słuchanie - test 2, Notatki filologia angielska


Ground-breaking - really important

Labour-saving device - costs you less work

Recent development

Food blender - device used to smash things, mikser

Long-distance call

e-commerce = trade

get cut off - no connection

re-charge - batteries in mobile

download - copy from the Internet

log on - start using operating system

click on - clicking the mouse

cut and paste - move to a different place

telework - work from home, communicating online

back up data - make a copy of files

wordprocess - produce a written document

domestic chore = home duties

crosswords - sort of entertainment


hands-free phone

deteriorate eyesight/hearing - become worse

deaf - don't hear

in moderatioin - z umiarem

take for granted - it is normal for somebody



crane - dźwig


fire brigade


fireman crawled along - czołgać się

safety harness

uncommon - unpopular

brief = short

heat up food - make hotter


nap = snooze

duvet/quilt - cover yourself at night

cushion - decoration on sofa

insomnia - can't sleep

sleep like a log - very well


jet lag



sleepwalking, sleepwalker

lunatic - mentally ill

lunatic asylum - special care of people



current affairs - latest news

trivial - unimportant

benefits - money you get when unemployed

pension - money you get when you retire

owe - być winnym

matinees - morning performances

budget money available to a person

grant - money given to be used for particular purpose (education)

loan - money bank lends

fees - money for professional advice (lawyer, architect)

fares - bus, plane, taxi

charge - money sb asks for goods and services

savings - keep in bank and don't spend

donation - money given to charity

fine - paid as punishment

instalment - one of a number of payments paid regularly

deposit - money given as the first part of larger payment

will - document

overdraft - money owe to a bank, you spent more than was on your account

lump sum - on separate occasions

prosocial spending - spending money on others

conduct a study/research/experiment (F) = carry out

give away money/clothes - give for free

be fulfilled - satisfied

increase sb's well-being

the impact of = influence on

findings - results of the survey

erase - eliminate, wipe out

regardless - pomimo że


domain - area, field

field study - study in real world, not In laboratory

profit-sharing bonus - extra payment if company makes big profit

a lamp post - słup z lampą

exchange office - change money to another currency

exchange rate

rich = wealthy = well-off = affluent (noun affluence) = INF loaded

poor = be broke = penniless = INF hard up

generous - kind-hearted

mean = greedy, INF tight-fisted

skinflint - skąpiec

a mortgage - loan for purchasing property - hipoteka

a cash-machine - you take money out of it

pay in cash

pay by credit card

in debt = in the red

in the black - you have money (!)

can't make ends meet - nie mogą związać końca z końcem

microfinance - provision of financial services to help poor people


low-income clients

collateral - sth valuable you promise to give somebody if you don't manage to give the money back

peer - person with the same social status as you (age also, but it's a different meaning)

cantina - canteen

embroider - decorating cloth using coloured thread - haftować

middle man - pośrednik

have a roof over her head

an overdraft - debet, przekroczenie stanu konta

accountable = responsible

incentive - encouragement - motywacja, bodziec

old-age security

flocus on - concentrate on

aid - help

massive amounts - very big amounts

we use “amount” for uncountable nouns (aid/money)

in hindsight - z perspektywy czasu

along with - równocześnie

drop out of school - you leave school because you have a reason

expelled from school - school decides you are not a student of their school anymore



get a puncture

a bonnet - maska


rear-view mirror

fasten seatbelts

a clutch



Interpretator - oral translation

Translator - translation from written word

Literal = word for word

Constraint - limitation - ograniczenie

Offensive (to offend) - obraźliwy

Meet tight deadlines

Untranslatable - translatable

Freelance = self-employed

Convey humour/personality of the speaker - oddawać, wyrazić, przekazać

Having enough room - mieć wystarczająco dużo miejsca

Time pressure


Do time - be in prison

Bing - prison

Crooked - wykrzywieni



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