Sun and the Ascendant


The essence and the bark : the Sun and the Ascendant


We wish to recall a basic principle which is too often misunderstood or sometimes inappropriately explained in astrological books meant for the general public. The rising sign, i.e. the sign which crosses the eastern horizon at the moment of birth, is a major element of the natal chart because it describes our general behaviour and our outward appearance and indicates how people perceive us when they meet us for the first time.

It is important to grasp the difference between the Ascendant sign and the Sun sign, i.e., the sign in which the Sun is posited at the moment of birth. Unlike the Ascendant, the Sun sign refers to the deepest part of us which is more genuine but less accessible because it is meant for our friends and relatives only.

Both the Ascendant and the Sun represent our vitality and our health, along with the Moon, the planets in the 1st, 6th, and 8th houses, and their rulers. Rulers are particularly important when these houses are empty. However, the Ascendant is more physical and instinctive than the Sun. The usual belief is that the Ascendant refers to the appearance and "to seem", whereas the Sun stands for what is hidden and "to be", and it is by no means a far-fetched oversimplification.

In this article, we describe the pure typologies produced by the association of the zodiacal signs in which the Sun and the Ascendant are posited. Therefore, one may say that a person is a Pisces Sun with a Cancer Ascendant, or an Aries Sun with a Virgo Ascendant, or twice a Taurus. In the latter case, it means that the Ascendant and the Sun are both in the sign of Taurus. There are 144 possible combinations all in all. We insist on the fact that we provide simplified and pure meanings. Indeed, as we always clearly state in the introduction of the articles published on our website, a natal chart is much more than the Sun and the Ascendant, or the blending of these two main features. Indeed, over 500 million people living on earth share the same Sun sign, and they all have a different life and a different horoscope. There are 12 possibilities for the Ascendant, and synthesizing its characteristics with those of the Sun enables to focus on one-twelfth of humankind and to draw a more individualistic picture. This is not enough since a natal chart encompasses the whole sum of numerous complex combinations such as planets in sign, houses in sign, astrological aspects between planets and angles, house rulership, and many other factors that must be carefully taken into account.

On Astrotheme, you can immediately get the zodiacal sign of your Ascendant and your Sun.

You can also get a host of celebrities having one of the 144 combinations of Sun sign and Ascendant sign with our Advanced Search, Multicriteria. For instance, you can select Sun in Pisces in our dialogue page, the first option, and then check the Add/remove box. Another dialogue page then pops up, and you can for instance check the third option, 1st House in Cancer. Click on the "Search" button, and you will get about 170 results, as of February 2010 (as you may recall, our database is updated on a daily basis), sorted out in descending order of popularity, and based on clicks made by Astrotheme's visitors.

1. Your Sun sign is Aries

Aries Ascendant Aries

Since you are twice an Aries, your outward appearance matches the essence of your inner self. It is impossible to cheat you because straightforwardness and spontaneity are your major traits, and you fly off the handle if anyone disagrees with your opinionated viewpoints. You are appreciated for your ability to quickly make clear and unambiguous decisions. However, be careful not to lapse into Manichaeism! You have a truly chivalrous side, and your spontaneous generosity is disinterested. However, before setting off to save the world, don't forget to carefully plan your projects... Although improvisation is a quality, more often than not, it is unwise to rush headlong because the end result might be sloppy... So much ardour for nothing? That would be a pity!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Taurus

A real horned animal! Beneath your calm and easy-going outwards appearance, an underground energy is on the alert and ready to explode if necessary. Owing to both signs, and especially to Taurus, you are not too flexible. You are determined but indifferent to topics which are not directly linked to your concerns. However, your Aries Sun predisposes to sudden and frank reactions, whereas Taurus prefers to remain self-controlled, unless some special sensitive matter is at stake. In such a case, it is impossible to know which one goes off in a huff! You are reasonable and pragmatic, and yet, you do not belong to the opportunistic or the weathercock type. You follow your beliefs through to the end, and you stick to your consistent stands. You come across as a healthy and composed person, but in reality, you are a fiery heart!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Gemini

Wouldn't you be a bit intrusive? This is what these two signs suggest. They both share the need to meet the world and people. It is difficult to try to slow you down in your relentless quest for contacts and your efforts to overcome hurdles and erase dividing boundaries. Owing to your Gemini Ascendant, you come across as a light-hearted and scattered person who is as fickle as a chameleon. However, your Aries Sun urges you to better assert your thoughts and your projects, and as a result, you make it a point of honour to know what you want. In all circumstances, your reactions are impulsive, and you seldom remain indifferent. You probably tend to intellectualise your inner life and your emotions and neglect them. Moreover, since Aries and Gemini are the fastest signs of the Zodiac, you are impetuous and individualistic. When people get to know you better, they discover that you are individualistic, whereas when they meet you for the first time, you seem more flexible and communicative. You can be likened to an impish elf endowed with the temperament of a go-getter.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Cancer

This combination is not too comfortable, but it is interesting. With your Cancer Ascendant, your instinctive reaction is to remain cautious whenever you face unfamiliar situations, and watch for anything that might throw you off balance. You try to keep the situation under control, and you avoid unnecessary risks. The boldness and the headbutts of your Aries Sun are toned down by fears when you deem that the final outcome may not be meaningful enough. You are ambivalent and moody, with an imagination which often bolts and supports your clear-cut decisions, or on the contrary thwart them if paranoia is involved. These two signs tend to assert themselves, though they do so in quite different ways. Owing to your Cancer Ascendant, when people meet you for the first time, they notice your outwards appearance which is protective and caring, and that you use your vindictive crab's claws only in case of vexations. When people get to know you better, they see that beneath this facade, your Aries Sun endows you with a much tougher personality. This discrepancy may scare away a few people!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Leo

What a flamboyant knight! Would this be exaggerated? Not really. With this sign combination, it is obvious that you fear nothing. The alliance of your Ascendant's leonine sense of honour with the fiery soldier essence of your Aries Sun produces an explosive mixture! You are fundamentally honest and spontaneous, you know what you want, and owing to your Leo Ascendant, when you meet people for the first time, you come across as a self-controlled and even invincible person who is difficult to throw off balance. You loathe fatalistic or timid people who give up at the slightest problem or danger. You are very optimistic, and you proudly show your courage and your tenacity. Whenever people seek your opinion, your assistance, or an advice, you rush to offer your support, provided the person deserves it. You are particularly sensitive to the admiration you arouse. There is nothing wrong with this, so why don't you acknowledge it? In the worst cases, you are slightly pompous and you make blunders, but you are forgiven thanks to your communicative warmth and your total lack of pettiness.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Virgo

These two signs are contradictory at first sight... Let's begin with their common feature, an acute sense of differences and incompatibilities. Therefore, you are very sensitive to shams and hypocrisy, and you avoid them like the plague. Thanks to Virgo, you have excellent observation skills. You notice even the small details and you prefer to limit yourself to what you are able to fully master. It is difficult not to heed Aries' ardour which prompts you to overcome hurdles, whatever their nature may be. Aries may say "The hell with embellishments!", whereas your Virgo Ascendant seeks perfectionism and even purism, and as a result, you are saddened by your own sloppy headbutts. You may come across as a reserved, careful, and even self-effacing person, but one should make no mistake. Indeed, your close friends know that you never hesitate to assert yourself when needed, and that you freely put forward your opinions which are much more radical than what one might expect.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Libra

These two signs occupy exactly opposite places in the zodiacal wheel. Libra is often prone to hesitations and urges you to balance your judgments, whereas Aries is clear-cut and loathes half-measures. Your Aries Sun, which defines your inner self, is bold, assertive, and may show a lack of tact or subtlety in its interpersonal exchanges. Libra is usually a smart diplomat and uses its excellent knowledge of human relationships to impose itself with grace and smoothness. In other words, you come across as a sociable and flexible person, but your true inner self is more individualistic, rebellious, and even a bit naive, because you are unaware of, or you ignore, the usual codes which ensure a harmonious life in society. It is very likely that you are torn between your clever jigs, which are meant to attract support, and your thirst for absolute frankness and uncompromising stands. However, these two signs share the same sense of justice, with the difference that Libra's is more impartial and clear-sighted, and Aries', more subjective and passionate.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Scorpio

Owing to your Aries Sun, which defines your inner self, honesty and frankness are your major features. You believe that it is important that everyone expresses one's uniqueness and one's individuality without hypocrisy, and puts forward one's opinion without fear. Scorpio values its difference as much as Aries, and perhaps, in a more acute way, although it seems more reserved at first glance. Scorpio selects its relationships with extreme care and quickly picks up any incompatibility, probably because it is utterly clear-sighted. Your behaviour may be perceived as aggressive or provocative by more accommodating people, but actually, you are only trying to protect your integrity and to ensure that your relationships are fulfilling. Since neither Aries nor Scorpio tolerate shams, when you first meet with people, you are quite mistrustful and you display shrewdness in the way you spot weaknesses, and particularly, the straw that breaks the camel's back. However, if you listen too much to your thirst for truth, you may become too intransigent. You would feel better if you showed more tolerance towards the so imperfect human beings who surround you.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Sagittarius

Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign have numerous traits in common. Fiery Aries urges you to spend you energy to assert your presence in the world. You are a born pioneer, or you are just independent. You constantly challenge yourself, and you seldom dither. Your Sagittarius Ascendant influences your instinctive behaviour and prompts you to also meet people, although it does so in a more civilised way than Aries. You come across as an educated, eclectic, and even humanistic person because you strive so hard to open up to the world and people's diversity. You seem to be a traveller fond of both virtual and actual journeys, and you may lack stability. Those who you know you well are aware that, if they scratch the surface, beneath your idealistic and philosophical outward appearance, your warlike Aries Sun is much wilder than your Sagittarius Ascendant.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Capricorn

This sign combination is rather difficult to deal with! They are quite individualistic, not really selfish, but they both have a stronger need for independence, as compared to the other zodiacal signs. With your Capricorn Ascendant, your outwards appearance is composed and thoughtful, and you do not react in the same brutal way as your Aries Sun. You are a loner and you keep your distance, which leads people to accuse you of being haughty, while actually, you only try to be genuine and true to yourself, and you are willing to remain concentrated on your ambitions or on an obsessive objective which you deem of utmost importance. Your apparent coldness hides your Aries Sun, which is burning with enthusiasm and eager to jostle the image you project. Somehow, you are a volcano beneath the ice...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Aquarius

Would your favourite hobby be to jostle the people and the world surrounding you? Indeed, neither Aries nor Aquarius is inclined to mope around or to let fatality wear them down. Owing to your Aquarius Ascendant, you seem to project a Promethean hope and to be driven by catching optimism. Although you are on the lookout for newness or for any promise of improvement, you keep your seriousness and your distance, which may disconcert your interlocutors. This is undoubtedly one of your original traits. However, when people get to know you better, they discover your Aries inner self, which is more oriented towards immediate action, less airy and impersonal than Aquarius, and also more willing to straightforwardly assert its intentions, its feelings, and its ideas.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aries Ascendant Pisces

These two signs are totally antagonistic. Your Pisces Ascendant gives you an outward appearance which is indifferent and placid, or sometimes visionary. At first glance, you seem flexible and adaptable. You are easily accepted by other people because you are most often appreciated for your empathy and your tolerance towards persons who are more different. You cleverly weave your way through tricky situations, but you never forget the object of your devotion, which could be an idea, a love, a project, etc., and this is what makes you seem so mysterious when people meet you for the first time. Unlike your Aries Sun, which urges you to take action quickly and to demonstrate boldness at the risk of offending your interlocutors, your Pisces Ascendant is more cautious and dislikes strongly marked differences because it prefers to escape from the painful necessity to make mutilating and illusory choices. Nevertheless, one must bear in mind that beneath Pisces' ambiguous behaviour, your independent and fiery Aries Sun can show up at any time.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

2. Your Sun sign is Taurus

Taurus Ascendant Aries

Your Taurus Sun is of a secondary, slow and calm nature, though it gets easily excited when its passions or its self-interests are at stake. With your Aries Ascendant, which influences your outward appearance, you come across as an impulsive and assertive person. Indeed, when you meet people for the first time, your instinctive behaviour makes them think that you are a fighter and an adventurer always willing to move heaven and earth in order to win his case or to defend the weak. Perhaps it is only an image because your inner self is much simpler, in the good sense of the term. Despite knee-jerk reactions, as people get to know you better, they slowly realise that you are looking for security and stability. You gladly show your friends and relatives your true epicurean nature, which is a bit grumpy at times, and your sense of realities. In spite of their differences, both signs have a same quality in common since they both endow you with quite a disarming naturalness.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Taurus

You are twice a Taurus! However, are you a peaceful ruminant, or a proud bull in its arena? As you have probably noticed, Taurus is often described in quite an ambivalent way. It is said to be calm, patient, with a nose for good bargains, and to deeply enjoy life. But it is also compared to a bulldozer with its hooves which can make the earth shake. Actually, this is quite easy to understand. Indeed, as Taurus becomes easily wrapped up in its passions or its obsessions, hence its well-known instinct of possession, it freely releases its enthusiasm and its determination. Taurus is perfectly well illustrated for instance with the person who is sensitive to criticisms, and who can spend the whole night working on his/her centre of interest, or who can focus on a challenging project for weeks. In a word, although it requires some time to get you started, once you get down to it, no one can stop you anymore. In the private sphere, you can be likened to a tranquil and indifferent pasha who indulges in his sensual inclinations...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Gemini

Your Taurus Sun is as different from your Gemini Ascendant as the oak is different from the reed! Actually, you seem to be amazingly flexible for a Taurus. The reason is that your Gemini Ascendant prompts you to display your mediation qualities. You are curious, as mobile as a butterfly, and you enjoy meeting people or cultivating your numerous centres of interest. Actually, you are much less scattered and more rooted than what you appear to be. Gemini intellectualises everything, and this aspect recalls Taurus' endless ruminations, though in a different mode. Gemini with its somehow fragmented personality is prey to fickleness, and fond of odds and ends, whereas Taurus is an immovable pillar, and although it is prone to outbursts of anger, it is usually impossible to make it change its mind. You can keep your flexibility and your sense of communication, provided you never forget your self-interests because this is not a matter of selfishness, only your need for security.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Cancer

At first glance, your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are quite similar. They are both careful and keen to protect their interests. With your Cancer Ascendant, you seem prompt to react whenever you do not want people to have a hold over you, and you quickly curl up in your shell in case of danger. This does not mean that you are timorous, but only that you need to feel self-assured before taking action. Indeed, once you are out of your cocoon, you are very tenacious and protective. Your Taurus Sun, which defines your inner self, is also marked by the same enduring quality and the possessive facet as your Cancer Ascendant. You appreciate the warm and intimate ambiances which recall your childhood home. You are sensual, constant, and perhaps a bit nostalgic, and you show your friends and relatives, or those whom you trust, your deep sense of hospitality, your affection, and your taste for comfort.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Leo

These two signs are equally determined. Your Leo Ascendant influences your outward appearance, which is perceived by people who do not know you well, and it projects a quite demonstrative and even brilliant image. You have a real knack for showing yourself off to advantage, or in a subtler way, you manage to be admired. You are very conscious of the image you present, and you consider that humour and theatricality are your best assets. Because you use your look, some people may find you endearing. If one scratches this bright veneer, one finds a more natural, genuine, and simple personality. You are very stubborn in your ideas and your actions because both Taurus and Leo are Fixed signs, and therefore, inflexibility is one of your main traits. It is very hard for you to accept to lose control over any situation. Perhaps Taurus, which has strong concern for its self-interest, is slightly more able to change than proud Leo.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aries Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Virgo

Organisation and pragmatism... These words strike a chord, don't they? You usually come across as a serious and reliable person who is always willing to provide assistance in case of problem because you always have all the tools required to help people out, in the literal and the figurative senses. Taurus and Virgo both have their feet on the ground. With your Virgo Ascendant, you pay great attention to details, and you tend to protect yourself against the vagaries which often prove upsetting. You are quite reserved, and if you do not easily extend praises, it is because you do not want to make mistakes. Since perfection does not belong to our world, you prefer to wait until you know the person more thoroughly before making any judgment. Your Taurus Sun is peaceful, nonchalant, and charming with its interlocutors. It has some sort of warm ruggedness which offsets the instinctive mistrust and the shy side of your Virgo Ascendant.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Libra

This sign combination evokes the alliance between the gourmet and the aesthete! These two Venusian signs turn you into a perfect epicure! With your Libra Ascendant, you come across as a friendly, sociable, and consensual person. Indeed, Libra is the most skilled sign when it is about appearing in the most sociable and nicest light. When people meet you for the first time, they are deeply charmed by your amazing refinement and your taste for aesthetics which is blended with a need for justice or perfect harmony. However, you are not as ethereal as you may appear to be, and as people scratch your veneer, they discover that your Taurus Sun, more truculent than Libra, cannot be burdened with superfluous nuances and gives more substance to your charm. Sometimes, people are surprised by your suddenly grumpy, but so endearing, mood. In all circumstances, you keep on appreciating the pleasures of life.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Scorpio

These two signs occupy exactly opposite places in the Zodiac. Safe investment, concrete mind, simplicity, and down-to-earth shrewdness are Taurus' attributes, whereas devious means used to reach one's ends, and fondness for intense and paradoxical situations, are Scorpio' features. Your instinctive behaviour, influenced by Scorpio, is a bit introverted and observant. You sometimes let relevant remarks burst forth, reach their target, and take people aback. Scorpio always wants to thoroughly understand the people or the topics by which it is intrigued because it deeply commits itself to its relationships and its centres of interest. May be this is only a facade because, owing to your Taurus Sun, you want above all to focus on everything closely related to you in a quiet way, at times bulimic, which is not as tortured as Scorpio's

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Sagittarius

Your Sagittarius Ascendant makes you look like a draught, whereas owing to your Taurus Sun, you are a deep-rooted plant! Since your Sagittarius Ascendant influences your outward appearance, you seem to be interested in all exotic and various discoveries, and you travel with your body as well as with your mind, so as to open up to other cultures and different ways of thinking. You come across as a sociable person who has a broad general knowledge when people meet you for the first time. But as they get to know you better, they gradually discover your Taurus Sun, your composed personality marked by your well-established certainties, and they understand that you are more reasonable than they thought. You fundamentally need regularity and calm in your life despite your apparent restlessness and your fondness for trips and movement. Nevertheless, these two signs, which endow your character with such contrasting facets, share the same taste for good food and conviviality.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Capricorn

All you need is soundness! Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the god of time, and it is the most patient sign of the Zodiac. Nevertheless, Taurus competes for the first place as far as endurance is concerned. With a Capricorn Ascendant, your outward appearance is stern, a bit cold, and solitary. Although you pretend to be indifferent, you seem to wait for the right time to show your merits and your superiority, and to harvest the recognition you deem that you deserve, rightly or wrongly. However, since your inner self is marked by your Taurus Sun, you love intellectual and material beauties, as well as your comfort, all things which are totally meaningless to any self-respecting Capricorn. Indeed, Capricorn is more ambitious, secondary, and detached than Taurus. As people get to know you better, they are touched by your kindness, your simplicity, and your reassuring warmth.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taurus Ascendant Aquarius

You are quite torn between these two signs which have nothing in common, except their stubbornness! When you first meet with people, you appear to them as distant, although you have the indefinable, disarming, and strange touch of eccentricity which comes from your Aquarius Ascendant. Aquarius is a mid-winter sign and already evokes spring with its characteristic wild hopes. As one deals with Aquarius, one is first charmed but a bit frustrated by the feeling that Aquarius never completely opens up. Although you probably have this trait, let's not forget that your Taurus Sun never relinquishes anything meaningful, and that it is endowed with unfailing loyalty. You are much more realistic than what people may think, and your legendary common sense is a nice surprise.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Taureau Ascendant Pisces

Pisces is as flexible as Taurus is uncompromising! Your Taurus inner self longs for a sole and interesting focus and passionately tries to achieve and build something meaningful. Its sensual appetites are a bit Dionysiac, which fits very well its reputation as the bon viveur of the Zodiac. With your Pisces Ascendant, you seem to have such unlimited adaptability qualities that you sometimes come across as a scheming person. Actually, you are only happy to extend your benevolence to all those who deserve it because finally, it costs you nothing, and you believe that keeping your door open contributes to make your life more purposeful. This is probably the reason why you are surrounded by this mysterious aura which contrasts so strongly with your more earthly and simpler inner self.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Taurus Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

3. Your Sun sign is Gemini

Gemini Ascendant Aries

What liveliness and energy! With your Aries Ascendant, you usually assert your individuality with boldness and without shams. When you meet people for the first time, you probably give the feeling that you live in the present instant and that you are prompted by unfailing spontaneity. Your inner self is defined by Gemini, a sign which shares with Aries the same fondness for unforeseen things and the same desire to discover people and the world. When people get to know you better, they immediately notice the swiftness which is the typical feature of both signs, and also a lighter and more mobile touch which is so characteristic of Gemini. You are curious, a bit scattered with your numerous centres of interest, and you blossom amid the contacts you establish in all directions. You cannot be happy if you have no intellectual food to ponder over. Be careful not to fall into superficiality because constancy and patience are not the assets of these two signs.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Taurus

These two signs are very different, and your heart wavers between the impish elf and the strong oak... Your Taurus Ascendant influences your usual behaviour and projects an image of sensuality, goodness, and reassuring charm. Indeed, Taurus is an earth sign and evokes quiet strength and stability. Nevertheless, like Gemini, it is a spring sign, and as such, it is hot-blooded. It displays constancy and tenacity, sticks to its positions and lets everyone know about this. Gemini is par excellence the dual sign and of a multiple nature. It is the Harlequin of the Zodiac who adjusts to all situations according to the persons he deals with. He is not driven by dishonesty or hypocrisy, only by the irrepressible need to understand and know as many viewpoints as possible.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Gemini

You are twice a Gemini, which means that your Ascendant, which influences your outward appearance, and your Sun sign, which defines your inner self, are in the same sign and merge together. Your behaviour is quite the same when you are in society and in private settings. Gemini is characterised by its mobile, high-strung, and flexible intellect. Nothing resembles a chameleon more than this sign. You may experience a bulimia for information, knowledge, and contacts. In a word, your mind is in a state of constant ebullience. Like the butterfly gathering pollen from one flower to another, you skim through your numerous centres of interest in quite an amateurish way. Indeed, polyvalence also has its shortcomings, and as you keep on embracing the most various topics, you get lost and you lack insight. You use your sense of humour and your adaptability skills when you need to offset your obvious lack of seriousness, a little bit like the cat that always lands on its feet.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Cancer

Your Cancer Ascendant indicates how you are perceived by people. Cancer is well-known for the importance it pays to its roots, its family or any sort of clan, and its instinctive mistrust of whoever does not belong to its world. On the other hand, it behaves very warmly and protectively towards the persons it feels comfortable with. As people get to know you better, they discover your inner self, defined by your Gemini Sun, which is extremely mobile, lively, and curious, and endowed with great communication skills. Whereas Cancer cultivates its inner world, concretely or symbolically, Gemini gladly lets itself be grabbed by its entourage and by the ideas it can glean here and there. It is most likely that you feel torn between these tendencies. In any case, you are at the same time fanciful, whimsical, and lunatic because these traits are common to both Cancer and Gemini.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Leo

With your Leo Ascendant, you come across as a conquering and dignified person who is marked by an indefinable nobleness. Your highly developed sense of humour is much appreciated. Indeed, it is one of the best weapons of this sign which particularly enjoys being accepted and acknowledged. You display at the same time boastfulness, sense of honour, and false modesty. When people meet you for the first time, they notice your assertive and haughty facet, and they find it tremendously magnetic. If they scratch this veneer, they see your Gemini Sun, which is less emotionally and intellectually committed. You are more flexible than you appear to be at first glance. You seem to use your image and remain intellectually detached or spurred by undying curiosity. You cannot be accused of taking yourself too seriously. You master the art of handling human relationships, and you know perfectly well how to help people show themselves off to advantage without endangering your interests.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Virgo

You are imbued by the two signs ruled by Mercury, the planet reigning over the intellect and the linkage between all things. Nevertheless, despite their common ruler, Gemini and Virgo are quite different. Your Virgo Ascendant, which influences your outward appearance and your instinctive behaviour, indicates that your first reaction when you are in society is to reveal as little as possible about yourself. You seem reasonable, perceptive, and modest, not necessarily out of shyness, but because you feel that you must not let people contaminate you or influence you, rightly or wrongly. As a self-respecting Gemini, you have the propensity to intellectualise everything, and those who know you well are aware that you are less serious and more scattered that you seem to be because your inner self is light-hearted, pleasant, and endowed with an endless thirst for knowledge and discovery. Indeed, you enjoy collecting as much information as possible about the people and the topics which arouse your curiosity.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Libra

Gemini and Libra are Air signs, an element symbolising communication, relations and the thought process. This sign combination suggests that you are particularly sociable and clever in the management of your contacts in general, and swift in your practice of intellectual gymnastics. Your Libra Ascendant, which influences your outward appearance and your instinctive behaviour, projects the image of a friendly and courteous person who has the talent for maintaining harmony within a group, or who avoids unfair discrimination and harsh judgments in order not to harm people's interests. Your Gemini inner self also rejects, or even just ignores, the behaviours marked by indifference and narrow-mindedness which prevent from embracing the outer world. Indeed, Gemini is much more spontaneous and eccentric than Libra and can be described as the Joker wearing an attractive and respectable mask...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Scorpio

Wouldn't you be some kind of prankster? Do admit that you cannot help putting your finger on the detail which seems wrong. Although Gemini and Scorpio are very different, they have in common an excellent knowledge of human relations and the art of finding the right word. With your Ascendant in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio, you cannot be easily tamed, and you are reserved and punctilious in your contacts, as if you needed to test people before you can admit them into your private circles. Your Gemini Sun defines your inner self and contrasts with your instinctive Scorpio behaviour. Indeed, no sign is more flexible and sociable than Gemini, even though it shows a lack of politeness at times. Actually, it is just being natural, and it wishes to be treated in the same way. It can't be bothered with formal behaviours because it believes that everyone is a potential friend. When people meet you for the first time, they perceive something tensed in your attitude, but as they get to know you more, they realise that it is only a facade for your casual and light-hearted essence. Having said this, it is necessary to underline that Scorpio and Gemini perform equally well when they want to throw the members of their entourage off balance, each in its own ways.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Sagittarius

Although Gemini and Sagittarius occupy exactly opposite places in the Zodiac, they have many traits in common. They are both Mutable signs, which means that they are of dual or multiple nature, and therefore, very adaptable and fickle. You are often noticed for your extroverted and mobile tendencies, as well as for your openness to the world and to people. With your Sagittarius Ascendant, you come across as a person interested in the whole universe who values his independence, and who is always on the lookout for foreign or new ideas to synthesise. Unlike Gemini, which picks up scattered scraps of knowledge, Sagittarius tries to find their deep meaning and assembles them into a coherent whole. Your Gemini Sun defines your inner self, and although you are individualistic, you remain very sociable. You live in the present instant and you let yourself be exhilarated by ephemeral things. You display simplicity and humility, which makes you a more genuine and accessible person than what your Sagittarius Ascendant, with its Mister-Know-It-All outward appearance, might suggest.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Capricorn

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Aquarius

You are probably a communication champion! Between Gemini's scoffing breeze and Aquarius' liberating squalls, you lack no air, no pun intended! With your Aquarius Ascendant, your outward appearance is eccentric and tinged with a whiff of seriousness, which intrigues people who meet you for the first time. You usually behave with cordiality, respect, transparency, and with the constant concern to avoid fettering people's freedom. You sometimes prove to be intellectually stiff, but it may only be a shield against inconstancy and reversals of alliance, since your Gemini Sun is aware that excessive flexibility may be a handicap. Your friends and relatives know this Gemini facet, which is definitely less visionary and utopian than Aquarius' and brings about so much freshness! More than anyone else, you know how to present your ideals and even your original ideas in an accessible and down to earth form, and you do so with a constant sense of derision.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Gemini Ascendant Pisces

You move from one place to another according to the winds and the tides' whims. It is so difficult for you to take root somewhere! Pisces and Gemini, each in their own ways, are agile and polyvalent. The former weaves its way through hurdles and lets itself drift along with the current, whereas the latter hops from one spot to another with easiness and swiftness. As a result, even though some people criticise you for being elusive, they remain fascinated by your unlimited malleability and your total lack of ego. With your Pisces Ascendant, you come across as reserved and nice. Pisces is the most unpredictable sign of the Zodiac, along with Gemini and Aquarius perhaps, and it sometimes has outbursts of anger or of joy, to everyone's astonishment. As people gets to know you better, they notice your Gemini Sun, and those who thought that you were vulnerable, or at least easily moved, are either reassured or shocked by your intellectual approach of life, apparently superficial and detached, which is one of Gemini's main traits.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Gemini Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

4. Your Sun sign is Cancer

Cancer Ascendant Aries

Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are both Cardinal. Although they are very different, they have in common the sense of initiative and the will to protect or to be in charge. They also share the same feature which endows you with a touch of naivety and freshness. Your individualistic nature is strengthened by your Aries Ascendant which influences your behaviour in society and urges you to be pushy or in the best cases, very spontaneous. However, your daredevil outward appearance is misleading. When you are in familiar settings, which means when you are with your friends and relatives, your bold tendencies become calmer. Then, your Cancer Sun takes over, and people discover your true personality marked by exacerbated sensitivity, fickleness, and complexity. Aries acts swiftly, whereas Cancer imagines all sorts of plans before taking action. Despite your patriarchal, stubborn, lively, and combative airs, you jealously guard your little secrets and you tremendously enjoy getting lost in them.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Taurus

What an incorrigible food lover you are! Actually, you are fond of all sorts of food, whether they are edible or not. Owing to your Taurus Ascendant, the image you project is powerful and energetic. When people meet you for the first time, they first notice your apparent calm. Then, when they get to know you better, and if they earn your confidence, you let them discover your inner self, defined by your Cancer Sun, which has a more fanciful, dreamy, and even lunatic facet. Cancer is as controlled and tenacious as Taurus. The fortress Cancer builds is as strong as its private world is unbridled and anarchistic. Security, comfort, and the will to remain in full control are the common features these two signs share, along with a great sense of hospitality and a hearty appetite which borders on voracity.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Gemini

Wouldn't you be a bit impish and childish? Cancer and Gemini are the least adult signs of the Zodiac, just before Aries. The alliance of Cancer's sense for the marvellous with Gemini's unlimited curiosity turns you into a person who cannot content oneself with a reality which is deemed dull and too reasonable. Owing to your Gemini Ascendant, when people meet your for the first time, they notice your sense of communication and your open-mindedness. Your flitting ideas make you and people feel dizzy. Having said this, it is useful to add that Cancer is more composed than Gemini, even though the two signs are equally fond of their little inner mess. As soon as people get to know you better, they realise that you are touchy and less light-hearted than they first thought. You need a cornerstone to recharge your batteries so that you do not feel that you are going downhill. It is true that in most cases, Gemini land on their feet, but Cancer cannot do without its shell, so strong and reassuring!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Cancer

To laze around like a cat in a warm and cosy cocoon seems to be one of your favourite activities! Indeed, you are twice a Cancer, and your behaviour is quite the same when you are in society and in private settings. You are slightly reserved, but you wear no mask. Your instinctive self-restraint stems from your pressing need to have at your disposal a living environment in which you feel totally safe. In situations of danger, or when you are exposed and feeling vulnerable, you suddenly withdraw in your intimate sphere like a crab seeking refuge in its shell. You extend immense tenderness to all the people whom you appreciate and protect, at the risk of smothering them. Indeed, Cancer and its powerful claws may become tyrannical! You are overly sensitive, and you often have mood swings. However, your poetic and affectionate facet charms those who are lucky enough to be judged worthy and to be admitted, after many an ordeal, in the small circle of your intimate friends.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Leo

The Lord in his kingdom... With your Cancer Sun, you endlessly roam your inner world or your favourite place like a king who inventories his lands and his subjects. Owing to your Leo Ascendant, you strive to keep your head high in order not to disappoint anybody. When people meet you for the first time, they notice your warm individualism and your shining self-assurance, and they fall under the charm of Leo's unique sense of humour. Even when your extroverted manners are not too obvious, your desire for recognition and admiration is clearly palpable, which does not necessarily mean that you are egocentric, although there are grounds for wondering... Your Ascendant Leo enjoys the dramatic and spectacular sides of life, whereas your Cancer Sun is deeply moved by its fanciful and marvellous aspects. Unlike Leo, Cancer has a strong tendency to become withdrawn and protect itself. Some people think that you are pusillanimous, while some others say that you are careful. In both cases, you are definitely more vulnerable than you would like to appear to be.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Virgo

With your Cancer Sun, you enjoy collecting all sorts of things and symbols, both in the literal and figurative senses, and you do so in the sweet anarchistic way which you jealously protect. Cancer revels in its Capernaum and the real sense of security it provides. Your Virgo Ascendant, which influences your outward appearance, prefers to sort out, file, organise, and analyse because it is concerned about efficiency and perfection and obsessed by the slightest untidy detail. People appreciate your legendary reassuring helpfulness, your humble, discreet and reserved manners, as well as your sound rational analyses. Nevertheless, people should make no mistake. Indeed, beneath your introverted demeanour, your Cancer inner self remains active and is endowed with a strong high-esteem, even though at times, it yearns for the illusory power which its vivid and megalomaniac imagination instils into its dreams.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Libra

You are torn between strategic self-withdrawal and conquering sociability. With your Libra Ascendant, your communication skills work wonders and easily win over the most taciturn ones. Your need to please at any cost and to respect people's feelings are among your main concerns. Indeed, you are willing to harmoniously blend polite overtures and your delightful private life which you need to protect adamantly. After people are charmed by your Libra outward appearance, they have to face your Cancer Sun and your inner self which is more secretive and lunatic than the image you project. You shut yourself off in your ivory tower and you revel in daydreaming in some sort of sweet nostalgia, and at the same time, you use your communication talent which is one of the great features of your facade. Some people are intrigued by your refusals which seem irrational, or by your capricious willpower, because they do not match the very diplomatic behaviour you usually have in society.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Scorpio

This sign combination heralds a deeply enigmatic personality. You are not the kind of person who can be dominated, but you do not shout it from the rooftops. Cancer and Scorpio are the most secretive signs of the Zodiac. The crab moves sideways and nips without warning, whereas the scorpion remains lurking and hidden under its rock and watches... Please, do not be offended. Actually, these signs despise boastful and reckless attitudes. With your Scorpio Ascendant, the image you project in society is that of a diplomatic and perspicacious person who is often exasperated by people's weaknesses. You are passionate and imaginative, and you reveal to your friends and relatives your Cancer inner self, which is more welcoming and protective. However, it is hard to break free from your hold once people are caught in your nets. Is it possible that you actually have an oversensitive skin? A little bit, but what a character!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Sagittarius

Ah, bohemian life... Escaping into faraway lands is one of your main aspirations, with Sagittarius' mind and adventurous spirit, or with Cancer's fruitful imagination, the choice is all yours. Owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, you come across as an enthusiastic, open-minded person who has original ideas and is interested in the diversity of the world as well as in the most different viewpoints. You are philosophy-oriented, and you are fond of lyrical flights which take you very far, to both spiritual and concrete areas. Your friends and relatives know your Cancer inner self and your candour. You dream of a "Home sweet home" where you could laze about alone or in the company of your loved ones. People are often surprised by your mood swings and your emotionalism, which you carefully hide beneath your ordinary behaviour. Your generosity is endearing, but you never know whether you should set out to conquer people and the world, or whether you should wrap yourself up in your imagination, your sloppy, fanciful, but so soothing refuge.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Capricorn

This sign combination does not seem too contradictory at first glance. Although they occupy exactly opposite places in the zodiacal wheel, Cancer and Capricorn share the same need for quietness, they steer clear of the surrounding bustle and relish their sacrosanct inner life. Owing to your Capricorn Ascendant, your outward appearance is serious and slightly surly, and you behave with a self-derision which is blood-curdling or amusing, depending on your interlocutor. Your Cancer inner self urges you to mistrust people who are too casual or who do not respect your personal world, in which you welcome only the most understanding persons. In moments of calm, you are nonchalant, but when you feel that your well-being or your loved ones are endangered, you become very vindictive. You are highly controlled, even haughty, in society, but you drop down your weapons when you are in familiar settings.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Aquarius

Quite an unfathomable character! This is what the members of your entourage may think. Your personality is impregnated with two very different and complex signs. On the one hand, your Cancer Sun needs nostalgia and poetry, and on the other hand, your Aquarius Ascendant is fascinated by the future and its promises. Anyhow, your desire to amaze and arouse enthusiasm is outstanding. You wear the skin of an idealist, probably owing to Aquarius, but your nonconformist facet may be caused by some sort of escapism from the present in order to search for hopes of changes to come. You are accessible to other people, but your cordiality is limited because you do not appreciate too much affective outpours, and you are reluctant to talk about your private life. This trait is strengthened by your Cancer Sun, a sign which jealously guards its tranquillity. Nevertheless, you may show your more individualistic tendencies to your friends and relatives. In such a case, Aquarius' airy detachment gives way to a strong attachment to your material or symbolic treasures, and you then reveal a more humane and vulnerable face.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Cancer Ascendant Pisces

Be careful not to get drowned! Cancer and Pisces are indeed Water signs. You are inhabited by an acute sensitivity which is quite difficult to control. Between the calm and pastoral ponds which invite daydreaming, and the oceanic swirls which disrupt your inner life, you don't know where you are anymore! Under your placid appearance, though your behaviour is punctuated by unpredictable tidal waves, you demonstrate empathy and innate adaptation abilities towards your interlocutors. Although your entourage may not always understand your motivations, they are bewitched by your accurate intuition about human relationships. Your Cancer Sun endows you with strong will and urges you to constantly bear in mind the protection of your self-interest and of your private world. With your friends and relatives, you behave more stubbornly, and you are more directive and less flexible than with mere acquaintances. You easily fall into melancholy states, and your emotions disconcert other people as much as they disconcert you!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Cancer Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

5. Your Sun sign is Leo

Leo Ascendant Aries

The two signs which influence your personality are both Fire signs, the symbol of passion, energy, intuition and generosity. Leo's Fixed Fire burns perpetually, whereas Aries' Cardinal Fire is like the spark which spurts out suddenly. In both cases, they are energy-laden. Owing to your Aries Ascendant, you come across as a courageous and intransigent person driven by impulsiveness and a strong sense of honour which make you forget to be careful. When people get to know you better, they discover your Leo Sun, its proud heart, its hedonism and its fondness for entertaining activities. Although at first glance, you seem to be driven by absolute frankness and the irrepressible need to take action straight away, your Leo Sun endows you with a facet at the same nonchalant and solemn which people may find irritating or amusing.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Taurus

How tough you are! Fixed signs are believed to have a powerful and stubborn behaviour. Your Taurus Ascendant gives you a thoughtful and composed outward appearance which charms your entourage. Catching simplicity and cheerfulness prevail in your relationships. Indeed, as a spring sign, Taurus has a sanguine temperament beneath its calm facade, and its sensuality enables it to appreciate the delicious side of life. Your Leo Sun, which defines your true personality, shows up in familiar settings only, and people who know you well react differently to your ardour which they find either scaring or admirable. You are playful, obviously narcissist, and you enjoy being the centre of attention. However, you leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping vulnerable people. You marvellously blend Taurus' pragmatism with Leo's creativity! However, for your own good, you would be well-advised to remain flexible and to adjust to people's needs because this may prove very profitable.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Gemini

You have an extroverted and relaxed nature which may border on inconsideration. Your slickness is terrific. Both Leo and Gemini are open to the people surrounding them, they tend to impose their presence and meddle in everything. It is easy to imagine you making as many contacts as you can, bustling about here and there, and avidly devouring all kinds of knowledge with intellectual detachment or nervousness. You keep your leonine warmth for your friends and relatives, and you treat them with magnanimity and pride. People who do not know you well perceive only your communicative and playful facet. Sometimes, you do the splits between your objectives, which are necessarily noble, and the superficial and natural polyvalence of your facade. You are highly appreciated for your humour and your theatricality, and also because you know very well how to look your best. In a word, one never gets bored with you!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Cancer

Your inner self is marked by the sense of honour and loyalty towards yourself as well as towards an idea, a project, or a group. Owing to your Cancer Ascendant, you are reluctant to assert yourself right from the beginning, and you prefer to wait until you find out whether people deserve to discover your true self and your personal world. However, your Leo Sun finds it difficult to remain impassive whenever it is humiliated. Nevertheless, thanks to Cancer's carefulness, you are capable of waiting for the right time and of choosing the proper means to react. You must be aware that your behaviours sometimes seem fuzzy and enigmatic to your entourage, even though to you, they are totally in line with your inner and often... irrational logic. Owing to your Leo Sun, your feelings are powerful, and you see the world as an entertaining colourful show in which you play your part in a dramatic fashion, though you do not fool yourself. Sensitivity and lunar emotions, which are Cancer's attributes, prompt you to remain on the alert when you meet people for the first time and to reveal your protective, yet possessive side only later on. However, do not be too stubborn, demanding or tyrannical.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Leo

You are twice a Leo! You wear no mask, and your behaviour is the same when you are with people you don't know well and when you deal with your friends and relatives. Because you are ruled by the Sun, you are endowed with fortitude and charisma, which may intimidate your interlocutors or, on the contrary, fill them with enthusiasm. Leo is warm, fun, and generous. It makes sure that it does not go unnoticed and that it commands respect. Indeed, it strives to carefully conceal its weakness, which is its vital need to always be up to people's expectations. Because the thing that Leo dreads the most is to be thought of as an imposter, it builds an inner protection which defeats any opponent. Once it is thus reassured, Leo fears nothing. Your detractors blame you for being a conceited person, but you just dismiss them, even though you know deep down that there is some truth in their criticisms, and you prefer to concentrate on your friends, to whom you offer your loyalty as well as your festive and entertaining spirit. You enjoy embodying different roles since, to you, life is but a theatre stage. You definitely do not understand all the spoilsports who take themselves so seriously.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Virgo

The characteristic of this sign combination is the will to project an irreproachable self-image and to display humble and withdrawn manners. Your Leo Sun defines your inner self which is marked by the sense of honour, courage, and loyalty towards a person, an ideal, as well as to yourself. Owing to your Virgo Ascendant, when you meet people for the first time, you are cautious and reserved, as if you feared that opening up too much to the outer world might upset the balance of your life. You are fault-finding, and your eagle eye immediately spots the flaws in lines of reasoning or in people. With your analytical and provident mind, you come across as a very serious person at first glance. However, when people get to know you better, they understand that your Leo Sun is ready to roar, and they discover your daring and easy-going nature tinged with aristocracy. You lack diplomacy because neither Leo nor Virgo show leniency with human weaknesses. These two signs have in common perfectionism and incorruptibility.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Libra

What a socialite you are! You are attracted to all things beautiful, grand, and fair. You are airy, delicate, tactful, and refined, and you come across as a nice person. Your Libra Ascendant endows you with negotiation and arbitration talents, as well as with impartial judgment abilities. People may believe that you are a bit wavering, but they do not think that you are willing to dominate people. Because Libra is a Cardinal sign, it finds it natural to take the initiative, strike up a conversation, and establish contacts. Your Leo Sun defines your inner self and, unlike Libra, shows less subtlety in relationships. Indeed, since Leo's main concerns are about dignity and frankness, it does not beg people's support, but it prefers to command respect through its magnanimity and its feats, whether they refer to its creations, its look, and its actions. Your friends and relatives know that deep down, you want to impress and be admired, and that beneath your delicate facade, lie great obstinacy and fortitude.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Scorpio

This zodiacal signature heralds an uncompromising personality. Although Leo and Scorpio are very antagonistic to one another, they have the peculiarity to share the same resistance and endurance qualities, along with the inability to surrender. You are a hard-liner endowed with a strong self-esteem, and under no circumstances can you accept to demean yourself, to the eyes of people as well as to your own eyes. Your Leo essence is perceived by your friends and relatives only. You are fond of challenges which arouse recognition and offer a confirmation of your self-worth. Your behaviour is prodigal and dramatic, and although your endearing and colourful outward appearance are appreciated by your acquaintances, you must be careful that your fiery temperament does not offend them. At first glance, it is the Scorpio Ascendant which is noticed. The way you behave in society is a bit stubborn and mistrusting, though quite subtle. You seethe with anger whenever people do not respect your diehard difference, and you happen to blurt out caustic remarks which often hit the nail on the head. Having said this, your personal magnetism is obvious!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Sagittarius

Megalomania! Your Leo Sun swears by the sense of honour and ideals of perfection, whereas your Sagittarius Ascendant rushes in intellectual and physical ventures so as to constantly move further. Suffice it to say that there is nothing petty or narrow in your personality, and that you do not understand that some people can content themselves with remaining with their limitations. Owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, you project an image made of generosity and unfailing optimism. As for the concept of caution, you have no idea about what it may mean. In any case, one often takes you for a life-long student or a traveller with itchy feet. Nevertheless, whenever you are in familiar settings, your Leo Sun shines bright, and you are more reliable and loyal than what people think at first glance. Like Sagittarius, Leo is prone to euphoria and has a grandiose vision of the world, but it also needs stability and security in order not to get lost in an endless flight from bad to worse. Your inner self is individualistic, and you consider that you are a magnanimous and radiating centre which offers an unfailing support to the people whom you keep in high esteem.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Capricorn

Would Your Lordship deign to pay attention to the vicissitudes of mere mortals? All kidding aside, you can never be satisfied with yourself. Indeed, Leo and Capricorn share the same sense of duty and the same aristocratic vision of the world. They constantly strive to live up to expectations and to never disappoint because otherwise, they would resent it forever. Your Capricorn Ascendant projects the image of a loner which is often considered as misanthropy, rightly or wrongly. Moderation and detachment are the attributes of your Ascendant, and it is only when people get to know you better that they discover your chivalrous and warm traits, because Leo has a big heart and it can but be demonstrative. Although the nature of these two signs is contradictory, they are often blamed for their lack of flexibility and their thirst for power. Indeed, losing control is one of their obsessive fears. Ambition is definitely a quality, a double-edged weapon though...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Aquarius

Leo is opposite Aquarius in the zodiacal wheel. On the one hand, the Leo Sun is uncompromising, jealous of its uniqueness and keen on its humane subjectivity, no matter how imperfect it may be. On the other hand, the Aquarius Ascendant, disembodied and angelic, considers as a top priority the collective brotherhood in which each and everyone contribute in order to form the big whole of humanity. Anyway, you are constantly concerned about the principles of individuality and personal or collective progress. Pessimism and fatality do not apply to you at all. Your Aquarius Ascendant projects the image of a nonconformist and a bit stubborn person, which may prove an asset for genuine and long-lasting friendships despite a lack of affective commitment. Actually, this is only your outward appearance which is perceived by people who do not know you well. Indeed, you take it to heart to show to your friends and relatives your enthusiasm and your personal ardour, which is imbued with warmth, but also with pride. You never fall short of extraversion and self-assertiveness. You only need to strike a balance between the part in you which yearns for recognition and personal achievements, and the other one, which is selfless and freedom-loving.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Leo Ascendant Pisces

With your Pisces Ascendant, you come across as a benevolent and enigmatic person devoid of harshness. In the worst cases, the opportunism which is often associated with Pisces may cloud the picture. However, your inner self is influenced by the courage, the generosity and the loyalty which are the attributes of your Leo Sun. With your friends and relatives, you are dramatic and frank, whereas in society, you show more gentler and ambiguous manners. Pisces is so dedicated to a love or to some ideal that, with its placid and mysterious smile, it seems indifferent to anything else. Leo and Pisces have in common the same idealistic vision and an almost unlimited generosity. Pisces is malleable and receptive and sometimes regrets its lack of rigour and clarity. Fortunately, Leo mounts guard with its royal and piercing eyes. Your nobleness and your compassion might be worthy of such legends as Tristan and Ysolde! At a humbler level, you must be aware that you are blamed for your unreasonable manners and your lack of clear-sightedness.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Leo Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

6. Your Sun sign is Virgo

Virgo Ascendant Aries

Virgo is quite picky and precise, whereas Aries is exclusive and Manichean. As a result, you are not a very compromising person. You do not hesitate to give your point of view, especially when you disagree with the majority of people. With an Aries Ascendant, you react headlong, and you often put your foot in your mouth. In the bright side, you make it a point to turn down all hypocritical compromises which may mar your clear-cut and sometimes final stands. When they first meet you, people may criticise your excessive impulsiveness or your apparent lack of nuance because they are unaware of your Virgo Sun. Indeed, Virgo can be felt only when people know you better. You are perfectionist and well-organised, you leave nothing to chance, and you are particularly wary of rough lines of thought which prevent from moving forward. You are hard on people as well as on yourself because you are driven by a genuine will to progress and lend assistance to others.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Taurus

With you, one can rest assured that one never goes short of anything! Since Virgo is thrifty and meticulous, and Taurus is greedy and productive, there is no doubt that the members of your entourage and your guests are perfectly well attended to. Your Taurus Ascendant prompts you to behave with gentleness and liveliness, which delights your friends, except when you are annoyed, in which case, you display a strong and scornful indifference which may degenerate into thundering fury. In normal circumstances, your Virgo Sun displays moderation and tolerance, but it never misses an opportunity to criticise. Indeed, you excel at spotting people's flaws, and your cutting remarks usually affect the poor imperfect thing that your interlocutor is. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to think that you are ill-intentioned because you only try to be helpful, and you are no less intransigent about your own shortcomings. Although Virgo and Taurus are not the most daring signs of the Zodiac, their unfailing loyalty and their healthy humility are major assets.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Gemini

Don't cogitate to the point that you get sick! The peculiarity that these two Mercurian signs have in common is that they are high-strung and tend to give precedence to their intellect over their emotions. The difference is that Virgo is analytical and fond of figures, whereas Gemini is curious and fond of letters. Despite your nervous disposition, you are quite rational, and you easily steer clear of subjective concepts dripping with mawkish feelings which do not match the reality. Your Gemini Ascendant gives you a spruce, playful and impish outward appearance. Your Virgo Sun strengthens your mental agility, which enables you to manage your relationships cleverly and to cope with the most various situations. This sign combination endows you with a sharp curiosity and urges you to look for as much information as possible about various topics, out of fun, but also in order to get a good command of the areas which you are interested in. You are more level-headed and cautious than you seem to be, and you often keep your observations and your manias to yourself. Intellectual objectivity is actually second nature to you!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Cancer

It is so difficult to tame you! This zodiacal signature indicates that you think twice before you leap, or before you reveal your true personality. Is it owing to reasonable caution, or to irrational fears? To speak the truth, you do not really know the answer, and when you are in unfamiliar settings, your first reaction is more the consequence of a sort of gruff and stubborn refusal rather than the result of a clear strategy. But you also have an endearing, fanciful, and bohemian side, and once people are able to sneak into your tough shell, they discover your Virgoan inner self. You uncompromisingly select the acquaintances which deserve to be admitted into your private circle, and later on, even though you have adopted them, you do not hesitate to banish them from your world if they do not live up to your expectations. You enjoy cultivating your universe, organising all its details, and assigning a place to everyone and everything, lest your life becomes a mess. You are considerate and helpful, and you deem that you deserve the same attention, which is the least that could be expected.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Leo

There seems to be a clash between your inner self, represented by Virgo, and the way you behave in society, which is influenced by your Leo Ascendant. You loathe unexpected events, and your close entourage mostly notice your reasonable and pernickety facet which enables you to organise your life and to never be overwhelmed by any situation. You are appreciated for your brilliant remarks and your incisive sense of humour, which, as vexing as they may be, are never ill-intentioned. The Leo mask you wear in society conceals your reserved nature. On the contrary, Leo endows you with catching warmth and a dignity which is devoid of ulterior motives. You sometimes goof, and in such cases, you react comically because you never want to reveal your weak spots. This sign combination results in a blend of humility and pride which is quite paradoxical since, on the one hand, Leo needs to shine and command respect, and on the other hand, Virgo cannot help feeling guilty for the sin of pride. You are constantly dissatisfied, and although you turn down the praises people extended to you, you anxiously fish for compliments when they don't come quickly enough!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Virgo

You are twice a Virgo and therefore, there is no discrepancy between your inner self and your outward appearance. You are a Virgo to your fingertips. Your outstanding feature is your laser-like mind which sorts out all the pieces of information you need in order to improve your situation or to defeat potential enemies. You are smart, observant, and high-strung, and you appreciate clarity in all things. With all these qualities, you are fully-equipped against vagaries and misfortunes, and you can be likened to the provident ant in Jean de la Fontaine's Fables "The Cicada and the Ant". You may be criticised for your maniac and pernickety side, but you go about your business with discretion and humility without disturbing anyone. Actually, the mean cicadas will be very relieved to see you rushing to rescue them after they have sung for too long! Because you are a perfectionist, you prefer to tackle the modest tasks in which you excel and which you can improve, rather than to embark upon large-scale undertakings which are impossible to properly control. Your ambitions are limited, and it is really a pity because your meticulousness and your pragmatism are outstanding and would be highly appreciated. Sometimes, as you feel quite tired of exerting self-control, you forget all about it, and you allow the wild side of Virgo to enter the stage. In such cases, you lose all your usual modesty and reason, but it is only to cling to them even more tightly afterwards. Quite a healthy reaction, actually...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Libra

Do you prefer to remain reserved, or to cheerfully rush to meet people? Your polite and charming smile is not to be trusted because your Virgo Sun strategically protects its autonomy, which is of utmost importance. As a nimble and sociable Air sign, Libra facilitates your search for nice and highly civilised relationships. Beneath your unmindful and pleasant outward appearance, you make every effort in order not to offend your interlocutors because you know that you very quickly pick up incompatibilities and flaws, and that this may hurt them. You carefully select your acquaintances, and you keep only the most trustworthy persons. Once they pass the test, people discover your true personality which is harsher, more critical, and deeper than what you seem to be at first glance. As an Earth sign, Virgo never loses sight of its down-to-earth interests. However, its refined sensuality and extremely selective tastes are quite amazing. Owing to your Libra Ascendant, you are an aesthete and a diplomat, whereas your Virgo Sun endows you with perfectionism and mistrust. As a result, you constantly waver between these two tendencies. Under all circumstances, you project an angelic and inaccessible image...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Scorpio

Your personality is marked by two signs which have in common some reserve and an extremely developed critical mind. You use, sometimes you misuse, insightful but punchy words which may hurt or reveal your interlocutor's lack of sincerity. The Ascendant sign describes the image you project, whereas the Sun sign symbolises your inner self. In your case, there is no discrepancy between the ways you behave in society and in private settings. Both of them are cautious, perceptive, and perfectionist, even extremist as far as Scorpio is concerned. Virgo is often considered to be the "mild" version of Scorpio, and as such, helpful, discreet, and almost impossible to corrupt. Your Sun sign also has a component known as the "Wild Virgo", which is prone to sudden about-turns and, surprisingly enough, recalls Scorpio's traits. Nevertheless, Virgo and Scorpio are quite different. Scorpio is often seething with internal rage and revels in provocations just for the sake of showing that it cannot be tamed or influenced. Although your outward appearance is abrasive, you offer to your close ones your sound intellect and your pragmatism which prove so convenient in everyday life.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Sagittarius

With their clashing personalities, Virgo and Sagittarius don't get along too well, and it is most likely that you feel torn between their differences. Your Virgo Sun is introverted and analytical, and self-control is the safeguard against your anarchistic tendencies, but excessive restraint yields the exact reverse effect of what is expected. Owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, you come across as a sociable and cosmopolitan person. When you meet people for the first time, you approach them with so much openness, enthusiasm, and politeness that you feel that you can understand any opinion and give your own viewpoints freely, though you do so with a touch of proselytism. In society, you are relaxed and you show your fondness for feasts, perhaps because you fear that your more intellectual and critical true self puts people off. You are wrong because your Virgo facet offsets the pomposity and casualness you are often blamed for. Owing to Virgo, you are composed, organised, and modest. Your piercing gaze overlooks nothing, especially not the smallest details, and your snap judgements are merely an entertaining mask which you are the first one to consider unimportant. Since they are both Mutable signs, Virgo and Sagittarius are equally flexible and able to adjust to any situation.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Capricorn

How serious you are! What a great sense of organisation and discipline! You know how to protect yourself against regrettable vagaries which might upset the reassuring pace of your life. However, your Virgo Sun always retains the necessary hindsight which prevents from falling into oppressing austerity, probably because this sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication fond of humour. Since Virgo is a Mutable sign, it is flexible and mentally agile. It remains updated and makes progress in its chosen fields as well as in its personal achievements. Capricorn and Virgo are quite similar because they are both Earth signs, but your Capricorn Ascendant projects a more abrupt and aloof image towards your acquaintances. It has an aura of aristocratic and solemn seriousness which may repel or intrigue your interlocutors. Furthermore, Capricorn always gives the impression that it bears the weight of the world on its shoulders, perhaps because its vision of the world is too realistic and ambitious. In order not to fall into pessimism, you use your black humour. In any case, regardless of the sign exerting the strongest influence on your personality, you are endowed with an unfailing modesty and a loyalty which is seldom disappointing.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Aquarius

The first traits people notice about your Aquarius Ascendant are your optimism and your nonconformism. You are an idealist, and you always want to appear independent and open to new things, especially when they question well-established values. But this is perhaps only an outward attitude, since your Virgo Sun mistrusts unrealistic stands and considers them as cranky theories. Virgo is happy to work on its own. It progresses at a slow pace and offers its support and its help to people who seek them and deserve them. You are withdrawn but discerning, and you sometimes regret that, because of your first and uncontrolled reactions, you project an image which does not reflect what your true self is. It is difficult to access your deeper thoughts or your personal world. Indeed, each in its own fashion, these two signs seldom reveal their sensitivity and focus more on the intellectual aspect of people and things. Virgo is more sensual and practical and prefers to show its attachment through daily caring gestures rather than through dramatic demonstrations of affection. Aquarius is successful in instilling hope in others, and it is appreciated for its solidarity, but it is reluctant to talk about itself because the words "to confide a secret" are not part of its vocabulary.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Virgo Ascendant Pisces

Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are opposite but complementary. Flexibility, abnegation, and modesty are their common traits. You are definitely selfless, and you have no intention to participate in the race for honours which seems so meaningless to you. Owing to your Pisces Ascendant, you come across as ambivalent, and people find your benevolence and your generosity quite bewitching. You sometimes let yourself be tempted by opportunism because you are exhilarated by your capacity to merge with the most different personalities. This is Pisces' formidable asset! Nevertheless, your inner self, defined by Virgo, urges you to remain careful and on the alert, and therefore, you closely guard your tranquillity and your daily pace, which is as organised as a music sheet. You are more rational and maniac than what you appear to be at first glance, and you admit in your private sphere only trustworthy people who are unlikely to upset your lifestyle. One should not be fooled by your apparent indifference because you are eagle-eyed and you never miss a weak spot on the armour!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Virgo Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

7. Your Sun sign is Libra

Libra Ascendant Aries

Since these two signs face one another in the zodiacal wheel, you are torn between your need for reciprocity and compromise on the one hand, and your urge to go it alone, on the other hand. It is some sort of Venus versus Mars struggle. Owing to your Aries Ascendant, you gladly assert yourself in society, and you do so with a lively and swift responsiveness which impresses or shock people who are shyer. Frankness and lack of hidden agenda would have described your outward appearance quite accurately if your Libra Sun were not there to keep a watchful eye or shine in a different direction. You long for harmonious, respectful, and warm relations, and in hindsight, you sometimes regret the lack of tact which does not match your inner self. You are a born perfectionist and artist, and you strive to find the happy medium and a soothing balance, which you are not certain to achieve since it requires constant readjustments. In your case, Aries may strengthen Libra's need to right the wrongs, as well as its enterprising spirit of initiative because they are both Cardinal signs. Therefore, whether you are the diplomat or the pushy type, you perform a perilous tightrope walker show!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Taurus

You are marked by the Venusian essence of these two signs. Under all circumstances, you keep an epicurean, voluptuous, welcoming, and appealing nature. With the sanguine temperament of your Taurus Ascendant, you tend to react with passion as soon as your personal interest is endangered, but in most cases, your placidity prevails. Your apparent lack of sophistication conceals an intellectual and ethereal inner self which comes from your Libra Sun. As an Air sign, Libra intellectualises emotions. It is interested in relationships as such and in the resulting communication which draws two persons together. This particular feature may be one of the reasons why it often develops a strong taste for refined aesthetics and some level of erudition. Taurus is an Earth sign with more carnal and spontaneous appetites, and makes you appear as a genuine and simple person when people meet you for the first time. You exude some degree of wantonness or an air of nonchalance. However, Libra reacts strongly whenever the situation seems unfair, and Taurus is often capable to relentlessly cling to its initiatives.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Gemini

Strong sociability, talkativeness, and eloquence seem to be your major assets. You know wonderfully well how to arouse sympathy and curiosity, but you must be careful not to fall into fickleness. Owing to your Gemini Ascendant, you may make people feel dizzy because you are constantly on the lookout for the exciting pieces information you need in order to quench your thirst for knowledge. Your Libra Sun aspires to commit itself to relationships in a more controlled, stable, and perhaps calculated fashion than Gemini. With your friends and relatives, you are even-tempered and as impartial as possible, and you try to maintain a peaceful atmosphere. In society, your pirouettes may be amusing or irritating, but one should make no mistake, because you know how to properly channel your emotions so that you are never misled by preconceptions or short-lived passions. You are as agile as a cat, and you get round hurdles and ill-will people in order to be accepted without hurting anyone. Despite appearances, you deal with your contacts with clear-sightedness and control. On the downside, hesitations and instability can upset this beautiful mechanism at times.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Cancer

At first glance, your Sun sign and your Ascendant seem to present few similarities, and yet, they are both Cardinal signs. As a result, you are willing to keep all situations under your control, and you take it to heart to be the initiator or to show your creativity. Indeed, contrary to appearances, you are concerned about your interests and your security, whether this trait is a quality or a flaw. You try to avoid being cheated or rejected, and you act accordingly towards your loved ones. Owing to your Cancer Ascendant, you come across as gruff, secretive, and suspicious, which is found endearing or intriguing. You are a bit poetic and whimsical, and you try to protect yourself against the outer world. This situation does not totally satisfy you because your Libra Sun needs smooth exchanges and, when you are in familiar settings, it prompts you to spontaneously leap into your relationships. However, your instinctive carefulness may offset the mind-body split which is a Libra trait. Although you are a dreamer and an idealist, when you are upset, you become quite vindictive, and then, you can use either your claws or the sword of justice.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Leo

You know how to look your best! You are driven by the vital need to be appreciated, and you should acknowledge that you always manage to show yourself in your best light. Indeed, people's admiration and approval are more comforting to you than anything else. You are surrounded by an aura of magnetism and warmth which dazzles your entourage or arouses criticisms against your conceit. This is a mere facade because the Ascendant only describes your outward appearance and instinctive responses. As people get to know you better, they discover all the subtlety and the exquisite courtesy of your Libra Sun. Some people may consider that it is half-heartedness, whereas others, on the contrary, are amazed by your benevolence which contrasts sharply with your proud attitudes. Your leonine magnanimity matches your diplomatic nature wonderfully well. In all circumstances, you ostentatiously display your perfect taste and your love for beauty because you highly value style and distinction. Lack of depth or simplicity can be part of your shortcomings. You don't really mind, because without glamour and the quest for perfection, life would be so boring!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Virgo

Moderation, tact, and smooth routine are your obsessions, aren't they? Your Virgo Ascendant indicates that you remain reserved with the people whom you don't know well because you need to ensure that they fit in your world and do not threaten your sacrosanct autonomy. The close members of your entourage appreciate the sociability and the fondness for communication of your Libra Sun. Indeed, you expect a lot from your relationships, as if, despite your initial reflex of self-protection, you were looking for some sort of alter ego. These two signs have a completely different vision of the world. Libra rushes to conquer, in the unique sophisticated and sociable fashions which are part of its features, whereas Virgo methodically sorts out all its contacts, criticising people's flaws with the concern to remain honest or to be helpful. Whether you are more influenced by Virgo or by Libra, you constantly nurture an aesthetic and perfectionist approach in all things. Cowardly and shady behaviours definitely disgust you!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Libra

You are twice a Libra and as such, your inner self and your outward appearance merge together. You are a person of great integrity, if this expression can be used to refer to Libra. Libra is entirely made of nuances, and it analyses everything with an impartial eye, putting aside its own judgments, which proves problematic whenever final decisions must be taken. The essence of Libra is to veer from one side to another, endlessly, because it sees the advantages offered by both sides. Nevertheless, it is certain that no one can accuse you of being a simplistic person pursuing unsophisticated aims! You behave smartly in society. Your charm and your tact may lead your interlocutor to believe that you want to seduce him/her, whereas you are only trying to be nice. As if you were dancing the tango, each partner must move towards one another, be his/her mirror, and act in reciprocal and harmonious ways. You are immersed in a world in which a peaceful and balanced climate must reign, even though it means that, at times, you have to take drastic and aggressive readjusting measures. It is quite paradoxical, isn't it?

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Scorpio

You are willing to fully commit yourself into your relationship, but how should you do this? In warm and transparent ways, or in more demanding and intense ones? Libra and Scorpio have in common controlled and clever sociability, but you feel a few contradictions which complicate your vision of interpersonal relations. You long for harmony in all things, which translates into subtle and refined tastes, as well as very balanced and fair judgments. Nevertheless, owing to your Scorpio Ascendant, and in an automatic reflex, you first turn down people who do not match your need for exclusive relationships. You blow hot and cold, and you are happy to provoke the most consensual reactions, as well as the most hypocritical ones. You may spare your friends and relatives and let them enjoy your thoughtfulness and your conviviality. You possess obvious diplomatic and tactical skills, which you owe to Libra as much as to Scorpio, and you are attracted to the games of seduction in which the most charming courtesy alternates with the most tormented passion.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Sagittarius

With this zodiacal signature, you, for one, are never willing to stay by yourself! You go and meet other people because you want to know them and appreciate them at their real worth, and to try not to offend them. You come across as elitist, and since you keep on mixing different types of knowledge and relationships, for fear that you might seem ignorant and Manichean, you come across as a person who lacks sincerity. This is not a problem to you! You aim far. As a Libra, you are concerned about reciprocity, and you are endowed with a strong aesthetic sensitivity. You offer to your friends and relatives a climate of benevolence, and you try to teach them elegance. On the other hand, owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, your reactions are more ardent when you are in society, and you do not hide your need for consensus, which you do not hesitate to enforce drastically if necessary. You are always on the move, never where you are expected to be, and you sometimes become wrapped up in your social life or your intellectual world, to the point that you cannot hear your little inner music any more.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Capricorn

Although these two signs are very different, they share a few common features. Libra rules draughts, and Capricorn is willing to climb alone without expecting any external help. As a result, you are driven by the constant concern to prevent events from getting out of control. Both signs are of Saturnian essence and infuse your personality with rational and disembodied qualities. Their similarity ends there. Owing to your Capricorn Ascendant, you come across as an austere and gruff person, whereas your inner self values harmonious and cheering relations and seeks people's approval and support. Your spontaneous behaviour is marked by self-derision and cynicism, but this is merely the image you wish to project when you first meet people. Then, as they get to know you better, they notice the influence of your Libra Sun which endows you with conciliatory qualities, highly developed artistic flair, and moderation in your general approach of things. Furthermore, you display in all circumstances an angelic idealism which has the peculiarity to be tinged with Capricorn's pessimism and ambitious pragmatism. You loathe wild and chaotic emotions because they do not suit your cold, perfectionist, and self-controlled nature.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Aquarius

Actually, who are you? In the best case, you are easily accepted and appreciated, and in the worst case, you shock people. In all circumstances, you remain a riddle, and foreigners and friends alike are unable to really understand your personality. Both Libra and Aquarius are Air signs which symbolise communication and intellectual process. Under their influence, you tend to roam from one relationship to another, without being taken advantage of. Owing to your Aquarius Ascendant, you come across as a friendly and freedom-loving person when you meet people for the first time. It is only when they get to know you better that you show Libra's charming and sociable facet. Although Aquarius can sometimes display curt and eccentric manners, you always keep your self-control because you feel quite uncomfortable with big demonstrations of affection or emotional outpourings. Your entrenched need for independence clashes with your desire to establish caring and deep ties with the person you love. Indeed, your rebel airs do not match your tormented and refined sensitivity...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Libra Ascendant Pisces

What an incorrigible sentimental person you are! Seriously, the alliance of Libra with Pisces heralds that beneath a quiet and indifferent surface lies an exacerbated sensitivity. Considering that Libra has two pans, and that Pisces is a dual and Mutable sign, it is not surprising that you have difficulties in making choices! Because of your subtle mindset, you definitely loathe final decisions. Libra and Pisces are known for their legendary benevolence, and Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, gives you the mysterious power to bewitch most of your interlocutors. Although Pisces is prone to awesome mood swings which may scare off a host of people, this peculiarity often adds a fascinating touch to your image. Your Libra inner self remains reasonable and strives to curb your affective overflows as well as your intellectual stands. In any case, with this sign combination, you are sensitive to life's fabulous and enchanting aspects, and your anxious quest for your ideal alter ego has an almost mystical streak.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Libra Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

8. Your Sun sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Ascendant Aries

What a strong personality! Your enemies should better brace themselves! Owing to your Aries Ascendant, you come across as a daring and impulsive person, and you either fill with enthusiasm, or scare away, the people who meet you for the first time. Indeed, with you, no half-measures are to be expected. Your friends and relatives know your more secretive and complex Scorpio facet. In any case, since you loathe easy and frustrating compromises, you assert your specificity. Although your apparent recklessness may win over several members of your entourage, you must bear in mind that it may also intimidate many other people. You must beware of the dangers implied by hard-line attitudes. Beneath your soldier-like image, you brood over your intense feelings to the extent that you sometimes get bogged down in inextricable or paradoxical situations. Actually, passion suits you perfectly well, and somehow, you revel in those painful, powerful, and secret emotions which you reveal only to your most intimate friends. You are endowed with more tactical and psychological skills than your outward appearance may suggest, and your acerbic and well-chosen remarks often astound your interlocutors and hit the nail on the head. Curt and passionate, you? Definitely, yes!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Taurus

The instinctive might of these two Fixed signs endows you with a determination and a stubbornness which are almost frightening! Owing to your Taurus Ascendant, at first glance, you seem rather calm and easy-going. Indeed, you know how to enjoy the good things life offers, and also how to share them with other people. Nevertheless, you remain very careful in the management of your resources. Your hospitality attracts the people who are willing to know you better, and it enables them to discover your Scorpio facet which is more ambiguous, complex, and tortured. Both signs have in common their reputation as the most sexual signs of the Zodiac, in addition to their obstinacy or their perseverance. However, they occupy opposite places in the zodiacal wheel, and whereas Scorpio's investigative mind dissects everything with surgical precision in an attempt to excel itself, even at the risk of getting involved in complicated situations, on the contrary, Taurus seeks security and most of the time demonstrates a disarmingly sweet and salutary pragmatism since it believes that patient work is safer than playing the role of Dr. Faust. In any case, you are prone, or vulnerable, to obsessions and possessiveness. If you are in a couple, once the relationship is well-established, you give yourself to your partner so entirely that you undergo a deep feeling of betrayal if he/she ever disappoints you.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Gemini

As suggested by your Gemini Ascendant, your outward attitude is tinged with impish and flexible lightness. You easily establish contacts, and you adjust to your interlocutors with cleverness, humour, and subtlety, all qualities which are also Scorpio's attributes. You choose your centres of interest and the people who aroused your curiosity with discernment and clear-sightedness. Since Gemini is intellectual and fickle, you are exposed to the risk of spreading yourself too thin. Fortunately, this tendency is offset by your Scorpio inner self, with its need for passionate commitment and its maniac and quite tortured perfectionism. You are grumpy and curt with your close friends and relatives, but you display more sociability and versatility towards people you don't know well. In any case, it is difficult to throw you off balance because you use your critical judgment and your observation skills very well. Whereas your quips often reach their targets, it is difficult to trap you. You are more emotional, caring, and sensual than what you appear to be at first glance. Indeed, your chameleon facet is only a mask which you find so practical to wear in society.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Cancer

Is it possible to come close to you? To tell the truth, your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are not easy to tame, this is the least that can be said... Are you afraid that your well-protected secrets are uncovered? Between the crab with its thick shell, and the scorpion, a discreet, anxious and worrisome insect, you have every reason to puzzle your entourage. In most cases, when you are in society, you remain on the defensive as if you feared that people might endanger your inner world, which you find so wonderful and cosy, and in which you often seek refuge. Your Scorpio Sun reveals its true nature only after people have crossed the threshold of your fortress. You were thought to be a bit dreamy and protective, but you show that you are at the same time even more enigmatic, magnetic, and cunning. You take it to heart to intensely commit yourself to your relationships, and you revel in extreme situations packed with thrills and dangers. You are instinctive and possessive, and you must be careful that people do not feel smothered. Since your Sun and your Ascendant are both in Water signs, they deepen your intuition and your imagination, which has a definite impact on your behaviour. You often get lost in your inner labyrinths, and this trait strongly reinforces your mysterious charming power.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Leo

These two signs share the same uncompromising integrity, and they blend together to give you a powerful personality. Nevertheless, Leo's brilliant and warm look contrasts with your Scorpio core, which is entirely made of mysteries and ambiguities. You want to impress and to receive the praises you need to calm down your anxious mind. You are quite inflexible and righteous, and you seldom adopt a conciliatory stand when you do not appreciate a situation or an interlocutor. In the best cases, your Leo Ascendant prefers to display some amount of dignity and magnanimity because this is your first reflex whenever you face new circumstances. Your Scorpio inner self reveals to your close friends and relatives only the passionate but tetchy nature which lies within. You are possessive and you endlessly question everything and everyone, including yourself. You strive to excel yourself or you enjoy flirting with danger because this is what makes you feel more intensely alive. Although you display a cheerful and pompous facade, you feel that your secretive and tortured inner self is quite repulsive. All in all, light and darkness gathered within the same person...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Virgo

What a smart fox! Scorpio's investigation flair blended with Virgo's sharp intellect does not predispose you to spontaneous and untimely behaviours. You progress step by step, preferably through shortcuts, to reach your goals. Owing to your Virgo Ascendant, your outward appearance seldom thwarts your deeper aspirations, which are symbolised by your Scorpio Sun. Both signs are equally careful, secondary, and reserved, and strengthen your need to be in full control and to analyse every detail in every field. Your entourage is often bewildered by your constant dissatisfaction as well as by your taste for confrontations and thrills. Indeed, your Virgo facet, entirely made of humility and flexibility, conceals a burning heart. You sometimes utter relevant but acerbic remarks because you instantly see the grain of sand which could jam the most sophisticated machinery. Although you are well-organised and very precise, you always seem on the alert. Why don't you relax, once in a while?

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Libra

You really are a formidable diplomat! However, you should not let yourself be tempted by manipulative actions. Your verbal brilliance and your interpersonal skills earn you the understanding of the people you meet for the first time. You keep your more irascible tendencies for those who know you more in-depth, as indicated by your Scorpio Sun. Your inner self does not match the image you project. Indeed, on the one hand, Libra prompts you to avidly seek people's approval and try to establish harmonious and warm relationships. On the other hand, Scorpio urges you to instil passion and intensity in everything in order to uncover secrets which, as destructive as they may be, are the base of any thrilling relationship. To smooth out the rough edges, or to bring matters to a head, that is the question... Owing to Libra, you run your social life perfectly well, and you easily attract people thanks to this unique blend of gentleness and impishness. You usually avoid direct and unforeseen confrontations, and you get around hurdles with your sweet manners. Somehow, more or less consciously, you make use of your magnetism and your sensuality in order to attract your partner, but once in your den, he/she is most likely to experience your absolute possessiveness.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Scorpio

What a nasty creature! Please, admit that life with you is anything but a bed of roses! You are twice a Scorpio, you would not budge an inch whatever the situation may be, and you assert yourself forcefully, even though it means hurting your interlocutors. However, Scorpio does not impose itself as openly as Leo, for instance, and prefers to work more insidiously. Since you are hypersensitive, your emotions are acute and intense, and you sometimes need to explode so as to release the pent-up tension underlying your stubborn stands. Although you are proud of your deep-seated capacity for self-control, you are not scared by bellicose behaviours. You use your legendary perspicacity to throw your contenders off balance because you can quickly identify their weak spots. Determination is one of your major qualities, but it can turn into extremism or obsession if you are not careful. Indeed, you look for breathtaking experiences and you enjoy so much dangerous pleasures that you sometimes get lost in them...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Sagittarius

You are a born adventurer! Your Scorpio Sun urges you to live your experiences to the very end, and even, to get involved in desperate straits... Owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, you come across as an idealist and a bon viveur who is a bit intrusive. Indeed, the constant agitation which Sagittarius brings about may be irritating, not to mention the fact that it is never where it is expected to be! Whether you are willing to reach Scorpio's dark abysses or Sagittarius' faraway glimmering stars, you seldom content yourself with a status quo. As a Scorpio Sun, you sometimes regret your hasty and incisive remarks, which are so typical of Sagittarius, because you usually prefer not to draw attention on you. Indeed, you reveal the secretive and tortured nature of your Scorpio Sun only after people have experienced your ardour tinged with optimism which characterises Sagittarius. Nevertheless, these signs share the same passionate involvement in relationships, which is more selective and discerning for Scorpio, and more open and demonstrative for Sagittarius.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Capricorn

The Lord of Darkness... More seriously, one cannot say that you display a catching enthusiasm, except when you pursue your goals or an obsessive idea, in which case you are unavailable for anything else. The cold reserve of your Capricorn Ascendant conceals a volcanic nature. Scorpio and Capricorn share many common features, such as honesty and strategy skills supported by unfailing patience. They also agree on the importance of self-control and the need to ruthlessly eliminate anything superfluous, through provocation for Scorpio, and through tough indifference for Capricorn. Cynical, you? Or perhaps pessimistic? Sometimes, yes, but it is because perfectionism and ambition forbid any kind of leniency with yourself, as well as with others. Although you are reserved and clumsy, you try to get closer to other people, and you offer them all the energy and the passion which are smouldering beneath your thick shell. Of course, they must be deserved...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Aquarius

Rebellion and stubbornness would be the first words which come to mind for the description of this combination of signs which, as different as they are, are equally attached to their individuality. Since you are determined and hardly change your views, you are rightly criticized for your lack of flexibility. The similarity between these signs ends here. Your Scorpio personality, at least the way you express your will, is marked by your instinctive distrust of unknown people, but also by your strong attachment to your beloved, to whom you want to reveal the exquisite torments of passion. Scorpio's jealousy is at the same time worrisome and fascinating, whereas owing to your Aquarius Ascendant, you come across as quite an optimistic and eccentric person with an earnest curiosity for anything new. You display an ethereal, friendly and tolerant attitude with your entourage.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Pisces

This special aquatic duet has everything it needs to disconcert people. The Water element gives you a secretive nature marked by exacerbated sensitivity and complex emotions, which are expressed in almost mute manners. You easily get drowned in your inner whirlpool, but you make every effort to conceal this vulnerable point. Scorpio and Pisces, each in its own ways, always look for the thrill of forbidden experiences, unless they try to keep them at bay, or they keep them clearly separated from their ordinary concrete life. Whether you are driven by Scorpio's wildness or by Pisces' fantasy, you yearn to devote yourself entirely to a goal or a person. Nevertheless, your mystical and obsessional facet is not perceptible at first glance because your Pisces Ascendant wears an indifferent and polite mask. Since you are emphatic, you can easily put yourself in people's shoes and if necessary, you offer them your selfless support. As far as your close friends and relatives are concerned, depending on your mood, they are entitled to undergo your wrath or enjoy your unwavering loyalty. In most cases, you display as a backdrop an irrepressible need to provoke.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Scorpio Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

9. Your Sun sign is Sagittarius

Sagittarius Ascendant Aries

You have itchy feet, this is the least that can be said! Between Sagittarius' need for vast spaces, both in the literal and the figurative senses, and Aries' legendary impatience, it is difficult for you to find stability. Actually, you do not really mind because it is precisely when you are moving that you feel balanced! Two Fire signs which express their enthusiasm in such warm and convincing manners can but get along well. Therefore, the ways you behave in private and in public are not so different, even though of course, they have a few variants. With the Sun in Sagittarius, you are interested in large-scale projects and ideas. Like the archer, you aim high, and you are unable to limit yourself to narrow and reasonable fields. Owing to your Aries Ascendant, you come across as an impulsive, naive, very responsive and generous person. But you also look at the world with a philosophical eye, which causes some people to accuse you of being elitist or intellectually arrogant... Indeed, optimism and self-confidence arouse many a jealousy.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Taurus

Conviviality and fondness for food turn these two signs into nice interlocutors who are always ready to partake in life pleasures! Owing to your Taurus Ascendant, which influences your outward appearance, you may come across as uncooperative when you are annoyed or deceived because you heed your intuition and your mistrust, and you detect quite well hypocrisies and domination attempts... It takes some time to get you started, and when you feel comfortable and safe, you let yourself lazily slip into the surrounding ambiance. Owing to your Sagittarius Sun, which defines your inner self, you are more flexible and mobile than what people think at first glance, and you may scare away people when they start to know you better. You are fond of trips and amazing discoveries, but you can also fly away into spiritual or philosophical journeys, searching for a host of information to assemble with a view to understanding the purpose of your life. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin! Beneath its apparent caution, the horse is spirited and not always easy to control...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittatius Ascendant Gemini

Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are of Dual and Mutable nature, which gives you a strong inclination for travels and an avid curiosity for the outer world, which you are eager to discover without considering its potential dangers... You are not really scheming, on the contrary, you are an opportunist in the good sense of the term, and you jump at every opportunity offered to discover people and to put forward your very eclectic opinions and tastes. Although you may come across as a superficial person owing to your Gemini Ascendant, you actually seek the true meaning of your life, and you value meaningful interpersonal relations. You are torn between the pleasure to glean pieces of information here and there and the need to organise what seems to be a Babel Tower resulting from your comings and goings. You enjoy amassing encyclopaedic knowledge, but you find it hard to be selective and to display moderation. You are quick and communicative, and you are sometimes criticised - rightly or wrongly - for your lack of genuineness and seriousness. What is obvious is that you never let pessimism and moral inflexibility overwhelm you!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Scorpio Ascendant Cancer

These two very different signs are inspired by the same wandering spirit, and they blend together to endow you with a strong inclination for escaping through actual trips but also through your imagination! Owing to your Cancer Ascendant, you come across as a calm and careful person at first glance. The truth is that you protect your private sphere so as not to get lost in the frenzy and short-lived relationships which you deem a threat to your tranquillity. However, since you excel in contradictions, you deplore your propensity to beware of all things which are unknown to you. Indeed, your thirst for discoveries and your craving for the exploration of the immense world are the signature of your Sagittarius Sun. You are deeply attracted to that which is different from you, and once you become used to it, you display an amazingly broad mind which is sometimes accompanied by uncalled for enthusiasm and ardour. Both Sagittarius and Cancer are often wrapped up in their thoughts. Cancer is deeply attached to its fortress and is easily moved by its imagination, which opens the road to roaming all over a world, far from the reality of daily life. Since Sagittarius is more fiery and mobile, it gives you itchy feet and urges you to go out to meet the outer world.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Leo

How resplendent! These two Fire signs infuse your personality with energy and audacity. You are pompous but warm, you usually wear a large smile, and you do not hesitate to face the world. You may not be careful or discreet enough, and you sometimes scare away the shyer people whom you tend to ignore or underestimate. However, Leo is more tenacious and individualistic than Sagittarius, which can be a quality and enables you to project the image of a self-controlled and assertive person. You enjoy showing a proud and magnanimous face, and you are easily moved by compliments. Nevertheless, your Sagittarius Sun, which defines your inner self, prefers to remain flexible and open to other opinions. Indeed, only your friends and relatives know your less obvious facet which is marked by idealism and a strong interest in exoticism. Sagittarius usually wants to excel itself, discover new horizons so as to endlessly evolve and amass as much knowledge as possible, sometimes to the extent that it spreads itself too thin. Hopefully, Leo will see to it that you do not get lost “elsewhere” and will help you remain the person you really are.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Virgo

Your Virgo appearance contrasts with your inner self symbolised by Sagittarius. However, these two Mutable signs share the same aptitude to adjust to new situations, and they both try to improve themselves in every way. It is correct to say that you are rather flexible and willing to accept different views, and that you consider change as an opportunity for progress. Virgo is an Earth sign and gives you a humble and reserved behaviour, particularly when you are with people whom you do not know, because you prefer to carefully observe them before asserting yourself. Your Sagittarius Sun is champing at the bit and would gladly rush to meet people if your Virgo Ascendant did not keep a watchful eye! Indeed, Sagittarius spontaneously seeks the exhilaration of travelling and the confrontation with foreign and ambitious ideas. Sagittarius considers that Virgo is too timid, whereas Virgo accuses Sagittarius of megalomania! What is obvious is that exaggerated intellectual pride is one of your flaws. Therefore, never hesitate to take advantage of the critical skills and the caution which are proper to Virgo. This is how you can offset your tendency to take too many actions whenever you are under the influence of your endearing enthusiasm, and your grandiose visions risk being marred by... silliness.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Libra

The one thing that cannot be said about you is that you are indifferent to fashionable gatherings! You do appreciate all your numerous and sometimes superficial exchanges with the people you meet when you go out, and you deal with them with an easiness which wins over the most introverted persons... Nevertheless, this does not mean that the way you communicate is pushy and ostentatious. Your Libra Ascendant gives you a sociable and courteous mask which enables you to naturally become integrated into the society. Is it owing to your Ascendant that your behaviour exudes such subtle magnetism? In any case, your Sagittarius Sun is seething with enthusiasm beneath the outward appearance of the aesthete who values moderation. Both signs yearn to gain people's support, and they make every effort in order that mutual understanding prevails among interlocutors, no matter how different they are. As a Fire sign, Sagittarius cannot help but instil a streak of proselytism and Promethean optimism into the general atmosphere. Your self-confidence is catching, but to those who are more realistic, it seems excessive and uncalled for. It is true that neither Sagittarius nor Libra is characterized by stability and pragmatism...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Scorpio

This zodiacal signature heralds a passionate personality! Sagittarius' Fire and Scorpio's boiling Water seldom give you the opportunity to calm down... With your Sagittarius Sun, you are above all interested in topics of universal nature such as the various pieces of knowledge gleaned from your trips or your studies which enable you to get an overall picture of the world. You are always on the move, and your close friends and relatives know your impatient and superficial inner self. But when people first meet you, it is the influence of your Scorpio Ascendant that they immediately perceive. Although Scorpio is certainly as committed in its relationships as Sagittarius, it is also more discerning and reserved. You are apparently secretive, and you use your sagacity and your clear-sightedness to carefully select the people whom you deem worthy of becoming part of your world. In all circumstances, and even though you forget to behave with tact and restraint, your interlocutors are fascinated by your conquering and unpredictable energy!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Sagittarius

You are twice a Sagittarius, and your behaviour is exactly the same, when you are in society and in private settings. You adamantly stick to your independence and your freedom of action. You have itchy feet because you are interested in all the numerous things which remain to be explored in faraway trips, both intellectual and concrete ones. As a Fire sign, Sagittarius is endowed with optimism and the will to accomplish spiritual and physical conquests, recalling the wild nature of the horse which is difficult to tame. Furthermore, if as a Mutable sign, Sagittarius hardly understands the virtues of patience and endurance, it always makes it a point to acknowledge the most different and exotic points of view. Indeed, as it keeps on including external influences, it sometimes confuses its own ideas with those gathered from its readings or its encounters. You are philosophical, intuitive, and benevolent, and you want to civilise social relations to the best of your ability, but at times, this federating and diplomatic tendency may be interpreted as condescending elitism. This is quite paradoxical because imposed tolerance may conceal a form of tyranny. The solution is to cultivate your enthusiasm without requesting too much from other people.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Capricorn

You blend Sagittarius's audacity with Capricorn's seriousness. These two signs are believed to be very different, and yet... They are ambitious and intuitive, and they are usually deeply concerned about the affairs of the world, or at least, they seldom limit themselves to the boundaries of their personal life because they find them too narrow. Sagittarius' approach is far-sighted and large-scale, whereas that of Capricorn, though also far-sighted, pays more attention to the time factor and considers the structures hidden in all things. Jupiter and Saturn, the respective rulers of your Sun and your Ascendant, have reigned over the Pantheon, which certainly explains their sense of responsibility and their will to achieve social cohesion. More prosaically, one can say that you are interested in matters which do not directly affect you such as culture, trips, politics, philosophy, spirituality, etc. Owing to your Capricorn Ascendant, you seem rather cold and detached in society, but you can use the intellectual rigour which is proper to this sign in order to earn people's respect. When people get to know you better, they are amazed by the warmth of your Sagittarius Sun and its legendary sociability. However, if you keep on aiming too far, you run the risk of overlooking the wily persons who stand very close to you and try to trap you.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Aquarius

You are always elsewhere, both physically and mentally speaking. You cannot bear limitations to your need for movement and to your intellectual broadness. Sagittarius and Aquarius have the same Promethean and airy essence which they are willing to pour onto their fellow creatures. To never content themselves with the status quo or with a mediocre routine could accurately sum up their philosophy. You are open-minded, tolerant, and communicative. You easily charm people and you know how to attract numerous supports around you. However, you may display instability and thoughtlessness. What you deem to be visionary and exciting is considered by other people to be a flight from bad to worse. Aquarius differs from Sagittarius in the fact that, owing to its sound intellect, Aquarius' thought may turn into obsession or false open-mindedness. Under a quite disembodied appearance, your Sagittarius inner self emerges when you are in familiar settings. You then show your real nature, which is more fiery and conceited than what was perceived at first glance and indicates that Aquarius' angelic side is a mere facade. Nevertheless, optimism remains your constant trait.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Sagittarius Ascendant Pisces

You are definitely very idealistic and deeply involved in your quest for anything which is foreign to you and therefore, you are not able to understand the unavoidable prosaic aspects of life. Sagittarius seeks the meaning of its life in the outer world, and endlessly devotes itself to this goal, whereas Pisces prefers to listen to its little inner music and focuses so entirely on what it deems essential that it becomes completely impervious to whatever occurs outside its personal sphere. You are highly adaptable and sociable, regardless of the persons you deal with. Your outward appearance marked by dreamy indifference, which comes from your Pisces Ascendant, turns into a more assertive and persuasive behaviour, which is a trait of Sagittarius and your true self, as soon as people get to know you better. Indeed, it is only when you are with your friends and relatives that you show your warlike audacity which is significantly softened by Pisces' empathy and sensitivity. Nevertheless, Pisces, a Water and Mutable sign, is certainly capable of unleashing unpredictable tantrums! You seldom lack generosity and benevolence, and even though some people blame you for your instability, most of the time they quickly forgive you because they appreciate your undeniable diplomatic qualities.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Sagittarius Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

10. Your Sun sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Ascendant Aries

Your personality is shaped by two Cardinal signs. Capricorn and Aries have in common the sense of initiative as well as the will to create and be the driving force behind a project or any other work. Their similarity ends here. Owing to your Aries Ascendant, you come across as an impulsive, reactive, and spontaneous person spurred by an ebullient energy to people who do not know you well. You do not immediately show your Capricorn inner self, which only your friends and relatives know well. You are organised, slightly grumpy and solitary, and you rely on your patience and your long-term vision to achieve your projects. Thus, the image you first project is quite far from what you really are deep down. You ought to make good use of Aries' courage and generosity so as to offset Capricorn's typical coldness and sternness, bearing in mind that the latter's sense of duty and pragmatism protect against Aries' recklessness.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Taurus

This zodiacal signature indicates a personality as solid as a rock! Capricorn and Taurus are both Earth signs and have in common the same need for security and stability, as well as unfailing realism. You are enduring and composed, and you mistrust abstracts as well as utopian concepts because you judge the tree by its fruits. Whenever you notice that far-fetched or irrational ideas and projects are inefficient, your confidence in your good common sense is reinforced. With your Taurus Ascendant, you come across as a sociable and sensual person who values the pleasures of life, especially good food. People are easily moved by you, even though they are astonished by your possessiveness or your stubbornness. When they get to know you better, they discover your inner self defined by your Capricorn Sun, and they realise that you are more detached and haughty. Your friends and relatives find your sense of duty very reassuring. They know that they can rely on your seriousness, and, perhaps, fall under the spell of your black humour and your sense of self-derision!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Gemini

You seem to be split between two contradictory tendencies. Owing to your Gemini Ascendant, you come across as a fluttering and lively person, and it is difficult to imagine that your Capricorn Sun endows you with taciturnity, circumspection, long-term vision, and intuition. These Capricorn features clash with Gemini's inclination for ephemeral things and its propensity to live in the present instant. As a result, you tend to keep your emotions to yourself and react in a detached and intellectual way. Capricorn's scathing remarks and Gemini's refined casualness intrigue your interlocutors or on the contrary, scare them away. Your sociable, spruce, curious, and communicative outward appearance reflects neither the solitary nature of your inner self, nor the quest for profundity which are the marks of your Capricorn Sun. Indeed, its Earth looks like the snowy mountainous peaks which are conducive to meditation, whereas Gemini's Air evokes the mocking winds of spring rustling through the foliage. It is up to you to make the most of Capricorn's need for calm and discipline and Gemini's all-out sociability.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Cancer

With this sign combination, it is not surprising if people think that you are difficult to figure out! Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are equally discreet. They both jealously guard their tranquillity and give you a strong inclination for inner explorations and solitary daydreaming. Cancer's emotionalism remains deeply concealed beneath its shell, and when you meet people for the first time, you come across as a calm and careful person. Nevertheless, you react very aggressively when you feel harmed and when you have to protect your loved ones or your private fiefdom. You disconcert your entourage with your mood swings or your personal logic which is a bit irrational. Capricorn and Cancer occupy exactly opposite places in the zodiacal wheel, which means that their characteristics are opposed but also complementary. Indeed, Cancer's lunar and privacy-oriented mind clashes with Capricorn's saturnine and disembodied mind. Only the people who know you well are aware of your inner self, defined by your Capricorn Sun, and understand that, although you are stern, distant, and clumsy in expressing your affectionate feelings, you remain loyal and you fulfil your responsibilities in all circumstances. You are somehow a tender and sincere heart locked up behind a solid shell...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Leo

You obviously know what you want! Capricorn and Leo give the place of honour to personal and large-scale undertakings. Self-control, dignity, and sense of duty are their highly regarded qualities. Although they are often said to be as dissimilar as night and day, they both have an excellent opinion of themselves because they want to live up to people's expectations and never forget their legendary perfectionism. When you are in society, you come across as a warm and fun person, but your bombastic and pompous manners are also irritating at times. You are aware that your outward appearance does not match your Capricorn inner self, which is more oriented towards abstraction and restraint. Indeed, Saturn, ruler of your Sun sign, is the Lord of Time and endows you with patience, simplicity, and a strong inclination for asceticism, whereas the Sun, ruler of Leo, suggests generosity and all the glamorous aspects of life. Your brilliant mask thus conceals your solitary nature which is fond of order, long-lasting qualities, and logic. Anyway, it is obvious that you are high-minded and ambitious.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Virgo

It is obvious that presence of mind and good judgment are part of your major qualities. Your Sun and your Ascendant are both in Earth signs and characterised by circumspection and the sense of organisation. Your sensuality is strong, though discreet and highly intellectual. Capricorn appreciates simplicity and genuineness, while Virgo is concerned about precision and pays utmost attention to the smallest details, probably because it constantly strives to improve its skills. Owing to your Virgo Ascendant, you come across as a humble and flexible person. You dislike being in the spotlight, and you prefer to quietly provide people with your wise advice. Your Capricorn inner self, which is known by your close friends and relatives only, is quite different from Virgo in the sense that the former seeks profundity and is more detached towards society and people's judgments. Time is Capricorn's friend. Although you are a born loner and an ambitious person, you display unfailing loyalty towards the people you care for. In all circumstances, perfectionism and discipline, which Virgo and Capricorn have in common, delight or astonish the members of your entourage.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Libra

An iron fist in a velvet glove. This expression could fit you perfectly well! Indeed, Capricorn's sternness is in sharp contrast with Libra's ethereal charm. Nevertheless, these signs also have a few features in common. They are ruled by Saturn, the god of Time, they are endowed with patience and the sense of moderation, and they have the ability to control themselves in all circumstances, which may give them a detached and impersonal appearance, particularly as far as Capricorn is concerned. Libra is ruled by Venus and Saturn. Their combined influences add to your personality a touch of spontaneous and cheerful sociability, and blend the sense of initiative in establishing contacts with the pursuit of justice and harmony. This courteous and welcoming facade conceals your inner self which is shaped by the Sun in Capricorn. When people get to know you better, they notice your taste for solitude and intellectual abstractions, and they understand that you are impervious to the trends of the time, as well as to all external influences. It is not surprising that you feel torn between your Ascendant's feverish concern to please everyone and Capricorn's typical aloofness. All you have to do is smartly merge your ambitions and your quest for profundity with your love of life's pleasures and easy relationships...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Scorpio

What a devious personality! Since Capricorn and Scorpio are secondary signs, they share the same deep taste for mystery and all things inaccessible, each in its own way of course. When you are in society, your reflexes reveal your Scorpio Ascendant's facet, since it influences the way you are perceived at first glance. Scorpio is a Water sign with powerful feelings, and it seeks intense relationships although it wants to remain in full control of itself and of the situation. Therefore, it is most likely that you come across as a phlegmatic and calm person who sometimes utters cutting remarks in order to put the entourage to the test. Your Capricorn inner self, which you show only to your close friends, differs by its need for genuineness and restraint in its relation to people and the world. Capricorn is an Earth sign which also displays pragmatism and organisation skills but may have excessive rationality and scepticism. It is true that these two signs are endowed with an equally strong discerning mind and clear-sightedness. However, intuition plays a major role in the way you function. All in all, Capricorn's long-term vision and Scorpio's perspicacity blend together marvellously well!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Sagittarius

This sign combination gives you a keen interest in the society surrounding you, in its stakes, and in culture in general. In other words, you often try to rise above a vision of the world that is too narrow and shy. Capricorn and Sagittarius are rightly considered to be very different, but they have in common the same attachment to moral, spiritual, and even elitist values, a feature which is often overlooked. Sagittarius is generous, expansive, thirsting for the exhilaration of space and movement, and it aims far with its bow, which explains its idealistic and optimistic nature. Therefore, owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, your outward appearance is quite friendly and tolerant, although inconsiderate and conceited at times. When people scratch this veneer, they discover that in private, you remain reserved, which is one of the traits of Capricorn, an Earth sign, more realistic and determined than Sagittarius. Capricorn also fuels ambitions, the results of which are more important than social recognition. From the top of its ivory tower, like the goat at the summit of a mountain, Capricorn aims at efficiency and impartiality, perhaps until absolute detachment is achieved. You must be careful because, as these two signs strive to climb higher, they may make you forget the mere mortals whom you mix with!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Capricorn

Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign merge together. You are twice a Capricorn, which means that all your features are very typical of Capricorn. You are uncompromising, and your behaviour is exactly the same whenaffectively-laden situations you are in unknown and in familiar settings. The sense of responsibility, patience, and the respect for the established order are the essential qualities you value. You are a loner and a contemplative person. You have a general but structured approach of things, as if you try to understand the secrete architecture of all things and to fit together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This may be the reason behind your need for logic. When you are obsessed by any particular objective, you may display a devouring ambition or, at least, a fierce determination to reach your goal, and you become completely indifferent to everything else. Capricorn's behaviour recalls that of the chess champion who relies on strategy and anticipation rather than on improvisation. You come across as a phlegmatic person, and you may lack spontaneity and warmth, in which case you make up for it with your unique sense of humour and apparent humility. You dislike imposing yourself and you prefer to remain discreet and dignified. Having said this, it should be added that your clumsy manners in society sometimes prove quite touching...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Aquarius

Your personality is quite inaccessible... However, you seem communicative and sociable, all qualities given by your Aquarius Ascendant, an Air sign spurred by humanistic aspirations and endowed with an original mindset which is open to newness. When you are in society, you display a benevolence which easily attracts many friends, whom you never want to disappoint. You are deeply interested in the differences other people have to offer, and you are hardly shocked by the most eccentric ideas, on the contrary! Nevertheless, Aquarius fuels an obsession, whether it is about a hope or a project to be carried out with friends, and it seldom gives it up. Beneath these angelic and generous manners, your Ascendant adamantly sticks to its opinions. All things considered, your Aquarius Ascendant agrees with your Capricorn inner self, which is equally impervious to people's advice and influence. You are somehow indifferent to the fluctuations of your environment, and you show your true personality to your close friends only. Your intellectual rigour and discipline, inherited from Saturn, amaze those who thought that you were exuberant and idealistic, two features proper to Uranus. You plan your life with your long-term vision and your cold pragmatism. Nevertheless, your sense of humour sometimes pops up and disconcerts your interlocutors because it is either off-beat, which is typical of Aquarius, or cynical, which is specific to Capricorn.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Capricorn Ascendant Pisces

Do you really belong to this world? You are so wrapped up in your thoughts or your daydreaming that one has every reason to wonder... Indeed, Capricorn and Pisces are happy to let themselves be absorbed in their inner world, which makes them all the more indifferent to the outer bustle which seems so erratic and trivial to them. They share the same idealistic and perfectionist vision of life, each in its own way of course. Owing to your Pisces Ascendant, when you are in unfamiliar settings, you try to choose alternatives in which you are not too personally involved, and you prefer to rely on destiny or on people's goodness. Your natural compassion conceals a strong determination which translates into an almost mystical dedication to the areas and the people you care for. This compassion finds an echo in your inner self, which is defined by your Capricorn Sun. Your normal state is to be passionate and... phlegmatic. Although you always keep your self-control, you conceal an ambitious and indomitable heart. Those who know you well must often undergo your stern character, but they forgive you because they appreciate your unfailing loyalty and the salutary effect of your providence.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Capricorn Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

11. Your Sun sign is Aquarius

Aquarius Ascendant Aries

Your zodiacal signature heralds an incorrigibly optimistic nature, which can be considered as naivety because you deliberately dismiss hurdles and reasons to despair. The Air of Aquarius and the Fire of Aries strengthen your need for movement and perpetual progress. Owing to your Aries Ascendant, your instinctive behaviour is impulsive and spontaneous and relies on your improvisation abilities and your swiftness. The image you project in society is that of an adventurous and competitive person who is domineering at times. Your Aquarius Sun, which defines your inner self, also has the same restless and very independent features as your Aries Ascendant. Nevertheless, you are more detached and stubborn than you appear to be, and you seldom unveil your real feelings or your secret thoughts, even to your closest friends, despite your unfailing solidarity towards them. Your demonstrative and sometimes eccentric character is difficult to figure out, and you jealously guard your liberty. Your inner self is impassive and elusive, whereas in society, your outward appearance is fiery and warm. No wonder you puzzle so many people!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Taurus

Aquarius and Taurus are antagonistic signs on many accounts. It is most likely that you undergo some sort of psychological discomfort, but you may also cope with it with flying colours! This can prove a major asset. On the one hand, Aquarius prompts you to embrace newness, keep your hopes against all odds, and value the differences other people have to offer. On the other hand, Taurus gives you a pragmatic, constructive, and cautious mind, as well as the need for security. Aquarius' angelic and disinterested idealism coexists with Taurus' earthly desires. Your behaviour alternates between libertarian attitudes and bouts of possessiveness. You enjoy being singled out and toying with ideas which are against the mainstream, but this rebellious facet is not noticeable when people meet you for the first time. Indeed, owing to your Taurus Ascendant, you wear the mask of a stable and realistic person who appreciates simplicity and good food. Both signs have perseverance in common, although each sign displays it in its own way. Aquarius always sticks to its very personal vision of the world and of any situation, whereas Taurus carries out its task with passion and energy. This colourful sign combination indicates that it is very hard to influence you!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Gemini

These Air signs are respectively ruled by Uranus, the god of geniuses and fools, and Mercury, the god of messengers and thieves. They give you their taste for mobility and mental gymnastics. You remain quite distant from your own emotions, and you prefer to analyse or take with humour affectively laden situations. The reason may be linked to your thirst for independence and detachment, but also to your playful and fanciful mind working overtime. Owing to your Gemini Ascendant, when you are in society, you come across as an adaptable, lively and ebullient person, and your intellectual curiosity is so developed that it borders on superficiality and lack of rigour. Your Aquarius' nature Sun gives you your legendary optimism and the sense of solidarity, and in addition, the intransigence you display when you stand up for your ideals and your vision of things. Your quite casual and light behaviour conceals your will to be in control of the situation, retain your independence, and never let yourself drift into pessimism.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Cancer

With this duet of very different signs merging in you, you have everything required to puzzle the members of your entourage and... yourself! Your problem is to blend your thirst for newness and active participation in collective actions with your need to protect your privacy and to cultivate an imaginary world or your secret fiefdom. Indeed, you are often torn between these two contradictory tendencies which come from your Aquarius Sun and your Cancer Ascendant. When you are in unknown settings, your first reaction is to behave cautiously, as if you instinctively fear that unveiling your true self may endanger your inner balance. You dread showing your vulnerability and your emotionalism, and for this reason, you harden your shell. Your Aquarius Sun is willing to remain free in every regard, including towards its personal attachments, so as to be available for as many people as possible and to imprint its mark on the big collective whole. Although you are impersonal and disinterested, you feel that you must protect your interests as well as those of your friends and relatives. In order to reconcile your quite contradictory tendencies, bear in mind that both signs share the same vivid imagination and sharp intuition, with the nuance that for Aquarius, they are more focused on the future and the society, and for Cancer, they are more laden with nostalgia and lyricism.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Leo

Aquarius and Leo occupy opposite parts in the zodiacal wheel. With such a combination of Sun and Ascendant signs, you constantly try to strike a balance between Aquarius' aspiration to free itself from social conditioning and from the needs of its ego, on the one hand, and Leo's will to forcefully and passionately assert its creative individualism, on the other hand. In all circumstances, you remain optimistic and you rely on your ability to take up the challenges facing you. Owing to your Leo Ascendant, when you are in society, you are concerned about the image you project, and you manage to earn people's admiration and respect. However, this need for recognition clashes with your Aquarius, which is deeply attached to its independence and indifferent to people's opinion, hence the reputation as a dropout and eccentric person. Your ethereal and elusive nature disconcerts those who saw only your Leo mask, definitely endearing and colourful, but quite different from your true self. Honesty and constancy in ideas and actions, along with audacity and generosity, are nevertheless the qualities these two signs have in common. As a result, all these very different facets enable you to keep your equilibrium easily and endow you with irresistible and, at the same time, strange charming powers.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Virgo

This zodiacal duet has contradictory influences and seems to lack harmony at first glance. Indeed, Aquarius is an Air sign which seeks complete freedom, escapism into the future, and bold collective projects. Virgo is an Earth sign which prefers to focus on more humble and feasible tasks because it values efficiency and distrusts too idealistic and misleading approaches. When you are in society, you instinctively behave discreetly, and you try to be appreciated for your helpfulness rather than for hypothetical feats. Your close friends and relatives know your Aquarius inner self, which is more exuberant and optimistic, and they are aware that, despite your friendly and benevolent heart, you refuse to be chained up to your relationships lest they should damage your sacrosanct independence. Although these two signs are very different, they both endow you with great intellectual sharpness, nervousness, and the will to progress instead of resting on your laurels. Aquarius is driven by its sense of anticipation, and Virgo, by its need for perfection.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Libra

Look! Here comes an angel... This is the first impression given by your sign combination. Your Sun and Ascendant signs both have Air as their element, the attributes of which are superficiality and quick-wittedness, communication skills, and interest in other people. With the help of Venus, who rules Libra and endows you with sweetness and refinement, it is easy for you to charm everyone with your kindness and your tolerance. It is true that you do not belong to the category of the people who stay on their own, and you may be criticised for disliking solitude and revelling in frenzied sociability. Fortunately, Uranus, the ruler of your Sun sign, keeps a watchful eye and prompts you to seek absolute freedom and independence, as well as intellectual intransigence. Owing to Saturn, these two signs share the same quality of seriousness. Despite its constant originality, Aquarius's approach of the world is paradoxically grave and almost solemn. As for Libra, it is concerned about moderation and perfect harmony. Actually, your malleability is only an outward appearance, and your angelic and sociable nature is not too eager to get involved in, and be confronted to, relationships which are too laden with emotions or libido.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Scorpio

What a contrasting temperament! You keep on vacillating between the will to free yourself from low instincts, or on the contrary, the will to analyze the complexity of the world and delve into the innermost depths of the human soul. If it's any consolation, bear in mind that your Sun sign and Ascendant sign share the same perseverance, lack of flexibility, unflinching individualism, and nonconformism. They are not afraid to shock the members of their entourage, and on the contrary, they observe with indifference or amusement the reactions caused by their behaviour and their words. You deem it important to call people, and yourself, into question. However, you do not immediately show your hypersensitive facet. Indeed, people who meet you for the first time notice only the influence of your Scorpio Ascendant and think that you are a rather calm and secretive person with a mindset which is more tactical than spontaneous. You select your friends very carefully, and you offer them your loyalty, but owing to your Aquarius Sun, you always keep some distance and the detachment required for your freedom, because this is what you value more than anything else.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Sagittarius

You are original and open to anything different from you and your world. You seem to shirk your real life and to pursue your unquenchable thirst for newness and exoticism. Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign are very similar in their Promethean optimism and their audacity, as well as their fickleness and their proselytism. Owing to your Aquarius Sun, you are prone to violent mood swings, but paradoxically enough, you steadfastly keep your hopes up, you obstinately believe in your projects, and you see only the best part in people. However, this nice picture may conceal some sort of mental rigidity and a real lack of realism. On the contrary, owing to your Sagittarius Ascendant, your behaviour seems more flexible, tolerant, and curious when you are in unfamiliar settings. In the best cases, your catching warmth and your sociability arouse sympathy, and in the worst cases, your casualness and your rose-coloured vision are quite irritating.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Capricorn

These two signs are ruled by Saturn, the god of Time, and they both are of a dry, disembodied, but genuine, and independent nature. They endow you with a long-term vision and intellectual rigour, and prompt you to pay utmost importance to social and spiritual issues. This is where their similarities end. Indeed, Aquarius is an Air sign and brings about winter storms, whereas Capricorn is an Earth sign and dwells in icy and desolate mountainous summits. As a result, you sometimes retreat into your ivory tower to devise totally unrealistic projects. With this sign combination, it seems that, rightly or wrongly, Aquarius' generosity and sociability are limited by Capricorn's caution and sense of organisation. In any case, it is certain that you do not lack ambition and intellectual depth, or idealism, to put it simply. When you are in society, you come across as a circumspect and humble person to people who meet you for the first time. As they get to know you better, they discover that you are more original than at first glance, and they are often pleasantly surprised by your off-beat mind and your clear-sightedness. Moreover, they appreciate that, despite your non-negotiable need for freedom, your loyalty towards your friends stands the test of time.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Aquarius

What an electric temperament! Since you are twice an Aquarius, you wear no mask, and you behave exactly in the same way when you are in society and in familiar settings. Uranus, the ruler of your sign, is the god of Heaven, geniuses, revolutionaries, and freedom-lovers, but it is also the protector of fanatics. Aquarius is endowed with these traits and draws from them its taste for innovations and its hope for an original and humanistic future. Saturn also gives a scientific mind, or at least, strong logical and research abilities. Paradoxically, you seem at the same time eccentric and serious. You make smart moves, inspired by your intuition, or you react in weird ways, but at the same time, you often remain impassive and impersonal, that it, not deeply involved in one-to-one private relationships. You appreciate establishing contacts in all directions, universal fraternity, friends, and solidarity. This type of communication requires no emotional commitment and enables you to give free rein to your originality and your need to participate in collective projects which do not affect your private life. Your disinterested and generous qualities are partly the consequence of your will to escape too tight and affective ties. Whether you are an angel or a demon, you are always quite hard to figure out!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Aquarius Ascendant Pisces

You always seem to be elsewhere... It is most probably because this sign combination matches your general behaviour. Aquarius and Pisces are winter signs waiting for better days, and while Aquarius anticipates with hope, Pisces welcomes the upcoming spring with an ambiguous blend of apprehension and feverish happiness. This might explain their need to imagine a world which is closer to their aspirations, as well as their deep indifference to their humdrum life. Owing to your Pisces Ascendant, your flexibility and your compassion arouse people's sympathy and confidence, and you are thought to be malleable and good-natured. Both Aquarius and Pisces offer you the gift of intuition and prompt you to prefer the eternal and idealistic aspect of people and things rather than concrete and current appearances. You are disconcerting, elusive, and unpredictable, and you fascinate everyone, but you must be careful not to lose your credibility. Aquarius is a bit crazy and appreciates newness and weirdness, while Pisces is attracted by irrational and mysterious matters. Owing to your Aquarius Sun, you may lack intellectual tolerance, and your constant will to ignore hurdles or criticisms may prove very damaging. Fortunately, this dry and cerebral facet is offset by Pisces' natural sensitivity and empathy.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Aquarius Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

12. Your Sun sign is Pisces

Pisces Ascendant Aries

It is doubtless that you are spurred by the sense of self-sacrifice! Indeed, Pisces with its almost religious devotion and abnegation, and Aries with its swift responses devoid of ulterior motives, are amazingly similar in these regards. Since Aries is a Fire sign, its generosity is "in cash", in one stroke, whereas that of Pisces stems from a sort of indifference to our actual earthly life, or from an irrepressible empathy. However, be careful not to overestimate your Sun and your Ascendant signs because if you are too naive or too idealistic, you may be trapped by people who are more cynical, practical, or scheming. Pisces is a mutable sign, thus adaptable and opportunistic at times, and fortunately, it enables you to solve conflicting situations, gracefully, or slyly, particularly when you are in familiar settings or in the company of your friends and relatives. When you are in society, your instinctive behaviour is quite similar to that of Aries, burning with enthusiasm, always ready to fly off the handle and release its great energy. Your sudden and foolhardy reactions conceal a heart which aspires to find tranquillity and to explore your deepest feelings.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Aries combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Taurus

With your Sun in Pisces, one might think that you usually to listen to your intuition more than to reality or reason. Actually, this inclination is toned down by your Taurus Ascendant, an Earth sign which is concerned with the tangible and sound qualities of things, and for which concrete and efficient outcomes prevail over good intentions. Your apparent serenity and calm conceal a quite fanciful and intuitive personality. Pisces, a Water sign ruled by Neptune, continually explores its inner world, which can be likened to the ocean and its deep and frightening abysses... It is quite different from Taurus in that the latter is more receptive to the spectacle of the material world and to the most genuine and reassuring phenomena which nature has to offer. When you are in society, you strive to earn the confidence and affection of the members of your entourage, even though your deeper aspirations are quite confused and disconnected from down-to-earth values. In spite of their differences, Pisces and Taurus share the same strong sensuality, a feature of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. You are an obliging and charming person, and you know perfectly well how to make use of your magnetism and your empathy in order to move people.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Taurus combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Gemini

This zodiacal duet has everything it needs to make your head spin! Pisces and Gemini are both Mutable, dual, and even multiple signs which share the same adaptable, flexible, and ambiguous temperament. Owing to your ambivalent and undulating qualities, you are able to understand the most different viewpoints, and you focus so much on their nuances that you seem to revel in contradictions. Indeed, versatility is not devoid of shortcomings, and instability is often one of them. To make up for it, you display the compassion and the capacity to put yourself in people's shoes, all features which come from your Sun in Pisces, a Water sign with a subtle and complex sensitivity. However, owing to your Gemini Ascendant, you come across as a caustic, lively, and nervous person. This intellectual sign is responsible for your detached and chameleon-like outward appearance, which your entourage may perceive as quite a superficial one, in the worst cases. When you are in society, you are communicative and curious, and you seldom unveil your idealistic and mystical tendencies, which are the traditional attributes of Pisces. Therefore, contrarily to the image you project, you are more resistant to social norms and codes because you are obsessed by chimeras belonging to a different world...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Gemini combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Cancer

With such a sign combination, you are besieged by Water signs! You are an incorrigible dreamer with a personality which is hard to figure out, for people and for yourself alike. The Water element deals with the affective and sensitive part of the personality, as well as with the intuitive and unconscious perception of the world. This is the reason why you are naturally interested in irrational matters and you accept the complexity of human beings and things, even though your open-mindedness may be mistaken for passivity, lack of realism, or fatalism. However, your Cancer Ascendant is a Cardinal and thus enterprising sign. When people meet you for the first time, you give the feeling that you know how to use your claws in order to get what you want, and your solid shell suggests that security is a major concern. You are secretive and inaccessible, and you pamper the people you admit into your private circle. Having said this, it is worth underlining that, even in intimate settings, you keep a part of mystery because Pisces is the Zodiac's elusive sign par excellence. You enjoy delving at leisure into your imaginary world, which is so remote from the usual norms, or you obstinately dedicate yourself to a cause or a person, depending on your mood. Your apparent impassivity conceals a pressing need for emotional vertigoes and an irresistible desire to play with all the facets of your sensitivity.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Cancer combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Leo

Two very different signs influence your sky. Indeed, with the Sun in Pisces, you wish to withdraw into your ideal world or dedicate yourself to a cause or a love, whereas your Leo Ascendant prompts you to appear as a dignified and warm person. Leo shines by its boldness and its persevering, almost invincible, character. Its weakness lies in the excessive importance it attaches to the admiration and the recognition it expects from people. You are creative and cheerful, and you appreciate playing parts which enable you to show yourself off to your best advantage, at least indirectly. This propensity to put yourself in the spotlight is offset by your Pisces Sun, which is quiet and even indifferent at times. You are nice and compassionate, and with your friends and relatives, you display your sensitive and unpredictable facets. Despite their differences, Pisces and Leo share the same generosity and unbridled romanticism. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, is the god of oceans and mysterious depths. He gladly bewitches and relates to matters pertaining to the Infinite, whereas the Sun, ruler of Leo, gives the taste for excellence and an aristocratic ideal. Having said this, it should be added that some degree of nonchalance and lack of realism may tarnish this picture if you are not careful!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Leo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Virgo

Pisces and Virgo occupy opposite places in the zodiacal wheel and blend together to shape your personality. Let's begin with their common features. They both appreciate discretion, and they are driven by the will to be of service and to help communities and individuals alike. Self-sacrifice prevails over the need to enhance your image because you are indifferent to the esteem people may or may not hold you in. This may be an exaggeration of the qualities of these humble signs. Indeed, people often make fun of Pisces' masochism and Virgo's inferiority complex. Unlike Virgo, Pisces usually trusts its intuitions and acts according to its huge hopes - and despairs - probably because of its idealistic and disinterested vision of the world. It is doubtless that your close friends and relatives know this mysterious and slightly forgetful facet. However, in line with the demands of your Virgo Ascendant, when you meet people for the first time, you come across as a more rational and pragmatic person. It is correct to say that the sense of organisation and observation are your wild cards. This zodiacal duet can be likened to the characters of The Cicada and the Ant, the fable by 17th century French author Jean de Lafontaine, with Pisces in the part of the cicada, and Virgo in that of the ant.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Virgo combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Libra

Are you a born artist? Your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign, both ruled by Venus, the goddess of arts and love, probably endow you with a particularly developed sensitivity! Although you are an incurable romantic, you do not let people chain you up so easily. Indeed, Pisces, a Water sign, and Libra, an Air sign, are characterised by their elusive, mobile, and sometimes indecisive nature. As one considers the dual essence of Pisces and the two pans of Libra, there is little doubt about that! When you are in unfamiliar settings, your behaviour is rather controlled and rational, and you know how to cleverly use courteousness and social codes. Libra inherits self-control and sense of strategy from Saturn. As for Pisces, it seems to follow its premonitions and its own norms, alien to the classic civilised world, but it remains adaptable and strangely good at weaving its way through obstacles. However, you find it hard to keep your feet on the ground, and you handle open conflicts quite badly. Undoubtedly, you prefer gentle persuasion or civilised diplomacy!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Libra combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Scorpio

What thrilling personality! Between the ceaseless sea tides of your Pisces Sun and the burning lava of your Scorpio Ascendant, you move from one emotional turmoil to another like a traveller on a roller coaster. These signs are difficult to describe because they are the most complex ones of the Zodiac. They share the same reserved and sinuous character, and they prefer to communicate through feelings or actions rather than through solemn flashy declarations devoid of subtlety. They also seek the exaltation of intense, and forbidden, experiences in order to feel that they are deeply alive. When you are in society, your reflexes are influenced by Scorpio, and in addition to your discretion, one perceives your caustic and powerful facet, which is quite hard to throw off balance, though it is paradoxically emotional and vulnerable. After some time, you usually accept to unveil your Pisces inner self, which is benevolent and emphatic, sometimes gullible but so bewitching. In the worst cases, you may wallow in the ambivalence and the lack of clarity of your intentions, especially if one considers that the nature of Scorpio and its taste for complicated situations increase Pisces' tendencies. The temptation to use your perspicacity, your intuition, and your magnetism for unclear purposes is strong, but you can rest assured that Pisces' legendary benevolence and disinterested dedication keep a weather eye open.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Scorpio combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Sagittarius

Ah! The call of the Unknown… You often escape into your fanciful world, or you literally travel to discover new horizons which can make you evolve constantly. You usually behave in extroverted and enthusiastic ways, the qualities you inherit from Sagittarius. You are an optimistic person and a bon viveur, and you enjoy sharing your eclectic knowledge because you appreciate dialectic or just because you want to shine. Your Pisces Sun appears when you are in familiar settings, and then, you become more sibylline and enigmatic. You seem to keep in your heart of hearts an irrepressible need to cut off from reality and its ordinary humdrum so as to concentrate on what is haunting you, or in the worst case, to what is obsessing you, which some people consider as chimeras. Nevertheless, you remain impassive and gentle most of the time, and you have some difficulties in remaining focused. Indeed, Pisces and Sagittarius are both Mutable signs, flexible, and always on the move. You are philosophical and benevolent, and while you see only the nice side of people, you may not be wary enough of petty and cynical persons!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Sagittarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Capricorn

This zodiacal duet indicates that this character is very inaccessible to the common run of mankind! Owing to your Capricorn Ascendant, your outward appearance is grumpy, serious, and authoritarian. You sometimes project a not too friendly image, but your instinctive behaviour enables you to screen the members of your entourage and let the people who are most genuine and closest to your world come near you. Your gentleness and your placidity, inherited from Pisces, bewitch those who know you well, and to whom you offer your trust and your affection. Your disconcerting and unpredictable inner self clashes with your stern and reasonable mask... Indeed, as a moving and aquatic sign, Pisces prefers flexible, intuitive, sometimes opportunistic attitudes because it dreads clear-cut and irreversible decisions. Thanks to your Capricorn Ascendant, your malleability is offset by a long-tem ambition and unfailing clear-sightedness. In all circumstances, you indirectly or resolutely aim at obsessive and exalting objectives, and you remain indifferent to the outer bustle and to people's advice. This can prove to be a great strength, as well as maladjustment to society!

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Capricorn combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Aquarius

With your Pisces Sun, you are willing to focus on the essentials and ignore trivial events, while with your Aquarius Ascendant, you only see the positive aspect of things as if you were blinded by your incorrigible optimism. Since the Ascendant influences the image you project when you are in society, people notice only your friendly and exuberant facet, slightly strange and disembodied though. You are sometimes curt and unpredictable, and you make up for it with your incisive humour and your originality which border on nonconformism. This peculiarity is all the more strengthened as Pisces is well-known for its indifference to fashions, habits and customs. Since melancholy is one of Pisces' typical traits, it overwhelms you every now and then, and paradoxically, you seem to enjoy it very much. As a result, this deeply disconcerts your friends and relatives. You are imaginative, impossible to categorise, and you charm people thanks to your generosity devoid of ulterior motives and because you seem more eager to fulfil your ideal through your daydreaming or your projects than to protect basely materialistic and selfish interests. A regrettable tendency to fight against windmills like Don Quixote may cloud this picture. Therefore, don't get too deeply lost into possible whims, which you see as transcendent or visionary, but which are just escapism to other people's view...

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Aquarius combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.

Pisces Ascendant Pisces

You are twice a Pisces and a typical Neptunian! Your Sun is in a Mutable Water sign which enjoys diving suddenly or nonchalantly into its emotions and heeding its moods and its inspirations, which are as vague as exalting. Like the ocean, you shift from placid quietness to raging storm! With this dual sign, you swim in troubled waters, sometimes against the current, thus demonstrating your maladjustment to normal life or your noble determination to follow your star, or on the contrary, you let yourself drift along the flow, modelling yourself after the contours of things with a dose of opportunism, in which case you are praised for your legendary adaptability. Your behaviour often alternates between two patterns. In the first one, you are compassionate, good-natured, and so totally devoted that you sacrifice yourself with the quite mystical satisfaction of having fulfilled your duty, and you do not bother to know whether people are aware of this or not. In the second pattern, your attitude recalls the well-known shark, more amoral and colder, to which your amazing clear-sightedness is added. With your psychological skills and your intuition, you always know how to act in perfect harmony with any given situation, and should you fail, your deep indifference to fashionable gatherings enables you to take refuge in your inner world, in which you intensely experience your dreams, even though it means that your neglect their implementation which you deem too derisory and meaningless.

You can find dozens of celebrities with the Sun in Pisces Ascendant in Pisces combination on Astrotheme, listed in popularity order and based on our visitors' clicks.


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