ETAP WOJEWÓDZKI .........................
6 marca 2010 Kod uczestnika

Przed przystąpieniem do testu, wpisz powyżej swój kod uczestnika i przenieś go na kartę odpowiedzi. Do etapu ustnego kwalifikuje się uczestnik, który otrzyma minimum 30 punktów na 35 możliwych do uzyskania. Czas na rozwiązanie testu wynosi 60 minut.

Życzymy powodzenia.


Wysłuchaj dwukrotnie tekstu. W pierwszej części zadania, zdecyduj, które zdania podane w tabeli (1 - 4) są zgodne z jego treścią (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). W drugiej części zadania (5-7) z podanych czterech możliwości, wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. KONIECZNIE przenieś swoje odpowiedzi na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Część I



Oliver had to wash silk handkerchiefs and dispose of the letters embroidered on the them.


Fagin got mad at Dodger and Charlie because they didn't manage to steal anything for a few days.


As the boys walked unhurriedly, they were late for work.


Dodger and Charlie made Oliver rob an older man.

Część II

5. Just after stealing the older man's handkerchief:

a) boys walked away quickly and hid in the entrance of a building

b) people started to chase the boys

c) Oliver started to run away

d) Dodger and Charley began to shout 'Stop thief!

6. The policeman released Oliver because:

a) the old man showed compassion to the poor boy

b) some people from the crowd testified that the boy was not the one who stole the handkerchief

c) the bookseller confirmed that the boy was innocent

d) the boy was ill

7. After Oliver fell down again, the old gentleman:

a) decided to call an ambulance

b) asked passers-by to call a doctor

c) asked people to call a carriage

d) called a taxi



6 marca 2010


Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie dopasuj brakujące zdania do luk w tekście. Dwa zdania są zbędne. Swoje odpowiedzi KONIECZNIE przenieś na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

We could not go for a walk that afternoon. There was such a freezing cold wind, and such heavy rain, that we all stayed indoors. I was glad of it. 1) ………. I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark, with ice-cold fingers and toes, feeling miserable because Bessie, the nursemaid, was always scolding me. All the time I knew I was different from my cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed. They were taller and stronger than me, and they were loved.

These three usually spent their time crying and quarrelling, but today they were sitting quietly around their mother in the sitting-room. 2) ……. . Bessie had complained about me.

'No, I'm sorry, Jane. Until I hear from Bessie, or see for myself, that you are really trying to behave better, you cannot be treated as a good, happy child, like my children.'

'What does Bessie say I have done?' I asked. 'Jane, it is not polite to question me in that way. If you cannot speak pleasantly, be quiet.'

I crept out of the sitting-room and into the small room next door, where I chose a book full of pictures from the bookcase. I climbed on to the window-seat and drew the curtains, so that I was completely hidden. I sat there for a while. Sometimes I looked out of the window at the grey November afternoon, and saw the rain pouring down on the leafless garden. 3) ……….. Lost in the world of imagination, I forgot my sad, lonely existence for a while, and was happy. I was only afraid that my secret hiding-place might be discovered.

4) ………… . 'Where are you, rat?' he shouted. He did not see me behind the curtain. 'Eliza! Georgy! Jane isn't here! Tell Mamma she's run out into the rain - what a bad animal she is!'

'How lucky I drew the curtain,' I thought. He would never have found me, because he was not very intelligent. But Eliza guessed at once where I was.

5) ………….. . So I came out immediately, as I did not want him to pull me out.

Adapted from `Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte, retold by Clare West .

  1. My whole body trembled when he came near.

  2. But most of the time I studied the book and stared, fascinated, at the pictures.

  3. 'She's in the window-seat, John,' she called from the sitting-room.

  4. I never liked long walks, especially in winter.

  5. I feared nothing but interruption, and that came too soon.

  6. I wanted to join the family circle, but Mrs. Reed, my aunt, refused.

  7. Suddenly the door of the room opened. John Reed rushed in.



6 marca 2010


Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i KONIECZNIE przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. Do you know when ………………………….?

a) will your brother arrive b) your brother will arrive

c) your brother arrives d) has your brother arrived

2. If Kate hadn't forgotten to go to the bank, we …………… shopping at the moment.

a) would be able to go b) could have been doing

c) would have been able to go d) could have gone

3. There must be something I can do to ………….. breaking your favourite tea-pot.

a) face up to b) go in for c) put up with d) make up for

4. Jenny seems to love her husband but she is thought ……………………. him for money.

a) she got married b) to marry c) to have married d) to have been married

5. Nancy went to college yesterday but she …….. as all the lectures and classes were cancelled.

a) didn't need to go b) needn't have gone c) couldn't have gone d) shouldn't have gone

6. No sooner ……………… she received an urgent phone call from one of her patients.

a) had she come home than b) has she come home than

c) she had come home when d) she would come home when

7. `I refuse to write the report'. `How dare you ….. the boss's instructions!'

a) to defy b) defying c) defy d) to be defying

8. `Where have you been Janet?'. ` Well my tutor ….. some research into post graduate studies'.

a) made me to do b) had me to do c) got me to do d) put me do

9. Only after they had finished painting …………… into their new house.

a) they had moved b) they moved c) did they move d) had they moved

10. His report falls ……….. mine so it will not be difficult to find a solution that will satisfy both of us.

a) out with b) in for c) back on d) in with


Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i KONIECZNIE przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. It's eighteen years since Tom worked in Spain and his Spanish is pretty …… now.

a) sloppy b) scratchy c) rusty d) stale



6 marca 2010

2. The baby is very fretful, he must be … some teeth.

a) grinding b) cutting c) producing d) making

3. He earns his living by ….. works of art.

a) recovering b) reviving c) renewing d) restoring

4. Some trees …… their leaves in winter.

a) fall b) throw c) leave d) shed

5. Most prices were …… in the final days of the clearance sale.

a) slashed b) declined c) diminished d) taken down

6. Jake had a …… escape when his boat was capsized by an unexpected gust of wind.

a) narrow b) close c) near d) sudden

7. Her reputation has been greatly …… by the success of her new film.

a) enlarged b) enhanced c) expanded d) heightened

8. The photo is rather …… because her camera was out of focus.

a) blotted b) faded c) blurred d) smeared

9. All three TV channels provide extensive ……... of sporting events.

a) broadcast b) coverage c) network d) vision

10. People under 18 years old are not …… to join this club.

a) desirable b) eligible c) advisable d) admissible


Wybierz jedną właściwą odpowiedź i KONIECZNIE przenieś ją na kartę odpowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. Flag Day in the US is celebrated on …………… .

a) 4 July b) 14 June c) last Monday in May d) 12 October

2. Golden State is the nickname of ………….. .

a) Florida b) New York c) California d) Texas

3. Which state does not border on the Gulf of Mexico?

a) Alabama b) Louisiana c) Texas d) Georgia

4. The capital city of Illinois is ……… .
a) Chicago b) Nashville c) Springfield d) Kansas City

5. The national emblem of the US is ……….

a) a seal b) a bear c) an eagle d) a deer



6 marca 2010

6. The most populated US city is:
a) Washington b) Los Angeles c) New York d) Chicago

7. The highest mountain in the U.S. is:
a) Mt. McKinley b) Mt. Shasta c) Mt. Logan d) Mt. Rainier

8. Las Vegas is located in ……………….. .

a) Nevada b) California c) Arizona d) Texas

9. Mount Rushmore, a high rock cliff in South Dakota, is famous for the large heads of four US presidents : ………., carved in the rock.

a) B. Franklin, G. Washington, T. Jefferson and A. Lincoln

b) G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln and T. Roosevelt

c) G. Washington, , J. Adams, A. Lincoln and T. Roosevelt

d) G. Washington, J. Adams, A. Lincoln and J.F Kennedy

10. Which one is not the name of the US flag?

a) Stars and Stripes b) Old Glory c) the Star-Spangled Banner d) The Union Flag


Napisz rozprawkę na temat dobrych i złych stron zorganizowanych form wypoczynku.

Długość rozprawki powinna wynosić od 150 do 170 słów. UWAGA: Treści przekazane w rozprawce powyżej 170go wyrazu są odkreślane i nie podlegają ocenie. Również nie sprawdza się poprawności w tej części pracy. Jeżeli praca zawiera mniej niż 120 słów, uczestnik otrzyma maksymalnie 0 pkt. za kompozycję. Uczestnik zapisuje pracę, która ma podlegać ocenie, w CZYSTOPISIE. BRUDNOPIS nie jest oceniany. Oceniane są poprawność językowa (1 punkt), bogactwo językowe (3 punkty), treść ( 2 punkty) i kompozycja pracy (2 punkty).














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