Aubrey Ross [Undercover Embassy 03] Codename Spring [EC Aeon] (pdf)

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Codename Spring

Aubrey Ross

Undercover Embassy, Book Three

After the Gathosian takeover of Earth, Spring is one of the few remaining doctors

tending to the survivors. But she has a secret role—spy for the Resistance, disguised as
a pleasure ambassador. She’s heard the legends of Evard Keenan, the alien chemist who
supposedly discovered a way to break the aliens’ control. When Evard sends for an
ambassador, Spring knows it’s her only opportunity to recruit him.

She anticipates the mission’s danger, yet she’s unprepared for the passion that

ignites with their first kiss. Never before has she so ached for another. She’ll complete
her assignment at any cost. But how will she find the strength to walk away?

Evard is every bit a captive as the people of Earth to the ruthless Gathosians. He

knows the Resistance is his only hope of escaping, and he’s just as sure Spring is part of
the group. But to communicate his needs he must create a telepathic bond with Spring,
formed both from lust and intimacy. Beyond desire, he needs her trust.

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Aubrey Ross

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Aubrey Ross


Chapter One

With his heartbeat thundering in his ears, Evard Keenan triple-checked the results

of his most recent simulation. If this data was accurate—and he had no reason to believe
otherwise—he had finally found a stable antidote for the Gathosian compound.

Hope and dread bombarded him from opposite sides, shredding his composure. He

wanted to shout for joy and scream in frustration but he couldn’t afford to draw
attention to himself with any sort of emotional outburst. Concealing his conflict behind
professional detachment, he quickly saved the simulation and encrypted the file. He
pushed back from his workstation and stood, glancing around the modest lab.
Everything was neat and orderly and he was alone.

What had he expected? He was always alone, unless he counted Inwatta’s

unwanted visits or the infrequent appearance of one of the guards.

Inwatta, his enemy and tormentor. She often appeared when he allowed his

thoughts to dwell on her, so he tried to shove the subject from his mind. The Gathosians
had arrived on Earth four years ago but he’d been their prisoner much longer. His
people, the Bartonese, had the unhappy distinction of being compatible with Gathosian
energy. The Bartonese also had regenerative capabilities seldom found in humanoid
species. As a result, they were often used as physical hosts and corporeal anchors for
the interdimensional conquerors.

Evard gave himself a firm mental shake. Thinking about Inwatta’s people was not

drawing his thoughts far enough away from his hated captor, and it was imperative
that he solidify a strategy before he encountered her again.

It had taken him the better part of six years to refine the formula and he still wasn’t

certain it would work in real-life conditions. How could he move beyond theory when

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he was isolated from the rest of the world? He needed access to a fully mechanized lab
and numerous test subjects.

Earth-based technology was a bit primitive but it was easily salvaged from the

abandoned cities. Finding people willing to participate in a clinical trial would be no
problem either. The Gathosians used addiction as their primary control mechanism.
Every person on Earth, from the lowliest worker to the heads of the Protectorate, craved
regular doses of the compound.

Which meant freeing the population from this addiction was counterproductive to

the Gathosians. They would kill Evard without hesitation if they realized he’d
succeeded in mapping the elemental makeup of their compound and systematically
constructing a combination of chemicals that would nullify its effects.

Did you miss me?

He caught a shimmer out of the corner of his eye as the thought spread through his


I’m sorry I’ve been so neglectful lately. It hasn’t been by choice.

After weeks of spiteful attempts to motivate him to submit to her twisted desires,

Inwatta had been suspiciously absent for the past few days. Evard suspected her
superiors had taken her to task for her erratic behavior and neglecting her duties, but he
couldn’t be sure. All he knew was her absence had allowed him the time he needed to
finalize his formula.

“I’ve had plenty of work to keep me busy.” Pouring energy into his mental shields,

he blocked her intrusion as much as possible. An energy tether anchored her to his
mind, so it was never possible to shut her out completely. However, forcing her will
upon him risked brain damage and a brain-damaged anchor was no use to her. So she
preferred indirect motivations when settling their differences.

He walked to the wall nearest the sparkling cloud that indicated her presence and

activated the display. He’d prepared this file months ago, hoping the day would come
when he would need it. “You asked me to refine the compound, to strengthen each dose

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by twenty-five percent so the drug can be administered less often.” Information scrolled
down the wall, complete with diagrams and projections. “If these simulations are
correct, I’ve increased potency by thirty-seven percent. This will lower your cost as well
as decrease the amount of compound needed to sustain the current population.”

Has the new compound been tested?

A thrill shot up his spine and he fought back a smile. She had neatly stepped into

his carefully laid trap. “Shall I try it on the guards?” He tried not to sound too sarcastic,
but he’d stopped pretending to feel anything but contempt for her years ago. “They’re
the only humanoids with whom I have any interaction. Unless you expect me to try it
on myself, of course.”

Her illumination spun and darkened, taking on the basic shape of a person. He

didn’t know if the Gathosians had corporeal bodies in their home dimension. Their
interest in tangible resources indicated they did. Yet her obsession with physical
pleasures seemed to be caused by never having experienced them before. Either way, it
was only their energy and consciousness that traveled between dimensions and
wreaked havoc on other worlds.

“You need something from me, and I want something from you.” Her voice was

audible now, the tone decidedly female. More and more these days, Inwatta chose
female characteristics. He wasn’t sure if she related more easily with the gender or if she
thought it pleased him. “Can we finally come to an understanding?”

He touched the wall, deactivating the display. “Increased potency benefits you. I

couldn’t care less if it works or not.”

She spun around the room like a petulant tornado, knocking over chairs and

toppling a utensil tray. He watched the display with dispassionate indifference. They
were locked in a stalemate and she knew it.

Hovering in front of him again, she shoved him back with the force of her bluster.

“You are the most irrational creature I have ever encountered! Why will you not allow
me this one pleasure?”

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“This one pleasure” was fucking some unsuspecting female while Inwatta

inhabited her body. No, it was even more disgusting than that. Inwatta wanted him to
willingly have sex with her while in the host body, to pleasure her in any way she
requested, knowing all the while that she was his enemy.

“You can inhabit my body at any time and force me to do whatever you choose. I

can’t stop you and we both know it. But I will end my life before I willingly give you
pleasure.” He spoke the vow without rancor or passion. It was a simple statement of

After a long, tense pause, Inwatta asked, “Will you let me watch?”

He closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. “Why won’t you let this go? You’ve forced me

to perform every sexual act you could think of since I’ve been your anchor. You must
know what sex feels like by now.”

“That’s just it. I’ve either compelled or coerced you every step of the way.”

Unsure where this unexpected turn was leading, Evard opened his eyes. “Then

what do you want from me this time?”

“I will arrange for as many test subjects as you want if you make love to a female of

your own free will. Abandon yourself completely to the pleasure. Hold nothing back.”

His pulse raced and his mind buzzed with possibilities. He couldn’t allow her to see

how important these test subjects were or how tempting he found her suggestion. Not
since before his captivity had he immersed himself completely in carnal pleasures,
allowing himself to be utterly swept away.

He shrugged then crossed his arms over his chest, retreating into his role. “I said it

before, testing the refined compound benefits you, not me. What do I get out of this

“What do you want? You can’t imagine how well I’ll indulge you if you’ll just stop

fighting me. Most anchors are spoiled rotten. They live in comfort and luxury. You
won’t allow me to pamper you.”

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Most anchors were traitors who willingly sold their souls to the enemy. Asking for

his freedom was a waste of breath, but he had to think of something. Something she
would be reluctant to grant, yet within the realm of possibility. “I want three full days
and nights alone with the female first, and I mean completely alone. If I sense you for
even a moment, our arrangement is null and void.”

Inwatta glowed brighter, her excitement rippling into Evard’s mind. “Two days

alone, and on the third night you allow me to flow freely between you and your lover.”

“You said you wanted to watch. That means outside, looking in!”

“We’re negotiating. If you want to be alone with her, you have to offer me more.”

He shuddered, revolted by the compromise. Always before Inwatta had been in

control, using his body like a puppet for her own enjoyment. Cooperating with her on
any level made it all the more degrading. But there was so much more at stake than his
pride, or his pleasure. If the antidote was ineffective or even toxic, he had to know
before it was distributed among the masses.

Unable to bear the humiliation of what he was about to do, he looked away from

Inwatta. “No compulsions and you keep your presence light enough that the woman is


Hating himself a little more with each passing moment, he asked, “Where will you

find the female?”

“That’s entirely up to you. Would you prefer a refinery rat or a pleasure


What an abysmal choice. The Gathosian invasion had left human females with very

few alternatives. “I want her willing, but the thought of fucking a woman who has been
passed around from man to man is…distasteful to me.”

Inwatta scoffed. “Then you’re on the wrong planet. Monogamous relationships

aren’t just impractical, they’re basically impossible under the current circumstances.”

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“You’re the ultimate authority in this sector. I will not fuck a terrified virgin, but I

don’t want a practiced whore. You’ve been in my mind often enough to know what
appeals to me. Find me such a woman or our deal is off.”

* * * * *

“All right,” Saroji said with a laugh. “What’s so urgent? Or are you just trying to

avoid the grabby jerk in exam room two?”

“The clinic is fully staffed and we both need a break.” Jocelyn looked at her friend

and smiled, unsure how to broach the real issue. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a
couple of days, but we can’t seem to catch a break at the same time.”

“Well, I doubt it will take long for someone to come looking for us, so speak,” Saroji

urged with playful impatience.

Saroji was one of the few people on Earth that Jocelyn trusted implicitly. This

conversation shouldn’t be so awkward. She stepped closer and lowered her voice as she
continued. “I’ve been committed to the Resistance since I met you, but I’ve always felt
like an outsider looking in.”

Her pale-blonde hair swirled about her shoulders as Saroji shook her head. “You’re

more valuable than you think. Without your skills and access to medical supplies, those
the Gathosians consider expendable would die without treatment. Your web of
influence spreads wider than you realize.”

It was a bit of an exaggeration. Saroji’s primary function was counselor, but she was

also a trained medic, which gave her access to medical supplies. Though they were both
loyal to the Resistance, on the surface they served the Protectorate. Of course, everyone
on Earth fell under the authority of the Protectorate now. And the Protectorate enforced
the will of the Gathosian invaders.

Afraid their conversation would be overheard, Jocelyn had taken Saroji to a

secluded courtyard nestled in a lesser-used section of the medical complex. The gardens
were neglected and the trees in desperate need of pruning. So much of Earth was

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simply deserted because of the drastic reduction in the population and the forced shift
in priorities. The staff had cordoned off sections of the sprawling hospital for living
quarters and most seldom ventured beyond the overgrown grounds.

“I’m first and foremost a doctor,” Jocelyn stressed. “That will never change.

However, I see the value in what Autumn and Ra’jen are doing. Their operation is—”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Autumn runs the most profitable

embassy on the planet, and General Noirte is her lover.” Saroji’s smile was anything but

“Ra’jen is your half brother.” Jocelyn laughed. “Does he make everyone use his


Saroji stilled and her expression turned serious. “The point is, you must maintain

appearances at all times. One seemingly innocent slip could get us all killed.”

“You’re right.” She paused and chose her words more carefully. It was unlikely

anyone was listening, but it was foolish to take chances. “I never thought I’d enjoy
being…a pleasure ambassador, but the rewards far outweighed the risks.”

Ambassadors and embassies. No matter how the labels evolved, the world’s oldest

profession never changed. At least not on the surface. Not all of the women working for
Autumn were actually prostitutes. She also operated the Codename project, an elite
network of female spies. And it was this exclusive offshoot of Autumn’s embassy that
had captured Jocelyn’s interest.

Challenge crept into Saroji’s smile while her eyes darkened from silver to smoky

blue. “One night of make-believe and you’re ready for more? I should have realized the
excitement would appeal to you.”

“It was exciting and dangerous. I still can’t believe what we were able to

accomplish. When Autumn first explained the expected outcome of the evening, I
literally laughed. I didn’t believe it was possible, and yet we succeeded.” She leaned in
and whispered, “Without any loss of life. I can’t help it. I want to do it again.”

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Saroji pulled a small device out of her pocket and turned it on. “This is probably

overkill but we need to talk specifics.”

“What is that?”

“A frequency jammer. I don’t think this area is bugged but I learned long ago that

there is no such thing as too paranoid.” Saroji slipped the jammer back into her pocket
and searched Jocelyn’s gaze. “You understand how all this works?”

“I understand everyone will think I’m moonlighting as a call girl, but I also know

Winter didn’t have sex with anyone during our mission. She used a brainwave modifier
to create false memories.”

Saroji nodded, her gaze darkening further as she stared into Jocelyn’s eyes. “The

succubus allows Autumn’s agents to avoid the physical act but don’t fool yourself into
believing they’re unaffected by the experience. The false memories are vivid and
lingering. You’ll know what you’re feeling isn’t real but that won’t make the sensations
any less intense.”

Jocelyn brushed the leaves off a stone bench and sat. “Are you trying to talk me out

of contacting Autumn?”

“Not necessarily. I just want you to understand exactly what you’re volunteering to

do.” Saroji was completely committed to the Resistance. No one could doubt her loyalty
or dedication. Ra’jen, Saroji’s half brother, had started the movement. And Autumn was
Ra’jen’s mate. So why was Saroji hesitating to involve her best friend?

“Do you doubt my ability to—”

“Absolutely not.” Saroji sat beside her and smiled. “If you really want to do this

you’ll be amazing. Autumn was thrilled with your last mission and hinted that she
would like to use you again. I was the one who told her you wouldn’t be interested.”

“Shouldn’t that have been my choice?” Autumn had needed a doctor for the last

mission, which was why Saroji had reluctantly suggested Jocelyn. But most missions
called for feminine wiles and the ability to adapt to any situation. “Why are you being
so negative? Is the succubus unreliable or incredibly hard to operate?”

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Shaking her head, Saroji released a humorous laugh. “You’re a surgeon. I’m pretty

sure you can handle a brainwave modifier.” She shifted toward Jocelyn. “Before you
make your final decision I want you to experience what I’m talking about.”

Saroji reached for Jocelyn’s hand but she snatched it away. “Right now?”

“We’ve only been gone a few minutes.” Saroji shrugged. “They’ll set off your

audiocom if there’s an emergency.”

After checking their surroundings to make sure they were alone, Jocelyn slipped

her hand into Saroji’s and whispered, “You can do this without the device, can’t you?”

Saroji nodded. “The succubus was originally a training device. Pryett mentors used

them to assist their apprentices as they learned to control their abilities. If I used one on
you, it would be excruciating.”

“But you have access to one, don’t you? I’d like to make sure my brain chemistry is

compatible with the succubus before I head off on a mission.”

“Do you honestly think we’ll just throw you to the wolves like that? If Autumn

approves your request—which I’m sure she will—I’ll give you one of the devices so you
can become comfortable with its operation and capabilities. You won’t be assigned your
first mission until we all feel you’re ready.”

On some level Jocelyn knew she was being ridiculous but the questions just kept

pouring out. “How do the agents establish a mental link with their targets? I won’t be
able to tell them to sit down and close their eyes.”

“No, but you can rub against him and distract him with a slow, passionate kiss.

Then run your fingers through his hair as you press the succubus into place.”

Jocelyn nodded, thinking back to her mission with Winter. “We used a sedative

mist the other night. That seems safer to me.”

“It’s easier to build upon genuine memories than to overwrite events you don’t

want the client to remember. What Winter did takes practice and control. You’ll need to
start off simple.”

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“All right.” Jocelyn took a deep breath as a shiver of apprehension raced down her

spine. So many things could go wrong during the course of a mission. Maybe she
should stick with what she knew and leave the spying for those better qualified for
these adventures.

“Close your eyes and try to relax.”

Reality shifted in an instant, like a poorly edited entertainment sim. One moment

she sat beside Saroji and the next she was alone, lying back across the bench with one
hand between her thighs. Her pants were bunched around her knees and the stone felt
cold against her bare ass cheeks.

She gasped and wiggled, meaning to move her hand and yank up her pants. But

lust rolled through her body, hot and intoxicating. It had been so long since she
indulged her sexual nature, so long since she reveled in physical release. Unwilling to
share her body with numerous men, she’d chosen to project a detached and
unapproachable air. Her icy reserve discouraged even the most persistent male, yet left
her feeling empty and alone.

Her pussy was soft and wet and oh so needful. She groaned and closed her eyes,

carefully circling her clit. Sensations gathered beneath her fingers, tight and tingly.
Directed by the motion of her caress, the pleasure curled in upon itself, drawing her
deeper into the vision.

Unable to resist the temptation, she pushed two fingers inside her passage and

began a slow, steady motion. She shifted her legs farther apart, frustrated by the
restriction of her pants. It wasn’t enough. The teasing fullness only made her ache for a
long, thick cock driving into her, filling and—

“Now this is unacceptable.”

The deep, male voice made her yelp. Her eyes flew open and her hand stilled

between her thighs. “Oh my God.” Her face flamed and her nipples tingled as
humiliation washed over her entire body. “Go away!”

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Before she could guess his intention he had her arms pinned above her head, wrists

securely clasped in one long-fingered hand, leaving his other hand free to roam. His
features were strong and masculine, handsome by human standards. But his skin’s rich
copper sheen hinted at an origin other than Earth.

She licked her lips and focused on his eyes. “This isn’t what I want. Please let go.”

A slow, challenging smile parted his sensual lips. “I’m lightheaded from the scent

of your arousal. Are you going to pretend you don’t need to come?”

“I thought I was alone!”

Without releasing her wrists, he worked her pants below her knees then

maneuvered the material under the edge of the stone bench. The position spread her
legs to either side of the bench and secured her with her disheveled clothing. She was
his prisoner, helpless and brazenly displayed. And undeniably ready for anything he
chose to give her.

“That’s better.” His gaze swept over her exposed flesh before returning to her eyes.

“Now we can take our time. Unless you really don’t want me to touch you.”

How could she deny her need when the proof of her desire was still slick on her

inner thighs? “I don’t fuck strangers.” Her mind clung to the fact but her body
appeared to be in control at the moment. She wanted him to ignore her protests, hoped
he’d shove into her roughly and fuck her hard enough to make her see stars.

His gaze bore into hers. The irises gleamed like golden topaz, dramatically ringed

in black. Beautiful and alien. He must be a member of the Protectorate, one of the
enemy’s enforcers. The hint of a beard shadowed his jaw and drew her attention back to
his mouth. Those full, beautifully arched lips would appear effeminate on a less
masculine face.

“Your pussy is begging for my cock, but I see fear in your eyes.” He knelt beside the

bench near her waist so he had access to her entire body. His thumb swept across her
cheek then his hand descended along her torso, skimming over her breast before
settling on her hip. He leaned down, face hovering over her mound as he inhaled

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slowly. “Your scent doesn’t lie.” Parting her folds with his tongue, he easily located her
clit and flicked the sensitive nub. She cried out and wiggled, unsure if she was trying to
avoid his touch or encourage his brazen behavior. With slow, teasing circles and
sudden flicks, he awakened her smoldering arousal. Her hips bucked, unable to hide
the intensity of her response.

He raised his head and looked at her face. “Are you still unsure? Shall I help you

make up your mind?” He guided her hands to the top of the bench and curved her
fingers over the edge. “Do not let go.”

There was a silent command in his tone but he didn’t spell out the consequence if

she disobeyed. Her fingers tightened against the stone as he casually unbuttoned her
blouse, baring her body to the cool breeze and his ravenous gaze.

In reality she’d been wearing a bra but the garment was absent in the vision. The

inconsistency burst through the sensual web Saroji was effortlessly weaving. This isn’t
Each of Jocelyn’s senses was engaged and yet she knew it wasn’t real.

The only reason you’re aware of that fact is because I need you to understand the difference.

Saroji pushed the thought into Jocelyn’s sluggish mind. Your targets will not be able to
distinguish the world you create from the world in which they live.

Before Jocelyn could respond to the clarification, the vision resumed. Still on his

knees beside her, the stranger caressed one of her breasts with his fingers while he
sucked the other. His lips pulled with slow persistency, sending heat spiraling deep into
her belly.

His other hand drifted downward, skimming over her abdomen, across her hip and

onto her thigh. Her pussy clenched and her clit twitched, dragging a needful moan
from the back of her throat. None of her lovers had been this demanding, this
controlling. Was she only enjoying his subtle aggression because someone else was
controlling the fantasy, or did Saroji sense something hidden deep in Jocelyn’s nature
that she’d never allowed herself to admit?

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The stranger released her nipple and dragged his teeth across the lower curve of her

breast. “I won’t force you. That’s not my way, but I need to be inside you.” As if to
prove his point, he stood and unfastened his pants, loosening the material over his
massive erection without actually revealing his cock. “If you don’t want this, tell me
now. Once I’m inside you I won’t be able to stop.” His gaze stabbed into her, hot and

She opened her mouth, meaning to refuse, to end the titillating fantasy. But the

words died on her tongue and her hips began to rock, drawing his attention back to her

With a primal growl, he knelt at the end of the bench and buried his face between

her thighs. His mouth opened over her slit and his tongue penetrated her folds. Each
stroke fueled her fires and burned away her resistance. She pushed up against his lips,
willing his tongue to her aching clit.

After only a few blissful moments, he raised his head from between her thighs. “I

want to feast on your cream and fuck you with my tongue, but my cock isn’t going to

He yanked off her shoes and freed her legs from her tangled pants. Then he stood

and draped her legs over his forearms. She had no idea when he’d freed his cock, but
the hot, blunt head pressed against her opening. And he paused.

“Say it,” he urged, his tone part command and part snarl. “Admit you want me as

badly as I want you.”

She trembled beneath him, aching for the promised fullness, yet feeling conflicted

and sad. This was a fantasy, an artificial reality created by a skillful Pryett. She closed
her eyes against the lure of his handsome features and the consuming intensity of his
hungry eyes.

“Saroji, that’s enough,” she whispered without opening her eyes. “Lesson learned.

Let me go.” As smoothly as she had entered the vision, Jocelyn emerged. She sat again
on the bench beside her friend, clothing restored, cool breeze caressing her flushed face.

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Saroji squeezed her hand then released her fingers. “If you’re on assignment, you

won’t be able to stop. You’ll have to let him fuck you any way he wants.”

Jocelyn opened her eyes and released a shuddering breath. “But I’ll know it’s not

real, right? I’ll control the images.”

“Yes, you’ll control the images, and on some level you’ll understand that it’s not

actually happening. But did that make it feel any less real?”

Shifting her gaze away from her friend’s assessing stare, Jocelyn forced herself to be

brutally honest. “It felt no different than reality. I expected it to be more like a dream.”

“You can learn to shield yourself from the sensations, to mute them, but it takes

time and practice to develop that much control.”

Jocelyn nodded and turned back to Saroji. “Then I’d better get started.”

Saroji laughed as she pushed to her feet. “I didn’t think I could scare you away but I

felt obligated to try.”

Jocelyn stood as well, unable to rid her mind of a pair of piercing topaz eyes. “Who

is he? One of your brother’s soldiers?”

“I honestly don’t know,” Saroji admitted. “I’ve been dreaming about him for weeks,

but I haven’t sensed who he is or what I’m supposed to do with his image.”

Jocelyn ignored the persistent ache still pulsing through her body as they headed

across the courtyard. “What made you use his image on me?”

“I’m not sure.” A secretive smile bowed Saroji’s lips. Then she added, “It just felt

right at the time.”

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Chapter Two

Jocelyn looked from Autumn to Saroji and back, trying hard not to panic. This was

what she’d wanted, what she’d spent the past few weeks training for with obsessive
focus. “Why me?”

When Autumn arrived at the clinic twenty minutes earlier, Jocelyn hadn’t thought

too much about it. Saroji led their visitor into her office then emerged a few minutes
later and motioned for Jocelyn to join them. The clinic was frequently swept for
surveillance devices so it was unlikely they were in any danger of being overheard.
Even so, each woman was careful not to say anything that could incriminate the

“You expressed an interest in augmenting your income, and I have a customer who

is interested in a pleasure ambassador who is not part of the regular rotation.” Autumn
shrugged. “It’s as simple as that.”

Codename assignments were never simple. Their complexity and danger were part

of what appealed to Jocelyn. She pressed her hand against her chest, trying to steady
her racing heart. “How soon does your customer want his ambassador, and how long
would I be away from the clinic?”

“The contract is for three days and he’s requested immediate delivery.”

Her pulse leaped and she struggled to keep her expression calm. “I would need to

leave immediately?” She knew this was something she wanted to do but she hadn’t had
as much time to master the succubus as she’d hoped.

“I brought everything you’ll need with me, so you can get ready in the skimmer.”

Autumn glanced at Saroji, obviously concerned by Jocelyn’s hesitation.

“Jocelyn,” Saroji began, “you’re uniquely qualified for this situation. We’d both

hoped to give you more time, but this customer could prove to be extremely valuable.”

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“I need to make sure I’m covered before—”

“I’ll rearrange the clinic’s schedule,” Saroji assured her. “Go. Autumn will explain

the details en route.”

By the time she reached Autumn’s skimmer, Jocelyn’s stomach was tied in knots.

She hadn’t been this anxious when she’d gone undercover with Winter. Perhaps that
was the problem. She’d be flying solo now. “Where are we going?”

Autumn set the skimmer in motion and jammed communications before she

replied. “To the Pentagon.”

“I thought the Pentagon was deserted.”

“That’s what the Protectorate wants everyone to think. Certain sections are still

very much in use.”

“You said customer. There is only one?”

Autumn laughed. “Are you disappointed?”

“No. One is quite enough for my first solo mission.”

“I agree.” Autumn paused for a reassuring smile. “You’re going to be fine. If Saroji

didn’t think you were ready she would have let me know.”

Jocelyn had no reply for that, so she just nodded and returned Autumn’s smile.

“Your codename is Spring, and we’re hoping this contract is being arranged on

behalf of Evard Keenan.”

Evard Keenan, the famed chemist, seemed more myth than man. No one had ever

been able to produce a verifiable image of him, and yet the stories about him continued
to spread. Some believed he was the only hope of survival for the captive human race,
while others thought he was the actual leader of the Gathosians. It was a documented
fact that he “anchored” Inwatta—one of the sector leaders—yet few believed he did so
willingly. Jocelyn wasn’t sure what to believe. She knew he worked closely with the
Gathosians but she had no idea where his loyalties lay.

“Has he ever summoned an ambassador before?”

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“No, and that’s part of the reason why this is so exciting.” Autumn made a quick

adjustment to the skimmer before she went on. “I’m the third madam who has
attempted to fulfill the contract. The first two ambassadors were rejected before they
even saw the customer.”

Too anxious to sit still, Jocelyn scooted to the edge of her seat, crossing then

uncrossing her legs. “Why were they rejected?”

“I don’t know. According to Bella, her girl was subjected to a routine rather like a

police lineup. Then she was given a small percentage of the promised fee and returned
to the embassy. No explanation, no apology.”

Jocelyn’s hopes plummeted. “If the best of the best can’t turn him on, what makes

you think he’ll accept me?”

“The contract has no physical specifications. The only requirement is that the

woman be willing and not be ‘part of the general rotation’.”

“If he doesn’t want a professional, why is he contacting embassies?”

Autumn’s brow arched as she swiveled her chair around and faced Jocelyn. “What

alternative is there on Earth? Thanks to the Gathosians, we’re either passed from
worker to worker or we’re paid to pleasure the Protectorate. Either way we’re basically

Jocelyn knew Autumn was right. Every female on Earth had lost command over her

body the day the Gathosians launched their first assault. Human males had been
relegated to slave labor, and the few females who had survived the pandemic were
faced with a life of degradation and sexual servitude. The Gathosians had no intention
of occupying Earth so they didn’t care how poorly they treated the inhabitants. Once
mineral resources were fully excavated, they would move on to the next mineral-rich

Freedom from the highly addictive compound offered the only glimmer of hope in

an otherwise dismal situation. Rumor had it that Evard Keenan knew enough about

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Gathosian chemistry to formulate a cure for the addiction. Was it possible they had
finally located the faceless phantom?

Refusing to give in to the intoxicating rush of optimism, Jocelyn focused on the first

obstacle. “You’re hoping my inexperience will work to our advantage.”

“Exactly.” Autumn motioned to a zippered bag on the floor to Jocelyn’s right. “I

brought everything you’ll need for a three-day stay. You can change while I explain
what we’re hoping to accomplish.”

Jocelyn unzipped the bag and rummaged through the assortment of clothing

and…sex paraphernalia. Dildos, vibrators, a butt plug, lubricant, wrist cuffs and a coil
of red velvet cord, even a wicked little flogger. “He’ll expect me to have all of this?” Her
mouth went dry while moisture gathered between her thighs. Self-imposed isolation
had left her with a rich and varied fantasy life, but only in her fantasies had she
experienced anything so wild.

Autumn laughed. “That’s a fairly tame travel bag for an ambassador. We have to be

prepared for anything. The fact that he wants you for several days indicates an interest
in exploration.”

With her heartbeat thudding in her ears, Jocelyn continued digging through the

contents of the bag. “Where’s the succubus?”

“They’ll search your bag and scan you for weapons at the very least. We had to be

creative.” Autumn held up a pendant with one hand and displayed a ring with the
other. Intricate filigree surrounded each device, creating a bold yet exotic beauty. “None
of the metals used in weaponry are present in the succubus, so it shouldn’t set off
munitions scanners.”

“Which half is which?”

“The pendant is the master. It goes on you. The top of the ring will detach once it’s

pressed against Evard’s temple.” She handed the jewelry to Jocelyn, eyes narrowed and
wary. “With a three-day commitment, you’ll have to use the succubus more than once.
Have you practiced with anyone but Saroji?”

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“Of course.”

“How were your transitions? Were you able to instigate a session without your

target remembering it afterward?”

“I’ve done very well. Saroji says I’m a natural.”

Autumn accepted the claim with a nod, her expression suddenly grave. “Evard isn’t

human. You’ll need to be stealthy and extremely careful.”

“If he realizes I’m screwing with his head instead of his body, I’m a dead woman. I

get it.” Selecting the least revealing of the three outfits, Jocelyn began her
transformation. “What do I do if the shit hits the fan? Do I have any sort of backup?”

“Ra’jen and I struggled with this part the most. Neither of us wants to abandon you

to the fates.”


Autumn sighed, her frustration obvious. “Ra’jen can’t have a strike team waiting in

the wings. There is no justifiable reason for him to know anything about this.”

Jocelyn swallowed hard, glancing away from Autumn’s troubled expression. “I’m

on my own?”

“Not entirely. I’m going to attach a false cap to one of your back teeth. If everything

falls apart and you need out, all you’ll have to do is bite down hard enough to break the

“And what will be released?”

“Neotrexaphane and bartillium. Combined, they—”

“I know what happens when they combine.” She’d become so violently ill there

would be no option but to rush her to the medical complex or let her die.

* * * * *

“I’m tired of your games, Evard,” Inwatta snapped. “If you don’t like this one, our

deal is off!”

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Evard glared at the glowing, undulating mass that hovered beside him. The first

ambassador had been an overblown floozy but he’d rejected the second out of spite. “I
made myself clear from the beginning. I don’t want a practiced whore.” But he needed
test subjects if he hoped to finalize his formula, so these games couldn’t go on

“Yet all the females in the genetics lab are too young and immature, so how am I

supposed to find a female suitable…”

If her tirade continued Evard didn’t hear a word. The door opened, admitting the

latest ambassador into the interrogation room. A mirrored film prevented the woman
from seeing him while allowing him to view her. She moved with far less confidence
than the others, almost as if she weren’t entirely sure she wanted to be here. The
vulnerability caught his attention, made him look closer.

Though her waist was cinched and her breasts lifted by an embroidered white

bustier, her curves remained gentle, natural. Her shoulders were bare but long white
gloves adorned her slender arms. A simple black skirt hugged her hips, displaying the
lacy tops of her black stockings.

He activated the intercom and said, “Turn around.”

Her green eyes widened but she obeyed. The bustier’s laces were gold, like the

embroidery. He wanted to find out if her ivory skin was as soft as it looked and cup her
tight round ass as he thrust between those shapely thighs. His cock stirred, lengthening
and hardening as sexual images filled his mind.

“She’s different than the others,” Inwatta murmured, “less garish.”

The word “garish” drew his gaze to the ambassador’s blood-red hair. “Are you

wearing a wig or has your hair color been altered?”

She slowly licked her lips, not the teasing gesture of a practiced flirt but the nervous

reaction of someone uncomfortable in their situation. “It’s a wig. Would you prefer I
take it off?”

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“Yes.” Her hands trembled and her features tensed as she quickly removed the wig.

Her natural hair was a lovely chestnut brown. “Much better. Now take it down.”

As she pulled the pins from her hair and arranged the silken waves across her

shoulders, recognition slammed into him. What the fuck was Jocelyn Grier doing… She
was trying to contact him! Though the female doctor had yet to be confirmed as a
member of the Resistance, she was surrounded by those topping the Gathosians’ list of

Did Inwatta realize this was a trap? It was unlikely or she never would have

allowed things to progress this far.

Pouring energy into his mental shields, he meticulously schooled his expression. He

needed to speak at length with this woman without Inwatta being aware of their
conversation. The Resistance had cleverly found a way to reach out to him. Now he had
to find a way to exchange information.

“You’re hiding from me.” Inwatta pushed against his shields. “Does she please you

that much? Are you afraid I’ll be jealous?”

Thankful for the workable explanation, he focused on Jocelyn and shrugged. “I

might find her appealing. It’s hard to tell under all that paint.”

Inwatta’s cruel laughter echoed all around him and her illumination intensified.

“Finally! If I have her scrubbed from head to toe, will you fuck her for me? Will you
fuck her while I am—”

“Two days.” He turned on her, blasting her mind with his anger. “You promised

me two days alone with her. Completely alone.”

A long pause followed as her illumination swelled and spun. He held his breath,

pushing back against her subtle probing. She could force her way into his mind, had
done so often enough to leave no doubt of her abilities. Even knowing the vulnerability
of his position, it was too late to change his strategy.

“Fine!” Pain slashed through his mind, illustrating her annoyance with the

compromise. “Play with your human for two days. Break her in gently if you must.

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Then we’ll play with her together.” He started for the door but she swirled past him
and blocked the exit. “She must be searched and scanned. She will be brought to you
once I determine she is no danger to either of us.”

* * * * *

Damp and shivering, Jocelyn stood in the middle of a modest bedroom stunned and

infuriated. She had been stripped—her jewelry confiscated—and shoved into a shower.
Two cold-eyed guards had watched every move she made, ensuring she scrubbed every
millimeter of her face and body. Her bag had been gone when she stepped out of the
shower and wrapped herself in the waiting towel. One of the guards told her to brush
her teeth and comb her hair with the supplies he provided. Then they’d led her to this
room and locked her inside.

Losing the bag of sex toys had been more of a relief than an annoyance, but they’d

taken the succubus! How was she supposed to fulfill this mission without the
brainwave modifier? She knew the answer, of course. She just didn’t want to think
about the specifics. She’d always depended more heavily on her mind than her body,
hardly finding sex worth the hoopla surrounding it. But the Resistance needed Evard’s
expertise and she was their only hope of accessing the information.

The door slid open and she snapped her head toward the threshold, scrambling for

an appropriate greeting. Her customer strolled into the room and the door closed
behind him. At least she presumed this was her customer. Why else would…

She felt her eyes widen, unable to hide her surprise. She knew this man. Well, she

didn’t actually know him. She’d seen him, touched him and tasted him over and over
during the past few weeks. This was the “fantasy lover” from Saroji’s dreams. Jocelyn
had used his image for most of her mental exercises. Saroji had claimed she didn’t know
who he was or if he was merely a figment of her imagination. Had the crafty Pryett
known this would happen all along?

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“You look cold.” He disappeared into an adjacent room then returned with a dark-

blue bathrobe.

“Thank you.” Jocelyn took the garment from him and slipped it on over the towel.

Then she reached inside the robe and retrieved the damp cloth. “When will my
belongings be returned to me?”

He took the towel from her and draped it over the back of a nearby chair. “When

you return to the embassy. Security wouldn’t clear most of the items, so we’ll have to
make do without your bag of tricks.”

She didn’t miss the sarcasm in his tone. He’d made it obvious from the start that he

had no use for pleasure ambassadors. “What about my clothing and my jewelry?” She
did her best to sound casual.

“You won’t need them either.” He ended the subject with a wicked smile as his

gaze swept the length of her body.

Jocelyn had found him attractive in the artificial memories but the image she

borrowed from Saroji hadn’t done him justice. His dark hair was short on the sides and
in back but the top was longer and had a tendency to curl. Though his features were
every bit as handsome as they’d been in the practice visions, he also conveyed a subtle
menace that she hadn’t sensed from her dream lover. Of course, she’d controlled every
move her dream lover made and every position he chose.

His black T-shirt and multicolored fatigues were standard-issue Protectorate

clothing, yet his body was lean, almost wiry, further indication that he was a scientist,
not a soldier. The wide band on his forearm gave him instant access to security as well
as control over the room’s amenities. She tightened the robe’s belt then buried her
hands in the pockets, feeling vulnerable and uneasy. She’d stepped out of her comfort
zone when she volunteered for this mission. Then what little control the succubus
offered had been wrested from her grasp.

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It didn’t matter. She was here and she had an obligation to the Resistance. This man

might hold the key to Earth’s freedom. If he was Evard Keenan. “My name is Spring.
What shall I call you?”

His lips quirked and his gaze focused on her mouth. “Call me whatever you like.

I’ve never found names particularly meaningful.”

Damn it. That wasn’t helpful at all. There was no reason to continue her role unless

this was Evard. “What do you find meaningful?”

He raked his hair with his hand and averted his gaze. “I’m not interested in small

talk. We both know why you’re here.”

Why would this man have appeared in Saroji’s dreams if he wasn’t important to

their cause? Jocelyn had never had to rely on instinct before but everything within her
told her she’d found her target. She was supposed to be a paid whore, a professional
pleasure giver. She had better start acting the part.

“You took away my armor.” She waited until he looked at her before she went on.

“When I’m dressed like Spring, I’m able to be more uninhibited.”

“I don’t want Spring. I want you.” He closed the distance between them and

wrapped his hand around the back of her neck. “I want the woman no one else reaches,
the person no one touches but you.”

She saw herself on the garden bench, hand buried between her thighs. Her gaze

widened and her lips trembled. Had he been aware of those images? Did he know
they’d already fucked numerous times in her mind? “Spring knows how to act, how to
anticipate your needs. If you’ll just give me back my things, I’ll do anything you want.”

“I don’t want you to ‘act’.” He unfastened her belt and the robe gaped, revealing

the inner curve of her breasts and a glimpse of her mound. After a quick glance
downward, his gaze returned to her face, demanding and hot. “I want you to feel. All
you have to do to please me is obey.”

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It wasn’t as if she had a choice anyway. No one would raise a finger to stop him

regardless of his actions. Pleasure ambassadors usually traveled with an armed escort,
but one of the conditions of the contract was that she come alone.

“I have a very low pain threshold.” Her voice broke over the confession.

He cupped her chin and tilted her head back until she looked into his eyes. “I have

no intention of hurting you but I need your submission. Can you follow my directives
without question?”

Her lips trembled as she formed a smile. “Probably not, but I’ll try.”

Apparently her honesty pleased him. He returned her smile then stepped back,

though he didn’t go far. “True submission requires trust, and you don’t know me. So
we’ll take this one step at a time. Take off the robe and move to the foot of the bed.”

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Chapter Three

Desire curled through Evard as Jocelyn parted the robe and let it slip down her

arms. Her pale body was framed by the dark-blue fabric for a moment and then the
contrast disappeared, leaving the graceful perfection of her form. High, firm breasts and
a trim torso led his gaze to her narrow waist. The womanly flare of her hips swept into
long, shapely legs.

He allowed himself a greedy moment to appreciate her physical beauty, then he

motioned for her to turn around. As she performed a slow rotation, he scanned the
room, meticulously checking for any trace of Inwatta’s energy. His captor seemed to be
upholding her end of the bargain but he doubted her generosity would last. Likely she
would wait until he was good and distracted, then she’d slip into his mind.

“You’re lovely,” he told Jocelyn once they faced each other again. “But are you

responsive?” Sliding his thumb across the corner of his armband, he triggered a panel
above her head. Wrist restraints on smooth alloy cables slowly descended toward his
uneasy companion. She looked at the cuffs then at him, her expressive green eyes
making it clear she was uncomfortable with the new development. “Because this is our
first interaction, I’ll allow you to grasp the cuffs rather than securing your wrists within
them. But know this—if you let go, it will tell me you wish to be returned to the

“What if I want you to stop what you’re doing but don’t want to leave?”

He shook his head. “This is about trust, Jo—” He snapped his mouth shut, biting

back her name. A knowing sparkle ignited within her eyes and she raised her arms,
grasping the wrist cuffs. If she believed his knowing her name would spare her a good,
hard fucking, she was in for a shocking surprise.

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Approaching her slowly, he wrapped his fingers around her wrists then ran his

hands down her arms. “Don’t feign pleasure. Don’t gasp and shiver unless sensations
drive you to it. Just be real.”

She didn’t respond with words. Her muscles relaxed beneath his hands and she

hesitantly met his gaze. Her skin was warm and smooth and every bit as soft as it
looked. He wanted to be naked, to rub against her body skin to skin; but this wasn’t
about carnal pleasure, at least not entirely. He needed to form a telepathic link with
Jocelyn, one impenetrable to Inwatta. The only mind link he knew of with passive
shielding was a mating bond—which meant Jocelyn had to survive a Bartonese mating.

Fucking and mating were two very different things to the Bartonese. Fucking was a

casual joining of bodies for the purpose of mutual pleasure. Mating was an intense, all-
consuming melding of body, mind and spirit. And to his knowledge it had never been
attempted with a human before.

“Do your people kiss?” Jocelyn whispered, her gaze drifting to his mouth.

It was a plea for reassurance he couldn’t ignore. He framed her face with his hands

and pressed his mouth over hers. She wasn’t a call girl. He had to remember she was
only playing a part. “I won’t hurt you. You’ve nothing to fear.”

Her lips parted and he accepted the invitation, pushing his tongue into her mouth.

She welcomed him with a tentative slide of her tongue so he wrapped his arms around
her, supporting her and sheltering her as they learned each other’s taste.

Jocelyn relaxed against Evard as their tongues entwined. She refused to think

beyond the moment. Kissing was nice. His mouth was firm, his tongue bold without
taking more than she was ready to give. One of his arms banded her waist, keeping her
snug against his body while his other hand moved up and down her back.

The inescapable erection pressed against her belly reminded her that this was just

the beginning. He thought she was used to pleasuring men, that she casually shared her

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body with anyone able to pay her fee. But he’d started to say her name. Didn’t that
mean he knew who she was and why she was doing this?

As quickly as his kiss had built her desire, the disquieting thought extinguished it.

She wiggled within the circle of his arms and turned her head sharply to the side.

“What’s the matter?” He sounded annoyed and she wasn’t brave enough to look at

his face to find out how annoyed.

“I just needed to catch my breath.”

He pushed his hand into the back of her hair and formed a loose fist. “I want you

breathless. Don’t pull away again.” His autocratic tone sent heat zinging through her
body. His mouth returned to hers, his kiss far less patient. This was how he’d been in
her visions, aggressive and unrelenting. “Give me your tongue.”

She didn’t consider hesitating as desire sped her pulse. It was hard to remember

that this was a mission when her senses hummed with anticipation and her core began
to ache.

With a soft whimper, she touched his lower lip with her tongue only to have him

suck it deep into his mouth. His lips moved up and down her tongue, an unmistakable
parody of a very different act.

“Now you.” His voice sounded harsh and urgent as he switched positions.

Understanding the hurried lesson, she licked and sucked his tongue, imagining all

the while that it was his cock she caressed so greedily. He eased his hand between
them, stroking her breasts and lightly pinching her nipples. His mouth sealed over hers
and he challenged her tongue to a sensual duel. On and on he kissed her until she was
lightheaded and intoxicated by his taste.

Everything seemed familiar and yet felt entirely new. She had abandoned herself

completely in the practice session and this was even more intense, more overwhelming.

His hand eased between her thighs and he groaned into her mouth.

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So wet. Her eyes flew open as his mental voice sounded clearly in her mind. Can you

hear me?

She nodded as well as she could without abandoning their kiss.

Good. This might be easier than I thought.

What are you talking about? She wasn’t sure if he could hear her thoughts until he


I don’t sense her right now, but I can’t be certain she’s actually gone. Please, you must trust

me. Don’t resist.

He pushed his fingers into her pussy as he expanded the link between their minds.

Pain shot across the back of her skull and dove down her spine. She cried out but the
pressure didn’t lessen. He’d told her not to resist but was it supposed to hurt this

She tore her mouth away from his and screamed.

Shifting his hands to her ass, he lifted her against him and walked toward the bed.

“Let go!”

Her fingers went numb as he increased the pressure and she collapsed into his

arms. He carried her to the bed and quickly laid her down.

Instinct took over and she struggled, twisting and tugging with wild abandon.

Rather than deterring his efforts, her resistance fueled his fire. He moved her to the
middle of the bed then tore off his shirt and unfastened his pants.

She rolled, scrambling for the other side of the bed, but he was faster. With a

warning growl, he flipped her to her back and came down on top of her. “Stop fighting
me! I don’t want to hurt you.”

This was her mission. The reason she was here.

If this man was Evard Keenan!

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She stilled, forcing her body to obey despite the emotions ravaging her composure.

This opportunity could not be squandered. It might never come again. She had to ride it
out, stay on task and complete her objectives.

He pulled her arms above her head, holding them there as his gaze searched her

eyes. “I was very specific about wanting a willing female. Are you willing or not?”

Her heart missed a beat and her lungs refused to function. Then she whispered,


“I don’t believe you.” He released her hands and pushed away, settling his weight

on his knees.

She followed him up, grasping his shoulders. “I’m sorry. I haven’t done this with

anyone outside my professional persona. It’s bringing up emotions I didn’t expect to
feel. I won’t resist you again. I promise.”

“You were a virgin when they invaded?”

He’d said “they”, not “we”. At least he didn’t identify himself with the invaders.

“That’s not what I meant. Everything is so different now, the world before doesn’t seem
real anymore.”

For a long moment he just stared at her, then he looked past her as if he was lost in

thought or… Was he scanning their surroundings? Evard was Inwatta’s anchor. Was
that what he’d meant when he’d said, I don’t sense her right now, but I can’t be certain she’s
actually gone?

More and more clues pointed to the fact that this was Evard. Jocelyn took a deep

breath and dispelled the last of her reluctance. If she was wrong, she’d have sex with an
attractive man. If she was right, she’d start building trust with a potential ally who was
hugely important to the Resistance.

She lay down and raised her arms over her head. He already knelt between her legs

but she bent her knees and opened her thighs even wider. “I’m here because I want to

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His gaze locked with hers as he lowered his head and latched on to one of her

nipples. He sucked in long, deep pulls, holding himself off her so the only thing that
touched her was his mouth. Her other nipple beaded, eager for the firm stimulation its
twin enjoyed.

His teeth caught her nipple as his lips released, creating a different kind of pressure.

She arched into the stinging clamp and a strangled cry escaped her throat. He licked the
throbbing peak, his eyes growing hotter. After another cycle of sucks and nips, he
shifted to her other breast.

The rhythmic pull of his mouth made her breasts feel swollen, while the pressure of

his teeth had the strangest effect on her clit. Each time he nipped her breast, her clit
twitched and tingled.

Don’t come until I’m inside you. We can’t waste the energy. The warning stabbed into

her mind without the finesse he’d used before. She whimpered, knowing all it would
take was a little caress in the right place to release the tension gathering between her

He eased one of his hands between her thighs and traced her slit. She gritted her

teeth and fought to remain still. He avoided her clit, circling her opening and stroking
her folds to keep the pleasure simmering.

Open for me, love. Relax every muscle in your body.

The directive was almost laughable while his fingers and mouth made damn sure

she felt anything but relaxed. He paused long enough to shove his pants to his knees
then used his cock rather than his fingers. His smooth tip traced her slit, delving deeper
with each teasing caress. Her folds parted for him, surrounding him as he positioned
himself at her entrance.

He released her nipple and braced with his forearms as his gaze bore into hers.

Accept me. Don’t resist. This will all make sense in a moment.

The only thing that didn’t make sense was his warning. She’d had sex before. Was

there something unique about how his people fucked?

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As if he heard her question his presence drilled into her mind.

His hips flexed, pushing his cock into her tight passage. Even the incredible fullness

of his shaft was nothing compared to the unrelenting penetration of his energy. She
started to pull back, to fight against the overwhelming invasion, but his mental voice
rumbled like thunder. Take me! Open for me.

Terrified by the power of his being, she raised her hands to his shoulders, meaning

to shove him back.

Jocelyn, please. This is the only way.

Her name washed over her, familiar and soothing, then urgency surged and she

dove into his gaze. She absorbed the heat surrounding her and accepted the hunger.
Lust devoured her fear and she pushed up with her feet, taking his cock deep into her
pussy. He slipped his arm beneath her neck and eased one hand between their bodies,
covering her clit with his thumb. He circled her nub slowly as he drew his hips back
then paused with his cock barely inside her.

Deeper! He punctuated the demand with a firm thrust, and she understood what he

needed. She opened for him, taking his being deeper into her mind with each
demanding stroke of his cock.

His mouth covered hers, trapping her sharp cries and startled sighs. Their bodies

rocked and slid, finding a mutually pleasurable tempo. He flowed through her mind
and drove into her body, weaving some sort of metaphysical bond. She could feel the
connection, understand what he was doing, though she wasn’t sure why this was “the
only way”.

Now come and I’ll anchor the link.

Anchor? Wasn’t he anchored to Inwatta?

Trust me, Jocelyn. Just come and I’ll explain everything.

He moved faster, rolling his thumb over her clit with each deep thrust. Tension

wound within her, clenching her inner muscles around his cock. He tore his mouth
from hers and threw back his head, coming in violent shudders.

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His pleasure barreled into her mind, triggering her orgasm and catapulting her

beyond reality. Her vision blurred then faded as sensations pulsed and flowed, carrying
her further from her body.

With a terrified cry, she reached back through the tingling stream, trying to return

to the tangible world.

Let it go and come to me.

The amusement in his tone penetrated her fear. If he thought this was funny, they

couldn’t be dead. Could they?

They say a good, hard orgasm feels a little like death, but we are both very much alive.

He surrounded her then passed through her, drawing her along with him. The

rushing flow ended abruptly and she tumbled into a sun-drenched meadow, landing on
her back. She could see her body clearly now but her other senses seemed muted.
Naked and confused, she sat up and looked around.

Evard stepped into the scene with effortless grace and sat beside her in the grass.


“Better than what?” she cried. Her eyes and ears were again fully functional.

“Where the hell are we? What did you do to me?”

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Chapter Four

Laughing was probably not the wisest reaction, but Evard couldn’t help himself. He

felt wonderful! The mating bond was securely anchored within Jocelyn’s mind and she
was still alive and mentally intact. “How do you feel?”

“Confused as hell. I would think that was obvious.” Sunlight brought out the red in

her tousled hair, which in turn accentuated the green of her eyes. Her skin was still
flushed from their vigorous fucking and her heightened emotions. She drew up her legs
and wrapped her arms around her knees as she waited for his explanation.

“I had to be sure Inwatta couldn’t overhear our conversation, and that’s not easy to

accomplish when she’s anchored to my mind.”

“Then you are—Evard Keenan?” Even here on the astral plane she seemed reluctant

to speak his name. He understood her caution. A similar fear had brought them to this
unusual setting.

“Sorry about all that. Inwatta’s one ruthless bitch. Admitting who I am would have

been highly suspicious. I couldn’t give her a reason to send you away.”

“Where are we?”

“We’re dreaming, or actually I’m dreaming and you’re sharing my dream.” Males

naturally had more control over the mating bond than females. He hadn’t been sure
how Jocelyn would react being that she was human. Telepathy was a given, but they
would have to wait and see if any other Bartonese abilities developed between them.

“Our bodies are just lying there asleep?” She rested her chin on her knees, her eyes

wide and luminous.

“Basically.” He blew out a heavy sigh, wishing they could go on pretending. If she

were a pleasure ambassador and he were a lonely scientist, indistinguishable from
hundreds of others, their lives would be far less dangerous. “Unfortunately, if anything

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wakes either of us, we’ll be drawn back into our bodies. We need to get down to

She sat straighter but kept her torso hidden behind her folded legs. “Are the rumors

true? Are you working on an antidote for the compound?”

“I have a formula that is stable in simulation, but it has yet to be put through

biological testing.” He knew this was why she’d come, why the Resistance had sent her,
but forming the bond had left him feeling restless. And possessive. They’d barely
scratched the surface of their sexual potential and he wanted more.

“Test subjects are no problem,” she assured him. “There’s a planet full of people

with nothing left to lose.”

He’d already seen her, touched her, been inside her, so why was she hiding from

him now?

Desire rippled through him, compounding his restlessness. “I need access to a

larger lab and freedom from my captor. Do you have any idea how we can accomplish

“If you give us the formula, the Resistance will figure out a way to free you.”

He laughed again, far more committed to the sound this time. “If I give you the

formula, the Resistance no longer has a reason to free me. I’m not a fool, Jocelyn. This
isn’t a rescue mission. You’re here for the formula.”

She fidgeted, her gaze darting away from his face. “How do we know your formula

works? We could risk countless lives and find out you’re bluffing.”

“I’ll give you the formula. There are two elements that don’t exist on Earth. I’ve

figured out how to synthesize them, but it’s doubtful human chemists can do the
same.” Lust pulsed through his being, drawing him back toward the tangible world. He
fought the lure, needing her to understand the urgency of his situation. Captivity
wasn’t much of an existence, but Inwatta’s obsession with him had become intolerable.
“You can’t do this without me, and I won’t live like this anymore. The Gathosians have
ruled your planet for, what, four years? Barton was attacked two centuries ago and I’ve

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been Inwatta’s pet for the past forty-seven years. Humans aren’t the only ones with
nothing left to lose.”

She stilled and warmth trickled across their link. It was obvious she didn’t want to

give in to their attraction, and yet sudden bursts of tenderness assured him her mind
was losing the battle with her heart. Is this what he wanted? A human mate would
complicate… He shook away the emotional muddle. They were each doing what they
must to survive. When and if that goal was achieved, he would worry about the long-
term ramifications of his choices.

“I’m not sure how to help you.” Her voice was soft and sad. “Getting in wasn’t

easy, but getting you out will be next to impossible. They took away everything,
including my clothes. Inwatta is obviously not taking any chances with you.”

“She’ll have no reason for caution—if I’m dead.” Disbelief lashed out from her

mind, then he sensed far more compassion than her tense expression revealed. Was she
sensing his emotions too? And how had she gained control over their bond so quickly?
The connection was wide open. He should be able to sense every flicker of emotion that
erupted within her, yet he only received these random pulses.

“Are you talking simulated death or actual resurrection?”

She hadn’t laughed in his face, which was what he’d expected. “Inwatta will know

if we try to fake it. You’ll have to stop my heart.”

Jocelyn traced her lips with her index finger as she stared off across the meadow.

She looked younger with her hair down around her face. Younger and even more
vulnerable. “It’s so damn risky. There has to be some other way.”

“I’ve thought about this for longer than you can imagine. Likely longer than you’ve

been alive.” It was no exaggeration. His most recent power struggle with Inwatta was
one of many. Theirs had been a turbulent pairing from the start. “This will be over
when she feels me die and not before. But we can minimize the risks if we’re prepared.
Have a traumavac on standby, that sort of thing.”

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Worry shadowed her gaze and furrowed her brow. He didn’t need their link to

know she was resisting the idea but he wasn’t sure how to sway her opinion. Or if he
should try. No, it was better to let her weigh the options and come to a decision on her
own. There was more than enough manipulation on this world.

“How long can your brain go without oxygen before it’s permanently damaged?”

“We Bartonese are more resilient than humans. Our brains can regenerate. All

you’ll have to do is restart my heart.”

The news didn’t ease her worry as he’d hoped. Concern still pulsed from her in

steady beats. “And how easy is it to restart a Bartonese heart?”

“Is Saroji Noirte still on your staff?”

“Technically, I’m on hers. But yes, we still work together.”

He waved away the detail. “Just make sure she’s on the traumavac.”

“Bartonese physiology is similar to Pryett?”

“We’re genetic cousins, descendants from the same ancestral race, but that’s not

why I asked.” He paused then smiled. She obviously didn’t trust him yet. And he
couldn’t really blame her. Overly trusting people didn’t last long on Gathosian-
inhabited worlds. “I know about Saroji’s abilities. Healers are common among the

Her gaze narrowed on his face and her legs relaxed, easing away from her chest.

“Do you know her personally or just by reputation?”

“Mainly by reputation. I hear about her brother more often than I do about Saroji. Is

the general really as ferocious as they say?”

“He can be.” She tucked her hair behind her ear, looking anywhere but at him.

The hints of emotion he’d been sensing from her suddenly pinched off. It felt as if

she’d slammed a door in his face. The response was unexpected and troubling. He’d
been attempting to lighten her mood with his question. Why would the mention of
Ra’jen Noirte send her scurrying behind her barricade?

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“Have you experienced his ferocity firsthand?” He grasped her ankle and dragged

her closer. She yelped and released her knees to slap at his hand. Her legs unfolded and
he quickly took advantage of her strategic misstep. In an instant he had her directly in
front of him, legs wrapped around his waist. “Has he ever been inside you?” Jealousy,
cold and consuming, twisted through Evard. Jocelyn was his! If Noirte hurt her…

“No,” she cried, shoving against his chest.

His jealousy shifted focus as other possibilities unfurled. “But you wanted him?”

She averted her gaze and said nothing. Determination eroded his anger. If she was

pining away from Noirte, there was only one way to combat her obsession. He’d
overwhelm her with pleasure, make her so wild with desire that she could think of
nothing and no one but him. “I’ve heard about his effect on women. Did you—”

“It’s none of your damn business!”

He pressed her against his chest and inhaled her scent. He needed her again,

needed to hear his name whispered on her lips as her cunt rippled around his cock. But
more than simple lust, he needed her to want him. He would never be satisfied with a
female who closed her eyes and thought of someone else. “How did you meet? Was
Noirte the one who assigned you to the medical center as opposed to a work camp?”

“We don’t have time for this.” She leaned back and glared at him. “Wouldn’t you

rather plan your escape than hear about my past?”

“I’m very close to losing control. I used the explosive surge of our initial joining to

draw you into my mind. I’m not sure I can do it again.”

“Which means we need to talk now.” Her tone was soft, almost condescending.

“I can’t think. I need…” He reached between them and gently stroked her slick

folds. So soft and wet from their passion. She tensed then sighed as he stroked her,
building a fresh cycle of arousal. “Touch me.” He hadn’t meant to command her but the
words sounded hoarse and urgent. She followed his lead, touching him as he touched
her. But it wasn’t enough. He had to be inside her, had to possess her. “Put me in.”
Another unintentional command.

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After a short pause, she scooted closer and angled his cock toward her entrance.

Her warm folds surrounded and welcomed him.

He let out a ragged breath and pulled her hips forward until she sheathed his entire

length. “Distract me. Help me think about anything other than fucking you.”

Her thighs tensed against his sides and her inner muscles contracted. Then she

stilled, nipples lightly brushing his chest as she moved her hands to his shoulders. “I
was running with a group of female survivors. We were doing everything we could to
keep out of sight. We’d heard stories of rape gangs and breeding pens. God, so many
people had died in the pandemics. All those bodies. All those children.” She shuddered
and tears gathered behind her lashes.

Gathosian strategy never changed. They abolished the weak and useless then

enslaved the able-bodied while they were reeling from the catastrophe.

“How long were you able to avoid Protectorate hunters?”

“Almost two years.” She blinked back the tears and took a shuddering breath, her

voice growing stronger. “We’d heard their hunters were empathic, so we tried to feel
nothing, to shut down and just go numb.”

Which explained her inherent shields. It was a survival mechanism. Whenever she

felt threatened or overwhelmed she went numb. It was a common enough tale, yet his
heart ached and the need to avenge her ignited deep within his spirit. “What happened
when you were caught? How was Noirte involved? Hunting stray females is way below
his pay grade.”

“We didn’t give up without a fight and one of the hunters was badly injured. I

offered to save his life if the team captain ensured our safety and merciful treatment.”
Another deep breath seemed to calm her further. “The captain didn’t think I could do it,
but the injured man was his younger brother. He said he was only allowed to offer his
protection to one female.”

“Did he make you choose?”

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She nodded. “I wasn’t even sure I could save his brother, so I just concentrated on

my work. By the time the injured man was stable, the others were restless and I was
terrified. I…no matter who I chose the others would resent me, and I didn’t want to be
raped. So I took the coward’s way out.”

He framed her face with his hands and captured her gaze, needing her to accept his

words. “No one can blame you for protecting yourself. You tried to save everyone first
and he rejected the offer. We’re all doing what we must to survive.” She didn’t respond
to his reassurance and he still felt no hint of emotion from her. With a heavy sigh, he
shifted his hands to her hips and asked, “How did you end up with General Noirte?”

“The captain had no use for a female no one could touch, so he decided to give me

to General Noirte as a gift. Ra’jen didn’t want me, so he—”

“Noirte didn’t want you? That’s insane.” His vehemence seemed to please her, and

Evard began to relax. Her hands still rested on his shoulders and her warm body
literally surrounded him, or at least strategic parts of him.

“He was far more impressed with the fact that I had saved one of his men than he

was with my naked body.”

“Naked body? The captain presented you to him naked?” His gaze swept down to

the gentle swell of her breasts, which were all he could see at the moment.

“I was draped in scarves and the captain made a great show of ‘unwrapping’ me for

the general. Ra’jen seemed annoyed until he learned I was a surgeon. Then he
dismissed the captain, tossed me several of the scarves and asked me all sorts of
questions. He assured me that no one would harm me and I was transferred to the
medical center the following day.”

“And no one has approached you since?”

“I’m under General Noirte’s protection and I’m best friends with his sister. Who

would dare?”

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“That’s why you hadn’t had sex since this thing began,” he mused, ridiculously

pleased by all he’d learned. Despite the chaos surrounding her, Jocelyn was remarkably
untainted by the Gathosian scourge.

Her gaze clouded and challenge crept into her voice as she said, “Now you know

all my secrets. How did you end up hosting one of them? Without you to anchor her,
Inwatta couldn’t function in this dimension.”

He wanted to defend himself, to explain how long he’d resisted and how much

he’d suffered before he gave in. But the disdain in her expression held him silent. All his
efforts hadn’t made a difference in the end. Just like all the others, he’d given in to their
manipulation and become a corporeal pawn.

“It’s always the same,” he muttered. “Especially for the Bartonese. Our ability to

regenerate makes us one of the few races that can tolerate their energy. At times they
inhabit us completely, take full control of our bodies so they can participate in the
physical world. More often they filter their energy through us so they can communicate
and influence other species. Inwatta does this with my guards. If she tried to contact
them directly, her energy would kill them in a matter of minutes.”

“So once your heart stops beating, she’ll be cut off from her guards.”


She paused for a moment, her expression distant and thoughtful. “Are all the

anchors Bartonese?”

“I don’t know. There are sixteen sector supervisors. I only know the identities of

eight of their anchors.”

“How many of them are Bartonese?”

Tangling his fingers in the back of her hair, he slowly drew her head back. “Are you

interrogating me?”

“No. I just—”

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“It’s your responsibility to learn as much as you can while you’re on assignment.”

He let the words ring through his brain, a warning and a reminder.

She stared up at him, eyes narrowed and defiant. “Either kiss me or let go. Hair

pulling is for cowards and little girls.”

His fingers released as if she’d burned him. “You think I’m a coward?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“The Gathosians dig until they find your weakness, then they exploit it until you

break. Sometimes it takes weeks, other times decades, but the end result is always the
same. They get what they want and you become their slave.”

“What was your weakness?”

“Women.” He’d expected the question and her reaction to his answer was just as

predictable. She made a disgusted noise and tried to pull away. “I couldn’t stand
watching as they were tortured.”

She stopped struggling and her expression softened. “I’m sorry.” A crack formed in

her shield. Regret wiggled through the opening and slipped into his mind. “I can’t even
imagine how horrible that must have been.”

Images rushed across the link, a flashflood of her memories. She didn’t have to

imagine. She knew exactly how it felt to watch others suffer. Angered that Jocelyn had
successfully bargained with their captain, the hunters had forced her to watch as they
took turns raping her friends. Her pleas had been as useless as their screams. And
worse than her anger or helplessness was the guilt she felt for choosing to spare herself
a similar fate.

She touched his shoulder, releasing him from the past. “I didn’t mean to upset


“I’m not upset. It’s getting really hard to control the meld. We’re about out of time.”

“What happens when we wake?”

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“You go back to being Spring, and I’m a nameless customer only interested in your

fuckable body.”

Hurt flashed in her eyes as she turned her face away. “I thought you weren’t


He sighed. She hadn’t deserved the cheap shot but he was unwilling to soften his

position. She was his ticket to freedom and he was her mission, a means to an end. He
could not let himself forget what was really going on here. “If our attitudes suddenly
change, Inwatta will know something happened. I’m going to send you home in the
morning, but not utilizing an ambassador while she’s here will seem highly suspicious.”

“I understand.” She licked her lips and lowered her lashes, shading her eyes.

“When you summon me again should I be ready…”

“To kill me?” The challenge sounded cold and bleak.


He nodded. “I’ll figure out what to tell Inwatta. She won’t be happy when she

learns I let you go.”

“Will I be able to just walk out of here? What if the guards try to stop me?”

She was stalling and his need to reassure her grew with each uncertain question.

None of this was her fault any more than it was his. “Don’t you have a backup plan,
some sort of failsafe?”

“I’d rather not use it.” She fiddled with the end of her hair, eyes still downcast.

Why was she being so difficult? The Resistance couldn’t use his information if she

had no way to bring it to them. “Why not?” She looked up and he tensed. Longing
smoldered in her gaze, yet their link remained calm, almost dormant. Was she feigning
desire, or was her shield still engaged?

“My failsafe is similar to your escape plan. I don’t want to cast suspicion on your


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He rubbed his eyebrows, trying to ease the tension gathering behind his eyes. “Let’s

not overthink this. We’ll deal with each problem when and if it arises.”

“All right. How will you give me the formula?”

Obviously her number one priority. He tried not to let his disappointment show.

“When we return your possessions I’ll slip a datastrip in with your toys.”

“Okay.” She wiggled, legs flexing against his back. “When you summon me again,

I’ll be ready for…phase two of this operation.”

He chuckled, pleased by her ambiguous phrasing. “You can’t bring yourself to say

it, can you? You’re going to kill me, Jocelyn. You better get used to the idea.”

She responded with a stiff nod and looked away again. Her defenses slipped and

for just a moment, he glimpsed the tempest raging behind her emotional reserve.
Harming someone, anyone, ran against her basic nature. But the conflict ran deeper
than abandoning the Hippocratic Oath. She cared for him, so much so that she felt
threatened by the attraction.

Before he could challenge her attempt at indifference, she asked, “Can you provide

what I’ll need to stop your heart? I suspect Inwatta will treat me to the same delightful
routine when I return.”

“I’m sure you’re right. And yes, I have everything you’ll need.”

With her shield firmly in place, she told him, “Then you have yourself a deal.”

Frustrated and oddly disappointed, he resorted to a nod. This was the outcome he’d

been hoping for, so why wasn’t he pleased? He didn’t want to examine his feelings, so
he released his hold on the dream and surrendered to the metaphysical rush. Jocelyn’s
emotions flowed with, around and through him, heightening the thrill. She was still
afraid and confused, but she wanted him, needed him with an intensity that matched
his desire for her.

Sensations returned in layers. Her scent filled his nose then the heat of her body

nestled against his. He swept her beneath him as he opened his eyes. Their gazes locked

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and he smiled, realizing his cock was buried inside her snug pussy. Had he been there
the entire time or had their bodies mirrored their movements on the metaphysical
plane? He gave himself a mental shake. He had far bigger problems than his cock.
Without the extra layer of protection provided by the dream realm, there was no way to
be sure Inwatta couldn’t intercept their thoughts.

He paused, enjoying the simple pleasure of being inside Jocelyn. She sprawled

beneath him, arms raised above her head, eyes warm and welcoming. Not allowing her
beauty to distract him, he scanned the room, carefully checking for Gathosian energy.
He sensed nothing, no hint of Inwatta or any of the other Gathosians. This didn’t mean
he could trust Inwatta. It simply meant she hadn’t broken her word—yet.

“Welcome back, Spring.” He emphasized the name, reminding Jocelyn of the role

she needed to play. “Now that you know I won’t hurt you, I want you on your knees, in
restraints, so I can fuck that luscious mouth.”

She blinked then shivered. “Whatever you say, Sir. I’m yours to command.”

The hours flowed by in a haze of sexual indulgence and frustration. Jocelyn obeyed

without hesitation as their bodies found fulfillment again and again. She responded
with unabashed enthusiasm and a hunger equal to his.

Through it all, Evard sensed little from her emotionally and it aggravated the hell

out of him. He shouldn’t care what she was thinking or feeling. All that mattered was
whether or not she could convince the Resistance to rescue him.

It was nearly dawn and he had her bent over the side of the bed. His cock was

buried deep in her cunt and his well-lubed finger slid in and out of her tight pink ass.
“Will I be your first?”

She jerked her head around and looked over her shoulder, panic clear in her eyes.

And still her emotions remained out of reach. “I’d rather wait until I’ve been properly
prepared for you.”

A twinge of fear rippled across their link. He carefully inserted a second finger as

he gently probed her mind. “All you had to say was yes.” With a slow, steady motion

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he fingered her back passage, distracting her with new sensations while he pushed
against the metaphysical barrier.

Unable to suppress his curiosity, he risked a question. Is this shield intentional? Can

you consciously control it? He sent the thought carefully, directing it down the center of
their private connection.

What shield? She sounded genuinely confused.

Her inner muscles clenched, massaging his cock and refocusing his attention on the

physical. “I can feel how tight you are.” He exhaled in an unsteady rush. “It will take
some work to make you ready for me.”

“Are you going to—”

“I’ll wait to claim you, and in return you’ll wear a butt plug every night until I

decide you’re ready for my cock.” He poured desire across their bond, making her
squirm and moan. His fingers moved in and out with ruthless persistence, determined
to drive her beyond caution or control.

He reached around her hip and slipped his hand between her thighs. He traced her

folds, loving how tightly she stretched to take him. Cream wet his fingertips, easing his
way to her clit. Then he matched each thrust of his fingers with a teasing flick.

She tossed her head and panted. Her body responded, giving him every indication

that she was finding pleasure in his touch, but it wasn’t enough for him. A Bartonese
male needed to feel his mate’s… Jocelyn was not his mate! Their bond was necessary,
but temporary. He would dislodge the connection long before it became permanent.

Forcing aside the distractions, he moved his hands to her hips and pulled back his

hips. With only the head of his cock inside her, he let the tension build. She pushed
back, trying to take him deeper. He held her firmly, not yet ready for it to end.

Stop shutting me out. He tried to keep his tone soft and coaxing, but possessive

demand threatened his composure. Lower your shields.

I don’t know how!

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As infuriating as it was, he believed her. The shields had been formed by instinct

and the determination to survive. He wasn’t sure what it would take to dismantle them
and he had no justifiable reason to try.

He drove his cock deep into her pussy, pulled back then thrust again. She braced

against the bed, providing resistance for each firm stroke. Hot and slick and sweetly
submissive, she was everything he’d asked for, except open. He wanted to touch her
mind as deeply as he touched her body. This felt hollow, empty. Even knowing she
wasn’t blocking him intentionally, this felt wrong.

She came with a strangled cry, her pussy rhythmically squeezing his shaft. For just

an instant he felt her pleasure, sensed the intensity of her being and groaned. He
absorbed the heat with bittersweet urgency, not knowing if he’d ever feel her true self

His senses snapped to attention and he forced himself not to react. Inwatta wasn’t

visible, but she was here, lurking somewhere in the room. He pulled out of Jocelyn,
helped her turn over then drew her to her feet.

“You did very well. Now go take a shower and I’ll arrange for a transport.” He

used a grim, autocratic tone that brooked no argument.

Her eyebrows scrunched for a second, then she nodded and headed for the


A transport to where? Our deal is not complete, Inwatta blared in his mind, not

bothering to become visible.

“She has abilities I didn’t anticipate.”

Did she swallow you whole or take it up the ass?

He ignored the jibe. Jealousy drove her reactions and she revealed more than she

realized. If she didn’t know the answers, then she’d only been watching for the last few
seconds. “Spring has mental shields I can’t penetrate, which means she might be too
difficult to control for what you have in mind.”

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Fury rolled across the room, rocking him back onto his heels. I will not be denied! I

gave you what you wanted. I left you alone so you could fuck her any way you wanted.

“I’m not reneging on our deal. I just need a little more time.”

You’re stalling! You’re always stalling.

“Not this time. If I can earn her trust, prove that we mean her no harm, then she

will allow you to use her body without resisting.” Hopefully if Inwatta scanned
Jocelyn’s mind she’d find the same instinctive shield he’d been sensing off and on all

And if she doesn’t resist, it will take less energy to maintain the link?

“If she participates willingly there will be no distractions from your pleasure.” It

sounded so incredibly shallow, at least to one born into a corporeal world.

Then why are you sending her away?

“I don’t want her to realize how much I want her. That would give her too much


Ah. Her presence surged into his mind and he focused energy toward the newly

formed link, saturating the connection with layer upon layer of concealment.

“If you’ll allow it, I’d like to make sure Spring is unavailable to anyone else, but I

won’t tell her I’ve reserved the time.” He shrugged with an indifference he didn’t feel.
This was the most important performance of his life. Now that he knew the Resistance
was willing to attempt his rescue, he needed to strengthen their motivation for success.
“I figured I’d start on the biological trials while I make darling Spring squirm with

It will seem like no one else wants her so she’ll be desperate and ready to please by the time

she receives your summons. Inwatta chuckled. I’m beginning to see the appeal of these games.

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Chapter Five

Malik Wanatee strode down the subterranean corridor, the snap of his boot heels

ringing off the unadorned walls. Few knew how to find the Hub, but those who did
required no signs or directional markers. He paused in front of a nondescript door and
waited as multiple beams scanned him from head to toe. The room into which he
stepped appeared to be an abandoned office. Even if some curious human forced their
way past the door, they would find nothing of interest here.

“You summoned me.” He stood in the middle of the empty room, shoulders

squared, arms loose at his sides. Usually it took only a moment for one of the
Gathosians to respond, but there had been times when they kept him waiting for hours
with no apology or explanation.

After a short pause the room came alive, walls undulating with a hypnotic glow. He

braced himself for the nauseating rush and momentary disorientation. His vision
blurred and the floor dissolved, leaving him suspended somewhere between matter
and energy.

You will proceed to sector three and assess Inwatta.

They frequently used different mental voices, most likely to convince him their

numbers were not so drastically depleted as they were, but Malik could sense subtle
variations in their energy patterns. This was their leader, or at least the Gathosian to
which the others most often deferred.

“Please clarify. What are the parameters for this assessment?” The Gathosians

resented questions, but failure generally resulted in death. So he chose the lesser of two

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Productivity in sector three has steadily decreased over the past quarter. Inwatta claims the

mines are depleted. We are not convinced. There have been reports of erratic behavior. We need
an objective overview of her performance.

One of their rising stars was misbehaving? Now this was interesting. Inwatta,

though the most recent addition to the Gathosian leadership, had a reputation for
ruthlessness and efficiency.

“Understood. Is there anything else I need to know?”

Providing you with more information might taint your assessment. Observe, interact, and

report. The assignment is simple. If further action needs to be taken you will be informed.

The glow faded and the room rematerialized around him, abruptly ending the

conversation. He shook his head, dispelling the lingering vertigo, then squared his
shoulders and left the Hub.

* * * * *

You did very well. Now go take a shower and I’ll arrange for a transport. Evard’s hurtful

words haunted Jocelyn all the way back to the embassy. Rather than return her bag of
sex toys, he’d slipped the datastrip into her pocket, but she still considered her mission
a success.

Even armed with the succubus, Jocelyn had known having sex with her target was

a possibility. It had been so damn long since she’d given in to her carnal urges, she
couldn’t regret the pleasure they’d shared. The mental bond, however, confused and
frightened her. Never before had anyone moved through her mind or shared her
feelings. It felt strange and intimate in a way that transcended even their physical
joining. She sensed him still, a lingering presence, unobtrusive, yet…there.

Autumn was waiting for an update. Still, reviewing the events was the last thing

Jocelyn wanted. The entire episode had been so unsettling. Even if she decided to try to
avoid her boss until her feelings were more focused, a quick stop at the embassy was

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necessary. She needed to shed her Spring persona and return to the clinic as Jocelyn

Housed in an abandoned art museum just off The Mall in Washington, D.C., the

central embassy was stately and elegant, not at all what Jocelyn had expected the first
time she’d seen it. Before she could ask him not to, the pilot commed ahead and alerted
Autumn of Jocelyn’s return. So much for postponing the inevitable. A bleary-eyed
doorman admitted Jocelyn with a wan smile and directed her to Autumn’s office.

The madam sat behind her desk, wearing a royal-blue dressing gown. Her long

auburn hair was loose and shiny about her shoulders. Her bloodshot eyes confirmed
that Jocelyn’s unexpected return had summoned her from her bed, where she’d likely
spent some portion of the night with General Noirte.

“You weren’t scheduled to return until Wednesday,” Autumn muttered as Jocelyn

slipped into one of the chairs in front of her desk. “And why are you dressed like a
sanitation worker?”

The gray uniform Evard had given her was anything but attractive. “They didn’t

just scan me. They confiscated everything.”

Autumn’s gaze dropped to Jocelyn’s throat. “Including the succubus?” She scooted

to the edge of her seat, concern chasing away the shadows from her eyes. “Are you all
right? Why didn’t you push the panic button? I didn’t expect you to complete the
mission under these circumstances.”

Her first concern had been the well-being of her agent, not the outcome of the

mission. Jocelyn felt a renewed surge of determination that confirmed her faith in
Autumn. “I’m fine and nothing was forced on me. I made a conscious decision to
continue. I felt the mission was too important to abort.”

After searching Jocelyn’s gaze for a long moment, Autumn nodded. “What were

you able to learn?”

“My client was definitely Evard Keenan and he has agreed to barter with us.”

“Barter? What do we have that he needs?”

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“Freedom.” The word sounded sweet and fantastical. They were closer to the

elusive concept than Evard but they were still Gathosian slaves.

“We don’t have the resources to rescue him.” Autumn wasn’t being pessimistic.

Jocelyn understood it was a statement of fact. “If it weren’t for Inwatta’s bizarre
fascination with physical sensations, it’s likely we never would have located Evard.
Ra’jen has explored every possibility. Within the current context a rescue is impossible.”

Jocelyn couldn’t help but smile. “Evard thought of a scenario I doubt General

Noirte considered.”


She looked around the elegant office as tension gathered in her belly. “Are you sure

this office is secure?”

“Ra’jen is more comfortable speaking openly here than at his own headquarters.”

“All right. This is the plan. I’ll stop Evard’s heart, which will sever his link with

Inwatta. She’ll either be drawn back to her dimension or she’ll be left without the ability
to communicate with any humanoid until she finds another anchor.”

“I don’t understand. Why would severing her link with Evard make her unable to


“I thought the ‘anchor’ simply allowed each Gathosian to remain in this dimension

for a longer period of time. Apparently the anchor’s role is more complicated.
Gathosian energy is toxic to most humanoid species. Without the Bartonese to filter
their energy, the Gathosians can’t even communicate with their guards.”

“So you stop Evard’s heart and rush him to the medical center,” Autumn mused.

“We revive him and help him disappear. Without her link to her pet, Inwatta won’t be
able to sense his location or his resurrection.”

“That’s the idea.”

“And in return he’s willing to formulate an antidote for the Gathosian compound?”

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Jocelyn pulled the datastrip out of her pocket and held it up. “According to Evard,

the antidote is already formulated.”

“He gave you the formula before we rescued him? That wasn’t very smart.”

Jocelyn smiled at the sad truth. “Ordinarily I’d agree. He told me two of the

components don’t exist on Earth. They have to be synthesized.”

“And only he knows enough about alien chemistry to make these mysterious


“Exactly. He’ll produce the actual antidote as soon as we free him from Inwatta’s

clutches.” She handed the strip to Autumn. “Do you know someone who can analyze
the data and see if it’s legit?”

“I don’t but I’m sure Ra’jen does. I’ll let you know what he finds out.” She closed

her fingers around the datastrip and released a sigh. “When will you see Evard again?”

“I don’t know exactly. Hopefully he’ll give me a day or two to set everything in


* * * * *

An explosion at one of the refineries kept Jocelyn unusually busy for the next three

days. Generally patients were assessed and prioritized according to their value to the
Gathosians long before she saw them. More than one disaster area had been sealed
before any effort was made to retrieve survivors. Workers were no more important to
the Gathosians than the machinery they operated, so what made these men so valuable?

The question lingered in the back of Jocelyn’s mind, but Protectorate guards

supervised every move she made and every word she uttered as she tended the

When she retreated to the courtyard for a quick dinner on the third night, Saroji

finally joined her.

“Hey there, stranger,” Jocelyn said with a weary smile. “Have you been avoiding


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“Hardly.” Saroji pulled a frequency jammer from her pocket and showed it to

Jocelyn. “I was beginning to think Ra’jen would have to arrest you just so I could find
out how things went the other night.”

Heat spread across Jocelyn’s cheeks and she paused to take a bite of her sandwich.

The other night had easily been the most erotic experience of her life. And the most
conflicting. Evard’s image lingered in the back of her mind, making her ache for more
of his kisses, his knowing caresses and the consuming fire that spread through her as
their bodies entwined.

“I debriefed with Autumn. Didn’t she tell Ra’jen what happened?”

“And you think my brother tells me anything?” Saroji laughed, tossing back her

long blonde hair. “He doesn’t intentionally keep things from me. He’s just a little busy
juggling his double life.”

“No doubt.”

“So?” Saroji touched Jocelyn’s arm, drawing her gaze. “How was your first solo


Jocelyn set down the sandwich and wiped her mouth. They’d been friends too long

for Jocelyn to hide her twisted emotions, but she wasn’t sure how much she was ready
to share. “Did you know who Evard was when you put his image in my mind?”

“Not at first, but after Autumn explained what she needed, I had a pretty good idea

who was waiting for you at the Pentagon.” Mischief sparkled in Saroji’s eyes, then her
smile faltered and worry creased her brow. “Did the visions make it easier? I know you
weren’t able to use the succubus during your mission.”

“I would have been attracted to him regardless. Evard is not your average mad

scientist. But the visions helped me feel less self-conscious.” What a galactic
understatement. She’d shed her inhibitions and abandoned herself to hours of
hedonistic sex. He’d fucked her mouth while she was in restraints then soundly
spanked her bottom for enjoying it. She’d obediently brought herself to orgasm while
he watched then held herself open so he could devour the cream she’d created. He’d

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used his fingers and his tongue with a ruthless tenderness that left her breathless and
trembling. And just when she thought he was sated, he’d bent her over the side of the
bed and taken her from behind. Her wicked body had even been ready to explore the
thrilling temptation of anal sex, a concept that had never appealed to her before.

Setting aside her tray, Jocelyn stubbornly ignored the sexual images flitting through

her mind and focused on her friend. “Do you know if they’ve determined the validity of
the formula Evard gave me?” That had been the purpose of her mission, not her sexual

“According to Autumn, it works in theory but no human chemist could create it.”

“Which is exactly what Evard told me.”

Saroji sat next to Jocelyn and lowered her voice. “The explosion didn’t happen in a

refinery, it happened in a lab. Ra’jen thinks Evard tried to move forward with the
formula and either the Gathosians caught him at it or something went horribly wrong.”

“That’s why they’re allowing us to work on the survivors. They’re not common


“And they need to be interrogated,” Saroji stressed. “Dead people can’t explain

what they were brewing. They’re all being transferred to a rehabilitation unit in sector
nine, whether they need rehabilitation or not.”

“Are you sure? I discharged three patients yesterday. All three had minor burns

and a few contusions.”

“They were picked up in the shuttle lot and taken to sector nine. Ra’jen confirmed


“Damn. I need to speak with Evard, find out why he hasn’t summoned me.” She

combed her hair back from her face, agitated and lonely.

“Think about him as you fall asleep tonight,” Saroji suggested with a knowing

smile. “Even without the succubus to assist you, a lot can be accomplished through

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* * * * *

Following Saroji’s advice, Jocelyn allowed Evard’s image to form within her mind

as she waited for sleep to claim her. She was exhausted. The past few days had been
frustrating and strange. The manic pace in the clinic had helped keep the memories at
bay but as soon as her body stilled her mind switched into hyperdrive, tormenting her
with longings and inappropriate sensations.

She closed her eyes and relaxed, inhaling deeply as Evard’s image gradually

appeared. Instinct told her to fight, to resist the intrusion and protect herself as she had
always done. Be still, be quiet, don’t think, don’t feel! The familiar warning rang through
her mind.

You’re safe now, Jocelyn. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Evard’s mental voice was familiar

and oddly comforting. The image she’d created dissolved as his energy flowed into her

That’s a sweet sentiment but no one on Earth can offer guarantees. Now that he’d

activated their link she was able to find it with minimal effort and push her thoughts
toward him.

If you won’t accept my hollow assurance, what can I do for you? He surrounded her with

warmth, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

Should she come right out and ask why he hadn’t summoned her? He’d probably

think she was anxious for more of their incendiary passion. Who was she trying to fool?
More was exactly what she wanted. Who says I need anything from you? This is just a
bizarre dream.

His image reformed, animated and inviting, shimmering yet transparent. We both

know this is no ordinary dream. Challenge gleamed in his light-brown eyes. Why did you
reach out to me?

Sinking deeper into the vision, she waited for her other senses to join sight and

sound. She wanted to touch him, needed the comfort of his strong arms around her. His
scent teased her nose then heat cascaded through her body and pooled between her

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thighs. I had no other choice. She paused and steadied her voice, refusing to sound as
desperate as she felt. Why haven’t you summoned me? There! She’d said it. She’d admitted
that she wanted to be with him, regardless of the role she had to play.

“Did you miss me?” Suddenly he lay beside her on the bed. One arm pillowed her

head and his hand rested lightly on her belly, but he was like a hologram. She still
couldn’t feel him.

It didn’t matter. This was business. She couldn’t allow herself to be distracted by

their attraction.

“We’re in your dream now.” He answered her unspoken question, inadvertently

reminding her that he was hearing every thought that flitted through her mind. “I had
far more control when you came to me.”

“I can’t come to you unless you summon me.” She stubbornly kept her thoughts on

task. “Is there a reason you haven’t or is this some sort of power play?”

His lips quirked then all emotion faded from his expression. “I’d only intended to

torment you for a day or two but this thing at the lab put everything else on hold.”

“What caused the explosion?”

“I did.” He sat up and turned his face away. His voice was tense and unsteady as he

explained, “No one was supposed to be there but Inwatta had created a shift rotation
without telling me.”

She sat as well, wishing she could touch him, comfort him. Wishing this new

information weren’t more important than his obvious pain. “What was produced in the
lab and why was it disguised as a refinery?”

“I intend to complete the antidote even if the Resistance isn’t able to pull off my


“You’ve given up on me before you even heard how my superiors reacted to your

proposal? That’s not very encouraging.” She tried to sound facetious but his attitude
stung. It was naïve to think their time together had meant anything to him. She was his

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path to freedom, nothing more. Still, the reality of his situation hadn’t kept her heart
from hoping.

“I’m a realist. Even with the full backing of the Resistance, my chances of surviving

what we have planned are slim. The antidote must remain my top priority.”

Refusing to dwell on the possibility of his death, she reminded him, “You didn’t

answer my questions. Were you using that lab to work on the antidote? Is that why it
was disguised as a refinery?”

“I was trying to work on the antidote but I had to have a believable diversion.”

“And deception of any kind is hard as hell while linked to Inwatta?”

He pivoted toward her and nodded. “I told her I could refine the compound, that

the new version would create the same level of addiction while requiring smaller and
less frequent doses.”

A shiver raced down her spine and lodged in the pit of her stomach. “Can you

actually do that if you wanted to?”

“Why would I want to? I’m controlled by the compound, same as you.”

He was right. The question had been unfair. “Did the workers realize what they

were producing?”

“What I was producing. There are three major components in the formula. I had

separate teams for each component and each team knew nothing about what the other
teams were doing. The first batch should have been ready for trials tomorrow. I was so
damn close.”

“Then why did you blow it up?”

“Because Inwatta sensed my deception. She demanded that I allow a chemist from

another sector to view my work. I’d set the charges as a precaution, knowing something
like that was possible.” He raked his hair with his hand then looked into her eyes.
“How many people did I kill in this fiasco?”

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“Was everyone brought to the same medical center?” His only response was a stiff

nod. “Then three. We were able to stabilize the rest.”

He exhaled then rubbed his eyes, looking nearly as exhausted as she felt. “Thank

you. I saw the condition of most of the survivors. You must have worked miracles.”

“I was one of many, I assure you.”

He shook his head and lay back down. “I killed three people. How can anything

about that please me?”

Rolling to her side, she propped her head on her hand and searched his troubled

gaze. “I’m sorry three more people lost their lives but you’re the best hope we’ve got.
Without an antidote, all the rest of this is a waste of time. The Gathosians will finish
ravaging this world and then leave us here to die.”

A bit of the tension eased from his expression but the sadness remained. “Luckily I

was with Inwatta when the lab exploded. There was a safety delay in the detonation
sequence. I literally tossed the trigger in the recycler, turned around and she appeared.”

“What does she think happened?” Jocelyn wanted to trace his lips with her

fingertip and kiss away his frown lines.

“She’s never been interested in sector politics. At least that’s what she claims.

There’s a distinct pecking order among the sector supervisors and many of them see her
as an easy kill. Malik Wanatee has been harassing her for the past few days. His
investigation grew decidedly more aggressive because of the explosion. She’s convinced
one of the other supervisors is behind his sudden interest.”

“How does that explain the explosion?”

“She believes this nameless rival blew up the lab to prevent her from distinguishing

herself with the new and improved compound.”

“Well, her paranoia helped us dodge a bullet so I’m not going to complain. Who is

Malik Wannabe?” Her intentional mispronunciation brought a quick smile to Evard’s

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“The most dangerous man in the corporeal realm, according to many.”

“Fascinating statistic. Could you be a little more specific?” She felt restless and

edgy. Being near Evard without being able to touch him was driving her crazy.

“He heads a team of soldiers who work directly for the Gathosian high command.

They deal with problems within the Protectorate and discipline anchored Gathosians.”

“Sort of like internal affairs in a police department?”

“I don’t understand the reference.”

It was easy to forget he was an alien. He looked human and spoke English as well

as she did. Or maybe she just needed to pretend they were two human lovers, having a
casual conversation before they made passionate love. A touch of normalcy would be so
welcome right now. A touch of any kind would be welcome.

“You said Malik has been harassing Inwatta,” she said, as much to bring her

thoughts back in line as to remind him of his comment. “In what way?”

“He reviewed productivity reports and conducted unscheduled inspections. He

interviewed guards as well as workers.”

“Do the higher-ups have reason to believe she’s screwing up?” She thought it was a

simple question but it took him forever to answer.

“Inwatta is unusually interested in physical experiences. She’s allowed her

obsession to compromise her productivity and that is inexcusable to the Gathosians.”

He’d schooled his expression and kept his tone casual but she understood the

underlying implication. Inwatta was in deep shit. “What will they do with her?”

“Malik hasn’t completed his investigation. But if he determines she’s incompetent

she’ll be taken back to their dimension and her sector will be reassigned.”

Jocelyn’s heart lurched and she shook her head. “We can’t let that happen. A gung-

ho newbie out to prove themselves worthy is exactly what we don’t need right now. We
have to act while the Gathosians are distracted by Inwatta.”

“I agree, but it creates a complication.”

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“What sort of complication?”

“She’s on edge and defensive. There’s no way she’ll leave me alone with you this

time. She’ll want to experience our pleasure, which means she’ll have access to your

“Didn’t you say my mind is shielded?”

“It is, but Inwatta is very powerful. If she wants to punch through, she can.”

“Then we need to make sure she’s enjoying herself so well she wouldn’t dare harm

either of her performers.”

Her suggestion gave him pause. His gaze moved over her face, reflecting the

longing that pulsed within her heart. “You don’t mind being a performer?”

“Not if the end result is our freedom and only if I’m sharing the stage with you.”

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Chapter Six

Evard clenched his fists until his knuckles ached as he listened to Inwatta gush and

gloat. Her visual representation was particularly sparkly and her voice flowed like
warm honey. Was she honestly trying to seduce Malik Wanatee? The idea was
laughable. The man was ruthless and he already had access to powers more highly
placed than Inwatta. She had nothing with which to tempt him.

With long, wavy black hair, dark-brown eyes and copper-tinted skin, Malik was the

ideal Bartonese male. Too bad there were so few Bartonese females left to appreciate his
masculine appeal.

“I was about to allow my anchor his weekly reward.” Inwatta floated closer to

Malik’s impassive form. “You’re both Bartonese males in your prime. Perhaps you
enjoy the same sorts of diversions.”

Dread cramped Evard’s stomach so he consciously relaxed his abdominal muscles.

He could not let her feel his fury or guess how much Jocelyn meant to him. The
explosion had left Inwatta with doubts about his obedience. This was obviously a test.
“If we contact Mistress Autumn, I’m sure she can send over—”

“Spring is special and you know it,” Inwatta snapped. “Agent Wanatee can

summon a pleasure ambassador any time he wants. We’ve discovered a hidden
treasure at the central embassy and I want you to share her with my new friend.”

“Because Agent Wanatee is Bartonese, I’m sure he’ll understand my reluctance.”

Malik chuckled, his assessing gaze shifting between Inwatta and Evard. “I must

admit I’m intrigued.”

“Then follow me.” Inwatta floated past Evard, out of the office and down the

corridor. Malik fell in step beside her. They were in a section of the Pentagon Evard had
never seen before. He was generally locked in his lab so that wasn’t surprising.

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Cursing under his breath every step of the way, Evard followed Inwatta and her

“new friend”. What choice did he have? The crafty bitch had backed him into a corner.
If he refused to let Malik touch Jocelyn it would intensify Inwatta’s suspicion.

Was she hoping to convince Malik that sabotage accounted for her failings rather

than incompetence? Actually, that wasn’t a bad strategy.

Inwatta turned suddenly and flowed through a door on their right. Malik looked at

him expectantly. Evard was about to tell him he couldn’t enter the room when the
access scanner hummed to life.

Step under the beams, Inwatta instructed. Evard moved forward and scanner beams

swept up and down his body, imprinting his image before allowing him beyond the
barrier. The door slid open and Evard entered, Malik a step behind.

Excitement and horror twisted through Evard as his gaze took in the room. Had

Inwatta searched his darkest fantasies then created an environment where those
impulses could run wild, or had she stumbled across someone else’s playroom?

“It’s always the quiet ones.” Malik laughed and moved closer to the rack of whips,

examining each implement with lazy interest.

And whips were only the beginning. There were restraints and pulleys, a spanking

bench, an adjustable table and a padded swing. Directional lighting illuminated each
apparatus while creating a moody haze beyond the circle of light.

“So where is this hidden treasure?”

Lights came up in the far corner of the room and Evard forgot to breathe. Jocelyn

knelt on a padded pedestal, hands bound behind her back. She was naked and her
damp hair had been slicked back from her face. Her nipples were tightly beaded and a
red scarf ensured her silence. Smooth and creamy, her hairless mound revealed a
glimpse of her delicate folds. When had she removed her body hair? Had she done so
willingly or with a gun pointed at her head?

Anger surged to the surface and his entire body tensed.

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Malik took a step forward and instinct took control of Evard. He blocked the other

man’s path and snarled, head thrown back, teeth bared.

Relax, friend. I have no intention of entertaining this bitch. Besides, your claim is obvious. I

would like to know how you formed a mating bond with a human but now is not the time.

Evard couldn’t determine the sincerity of Malik’s thoughts, so he attempted to scan

his mind. Malik’s gaze narrowed and he shoved Evard back with the force of his silent

If you won’t entertain Inwatta, why are you still here? Their thoughts flowed along the

Bartonese common link, concise and carefully guarded.

“Speak out loud,” Inwatta snapped, swirling into Evard’s peripheral vision. “I will

not have you telling secrets.”

“This female is unusually appealing but she is also claimed.” Malik faced Inwatta,

fists planted on his hips. “If I want to fuck her, I have to kill your anchor. I don’t think
the high command will appreciate losing an anchor over a pleasure giver.”

Evard waited, tense and ready to fight. Malik wasn’t exaggerating. Any Bartonese

male would die before he allowed another man to touch his mate. And even if
temporarily so, Jocelyn was his mate.

“Can’t you…unclaim her?” The center of Inwatta’s being darkened and began to

rotate. “I really want to see the two of you together, moving inside her.”

She didn’t want to see it. She wanted to experience it. She wanted to take over

Jocelyn’s body while they both fucked her.

“You can’t have everything you want.” Malik’s emphatic statement saved Evard

from his tormenting thoughts. “Someone should have demonstrated that fact years
ago.” He reached into his pocket as he added, “I have all the information I need.”

Malik withdrew a plasti-scroll from his pocket and unrolled the warrant, holding it

up as a computerized voice proclaimed, “Inwatta, Sector Three Supervisor, you have
been summoned before the high command to answer the charges of incompetence,
insubordination and an unnatural interest in corporeal pleasures. You will return with

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Agent Wanatee immediately or hunters will be dispatched to retrieve you dead or alive.
We anxiously await your return.” Malik released the bottom edge of the scroll and it
rolled back up with a dramatic snap.

“Why go through the motions of this farce of an investigation when you intended

to arrest me all along?” Inwatta sounded defiant but her illumination was suspiciously

“My investigations are thorough and objective. I had not made up my mind until I

stepped into this room. You have obviously strayed far from the Gathosian path.”

“And you’re a traitor to your own people!” She scoffed then faded from view.

Malik turned to Evard, their gazes searching each other’s. “It will likely take the

high command a few days to choose a new supervisor. I suggest you use those days to
your advantage. Once the new supervisor arrives security will tighten considerably.”
Without waiting for his response, Malik walked from the room.

Evard rushed to Jocelyn and untied the scarf. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” Jocelyn moved her jaw and rolled her shoulders. She hadn’t realized

she’d been tensing until her muscles began to cramp. Being taken to a medieval
funhouse hadn’t surprised her nearly as much as the audience that awaited when the
curtain parted. “That was Malik Wanatee? Was the…glitter cloud Inwatta?” He
released her wrists and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he helped her down
from the pedestal.

“Yes and yes.”

She refused to think about what could have happened. They had an opening and

they needed to take it and run like hell. “If she’s in her dimension, can she still sense
what’s going on with you?”

“She frequently appears when I think about her, so she must be aware to some

degree. If what Malik said is true it might not be a problem.”

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“You don’t think she’s coming back?”

He paused, rubbing his eyes for a really long time. She glanced down and shook

her head. She’d actually forgotten she was naked. Quickly rummaging through the
cabinets, she found a red velvet cloak. The plush material felt heavenly against her bare
skin and the covering seemed to help his concentration.

“I want to sever the link permanently but I’d rather wait until we’re on the

traumavac before you stop my heart.”

“That makes sense. We can easily fool the guards. We’ll tell them Malik blasted you

when Inwatta tried to retreat into your body.”

“Works for me. Are your people standing by?”

“They are.” She looked around the playroom, eyes narrowed and assessing. “Where

would they stash a real weapon in a place like this? I’d rather not whip you into
unconsciousness.” Evard tapped her on the upper arm with a small pulse pistol.
“Where did you get this?”

“From my pocket.”

“Inwatta allows you to keep a weapon on you?”

“She’s incorporeal. That can’t hurt her but it can keep someone from hurting me if

she’s not there to protect me.”

The sarcasm in his tone revealed how poorly Inwatta protected her precious anchor.

“Her perspective, not yours?”

“I think she likes the continual reminder that our weapons are useless on her.”

She nodded, knowing nothing she could say would ease decades of abuse and

isolation. “Let’s get you out of here.” After double-checking that the pistol was on one
of its lowest settings, she shot two short blasts into the middle of Evard’s chest. He
shuddered and clasped his torso, his features contorted with pain. This might not kill
him but it obviously hurt like hell. She was preparing for a third shot when his legs
finally gave out.

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Rushing forward, she supported as much of his weight as she could, softening the

impact as he hit the floor. She increased the intensity setting on the gun then set it aside,
making sure it was still within reach. “Help! Oh my God, help me!” Her forlorn cry
echoed off the gloomy walls and her brow creased. Had the designers been farsighted
enough to soundproof their wonderland?

She ran to the door and stood in the threshold, projecting her call down the

corridor. “Help me! Security! Anyone, please help!” Immediately footsteps echoed in
the distance, so she yelled again. “Down here! I need a medic. Someone’s been shot!”

Two armored guards rounded the corner, guns drawn. She raised her hands and

motioned with her head. “He’s in here.”

The guards systematically checked the room before turning their attention to the

wounded man. One guard was a humanoid male, the other a reptilian female. The
female took up a position near the door while the male approached Evard.

“What happened, ma’am?” he asked Jocelyn.

“Agent Wanatee shot him.” She gestured toward the gun she’d used to stun him.

The guard knelt beside Evard and checked for breathing and a pulse before he

asked, “Where is Agent Wanatee now?”

“He tricked the Gathosian.” She wrung her hands, allowing the cloak to gape,

revealing the majority of one leg. “She thought he was going to join the fun but he was
here to arrest her.”

“I told you that bitch was out of here.” The female guard didn’t sound upset about

the development.

The male guard was more methodical. After stealing a glance at Jocelyn’s thigh, he

focused on her face. “Why the big setup? If Wanatee had a warrant, all he had to do was
unroll it and she was obligated to respond.”

“I don’t know. Maybe he knew she wouldn’t go without a fight and he wanted to

minimize the damage. Does it matter?” Jocelyn sank to her knees beside Evard, making

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sure the cloak parted nearly to her navel. She had few weapons at her disposal at the
moment but she intended to use every one. “She flew into Evard and the agent started
blasting. I thought for sure he would incinerate poor Evard before the Gathosian gave
up.” She looked up at the guard and he quickly raised his gaze from her cleavage.

“Bartonese anchors are extremely valuable,” the female guard explained. “If

Inwatta had been responsible for Evard’s death, the high command would have sent an
assassin, not a hunter team.”

“Then we better make sure he recovers,” the male guard grumbled. He reached

across Evard and picked up the pulse pistol. “This thing is on seven. If he took a
sustained hit, he’s damn lucky to be alive.”

“Which doesn’t mean his insides haven’t turned to goo.”

Jocelyn wanted to hug the surly female guard. She was making this all so easy. “If

you’ll let me use your audiocom I can have a traumavac here in just a few minutes.”

“Of course you’d have the hotline code. We must take care of our ambassadors,”

the female guard muttered then stepped out into the hall.

The male guard flicked the release on the ear cuff and handed it to Jocelyn. She held

it in place and activated it with verbal commands since the device was tuned to the
guard’s brainwaves.

“Hotline dispatcher. What’s the nature of your emergency?”

Hearing Saroji’s familiar voice almost made her smile. “Gun blast to the chest.

Patient is unconscious but breathing.”

“Your location appears to be blocked. Please provide GPS coordinates.”

She looked at the guard with what she prayed was a guileless expression. “They

need GPS coordinates.”

“Tell them to set down in the northwest corner of the courtyard.”

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Jocelyn conveyed the location to Saroji then handed the guard back his audiocom.

He quickly clipped the cuff back onto his ear then leaned down and heaved Evard to his
shoulder. “It’s like half a mile from here. This place is too damn big.”

Jocelyn hurried along behind the guards, clutching the cloak together as well as she

could. The guard paused to switch shoulders then paused again and gave his burden to
his partner. The female guard’s pace was even faster than the male’s had been. Jocelyn
was doing her best just to keep up.

Evard groaned and shifted from time to time but he never raised his head.

The traumavac was waiting when they emerged into the massive central courtyard.

Saroji and a fully armored Protectorate soldier waited with a hover cart. With his
helmet in place Jocelyn couldn’t be sure, but she suspected the guard was General
Noirte himself.

“I didn’t request an escort.” It would seem odd if she didn’t at least mention him.

“Armed escorts are standard protocol when responding to any ambassador,” Saroji

told her.

The female guard laid Evard on the hover cart and reluctantly stepped back. “One

of us should go with him. He’s our responsibility.” Her hand crept toward her weapon,
suspicion clear in her small, dark eyes.

The escort stepped between her and the cart, forcing her back even farther.

“There isn’t room for everyone,” Saroji said as she maneuvered the cart onto the

small ship.

“Then everybody’s fuck buddy can stay here,” the female guard yelled, growing

more belligerent by the second.

The escort fired a warning shot, barely missing the mouthy guard’s head.

“Come on,” the other guard urged. “He’s not worth dying for.”

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“This isn’t right.” She rushed forward and he wrapped his arms around her, which

didn’t keep her from kicking wildly and at seemingly impossible angles. “That whore is
up to something! I won’t be outmaneuvered by an ambassador!”

Jocelyn allowed the cloak to gape as she blew a kiss to the irate guard. Then she

climbed in after Saroji and quickly righted the cloak before her escort joined them in the

The small ship immediately took off, accelerating with enough force to make the

benches shimmy. Her escort pulled off his helmet, confirming Jocelyn’s suspicions.

“You seasons are going to be the death of me,” Ra’jen told Jocelyn with a playful

glower. “What if she had shot you in the back?”

“My brave escort would never have allowed it.” Saroji handed her a uniform

bottom and she pulled it on under the cloak. The top was more complicated. She looked
at Ra’jen expectantly and he rolled his eyes.

“You certainly weren’t this modest a few moments ago.” Despite his muttered

complaint he politely turned his head.

She abandoned the cloak entirely and pulled the top on over her head. Saroji had

even tucked a hairband into the pocket of the pants, so Jocelyn quickly pulled back her

“What did you use to render him unconscious?” Saroji had already begun a cursory

examination by the time Jocelyn finished her transformation. “His heart is still beating.
Why did you alter the plan?”

“I used a pulse pistol and I didn’t alter the plan. I just shuffled the sequence of

events. We still need to stop his heart to sever Inwatta’s tether.”

Ra’jen moved to the cockpit to give them more room and Jocelyn shed the lingering

remnants of her Spring persona. Evard needed Dr. Grier at her absolute sharpest, which
meant she could not allow her patient to distract her.

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Saroji cut his shirt up the middle and exposed his chest. His skin was oddly pink

and shiny. “Is he regenerating?”

“The pulse must have burned him. I hadn’t realized.”

Sweeping her hands up and down his torso, Saroji continued the diagnosis.

“There’s damage to the right lung. Shall I repair it now or wait until after we revive

“That’s up to you. I can’t tell you how to use your power.”

“He’s your patient.” Saroji smiled. “And maybe a bit more.”

“Maybe a lot more,” Jocelyn admitted. “Let’s get this over with.” She turned around

and found the pulmonary triggers. Peeling off the adhesive covers, she carefully placed
each pad. Her heart fluttered irregularly, driven by fear and empathy.

What if she couldn’t bring him back?

She pinched off the thought, refusing to consider the possibility. She would bring

him back. She would free him from Inwatta’s tyranny and they would live long, happy
lives on a world free of the Gathosians.

“Ready?” Saroji prompted.

No. She would never be ready for this, but she reached back and placed her finger

over the activation screen. Saroji held up her hands, proving she was clear of the hover
cart. Jocelyn caught her bottom lip between her teeth. Blood trickled into her mouth,
and a strangled cry escaped her throat. She swept her finger across the screen and sent
current ricocheting between the triggers, stopping Evard’s heart.

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Chapter Seven

Evard swam in a sea of pain and darkness. Soothing heat rolled across his chest but

the warmth built, intensified until the inferno engulfed him, consumed him. He
screamed, writhing as the flames licked away his flesh.

Open your mind, Evard. We can’t help you if you won’t lower your shields.

He didn’t recognize this voice. He tried to scan but he was too weak. He needed

energy. Desperately!

I am Saroji. Jocelyn is my best friend. Let me help you.

Saroji Noirte wanted to heal him? Who was Jocelyn? An image rolled into focus,

bringing with it the most amazing rush of tenderness and longing. Flowing chestnut
hair and clear green eyes, a mouth perfectly formed for kissing. Spring? No, Jocelyn.

Evard, please. Let Saroji help you. Your heart is just barely beating and I’ve done all I can. I

will not lose you now!

She sounded so sincere, as if his life actually meant something to her. He’d already

given her the formula. Why did she care…

Listen, you stubborn ass. A male presence shoved into his mind, stronger yet less

skilled than Saroji. Jocelyn risked her life for you. The least you can do is accept the life she
saved. If you don’t lower your shields right now I’ll punch a hole in them.

General Noirte, I presume? He barely had strength enough to push the thought out of

his mind.

Let my sister work. We’ll talk when you’re stronger.

Silencing the warnings screaming in his mind, Evard slowly lowered his shields.

The tether to Inwatta was gone. It felt oddly disconcerting after so long. Saroji moved

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with amazing fluidity and skill. He tried to follow her, to keep track of everything she
did, but it was impossible. She was like the wind.

You’re distracting me. She paused. And Jocelyn isn’t a whole lot better. I’m going to cast

you both into a dream trance. Do you think you can find something to do for a couple of hours?

He pictured the playroom in the Pentagon and felt desire spiral through his being.

Oh I think we’ll manage.

Darkness closed in around him, a velvet tranquility that numbed his senses for

several minutes. He enjoyed the floating sensation, the utter nothingness. No pain, no
fear, no useless rage. His heartbeat strengthened. No warmth, no hope. No love.

A pinprick of light broke through the darkness, drawing him deeper into the

dream. The light expanded, illuminating a padded pedestal.

Why here? We just escaped this place. Why would you want to go back? Jocelyn’s voice

revealed her uncertainty, but as usual he couldn’t sense her emotions.

This is the site of Inwatta’s defeat. I want to revel in the memory and prove to myself that

she’s really gone. If you want to go somewhere else, I understand.

She stepped out of the darkness and smiled at him. “I want to be with you. The

location makes no difference to me.” A red velvet cloak covered her from neck to ankles
and he wanted her naked. He sent her the command in a silent image with a surge of
sizzling desire. Her lashes lowered and she raised her hands to the clasp. “Did seeing
me restrained excite you?” She released the clasp and let the material slip off one

His body stirred to life, restless and needful. “You know it did. It made me so wild I

nearly attacked a Gathosian agent.”

With a siren’s smile she turned, letting the cape sag low around her hips.

“I don’t want to think about anyone but you. I’m yours, Evard. Only yours.” She

dropped the cloak and drew her long hair over her shoulder, offering him an
unobstructed view of her back, ass and legs.

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His cock hardened and his balls tightened. He helplessly stroked his shaft, unable

to stand there looking at her and not succumb to carnal urges. “Turn around.”

She rotated slowly, giving him plenty of time to enjoy each new angle. “Would you

like me to finish you off?”

“No. I want your mouth.”

Needing no further instruction, she sank to her knees. “May I touch you?”

“No.” The denial sounded harsher than he’d intended, but his need for her made

him feel primal and possessive. “Grasp your ankles and part your lips.”

She’d been in restraints the first time he’d felt her tongue on his cock and entered

the slick haven of her mouth. Her lips parted and he paused to trace them with the head
of his cock. So soft, so warm and willing. He slowly pushed past the silken portal and
groaned at the wondrous heat. Her tongue swirled against and around him as her lips
sucked firmly.

He stroked the hair back from her face as he slid in and out of her mouth. Their

gazes locked and energy arced between them. Longing and tenderness, desire and joy,
all the emotions he needed to feel from her burned within her eyes. And still her being
remained hidden, protected, inaccessible.

Confused by the contradiction, he pulled out of her mouth and scrubbed his face

with his hands.

“Why’d you stop?”

“It felt too good,” he muttered. “I want this to last. Get on the pedestal.” He helped

her up onto the padded surface and guided her hands back to the far edge. It didn’t
quite allow her to recline, but it created an intriguing angle for her hips. “Bend your
knees.” She did and he pushed her thighs wide, watching as more and more of her
pussy was revealed. He placed her heels on the edge of the pedestal and gently traced
her slit. His thumb swept up one side, across her hairless mound and down the other.
“Was this your idea?” He needed to know if this had been forced upon her.

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“Autumn convinced me that most men prefer it this way.”

He sighed, thrilled that the Gathosian bitch had nothing to do with it. Kissing his

way down her inner thigh, he nuzzled her sex. Her scent intoxicated him and her cream
teased his tongue. He lightly licked her folds, intentionally avoiding her clit. She
wriggled and groaned, trying to guide his wandering mouth where she wanted it.

“Be still,” he warned her with a firm nip on the thigh then resumed his meandering

caresses. “Oh yes.” He dragged his tongue over her denuded skin, indirectly teasing her
sensitive nub. “So soft like this.”

“You’re driving me crazy,” she whimpered, helplessly bucking against his mouth.

“I can tell.” He slowly pushed two fingers into her sopping wet pussy, watching her

face as he began a teasing shuttle in and out. “You’re already so wet.”

“Let me come.”

“Let me feel how much you want me,” he countered.

Her gaze collided with his, passion-glazed yet angry. “I don’t know how to lower

the fucking shields!”

He pulled his fingers out and moved his hands to her hips. “I think you’re afraid.

You’re not sure you can trust me so you’re playing it safe.”

“How can you say that? I just saved your life.”

“That proves I can trust you. How do I make you understand that you can trust

me?” Moving to her side, he scooped her up and walked across the room. A large four-
poster bed formed out of the darkness, bedding conveniently folded down. He placed
her on the bed and crawled in beside her, stretching out on his side. “Look into my
mind. Our link allows you to see anything you want. My past. My present. My hopes
and dreams. Tell me what you see, what you feel.”

Her touch was tentative and light, and horribly awkward. But he refused to guide

her. He wanted her to explore on her own, to discover as she was ready to learn.

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Jocelyn moved through Evard’s mind, fascinated as much by the new ability as by

the events she was witnessing. His childhood had been so long ago. Four years of
Gathosian hell were nothing compared to what he had suffered. The realization gave
her pause. Did she really want to know him this well? If this bond had only been
formed to facilitate his rescue, then why…

“Look around, Jocelyn. Answers to all your questions are there within my mind.”

She pushed deeper, rushing through countless horrors as she searched for the

present. Suddenly she was reliving the last few weeks from Evard’s perspective. She felt
his utter hopelessness. Then the flicker of hope as he discovered the formula. She knew
their meeting had impacted her profoundly but Evard had been every bit as affected by
the bonding ritual.

“I can release the bond if that’s what you want,” he whispered, “but I want nothing

less. You are my mate and only for you would I make this sacrifice. I want you to be

Warmth spread through her, hope and happiness. She wrapped her arms around

him and pressed her face against his chest. The steady thud of his heartbeat made her
smile. Coming so close to losing him had shown her exactly how much he meant to her.
She’d just never dared to believe he could return her feelings. For the first time in many
long years she felt safe.

“That’s right, love. Let it happen. There is no danger here.”

Her shields slipped a bit more and emotions burst from her in an embarrassing

gush. She scooted up and found his mouth with hers, needing the sweet escape of their
kiss. He patiently waited as she adjusted to the new vulnerability.

You are so incredibly beautiful.

His response to her surrender swirled through her—tingling, hot and intoxicating.

She released her last hold on the barriers and opened completely to the gentle
penetration of her mate. He rolled her to her back but held himself off her, his chest
barely touching her nipples.

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No. I want you over me. In me. Wild!

With a primal growl he moved between her thighs and thrust his cock into her wet

pussy. She arched into the drive, taking him deeper, needing all of him. He held her
arms down to either side of her head and claimed her mouth with demanding urgency.

She let the sensations sweep her along. Her emotions flowed freely across their link

and he stilled between her thighs. His lips left hers and he looked into her eyes. “Thank
you. For my life. For your trust. For all of this.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips and squeezed his cock as hard as she could.

“Will you finally let me come?”

He laughed and resumed his rhythm, dragging his shaft across her clit with each

long stroke. She pulled his mouth down to hers and sucked his tongue back into her
mouth, loving the dual penetration. Her clit tingled and her inner muscles rippled, then
she came in hard spasms. He thrust to the hilt and followed her over the edge.

Joy surged across their link, radiating in both directions. They clung to each other,

lost in the wonder of their dream-reality.

“Wow,” she whispered as he rolled them to their sides.

“And then some.”

“Can you poke your head out of the dream and see how Saroji is progressing?”

His expression went blank for a moment, then he shook his head. “She’s good. I

can’t budge her thrall.”

“She’s half Bartonese. A fact I’m pretty sure the Gathosians don’t realize.”

He nodded. “With her abilities, she can mask her signal, make herself feel like any

other Pryett.”

“All of these abilities are so strange. Humans can’t do anything.”

“You’re remarkably easy to bond with.”

She punched him in the shoulder. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

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“No, I’m serious. Interspecies mating is tricky business. If humans are genetically

neutral, it could be very significant in the grander scheme of things.”

“Only if humans want to be bred!”

“Only if all the species destroyed by the Gathosians hope to survive.”

She stilled, searching his gaze and his feelings. “You’re serious.”

“A mating bond with you should not have been this successful. We owe it to others

to find out why it worked.”

“All right. Mr. I-can’t-stop-being-a-scientist-for-even-an-hour, you can run all sorts

of tests on me, probe me in all sorts of horrible places with unimaginable—” His
pinching fingers stemmed her flow of words, then she dissolved into laughter.

“I’ll probe you all right.” He separated their bodies and flipped her onto her

stomach. She tried to crawl away but he grabbed her hips and halted her retreat. “Fold
your legs beneath you. Head down.”

She knew what he wanted and that authoritative tone always made her pussy ache.

Intentionally taking her time about it, she moved into the position he described. Her ass
was in the air now and her face rested on her folded arms.

He traced her slit with his fingertip, tweaking her clit before moving to his real

destination. “You were already wet from enjoying my mouth, and now you’ve got my
come too.” He scooped out the warm liquids and moved them up to her other opening.
“Whatever shall we do with all this lubricant?”

“I didn’t use a butt plug,” she confessed. “I was too embarrassed to ask Autumn for

one and you didn’t give me back my bag when I left.”

His fingertip circled her anus twice, eliciting tingles. Then he slowly pushed inside.

“This is a dream, sweetheart. In the real world we’ll have to work up to it. But here we
can do whatever we want.”

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She chuckled, amazed that she’d forgotten. His finger slid in and out, the sensation

odd yet evocative. He taught her the rhythm, almost backward from before. The
sensations were stronger as he pulled out and seemed to pause as he drove deeper.


“Always, with you.”

He parted her cheeks with his hands and positioned his cock against her. Then he

slid his arm around her hip and found her clit from in front. “You do it. Push back onto
my cock. Go as fast or as slow as you like.”

Trusting him to know what was best, or at least most erotic, she moved her legs a

bit farther apart and pushed. Slowly her body spread around him, swallowing the head
of his cock. She gasped as her muscles contracted and came to rest against the hardness
of his shaft.

“Relax, baby.” He gasped. “You’re really tight.”

She took a deep breath and then another, trying to ignore the massive fullness

within her back passage. “No, you’re really big.”

“All right.” He cupped her breast with one hand and gently massaged her clit with

the other. “Come if you can. I know this feels strange but your muscles will relax if you

It felt invasive and… She stopped analyzing the sensations and just accepted them.

Easing her arms out to the side, she lowered her shoulders even more. She surrendered,
was utterly submissive, his to pleasure, protect and adore.

His hand left her breast and grasped the back of her neck.

“Yes,” she encouraged, showing him how excited she’d become when he’d turned

feral over her. She wanted her mate demanding, possessive. Dominant. She needed to
know she was safe at his side. That he would always fight for her.

He pulled back and pleasure spiraled in his wake. “Oh, Evard, yes! More.” He

pushed deeper, caressing her clit while she adjusted to the pressure. With long, slow

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strokes, he carefully fucked her. His fingers quickly became a distraction. She wanted to
concentrate on the amazing slide of his shaft in and out of her ass…his brutal sweet
possession of her body.

He clasped her hips and increased his speed, thrusting in fast and pulling out

slowly. She cried out as the cycles intensified their pleasure. They shared their feelings
freely, flowing from her mind into his and back.

She pushed up as he drove in, ready to participate more actively. His pleasure

bombarded her mind. He was holding on by a thread. His fight thrilled and excited her,
accelerating her arousal. She tightened her muscles and he cried out, losing his battle
with completion. He wrapped his arms around her hips and came in shuddering spurts.
The intensity of his orgasm triggered mirroring sensations in her body. She tightened
around him, hugging him, loving him, prolonging the pleasure for as long as she could.

They collapsed onto their sides and Jocelyn laughed. “Saroji better finish healing

you soon or she’ll be restarting my heart.”

“Let me catch my breath and I’ll see if she’ll let us out.”

They made love twice more before Saroji brought them out of their dream trance.

“You both look ridiculously guilty.” Saroji smiled, though her gaze appeared dark

and smoky. “I don’t have to ask how you entertained yourselves.”

Jocelyn sat up on her treatment table and stretched, pausing to look around. This

was the overflow ward in the medical center. Ra’jen was standing beside Evard’s
treatment table but she supposed that wasn’t surprising. The general hadn’t had the
opportunity to speak with him yet.

Evard inclined his head toward Saroji. “Thank you. I know Jocelyn couldn’t have

saved me without your assistance.”

Saroji shrugged. “You’re Bartonese. Your regenerative abilities probably would

have kicked in but you’d have been in for a long convalescence. We didn’t have time to

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“How much had you accomplished before they blew up your lab?” Ra’jen asked.

“My brother.” Saroji shook her head. “Not a diplomatic bone in his body.” She

glared at Ra’jen. “He just came back from the dead. Can’t the inquisition wait until

Ra’jen sighed, obviously annoyed by any delay. He shifted his gaze back to Evard

and said, “If you’ll tell me what happened to Inwatta the rest can wait. I know an agent
was sent to investigate her. Is he still at the Pentagon?”

“Malik Wanatee finished—”

Saroji gasped loud enough to halt Evard’s explanation. She turned on her brother,

features contorted with myriad emotions. “You told me Malik was dead! You swore on
the memory of our father.” With no further explanation for her outburst she rushed
from the room.

Ra’jen started to follow his sister then released another sigh. “Are you sure it was

Malik Wanatee? He has a coveted reputation. One of the other agents could be using his

“I have no idea.” Evard glanced at Jocelyn. Are they always this excitable?

Jocelyn smiled and pushed a rush of tenderness across their link.

“Release his image to me.” Ra’jen was used to barking orders and being obeyed. He

had a softer side but it seldom emerged unless Autumn was around.

Evard’s resentment flowed into Jocelyn’s mind as he passed Ra’jen a detailed image

of Agent Wanatee.

“Fuck,” Ra’jen muttered. “You Bartonese and your regenerative abilities. I should

have incinerated the body.” He squared his shoulders and clasped his hands behind his
back. “I apologize for the disruption. We didn’t mean to add to the drama. Had Malik
finished his investigation before you…died?”

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“Yes. He concluded that the charges against Inwatta were warranted and arrested

her shortly before we staged my death. She returned to her dimension and Malik
walked out of the room, so I don’t know his current location.”

“It’s nothing you need to worry about. It just caught us by surprise.”

“How soon can I resume my work? The formula is ready for production.”

“That’s up to your doctor. I’ve secured a location for you. You should find

everything you need, including comfortable living quarters. As soon as Jocelyn releases
you I’ll send an escort.” He smiled at Jocelyn, the simple change transforming his
features. If my agents keep bonding with their targets, I’m going to have to recruit more spies.

If Evard’s formula works as well as he thinks it will, there won’t be a reason.

Ra’jen glanced at Evard then nodded. Let’s all pray for that day. “I better get moving.

If I don’t let you rest my sister will hunt me down. She can be ferocious when she’s
riled.” They both chuckled and the general left.

Jocelyn swung her legs over the side of her table and lowered her feet to the floor.

Following her lead, Evard sat up and swung his legs over the side of his table. But
rather than joining her on the floor, he remained on the table and pulled her between
his legs.

She rested her hands on his shoulders and he stroked her back. “It still doesn’t feel

quite real.”

“I think we’re both afraid to let ourselves hope.” He pressed his hand against the

side of her face and traced her lips with his thumb. “Will you go into hiding with me, or
are we going to risk secret meetings in the dead of night?”

“That sounds almost romantic.” She smiled into his eyes. “I don’t think I’d be

satisfied with an occasional rendezvous. I’ve acquired a taste for you.”

He bent his head and accepted the invitation shining in her eyes. The kiss was slow

and sweet and filled with the soul-deep tenderness they both needed so badly. You’ll be
one hell of a distraction.

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We’ll have to learn to pace ourselves.

His laughter sounded in her mind. Yeah, we’ve been so successful with that strategy so


“You two are going to wear each other out.”

Jocelyn broke away and turned her head. Saroji stood in the doorway, laughter

shining in her eyes. “The transport is waiting. We have to get Evard out of here. If
anyone sees him we’re screwed.”

Evard hopped down from the table and threaded his fingers through Jocelyn’s.


She squeezed his hand and whispered, “Always, with you.”

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About the Author

When my parents realized I had an aptitude for storytelling—okay, even at an early

age I was a consummate liar—they encouraged me to find constructive ways to put all
that “creativity” to use. I wrote my first novel when I was in junior high school. It was a
typical teenage girl’s fantasy about being kidnapped by a sexy rock star, finding out he
was really a misunderstood millionaire’s son, and living happily ever after with the
reformed rebel. Check out A Taste of Twilight if you’re curious to see what became of the

Now I spend my days, and many of my nights, trying to keep up with the

characters springing to life within my mind. I find creative ways of avoiding errands
and housework because I can’t drag myself away from the dramas unfolding in my
latest story. And every day I thank God I was able to quit my day job and actively
pursue my dream! (I also write paranormal romances for Ellora’s Cave as Cyndi
Friberg. They are still smoking hot, just less adventurous than Aubrey’s books.)

Aubrey welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her

author bio page



Tell Us What You Think

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Comments, be sure to state the book title and author).

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Also by

Aubrey Ross

Crimson Awakening

Crimson Carousel 1: A Taste of Twilight

Crimson Carousel 2: A Taste of Midnight

Crimson Carousel 3: A Taste of Oblivion

Crimson Carousel 4: A Taste of Dawn

Crimson Prey

Crimson Thrall

Dream Warriors

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy IV


Enemy Embrace 1: Rebel

Enemy Embrace 2: Toymaker

Enemy Embrace 3: Replicant

Enemy Embrace 4: Mystic

Enemy Embrace 5: Madam

Enslaved Hearts 1: Captives

Enslaved Hearts 2: Pleasures

Enslaved Hearts 3: Secrets

Intimate Invasion 1: Forgotten Hope

Intimate Invasion 2: Forsaken Desire

Intimate Invasion 3: Forced Alliance

Mystic Keepers 1: Refugee

Mystic Keepers 2: Cayenne

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Mystic Keepers 3: Krystle

Mystic Keepers 4: Lorran

Mystic Keepers 5: Rammi

Mystic Keepers 6: Minuette

Mystic Keepers 7: Elita

Mystic Keepers 8: Felise

Sensual Captivity 1: Seducer

Sensual Captivity 2: Shifter

Sensual Captivity 3: Sorcerer

Sensual Captivity 4: Specter

Sensual Captivity 5: Seer

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2


Sworn Protectors 1: Onset of Darkness

Soul Kisses

Undercover Embassy 1: Codename Autumn

Undercover Embassy 2: Codename Winter

Velvet Deception

Print books by Aubrey Ross

Candy Cravings


Dream Warriors

Ellora’s Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy IV


Sensual Captivity 1: Seducer

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Sensual Captivity 2: Shifter

Sensual Captivity 3: Sorcerer

Sensual Captivity 4: Specter

Sensual Captivity 5: Seer

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 2


Velvet Deception

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Ellora’s Cave Publishing

Codename Spring

ISBN 97814199 40897


Codename Spring Copyright © 2012 Aubrey Ross

Edited by Beverly Horne

Cover design by Caitlin Fry

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Electronic book publication August 2012

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