pytaniapo ang do matury ustnej

Witam wszystkich proszę o pomoc o to lista pytań i proszę o jak najszybszą odpowiedź na nie po angielsku, z góry dziękuje i bardzo potrzebuje waszej pomocy:

Jedno - dwa zdania w każdym.

1. How would you define the term "true art"?

2. What factors do people consider when choosing a place to live?

3. Why may house hunting be a stressful experience?

4. What can you learn about a person by looking at their flat? Why?

5. Why do so many young people decide to leave home and rent a flat of their own?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning a foreign language abroad?

7. What tips can you give to people who would like to start learning a foreign language?

8. Which language skills do you consider the most important? Why?

9. Is knowledge of foreign languages important for young people nowadays? Why? / Why not?

10. What is more important to you, a good salary or job satisfaction? Why?

11. What do you think should be taken into consideration when choosing a job? Why?

12. What is a successful career in your opinion?

13. How can young people benefit from having a holiday job?

14. Do you think it is important to follow a certain diet? Why? / Why not?

15. Is genetically modified food a serious threat? Why? / Why not?

16. Do you think that dieting is a lifestyle or just a fad?

17. What are the differences between eating at home and eating in a restaurant?

18. Do you think that young people in Poland lead healthy lifestyles? Why? / Why not?

19. What do you think can be done to lower the number of smokers?

20. How should a healthy lifestyle be promoted?

21. Do you think selling fast food in school canteens should be prohibited? Why? / Why not?

22.What can we do to make travelling safer for us?

23. What problems may come up when you travel?

24. How should drivers who ignore traffic regulations be punished?

25. Which means of transport will be the most popular in 30 years' time? Why?

26. Do you support any charities? Why? / Why not?

27. What does the proverb, "Charity begins at home" mean to you?

28. Do you agree with the statement that we are generous only on special occasions, such as charity events? Why? / Why not?

29. Are you for or against animal rights? Why?


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