sizzling pulse into his face.

Clearly startled, Taerok stumbled back. “You’re no match for me, halfling! Don’t

make this harder than it needs to be.”

Lukas materialized slowly, rationing his limited energy. Rebecca’s eyes widened

for an instant, but Taerok didn’t react to Lukas’ arrival.

“I thought vampires had an aversion to fire,” she went on as if nothing had

changed. Her right hand ignited, mesmerizing flames curling around her fingers and

her wrist. “Get the hell out or I’ll --”

Taerok flew at her, grasping her throat with one hand and smothering the flame

with the other. She cried out and looked at Lukas, expectation overlaying her fear.

Lukas took a thin metal band out of his back pocket and snapped it against Taerok’s

neck. The Titseeny collar coiled around the vampire’s throat and tightened.

“I don’t breathe, you fool. You can’t strangle me.” Taerok sneered. His fingers

remained at Rebecca’s throat, nails digging into her skin.

Estri miko fon.” Lukas activated the band. Taerok snarled and tossed his head,

but his hold on Rebecca gradually loosened. “Tallanty norest fontae.” Spinning the

vampire around, Lukas grasped his head between his palms. “Fontae miko estri --”

Taerok dematerialized before Lukas could complete the binding spell. The Titseeny

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collar fell to the floor with a useless ping. “Damn it.” He bent and retrieved the thin

band. “I almost had him.”

Rebecca stared at Lukas, her hands trembling as she clutched the front of her

blouse. “Lukas Mandalay, I presume?”

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Chapter Two

“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but what are you doing here?” Rebecca’s

heart was pounding so hard she could barely hear her own question. Reaching beneath

her blouse, she awkwardly refastened her bra. To his credit, her uninvited guest kept

his gaze fixed on her face as she righted her clothing.

“I was doing my job.” He offered her a sly smile. “Wasn’t that obvious?”

Too upset to appreciate his sense of humor, she crossed the room and knelt at

Katsu’s side. Her mind replayed the image of his lean body flying through the air and

colliding with the wall. She pressed her fingertips against the side of Katsu’s neck.

“Is he all right?”

“I think he’s just stunned.” She straightened his arms and slid him away from

the wall. “You are Lukas Mandalay, aren’t you?” Tension still cramped her muscles and

her heart thudded rapidly in her chest. Taking several deep breaths, she tried to

convince her body the danger had passed. “Do you have ID on you? I hate to sound

paranoid, but someone did just try to kill me.”

“Not a problem.” He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and tossed it to her. “It’s

always wise to err on the side of caution.”

The black leather felt warm and smooth against her fingers. She flipped it open

and found his driver’s license. “Thanks.” She tossed the wallet back to him.

“I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.” His bright blue gaze assessed her

openly, but he kept the breadth of the room between them.

“Then why are you here?” Sitting back on her heels, she returned his curious


“I was setting up a perimeter when I sensed someone inside the house.”

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Heat suffused her face and her nipples tingled. “How long have you been here?”

Had he seen her kissing Katsu? Had he loitered in the shadows and watched the other

man undress her?

“Not long.” His casual expression didn’t fool her for a minute. He’d seen Katsu

touching her, suckling her. Had it aroused him? Had he imagined himself in Katsu’s

place? Or at Katsu’s side? A violent shiver shook her frame. Bianca embraced her

sexuality, indulging in pleasures Rebecca could scarcely imagine. She’d seen images

and received flashes of sensation during their transitions that fueled her imagination.

What would it be like to pleasure, and be pleasured by, two men? The bold thought

made her want to laugh. She couldn’t hold it together long enough to make love with

Katsu. What would she do with both of them?

She cleared her throat and forced herself to look into his eyes. “I appreciate your

assistance with the vampire.” His starkly masculine presence sent tingles branching off

in all directions. Arranged with brutal elegance, his features combined harsh angles and

sculpted planes with mesmerizing results. The uncompromising slash of his brows

drew her attention to his eyes. With electric blue intensity and an exotic slant, they

revealed his otherworldly heritage. “Why weren’t you able to bind him?”

“I’m not sure.” He ran a careless hand through his hair, making the wavy mass

shimmer with blue highlights. “Titseeny collars usually do the trick.”

“What language were you speaking? Where did you get the collar?”

Before Lukas could reply, Katsu moaned and clutched the sides of his head.

Rebecca brushed the hair back from his face and waited for him to open his eyes.

“What happened?” Katsu sat up and looked around, his expression echoing his

confusion. “I feel like I was hit by a truck.”

“You were hit by an organic vampire, which amounts to the same thing,” Lukas


Katsu’s dark gaze fixed on Lukas. “You must be the Sentinel.”

Lukas inclined his head, the hint of a smile quirking one corner of his mouth.

“Now that we all know who we are, shall we move on to strategy?”

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Energized by resentment, Katsu pushed to his feet. “Strategy must not be your

strong suit. Isn’t it your responsibility to keep her safe? How did the vampire get in

here if you were doing your job?”

“I was told Rebecca would arrive tomorrow. She’s damned lucky I was here


“If you’re so fucking good, why is there still a need for strategy?”

With tension hardening his handsome features, Lukas turned to Rebecca. “Why

don’t you send your pet home? I’ve been contracted to protect you, not baby-sit your


Katsu lunged for Lukas, but Rebecca stepped between the two men. “Enough!”

She took Katsu by the shoulders and shoved him back. “If Lukas hadn’t been here

tonight, I’d be dead, or worse, at the mercy of that monster.”

“So what’s his brilliant strategy?” Katsu shook off her hold and glared at Lukas.

“I don’t answer to you, human.”

“Well, you do answer to me,” Rebecca reminded him. “What’s our next step?”

“I had intended to keep things simple. Your ability to transform isn’t widely

known, and I didn’t want to alert Taerok with my actions.”

“Taerok obviously knows about my abilities or he wouldn’t have tried to kidnap


“I agree. His attempt changes everything.”

“Is it more likely he’ll make another attempt for me or move on to his next


“I don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances.”

“What does that mean?” Katsu’s tone was less confrontational, though challenge

still burned in his eyes. “How do we prevent Taerok from trying again?”

“We?” Before Katsu could respond to the provocation, Lukas explained,

“Rebecca must be moved to a safe house, somewhere beyond Taerok’s reach.”

* * *

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Fangs slashed into Payne’s throat. Flesh tore and blood flowed freely. Payne

screamed then moaned. Pleasure rushed in, mixing with discomfort, confusion, and

arousal. Taerok, his master, held him tightly, feeding with long, deep pulls. The wound

ached; his entire body ached. Why had Taerok awakened him so violently? Had he

done something wrong?

Payne’s skin tingled, his senses electrified by the master’s demand. His cock

hardened and his body heated, ready to take or be taken, whatever the master desired.

He stroked Taerok’s hair, enjoying the unguarded moment and the frantic need so

obvious in his master’s actions.

It had been so long since Taerok turned to him for sustenance or sexual relief.

Payne had nearly given up hope that Taerok would ever return to his bed. The master’s

obsession with the Dichotomy bitch had overshadowed everything else. But the bitch

was gone and Taerok had returned.

Taerok tore his mouth away with a snarl. Blood coated his chin and ran down his

neck, decorating his naked chest with shiny red rivulets. Without warning, he shoved

Payne off the bed and crawled to the edge of the mattress. He unfastened his pants and

pushed them to his knees, freeing his massive erection.

“Suck me. Strengthen yourself with my cum.”

Payne shivered. It had been like this for years shortly after his transformation.

The master fed deeply then used his essence to energize Payne. By depriving him of

blood and nourishing him sexually, their frenzied bouts of fucking could go on


Without hesitation, Payne knelt beside the bed and clasped his hands behind his

back. If the master wanted to be touched, he would ask for Payne’s hands. Until then

Payne was only allowed to use the soft suction of his mouth.

He parted his lips and licked the tip of Taerok’s meaty cock. Unlike human

males, organic vampires had complete control over their erections. Taerok could come

repeatedly while his shaft remained hard.

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The flared head of Taerok’s cock stretched the circle of his lips. Payne swirled his

tongue and angled his head, lost in the rapture of utter submission. No one tasted like

the master. No one else filled his soul with longing and made his body burn.

He placed his hands on the bed, careful not to touch Taerok. Then he pushed

forward, savoring the hot slide against his tongue. His own cock swayed, eager to

please or be pleased as the master commanded.

With an impatient growl, Taerok grabbed his hair and thrust to the back of his

throat. “More. Take it all.”

Payne tilted his head back and swallowed, gagging as the thick mass slid deeper.

Taerok shuddered, his shaft pulsing violently. His seed shot down Payne’s throat,

igniting fiery sensations as it descended.

Lust flared within Payne, fueled by the master’s essence. He sucked and licked

wildly as Taerok pulled out, unwilling to separate for even a moment. His cock bucked

and throbbed, demanding release in one form or another.

Taerok knelt on the bed, his flame bright eyes moving over Payne. “Do you want

me to fuck you?”

“Yes, Master, please!”

“What will you do to please me?”

“Anything. You have only to name it.”

“Good. Take a quick shower. She’s expecting us.”

Dread dropped into the pit of his stomach. Who did Taerok mean? He knew

better than to ask. Too often his questions had been met with displeasure and


He moved across the room and stepped into the shower stall. Payne wasn’t

allowed clothing or any form of privacy. He belonged to Taerok, body and soul.

Payne tried not to worry as he cleaned the blood from his shoulders and chest.

The wound on his neck had closed and was beginning to regenerate. Immortality and

physical perfection were the master’s gifts. In exchange he had demanded twenty-five

years of unconditional submission.

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Submitting to the master felt natural and thrilling. There was nothing Payne

wouldn’t do for Taerok. Unfortunately, Taerok also offered Payne’s body and blood to

other vampires. Payne had been devastated the first time he’d been fucked by another

as Taerok watched. Despite the physical pleasure, he had felt degraded and abused.

“You don’t look happy.” Taerok stood on the other side of the shower enclosure,

fully dressed, all evidence of their recent indulgence gone. Of average height and lean

build, he wouldn’t stand out in a crowd. It was only the smoldering intensity of his

dark eyes that revealed any hint of his deadly nature.

“My twenty-five years are dwindling quickly.” Payne kept his gaze lowered, yet

angled his body to better display his erection. “I don’t want to squander any of my time

with you.”

“Your years are mine to squander or hoard. I thought you had come to terms

with what you are.”

“I’m your willing slave. That will never change.” The pressure in his crotch

suddenly flared and he groaned. Why was Taerok tormenting him? He’d felt sexual

compulsion often enough to recognize the unnatural surge. “Please, master, may I…

pleasure myself?”

“No. I want her to see you in all your naked splendor.”

“As you wish.” He turned off the water and slicked his wet hair back from his


“Come.” Taerok held out his hand. “It’s not wise to keep her waiting.”

Dreading the inevitable, Payne slipped from the shower stall and placed his

hand on top of Taerok’s. The room spun out of focus and he instinctively reached for

the only solid object left in the distortion. He wrapped his arms around the master and

held on tight.

They rushed through the night, propelled by Taerok’s power. Payne trembled in

his arms, awed and terrified by the spectacle. Taerok could teleport to any location

within a hundred-mile radius of his lair. Taking others with him required concentration

and a massive withdrawal of energy. This was different. They were flying, speeding

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across the night sky toward some distant destination. Payne could barely breathe, could

only cling to Taerok’s body and pray for a soft landing.

The earth below them rolled and pitched, blurring landscapes and waterways.

Relax. We’re almost there. The reassurance was out of character for Taerok. More often he

orchestrated situations for maximum chaos.

Gradually, the breath-stealing momentum slowed. Payne consciously eased his

grip on Taerok’s torso and turned his head so he could assess their destination.

Rounded hills undulated toward the shadowed horizon. He could make out scattered

clumps of trees, but nothing that resembled a dwelling.

They plummeted. Payne cried out, bracing for impact. Utter darkness engulfed

them for a moment; then they emerged into golden light. Though excavated from solid

stone, the walls were perfectly angled and smooth. Dense carpeting cushioned his feet

and there was no visible light source. No doorways or windows. The illumination

simply existed within the room. Taerok disentangled their arms and stepped back.

Payne swayed, shaken and out of breath.

“What took you so long? I’m tempted to rescind my invitation.”

The woman’s melodious voice sent icy shivers down Payne’s spine. He could

still feel the cruel bite of her whip and the bruising pressure of his chains as she drove

him to the brink of madness.

It had been thirteen years since the master sought out Damara. What had

prompted the journey now? Was this her lair? They had always met her at vampire

strongholds within teleportation range before.

“You won’t send me away and we both know it,” Taerok told her. “Would you

like to hear my offer?” Payne didn’t understand the nuances of their relationship. He

only knew they were distant cousins and Taerok desired her nearly as much as he

resented her.

“I’d like to see your slave. Bring him closer.”

Payne cringed. After watching him yield his body to various members of the

vampire elite, Damara had become obsessed with Payne. She coaxed and cajoled,

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bartered and bribed until Taerok granted her one night in which to explore her

cravings. She found Payne’s reluctance amusing and negotiated more time to explore

his “potential.”

“Turn around and display yourself for your Mistress,” Taerok directed.

Dread slowed his movements, making each step painful. He turned and

approached Damara. They might demand he use the term, but she would never be his


She sat at a table, which was pushed against the wall, wearing a satin dressing

gown. With common brown hair and a heart-shaped face, some might find Damara

pretty. Payne had only to look into her light brown eyes for her to lose all physical

appeal. She was selfish and cruel, controlling in a way that left him cold.

He stood proudly, refusing to cower before her even if it cost him his life. Raising

his arms, he clasped his hands behind his head and stared into the shadows beyond her.

“Still so arrogant.” Her chuckle was humorless. “And so delectable.” She rose

and closed the distance between them.

Taerok insinuated himself between them before Damara’s fingers made contact

with Payne’s naked flesh. “My offer is simple. You help me abduct a Dichotomy

halfling and Payne is yours for the seven years remaining in his apprenticeship.”


Taerok raised his hand in warning then turned back to Damara. “You began

coveting my slave the first time you saw him. I can’t blame you. He is spectacular.”

“Which Dichotomy halfling?” Damara stared at Taerok, suspicion clear in her

expression. “What are you hoping to accomplish by the abduction?”

“The details are not important to our exchange.”

“I disagree.” She folded her arms beneath her breasts, causing the robe to gape

strategically. “I never pledge myself blindly. If you want my help, you’ll tell me what

this is about.”

Blood roared through Payne’s ears. Why would Taerok offer him to this

coldhearted bitch, not for a night or two, but for seven years?

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“You know of the Dichotomy?” Taerok’s tone revealed nothing.

“I’ve never interacted with them, but I’ve heard the name.”

“They’re a fascinating people. Full-blooded Dichotomy are born with two

distinct personalities and appearances. They’re one person at night and a completely

different person during the day.”

“There are many fascinating beings in the world. What does this have to do with

me or you for that matter?”

Taerok paused and Payne watched the exchange more closely. It seemed foolish

for Taerok to explain his true motivation. If Damara realized he was trying to escape the

solar trance, she would demand to be included in the outcome. Taerok would then lose

his best advantage.

“Their unique nature drew me to one of their kind. I became unusually

enamored of her.”

“They didn’t appreciate you seducing one of their daughters?” Amusement

made her eyes gleam and curved her lips into a subtle smile.

“It’s more complicated than an affair.” Taerok rubbed his eyes and shook his

head. “I tried to transform her.” He sounded utterly miserable. It was all Payne could

do not to laugh.

“What happened to her?”

“I thought we’d succeeded. She survived the first few days, but… Blood lust

drove her insane. She went on a rampage and my only option was to kill her or return

her to her people.”

“You killed her, didn’t you?”

“She murdered the son of one of their council members. If I hadn’t turned her

over to the Sentinels, I would have been included in their hunt.”

“Sentinels? Why are those sanctimonious bastards involved in something so


“That’s what I’m trying to find out. I was ready to let bygones be bygones, but

the Dichotomy council called in the Sentinels.”

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“I still don’t understand. If you kidnap a Dichotomy now, won’t that accomplish

the same thing? The Sentinels will hunt you down and kill you.”

“I suspect that’s their intention anyway, but I have to know why they want me

dead. I need to know what they’re planning. I will not let Max use the Sentinels to

further his personal agenda.”

“Max.” Damara sighed. “I haven’t seen Max in ages.”

Taerok snarled. “Will you help me or not?”

Payne was amazed. Everything Taerok said was true, but he’d carefully skirted

the crux of the issue. His desire for the Dichotomy halfling had nothing to do with the

Sentinels or Max. The Sentinels were simply trying to stop him from getting his hands

on a halfling.

“Why me?” Damara asked. “What specifically, would you expect me to do?”

“I’ve selected the council member most likely to know what the hell is going on

and most likely to submit to my interrogation.”

“A beautiful female, I presume.” She glanced at Payne. “You already possess the

most beautiful male I’ve ever seen.”

“As soon as you take me through the Veil, Payne is yours to do with as you wish.

I know your grandmother taught you how to access the Otherworld.”

“This Dichotomy female can penetrate the Veil?” She sounded skeptical.

“No, but Lukas Mandalay can. He’s been assigned to protect her.”

She absently fiddled with the belt at her waist, her expression distracted and

thoughtful. “I want prepayment before we depart and Lukas is mine as well as Payne.”

“Do whatever you like with Mandalay, but what do you mean by prepayment?”

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Chapter Three

“A safe house?” Rebecca echoed. “If there is such a place, why don’t we move all

three of Taerok’s targets there until after the Sentinels find and deal with him?”

“The Sidhe are very particular about who they allow into their realm. They

seldom involve themselves in the conflicts of others. We’ll have to convince them we’re

lovers determined to have a few days to ourselves.”

“The Sidhe as in Irish faeries?” She pushed her hands into the pockets of her

pants, afraid she’d trace the sensual shape of her protector’s mouth. Despite the

lingering danger, his strong arms were inviting. She wanted to cuddle against his chest

and press her face into the warmth of his skin. There had never been a time when she

could relax and let someone else take control. She had to be strong and ambitious, half a

step ahead of everyone else. Driven. It was exhausting.

Lukas chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. “You don’t believe in faeries?”

“I know faeries are real. I just didn’t realize there were any left on Earth.”

“D’arcy Aiden isn’t technically on Earth. I’ll have to take you through the Veil.”

“Through the Veil?” She dragged her gaze away from his handsome face. She

couldn’t think straight when she looked at Lukas. He was simply too desirable.

Katsu slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side. “When

she starts echoing everything you say, it’s time to back off.”

“I can’t back off. We need to get out of here before Taerok has time to reassess his

options. She’s stronger than you think, maybe stronger than she realizes.” He held out

his hand. “Rebecca, come here.”

Her heart leapt and tension gathered low in her belly. He wasn’t actually asking

her to choose him over Katsu, but the possibility flowed around them like a heated

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undercurrent. Lukas was unrelenting passion, commanding and dangerous. Katsu was

serene strength, comforting and protective. What a combination the two would make…

“You have to trust me if I’m going to keep you safe. Taerok senses conflict. It

draws him like a moth to a flame.”

“Is that how he found me so quickly?” She moved away from Katsu and stepped

back into her shoes. If she was going to another dimension, she wasn’t going to tromp

around in her stockings. “Was he drawn by my argument with Katsu?”

“I don’t know. It’s more likely he knew where to find you, and the negativity

allowed him to burrow past your shields.” He took a step toward her, his hand still

proffered. “We need to go.”

“We can’t leave Katsu here. As soon as Taerok realizes where I’ve gone, he’ll use

Katsu to lure me back.”

“I can take care of myself,” Katsu protested.

“We both saw how well you fared against Taerok.” Too much was at stake to

indulge his pride. The image of Katsu’s listless body crumpled against the wall made

her try again. “Taerok saw me in his arms. Katsu has to come with us.”

“How will we explain his presence?” Mischief ignited in the depths of Lukas’

bright blue eyes. “A romantic getaway for a lustful ménage?”

Refusing to back down, she called his bluff. “Whatever it takes. Katsu is

important to me, so he better be important to you.”

Katsu pressed his body against her back and wrapped both arms around her

torso. “Am I really important to you?”

His warm breath teased her ear and her nipples hardened. “I’ve never denied

caring about you. Please don’t start this all over again.”

“We didn’t settle the argument. We were rudely interrupted.”

“And the intermission isn’t over yet. You can continue negotiations as soon as

we reach D’arcy Aiden.” Lukas moved in front of her, leaning in close until she was

snugly sandwiched between them. “This could be interesting.”

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She stared into Lukas’ eyes and forgot what she was about to say. Heat and

anticipation curled around them. Katsu’s hand slid up, teasing the underside of her

breasts, accenting their heaviness. Lukas grasped her hips and aligned their lower

bodies, the hard length of his cock unmistakable. What would this feel like if they were

naked, their hands sliding across her sensitive skin?

“Would you like to find out?” Lukas whispered against her lips.

Before she could reply, reality skewed. The room rotated in a blur of color and

sound, leaving them suspended in the midst of a vortex. She gasped and wrapped her

arms around Lukas. In turn, Lukas grasped Katsu and pulled him firmly against her


The rushing sensation lasted only a moment. They were drawn through the

dimensional fabric and deposited beyond the Veil. Reality tilted and Rebecca cried out.

Rather than standing, they ended up on their sides in a sun-bathed meadow.

She pushed against the grassy ground, trying to look around. Lukas had other

ideas. He allowed her to glimpse leafy trees and a cloudless sky before he arranged her

on her back and moved her arms above her head.

“The sun is shining.” She felt stupid pointing out the obvious, so she rephrased

the observation. “Are the days longer here or is this dimension on a different


“Actually, both.” He licked his lips as his gaze moved over her features. “Even if

Taerok figures out where we’ve gone, he can’t follow until sundown. You’re safe. No

one will harm you here.”

“Then why are you holding me down?” Her heart pounded in her chest and her

voice sounded shaky and breathless. She looked at Katsu. He sat on her other side,

watching Lukas with wary interest. Why was he allowing another man to put his hands

on her?

“Look at me.” Lukas shifted both her wrists into one hand and turned her head

back around. “We can analyze your emotions, dissect the reasons for your hesitation,

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but none of that will change the events in your past. It’s obvious you’re lonely, and you

care about Katsu. Wouldn’t you rather confront your fear?”

“I’m not afraid of Katsu.” She kept her gaze fixed on Lukas, determined not to

reveal the vulnerability twisting inside her. He hadn’t been contracted to solve her

emotional problems; he was supposed to keep her safe.

“You’re afraid of your passionate nature. You don’t want to risk rejection again.”

“You just met her,” Katsu objected. “What makes you think you know so much

about her?”

“He’s empathic,” Rebecca said. “Most of the Sentinels are.”

“Emotions are one of the things I sense when I scan a person’s mind, but my gift

is different from true empathy.”

“Why did you scan my mind?”

“I was trying to determine if I needed to interrupt the argument. I never interfere

without sufficient cause.”

“So, why are you holding me down?”

“Because you want me to. Beneath your fear rests a deep well of untapped

desire. We’re going to help you access it.”

“We?” She glanced at Katsu, then back at Lukas, while her pulse thrummed

through her veins. “Both of you -- together?”

Lukas brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “It’s time for honesty. We’ll help you

combat your fear, but nothing will change unless you stop lying to yourself.”

“I never lie to myself and I try not to lie to others.”

“All right. Prove your honesty. What was the first thought that went through

your mind when we held you between us?”

He’d replied to her mental ramble as if she’d spoken her thoughts out loud.

Denial served no purpose. “I wondered what it would feel like if we were naked.”

Katsu moved closer, resentment hardening his expression. “How did you

manage to insinuate yourself into this? If she’s ready for a lover, I’m happy to oblige

her, but you go stand guard.”

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“No.” Lukas continued to stroke her face, while his other hand firmly held her

wrists. “She doesn’t need a lover, she needs a master, and you’re no Dom.”

For a long moment Katsu glared at Lukas. Then his angry gaze turned toward

Rebecca and his expression softened. “Is he right? Do you need to be dominated? Is that

why I’ve never been able to get through to you?”

“I don’t know. I --”

“No more lies, Rebecca.” Lukas moved to the grass above her head. He bent his

legs on either side of her shoulders, then pulled her up against his chest. “Search your

heart. Katsu has served you faithfully. He deserves the truth.”

“Served” was such an odd word. People didn’t serve each other in the twenty-

first century. Still, it perfectly identified Katsu’s attitude. He was loyal to a fault, always

ready to champion her cause or provide for her needs. “Bianca is sexually aggressive.

She generally chooses men who are willing to indulge her appetites.”

“We’re talking about you, not Bianca.”

She craned her neck, but Lukas was directly behind her. “Every lover I’ve had

slept with Bianca first. They’re accustomed to her demands and her volatility. It makes

me seem… weak and uninteresting.”

“Even if that were true with the others, I don’t feel that way,” Katsu objected.

“I’m every bit as attracted to you as I am to Bianca.”

“Words are easy,” Lukas said. “She needs a demonstration of your feelings. Take

off your clothes and show her how much you want her.” He guided her hands to his

hips. “Hold on to me. You don’t have permission to touch anything else.”

Permission? She’d never needed permission to touch a lover before -- and sex

had felt hollow. Was Lukas right? Had he found the elusive ingredient missing from

her physical relationships?

She relaxed against him, amazed at how wonderful it felt to just let go. He

brushed her hair back from her face and gathered the thick mass to one side. His fingers

drifted from her face to her neck and lower, easing beneath the fabric of her blouse. He

might be arrogant and overbearing, but his touch was gentle, slow and teasing.

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“Shouldn’t we get inside before we do this?” Katsu looked around. “Or at least

move into the trees.”

“My father’s people are far less inhibited than humans. If anyone spotted us

enjoying carnal pleasure, they’d smile and continue on their way. Children would be

instructed to avert their gaze, but the Sidhe don’t consider sex shameful.”

“Is this what you want, Rebecca? I won’t let him --”

“It’s not your decision to make.” Lukas’ voice snapped with authority. “Either

take off your clothes or be quiet.”

Katsu pushed to his knees, hands clenched at his sides. “I will not let you bully

her into something she’s not ready to experience.”

“You put too much stock in words. I find actions and responses far more

dependable. She didn’t resist when I pulled her arms above her head. She could have

jerked her hands out of my grasp, but she didn’t even try. She has followed every

directive without pause. This is what she needs. Offering her alternatives only opens

the door to her fear.”

Rebecca hadn’t even realized how easily she’d submitted until she heard Lukas’

list. How could she deny wanting this when her body had already surrendered? His

hand slipped inside her bra and lightly cupped her breast. She bit her lower lip, waiting

for Katsu to react. His eyes narrowed for a second; then he looked into her eyes. She

arched, rubbing herself against Lukas’ hand. Katsu accepted her decision with a stiff

nod and yanked his tee shirt off over his head.

“Watch Katsu,” Lukas instructed. “See how brightly his eyes glow. That’s lust

and frustration. He wants you, needs to be inside you so badly it’s painful.”

Easing her legs apart, Katsu knelt between them. He slid his hands down her

thighs and rocked forward, placing a kiss on her lips. “I’ve wanted you for months. My

dreams are filled with your face and my --”

“Show her. Take off your pants. Let her see what she does to you.”

Katsu’s hands moved to his waistband, then he paused. “I’m not into men.”

Lukas chuckled. “This is about her.”

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With another nod, Katsu lowered his zipper and wiggled out of his clothing. Had

his underpants come off with his jeans or hadn’t he been wearing any? The thought

flittered off as he settled on his knees between her legs.

Sunlight played across his smooth skin, revealing his wiry strength in stark

relief. Rebecca had spent countless hours admiring his features, while his naked body

was new territory. His chest was hairless and shaped by sharply defined muscles that

tapered down to rippling abs. He fisted his cock, stroking the shaft from base to tip. Her

gaze followed the lazy movement as tension built between her thighs.

“You must learn to accept pleasure before you’ll be allowed to give it,” Lukas

told her. He pulled his hand out from inside her blouse and went to work on the

buttons. When the last disk slipped free of its corresponding hole, he parted the

material. “Lift your arms free of the sleeves. I want you naked.”

She didn’t hesitate. Obeying his orders felt wonderfully liberating. She was safe

within his embrace, free to explore her needs without worrying about being compared

with Bianca.

Her bra joined the growing pile of discarded clothing. Without having to be told,

she returned her hands to his hips, anchoring herself against Lukas’ strong body. He

cupped her breasts, offering them to Katsu.

“Her nipples are hard and deeply flushed. Reward her for responding to the

sight of your aroused body.” Katsu bent to her breasts. He suckled one nipple, while his

fingers gently rolled the other. “Harder. Don’t stop until she moans.”

Irritation flared in Katsu’s gaze. “I don’t need instructions.”

“Really? Have you ever been this close to fucking her before?”

Katsu closed his eyes, clearly battling his pride. “I can be more aggressive if

that’s what she needs. I don’t want to share her.”

“What if she needs to be shared? A Dichotomy’s nature is complicated. What if

she can’t be completely satisfied with just one man?” Fiery lust shot straight to her

pussy, dragging a moan from the back of her throat. Lukas caught her nipples between

his fingers and squeezed. “The thought turns you on. Doesn’t it, sweetheart?” He rolled

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the tender peaks, carefully pushing the sensation from pressure to pain. She gasped,

then shivered. “Tell him. He needs to hear the words. Say you want us both to fuck you.

Say it now.” He prompted her reply with the pressure of his fingers.

“I want you both,” she whispered. “I’ve fantasized about this for years.”

Katsu unfastened her pants and dragged them down along her hips. His gaze

focused on her pussy as he tossed the rest of her garments aside. He caught the back of

her thighs and pushed her legs up and back, opening her. Lukas took over, spreading

her legs wide for Katsu.

“Is she wet?”

Tracing her slit with his fingertips, Katsu’s features tensed, appearing almost

pained. “Very.” He sighed and glanced away, his fingers still caressing her heated flesh.

“She’s never been this excited before.”

“It’s not a reflection on your appeal. Don’t make her feel ashamed.”

He closed his eyes and slid his fingers closer to her core. “You’re so hot. So soft

and so fucking wet. I could come just touching you like this.”

“But you won’t. This is about her pleasure, what she needs. Taste her. Use your

tongue on her clit.”

The sun warmed her skin, creating a surreal haze all around them. Lukas draped

her legs over Katsu’s shoulders, freeing his hands to roam. Katsu parted her folds with

his thumbs and lowered his mouth to her sex. She whimpered at the first brush of his

tongue. God, it felt good. Her clit tingled and her core clenched, ready for penetration.

“Does that feel good?” Lukas seemed to echo her thoughts.

She moaned in reply, arching into Katsu’s kiss.

Lukas stroked her breasts and belly, brushing over her nipples and tickling her

ribs. The feather-light caresses made her restless, anxious for something more. She

watched his hand slide over her abdomen then disappear beneath her. He squeezed her

ass, his long fingers pressing into the crease between her cheeks.

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Concentrating on the gentle swirl of Katsu’s tongue, she let the sensations build.

His eyes were closed, his face half hidden by her pussy. Lukas found her anus with his

fingertip, and she automatically jerked away from the bold caress.

“Easy, love. I won’t hurt you.”

She wanted to believe him, wanted to take the final step and surrender

completely. But this was too much too soon. Katsu’s mouth became more demanding.

His lips fastened onto her clit as Lukas parted her cheeks, making room for his

exploring fingers.

“I don’t… I can’t…” Her orgasm rushed up through her, fear exploding within

the pleasure. She wasn’t ready, couldn’t bear for them to see into her soul.

Bianca surged protectively, sensing her fear. With a weary sigh, Rebecca

accepted her cowardice and surrendered to the change.

* * *

Tingling heat assailed Lukas’ chest and thighs like sparks of electric rain. His

hands sank into Rebecca’s flesh as she dematerialized. Before his brain could process

the phenomenon, the warm weight of her body returned. Katsu rocked back on his

heels, allowing her legs to slip off his shoulders. He looked nearly as startled as Lukas


“That was one hell of a welcome, Katsu.” The voice was obviously female, but it

wasn’t Rebecca’s. She tossed her head, sending her long auburn hair cascading across

his chest. “And who do we have here?” Disentangling herself from Katsu, she turned

and knelt in the grass, facing Lukas. “Well, hello, handsome. Rebecca was too upset to

tell me your name.” Utterly unconcerned with her nudity, Bianca waited for his reply.

“Lukas Mandalay. I’m the Sentinel assigned to protect you.”

She laughed, blue eyes shining in the sun. “Is this how you protect all of your


Despite her nonchalance, her question filled him with self-recrimination. Was he

taking advantage of Rebecca? It certainly hadn’t felt wrong, until she panicked. “Is she

all right? Why did she transform?”

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“She’s fine, just overwhelmed.” She looked at Katsu’s massive erection and

added, “I can’t imagine why.”

Lukas ran his hand through his hair and dragged his gaze away from her naked

body. Max would beat the shit out of him if he found out about this. He’d promised his

commander he’d avoid the trap his brother had so recently fallen into. Fucking the

assignment was never a good idea.

“I understand why Katsu had his face buried between Rebecca’s thighs. He’s

known her for years and has been on a quest to seduce her. But why was she laying on

top of you and why were you about to shove your finger up her ass?”

“Are you always so blunt?” Lukas felt his face heat and reached for the

discarded clothes, hoping to conceal his discomfort.

“He’s blushing,” Bianca said in a stage whisper. “I didn’t think men did that any


He hadn’t realized he was capable of blushing. It hadn’t happened in years. He

sorted the garments as he tossed them to Katsu and Bianca, refusing to comment on her

observation. “We better get moving. We need to reach the village before nightfall.”

She pushed to her feet and sauntered toward him. “Why are you so shy all of a

sudden? I know Katsu didn’t orchestrate this scenario. Do you only like it with

frightened little girls?”

With her rosy lips and come-hither stare, she was sex personified. “Get dressed

or I’ll show you what I like.”

“Show me, big boy. I’m not afraid.” She reached for his shirt. He batted her

hands aside.

“Enough. We need to move out.”

Her gaze narrowed and she pressed her lips together. He tried not to notice the

way her breasts swayed with each deep breath. “You had enough time to fuck Rebecca.

What’s with the sudden change of heart?”

Katsu came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Why are you

coming on so strong? This isn’t like you.”

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Turning into Katsu’s embrace, she rested her forehead against his shoulder. “I’m

not sure. I usually pass through her emotions when we transform. This time I seem to

have absorbed them.”

“Do you want me to… take the edge off?” Katsu asked.

She shot Lukas a sidelong glare then shook her head. “I’ll be fine. Let’s get


They dressed quickly while Lukas scanned the clearing. It had been unwise to act

on his attraction to Rebecca, but he hadn’t been able to stop once she responded to his

touch. She was ripe and ready to be awakened. So, why had she run away?

“Can you sense each other?” Lukas asked as they headed off across the meadow.

“Do you know what she’s feeling right now?”

“You spooked her, silly man. It doesn’t take a psychic to figure that out. Katsu

won’t push hard enough and you obviously pushed too hard.”

“I understand why she transformed. That’s not what I meant. Are you two in

continual communication or are you only aware of each other during transformation?”

She shrugged. “I experience her life much as you experience dreams. The

majority of our communication takes place during transformation.”

“Are you on a twelve-hour cycle like most Dichotomy or do you transform at

will?” Bianca smiled and his heart flipped over in his chest. She was even more

beautiful than Rebecca, if that was possible.

“We transform whenever Rebecca can find time in her busy schedule to let me

out to play.”

“Rebecca controls the transition? But you’re the nocturnal twin.”

“I’m well aware of how it usually works. We’re only half Dichotomy. Most

halflings don’t transform at all.”

He rubbed at the tension in the back of his neck and dragged his gaze away from

her swaying hips. It had taken his startled senses a few minutes to register her bountiful

charms, but he was fully focused now. His balls ached and his cock refused to relax.

“How often does she find time for you?”

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“Once a week, sometimes more. This is basically her life. I’m just along for the


Lukas looked at her, unsure if her casual tone was feigned. “You’re content to be

a passenger in Rebecca’s life?”

“That’s the rhythm that works best for us. She has responsibility and

complications, so I allow her time to deal with them. I enjoy the freedom of my

existence. I have no complaints.”

They reached the tree line and Lukas took the lead. A sentry scanned them as

they neared the village. Lukas identified himself and felt the sentry withdraw.

“Where are we headed?” She looked around the forest curiously. “For that

matter where are we? I’m pretty sure we’re not in Malibu.”

“We’re nearing the Unseleighe capital of the Forest Realm, better known as

D’arcy Aiden.”

“We’re in the Otherworld?” Her eyes widened with wonder. “How cool is that.

You don’t look much like a faerie. Your ears aren’t even pointed.”

He smiled at her foolishness, but felt compelled to explain. “My father is a Sidhe

of the Unseleighe court. My mother is a sylph. As for my ears, I had them surgically

altered so I could pass for human more easily.”

“That’s sad. You should let them grow back.”

Her buoyant mood was contagious. He couldn’t quite contain his smile. “I would

have to have them reconstructed. They don’t actually…” She was laughing, so he didn’t

finish the sentence. He’d been fully briefed on the Dichotomy. He should have expected

the difference in their personalities.

They barely made it beyond the city walls when his mother rushed to his side.

“Lukas!” She hugged him soundly then stepped back to assess him from head to toe.

“You should have told me you were coming. I would have aired out your house.”

“There’s no need to fuss. I’m fully capable of opening shutters and pulling off

dust cloths.”

She offered Bianca and Katsu her famous smile. “And who are you?”

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“This is Bianca McNeil and Katsu -- I’m sorry, I don’t know your last name.”

“It’s Futami, but Katsu is fine.”

His mother inclined her head toward each one in turn. The Sidhe seldom

initiated physical contact with outsiders. It made them feel vulnerable. “Welcome to

D’arcy Aiden. I’ll do what I can to make your stay enjoyable.”

“I can see to my guests, Mother. We just needed a few days away from the city.”

“And the national parks were all booked up?” she teased.

“Bianca suggested we find a place where no one could find us. I told her I knew

just the place.”

She didn’t look convinced, but she let the subject drop with no more argument.

“I won’t keep you. I’m sure you want to get settled in.”

He kissed her cheeks and squeezed her hand. “I’ll stop by before we head back.”

“I look forward to it.” She raised her hand to the new arrivals. “It was nice to

meet you.”

“Your mother is so beautiful and she looks so young,” Bianca said as he

motioned them away from the bustling central square. The fewer people that saw them

the better.

“She’s much older than she looks, trust me. But I agree that she’s beautiful.”

“I feel more like we’ve stepped back in time than crossed into another

dimension.” She nodded toward a man on horseback and a woman drawing water from

a well. “Even the architecture screams English Tudor.”

“Perhaps because the Tudors employed Sidhe architects.”

“I see.”

He took a series of alleyways in his effort to avoid curious eyes. “His” house was

actually the cottage his father had built for his mother when they were newlyweds. He

opened the low gate and glanced around as he led his guests toward the front door. A

massive oak spread its branches wide, spanning the front yard. The roof was sound, but

the siding could use a coat of paint. He would have to return when he had more time

and catch up on the maintenance.

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“This is charming,” Bianca said, stepping into the front room.

“Does it have running water?” Katsu sounded dubious.

“Don’t be fooled by your first impression. This realm is not nearly as backward

as it appears.”

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Chapter Four

Every muscle in Payne’s body tensed as he waited for Damara to explain her

expectations. Taerok seemed almost as apprehensive. There were so few things that

frightened the master. It always gave Payne pause when Taerok hesitated.

“Prepayment,” Taerok prompted. “State your conditions.”

“Until sunrise tomorrow, you will indulge my every whim. Then and only then

will I take you through the Veil.” She faced him squarely, challenge shining in her light

brown eyes.

“I’ve offered you more than that already. Do you doubt Payne’s obedience?”

“Payne has been extremely well trained and I intend to enjoy him to the fullest. I

said you will indulge my every whim tonight. You will obey without question or find

another way through the Veil.”

His nostrils flared and amber flames ignited within his gaze. “I bow to no one.”

“Fine by me.” She turned her back and started for the table across the room.

“Wait.” The desperation in Taerok’s tone filled Payne with trepidation. “I will

give you one night of pleasure, but you will never speak of it or --”

“You’re not really in a position to negotiate, are you? My offer is simple,” she

mocked him with his own words. “Take it or leave it.”

“What do you want me to do?” The words were so brittle each one sounded like

a curse.

Shock rocked Payne back on his heels. Had Taerok just agreed to submit to

another? Surely the possibility of controlling his solar trance wasn’t worth subjugating

himself to this harpy.

Damara moved toward the wide, fur-draped bed, slipping out of her dressing

gown as she went. With willowy limbs and small, firm breasts her body was graceful

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and feminine. Her alabaster skin shone in the mystical light. Payne had forgotten how

beautiful she could appear. Her cruelty always tainted his memories.

“Let’s start with the obvious.” She sat on the foot of the bed and spread her legs.

“Lick my pussy, slave. Make me come.”

Taerok motioned him forward with an urgent gesture.

“Oh no. I’ll enjoy Payne’s mouth tomorrow and every night for the next seven

years. Kneel before me now and eat me out!”

Tension rippled down Taerok’s back as he crossed to the bed. His hands

clenched and unclenched, while fury contorted his features. “I will make you regret

this. Have no doubt.”

“Perhaps.” She smiled, pleased by his anger. “You’re not the first to make such a

vow and I doubt you’ll be the last. Now, less talking and more licking.” He grasped her

thighs and toppled her over onto her back. “If you bite me or cause me discomfort in

any other way, without my express permission, our deal is off.”

Taerok covered her slit with his mouth. All Payne could see was the subtle

motion of the master’s head as he pleasured his enemy. She sighed and moaned,

pushing up into the kiss.

“Fuck me with your tongue. I want to feel it wiggle inside me.”

Taerok growled then obeyed. She cried out in disapproval as her orgasm burst.

“Do it again. That was too fast.”

Payne couldn’t watch. It was humiliating in a way he couldn’t explain. Taerok

had bartered him to this bitch. Why should he care what she did to him? Still, logic had

no sway over his heart. Taerok had rescued him from disease and desolation. For that

Payne would always be grateful.

Damara’s arousal scented the air, making his fangs ache. He was equally adept at

pleasuring women and men. Why wouldn’t she let him see to her needs?

“Payne, come here.” Her cool voice cut through his disgruntled thoughts.

Resenting her more with each step, he moved to stand beside the bed.

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Taerok went right on fucking her with his tongue. Payne could see the cream-

coated appendage as the master thrust it in and out of her cunt.

“Lean closer. I can’t reach you.”

Dreading her touch and hating her with every fiber of his being, Payne braced

his legs against the edge of the mattress and leaned toward her. She curved her fingers

around his shaft and squeezed. Payne gritted his teeth against the stimulation. Taerok’s

compulsion had him teetering on the edge of release.

“So thick and long. I can’t wait to feel this inside me again.” She flicked her

tongue against his ultra-sensitive tip and stroked his length with her fist. Payne fought

for control. He couldn’t come until she gave him permission.

Suddenly she kicked Taerok back and scrambled to the middle of the bed. “Sit

down, my pet. You look ready to burst.”

At least she was in the mood for pleasure. Perhaps he could bear it after all. He

sat beside her and she smiled. “No, silly, scoot forward. Sit where I was and let my

slave take care of this.” She gave his cock a tug, urging him on.

“Mistress, please. I would far rather fuck you.”

“Don’t question my judgment,” she snapped. “It will please me greatly to watch

Taerok give head to his blood slave.”

He looked at his master, horrified by the possibility of being serviced by him.

“I… I can’t.”

Taerok grabbed his ankles and jerked him forward. “Of course you can. The

harder we resist, the better she’ll like it.”

Payne trembled as Taerok guided his cock toward his mouth. This wasn’t right.

He should be… Oh God! His mouth was hot and moist. Taerok’s tongue swirled over

and around, making Payne whimper.

“Please! I can’t hold off like this.”

“Don’t hold back,” she coaxed. “Ride it to the end. I want him to swallow your

cum for a change.”

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Taerok’s nails bit into Payne’s hips as his head bobbed up and down. Payne

closed his eyes, savoring the pleasure while distancing himself from the spectacle. If the

master had offered this willingly, he would have been moved beyond words. But the

master had never pleasured him before.

“No, stop! I have a better idea.” She pushed Taerok back again and studied his

handiwork. “Magnificent. This erection deserves a tight, hot hole to come inside.” She

scooted off the end of the bed and shoved Taerok forward. “Bend over, slave.”

Surely she didn’t mean for him to fuck Taerok. He was the only one who knew

Taerok occasionally craved penetration. The master had threatened to kill him if he ever

hinted to anyone about his secret need.

She sauntered to her desk and returned with a tube of lubricant. “This is about

humility, not pain.”

The tube came flying toward him, so he snatched it out of the air. “Mistress, I

cannot --”

Grabbing a handful of his hair, she sneered into his face. “Don’t contradict me

again or you’ll feel my lash. We both know how well I enjoy that.” She grabbed the tube

out of his hand and flipped the cap open. After smearing his shaft with the cool gel, she

approached Taerok. “Pull your cheeks apart. I need both hands.”

To Payne’s mortification, Taerok obeyed. He reached back and opened himself,

offering the ultimate submission. She used her thumb and then two fingers to lubricate

his opening. Payne tried not to look, tried not to be excited by the sheer depravity. Her

fingers slid in and out, twisted around, then slid some more. Finally she drew out and

motioned Payne forward.

“He’s all yours. Push in slowly. I want to watch.”

Taerok maintained his humiliating stance as Payne positioned himself against his

entrance. “I’m sorry, Master,” he whispered.

“Just do it,” Taerok muttered.

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Payne pushed against his anus and held his breath. The firm collar of muscle

gradually stretched. One intense moment of pressure and then he slid smoothly inside.

Taerok groaned, rocking forward until his forearms hit the bed.

Damara reached beneath Taerok and grasped his cock. “My fingers are all

slippery. Does this feel good?” Taerok shivered and his inner muscles gripped Payne’s

cock. “Don’t stop,” she told Payne. “Fuck him hard.”

Unable to disobey, Payne drew back and thrust deep. Lights danced before his

eyes and his chest burned. He needed to feed and he needed to come, yet nothing had

ever felt better. Harder and deeper, he fucked his master. Pleasure rolled up and down

his spine.

Damara pumped Taerok’s cock, mocking him all the while. Her hungry gaze

moved over Payne, returning again and again to the point of penetration. It was bliss

and it was torment. Her obvious delight nearly eclipsed the sensations tearing through

Payne. He averted his face and focused on the tight grip of Taerok’s body.

The master cried out and slammed his ass back into Payne. His inner muscles

clenched and clenched, massaging Payne with the rhythm of Taerok’s release. Payne

threw back his head and surrendered to his own climax. His seed jetted, staking a claim

deep inside Taerok’s ass.

“Well, boys, that was fun. Go clean up; then we’ll try something really different.”

* * *

Bianca nibbled on her sandwich, far more interested in her two companions than

the food. Her senses were still simmering from her unexpected transition. This wasn’t

the first time Rebecca had used sleep state as a refuge. She was calm and confident in

the business world. Passion, on the other hand, left her intimidated and unsure.

As if sensing her thoughts, Lukas asked, “Has Rebecca done this sort of thing


“Negotiating high pressure treaties doesn’t faze her in the least, but she’s a lot

less comfortable with physical relationships,” Bianca told him.

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Katsu scooted his chair closer to the table, compassion gleaming in his eyes.

“Was there one lover in particular that treated her badly or is her insecurity the result of

several failed relationships?”

“A little of both, I guess.” Bianca set down her half-eaten sandwich and pushed

back from the table so she could cross her legs. “She’s so focused on her career that it

leaves little time for a social life. The first time I hooked her up with one of my lovers it

worked out pretty well, so it has become our routine.”

“Do the men know Rebecca is part of you?” Lukas asked.

“A couple have. The rest think we’re twins, in the human sense of the word.”

“Is your transformation always instantaneous?”

She nodded. “Only full-blooded Dichotomies can materialize simultaneously.

Anyway, most of the men I date find Rebecca too reserved. I’ve tried to get her to meet

men on her own, but she can’t seem to find the time. She sets herself up for failure. It’s

as simple as that.”

“When was the last time she was in a romantic relationship?”

The gleam in Lukas’ eyes was far more than casual curiosity. “Are you asking as

a man or a Sentinel?”

“What do you think?”

“Considering the position she was in when we transformed, I’m pretty sure the

question is personal.”

“Nothing engages my interest faster than a challenge.” He spoke in a calm,

almost somber tone. Was he conflicted by this unexpected complication or was he

simply trying to convince her of his sincerity? “Rebecca needs my help and I think we

all know it. She’s repressed a portion of her personality that I can help her access.”

“Are you certain she wants to access it?” Bianca studied his expression and

gauged his body language. He was either a consummate actor or Rebecca had slipped

way under his skin.

“There’s a part of her nature that is desperate to break out.”

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“I hate to admit it, but he’s right,” Katsu said. “Rebecca responded to him as if

they’d been lovers forever. Just the sound of his voice made her so wet…” He crossed

his arms over his chest and looked away. It wasn’t hard to guess the cause of his

frustration. He’d wanted to be the one to penetrate Rebecca’s defenses. “I just want her

to be happy.”

Fascinated by the dynamics, Bianca considered the possibilities.

“What’s the answer to my question?” Lukas prompted.

“It’s been almost three years since she was in a serious relationship. His name

was Jacob. Rebecca and I both thought he was the one.”

“You’re not married, so what happened?”

“When I found him in bed with one of my friends, he tried to blame it on me. He

said giving him permission to sleep with my sister messed up his head.”

“Did he know Rebecca and you are one and the same?” Katsu asked.

“I wanted to tell him, but Rebecca kept holding me back. She’s always had better

instincts when it comes to men.”

“What are your instincts telling you about me?” Lukas asked.

“That you might be what Rebecca has needed all along.”

“So where does that leave me?” Katsu’s dark eyes reflected his disappointment.

“You’re only out of the picture if that’s what you want.” She moved behind his

chair and rested her hands on his shoulders. “Your primary job will be to keep me

satisfied, but your secondary job will be to please Rebecca.”

“So his primary job will be to satisfy Rebecca and his secondary job will be to

pleasure you?”

“Exactly.” She traced the outer edge of his ear then bent down to nip the lobe.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“I’ll let you know after I’ve had the opportunity to do my job.”

“Fair enough.” She straightened and looked at Lukas. “Why is this vampire out

to get Rebecca?”

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“He’s not focused on Rebecca. He wants a Dichotomy halfling who is able to

transform at will.”


“He has reason to believe the key to controlling his solar trance is found in the

blood of the Dichotomy.”

“‘He has reason to believe’? Does that mean his obsession is not misguided?”

“Perhaps.” His enigmatic smile warned her that he would divulge nothing more.

“If he’s likely to kill to get our blood, why don’t we just give him some?”

“You don’t know Taerok.” Lukas pushed back his chair and stood as well. “He’s

ancient and evil. Anything that makes him more powerful is a very bad idea.”

“So we hide out in another dimension until… what?”

“Until the other Sentinels locate his lair. Max knows Taerok better than anyone

else on Earth. He will find him. It’s just a matter of time.”

“Who is Max?”

“My commander.”

“Why does he know so much about this vampire?” She couldn’t seem to stem

her barrage of questions.

“It’s a long story.”

“Is Max a vampire?”

“Max isn’t just a vampire.” He chuckled. “Few of the Sentinels are just anything,

and Max’s background is more unusual than most.”

“Do you have any idea how long we’ll need to stay here?”

“Do you have somewhere else you need to be?”

“I don’t, but Rebecca’s schedule is always full.”

“Rebecca will do as she’s told.”

Bianca smiled at his imperious tone. “I’ll let you fight that out with Rebecca.”

Lukas really was a handsome devil. In fact, they both were. She couldn’t help

comparing the two men. Lukas was broader across the shoulders and more heavily

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muscled. They both had black hair, but Lukas’ grew in messy waves, while Katsu’s was

sleek and silky.

“How long have you been employed by the McNeils?” Lukas asked Katsu.

“Two years.”

“And how long have you been sleeping with Bianca?” A smirk lifted one corner

of Lukas’ mouth.

“That’s none of your business.”

“Everything about them is my business.”

Bianca caught the possessive “them” and smiled. This was the first time Lukas

had included her in his train of thought. Perhaps Lukas had more potential than she’d

first realized. Rebecca would never be truly happy with anyone who wasn’t attracted to

her any more than she could be happy with someone who was indifferent to Rebecca.

Despite their differences, they were one and the same.

Katsu scoffed. “Are you suddenly so interested because you’re desperate to fuck

Rebecca or because you’re supposed to be protecting them?”


Katsu’s hostility eased. He’d obviously expected Lukas to deny the charge. “I’ve

been Bianca’s lover for the past three months.”

“How did you find out she’s a Dichotomy?”

“I was aware of the Dichotomy before I met them. I worked for a family on the

East Coast for almost eleven years.”

“In what capacity?”

“Personal security. They saw me compete and offered me a job. After I took a

bullet for the youngest son, they trusted me enough to divulge their secrets.”

“They ‘saw you compete’? What does that mean?”

“He’s a world champion kick-boxer,” Bianca explained.

“Which doesn’t mean shit when your adversary is a vampire,” Katsu grumbled.

“This situation is unique. You should still be proud of your accomplishments.”

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Surprised by his reaction, Bianca looked at Lukas more closely. “What about

you? How long have you been a Sentinel?”

“I met Max six years ago when a rogue demon went on a rampage near my

home. I joined the Paranormal Sentinel Network four months later. He’s remarkable.”

“And where do you call home?” Katsu wanted to know.

“I spent most of my childhood here in D’arcy Aiden, but my mother insisted I

spend time in the human realm. My brother’s father was human, so she wanted us

exposed to a variety of cultures. I was living in Santa Rosa when I first met Max. PSN

headquarters is in Sacramento.”

“What do you like best about the human realm?” she asked as the men lapsed

into silence.

“The modern attitude about sex.” He grinned. “The Sidhe marry young and

mate for life. Some take lovers, but few will touch someone with tainted blood.”

“Halflings are not accepted by the Sidhe?” She’d thought the outdated prejudice

was unique to the Dichotomy.

“It’s not open hostility. More like an undercurrent of mistrust. Even so, my

romantic prospects are rather dismal in this dimension.”

“I can’t think of anyone I know who is full-blooded anything.” Katsu shook his

head. “Not that humans don’t have their share of prejudice. My parents work hard to

preserve their Japanese heritage, but my grandfather was Italian.”

“Rebecca obviously has no problem with your tainted blood.” Bianca could still

feel Lukas’ warm body pressed against her back and his fingers exploring her ass.

“I just hope she doesn’t use her sleep cycle to talk herself out of her attraction to


“How long will she remain in sleep state?” Katsu asked.

“I can’t force her out. She’s stronger than I am.”

“You said her life seems like a dream to you. Will she experience whatever we do

to you?” Lukas punctuated the question with a knee-melting smile.

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Heat cascaded through her body, pooling between her legs. “Are you sure we’re

safe here? I don’t want to distract you from your duties.”

“We were scanned as we entered the city,” Lukas assured her. “Even if Taerok

figures out where I’ve taken you, which is doubtful, he’ll never make it past the


“The Sidhe don’t trust vampires?”

“Not in the least.”

She hesitated for a moment longer, savoring anticipation’s warm tingle. “What

did you have in mind?”

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Chapter Five

Lukas watched passion unfurl within Bianca’s eyes. His chest tightened and his

gut clenched. Would he ever be able to make Rebecca respond so readily? Bianca was

sexy and confident. His attraction to her was undeniable. Still, the hunter in him craved

the chase, needed the sense of victory as his quarry surrendered.

Pushing back his chair, he stood and moved around the table toward her. “Do

you like playing games?”

“It depends on the game.”

“I think I stashed a deck of cards in the desk the last time I stayed here.” He

crossed the room and began a hurried search.

“Strip poker?” Katsu suggested hopefully.

“I had something far more interesting in mind.” Lukas found the cards and

motioned toward the thick carpet spread before the hearth. “This works better on the

floor.” They sat cross-legged facing each other before he went on. “We’ll take turns

dealing.” A card flew from his fingertips and sailed smoothly toward Katsu and then a

second card to Bianca.

“We only need one card?” Katsu asked.

“The person with the highest card can ask for anything they want from each of

the other two players.”

“Can it be different for each?” Bianca looked at her card as she waited for his


“Sure. The players either fulfill the request or take off an article of clothing. Easy


“This is more like truth or dare than poker.” Bianca turned over her card. “I have

an eight of spades.”

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“Ten of diamonds.” Katsu wiggled his eyebrows, obviously pleased with his


“Six of diamonds. Katsu wins.”

He scratched his chin while his dark gaze devoured Bianca. “I want you naked,

badly, but I suspect we’ll get there soon enough. Tell us -- in great detail -- a sexual

fantasy that you’ve never been brave enough to try.”

“Are you sure you want to know? I’ve had some pretty outrageous fantasies.”

Katsu nodded, urging her on. Her smoldering gaze darted from Katsu to Lukas and

back. “I was at a party a couple years back. The hostess hired two male strippers.”

“You want us to strip for you?” Katsu’s brows drew together and he fidgeted


“You requested details,” Lukas admonished. “Don’t interrupt her again.”

She licked her lips, her gaze lingering on Lukas as she resumed her story. “The

strippers were gorgeous, in great shape, and very well endowed. But as they danced it

became apparent that they were more into each other than the largely female audience.”

Her gaze returned to Katsu and she hesitated.

“Go on.” Lukas watched Katsu, gauging his reaction to the story. As Lukas had

told them earlier, nothing engaged his interest faster than a challenge.

“With a little encouragement from the onlookers, the dancers kissed. One kiss led

to another and pretty soon they were all over each other. The hostess stopped them

before they did more than bump and grind, but they got me so hot I locked myself in

the bathroom.”

“Did you touch yourself?” Lukas pictured her against a bathroom wall,

desperate for release, her hand buried between her thighs.

“I locked the door and slipped off my panties. My pussy was so wet, my thighs

were slippery. I imagined the dancers naked, so frantic for each other that they didn’t

care who watched. The taller one bent his partner over the back of the sofa and the

hostess handed him a tube of lubricant. Others joined in, holding his partner’s arms and

legs, making sure he didn’t cool down or retreat into one of the bedrooms.”

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“Did his reluctance excite you?” Lukas looked pointedly at Katsu as color

crawled up the younger man’s neck. Despite his insistence that he wasn’t into men, a

distinct bulge formed in the front of his jeans.

“I don’t think he was really reluctant. It was more of a precaution.”

“What happened next?” Katsu asked in a soft, shaky tone.

“The taller one lubed his fingers and prepared his partner for what was to come.

He used his middle finger first, fucking him slowly until his partner moaned. He added

a second finger and finally a third. I’ve never actually seen two men fuck, but it was all

so clear in my mind. I could see those long fingers, shiny with lube, as they slid in and

out of his ass.”

“My orgasm was sharp and sudden, but it wasn’t enough. I lay down on the

floor and finger-fucked myself, while the scene played out in my mind.”

She glanced at Lukas then lowered her lashes, shielding the calculating gleam in

her eyes. Was any of this true? He could picture her sneaking away to discreetly relieve

the pressure, but the rest was just a bit too overblown.

“I saw the taller man’s cock press against the opening he’d so carefully prepared.

The plump head slipped inside and they both shivered. He paused, making sure his

partner fully absorbed the intense stretch. I pushed my fingers in as far as I could and

imagined his cock sliding deeper and deeper.”

“Enough,” Katsu whispered. “I get the idea.”

She ignored him. “I fucked myself with the same forceful rhythm as the man

took his partner. It appeared almost violent. He held on to his partner’s hips and

slammed him against the couch with each thrust. I arched off the floor and cried out

when I came again. My pussy gripped my fingers so hard it hurt.”

“I’m not going to let Lukas fuck me,” Katsu said with more conviction, but his

face was suspiciously flushed.

“Who said anything about Lukas?” She flashed a guileless smile. “I just

responded to your request.”

“Sure you did.”

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“What do you want from me?” Lukas asked.

“Nothing. I can see why women want you, but I’m not gay!”

“The game.” Lukas grinned, convinced Katsu was protesting far too vehemently.

“I still owe you a request.”

Katsu exhaled sharply and ran his hands through his hair. He thought for a

moment then said, “I want you to take off her clothes.”

Happy to oblige, Lukas caught Bianca’s wrist and dragged her onto his lap.

“This isn’t fair!” she cried through her laughter. “Undress yourself.”

“He’s obviously more interested in what’s beneath your clothes than what’s

beneath mine.” She wiggled and swatted at his hands, but it made no difference. Lukas

quickly unbuttoned her shirt and held her arms away from her torso. “You naughty

girl. What did you do with your bra?”

“It’s in my pocket.” He pulled it out and tossed it aside. Her half-hearted attempt

to fight him off only dislodged her shoes. He unfastened her pants and Katsu pulled

them off. “You’re ganging up on me. Isn’t that against the rules?”

“You’re right.” Katsu cupped her breast, brushing his thumb over her nipple.

“We’ll let you keep your panties. For now.”

She allowed his caress for a moment longer, then said, “It’s my deal.”

“In a minute.” Lukas buried his face in her soft hair and curved his fingers

against the underside of her breast. Katsu accepted the offer, suckling deeply, while his

fingers rolled her other nipple. Lukas shifted her in his arms, resting her back against

his chest. The position was nearly identical to how he’d held Rebecca. “Open your

mind. Let her sense what you’re feeling.”

“I don’t have that much control.” She arched into Katsu’s kiss, pushing her

nipple deeper into his mouth.

“I’ll help you. Open for me.”

Katsu kissed his way down her torso and covered her mound with his mouth.

He breathed through the thin layer of silk and Bianca shivered. “Lift your hips,” he

murmured against her sex. “I changed my mind. We need you naked.”

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Pushing up with her legs, she raised her bottom off the floor and allowed him to

drag her panties down her thighs. Lukas used her distraction to insinuate himself into

her mind. She was open and welcoming, fully attuned to her body’s demands. He

scanned her being, searching for the psychic thread that bound her to Rebecca.

Katsu traced her slit with tender patience. His gaze followed the leisurely

movement of his fingers, filled with a combination of wonder and lust. “So soft.”

“Lick me,” she whispered. “I need your mouth.” She spread her legs, bending

her knees to make room for Katsu between her thighs.

Deep in sleep state Rebecca stirred. Lukas locked on to her position and

channeled Bianca’s emotions into her being. Rebecca tossed and twisted, resisting the

sensations with all her strength. He wouldn’t allow her retreat, couldn’t accept her

emotional reluctance.

Katsu followed the heated crease of Bianca’s pussy from her clit to her anus then

back. “Yes.” She rocked against his mouth, lost in the blissful slide. “That feels so

good.” He did it again and again, pausing to circle her clit at one end and her anus at

the other.

Bianca held her folds open, offering an unobstructed view of her core. Katsu

flicked his tongue over her clit, focusing his attention on the sensitive nub. She panted

softly, her eyes tightly shut.

Maintaining an open link with Rebecca, Lukas rolled Bianca’s nipples and

watched Katsu’s tongue wander across the heart of her sex. He stroked down one side

of her slit, skirting her vaginal opening then licked his way up the other side.

“In me,” Bianca moaned. “Push your tongue up inside me.”

Katsu didn’t hesitate. Cupping her ass cheeks in his hands, he raised her to his

mouth. He thrust in, his lips moving against her folds for a second before he pulled


The scent of her arousal filled the air. Lukas dragged it into his lungs and

groaned. He had to taste her too. Reacting on instinct alone, he grabbed the back of

Katsu’s hair and pulled him up, away from Bianca’s pussy.

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“Let me taste her.” He pressed his lips against Katsu and thrust his tongue into

his mouth. Katsu tensed, but didn’t pull away. Lukas stroked his tongue over Katsu’s,

greedily collecting Bianca’s cream. “So good,” he whispered, “give me more.”

Katsu stared into his eyes for a moment, his uncertainty obvious. Then he

lowered his mouth to Bianca and recoated his lips and tongue. When he rose the second

time, Bianca shifted out of the way, allowing Lukas to embrace Katsu directly.

Holding Katsu’s face between his hands, Lukas licked Bianca’s essence from his

lips, gently, thoroughly. Katsu parted his lips with a sigh and Lukas accepted the

invitation. He slid in slowly, shifting Katsu’s head to the crook of his arm. Katsu closed

his eyes and raised one hand to Lukas’ hair.

Blood surged through Lukas’ ears, creating a rhythmic rush. He took the kiss

deeper as his hand slid down Katsu’s body. Katsu tensed when he unfastened his jeans,

but Lukas didn’t stop kissing him.

Help me, Bianca. Move up behind him and help me undress him.

Her warm fingers covered his and Lukas opened his eyes. She smiled at him,

passion burning in her eyes. Her fantasy might have been exaggerated, but this was

definitely turning her on.

Distracted with long, deep kisses, Katsu made no objection when they undressed

him. They separated just long enough for Bianca to slip his tee shirt off over his head.

Then Lukas claimed his mouth again. Lukas stood, pulling Katsu with him, so Bianca

could remove his pants.

Bianca wasn’t satisfied with Katsu’s nudity. She moved behind Lukas and went

to work on his clothes. Lukas was thrilled to be rid of the uncomfortable pressure, and

each brush of her clever fingers made him more anxious to explore.

As soon as their clothing lay in a messy heap, Lukas took one hand off Katsu and

drew her against their sides. Understanding his intention, Katsu followed suit. They

touched freely, hands sliding from one body to the other without prejudice.

Katsu was a bit tentative at first, but Bianca guided his hand to Lukas’ cock and

they stroked his length together. Pleasure washed over Lukas, pushed along by their

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combined caress. Bianca took Lukas’ hand and drew him toward Katsu, completing the


Without warning, Bianca knelt before them. Lukas wrapped his arm around

Katsu’s waist and drew their hips together. She grasped one cock in each hand,

pumping them both with eager abandon. Her breasts swayed enticingly as she sucked

one cock and then the other. Her firm hand kept the excitement building each time her

mouth pulled away. Then she angled their bodies toward each other and rubbed their

cocks against each other. Katsu shivered violently, his body shaking with the strain.

“How is this going to end?” Lukas panted. His abdomen rippled as tension

pulsed through his balls. He imagined Bianca as he’d imagined Rebecca, held between

them, stretched around both their cocks, surrendered to the ultimate joining. Possessive

passion blazed a trail through his mind, demanding he make the image real. He needed

this more than he’d needed anything in his entire life. “Have you ever been with two

men before?”

“No, but I’ve done everything else.” She sucked on the tip of Katsu’s cock and

then offered Lukas the same pleasure. “You won’t hurt me.”

“There will be no turning back once we enter the bedroom.”

“I won’t change my mind, but I’m not done playing.” She pulled his cock back

toward her mouth.

Lukas twisted away. “My balls have been blue since you transitioned. I can’t

wait.” He took them by the hand and led them toward the bedroom in the back corner

of the cottage.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Katsu asked her. “We can start with

something less… physically demanding.”

“No.” Lukas wasn’t sure why he was being so relentless, but his body would

accept no compromise. “If she isn’t willing to accept a full joining, we’ll wait until she


“I’m not afraid.”

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Famous last words! Bianca watched Katsu stretch out on his back, his erection

arching to his navel. Lukas was even bigger. How in the hell was she ever going to get

them both inside her?

Lukas dug a tube of lubricant out of his nightstand and motioned toward the

bed. “Ready?”

“No.” She released a nervous laugh. “But I’m willing.”

Tossing the lube to the bed, he took her in his arms and kissed her. His mouth

was warm, his tongue stroking boldly over hers. He tasted like sex and an image flared

to life within her mind. She saw Katsu locked in a similar embrace, helpless against

Lukas’ aggressive appeal.

“Would you like me to lick your pussy? I haven’t enjoyed you directly.” He

made the offer against her mouth, his lips teasing hers.

“If I can’t play, neither can you.”

“Fair enough.” He scooped her up in his arms then set her down on her knees

beside Katsu.

Katsu smiled and helped her swing her leg over his hips. She lifted with her

knees and he positioned himself between her thighs. Closing her eyes, she savored the

fullness of his shaft pushing into her pussy.

Lukas moved in close behind her, pressing his cock lengthwise into the crack

between her ass cheeks. She chuckled and craned her neck, trying to see his expression.

“I don’t think it works like that,” she teased.

“I’m well aware of how it works.” He reached around her and found her clit

with his middle finger. “Pinch her nipples, Katsu. I want her more than ready when I

join you inside her.”

They stroked her body, building her passion from smoldering heat to blazing

fire. Lukas massaged her clit with amazing skill, launching sensations all through her

abdomen. Katsu was no less thorough, discovering erogenous zones she hadn’t realized

she possessed. Their patience challenged her control, while their caring soothed her


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Only after she was trembling with desire, did Lukas push her toward Katsu. She

bent over, snuggling against Katsu’s chest. Lukas parted her cheeks and rubbed

lubricant around and into her tight back passage.

His fingers breached her slowly and she sighed, tingles rippling up along her

inner muscles and skittering up her spine. Her clit pulsed madly as he pulled back. The

sensation was even more pleasurable.

Katsu pulled her closer, guiding her mouth to his. She abandoned herself to the

familiar as Lukas shifted into position.

“Push out, sweetheart. I’ll take it slow.”

She felt the blunt head of his cock against her anus. Then her body stretched and

stretched some more. Tearing her mouth away from Katsu’s, she gasped and tried to

keep from tensing up. Pressure flared into pain as he fed his cock deeper into her body.

“Fuck, that makes her tight.” Katsu groaned.

“Almost there.” Lukas maneuvered the words around his gritted teeth.

Her ass pressed into the bend of his body and Bianca exhaled. They were both

inside her! A strangled whimper escaped her throat.

Lukas grasped her hips and pulled her upward, dragging her body halfway off

Katsu’s cock. “Can you reach her clit?”

Katsu found the oversensitized nub and she jerked back against Lukas. “I don’t

think that’s going to help.”

“Relax. Let your body adjust.”

Lukas’ strong arm banded her waist while Katsu gently circled her clit. They

surrounded and filled her more completely than she’d ever imagined. She let the

tension melt out of her muscles and heat washed over her in soothing waves.

“That’s right.” Lukas lowered her, without disturbing the placement of Katsu’s

hand. With tentative slowness, Lukas pulled back. The sting was gone, but the

sensation was still too sharp for pleasure. He lubricated his shaft again, allowing him to

slide more smoothly.

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Katsu held her still, accentuating each of Lukas’ strokes with the pass of his

finger. Her nipples tingled and her pussy clenched. “Ready for more?” Katsu asked.

She couldn’t summon the words, but managed to nod. He pushed her hips

toward Lukas, dragging her nearly off him in the process. After a momentary pause,

Lukas reversed direction, pushing her onto Katsu as he pulled back.

Pleasure blossomed deep in her belly and rippled along her inner walls. The lazy

slide passed tingles back and forth, building in intensity with each turn. “Oh,” she cried

out as her body found a rhythm that set her senses on fire.

She took over the motion, no longer able to remain passive. Her head spun and

her body burned. Nothing in her past prepared her for the intensity consuming her

now. Katsu moaned, lunging up to meet her as she thrust herself down onto his cock.

“Together!” Lukas grasped her waist and Katsu held her hips. The first stroke

took her breath away. They thrust inward together and slid out the same way. Each in-

stroke forced the sensations higher and the outstroke dragged the pleasure through her

entire body.

Overwhelmed by the sensual storm, she could do little more than whimper as

her orgasm drove reality beyond her grasp. Everything went black for just a moment

then Katsu’s sharp cry drew her back to the present. He thrust up into her, his back

arched clear off the bed. Lukas reached beyond her and clasped Katsu’s waist, holding

them together as they shuddered in unison.

* * *

Shaken and unsure, Rebecca sank deeper into sleep state and still oblivion

remained out of reach. Lukas had anchored her to the physical realm, tethered her in a

way she didn’t understand.

Were the emotions bombarding her real? Had Bianca surrendered herself body

and soul to…

And Katsu!

The image had been so vivid. Starkly sexual. Their faces tensed, while their

bodies arched and thrust. She’d felt their desire, the consuming urgency that eclipsed

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all other thoughts and feelings. And it wasn’t just Bianca. She’d shared the experience

with all three, joined in the staggering pleasure. Never before had she witnessed

anything so carnal, or so appealing.

Lukas wanted the same thing with her. He’d made his desire obvious from the

start. She could trust him with her life. He’d proved himself a capable protector. But

could she trust him with her passion, and ultimately her heart? Those questions weren’t

so easily answered.

Time passed. Hours or days, she couldn’t be sure, but Bianca’s emotions

stabilized. Rebecca crept toward the physical realm, easing into Bianca’s mind. Peaceful

now, Bianca hadn’t been this happy in years, perhaps not ever. With a deep sigh,

Rebecca let Bianca’s contentment curl around and flow through her. This was the

elusive goal, the intangible reward awaiting those brave enough to trust. She’d often

dreamed of a loving relationship, an emotional partnership where her lover… Bianca

hadn’t found this with a lover. She’d only attained this peacefulness when she’d shared

her heart with two men.

Rebecca tried to assess the others. Had they found Utopia too? She sensed

Katsu’s presence, but his mind was distant and inaccessible.

Katsu and Bianca will likely sleep for hours. It’s just you and me.

Lukas’ casual statement startled her. No one had ever been able to sense her

except Bianca. His being blazed like a forest fire on the horizon, mesmerizing and

powerful. Will you behave?

Probably not.

Then I’ll stay put until you change your mind.

You can’t hide forever.

Technically she could, but her pride was still stinging from her first retreat.

Tucking tail and running really wasn’t her style.

She emerged into the physical realm with unusual ease. Strong emotions

generated energy and energy was the key to control. Bianca slid peacefully into sleep

state unaware of the transformation.

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“If Bianca breaks her arm, will your arm be broken as well?” Lukas sat with his

back against the wall, a sheet draped over his lap. Katsu sprawled on his stomach on

the far side of the bed, his features relaxed, almost serene.

Rebecca scrambled off the mattress and grabbed the first garment she found, the

solid black tee shirt Lukas had worn the day before. Had it only been one day? Her

mind was still a bit muddled.

“Why? Are you contemplating violence?” The tee shirt grazed the tops of her

thighs, barely protecting her modesty.

“No. I was wondering if you’re feeling the aftereffects of what we’ve been doing

with Bianca. We’ve barely left this bed in over thirty hours.”

Embarrassed by the reminder of all she’d witnessed, she shook her head. “Our

bodies are completely separate. In fact, transformation allows us to repair damage.”

“Good to know.”

“I want you to sever the link you created with me. I don’t want you in my mind.”

“No. It’s there for your protection.”

“Oh really?”

“If your emotions surge for any reason, I’ll sense it instantly.”

“That might be true, but that wasn’t why you formed the connection.”

He just smiled and flipped back the sheet. She spun around, resisting the image

emblazoned on her mind. She would not think about the perfection of his body or the

ache building between her thighs. Bianca had opened her heart and the reward had

been amazing. Lukas obviously meant for them to take the same path. Could she allow

herself to be so vulnerable?

“We still have a few hours before nightfall.” His warm hands lightly touched her

shoulders and he whispered in her ear, “Let’s go take a bath.”

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Chapter Six

Payne shifted his gaze between Damara and Taerok as dread swelled within

him. “I’ll be powerless.”

“It’s necessary.” Damara dismissed his fear with a wave of her hand.

There were only five Titseeny collars in existence and the Sentinels had located

three. Had Taerok known Damara had one as well? Was this a secondary reason for

contacting her?

The details didn’t matter. She meant to fasten the thin silver band around his

throat and render him helpless. Each collar had been enchanted by an ancient sorcerer.

They bound the power of any paranormal being, making them physically incapable of

doing harm.

“Vampires must have a specific reason for venturing beyond the Veil,” she told

Taerok. “I have a contact in the capital who deals in eccentricities.”

“Meaning?” Taerok reached for the collar. She pivoted to the side, keeping it just

out of reach.

“People come to her when their appetites can’t be sated on the open market. She

would be extremely interested in a fledgling vampire as well trained as Payne.”

“I offered him to you as a gift. I will not allow him to be sold to a whoremonger.”

Pleased by the master’s belated defense, Payne moved closer to Taerok.

“I have no intention of selling him, only offering him in exchange for

information. D’arcy Aiden is massive. It could take weeks to locate Lukas on our own.”

Taerok grabbed Payne’s upper arms and turned him to face Damara. “If

anything happens to him, you die.”

Her lips parted, the smile falling short of her eyes. “This might sting a bit.” She

snapped the collar against the side of his neck and the flexible band curved around his

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throat, fastening to itself with a subtle hiss. “Estri miko fon. Tallanty norest fontae. Fontae

miko estri setra to.”

A violent shiver shook his body as the cold metal adhered to his throat. He tried

to jerk free of Taerok’s grasp, but the master held him firmly. Heat sank into his flesh

and searing streamers crawled across his skin. “It feels like fire!” He tossed his head

and twisted frantically.

“You’ll get used to it.” With her usual nonchalance, she waved away his concern.

Embrace the sensations. Welcome the heat. This is only temporary.

Payne didn’t react outwardly to Taerok’s unexpected compassion. The master

would have spoken out loud if he’d wanted her to know what he was thinking. Still, the

momentary kindness moved Payne more than anything else in the world. All was not

lost so long as the master cared.

Summoning skills he had developed at the end of Damara’s whip, Payne

absorbed the discomfort, defusing the agony as it traveled along his nerve endings. The

raging flames became smoldering embers and finally prickly sparks.

“You will pose as my protector,” Damara told Taerok. “They must believe I am

in charge. I have blood ties to the Sidhe.”

Taerok didn’t reply though Payne spotted subtle evidence of his displeasure. His

eyes narrowed fractionally and a vein above his jaw began to twitch.

She swept Payne with a long, assessing stare. “Much as I hate to deprive myself

of the view, you’ll need some form of clothing.”

“I am unable to oblige you with this collar around my neck,” he said softly.

Without further explanation she blinked out of sight. He indulged in a brief shudder,

dispersing the tension building between his shoulders. “Will she return?”

“If it were her intention to desert us, she would not do so in her lair.”

Will you… set things right once she has led us to the Sentinel?

Taerok’s only response was an enigmatic smile.

Damara flashed back into view with a velvet cloak draped over her arm. “This is

the best I could do with so little time.” She spread the calf-length garment around

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Payne’s shoulders and tied the cord at his throat. “Keep your gaze downcast and do not

speak unless someone addresses you directly. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Let’s get this over with. I’m anxious to continue training my new pet.”

* * *

“Night has fallen. Shouldn’t we awaken Katsu?” Rebecca wiggled away from

Lukas, splashing water on the bathroom floor in the process. She pushed one of his

hands away from her breast only to find the other sliding across her thigh.

They’d relaxed and cuddled for nearly an hour before Rebecca grew restless.

“Relax. You’re safe here. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

She stopped struggling and his long finger curved over her mound, touching

without parting her folds. “You’ll sense it if Taerok figures out where we are?” The fear

in her voice annoyed her nearly as much as her inability to resist Lukas. His touch

eroded her defenses like grains of sand beneath high tide.

“Every person is scanned at the perimeter wall and no one can teleport directly

into the city. Taerok would be stopped long before he reached this cottage.” His free

hand formed mesmerizing patterns upon her damp skin. “For the sake of argument,

let’s say he makes it this far. I would sense him immediately and my powers are

stronger in this dimension than they were on Earth. Now relax. Let your senses guide


Anticipation coiled through her body. The mental link had offered her a preview

of the pleasures awaiting her. All she had to do was trust him and -- no, she had to trust

them. Without Katsu, Lukas would be just another lover.

Like the two halves of a Dichotomy, Lukas and Katsu contrasted and blended.

They offered different, yet equally intriguing personality traits. Katsu’s patience

balanced Lukas’ arrogance, while Lukas’ confidence augmented Katsu’s uncertainty.

Yet she knew so little about Lukas, his past, his family, belief system, and


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“What are you thinking about?” Lukas shifted, reclining in the tub and pulling

her against his chest. His shaft pressed lengthwise into the crack between her ass

cheeks, an inescapable reminder of his intentions. Warm water lapped at the underside

of her breasts and cool air teased her nipples.

“This is happening so fast.” She rested her head against his shoulder and

grasped the rim of the tub. He stroked her breasts and belly, thighs and sex, building

her arousal gradually. “I’m not used to making rash decisions. I don’t really know you

that well.”

“Anything you want to know is there in my mind. Use the link. Scan my

memories. Answer your questions. You need to be sure this is what you want.”

She let the flames engulf her, following the link into his mind. His power

vibrated all around her, raw and intimidating. He was open, accessible, holding nothing

back. She flowed through his childhood, his adolescence, sensing the forces that had

shaped his personality.

Disappointment and grief, victory and pride, she followed each emotion to its

source, reliving decades in an instant. He was far older than he looked, his experiences

diverse and extensive.

Aching hunger drew her back toward the present. She saw herself in Katsu’s

arms. Lukas craved her, needed to claim her with obsessive intensity.

“My people use instinct to find their mates,” he whispered into her ear. “It has

nothing to do with rationality or logic. We either feel it or we don’t.”

“Do you feel it for me?” His desire blazed through her mind and still she wanted

to hear him say the words.

He rubbed against her suggestively. “Can’t you guess? This is more than lust,

sweetheart. I would never compromise a mission for an infatuation.”

Her nipples peaked and her clit throbbed as his hands caressed her everywhere

except where she most needed to be touched. “This is crazy and it’s dangerous. We

should wait until Taerok is captured.”

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“I can’t wait. Can you?” He gently parted her folds and circled her clit. She

jerked then rocked her hips, desperately needing his fullness inside her. “Let’s go wake

up Katsu.”

He helped her from the tub and they quickly dried off. She’d never been

comfortable with her nudity, yet the usual awkwardness never resurfaced as they left

the bathroom. Lukas approached the bed with a slow, rolling stride that did amazing

things to his tight, round ass. She allowed her gaze to wander at will and savored the

ache building within her. Soon. She would know a true joining in just a little while.

Kneel on the bed and use your mouth to wake him slowly.

Where will you be?

On the floor with my face pressed against your ass, licking your pussy from behind.

The graphic explanation made her shiver; everything about this made tingling

heat ricochet through her body.

Katsu was sprawled on his back in the middle of the bed. She crept closer, raising

one knee to the mattress and then the other. Her feet hung off the side and Lukas

moved her legs apart. She balanced on her hands and knees, bending low over Katsu’s

crotch. His cock lay flaccid and still along his thigh. She warmed him with her breath

and he shifted a bit in his sleep.

Lukas stroked her thighs and her hips, his breath teasing her as she teased Katsu.

She gingerly cupped Katsu’s balls with one hand and lifted his shaft with the other. A

throaty murmur escaped Katsu and he reluctantly opened his eyes. He pushed to one

elbow, angling his body so he could determine exactly what was going on.

“I’ve dreamed of waking up with my cock in your mouth.” He offered her a

sleepy smile. “I sure as hell hope that’s where this is heading.”

She circled the tip of his cock with her tongue, her gaze staring into his. He tasted

surprisingly clean, as if he’d showered before he fell asleep. She took him deeper,

thrilled by the speed with which his body responded. By the third stroke, his shaft was

erect and his hips matched her rhythm.

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Lukas traced her slit with his tongue, pausing to circle her clit each time his

teasing rotation brought the sensitive bud within reach. He squeezed her breasts, his

hands warm and firm. She arched her back, bringing her pussy into better alignment

with his mouth.

Katsu held her hair back from her face as he slid in and out of her mouth. He

caressed her cheek, his gaze narrowed and gleaming. “So good,” he whispered. “So

damned good.”

Without warning, Lukas wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her off the

bed. She and Katsu cried out in unison as he dragged her mouth off Katsu’s cock. “Turn

around,” he told Katsu. “Stay on your back, but bring your head over here.”

Katsu rotated across the surface of the bed, spanning the mattress sideways.

Lukas set her down, her knees straddling Katsu’s face. Then he urged her forward,

returning her mouth to its earlier position. Katsu grasped her hips and pulled her down

to his waiting mouth.

She released a ragged sigh as she guided Katsu’s cock back into her mouth.

Katsu’s lips moved against her folds while his tongue slid over and into the very heart

of her. This position allowed him much better access to her flesh. He caught her clit

between his lips and she cried out around his cock.

Lukas traced her ass crack. His fingers felt slippery and warm. Had he gotten her

this wet before or had he conjured some sort of lubricant? He circled her anus while

Katsu circled her clit. Were they communicating telepathically or were they just in tune

with each other?

A finger pushed into her ass at exactly the same time a finger pushed into her

feminine core. She paused to savor the slow penetration. Her inner muscles rippled

with welcome, triggering a fresh rush of cream.

“Very good,” Lukas whispered and they each added a second finger. Her back

passage felt stretched and invaded, and this was just a couple of fingers. “Learn the

rhythm, feel the slide.”

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Lukas drew nearly out of her ass then thrust his fingers back in. Katsu waited for

several cycles before he joined the rotation. He pulled out as Lukas thrust in then

reversed direction. The contrasting motion made her shiver and sigh. All the while

Katsu tongued her clit, compounding the tension inside her.

She moved her mouth on Katsu’s cock faster and faster as she neared release.

Her abdomen clenched and sensations detonated deep in her belly. Both men thrust

their fingers inward, driving the pleasure higher. She cried out around Katsu’s cock and

let her orgasm take her.

Shaken and tingling with aftershocks, she didn’t protest when Lukas lifted her

into his arms. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

“She’s too damned tight.” Lukas’ odd statement drew her out of her lethargy.

“Even with lube, I’d hurt her badly. We’re going to have to switch things around.”

A flash of memory clarified the statement. Bianca had been astride Katsu and

Lukas had been behind her. Was Katsu insulted by the conclusion? Many men were

sensitive about the size of their penis.

“Whatever is best for her.” He looked into her eyes as he added, “We’ll always

do what’s best for you.” Tingling warmth washed over her again, igniting a new cycle

of arousal. His earnest expression was humbling. He obviously meant every word.

Lukas sat down on the edge of the bed as Katsu crawled off. She turned to face

Lukas, easily guessing the next step. He guided her into position with one knee on

either side of his lean hips.

His gaze burned into hers, possessive and demanding. He kissed her briefly then

lay back across the bed. “The next move is yours, Rebecca. Show us what you want.”

Feminine power unfurled within her. Desire radiated off him in waves and yet

he waited for her, needed her to accept the joining, accept him as her mate. She lifted

her hips and moved his cock to her vaginal entrance. His hands clenched at his sides

and still he didn’t move. She lowered herself slowly, taking him deep by blissful


“Now offer yourself to Katsu.”

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She leaned forward and rested against Lukas’ chest. There was only one way to

demonstrate her willingness to Katsu. She reached back and parted her ass cheeks,

waiting for a cold rush of humiliation that never came.

“So beautiful.” Katsu brushed his fingers from the base of her spine into the

valley she displayed for him. He caressed her opening with gentle reverence and tears

welled in her eyes. So many sensations and every one of them was overwhelming. How

would she survive this night?

His fingers felt warm and even more slippery than Lukas’ had. He prepared her

carefully, stretching and lubricating her for long moments before he moved his cock

into position.

“I’m right here, love.” He pressed inward until her anus began to spread for the

tip of his cock. “Push back onto me. I’m yours for the taking.”

Emboldened by his words, she rocked back. Stinging pressure burned through

her and she gritted her teeth. His hands grasped her hips and steadied her movement.

She pushed again and something released. The burn receded, leaving blissful fullness.

Lukas drew her more snugly against his chest. He framed her face with his

hands and kissed her mouth. Katsu slowly pulled back. Warm sensations culminated in

his wake. Her nipples pebbled against Lukas’ chest and her clit throbbed in tandem.

She surrendered herself to the sensations, unable to do more than submit to their

caring dominance. Katsu fucked her with long, slow strokes, accentuating every inch

moving inside her. Lukas remained still, though anything but passive. His tongue

moved in her mouth and he insinuated one hand between them, expertly fingering her


Her second climax was fast and sharp. The men barely registered its passing.

Katsu thrust his entire length into her tight back passage then pulled her body up until

only the tip of Lukas’ cock remained inside her.

“It’s your turn, sweetheart. You fuck us.” Lukas took her hips and showed her

the rhythm. She sank onto his cock, drawing herself off Katsu. Then she lifted herself off

Lukas and drove Katsu deep. “Faster.”

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She tossed her hair out of her eyes, consumed by raw hunger. Her body

embraced them with heat and they filled her with fire. Lukas pinched her nipples while

Katsu circled her clit. Sensations burst inside her and passed into them. They intensified

the pleasure and passed it back into her.

Harder and faster she claimed her mates, amazed by the savagery driving her

movements. She needed them with her, inside her, forever. They were essential to her

survival. No longer able to maintain his passivity, Lukas took control of her

movements, thrusting inward with even more force than she’d used to fuck him. Katsu

followed suit and they filled her together, stretching her body as never before.

Reality burst in a blinding shower of light. She screamed as wave upon wave of

searing intensity crashed down upon them. Katsu collapsed against her back, driving

her down onto Lukas. Their cocks pulsed in unison, the distinct spasms prolonging the

surreal pleasure.

Their heartbeats took on the same rhythm as they gradually emerged from the

bliss. Katsu stroked her back, teasing the outer swell of her breasts. “Are you okay?”

“I… that was unbelievable.”

Lukas kissed her gently on the mouth. “I’m glad you approve.”

Katsu reluctantly pulled out, dragging a moan from Rebecca. “I hate hurting

you, even a little.”

“Which is why she needs me,” Lukas pointed out with a deep chuckle. “I’m not

afraid to push her, find out where her true limits lie.” He rolled her to her side and

carefully separated their bodies.

“I’m pretty sure we found them tonight. I can’t imagine anything more intense

than what we just shared.”

“And I’ve got the rest of our lives to prove you wrong.”

Katsu touched her knee, tenderness and banked desire smoldering in his eyes.

“A long hot bath might feel really good to you now. Why don’t we leave him to his

gloating for a while?”

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“I had a bath while you were sleeping and he’s earned the right to gloat. But I’d

love a long hot shower.”

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Chapter Seven

The tavern was dark and dank. Payne stole glances through his lashes, careful

not to make eye contact with anyone. They’d been stopped at the city gate as Damara

had predicted. The guard attempted to verify her story, but Damara’s contact hadn’t

responded to his telepathic page. A line of impatient people formed behind them as the

delay lengthened and finally the guard had approved them to enter D’arcy Aiden.

They walked to one end of the long, narrow bar and waited for the bartender to

approach. “Has Samauterra been in tonight?” she asked the sharp-featured barkeep.

“I haven’t seen her in weeks. Is there something I can help you with?”

Damara stepped closer to the bar and lowered her voice. “I’m selling not buying.

And I prefer to deal with those familiar to me.”

He shrugged. “If you’re going to hang around, you have to drink. I don’t tolerate


“Give us a pitcher of whatever you have on tap.”

He grabbed a pitcher off the shelf behind him and filled it from the tap. “I

thought vampires stuck to blood.”

“Are you offering?”

“Not personally, but I can arrange most anything you can imagine.” He set the

pitcher in front of her and she tossed down a multicolored coin.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

They moved to a small round table in one corner of the bar.

“Don’t you have some way of contacting her directly?” Taerok grumbled.

“I’ve been trying since we materialized on this side of the Veil. I have no idea

why she’s not responding.”

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He shook his head with a sneer. “I don’t have time for this. Stay here in case she

shows up. I’m going to investigate other options.”

Damara frowned as she watched him leave. “I think we should take the barkeep

into his storeroom. He’ll tell me anything I want to know while you suck his cock.”

“Why don’t you just scan his mind?” Payne shot her a sidelong glance then

returned his gaze to the tabletop. “That would be far less conspicuous.”

“Though not nearly as much fun.” She slipped her hand under his cloak and

squeezed his thigh. “I love to watch you work. You reduce anyone to a trembling heap

with just a few strokes of your talented tongue. Besides, most Unseleighe Sidhe can

defuse a compulsion before it takes root.”

He didn’t know how to respond to the unwanted compliment. Pleasure meant so

much more when it was offered freely.

“I was cruel to you before. I know I upset you.” Her fingers crept ever closer to

his crotch. “Things will be different this time. You will belong to me, so my resentment

of Taerok need not taint our pleasure.”

He didn’t believe her for a second. Her fingers curved around his cock and he

bunched the material over her hand, trying to conceal the subtle pumping. “Please,

Mistress. Can’t this wait until we return to your lair?”

“I can’t seem to stop myself when I’m near you. Only Taerok’s cock is more

appealing.” Her fingers squeezed cruelly as she mentioned the master.

“You’re hurting me.” He caught her wrist, not daring to jerk her hand away. Her

fingers eased, resuming their easy shuttle along his semi-erect length.

The bartender ambled over to their table, his expression grim. “I have rooms

upstairs for this sort of entertainment. I can’t afford any more complaints.”

She pulled her hand out from under the table and manufactured a smile. “Is

there somewhere we can go for a few minutes, so I can explain my predicament in more


He hesitated, taking stock of his other customers. “We can use my office, but you

better make it quick.”

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She moved behind Payne and parted the cloak as the bartender closed his office

door. “He’s fully trained and ready to serve. Aren’t you, slave?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

The bartender’s gaze focused on Damara with cool contempt. “If I were going to

bend anyone over my desk it would be you, not him.”

“Tell me what I need to know and that can be arranged.”

“Pull up your dress and show me what you’re offering.”

If you whisper one word of this to Taerok, I’ll kill you. She hiked up her skirt around

her waist and bent over his desk, spreading her thighs in blatant invitation.

The bartender thrust two fingers into her cunt and chuckled. “You’re sopping

wet. Did he do this to you or are you excited by the thought of being fucked by a

complete stranger?”

Payne was far more interested in the answer than he would care to admit. He’d

thought all organic vampires were dominant.

“I need to find Lukas Mandalay.” She canted her hips as the barkeep slid his

fingers in and out of her pussy. “Do you know him?”

“Is his mother a sylph?”

“Yes. Where can I find him?”

“I know where he lives, but I have no idea if he’s on this side of the Veil.”

“Give me directions to his house. We’ll take it from there.”

As if to seal the barter, the bartender freed his cock and thrust it up inside her.

She tossed her head and moaned. Was she as insatiable as she appeared or was her

pleasure feigned? Payne couldn’t tell. Her grunts and gasps were certainly believable.

“Harder,” she cried, rising to the balls of her feet in an effort to take him deeper.

“Fuck me harder.” The barkeep was all too happy to oblige her. For a long moment

Payne heard nothing but the slap of flesh against flesh.

The barkeep’s ass flexed and released as he pounded away inside Damara. She

clutched the desk and cried out with each deep thrust. It didn’t take long. The barkeep

grasped her hips and arched one final time as he shuddered in release.

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“Damn, woman. You’ve got one powerful grip.” He pulled out and readjusted

his clothes. “Nice doing business with you. Let me find something to write with and I’ll

draw you a map to his house.”

She flipped down her skirt and smoothed down her hair. “Not one word.” She

sneered as she brushed past Payne. “Not one fucking word.”

With the bartender’s map in his hand, he followed Damara out into the night. He

wouldn’t need to tell Taerok what had happened; the bitch reeked of sex. They ducked

into an alley and waited for Taerok to respond to Damara’s silent call.

“This better be important, I was… You smell like a backstreet whore.”

“I’ll let you lick me clean when we get back to my lair.”

“We have a map to his cottage.” Payne handed the napkin to Taerok.

“I don’t have to ask how you paid for this information.” He studied the map for

a moment before he said, “Take the collar off Payne. I won’t allow him to be caught and

we might need his assistance if Mandalay has reinforcements.”

She didn’t look pleased by the prospect, but she didn’t argue. Moving behind

Payne, she grasped the band to either side of the seam. “Larif metar dra inty ba.”

The collar released and Payne sighed. In a flurry of motion Taerok snatched the

band out of Damara’s grasp and jerked her out from behind Payne. He sank his fangs

into her breast before she guessed his intention.

Feed, my love! Drain her dry.

My love? Payne lunged for her as the phrase echoed through his mind. He

latched onto the side of her throat and sucked with all his strength. Blood flooded his

mouth and ran across his chin. His head spun and they sank to their knees, dragging

Damara with them. She shrieked and twisted, clawing at their arms and faces.


Payne sucked until his cheeks ached and his throat burned. Her screams turned

to whimpers and finally moans. Power sizzled through his veins and pounded in his

brain. His master had not abandoned him, had never abandoned him. They would

locate the Dichotomy halfling, and together they would rule the day!

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* * *

Rebecca watched her mates over the rim of her wineglass, fascinated by their

playful banter. Lukas had given her some time alone with Katsu before he joined them

in the shower. They’d taken turns licking her pussy until she was too weak to stand.

Then she’d knelt before them and used her mouth on one while she stroked the other. It

had been nearly as thrilling as the original joining, yet it left her anxious for more. She

wanted their fullness inside her and their solid warmth pressing in on her from all


“Are you sleepy or contemplating mischief?” Lukas asked her.

“A little of both.”

“If you’re sleepy,” Katsu said, “I’ll keep him away from you for a while.”

“Are you ready to explore all our options?” Lukas challenged.

Heat suffused Rebecca’s face as she imagined them together, locked in a

passionate embrace.

Lukas chuckled. “Looks like Bianca isn’t the only one intrigued by the idea.”

“I think keeping our women satisfied will be more than enough for us.” Katsu

pushed back from the table meaning to stand, but Lukas got there first.

“Everyone else has surrendered to this joining, but you’re still holding back.”

Lukas rocked Katsu backward, resting the chair against the wall. “This won’t work

unless every person is fully committed to every other person.”

“I’m fully committed,” Katsu objected. “I just don’t want to fuck you.”

“Not good enough.” Lukas cupped Katsu’s chin and claimed his mouth.

Rebecca watched the kiss, feeling heat well within her. She knew what it felt like

to be claimed by Lukas, to be left with no choice but surrender. Her nipples hardened

beneath her shirt and her core ripened.

Lukas had suggested they dress to slow down the next round. It wasn’t having

much impact on him now. His hands moved over Katsu with obvious purpose, while

Katsu battled his pride.

“You’re getting hard,” Lukas whispered against Katsu’s mouth.

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“So are you.” Katsu boldly cupped the bulge in the front of Lukas’ pants.

“What are we going to do about it?” Lukas countered.

“I guess I’m going to surrender like everyone else.”

Lukas’ head snapped up and he looked toward the window. “Fuck.” He let

Katsu down with a thud and shoved Rebecca toward him. “Stay behind me. Both of


Taerok appeared in an instant, another vampire at his side. The other vampire

was frighteningly beautiful and naked beneath a velvet cloak. Not allowing the odd

details to distract her from the danger, Rebecca looked around for a weapon, something

with which to assist Lukas should the need arise.

Katsu pushed to his feet and moved in close beside her. They remained quiet and

still, allowing their Sentinel to do his job.

“This doesn’t need to be bloody,” Taerok said. “I see no reason to break another

one of Max’s toy soldiers. Give me the girl and I’ll be on my way.”

“You know that’s not going to happen.”

“Can’t say I didn’t offer.”

They flew at each other, colliding with enough force to shake the cottage.

Taerok’s hand jabbed toward Lukas’ throat and Rebecca bit back a scream. Lukas

deflected the motion, diverting the impact to his broad shoulder. A silver object slipped

out of Taerok’s hand. It wasn’t a knife, but what the hell was it? The long, slender band

skidded across the floorboards and came to rest well out of reach.

Pretty-boy skirted the fray and lunged for Rebecca. She drove him back with a

pyrokinetic burst. Startled and singed, he repositioned then dove again. Katsu flew at

him, a continual flurry of arms and legs.

Lukas slammed Taerok into the far wall, shattering the glass in the adjacent

window. Taerok lunged for his throat, but Lukas ducked beneath his arm and spun

away. Quickly adjusting his stance, Lukas encompassed the cottage in a blinding pulse

of light. The vampires shrieked. Pretty-boy dropped to the floor and covered himself

with his cloak. Taerok flailed within the beam, screaming and twisting.

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Rebecca smashed her chair against the floor and grabbed one of the splintered

legs. Not trusting her own agility, she tossed the makeshift weapon to Katsu. He

immediately leapt into action, driving the stake deep into Taerok’s chest.

Taerok shuddered, his eyes wide with shock. He grasped the chair leg with both

hands as blood gushed out around the wood. His eyes glazed and he sank to his knees

as his life’s blood streamed out around him.

“Master!” Pretty-boy sobbed, crawling through the blood to reach Taerok.

Lukas picked up the silver band and snapped it against the side of Pretty-boy’s

neck. “Estri miko fon. Tallanty norest fontae. Fontae miko estri setra to.” The grieving

vampire hissed and cried out, his arms cradling the body of his fallen master.

“What is that thing?” she asked as Lukas stepped back.

“A Titseeny collar. Max will be thrilled to have another one. They render any

paranormal being powerless. Makes our job a whole hell of a lot easier. When they

work right.”

Max arrived half an hour later with a cleanup team. The only fight Pretty-boy

gave them was when they separated him from Taerok’s body.

“I’m sorry about Taerok,” Lukas told his commander. “I had no choice but to

take him out.”

“Part of me knew it would end this way. I’m just glad it’s finally over.” He

motioned to the blood-soaked floor and the shattered window. “We’ve got this. Why

don’t you take Rebecca home?”

“My pleasure,” he said with an unrepentant smile.

She followed Lukas out into the yard, Katsu close behind them. “Why did you

apologize to Max?”

“Taerok was his brother. We all promised Max we’d do everything in our power

to bring him in alive.”

“Then Max is a vampire.”

Lukas chuckled. “Max was born a vampire. His genetics were altered and

augmented. I’m not sure there’s a classification for what he is now.”

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“Altered and augmented by whom and for what purpose?”

He planted his fists on his hips and scowled at her. “What’s your sudden

fascination with Max? Aren’t two men enough for you?”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Two men are more than

enough for me. My curiosity is purely superficial.”

“Perhaps she needs a reminder,” Katsu suggested. “We were rudely


Lukas grasped her ass with both hands and dragged her up along his body.

“Would you like to watch me seduce Katsu?”

“No.” She wrapped her legs around his waist. “I’d like to help you seduce Katsu.

Or better yet, Katsu can lick my pussy while he surrenders to your cock.”

Katsu pressed against her back, his fingers stroking between her thighs. “Or I can

fuck you while he fucks me.”

Lukas reached beyond her and took hold of Katsu. “The possibilities are

endless,” he said and parted the Veil.

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Aubrey Ross

Multi-award winning author Aubrey Ross writes an eclectic assortment of erotic

fiction. From power struggles between futuristic clans, to adventurous Mystic Keepers,

her stories are filled with passion and imagination. Some of her recent awards include

an EPPIE finalist, two Passionate Plume finalists, and a CAPA Nomination from The

Romance Studio.

With a pampered cat curled on the corner of her desk, Aubrey dreams of

fascinating worlds and larger than life adventures -- and wouldn’t have it any other

way! Visit her website at Join Aubrey’s News group at:


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