2 Alaska, with Love Gasq Dion, Sandrine

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Alaska, with Love

By: Sandrine Gasq-Dion

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For my family

Many thanks to Jennifer Fornes And Kimberly Webb-Balan

My loyal readers at LRO, for their patience.

As always, Van and Eric

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Copyright 2012 ©

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any

resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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Mark set the hypodermic needles down and turned to

face the woman waiting for her injection. Pale skin on a
woman who normally had a darker complexion made
Mark a little uneasy. The flu was running rampant
throughout the village and this patient was just one in a
long line of patients waiting. Mark ran a hand through his
hair and wiped the sweat from his brow. The humidity
was climbing and his shirt was soaked with sweat. Mark’s
assistant, Carlos was waiting for the go ahead to give a
ten year old boy a dose of antibiotics. Mark checked the
child over listening to his heartbeat. He could tell the

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child was afraid of needles. He smiled and slipped the
stethoscope from his neck, putting the ear tips in the
child’s ears. Putting the scope on his own chest, Mark
smiled. “Hear that?” Mark asked. “That’s my heart.” Mark
winked at the boy as Carlos interpreted.

Mark made sure the child got some Tylenol before he

left and turned his attentions to the next person in line.
Carlos got all the information he needed and translated
to Mark. The two of them made a great team, and Mark
was extremely thankful Carlos spoke English. When his
chief of staff had suggested Doctors without Borders,
Mark had jumped on the chance. It was a fulfilling job,
and Mark felt like he was truly helping people. The
Amazon rainforest was beautiful, but so humid Mark had
to drink water all day just to replenish the fluids he was
losing in sweat. He’d started to feel the effects after just a
few days, the hot summer sun beat down on them
mercilessly, and Mark found himself praying for rain.

The line began to get shorter, and Mark took a long

drink of water before prepping for the next patient. Most
of the people he was seeing were from the surrounding
tribes, the more modernized ones wanting more than
what their healer could give. The line moved suddenly,
and people began screaming. Mark ran out of the tent to
see Soldiers driving down the road. “What the…” They

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were shooting at his patients. Oh Dear God, they were
killing them all.

Carlos! Run!” Mark pushed people out of the way and

into the tree line as he made a run for the tent. There
was a loud popping noise and Mark felt a blast of heat in
his lower calf muscle. His back leg gave out and he
toppled face first into the dirt. Rolling over onto his back,
he saw the end of a gun pointed at his head. He put his
hands up. “I’m a doctor, El Medico.” Mark was hauled to
his feet, drug down the path, and thrown into the dirt
again a few minutes later in front of a man he’d never
seen before. Mark looked up, and the man smiled at him.
Yellowing teeth protruded out of a hard mouth, and thick
black hair covered the man’s face and head. The man

not tribal, Mark assessed right away, and he didn’t

look nice.

Doctor Patterson I presume?” The man asked.

Mark blinked and his mouth hung slightly ajar. “How do

you know my name?” Mark looked out of the corner of
his eye, and saw Carlos motioning to him. He shook his
head slightly, telling Carlos to run with his eyes. “And you
are?” Mark looked back up at the man. The man
crouched down in front of Mark and brought his face
level with his. He smelled like cigars and imported beer.

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Mark’s skin began to crawl at the way the man was
looking him over.

I am Manuel, and I will be taking you home with me


Mark was hauled up on his feet and held by his arms,

courtesy of two goons. “What do you want me for? If you
need a doctor, I can help you. However, please leave
these people alone. They’ve done nothing to you.”

No they have not. They are, however, witnesses.

Pedro, kill the man in the trees please.” Manuel nodded
to the left.

No!” Mark tried to jerk loose, but it was too late. A loud

shot fired, and Carlos fell out of the trees, blood pouring
from his head. Blank empty eyes stared at Mark. “Why?”
Mark felt the tears coming. “Why would you do this?”
Mark shrank back as Manuel came within inches of his
face. Fingers gripping Mark’s chin, he forced him to look
in his eyes. Manuel’s tongue came out and licked Mark’s
lips slowly.

I have my reasons. Put him in the car.” Manuel


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Mark found out later what Manuel’s reasons were. For

starters, he wanted Mark to deal his drugs to his
contacts. No one would suspect a good Doctor like Mark
was passing crack through bottles marked ‘penicillin’. To
add insult to injury, Mark became Manuel’s toy at night.
Brutal beatings were followed by Manuel taking Mark as
rough as possible, and then dropping him off in a room to
bleed. Mark sat in the corner on the floor and wiped the
blood from his lips. Everyone was dead. Manuel had
killed them all. Mark let the tears come and closed his
eyes. How did he end up here? “Oh God, someone
please help me.”

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~Chapter One~

Josh pulled his black Cobra Mustang into the driveway

of a ranch style stucco home in the mountains of
Phoenix, and parked behind his friend Mateo’s black
Impala. He cut the engine and smiled at the house.
Mateo was one of his best friends and had recently
gotten married; ironically, to the man he was supposed to
kill a year ago. A setup as it turned out, by Mateo’s close
friend Naomi and her brother, Nassir.

Naomi and Nassir were the children of a man Mateo

had killed years ago in Afghanistan, during their time in
the Army. Josh knew it still hurt Mateo to know that
Naomi, or Nimah as it was, wanted him dead. But he’d
gotten Riley as a husband in the end, so who was he to

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complain. Mateo still worked his job as an assassin, but
not as often as he once did. Which meant he, Sam and
Troy were picking up the slack.

Sam’s truck was already parked to the left of Riley’s

Land Rover Defender. Josh got out grinning, and made
his way to the front door, ringing the bell mercilessly. He
could hear Mateo cussing up a storm inside, and then the
door was thrown open.

Dammit, Josh!” Mateo huffed.

What?” Josh grinned, batting his eyelashes as he slid

past Mateo into the air conditioned house.

Fuck. You are so annoying!” Mateo brushed past

Josh, giving him a little shove, on his way back to the
living room.

But that’s why you love me so much, Mat.” Josh

dropped his keys on the side table and went to the
kitchen. “Who wants a beer?” Josh stopped and looked
at the refrigerator door. “What the hell?” The stainless
steel fridge was gone and the new fridge looked like part
of the cabinets. “Oh, this will not do at all!”

Mateo had OCD like a motherfucker, and it was Josh’s

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profound pleasure to push him close to the edge with the
little things. Like touching all the stainless steel
appliances that

used to occupy this room.

Mateo entered the kitchen and put his hands on his


Ha! No fingerprints bitch!” Mateo snickered.

You suck, take away all my fun.” Josh grumbled.

Aw, poor Montgomery.” Mateo mussed Josh’s hair.”

Are you going to be okay?”

Did you see this shit, Sam?” Josh shouted towards the

living room.

Come on, ya big baby.” Mateo dragged Josh into the

living room.

Riley had a Play Station controller in his hand and was

giggling like an idiot. Josh looked at the split screen.

Are you serious?” Josh’s mouth fell open. “Army men?

How old

is that game?”

Shut up Josh!” Riley giggled. “It’s fun!”

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Oh shit, you’re playing Mateo? Be careful around his

flag, Riley.” Josh sipped his beer and sat back.

What do you mean?” Riley looked over his shoulder at


Shut up Montgomery.” Mateo arched a brow.

Josh smiled wide. “Make sure you throw some

grenades over Mat’s wall before you try to take his flag.
He sets up mines all around the perimeter.”

Josh!” Mateo narrowed his eyes.

Oops, better pay attention Mateo, Riley just ran you

over with his tank.” Josh chuckled.

What?” Mateo spun around. “Riley!”

Ack! Stop chasing me with the flame thrower Mateo!”

Riley smacked him on the arm. “I’m melting!”

Sam sat back with Josh on the couch and sipped his

beer, watching Mateo and Riley.

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Ouch.” Sam laughed. “Mateo, you’re melting in one


It’s fine! I’ll be alive in seconds.” Mateo nudged Riley.

“Could I please come back to life? Must you sit there in
your tank and wait for me?”

Riley giggled uncontrollably.

Um, Riley?” Sam leaned forward. “You really don’t

want to run in a straight line down the path to Mateo’s

Why not?” Riley chewed his lip in determination.

Seconds later, his little green Army man hit a mine and
died. Riley looked over at Mateo, who was grinning like a
Cheshire cat. “Really?”

What?” Mateo shrugged. “I play to win.”

An hour had gone by with Mateo and Riley killing each

other in the game. Josh and Sam watched the two of
them play in fascination. Neither one of them had had a
rosy childhood, and it seemed they were making up for it
now . Both Josh and Sam’s cell phones beeped at the

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same time, and they pulled them out simultaneously,
looking at the message.

Josh looked over at Sam. “You?”

Babysitting.” Sam sighed. “You?”

Target.” Josh winked. “And we’re off, you crazy kids.”

Josh mussed Mateo and Riley’s hair. “Behave and play

Whatever!” Riley pushed Mateo over. “I’m coming for

you now, Mr. Esposito!”

Oh Yeah?” Mateo threw Riley down and pinned him to

the floor. “You will be coming for me, Mr. Esposito.”

Yeah, on that note, Sam and I are out. Later sex

fiends.” Josh smiled and waved.

Josh dropped his half drank bottle of beer off in the

kitchen and grabbed his keys, waiting for Sam. As they
both left, Josh looked over at Sam.

Aren’t you due a vacation soon?”

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Sam unlocked his truck. “Yeah, not sure where I’m

going though, I owe the parents a visit, but I have a
month coming up so I figured I’d hit them last. I need time
on my own to think about some shit. I have no
relationship, and no one special in my life.” Sam sighed.
“The worst part is my parents are pushing for grandkids.”

Sounds like my Mom. I’m almost thirty and she thinks I

should have two kids by now. I haven’t found a woman
yet that I want to marry, much less have kids with, not
sure if I ever will.” Josh ran a hand through his hair.
“Look, if you need some thinking time, I know where you
should go.”

Yeah?” Sam leaned over his truck.

Yep, I’ll email you the info okay? Be careful Sam.”

Josh shook his hand before getting into his Mustang.
“Take care.”


Josh Montgomery sat in front of James Pruitt’s desk at

the downtown FBI office in Phoenix, chewing his large

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piece of watermelon bubble gum. He popped a huge
bubble and peeled it off his 5’oclock shadow, smiling.
James was looking through a file on his desk and eyeing
Josh every now and then with a raised brow, it was
comical actually. Josh shifted in the chair again and let
out a loud sigh. Here he was again, getting ready to take
his beautiful Remington 300 sniper rifle out for another
exciting trip. Josh wondered what it would be this time, a
pedophile. A kiddie porn ring leader, possibly? Maybe it
was a drug dealer.

He and three of his closest friends made up a team.

They were kind of like The A-Team, but they were
backed by the government. Instead of using Rangers or
Seals, the government sent the Skull Blasters instead.
They were officially under General Derek Jacobs, but
James Pruitt of Homeland Security pulled all the strings.
“So who is it? A drug dealer, right? You got the drug
dealer look James.” Josh smiled wide.

Jesus, Josh there’s a drug dealer look?” James

chuckled. Josh Montgomery had to be one of the hottest
men he’d ever laid eyes on, well, besides Derek. He was
six foot three, blonde hair in a buzz cut, and the most

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amazing emerald green eyes. A strong muscular jaw, full
lips and tattoos were traits that made the man even
sexier. James sat back and sighed, too bad Josh wasn’t
gay. “This guy Manuel Mortiquan is a real asshole
extraordinaire. He’s got an American trafficking his drugs
for him, we aren’t sure if the American is doing it because
he wants to, or not. We can’t find shit on this American.
He’s either pure as the driven snow or has never had a
run in with the law.” James produced the pictures from
another folder. “This is the guy we want taken out. He’s
been warned too many times to cease his activities.”

Josh studied the picture closely. Black hair and equally

black eyes was the first noticeable thing about the man in
the picture, he looked evil. Josh studied the face.
Crooked nose and thin lips, his face and head looked
misshapen. Most of his face was covered by an
overgrown unkempt beard. Josh wanted to throw up just
looking at the guy. “This guy gives me the heebie
jeebies.” Josh shivered and looked through the rest of
the pictures. “Nothing at all on the American?”

We can’t seem to get a good enough shot of the guy.

He’s not outside often, and when he is, Manuel keeps

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him hidden.” James sighed and chewed the end of his
pencil. “This one could be a while for you, Josh. Manuel
isn’t alone often, and for some reason, in the last three
month’s he’s hardly

ever alone.”

Josh looked over the pictures again and memorized the

face of the man he was going to kill. “You think he has
something to do with those villagers getting killed don’t

James nodded and folded his hands together on the

desk. “I do, Josh. I want this guy gone. And I mean like

Josh stood up and took one of the pictures. He folded it

and put it in his pocket. “If I need back up, you know who
I want. Make sure Troy and Sam are ready, and make
sure you have coffee waiting.” Josh winked and turned to
leave. “Hey, James?”


Try to get laid will ya?”

James had to smile. He tilted his head and looked at

Josh. “Who did you have in mind for me to fuck?”

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Um.” Josh put his finger to his chin and pretended to

think about it. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a really tall,
gorgeous General that has the hots for you?” Josh barely
missed the stapler flying at his head as he ran out of the
office. He was laughing as he made his way to the
elevator, pushing the down button. The doors opened
and Josh stepped in. An agent was looking through a file
and Josh stared, recognizing the hair and face.

Keegan? Keegan Ripley?”

Keegan looked up and smiled. “Hey, Josh, you headed

out again?”

Yep, what are you up to?” Josh looked over at the file.

“Don’t you get tired of listening and watching?”

Tired of watching this guy?” Keegan pulled the picture

out. “Hell no.”

What is it about this guy that turns you on?” Josh

looked over the picture closely. Jet black hair and eyes
dark as night, multiple tattoos covered his body. He
looked like a model.

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Seriously?” Keegan shook his head. “Oh wait, I forgot.

You’re not gay.” Keegan giggled.

I hear that so much, Keegan.” Josh rolled his eyes.

“Hey, I heard you were on the team that was transporting
Riley to the safe house last year. You catch any

Nope, I’m Spiderman.” Keegan waggled his eyebrows.

The doors opened and Josh shook Keegan’s hand.

“Maybe we should have drinks when I get back, you and
your partner.”

I don’t have a partner.” Keegan sighed.

You’re work partner, numb nuts.” Josh tousled

Keegan’s hair.

Oh!” Keegan laughed. “You mean Lyons.”

Yup, I’ll get Troy and Sam and we can hit the town.”

Really? I didn’t think you guys would hang out with


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We’re on the same team, Keegan.” Josh held the door

open. “I’ll see you when I get back.”

K’ bye Josh.”

Later Rip.” Josh winked.


Two weeks. Josh sighed and adjusted his site on his

Remington’s scope for the hundredth time. Two weeks of
watching Manuel with other people. James had been
right. It was like he knew somehow that he was being
watched. Manuel had been out in the early morning at
Oh five fucking o’clock with his wife. Josh wished it would
have been memorable, but he was more sick then turned
on watching the two of them fuck on the lounge chair.
Josh cracked his neck from side to side and looked
through the scope again.

God, he had to take a raging piss and was

contemplating going in his Ghillie suit, when a guy
walked out of the house naked as the day he was born.
Josh actually felt his cock twitch.

What the fuck was that?

He had to be about five foot eleven. Beautiful fucking
skin. He wasn’t ripped nor did he have bulging muscles,

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damn he had a nice ass. Again? What the hell?

Josh was getting uncomfortable now as his dick was

filling, making his position on the ground uncomfortable.
He squeezed his eyes shut and felt the sweat dripping
down his brow. He opened his eyes and took a deep
breath, looking back into the scope. Nice-Ass was
walking toward the pool now. He looked nervous, and his
head was making sweeps of the entire pool area like he
was looking for someone. Or hoping someone wasn’t

Oh for the love of God.” Josh looked into the scope

and zeroed in on Nice-Ass’s cock. God but it was
beautiful. Josh hadn’t really seen too many cocks in his







supposedly? He had to admit that right now he was
checking out a guy, and he sure was pretty. That was the
word, pretty. He had to be the prettiest man he’d ever
seen. Those pink full lips, his soft features. He was
pretty. Pretty fucking beautiful. “Great….Mateo turned
me gay.” Josh chuckled.

Nice-Ass wasn’t alone for long. Another man came out.

Shit, Josh’s

target came out and smacked Nice-Ass right

on his

nice ass. Josh moved his rifle up to look at Nice-

Ass’s face. He had the bluest eyes Josh had ever seen,

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and they had a look of fear in them. Nice -Ass did not
want what Josh’s target wanted. The rage was building
in Josh as his target bent Nice- Ass over, rimming him.
His fingers brutally pumped into Nice- Ass’s ass, and
when that fun was over Nice-Ass got a dick in his ass. No
lube. Josh wasn’t on the up and up with gay sex, but he
knew from Mateo’s stories that fucking a guy with no lube
was painful. He could tell from Nice-Ass’s face, that he
was not enjoying it. Josh could see him trying to pull
away as his target pulled him back, roughly pounding the
shit out of the guy. One look through the scope told Josh
Nice-Ass really didn’t want this, because he was crying


fucking crying.

Josh was forced to watch the basic rape of Nice-Ass.

The guy didn’t want it, and in his book that was rape.
More than once, Nice-Ass tried to pull away and was met
with a smack on his ass and a hit to the head. When the
act was over, his target threw Nice-Ass on the ground
and kicked him. Josh’s finger was trembling on the
Goddamn trigger. He wanted to take the fucker out now,
but he couldn’t. His target wasn’t alone, and if Josh did
take him out, more would certainly come. If that
happened, the chance to take Nice-Ass out of that house
would be gone.

His radio went off and he could hear James in his ear.

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What’s going on? Your heart rate is through the roof.”

James watched the monitor from the command center.

I need to take this guy out, and soon. We need a

backup team up here, because I swear I’m putting him
down in the morning, whether he’s alone or not.” Josh

Give me a visual.”

Josh turned his camera on and hooked it up to run

through his scope. He zeroed in on what was going on
below, and heard James gasp. “Yeah, and you missed
the main attraction.”

Nice-Ass was in the fetal position as Josh’s target

kicked his back. He finally crawled a few feet and slid
into the pool trying to get away. Josh couldn’t hear what
his target was saying, but Nice-Ass cowered in the
corner of the pool.

James’ voice came over the radio.

He’s the American. I’ll have your team there at five. Be

ready Josh.”

Josh watched Nice-Ass in the corner of the pool.

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Josh watched Nice-Ass in the corner of the pool.

Josh’s target had gone back inside, and now Nice-Ass
was crying. Josh zeroed in on his face and read his lips.
Someone please help me.

Josh closed his eyes. “I will.”


Mark made his way back into the house naked. He

wasn’t allowed to have clothes or shoes. His room was at
the back of the house, and it consisted of a hard cot with
a wool blanket. There was a toilet and shower. No TV,
no radio, no phone. He had no concept of time, but
figured he’d been at the mansion for at least three
months. The one phone call he was allowed to make was
to his chief of staff letting him know he was alright. He
was beaten almost every other day and forced to engage

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in sex with a man that made him sick.

Mark stepped into the shower and turned the water to

hot, as hot as it would get, scrubbing his skin raw. His
ass hurt, and he knew it would for days. Manuel was
cruel and sadistic, and the more pain he could inflict on
Mark, the better. He was afraid Manuel would start letting
his curious guards have a crack at him next. The water
helped sooth some of his aching muscles, but he knew it
wouldn’t last long. When Manuel was gone, he was
locked in his room for days at a time and fed only bread
and water. Mark had tried to keep up a work-out regimen
at first, but as time went on, his body just didn’t have the

He had seriously contemplated suicide at one point.

Just run for the hills and let them shoot him. No more
pain. Mark sighed and turned the water off. He stepped
out and dried off, looking at his body in the mirror. He
was wasting away. His skin was pale, and the circles
under his eyes were becoming darker with each passing
day. Mark dragged his protesting body to his cot and lay
down on the blanket. The roughness rubbed his skin,
and he reached for his robe. It was the only soft thing he

Mark closed his eyes and thought about his life. How

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had he gotten here? His last relationship had been
somewhat of a joke. Raoul. A patient he’d fucked then
broke up with when he’d gotten the call for Doctors. His
last good memory had been of Mateo Esposito, the foster
child his parents had brought home. Mateo had been
Mark’s first kiss, and then Mark had gone off to college.
He had no idea what had happened to Mateo, he tried
looking him up a few years ago but found nothing. Sleep
came quickly, and Mark welcomed it. Tomorrow was
another day.

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~Chapter Two~

Josh watched the second hand on his watch, and

when it hit five in the morning, he heard footsteps behind
him. Sam Waters and Troy Bishop stood there with shit
eating grins. Josh smiled. Jesus, Troy had gotten even
bigger. Troy and Sam were the same height as himself.
Both Native American, their tan skin resembled that of
milk chocolate with copper undertones. The two of them
just had to look at the enemy, and they ran screaming.
“Damn good to see you!” Josh gripped Sam’s hand and
fist bumped Troy’s.

Where’s the target?” Sam pulled his night vision

goggles out and grabbed the rifle from Josh.

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Sitting on the lounge chair, I need you to take him out.

I’m going in to get the American.” Josh pulled on his vest
and made sure his Desert Eagle .44 was loaded. He
shoved his knife in its sheath and looked at Troy. “Are
you good?”

Troy pulled his own Desert Eagle .44 from its holster

and smiled. “Don’t I look good?”


Josh made his way down with Troy right behind him.

Jesus, he wished they had better equipment right about
now. The house; well mansion, really, had glass walls.
But it wasn’t enough to get an accurate reading of how
many people were in there. All he could see were white
blobs moving around, maybe ten at the most. Josh made
his way closer, taking another reading. He whistled his
favorite tune, Queen’s ‘Another one bites the Dust’, and
met with silence. No more than five seconds later, a
muffled pop rang in the air and his target’s head blew
apart on the lounge chair. Josh ran for the house with
Troy right behind him. They had a few minutes maybe
before all hell broke loose.

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They crept into the house and Josh stayed close to the

wall, Troy stayed a few feet back keeping his eyes on the
hallway. Both of them had on night vision goggles and
could see perfectly in the dark house, which gave them
an advantage. Josh made his way down the hall and
opened the door at the very end. It was empty, but he
heard the shower on. He motioned for Troy to watch the

Josh made a sweep of the room and made his way

toward the noise of the shower. His pistol in front of him,
he kept close to the wall. Gripping the door handle, he
opened it slowly. He was immediately blasted with hot
steam and the overwhelming smell of strawberries.
Strawberries? Shaking his head to clear it, Josh crept
into the bathroom and grabbed the corner of the shower
curtain. Putting his gun in front of him, he tore the curtain
back. Josh stood transfixed to the spot. There stood
Nice-Ass, naked as the day he was born.

Damn. It took

Josh a minute to focus his brain and open his mouth.
Putting his hand out, he said. “Come on.”

Who the fuck are you?” Nice-Ass shrank back further,

trying to cover himself. He looked scared enough to bolt,
despite the possible consequences.

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Josh took his goggles off and handed the guy a towel.

“I’m the guy who’s taking you out of this shithole. Now
come on.”

Nice-Ass grabbed a robe and turned to face Josh.


Josh arched a brow. “Where are your clothes?”

I…I don’t have any.”

Josh let out a whispered “

Fuck” from his lips. “Here,

put this on.” Josh put the vest on Nice-Ass and tried to
get his jacket around his shoulders. The guy shrank back
at his touch. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” The
guy looked up at him and Josh’s mouth almost fell open.
God but he was beautiful. “We need to go.”


Troy motioned that the hallway was clear just as they

heard a bloodcurdling scream. Someone had found the

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body by the pool. Josh nodded towards the back door.
They both took off running, and Josh ended up throwing
Nice-ass over his shoulder. The poor guy had no shoes.
Lights came on around the house and Josh and Troy
were exposed to anyone looking. They were running
back up the mountain side when bullets started whizzing
by. Shots were going off above their heads, and Josh
knew Sam was taking people out. Thank God for Sam!
Hearing the loud roar of a jet, Josh stopped mid-climb
and looked at Troy.

Oh shit.” Josh’s eyes went wide. “Faster, man, go

faster!” He pulled Nice-Ass around and onto his back,
telling him to hang on tight as they both climbed upward.

Agent Pruitt’s voice came through the radio in Josh’s


We’re going to blow it. Are you far enough?”

Just do it!” Josh shouted back. He could feel Nice-

Ass’s arms around his neck, and knew they needed to
get just a little bit higher….

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The fireball that ensued lit up everything! The

accompanying explosion was so loud Josh’s ears
popped, and he almost lost his grip on Nice-Ass. Josh
heard a gasp and a grunt from his back, but he kept
going. They were almost at the top when a rope was
thrown over the side next thing he knew, Sam was pulling
them up. Josh stood at the top watching the house
below. It had been obliterated. Nice-Ass had slackened
his grip on Josh’s neck, and Josh began to check him
over as he put him down.

Are you alright?” Josh looked for any signs of damage

on Nice-Ass.

Who are you?”

Josh Montgomery.” Josh looked at his face. Nice-Ass

had a small cut above his eye. “What’s your name?”

Mark….Mark Patterson.”

Josh caught him before he hit the ground. Nice, Mark

had fainted.


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Josh had paced the hallway at the hospital as Nice-…


Mark was looked over by a doctor. He had three

cracked ribs, some tearing in his anus and multiple
contusions on his back, face and hands.

His hands. Josh

closed his eyes. Defensive wounds. Josh sat by Mark’s
bed and ran his fingers through Mark’s soft hair. Damn,
but the man was beautiful even now. Josh had to admit
this was weird for him. He’d fucked chicks all his life, and
yet here he sat, attracted to Mark. He had an innate need
to protect this man. After what Josh had witnessed, he’d
never let anyone ever touch Mark again.


Josh turned to see James standing by the door. He put

his finger over his lips and motioned for them to go out in
the hallway. Josh kept his eye on the room though. He
wasn’t going to go too far. “What’s up?”

I just got off the phone with his Chief of staff. Mark was

working with Doctors without Borders when he was

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Why didn’t anyone say anything?” Josh peeked back

in the room making sure Mark was okay.

Because he called once a month saying all was well. I

bet you can imagine how that was done.” James tried to
look over Josh’s shoulder and realized he was too short.
He settled for peeking around him. “Has he woken up

No.” Josh made his way back into the room and sat

down in the chair next to the bed. He took Mark’s small
hand and ran his finger over a bruise softly.

James smiled to himself. Josh obviously found Mark

attractive, the way he was looking at him. He couldn’t
blame Josh, Mark was pretty. “Well then, I’ll leave you in
charge of his recovery.”

Me?” Josh looked up. “Why me?”

Oh. Well I suppose I can call someone else in to do it.”

James grabbed his cell phone from his pocket.

No!” Josh jumped up. “I’ve got it. The poor guy’s been

through enough and he knows my face.”

Okay, I’ll check back in before I go.”

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Josh shook James hand, and was left standing alone

next to a sedated and beaten Mark Patterson. Josh sat
back and looked over the man’s face. Why was he
feeling like this? He’d never been attracted to a man
before, and Lord knows he worked with a bunch of
muscle bound gladiator gay guys. He laughed at the
picture that description put in his head. It didn’t make any
sense. Josh felt his prick getting hard again and sighed,
looking down at his cock. “Cut that shit out.”


Mark smelled something. Coffee? His eyes opened

slowly and he saw the man who rescued him. What was
his name? Josh? Josh something was reading the paper,
with a cup of coffee in his hand. Mark tried to focus on
the guy. Buzz cut blonde hair, beautiful lips. His eyes
went wide at the tattoos covering his biceps and arms.
Speaking of biceps… “Um. Hi.” Mark watched as Josh…
something looked up.

Oh god, his eyes.

Good evening.” Josh smiled at Mark, he looked


It’s night time?” Mark tried to sit up and hissed at the

pain in his ass. His face heated and he knew he was

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Don’t move okay?” Josh sat him up and forward a little

and slipped a pillow behind his back. “How’s that feel?”

Mark looked up into very green eyes.

Wow. “I’m okay.

Thank you, for rescuing me.”

Josh forced himself to back up and sit down, because

right then he’d wanted to kiss Mark. He’d wanted to kiss
a man.

What the fuck? “Well, we were there to take

out…” Josh tried to find the right words. “The asshole
and I saw you—”

Mark’s face lost all color. “You…you saw me?” Mark

saw Josh’s face, watched his eyes get dark. Josh was

You didn’t do anything wrong. When I saw what was

happening to you, I had to get you out.”

Mark studied Josh’s face. He was rugged looking. Nice

strong jaw, beautiful cheek bones, and lips... Whew. The
guy could be a model. He had to be at

least six foot two,

and built. A fitted white T-shirt mapped Josh’s muscles

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and hung over the edge of his tight faded blue jeans.
Mark felt his cock getting hard and tried to cover himself
up. After everything that had been done to him, he
couldn’t believe he was getting hard for the guy sitting
right next to him. He probably wasn’t even gay. “I tried to,
you know…”

Josh nodded and took his hand. “You tried to fight him


Mark looked away. “Yes, but when I did, the beatings

would get worse so I just…” Mark shrugged; he felt the
tears coming and squeezed his eyes shut.

Josh wanted to punch something. He pulled himself

together and pulled Mark’s face around gently. Looking
Mark in the eyes, Josh told him. “Look, nobody’s going to
hurt you ever again, okay? I won’t let it happen. Now it’s
up to you, but I would like to stay here and make sure
you recuperate without people bothering you.”

Where’s here?” Mark looked around, the hospital

wasn’t familiar.

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Benson, Arizona. I have a friend who owns a house

here, and he said we could use it. There’s a nice pool,
and he just put in a Jacuzzi. Is there someone I should

Mark sat back and thought about it. Nope. His parents

hadn’t spoken to him since he came out. He’d gone to
college and paid his own way; they’d cut him off and he’d
done the same. His last boyfriend had been a patient,
Raoul, and they’d broken up a week before he’d left. “No,
there’s no one.”

Josh wanted to hold him. Jesus what the fuck was

going on with him? He wanted to kiss the guy and his
cock was rock hard. “So it’s settled. Do you trust me

Mark looked in those green eyes and almost sighed.

Oh… hell… yeah… he trusted tall light and gorgeous.
Licking his dry lips, Mark managed a choked. “Yes.”


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Josh stood in Derek’s kitchen in Benson making

breakfast, and God help him, his mind was going a mile a
minute. Mark was in the shower, and eyes opened or
closed all Josh could see was Mark’s body. Josh was
envisioning his hands running up and down over that soft
milky white skin, massaging it with bubbles that still clung
from the soap Mark had used to wash himself. Mark, wet
hair slicked back on his head, heat in his eyes. Reaching
down to fist his cock as he licked his lips and …

All the blood in his body was fleeing to his cock as

Josh stood in the middle of the kitchen with a raging hard
on, uncomfortable as hell!

Fuck. What the fuck is wrong

with me? He fucked women. He fucked lots of women,
and he’d never been attracted to a man before, had he?
Josh scrunched his brow in thought. Maybe once, in high
school, during a wrestling match? But it hadn’t been the
wrestler. It had been the male cheerleader he’d been
watching. Maybe he liked them girly?

Josh tried concentrating on the eggs he was making

instead. He turned the flame down under them and
looked around the kitchen. Derek had made some
changes to the house since Mateo had been there. The
kitchen had been remodeled. There was a new floor in
blue tones, new counter tops and a brand new sink and

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faucet. Josh had to wonder if it was because Mateo had
taken Riley on every flat surface in the house.

That line of thought brought him back to the naked man

in the shower, and Josh got harder. After leaving the
hospital, Josh brought Mark back to Derek’s safe house
to recuperate. The man was broken in more ways than
one, with no family. James wanted the man under care
until he was ready to be on his own again. He didn’t have
a problem babysitting, hell he’d done it more than once;
but in this case, he was taking care of a man he found
attractive. That was just freaking him the fuck out.

Something’s burning.”

Josh was startled out of his thoughts by Mark’s

statement. He looked down and saw the eggs he’d been
cooking were now brown.

Shit. “Dammit, I’ll start over.”

Mark’s eyes made a slow sweep of Josh as he turned

toward the fridge. Damn, the man was tall and covered in
sinewy muscles. Those fucking tattoos had Mark’s cock
rising in his pants. Josh just screamed manly and hot

Nice ass. “So what are we doing today?” Mark

leaned against the counter.

Kissing, maybe fucking…stop it. “Well, you need to

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soak some more. So, I say Jacuzzi for a bit, and then
we’ll play it by ear.”

Mark smiled and tried to keep his mouth closed as

Josh’s emerald eyes met his blue ones. Josh was
absolutely breath taking. He’d been taking care of him for
almost a week now, answering calls for him and playing
body guard. It was so sweet. “I’m sorry you’re stuck with
me, Josh. I’m sure you have somewhere else you’d
rather be besides taking care of me.”

Josh kept his eyes focused on Mark’s, although they

wanted to roam. “I’m here because I want to be Mark. I
know what you’ve been through, and I just want to make
sure you recover from this.” Mark’s eyes were so blue…
ah shit. He was going to have to call Mateo, this was too
fucking weird.

Okay, well uh, I’ll go get in the Jacuzzi then.” Mark

turned to leave and then turned back. “So breakfast is?”

I’ll have it done in a few minutes. I promise not to set

the house on fire.” Josh smiled and winked.

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Mark’s legs almost went out from underneath him. He

gripped the wall and forced a smile to his lips. “Okay,
thanks Josh.”

Josh waited to hear Mark get all the way down the

hallway before letting his breath out. Holy shit, his
fucking cock hurt so bad. He needed relief and fast. He
didn’t want to be caught with a boner. He cracked six
more eggs and watched them this time, trying to keep
thoughts of Mark out of his head. Mark wet in the
shower, Mark smiling at him, Mark sitting naked in the
Jacuzzi…. Who was he kidding? He had a thing for the
guy. He looked down and saw the eggs were brown
again. “Dammit.”

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~Chapter Three~

Josh ended up making a run to McDonald’s for

pancakes and sausage and a generous helping of
McDonald’s hash browns. Josh loved the hash browns.
He grabbed as much food as he could, and high tailed it
back to the house. Mark was in the Jacuzzi, eyes closed,
relaxed. Josh stood by the deck and just smiled. His mind
was wandering again and he realized he was holding the
bag in his hand a bit too tight. It made a crackling sound,
and the next thing he knew Mark was looking at him; and
the look in his eyes, oh Lord, he’d seen that look before,
but in a woman’s eyes. It was that, I’d-like-to-touch-you
look. “Um, I burned breakfast so I bought some.”

Mark smiled and got up, dripping wet, grabbing his

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towel. He stepped out of the Jacuzzi and made his way
over. Stopping in front of Josh, he put his hand out. “You
want me to take it?”

Josh was looking down into very blue eyes, and felt his

pulse racing. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I bought a
bunch of stuff.”

Mark looked in the bag. “Mmm… hash browns. My

favorite.” Mark looked up to see Josh staring at him. “I
can cook you know.”

Huh?” Josh was lost in those deep blue pools. God,

he was drowning and he didn’t care.

Mark smiled and took Josh’s hand. “Come on, let’s go


By four in the afternoon Josh was crawling out of his

skin. He’d already called Mateo, and he and Riley were
coming for a visit. He was so confused he didn’t know
whether to jack his ass or finger his dick. This had never
happened to him before. He’d never gotten a hard on
from looking at a man, and it was freaking him out. Josh

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didn’t have anything against gays even though his Dad

He’d been raised by a career military man and walked

the straight and narrow path. Had he closed that part of
himself off? Once his dad passed away, Josh threw
himself into the Army. He did three tours overseas, and

once had he looked at another man. Now he couldn’t

fucking stop. He heard the car on the gravel driveway
and ran out. Mateo was getting out of the car with a wide

Asshole!” Mateo laughed.

Dick head.” Josh smiled and hugged him. “How ya


Good, really good.” Mateo looked over at Riley and

smiled. “So what’s up? You sounded freaked on the

Josh?” Mark stood on the front porch looking from

Josh to…oh God... “Mateo?” It looked like him, the hazel
eyes. That face.

Mateo’s eyes went wide. He knew those eyes, those

lips. “Mark?”

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Josh looked from Mark to Mateo confused. “You guys

know each other?”

Mark made his way closer and looked into hazel eyes.

“It is you.”

Mateo grabbed him and hugged him hard. Mark had

been the one guy before Riley that got him, that had
made him feel special. That had wanted him. “Oh my
God, how have you been?”

Not so good.” Mark hugged him back. They pulled

away from the hug and Mark looked Mateo over. Jesus,
but he’d gotten huge. “The last time I saw you, you were
fifteen. I went to off to college. My Mom and Dad said
you’d been adopted.”

Mateo tried to smile. That had been a rough part in his

life, losing Mark then being put back into foster care. “No,
not long after you left they told me it wasn’t working out.”

Mark shook his head. “Of course, they lied to me, why

am I not surprised?” Mark caught the eye of the man
standing next to Mateo. “God, I’m sorry. We’re just going

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on and on.”

Shit, Mark this is my husband Riley Flynn-Esposito.

Riley this is Mark Patterson. I stayed with his family for a

Riley was looking from Mateo to Mark, and then his

eyes caught Josh’s. He looked like someone had
punched him in the gut. “Um, maybe we should take this

Riley smiled and extended his hand. “It’s good to

meet you.”

Mark’s eyes went wide. “Riley Flynn of Flynn


One in the same, although I want to change it to

Esposito-Flynn, but Mateo won’t let me.” Riley smiled
and took Mark’s hand. “Come on, let’s go talk inside.”


If Josh thought having a hard on for a guy was bad,

listening to Mateo and Mark reminisce about the old days
was worse. He got the distinct feeling something went on
between the two of them back then, and felt his gut

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dropping. Great, now he was jealous? What the fuck? He
felt a hand in his and looked over to see Riley smiling at
him. Obviously he wasn’t worried about Mateo and Mark,
and it put Josh at ease a bit.

So Josh came on his white horse huh?” Mateo winked

at Josh and smiled at Mark.

Mark blushed and looked at Josh. “Yeah, he kinda

shocked the shit out of me showing up while I was in the

I bet.” Riley giggled and covered his mouth. The way

Josh was looking at Mark, it was so adorable. “Um, can I
steal Josh for a second Mark?”


Josh looked shocked. He didn’t want to leave Mark

alone with Mateo. “Wait, what? Why?”

Chillax Josh, I’ll watch Mark.” Mateo winked.

Uh huh, that’s what I’m afraid of.” Josh blinked and his

breath stopped in his throat.

Oh shit! I said that out loud.

Josh stood there stupefied


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Riley grabbed Josh’s hand and pulled. “Okay, so we’ll

be right back.” Riley dragged him outside by the garage
and looked up at him. Josh was blushing in various
shades of red, and wringing his hands. Riley smiled. The
guy had a crush, a bad one. “Spill it, Montgomery.”


Riley looked at him, raising a brow. “Oh please. You

were looking at Mark all lovey-dovey, like a love-struck
teenager. And the jealousy is just

permeating from your

skin. Not to mention, I don’t think you intended to say that
to Mateo back there.”

Josh sighed. “It’s that obvious?” Riley nodded and

Josh ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck, I don’t know
what the fuck is going on. I’ve never been attracted to a
man that I can remember, but fuck if I’m not constantly
hard around Mark, and fantasizing about kissing him.”

Well he

is hot.” Riley giggled again at the jealous look

on Josh’s face. “He’s really pretty.”

I know.” Josh tried to smile.

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Riley took his hand. “Look, there’s nothing wrong with

finding him attractive. Are you worried about what people
will think?”

Yes….no…I don’t know, I don’t think so.” Josh sighed.

Was he? No, not really, he actually never gave a flying
fuck what people thought of him. “What the fuck is wrong
with me?”

Nothing is wrong with you, just promise you’ll be open

to it ok? I almost lost the best thing that ever happened to
me because I was afraid. Trust me, it’s worth it Josh.”


Mateo couldn’t get over it. Mark Patterson, he hadn’t

seen him in years. Mark told him the whole story about
his kidnapping and, well, other things; and Mateo felt his
blood boiling. He guessed Mark got the hint he was
getting ready to explode, because he changed the
subject to Riley, and Mateo smiled. “God he annoyed me
to no end.” Mateo smiled, thinking about Riley and his

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purple hippo.

A smile hit Mateo’s eyes, and Mark knew Mateo was in

love. The rest-of-your-life kind of love. “I’m so happy for
you Mateo.” Mark took his hand, he felt Mateo squeeze

I’m just glad you’re okay. I’m glad Josh got you out of

there.” Mateo saw Mark’s eyes when Josh’s name was
mentioned. “Uh oh.”

What?” Mark met Mateo’s eyes and felt his cheeks


You have a crush on Josh.” Mateo sat back smiling.

Oh yeah, Mark had it bad for Josh Montgomery. In all the
years he’d served with Josh, he’d never even had a
suspicion the man was gay. The way Josh had reacted
to Mark, Mateo knew Josh didn’t think he was gay either.

No I don’t.” Mark looked anywhere but at Mateo.

“Besides, he’s straight isn’t he?”

Wasn’t he?

The way he acted just now, when I said I’d watch

you?” Mateo smirked. This must be what Josh was so
freaked out about. He had feelings for Mark. Mateo had
the sudden urge to run circles around Josh singing “You

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love Mark and you’re as gay as I am.” He fought it hard
and barely won.

Mark let out a loud sigh. “So I wasn’t imagining it?”

Oh hell no,” Mateo laughed, and laughed even harder

at Mark’s confused look. “That boy is all kinds of fucked
up right now.”

Mark let out a loud relived sigh. “Okay, for a second

there I thought my gaydar had driven off a cliff.”

Well, I think we should put Josh in the BI lane, he’s

fucked plenty of women.” Mateo sat back and put his feet
on the chair across from him. “But he’s a good guy.”

I got that much, and God he’s so swoon worthy.” Mark

chuckled. “I wanna squee all the time when I’m in the
same room with him.”

Squee?” Mateo arched a brow.

Never mind,” Mark laughed and got up. He opened the

fridge and looked inside. “You guys staying for dinner?”

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We have a house we’re going to look at today. Riley

actually likes Benson, and he’s decided to move here.”

And what about you?” Mark grabbed chicken out of

the fridge.

I love it here, it brings back good memories.” Mateo

looked at the kitchen counter.

Really good memories.

Eww.” Mark’s nose wrinkled. “I don’t even want to


Mateo laughed and hugged him. “We’ll be staying in

town tonight, so can we come for lunch?”

Who’s having lunch? And where?” Josh stood in the

kitchen door way with his arms crossed. God, he knew
he was transparent, but being around Mat brought out a
side of him he hated. The inferior side.

Well, if it’s alright with you, I was just telling Mark that

Riley and I are looking at a house out here; and we
wanre staying at a bed and breakfast in Pearce
overnight. We could come here for lunch tomorrow if
that’s ok?”

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Yeah, it’s cool.” Josh smiled as Riley squeezed his


After Mateo and Riley left, Mark made dinner and they

ate it quietly. Mark, not knowing what to say, and Josh
dealing with the feelings he was having for Mark. Just
weird all around. Even the way Mark ate was beautiful.
The way his lips wrapped around that chicken, the way
his tongue came out to catch the escaping sauce from
his lips. Josh almost groaned watching the man eat. And
God help him, he was painfully hard… again.

Where do you live?” Mark couldn’t stop staring at

Josh’s chest. He was shirtless and had a tattoo of a
scorpion with its stinger up, on his right pectoral muscle.

Josh lost his grip on his fork, and it hit his plate with a

loud crack. The sound of another voice in the room had
startled him. “Uh, Alaska.”

Really?” Mark’s eyes went wide. “Where at?”

Fairbanks, you ever been there?” Josh picked his fork

back up and started eating again. He needed something
in his mouth to stop him from sounding like a complete
idiot. He groaned again, because God help him, that

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thing he was thinking about keeping his mouth shut with
was attached to Mark.

No.” Mark sighed. “I always wanted to go though, take

a tour through Denali maybe even a cruise someday.”

You should, it’s beautiful out there.” Josh’s eyes

caught Mark’s and they stared at each other.

Maybe you could give me a tour.”

Mark’s voice sounded like silk and there was an

invitation in there, and not just for a tour of Denali. There
was a promise in there of a lot more rocking besides the
cruise ship. Josh swallowed hard. “Sure.”

With dinner dishes cleaned up and put away, Josh

settled into bed a little after midnight. Mark had gone to
bed early, and Josh had gone to jack off in the shower
thinking about Mark. He closed his eyes and saw it
again. Mark underneath him, mouth partially open,
moaning, saying Josh’s name as Josh slid into that
perfect ass, feeling that hot wet heat on his cock, while
he rubbed his body against Marks softness. Josh

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squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of tits instead,
big beautiful bouncy tits. On Mark’s ass.

Dammit. Josh

rolled over on his side and tried to go to sleep, but every
time his eyes closed he saw Mark’s face; Mark’s beautiful
porcelain face with big pools of blue and luscious
beautiful lips. “Shit.”


The next two days were more of the same. Josh was

fighting a losing battle every day. Just seeing Mark in
swim trunks had Josh’s mouth watering. Arizona in June
was hot already, but Josh was sweating on a daily basis,
just from being in Mark’s presence. His cock was rock
hard twenty four hours a day and it seemed to Josh that
he would die of blue balls. He was jacking off every night
in the damn shower, and it didn’t seem to be doing him
one fucking bit of good. All he saw was Mark’s face,
Mark’s lips wrapped around his cock. Josh was pretty
sure he was going to go crazy any day now.

They had just finished up another excruciating dinner,

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and Josh was loading the dishwasher when he felt
Mark’s hand on his arm. He backed up a little too quickly
and hit his head on the wall. “Ow.” Josh massaged his
head. Mark made his way over and Josh backed up

Hey, let me look okay?” Mark ran his fingers gently

over Josh’s scalp. He found en egg sized lump on the
back of Josh’s head and smiled, rubbing it. “You should
put ice on that.”

Josh was leaning forward and he hadn’t even realized

he was doing it until he felt Mark’s breath on his face. He
straightened up and stood up tall. “Um, okay well, I’m
going to bed.” Josh practically ran out of the kitchen,
leaving Mark standing there with his mouth hanging
open. Josh got to his room and shut the door. He sat on
the bed and ran a hand through his hair. “What is wrong
with me?”


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Sleep couldn’t come fast enough, but Josh finally fell

out. It felt like five minutes, and Josh’s eyes opened like
they had springs in them. Josh heard moaning, but it
wasn’t the sexual kind. He got up, gun in hand, and crept
through the house, eyes adjusting to the darkness. It was
Mark, and it wasn’t moaning, it was crying. Josh opened
the door partway. Mark was asleep, but dreaming; and
not the, oh-yeah I’m-getting-fucked-so-good’ kind. Josh
put the gun down on the night stand and sat on the edge
of the bed, running his hand through Mark’s hair. Mark
bolted upright and his hand grabbed Josh’s wrist. Mark’s
eyes went wide and a strangled scream left his lips.

It’s me!” Josh grabbed his shoulders looking in his


Mark blinked and then the crying started. Josh held him

as he felt the sobs racking Mark’s body. He felt the
wetness on his shoulder, then on his neck as Mark
moved there to hide. Josh fought to stay in control,
because getting a hard on when some guy was crying on
your chest was not an option. Especially after what Mark
had been through. He sat there and held Mark in his
arms and the feelings came all at once, he wanted Mark,
in every way possible. He’d never felt like this before, not
for anyone. The sobs quieted down and Mark let out a
small hiccup. He wiped his eyes with the back of his

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hand and looked up into Josh’s eyes.

Pretty girly huh? I was always told I was a girly guy.”

Pretty, that’s for sure.” Josh moved away to the other

end of the bed.

Mark realized Josh was still shirtless, and oh my, Josh

had a body to play with. The things Mark could teach
him. Do to him. “You think I’m pretty?”

Yes.” Josh’s gaze swept over Mark.

You’ve never been with a man?” Mark slid closer.

Josh looked into those blue eyes and felt his dick

getting hard again.

Dammit. “No.”

Mark stopped. He wasn’t going to push Josh. When

Josh was ready he’d come for him. Mark pulled his knees
up to his chin and watched Josh devour him with his
eyes. “What?”

This is weird for me. I’m…attracted to you.” Josh saw

Mark’s small smile and pressed on. “I don’t know why,

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but the first time I saw you, I had a reaction and it freaked
me out. But now, well… not so much.”

Do you think about me? You know? Sexually?” As

soon as he said it he didn’t need the answer, because
Josh’s face held it for anyone to see.

Yeah, I do.”

It was so quiet every noise could be heard outside. The

wind, the coyotes, the freeway, a train, a car horn and
most important the small gasp that came from Mark when
Josh’s lips met his own. Soft lips and a gentle caressing
tongue explored Mark’s slowly, sensually, and then a soft
moan vibrated in his mouth. Mark felt a hand at his
throat, fingers sliding up and across his jaw as Josh’s
fingers played in his hair. The kiss became more heated
and Mark’s heart was hammering in his chest. Josh
pulled away, his breath coming out in uneven gasps as
he looked at Mark’s face.

Oh God….I’m sorry….” Josh got up and backed away.

“I shouldn’t have done that.”

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Mark got up. “It’s okay, Josh.” Mark stayed where he

was; Josh looked like a cornered animal. His chest was
heaving and his eyes darted back and forth looking
anywhere but at Mark.

No, it’s not….oh shit. God, I’m so sorry.”

Josh, wait.” Mark watched as Josh fled the room, and

sat down with a loud sigh. He didn’t know if Josh freaked
out because he kissed him, or if it was something else.
God, he hoped it was something else. “Great.”


Josh retreated to his room and leaned against the

door. What the fuck had he been thinking? Mark had
been raped on almost a daily basis, and here he was
kissing the guy. He banged his head on the door and
fought for control. He had to get out of the house and
make sure Mark was taken care of. He sat on the bed
and dialed Troy. He couldn’t stay in the house with Mark
Patterson without wanting him.


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~Chapter Four~

Mark sat at the kitchen table. He ran his fork through

the eggs on his plate and thought about Josh. When he’d
woken up Josh was gone, and Troy was in the kitchen
making coffee. Now Troy sat at the other end of the table
quiet. Mark had no idea what had set Josh off last night,
but Mark hadn’t kissed

him. Josh had done the kissing

and oh what a kiss it was. Mark could still feel it on his
lips. Even after what had been done to him he’d wanted
Josh last night. Mark wanted to feel Josh’s arms around
him, holding him, keeping him safe. He did feel safe with
Josh, more than he’d ever thought possible. Mark looked
up at Troy. He was playing with his coffee cup, trying to
avoid eye contact.

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What did he say to you last night?” Mark saw Troy

flinch, he looked uncomfortable.

He just said I needed to come here and replace him,

that he’d lost perspective.” Troy looked at Mark, he was
just another man, but for some reason this man had
sparked something in Josh that had him running to the
other side of the damn country.

Troy.” Mark looked at him. “Please tell me.”

The back door flew open and Mateo strolled into the


Good afternoon campers!” Mateo’s loud voice boomed

out. Mateo stopped abruptly, forcing Riley to backpedal,
or plow right into him. He looked from Mark to Troy.
Wait…Troy? What the hell was Troy doing here? Before
Mateo got the chance to ask, he heard Riley’s voice
doing it for him.

Riley looked from Mark to Troy. “Where’s Josh?”

He left some time in the night.” Mark looked back

down at his plate. He had done something wrong

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somehow, that had to be it.

Troy, outside now.” Mateo turned on his heel and left

the kitchen.

Riley sat down next to Mark and took his hand. The

guy looked like someone had taken his favorite toy. Josh
was a toy, one that was meant to be played with.


Riley. “What’s wrong?”

I think I did something wrong. We were talking last

night, and then Josh kissed me—”

What wait, Josh kissed you?” Riley almost screamed


Mark blushed and looked down again. “Yes, but then

he ran out of the room apologizing. I tried to tell him it
was okay.” Mark’s throat constricted. “It’s because of
what happened to me isn’t it?” Mark whispered. “He
thinks I’m dirty somehow.”

Riley sat back and his jaw dropped. “Oh hell no, I know

that’s not it. I may not know Josh well, but that’s not the
way he thinks.” Riley took Mark’s hand. “He has feelings
for you, and he’s confused about it.”

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We just met though. I mean we haven’t even been

together that long.”

Riley sat forward and pulled Mark’s face up.

“Sometimes, dear, it takes less than that.”


Troy tried to look anywhere but at Mateo. Fuck Josh

for putting him in this position. It wasn’t his fault that Josh
had freaked out, yet here he was trying to keep an eye
on Mark. Yeah, Josh had it bad, and was so fucked up
about it, he’d damn near run screaming from the house.
“Go on, interrogate me.”

Okay, what the fuck Troy? Where the hell did Josh

decide he needed to be that was more important than
staying with Mark?” Mateo looked Troy right in the eye,
which was a little difficult seeing how the guy was taller
than him.

Look, all I know is he called me last night telling me

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that I needed to be here to watch Mark because he
couldn’t. Like he’d done something he shouldn’t have
and that Mark deserved someone that wasn’t a sexual
deviant, and don’t ask. I don’t fucking know.”

Mateo looked at Troy with an arched brow. “Okay, well

Mark didn’t look like something bad had happened to
him. What’s the whole story?” Troy shifted and Mateo
narrowed his eyes. “You do know.”

Troy sighed. Fucking Mateo and his ability to know

when someone was lying, fuck. “Fine,” Troy looked at
him. “Josh kissed Mark last night and felt like shit
because of the fucked up shit that was done to the guy,
okay? He felt like he took advantage and he had to go.
Happy now?”

But he didn’t.” Mark stood on the porch looking from

Mateo to Troy.

Mateo turned to see Mark with Riley. He could see the

look on Mark’s face. The guy had feelings for Josh, too.
“Didn’t what?”

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He didn’t take advantage. I wanted him to kiss me.”

Mark looked at Troy. “Where is he?”

Troy shifted and looked at Mateo, then back at Mark.

“He said he was going to Alaska.”

Alaska?” Mateo arched a brow.

Where, in Alaska?” Riley piped up. “I’ve always

wanted to go there.”

Riley.” Mateo rolled his eyes and looked at Troy.


I don’t know.” Troy saw Mateo’s mouth open and cut

him off. “I swear I don’t.”

Well, we can find out.” Riley smiled and pulled out his

cell phone. “I’ll do whatever I can.”

Everyone had gone back inside, and Mark stood in the

backyard looking at the view of the valley below. He had
to get his affairs in order, and after that he was going to
find Josh Montgomery. A guy that kissed like that was
going to be his. “You can run, but you can’t hide.” Mark

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Josh looked around the apartment. It felt weird to be

standing in it. It was Naomi’s apartment, well Nimah’s.
Mateo had decided to keep it after Naomi was put in
prison. He understood in a way, the place was filled with
happy memories of a better time. He’d only spoken to
Naomi one time since she’d been incarcerated and knew
she’d held back information from her brother. Naomi had
given Mateo a head start, and then informed her brother
of his whereabouts. It was when he started getting
suspicious, that Naomi gave him the info. It turned out to
be the day Riley was kidnapped. Now, he and Sam used
the place whenever they came into town.

Josh sighed and sat back on the couch, he had no idea

what he would’ve done had it been someone close to
him. Mateo was still hurting from Naomi’s betrayal. Josh
looked at his cell phone and contemplated who to call.
Everyone he was friends with, was either on a mission or
in the house with the man he’d run away from. Except
one. Josh scrolled down his list of contacts and stopped

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at one number. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes
and hit ‘talk’.



Yes, hey, what’s up Josh?”

Um, can I come and see you?” Josh played with the

string on the end of his shirt.

Yeah, sure, what’s going on? You sound funny.”

James sat back in his chair.

I’ll tell you when I get there.”


The drive to the FBI office only took an hour; he’d

shaved a half hour off the drive. He

loved opening up the

Mustang on I-10. Parking in the secured parking lot, Josh

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looked around. It was hard to believe that a year ago
Riley was taken right in the middle of the street, leaving
Mateo one hell of a mess. Josh shook his head and
locked his car, making his way inside the secured
building. George was on duty at the metal detector. Josh
flashed his patented grin and pulled out his badge.


Montgomery.” George smiled. “Packing heat?”

When am I not?” Josh pulled his Desert Eagle .44 out

of its holster and laid it on the counter as he sauntered
through the metal detector. The beeping went off and
Josh arched a brow.

Nipple piercings?” George chuckled softly.

Nope,” Josh smiled wide. “Maybe I have a Prince


Yeah,” George handed Josh his weapon. “I don’t want

to check.”

It’s my belt buckle ya perv.” Josh waggled his

eyebrows. “Later, George.”

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Josh made his way to the elevators and swiped his key

card, the elevator doors opened and Josh rode up to the
third floor. Stepping out, he heard voices around the
corner. He recognized one immediately, it was Keegan

You guys think this is so funny.” Keegan sighed.

Josh listened carefully, but he didn’t recognize the

other two men. They were giving Rip shit for something,
Josh stayed still, listening in.

There’s no room for gays in the bureau, Keegan.”

Fuck you, Smith.” Keegan snarled. “I do my job just

like everyone else.”

Yeah? Well, I heard you like sucking cock on

stakeouts. Isn’t that how you got your partner killed?”

Josh sucked in a breath and balled his fists. He came

barreling around the corner, the rage evident on his face.

Back the fuck off of him now.” Josh snarled. The faces

on the two other agents went ashen. “I think you both

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know the circumstances of Keegan’s partners’ death. I
don’t think either one of you would’ve survived what
Keegan endured. I suggest you take your little asses out
my face before I break them both.” They both mumbled
as they turned to walk away and Josh cocked an
eyebrow. “Excuse me? I didn’t quite hear you.”

It’s nothing, Montgomery.” Smith looked at Keegan.

“Sorry man.”

Yeah, you will be, if I catch you giving him shit again.

I’ll make sure Mateo, Sam and Troy know as well.” Josh
smiled wickedly. “First and last my friends.”

Keegan watched Smith and his partner hurry down the

hall; glancing back to make sure Josh wasn’t following
them. He smiled and looked up at Josh.

You didn’t have to do that.”

Yeah, I did.” Josh smiled looking down at Keegan.

“How are you?” Josh found out what happened to Ripley
a while ago from James. Five years ago, Ripley and his
partner Spence, were on a stake out when they were

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both kidnapped from the car. Ripley was privy to
information that the kidnappers wanted. They tortured
him endlessly, and when Ripley wouldn’t talk, they shot
his partner. The kidnapper was a notorious child killer
and had many enemies. Ripley knew where all the kids of
said enemies were kept. They’d finally found Keegan,
half dead, and the kidnappers had gotten away.

I’m good,” Keegan smiled. “You don’t look so good


I’m alright.” Josh smiled. “Just here to see James.

Look, if you need anything, or if anyone ever bothers
you, you tell me or one of the guys okay?”

You’re sweet, Josh.” Keegan smiled up at him. “I’m a

big boy. I can take care of myself.”

I know, but still.” Josh sighed. “Take care of yourself

okay? It was good to see you again.” Josh gave Keegan
a quick hug and walked towards James’ office. He heard
talking behind the door and knocked once. Opening the
door, he got a ‘one minute’ finger from James at the
desk. He sat in the corner of the room and folded his
hands in his lap.

James hung up the phone and looked at Josh in the

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Did you do something

bad?” James arched a brow.

No, why?” Josh sat back and sighed.

You’re sitting in the corner like you’re being punished.”

James chuckled softly. James watched Josh sitting in the
corner wringing his hands, something was up. He waited
for Josh to come forward with whatever was bugging him.
After a few minutes, James was getting the idea Josh
didn’t know where to start. He squinted his eyes, looking
at Josh.

What are you doing?” Josh sat forward.

I’m trying to read your mind, since you’re not offering

me anything.”


There’s nothing in there to read.” James chuckled.

Asshole.” Josh sighed and dropped his head.

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James narrowed his eyes. “This is about Mark

Patterson, isn’t it?” James smiled when Josh’s head
sprang up in surprise. “Yep, it is, I knew it. I saw how you
were looking at him in the hospital.”

I…I kissed him.” Josh confessed, blushing furiously.

James tried to contain his surprise. Josh was gay?

Well shit

and fuck. “And so now what, are you are having

a moment of confusion? Do you have feelings for him?”

Yes, no, I think so.” Josh sighed in frustration. “I need

a fucking vacation to sort all this out, James.”

The door slammed open and hit the wall, bouncing

back. Derek entered the room and put his hands on
James’ desk, leaning over it.

Where the fuck were you?” Derek almost shouted.

James sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

“You’ll have to be more specific.”

Don’t fucking play with me James, you weren’t at the

meeting! Are you fucking avoiding me now?”

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Now why would I do that, General?” James sat

forward putting his hands on the desk.

Because you want more from me and I’m not there

yet.” Derek sighed in frustration and ran his hands over
his face. “I get it okay? I’m a bastard. I look forward to
these meetings. I have to go back to Afghanistan at the
end of the month and I wanted to see you before I left.”

Well, you’re here now.” James smiled.

Was that your plan? To not be at the meeting so I’d

come find you? Well it worked, didn’t it?” Derek threw his
hands up in the air. “What do you want, James? You
want to go out for drinks, talk maybe?”

Um,” James pointed behind Derek. “I have plans


Derek turned to see the amused look on Josh’s face.

“Oh shit.” He whispered. Then it clicked. Plans? The
jealous rage rose instantly and Derek felt his lips curl.

Josh saw the change in Derek’s face. “Whoa,” Josh

put his hands up in defense. “Nothing like that, General.”

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James sighed and stood up. “I’ll give you the time off

Josh, take all you need. I need you whole when you
come back.” James grabbed his jacket. “I’m going to the
damn bar to get a drink.”

Can I come with you?” Derek turned around to look at


Sure,” James stopped at the door. “For whatever

reason, Josh, you’ve been given a chance at something.
Remember the words of the fortune teller. I’ll see you
when you get back.”


Four hours later, Josh was boarding the flight to Alaska

from Sea-Tac. He found his seat in first class and sat
down, mentally exhausted. Closing his eyes, he saw
Mark’s face, it was

always there. As soon as they were in

the air, Josh unbuckled his seat belt and went to the
restroom. He hadn’t even gotten the door shut, when he
was forced into the bathroom and the door was shut and

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locked. His face registered shock when he saw the flight
attendant smiling at him.


Joshua…” Sabine smiled wickedly. “I have missed

you, how long has it been


Um, a few months?” Josh swallowed hard. Sabine’s

hands slid down his torso to cup his cock. “Look, I don’t

Shhh,” Sabine smiled, rubbing the front of his slacks.

“I have missed your lips.” Sabine pulled Josh down to her
lips and kissed him hard. After a few seconds, she
realized he wasn’t kissing her back. Not only that, his
dick was soft. “Joshua? You do not find me attractive

Josh sighed, rubbing his face with his hands and sat

down on the toilet. “It’s not that, I have feelings for
someone else.” Josh blinked in surprise. He’d just
admitted it out loud.


Sabine smiled wide. “My Joshua has finally found ‘the

one’? Oh, I am so happy for you!” Sabine hugged him

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Really?” Josh looked at her. Sabine was beautiful.

She had black hair pulled up in a French twist, with
smokey grey eyes. She had a face like a porcelain doll.
His mother would love her.

But of course! We have fun, nothing more, and I have

always known that.” Sabine palmed his face. “Something
is troubling you, no?”

It’s complicated,” Josh sighed. “But my heart is taken


Well then,” Sabine stood him up and fixed his shirt. “It

will all work out.”

God, I hope so.” Josh smiled.



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Mark blinked and looked up. “Yes?”

You zoned out again.”

Oh,” Mark blushed. “Sorry, I was thinking about

something else.” Mark sat back and took a good long
look at his therapist. Doctor Cormick Forrester was in his
thirties as far as Mark could tell. His hair was strawberry
blonde; he had crystal clear blue eyes and a creamy
complexion broken up by a smattering of freckles across
the bridge of his nose. Needless to say whoever he had
at home was one lucky fuck. Mark’s mind, however, was
elsewhere, on a tall blonde with emerald eyes.

Care to share?”

Well, I’ve already told you about Josh.”

Yes, you did.” Cormick tilted his head. “What I want to

know is how you’re dealing with the nightmares.”

Well, I really have no choice

but to deal with them

don’t I?” Mark tried to smile; it turned out to be more like
a grimace. “I wake up soaked in sweat, screaming.”

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You need to give yourself time, Mark. It’s only been

three months. You’ve said you don’t want to pursue Josh
until your whole again, correct?”

Correct.” Mark nodded. “I also want to make sure he’s

still there

to pursue.”

Cormick sat forward resting his elbows on his knees,

with his notepad dangling from his fingers. “You really
don’t have much self-esteem anymore do you? You’re a
beautiful man Mark, anyone would be lucky to have you.”

You have no idea what Josh looks like, Doc. He’s

probably got thousands of women waiting in line outside
of his house with food in their hands, along with their
panties; just dying to be given the chance to take care of
him.” Mark chuckled softly, running a hand through his
hair. Damn, he’d be the first one in that line, hissing at
the other women. That brought a smile to his face and he
saw Doctor Forrester arch a brow. “I had a visual.”

Were you in that line?” Cormick laughed softly. He

liked his sessions with Mark Patterson, he was sweet. He
genuinely wished he could heal him somehow, in time for

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him to get to Josh, but Mark was on his own schedule.
Mark needed to heal

himself first.

Why yes, as a matter of fact I was. I took them out like

a professional linebacker. Those women can’t give him
what I can.”

Do I even want to know?” Cormick covered his face

with his notepad to cover the blush in his cheeks, and to
hide his smile.

Probably not, but it would make for

great daytime TV.”

Mark waggled his eyebrows.

You’re one special man, Mark.”

Like special as in, I need a helmet and medication?”

Mark cracked up.

Okay, not familiar with the helmet.” Cormick smiled.

“Medication, maybe.”

I don’t want the drugs.” Mark shook his head. “But I’ll

take the helmet.”

I don’t think there’s a prescription for helmets.”

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Could you imagine the pharmacists face if there was?”

Mark giggled.

Do you still want to try hypnosis?”

Mark sat back uneasily. “I’m not sure, what if you try

shit while I’m under?” Mark grinned mischievously.

I assure you, I am the epitome of professionalism.”

Cormick read Mark’s face easily. “I’ll bring you out as
soon as I see it becoming too much. I promise Mark.”

Mark thought about it. Really, what did he have to lose

at this point? “Alright.”



Josh was pulled out of his daydream by Wayne’s old

west drawl. He was standing with a bear trap in his
hands, frowning. “Huh?”

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Ya wanna keep yer fingers?”

Oh! Shit, yeah.” Josh dropped the trap in the basket in

the back of the four wheeler. This was the fourth trap
they’d found this morning alone. They’d also found a few
where the wolves were known to hunt.

What the hell is on your mind, son?” Wayne ran his

arm across his forehead, wiping the sweat off.

Josh looked Wayne Maccon over; he was a man’s

man. Josh didn’t know if he felt comfortable telling him
about Mark. “I don’t know if you can relate, Wayne.”

Chicks or dicks?”

What?” Josh almost fell over on his ass in surprise.

Did he really just hear that question?

Well, the way I see it, confusion such as yours only

comes from pussy or dick. So which one is it,
Montgomery? I’m leaning towards the dick, since I’ve
never known you to have a lack of pussy.” Wayne
grinned over his shoulder as he ambled towards the four

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It’s the latter.” Josh blurted out before he could stop


Well, no wonder you got your boxers in a bunch.”

Wayne sat on the seat and smiled. “First time finding a
man attractive?”

Sort of.”

Let’s head to the lodge, I got a big ole’ bottle of Jack

needs a shot glass. You can tell me all about it while we
put our feet up in front of the fire. Ain’t nothing new to me,

Josh had to shake his head and smile, Wayne, just

knew how to fuck you all up. “Fine smartass, lead the
way.” Josh looked at the setting sun, when he wrapped
up work in Denali; he was headed to find Mark.

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~~Chapter Five~~

Do you think about me? You know? Sexually?”

Yeah, I do.”

Lips so soft covered his own, and then the sweep of a

tongue licking inside; tasting, probing, searching and
then the heat was gone. That’d been all it took, just that
one fleeting kiss and Mark had been down for the count.
No one had ever kissed him like that. It was the single
most erotic kiss he’d ever had, and it stayed with him for
over six months. He dreamed of it, felt his cock filling from
the lingering memory of that one kiss. Now he was cold
and wanting that touch, that spark, that fire that welled
within him whenever he thought about those lips touching
his. Needed it? Shit, he

craved it.

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He stared at the white ceiling and brought Josh’s face

back into view as he stroked his cock slowly. Blonde hair
in a buzz cut, those piercing green eyes that stared right
into his soul; hands so strong, yet so gentle touching him
lightly. And then a kiss that knocked him for a loop, and
sent his whole body up in a raw mess of nerves, and his
senses into overload. His hand stroked faster now
making its own rhythm. The hands slid down and gripped
Mark’s cock stroking, teasing as his lips and teeth
nibbled at him, fuck but he could almost feel…

Doctor Patterson to second floor nursing station.” The

ceiling spat at him.

Mark groaned and released his leaking cock. He wiped

his hand on his scrubs and threw his legs over the side
of the harsh uncomfortable cot and stood, stretching his
back. In a few hours he’d be on a plane to Alaska to find
the man that had kept him up at night. The same man
that had him jacking off night after night, the one that was
in his very soul. Mark threw his coat back on, grabbed
the stethoscope off the chair and exited the on-call room.
The halls were filled with the sick and needy, and Mark
made his way to the nurses’ station looking for Annette;

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because the ceiling spit had been her oh-so happy voice
bringing him out of his cock gripping haze.

His eyes fell on the multiple charts that threatened to

spill over onto the floor and he sighed, picking them up
and righting them. What the hell, might as well check and
see what was on the menu. He had a few hours to kill.
This time of the year was the flu. Almost every chart had
someone with flu like symptoms, and Mark put half of
them back. The third to the last held a name he really
didn’t want to deal with, the ex. Raoul.

Hey Doctor Patterson!”

Mark turned to see Annette’s over excited face, and

smiled. She always looked like she’d snorted coffee
through a straw. Annette’s eyes were huge and brown,
and her equally brown hair was in a ponytail, whapping
her in the face as she bobbed. She was so cheery all the
time, that Mark wanted to slap her and tell her that Santa
Claus didn’t exist, the tooth fairy was her mama; Oh, and
the Easter bunny was a crock of shit! “Hello Nette.” And
Cadbury eggs were fattening. Straight to your ass,

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There’s a guy in room two says he knows ya.” Annette

studied him. Doctor Patterson was pretty, his huge blue
eyes made you want to get on your knees and suck his—
“So I told him I’d get you personally.”

Mark pretended to look seriously at his watch, he

frowned at it as if it’d stopped working, or was working
and now he was late, anything to get out from
underneath Annette’s I-want-to-fuck-you’ look. He wasn’t
oblivious to women. He just didn’t want them in that way.
The thought of having to sit in the same room as Raoul
and pretend to care about him, would be about as much
fun as sliding down a wooden banister bare assed.
“Could you tell him I left for the day?” Mark gave his best,
I’d-love-to-fuck-you look and smiled slyly. What the hell, if
it worked. It did.

Oh….yeah sure.”

Mark looked at her. Annette’s mouth had dropped open

just a tad, and saliva was pooling out of the side. She
snapped her eyes shut and licked her lips, swallowing.
Her eyes went huge again, reminding Mark of his effect
on women. Shame it hadn’t worked so well on one guy.
Well no, he guessed it had, since said guy had fled to
Alaska and left Mark to wonder what the hell he’d done.

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Mark snapped back to the present and smiled. “Great,
well I’m off.”

Hey that’s pretty, is it new?” Annette ran a finger over

Mark’s wrist.

Yes, it is.”

Mark looked at his wrist where the silver tracking

bracelet sat shining in the harsh lighting of the hospital
hallway. Yes it was new, a gift from Mateo and Riley.
After telling them he was going off on his own to find
Josh, Mateo had gone through the roof and forbidden it;
which had Riley in a fit of laughter, smacking him upside
the head. Mark couldn’t help but love Riley. Riley was so
sweet you couldn’t help it. No wonder Mateo had caved
so fast. Mark smiled and turned to leave.

When he heard an accent, his skin broke out in bumps

and his heart rate went through the roof. As many times
as he’d told himself that that part of his life was over, it
still kept him up some nights. He knew Manuel was dead
and his whole house and business had gone up in flames
the minute Josh Montgomery had set foot on the
property. The early morning hour when Josh had found
him cowering in the shower, thinking Manuel was back to
rape him again. All those memories came flooding back.

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The thick Spanish accent oozed along his spine and into
his ears; and his hands curled into fists.

I knew you would try to leave.”

Mark turned slowly and met head on with Raoul

Rodriquez. They had dated. Well not dated, they had
fucked over the course of two weeks. Raoul had come in
with a gash in his head and Mark had patched him up.
From there they’d gone out to dinner and fucked. After
that it was just a series of stolen kisses here and there
and a quick fuck on his way to work. So why Raoul was
here now, Mark didn’t understand. It’s not like they had
professed their love for one another.

Raoul’s hair was longer now, but the brown eyes still

looked at him the same way. Like he was naked, and it
made Mark’s skin crawl. He could try to rationalize it, but
the beatings and rapes had hurt him both mentally and
physically. The only man he felt safe with and wanted in
a sexual way was in Alaska, where he was headed to in
less than two hours.

I’m leaving, Raoul. I’ll get another Doctor to look you

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over.” Mark turned his back and started walking.

Ah, and where is it you are going?”

I’m taking a trip to Alaska. I’ll have someone come

down right away, it was nice seeing you.”


Mark practically ran down the hallway and grabbed his

bag out of the locker room. The faster he could get away,
the better. He’d tried to put in his notice with the Hospital
administrator and was told to take a nice long vacation.
His job would be there when he got back. The funny
thing was he didn’t know if he did want it back. He
wanted Josh, and wherever Josh was, is where he was
going to be. The double doors opened and Mark stepped
out into the warm humid Columbus air. Even in
December, Georgia was in the seventies. Mark sighed
and threw his bag in the trunk of his car. He had time,
and it wasn’t like the security line at the Columbus airport
was long. It was non-existent.

Mark pulled onto the freeway and watched the

landscape fly by. He hadn’t really had time to go out over
the last six months; he’d been in therapy for most of it. All
his blood tests had come back negative and Agent Pruitt
had told him that Manuel’s blood tests had been negative
as well. Mark asked to have the tests run during

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Manuel’s autopsy, and Agent James Pruitt had it done for
him right away. Agent Pruitt was sweet and cute as all
hell, but Mark had his eye on someone else. He parked
his car in the long term parking lot and walked into the
small airport. There were maybe ten other people at the
most, and Mark handed the TSA agent his ticket and ID.

Have a good flight Doctor Patterson.”

Thanks.” Mark smiled and stepped through the

detector. He took his seat up front and closed his eyes.
Josh’s face was instantly there, his smile, his laugh and
Mark drifted off thinking about Josh’s kiss. A while later,
the sound of the Captain’s voice over the loud speaker
jostled Mark out of his sleep. They were in descent into
Dallas Fort Worth. Mark stretched his legs and got ready
to grab his bag. As soon as he stepped off the plane he
made a bee line for the nearest Starbucks. He sat with
his coffee, twirling the stick in the golden brown liquid.

Wow, you look almost sad, in a way.”

Mark looked up to see a woman in a flight attendant

uniform. Her black hair was swept into a French twist and

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smokey grey eyes were looking right at him. The woman
had the most beautiful skin, like a porcelain doll, with just
a hint of gloss on her perfectly shaped lips. The name
tag said Sabine. “Hi.”

Sabine took a seat and tilted her head. “One that looks

like you should not look so lost. You are having girlfriend

Mark chuckled softly and raised his eyes to hers. “No,

more like boyfriend, although he’s not my boyfriend.”

Merde…” Sabine sighed and took Mark’s hand. “All

the good ones are married or gay. Or they are gay



Isn’t that the same thing?” Mark smiled at her. Her

accent wasn’t thick, but he could tell she was French.

No, they are gay but married to women and keeping

their vows.” Sabine rolled her eyes. “What a waste of

Mark giggled and she took his hand smiling at him. “I…

there is a man.”

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Oui? So, tell me why he is not yours.” Shaking her

head, Sabine chuckled. “Where are my manners?” She
put her hand out and smiled at him. “I am Sabine.”

I’m Mark, nice to meet you Sabine. It’s a long story, but

to make it short he wasn’t gay. Or he thought he wasn’t,
until he met me and kissed me and ran off to Alaska. I
tried telling him it was okay and everything, but Josh
freaked out—”

Josh?” Sabine’s eyes went wide. “You say he went to

Alaska? Josh Montgomery?”

Mark sat back flabbergasted. “Well, yeah.”

No wonder.” Sabine sat back, sighed, and looked at

Mark. “So it is you.” Sabine saw the look of confusion on
Mark’s face and took his hand. “I have known Josh in
the, biblical sense? Is that the word?” Sabine saw Mark
nod his head, and a blush hit his cheeks. “I have seen
him. Six months ago he took a flight I was working and I
thought it would be like always, but when I touched him
he told me he couldn’t, that his heart belonged to
someone else.” Sabine squeezed Mark’s hand. “It is you
his heart belongs to.”

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Mark felt hope blossom in his heart as he looked at

Sabine. “Thank you, you have no idea how much better I
feel now.”

You, go get your man.” Sabine stood and looked at

her watch. “I must go, but you must find me and let me
know what happens, eh?”

Mark nodded and stood up to hug her tightly. “Thank

you so much.”

Au revoir, Cheri.” Sabine blew him a kiss and smiled.

Mark sat through the next flight in a state of utter

happiness. He didn’t even feel them touchdown in
Anchorage, and was in a daze as he went to collect his
suitcase from baggage claim. He stepped out into the
cold Alaska air and sucked in a breath of ice. His lungs
immediately began to scream in protest, and Mark zipped
his jacket up, covering his mouth. Clear blue skies
greeted him, and Mark realized Alaska smelled clean. No
smog, just snow. He rented a jeep and hit the highway on
his way to Denali National Park, to Josh Montgomery, to

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Josh’s biceps hurt, yet that didn’t stop him from

swinging the ax again and again, the heat shooting up
his arm with every swing. The burn felt good. It reminded
him he was alive. Well, that and the puffs of white air
around his mouth. It was twenty below and Josh’s gloves
were trying to keep his hands warm. He had shoved
those little warmers in them an hour ago, as well as
putting some in his boots. The Alaskan wilderness
spread out before him. Snow covered mountains and
trees dotted the landscape as far as he could see. Josh
had come here to put his head back on after kissing Mark
Patterson, the man he’d rescued from a raping drug
dealer in Peru. And then kissed, like an idiot.

Josh had been straight, or so he’d thought, until he’d

laid eyes on Mark. Everything he thought he’d know

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about himself had fallen away at the touch of Mark’s lips
on his. Even now he couldn’t stop thinking about him.
What the fuck had he been thinking, kissing a guy that
had endured three months of brutal beatings and rapes?
Josh swung the ax low and struck the last blow sending
the white spruce down swiftly. The sweat dripped from
his brow, almost freezing, before rolling down the side of
his face. His eyelashes were white, and he knew it was
time to head back in for a bit.

Josh had been camping out for a while now. It was

relatively peaceful, and no one bothered him except for
the stray fox that would come around and visit during
dinner time. Well, and occasionally his buddy Wayne, the
park ranger. He hadn’t dealt with too many bears, but the
Bull Moose was definitely curious about the man in the
small cabin. Josh had a beautiful view of Wonder Lake
and his very own light show at night, there was nothing
like it on God greens earth. The Aurora borealis was a
sight to see, and no one could just say. “

Yeah, it’s cool.”

Unless they were an asshole. The green, purple and
orange flowed; suspended in the sky, and Josh always
sat out at night to watch it.

The light was fading fast. The winter months brought

nothing but darkness, as opposed to summer where it
was light all the time. Even at two in the morning it looked

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like the sun was just setting during summer. Winter was
what brought some people to their nervous breakdown
point, because at the most, you had maybe a good six
hours of daylight before being plunged into total
darkness. Josh grabbed his shit and made his way back
to the small cabin, dropping firewood on the small rickety
porch in front.

Inside was one room that made up the living room,

kitchen and bedroom. The lone couch pulled out, but
Josh didn’t bother. By the time he was done for the day,
he fell on it fully clothed and was out for hours. He threw
some logs on the fire and went about making coffee. A
look at his watch said it was only three in the afternoon.
Damn, and he was already hungry. Sometimes it made
Josh feel like he was in Florida at the retirement home,
because come four in the afternoon it was dark, and he
felt like it was time to make dinner.

Josh’s radio piped up and he heard Wayne coming

through loud and clear.


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Josh smiled and picked up the radio, Wayne’s voice

always sounded like Hoss from Bonanza.

What’s up, ya lily livered chicken?” Josh said.

Ah fuck off, just got a call from up the trail. Seems we

got a tourist done got lost along the way. Says he ain’t,
but you know how them lower forties are.”

Well I reckon I’ll go check it out, Hoss.” Josh bit back a

laugh as a stream of obscenities came through the radio.
“Yee haw.” Josh laughed as Wayne told him to shove it
where the sun don’t shine. He grabbed his jacket and
gloves. The wind was picking up now and he knew it was
going to be brutal tonight. What kind of idiot walked
around outside in this shit? Oh that’s right, he did. Just
because some damn tourist decided to stray off the
beaten path. Somebody was slacking up top, because
there weren’t supposed to be any tourists at the lodge
this late in the season, that ended in September and it
was almost Christmas. “Fuck.”

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What the fuck was I thinking? Mark felt the wind

whipping at him and bundled up tighter. Snow was
coming in fast now, and his goggles were fogging up on
the inside. Every breath froze his lungs and hurt like hell.
Mark had put on layer upon layer of clothing, and could
still feel the biting winds chilling him to the bone. His
hand was shaking with the compass in it and he knew he
couldn’t stay out much longer. His mind was still working,
and as a doctor he knew even with the layer of clothing,
hypothermia would set in. He could feel beginning, even
now. Mark was tired and he wanted to lie down and
sleep. Every effort to pick up his foot and move it again
felt like someone had attached weights to it.

He dragged himself another ten feet or so before

resting on a tree. Jesus, his body was shaking so bad he
swore he was knocking nonexistent leaves off the tree
above him. It was so pretty out here. Mark sat down and
pulled his knees up to his chest wrapping his arms
around them. He thought he saw a light off in the
distance, and hauled his sore body back up. The only
thing that kept him going was Josh, Josh’s face, Josh’s

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The ground rushed up to meet him, and he lay face

down in the cold snow. Mark rolled over on his back and
stared at the sky, it was so pretty. A light show was going
on. Wait, what time was it? It was an all-out effort to try
and bring his wrist to his face. Finally giving up, he just
lay there, staring up at the sky. Snow covered him in
seconds. He tried to brush it off his face, but even that
took too much effort. Mark closed his eyes and listened
to his heartbeat. It was slowing now, and he knew his
pulse was getting weak. God he was an idiot. He was
going to die out in the wilderness, and the only thing he
would miss the most was the lips of the one man that’d
brought him here.


Fuck but the wind was a bitch, and snow slapped Josh

in the face. He trudged through it looking for dumbass in
the snow. What an idiot. And yet here he was, looking for
said idiot in the middle of a snow storm. He heard a
cracking behind him and spun around looking for the
cause. His eyes made contact with those of a black wolf.

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He sighed and bent down. “Dammit Dakota, you scared
the shit out of me, I thought you were a grizzly.” Josh put
his gloved hand out and was met with a snap at the tip,
and then he was being pulled forward. “What’s up?”
Dakota let go and Josh followed him. Dakota trotted in
front of him looking back now and then to make sure
Josh was keeping up.

Another mile of walking south from where he was had

him in dense forest, and then Dakota stopped, sitting on
his haunches with a low growl. Josh could see a bump in
the ground and made his way closer. No, not a bump, it
was a body. Fuck, the tourist. Josh moved the snow off
the body and hauled it up over his shoulder. Not too
heavy, but the body structure said man; unless, of
course, it was a woman with no tits, because he didn’t
feel bumps on his back. The walk back to the cabin had
Dakota right on his heels. Dakota was the only wolf pack
member that constantly made contact with him. He
always showed up around dinner time. How convenient.
Dakota sat on the porch as Josh made his way inside.
He put the tourist down on the couch and stripped off his
own gloves and hat. Josh’s jacket was next, and he went
about putting water to boil for coffee again. There was a
soft moan from the couch and Josh figured he’d better
get the guy into some warm clothing, and fast.

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He sat at the end of the couch and took the guys

gloves off, inspecting his hands. His long slender fingers
were still pink. Thank God. A flash of silver caught his
eye, and he pulled the jacket a bit higher, revealing a
silver bracelet. As his eyes read the four letters, he
realized the hands were familiar. The hands were those
of a man he had kissed. A man whose hand Josh had
spent hours holding while sitting by his bedside. Whose
hand he’d stared at, memorizing every line, every curve,
everything about Mark Patterson. The panic rose in
Josh, and he took the goggles off, along with the hat and
face mask. There he was, Mark. Cold, lips blue.

Mark!” Josh took off Mark’s jacket first, and then his

hands went to work stripping off the wet clothing. Picking
Mark up, he opened the couch so he’d have a larger
place to set him back down. Grabbing every blanket he
could find, Josh proceeded to strip himself down, getting
in bed with Mark. God, but Mark was so cold, his skin
was like ice. Pulling him into his chest and holding him,
Josh rubbed Mark’s arms, trying to get his circulation
going again. After what seemed like a lifetime, Mark’s
body seemed to relax and warm up. His breathing
became even, he was sleeping peacefully. Josh closed
his eyes and thanked God he had found Mark. Any
longer out in the elements and he would have died. ok
tI’ve got you Mark, you’re safe now.” Josh whispered.

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Ah…warmth…so warm…. Mark pressed further into

warm skin. His nose sliding up and down, breathing in a
scent that travelled through his body like a drug and
straight to his cock. Strong arms encircled him, keeping
him close to the warmth. He pressed his lips to soft flesh.
The scent and taste of the skin was familiar, and Mark
ran his tongue softly across a beating pulse in the warm
neck. His hand ran down a muscle covered chest and
made its way to a very impressive cock. Soft breathing
was coming from above him. He opened one eye and
stared at a tattoo, a very familiar tattoo.

He’d died in the elements and gone to heaven,

because he was in Josh’s arms. Josh’s warmth wrapped
around him like a cocoon. If this was heaven, it was
worth dying for. He kissed the warm neck softly and his
hand gripped the now stiff prick stroking it slowly. If this
was his heaven he was going to take full advantage of it.
A low moan of approval came from above him and a hand
found Mark’s ass, pulling him into the warmth even
further. Mark raised his head and looked into the

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sleeping face of Josh Montgomery. God, but he was
beautiful. His blonde hair was longer now, and his gold
lashes hid his beautiful emerald green eyes.

Now that he was dead, he could do what he’d wanted

to since the first night Josh had kissed him. Taste Josh
again. He leaned forward and touched his lips softly to
Josh’s. There was a soft sigh as Mark slid his hand
slowly down Josh’s hard prick to the root, and tightened
his hand; sliding back up. He leaned back in and ran his
tongue over the seam of Josh’s lips. It had its desired
effect. Josh opened up and let him in. Mark’s tongue slid
into the warm cavern of Josh’s mouth and he let out a
soft moan of his own. His tongue was searching Josh
thoroughly. When Josh took over though, Mark let
himself go.


This was how it always was. Josh would have vivid

dreams about Mark. About kissing him, Mark’s hand on
his cock, naked bodies pressed together, because he did

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want him. His whole life he’d been fucking women, and
yet all it’d taken was one look at Mark to make him want
a man. It wasn’t just the way he looked. Everything


Mark made Josh want him. Made Josh want to protect
him, make love to him. In his dream Mark was
underneath him, jacking them off together. Warm searing
heat shuddered through their cocks as Mark’s soft and
gentle hand rubbed their hard pricks together; the sweet
friction had his ass begging for Mark’s cock in it.

Mark’s mouth opened to him, played with him, sucked

on his tongue leaving gentle bites on his bottom lip. Josh
dove in deep, taking Mark’s mouth and making it his.
Mark’s hand moved faster now, and the heat from their
cocks rubbing and their naked bodies sliding against
each other made it feel like everything was on fire around

His skin on his neck was seared with wet kisses from

Mark, and then their mouths collided again and Josh took
it, savored it. His hips bucked into Mark’s and he felt his
orgasm getting ready to spill over as their moans were
getting louder. Mark’s hand began moving faster. Dicks
slick with precome, sliding against each other and Mark’s
hand the catapult as his balls tightened. He heard his
name from below him in one loud continuous moan. The
last thread on his composure snapped, and Josh lost it.

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He shot his orgasm all over Mark’s stomach. Spasms
rocked Josh’s body, his skin tingling, every nerve alive.
“Oh fuck!”


Mark felt his toes curling and his ass clenching. He

shot with such force it took him by surprise, and he heard
his own voice as it left his mouth. “Jooossshhh!” Josh
collapsed on top of him and Mark put his arms around
Josh, holding him firmly to him. “God, I missed you so
much.” Mark whispered.

Josh blinked. Okay

that never happened in his dream.

Josh raised his head and looked into Mark’s blue eyes.

Was I supposed to be someone else?” Mark knew the

hurt in his voice came out loud and clear. He couldn’t
help it. Wasn’t heaven supposed to be blissful? Wasn’t

not supposed to freak out? He was going to have to

see about talking to the man in charge.

Josh looked down between their bodies and saw the

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mess of spunk and sweat. Oh God, he hadn’t been
dreaming. He’d been with Mark, kissing him, feeling his
hands on him and it had been just what he thought it
would be. Fucking fantastic! “Shit.”

Mark recoiled like he’d been slapped. “I’m not in

heaven…am I?”

Josh sat up and grabbed the blanket, covering up

Mark, along with his own lower body. God, just looking at
him made his cock spring back to life seconds after his
mind numbing orgasm. What the fuck had he done? “No,
Dakota and I found you out in the snow practically dead.
What the fuck were you thinking Mark?”

Mark scooted up the bed, pulling the blanket around

him. Shame crept into his face and he looked down. Josh
didn’t want him. Who would after what had been done to
him. “If you’d just get me my clothes, I’ll get out of your

Josh sat back and looked at Mark like he’d just said his

cock was on fire and he liked it. “You’re not leaving this
cabin for at least the next few days Mark. We’re snowed

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Mark got up and moved further away, he looked

anywhere but at Josh. God, he could feel Josh’s eyes on
him. “I’ll just call Riley. He’ll find a way to get me out.”

No phone.” Josh got up and made his way over to

Mark. He stood in front of him and pulled Mark’s face up
to meet his eyes. Big blue pools looked up at him and
Josh could see the tears brimming. He pulled Mark to him
and crushed him in an embrace. “God, you scared the
shit out of me, I thought you were dead.”

Mark tried so hard to hold back his tears and couldn’t.

Just being in Josh’s arms he felt safe again. Mark
wrapped his arms around Josh’s shoulders and buried
his face in the crook of Josh’s neck. “I’m sorry, I’m so
sorry. When you left I didn’t know why, and I thought
because of what happened to me you didn’t want me, or
you were confused; and I felt something for you, I still do.
And I had to see you again to tell you—”

Shh.” Josh covered Mark’s mouth with his own. His

hand slid up Mark’s back, pulling him in until Mark’s feet
left the floor. God but he wanted this man. Every nerve in
his body came to life as Mark’s tongue slid over his. The
feel of his soft skin, Mark’s soft moans in his mouth, he

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wanted this man. There was no more denying it. Josh
Montgomery wanted Mark in his bed, in his life. He felt
Mark’s cock swell on his stomach and growled, taking his
mouth hard. Mark let Josh in further, opening his mouth
and wrapping himself around Josh’s warmth. God, but
this felt so

good. They were moving back towards the

couch now and Mark kept his lips firmly attached to
Josh’s as they stumbled down upon it. Josh’s hand went
straight to Mark’s ass, pulling him closer to his body,
needing that contact, needing Mark. “God, I missed you
too.” Josh ran his lips softly across Mark’s

Mark broke from the kiss, looking into Josh’s green

eyes. He still couldn’t believe this was real. He couldn’t
believe he was truly with Josh and Josh was kissing him,
not running away. “Is this real?”

You want I should pinch you?” Josh smiled and bit

Mark’s lower lip.

Why did you run away, Josh?” Mark looked at him. “I

thought I did something wrong.”

Josh caressed Mark’s face and kissed his lips, softly

running his tongue across the bottom one. He heard
Mark’s soft sigh. “You didn’t do anything, Mark. I freaked
out because I kissed you after everything that’d been

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done to you and I felt like shit. Like, I had taken
advantage of you somehow. You were vulnerable and I
shouldn’t have.”

But I feel safe with you, and only you. I haven’t

stopped thinking about that kiss since the night it
happened and then you left, and I felt so…empty. I want
you Josh, I want you so much.” Mark felt the blush in his
cheeks and tried to turn away from Josh.

Josh pulled his face back around and looked in Mark’s

eyes. God, but they told him so much. Mark could say
just about anything with his eyes, and Josh loved that
about him. He was so open and honest. If he was going
to be honest with himself, he was going to lay it all out. “I
have to admit, at first I was pretty freaked out that I found
you attractive. I couldn’t stop getting a fucking hard on in
your presence. Fuck, I still get that now. From the
moment I laid eyes on you, Mark I felt something. And it
scared the shit out of me, but I want you. More than
anything I do, and I want to try if you still do.”

I do.” Mark pulled Josh down and kissed him. His

whole body reacted at once and he knew Josh was it for
him; he’d never want anyone else.

The radio crackled to life and Josh broke the kiss,

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looking at the counter. Wayne’s voice came over the
radio and Josh cursed softly. He’d forgotten to tell Wayne
he’d found the tourist. “Ooops,”

Dammit Montgomery, where are you?” Wayne


Josh kissed Mark’s nose and got up, walking to the

counter naked. “I’m here Wayne, I found him and he’s
here with me.”

What the fuck was he doing out in the shit storm? Is he

fucking nuts?”

Mark blushed and let out a small laugh, Josh winked at

him. “Yep he sure is. He’s fucking nuts for me.”


Josh smiled and looked at the time. “It’s my man

Wayne. He missed me so much he came all the way out
to Alaska to see me.”

Oh for fucks sake. Alright then, take care of each other

and if ya need sumthin give me a ring. We’re snowed in
now. Did ya see Dakota?”

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Yep, he actually helped me find Mark.” Josh pulled

some pants on and opened the door. Snow was piled
high in front of it and he looked over the top to see
Dakota wrapped in a tight ball. “Dakota, come on boy.”
Dakota lifted his head and shook the snow from his coat
before jumping the pile of snow and making his way into
the cabin.

Mark pulled the sheet over himself as the black wolf

made his way in and lay down by the fireplace. Grey
eyes looked up at him and Mark gasped. “Wow, he’s

Okay Wayne, I got him with me now. Take care and

same goes for you. If you need anything, just holler my

Yup, take care of my pup.”

Josh put the radio down and smiled at Dakota. “Cold?”

Josh got a soft snort and Dakota settled into his paws
and closed his eyes. “Spoiled little shit.”

Isn’t that a little odd?” Mark looked at the wolf on the

floor. “I didn’t think they dealt with humans much, but he

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seems alright hanging out like a common pet.”

Josh crouched down by Dakota and ran his fingers

through his thick fur. “Dakota is different. Don’t ask me
why, but he seems to enjoy the company of humans.”

Josh locked the door and made sure the stove was off.

He turned off all the lights and added another log to the
fire before taking his pants off and getting back in bed
with Mark. Josh pulled Mark into his chest and held him
close. He sighed softly as Mark nestled into his side. He
loved the feel of his soft skin.

Mark looked up at him and ran his fingertip over his

lips. “God I missed your lips.”

Josh caressed Mark’s face, kissing him softly. He ran

his hand into Mark’s hair, pulling him in closer. As Mark’s
mouth opened up to him, Josh let out a soft moan, his
tongue meeting with Mark’s. They both heard a loud
sigh, and Josh sat up. Looking down at Dakota, Josh
whispered. “Go to sleep.”

Mark chuckled and pressed himself further into Josh.

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He yawned, stretching, and felt Josh’s arms come around
him, pulling him in tight. “I’m tired too.”

Josh kissed his forehead and held him close. “Go to

sleep, we can talk in the morning.”

Okay, night Josh.” Mark sighed, feeling the warmth of

Josh around him.

Night.” Josh held him closer. The thought of what

could’ve happened to Mark scared the shit out of him.
Josh lay awake for another half hour just listening to
Mark breathe. He’d never felt for anyone, what he felt for
Mark. That fact alone scared the ever-loving

shit out of


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~Chapter Six~

Mark woke up to heavy breathing in his ear. He lay on

his side with Josh spooned into his back, arm thrown
over Mark protectively. He opened his eyes to see grey
ones looking into his. Dakota. Mark smiled and got a long
swipe of a wet tongue on his face. “Bathroom?” Mark
whispered. He swore the wolf nodded. Mark eased out of
bed slowly, trying not to wake Josh. He pulled his boxers
on and stood up. His body ached all over, and he
winced, stepping onto the cold floor of the cabin. Dakota
trotted to the front door and sat down looking at it
expectantly. Mark chuckled softly and let him out.

Nice view.”

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Mark froze and smiled. “I tried not to wake you up.”

Josh smiled and sat up on his elbow, admiring Mark’s

tight ass. “Come back here.”

Mark made his way over to the couch. Josh grabbed

his hand pulling him down on top of him and rolled him
over, wrapping him in his warmth with a sigh. Mark
looked into emerald green eyes and remembered the
night Josh had first kissed him. The feelings stayed with
him. Even now, he still wasn’t convinced he wasn’t lying
out in the Alaskan wilderness dead, and this was his
heaven. Josh was absolutely beautiful, no wonder he got
laid so much. Not only that, but he had one hell of an
impressive cock. “God, you are so beautiful Josh.”

I’m going to want to make love to you if you keep

talking like that.” Josh smiled, feeling Mark’s soft skin
under his hands.

I promise not to complain.” Mark ran his hand down

Josh’s chest. The muscles rippled under his hands. Mark
felt a small shiver run through Josh as his hand
descended lower, running over the ridges in Josh’s abs.

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Josh pulled him closer, gripping his ass. “Look, I know

this is going to sound funny, but I want to do this right,
okay? I’ve spent my whole life jumping into bed with
women, never wanting to know a damn thing about them.
I want this to be different with us. I want us to get to know
each other before we make love.”

That’s so sweet.” Mark smiled and watched Josh raise

an eyebrow. “What?”

Are you making fun of me?”

Mark chuckled and kissed Josh, biting his lip. “Nope, I

feel honored that you want to take things slow with me.”

I really want this to work. I want it to be different,

because it’s special, you know?” Josh felt like an idiot.
He sighed and lay back.

Hey.” Mark pulled his face toward his own. “I do know,

okay? This is new to you, being with a man, especially
since you haven’t….well you know.”

Had sex with a guy?” Josh smiled when Mark nodded.

“Well, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to top first. That’s how
you say it right? Top?”

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Yes…just be gentle okay?” Mark smiled and lay on his

back staring at the ceiling.

Oh fuck.” Josh whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

What?” Mark looked over at him. Josh was looking

anywhere but at him. “What is it?”

I shouldn’t have said that. Look, I can be on the bottom

okay?” What the fuck had he been thinking? Mark had
spent months being brutalized by some sadistic prick and
his selfish ass was asking Mark to bottom?

Hey, hey.” Mark took Josh’s face in his hands. “It’s

okay, I’m all healed up.” Mark smiled as Josh pulled him
in. The kiss started out slow, and then Josh rolled on top
of him, gripping his ass cheeks, sliding against him.

Josh felt his cock make contact with Mark’s and fuck, it

felt fantastic. He wanted to explore his body inch by inch,
to find out what made Mark happy, what made Mark
crazy. Josh broke the kiss slowly and licked Mark’s
bottom lip. “I want to try something, okay?” Mark nodded,
and Josh started with what he did best. Kissing.

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Mark whimpered as Josh’s tongue played with his lips,

his tongue, and finally pressed inside licking, tasting,
searching. Long languid licks as Josh’s hand ran softly
ran down his thigh. Mark’s back arched, and he tunneled
his fingers in Josh’s hair. “Josh.”

God, you are so sexy.” Josh moaned. He moved away

from Mark’s lips to trail his jaw line, around to his chin,
and down his neck. Mmmmm…the taste of Mark. Damn,
Josh never dreamed he would love the taste of another
man. He kissed Mark’s neck softly and made his way
lower, running his tongue across Mark’s collar bone. He
stopped to nibble the soft skin there, before trailing his
tongue down to Mark’s nipple. Josh ran his tongue in
slow circles around the perked nub and bit softly. Mark’s
hips moved impatiently underneath him, and Josh smiled.
Oh yeah, he could do this. One thing about being a man
is that you knew what you liked, and Josh knew what he
liked. He was going to find out if Mark liked the same

He ran his hands up and down Mark’s stomach softly;

all while his tongue played with Mark’s naval. His fingers
slid under the material of Mark’s boxers and pulled them
down as Mark lifted his ass to accommodate him.
Pressing his nose into Mark’s skin, Josh inhaled his

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scent. His tongue trailed lower, and he licked a path
down one side of Mark’s lower abdomen, flush to his
cock. Mark’s legs were shaking as Josh pressed his
nose to the side of his cock and ran it upward. Josh
stopped at the tip and took a nice long look. A perfectly
cut pink head jutted up towards him, round and ready.
Precome glistened at the surface, and Josh took a
tentative dip to taste. Josh groaned and swallowed,
taking another flick of precome onto his tongue.

Josh’s cock was so hard it fucking hurt. He knew what

he liked having done to his cock, so he started with that.
Swirling his tongue around Mark’s cock, he pressed his
tongue in the slit, tonguing the inside. Mark’s hips were
bucking underneath his, and Josh put his hands on
Mark’s hips to still him. Josh swallowed the head of
Mark’s cock, suctioning on the crown. The fact that he
was sucking another man’s cock never even crossed his
mind as being bad. Josh wanted this so bad, wanted to
hear Mark’s soft moans and quiet whimpers. His tongue
licked a trail from root to tip, and then back down again.
He tilted his head to the side as he wrapped his tongue
around the sensitive rim, torturing Mark, before taking the
head back inside his mouth and sliding down to bring his
nose flush with Mark’s soft pubes.

Oh God…Josh.” Mark’s fingers gripped the sheets as

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Josh took him in, opening his jaw and swallowing Mark

Josh found his rhythm and bobbed up and down,

alternating between shallow sucks and deep swallows.
Mark was writhing beneath him now and Josh fingered
his hole while his other hand massaged Mark’s balls. He
felt them tighten in his hand and wondered if he wanted
to taste Mark’s cum in his mouth. “Fuck, Mark.” Josh felt
Mark’s prick turn to steel under his tongue.

Oh God, Oh Fuck.” Warmth spread through Mark,

beginning in his stomach and spreading throughout his
whole body. His toes curled, his balls drew up, and he
emptied his load into Josh’s mouth; hot and hard. “Fuck!”

Josh felt warm semen sliding down his throat and took

it. He twirled his tongue around, moving Mark’s cum over
his taste buds to get the full experience of it before
swallowing. He kept a gentle suck on Mark’s cock until it
softened in his mouth, dragging and lingering spasms out
of him. Leaving a soft kiss on the head, he drew back
and looked at Mark. He was covered in sweat. “You

Oh. My. God.” Mark panted.

Jesus Christ. “How did

you? When did you?”

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Josh smiled and leaned over giving Mark Eskimo

kisses. “I just did what I liked.”

Well fuck.” Mark’s head hit the pillow and he stared at

the ceiling. His whole body was tingling and his cock was
in shock from the fantastic blow job he’d just gotten. He
felt Josh’s hands sliding up his thighs. Mark gave into the
urge to let his eyelids close as Josh ran his tongue up his
abs and chest, finding his mouth and kissing him deep.
The salty taste of his own orgasm flowed into his mouth
and Josh pulled away slowly.


Mark felt his whole body shake with laughter, and sat

up on his elbows looking at the perfect man straddling
him. “Is that a trick question?” Mark’s eyes focused on
Josh’s hard cock bobbing up against his stomach,
leaving dots of precome on his abdomen. He sat up on
his knees and bent over, taking Josh’s mouth, as his
hand gripped Josh’s hard leaking prick.

Fuck…Mark that feels so fucking good.” Josh’s lips

feathered lightly over Mark’s as he felt Mark’s hand

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feathered lightly over Mark’s as he felt Mark’s hand
sliding up and down his cock, squeezing the head and
coaxing more precome out. Mark broke the kiss and
made his way down Josh’s impressive chest, licking his
nipples before making his way lower and licking the head
of his cock. “Oh God.” Josh’s head fell back as Mark’s
mouth engulfed him. Josh entwined his hands into Mark’s
hair, his hips jerking into Mark’s mouth. Mark swirled his
tongue around the head of Josh’s cock, and tongued his
slit. Fuck, but he couldn’t help himself. Josh fucked
Mark’s mouth. Any control he had over himself
disappeared when Mark swallowed him. Mark pressed
his nose to Josh’s groin, his tongue doing a happy dance
around his cock. “Oh Fuck…..Mark, I’m coming.”

Mark opened up his jaw some more and felt the hot

cum blast down his throat. His tongue did lazy circles
around the head of Josh’s cock before sucking it hard,
making sure he got every delicious drop of him before
withdrawing and nibbling lightly on the head. He wiped
the saliva from his cheeks and looked up at Josh. His
eyes were closed and his hips were still slightly bucking.
“Fuck, you taste good.”

Jesus Christ.” Josh fell back on the bed and pulled

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Mark down with him, wrapping him up in his arms and
kissing his forehead. The time he’d spent away from
Mark did nothing but strengthen his feelings for the man.
He wanted Mark more now than he did before. The
minute Josh had seen him through the scope of his rifle
he should’ve known his life would change forever. Mark
nestled into him and Josh closed his eyes, loving the feel
of Mark against his body, his soft skin pressed to his
own. “I don’t want to move, but we need sustenance.”

Mark smiled with his eyes closed. “Says who? I just


Josh growled, rolled over and pinned Mark to the bed.

“Goddamn you’re sexy.” Josh licked Mark’s lips and slid
his tongue in, tasting himself. It should have tasted
strange, but it wasn’t. He tasted Mark and licked the
inside of his mouth thoroughly, loving the small moans
and whimpers. “Okay, seriously. You need a hot shower.
While you do that I’ll cook us some breakfast, then I’m
going to take you on a little sightseeing tour.”

Mark hauled himself out of bed and stretched his arms

up, looking at the perfect specimen of a man lying on the
pull out couch. Damn, his mouth watered just


about making love to Josh. “Towels?”

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Josh’s eyes took Mark in from head to toe, pausing

briefly on that perfect cock, the cock that had started his
fantasizing about Mark Patterson. “Cupboard in

If you’re making eggs, try not to burn them.” Mark

winked and made his way to the bathroom with a soft

Oh, ha ha.” Josh got out of bed with a smile. He

remembered trying to cook eggs for Mark when he’d
taken him to Derek’s house. He’d burned them twice and
ended up going to McDonalds for breakfast. As he heard
the shower start, he forced himself to concentrate on
making breakfast. Six eggs went into the pan along with
sausages. He threw some toast in the toaster and looked
around for anything else Mark might want. Butter and an
assortment of jams lined the table and Josh flipped the
eggs, making sure to keep a close eye on them along
with the sausage.


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Mark let the warm water soothe his aching muscles.

Half of him still thought he was dead, but his dick knew
better. That was the only body part right now that was
aware of what was going on. Mark closed his eyes as the
water ran down his face, warming him from the outside
in. His cock was already hard again thinking about Josh,
the feel of his mouth on his cock, tongue licking with long
purposeful strokes. Mark shook his head clear and
turned the water off, grabbing a towel. After a quick look
in the mirror, he tousled his wet hair and made his way to
the kitchen. Josh had his back to him and was flipping
the sausage. Mark’s stomach let out a loud groan of
approval at the smell. Josh turned with a warm smile on
his face.

Sit down; I’ll get you a plate.”

Mark sat at the table and watched Josh’s ass as he

moved around the kitchen. “So you’ve been here this
whole time?”

Josh brought the plate over and smiled, handing Mark

a napkin and fork. “Yes. I’ve been helping Wayne out
here and there, removing bear and wolf traps from where

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the poachers usually hang out. We’ve already caught a
few, but they keep coming back. Wolf pelts sell for a lot
out here, and these kids use the money for drugs.” Josh
sat down and took a bite of his own food. “I’m kind of
glad Dakota sticks around these parts, I worry about

Mark smiled and took Josh’s hand. “He’s a good wolf.”

Mark realized what that sounded like. “Wow, it’s not
every day I say that.”

Josh laughed and kissed the palm of Mark’s hand.

“How have you been? What have you been up to?
Obviously Riley and Mateo helped you out. I see Mateo
branded you with a bracelet.”

Mark smiled at the silver bracelet. Mateo almost had a

coronary when Mark said he was taking off to Alaska on
his own. “Yes, that was the only way I was ‘allowed’ to
go.” Mark put invisible quotation marks in the air with his
fingers. “Of course, Riley was in a fit of laughter, but it all
worked out. Those two were meant for each other.” Mark
took a bite of his eggs and grinned. “Good, you didn’t
burn them.” Josh raised a brow as Mark smiled and
pressed on. “So anyway, I went back to work for a bit
and told my boss I wanted to quit. He in turn told me to
take some time off. Yesterday morning I said my

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goodbyes.” Mark chewed thoughtfully. “I did have a
surprise patient though.”

What do you mean?” Josh spread butter on his toast

all while watching Mark’s lips as he ate. Jesus, they were
so perfect.

My ex showed up. I mean it was odd, just out of the

blue. I hadn’t seen him since a week before I left for the
Amazon, and then all of a sudden he’s there at the

Was he injured?” Josh’s mind was working a mile a

minute. He knew that in life, nothing was a coincidence.

No, just wanted to talk to me, but then never really

asked me anything except where was I off to in a hurry.”
Mark sat back looking at Josh’s face. “What is it?”

I don’t like the sound of this at all. Something’s not

right with the whole thing.” Josh played with the food on
his plate. “Tell me the whole story. How you met up until
the day you left.”

Mark sat back and told the story of Raoul. How he’d

come to the emergency room on the night Mark was
working. The gash in his head required fifteen stitches

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and Raoul begged Mark to talk to him while he injected
his head and stitched him up. Mark talked about his
career in medicine, how his parents had disowned him
when he came out, and how he was alone in life. When
they were done, Raoul had thanked him and asked him
out to dinner to repay his kindness. At first Mark refused,
but Raoul had begged so he had finally relented. Raoul
had taken him out to dinner and they’d talked some more.

Mark consumed a few too many glasses of wine and

when Raoul had kissed him, he didn’t push him off like he
should have. After that, Raoul showed up at his work
bringing him flowers and asking him out again. After a
week, Raoul had talked him into bed. A series of on the
run fucks ensued, until Mark was getting ready to leave.
He broke things off pretty abruptly, and was surprised
that Raoul didn’t fight him about it. Mark looked at Josh’s
face. His mind was working and Mark was feeling a little
uncomfortable now. “What is it? What are you thinking?”

Josh nodded. “I can’t be sure. I’m going to make some

phone calls. In the meantime, we need to get dressed
and head out to the lodge so that I can

make said phone

calls. Something’s eating at me and I’m going to figure

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this out. One way or another.”


Josh made sure Mark was bundled up and they hiked

the mile and a half to the lodge. Mark couldn’t believe it
wasn’t further, it felt like fifteen miles the night before.
Dakota trotted next to them, sniffing the air and keeping
close to Josh. Mark smiled and ran his hand through
Dakota’s fur, surprised at how soft it was. Spread out for
miles around them was a thick blanket of snow. Mark
took it all in, and stared with awe. Alaska was beautiful,
just as Josh had described. They were nearing the lodge
and Mark felt Josh’s hand slide into his own, threading
their gloved fingers together. Mark looked up at Josh and
saw the wide smile on his face.

Josh gripped Mark’s fingers. “Is this Okay?”

Yes, of course it is, Josh. I told you, I want you.”

Josh stopped walking and pulled Mark to him. He

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pulled Mark’s face up to his own and searched his eyes.
Their breath mingled, sending puffs of white up into the
air around them and Josh leaned in, brushing his lips
across Mark’s. The kiss was soft and Josh felt Mark’s
mouth opening to him. Their tongues rubbed as Josh
dove deeper inside, his tongue searching every
delectable corner of Mark’s mouth. They broke from the
kiss and Josh rubbed the tip of his nose across Mark’s.
“We should go, are you hungry?”

I am, actually.” Mark closed his eyes and felt Josh’s

nose running up and down his cheek leaving warmth in
its path.

Okay, let’s find some food.” Josh continued on the

path to the lodge and stomped his boots on the front
porch, opening the door for Mark. Josh smiled as Dakota
found a place to lie down, out of the cold, and rolled up in
a ball. “Don’t stay out too long, Dakota.” Josh leaned
over and rubbed the wolf behind the ears.

Is he going to be okay out here?” Mark looked around.

The sun was out, but it was still cold.

Yes, if he gets too cold he either comes to my cabin or

heads over to Wayne’s. Somehow, I don’t think he likes
his pack much.” Josh chuckled as Dakota let out a soft

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sigh and closed his eyes. “Come on, let’s get you inside
and warmed up.”

Mark took a look around the lodge. A large fireplace

stood in one corner, with a large tan sectional couch
surrounding it. Different types of stuffed bears stood on
display around the lodge, along with some of the other
local wildlife. The lobby was quiet, but Mark could hear
voices somewhere further back in the building. Josh took
his hand and they walked through the restaurant and into
the back kitchen. Three people sat playing cards with an
arrangement of food surrounding them, along with
steaming mugs of what smelled like hot chocolate. Mark
smiled when one of them looked up. A woman, maybe in
her early twenties, smiled when she saw them.

Well, Josh Montgomery, what brings you here? And

who is this sexy specimen of prime male flesh?”

Josh chuckled, pulling Mark closer to him. “Wendy, this

is my boyfriend Mark. Mark, this is Wendy Harris, Lance
Rogers and Patrick Hall. They work here during the off
season, keeping the lodge spider and rat free.”

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Wendy’s brow arched and she smiled. “Boyfriend,

huh? Never would’ve suspected it. But damn, I can see
why.” Wendy let her gaze roam over Mark slowly.

Hey now,” Josh pulled Mark behind him. “Stop eyeing

my man like you just found him on the top shelf at the
Man Candy store.”

Patrick laughed and stood up, putting his hand out.

“Nice to meet you Mark, it’s about time someone stole
Josh’s heart.”

Mark clasped the other man’s hand and smiled. “Well,

he didn’t go willingly.”

No shit, huh?” Patrick laughed out loud and lightly

punched Josh’s shoulder.

Josh smiled down at Mark and pulled his face up gently

with his fingertips. “Yes, Mark shocked me, that’s for

Lance coughed and stood up, smiling. “I thought it

would be a big breasted chick with no brains. Glad to see
I was wrong.” Lance held out his hand out to Mark.

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“Good to meet you Mark.”

Wendy watched Josh and Mark together and winked.

“You guys here for some food? We got sandwich

That sounds awesome, Wendy. Just point me in the

right direction.” Josh took his jacket off and helped Mark
with his.

Mark sat down as Josh left to get the food. He could

feel the trio’s eyes on him as he watched Josh’s ass
walking away. He felt a hand on his and looked up to see
Wendy smiling at him. “What?” Mark blushed.

He looks so happy. I’m glad you put a smile on his

face.” Wendy sat back and sipped her hot chocolate. “I
would’ve never figured Josh as gay though, big surprise

Mark shifted in his chair and bit his bottom lip. “I don’t

think Josh even knew.”

Josh came back with bread and various cold cuts,

putting them on the table. He grabbed the jar of mayo
sitting in front of Wendy and sat down, pulling four pieces
of bread out of the bag. “So what do you want babe?

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Ham or roast beef?”

Mark blushed at the term ‘Babe’ and smiled, taking

Josh’s hand. “I can make my own. Go make your phone
calls and I’ll make you a sandwich. What do you want on

Josh leaned over brushing his lips across Mark’s.

“Whatever you want to make, I’ll eat.” Josh stood and
looked at the three other people sitting at the table,
mouths dropped. “Oh stop, you guys act like you’ve
never seen two guys kiss.”

Wendy almost choked on her hot chocolate. “Oh I

have, just not you, Josh. Give me a minute to process
“Josh is gay” then I’ll be okay.”

Josh waved his hand in the air, dismissing Wendy’s

last statement. “Whatever, I’ll be right back. Keep an eye
on my man, please.”

Mark watched Josh’s tight ass walking away and then

turned his attention to making his sandwich. It was quiet
at the table and finally, after five minutes, Mark looked up

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at the three people staring at him. “Okay, what?”

Patrick smiled and took a bite of his sandwich. “You

tamed Josh Montgomery. I never thought I’d be alive to
see the day.”

Mark raised an eyebrow. “Tamed?”

Are you kidding?” Wendy’s eyes went wide. “Josh is

the ultimate fuck em’ and leave em’. You are one special
man, Mark.” Wendy winked and took Marks hand. “Josh
is off the market for good.”

Mark felt his cheeks heating. “Really? You think so?”

Lance sat forward and clasped his hands in front of

him. “Oh yeah, Josh is so far gone. Just the way he looks
at you says it all.”

Mark tried to hide the excitement in his face and went

about spreading mayo on his bread. Was Josh falling for
him? God he hoped so. He’d been falling for Josh from
the moment he’d laid eyes on the man. “If you guys say

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Josh finished his phone calls a half hour later. He’d

called James and told him about Raoul. James assured
him that they would pull up anything and everything they
had on Raoul Rodriquez. Josh told James to check the
hospital’s camera footage as well. Better safe than sorry.
He sat down and looked at the sandwich Mark had made
him and smiled. The wheat bread lay open on his plate,
with two pieces of ham on one side and two of roast beef
on the other, and just a dab of mayo. It was just how he
liked it. Josh leaned in and kissed Mark’s lips, licking a
small dab of mayo off the corner.

Thank you.”

You’re welcome.” Mark felt his pulse racing. The way

Josh looked at him. It was so sexy.

So I figure once we’re done here, I can take you out to

Wonder Lake. We won’t have a lot of daytime left, so
we’d better hurry it up.” Josh bit into his sandwich and

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groaned. God, it was so damn good.

You guys want to take the 4 wheeler back?” Wendy

stood up and searched in her pocket for the keys.

That would be great. Mark had enough of the great

outdoors last night.” Josh squeezed Mark’s thigh under
the table.

Patrick’s eyes went wide, looking at Mark. “You were

the tourist? Wow, we thought for sure you died out

Trust me I thought I

was dead for a while.” Mark

sipped the hot chocolate Wendy had given him and
warmth spread throughout his body. “When I first woke
up, I thought I was in heaven.”

I would too if I woke up to Josh.” Lance laughed and

got a good natured smack from Josh.

Mark’s eyes were wide looking at Lance. “You’re gay

too? God, my gaydar is off.”

Wendy cracked up and patted Mark’s hand. “Don’t

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worry; I thought he was straight for the longest time.”

Yes she did. Until I hit on a tourist and fucked him on

the kitchen floor.” Lance kissed Wendy’s cheek.

And on that note, Mark and I are out of here.” Josh

grabbed the keys from Wendy and turned to make sure
Mark had his jacket zipped. “If any calls come through for
me, patch them into my radio will ya?” Josh took Mark by
the hand and led them back out to the lobby. He double
checked Mark’s jacket and gloves and pulled Mark’s hat
down over his ears.

Josh, I’m not going to be able to see if you keep

bundling me up.” Mark muffled through the scarf that was
wrapped around his face.

Josh pulled the scarf down and gave Mark a quick kiss

on the lips. “That’s what I’m here for.”

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They took the 4 wheeler back to the cabin, and walked

the rest of the way. When they finally reached the lake,
Mark gasped. The hike had been worth it. With the sun
setting, Mount McKinley looked as if lava was flowing
from its peak. The sky was lit up orange and Wonder
Lake held a perfect reflection of the mountain above it.
The sheer beauty of it had Mark speechless.

It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Josh wrapped his arms around

Mark’s waist and rested his head on his shoulder. “There
were so many days I came out here and just stood
looking at it. I’d wonder where you were. What you were
doing. If you were thinking about me as much as I was
thinking about you.”

Mark turned his head and met with Josh’s lips. “I

couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way you kissed me,
touched me, it was all I ever thought about, Josh.” Mark
felt Josh’s lips flowing over his softly. Mark closed his
eyes as Josh turned him around and covered his mouth
with his own. The kiss was soft and Josh’s hands moved

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up Mark’s back. One hand twined itself in his hair, the
other settled on his lower back, putting Mark in a state of
euphoria. He loved the feel of Josh’s lips on his and the
gentle pressure of Josh’s fingers in his hair, pulling Mark
into the kiss, deepening it, until Mark felt like his body
could just melt right into Josh’s.

Mark wanted to pinch himself and make sure it was

really happening. Josh’s tongue explored his mouth,
slicking the sides and rubbing his teeth. Mark let out a
muffled whimper. He forgot about all the beauty around
him except for the beauty of the man standing with him.
Mark’s legs were going out from underneath him as
Josh’s arm pulled him in closer, and their hard pricks
rubbed through the fabric of their clothing. Josh broke the
kiss and was looked in his eyes. All Mark could see was
a slight ring of green around black blown pupils. “Josh.”

We need to go.” Josh adjusted his raging hard on and

took Mark’s hand. “Too bad someone wasn’t out here to
take a picture of us kissing against this backdrop.” Josh
was uncomfortably hard and seriously leaking precome in
his underwear. They needed to get back to the cabin.
The walk back seemed to go faster, seeing as how they
both wanted to finish what they started. Josh helped

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Mark over the bigger drifts of snow and then finally, the
cabin was in sight. Josh stamped his boots on the front
porch and opened the door for Mark.

It’s so warm.” Mark felt the blast of heat hit his face

and warm his cheeks. The fireplace glowed as Mark
added another log to get it going again. Mark turned and
saw Josh looking at him. The black eyes looked Mark
over from head to toe and Mark got hard in seconds flat.

They ran at each other colliding and clothes were

coming off. Josh’s mouth covered Mark’s sending a wave
of pleasure down Mark’s spine and tingling into his toes.
They were pulling and pushing at each other trying to get
their clothes off. Mark slipped Josh’s shirt over his head
and ran his hands up his muscular chest feeling every
ridge on his way. Mark’s mouth found a hard nipple
begging to be licked and took it in his mouth running his
tongue around in circles biting gently.

Oh fuck,” Josh groaned and grabbed Mark’s ass

pulling him flush with his hips. Josh pulled Mark’s pants
past his hips and slid his hand over Mark’s ass as he
undid the button on his own pants and slid them down

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with one hand all while Mark stayed attached to his
nipple. The biting and sucking was driving Josh fucking
crazy and he pried Mark off his nipple taking Mark’s
mouth. “I want your skin on me Mark.”

Mark walked backwards towards the couch with Josh’s

lips on his. Mark’s shirt came off and then Josh was on
his knees pulling Mark’s pants off the rest of the way.
Mark laid back on the bed naked watching Josh’s face.
“Do you want me Josh?” Every part of Mark was afraid of
the answer even though he knew what it was. The look
in Josh’s eyes was the same it had been the night of their
first kiss, full of want and need. Mark watched as Josh
took the remainder of his clothing off and stroked his own

Fuck yes I want you. I want you every day from

morning until night. I want you in my bed and in my life.”
Josh crawled up Mark’s body leaving light kisses up his
inner thigh as his hands rubbed Mark’s stomach. “God I
love how you smell Mark.” Josh ran his cheek across
Mark’s hard leaking prick and buried his face in the
crease of his groin. “I love everything about you.”

Mark’s hand fumbled for Josh and he pulled him up to

his lips bucking his hips in need. He wanted Josh’s hot
fucking skin on him. Josh’s cock left a trail of precome up

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Mark’s leg as he inched his way up kissing and licking
Mark’s stomach then chest. Little teasing bites around
Mark’s nipple and then Mark felt Josh’s tongue lapping at
it, sucking in one nipple while he tweaked the other one.
“Fuck,” Mark arched his back as Josh continued to suck
and bite his nipples as his cock rubbed up and down
Mark’s thigh. “I want to feel your dick on mine.”

Mmm,” Josh pulled his lower body up and felt the silky

skin of Mark’s cock glide across his own. Slick with pre -
ejaculate their pricks glided effortlessly over one another
and the fucking heat was driving Josh crazy. His whole
body screamed to get closer to Mark as his body
continued rocking, rutting their pricks together. If Josh
had ever thought he couldn’t get off just rubbing pricks
with a guy he’d have been wrong. His sensitive cock was
a mess of nerves and his body shook as his ass
clenched when thoughts strayed to Mark fucking him.
Marks’ fingers threaded into his hair and then he was
being pulled into Mark’s hot wet mouth and then Josh
lost his fucking mind.

He grabbed Mark and wrapped his arms around him as

his hips jerked and bucked, rutting their cocks together
harder dragging sweet friction and heat over their pricks.
God he couldn’t stop. Josh wanted to cum screaming
Mark’s name. His balls drew up uncomfortably close to

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his body and Josh’s ass muscles clenched then the
spark hit behind his eyes. He felt Mark’s body shudder
below him and then warmth spread across his stomach.
His eyes rolled back and his toes curled as he shot
spurts of spunk all over Mark. Josh’s body jerked and he
collapsed on Mark breathing hard. Jesus, if rubbing
pricks together felt this good he could only wonder what
it would be like to have Mark’s cock in his ass. “Fuck.

I know,” Mark tried to regulate his breathing but holy

hell. Every fantasy he’d ever had about Josh just got
blown out the window by reality. Mark’s body was still
processing what just happened. He’d had sex before but
this, this was better than anything and they hadn’t even
been inside each other. It’s was frightening and alluring
all at the same time. Mark was starting to wonder if they’d
explode when they finally did have sex. “Are you alright?”

Josh ran his nose through Mark’s hair and kissed his

forehead. “I never thought it could be like that you know?
I mean being with a woman just doesn’t compare to being
with you Mark and for so many fucking reasons. With the
women it was just fucking, mindless just getting off
fucking but with you…” Josh lifted his head and looked
into Mark’s eyes, eyes that at that moment understood
everything Josh wanted to say without having to say it.

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He was going to say it anyway. “The second I saw you I
don’t know…it was like a bolt of lightning hit me. I
couldn’t think about anything else but you Mark.” Josh
ran his fingertips over Mark’s forehead and down his
nose then traced his lips. “I’ve never felt like this with

I haven’t either and it’s scary but exciting at the same

time. I always wondered if I’d know when I met the right
guy. Like there’d be this Ah ha! Moment but when we met
I was so worried I’d had that Ah ha moment for the wrong
guy. I mean you were straight and I was…well not. That
complicated things because I wanted you so much Josh,
the night you kissed me I wanted so much more.”

Josh took Mark’s face in his hands. “I did want you

then and I want you even more now. I don’t think I’m ever
going to stop wanting you Mark. Not ever.”

Mark closed his eyes as Josh kissed him again. Soft

gentle strokes of Josh’s tongue thoroughly licking the
inside of his mouth. Mark felt like there were butterflies in
his stomach. His palms were sweating as Josh pulled him
in closer deepening a kiss Mark didn’t think could get
deeper. His whole body was on fire as Josh’s hand
slipped up Mark’s thigh and gripped his ass. Mark
whimpered again and broke the kiss, breaths ragged,

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cock hard as a rock. “We have to stop, Jesus I’m going to
cum again just from kissing you.”

Oh thank God it’s not just me.” Josh chuckled and

dropped his head into the crook of Mark’s neck. Josh
pulled the blanket over them and rolled Mark into his
chest. He kissed Mark’s forehead and dropped a kiss on
his nose. “Night Mark,”

Night Josh,

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~Chapter Seven~

Josh didn’t know how hard it was going to be to take

things slow with Mark until a week into their stay. He had
arranged something to do every day just to keep his mind
off of sex and at the same time showing Mark what
Denali had to offer. As it was, it was the longest he’d ever
been with anyone without jumping into bed with them.
Josh was watching Mark outside playing in the snow with
Dakota. Mark was grabbing Dakota’s tail then running
and Dakota would give Mark a head start before
grabbing a pant leg in his teeth and taking Mark down.
As soon as Mark was down he’d wrestle Dakota onto his
back and tickle his belly. Josh chuckled watching
Dakota’s surprised face, if he had to take a guess Dakota
wasn’t used to being tickled.

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Josh’s radio was crackling to life and Mateo’s voice

came over loud and clear.

Yo Montgomery,” Mateo chuckled.

Josh grabbed the radio and smiled. “Hey Mateo, got

any news for me?”

You’re not going to like it. We found info on Raoul

Rodriquez, James and I looked over countless hours of
hospital video and guess who we saw sitting in the
corner of the cafeteria watching Mark with his

Son of a bitch, I fucking knew it!” Josh grabbed the

counter and squeezed. “He watched him, played him,
Jesus Christ.”

Oh that’s not the worst part. That mansion you blew

up in Peru, Manuel’s? Yeah, Raoul paid cash for it and
put it in Manuel’s name.”

Josh felt the bile rising in his throat. Raoul had been

responsible for everything Mark had endured and what

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was worse was Mark had told the man he was going to
Alaska. “You get a fix on him now?”

We’re watching every means of travel. I’ll let you know

as soon as I do.”

Josh could hear Riley in the background and Mateo

was shushing him. Josh watched Mark outside and he
knew he wasn’t going to hold out for long. Mark had been
through enough though. Josh was going to have to
bottom. “Um Mateo? Can I ask you something kinda


What does it feel like you know when… well you

know?” Josh heard silence on the other end and thought
they had been disconnected. “Mateo?”

Yeah, I’m sorry I thought I heard one of my best friends

ask me what it felt like to have a dick in his ass.”

Jesus Christ Mat,”

Look, it fucking hurts like hell the first time, like

someone is shoving a bowling pin up your ass fat end
first. Then the need to shit takes on a whole new

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Josh rolled his eyes. “That’s just great Mat, thanks.”

Josh could hear Riley fighting for the phone and then
Riley was on the line.

Josh, don’t let Mateo scare you okay? Look Mark has

done it before so he would know how to make you feel
comfortable.” Riley lowered his voice. “If I were you
though I would start fingering my own ass with as many
fingers as I could take.”

Gee thanks Riley, I’ll remember that.” Josh sat down

and looked at the bottle of vegetable oil on the counter.
Would that work as lube? “Any other thoughts you’d like
to share?”

Yes, if Mark is as good as I think he is you’ll get a rim


Okay, what the fuck is a rim job? How did we go from

sex to cars?” Josh heard Riley’s high pitched laugh.
“Dammit, what is so funny?”

Never mind Josh, Mark will take excellent care of you.

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Mateo says he’ll call back when they have a fix on

Okay, thanks Riley talk to you guys later.” Josh

switched the radio off and turned to see Mark looking at
him. “Hey.”

What about Raoul?” Mark sat down at the table and

looked at Josh.

Mateo and James are tracking his movements.” Josh

tried to look anywhere but at Mark.

Why would they be tracking him? He’s an ex.” Mark

narrowed his eyes at Josh. “Tell me Josh.”

Josh pulled Mark into his lap and took Mark’s face in

his hands. “Raoul is behind everything. I’m so sorry
Mark.” Josh saw Mark’s face go pale and then he was up
in an instant running for the bathroom. Josh ran after him
and found Mark shaking over the toilet. “Oh god, there’s
just no way to sugarcoat it.” Josh grabbed a wash cloth
and wet it running it over Mark’s forehead. “He watched
you Mark, all your movements, where you went, what you

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did. He knew where you were going in Peru.”

Just stop,” Mark took a deep breath and gripped the

toilet tighter, knuckles white. “You think he’s coming here
don’t you?”

Josh sat down on the bathroom floor and pulled Mark

to sit between his legs. He put his arms around Mark and
kissed his neck. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, you know
that right? I’ll kill anyone that comes near you.”

Mark closed his eyes and leaned back into Josh’s

warmth. “I know. I trust you Josh. I just feel so stupid, he
conned me and I fell for it. Now I’m damaged goods
because of Raoul.”

Josh turned Mark’s face to his. “Don’t you ever say that

again, you are not damaged goods Mark,” Josh ran his
hand across Mark’s silky skin. “You are the most
beautiful caring man I’ve ever met.”

And God help me I’m

falling for you. Josh could see the tears just under the
surface of those big blue pools just waiting to cascade
over the lashes and fall. “Make love to me, Mark.”

Mark pushed Josh away and stood up. God he didn’t

need this, some pity fuck because he was sad and felt
used. “Don’t do this Josh,”

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Don’t do what?” Josh stood up and took Mark in his

arms. “What am I doing? I want this, don’t you want me?”

Jesus of course I do, I don’t want some pity fuck from

you.” Mark turned and left the bathroom, he hadn’t even
made it to the kitchen when Josh grabbed his wrist.

You think that’s what this is?” Josh pulled Mark into

his chest and put Mark’s hand on his cock. “Feel that?
That’s what you do to me, just you, the way you are how
you kiss.” Josh brushed his lips across Mark’s. “Your
lips, your hands,” Josh slid his tongue across the seam
of Mark’s lips. “I want you because you’re beautiful, I
wanted you the second I saw you. So stop—”

Josh moaned as Mark gripped his hair and hauled him

into a kiss that had his knees buckling and his cock
leaking. He had never had his mouth fucked by
someone’s tongue but Mark was doing one hell of a job.
Mark pushed him on the couch and stripped off his own
shirt and pants. Josh was trying to get his clothing off
and then Mark was on top of him. Wet searing kisses
went down his chest as Mark practically ate him like a

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damn meal “Fuck. Mark.”

Anything I need to know?” Mark licked a path down

Josh’s chest.


Me too.”

So we’re good.”

Yep,” Mark took Josh’s cock in one fluid movement

sucking him to the back of his throat.

Jesus!” Josh’s head went back hitting the pillow and

his fingers white knuckled the sheets. Mark’s tongue was
sliding through his slit dipping in deep.

Oh God, Oh God,” Josh squeezed his eyes shut and

fought his orgasm back.

Mark sucked the head of Josh’s dick flicking his tongue

under the sensitive rim all while his fingers played with
Josh’s heavy sac. He coated his finger in spit and played
at Josh’s puckered hole. Mark smiled as Josh let loose

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with some curse words as his fingers played at the
bundle of nerves around Josh’s opening. More long
drags on Josh’s cock and Mark took him in swallowing
him whole. He dragged his teeth lightly on his way back
up. “Fuck you taste good.”

Oh shit, shit, shit, shit,” Josh tried to hold onto

something, anything to anchor himself as Mark
continuously sucked his brain out of his fucking body.
The fingers played and Josh felt one slide in his ass.
Heat seared up his chute as Mark’s finger broke through
the barrier of

that’s not right and then it became oh my

fucking God so good as Mark found Josh’s spot. “Fuck
yes, right there.”

Mark twisted his finger up rubbing Josh’s sensitive nub

until Josh’s legs were shaking and Mark felt Josh’s sac
draw up closer to his body. He slid his finger out gently
then pushed Josh’s legs up by his ears. “Hang onto to

What? W—” Josh almost flew off the damn bed as

Mark swiped his tongue across his hole. “Oh Fuck!” Josh
was watching Mark as the man basically ate his ass like
he was starving. It was the single most erotic thing he’d
ever seen, not to mention naughty. The sensation of
Mark’s hot tongue gliding over his hole had Josh

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breaking out in a fine sheen of sweat. He couldn’t stop
watching, Mark’s tongue was fucking talented. He’d had
chicks lick his ass before but Mark was a goddamn
expert. Josh’s cock was screaming for release. Mark
looked up at him just then, pupils blown, lips red.

I’m going to make you scream.” Mark growled.

O-okay…” Josh swallowed hard and nodded his head.

Somehow he’d managed one word during the fantastic
ass licking. Josh watched as Mark’s thumb rubbed
across his hole then the tip slid in and out. Josh sucked
in a breath as Mark brought his other thumb into the mix,
both thumbs spreading him out. Mark’s tongue did a slow
circle around Josh’s ass before Mark spread his asshole
open and speared his tongue inside. “Oh fuck, fuck,
fuck,” Josh thought he’d pass out from Mark fucking his
ass with his damn tongue, sharp strokes in and out
followed by Mark biting and sucking his ass. Just when
Josh thought he was going to pass out Mark grabbed his
aching prick and started stroking him turning him into a
desperate babbling idiot. “Oh God please, please, please

Not yet sweetie, have to stretch you out more.” Mark

let Josh’s legs down and kept stroking in long even drags
on his cock as his fingers kept their even stroke in Josh’s

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ass. As soon as Mark felt Josh relax around one he
added another one. Josh’s ass clenched around his two
fingers and Mark slowed down his rub. “Feel good
baby?” Mark leaned in to kiss Josh licking his lips letting
Josh taste himself. Josh moaned and Mark twisted his
fingers scissoring them back and forth then angling and
pushing up.

Gunna come, oh God no, not yet.” Josh shook his

head back and forth. He needed to come, Goddamn he
had to come. His dick hurt so much he knew if he could
just release that…oh shit. Josh felt his balls draw up and
his stomach rippled.

Let it go Josh.” Mark rubbed his fingers upwards again

hitting Josh’s prostate and stroked Josh’s cock upward
twisting his hand around the crown and squeezed. The
loud howl that left Josh’s mouth could be considered a
scream in Mark’s book as Josh shot cum in arcs all over
the bed and Mark’s chest.

Ohhh,” Josh’s body was still jerking and he swore he

was still coming. Mark’s fingers were still buried in his
ass and then Mark was over him kissing him and then the

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burn came. “Oh Fuck!”

Mark stopped and waited, he had his dick in Josh up to

the crown. Shit, he was going to need lube. “Hang on a
second.” Mark pulled out slowly then got up and looked
around the kitchen.

Vegetable,” Josh blurt it out.

Huh?” Mark looked on the counter and saw the

vegetable oil.

Fuck it. Mark brought the bottle back and

covered his cock in Vegetable oil as well as Josh’s
quivering hole. Mark grabbed the shaft of his prick and
slowly pressed in Josh’s tight ass. “You okay?”

That’s not your fingers.” Josh took deep breaths and

tried to relax. He felt Mark’s hand on his inner thigh
pushing his legs out further

.Oh fuck, fuck, and fuck.

Josh opened his eyes to see Mark’s blue ones looking
into his face. God but he was beautiful, those soft lips
curved up in a smile.

Relax,” Mark slid in another inch and Josh stiffened

again. Mark took his mouth in a slow lazy kiss inching in
a little at a time. Their tongues rubbed and stroked, long
licks inside sliding, tasting. Fuck but the feel of Josh’s
ass with no rubber, Mark squeezed his eyes shut trying

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to keep his dick from going off too soon. He felt every
damn ridge and vein pulse in Josh’s ass. He’d never had
sex without a condom and now Mark was glad he had
waited for it. Josh’s hot tight ass was worth it.

Too much, too fast,” Josh heard his fucking heart

pounding in his ears. The burn in his ass making him feel
like he was being split in half. “Bowling pin…too much…”

Mark stopped moving and waited for Josh to relax

around him. He licked Josh’s lips and coaxed his tongue
out. “You need to relax Josh, I trust you with my life.
Trust me with your body.”

Josh nodded and closed his eyes taking deep breaths

and trying to get his body to relax. He felt Mark moving
slowly drawing out then a slow push in. Josh looked
down to see Mark was only half way in. That innocent
cock he’d had in his mouth was not so innocent when it
was half rammed up his ass. Josh moved his body with
Mark’s meeting his movements and just when Josh
thought it would never stop hurting. It did. The pleasure
rushed up to meet him as Mark thrust in and rubbed his
cockhead over Josh’s prostate. Josh spread his legs out
and his fingers gripped Mark’s biceps as he moved with
Mark meeting each thrust with renewed confidence. Shit,
no wonder guys loved fucking.

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Feel better?” Mark grabbed one of the pillows and slid

it under Josh’s ass. “Does it still hurt?” Josh shook his
head and Mark thrust in a little harder. Fuck but his arms
hurt trying to keep the position he was in, every thrust of
his hips was even and controlled and Mark thought he
was going to pass out. His fucking balls were up his ass
they were so tight. He needed to come and he was going
to have to suck it up. Josh’s eyes were closed as Mark
thrust in a little harder with every in -stroke.

Mark leaned over and wrapped his arms around Josh

kissing him as his hips rolled at different angles staying
deep in Josh’s ass. Soft moans escaped Josh’s lips into
his mouth and Mark’s arms were covered in sweat, Mark
gripped Josh’s prick in his hand and stroked him in time
with his thrusts. He could see the finish line as Josh’s
moans were coming out louder and Mark’s dick was
about to fall off. “I’m going to kick it up a notch.”

Josh felt the slam and his eyes went wide as his dick

shot out spurts of cum, his whole body shook and jerked

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as he came and came and came shooting all over Mark,
the bed and himself. Mark let out a loud groan above him
and then Josh felt the warmth in his ass, it spread
through his body and Josh clenched his ass muscles
around Mark’s cock. “Mark,”

Oh fuck!” Mark thrust in again his orgasm still shooting

hard and fast in Josh’s ass. Mark’s ass clenched and he
collapsed on Josh desperately trying to get his breath
back. His cock was still throbbing as Josh’s hands ran up
and down his back softly. “Oh my fucking God. Jesus
Christ, Josh. I’ve never felt like that.”

Our heavenly lord and his son? Must have been a

good fuck.” Josh chuckled and grabbed Mark’s ass.

Mark lifted his head and looked in Josh’s eyes. This

wasn’t some fuck and Josh knew it. Mark didn’t just fuck
anyone, although Raoul was an exception to the rule. For
some odd reason Raoul had made Mark forget his rules.
No one night stands, no fucks with some guy he
randomly knew. Now Mark knew he should have listened
to his fucking head instead of his dick. “You and I both
know that wasn’t a fuck Josh.”

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Josh caressed Mark’s cheek and ran his hand to the

nape of Mark’s neck and pulled him into a kiss. “I know,”
Josh brushed his lips softly across Mark’s. “I knew the
difference right away. You made love to me.”

Mark opened his mouth to Josh’s insistent tongue and

the world fell away as Josh took his breath away. He’d
never been kissed the way Josh kissed him. It held the
promise of everything Mark ever wanted, love,
commitment and a family. Josh rolled them over keeping
Mark snugly in his ass and the kissing was slow, soft and
wet. God he knew he was making little whimpering
noises but it seemed to turn Josh on more. Josh’s hard
cock was on his stomach and Mark realized his own cock
was rising to the occasion again. “Fuck I’m hard again.”
Mark moaned in Josh’s mouth.

So am I,” Josh moved his ass downward pushing

Mark’s cock back inside deep. “Oh fuck yeah…fuck that
feels better the second time around.” Josh moved his
legs out to the side and straddled Mark. “Push up,”

Mark smiled, “I’ve created a sex fiend.” Mark pushed

his hips up sliding his cock into Josh’s tunnel. Fuck it was
just as tight as the first time around and Mark knew he
wasn’t going to last long. He grabbed Josh’s cock and

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stroked him as he pumped his hips.

Josh planted his feet on the mattress and elevated his

ass pushing down when Mark came up. The mix of lube
and Mark’s orgasm in his ass made it slick and warm. He
closed his eyes and moved with Mark, he could feel the
rim of Mark’s cock gliding against his fucking prostate
making his ass spasm with each thrust. Mark’s hand
moved in a nice slow stroke over his cock and Josh
reached around his own body to play with Mark’s balls.
“Fuck babe, you are so fucking hot.” Josh let his eyes
roam Mark’s body, that soft milky white skin, not one hair
on his smooth chest, the muscular abdomen. “I want to
feel you come in my ass again.”

Mark felt Josh’s ass clench on his cock and he sucked

a breath in as Josh moved with him in a rhythm. That hot
tight ass all around his cock made Mark want to fucking
scream and cry. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d
been able to get it up so fast. Josh rolled his hips coming
down on Mark’s cock and Mark gripped the sheets. “Oh
fuck yeah. Do it again.”

Josh swiveled his hips on his next push down and

Mark grabbed his biceps, fingers digging in.

Damn, I’m

good with either sex. Mark’s breathing and noises had
Josh joining Mark’s hand on his cock. Mark was meeting

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Josh with the same speed now and they rocked together,
bodies writhing, sweat soaking the sheets beneath them.
Josh took Mark’s bottom lip and bit it softly sucking it in.
Mark opened his mouth and Josh slid in smooth like silk
as their movements became more erratic and Josh
clenched his ass muscles adding to the sweet tight
friction. Josh felt the pull on his balls and he moaned in
Mark’s mouth as Mark jerked his hips up. “Fuck,

Mark felt the splash of cum on his stomach and chest,

Josh’s loud growl ignited Mark’s cock into full blown
orgasm shooting hard and fast in Josh’s ass. Mark’s hips
bucked and jerked as his orgasm pushed him over the
fucking edge of sanity. “Fuck…oh fuck…” Mark closed
his eyes as Josh’s mouth took his again. Jesus, Mark
was going to get hard again. “Wait, wait,” Mark broke the
kiss panting. weatI think my cock may fall off.”

Josh chuckled and kissed Mark’s neck running his

tongue up the side and circled his earlobe. “Bet you
regret introducing me to sex now.” Josh ran his hand
down Mark’s inner thigh pushing his legs out. Josh slowly
moved up letting Mark’s cock slide out. Damn, it


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getting hard again.

Shit, so is mine. Josh laughed softly

pulling Mark into his chest and grabbed his ass.

Oh God,” Mark buried his face in Josh’s chest. “You

sexy beast,” If this was how their sex life was going to be
Mark would either need a dick implant or Viagra.
Although keeping his cock hard was a non-issue at the
moment. “You sure transitioned quickly.”

Josh looked at Mark eyebrow raised. “You think I

would be this way with just any guy? Hell Mark, it never
even crossed my mind to be intimate with a man until I
saw you.” Josh traced Mark’s lips with his fingertip. “I
know I say it a lot but Jesus Mark, you are so beautiful.”

Mark felt the heat rising in his cheeks. “No I’m not, stop

saying that.” Mark tried to hide his face and felt Josh’s
fingertips pulling his chin up. There was anger in those
eyes but Mark knew it wasn’t directed at him.

Look at me,” Josh took Mark’s face and held it to his

own, lips barely pressed against each other. “You, Mark
Patterson, are gorgeous.” Josh ran his tongue over
Mark’s bottom lip and smiled. “I hope you’re mine.”

Mark knew his face was one of shock. His heart was

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beating a mile a minute. “I am yours. I was from the
minute we met.” Josh was on him so fast his breath left
him in a gasp. Josh dove in his mouth and took it. Mark
wrapped his hands in Josh’s hair and moved with him,
loving the feel of Josh’s tongue pressed against his own.
Mark always loved to kiss and now he had found
someone who loved it just as much. It seemed like hours
had gone buy when Josh finally raised his head leaving
soft kisses on his lips. “Tired?”

Josh smiled and got up. He put another log in the

fireplace and grabbed snacks from the kitchen along with
two bottles of water. He handed a bottle to Mark and sat
down cross legged on the couch. “Can I ask you


At the hospital, when I asked if you if there was

anyone I should call for you,” Mark nodded and Josh
took his hand. “You said there wasn’t, what about your

Mark sat up and took a drink of his water. “They

disowned me when I came out to them. My dad said I
was disgrace and they told me never to talk to them
again unless I brought a girl home.” Mark grabbed a chip

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from the bag Josh had brought out and nibbled on the
end of it. “So, as you can see I’m not married and I have
no interest in pussy.”

Josh spit his water out, half of it went up his nose and

he coughed trying to clear his lungs. “Shit,”

Sorry,” Mark smiled and patted Josh’s back. “What

about you? I mean all of a sudden you like dick? I’m not
buying it.” Mark shook his head. “There had to be some
kind of sign.”

Josh grabbed Mark’s foot and pulled him closer. “I’ve

had a lot of time to think about it. I think I always found
men attractive. When I was younger I know I did but my
Dad’s strict military upbringing made that impossible. I
think somehow I squished that impulse down and just
fucked women. That’s the weird part. I must have known
somehow, I’ve never been in love, never once said I love
you to a woman.” Josh threaded his fingers in Mark’s. “I
know how I feel about you though. I haven’t stopped
thinking about you, that’s never happened before. I’m
falling for you Mark.” Josh waited for Mark to say
something, anything, but he sat there looking like he was
in a daze. Josh swore he heard crickets. “Mark?”

Mark blinked twice. “What did you say?” He could have

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sworn Josh said…no, that wasn’t possible. He was
hearing things, shit he

had fucked his brains out.

Josh dragged Mark over to him and wrapped his legs

around Mark’s waist. “I said I’m falling for you.” Josh
pulled Mark’s face up until their foreheads were pressed
together. “I am falling for you. Did you hear me?”


Josh pulled back. “What kind of question is that?

Dammit Mark.” Josh held Mark’s head in his hands and
made him look in his eyes. “I am falling for you because
you are a beautiful human being inside and out. Now,
say you understand.” Mark nodded and Josh shook his
head. “No, say you understand.”

I understand,” Mark felt Josh’s warmth wrap around

him and wrapped his own arms around Josh’s neck. “I’m
falling for you too.” Mark whispered.

Josh smiled and held Mark tighter. “Good,” Josh pulled

Mark down on the bed and wrapped his arms around
him. “Now go to sleep.”

Hey Josh.”

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That thing I did with my tongue on your ass,”


That’s a rim job, nothing to do with cars.”

Eavesdropping asshole,” Josh chuckled.

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~Chapter Eight~

Josh woke up to soft breaths in his neck and smiled,

Mark was in his arms. It was already comfortable and that
was saying a lot. He’d never woken up with someone
and now he was doing it all the time. Josh heard Mark’s
soft snore, God even that was adorable. Josh ran a hand
down to Mark’s ass and pulled him in closer, his cock
was already getting hard again, shit. Josh pulled Mark
out of his neck gently looking at his face. Perfect cupid
bow lips, Josh licked Mark’s bottom lip and waited for a

I’m getting hard.” Mark rolled over on his back and

stared at the ceiling.

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Yeah? I’m already there.” Josh rolled on top of Mark

and kissed him. “Is it weird that I could spend all day in
bed with you and it still wouldn’t be enough?” Josh bit
Mark’s chin and rubbed their noses together.

Oh God, you’re pathetic,” Mark covered his ribs as

Josh tickled him. “You have become this huge sap.”

Are you saying I’ve lost my cool guy points?” Josh

flexed his bicep.

Jesus how big are your fucking biceps?” Mark ran his

hand over Josh’s bicep and tried to put his hand around
it. He ended up using both hands and still couldn’t. “Fuck
that’s hot.” Mark traced the scorpion tattoo on Josh’s
chest. “Did it hurt?”

Josh looked down at his chest. The scorpion tattoo

was just one in a series on his body. “Nope, but this
fucking did.” Josh turned around and showed Mark his

Jesus! Is that a bullet scar?” Mark looked closer, there

was more than one. “”What the fuck happened?

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Josh lay on his stomach as Mark straddled his ass. He

closed his eyes as Mark’s hands slid up and down his
back. “It happened in Afghanistan. Me, Mateo, Troy, Sam
and Derek came across some insurgents on our mission.
They ambushed us and we are all shot, some worse than
others, but we kept going at them.” Josh closed his eyes
as Mark’s soft hands trailed down his back and slid in the
crease of his ass. “The bullet hit me in the shoulder and
bounced around before exiting my back.”

Mark bent over and kissed the scar letting his tongue

slide over it. Mark kissed his way down Josh’s spine and
trailed his tongue over Josh’s ass biting one cheek. Josh
squirmed and Mark slid down Josh’s thighs keeping his
hands on his ass. “I’m going to do so many things to you
Josh. You’ll wonder why you ever fucked women.”

Josh felt his ass cheeks being spread apart and then

Mark’s tongue was up his ass and Josh gripped the
pillow letting out a loud moan. “Holy shit,” Josh arched
his hips up trying to grab at his cock. Mark’s hand
stopped him. “What?” Josh looked over his shoulder at
Mark’s face.

Nope,” Mark pulled Josh’s hand out and put it above

his head. “Don’t touch, just lay there.” Mark smiled as his
tongue ran the length of Josh from his neck back down to

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his ass. He spread those beautiful cheeks apart and
licked his lips looking at Josh’s hole waiting for him. “Feel
free to make noise though.”

Josh did. He made a hell of a lot of noise as Mark’s

tongue fucked him. He almost ripped the pillow in half as
Mark speared his ass over and over again alternating
fingers with tongue. Flicking around the rim then diving in
again and again until Josh was shaking and arching his
ass up higher begging for Mark to let him cum and just
when he thought he would Mark would stop. The purest
of tortures was being performed on him and Josh’s cock
was killing him, at this point he was not above begging.
“Please let me cum Mark,”

Mark slid three fingers in and rubbed a slow sweet

rhythm until Josh was shaking then he pressed down on
soft silky skin and Josh hiked his ass up. “Cum for me

Josh let out a hoarse cry and shot ropes of cum onto

the bed below him. Jesus, Mark hadn’t even touched his
cock. Josh’s brain shut off and he was pretty sure he
passed out. When he opened his eyes Mark was

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sprawled out next to him fingers running through Josh’s
hair. “I’ve seen the face of God.” Josh leaned in and
kissed Mark tasting himself on his lips.

Yeah? Is he hot?”

Hell yes he is.” Josh smiled as Mark licked around one

of his nipples. “You are going to be the death of me you

You’ll die happy and well fucked.”

That is a plus.” Josh pulled Mark closer. “I have to

know something.”

Okay. What is it?” Mark rubbed his nose over Josh’s

face breathing in the scent of soap and something that
could only be described as manly.

Did you and Mateo ever, well, you know.”

Mark pulled Josh’s arms around him. “We did not have

sex, would you like to know what did happen between

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Josh shook his head. “No I just wanted,” Josh sighed.

“I don’t want to be in competition with Mat.”

Oh Josh,” Mark rolled over on top of Josh. “There is

no competition. I always thought Mateo was good
looking, even when I was younger but you,” Mark slid his
tongue across Josh’s lips. “You are everything I have
ever wanted. Besides, aren’t I in competition with every
woman you have ever been with?”

Josh laughed. “Hell, there is no competition. None of

them ever made me feel the way you do. You have one
hell of a talented tongue.”

Mark licked his lips slowly. “Yeah.”

Oh fuck yeah,” Josh flipped them over and pinned

Mark to the bed. “Now, I’m going to kiss the shit out of

Hot damn.”

They kissed for what seemed like hours and Mark

gasped for breath as Josh took his mouth hard, devoured
him and left him trembling beneath him. They finally came
up for air and Mark smiled tracing Josh’s lips with the tips
of his fingers. “I met one of your women by the way.”

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Josh’s brows furrowed and he tilted his head. “Which


Sabine ring any bells?” Mark smiled as Josh’s face

went red.

Oh, where did you run into her?”

Dallas, she was working a flight but she came and sat

with me asking me why I looked so sad, small world

The women I’ve been through? It’s going to get a lot

smaller.” Josh sighed. “God I’m so sorry.”

Don’t be, she told me about the flight you were on with

her, how you said you couldn’t be with her.” Mark smiled
at the look on Josh’s face, he looked embarrassed. “It’s
okay, I feel the same way. My heart belongs to you Josh

Really?” Josh whispered looking into Mark’s eyes, he

could see something in them, and he hoped it was love.
He had wanted to love someone. He just hadn’t found

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that person, until Mark.

How could you think anything else?” Mark smiled and

wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck, the heat from their
bodies making Mark sweat almost instantly. “So what are
we doing today?”

Well,” Josh looked at the time. “Shit, is it really eight in

the morning? I have to help Wayne today. You are
welcome to join us.”

I thought I’d take a hike so I could go with you guys

and just hang behind a little so I don’t’ get in your way.”

Not possible.” Josh kissed Mark and felt their dicks

hardening. “Okay, we need to stop for now, plenty of time
for this tonight. How about we get a fire going tonight and
have steaks, then we can make hot chocolate and roast

Sounds good,” Mark smiled and got out of bed, the

floor was icy cold and he shivered. “Shouldn’t the area
rug be on the side of the floor that isn’t under the bed?”

I’ll fix it.”

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After a hot shower that had him up against the wall as

Josh kissed him, Mark got dressed and smiled as Josh
checked him over to make sure every part of him was
covered from the cold. They headed out of the cabin into
the sun and cold of the Alaska wilderness. Mark couldn’t
get over how beautiful it was, miles of trees dipped with
the weight of snow. White surrounded everything and
Mark could see moose off in the distance. “Do they ever
get close?”

They have, and they aren’t so bad unless they have

their babies with them.”

They met up with Wayne and Mark liked him

immediately. He had a dry sense of humor and genuinely
liked Josh and had been nothing but sweet to Mark. “So
you have to put up with my Josh huh?” Mark smiled as
Josh’s face went red.

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Yeah, and he is your Josh isn’t he? Never seen the

man so damn happy Mark,” Wayne clapped Josh on the
back. “You did damn good Montgomery and Mark’s a
doctor. You know how parents love it when their kid
marries a doctor.”

Josh sputtered and he knew his face was five shades

of red. “Damn Wayne, stop marrying Mark off. I don’t
even know if he believes in marriage.”

I do,” Mark smiled and took Josh’s hand. “At least I do


Remember those words Mark,” Wayne winked. “You’ll

be saying “I do” in no time.”

Josh sighed and rolled his eyes. “Can we please get to

work? Mark and I have plans later.”

Does it involve lube?” Wayne waggled his eyebrows.

Oh lord,” Josh sighed as Mark cracked up. “You see

what I have to put up with?”

Mark laughed and trailed behind them as they went

about taking the bear and wolf traps apart. When Josh
had said they were going in the woods a half mile in Mark

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took a break from the walk and sat in the snow. Josh
caressed his cold cheeks and kissed him softly.

Don’t wander away okay?”

Mark smiled as Josh’s warm lips covered his own, a

slow swipe of his tongue over Mark’s and a gentle caress
of his hand and then Josh disappeared into the woods.
Mark sat back and looked at the sun slowly descending
and had to sigh. He loved it out here. He could see
spending his life with Josh out in Alaska. The sound of
wood cracking had him turning around looking for Josh
but he didn’t see him.

Mark turned back around and closed his eyes taking it

all in. He heard the sound of breathing and then a soft
snort, his eyes opened and he was looking into the
brown eyes of a white wolf. Mark stayed still as the wolf
approached him carefully, he didn’t want to spook it and
end up getting bit. The wolf was circling slowly and his
hair was smelled from behind then he felt a cold nose on
his hand as the wolf slid his muzzle under Mark’s palm.

Well hi there,” Mark petted the wolf cautiously making

sure his movements were slow. “Aren’t you just
beautiful?” The wolf sat down just looking at him as Mark
rubbed behind his ears. Mark couldn’t believe he was

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sitting there petting a wolf, it was crazy. There was a low
whine and Mark turned to see Dakota making his way
over. The two wolves circled each other and Dakota
rubbed his muzzle on the white wolfs neck. “I see you two
know each other?”

More wolves came cautiously checking him out,

smelling him, bumping him wanting to be petted and Mark
couldn’t stop smiling. Besides the white one two more
had joined in, smaller in size and a dark brown coloring
with beautiful hazel eyes. Mark sat and petted all of them
smiling when they played, jumping on each other and
rolling around. The sound of loud growling had them all
stopping and looking up, Mark turned to see two huge
wolves both tan and blue eyed. “Shit,” he whispered.

Dakota’s fur was instantly up on his back and his teeth

bared, he moved to be beside Mark in a protective
stance. The other wolves all circled around him and Mark
thought for sure a fight would ensue until Dakota’s ears
snapped up and his head swiveled. All of the wolves
turned in the same direction and Dakota’s growl
reverberated through the forest, within an instant all the
wolves were running in the same direction. Mark stood
up and watched them, whatever had happened they
weren’t fighting anymore but something had caught their

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Mark turned to see Josh coming out of the woods with

Wayne. “Hey, you just missed something incredible. I
was just sitting here and then all of a sudden I was
surrounded by wolves.”

Jesus Christ Mark!” Josh grabbed Mark and looked

him over from head to toe. “Why didn’t you call me?”

They didn’t hurt me, in fact they were all very friendly,

except maybe the tan ones, they didn’t come near me.
Dakota seemed agitated and he heard something I guess
because they all took off together.”

Wayne looked towards the distance. “Dakota was okay

though right? The wolves seemed okay?”

Yes,” Mark looked at Josh and smiled. “I wish I had my


Josh sighed and took Mark’s gloved hand threading

their fingers together. “I can’t leave you alone for a
second.” Josh smiled and pulled Mark to his lips. “Ready
to go back to the cabin?”

Yep, I’m actually hungry.” Mark kissed Josh and

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Yep, I’m actually hungry.” Mark kissed Josh and

smiled when he felt Josh’s tongue across his lips.

Uh huh,” Josh grabbed Mark’s ass pulling him flush

with his hips. “I’ll show you tease.”

Oh shit guys, come on, you’re scaring the wildlife.”

Wayne chuckled. “Get outta here.”


They talked over dinner, Mark telling Josh about his

life. The story was pretty short, kicked out, went to
college, became a doctor, kidnapped and voila. Josh’s
took a bit longer to tell. A military brat growing up he was
expected to join when he was eighteen, which he did. He
showed an adept skill with a rifle and was transferred to
a sniper platoon. Enter Mateo, Troy, Sam and General
Derek Jacobs.

Their job on every mission was to take out snipers from

the insurgents, which they had done quite effectively.

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After his father had died Josh had thrown himself into the
Army. When his time was up Derek made them the offer
to work for the team and all of them signed up. His
mother still lived in Kansas and Mark was shocked when
Josh asked him to go home with him to meet her.

Really? But she doesn’t know…”

That I’m gay?” Josh laughed and looked at Mark. “Hell

neither did I Mark. I was shocked when I developed
feelings for you but I refuse to hide what we have.” Josh
pulled Mark into his lap. “You’re not alone anymore Mark,
you have me and you always will. I am your family as well
as Mateo and the rest of the guys.

So Mateo’s the only gay one?”

Josh thought about it and smiled. “I think Derek’s got a

thing for Agent Pruitt. Not sure about Troy and Sam, I
mean they seem like the type of guys that like chicks but
what the fuck do I know?”

So were you serious about marriage?” Mark smiled

when Josh blushed again. “I’m just asking. I’m not

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opposed to it.”

Good,” Josh stood up taking Mark in his arms.

“Because you just never know Mark Patterson, you just
may end up being Mark Montgomery.”

Mark looked into piercing emerald green eyes and felt

his heart pounding blood to his ears. “Make love to me
Josh.” He whispered.

Mark was in a whirlwind of pleasure from the moment

his body hit the bed. Josh’s tongue traveled every inch of
his body taking him to the brink and back down. The
kisses were deep, passionate and mind blowing and
Josh devoured every part of him and came back for
more. Mark was barely conscious and he wondered if
you could die from too much pleasure. Josh’s tongue left
a trail of heat down Mark’s abdomen as he made his way
down between Mark’s shaking legs. “Josh,” Mark

Josh ran his hands up and down Mark’s body loving

the feel of the soft skin under his palms. “Roll over baby,”
Josh kissed Mark’s hip as he did what he was told. Josh
ran his hands up Mark’s back and licked a path behind
them. Goosebumps popped up along Mark’s arms and
Josh smiled making his way up to Mark’s neck. He kissed

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Mark’s shoulder and then nuzzled his neck “God you are
so beautiful Mark.” Josh heard the small whimper from
Mark as he kissed his neck making his way down his
back to the perfect globes of Mark’s ass, the ass that had
his attention from the moment he had laid eyes on it.

Josh kissed both cheeks biting one softly and then

licking it in slow circles, his hands kneaded Mark’s ass
before spreading the beautiful cheeks slowly and he
dipped his head to taste the man he was falling in love

Mark was warm and Josh lost himself immediately, he

wanted more of Mark, wanted to be closer. He wanted
everything .He pulled Mark up by hooking his arms under
Mark’s thighs, one hand went to Mark’s leaking prick and
he stroked in time with his tongue. He felt Mark’s whole
body shiver as he thrust his tongue in repeatedly getting
in as deep as he could. He grabbed the bottle of
vegetable oil and slicked his fingers, looking at Mark’s
perfect ass as he tried to remember what Mark had done
to him. He slid in one finger slowly and heard Mark’s
deep groan of approval, his finger slid in up to the
knuckle and he twisted it slowly. More noises emerged
from Mark as Josh added another finger pushing in and
up, angling his fingers inside and slowly rubbing until
Mark’s ass hitched high in the air.

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With renewed confidence Josh gripped Mark’s leaking

prick in one hand and continued to fuck Mark with his
fingers keeping a slow deep rub on the inside twisting
now and then. Mark’s hips started moving with his fingers
and Josh tightened his grip on Mark’s cock keeping a
nice slow tight drag while his fingers rubbed the sweet
spot in Mark’s ass. More low moans left Mark’s mouth
and his ass pushed back to meet with Josh’s fingers.
When Mark’s dick pulsed in his hand Josh stopped and
kissed both cheeks softly before turning Mark over on his
back, he settled between his legs and looked at Mark’s
flushed face.

I…I want to be able to see your face, is that okay?”

Josh caressed Mark’s soft skin as he kissed his lips.
Mark nodded and Josh looked into Mark’s eyes. “What is

I didn’t think you’d want to…you know…after...” Mark

closed his eyes and tried to fight the tears away.

Look at me Mark,” Josh waited for Mark to open his

eyes. His thumb wiped the tear rolling down Mark’s

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cheek. “You are beautiful in every way, and you are
mine.” Josh leaned in and kissed Mark with every
emotion he had inside him. Want, need, love, his eyes
met Mark’s as they broke from the kiss. “I, I don’t want to
hurt you. Tell me what to do.”

Just go slow, think of me as a woman but...not.” Mark

tried to smile as Josh covered himself in vegetable oil.
They were really going to have to get lube. Mark tried to
relax as Josh positioned his legs over his shoulders,
when he opened his eyes Josh’s emerald ones were
looking at him and then the slow pressure of Josh
entering him hit. His eyes went wide and Josh stopped.
“No, it’s okay.”

Josh’s arms were shaking so bad he thought the whole

bed was as well, the last thing he wanted was to hurt
Mark. He took his time inching in all while watching
Mark’s face for any sign of pain. The feel of Mark around
him was unexplainable it was warm, tight and wet. Josh
moved slowly feeling the heat surrounding him, every
ridge was sliding over his cock and he stopped when he
was flush with Mark’s thighs. His breath shuddered and
his body shivered as he drew back just as slow, the
crown of his cock hitting every damn pulse in Mark’s ass
along the way. “Oh fuck,” Josh squeezed his eyes shut
and tried to hold back the orgasm rising in him. “Fuck,

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feels so good Mark.” The urge to come screaming had
dissipated and Josh thrust back in still watching Mark, he
was getting a rhythm a nice slow stroke and a sweet
stretch. “I wanna…oh shit Mark, I wanna go faster…”

It’s okay Josh, I’m fine.” Mark held Josh’s face in his

hands. “I’m okay.” And he was. The feel of Josh inside
him was better than anything he’d ever felt. The thrusts
got faster, breaths more ragged, the kissing was sloppy
and wet and Mark took it all with a smile on his face as
Josh hit him over and over again with piston fast strokes.
Mark thrust his hips up to meet Josh’s and their skin
smacked, the sound reverberated through the small
cabin as did the grunts and sighs of love making. Mark
grabbed onto Josh’s biceps and ground his fingers in, the
feel of Josh inside him. It took away everything that had
been done to him. This was what he had needed all
along. His whole body became super sensitive and when
Josh wrapped his hand around his dick again and gave it
a good long pull Mark’s body exploded in pleasure, his
balls emptied and a long drawn out cry of Josh’s name
left his lips. Arcs of ejaculate exploded from him over and
over as he came and came and came.

Oh my fucking God,” Josh’s spine snapped and his

balls drew taut, his dick exploded like the fourth of July
shooting hard and fast inside Mark’s warm chute. His

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whole body shuddered from the force of his orgasm and
he collapsed on top of Mark trying to get the breath back
into his lungs. He’d never cum like that, not fucking


It took several minutes for his breathing to even out and
he kissed Mark slowly, relishing the taste of the gorgeous
man beneath him. His Mark, he would always be his.
“Are you okay?” He whispered.

God no wonder you got laid so much.” Mark chuckled

softly as Josh’s lips flowed over his in feather light
kisses. Mark opened his eyes and saw Josh smiling at
him, the man was just perfection. There were no ifs and
or buts about it. Josh Montgomery was a fucking angel.
“How was it making love to a man?”

Making love to you was just what I thought it would be

like, perfect.” The loud rumbling of Mark’s stomach had
Josh arching a brow. “Really? We just ate.”

You wore me out,” Mark smiled as Josh pulled out

slowly. Josh rolled on his back and pulled Mark into his
side, Mark closed his eyes as Josh’s fingers played in his
hair. “I love that, it’s so relaxing.”

Josh smiled and kissed Mark’s forehead. “Maybe we

should shower and then I’ll make you some more food.
Does that sound good?” Josh pulled Mark over on top of

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him and took his head in his hands. He bit Mark’s bottom
lip softly and looked into those blue eyes he loved so
much. He wasn’t falling in love with Mark. He was in love
with Mark. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

What is it?” Mark ran his finger tip over Josh’s lips

softly. “Where did you go?” Josh almost had a dazed
look about him.

I’m right here, with you.” God he loved Mark, his smile,

his sense of humor, everything about Mark. Right them
Josh did want to marry him, make Mark his. “So

Yup,” Mark smiled and rolled off. He threw his legs

over the side of the bed and winced. “Ow, damn you are
packing some heat.” Mark laughed softly as his lower
body protested his movements.

Oh shit, did I hurt you at all?” Josh was up and off the

bed making his way around to help Mark. The feel of
Mark in his arms, it was what he had always longed for in
the countless women he had gone through, the feel of
being home.

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I’m alright, weren’t you sore after I made love to you?”

Mark smiled at the look of concern in Josh’s eyes.

Oh, yeah I was.” Josh smiled and kissed Mark’s nose.

There ya go.”


The shower took forever and Josh loved every second

of it. He washed Mark’s whole body starting of course
with his cock. His slippery soaped hands made gently
circles over Mark’s perfect ass before sliding their way up
his chest and then Mark washed him in the same slow
lazy fashion. They kissed slowly in the humid shower,
hands all over each other. Josh wrapped Mark up in his
arms and picked him up in his arms holding him tight. “I
love that you fit perfectly in my arms.” Josh kissed Mark’s
neck up to his ear.

I think an elephant would fit perfectly in your arms.”

Mark chuckled and then let out a yelp when Josh
pinched his ass. “Ow, so not nice Mr. Montgomery,”
Mark wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck and smiled
at his reflection in the shower door. “God I want to take
you back to the hospital before I quit just so Annette will

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have a coronary.”

I’ll do it. I would love to see where you work.” Josh

turned the water off and opened the door grabbing two
towels. He set Mark back down on the floor and dried
him off.

Mark laughed as Josh ran the towel through his hair

mussing it up. “Stop that. Speaking of work, I wanted to
know…well, that is if you’re okay with it…I, um…”

What is it?” Josh took the towel to Mark’s butt and

pulled him in close drying him off.

What are we doing? I mean we are together right?”

Josh nodded and Mark relaxed. “I thought I would get a
job at the hospital in Fairbanks, I mean if that’s okay?”

Well of course it is, I don’t live far from there anyway,

it’s a short commute.” Josh looked at Mark and raised a
brow. “Wait, are you saying you want to move in with
me? What about your job in Georgia? I don’t want you to
ruin your career for me Mark.”

Mark had to laugh. He pulled Josh down to his eye

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level. “Relax, they already offered me the job in
Fairbanks and all I have to do is call the chief of staff and
let him know he needs to put my resignation through. I
already gave notice at my apartment. I’m ready for this
Josh. I want us to be together.”

Josh picked Mark up and they made their way back

into the main room of the cabin. “But what about what I
do? Are you okay with me being an assassin?”

Did you really just ask me that?” Mark giggled.

Josh had to smile. “I guess that would sound cool at

one of your hospital benefits huh?” Josh took Mark by
the arm and smiled. “And this is my boyfriend Josh, he’s
an assassin.”

Mark laughed and Josh picked him up in his arms, they

landed on the bed and Mark wrapped his legs around
Josh’s waist. He ran his fingers through Josh’s wet hair
and smiled as it slipped through his fingers softly. “We
should get sleep. What are we doing tomorrow?”

Whatever you want Mark.”

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~~Chapter Nine~~

Morning sun filtered through the thin curtains in the

living room of the cabin and Mark opened his eyes to see
Josh’s wide, strong chest. He could get used to this very
easily. The urge to pee was very strong and Mark tried to
move, he felt Josh’s biceps harden on his arms.


I hafta pee.” Mark giggled as Josh pulled him in

tighter. “I’ll just pee right here then.”


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Mark laughed as Josh pulled him over on top of him

and kissed him like a starving man, his breath was
sucked from him and he felt faint as the kiss became
more passionate. The crackling of the radio had them
both opening their eyes; lips still pressed together,
waiting for a voice to come through.

Mateo’s voice came through and Josh arched a brow

at Mark.

Get up lazy asses. We have company on the


Josh was up in an instant and over by the counter. He

grabbed the radio and pushed ‘talk’. “What the fuck

Raoul is on his way, Troy and I are at the lodge meet

us here.”

Josh looked over at Mark, his face had gone pale white

and he was shaking. “Roger that.” Josh put the radio
down and went to Mark on the bed scooping him up in
his arms. “I’ve got you.” Josh kissed Mark’s eyes, cheeks

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and his lips. “He won’t hurt you, I promise you Mark. I will
put this guy down.” Mark nodded and Josh took him to
the bathroom. “We need to get dressed and I’m going to
call Wayne.”


They were on their way to the lodge when Dakota flew

out of the woods with the wolves Mark had seen the day
before. They circled around behind him and Josh.
Dakota’s ears were up, his eyes darting back and forth.
He nudged Mark in the ass towards a group of trees.

What is it?” Mark whispered looking at Josh.

I think they want us under cover and not in the open.”

Josh looked at Dakota and he snorted. “Come on.” Josh
took Mark by the hand and they made their way into the
trees, sure enough four men came out of the woods, two
of them looking at the foot prints in the snow, which Josh
noticed the wolves had covered with their own. “Smart
wolves,” Josh whispered grabbing his radio. “Mat, we got
four guys out here.” He whispered.

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Get up to the lodge, we’ll get Mark safe and then into


On our way.” Josh looked at Mark and took his hand.

“Come on.”

Josh took the long way around and they entered the

lodge through the back door to the kitchen. Wendy,
Patrick and Lance all sat around the table and Josh
hurried them into the downstairs pantry. He kissed Mark
quickly on the lips and looked at the group.

Stay here. Do not move from this spot no matter what

you hear.”

Josh,” Mark grabbed his hand. “Please be careful.”

Careful?” Josh arched a brow. “That will get me killed,

trust me Mark. This isn’t my first rodeo.” Josh pulled the
radio from his hip and hit ‘talk’. “Got my gun Mateo?”

Always my friend, she’s right here waiting.”

Where are you?”

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Second floor by the north wall ice machine.”

I’m on my way.” Josh kissed Mark and winked. “Be

right back.”

The door shut and Mark placed his hand on the rough

wood. A warm hand rested on his shoulder and he turned
to see Wendy smiling at him.

He’ll be okay Mark. He’s not in his line of work

because he’s meek and mild.”

Mark sighed. “I know.”


Josh turned off the electricity to the lodge before

making his way up to the second floor. He found Mateo
and Troy hunkered down by the ice machine. They had a
perfect view of the front door and an advantage at being
above their intruders. Within minutes, five men came
through the lodge door keeping low to the floor. Troy set

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up his rifle with night vision along with Mateo and they
aimed for the men making their way across the lobby of
the lodge. The door of the lodge was wedged open by
Raoul and his men for light and Josh watched as the
wolves made their way in right behind them.

Well look at that, we have backup guys.” Josh

chuckled softly.

Low growls emanated through the lobby and Raoul’s

men stopped and aimed for the noise. Mateo held his
hand up and they waited to see what the men would do.
Within seconds the lobby erupted in gun fire and Mateo
and Troy took their first shots of the battle. Two men
went down and the other three took cover.

Josh shot right above one of their heads. The wood

cracked on the wall behind the man hiding behind the

Hello Raoul, we’ve been expecting you.” Josh aimed

again and took another shot through the lobby’s sofa.
Josh smiled as an expletive was shouted. “Now, now
boys, let’s keep the cursing to a fucking minimum.”

Who are you?” Raoul stayed behind the cover of a

large wood beam.

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I’m Mark’s boyfriend dick head.” Josh looked at Mateo

with a smile. “If you planned on leaving here alive I’ve got
bad news for you.”

Oh? Is that so?” Raoul motioned to his men to take the

far wall up the stairs. “I am not alone.”

Neither am I.” Josh shot the wood beam Raoul was

hiding behind.

The firing stopped and Josh waited for movement from

down below. The wolves were circling trying to get the
men in one area.

Where is Mark Patterson? I will take him and go.

There is no need for further bloodshed.”

Josh laughed loud. “Oh hell no, there is need Raoul,

like I said.” Josh stood up and aimed carefully. “You’re
not leaving here alive.”

The shot rang out and Raoul ran from behind the

beam. Gunshots were going off left and right and Mateo
and Troy leapt from their positions running down the

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hallway as Raoul and his men ran out the front door of
the lodge.

Don’t let them get away!” Josh ran down the staircase

and stopped by the front door. Dakota trotted up next to
him and Josh bent down to stroke his fur. A bullet
whizzed by him and Josh backed up.

Wayne came running from the kitchen and hunched

down with Mateo and Troy.

Go out the back and get on the roof, you’ll have a

better vantage point.” Wayne looked at Dakota. “Follow
the men outside Dakota.”

They split up, Mateo and Troy on the roof of the Lodge

and Josh and Wayne on the ground in the forest. They
spread out looking for footprints and stayed in the thick of
the woods.

See anything?” Josh whispered into the radio.

Four of them just to the south of your position Josh,

Troy’s up in the pines he’s got a visual. The wolves are
moving them into the open. Keep your head down.”

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Mateo whispered back.

Josh peered around the massive spruce he was taking

cover behind and caught a flash of movement in the
trees. He signaled Wayne to go around and flank them.
Moving quietly, he kept low and hid behind a large
boulder. The men came out to the edge of the forest and
Josh pressed ‘talk’ on his radio whistling Queens
“Another one bites the dust.” A shot went off from the
lodge into the trees across the way and the men came
out into the open. Raoul, front and center. Josh chuckled
softly. “He has no fucking clue.” Within minutes the air
around them was filled with the smell of blood, the only
sounds were soft muffled shots of silenced sniper rifles
and grunts of dying men as Mateo and Troy made quick
work of Raoul’s men until the man himself stood alone
surrounded by his dead goons.

Josh made his way around the woods and came up

behind Raoul. He stood behind the man with his hand on
the gun in the waistband of his pants. “Hello Raoul, nice
of you to come visit us out here in the great Alaskan
wilderness.” Josh was aware of the wolves coming up
behind him spreading out flanking him, all growling at

I see I am at a checkmate as you say?” Raoul looked

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at the pack of wolves behind Josh Montgomery. ”You are
Mark’s new man? It makes sense you would protect him,
he is quite delicious.”

Josh narrowed his eyes. “You piece of shit,”

The wolves all turned at once and it happened in less

than a second. Mark ran out of the woods shouting and
more men came out of the other side of the forest. In the
confusion Josh’s eyes left Raoul for a split second, long
enough for Raoul to get his gun out. Josh shifted,
pivoting his boot in the snow and ducked out of the way
of a bullet meant for his head. He rolled into the snow
and took his shot. It hit Raoul square in the forehead.
Raoul went down in a heap on his back and Josh stood
up, Mark ran into his chest seconds later and Josh
covered Mark’s body with his own. More shots went off
above them and around them as Mateo, Wayne and Troy
took out the remaining men. Josh held Mark to him, his
whole body shook and Josh realized Mark was crying.

What were you thinking?” Josh pulled Mark out if his

arms and grabbed him by his shoulders. “I told you to
stay put!”

I’m sorry! I wanted to save you. We heard more men at

the lodge after you left and I had to warn you!” Mark

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sobbed, he was pulled back into Josh’s arms and he
rested his head against his strong chest hearing Josh’s

Josh held Mark to him close, if he had lost him… “You

are what matters Mark, you are the only thing that
matters.” Josh pulled Mark’s face up to his own and
kissed him. Mark’s arms wrapped around his neck and
his mouth opened to him willingly. Josh heard the radio
crackling at his side and then Troy’s voice came through
loud and clear.

Awww….damn that’s so fuckin’ romantic.” Troy

chuckled softly.

Josh chuckled and looked up at the lodge flipping Troy


That’s not nice, Montgomery.” Troy laughed. “We are

coming down to you, hang tight.”

Josh looked down at Mark’s face and caressed his

cheek softly. “It’s over baby. You never have to worry
about him ever again.”

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Mark heard the soft snort and the push of Dakota’s

nose in his thigh and knelt down looking at the wolf he
had come to love. “Thank you Dakota.” Mark hugged
Dakota tightly.

Josh looked at the pack of wolves all sitting around and

had to smile. He’d had an Army today and not just of
humans. “Thanks guys.”


Fifteen minutes later Mateo, Troy and Wayne had

joined Josh and Mark around the pile of dead men.
Mateo stood looking at the mess of dead bodies on the
ground and looked at Troy. “Well, this is a mess.”

Wayne ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I’ll get

on the horn with sheriff, he owes me one. I guess he’ll
want to keep something like this quiet. I know I do, tends
to scare the tourists when dead bodies litter the park.”

Mateo smiled at Mark in the arms of his best friend. “So

you two finally figured it out huh?”

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Josh pulled Mark’s chin up with his fingers gently. “Oh

yes, we have it all figured out.”


A week later Mark was packed and looking around the

cabin he had come to love. He would miss it here, but
Josh had told him they could come back whenever they
wanted to. Alaska was home in more ways than one now.
Mark closed the door of the cabin and looked up at the
sun high in the sky. It would only be there for a few more
hours. Christmas was days away and he and Josh were
going to spend it in Kansas with Josh’s Mother. Josh
stood with Wayne by the snow mobile and as always
Dakota was there, Mark swore Dakota was smiling.

I’m ready, got all the stuff. “ Mark knelt down and

Dakota trotted over to him. “I’m going to miss you ya

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know?” Mark ran his fingers through Dakota’s soft fur.
“Josh and I will come back to see you and I’ll bring a nice
big juicy steak.” Mark laughed when he got a lick up the
side of his face.

Okay well, we better get a move on before it gets

dark.” Josh took Wayne’s hand and shook it tightly.
“Thanks for the back up, I don’t know how you got the
whole pack behind us but I won’t forget what you did for
me and Mark.”

I didn’t do anything.” Wayne smiled. “Dakota rallied

the troops, ain’t that right Dakota?” Wayne winked at

Bye Wayne.” Mark hugged him. “Take care of


Will do,” Wayne winked. He watched as Josh and

Mark took off on the snow mobile and sighed. He opened
the cabin door and took his pack off, he grabbed jeans
and a t-shirt out of the pack and smiled at the man
standing next to him that had just been in the form of a
wolf. “You did good Dakota, I’m damn proud of you.”

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Dakota smiled and grabbed the pants being offered.

“Thanks Wayne.”

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~~Chapter Ten~~

Mark was nervously watching the scenery fly by in the

rental car. Well, not really scenery, Kansas was flat as a
board. No mountains, just hills. It was cold too, the
minute they had exited the airport in Manhattan the air
had punched into his lungs. It wasn’t Alaska cold, but it
was cold. The ground had a white dusting of snow as
they drove down the freeway towards Milford Lake.
Josh’s Mom owned a house out there and she had
already been informed that Josh was bringing home a
guest for Christmas. He just hadn’t said who.

Mark wanted to chew his nails he was so nervous and

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he hadn’t done that since med school. What if she hated
him? Worse, what if she blamed him for turning her son
gay? Mark let out a loud sigh and felt Josh’s hand on his
thigh. A soft gentle squeeze had Mark looking at the
gorgeous man next to him. “What?”

Stop it. I can hear your mind working a thousand miles

an hour. I don’t care what she thinks and I’m never giving
you up, not for anything or anyone okay?”

Okay,” Mark watched as they merged off of 1-70 and

onto highway 77. The road was a two lane highway and
Mark watched all the bait and tackle shops fly by along
with the occasional gas station. The lake came into view
and Mark looked at the water rippling, the sun casting a
shimmer off the water. They drove another few miles
before going over a bridge and then Josh finally turned
off. Mark’s heart was beating in his throat as they passed
a residential neighborhood and the end of the line was
finally coming into view. Josh turned down a long
driveway and then the house came into view.
Surrounded by trees, the older Victorian home had been
remolded and looked crisp and fresh. “It looks like
something out of a magazine.”

Thank you,” Josh smiled and took Mark’s hand. “I

painted it a year ago.” They came around the circular

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driveway and Josh parked facing the way out. “Just in
case you know,” Josh chuckled and took Mark’s face in
his hands. “Don’t look like that, I was joking Mark. She’s
going to love you.”

Josh got out of the car and before Mark could even get

his door open, Josh was there opening it for him. He put
his hand out to Mark and Mark looked up into emerald
green eyes and felt his heart beating hard in his chest.
Josh’s eyes said that no matter what happened he would
be there, by Mark’s side come hell or high water. He took
Josh’s hand and they walked up to the front door, fingers
threaded together. Mark took a deep breath and steeled
himself for the worst possible scenario, either way he
would be leaving with Josh by his side. “Okay, here goes

Josh knocked on the door of his Mother’s house and

the door flew open. His mother’s eyes went wide with
surprise and she looked over Mark. Josh held his breath
as her eyes noticed their hands. “Hi Mom, this is my
boyfriend Mark.”

Mark smiled and hoped this wasn’t going to be bad.

“Um, Josh. Catch her.”

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Josh grabbed his Mother before she hit the ground.

“Christ Mom!” Josh picked her up and took her to the
couch laying her down gently. Josh looked at Mark.
“What the hell?”

She fainted, where’s the bathroom?”

Bathroom?” Josh looked incredulous.

Yes, you know where people go to pee.” Mark rolled

his eyes at Josh’s open mouthed look.

Down the hall to the left.”

Mark found a washcloth in the bathroom and wet it with

cold water, he made his way back out the living room and
put it on Josh’s mother’s forehead. “What’s her name?”


Mark looked down at Rebecca Montgomery and

smiled. “I can see where you got your beautiful looks.”
Mark cooled her cheeks and took a magazine off the
coffee table to fan her. “I think she’s coming around.
Rebecca, can you hear me? Do you have any pain
anywhere? Numbness?”

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Are you a doctor?” Rebecca opened her eyes looking

at the man her son had brought home.

Why yes, I am.” Mark smiled and helped her to sit up.

Rebecca looked at her son. “You landed a Doctor?”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Mom really? This isn’t the best

time for this. Are you okay? I am sorry I sprung this on
you but I figured a phone call was a shitty idea.”

Joshua Grant Montgomery! You watch your mouth.”

Rebecca sat up and looked at the two men hovering over

Mark looked at Josh and mouthed


Shut up,” Josh smiled at Mark and winked. “You okay

Mom? Do you want a glass of water or something?”

Rebecca sat back on the couch and smiled. “Yes,

thank you that would be lovely.” Josh left the room and
Rebecca turned her attentions to the man seated next to
her. “My lord you are beautiful.” His eyes were a

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beautiful shade of blue and his skin almost looked like a
porcelain dolls, the perfect shade of pink outlined his
cupid bow lips. “No wonder my Joshua brought you
home. He’s never brought anyone home.”

Mark smiled and took her hand. Josh looked just like

his Mother, emerald green eyes looked him over and her
hair was a beautiful shade of blonde. Tendrils fell around
framing her face. Mark realized what she had just said.
“He’s never brought anyone home? Ever?”

Rebecca smiled and took Mark’s hand. “I’m sorry if it

looked like I didn’t approve. I was just a little taken aback
when my son brought home a man. It never occurred to
me that he would be gay, not with the lifestyle he’s led.”

Mark had to smile he had never thought it was even

possible that Josh could be gay. “When I first met him I
didn’t think he was either, but then I hoped,” Mark felt the
blush creeping into his face. “I never thought for one
moment he’d be interested in me when I first saw him. He
just screamed manly.”

Why thank you,” Josh smiled bringing his Mom a glass

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of water. He sat next to Mark and took his hand threading
their fingers together. “So mom, now that you have met
my other half what do you think of Mark?”

Rebecca looked at her son, he looked so happy. His

face glowed when he looked at Mark and his eyes
sparkled. “I approve honey. He’s just beautiful and a
doctor to boot.”

He is isn’t he?” Josh caressed Mark’s cheek. “The

second I laid eyes on him Mom, something changed
inside me and I don’t know how to explain it but I knew
somehow that I wanted Mark to be mine.”

And I am.” Mark felt Josh pulling him into his side and

nestled into him. Josh’s strong arms encircled him
keeping him close, and safe.

Well I’m glad you two are here for the holidays, are

you staying for New Years?” Rebecca looked at her son
and saw the smile on his lips. “I never agreed with your
father on his views on gay’s honey, I just never argued
with him about it. You could have told me you were a
purple alien and I wouldn’t have batted an eyelash
because I love you with all my heart honey. Nothing will
ever change how I feel about you.” Rebecca took Mark’s
hand and smiled at him. “I welcome you into our family

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Mark, you make Joshua very happy.”

Thank you Mrs. Montgomery.” Mark smiled as

Rebecca hugged him tight. He could have cried. His own
parents had disowned him, turned their backs on him and
here was Josh’s mom welcoming him into her life even
though she had no idea her son was gay. The warmth of
her touch had Mark holding back the tears. This was
what he had been missing. Josh filled the void when
nothing else had.

Oh shush! You call me Rebecca.” Rebecca held

Mark’s face in her hands. “With your looks and my son’s
you better give me grandkids.”

Josh spit his water out. “Mom!”

I won’t hear of you not having children. You were both

blessed with the beautiful gene and you must pass it on,
you are too beautiful not to make babies. Now, I’m going
to go check on dinner. Go wash your hands.”

Mom,” Josh rolled his eyes and sighed. He stood up

and out his hand out to Mark. “Are you ready for dinner

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with the Mom?”

I sure am.” Mark smiled wide.


The next few days passed by in a blur of fishing,

baking and hunting, which Mark had no idea how to hold
a gun and his patience stalking deer was nil but all in all
he was having a wonderful time with Josh and Rebecca.
They had sat around the first night and Josh told his
mother all about how they had met. Thankfully Josh had
left out the really bad parts about Manuel. Mark was
actually surprised that Rebecca knew what her son did
for a living. She explained that Josh had always been
honest with her and she had known he had been a
sniper in the Army. Being an assassin wasn’t much
different except for the pay.

Christmas had them gathered around the tree as Mark

looked through the photo album of Josh as a child, even
then he was beautiful. They weren’t the traditional family
either. Instead of gifts they did nice things for each other.
Josh had painted the house and Rebecca had stopped

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bugging him to get married. That was last year, this year
she was bugging him to get married. Mark had to smile,
they fought like little kids. This was his family now. After
dinner Mark and Josh helped clean up and then fell into
bed at midnight. Even though they were allowed to sleep
in the same bed together, Mark was keeping his dick in
his pants. They

were in Josh’s mother’s house for cryin’

out loud. Josh, on the other hand was testing Mark’s
limits of sanity.

Joshua Grant Montgomery!” Mark whispered. “Keep

your fingers at your side.”

But, I wanna put my fingers in you.” Josh chuckled.

Mark wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck. “You can

kiss me.”

Can I lick you?”

Joshua…” Mark growled playfully.

Fuck that’s hot.” Josh whispered pulling Mark into his

chest. “If kissing is all I can do, I’ll take it. I love kissing

Mark whimpered as Josh dove into his mouth, his dick

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wept in his briefs and the kiss became downright
scorching. He broke for breath panting and looking into
Josh’s eyes. “Holy shit.”

I’m just getting started.” Josh descended on Mark.


They were out on the lake for New Year’s Eve; every

star was out in the sky as Josh maneuvered the boat out
to the middle of the lake. It seemed as if all of Kansas
was out that night. Boats of all sizes were out and people
whistled and hollered as the time grew closer to midnight.

Josh looked at Mark’s face. He was looking up at the

sky with a smile on his face. “Hey,” He said softly, his
hand caressing Mark’s face. “Didn’t you say you wanted
to take a cruise?”

I did say that,” Mark smiled and wrapped his arms

around Josh’s neck. “Are we going on a cruise to

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Yes we are, for our honeymoon.” Josh watched Mark’s

eyes as the words registered. “I’m in love with you Mark
Patterson and I would love it if you would do me the
honor of becoming my husband.” Josh pulled the box out
of his pocket and opened it, the platinum band sat on a
bed of cotton. “I know we don’t give gifts for Christmas
but you are mine this year.”

Mark tried to form words but the shock of being

proposed to on New Year’s eve had him fumbling, not
only that but the words were coming out of Josh’s mouth.
His brain kicked in screaming at his vocal chords.” I…
Yes,” Mark sputtered. “I will marry you Josh Montgomery
because you saved me in more ways than one. I love
you, more than anything or anyone and I would love to
spend the rest of my life in your arms.”

Josh let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God, I thought you

were going to say no.”

Mark tilted his head and looked at Josh. “Are you


Josh smiled and picked Mark up in his arms kissing him

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Josh smiled and picked Mark up in his arms kissing him

hard and thoroughly until they were both out of breath.
“Yeah, I am nuts for you.” The first firework went off
sending a brilliant white light into the sky with a burst of
blue. Josh wrapped his arms tightly around Mark and
looked into his eyes. “When do you want to get married?”

Anytime, anywhere Montgomery,”

~~~The End~~~


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