Aubrey Ross Club Carousel 03 A Taste of Oblivion

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A Taste of Oblivion
Aubrey Ross

All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2006 Aubrey Ross

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ISBN (10) 1-59596-619-6
ISBN (13) 978-1-59596-619-3
Formats Available:
HTML, Adobe PDF,
MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader

Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

Editor: Maryam Salim
Cover Artist: Sahara Kelly

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Froswick Dimension

A balmy night wind stroked Kylie’s skin as she danced. Her hair whipped around her face in a silken
flurry and each provocative movement outlined her body against the sheer fabric of her robe. A massive
fire sat at the center of the clearing, bathing the area in heat and wavering light. The scene swelled in and
out of focus as she undulated and twirled. Smoke stung her eyes and teased her nostrils, overpowering
the sweet scent of flower petals crushed beneath her bare feet.

Nac O’tewarriors stood in the shadows, watching her, scanning her -- judging her. She raised her arms
above her head and focused on the music, letting the primal rhythm drive all thoughts from her mind.
Drums pounded. Flutes trilled, evocative, yet sad. Her spirit longed for the Dawning, ached for the

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soul-deep awakening that would prove her worth and readiness.

The invasion had been insidious, their enemy both patient and sly. Without the Dawning her people were
trapped in their solar trance, helpless and unaware, as more and more of the enemy found their way
through the tear in the Veil. But so few were ever found worthy. With a desperate little gasp, she ran her
hands down her sides and spun faster and faster. She had to be among the chosen. It was her destiny!
She just knew it was.

Her toes touched a searing hot stone, bringing her wild spinning to an abrupt stop. She yelped and
jumped back, panting, but determined still. Refocusing her mind, she twisted her hair into a long coil and
piled it on top of her head, offering her exposed skin to the fire’s glow.

Consume me. Awaken me. I am ready. Take me!

Her nipples hardened and tension gathered between her thighs. She wiggled, accenting the tingle,
absorbing the heat.

Shaking out her hair, Kylie lifted her face to the starry sky. TheNac O’te warriors began the ancient
chant. Kylie echoed each syllable with the other women surrounding the fire. When the women reached
the end of the first repetition, they shed their robes. Kylie shrugged out of her garment, then stood naked
and still.

Linro inet ict etar Dato,” Arabel called out from the darkness. Kylie knew her sister would be here.
Arabel was PrimeNac O’te . She attended the Awakening ceremony every month. Still, it had been
jarring to hear her voice in the midst of the sensual haze.May you awaken the Day . It was part
challenge, part blessing.

Responding to the evocation, the women turned and faced the warriors. They raised their arms and
repeated the chant, their voices ringing with conviction and determination. That’s where the formal
structure ended. Some of the women boldly touched themselves, quickly and expertly bringing
themselves to rather dramatic orgasms. Others surrounded themselves with “supporters,” friends or
lovers who had willingly undergone the seven day purification required of participants in the Awakening

Warm bodies pressed in around Kylie. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the chant. Her
supporters were allowed to touch her with their hands and their mouths. If her mystic power surged in
response to this ceremony, then theNac O’te warriors would find her worthy and one might…

Concentrate!The rest was irrelevant if her power never surged.

Hands, so many hands stroked her, caressing her skin, squeezing her breasts and easing her legs apart.
Heat washed over her flesh in a slow, tingling wave. The warriors could seeall of her. She wasn’t tall and
full-breasted like Arabel. Her figure was average, her tummy rounded. Opening her eyes just a bit, she
snuck a look at the warriors hidden in the shadows. Why would any of them want to attempt the
Dawning with her? Even if she could…

“Relax,” Olav whispered into her ear. “You’ve talked about nothing but your Awakening for the past
two months. Some of those purification techniques were downright barbaric.” He chuckled. “You better
make us proud.”

A smile bowed her lips and she closed her eyes again, leaning against Olav’s chest. Her friends cared

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about her and she trusted them. They were here to help her through this crucial testing. It didn’t matter
that she’d grown up with these four men. She couldn’t let it matter. They’d touch her body, arouse her
passion, and hopefully trigger her Awakening, launch her along a new life path, an exciting -- Olav’s
chuckle interrupted her rambling thoughts.

He turned her head until their gazes locked in the moonlight. “If you want this as badly as you claim,
you’re going to have to turn it off.”

“Turn what off?” she whispered.

“The part of your brain that overanalyzes everything. Feel our hands, feel our lips. This is about instinct
and energy. Concentrate on the sensations awakening inside you. Block out tomorrow and yesterday.
Live in this moment and surrender yourself to these feelings.”

He angled her torso so he could reach her mouth without turning her around. This trapped one of her
arms against his chest, but she raised her other hand to his hair, needing to touch as well as be touched.
She’d never kissed Olav before, never thought of him in a sexual way, at least not seriously. He was a
handsome rascal, never lacking for companionship. Still, they were part of the mystic military, members
of the same covert team. It was always better not to mix business with pleasure. The Awakening
ceremony was different. Though undeniably sexual, it was strategic, and far more important than physical

His mouth slid against hers, but his tongue never ventured past her lips. It was forbidden for any part of
his body to penetrate any part of hers, regardless of how badly she ached. Penetration was now reserved
for the actual Dawning and the warrior who would be her mate -- if she was chosen by one of theNac

Her other supporters caressed her skin and rubbed against her. Someone closed his mouth around one
of her nipples and suckled with firm pressure. Sensation burst through her chest at the unexpected force.
Fangs scraped without biting -- oh! Another mouth joined the first and her nipples were suckled in
tandem. Needing to see who was doing what, she tried to drag her mouth away from Olav.

He held her face firmly to the side and growled inside her mind.Just feel .

Fingers parted her folds and warm breath wafted across her clit, sending shivers up her spine.

“I can’t even slip a finger into this soft pussy?” Trint’s faint accent identified him as the one kneeling in
front of her. He was the youngest member of their team, with an infectious smile and a tireless sense of

Nothinggoes in,” Nas insisted, his mouth still pressed against her left breast. “She’ll be disqualified.”

That meant Trom was caressing her other breast.

Damn it! She was doing it again. Thinking. Letting unimportant details overshadow the experience, the
purpose. She arched, settling her head against Olav’s shoulder as the other men returned to their various

“Then tongue fucking her is out of the question?” The others only growled, so Trint licked her slit from
back to front. “Just thought I’d ask.” He circled her opening with his fingertips, obviously preoccupied
with the restriction. Licking up along one side of her clit, he paused to flick the top of the sensitive nub

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before sliding down the other side. The maneuver was surprisingly effective. She murmured her approval
and he did it again and again. Her pussy tingled and she clenched her inner muscles, needing something
inside her to squeeze.

A sharp cry intruded on Kylie’s building arousal. If Olav hadn’t had her head angled so far to the side,
she might have ignored the sound. Before she could stop herself, she opened her eyes and found the
woman on her left pulsing with energy. The woman’s hair streamed out around her shoulders in ribbons
of light, her face literally glowing. Her supporters looked on in wonder, their hands hovering over her
trembling body.

Kylie closed her eyes and dragged her mouth away from Olav’s but the damage was done. The image
was imprinted on her brain. Trint closed his lips around her clit, drawing on the knot with tender pressure.
Olav scraped his fangs along her neck and shoulder, careful not to puncture her skin. She wanted him to
bite her! She wanted all of them to bite her. How the hell was she supposed to come if they didn’t bite?

Trom and Nas synchronized their sucking, every touch, every lick a specific attempt to awaken her
latent abilities.

Heat pooled low in her belly. Sensation rippled in her core. The other woman’s image flared within her
mind, vivid and glowing. Kylie’s hair fluttered, her back arched, and she moaned. She heard gasps and
felt their mouths leave her flesh as pleasure exploded through her body. Hot. Vibrant. She could feel the
energy radiating off her body even as her mind admitted the source.

Savoring the last heated echo of her orgasm, Kylie waited a long time before she opened her eyes. Olav
helped her into her robe, his expression a curious mixture of admiration and uneasiness. Did he realize
what she had done or was this how people reacted after a genuine Awakening?

“That was amazing,” Trint said and kissed her on the cheek. “I have never wanted to be aNac O’te
warrior so much in my whole life.”

“What happens now?” Olav asked. “Will one of those brutes stomp over here and…”

His words trailed away as Arabel emerged from the shadows. Standing taller than most men, Kylie’s
sister was a formidable figure even without the molded armor she wore in battle. Everyone had expected
her to step down when her bonded mate had been killed nine years before. Instead, she challenged the
first warrior who openly defied her to single combat. After a bloody battle with magic enhanced
weapons, Arabel emerged the victor. Three other challenges had followed in the ensuing years, but she
was a shrewd leader as well as a fierce warrior and she had long since earned the respect of her men.

Her dark hair had been swept straight back from her face and secured at the nape of her neck. Glittering
dark eyes dominated her angular features. Her full lips and lush figure only added a sensual threat to her
physical strength.

“Leave us,” she said, and the men didn’t hesitate.

Kylie glanced beyond her sister and realized the warriors had departed as well. “Nine participated in the
ceremony. How many Awakened?”

“Walk with me,” Arabel said. “There are still curious creatures lurking in the darkness.”

Kylie’s heart sank at Arabel’s terse tone. She knew. Somehow Arabel knew that all Kylie had

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experienced was a delightful orgasm. Welcoming the discomfort of the forest floor digging into her bare
feet, Kylie fell into step beside her sister. Arabel’s stride was long and fluid, her posture relaxed, yet

“In the two hundred years since the Dawning rites were resurrected not one female in our bloodline has
been deemed worthy of attempting the ritual,” Arabel reminded her once they had left the clearing far
behind. “What made you think you’d be different?”

“I didn’t set out to deceive the warriors.”

“That’s not what I asked.” Arabel paused on the path and faced Kylie.

“Ifyou aren’t worthy to be a Day Warrior, why in the universe did I thinkI might be?”

Arabel ignored the provocation. “You’re a Mimic, one of the best I’ve ever seen. What happened
tonight only proves how effortlessly you take on the characteristics of others. It really was a spectacular
demonstration. I had three different warriors ask me how you did it.”

“If the ‘demonstration’ was so convincing, how did they know it wasn’t real?”

“AllNac O’te warriors are connected. We can sense a genuine Awakening.”

After a long pause, Kylie whispered, “I just wanted it so badly.”

Arabel offered her a rare smile. “There are many ways to serve the resistance and six paths by which to
become a full fledgedNac O’te . Why is this so important to you?”

“Becoming a Day Warrior is the rarest and most important of allNac O’te gifts.”

“Each female in our dimension is allowed to participate in the Awakening ceremony three times. I wasn’t
satisfied until I’d humiliated myself all three times. I’d spare you the same humiliation. It’s not going to
happen, Kylie. We’re not Day Warriors. It’s simply not in our blood. I’m a Phantom and you’re a damn
fine Mimic. Why can’t that be enough?”

“Almost everyone on Froswick is some sort of Mimic. It’s the most common gift.” She sighed and
glanced into the trees. “I really wanted this.”

“I know you did.”

They said nothing for a long time. Reassurance of any sort was out of character for Arabel. Kylie should
thank her for the effort and move on with her mediocre life.

“You’re not mediocre.” Arabel’s skillful telepathy only proved Kylie’s point. “I know you’ll never take
my word for it, so we might as well get started. I need a recon Mimic and you’re the best I’ve got. I’d
ordinarily choose an operative with more experience for this sort of mission, but the current crisis has
limited my options. Report to Commander Sihngal as soon as you get dressed. You’re about to
undertake your first interdimensional assignment.”

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Chapter One

Jessie Curtis wrapped her fingers around the cool metal headboard and gently rocked her hips. Gripping
her butt with both hands, her soul bonded mate, Rafe Steele, pulled her closer to his eager mouth. She
shifted her weight, easing her legs further apart and bringing her pussy within reach of his waiting tongue.
He’d do this for hours if she let him, arouse her again and again and feast on the cream her body
produced so readily.

Vampire, rock star -- she still couldn’t decide which was more unbelievable. And Rafe was both. His
tongue swiped her slit from back to front and dragged a soft groan from her throat. Tension already
gathered in her core, tingling with the promise of a fabulous orgasm. She was such a slut when it came to
Rafe. She couldn’t resist his sexy smile, his smoldering eyes, or his talented tongue.

As if to illustrate her thoughts, he circled her clit, then pushed into her core. More. She’d become a
greedy wanton in the ten months they’d been together, thinking about him night and day, always longing
for his touch. She arched her neck, her hair teasing her back as he became more aggressive. His lips
moved against her folds while his tongue thrust in and out. His low growl of pleasure vibrated her clit and
Jessie went wild. Unable to remain still as sensations tore through her body, she wiggled and shook.

With preternatural strength and agility, he lifted her off his face and laid her back across the bed, her legs
hooked over his arms. Violet light erupted in the depths of his dark eyes with the first thrust of his cock.
She gasped and dragged his face down to hers. He tasted of her arousal. She smiled against his lips. He
always seemed to taste like that.

He filled her with deep, steady movements, building upon the pleasure already begun. His mouth drifted
from her lips to the underside of her jaw and Jessie turned her head, exposing her throat. The strong
thrusting of his hips never faltered as he shifted her legs to his waist and slipped one arm beneath her

His lips teased her skin, then his fangs scraped in silent warning. She never resisted his need. She
understood his nature. He cupped her breast and sent dizzying heat spiraling through her body. Opening
his mouth wide against her throat, he sank his fangs deep in one sharp drive. She clutched his back as
firm spasms tightened her core around his thick cock.

She abandoned herself to the pleasure, holding nothing back. Her senses took on the rhythm of his
vampiric kiss. Her nipples tingled and her pussy throbbed each time his mouth drew from her throat.
Intoxicating and surreal, this portion of their lovemaking always left her dazed.

Images swam through her mind. Naked bodies undulated, grasped, and thrust. She absorbed the mental
stimulation, accepting it as part of the sexual frenzy that claimed her each time Rafe took her in his arms.
Then the vision focused. The shapes took on detail. Blond hair and rugged features, familiar blue eyes.
She fought against the intrusion. This was no random impression.

Rafe withdrew his fangs and meticulously closed the wounds with his tongue. “What’s the matter?”

Still in the grip of the vision, Jessie wasn’t able to reply. Rafe rocked back on his knees, taking the

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majority of his weight off her without separating their bodies. Long moments passed as she stared
through him, her body lax and unresponsive while she searched the jumbled rush of information for
meaning, some warning or specific premonition.

“Welcome back.” He kissed her brow and brushed her hair off her forehead. “What did you see?”

Though she’d always had visions, Jessie’s abilities had increased greatly since bonding with Rafe. “You
don’t want to know.”

“I always want to know, so just spill it.”

Staring up into his gorgeous face, her desire stirred again. All she really wanted to do was finish what the
vision had interrupted. The stubborn gleam in his dark eyes assured her that wasn’t going to happen.

“I saw Dalton,” she admitted with a cringe.

“In the middle of making love with me you see your ex-partner?”

She had expected possessive annoyance and Rafe didn’t disappoint her. Dalton hadn’t only been her
partner for the majority of her years with the Baltimore Police Department, he’d been her lover. They
were still close friends, so she understood Rafe’s spurt of jealousy.

“I was over Dalton before I met you, so take the glare down a notch or two.”

He shifted his hips, wedging his cock a little deeper inside her. “What was Dalton doing in the vision?”

She smiled and wrapped her legs around his waist. “The same thing we were doing, only not nearly as

He chuckled. “We do it better when your visions don’t disrupt our momentum. Why is Dalton’s sex life
important enough to trigger your gift?”

“I’m not sure yet. All I know is this woman will contact me and she’s meant for Dalton.”

* * *

Kylie smoothed down the slim skirt of her black evening gown as the doorman motioned her into Club
Carousel. She’d been sent to this dimension with little more than the image of a woman who might or
might not be important. It was Kylie’s mission to determine if the woman was still alive or find out what
had happened if her life had ended.

Colored lights shimmered off the festive decorations. The nightclub was already crowded and the party
wouldn’t officially start for another hour or so. Commander Sihngal had given Kylie the names of three
potential contacts. The first two hadn’t proved very helpful, but she had higher hopes for Jessie Curtis.
Jessie was the soul bonded mate of a powerful vampire and she was the reason Kylie had come to Club

Jessie would never be able to find her if she went wandering through the crowd, so Kylie remained on
the wide, hardwood landing near the main entrance. The dance floor was situated to one side, booths
and tables to the other. Directly ahead was a whimsical carousel, which served as backdrop for the
circular bar.

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According to Kylie’s research, Thane Burton had taken over management of the club from his sister
when her marriage to a foreign dignitary required her relocation. Thane had commissioned extensive
remodeling, wanting a sleeker, more cosmopolitan feel, and renamed the establishment Club Carousel.
Tonight was the grand reopening and the party promised to be lavish and lively.

Thane also managed the wildly popular rock band Pyrite, which assured their willingness to play for the
party. Jessie Curtis was the bonded mate of Pyrite’s lead singer, which explained why Jessie had
suggested Club Carousel as the location for her meeting with Kylie.

“I’m sorry this meeting is rather unorthodox,” a blonde woman said as she rushed to Kylie’s side. “You
are Kylie Miller, aren’t you?”

“I am.” The blonde stuck out her hand expectantly and Kylie reminded herself to clasp it. Taking on the
outward appearance of another species was far easier than mastering their mannerisms.

“This whole week has been insane.” Jessie’s laugh was light and musical, perfectly in tune with the jovial
atmosphere. “You have exactly fifteen minutes to pick my brain, so don’t stand on formalities.”

Kylie reached into her handbag and pulled out a small digital media player. “My employer is convinced
this woman is her daughter and has hired me to --”

“What led you to me?” Jessie asked before the image even materialized on the small screen.

“Apparently this young woman is reported to have had a romantic attachment with your husband.” She
paused for a quick smile. “Before he met you, of course.”

“Of course.”

“I knew scheduling an interview with the world famous Rafe Steele wasn’t going to happen, so I tracked
you down instead.” She turned the flip-up screen toward Jessie and watched the human carefully as she
viewed the video clip. How long had she been soul bonded with Rafe? Despite his notorious reputation,
Jessie seemed remarkably secure in the relationship.

Jessie’s delicate brows drew together over her expressive eyes and she tapped her index finger against
her blood red lips. Resplendent in black and gold, she was the picture of elegance and wealth. It was
hard to believe this delicate beauty used to be a law enforcement officer.

“Wait a minute.” Jessie suddenly chuckled. “I remember this show. Dalton drove me crazy the entire
time it was on the air.”

“Show? Who is Dalton?”

“It was on one of the cable channels. First sci-fi series to feature explicit alien sex scenes.” She laughed
again. “Outpost Terra Ferma, that’s what it was called. And Dalton is my ex-partner.”

Kylie restarted the clip, looking at the images with new interest. “This was a television show?”

“Well, yeah. We have some unusual visitors at Club Carousel, but nothing comes close to the creatures
they dreamed up for that show.”

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“Do you remember the female’s name?”

“Which one? There are several in that clip.”

“The one whose hair turns from green to black.”

“Ms. Double D? I can guarantee Dalton will know who she is. He’s downstairs. I’ll introduce you, but
then I’ve got to find Thane. Tonight is the grand reopening and he’s in rare form, even for Thane.”

“I appreciate your cooperation.”

“No problem.” Jessie led her across the dance floor and pulled open a nondescript door halfway down
an adjacent hallway. “Dalton,” she called down the stairwell, “a friend of mine is coming down. Be nice
to her.” Then she left Kylie to her own devises.

Kylie swallowed hard and stepped onto the first stair. Her three inch heels made the descent tricky, but
the gorgeous blond man standing at the foot of the stairs complicated her coordination even further. With
her hand firmly grasping the rail, she made it to the bottom before her heel caught the hem of her gown.

The misstep sent her lurching sideways. He easily caught her and reeled her in. “Better?” How could one
word hold so many meanings? It was a tease, a challenge, and a genuine inquiry packed into two

He was ruggedly handsome, with vivid blue eyes. It was all Kylie could do to drag her gaze away. If all
law enforcement officers looked like this, no wonder the crime rate on Earth was so high.

She gave herself a firm mental shake. Why was she acting like a sex crazed adolescent? She’d seen
handsome men before. “I don’t get out much,” she whispered. Had that flirty, breathless voice really
come from her? She was a mystic soldier for stars’ sake. She never flirted.

He was nearly as tall as theNac O’te warriors and emanated the same suppressed aggression. Like a
braided whip, just one flick of the wrist would unleash all that power.

“Are you my present from Jessie?” He grinned and charming dimples appeared on either side of his
mouth. “My birthday is in a couple weeks.” With just the tip of his finger, he traced a path from the base
of her throat, across her shoulder, and down her arm.

Tingles spread out across her skin. She pushed the temptation away. She couldn’t forget her mission.
She wasn’t here on leave. “Kylie Miller. But if anything, Jessie gave you to me.”

He laughed. “I’m okay with that too.” His other hand lingered at the small of her back, applying just
enough pressure to remind her she was still within reach. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

“No.” She swept the room with a quick, assessing glance. There were two other couples, both of whom
seemed entirely engrossed in each other. “Jessie said you’d know the name of this woman.” Opening the
media player, she reactivated the video clip. She paused the image when “Ms. Double D” was alone on
screen to make sure he knew which person she meant.

Instead of taking the device from her hand, he moved closer, angling his body so his chest brushed her
shoulder. Kylie tried not to fidget as awareness coiled through her, ready to spring.

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“She’s credited as Mercedes Smythe,” he began, his warm breath teasing her cheek, “but she’s a
phantom. None of the information in her online bio checks out and no one has been able to run down the
facts. To my knowledge this was her one and only role.” With a neat pivot, he faced her, one hand flat
against the wall. “What’s your interest in a little known actress?”

The coil tightened. Stars, she needed to rub against his thigh and feel his teeth scrape her nipples. What
was it about this human that made her want to --fuck . She’d never heard the word before coming to this
dimension. She loved the power of its simplicity. She wanted to fuck Dalton, right here, right now. The
question was, why?

“How long was she on the television show?” She had to focus on the mission. She would not return to
Froswick in shame!

“OTF built a small but loyal following with its combination of clever plot lines --”

“And full frontal nudity,” the dark-haired male across the room cut in.

“Fuck off, Chad,” Dalton snapped without shifting his gaze from Kylie. “No one is talking to you.”

Chad laughed and toppled his companion onto her back, pressing his face into the valley between her
breasts. She sighed and pulled him even closer, wrapping her legs around his waist. Apparently Kylie
wasn’t the only one desperate for sex. They were fully clothed, but the rocking motion of their hips made
their desire obvious.

The other couple was even bolder. The woman sat on her lover’s lap, her back pressed against his
chest. Her long skirt bunched about her waist, exposing long, shapely legs. One of his hands stroked her
breasts, while the other -- Kylie glanced away before she could analyze exactly what he was doing
between her thighs. She’d been told humans seldom indulged their sexual needs in public.

These weren’t humans. The males were vampires. They played by different rules.

“Faelon and Antonelli enjoy being watched.” Dalton cupped her chin, guiding her gaze back to his. “The
only thing they enjoy more is when others join them.”

Was that why he was down here? Had he been about to share Antonelli with Faelon? No wonder the
atmosphere was sexually charged. She’d walked in on an orgy! No, Jessie had sent her into the middle
of an orgy, delivered her right into Dalton’s waiting arms.

“Why are you suddenly interested in a TV show that’s been off the air for almost a year?” Dalton asked,
his gaze smoldering.

Kylie snapped the media player closed and slipped it back into her handbag. He fully expected to lure
her across the room, to convince her to participate in the festivities. Desire radiated off him in waves. Her
breasts ached and her core clenched. Even by Froswickian standards this was hedonistic. If she
abandoned herself to the pleasure for just a few hours, she could always --Stop it! Stop it! You are on
assignment. You will conduct yourself appropriately

Fortifying herself with a deep breath, she ducked under Dalton’s arm and put some space between
them. “Why is the show no longer transmitted if it had a loyal following?”

Faelon eased Antonelli off his lap and stood in one fluid motion. “Your shields are impressive, little

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pretender. I’ll give you that. Who are you? How did you get through the front door?”

“Faelon,” Antonelli protested, “there is no reason to be rude. Jessie told Dalton he would have an
important visitor today. Her premonitions are never wrong.”

“This is a private party.” Faelon continued across the room, ignoring his mate’s objection.

“Jessie sent me down here. If my presence offends you, take it up with her.” She turned toward the
stairs. “Sorry to interrupt.”

He grabbed her upper arm and spun her around before she took a single step. “I’m not offended by
your presence. I’m offended by your deception.” Violet light erupted within his thick lashed eyes as he
commanded, “Transform.”

Chapter Two

Dalton lunged for Faelon as the Master vampire grabbed Kylie.

Do not interfere. The mental command exploded through his brain, rocking him back. He snarled and
writhed. If Faelon hadn’t been expending so much energy trying to force Kylie’s transformation, he could
have incapacitated Dalton or worse. It didn’t matter. Everything within Dalton demanded he protect her.

Why? Why was he fighting a Master vampire for a woman he’d just met? Why did he feel so damn
possessive? He continued to struggle. Even knowing it was useless, he couldn’t stop himself.

She fought against the command, her dark head whipping from side to side. Dalton had seen some of
Club Carousel’s patrons in their natural forms. Why was Faelon so intent on seeing Kylie’s true
appearance when her assumed shape was so captivating?

“Stop it!” Dalton shouted. “You’re hurting her.”


In a slow ripple, reality replaced illusion. Her black hair unraveled and spilled across her shoulders and
down her back. The dark strands gleamed with green/gold iridescence, the shade changing subtly with
the movement of her head. Her eyes reshaped, the pupils becoming distinct black diamonds in a field of
brilliant green.

Framing her face with his hands, Faelon triggered the rest of the transformation. The details revealed
themselves as the vampiric light began to fade. The bridge of her nose now bore three angled ridges and
the outer edge of her mouth appeared to be lined in forest green while the fullness of her lips was a softer,
subtler hue.

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Faelon staggered back a step, his eyes wide, his expression stunned. “Why would they… Who are

The paralyzing compulsion released him and Dalton rushed forward, pulling Kylie into his arms. “If you
touch her again I’ll kill you!” Faelon laughed. “Okay, I’ll find someone who can kill you.”

Faelon raised his hand, part reassurance and part warning. “I mean her no harm. Calm down.”

Dalton hesitated. Faelon explained himself to no one. What the hell was going on? He brushed her hair
away from her eyes. “Are you all right?”

Kylie nodded, but her gaze was fixed on Faelon. “You knew her. This is what our council feared.
Mercedes Smythe is from our dimension. How did she come to be here? You must tell me what you

Faelon arched his brow. “Must” wasn’t a word you used when addressing a Master vampire. “She has
no place in your world. Leave this alone.”

Kylie licked her lips, the pale green tint of her tongue a fascinating contrast against the lush emerald.
Dalton couldn’t take his gaze off her mouth. She was so utterly alien, yet captivatingly beautiful. He
wanted to touch her, taste her… His thoughts trailed away as the image of Mercedes Smythe flashed
through his mind. Her changeable hair color, her “alien” skin tone. Holy shit! How many of the aliens on
Outpost Terra Ferma had been actual aliens?

“I can’t just leave this alone,” Kylie insisted. “I have orders to --”

“I know enough about your dimension to know she would be an outcast. Her father was a vampire.”

For a long time they just glared at each other. Dalton glanced at Chad and Lynette. They were being so
quiet, he’d forgotten they were still in the room.

Kylie sighed and Dalton shifted his arm to circle her waist. “Mixed heritage is not the stigma it once was.
I would like to speak with her.”


“Why is this your decision?” Dalton felt her tense beneath his fingertips. “Are you her father?”


“Her sire?”


She glanced up at Dalton. “Is he always like this?”

“He can be a regular pain in the ass, but he generally has a reason for his actions.” He met Faelon’s
hostile gaze. “Who is Mercedes Smythe and why are you being so difficult?”

“Mercedes is my niece, my last organic relative. I will do everything in my power to protect her.”

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The conviction in Faelon’s tone sent an icy chill skittering down Dalton’s spine. Their visitor might not
understand the significance of the vampire’s simple statement, but he understood. He turned to Kylie and
said, “You’ll have to tell your superiors you couldn’t find her. You need to leave this alone.”

* * *

“You’re out of your mind.”

Fury washed over Faelon at Kylie’s outburst. He gathered energy, meticulously constructing the

What are you doing, my love?Antonelli remained on the sofa where he’d left her, but her sweet voice
traveled across their private telepathic link.She doesn’t understand .

“I can’t go back to my dimension and pretend I failed just so you…” Kylie held up her hand and averted
her face for a moment before she began again in a calmer tone. “This is my first interdimensional mission.
It’s extremely important that I do well. If you expect me to subject myself to shame and ridicule, I’d like
to understand why I’m accepting it.”

It’s a reasonable request, Faelon. Explain this to her.

Antonelli’s insistence only fueled the fire. Why should he justify his actions to anyone? “These things
were done for the safety of your people and mine.” He snarled out each word, resenting even so small a

“It was a very dark time in Faelon’s past,” Antonelli added out loud. “He never talks about it.”

He growled at her and she averted her face, knowing when she’d pushed too far.

“You have no idea what they’ll put me through,” Kylie argued. “Or how many people are just waiting for
me to fail. I’m supposed to shrug it off and walk away because you don’t want to talk about it?”

He closed his link to Antonelli, refusing to hear her protests. He had sworn to protect Mercedes with his
dying breath. Nothing and no one would threaten her safety, certainly not this headstrong shape shifter.
Kylie wouldn’t leave this alone until she had every repulsive detail. At some point her tenacity might lead
her to Mercedes.

He wasn’t willing to take the chance.

Not bothering with words, he gathered energy around Dalton and Kylie like a blanket and infused it with
sexual frenzy. Through the lust he wove alternate memory fragments and threads of oblivion.

Chapter Three

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Dalton stalked toward Kylie and kept right on stalking. She retreated step for step until the wall pressed
against her back. He captured her hands and spread them out on either side of her body, entwining their
fingers so firmly she couldn’t break his hold.

“Part your lips,” he whispered, his mouth hovering over hers.

This is what she wanted, wasn’t it? She’d known they’d end up in bed when she brought him here.
Brought him here? This was her hotel room, but when had she brought him here?

His tongue swept past her lips, robbing her of thought and launching heat downward. She ached. She
burned. And he wasn’t bound by the Froswick dimension’s rules. He could do anything he wanted to
her, anything she wanted him to do and more. Excitement zinged up along the same path the heat had
taken down.

“I’m going to fuck you, Kylie. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” He sounded urgent and needful. There
was a hint of a question in his tone, but his hands had already found their way under her gown. He knew
the answer to his question, and if he didn’t her body would tell him as soon as his fingers ventured
between her thighs. She had never wanted a man more, never needed the fullness of a cock moving deep
inside her this desperately.

She clutched the wall, leaving her hands where they’d been when he’d pressed them there. Noticing her
stillness, he narrowed his eyes with speculation. His fingers threaded through the thickness of her hair and
he angled her head, allowing his tongue to slide in and out of her open mouth.

“I’ve got handcuffs,” he whispered against her kiss-dampened lips. “Take off the gown so I don’t have
to cut it off later.”

A thrill shook her as her wayward imagination pictured him doing just that. No. There was no reason to
let him know just how deep her dark side ran. She unzipped the gown and wiggled out of the fitted
garment. She kicked off her shoes and unfastened her strapless bra. Did she dare Mimic Arabel’s
breasts before he saw her naked? She’d never actually seen Arabel naked, so the likeness would
probably be flawed.

“My god.” He breathed the words as he cupped her breasts. “I should have realized.” Her nipples were
the same velvety green as her lips. He certainly seemed pleased by the discovery. The badass cop was
breathless. “Do they taste as delightful as they look?”

“Why don’t you find out?”

He bent his head and circled one of her nipples with the tip of his tongue. Clutching his shoulders, she
rubbed her mound against his thigh. Dalton wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her away from
the wall as he suckled her nipple in earnest. The difference in their heights stretched her to her toes. He
was strong and bold, aworthy lover. He’d defended her against Faelon, at great risk to himself. This
human had challenged an ancient,for her .

He swept her into his arms and carried her toward the adjoining bedroom. This was it. She’d had lovers
before but this felt different, more important somehow. The possessive passion glowing in his gaze
warmed her, filled her with a sense of power she’d never felt before. She pushed her fingers into his hair
and explored the stubbly line of his jaw.

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After setting her down beside the bed, he shrugged out of his jacket and jerked loose his bowtie. She
went to work on his studs while he unfastened his cufflinks and cummerbund. “Tuxedos are such a pain in
the ass.” He tore the shirt off and tossed it over his shoulder. “In fact, clothes are a pain in the ass.”

She wrapped her arms around him, absorbing his heat and enjoying the rippling definition of his back.
“Take off your pants. I want to see all of you.”

He chuckled and snapped the waistband of her panties. “I will if you will.”

As she slipped off her panties, he shed his pants and impatiently kicked them aside. He reached for her
then, but she twisted away and slipped to her knees. His cock arched toward her, long and thick, ready,
eager, utterly fuckable. She circled the flared head with the tip of her tongue and cupped his balls in one
hand. Drawing his scent into her lungs, she greedily explored his taste.

Dalton could hardly breathe as he rocked his hips and watched his cock slide deeper and deeper into
Kylie’s mouth. The flushed sheen of his shaft accented the unusual color of her lips. Her eyes were
closed. The tips of her thick eyelashes were green as if some mischievous painter had dragged a brush
across the black fringe while she slept. Her tongue swirled around him as he slowly pulled back. God, it
felt good! Everything about her felt good. Her skin was soft, her breasts firm. Her hair felt long and silky.
He couldn’t wait to explore the exotic folds he’d glimpsed when she wiggled out of her panties.

He’d felt her fangs when he kissed her, but only soft heat and firm suction teased him now. Why did her
people have fangs if they didn’t drink blood? Did they enjoy other biological fluids like the vampires did?
Every time he turned around at Club Carousel someone’s face was buried between someone else’s

She chuckled and sat back on her heels. “You’re not paying attention. If I’m going to suck your cock,
you could at least look at me. Touch my breasts if you want to, but at least pay attention to what I’m

“I got distracted for a split second. It won’t happen again.”

“What distracted you?”

“Vampires are nourished by --”

“I’m not a vampire.”

“Then you don’t want me to come in your mouth.”

“Of course I want you to come in my mouth. Why would I have put your cock in my mouth if I didn’t
want you to come?”

“Some people use this as foreplay.”

“Oh, this is foreplay. I assure you.”

“I like the way you think.”

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She grabbed his ass and sucked his cock deep into her throat, her gaze boring into his. Naked and on
her knees, she commanded him as surely as if he’d been in chains. He pushed his fingers into her hair and
moved faster, savoring the sweet friction of those tight green lips. Her turn was next. He’d make her beg
for it at least once before he gave them both what they wanted.

He fucked her mouth, not pretending it was anything less carnal. She accepted him willingly, took his
thick shaft deep and raked stinging furrows down his ass cheeks. She was a wild one! No doubt about it.
His little Kylie liked it wild.

She sank lower and tilted her head, providing him with the perfect angle. He thrust deep. She
swallowed, the tightening of her throat perfectly timed to trigger his release. He threw back his head and
shook as he pumped his cum down her throat. She made him feel primal, so fucking savage he could
hear his soul roar. She swallowed and licked and swallowed and licked, like no other woman had ever
done. He was trembling by the time she finished with him, humbled by the tenderness glowing in her eyes.
How could so selfless an act give her such pleasure?

He scooped her up and placed her in the middle of the bed, pausing to admire her naked beauty. “See
what you do to me?” He stroked his cock, already half hard. “Just looking at you drives me crazy.”

She raised her arms above her head and placed her wrists close together, her lips curving into a wanton
smile. Handcuffs! She wanted to be bound. He chuckled. Sheexpected to be bound and he’d better
shake off this stupor. It was her turn to be devoured.

He’d tossed his handcuffs into the pocket of his jacket as a joke when he’d realized he’d have to wear
an ankle holster under his monkey suit. After fastening the cuffs around her wrists, he tied the connecting
links to the headboard with his bowtie. One good yank would free her hands from the bed if not the
cuffs, but that was beside the point.

Caressing the undersides of her arms, he smiled as he found several ticklish spots. “We’ll explore those
more fully later.”

Her back was slightly arched by the position, thrusting her small round breasts up into his hands. He was
fascinated by her nipples, watching as they tightened and turned a darker green. Circling and licking only
seemed to frustrate her. She didn’t start moaning until he suckled hard and allowed the crest to scrape
against the backs of his teeth.

Her stomach jumped and quivered as she made a rapid descent. He wanted to savor every inch of her
soft skin, but he was too desperate for his first taste of her cream. Grasping the backs of her knees, he
pushed her legs up and back. His cock bucked and his balls tingled. Her pubic hair was the same
changeable color as her flowing tresses and, as he’d suspected, the delicate folds peaking out around her
feminine slit were emerald green.

“Did I ever tell you green is my favorite color?”

Chapter Four

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Ridiculously pleased by his question, Kylie turned her face to the side. If her pussy had been blue, she’d
bet he would have sworn his favorite color was blue. “Are you going to do more than stare?”

“Infinitely more,” he promised.

Shifting her legs to rest over his shoulders, he held her open with his thumbs and traced her slit with his
tongue. It felt wonderful, but it wasn’t what she needed. She lifted her hips in silent invitation. He circled
her entrance in a teasing response. Why had she insisted on handcuffs?

“Is this what you want?” He slowly pushed his middle finger into her aching passage. She bit her bottom
lip to keep from crying out. “Don’t be quiet on my account.”

“More,” she whispered, “please more.”

He pushed a second finger in before he lowered his mouth to her sex and began a tantalizing
combination of steady pumping and firm circular strokes. Kylie trembled and moaned. Her hands folded
into tight little fists as tension built in her abdomen. She wanted to scream the dimension down around

“You’re trembling. Just let it happen.” The heat of his breath teased her clit before his tongue continued
its rhythmic stroking.

“I can’t… take… any more!” He caught her clit between his lips and pleasure exploded through her
body. Each inward pull drove a spike of sensation up her spine. Once. Twice. Three times. He surged up
along her body and thrust home in the next instant, maintaining the demanding rhythm.

Her inner muscles tightened around him, welcoming him with a wet embrace. He gasped and pressed
her against his chest for one long moment before he pulled back and thrust full length again.

“God! Oh god, you feel so good.” His tone was part whisper, part growl.

She planted her feet on the bed, rising up to meet his thrusts. Her breasts shook with the combined force
of each impact. His shaft dragged against her clit. She was filled completely, stretched tight around him,
and still it wasn’t enough.

Desperate to touch him, Kylie channeled energy out through her wrists. The cuffs disintegrated in a
shower of glittering flecks, decorating her long dark hair. She clutched his back and raised her legs high
against his sides, allowing him to move faster and thrust deeper.

Lost in the carnal hunger, Kylie sank her fangs into Dalton’s shoulder. Her energy flowed into his mind.
For a moment she felt him resist, frightened and horrified, then sensing her need and her true nature, he
opened, allowing their beings to merge.

They curled around each other, flowing from one body to the other as freely as the tide. Joined, melded
in an embrace more intimate than any physical connection allowed.

* * *

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Three nights later, Kylie straddled Dalton’s hips, riding his hard length with wild abandon. He arched
beneath her, his fingers digging into her hips. Her senses seethed and surged as her orgasm neared.

Think! This isn’t right. This isn’t natural.

The realization was a welcome disruption to the endless cycles of arousal. She grasped the thought and
surrounded it with energy, sealing the fact within her mind. Faelon wanted her to forget. She couldn’t
battle the compulsion. Focusing on what he wanted her to forget only made the compulsion stronger. She
had to go back further. Try a different tactic.

Dalton swept her beneath him and moved with more aggression. She kept her face averted, knowing
how her hunger spiked each time she gazed into his desire-bright eyes. She wanted this, wanted him with
every fiber of her being. Faelon had chosen his weapon well. She wrapped her legs around Dalton’s
waist and forced her thoughts beyond the pleasure.

I need a recon Mimic and you’re the best I’ve got. Arabel’s voice echoed through Kylie’s mind,
cooling her passion and pointing the way.

Kylie closed her eyes and summoned Faelon’s image, absorbed the timbre and cadence of his cultured
voice. Dalton thrust deep and cried out as he came. She took his face between her hands and Mimicked
Faelon’s voice as she said, “You are free of my compulsion. Your mind is yours again.”

Dalton shuddered, then went perfectly still. His jaw clenched as he glanced away. “I am going to kill

He separated their bodies and rolled to her side. Kylie took a deep breath and returned her voice to
normal. The way she had worded the command freed her from the compulsion as well.

She crawled off the bed and struggled into Dalton’s dress shirt, her hands trembling. “Are all vampires in
this dimension able to control others so easily?”

“Faelon was born a vampire. He’s one of only a few organic vampires left on Earth.” Dalton scooted off
the bed, pulling on his pants before he explained in more detail. “People who are transformed aren’t
nearly as powerful as those who are born vampires.”

Her gaze wandered back to the bed and a sickening suspicion insinuated itself into her mind. “I know
you were affected by the compulsion, but --”

He grasped her upper arms, drawing her gaze back to his flushed face. “I had nothing to do with what
Faelon did to us.”

“What about Jessie?” Kylie grasped the front of his shirt together over her breasts. She felt vulnerable,
yet she needed to lash out. This was supposed to have been her triumph, her perfectly executed solo
mission. “Jessie seemed a little too helpful from the start.”

“That’s a damn good question.” He turned from her and looked around, his expression thunderous.
“Where’s my jacket?” Kylie snatched the garment off the floor at her feet and held it while he dug in the
pocket for his cell phone. Flipping open the small device, he selected the appropriate number and raised
the phone to his ear. “Hey, it’s Dalton,” he said after a short pause. “Someone is having fun at my
expense. Any chance you know anything about it?”

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He kept his comments vague, apparently knowing Jessie well enough to judge the truthfulness of her
answers. Partners often spent a great deal of time together. Had their relationship ever been more than
professional? They were both golden and attractive. It didn’t take a lot of imagination to picture them

She shouldn’t pry. It really didn’t matter, but curiosity had always been one of Kylie’s weaknesses.
Tossing his jacket over a nearby chair, she gathered energy and launched a memory inquiry. Almost
immediately an image materialized across the room. Jessie was pressed against the wall, her long legs
wrapped around Dalton’s waist. All Kylie could see of Jessie was her rapturous expression and her
calves. Dalton, on the other hand, was gloriously naked and visible with limited obstruction.

His long legs braced as he thrust into the blonde. Each inward drive clenched his tight ass. The flare of
his torso was all the more dramatic as the muscles on his back rippled and bunched.

Kylie’s pussy fluttered as graphic details flashed through her mind. She saw his thick cock push into
Jessie, felt the other woman’s core ripple with tingling heat as her orgasm neared.

“They’ll be here in a few minutes.” The snap of Dalton’s phone freed Kylie from the memory. “You
might want to…” His words trailed away as he turned to face her. “Why do you look just like Jessie?”

Shit!“My control has been off ever since I got here.” Had she simply been swept up in the memory or
did thinking of Dalton with another woman upset her? Refusing to analyze the misstep too closely, Kylie
returned to her natural shape.

He didn’t look convinced. “Rafe is coming with her. You probably want to put on a robe or something.”

A firm knock sounded at the door. She shot a disbelieving glance at the locked portal. “Where do they

“Where you live isn’t far from anywhere when you can fly.” He chuckled as she made a beeline for the

Kylie exchanged Dalton’s shirt for the calf length spa style robe she’d left hanging on the back of the
bathroom door. Pausing before the large mirror, she finger combed her hair away from her face and
winced. Deep purple smudges shadowed her eyes and all traces of green had faded from her skin. No
wonder she was spontaneously transforming.

The rumble of muffled voices drew her away from her reflection. Easing open the door, she peered out.
The bedroom was clear, so she crept across the moonlit room and inched open the bedroom door.
Dalton stood with his back to her, blocking her view of Jessie. A smile curved Kylie’s mouth. Sometimes
memory inquiries were a mixed blessing. She really didn’t want to think of Dalton screwing Jessie every
time she saw them together.

The man standing beside Jessie could only be Rafe Steele. Half a head shorter than Dalton, Rafe made
up for his lack of brawn with the sheer power of his presence. Silky dark hair just brushed his shoulders
and his features were arranged with a combination of angular masculinity and blatant sex appeal. He was
dressed simply in jeans and a tee shirt.

His stance was casual, his apparel ordinary, so why was her heart pounding?

She tried to scan him, but the second her mind touched his she found herself staring into his midnight

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black eyes. Foreboding filled her mouth with ash and paralyzed her lungs. She recognized the rhythm of
his energy. She’d felt it three days ago beneath the stage in Club Carousel.

Shoving the door open, she headed for the main door to the suite only to skid to a stop. She was in a
bathrobe! She looked at Jessie, preparing to Mimic her appearance as well as her apparel.

“What’s wrong?” Dalton took a step toward her, his gaze filled with concern.

“I’m not a complete idiot,” she snapped. “Rafe resonates the same energy pattern as Faelon.”

“He’s my sire. It’s to be expected.” Rafe remained at Jessie’s side. “I don’t know what Faelon is up to,
but I didn’t know about it and had absolutely nothing to do with it.”

Jessie moved forward with slow, measured steps. “I wish I could say the same. I inadvertently set you
up to be Faelon’s pawn.”

Kylie held her ground. If retreat were an option, she’d already be in her home dimension, nursing her
wounded pride. “How was your role inadvertent? You invited me to Club Carousel.”

“Can we sit down and sort this out?” Dalton asked. “What did you do with my shirt?”

“It’s in the bathroom.”

Rafe and Jessie sat on the sofa in the sitting area of the suite. Too restless to sit, Kylie paced in front of
the oversized armoire, which served as an entertainment center.

“We only have one kind of vampire in the Froswick dimension,” Kylie began. “They’re ruthless
predators who often use blood bonds to enslave other races. In times of war we’ve reluctantly allied
ourselves with these creatures because we’re both nocturnal, but we have no other use for them.”

Rafe had the audacity to laugh. “Good to know.” He turned to Jessie. “Mark the Froswick dimension
off our list of possible vacation destinations.”

Jessie ignored Rafe’s sarcasm. “Kylie, you can’t judge all vampires by your experience with Faelon. To
be honest, I don’t understand why Faelon is behaving this way. He can be a ruthless bastard, but this is
off the scale even for him.”

Dressed now in his white shirt and black pants, Dalton emerged from the bedroom a few minutes later.
“Let’s start at the beginning and work our way through this mess.” He sat on the loveseat facing Jessie
and Rafe, leaving enough room for Kylie to join him if she settled down enough to sit. “When I arrived at
Club Carousel that night you teased me about my mysterious visitor. Had you already talked to Kylie at
that point or was it something more?”

Jessie looked at Rafe and then at Kylie. “I had a premonition that you would call me. That’s the only
reason I agreed to speak with you.”

Dalton made a sound, part growl and part groan. “You’re a psychic matchmaker now? Wait until
Marissa finds out you’re poaching. Doesn’t she have an exclusive contract with Club Carousel?”

Jessie ignored Dalton’s outburst, so Kylie did the same. “I wondered why you were so agreeable.” She
studied Jessie’s face, searching for any sign of deception.

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“I’m guilty of meddling.” She made sure Dalton was looking at her also before she added. “I amnot
guilty of setting you up for whatever the hell Faelon did to you.”

“Who is this woman Faelon is trying so hard to protect?” Rafe asked.

“He said she was his biological niece,” Kylie told him.

Rafe shook his head. “I don’t think that’s possible. If Faelon had a blood relative, I would know about

“It will be far easier for me to continue my investigation if Faelon doesn’t realize he failed,” Kylie said.

“If I’m not mistaken, you’re not in any shape to continue anything.” Rafe’s tone took on a resolve it
hadn’t possessed before. “Can you take what you need from me or do you need another of your

“Ordinarily I’d be able to convert your energy, but breaking free of the compulsion greatly weakened
me.” Why was she trusting a vampire with any information? Faelon was Rafe’s sire! Rafe would run back
to his master and tell Faelon that he’d all but destroyed her with his twisted compulsion.

“Give me twenty-four hours to find out who this woman is and why she’s so important to Faelon while
you see to your needs,” Rafe proposed.

She hesitated. What choice did she have? Rafe was right. There was no way she could accomplish
anything until she’d replenished her energy. “And if you can’t find out in twenty-four hours?” Kylie knew
from the shuttered look in his dark eyes that the conversation was already over.

“Then we’ll work on plan B.”

Chapter Five

“Can I give you what you need?” Dalton smiled as he heard his own question. Rafe and Jessie had
departed just as suddenly as they’d arrived, leaving him alone with Kylie. “Or would my energy be as
hard to convert as Rafe’s?”

“If I took enough of your energy to restore my levels, it would kill you.” She turned to face him, the
window framing her delicate beauty, her long hair seeming to flow out into the night.

He rubbed his shoulder, remembering the sharp sting of her fangs and the explosive pleasure that had
followed her unexpected bite. “Do you drink blood?” Her shudder spoke eloquently of her revulsion. “I
remember you biting me.”

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“I’m disgusted by the thought, but some legends say my species is a higher evolved version of the
vampire. We’re not predatory. We do, however, have some similarities.”

“Like sucking energy from your partners during sex?”

“Did I not give my energy to you as well as taking yours?” He nodded. “That’s the difference. Vampires
only take.”

It sounded like Jessie needed to set her straight on some of the finer points of bonding with a vampire,
but all that could wait until Kylie was out of danger. “What do you need to restore your strength? Can
you find it here or do you need to return to your dimension?” Ignoring the odd tightening in his chest, he
focused entirely on her well-being.

“I’m not sure. I’m not a healer.”

Slipping his hands into the pockets of his pants, he approached her, caressing her with his gaze and
nothing more. If she was in the middle of a health crisis, the last thing she needed was a horny cop
coming on to her. Still it was hard not to think about all the pleasure they’d shared over the past few
days, all the ways they’d taken each other. His cock bucked beneath his pants, ready to start the next
round. If the compulsion had been lifted, why did he still burn for her?

“What can I do to help? Do you want something to eat?” He had a faint memory of their ordering room
service during their three day sex-athon. “Can I rub your back?” Big mistake! If he got his hands on her it
would never stop with a back rub.

She turned toward the bedroom with a wan smile. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Then I’ve got to
contact my sister.”

He waited until she closed the door to let his composure slip. Gritting his teeth, he rearranged his cock,
then gave up with a hopeless laugh. No amount of repositioning was going to make this erection
comfortable. He’d been captivated by Kylie when she appeared at the top of the stairs and he still
wanted her. As soon as she finished with the shower, he’d take one of his own. And he’d stay beneath
the stinging spray until his stubborn cock decided to behave.

A sharp voice penetrated the door. He couldn’t hear the water any more. Was someone in there with
her? He couldn’t remember how they’d gotten to the hotel room. Could her people teleport? This was all
so frustrating. The person spoke again. He couldn’t make out their words, but they were definitely angry.
He hustled across the room, trying to remember the position of the furniture. The bed was directly ahead
and his gun was on the floor on the far side of the bed…

* * *

“Three days! You have been out of contact for three days.” Arabel’s voice cracked like a whip
propelled by anger and worry. Her image shimmered around the edges, the only indication that she didn’t
stand before Kylie in the flesh.

“I was -- indisposed.”

“You’re going to have to do a whole hell of a lot better than that. You have no idea what has developed
since your departure. Worrying about your safety was the last thing I needed.” Arabel scowled. The
gleaming armor hugging her curvaceous body made the expression all the more intimidating. “Your sister

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is thrilled to see that you’re unharmed. The PrimeNac O’te is furious at your insubordination.”

Understanding the distinction, Kylie inclined her head in a belated show of respect. “I was trapped by a
vampire’s compulsion,unable to contact you. I only just broke free of his hold on my mind and body.
There is no way I would have intentionally put you through this worry.”

“I was under the impression vampires in that dimension are not as barbaric as the ones to which we are

“This vampire is ancient and very powerful,” Kylie explained. “Unfortunately, every lead I have
regarding the female runs through him in one way or another.”

“Then she is still alive.”

“It would seem so, yes.”

“I’ll let the council know.” Arabel crossed her arms over her chest, her expression thoughtful. “You’ve
done well. I can sense the toll this vampire has taken from you. Olav should be free soon. I’ll send him to

Before Kylie could reply, Arabel disappeared.

Thatwas your sister?”

Kylie stiffened at the all too familiar awe in Dalton’s tone. She hadn’t heard him enter the bedroom.
“Arabel is the son my father always wanted.”

He managed not to laugh, but amusement sparkled in his sky blue eyes. “Does your determination to do
well on this assignment have something to do with her?”

Shoving past him, Kylie walked back into the main room. Even in an alien dimension she was lost in her
sister’s shadow. “Arabel is a warrior goddess. Every woman in our dimension wants to be her and every
man wants to be with her. I accepted my mediocrity when I was ten.”

“Mediocrity?” He did laugh this time. “Sweetheart, you are so far beyond mediocre it’s --”

“Don’t mock me!”

He took her by the shoulders and pulled her toward him. She tried to twist away. He simply tightened
his hold until she stilled. “I wasn’t mocking you. Your sister might look like a black-haired Valkyrie, but
you are amazing.”

She didn’t understand his reference, but it didn’t matter. He’d said she was amazing with enough
conviction to make her believe he meant it. His face lowered toward hers as she stared into his eyes.

“Who is Olav?”

The jealous catch in his tone shouldn’t please her quite so much.Nac O’te warriors were notoriously
possessive and this wasn’t the first time her mind had connected Dalton with the fierceNac O’te .

“He is… How do I put this in terms you’ll understand? If we were cops, we would be employed by the

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same precinct. No, it would go back further than that. We received our training together and have
belonged to the same fighting unit ever since.”

“Fighting unit? You’re in the military?” He made a bland gesture toward the bedroom. “That explains the
Valkyrie. Are all the women on your world warriors?”

“My sister is PrimeNac O’te .”

“Is that along the lines of a five-star general?” He took a step back, lowering his hands to her hips.

“You served in Earth’s military?”

He nodded. “I was a sharpshooter in the army.”

“I am a recon Mimic, serving in my world’s version of the army. My sister is head of a group of highly
trained, extremely talented warriors called theNac O’te . Many aspire to join their ranks, but only the
best of the best are accepted by theNac O’te .”

“She’s an Army Ranger,” he supplied.

“No, she ishead of the Army Rangers.”

“Damn.” He turned his face away, trying to hide his smirk. “Couldn’t they find a man for the job?”

“When her bonded mate was killed, she won the right to remain in power through physical combat.”
Kylie gave him a playful shove and the room wobbled around her. “I hate to tell you this, Dalton. She
could kick your ass and not break a sweat.” She took another step and the room went spinning again.

Dalton swept her into his arms before she crumpled to the floor. He turned toward the bedroom and
about collided with a lean, black-haired man. Dressed in a dark green tunic, with form fitting pants and
cross gartered boots, the visitor looked like an escapee from a renaissance festival.

“How the fuck did you get in here?” It was hard to sound intimidating with a senseless woman in your

“What is the exact nature of her malady?” His English was heavily accented, but Dalton understood
every word. “Mistress Arabel only told me Kylie had fallen ill.”


“Were you expecting someone else?”

“I wasn’t expecting you to just -- appear like that.”

Olav smiled, his emerald green eyes sparkling. “Do you have many visitors from the Froswick
dimension?” Dalton just glared at him. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She needs energy.”

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“I can see that.” He touched her lank hair and brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Lie her
down on the bed, so I can examine her properly.”

Dalton carried Kylie into the bedroom and placed her on the rumpled bed. He straightened and took a
step back as Olav unfasten her belt and flipped open her robe. “Hey!”

“I’m a healer and I’ve seen Kylie naked before. Relax. She doesn’t think of me like that.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, Dalton watched the other man carefully. His hands skimmed over her
body, not lingering in any one place. She might not think of Olav in a sexual way, but Olav had sure as
hell thought about her. It was obvious in the care with which he touched her and the tenderness in his

Fuck! This guy wasn’t just a complication. He was in love with her.

Olav’s hand pressed low on her belly and his gaze snapped to Dalton’s. “How many times did you take
her? Her sexual energy is utterly depleted.”

“I didn’t abuse her. A vampire trapped us in a --”

“You’re human. I hadn’t realized.” Olav said the word with such condescension. Dalton shoved his
hands into his pockets. He couldn’t beat the shit out of this prick until after he healed Kylie. “Did she bite


“Each time you fucked her?”

“Why is this any of your business?”

“Do you know nothing of our kind?”

“You’re here to restore her energy, not lecture me.”

Olav sat on the edge of the bed and began to undress. “You’re going to have to do exactly what I tell
you if you want to save her life.”

“What are you talking about?” He looked at her pale face and felt his heart skip a beat. Was she really
that sick? “She just needs some energy.”

“She needs sexual energy and she needs it now or she will die.”

Chapter Six

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A warm hand slid along Kylie’s ribs as another pushed into her hair. Long fingers splayed against her
breast, a thumb firmly circling her nipple. She drifted in velvet oblivion, relaxed, at peace. There was no
pressure, no pain, just this endless nothingness.

The sexual compulsion was gone, so why did she feel so empty, so lost?

“Hurry! There is no time for your human modesty.” It took her a moment to realize why Olav sounded
so strange. He was speaking in Dalton’s language. Why did he sound so frightened?

“If fucking is what drained her energy, how is this going to help?” Dalton sounded down right surly. He
didn’t like being ordered around.

“Fuckingyou is what drained all this energy from her.” Why was Olav being so rude? “If she hadn’t been
worried about taking more than your feeble human body would tolerate, the compulsion would have
backfired.We create energy during sex. It makes us stronger. All he would have accomplished is creating
a more formidable enemy.”

Kylie moaned, drawing their attention and momentarily ending the argument. “I need you,” she
whispered. “Now.”

Olav pulled her into his arms. His erection pressed against her hip and she gasped. Ever since the
Awakening ceremony thoughts of Olav had teased her imagination. She’d found it hard to think of him as
her mentor and best friend. She’d even used his image to fuel her fantasies on the night before she met
Dalton at Club Carousel.

This was so confusing. “What’s wrong with me?”

“You’re starving.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and cupped her breast. “You have to let us feed you.
Relax and soak in as much pleasure as you can.”

The bed dipped as Dalton joined them. Blinking back the darkness, she looked from Olav’s angular face
to Dalton’s rugged handsomeness and back. Their features were so different, yet their expressions so
similar. Both men were worried about her.

She kissed Olav, tasting his tongue for the first time. When she turned to Dalton he pulled her into his
arms, his kiss demanding, consuming, possessive. She heard Olav chuckle and felt his fingers stroke her
back, her shoulders and her hip, while Dalton’s kiss went on and on.

“I don’t think you have the idea yet.” Olav finally pulled her away from Dalton. “This is about her
pleasure. We must saturate her with sensation and inundate her with energy.” With quick efficient
movements, he stacked pillows against the headboard and reclined against the pile. “Come here, Kylie.
Rest back against me and let Dalton do penance for his crime.”

She was too weak to debate his strategy, but she felt obligated to point out, “Dalton didn’t realize he
was harming me.” She settled against Olav, her back pressed against his warm chest, legs draped over
his thighs. “I could have taken more from him if I hadn’t been so lost in the compulsion.”

Dalton’s passion-bright gaze swept down the length of her body before he looked into her eyes. Olav
spread his legs, parting her thighs in the process. Kylie rested her head on Olav’s shoulder and licked her
lips. This felt wicked and decadent. She raised her arms and threaded her fingers through Olav’s soft

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hair. Curving his fingers beneath her breasts, Olav helped Dalton focus.

“Start here. She has fabulous breasts. Very sensitive nipples.”

“How would you know?” Dalton knelt between their legs and glared at Olav. “How many times have
you tested the sensitivity of her nipples?”

“Listen, human! There will be time for your jealousy when she is restored to health. Get busy or get out.”

Olav didn’t move his hands as Dalton began to suckle. Kylie arched, turning her head so she could kiss
Olav. Why she enjoyed Dalton’s upset she couldn’t say. She only knew his jealousy pleased her, excited
her. Olav shifted her against his chest, making it easier for him to reach her mouth. They had been
forbidden to do more than press lips during the Awakening ceremony. They had been forbidden so many

Dalton growled and moved to her other nipple, obviously distressed by the thought of Olav tasting her
mouth. Nipping his way along her torso, Dalton settled on his stomach and slid his hands along her inner
thighs. She needed to see his face, to judge his reactions. Her empathic abilities were minimal. But Olav
went right on kissing her, forcing her to depend on her senses and her instincts.

Forget about him, fluretta. It’s the human’s turn to serve you. Olav sent the thought in their native
language without lifting his mouth from hers.

Parting her folds with his thumbs, Dalton traced her slit with the tip of his tongue. “God,” he murmured
against her cunt, “you taste so good.”

Heat curled up her spine, her core pulsed, and her clit throbbed, begging for attention. She could do no
more than moan with Olav kissing her so deeply. They were focused entirely on her, caring for her,
ministering to her. Rocking her hips, she rubbed her folds against Dalton’s mouth, praying he’d
understand the silent demand.

She needed this and more. She needed to participate, to give as well as receive, but they wouldn’t let
her. Olav rolled her nipples, anchoring her body in place as Dalton tongued her clit. A short burst of
pleasure fanned out through Kylie. Before the sensations could mellow, Dalton pushed two fingers into
her pussy and forced the pleasure higher.

“That’s right,” Olav said as she tossed her head against his chest. “Don’t stop when she screams.”

Dalton raised his head enough to look into her eyes. She smiled, reassuring him before she offered her
throat to Olav. The tantalizing stroke of Dalton’s tongue slowed, but it didn’t stop. He was obviously
distracted by what she was doing. Olav scraped her skin with his fangs, then sank deep into the base of
her throat with one sharp bite.

She screamed, but Olav held her locked against his chest until her instinctive need to resist subsided.

Once she relaxed against Olav, Dalton continued his tender assault on her body in earnest. He circled
her clit with his tongue while his fingers shuttled in and out of her throbbing core. Orgasm after orgasm
washed over her. Olav blasted her senses with energy at the crest of each peak. Without the burst of
pleasure, the concentrated saturation would have been excruciating.

“Let me… rest,” she panted after countless cycles had passed.

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Olav withdrew his fangs from Kylie’s throat and sagged against the pillows as the human licked her to
one final orgasm. She came so sweetly, her face flushed and glowing. The intoxicating scent of her
arousal tormented him.

The human rested his cheek against her inner thigh and studied her face as he gently stroked her flawless
skin. Perhaps he wasn’t as useless as Olav had first thought. Was it possible he had never interacted with
one of their kind before he met Kylie?

“She needs to sleep for an hour or so.” Olav lifted her slightly and placed her on her side. She curled
into a ball, tucking her hands beneath her cheek like a child. The human took the bedding from the floor
and covered her while Olav gathered their clothes.

They dressed in silence, each stealing frequent glances at the woman sleeping on the bed.

“Is she out of danger?” the human asked when they reached the outer room. He left the bedroom door
cracked so they could hear her if she stirred.

“Her condition is stabilized, but she’s still really weak.” Olav couldn’t think of a diplomatic way of
posing the question, so he just asked, “How did she end up with you?”

“Doyou know what she was doing in this dimension?”

Olav chuckled. They would need a mediator if they continued to provoke each other with every
exchange. “I know she was dispatched by Mistress Arabel. That’s all I need to know.”

“Then you’ll have to ask Kylie when she’s feeling better. This mission is important to her and I’m not
going to do anything to compromise her success.”

“Except fucking her into oblivion.”

“That wasn’t my fault!”

Ignoring the outburst, Olav crossed to the window and stared out into the night. Even Kylie had said
Dalton was blameless. Still, Olav couldn’t let go of the thought that this human had touched his precious
fluretta in ways he’d only dreamed about. Kylie had been out of contact for three days. How much of
that time had been spent with this blond man, touching him, tasting him, allowing him to --

“Does she realize you’re in love with her?”

The question brought Olav around. He glared at the human, then realized the futility of denial. “I doubt it.
We’ve been friends too long for her to think of me in any other light.”

“You certainly have feelings for her that have nothing to do with friendship.”

“What’s your point?”

Dalton raked one hand through his burnished hair, then slowly shook his head. “I don’t know. This is all
knew to me.” He gestured toward the bedroom with his chin. “Is that how you heal all your patients?”

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“The remedy fits the ailment.” He strolled across the room, the thick carpeting cushioning his bare feet.
“We’re back were we started. How did Kylie end up in your bed?”

“Actually I ended up in hers.” Dalton rubbed his eyebrows with his thumb and forefinger. “I guess we’re
both going to have to bend. Tell me a little bit about your dimension and I’ll explain what happened to

“What do you want to know?” Olav clasped his hands behind his back, his gaze assessing his

“Kylie mentioned that you’ve allied with vampires in the past because you are both nocturnal. Are there
more nocturnal races in Froswick or day dwellers?”

“The Froswick dimension has hundreds of planets. Are you asking about the entire dimension or our
home world?”

The human looked confused. “I thought Froswick was the name of your home world.”

“No, it’s the name of our dimension. You must earn our trust before we’ll divulge specific information
about our home world. We never know when we’re talking to a species that can teleport.”

“That makes sense. Less than a year ago, I thought humans had this world to ourselves.”

“How were you enlightened?”

“I was kidnapped by two vampires.”

“Thus your interest in nocturnal species?”

“To some extent. Mainly, I’m just curious.”

Olav suspected there was more to his interest than simple curiosity, but he saw no harm in providing the
statistics. “Approximately eighty percent of the inhabitants of the Froswick dimension are nocturnal. All
of the humanoid species indigenous to our home world are nocturnal.”

“Do you share Kylie’s disdain for vampires?”

“I hold to the unpopular belief that we share a common ancestor with vampires. Is that what you’re
wondering? If my ancestors slipped through the Veil at some time in your past and settled here on

“There are some striking similarities between your species and the vampires I have known.” He laughed
as Olav began to scowl. “The ones who rescued me, not the ones who kidnapped me.”

“I indulged your curiosity, now indulge mine.”

Dalton nodded. “Kylie showed up at a nightclub I frequent during a private party. She’d been invited by
one of my best friends, so I figured she was harmless. She was Mimicking the appearance of a human
when she first came downstairs. I was intrigued by her and we were enjoying some mutual flirting when a
vampire took exception to the fact that she was passing herself off as human and insisted she transform.”

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“Shape shifting isn’t allowed in this dimension?”

“It’s not that simple. The vampire took personal exception to the role Kylie was playing. That’s the part
you need to ask her about, because I’m not sure who is allowed to know the specifics of her mission.”

Olav snorted. “I know Kylie was sent here to locate a woman the council believes to be important. Is
that the ‘secret’ you’re dancing around?”

“Well, yes.” Dalton smiled and Olav shook his head. They might actually get something accomplished if
they stopped snarling at each other. “The vampire’s name is Faelon and he claims to have blood ties to
the woman Kylie came here to find.”

“I still don’t see how this leads to your spending three days in Kylie’s bed.”

“Faelon told Kylie to back off.”

Olav could almost picture hotheaded Kylie facing off with a vampire. “I’m sure that went over well.”

“She demanded to speak with the woman and the next thing we remember clearly is Kylie using
Faelon’s voice to undo his compulsion. We were here in her hotel room and three days had passed in a
sort of sexual frenzy.”

“Now that Kylie knows the woman is alive and this vampire is determined to keep them apart, we’re
going to have to keep a close eye on Kylie.”

Dalton nodded again, his gaze clouded with speculation. “Some friends of mine are checking into the
specifics of the woman’s identity, but I’m not sure that’s enough to keep Kylie from sticking her nose
where it doesn’t belong.”

“She’ll be out the door as soon as she’s strong enough to get dressed,” Olav agreed.

A predatory smile bowed Dalton’s mouth. “We’ll have to find ways to keep her undressed.”

Chapter Seven

Kylie had just finished her second shower of the night when the door burst open and Olav and Dalton
filed into the bathroom. Dalton picked up her neatly stacked clothes and handed them to Olav, whose
sexy grin sent tingles down her spine. He wasn’t acting like himself at all. The sensible Olav she knew
didn’t use endearments like “love” and “fluretta.” He also didn’t stare at her breasts or lick his lips as he
gazed at her pussy.

“You don’t really think you’re strong enough to leave the suite, do you?” Dalton asked.

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“I was going to find out.”

“By doing what?” Challenge snapped through Dalton’s tone and he exchanged a knowing look with

Wait a minute! When had Olav and Dalton become allies? They’d barely been able to contain their
animosity when they were with her before. The tantalizing memory of their uneasy cooperation had
followed her into sleep, filling her dreams with erotic images and sensual possibilities. Now suddenly they
were united against her?

“I don’t trust Rafe.” She glanced at the towels hanging just out of reach. Was it necessary to have this
conversation while she was naked? “He asked for twenty-four hours so he can help Faelon move

Olav took the towels off the rack and handed one to Dalton. They approached her together, seduction
apparent in every move they made. Her pulse leapt. She was still a little tired, but it was nothing a good
day’s sleep wouldn’t cure. She and Dalton had hardly been able to keep their hands off each other even
before Faelon turned nasty. But what was going on with Olav?

“Rafe could have warned Faelon telepathically without ever leaving your sight.” Dalton dragged the
towel down one of her arms and then the other. Olav circled behind her and went to work on her hair.
They crowded her, surrounded her, and embraced her, yet the towels remained an ever present barrier
between her skin and their hands. “I trust Jessie enough to allow her mate twenty-four hours.”

“And what am I supposed to do until tomorrow night?” She twisted away from Dalton’s towel only to
press herself more closely against Olav’s.

“Can’t you guess?” Olav chuckled.

“Before we get started, I want her to clear something up for me.” Dalton turned her to face Olav.
Wrapping his arm around her waist, Dalton brought his mouth close to her ear. “Olav has been harboring
secret fantasies about you for a long time. Sexual fantasies. Improper fantasies, if I understand the nature
of your relationship.”

She squirmed against Dalton, suspecting where this was leading. Olav watched her closely,
unembarrassed by the other man’s words. “Sexual relationships among team members aren’t forbidden,
they’re just discouraged,” she said.

Olav’s eyes widened and he moved closer. “If I had let you know how I feel about you, would you have
been --”

“How do you feel about me?”

Before Olav could answer, Dalton stepped around her and insinuated his tall body in between them.
“This wasn’t the deal, buddy. I was just going to get her to admit she’d had sexual thoughts about you
and suggest she get it out of her system. My relationships have been few and far between. You are not
going to screw this up for me.”

“Relationship? Dalton, we met three days ago and have spent the majority of that time under a mind
altering compulsion.”

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His jaw set into a mutinous line. “Jessie knew you were mine. I sure as hell knew you were the one. All
Faelon did was rush us to the finish line. That’s not how I would have played it, but I won’t regret the
time I’ve spent with you.”

“I need to think. I need to --”

Dalton scooped her up in his arms and strode from the bathroom, Olav a step behind. “You need to
accept that life is unpredictable and I’m one stubborn son of a bitch.” He sat down on the side of the
bed, still holding her in his arms. Her skin tingled and her nipples peaked the instant his hands touched
her. “We’ll settle this later, when we don’t have an audience.”

“And when do you expect that to be?” Olav asked. “I want her just as much as you do.”

Olav’s flashing gaze and husky tone sent desire curling through her body. They wanted her, theyboth
wanted her, and nothing had ever aroused her more. She scooted off Dalton’s lap and stepped back,
looking from one to the other. Olav stood with his hands clasped behind his back. She knew his patient
calm was misleading. He could strike like a snake, fast and lethal, if he perceived a threat. Dalton stayed
on the bed, hands braced on either side of his lean hips, gaze ravenous.

As different as night and day, the contrast intoxicated her. Olav offered power and tenderness, the
comfort of things familiar. With Dalton she could explore uncharted territory, adventurous and new.
Dalton was passion and intensity. Olav was depth and stability. A warrior and a healer. Day and night.

Olav broke the tense silence. “What are you thinking,fluretta ?”

“I won’t choose between you.” She raised her chin, emboldened by a rush of feminine power. “Not
tonight, perhaps not ever.”

“Let’s enjoy ourselves until dawn and take the rest one night at a time,” Olav suggested, his gaze fixed
on her mouth.

“If she still needs energy,” Dalton countered, “I’m willing to let her play, but I intend to spend each night
showing her why she needs no one but me.”

Olav lunged for Dalton, grabbing his windpipe in a punishing grip before the other man perceived his
movement. “If that were true,human , I wouldn’t be here.”

“Olav.” Kylie placed her hand on his upper arm and his grip eased. He looked into her eyes, longing
burning through the flash of anger. “I accept your offer and I think our arrogant companion might benefit
from a demonstration.” She sent an explicit mental image to Olav and he chuckled.

“What’s going on?” Dalton rubbed his neck as Olav released him and walked across the room. “You
two can speak telepathically, can’t you?”

“You said you’re willing tolet me play,” Kylie remarked as Olav set a chair next to Dalton and proffered
the neatly folded belt from her bathrobe. “Well, I’m willing tolet you watch Olav and me. Maybe if you
behave yourself, I’lllet you join us after we’ve enjoyed ourselves for a while.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” He looked at the chair with obvious dread. “I want to be the only man in your
life. Is that so bad?”

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“In our case, it could be lethal.” She paused to make sure she had his full attention. “Dalton, I’m not
human and we can’t pretend I am. If I have sex with you and don’t augment my energy from another
source, it will either harm me or destroy you.”

“So it’s a ménage or nothing?” he grumbled. He forced his gaze to Olav with obvious reluctance. “The
thought of sharing her with me doesn’t bother you?”

“Humans make everything so complicated. When you are more comfortable with me, I will share more
of myself with you.”

“Back up the truck, buddy! I’m hetero all the way. You won’t be sharing yourself with me -- ever.”

Olav shook his head and handed her the belt. “I really don’t see the appeal.”

“I’m sure he’s glad to hear it.” She waited until Dalton met her gaze, then offered him a soft, encouraging
smile. This was a lot for anyone to accept. “If this isn’t going to work for you, I understand.” She would
mourn his decision, but she would understand.

Dalton stared into the greenest eyes he’d ever seen, in the most beautiful face he could ever imagine,
aching for things he didn’t quite understand. Their passionate lovemaking had almost killed Kylie. He
would never intentionally cause her harm.

Instead of attempting an eloquence he knew he couldn’t muster, he pulled his shirt off over his head.
Studs went flying. He shed his pants with the same urgency and took his place on the chair.

“If you promise not to leave the chair or touch yourself without permission, I won’t tie you up.” Her
luminous gaze drifted down to his erection as she made the offer.

“I’m not going to be satisfied with anything but you, so the belt isn’t necessary.”

“Say it,” she prompted.

“I promise not to move without permission.”

Naked now, Olav joined her directly in front of Dalton. Determined not to stare at Olav’s lean body, or
long, tapered shaft, Dalton fixed his gaze on Kylie. Desire gripped his abdomen and his cock bucked. He
was reacting to the sexual situation, nothing more. Olav moved behind her, displaying her body as he
touched her, and kissed her. Just the flick of his thumbs had her nipples darkly flushed and beaded. Olav
scraped his fangs against her neck and her shoulder, leaving thin red welts in their wake. She undulated
and moaned, obviously enjoying the stimulation.

Dalton balled his fists on his thighs. Maybe the belt would have been a mercy. His shaft throbbed and his
balls ached and the show had barely begun.

Pivoting to face each other, they paused for a long, lingering stare. Kylie skimmed her hands up Olav’s
chest and Dalton admired the swell of her breasts. Olav cupped her cheek and slowly licked his lips. She
smiled, rubbing her face against the palm of his hand. They were telling secrets again, no doubt, speaking
mind to mind.

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he doesn’t need to know every --

You can’t expect Dalton to share his body with us if you won’t open your mind. There will be no
secrets between us.

You’re sending this to him, aren’t you?

She smiled triumphantly. Olav claimed her mouth in a deep, plundering kiss. Their thoughts flowed
unhindered by his tongue moving in her mouth. There were advantages to telepathic communication.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want you.

I wouldn’t allow myself to think of you as a lover until the Awakening ceremony. I found your
touch so distracting, so wonderfully tender.

You still think too much.

He guided her hand to his thrusting cock and eased his fingers between her thighs. They were perfectly
matched, shimmering green and midnight black, sleek lines and sculpted curves. Dalton clenched his
teeth, focusing on Olav’s fingers. Dalton knew the silken heat of her pussy, how quickly she got wet.

Olav rocked his hips, drawing Dalton’s attention. Kylie’s slim, pale fingers created a snug circle around
him, but Olav moved, sliding his shaft down, then pulling back. Dalton had avoided looking directly at
Olav before. Now he couldn’t look away. The head of Olav’s cock was dark green, the shaft lighter.
Was it just the unusual color that kept his gaze riveted? Dalton had seen his share of adult movies and he
had never been interested in the cocks!

Kylie knelt in front of Olav and he gathered her hair to one side, making sure Dalton could see exactly
what she was doing. He knew! That bastard knew Dalton was getting turned on in a way he had never
been turned on before.

Wetting her lips, Kylie pressed a kiss to the head of Olav’s cock. Green on green. Dalton had to look
away.Did I ever tell you green is my favorite color? His own words returned to mock him. Averting
his gaze didn’t help. He could still see her, mouth sucking, head bobbing, hands clasping Olav’s narrow

“He is distracting me,fluretta . Let thehuman lick your pussy so I can enjoy your sweet mouth.” The
emphasis Olav put on the word this time was playful, not mocking.

Dalton looked back at the couple in front of him. Just how empathic was Olav? “Can you read my

“I don’t need to. You are terrified by the possibility that you might find me desirable. You avoided
looking at my body as if I were diseased while we were seeing to Kylie’s needs. Now you are staring at
my cock as if you wish to devour me.”

“Well, don’t get your hopes up. I’d much rather devour her.”

“Which was what I suggested.”

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“The concept of sexual orientation is hard for us to understand,” Kylie said softly. “We form bonds with
people who attract us. Gender is never a consideration.”

“You have had both female and male lovers?”

She laughed. “Frequently at the same time. This dimension has very prudish ideas of pleasure.”

“I’ve never thought of myself as a prude.” Dalton felt challenged by their nonchalance. “Let’s see if I can
prove you wrong.” Taking a deep breath, he came up out of the chair.

Olav laughed. “I don’t think so, Dalton. I’m not going to bend over and take it so you can prove
something to yourself. She’s our focus tonight. We’ve got the rest of our lives to explore the

Chapter Eight

Kylie spread her legs and positioned herself over Dalton’s face. Olav sat in the chair Dalton had just
vacated, steadily fucking her mouth. She clasped Olav’s hips as he slapped her ass. The first rousing slap
had made Dalton go still beneath her. He really was a charming prude. She smiled around Olav’s cock.
Wait until Olav started using his fingers. During their three day adventure, she couldn’t remember Dalton
so much as brushing his fingertips over her anus. If Olav was half the lover he was reputed to be, he
would leave no orifice unexplored.

Dalton held her open with his fingers while his tongue moved from her clit to her core and back again.
Olav squeezed her ass cheeks, accenting the heat his palms had created.

“Is she dripping into your mouth?” Olav’s voice was hushed and passion-roughened. She looked up at
him, their gazes locking as his cock bumped the back of her throat. She needed to get her head back,
give him a better angle. “Her skin is so hot.” He pulled her cheeks apart and she closed her eyes.
Waiting, trembling with anticipation. “Do you want my fingers,fluretta ? I can’t reach you very well like
this.” His fingers teased her slick folds, passing over her opening without so much as dipping inside. She
whimpered and sucked frantically on his cock.

The glorious pressure of fingers slid into her aching cunt. Her thighs clenched and her inner muscles

“Not yet,” Olav snapped, pulling his cock out of her mouth. “She comes much harder if you make her

“She came just fine without your help!” Dalton scuttled out from under her and Kylie wanted to weep.
They’dboth stopped and she was still aching.

Pushing to her feet, she shoved her hair out of her eyes and tried to sound assertive, not desperate.

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“Ground rules. You take turns being alpha male. Whoever starts the… round calls the shots until we’re
all finished. No one pressures anyone into doing anything they’re not comfortable doing.” She looked at
Dalton. “But you have got to stop looking shocked every time we do something that’s not in the
missionary handbook. I like to be spanked. I like to be held down. I like anal sex. And at some point I
would very much like to fuck both of you at the same time.”

“I’ve walked into an episode of Outpost Terra Ferma,” Dalton whispered.

She smiled at the hushed anticipation in his tone. He didn’t seem scandalized by her list. Maybe that’s
where they’d gone wrong. Knowledge was power and they’d left him powerless -- if a streetwise cop
could ever be termed powerless.

“Then is this my round?”

The smoldering look in Olav’s gaze sent a fresh wave of heat through Kylie. Her nipples tingled and her
core fluttered. She’d seen that look before, possessive anddominant . Whatever he had planned was
definitely not in the missionary handbook.

“It’s your turn on the chair, only you’re going to bend over it with your ass in the air.”

She braced her forearms against the seat and spread her legs wide. Both men stood behind her, Olav a
bit closer than Dalton. She kept her arms apart, so they could see her breasts. Her nipples brushed the
fabric, without pressing against the cushion. Would he spank her again? Slap her pussy this time?

“You’re creaming again,fluretta . What are you thinking about?”

“All the different things you could do to me.”

“Which ones excite you most?”

“I gave you my wish list. Can we get started on those?”

Olav chucked and a current of air wafted against her heat. She didn’t need to look over her shoulder to
know he was right behind her now. He traced her slit with the head of his cock and she whimpered.

“You want this inside you?”

“You know I do.”


“I don’t care.”

“Little liar. Say it.”

“In my ass. Please fuck my ass.” He pushed into her pussy and she groaned. Was he just being
obstinate? She really did want him in her tight back channel, stretching her until she screamed.

“Come here, human. Help me.” Olav didn’t need any help, so he must have some other reason for
asking for Dalton’s assistance. “Take some of this and put it on your fingers.” She pressed her face
against the back of the chair and smiled. Dalton had to overcome his anal aversion and Olav had found a

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way. “Slip your finger in and turn it. Here, I’ll show you.”

Fingers slipped in and out of her ass, rotating, pushing deeper. She blocked out their conversation and
focused on the sensations triggered by their “lesson.” A second finger joined the first. Were they fucking
her together now? She shivered, her pussy fluttering at the thought.

“She’s squeezing me like crazy,” Olav said. “Not too fast or she’ll come and I’m not ready to let her
come yet.”

Dalton thrust his fingers steadily while Olav pinched her nipples. His cock was a constant reminder that
he was just playing with her. She bucked her hips, driving both of them deeper into her aching body.
Olav grasped the back of her neck and squeezed.

“Be satisfied with the pleasure we give you until we’re ready to give you more.” She dug her nails into
the chair’s upholstery, fighting back a scream of frustration. Stars, she needed to come.

“Now, drag your fingers out slowly. Let her feel every inch.” The sweet outstroke went on and on. One
tiny tweak and she’d shatter. “Watch how she stretches to take my cock.” She hadn’t even realized Olav
had pulled out of her pussy at the same time Dalton pulled out of her ass until he pressed against her
other hole. He held her wide open so Dalton could see what he was doing.

“You’re not hurting her?”

“I don’t think so.” Deeper, deeper, he invaded her body with firm, steady pressure. His balls pressed
against her folds and he stopped. “Am I hurting you?” He knew good and well he wasn’t hurting her.
This was all for Dalton’s benefit.

“Move, damn you, move!”

Olav chuckled. “Doesn’t sound like pain to me.” He pulled almost out, then drove in hard enough to
rock his balls against her clit. She gasped as all the places he wasn’t touching throbbed at once. When
had her body become so greedy? “Give me your arms.”

She pushed off and reached back. He caught her wrists before she rocked forward again and drew her
arms behind her. The position arched her back, thrusting her breasts forward and making his cock feel
enormous inside her.

“Have a seat, human. We’re not finished with you.”

Dalton slid into position, his face deeply flushed, pupils all but eclipsing the rest of his eyes. “You’re
calling the shots, alpha dog.”

“Bite her nipples and pull on her clit. Not hard enough to cause real pain, just harder than you’d consider
with a human female.”

He did Olav one better. Firmly tugging her clit with one hand, Dalton pinched her nipple with the other.
He bent to her other breast and used his teeth until Kylie shook uncontrollably.

“Almost there, sweetfluretta ?” He stepped back, dragging her with him. Dalton didn’t have time to
protest. Olav bent her forward and pushed her face toward Dalton’s straining cock.

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Oh, yes! This was perfect. Olav held her arms crossed at the small of her back. He moved fast and
deep in her ass, while she adored Dalton with her lips and her tongue. Still Olav controlled her
movements. Each of his thrusts rocked her onto Dalton’s cock and drew her off as he pulled back.
Understanding his role, Dalton clasped the seat of the chair and rode out the pleasure with them.

Olav’s fangs sank into her shoulder and Dalton’s cock thrust into her throat, muffling her scream.
Sensation rushed from pleasure to pain and back to pleasure as energy swirled around them and flowed
through them.

Rippling spasms contracted her pussy, then burst into a powerful orgasm. Olav shuddered against her
back, his seed jetting deep inside her. Dalton groaned and trembled as release claimed him as well. She
swallowed and swallowed again, reveling in the pleasure and the power.

* * *

Fitting all three of them in the steam shower had sounded like a better idea than it turned out to be.
Every time Olav brushed against him, Dalton got as far away from the other man as physically possible.
Which wasn’t far given the confines of the glass enclosure.

“Would you just relax?” At least Olav hadn’t called him human. “I won’t touch you unless you ask me
to. I didn’t say unless you want me to because you already want me to. You’re just too stubborn to
admit it to yourself.”

Dalton let the provocation slide. It was hard to argue when his cock branded him a liar every time he
looked at either of them, or better yet both of them. Watching Olav command Kylie had been the single
most erotic experience of his life, so far.

“Tell me about Faelon,” Kylie prompted, an obvious attempt to change the subject.

“I know him more by reputation than anything. He lives in Italy most of the time, but vampires have a
way of dropping in unannounced.”

Olav handed her a tiny bottle of shampoo and she went to work on her hair. “How will Rafe investigate
this woman without making Faelon suspicious?”

“He’ll probably talk to Antonelli.”

“Who’s Antonelli?” Olav asked.

“Faelon’s human mate.”

“How can a vampire have a human mate?”

“He takes blood from her, but she doesn’t take blood from him,” Dalton explained.

“How odd.”

Kylie paused while she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. The men conspired while her eyes were
closed. Olav had a miniature bar of soap and a mischievous grin on his face. He attacked from one side
while Dalton caught her wrists and held her arms out away from her body. She laughed and wiggled as
Olav rubbed her with his soapy hands, lingering on the places that made her giggle the most.

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They stepped out of the shower a few minutes later and Kylie patted herself dry. “Where can I find this

“Don’t even think about it.” Dalton took her by the shoulders and waited until she looked into his eyes.
“There’s no one Faelon loves more than Antonelli. He won’t bother with a mental compulsion if you
mess with his mate. He’ll kill you.”

“What were you told about your subject?” Olav wrapped his towel around his hips and smoothed his
hair back from his brow. Dalton ignored the predictable tightening in his groin. So, the guy was easy on
the eyes.This doesn’t mean I’m gay . “Why does the council want her found?” Olav asked.

“I don’t know. I think Arabel sent me here because she couldn’t spare anyone important.” She tucked
the tail of her towel between her breasts and headed out of the bathroom.

Dalton caught her arm and swung her back around. “Why do you do that? Any mention of your sister is
followed by a put down of yourself. The only one comparing you to Arabel is you.”

“Maybe in this dimension.”

“So, don’t go back.”

“She has to go back,” Olav objected.

“Why?” Dalton shot him an annoyed look. “There are lots of bad guys in this dimension.”

“Our world is at war,” Kylie said, her gaze filled with regret. “Our enemy is more terrible than you can
imagine. I have to go back.”

Lost in her gaze, desperate to protect her, Dalton heard himself say, “Then I’ll go with you.”

* * *

Olav could feel dawn approaching. Kylie lay curled on the bed between him and the human, already
succumbed to the solar trance. Her head rested on his shoulder, but she had drawn Dalton’s arm over
her body and tucked his hand between her breasts.

“You’re touching me,” he mocked, knowing Dalton couldn’t see his smile.

“You wish.” Dalton sighed. “You obviously don’t know as much about this dimension as you think you

“I understand the challenges faced by anyone who is different from the norm. Your frustration at Kylie’s
attitude speaks well of you.”

A long pause followed. “Was that two different subjects?”

Olav chuckled. He liked the human more than he cared to admit. “Kylie always tries so hard to please
Arabel that something of Kylie gets lost. It’s very perceptive of you to see that so quickly.”

“Kylie’s an extraordinary woman. Maybe together we can help her realize her full potential.”

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“A noble goal indeed.”

“I know you’ll be more or less unconscious for several hours. Is there anything I need to do to protect
you? Does sunlight burn your skin, that sort of thing?”

“We aren’t vampires, Dalton.” He smiled up at the ceiling. “At least not any more.”

* * *

Dalton paced the outer room, too anxious to sleep, too tired to relax. Maybe Kylie was right. How
could they expect Rafe to go against his sire, especially if Faelon convinced him that his actions were
justified? Jessie wouldn’t cross Rafe. Dalton wouldn’t put her in that position. She could, however, tell
him whether or not Rafe had made any effort on their behalf.

She sounded groggy when she answered the phone. “It’s the middle of the afternoon, for god’s sake.
Don’t you know vampires sleep all day?”

“You’re not a vampire.”

“I might as well be.”

Dalton switched the phone to his other ear and sat down on the sofa. “Is he there?”

“Lying right beside me, but he can’t hear you. How’s your guest?”

“Feeling much better thanks to a friend who flashed in from her dimension.” He sighed, wishing he were
in the same room with Jessie. She was easy to read if you knew her well. “I’ve kept up my end of the
bargain. Kylie hasn’t left the hotel room. Has Rafe made any progress? His time is more than half gone.”

“Antonelli won’t answer her phone which means Faelon hid it from her again. He refuses to have a land
line. She’ll eventually check her email, but I suspect Faelon is on to us or at least damn suspicious.”

“What’s plan B?”

“I have a call in to the head of security out on Chimera Island. They’ve dealt with some pretty interesting
situations down through the years.”

“I’ll bet.” Chimera Island was like Club Carousel on a much grander scale. All species were welcome as
long as they behaved appropriately.

“As soon as Garret gets back with me, I’ll contact you.”

Dalton snapped his phone closed and crossed to the entertainment center. As he was hoping, the hotel
had on screen access to the internet. His laptop would have made everything a lot more cost-effective,
but there was no way he was leaving Olav and Kylie while they were helpless. He swiped his credit card
and took the wireless keyboard back to the couch.

“All right, Mercedes. Where are you now?”

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Chapter Nine

Olav awoke from his solar trance feeling rested and refreshed. Kylie curled against his side, warm and
naked. He smiled, savoring the softness of her body pressed so tightly to his. Where was the human?
Surely he hadn’t abandoned them while they slept. He allowed his ears to adjust, picking out the muted
tones of a television in the outer room.

Shame on him. Didn’t Dalton know the proper way to awaken a female? Olav rolled her onto her back
and admired the sleek perfection of her long-limbed body. The only thing more thrilling than feeling her
tight ass grip him was watching Dalton’s face as he lost control. Damn. This wasn’t good. It had been a
very long time since he’d been motivated to seduce a partner. Healers were all empathic which made
them popular lovers.

If it hadn’t been for Kylie, Dalton would never have turned his head. He was too brash, too uncouth, too
brutish, rather like theNac O’te warriors who made all the women pant. Well, he didn’t need Dalton to
make Kylie writhe and moan. He knew what pleased her far better than her human.

He’d watched that damn human lick and suck her to orgasm after orgasm. Now it was his turn to taste
her cream, to feel her ripple around his tongue and feel her grind herself against his mouth.

Moving carefully, so as not to wake her too soon, he eased between her legs and gently parted her with
his thumbs. Her bush was neatly trimmed, accenting her velvet green folds as opposed to concealing
them. He only licked her once before the door banged open and Dalton barged in.

“You’re obviously awake, but is she?”

“I was in the process of waking her.” He bent his head again and traced her slit only to have Dalton grab
the back of his head.

“We don’t fuck unconscious women in this dimension. There are laws against things like this.”

“She won’t be unconscious for long if you turn loose of my hair. You on the other hand…”

“Wake her up first.”

“You are so fucking weird! Would you have minded waking up with your cock in her mouth?”

That gave him pause and his fingers released. “But she isn’t just asleep. This is different. When you guys
are like this, you can’t wake up, right?”

“Not unless the sun has set or we’ve been asleep for eight hours. The sun is not quite down, but she’s
been sleeping for almost nine. Any other questions or can I proceed?”

“Sorry.” Dalton stayed on the edge of the bed and Olav didn’t ask him to leave.

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Olav raised one of her legs to his shoulder, offering Dalton a better view. He licked and nibbled, sucking
on her folds as well as her clit until her slit grew moist and slippery.

Olav motioned Dalton forward. “You finger her pussy while I lick her clit.” He applied his tongue from
above, giving Dalton plenty of room to move.

Kylie came awake with a soft gasp, disoriented for a moment. Dalton thrust his fingers steadily into her
cunt while Olav flicked his tongue against her clit. The first tingles of release were already building within
her. She didn’t even try to hold them back. One of her legs draped over Olav’s shoulders. She pushed
up with the other and tilted her hips, rubbing her folds against Olav’s mouth. He nipped her, then sucked
her clit hard and her orgasm exploded in glorious pulses and tingles.

She skimmed her hands the length of her body with a dreamy smile. “Can I wake up like this every

Olav kissed his way down her thigh as Dalton sat up beside her. “Your human was worried that I was
taking advantage of your solar trance when he found me licking your pussy before you were fully

She glanced at Dalton. “You both have my permission to lick my pussy any time and anywhere the
mood strikes you. Crawl under the table in a restaurant, hike up my skirt in an elevator, bend me over in
the basement of Club Carousel, push me up against a tree in the park outside…” Her list turned into
laughter as Dalton’s eyes grew wider and wider. “You have lived a very sheltered life.”

“I’m beginning to see that. If many of your people visit this dimension, Earth could become a very
interesting place.”

“Do we have time for more adventures before Rafe and Jessie arrive?”

“Actually it’s Jessie and a man named Garret, and we’re meeting them at a restaurant down the street in
about an hour and a half. But I need to run home or buy a change of clothes before then, so I think the
next adventure will have to wait.”

Olav helped her off the bed, his gaze smoldering. “We can work on your new list during the meeting.
Didn’t she say crawl under the table in a restaurant?”

Warm tingles raced down Kylie’s spine. “We’ll have to see the restaurant before I agree to anything.
Who is Garret?”

“Let’s take care of the practical stuff, then I’ll fill you both in. How have you been getting around? Do
you have a rental car or do you just flash in and out like Olav?”

She looked at Olav and shook her head. “Can you imagine not being able to teleport? Nearly everyone
in this dimension relies on machines for transportation.”

“Can you teleport with me to my apartment? The naked thing isn’t going to work for this meeting.”

“Olav could take you to your apartment while I get dressed. It would be faster that way.”

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“No,” her men said in unison, making her smile.

“Until this thing is over,” Dalton said, “we’re joined at the hip.”

“Or hips,” Olav clarified, his grin giving the phrase an entirely different meaning.

She showered and dressed in a velvet skirt and coordinated sweater. Olav showered next, inviting
Dalton with a challenging raise of his eyebrows. Dalton sat on the commode and slipped his hand under
Kylie’s skirt while she finished getting ready. His warm hand reached her bare bottom and squeezed.

“She’s not wearing anything under this skirt.”

She laughed. “Now you spoiled the surprise. I was going to tell you right before we walked into the
restaurant. Give you something to think about while you ordered your food.”

A moan drew her gaze toward the shower. Olav stood there, legs braced apart, boldly stroking his cock
with either shampoo or conditioner, his features tense with an impending orgasm.

Dalton looked at him, closed his eyes, then looked at him again. “Why do you find wanting him so
hard?” she asked carefully.

“I’m a homicide detective, I’m Catholic, and I’m… a lot of things you wouldn’t understand.”

“Tell me what you see when you look at him.”

He took a long time to answer. His gaze moved over Olav as he thought. “I see a different version of
you. How could I not want him?” Then Dalton rushed from the bathroom.

* * *

They sat around a table in the back corner of a small restaurant an hour later. Garret Olsen did most of
the talking. Kylie studied his ordinary features, his nondescript suit, and his medium build, waiting for the
telltale blur confirming her suspicions that he was a shifter.

“With or without Faelon’s cooperation my team can locate Mercedes Smythe,” Garret assured them.
“They do all the background work for the Agency of Extraordinary Mates. We have resources you
simply don’t have.”

Kylie inclined her head, acknowledging his claim without agreeing with him. “Do you know how long it
will take your people to find her?”

“I’d expect to have something to report within a few days.” He smiled at Jessie and his features
fluctuated. It was subtle and instantaneously corrected, but Kylie leaned closer to the table. Garret
continued, “Jessie explained that this is an immigration matter, of sorts. Is this woman dangerous?”

“No. And we would prefer to make first contact. Once you’ve located her, we’ll do the rest.”

“I understand. Do you have any questions for me?”

“I don’t believe so.” She looked at Dalton. He had been suspiciously quiet through the entire

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conversation. “Well, then, I’ll let you enjoy your meal.” He placed his folded napkin on the table and
walked across the restaurant.

“I don’t trust that man,” Dalton said as soon as the door closed behind Garret.

Kylie smiled. Thank the stars; she hadn’t been the only one Garret set on edge. She looked at Jessie. “Is
Garret Olsen human?”

“His mother is human. I think his father isSeleighe Sidhe .”

“I’m unfamiliar with that species.”

“An elf of the Light court.”

Kylie nodded. “Are they able to shape shift?”

“They can use glamour to create illusions, but I think that’s different than actually shifting. Isn’t it?”

“It is.” Kylie looked at the door through which Garret had departed. “That wasn’t Garret Olsen.”

“Are you sure?”

“He was a shifter. I’m sure about that.”

“I’ll let the Agency know they have a problem. Damn.” Jessie dug in her purse for her cell phone. “Is this
related to the Mercedes mess or just an unhappy coincidence?”

“It’s hard to believe they’re completely unrelated.” After Jessie left a message for a Ms. Riley on
Chimera Island, Kylie asked, “Did you contact Garret or did he contact you?”

“I contacted him after Rafe got nowhere with Faelon. It was unbelievable. Rafe pretended I was frantic
with worry about Dalton, then he swore he’d never do anything to harm someone Faelon loved. It was
the performance of a lifetime and none of it had any effect. Rafe even threatened to turn Faelon in to the
council for what he did to you. Faelon remained silent and expressionless through it all.”

“He obviously knew it was ‘the performance of a lifetime.’ Didn’t Faelon sire Rafe?”


“Then why did Rafe think he could fool his sire?” Kylie asked.

“Lead singer syndrome?”

Dalton laughed, but Kylie shook her head. “I don’t know what that means.”

“Rock stars tend to be a bit arrogant.”

“A bit?” Dalton challenged.

“So, I thought bringing in someone further removed from the crisis might be helpful.”

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“It was a good idea,” Kylie said. “But your message was either intercepted or this Garret thing has
nothing to do with Mercedes. Either way it can’t be good.”

“What does Garret’s imposter gain by locating her for us?” Olav asked.

“Who says he wants to find her forus ?” Dalton pushed back from the table. “I think we’re not the only
ones looking for Mercedes.”

“In which case he could still lead us to her,” Olav pointed out.

“We can’t forget we’re dealing with an imposter,” Dalton stressed. “And we have to be there when he
finds her.”

Kylie rested her forearms against the table and leaned toward Jessie. “They just gave me an idea.”

Chapter Ten

Faelon turned from the crackling fire and his troubled thoughts as the library door opened. Only his
beloved would enter without knocking. She paused for a moment, her back pressed against the closed
door, a soft smile curving her lips. His heart never failed to tighten at the sight of her, his cock never failed
to stir.

“Did you miss me?” The crisis had kept him away from her for the better part of the last two days and
worse than the separation was the deception. Few secrets had separated them in the centuries they had
been together. He wished he could say there had been none.

“I always miss you.” She crossed the room, her hips gently swaying. “What is troubling you, my love?
Talk to me.”

If only it were that simple. Confessing his sins at this late date wouldn’t untangle the cords. It wouldn’t --

The library door burst open and Antonelli screamed. With a blur of motion and preternatural speed, a
being snatched her back and swung her into the arms of Dalton Auster. Dalton pressed a gun against her
temple while the being grabbed him from behind. Fury pulsed through Faelon. He jerked his arms and
nothing happened. Impossible!

“Meet my friend, Olav,” Dalton said with a cocky smile. “As you can probably tell, he’s not from this
dimension.” Dalton holstered his gun and Antonelli transformed into the alien from Club Carousel.

A decoy. “Where is my mate?” He went wild in Olav’s arms, twisting and writhing. Kylie sent a pulse of
green energy sailing at him. It passed over his body and leeched his strength.

“Being caught by surprise is a bitch. Isn’t it, Faelon? Antonelli is upstairs with Jessie and Rafe. She’s just

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sleeping for a while. A far gentler compulsion than you used. Now, shall we continue the conversation we
started at Club Carousel? Why are you so determined to keep me away from Mercedes?”

Faelon jerked again and the creature let him go. He shot a furious glance over his shoulder and found a
male version of Kylie. “How many of your people have come through the Veil?”

“As of right now, just we two,” Kylie answered. “Unless you count Mercedes, of course.”

He rubbed his eyes with his fingertips, suddenly feeling every millennium he had lived. “Mercedes is

“Oh, how fucking convenient,” Dalton snapped, his hand covering his gun.

“She wanted to attend the party. I didn’t think it was a good idea. As usual, Antonelli intervened and
devised a compromise.”

“Mercedes was at Club Carousel that night?”

“I didn’t realize it at the time, but yes.”

“What happened to her?”

“The details are not important.” Faelon’s gaze flashed in warning. “She started shielding herself from me
that night. I have been unable to locate her for twenty-six hours.”

Kylie crossed her arms over her chest and stared into his eyes. “What have you done to find her?”

“Everything.” He narrowed his gaze on her face. “Trust me, little alien. If I cannot find her, you will not
be able to find her.”

“There’s a difference,vampire .” She had the audacity to smile. “She’s not hiding from me.”

* * *

Back in Dalton’s apartment, Kylie milled over the rapid-fire events of the night. Rafe had promised he’d
find out what he could from Antonelli, but Kylie wasn’t hopeful that anything involving Faelon would
produce results.

“I spent several hours on the internet last night, seeing if I could dig up anything new,” Dalton said. “It’s
like she didn’t exist before she showed up on Outpost Terra Ferma. And after she left the show, she just
disappeared again.”

“Why would Faelon have allowed his niece to be on a television show?”

“His control over her is obviously not as absolute as he thinks,” Dalton said. “She gave him the slip at the
party, didn’t she?”

“Do you believe Faelon?” Olav asked. He was lounging in an overstuffed armchair, looking devastating
in the jeans and tee shirt Rafe had lent him.

“He seemed genuinely upset even before you guys burst into the library.”

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“This just gets more and more interesting.” Dalton sat beside her on the sofa. “I’m burning up vacation
days like crazy. She better be worth the trouble.”

“By ‘she’ you mean the mysterious Mercedes, not our delectable Kylie, I presume.” Olav sounded so
affronted it made Kylie smile.

“There is no question in my mind that Kylie is worth any trouble she brings into my life.” Dalton stood
and pulled his shirt off over his head. “I think it’s my turn to be alpha dog.”

“But what if I don’t want to play?”

He flashed a sexy smile that made her insides melt. “We’ll convince you.”

We, notI . Dalton was progressing wonderfully. Kylie shrugged with a nonchalance she didn’t feel. “So,
convince me.” She glanced at Olav. He was already on his feet, out of his tee shirt and working on his
jeans. Dalton shed his pants too, and they stood in front of her, side by side. Oh, the possibilities. Tall,
muscular Dalton and lean, agile Olav… perhaps in time. Dalton had admitted he wanted Olav. That was
the first step.

“Raise your arms,” Dalton instructed. She did and he pulled her sweater off over her head. Instead of
removing her skirt, he simply raised it to her waist exposing her pussy and her bare thighs. “We forgot to
crawl under the table. That could have been fun.”

“There’s always tomorrow,” Olav pointed out. “Where do you want me?”

Kylie smiled at the cleverly worded tease.

“Kneel down in front of her. No fingers, just tongue.”

“Yes, sir.” Olav dropped to his knees and pressed his mouth over her mound, thrusting into her core as
far as he could reach.

“You know what I meant. Hold her open and tease her clit. I want her pussy throbbing so badly she’ll
come as soon as I push inside.”

Olav behaved this time. His fingers parted her folds and Kylie rested her head against the back of the
sofa. Dalton watched Olav lick her as he stroked his own cock. “Why don’t you put that in my mouth,”
she whispered.

After a moment’s hesitation, he put his foot on the seat of the sofa on the far side of her hips, then leaned
in, offering her his cock. He was still doing everything in his power to make sure he didn’t touch Olav.
Amused by the realization, she sucked firmly on the head of his cock. Silly, stubborn Dalton. Was he
ready for another lesson?

She swirled her tongue around the broad, plush head of his cock. Olav was long and tapered, while
Dalton’s shaft was delightfully thick. They were perfectly matched for her ultimate fantasy.

Tangling his fingers in her hair, Dalton rocked into her mouth. His head was thrown back as he pumped
with long, deep thrusts. She rubbed his thighs and squeezed his ass cheeks, then slowly pulled them

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Olav’s mouth hesitated against her. She knew where he was looking, exactly where she had intended for
him to look.Do it. It needs to be you .

Gathering her cream on his fingertips, Olav circled Dalton’s anus. The first brush made Dalton start. His
gaze flew to hers with a silent question. She released his cock. “We don’t have to, if you’d rather not.”

“Whose fingers are poking at my asshole?” His gaze narrowed and his chest heaved.

“Do you really care?”

“No.” He put his cock back in her mouth and Olav pushed his finger past Dalton’s sphincter. “Fuck!”

After only a few seconds she felt Dalton’s shaft buck wildly against her tongue. Oh, the power of the
forbidden. He held her face and shook as he spilled his seed down her throat.

“You two are going to kill me.” Dalton stepped back, bracing his hands against his knees. “This isn’t
what I had in mind.”

“What did you have in mind?” Kylie stood and wiggled out of her skirt.

“Is sex with your kind always so -- overwhelming? Don’t you ever take it nice and slow, build the
intensity gradually.”

“Fucking isn’t just about intimate connections and physical pleasure,” Olav reminded him. “This is how
we create energy.”

“And the more energy we need, the greedier we become sexually.” Kylie moved up in front of him and
wrapped her arms around his neck. “We can slow down if that’s what you need. Or you can watch for a

Dalton laughed. “Yeah, that worked out real well last night.”

Kylie looked at Olav as she rubbed her breasts against Dalton’s chest. “We’re not being fair to him.
We’re expecting him to make all of the adjustments. Let’s try it his way just once.”

“This is his adventure.”

She took Dalton by the hand and led him into the bedroom. “Lie down. Let us love you. Relax and
accept our attention. We’ll join with you.”

Dalton spread out on his back and Kylie straddled his hips. Her willingness to please him made his heart
thump in his chest. Compromise and communication, they were the basis for any relationship. Mind
blowing sex didn’t hurt, but this was wonderful.

She smiled and kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth. He cupped her breasts and found one
already covered by Olav’s hand. Compromise. He couldn’t pretend the other man wasn’t here. He was
part of a threesome now. He had to accept it. His erection intensified as he remembered Olav’s finger
sliding so smoothly in his ass. Maybe being part of a threesome wasn’t so bad.

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He caressed her torso and stroked her hips, his hand crossing under and then over Olav’s as they each
explored her soft skin. She pushed up and Dalton pulled her toward his mouth, capturing one nipple
between his teeth. He watched Olav roll the other nipple, working together until they were both tight and

“Put me inside you,” Dalton told her. “I want to feel Olav make you come.”

“Are you sure? We aren’t taking this very slow.”

“I’m warming up to the Froswick way of fucking.”

“Thank the gods.” Olav grinned.

Balancing her weight on her knees, Kylie guided his cock to her core and lowered herself onto his
aching length. Dalton lay perfectly still and gloried in the penetration. Her cunt was hot and tight, rippling
around him. He groaned, then spread his legs. She arched backward and braced herself against the bed,
giving Olav access to her clit.

Olav leaned over Kylie and circled her clit with his tongue. Not sparing Dalton so much as a glance,
Olav became bolder, licking her delicate tissue where it stretched tight around the base of Dalton’s cock.
His warm, wet tongue stroked Dalton’s cock as often as it teased her pussy. Dalton went with it,
accepting the pleasure, the tingling heat, and the tension spiraling up through his abdomen.

“You’re going to make me come -- again and that wasn’t the point.”

Olav chuckled and returned to her clit. With focused intent and obvious skill, he brought her to a
trembling orgasm. “Better?” He helped her up and moved her forward, so she rested against Dalton’s
chest. “The only one who hasn’t come at all, is me.”

“I’m still hard as a rock. Are you going where I think you’re going?”

“He better be,” Kylie whispered, arching her hips in invitation.

“What about lube?” Dalton asked when Olav moved immediately into position.

“My cock can produce it at will.”

“Then why was I ‘helping’ you last night?”

“Shut up and fuck me!”

Dalton chuckled. Who could argue with that? He couldn’t see what Olav was doing but the sensation of
his cock sliding into Kylie’s already tight body was enough to make him howl. He barely fought back the
sound and tossed his head back and forth. Humans weren’t meant to feel this much pleasure. His chest
heaved and stars danced behind his closed eyelids.

Olav pulled back, giving Kylie room to move. Dalton didn’t understand at first, but two rhythmic cycles
made the process blissfully clear. She dragged her body off Olav’s cock as she pushed down onto his,
then she took Olav deep as she rose up off of him. Back and forth, in and out, she passed herself
between one cock and the other. They each moved a bit, but Kylie set the depth and speed.

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“I need… Can you take another bite?”

He opened his eyes and looked into her flushed face, so beautiful, so incredibly precious. “Of course.”
Tangling his fingers in her hair, he pulled her mouth down toward his throat. She veered at the last minute,
sinking her fangs into his shoulder instead.

Pain burst within his mind, followed by a blinding surge of pleasure. Blinking and shaking, he looked up
and found Olav’s face close above his. The other man was drawing on the side of Kylie’s neck,
completing the circle. Energy sizzled and flowed. Dalton felt Olav as well as Kylie blending in the meld.

Their bodies strained into and against each other, reaching for the culmination of the joining, determined
to arrive together. Dazed and breathless, Dalton clutched Kylie to his chest, knowing the firm squeeze of
her inner muscles would be enough to push him over the edge. Olav pushed deep as well. Filled by them,
surrounded with them, Kylie released her hold on Dalton’s shoulder and surrendered to her orgasm.
Dalton arched up into her and Olav clasped Dalton’s back as they came in shuddering waves.

“I hate to interrupt, but neither of you responded to my signal and this is an emergency.”

Olav reached for the sheet at the foot of the bed, giving Dalton a glimpse of the Valkyrie. She wasn’t
really standing there, but it was still bizarre.

After an awkward moment of untangling body parts, Kylie pushed her hair off her forehead and asked,
“What’s wrong? Why did you send out an emergency signal?”

“We suspected that the Setti have had a recon team on Earth for some time now.”

“What?” Kylie got to her knees obviously upset by the news. “Why am I just now hearing about this?”

“You know why. AllNac O’te intel is strictly need to know.”

“I now have a need to know?”

“We’ve not only confirmed the presence of the recon team, we’ve intercepted a message dispatching a
strike force. Their target is your target.”

“I’m racing a Setti strike team?” Kylie shook her head. “You have got to be kidding.”

Arabel clasped her hands behind her back, retreating into her professional role. “I can spare twoNac
warriors. Any greater risk is unacceptable.”

“Unless they’re Day Warriors, they’ll be no use to me and I don’t need to ask if you can spare Day
Warriors. Can I at least know why I’m risking my life for this woman?”

“We were more curious than anything until we found out about the Setti’s interest in her.” Arabel’s
expression softened and she released an audible sigh. “You have to find her, Kylie. You’re her only

The image blinked out and Kylie crawled out from under the sheet, determination burning in her gaze.
“Do you think Faelon will be more helpful if he knows her life is on the line?”

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“Who are the Setti?”

“They’re a vile race of beings who were systematically destroying their galaxy until the Guardians put a
stop to their devastation,” Olav said.

“If the Guardians stopped them… I don’t understand.”

“Their one weakness is they can’t exist outside their home dimension, so the Guardians sealed their
dimension. Unfortunately, some really nasty hybrids had already set up outposts in other dimensions.
We’re at war with a horde of these hybrids.”

“I see.”

“I don’t think you do.” Olav swung his leg off the other side of the bed and stood. “And hopefully you
never will.”

“Are they really that bad?”

Kylie shuddered. “You can’t even imagine.”

Check out these other books in the Club Carousel Series

A Taste of Twilight

Jessie Curtis’ career as a homicide detective has cost her the lives of everyone she loved. Leaving police
work behind, she moves to Colorado and becomes a private investigator. But when a string of apparent
suicides leads to a famous rock band, she’s ready to follow her investigation wherever it takes her.
Jessie’s convinced nothing can shock her any more -- until she comes face to face with a real life

Rafe Steele, enigmatic lead singer of the wildly popular rock band Pyrite and six hundred year old
vampire, is infuriated when an old enemy’s barbaric actions lead a nosy investigator to his door. He’s
been betrayed -- someone’s trying to expose him to the media! Now he’s got a cop to deal with. She’s
persistent, shrewd, and sexy as hell. Rafe knows, left to her own devises, she’ll be the next victim. Still,
she stirs emotions in him he doesn’t want to feel.

She doesn’t trust him. He can’t afford to want her. Yet only together can they end the killing spree.

A Taste of Midnight

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Brenna Skyler, Mistress Air, chose ambition over love. To become an Elemental, the most exalted
position among theUnseleighe Sidhe , Brenna had to end her scandalous affair with Phillip Noir, a
vampire. She has never stopped loving him, but she was convinced she made the right decision -- until

A vampire is preying on Dark Elf females. He captures them, rapes them, and infects them with his
blood, creating appalling hybrids unlike anything theUnseleighe Sidhe have ever encountered before. It
takes a vampire to track a vampire, so the High Council turns to Mistress Air.

Phillip is thrilled when Brenna comes crawling back to him. He’s not used to playing the jilted lover. He
was good enough to screw, but not good enough to be Brenna’s mate, and he’s been nursing a long
overdue need to settle old scores. Now she needs his help. He doesn’t mind destroying a rogue vampire
-- it’s the right thing to do -- but Brenna needs a lesson in humility. She’ll pay for her callous rejection. If
only he can remember he’s not still in love with her…

A Taste of Dawn

When Eric King, the acclaimed songwriter for the rock band Pyrite, gets writer’s block, someone emails
him the first verse of a song. The message is simple. “If you want the rest, you must spend one night with
me.” The song is brilliant, achingly poetic, and so similar in style to Eric’s own work he knows no one will
suspect he didn’t write it. But is he really willing to sleep with a stranger for the song?

Mercedes San Carlos, the illegitimate daughter of an autocratic vampire and an alien has been an outcast
her entire life. Her only attempt at evading the rules designed to “protect” her ended disastrously. Now
she lives her life as a veritable prisoner, tormented by evils both real and imagined. Desperate enough to
barter her creativity for a few hours of tenderness, she reaches out to Eric King.

Aubrey Ross

Multi-award winning author Aubrey Ross writes an eclectic assortment of erotic fiction. From sinister
power struggles between demonic clans, to adventurous Mystic Keepers, her books are filled with
passion and imagination. Release your inhibitions and let her stories take you where only dreamers dare
to soar. Visit her website at:

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