7 Gasq Dion Sandrine The General's Lover

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The General’s Lover

By: Sandrine Gasq-Dion


For my family

My readers at LRO

Jenjo, Jen and Kim
Van, Eric and Jake

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© Copyright 2011





















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September 11, 2005

“Well hell, have you ever seen so many suits in one room?” James looked over at his partner, Lucas.
They were sitting at the bar, people watching. James was pointing out the gay men and Lucas was checking out the women. The

party was not only for the remembrance of the September eleventh attacks, but he and Lucas were meeting their new liaison as well. The
last one, Command Sergeant Major Fitzpatrick, was retiring. James couldn’t have been happier. The man hated gays.

Lucas slammed back his shot. “Yep, at the last Peacock party. Now wasn’t that one fun?” Lucas smiled wide.
“Yeah, no.” James scowled. The dickhead Command Sergeant Asshole had told most of the room that James was gay. Not that he

gave a shit, he’d come out a long time ago. Lucas had actually hit Command Sergeant Asshole and was suspended for a week. James had
to smile at his partner; Lucas Cain didn’t give a shit about rules.

“Oh, Holy Mother Mary,” Lucas whispered under his breath. “Check out the woman who just walked in.”
“Why on Earth would I check out a woman, Lucas? Have you slammed too many shots of scotch?”
“It’s the man she’s attached to, dipshit.” Lucas smiled and turned James’ face around.
James could have sworn he stopped breathing. The man who had just entered was an Adonis. His hair was so black it almost

shone blue in the light. He had to be at least six foot four and, judging by his body in his dress blues, he was extremely muscular.

“Oh. My. God.” James breathed.
Lucas chuckled softly. “I told you. Hey, he’s talking to our boss.”
James felt his heart hammering in his chest. The very tall, gorgeous Adonis was talking to the head of Homeland Security, and they

were now looking his way.

“Ohgodohgodohgod…” James gripped the bar as they started walking right towards him and Lucas.
“Don’t talk; I’ll do all the talking. You just stand there and look pretty, sweetheart.” Lucas said.
As they made their way closer, James got a good look at the man. He had an aristocratic face, strong jaw, square chin with a

dimple and broad cheekbones. James’ eyes traveled further up and saw long, luxurious black lashes that fringed aquamarine eyes. And
those aquamarine eyes were giving him the once-over. James froze in place.

“Ah, here they are. Major General Derek Jacobs, these are my finest men, Agents Lucas Cain and James Pruitt.”
“It’s very nice to meet you both.” Derek shook Cain’s hand first and then his eyes settled on the man next to him. Good Lord.

Arctic blue eyes were looking at him in awe. The caramel-colored hair was cut short, not buzz cut, but clean. The man, James, had perfect
lips. Full bottom lip and not too full top, strong long nose and chiseled features. Jesus. He realized he was still shaking James’ hand and
pulled his hand away slowly.

“So are you our new guy then?” Lucas tried to keep James upright; he was sliding down the bar staring at the new liaison.
“I am the new guy.” Derek cracked a grin. “I heard what happened to Fitzpatrick.”
“Homophobic asshole,” Lucas sneered. “Oh, I’m sorry ma’am.” Lucas smiled at the woman on their new liaison’s arm.
“Cynthia, why don’t you go find a higher ranking official and cozy up?” Derek smiled at his date.
Lucas raised his hand. “I’m a higher ranking official.”
“See, sweetie?” Derek pushed her into Lucas.
James watched as his wingman took off with Derek’s date, leaving him alone with the gorgeous man. “Do you always pawn off

your girlfriends at functions?”

Derek waved the bartender over. “Give me whatever he’s drinking.” Derek unbuttoned his jacket and leaned against the bar.

“She’s not really my girlfriend.”

“She’s not?”
Derek shook his head. “Nope, escort.”
James’ mouth dropped open. “Why would you need an escort?”
Derek took the drink when the bartender came back and slammed it. He dropped the shot glass upside down and signaled for

another. “Okay, first off, any woman I would bring to one of these would take it as a sign of something else. Whether it’s a commitment of
some kind, or a promise of something more and I really don’t need that. I don’t want a girlfriend or a wife. I love my remote,” Derek
chuckled. “Not only that, but God forbid you sleep with one of them and then it’s the why-didn’t-you-call-me routine. Then it’s that trap,
the dependent ID card and the placard in the front of their car.” Derek sighed and took another shot. “I just don’t have the patience for

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“Yeah? Well men aren’t much different.”
“So it’s true, you really are gay.” Derek sat back and eyed James.
“Are you going to have a problem with that?” James crossed his arms and looked up at Derek defiantly.
Derek bit his bottom lip to try and hold back his laugh. His first thought was Mateo Esposito. When he was in Bosnia with his

sniper unit, he and Mateo had gotten into a wrestling match. The question of whether Derek was gay was answered that day. “Nope, no
problems from me.”

James scowled. “You say that now, but in a month from now you’ll be calling me a homo.”
Derek leaned forward and bent down to be at eye level with James Pruitt. “I will never call you a homo.”
James blinked and then smiled. “Okay.”
Derek raised his shot glass. “To a long partnership.”
They spent most of the night at the bar drinking shot after shot. James could hold his liquor but after about fifteen shots of scotch,

he was toast. Derek accompanied him back to his hotel and made sure he got to his room. James leaned back against the door and gave a
lopsided smile.

“Don’t freak out or anything, but I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you.” James slurred.
Derek rested his hand on the wall by James’ head. “Why would I freak out? You complimented me; thank you very much.”
James licked his lips and looked up to see Derek’s eyes gleaming under lowered lashes. “So, um, thanks for bringing me back.”
“No problem, are you going to be okay?”
James’ liquid courage kicked in and he grabbed the front of Derek’s jacket pulling him in closer. They were mere inches apart

when voices could be heard coming down the hallway. Derek stepped back from him and righted his uniform.

“Oh God, I’m sorry.” James wanted to crawl in a hole and die. How embarrassing! Crap, shit, fuck.
“It’s okay, I’m just not - well, you know.” Derek tried to smile.
“Gay,” James nodded. “Yeah, I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again I promise. Are we…will we be okay?”
“We’re fine, James.” Derek shook James’ hand. “I’ll see you at the first meeting.”
“Okay,” James nodded and opened his door; he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Derek smiling at him.
“Goodnight, James Pruitt.”
“Goodnight, Major General Derek Jacobs.”
Derek laughed. “Derek is fine.”
Yes you are. “James will do, Derek.”

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Chapter One

Somewhere in Afghanistan…

“Mom, I’m fine.” Derek sighed in frustration. Every time he’d been deployed, he’d had to deal with his mother. She made it a point

to have every number he owned and called him at least once a day.

“Well, darling, I am your mother. You can’t think I wouldn’t call you. How is the weather?”
Derek sat back and looked at the phone in his hand. He was in a combat zone and his mom wanted to know about the weather?
“It’s gorgeous out, Mom; not a drop of humidity and the birds are singing.”
“Stop being sarcastic, Derek. I know I’m not allowed to ask anything else, such as, have you informed the person you are in love

with that you are indeed in love with them?”

“Mom,” Derek had to smile; Victoria Jacobs knew better than to broadcast his sexual preferences over a telephone line. “No, I

have not.”

“You are going to lose the love of your life if you don’t do something about it, dear.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“You know I abhor when you call me Mother, Bradly.”
“I abhor when you call me Bradly.” Derek chuckled softly.
“It’s a family name, you’ll get over it. I’m warning you darling, if you wait much longer—”
“I know, Mom. Trust me, I know.”
“Your father, God rest his soul, would be shouting at you to be a man about this.”
“I am being a man, I’m just…I don’t know, Mom.”
“Oh stop blubbering! I raised a good boy, now get off your butt and grab love with both hands!”
“Jesus, Mom.” Derek laughed.
“I must go darling; the book club members are here. I love you Derek, be careful.”
“Love you too, Mom.”
The connection broke and Derek sighed and threw a dart at the door. He was back in the sand box and hating every moment. The

time difference was making it hard for him to get a hold of James, and after their encounter at Denali recently he really wanted to talk to
him. He’d finally put in his paperwork for retirement and was ready to run the team fulltime. He’d fucked up colossally this time with James.
He’d lost control in Denali and touched him and then backed off.

Derek ran his hands over his face and sat back in his chair staring at the ceiling. Why couldn’t he just say what he wanted to say?

That after six years he’d fallen in love with James and wanted to be with him.

Derek got up and walked to the window. The sun was just coming up on the horizon. Soldiers were starting their morning routine

and he would be out there with them today. He was going to be forty-three and had never gotten married. Not that he looked his age.
Great genetics from his mother ensured he looked thirty-three. He didn’t even have a grey hair, which was almost impossible given his job.
He supposedly looked just like his father, although he’d never known the man. He’d died before he was born. He’d seen pictures of Derek
Bradly Jacobs; they both had the same color eyes and hair, but Derek knew he took after his mother as well.

She’d raised him all on her own. His grandparents felt she’d married beneath her when she married an Army man and had cut her

off. He didn’t even know his grandparents; never met them, never wanted to. He’d come out to his mother a few years ago and had been
shocked when she’d already known. The fact that he’d never married and never brought a woman home was apparently a big clue. Then,
he’d told her about James.

Derek smiled and closed his eyes thinking about James again. He’d known James had a thing for him from their first meeting and he

couldn’t deny he’d found James gorgeous.

Derek picked up the phone and dialed James’ home number. It rang four times before it was picked up by an obviously sleepy


“Hey, James, did I wake you?” Derek sat back down and looked at his papers.
“Not really,” James yawned and stretched his legs out in bed. “I was just lying here, kinda not watching TV.”

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“Are you watching TV Land again?” Derek chuckled softly.
“I like Betty White; she puts you guys to shame with her wit.”
“I know, I watched it the other night. You were right, it is funny.”
James sat up in bed. “You actually did what I asked you to do?”
“Don’t sound so surprised, I’ve done a lot of things you’ve recommended.”
James smiled to himself. “What else have you done?”
Derek’s spine tingled at James’ sexy tone of voice. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” James lay back and spread his legs. “Right now, I’m holding something in my hand.”
Derek’s mind was in the bed with James now. “Oh?” Derek swallowed hard and felt his dick hardening.
“Mmm hmm, I’m running my thumb over something.” James tried hard not to giggle as his finger pushed the ‘down’ button on the


Derek actually felt the sweat running down his back. He’d never been this turned on before and James had never talked to him like

this. “Yeah?”

“Oh yessss.” James put his hand over his mouth to stop from laughing. Derek’s breathing had gotten much quicker.
Derek righted his erection and right then realized he was on an unsecured line. “Shit, James, I’m not on the other phone.”
“Well, I was just fingering the remote,” James chuckled softly.
“Ass,” Derek sighed and found himself laughing.
“Where was your filthy mind?” James smiled and lay back in bed. His dick was rock hard and he wrapped his hand around it.
“I…well I was…”
“Oh, quit,” James laughed. “Are you okay? Any close calls?”
Derek had to smile; James always asked him the same thing every time he called him. The fact that James had been in the Army

before he left for the FBI made it hard for Derek to lie about the goings on. “Nothing we couldn’t take care of.”

“Okay, I get it.” James smiled. He needed to remind himself of OPSEC, no discussing missions or attacks. “So, a month left, huh?”
“Yes, I thought maybe,” Derek closed his eyes and blurted it out. “I thought we could go to Washington and fish.”
James almost fell off the bed in surprise. “Really?”
“Well if you want to. We could go somewhere else if you want.”
“No, Washington’s perfect, Derek.” James gripped the phone tighter. “Thank you for inviting me.”
Derek looked at the phone and wondered how much he could get away with. “It’s no problem. I’d really like to spend some time

with you.” The line got very quiet and Derek was afraid they’d been disconnected. “James?”

“I’m here,” James took a deep breath. “Okay, so when is this little vacation taking place?”
“Well, I’m home next month. So let’s say August? Would that be okay?”
“Sure, I’ll clear my schedule.” James had the urge to jump up and down on his bed; he stifled it and kept his voice even. “So I’ll

see you then?”

“Yes, you will.” Derek knew he was smiling from ear to ear. “I’ll call you soon, take care James.”
“You too. Bye Derek.”
James hung up the phone and let out a loud whoop. He was going to be alone with General Derek Jacobs. A vacation six years in

the making. James looked at the phone, he wanted to call someone and scream it. He picked up the phone and prayed the right person
would answer. It rang twice before it was picked up and James let out a sigh of relief when Riley’s voice came over the line.

“Morning, James,” Riley giggled.
“Caller ID,” James sighed. “I should have blocked my number.”
“Now where is the fun in that?” Riley laughed. “What’s up, James? You sound like you just got a free subscription to an all-male

porn site.”

“Very funny.” James sat back and looked at the ceiling. “You busy this morning? Can we have breakfast?”
“Sure, you want to come here?” Riley pushed Mateo over in the bed and giggled when he got a finger up his butt. “Stop that,” Riley


“Um, is it just going to be you?”

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“Yes, Mateo’s going to the range today.” Riley laughed when Mateo pinned him to the bed and licked his chest in one long swipe.
“Okay, I can be there in about an hour. That should give you and Mateo time to fuck the shit out of each other,” James chuckled.
“Takes longer than that, James,” Mateo snickered. “I can hear you.”
“Yeah, TMI Mateo.” James sighed. “I’ll see you soon, Riley.”
“Okay James, bye.” Riley hung up and smacked Mateo’s ass. “Listen here sex fiend…”
“Sex fiend?” Mateo bit Riley’s lip.
Riley took Mateo’s face in his hands and smiled at his husband. “Lord, you are drop dead sexy.”
“Okay, see now I want to have sex with you.” Mateo licked Riley’s lips. “But, I don’t like to be rushed, so let’s make a date for


“I’ll put it in my appointment book.” Riley laughed and squealed when Mateo bit his ass. “Hey!”
“Love you, sexy.” Mateo got up and sauntered into the bathroom naked.
“I love you, too.”


After a long, hot shower that consisted of him jacking off to a vision of Derek, James got dressed and looked at his answering

machine. It was blinking and James had an idea of who’d called. He pushed the button and sure enough, his mother’s voice filled the room.

“James, your father and I are worried about you. We haven’t heard from you in over two weeks, could you please call us

and let us know you’re alive? We hope to see you soon.”

James pushed the ‘delete’ button and ran a hand through his hair. He’d have to deal with them sooner or later. He knew what the

conversation would be about. He was going to be thirty-eight, he had no boyfriend and grandkids were not popping out of a surrogate.
James grabbed his keys and wallet and left the house. The heat hit and James cursed under his breath; it was over a hundred degrees and
his car was black. James sighed and climbed into his Chevy Camaro. At least it was a convertible.

James pulled onto I-10 and headed for Riley and Mateo’s. The two of them were a perfect match. Mateo was an asshole and

Riley was a sweetheart. It was comical watching Mateo give in to Riley’s pout. He envied them sometimes. Riley had come out of the
closet for Mateo and now they were married and planning for kids.

James sighed and thought about Derek. Six years and they hadn’t even kissed. He’d been holding onto a fantasy that someday

Derek would make a move. And it seemed as if the day was finally here. Derek had invited him out to Washington to go fishing.

The night they’d met he’d stupidly tried to kiss Derek and Derek had said he wasn’t gay. But looking back on that night, Derek

hadn’t really come out and said it at all. James had said it for him, and in the six years they’d been friends that night had never come back

James sighed and changed lanes, taking the exit for Riley’s. The streets were pretty empty; it was fucking hot. People were

probably in their pools with a nice tall drink. James turned into Riley’s driveway and shut the car off. He looked at the house and had to
smile. Riley was not the kind of billionaire who showed off his wealth. In fact, Riley was like no one he’d ever met. His smile was infectious
and he had a way of making you do whatever he wanted.

Only Mark Montgomery seemed immune. And Mark had his own damn special powers. Jesus, the man had married Josh. That

had come out of left field since Josh had previously only dated women. James chuckled as he made his way up the walk. He rang the bell
and could hear Riley shouting to come in.

James opened the door and was hit with a blast of arctic air; he stepped in and shut the door quickly.
“Jesus, you missing Alaska?” James laughed.
“I am, actually.” Riley came down the hall in cargo shorts and flip-flops. “What’s up with you? You’re smiling.” Riley shivered. “It’s

freaking me out.”

“Shut up.” James smacked Riley playfully. “What’s for breakfast?”
“What makes you think I cooked?” Riley smiled making his way into the kitchen.
“I can smell it.” James looked around the kitchen. He had to laugh; Riley had three different coffee machines. “Mateo?” James

gestured to the coffeemakers.

“Yup, he likes his espresso.” Riley pulled rolls out of the oven. “You know how he gets without his caffeine. I sent Mark and Josh a

coffeemaker for Christmas,” Riley giggled. “In fact, I sent all the guys coffeemakers. Dakota and Sawyer were very thankful.”

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“Yes, I got mine, too,” James laughed. “Thank you so much.”
“Welcome.” Riley put the rolls on the table and took out eggs and bacon from the oven. “So,” Riley grabbed two plates and

silverware. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“Derek called me this morning.” James took a bite of eggs and moaned. “What do you put in these?”
“Can’t tell you.” Riley sipped his coffee. “Now go on.” Riley gestured with his hand. “Derek called.”
“He invited me to Washington to fish.”
Riley’s jaw dropped open. “Seriously? And he didn’t take it back?”
“Nope,” James shook his head. “It wasn’t like when you were in the hospital. I didn’t hear anything in his voice either, he meant it.”
“This is huge!” Riley stood up. “Oh my God, Derek asked you to go on vacation with him!”
“Riley, calm down. I think your whole neighborhood just heard you.” James laughed, buttering his roll.
“Why are you so calm? You’ve waited six years for this.” Riley narrowed his eyes. “You think he’ll back out?”
“No, I’m sure he meant to ask me.” James shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not going to freak out until he’s standing in front of me on a


“Or lying underneath you on a bed.” Riley snickered.
James laughed and pulled up that mental image. “Damn, could you imagine Derek naked? Splayed out on a bed for me to play

with?” James sighed and sat back in the chair. “Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.”

Riley smiled and thought about Mateo. “My God, the first time I laid eyes on Mateo I thought, ‘Fuck, could this guy be any

hotter?’” Riley sighed and smiled at the memory of Mateo making love to him for the first time.

James raised a brow. “Get out of bed with Mateo.”
Riley giggled. “I want a full report!”
“You know I’ll call when I come up for air,” James chuckled softly.
Riley sighed and rested his chin in his hands. “This is so cool. I always wondered how long it would take for Derek to come to his

senses. Josh gave him a beatdown in Alaska, you know.” Riley smiled when James’ mouth fell open. “Oh, you didn’t know?” Riley
laughed. “Oh yeah, Josh yelled at him. Called him a coward and shit.”

James sat back. “And Josh survived? If there’s one thing I know, Derek Jacobs is no coward.”
“He is when it comes to you and Josh told him in no uncertain terms that if he waited too long, he’d lose you to someone else.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, and Derek did not like that thought at all.”
James shrugged. “Whatever works, I mean if that’s why he invited me I’m not going to complain.”
“So when is this little ‘trip’ taking place?”
“August, he comes home in July, which is good for me because I’m due vacation time. I’m headed to D.C. for a few days to talk to

Keegan about Markov.”

“You still plan on sending him in to bring Markov in? Isn’t Keegan a bit…” Riley scrunched his brow. “Delicate?”
James smiled and leaned back in the chair. “Keegan is perfect. First, he’s been working this case since he started at the Bureau,

and believe me we’ve been training him for months just for this assignment. Second, he’s so fucking adorable you can’t help but like him.”

“This is true. If he were my type I’d be all over him.” Riley sat back in thought. “Why not just talk to Vince yourself?”
James shook his head. “Nope. Even Devin agrees - I have a look of seniority and Vince hates government officials.”
“The Russian thing, huh?” Riley said. “I kinda feel bad for the guy, even though he’s notoriously vicious. Could you imagine? Having

to watch your mother and sister slaughtered right in front of you?” Riley shivered. “No wonder he’s damaged.”

The front door opened and Riley smiled at James. “Uh oh.”
“I heard that!” Mateo shouted from the front room.
“Do you not want him to know?” Riley whispered.
“I don’t want him calling Derek and freaking him out.” James sighed and watched as Mateo came into the kitchen. He stopped and

looked from Riley to James.

“Okay, what did I miss?” Mateo sat down at the table.
Riley took Mateo’s face in his hands. “You are sworn to secrecy, and if you open your mouth I cut you off for a month.”
“Jesus!” Mateo put his hands up in defense. “I won’t say a word.”
“Promise!” Riley growled.

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“I promise.” Mateo kissed Riley. “Now what’s up?”
“Derek asked me to go to Washington with him when he comes back from Afghanistan.” James said.
Mateo sat back in the chair and looked from Riley to James. “So Josh’s talk worked.”
Riley nodded. “Yep, I think so. I think the thought of James with anyone other than himself freaked him out enough.”
“It’s about time.” Mateo smiled grabbing a roll. “You two belong together, always have.”
“Thanks Mateo.” James looked at his watch. “Ah crap, I have to get back home and pack. I will call you when I know what’s

going on though.” James stood up and got a hug from Riley and a handshake from Mateo. “You two have fun.”

“Always.” Riley smiled. “You take care of yourself, James. I look forward to hearing from you.”
“Oh, you will.” James winked.


Derek was sweating like a drunken celebrity at a sobriety test. The MRAP was packed, and being in close quarters with so many

men in the fucking heat was stifling. He grabbed another bottle of water and poured it over his head. They were driving down a dirt road,
weaving back and forth to avoid IEDs on their way to a small village. He was going to have dinner with one of the village leaders. He’d
wanted to go with just a few of his men but was given a no-go on that shit. As a general, he was a target.

Derek wiped the sweat from his brow. “Yes?”
“We’re here.”
An explosion rocked the MRAP and Derek stood up. “Back the fuck up!” Derek looked at his men; most of them were frozen in

place. “Jesus!”

Derek pushed his way to the front of the vehicle and hauled the driver out of the seat. More IEDs were going off under them as he

pulled back and turned the monster vehicle around. He got on the radio and informed the base of what was happening. One of his soldiers
was finally blinking.

“Jessup!” Derek shouted. “Pull your head out of your ass!”
“Yes sir!”
“Get behind the fucking wheel!” Derek grabbed Jessup by his sleeve and hauled him up.
“Drive!” Scrambling into the turret, Derek positioned himself and waited for the gunfire to erupt. He didn’t have to wait long.

Rounds hit the side of the MRAP and Derek fired back with the .50 caliber machine gun. Insurgents were running around the meeting
house and Derek tore up the ground all the way to the front door.

“Get us the fuck out of here!” Derek shouted down below.
The MRAP ran over another IED and the vehicle almost flipped. Derek kept firing until they were far enough away; he slipped

down from the turret and looked at the men. They were all ready and waiting for orders. Derek ran a hand through his hair.

“Look, I know for some of you guys this is your first tour, but you cannot freeze up like that! All it takes is one damn second and

you’re gone. It’s you or them, do you get that?” Derek shouted.

Derek looked at the private who’d spoken, he looked about eighteen. “Connelly?”
“We…” Connelly looked at the rest of the guys. “A lot of us have never been deployed, sir. This is our first tour. I wasn’t prepared

for this, sir.”

“You’re never prepared for this shit, Connelly.” Derek put his hand on Connelly’s shoulder. “Learn a lesson from this because if

you don’t, you just left your wife a widow and your kids without a father. Got it?”

“Yes, sir!” the chorus of men erupted.
By the time they pulled back into the base the sun was down. Derek jumped from the MRAP and was greeted by the General of

the Army, Prescott.

“Jesus, Jacobs, you really like living life on the edge,” Prescott smiled. “Looks like our MRAP are just that, mine resistant and

ambush protected.” Prescott laughed at the look on Derek’s face.

“What the hell happened, sir? This was supposed to be a friendly meeting.” Derek followed the general back to operations.
“I am trying to get Intel on that now. As far as we knew, that’s exactly what this was.”
“Well, their welcome was a little less than desirable.” Derek sat down and put his feet up. “My guys were shitting themselves.”
“We should have sent you with more seasoned soldiers.”
“No, this was good for them. They need to know what to do when shit like this happens. None of them were prepared. Jessup was

the only one who snapped out of it.”

Prescott leaned over the desk. “You loved every second of it.”
Derek smiled and leaned back in the chair. “Come on, you know what it’s like. Once you put rank on, they feel like you can’t take

a piss anymore. Today just proved I can be in the fight just like my men.”

“Well, you get to leave all this soon.” Prescott motioned to the miles and miles of sand.

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Derek sighed and looked out the window. “I wasn’t sure if I was ready to retire.” Derek looked up. “It’s time. I’ve been deployed

for most of my career in one way or another. Sure, it’s great for rising in the ranks but my personal life is shit.”

“Hell, I’ve been divorced three times.” Prescott leaned against the desk. “Being gone half the marriage didn’t help.”
“That’s why I never got married.” Derek looked at his bare ring hand.
“Oh?” Prescott leaned over. “I thought it was because you are in love with Agent Pruitt.”
Derek almost fell off the chair. As it was, he stumbled getting up and stammered. “What?”
Prescott laughed loud. “Oh my God, if you could see your face right now. Calm down, Derek, I figured it out a long time ago at

one of the meetings. The way you look at him says it all. And no, I haven’t said a fucking word. It’s your business who you fuck or don’t
fuck and you are one hell of a soldier.”

Derek sighed and sat back down. “Jesus, and here I thought I was being all covert and shit.”
“I pay attention,” Prescott winked. “Now, call your man and tell him you are just fine and you’ll be home soon.”
Derek stood and shook Prescott’s hand and watched as the man left his office. He looked at the time and wondered if James was

even up. Looking out the window, he watched the men he’d just returned with getting an ass chewing. He knew what that was like. He’d
only frozen up one time and that was in Somalia. Derek put his head on the desk and banged it.

Derek looked up to see Jessup looking at him. “Yes?”
“I just wanted to tell you…” Jessup sighed loudly. “Permission to speak freely, sir?”
“I fucked up, sir. It won’t happen again.”
Derek stood up and came around the desk. “Yes it will and let me tell you why. Every situation is different out here and you have to

know what to do. You won’t always have the luxury of knowing that. Sometimes you have to improvise.” Derek sat against the desk and
crossed his arms. “You came through today after a little screaming.”

“You are one hell of a badass,” Jessup smiled. “I hope one day I am as confident as you are.”
“Years and years of practice.” Derek took Jessup by the shoulders. “Don’t get dead.”
“Yes, sir.” Jessup walked to the door and turned. “So, a game of spades later with the guys?”
Derek chuckled. “Prepare to lose.”
“No, sir.” Jessup laughed and left.
Derek smiled and sat down looking at his desk. It’d been close today. Derek looked at the time, he had just enough time to get a

shower and eat before heading out to play cards. As a general he wasn’t supposed to consort with lower ranking soldiers. Derek laughed
and stood up, as if he ever followed the rules. Camaraderie was important, and he made it his business to know the men who took orders
from him. Derek flipped the light off in his office and headed for the showers, he’d call James later.

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Chapter Two

James pulled up to the office of Homeland Security in D.C. at nine in the morning. He flashed his badge and was escorted to the

elevators. James looked at his phone; Derek would be on his way to bed. He’d wanted to call him and let him know what was going on but
didn’t have the time. James got out on the third floor and went to the director’s office; he knocked and got the ‘come in’ from behind the

“Morning, Director Simmons.” James sat down in the plush leather chair.
“Morning, Pruitt. Keegan’s on his way up.” Simmons folded his hands and looked at James. “Are you sure he’s the best man for

the job?”

James nodded and sat forward gripping his hands together. “He’s been watching these guys for years. He knows Markov

backwards and forwards. I’m telling you, with Keegan’s looks and demeanor, Markov’s going to cave.”

“I just hope it’s worth it. After what Ripley’s been through he can’t afford to be taken captive

again. Especially if Markov decides

he’s in a torturing mood.”

“I don’t think that’s going to happen. Vince Markov may be a killer but he’s got reasons behind his madness.”
Simmons raised a brow. “You saw the pictures of those Russian guards. He was seventeen then. What the hell do you think he’s

capable of now?”

“No offense, sir, but they killed his whole family. I think I’d be a bit upset, too.”
“He butchered them, tore them limb from limb.” Simmons sat back and sighed. “I don’t know if I can risk Ripley, he’s too

valuable.” Simmons looked up as there was a soft knock on the door. “Come in.”

“Morning.” Keegan stepped in and took the chair next to Pruitt.
“I was just telling Director Simmons that you would be perfect to reel in Vince Markov. He seems to think Markov is too

dangerous.” James winked at Keegan.

Keegan smiled. “He is dangerous, but now is the time to strike. He’s still vulnerable from his divorce and he’s mellowed since

having Nikolai.”

Simmons nodded. “His son.” Simmons looked at Keegan. “I’ve heard Nikolai is just like his father - ruthless and without mercy.”
“Yes he is, but I think I’ve seen a different side to Vince. I can do this, sir. I’m the only one who knows Vince Markov the man.”
James’ cell phone rang and he stood up and excused himself to the hallway to answer.
“James, I need you on a plane ASAP. We had an issue with one of the leaders in Rijay. I know you’ve met Aasim Abur; he was

supposed to have a friendly meeting with the Army. It didn’t go as planned.”

James gripped the phone. “What happened?”
“Your friend, General Jacobs, and some of his men were under attack. The MRAP they were in suffered multiple IED explosions.”
“Oh, God,” James whispered. “Was anyone killed?”
“No. From what I hear the general took initiative and got his men out of there and back to the base. Look, this one’s going to get

rough; we’ve already got a man on his way but we need you.”

“Yes, sir. I’m on my way right now.”
“Get to Reagan; we’ll have a plane on standby.”
James hung up and went back into the room. Simmons was on the phone and James looked at Keegan. “What?”
“Head honcho at the CIA,” Keegan shrugged.
Simmons hung up the phone. “Well, James seems you are on your way out.” Simmons raised his eyebrows. “Seems you hold more

than one job with more than one agency, and I believe that was the Secretary of Defense on your phone just now?”

“I’m Pruitt, James Pruitt,” James winked and shook Keegan’s and Simmons’ hands. “If you know that, you also know I can put

Keegan on this without your consent,” James smirked at Simmons. “I have to go; we’ll talk when I get back, Keegan.”

James practically ran out of the building and hailed a cab. As soon as he got to the airport he boarded the plane and grabbed his

phone. It rang five times before Derek’s voice came over the line.

“Damn you!” James shouted into the phone.
Derek sat up in bed. “Shit, who told you?”
“Does it matter? Jesus Christ, Derek! You could have been killed.”
“But I wasn’t. Please calm down, James. I was going to call you, I promise. Where are you?”
“On a plane to Kandahar and then on to the same village you visited. Seems I know the man you were going to meet; the bigwigs

want me to have a sit down with him.”

Derek got out of bed. “I don’t like this.”
“Tough shit. It’s my job, Derek,” James sighed and sat back, closing his eyes. “I had to find out from my boss what happened to


“Which one?” Derek chuckled.
“Not funny, this is so not funny.”
Derek looked at the picture on his nightstand of him and James at a function. “I was going to call you, I promise.”
“I thought…” James closed his eyes.

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“I’m okay, James, I promise. I’ll be on that boat with you, I swear it. We need to talk about some things.” Derek said.
“What things?” James asked.
Derek sighed and sat back down on the bed. “Things that can only be said in person okay? Can you get out of this assignment?”
“You know I can’t.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling, James; please find someone else to take this.”
“You have a job and so do I. This is what they pay me the big bucks for. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done, okay?”
“Okay,” Derek said.
“I have to go.” James felt the plane speeding up. “I’ll call you soon.”
“James?” Derek grabbed the picture and closed his eyes taking a deep breath.
“Please be careful.” He wasn’t going to tell James he loved him over the phone. The man deserved to hear it in person; after six

years James deserved that much.

“You know me,” James smiled into the phone. “Bye.”
“Bye.” Derek hung up the phone and stared at it. His chest was constricting; something was very wrong with this whole deal. Derek

got dressed and made his way to operations. He stopped in and looked at the men working on surveillance of the area. “Anything?”

“Movement up in the mountains, but it’s not insurgents. These guys are way too advanced, too well trained.”
“Rangers?” Derek looked closer.
“No, none of us are out tonight. These guys know how to evade us, too. One of them actually flipped the drone off while smiling


“They aren’t military, that’s for sure. But they know exactly where to hide.”
“Keep me informed.” Derek walked to the coffeemaker.
“Yes, sir.”


James landed at Kandahar airport and was bitch slapped with the heat. He was in a car and on the road within minutes. It was odd

to know he was standing in the same country as Derek and he couldn’t see him. James sighed and closed his eyes; he could have lost
Derek. He knew it was a possibility every time Derek left the base. It was also possible when he was on it. RPG rounds were known to fly
over the walls.

James watched as the car made its way to the village Derek had been in days before. The meeting location had been changed and

James looked around, surveying the area. As soon as they pulled up men surrounded the car and James was escorted into the house. Five
men sat around on the floor in the living room and James entered, shaking hands. When he turned he tried to keep the shock off of his face.
Lucas Cain was smiling at him.

“Ah, James. It is good to see you. How many years has it been?” Aasim smiled.
James put pressure on Lucas’ hand and gave him a warning glare.
“It’s been two years, my friend.” James sat down and nodded to the bottle of whiskey. “You started without me.”
“We had our friend here to drink with.” Aasim looked at Lucas.
“So tell me what the hell happened, Aasim. I was told you were to meet with General Jacobs about the stability of the village and

then they were ambushed. I thought you were taking care of things around here.” James said.

Aasim sat back with his drink. “I have tried to keep the peace. The whole region is unstable. We know you say you will be leaving

soon, but we all know how truthful that is. The natives, as they say, are restless, James.”

James narrowed his eyes. “Did you have anything to do with the attack on General Jacobs?”
“I was not even home nor aware a meeting was taking place, James. I had left for the day with my wife and children.”
James watched Lucas in his peripheral vision; they both knew the man was lying out his ass. “How can we play by the rules if you


There was screaming at the front of the house and then gunshots went off. James stood up immediately and grabbed Lucas. They

ran through the house looking for a way out. Lucas pulled him to the left towards the back of the house. They found a back bedroom and
threw the window open; Lucas was out and hit the ground and James fell on top of him.

“Run!” James shouted.
Gunshots were going off behind them and more screams could be heard as James ran through the desert with Lucas trailing behind

him. Shots were getting closer and James turned in time to see Lucas go down. He grabbed Lucas by the bicep and hauled him up over his
shoulder, running again. An explosion went off and James looked at the house they’d just left. It was a huge fireball and men were running
in all directions. James headed for the mountains. A loud crack went off and his thigh exploded in pain. He lost his footing and went down
with Lucas on top of him.

“Go!” James pushed Lucas off.
“Fuck you!” Lucas growled. “Crawl, goddammit!”
James grabbed his phone out of his pocket and flipped it open. “Meeting was compromised! Agent Cain and I are down!” James

left the phone open as he and Lucas tried crawling away from the area. His leg was on fire; he’d been shot in the same damn leg as before.

Lucas looked back and saw men approaching. “Fuck, move faster!”

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James could hear shouting on his phone and put it in his pocket. He felt a hand on his ankle and then he was being pulled

backwards. He kicked at the hand and felt a sharp pain in his back. “Fuck!”

“James!” Lucas tried to crawl over James and shield him. A white hot pain hit him behind the eyes and then all was black.


Derek sat at his desk looking over the surveillance photos of the area from the night before. Heat patterns were picked up in the

mountains, at least four. Whoever they were, they weren’t threatening. Just observing, at least so far. He hadn’t heard from James; the
meeting should have been over by now. His skin was crawling and he felt sick. Something was wrong. Derek stood up and grabbed his
jacket. As soon as he opened the door to his office, Prescott was standing in front of him.

“I knew it!” Derek shouted. He pushed past Prescott and ran to operations.
“Derek! Slow down!” Prescott ran after him.
Derek slammed the door open to the communications room. The whole room was abuzz and every phone was in use. It was pure


“What the hell happened?” Derek shouted. One of the monitors was up showing a house engulfed in flames. “Oh God…oh no…”
Prescott turned Derek around. “He got out, that much we do know. He called it in, Derek.”
“I want to hear the tape.” Derek walked to the recording device.
“Derek,” Prescott shook his head.
Derek put the headphones on and pressed play. He could hear James shouting that he and Cain were down. Gunshots were going

off and an explosion was heard. Cain was screaming at James and then James could be heard cursing and fighting someone off. The tape
went silent until Derek heard someone on the phone breathing. His hand gripped the desk and he threw the headset across the room in a

“Why are we still standing around?” Derek shouted. “You heard him! They are going to kill them!”
“We have people in place for this Derek.” Prescott crossed the room. “We are putting a team together.”
“Fine, I’m going.” Derek grabbed one of the helmets from the table.
“No, you aren’t. That is a direct order, General Jacobs. You are too close to this.”
“Fuck you!” Derek snarled. “I’m going! Court martial my ass, I don’t give a shit!” Derek pulled out his own cell phone and dialed

Sam. The phone rang twice before Sam’s voice came over the line. “Get out to Afghanistan right now, and bring Troy.”

“Yes sir.” Sam hung up the phone and looked at Dakota. “I have to go.”
“Is everything okay?” Dakota sat up in bed.
“I don’t think so.” Sam got up and threw his pants on. He called Troy’s house and waited; Sawyer answered. “Hey, where’s

Troy?” Sam asked.

“He’s right here, hang on.” Sawyer handed the phone to Troy. “Sounds like something’s wrong,” Sawyer whispered.
Troy took the phone. “What’s up?”
“Derek just called in a full blown panic,” Sam started.
“I’m leaving now.” Troy hung up and looked at Sawyer. “I’m sorry, babe. I gotta go.”
Sawyer nodded. “Just call me and let me know, okay?” Sawyer caressed Troy’s face.
Troy took Sawyer’s face in his hands and kissed him gently. “I will, babe; don’t worry.”
Within a half hour, Sam and Troy were packed and loaded up in Troy’s truck. Sam held Dakota and kissed him. He pulled away

to see concern in Dakota’s eyes.

“Hey, I’ll be okay. I’m super wolf,” Sam winked.
“Love you.” Dakota whispered.
“Love you.”
Sawyer held his husband close. “I love you.”
“I love you. Hey, everything’s going to be okay and I’ll send for you as soon as I can, okay?” Troy palmed Sawyer’s face. “I’ll see

you soon.”

Troy got in the truck and backed up. Sawyer and Dakota were standing together holding hands. Troy smiled and waved and pulled

down the road.

Sam pulled out his cell phone and dialed Josh’s number. Josh answered on the second ring and Sam looked out the window.
“Did Derek call you?”
Josh sat up and looked at his cell phone. “No, why?”
“Something’s up. He called me and Troy and told us to come to Afghanistan.”
Josh ran a hand through his hair. “Must need your werewolf abilities.”
“Yeah well, we need you and Mateo, too. We’re a team and we work as one. Derek wouldn’t have called in a panic like that—”
“Unless it involved James.” Josh nodded and looked at Mark. “I’m on it. I’ll call Mateo and we’ll hook up in Germany.”
“Roger that,” Sam sighed. “Thanks Josh.”
“Hey, we are one.”

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“Yes, we are.”


Vince Markov sat up in the mountains of Afghanistan and looked through his night vision goggles. They’d been called in to take out

a key figure and now that key figure was on the move. They’d arrived too late the first time, the house had been incinerated and the target
gone. Vince sighed and took a drink from his canteen. It was hotter than hell and he felt sweat pouring down his back.

“Do you see what I see?”
Vince sighed. “Great, Lorenzo, now that fucking song will be in my head for hours.”
“What song?” Lorenzo chuckled.
“Yes, I see what you see, fifteen men or more. Looks like they are transporting people. We are going to have to get Dimitri and

Justin over here.”

Lorenzo nodded. “I have called Jay and Roman back from the north side.”
Vince pulled his radio out. “Mason?”
“Where are you and the hubby?” Vince poured water down his back.
“Coming to you, so don’t shoot us.” Mason chuckled.
“What is it with you guys lately? Okay, so I’m divorced and pissy. Doesn’t mean I have an itchy trigger finger.”
“That is true.” Lorenzo nodded. “You prefer knives.”
“Jesus, guys lay off.” Vince growled.
Mason laughed and looked through his scope. “Um, guys? Remember that cave we thought was empty?”
“It was.” Vince looked over at Lorenzo with his brow raised.
“It’s getting new residents.” Mason zeroed in on the men entering the cave. “Weapons up the ying yang.”
“Stay put,” Vince motioned to Lorenzo. “We are coming to you instead.”
“Oooh, can’t wait.” Mason said.
“Shut up, Mason.” Vince laughed.


James opened his eyes to see a gun pointed at his head. He looked up to see Aasim smiling at him. He should have known. In all

the years he’d known the man he should have seen this coming.

“Where’s Lucas?” James licked his lips and tried to move his leg. The pain spiked up his thigh and he looked down to see an open

gunshot wound. At the sound of a moan to his left, James turned his head to see Lucas chained to the wall. His feet and wrists were in

“He does not know who you really are, does he?” Aasim crouched down in front of James. “In fact no one does, do they?”
James looked up and smiled. “Fuck you.”
Aasim sat down and opened a folder. “James Mitchell Pruitt, born April fifteenth, 1974. Parents: Janelle and Joseph Pruitt. Joseph

worked as a Secret Service agent until he retired and your mother was secretary to the President of the United States. James Pruitt, four
years in the Army and then went on to the FBI.” Aasim looked up and smiled. “This is where it gets interesting. You also worked for the
CIA. Your IQ is higher than 180, you are an expert in computers as well as weapons. Your training in lethal combat rivals that of a Navy

“Blah, blah, blah.” James balled his fists in the shackles. “What the hell do you want?”
“You are one hell of a catch, James. I am going to get whatever I can for you. As you Americans had a deck of cards for us, we

have one for you as well. And you are the king of spades, James.”

James narrowed his eyes. “You are the leader.”
“Bravo, James.” Aasim clapped softly. “You are very smart indeed.”
“Son of a bitch!” James growled. “You could have killed those men! They were there in good faith!”
Aasim smiled and leaned down to look at James. “Who were you worried about, James?”
“Fuck you.” James spat in Aasim’s face. The pain was immediate and he bit his lip to keep from screaming outright. Aasim had

shoved his finger into the open wound in his thigh and was now twisting his finger inside.

“You can scream. I will not hold it against you.” Aasim laughed.
“Kiss my ass!” James shouted.
“You hold a wealth of information in that head.” Aasim pulled his finger out and wiped the blood on his pants. He gripped James’

head in his hands and squeezed. “I am curious as to how much we can pull out.”

James pursed his lips and looked at Aasim defiantly.
“Oh, you have stopped speaking?” Aasim smiled and got up, making his way to Lucas. “I wonder how much you will be willing to

talk if we start hurting Agent Cain.”

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James closed his eyes. He now had a very good idea of what Keegan Ripley had endured. The man had had to sit by as his

captors killed his partner. James was pretty sure he was going to have to watch Lucas die.

“It is all right, we have time.” Aasim gripped Lucas’ hair and yanked his head back. “You should rest, Lucas, I have a feeling you

will be in much pain.”

James watched Aasim leave; he scooted as close as he could to Lucas. “Lucas?”
“Don’t tell him shit,” Lucas whispered. “I signed the same contract you did, I think.” Lucas looked at James and smiled. “Are you

James Bond?”

James reached for Lucas’ hand and managed to touch his pinky finger. “We’ll get out of this.”
“Do you have any idea what time it is? What day it is?” Lucas looked around the cave.
“No,” James sighed. “But I do know one thing.”
“Yeah? What’s that?” Lucas whispered.
“My team will come for me.”


Derek watched through the night vision goggles as Sam and Troy in wolf form made a sweep of what was left of the house. The

two of them were the best chance he had of getting James back. He was working against the Army right now and he didn’t care. James
meant more to him than anything. After twenty five years, he was shucking his whole career for one man and he was just fucking fine with it.

“Do you think they are picking anything up?” Derek crouched down, watching as Sam and Troy sniffed the air.
“I don’t speak wolf,” Josh whispered. “God, that looks so cool.”
“Oh yeah, so cool,” Mateo whispered. “I heard it’s painful as fuck.” Both Derek and Josh looked at him and Mateo shrugged his

shoulders. “What?”

“Since when does pain bother you?” Josh raised a brow.
“Since I don’t want all my bones broken at once.” Mateo motioned to Sam and Troy. “They are coming back.”
Derek had pants ready for when Troy shifted. He handed him the pants and looked at Sam, still in wolf form. “What’s up?”
“Sam’s staying in wolf form; he’s got the better nose.” Troy stretched his arms out. “We picked up James’ scent all around the


Derek looked at Troy. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Troy looked towards the house, avoiding Derek’s glare. “It’s a blood trail.”
Derek stood up and ran a hand through his hair. “We have to move out and now. We have no idea how much blood he’s lost and

whether or not he’s….he’s…” Derek ran his hands over his face.

“He’s okay, Derek.” Mateo took Derek by his shoulders. “He’s going to be just fine. We’ll get him back.”
The area lit up as two Hummers pulled up. Military Police jumped out of both vehicles and German shepherd dogs accompanied

the men. Sam growled and sat down in front of Derek. Troy pulled Sam back as the German shepherds whined, realizing what Sam was.
Derek stood with his arms crossed, looking at the MPs.

“General Jacobs, you are to come back with us to base,” one of the MP’s said.
Derek chuckled. “I think not.”
General Prescott came out of the first Hummer, and made his way over. He stood in front of Derek and looked over the other men.
“You will come back with me and cooperate or I will put you in prison. How are you going to be with James, if you’re behind

bars? Come back, get the okay and then you can go. I give you my word, Derek. Your men can continue without you.”

“You bet your ass we will,” Mateo growled. “More fucking paperwork? Then you wonder why the four of us left, Prescott. Too

many fucking rules to play by and in that wasted time, James is paying.”

“This is your career Derek—”
“You think I give a shit about my career?” Derek shouted.
“There’s a big difference between an honorable discharge and dishonorable one. Just play by the rules Derek, you’re retiring

anyway. I promise I will push this shit through.”

Mateo took Derek’s hand. “Go, we will find James. You know we won’t stop until we do.”
Derek ran a hand through his hair. “Goddammit! Fine, keep me informed, Mateo. I want him back alive and I don’t care who you

have to kill to make that happen.”

“I didn’t hear that.” Prescott smiled.
“Go,” Mateo shook Derek’s hand. “You know we’ve got the best nose on it.”
Josh stood with Mateo and Troy as Derek got into the Hummer with General Prescott. They watched as the two vehicles backed

up and took off towards the base. Sam whined and Troy looked down at him.

“I know, we need to get moving.” Troy petted Sam’s head.
“Yep, we are running out of dark.” Josh looked up at the sky.
Mateo looked at his guys. “Let’s move it.”

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Chapter Three

The pain was excruciating. James bit his bottom lip as they shoved a hot poker through his already infected gunshot wound. Lucas

had been stabbed twice in the side and they had dragged him away minutes before. James looked up and smiled at Aasim; the man was
angry. James had refused to speak at all and Lucas followed suit. James closed his eyes and hoped Lucas would at least die a quick death.

“You are much stronger than I thought you would be. Seems the government chose you well, James.” Aasim paced in front of

James. One of his associates came running in and Aasim took him aside.

James’ head sprang up at the heated conversation in the corner. He caught a few words here and there. Aasim was whispering to

his soldier. James looked at the ceiling of the cave and prayed to see Derek at least one more time. He looked at his leg and realized the
poker hadn’t gone into the gunshot wound. It’d gone in right next to it. James cursed under his breath and watched as Aasim made his way
back over with jumper cables. James closed his eyes and brought Derek’s face into view as the first bolt of pain shot through him.


Vince watched the cave closely. They were all sitting up on the ridge, watching men coming in and out of the cave. It had taken

them a day and a half to figure out the guard shift. Their target was inside; they’d spotted him in the morning.

“Everyone ready?” Vince checked his gun and made sure his knife was easily accessible.
Lorenzo nodded and looked at the rest of the team. “We take Aasim out; there will be no negotiating.” Lorenzo looked at Jay.

“You are ready for this?”

“I’m always ready, old man.” Jay winked.
“I am not old.” Lorenzo sighed in frustration.
“Can we do this later?” Roman raised a brow.
“Okay, hands in.” Mason said.
“Come on! Again with the rock, paper, scissors?” Vince stood up. “I’ll go and distract.”
Roman chuckled. “You know he hates that game.”
“Because he always chooses rock,” Mason laughed and clapped Vince on the back. “You know you love this part.”
Vince smiled maniacally. “Yes, I do. Wait for the signal.”
“So, men screaming?” Jay folded his arms across his chest.
“That’s the one,” Vince winked, and took off down the side of the mountain.
“Maybe he needs a kitten?” Jay looked over at Lorenzo. “A cute, fluffy puppy?”
Lorenzo grabbed Jay’s jacket, laughing. “Come on.”


James cracked an eye open, he ran his tongue over his lips and winced. They were so dry the saliva burned. Opening both eyes he

tried to focus on something, anything. The room was almost pitch black; he turned his head towards the tiniest amount of light in the corner.

James tried to move his leg and almost screamed in pain. The gunshot to his leg was still open, they hadn’t even bothered to try and

clean it. Fuck, he was going to die in this fucking cave. James hung his head and moved his hands and ankles in the metal shackles. As if he
could run with his leg in the condition it was in. Not only that, they’d pumped so much voltage through him his legs were numb. He heard
someone come in and attempted to stand. Once again there was a gun in his face and Aasim’s soldier was asking him what he knew. James
looked at the man and snarled.

“Fuck you.”
“You are not afraid to die, are you?” the man asked.
James looked at the man. “No, I’m not. So please just fucking shoot me, so I don’t have to look at you anymore.”
The man laughed. “You are either very brave or very stupid. I do not know why Aasim wants you so badly, but it seems the

American military wants you back. They are willing to pay a high price for your return. Aasim has not decided whether or not we are going
to cooperate with them.”

James smiled.
“What are you smiling about?” The man looked at James closely.
“If they are sending who I think they are, you either kill me now and hope for a quick death when they catch you, or let me go and

hope for a quick death when they catch you.” James said.

“The military plays by the rules, they will not kill us.”
“They won’t be sending the military.” James looked the man in the eye. “The people who will come don’t care about rules.”
A loud explosion went off and the man turned toward the cave entrance. He looked back at James. “The other people?”
“You better hope not.” James sat back down and closed his eyes.
James could hear more explosions going off and then gunfire in the cave. He kept his eyes closed and hoped it’d be over one way

or another, and soon. The pain in his leg was unbearable; it was infected, with possible gangrene. There was commotion outside the tunnel
and then someone ran over to him. James felt his face being pulled up and then someone was looking at his leg.

“Fuck, it’s infected. Radio Reece and tell him we need the medical unit set up.”

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“He is an American.”
“No shit, Lorenzo, what gave it away?” Vince asked.
James felt a hand on his cheek and opened his eyes. A man was crouched in front of him looking him over. He licked his lips again.

“I know you. You’re Vince Markov.”

Lorenzo sighed. “Does everyone know you, Vince?”
Vince waggled his eyebrows. “Hey, I get around.”
“Yes, I know.” Lorenzo looked around the cave then back at the man on the floor. “Is there anyone else with you?”
James swallowed hard and looked up. “My partner was with me. I don’t know if he survived.”
“Get him up and let’s get the fuck out of here.” Lorenzo walked to the cave entrance. “Is it clear, Jay?”
“Yup, just took out three more assholes. Too bad I don’t speak whatever the fuck they are speaking. Have no idea what the dude

was saying.” Jay looked around, keeping an eye out for more men.

Vince took the key he had swiped from the man they had just killed and hoped it was the right one to open the shackles. He

inserted the key and closed his eyes, turning it; he heard a click and breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

James felt his body being picked up in strong arms and rested his head against Vince’s shoulder. “You have to let them know…”
“Let who know?” Vince asked.
Vince looked at the man in his arms. “What’s your name?”
“James…James Pruitt. You have to tell General Jacobs you found me.”
Vince nodded. “Okay, calm down. Let us get you fixed up and then we’ll call whoever you want okay?” Vince looked down;

James had passed out. “Shit, Lorenzo we need to get this guy to the infirmary like now.”

Lorenzo got on the radio. “Roman?”
“Do you and Justin have the charges set?” Lorenzo asked.
“Sure do, just waiting on the go.” Roman said.
“Okay, Vince and I are leaving with Jay. We’ll give the go when we get out.”
“We’ll be waiting. Dominic and Mason found another man in the other cave. He’s an American.” Roman said.
“Shit,” Lorenzo looked out the entrance of the cave. “Get him out of here.”
“On it,” Roman said.
Vince tightened his grip on James and looked at Lorenzo. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”


James opened his eyes and blinked; a man with short sandy brown hair was injecting his IV line. He was in a bed and his leg was

wrapped up. He looked around the room. Medicine bottles lined the wall and there was an MRI machine and a few other machines. James
licked his lips, and was surprised to taste Chap Stick. He moaned softly and the man looked up. Kind, cognac-colored eyes smiled at him.

“You’re awake.”
“Where am I?” James tried to sit up.
“Whoa, you need to lie still. I’m Reece Costa. You’re in Italy, in our infirmary. Vince already called your General Jacobs,” Reece

chuckled softly. “Needless to say, Troy Bishop took over the phone call.”

James smiled. “I remember, Troy said you guys bailed him out once.”
Reece nodded. “Yes we did. Your general is most anxious to have you back.”
“He yelled, huh?” James smiled when Reece chuckled again.
“Yes he did. Vince does not do well when people scream at him.”
The door to the infirmary opened and James smiled as Vince entered the room.
“How’s the patient, Reece?” Vince sat on the edge of the bed. “Your general has a thing for you I think.”
“What makes you say that?” James grinned.
“Because when we told him we couldn’t move you right now he started screaming at me. Then Troy got on the phone and things

went a little bit better. We’re not keeping you prisoner, we just don’t want to move you until you’re ready.”

The door opened again and more men filed into the room. It was like looking at a who’s who of Keegan’s file. Most of the men

they had been watching came in at once. They all smiled at him and one of them had his head tilted, looking at him.

“Hi.” James smiled. “You are?”
“That’s Chris, don’t engage him in conversation,” Vince laughed softly.
“Vince is just mad he can’t bang you,” Chris smiled, and stuck his tongue out at Vince.
“Christophe…” Dimitri sighed with a smile.
“Oh, come on, hon,” Chris sighed and smiled when James looked at him. “This is my husband, Dimitri Voronova. I’m obviously

Chris Voronova.”

James forced himself to keep his mouth shut. Dimitri was drop-dead gorgeous, as were all the men lined up against the wall. It was

like a “Playgirl” convention.

“I can hear your thoughts,” Chris chuckled and winked. “I thought the exact same thing when I saw them all in one room. It’s

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disgusting, isn’t it?”

James blushed at being caught. “Jesus,” James chuckled and shook his head.
“Anyway,” Vince cleared his throat. “We had to promise to allow them to come here. We had to put rules in place of course; we

operate outside the law and don’t want, or need, any interference.”

“I’m sure Derek agreed to that right away.” James rolled his eyes.
“To see you? Yeah he did.” Vince took James hand. “You have a good man.”
“It’s not like that,” James sighed, and lay back closing his eyes. “I don’t think… shit, I don’t know anymore.”
“Well,” Vince stood up and motioned to the men. “Let me introduce you to some of the guys. Starting at the left, we have Justin

Maddox, Jay Reynolds, Lorenzo Costa, Dominic and Mason Catalano, Roman Trevino and you’ve met Chris and Dimitri, already. Sorry,
they are all married. I’m the only single one.” Vince smiled wide.

“Slut.” Mason coughed.
“Fuck you.” Vince chuckled.
Reece looked at the men in the room and cleared his throat. “James needs his rest guys. Can you get him some food, please?”
The men filed out of the room and Vince stayed near the bed looking at James. He smiled and took James’ hand. The poor guy

was a mess.

“Whatever Derek says, he cares, a lot more than you think he does. The way he was on the phone - he was desperate. Don’t give

up hope,” Vince winked and got up. “Some men just need a little more time, Agent Pruitt.”

James’ mouth fell open. “How did you…?”
“We know everything,” Vince smiled, and left the room.
“You should rest, do you want a sedative?” Reece smoothed the hair back from James’ forehead. “You’re a little warm; I just gave

you another dose of antibiotics. I was able to clean your leg and you should heal just fine, full mobility.”

“Thank you,” James closed his eyes. “I am tired.” The minute his eyes closed, the darkness invaded and James succumbed to the

pull of much needed rest.


The next time he opened his eyes he was looking into Mateo’s hazel ones.
“Oh no, I’m dead and in hell,” James sighed, closing his eyes.
Reece chuckled, taking James’ blood pressure. “So you do know him.”
Mateo smiled and kissed James’ forehead. “Hi, honey, we were worried about you.”
“We?” James tried to sit up.
“The gang is here, somewhere.” Mateo looked around. “Derek got held up, but he’s on his way, something about the military not

liking him hanging out with outlaws.”

“Hey, I resemble that remark.” Vince leaned against the wall.
“Who the fuck are you?” Mateo stood up, hand on the gun in the waistband of his pants.
“Who the fuck are you?” Vince puffed his chest out.
“Oh shit, Vince Markov and Mateo Esposito are in the same room. Armageddon has arrived.” James laughed softly.
“Down, Vince.” Reece shot Vince a look. “These are not our enemies.”
Vince crossed his arms over his chest. “Some guy named Lucas told me to tell you he’s fine.” Vince raised his eyebrows at Mateo.
“Lucas survived?” James sat up this time. “I thought…”
“He was shot and stabbed, but damn the man is stubborn.” Vince leaned against the wall with a grin.
“Who’s Lucas?” Mateo looked at James.
“My old partner. When I went to the meeting, Lucas was there as an interpreter. Then all hell broke loose and the house was

infiltrated. Lucas and I managed to run out of the house, but I was shot in the thigh and they got him in the calf. I don’t remember much
after that. Someone hit me over the head. When I woke up I was shackled to the wall and Lucas was right next to me,” James sighed and
lay back closing his eyes. “I thought for sure they’d killed him when neither one of us would talk.”

“Well, like I said, we stitched him up. Well, Reece did, and he’s up and about on crutches.” Vince kept his eye on Mateo. “You

look familiar.” Vince narrowed his eyes.

The door opened and Josh walked in with Sam, Troy and Riley. James smiled as they all hovered around him in bed.
“Where are Sawyer, Dakota and Mark?” James asked.
“I told Mark to stay at the command base. Sawyer and Dakota stayed with him.” Josh looked at the man by the door. “You are?”
Vince sighed. “Vince Markov.”
“Hey, Vince,” Troy put his hand out. “How ya been?”
“Good,” Vince gripped Troy’s hand and looked over one of the other men. He had the bluest eyes he’d ever seen, chestnut brown

hair and beautiful full lips. “And you are?” Vince gave the man a once-over.

“Yeah,” Mateo grabbed Riley. “That’d be mine.”
“Nice,” Vince smiled flirtatiously. “Very nice.”
“Thanks,” Riley smiled wide. “Nice tattoos.”
“Riley…” Mateo sighed.

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Josh looked at Vince Markov. “Thank God I didn’t bring Mark; you have a predator look.”
Reece cracked up. “Vince has a certain type of man he goes after, so if your man is pretty and smaller than Vince, he’d be prey.”
“Mark would be prey.” Josh looked at Vince. “But, he’s my husband.”
Vince put his hands up in defense. “Hey now, I don’t fuck married men.”
“That’s true; he just fucks the rest of them,” Reece laughed at Vince’s dirty look. “Deny it, Vince.”
Vince shrugged his shoulders. “Can’t.”
“Weren’t you married to Andrei Panchenko?” Riley was putting the pieces together.
“Yes, I was; we are divorced but remain friends.” Vince said.
Mateo looked over Vince. “Who’s the bigwig in charge of you guys? You beat us to the cave by minutes. You know, it would help

if we were on the same page.”

Vince shook his head. “It won’t happen. We don’t like mixing the law or the military in with what we do. It was by accident that

we found Agents Pruitt and Cain. We were there to take out a key figure and, as always, we check every inch of the perimeter before we
blow it. Needless to say we were surprised to find two hostages,” Vince smiled looking at James. “I’m just glad we got you out.”

“Well, we would have, if we weren’t stepped on.” Mateo narrowed his eyes.
“Maybe you should do your job better then.” Vince growled.
“Maybe you should fuck off!” Mateo snarled.
Riley took Mateo’s hand. “Babe, please calm down. The important thing is that James is safe, right?” Riley stood in front of Mateo

and pulled his face down to look into his eyes. “Right?”

Mateo’s anger fled looking into his husband’s beautiful, crystal blue eyes. “Right.”
Reece gave a frustrated sigh. “Okay, James needs his rest, so if you are going to argue take it out in the hall, please. Now shoo!”

Reece watched as they all left then turned to smile at James. “Jesus, Armageddon is right.”

“I told you.” James chuckled softly.


Mateo leaned up against the wall looking at Vince with a scowl. He already hated the guy. He felt Riley’s hand in his and looked

down at his husband, trying to smile.

“Babe, stop it.” Riley whispered.
“I can’t help it, he fucking gets on my last nerve.” Mateo growled.
“Feeling’s mutual, asshole.” Vince shot Mateo a sideways glance.
Josh stepped in between Vince and Mateo as the two went at each other.
“Now, now, kids. Can’t we all just get along?” Josh put his hand on Mateo’s chest. “We are on the same team guys, come on.”
“For now.” Mateo looked Vince up and down. “Although, these guys remind me of those damn gung-ho penguins in the

‘Madagascar’ movies,” Mateo mumbled. He looked up to see Vince’s group looking at him with eyebrows raised. “What? Oh please -
the way you’re looking at me tells me you’ve seen the damn movies. ‘Go boom now?’ Sound familiar?”

Commotion down the hall had them all turning to see what was going on. Vince chuckled as Justin and Lorenzo tried to keep a man

about the same height as them in check.

“Must be the general?” Vince looked at Troy for confirmation.
“Yep.” Troy winked.
Derek looked at all the men standing around. “Where the fuck is James?”
“He’s fine, Derek,” Mateo tried to keep Derek calm. He was on the verge of losing it. “He’s getting some much needed rest.”
“What the fuck happened? Last I heard we were minutes from the target!” Derek shouted.
Mateo looked at Vince. “Ask him.”
Derek turned to the man Mateo had indicated. He was a few inches shorter, but Derek could see the man was ripped to shit.


Vince tried to keep his temper in check. “Look, General, we don’t ask permission and we don’t wait. We go in and do the job

and get out. We found James shackled to a wall and took him out. End of story. Now you can be pissed all you want, but the simple fact of
the matter is that James is all right. So chill the fuck out.”

Mateo jumped between Derek and Vince seconds before Derek went for the man.
“Hey, James is fine. Let’s not lose it now okay, Derek? Whether we like it or not, these guys saved James. So let’s be grateful he’s

alive, okay? This is Vince Markov, by the way.”

Derek sighed, dragging his fingers through his hair. “Okay, I know you’re right. I was just so worried about him. When he said he

was taking this stupid assignment I got a bad feeling.” Derek looked at Vince and put his hand out. “I’m sorry, I’m just on edge. I do thank
you for rescuing James.”

Vince took the man’s hand. “He’s a good guy, you’re a lucky man.”
Derek stammered. “Oh, it’s not like that—”
“Oh?” Vince smiled wickedly. “So I can ask him out then?”
“No!” Derek roared.
Riley giggled. “You are so transparent, Derek.”

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Vince smiled and winked. “Everyone I know is gay, well most everyone. No one’s judging you, General. James is one hot piece of


Derek raised a brow.
Vince shrugged. “Well, he is.”
Reece exited James’ room and turned to see a very tall man looking down on him. Reece’s mouth fell open, his hair was so black it

was almost blue and looking into his eyes was like looking at the tropical waters of the Pacific.

“You must be General Jacobs,” Reece said.
Derek tried to smile. “I am.”
“James is resting comfortably. He has an infection in his leg, but I’m combating it with antibiotics. He’s going to make a full


“Can I see him, please?” Derek looked at the door hopefully.
“I wouldn’t dream of keeping you out.” Reece stepped out of the way and opened the door for Derek. As soon as it closed Reece

looked at Vince. “Are you causing problems?”

“Why is it always my fault?” Vince crossed his arms over his chest.
Lorenzo chuckled softly. “Vince, you are very hard to get along with. Or should I say you were hard to get along with. It takes time

for people to get to know the real you.”

Riley slapped his hand over Mateo’s mouth. “My husband is the same way, trust me.”
The door at the end of the hall opened and Riley’s attention was focused on the man making his way toward them. Steel grey eyes

looked them over before finally settling on Vince.

Vince pursed his lips. “Oh, great. Not you, too, Andrei.”
“I did not say a word.” Andrei said.
“Guys, meet the ex-hubby, Andrei Panchenko. Andrei, meet the guys.” Vince said.
Riley put his hand out. “Riley Flynn-Esposito.”
Andrei smiled. “Of Flynn Electronics, I know of you.”
“Nice to meet you,” Riley smiled. “This scowling man is my husband, Mateo. Seems he and your ex can’t get along.”
Andrei shook Mateo’s hand and smiled. “You are not the first,” Andrei chuckled. “Vince is a taste you must acquire.”
“Thanks, babe.” Vince sighed and slumped against the wall as the rest of the men introduced themselves to Andrei.
“Is anyone hungry?” Andrei looked over the men. “We have prepared dinner.”
“I could eat.” Josh nodded.
“You can always eat.” Troy looked at Josh with a smirk.
“Well, let us head down to the dining room.” Andrei put his hand out. “After you.”
Riley giggled, looking at Andrei Panchenko. “I’m having dinner with the head of the Russian mob.”
Andrei chuckled. “And I am having dinner with the famous Riley Flynn.” Andrei put his arm out. “Accompany me? I very much

enjoyed your press conference.”

Riley grinned, taking Andrei’s arm. “Did you now?”
Andrei smiled. “Shall we?”
Mateo watched as his husband walked arm and arm down the hall with the head of the Russian mob. He felt an arm come around

his and looked to see Vince Markov winking at him.

“Come on, handsome.”
“I hate you.” Mateo chuckled.
“Yeah? I hate you too.”


Derek sat by James’ bed and picked up his hand gently. He looked so frail. Derek let out a loud sigh of relief. When they’d been

informed that James was kidnapped from the meeting, all hell had broken loose and he’d been in front of his commanding officers
screaming to be allowed to help in the search. Once they’d found out where James was, the team had been sent in - only to find charred
remains of a cave and bodies. The pure horror of what could have happened to James had him paralyzed. Until the phone call, the one that
had brought him out of his devastation.

Now he sat by the bedside of the man he was in love with and wanted to kiss him and hold him. He felt the rapid pulse in James’

wrist as he kissed his cheek softly.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.” James’ skin was so soft; he couldn’t help but let his fingers trail over James’ raw lips. The pain in his

chest returned at the thought of James being held captive, what could have happened to him. Derek felt the wetness in the corners of his
eyes and wiped at the tear rolling down his cheek. James’ eyelashes fluttered and Derek smiled when arctic blue eyes smiled at him.

“You came.” James whispered.
“Of course I did,” Derek caressed James’ cheek. “You really thought I wouldn’t?”
“I didn’t…I hoped,” James took a deep breath. “I wished so many times that I would open my eyes and you would be there,

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rescuing me.”

“I wanted to be. Jesus, James, I fought so hard just to get to you. They weren’t going to let me leave and I was ready to go

AWOL. I don’t fucking give a shit anymore. The thought of what could be happening to you.” Derek ran his fingers through James’ soft
hair; he’d always wanted to know what it felt like.

“I thought I was going to die,” James closed his eyes. “And all I could think about was you.”
Derek pulled James up and held him in his arms, he ran his nose through James’ hair taking in his scent and let out a heavy sigh.

“God, you feel so good in my arms.”

“Is this real?” James whispered, pulling back from the embrace.
“Yes, it is,” Derek smiled and ran the pad of his thumb over James’ lips. “I’m here and you are okay.” Derek’s eyes met with

James’ and the need to kiss him was overwhelming. Keeping eye contact with James, he palmed his face and leaned in. The door to the
infirmary opened and Derek closed his eyes, cursing under his breath. “Dammit.”

“Is this a bad time?”
James looked around Derek’s massive frame. “Lucas?”
“Yeah, um, Reece said you were okay and I finally found the right hallway.” Lucas looked at Derek on the bed. “I can come


“No, James and I have plenty of time.” Derek leaned over, kissing James’ forehead. “I’ll be back, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Okay,” James smiled as Derek squeezed his hand, winking.
Lucas moved out of the way so Derek’s massive bulk could get through the door. Derek stopped and looked down at him and

Lucas looked up, trying to smile.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Derek grinned.
“Thanks, General.” Lucas waited for the door to close then made his way over to James on the bed. “So how do you feel?”
“Like someone shoved a hot poker through my thigh, electrocuted me and some other shit I don’t care to remember. You?”
Lucas put the crutches on the side of the bed and sat down. “Shot, stabbed and like you, I’d like to forget the rest.”
“I’m sorry,” James swallowed hard, the tears were coming and he hated that he was going to cry. “I couldn’t…”
“Hey,” Lucas leaned over and took James’ hand. “I knew what I was getting into. I didn’t expect you to talk. Hell, I wasn’t going

to,” Lucas smiled smoothing James’ hair back. “So, you and the general?”

James sighed and closed his eyes. “I don’t know what’s going on.” James felt Lucas’ hand in his and opened his eyes to see Lucas

looking at him. “I haven’t seen you in two years, you didn’t even say goodbye.”

“I went undercover.” Lucas looked at James’ face. “I had some things I had to work through.”
“Like what? You didn’t say anything and you didn’t even give me a chance to say bye. You just left; I had no idea where you


Lucas sighed. “Look this isn’t the time for this—”
“When is a good time then, huh? Explain to me why you just vanished; you were my partner, Lucas!” James sat up in bed.
“You want to know why I left?” Lucas shouted.
“Because I was in love with you!” Lucas leaned over and brushed his lips across James’ softly, he pulled away to see James’ eyes

closed. “That’s why I left; I love you.”

James opened his eyes. “But, you dated women.”
Lucas sighed and sat back. “Yes, I dated women and I even fucked some. It didn’t matter how many I dated or fucked, I couldn’t

stop my feelings for you. I didn’t think you thought about me that way and then when you met Derek I knew I’d never have a chance. I had
to get away and try to get over you.”

“Did it work?” James whispered.
“I just kissed you.” Lucas raised a brow.
“So that’d be a no?” James asked.
“Asshole,” Lucas sighed in frustration.
James sat up and took Lucas’ hands. “I wish I could tell you I feel the same way, but you know I’ve loved Derek from the moment

I saw him,” James said and palmed Lucas’ face. “But, when we get home I want us to hang out. I missed you.”

“Yeah?” Lucas smirked.
“Yes,” James put his arms out. “Now hug me.”
“Can I kiss you again?” Lucas chuckled.
James looked at Lucas and smiled. “You’ll take it the wrong way.”
“Maybe I just want to make out?” Lucas felt James in his arms and sighed heavily. “I missed you, too.”


Derek’s hand hovered on the door to the infirmary. He’d heard it all. Lucas Cain was in love with James. Derek sighed and leaned

up against the wall. He ran his hands over his face, James had admitted to being in love with him. His cell phone rang and he looked at the
caller ID. Shit.

“General Prescott?”

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“Get your ass back to base right now!” Prescott shouted.
Derek sighed. “But sir—”
“Jessup and his men went out on a mission. They were ambushed, Derek.”
“Dammit!” Derek ran a hand through his hair. “Casualties?”
“We may have one - Connelly.”
“Oh no…” Derek looked at his watch. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Derek hung up and looked at the door to the infirmary; this

was not going to go over well. He knocked softly and peeked inside. “Hey, I’m sorry. I have to get back to base; the men were out on a
mission and they were ambushed.”

James sat up and looked at Derek. “Oh no…”
“Yes, we may lose one.” Derek walked over to the bed; Lucas got up and moved out of the way. Derek sat down on the bed,

taking James’ hands in his own. “God knows I don’t want to leave you, but these are my guys, James.”

“No, it’s okay, really.” James caressed Derek’s cheek. “I’m just glad you were able to come. Our vacation still stands, right?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Derek looked into James’ eyes and he leaned in. Fuck it, he was going to kiss him. After what

he’d just heard, he wasn’t going to give James a reason to think he didn’t care. James met him halfway and their lips touched softly. His
hand swept James’ face and traveled to the nape of his neck. He pulled James in closer and increased the pressure on his mouth. They
broke from the kiss, both breathing heavily. Derek was rock-hard and they hadn’t even used tongue. Fuck.

“I’ll see you on the Sound,” Derek winked and kissed James softly again before standing up and looking at Lucas. He put his hand

out. “Good to see you, Lucas.”

“You too, General.” Lucas shook Derek’s hand and watched as Derek made his way to the door. He turned at the last second and

looked at James.

Pulling his dog-tags off his neck, Derek walked back to the bed and put them in James’ hand, curling his fingers around them. “You

hang onto these for me; I’ll get them back from you in August.” Derek smiled and squeezed James’ hand.

“Okay.” James nodded. He was still in a daze from the kiss Derek had given him. In front of Lucas no less. Derek walked to the

door and looked back one more time. “I will call you.”

“Be careful, Derek.” James looked at his hand with the dog-tags in it.
“I will. I can’t afford to miss our vacation,” Derek winked. “Bye.”
James watched Derek’s fabulous ass walk through the door and sighed, lying back in bed. He felt the bed dip and opened his eyes

to see Lucas smiling at him.

“What?” James asked.
“First kiss?” Lucas waggled his eyebrows.
James smiled and took Lucas’ hand. “You’re putting on a brave front; I can see how much that hurt you.”
Lucas shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t compete with him, I mean look at him.”
James looked Lucas over. In the two years since he’d seen him, he’d bulked up even more. The honey-blonde hair was shorter

now, but the golden champagne-brown eyes were still the same, and currently locked on his right now. “You look…different.”

“Different good or bad?” Lucas asked.
James opened his mouth to speak and realized the fortune teller’s prediction was coming true. “Oh, shit.”
“What is it?” Lucas raised his brows.
James closed his eyes and ran his hands over his face. “Do me a favor.”
James sat back up. “When we get back to the States, have dinner with me.”
Lucas sat back and raised a brow. “Excuse me?”
“Do I really have to repeat myself? It’s a long story, but I’m afraid if I don’t play this out I’m shooting myself in the foot. So to


Lucas narrowed his eyes at James. “Did Reece give you a happy pill?”
James laughed and smacked Lucas’ shoulder. “Shut up. I’ll tell you the story over dinner maybe. I have to go see my parents

before they think I moved out of the country.”

The door to the infirmary opened again and Reece came in with his husband, Lorenzo. James had to smile; the height difference

between the two of them was comparable to his and Derek’s. The way Lorenzo looked at his husband spoke volumes as to how much in
love he was. Reece turned to look at them just then. James had to bite back a chuckle.

“How much longer am I going to be here?” James asked.
Lorenzo pulled the blanket off of James’ leg and looked at his thigh. “Maybe a few days? You could leave sooner if you wish.”
Reece looked Lucas over; he pulled his shirt up and looked at the stab wounds in his side. “You should be in bed, I have no idea

how you are up and walking around.”

Lucas looked down at his side. “I’ve had worse.”
James was looking at the extremely defined washboard abs on Lucas. “Oh do tell, Lucas. I haven’t seen you in two years,


“How about I tell you over that dinner you want to have?” Lucas grabbed his crutches and looked at James. “I’ll be in Florida in a

couple of weeks, just call me.”

Riley walked into the infirmary and stopped in front of Lucas. He looked from James on the bed to the man standing in front of him.

“And who is this, James?”

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“Lucas Cain.” Lucas put his hand out.
Riley shook Lucas’ hand and looked back over at James. “So, this is the old partner?”
“That’d be me,” Lucas said. “And you are?”
“Riley Flynn-Esposito.”
Lucas looked at Riley. “As in Mateo?”
“Yup, he’s my husband,” Riley said.
Lucas looked back at James, his mouth somewhere around his knees. “Mateo got married?”
“So did Josh Montgomery,” James grinned impishly, “to Mark Patterson.”
Lucas almost lost his footing; he felt Riley’s hand on his bicep stabilizing him. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that? I could have sworn

you said Josh was married, and to a man.”

“He did!” Riley lost it then. Pausing for dramatic effect, he said, “and Sam and Troy are married to men as well.”
“I need to sit down.” Lucas moved back to the bed and dropped down onto it, looking at James. “Seriously?”
James laughed softly. “Yes, I know it’s shocking. I had to deal with Josh when he was sorting out his feelings for Mark. It was the

most flustered I’ve ever seen him.”

Riley was looking over Lucas Cain and saw that James was doing the same thing. He smiled and arched a brow, mouthing


James chuckled and lie back on the bed. “I’m ready to crash. You guys don’t have to stay, Riley. I have to go back to D.C. after

this and give them a full report. I’m leaving out some details, like who actually rescued me. I expect the same from you, Lucas.”

“My lips are sealed.” Lucas stood and smiled down at James. “Dinner, as soon as you can manage, just tell me when and where.”
“I will. Be careful, Lucas.”
“Good to meet you, Riley.” Lucas shook Riley’s hand. “Take care of James for me.”
“Will do,” Riley smiled as Lucas took one last look at James before leaving the room. Riley sat on the bed and looked at James.

“Holy shit, he’s hot.”

James laughed loud. “You think everyone’s hot.”
“Not true.” Riley shook his head. “That pizza guy wasn’t, that night you came over.”
James nodded. “True.”
“So what’s the deal? I can see it all over your face and Lucas looks like a lost puppy.” Riley said.
James sighed. “He said he’s in love with me.”
Riley’s eyes widened. “No shit?” Riley sat down on the bed. “So now what? I saw Derek’s face when he got here, that man is in

love with you.”

“Yeah? Well he’s never said it. In fact, the first time he kissed me was a few minutes ago.”
Riley blinked. “I’m sorry; did you say Derek kissed you?”
“Yes.” James smiled and lie back threading his fingers behind his head. “For a kiss with no tongue, it was fucking unbelievable.”
Riley laughed and took James’ hand. “So now what?”
“I don’t know,” James sighed and closed his eyes.
Riley heard the soft cough from the corner of the room. He was surprised to see Reece and Lorenzo smiling at him.
“Oh wow, I think we forgot you guys were in here.” Riley giggled.
“Lorenzo, can you go check on the guys, please?” Reece stood up and grabbed his stethoscope.
“For what?” Lorenzo looked down on his husband.
“I don’t know, just go.” Reece laughed, and pushed Lorenzo toward the door.
Riley had to look up as Lorenzo passed by him, the man had to be over six foot three. “Nice to meet you, Lorenzo.”
“You as well.” Lorenzo shook Riley’s hand, and left the infirmary.
As soon as the door closed, Riley looked at Reece. “Wow.”
“I know,” Reece giggled and checked James’ heartbeat. He backed away a bit and felt James’ forehead again. “You feel a lot


“I have to know how you and Lorenzo ended up together.” Riley sat on the bed with a grin.
“Oh, me too.” James fluffed his pillow and got comfortable.
Reece smiled and grabbed one of the chairs, pulling it over. “Long story short, I was hired by the ‘bigwig’. Two of his associates

had been wounded. Well, I go to check in on my patient, and there’s a six foot four wall in my way,” Reece laughed. “So, I tell him who I
am and he still won’t let me in the room. God, he made me so mad! So I finally get clearance to go in and Lorenzo calls me a dickhead in
Italian. Little does he know that I speak four languages, so I tell him off. That’s how we met, and it didn’t get much better. We were in Italy
and I was taking care of two of the guys. One night I was called down to the infirmary and I found Lorenzo on the table with a gunshot
wound to his side. I didn’t know Lorenzo’s whole story and I ended up knocked across the room when I gave him a shot.” Reece stopped
and looked at both men staring at him. “It was an accident; Lorenzo’s been through a lot. Right after that I passed out; turns out I was
allergic to eggs. Go figure.” Reece shrugged his shoulders.

“After that I kind of stayed away from Lorenzo, but he kept seeking me out and apologizing. So one night I’m at the pool

swimming and there he is, watching me to make sure I don’t drown. I felt bad for him, he looked so sad at what he’d done to me you
know? So the next thing I know, he kisses me,” Reece sighed and smiled.

“Wow,” Riley smiled at the look on Reece’s face.
“I know, and I just couldn’t believe it! I mean, here’s all these guys we hang around who are taller than me, bigger than me,

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gorgeous as all hell and he kisses me. I was in shock.”

James smiled and took Reece’s hand. “He’s so in love with you.”
“I love him, too, more than I’ve loved anyone. That man would die for me and kill for me.” Reece looked at James. “Just like

Derek would for you.” Reece looked at Riley. “I want to hear all about you and Mateo.”

James closed his eyes. “I’ve heard this one.”
Riley laughed and squeezed James’ hand. “Get some sleep.”
“That I can do.”

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Chapter Four

Derek finally made it back to the base amidst chaos; the new general had arrived and was talking with Prescott. Jessup was

standing at attention when Derek walked in. The room suddenly got quiet and Derek looked at the men all staring at him.

“What?” Derek looked at Prescott.
“Jessup wants to accompany Connelly to Germany, although General Blackthorn doesn’t feel it’s necessary.” Prescott raised his


“Let me speak with my soldier, please.” Derek looked at Jessup, and motioned towards his office. “In my office, sergeant.” Derek

opened the door, hearing a slight cough behind him. General Blackthorn was giving him a look. “He’s still my soldier until my boots leave
this base. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Derek followed Jessup out. He opened the door to his office and motioned to Jessup to take a seat. “How is Connelly?”
“He’s not good, sir.” Jessup wrung his hands.
“Speak freely, Sergeant.” Derek sat forward in his chair.
“I gotta be there. Sir, I promised him…”
Derek saw the look on Jessup’s face, and immediately figured it out. “He’s your boyfriend.”
Jessup looked up. “I…I...”
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s Ryan, right?” Derek asked.
“Yes, sir.”
Derek stood up. “Get your shit packed, you leave ASAP.”
“Do I have to repeat it?” Derek barked. “Get your ass on the plane to Germany.”
“O-okay, um, thank you, sir.” Jessup stood up, extending his hand.
Derek gripped Ryan’s hand. “Get out of here.”
“Yes, sir!”
Derek laughed to himself as Jessup ran out of the office. He looked at the time and realized he’d been up for almost forty eight

hours. He grabbed his keys and left the office, locking it behind him. General Blackthorn was in the hallway waiting for him.

Derek crossed his arms. “Yes?”
“If I’m going to be taking over, I need these men to respect me, General Jacobs,” Blackthorn said.
Derek narrowed his eyes. “Respect is earned. I wouldn’t blindly follow you. These guys have been through enough, and if you want

them to be at their best and alert, you have to make some allowances. I gave Sergeant Jessup permission to go to Germany. Maybe you
should ask me about these men before I leave them in your hands. You may be a general, but I still outrank you and I don’t plan on leaving
them with someone who doesn’t give a shit about them. They have names and families; you would do well to remember that.”

Derek turned and stalked back down the hall, he turned at the last second. “Until I leave this base they are still my men, I suggest

you get used to that.”

Derek walked out of the building to his small room at the far end of the base. He collapsed on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He

wasn’t comfortable leaving his men in the care of General Blackthorn. He lie on his side and looked at the picture on his nightstand; James’
smiling face looked back at him. Closing his eyes, he tried to go to sleep with the memory of James’ lips on his own.


James took a deep breath and unlocked the front door of his parents’ house. The smell of bread and bacon was the first scent to hit

his nostrils. The meeting in D.C. hadn’t taken as long as he thought it would and the drive to Jersey had taken even less time. It’d been
three weeks since he’d been shot; he’d wanted to wait until he could walk without a cane before he saw his parents. His mother had other

He loved his parents; as soon as he realized he was gay he had shouted it from the rooftops. But he’d always been that way, and

his Mom had already known when he told her. His father had been harder to drag over; he kicked and screamed the whole way but he
didn’t tell James he should go get help for his affliction. Had he gotten shit over the years? Hell, yeah, he had. He was the butt (pun
intended) of jokes when he entered the Bureau and it went on as he climbed the ranks. But he had jokes of his own for the heteros and
when they couldn’t piss him off, they gave up. James walked in and put his keys on the table.

“Yeah, Mom, it’s me.” James walked into the kitchen to find his mom in her apron cooking, her long, brown hair in a ponytail. He

smiled and came up behind her hugging her from behind. “How are you, Mom?”

“I’m fine, sweetie.”
James waited for her to turn around. When she did, he knew he’d see that look. “Don’t start. This was why I wanted to wait to see

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you guys.”

She yelled for her husband. “Joseph!”
“Mom,” James sat down and sighed.
“What happened to you?” she asked.
“I was kidnapped and tortured. Feel better now?” James banged his head on the table.
“Jesus Christ, James, what the hell happened?” Joseph looked at his son.
“Shot, again.” James looked up at his dad and smiled. “Isn’t the government fun?”
Joseph sat down and took his son’s hand. “They tried to get information from you and from the looks of it they didn’t get what they


“Nope. They took Cain, too.”
“Lucas?” Joseph raised his brows. “He’s back?”
“Yes, he’s back, and in love with me.” James looked at his mom. “What do you think about that? Derek came to Italy to see me,

too. He kissed me.”

Janelle sat down and looked at her son. “Oh my.”
“Yes, oh my,” James sighed. “Have any words of wisdom, Mom?”
“Well, you are in love with Derek. You always have been,” Janelle smiled and caressed her son’s face. “Are you confused about

your feelings?”

“It’s a long story. I’m going to call Lucas after I leave here. I might go down to Tampa for a few days and have dinner with him.”

James’ cell phone rang and he looked at the caller ID, Derek’s number popped up. James looked up. “Hang on a second.” James hit
‘talk’. “Hello, Derek.”

“Hey, James, I’ve got some bad news. I’m going to be stuck here for another month.”
“Oh? Why?” James looked at his mother.
“Look, the new general is an ass-wipe. I was going to arrange my leave with coming home, that way I wouldn’t have to come back

here afterwards—”

“So let me get this straight. You are volunteering to stay longer?”
“It’s not like that, James. I’m only pushing our vacation back a month.”
“Did you or did you not volunteer to stay, Derek?” James ran his hand over his face.
“James…try to understand…”
“Oh I do, once again I’m coming in second. Just stay there Derek, I’ll take my own vacation.” James snapped his phone shut and

turned it off. He looked up to see his parents looking at him. “What?”

“Are you sure that’s what you wanted to do, son?”
“I’m not sure of anything anymore,” James sighed.


Lucas watched the sun going down and sat back in the lounge chair with a loud sigh. He’d finally come clean with James, and then

the beautiful and gorgeous Derek Jacobs had come in and kissed his chance away. For five years he’d been James’ partner. The night
James had seen Derek, Lucas knew his chance of romance was gone. He had only himself to blame. He’d stupidly pointed Derek out to
James, not that he wouldn’t have noticed General Derek Jacobs at some point. The man was disgustingly handsome. He stretched his leg
out and winced; his calf was still sore from the gunshot wound. His cell phone vibrated on the table and Lucas leaned over, reaching for it.

“I got one of those,” James snickered.
“Very funny, what’s up?”
“Well, I’ve been ringing your doorbell for five minutes now.”
“What?” Lucas sat up and almost fell off the chair. “I’m out back.” The line got quiet and Lucas looked at his phone. “James?”
“Your gate is locked, asshole.” James jiggled the latch.
Lucas laughed and got up slowly. “Hang on, I’m coming.”
“That’s what she said,” James laughed. “I think we can hang up now.”
Lucas hung up and put his phone in his pocket; he opened the latch and looked at James standing lopsided. “How’s the leg?”
“Fine, how’s yours?” James laughed and walked into the backyard. “Nice pool.”
“It’s good for rehab.” Lucas looked at James. “Did you bring a bag?”
“It’s by the front door; I wasn’t going to drag it all the way around the house.” James’ eyes wandered over Lucas’ body. “I came

here first, didn’t know if I should get a hotel room or if you’d put me up.”

“Are you checking me out?” Lucas grinned, as James’ face went red.
James averted his eyes, but damn it was hard to ignore the rock-hard pecs in his face. In all the time he’d been partnered with

Lucas he’d never looked at him in that way. He couldn’t. They were partners and Lucas was straight. Or so he’d thought. “Well, Jesus,
you’re standing there in nothing but swim trunks, and I am a gay man.”

Lucas took a few steps towards James and smiled when he didn’t move away. “Why did you come?”
“Well, we did say we’d have dinner.”

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“Yes, in a restaurant. I didn’t think you meant here at my beach house.”
“I can go…I mean if I’m putting you out.” James turned to leave and felt a hand on his arm.
“I’d like you to stay, I can cook.” Lucas pulled James to him. “What happened, Pruitt?”
“What do you mean?” James looked up and his eyes met with Lucas’.
“You have that kicked puppy look. Something happen with General Gorgeous?”
“He’s staying in Afghanistan for another month,” James sighed and looked at Lucas. “This was a bad idea.”
“Why?” Lucas put his arm around James’ waist and pulled him into his chest. “Don’t think you can control yourself?”
James’ body went up in flames and his dick was instantly hard. Lucas’ hand was running up and down his back and he swore his

skin was scorching from it. “I…”

“Hey, I’m just kidding. I’m not making any moves on you, James. If you want me, you have to come to me. I’m not taking a

backseat to anyone.” Lucas let James go and smiled. “Are you hungry?”

“I am, actually. What are you making?”
“I can make whatever you want; I have just about everything in my kitchen.”
“Seafood paella,” James laughed.
“Done.” Lucas winked and motioned towards the house. “Let’s go, after dinner you can sit in the hot tub.”
“You have a hot tub?” James raised a brow.
“Yep, in the house.”
James followed Lucas into the house and looked around. It was a beautiful house, large, open and airy. Windows surrounded the

living room with a beautiful view of the beach. James followed Lucas into the kitchen. A large island was in the middle, complete with a
rack for pots above it. James sat on one of the stools as Lucas started taking ingredients out of the fridge.

“I was kidding. You don’t have to make it.”
“I already made some yesterday, there are leftovers. I remember you saying how much you loved seafood paella and it always

tastes good the next day.” Lucas leaned against the island. “I have a spare room you can use if you want to stay.”

James looked into Lucas’ eyes. He swore they had gotten even brighter and the gold around the iris was mesmerizing. “You made

it even though you didn’t know exactly what day I’d be here?”

Lucas shrugged. “I’m always prepared.”
“Look, I need to explain a few things to you.” James sat back on the stool. “A while back, when Mateo and Riley got together, we

went to the fair. I saw a fortune teller there.” James saw Lucas raise a brow. “Just listen. So I’m sitting there talking to her thinking she’s full
of shit, right? She tells me I’m going to have two men who love me in my life and that I will have to choose. So I’m thinking, yeah right,
Derek’s never said he loves me.”

“But I did.” Lucas ran a hand through his hair. “So you think you have to play this out now. But in the end, James, you will choose

Derek. I saw your face in Italy after he kissed you. You are in love with him and you always have been.”

James nodded. “Yes, I do love him and look where it’s gotten me. He’s never said he loves me, his job is way more important than

I am. Yes, he kissed me in Italy but then not even a month later he chooses his job again. He’s career military and I swear he won’t retire
until they force him out. I could handle the fact that he’s gone half the time if he even showed me one time that I came first.” James
squirmed on the chair. “And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel anything just now when I was in your arms.”

“Oh, is that so?” Lucas took the plate and put it down in front of James. “Well you didn’t even flinch when I kissed you.”
“I was in shock. You’d just yelled at me and told me you loved me.”
“And now?” Lucas came around the counter and stood in front of James.
James swallowed hard and looked up at Lucas. “I don’t know what I think. I spent years not thinking of you in that way; you were

my partner and I couldn’t allow myself to be attracted to you. But now I sit here and look at you - the eyes, the hair and, God help me,
your body, and I wonder how I managed to stay sane as your partner.”

Lucas pulled James’ face up and leaned down. Their eyes met and he searched James’. “Stop me.” Lucas inched closer to James’

lips. “Stop me, James.”

James felt his body shaking and he still couldn’t form the word no. Maybe he didn’t want to. His eyes closed just as Lucas’ lips

closed over his. A whimper escaped his lips as Lucas’ tongue brushed across his lips and then his mouth opened and Lucas swept inside; a
hand threaded into his hair and he was being pulled into the kiss. It was sensual and damn near erotic the way Lucas kissed. James found
himself holding onto Lucas’ biceps as the kiss became more heated. He was becoming boneless and sliding down the stool when Lucas
finally broke from the kiss.

Lucas smiled and ran his fingertip over James’ lips. “I always wondered what it would be like to kiss you.”
“Uh huh.” James nodded.
“You okay?” Lucas chuckled.
James nodded again.
“ Well, I guess that’s a good thing, means I still got it.”
“When was the last time,” James blushed. “I mean have you ever…well…you know?”
“Been with a man?” Lucas smiled and grabbed a plate for himself. “Yes, I have, but it’s been years since I’ve had sex.”
“Years?” James choked on his food.
Lucas laughed. “Yes, I’m no ho.” Lucas sat down and looked at James. “Look, as much as I’d love to go on this path of self-

discovery with you, I know in the end I’ll be left heartbroken. I may turn you on, but you don’t love me, James. There is only one man you
will ever love.”

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“I could help you out in the sex department.” James waggled his eyebrows.
“As tempting as that offer is…” Lucas smiled and winked. “Look, let’s just spend some time together, okay? I’m not opposed to

seeing if you could develop feelings for me. I’m just not going to jump into bed with you.”

“Well, that sucks,” James laughed.
“I do have some self-respect you know. I don’t want to be used.” Lucas took a bite of the paella. “See? Tastes good.”
“Yes it does, I didn’t realize you knew how to cook.”
“I didn’t, but then when I went undercover I learned quite a few new talents.” Lucas looked at James. “I swore I’d forget about

you when I left and God knows I tried. I just couldn’t be your partner anymore, James. Things got complicated and I couldn’t focus. I
didn’t have the heart to say goodbye, I just needed a clean break.”

“Well you got that didn’t you? Two years you’ve been gone and I had no idea where you went. Believe me, I have access to

everything and I still couldn’t find out where you went. I felt like I’d done something wrong. How could you do that to me, Lucas? How
could you leave me and not even say shit?”

“I’m sorry; you’ll never know how much. If I’d known it would hurt you that much I would have said something,” Lucas sighed and

ran his hands over his face. “Don’t you think it was killing me to see you day in and day out? I couldn’t tell you how I felt and the more time
we spent in close proximity the more I wanted to tell you. You and I both know that having feelings for your partner is like signing your
death warrant if shit goes down.”

James looked at his plate. “I would have talked.” He heard a small gasp and looked up. “To save your life. I would have talked,


“Don’t say that.” Lucas stood up and grabbed his plate.
“I can sit here and think I wouldn’t have, but when they started stabbing you,” James closed his eyes. “I wanted to tell them

anything they wanted to know.”

“But you didn’t, and that’s a good thing. I survived and I’m here. Do you need a drink?”
“Lucas,” James stood up.
“Don’t do this, James. I don’t have the strength to turn you away and I know you’re hurting right now.”
“Could you just…hold me then?”
“Come here.”
James walked into open arms and rested his head on Lucas’ chest; his heart was pounding and James wrapped his arms around

him. “You feel good.”

Lucas ran his nose through James’ hair and inhaled deep. God he loved the smell of the man, the feel of him in his arms. Goose

bumps spread down his arms and Lucas stepped away. “I can’t do this with you.”

“You can’t even hold me?” James stepped forward closing the distance between them.
“James…” Lucas put his hand out. “Don’t, this is not fair.”
“Maybe I need to know…” James grabbed Lucas’ shorts and pulled him into his space. “I’m standing here, and I’m asking.”
“Asking for what?”
“What do you want?”
Lucas growled and grabbed James by his hair, their lips crashed into each other and James’ moans vibrated through his mouth. He

pulled James’ shirt off and attacked his chest, his hands sliding to James’ ass. He felt hands in his hair gripping tightly as his tongue played
with an erect nipple. He gripped James’ ass in both hands and hauled him up; their lips met again and Lucas moaned. He stumbled down
the hall trying to get to his bedroom. James was all over him and God help him he wanted the man naked. They fell on the bed, lips still
attached. Lucas gripped the comforter as James licked and bit his stomach, soft kisses trailed down his side over his wounds.


The feel of Lucas’ soft skin under his hands was more than a bit arousing. It had been over a year since he’d been with anyone; it

was when Derek’s face came into view that James pulled back. He’d always love Derek, and that would never change, no matter who he
used to try and forget that.

“Oh Jesus, I can’t….oh, fuck, I can’t do this.” Lucas sat up and moved away.
“I know,” James was trying to get his breath back. “I’m sorry.”
Lucas sat forward and palmed James’ face. “You have no idea how much I want you, how much I’d love to make love to you. I’ll

always wonder if you’re thinking about Derek, though. I can’t, James. I can’t be with you unless I know you are thinking about me, and I
know that won’t happen.”

James sat back on the bed. “Why can’t I just forget about him?”
“Because you love him, dumb ass,” Lucas chuckled and pulled James into his chest. They lie back on the bed and Lucas wrapped

his arms around James. “I’ve always known that, James. Derek Jacobs will always have your heart.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, I’ll never want that.” James snuggled into the heat of Lucas.
“I know,” Lucas smiled and kissed James forehead. “He’ll come around, James. Derek should know what he has.”
James looked up and smiled. “Could you tell him that?”
“I just might.”


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Derek sat back at his desk and looked at his cell phone. One week, one damn week had gone by and he hadn’t heard a peep from


The worst part was he knew exactly where James was. Riley had told him and he’d almost gone AWOL right then. James was

spending time in Tampa with Lucas Cain, a man who was in love with him. Derek felt his skin crawling. What if they were making love?
What if Lucas was kissing his James? Derek got up and paced the floor. He was going to go insane waiting for his flight.

As soon as he’d heard the news he’d tried to get out of Afghanistan, the time to claim James was upon him and goddammit he was

going to get him. The paperwork had been filled out and everything was in place. Then they’d been hit with the sandstorm from hell.
Another two days of waiting; he’d been an asshole to everyone. Well not everyone. Jessup had come back to the base alone. Connelly
was on his way back to the States for a long road of rehab and Derek had signed off on leave paperwork for Jessup to go be with him.
He’d also had a long talk with General Blackthorn; the man was not so set in his ways he couldn’t listen. They’d actually formed a
friendship and Derek knew his men would be in good hands.

“Oh Jesus, you’re still here?”
Derek looked up to see General Blackthorn looking at him. “Yes, flight leaves soon.”
“Oh, I thought you’d changed your mind. I’m already moved into your room,” Blackthorn winked.
“Asshole.” Derek smiled and flipped him off. “Jessup get out all right?”
“Yes, that was good of you to let him take your seat.”
Derek smiled. “He needed to get home.”
“Don’t worry, Derek. I’ll take good care of them. You have my word.”
“I know you will. My time in the Army has come to an end. I’m now free to run my team fulltime.” Derek looked at the time.

“Jesus, is the clock moving backwards?”

“Where are you in such a hurry to be? Could it have something to do with a man named James?” Blackthorn raised a brow and

smiled when Derek’s face went ashen. “Yes, I heard you. I think half the base did. You were screaming at some guy named Riley.”

“Oh, Jesus,” Derek collapsed in his chair. “I thought I was being quiet.”
“I think all of Afghanistan heard you shouting.”
“None of my business, Derek, but the way it sounded you need to get your ass out of here and pronto. I hope you fix whatever the

problem is between you and James.” Blackthorn stopped at the door and looked at Derek. “If you love this man, tell him, because if you
don’t someone else will. Believe me when I say I know what it’s like to wait only to have it slip through my fingers, and once it’s gone you
can’t get it back. It’s been an honor working with you sir.” Blackthorn stood tall and saluted.

Derek stood up and saluted. “You as well, General.”
Derek smiled as Blackthorn left his office. He looked at the time again and grabbed his bag. He grabbed his keys and left his office,

locking it. He looked at the keys in his hand and hung them up on the hook by the door. His time was done, it was time to move on to
another chapter of his life and James was going to be in that chapter. He stopped in to say goodbye to his remaining men. They’d had a
ceremony the day before and Derek got another Medal of Valor. In all his time in the military, he’d received three of them and two Purple

“Later, assholes.” Derek winked at the guys in the chow hall.
“Bye, General. You’ll be missed.”
“Yeah? Don’t give Blackthorn too much shit.” Derek smiled at the men around the table. He knew he may not be seeing them all

when their tour was done. “Watch your asses.” Derek shook their hands and left the chow hall bound for the airstrip. Thankfully the flight
was still a go, and Derek sat in lockdown for the remaining wait time. He tried calling James again to let him know he was coming. Still no
answer. Derek sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “God, I hope it’s not too late.”

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Chapter Five

Lucas grabbed his towel and got out of the hot tub. He’d dropped James off at the airport hours earlier and now just wanted to sit

in front of the TV and vegetate. His leg felt better today, his side was still aching though. The stitches were out but the pain when he leaned
over was another matter. Lucas went to his room and grabbed some sweat pants and a T-shirt. Even though he and James had agreed to
keep in touch and stay friends, it would be a while before Lucas could be in the same room with the man. Lucas sighed and sat on the
couch. His track record with men was shitty; the only other man he’d ever loved had chosen his career. Lucas heard the doorbell ringing
and struggled to get up.

“Hang on!” Lucas made his way down the hall mumbling. “Jesus, what the hell?” Lucas opened the door and was almost pushed

over by Derek. “Well, hello to you, too.” Lucas watched Derek walking through his house. “He’s not here.”

“What?” Derek stopped and turned around.
“He went home, ya stupid asshole.” Lucas went to the kitchen.
“Asshole?” Derek walked into the kitchen and stood looking at Lucas.
“Yes, you’re an asshole, Derek. James is in love with you, he has been since the first night he laid eyes on you. God knows why he

stuck around; you have put him second over and over again for your fucking career. What is it with you military men? The job means that
much to you that you sacrifice everything?”

Derek tilted his head. “Are we still talking about me and James?”
“Oh, fuck off.” Lucas sighed and sat down on the stool. “So you decided to come here and what? Drag James off like a


“If that’s what it took.” Derek sat down next to Lucas. “I love him. I know I’ve been an asshole and God knows I know I don’t

deserve him, but God help me I can’t stop loving him. I’ve outed myself to half of Afghanistan since he was abducted.”

“Imagine that,” Lucas drawled.
“Look, I know you love him, too. I’m just asking you to let him choose and play fair. I can’t lose him, but if he decides you are the

better man I will back off.”

Lucas sighed. “I don’t have a chance with James, Derek. The man is so head over heels in love with you and that will never change.

I know how he feels though; you hurt him when you decided to put off your vacation for your job. I dealt with that, a man I was seeing a
while back. He chose his job one too many times and I walked away. James won’t walk away; he’s angry, but not enough to give up on

“Well between General Prescott and General Blackthorn, I’ve been lectured enough.”
Lucas looked up. “Excuse me?”
“What?” Derek asked.
“Blackthorn? As in Brody Blackthorn?”
Derek nodded. “Yes, he’s the general who took over.”
Lucas sat back. “Well I’ll be damned, he put on general.”
Derek looked at Lucas and the talk with Blackthorn came to mind. “The man you said always chose his career - he wanted to

work things out and you still walked away, didn’t you?”

Lucas mouth fell open. “How did you know that?”
“Because he told me,” Derek smiled at the look on Lucas’ face. “Well now, this is interesting. I got the distinct impression that

General Brody Blackthorn is still in love with you,” Derek chuckled. “Is everyone gay?”

Lucas sat back in shock. “He said that?” he whispered.
“His exact words were:’ If you love this man, tell him, because if you don’t someone else will. Believe me when I say I know what

it’s like to wait only to have it slip through my fingers, and once it’s gone you can’t get it back.’” Derek sat back smiling. “So it was you.”

“How is he?” Lucas whispered.
“He’s sad, I could tell that right away. He was very cold when I met him.” Derek pulled out his wallet and looked around for a pen.

“You have something to write with?”

“Um, yeah.” Lucas motioned to the drawer by the stove. “Junk drawer has pens.”
Derek grabbed a pen from the drawer and took out one of his business cards. He wrote his old office number down for Lucas as

well as Blackthorn’s cell phone number. “The first number is my old office number, Blackthorn occupies that now. The second number is
his cell phone number and he has it on all the time.” Derek looked at Lucas inspecting the card. “Do you still have feelings for him?”

Lucas looked up. “I…I have tried to put him out of my head. I thought the only man I’d ever love would be James. I met Brody on

assignment and we hit it off right away. He was still rising in the ranks and taking mission after mission. We hardly saw each other, I finally
told him I couldn’t live like that. I only saw him sparingly and it was killing me when I didn’t hear from him for weeks at a time. The unit he
was in was incommunicado for over a month and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I broke it off. Six months later he came to me and asked me
to work things out. He said things would change. I just couldn’t do it anymore,” Lucas sighed sadly. “But I never forgot about him.”

“He hasn’t forgotten you, either. In fact I don’t think he ever will.”
Lucas ran his hands over his face. “Small world, huh?”
“Getting smaller by the second,” Derek smiled. “How about we do some shots until we pass out? I’m not getting out of here

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tonight, no more flights.”

“You expect me to put your dumb ass up for the night?” Lucas winked.
“Yes I do, asshole. You’re just as stupid as I am.”
Lucas waved his hand in the air. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s get drunk and talk about how dumb we are.”
“Should you be drinking? Are you still on drugs?”
“Nah, I never take pain killers.” Lucas stood up wincing at the pain in his side. “Can’t afford to be off my guard.”
“Can I ask you something?” Derek stood up and helped Lucas to stand.
“Did you…I mean did you and James…?”
“No we did not have sex, but he’s an awesome kisser,” Lucas smiled at the look of jealousy on Derek’s face. “Hey, when you

leave here tomorrow to go see him you’ll find out for yourself. Just do me a favor and don’t lose your nerve. Take the man and make him

“Okay, you promise to call Blackthorn tomorrow then.” Derek put his hand out.
“Deal.” Lucas shook Derek’s hand.


James got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist; it wasn’t his first time being shot but fuck, he’d been shot in

the same leg. He looked in the mirror and mussed his hair a bit. He wasn’t small, the suits covered his body pretty well, and though he had
definition he just wasn’t a Mateo or Josh in the muscles department. Even Derek was huge. James sighed. Derek Jacobs. Just thinking his
name had his prick excited. He’d spent a few days with Lucas just catching up. After the first night’s fiasco he’d backed off; it wasn’t fair
to Lucas. As much as he’d love to get over Derek it just wasn’t going to happen. He’d be stuck loving General Derek Jacobs for the rest
of his life.

James smiled thinking back to the first night of their meeting. He’d felt even smaller than his five foot ten inches when he’d tried to

kiss Derek that first night. They were getting along so well and had so much in common. James swore the man was into him, just the way
Derek looked at him. Then he’d tried to kiss him. Yeah, that part sucked.

James went to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water. He sat on the couch and looked around his house. He lived alone,

always had. The few boyfriends he’d had had never moved in with him and he was fine with that. He’d never wanted a roommate; he
controlled the remote and left shit where he wanted, fuck it. His living room was the room he spent most of his time in anyway - big flat
screen TV, comfy couch. When he’d moved out to Arizona it was to get away from the crowds of D.C. Now he couldn’t see living
anywhere else. The doorbell rang and he looked at the time with a brow raised. He pushed himself off the couch and hobbled to the front
door. He was sure the shock on his face was evident when Derek Jacobs stood on his front steps.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in Afghanistan?”
Derek stood uneasily and not sure what to do. And dammit James was in a fucking towel. “Um, can I come in?”
James moved aside and put his hand out. “Be my guest.”
The door closed and James leaned up against it trying to support himself, his cane was still by the couch. Shit. Derek looked

fantastic, stupid asshole. James sighed. “So, what’s up? Why are you here, Derek?”

“Look, I’m sorry I came over so late, I just wanted to talk to you. You weren’t answering your phone, and the way we left things

wasn’t good.” Derek stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets.

“You mean when you blew me off again? Oh, speaking of which,” James hobbled over to the coffee table and grabbed Derek’s

dog tags. “I’m sure you’ll be needing these back.”

“You can keep them.” Derek was waiting for James to fall over; he was stubbornly not using his cane. “I won’t be needing them


“Okay.” James arched a brow. “As much as I’d love to hear the reason behind that statement, can I put some clothes on?”
Do you have to? “Oh, shit, yeah I guess so.”
James went to move and realized his leg was numb. He felt himself falling forward and then he was in Derek’s arms, inches from his

face and all the air was sucked out of the room. When he looked in Derek’s eyes he saw the want there, the need, but he wasn’t going to
go there again, not after everything that happened. “Thanks for the save.” And that’s when he realized the towel was no longer on his body.
Not only was he naked, he had a hard-on from hell.

Derek felt his cock standing straight up at the sight of James naked and in his arms. It was too much. He swung James up in his

arms and walked through the house.

“What the fuck are you doing?” James shouted, struggling in Derek’s strong grip.
“Taking what’s mine, what’s always been mine.” He found a bedroom, put James down on the bed and started taking off his own

clothing. James was looking at him like he was crazy, or deranged, or stupid, he didn’t know which one and he didn’t much care. He
wanted James.

“What are you doing?” James whispered. Derek’s clothes were coming off at an alarming rate. “Nothing’s changed, Derek.”
“You were right, James. I’m an asshole. It took me this long to realize that I can’t be without you. I love you. I think I have for a

long time.” Derek’s last piece of clothing fell to the floor and he saw James’ mouth drop open. “I want you.”

James sat staring at a very impressive cock waving ‘hi’ at him; it stuck straight out and bounced all the while Derek moved to the

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bed. He was in shock; nothing would come out of his mouth. Derek moved over him, pushing him back on the bed as his hand slid up
James’ thigh. “I...” James swallowed hard and tried to say something…anything.

Derek looked into big blue eyes and caressed James’ face softly. He was absolutely beautiful. His lips were perfect; Derek ran his

fingertip over the bottom one, feeling how soft it was. His hand continued its path up James’ leg and he dipped his head down and looked
into James’ wide eyes. “I want to kiss you, can I?”

James nodded; the English language had escaped him. Derek’s hand was on his face and then he felt soft lips on his own. He didn’t

move, didn’t open his mouth; he let Derek take charge. It was a soft kiss and Derek pulled away slowly looking in his eyes.

“Do you not want this?” Derek asked. He wanted James and he had for a long time. Now he was worried because the man hadn’t

said much since he’d brought him to the bedroom.

James finally found his voice and looked up into Derek’s eyes. “I still want you, that hasn’t changed. I can’t do this anymore

though, Derek. I need you in my life. You can’t keep leaving me. I can’t be second anymore to the Army.”

“I put in my retirement paperwork.” Derek looked down in James’ face. “I got orders to Fort Huachuca until my time runs out.”
“You…you retired?”
Derek smiled and nuzzled James’ nose. “Yes, I put in for retirement. Did you not hear a word I just said? I’m in love with you,

James; I want us to start a life together. Please tell me it’s not too late for that; please tell me I haven’t lost you for good.”

James took Derek’s face in his hands. “I love you, I always have.”
Derek let out a sigh of relief; he’d been such an ass. James was still looking at him like he had a dick growing out of his forehead.


“I’m just - confused, I guess. I didn’t think you wanted me after that first night. I tried to kiss you—”
“Yeah, well,” Derek chuckled softly. “I knew I was gay then, I just wasn’t ready to be in a relationship with a man. I hadn’t really

done much either. Most of my sexual encounters were with women back then. I’d had a few with one man but it didn’t progress into
anything, more like me testing the waters.”

“So, you did want me that night?” James asked.
“Oh, God yes, James, I wanted you. I still do.”
Derek leaned in and kissed James. His tongue begged for entrance and James opened up to him. He slid his tongue in and finally

got a taste of James Pruitt, and oh how sweet he was. He wanted to lick every damn inch of the man. Their tongues teased, rubbed and
flowed; Derek’s hand slid between James’ legs and he found a hard cock waiting for him, leaking for his touch. Well, hello.

James arched his back as Derek gripped him, stroking him from root to tip, his thumb running across the leaking tip. Derek made

his way down, letting his tongue trail James’ body. He stopped at a nipple flicking it and taking it between his teeth, biting softly and eliciting
a low moan from James. God, that turned him on. Making a trail over James’ body, Derek pushed his legs out carefully and made his way
between them. His mouth watered knowing he’d have James’ pretty cock in his mouth in mere seconds.

“I have to fucking taste you,” Derek growled.
“Oh fuck me…” James whispered.
The pain in his leg was gone because Derek was sucking his dick. That hot, wet mouth was sucking his dick and he forgot how to

breathe. He was pretty sure he had no idea what his name was either. Derek was one talented man; his tongue was running the length of
him, fingers playing at his hole as he swallowed him. Teasing flicks of Derek’s tongue danced along the pulsing vein in his cock and God
help him he whimpered. One hand worked his prick as the other one was pushing into him, rubbing his sweet spot. And all the while Derek
was sucking the hell out of him. Derek had a nice, tight suction on the crown of his dick and James’ legs started shaking. He’d found
heaven and was now taking up residence.

“Oh…fuck…” James whimpered.
Derek sucked the tip letting it out with an audible pop, and leaned down to James’ ear. “Do you have lube?”
James pointed to the drawer.
Derek smiled and leaned back on his knees, his chest in full view of James. Oh my. Derek had one hell of a nice body, not one hair

on that perfect muscular chest. Strong, defined pectoral muscles were now in his face as Derek leaned across the bed. He couldn’t help
himself; he ran his hands up Derek’s chest, palms flat, making a slow trip up then making their way back down running over some nice abs.
Derek’s skin was surprisingly soft and James itched to taste the man, run his tongue over the strong muscles.

Derek took James’ hand and put it on his cock. “Touch me.”
“Uh huh…” James nodded.
Oh holy hell. James ran his hand down Derek’s cock and stroked him slowly as Derek lubed his fingers. His fingers came to the

crown and he tightened his grip around it and sat up and took a nice long lick around the head. He heard Derek gasp, and ran his tongue
through the slit and around the head again. Derek’s breathing had changed and James could hear soft moans as his tongue worked his

Oooh I like that. James smiled at Derek’s low sultry voice. Fuck, but that was a turn on. He pulled Derek up by his ass, bringing

him up higher to his mouth and swallowing him. There was a loud gasp and then James decided to hum a happy tune, sending vibrations
down Derek’s hard prick.

“Oh my fucking God,” Derek almost yanked James off his dick; he was too fucking horny. He lubed his cock and, taking James’

ass in his hands, slid in swiftly with one thrust.

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“Fuck!” James grabbed the bed and held on; fuck but the burn in his ass hurt.
Derek had James’ ass in his hands; he stopped and waited. “Shit, I’m sorry - are you ok?”
James closed his eyes. He had a cock in his ass that was roughly nine inches long and felt about the same in girth, and Derek

wanted to know if he was okay? “Just…go slow ok?”

“I’m sorry…it’s been a while,” Derek smiled.
He leaned over and ran his tongue over James’ lips. Fuck, but he was tighter than all hell. He could feel the heat coming off James

and pulled out slow and easy. He kept up slow, even thrusts waiting for James to relax around him. Although part of him loved that hot,
tight ass wrapped around his cock, he wanted James to be comfortable. James was moaning and trying to grab at his own dick and Derek
pushed his hand out of the way, stroking James as he sunk in deeper. He hadn’t had sex in what seemed like years and that was with a
woman. That didn’t even compare to this. Once James relaxed, Derek drove in harder; there was a soft ‘hell yeah’ and then Derek took it
to the next level. Picking James up by his ass and lifting him higher, he angled his hips and slammed into him.

“Oh, Jesus Christ…” James gasped.
James moaned and squeezed his eyes shut. Truth be told, he liked a little man-handling and Derek was definitely handling him. Their

eyes were locked as Derek sunk into him completely, burying his erection to the hilt. James looked into heavy lidded eyes as Derek moved
inside him; they fit, he knew they would. His fingers gripped Derek’s biceps as the man moved inside him, filling him. His breath caught as
Derek drew back and then forward again; the pain was lessening and the movements became less erratic as Derek finally got his rhythm.
The pleasure came rushing in and James grabbed Derek’s back.

“Oh God…James.” Derek’s balls seized up and hid in his body; James let out a guttural moan as cum splashed up his stomach and

over Derek’s hand. Derek felt his spine snap and pulled out, shooting cum all over James’ chest and stomach. He fell over on top of James
and buried his face in his neck. He could feel his pulse going crazy.

James tried to breathe normally. Holy hell. His ass was on fire, but hot damn it felt good, too. James chuckled and bit Derek’s

earlobe. “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”

“God, yes,” Derek sighed and nuzzled James’ neck.
“See what you have been missing out on?” James wrapped his arms around Derek.
Derek looked over at James; his face was flushed and sweat was still rolling down his temple. “I am sorry, I never meant to hurt

you or make you feel unwanted. God knows I have wanted you for a long time.”

James closed his eyes as Derek kissed his neck letting his tongue slide up to his jaw line; their tongues met and teased then Derek

dove into his mouth taking him by surprise. Hot, wet kisses were followed by low moans and James was hard again. “Stop.”

Derek pulled back and looked in his eyes. James was breathing hard and his pupils were blown. “What is it?”
“Even though we’ve had sex, are you going to be able to be with me?”
Derek closed his eyes and sighed. “I can’t come out—” he saw James open his mouth and stopped him with a kiss. When he felt

James was out of breath he pulled away, “just yet, but I do want to be with you. I will come out for you James, I promise you that.”

James caressed Derek’s face. “You love me.”
“More than anything I love you, James Pruitt.” Derek pulled James into his chest tighter. “I want everything with you.”
“Define everything.”


James woke up horny, hungry and so sore he couldn’t move. He rolled over and felt his ass protest. One eye opened to look at the

time. Six thirty. Realizing he was alone in bed, he sighed and closed his eyes. God, it sucked to have feelings for someone who couldn’t or
wouldn’t come out. He knew Derek wasn’t doing it out of spite or because he didn’t feel that James was worthy.

He supposed he was pretty, easy on the eyes. He had always attracted men much bigger than himself - case in point was one

seriously hot general. Derek stopped traffic wherever he went. Women would actually stare at him, mouths agape. He could attest to it,
he’d been there when it happened. And at the military balls? Oh hell, Derek in dress blues could make any woman cum just looking at him;
he almost had at the last one. God he needed a bath. He dragged his legs over the side of the bed and hissed at his thigh; fuck but the damn
thing hurt.

His bones felt cold without Derek’s heat next to him. He made his way slowly to the bathroom and ran himself a hot bath. He

looked in the mirror and his eyes went wide. Derek had left a dark mark on his neck. Great, a hickey. It was sexy though, knowing
Derek’s mouth had put it there, kind of like marking his territory without pissing on him. James crawled into the tub and let the hot water
soothe not only his sore thigh but his ripped ass. Fuck but Derek was huge, he’d be feeling that cock for days. He felt a smile lifting his lips
and couldn’t help but love the idea of that. James sat back and closed his eyes. He wondered where Derek had gone, but he knew one
thing…Derek would be back.


Derek made his way back into the house wiping the sweat from his chest and brow. The coffee had made itself, thank God, and he

hurried to pull together some kind of food for James. His body was so used to being up at four he had gotten up and snuck out to run five
miles. That had given him time to think about what he was going to do, because now that he had made love to James he couldn’t be without
the man.

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He was retiring and was now free to run the team fulltime. He could also now be with James. He made his way back to the

bedroom and found an empty bed. Sounds of water filled his ears and he made his way to the bathroom to find James soaking in the tub,
eyes closed. He looked asleep and a soft snore confirmed it. He crouched down and looked at James’ face. God but the man was
beautiful; he kissed his lips softly.

“Morning,” James’ lips curved up in a small smile.
“Morning,” Derek grabbed a sponge and put some body wash on it. He sat James up and rubbed it slowly over his back.
“You do this for all your men?” James wrapped his arms around his knees and closed his eyes.
“You are the only man I’ve ever been with. Well, like, sex-wise.” Derek ran the sponge in a slow circle on James’ back. “Are you


“I was sitting here wondering if Oral Gel works on ass muscles.”
Derek laughed. “I think that’s Orajel.”
“Whatever, it numbs your teeth so why couldn’t it numb your ass?” James looked up at Derek and smiled.
“God, I’m sorry I lost it last night. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Derek ran his fingertip over James’ lips slowly.
James trailed his fingertips over Derek’s cheekbone, long black lashes fluttered as his fingers lightly brushed over Derek’s strong

features. “You are so beautiful.” James smiled as Derek’s eyes met his. “The night we met, I couldn’t believe someone like you existed, the
way you moved.” James leaned over and kissed Derek’s mouth, brushing his lips gently. “It was like nothing I have ever seen, and right
then I was hypnotized.”

Derek tilted his head, meeting with James’ mouth. “I wanted you, so much.” Derek groaned, as James slipped inside to taste him.
James smiled and nibbled Derek’s bottom lip. “Well, you sure didn’t act interested. I’d like to know what you were thinking that


Would you now?” Derek smiled and sat down on the floor. “Well, then...I’ll tell you.”

September 11, 2005

Derek checked his appearance one more time before getting out of the limo. This was a very important night. He was meeting his

liaisons to the office of Homeland Security. Fitzpatrick, the last one, was retiring. Thank God. Derek hated the man; he was the biggest
homophobic asshole he’d ever seen. He put his hand out to Cynthia and helped her out of the limo. He’d hired an escort on the advice of
his friend Mateo. He didn’t have a girlfriend and they both knew what women thought when they were invited to a function such as this one.
Marriage and kids. Derek shook his head and smiled. Oh, hell no. They were escorted inside the crowded ballroom and Derek found his
contact right away.

“Sir.” Derek shook the man’s hand.
“Please, call me Marty. This is not that formal, Derek, at least not to me.”
Derek had to smile. Marty had been drinking. Quite a lot in fact. “Well this is my date, Cynthia Monroe.”
“Ma’am,” Martin shook her hand. “Martin Crusden. I’m looking forward to you meeting the boys, Derek.” Martin looked around

the room. “Oh, there they are.”

Derek followed Martin’s line of sight and his breath caught in his throat. One of the men at the bar was absolutely stunning. “Which


“Let’s go meet them,” Martin smiled.
The closer they got, the faster his pulse raced. Derek fought to keep from falling over as he looked into the most beautiful eyes he’d

ever seen. He was vaguely aware of being introduced and then he shook the man’s hand. James Pruitt was his name and the man was
breathtaking. He couldn’t stop looking at him and finally had to force himself to tear his eyes away. Derek tried to listen to the conversation;
he wanted to be alone with James.

“Cynthia, why don’t you find a higher ranking official and cozy up?” Derek smiled; it couldn’t have worked any better. Not only did

Cynthia leave, but she took Lucas with her. Derek unbuttoned his jacket and ordered a shot; he was going to need it. He loved talking to
James. They talked for hours and by the end of the night James was drunk off his ass and Derek offered to take him back to his hotel. They
stood in front of James’ room and Derek wanted so badly to lean in and kiss the man.

“Don’t freak out or anything, but I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you,” James slurred.

Derek rested his hand on the wall by James’ head. “Why would I freak out? You complimented me; thank you very much.” Derek

wanted those lips. James was licking them slowly and Derek swallowed hard.

“So, um, thanks for bringing me back.”
“No problem, are you going to be okay?” Derek felt the front of his jacket being pulled and then he was inches from James’ mouth;

he actually felt his breath on his face and right then he knew he would kiss the man. Voices floated down the hall and Derek stepped back
quickly, righting his jacket and shirt. James looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole and die. After assuring James there would be no
problems, Derek left and went back to his own hotel. He took the longest shower he’d ever taken and jacked off thinking of James Pruitt.

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James Pruitt’s bathroom….

James laughed and closed his eyes. “Oh God, I can’t believe you wanted to kiss me!”
“If I hadn’t heard those people coming, I would have, James. I wanted you so badly that night.” Derek caressed James’ face.

“From the moment I saw you James Pruitt, I wanted you.”

James sighed and smiled. “Thank God, I thought all this time what I was feeling was one sided.”
Derek shook his head. “No, I’ve always wanted you and then I fell in love with you. I can’t apologize enough for not telling you a

long time ago. When I heard you were with Lucas, I almost lost my mind.”

James sat up in the tub. “You heard us in Italy, didn’t you?”
Derek nodded. “I was scared to death, too. I thought I’d lose you for good. The fortuneteller told me, James. She told me if I

wasn’t careful I would lose you. I love you, so much.” Derek leaned in and their lips met in a soft kiss. James wrapped his arms around his
neck and Derek picked him up out of the tub. Grabbing a towel on his way to the bedroom, Derek wrapped James up and lowered him
onto the bed. They lay side by side, just kissing, feeling each other.

“I love your hands on my skin,” James breathed. Derek’s mouth was warm and insistent. “You taste as good as you look.”
Derek chuckled and ran his hands up James’ back pulling him closer. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”
James opened his eyes. “So, you’ve never?”
“Made love to a man?” Derek nuzzled James’ nose. “No, why? Did it show?” Derek pulled away slightly. “Oh God, did I suck?”
James laughed softly. “Oh hell no, you were so damn good! I’ll be feeling it for weeks.” James saw the concerned look on Derek’s

face. “In a good way.”

Derek sighed and relaxed. “Okay, good. There’s something I have to tell you. I stopped in on Lucas on my way here.”
James’ brow rose. “Is he okay? I know I hurt him.”
“He’s fine. This is going to flip your lid. General Blackthorn? The one who took over for me?” Derek smiled as James nodded.

“Guess who he used to date?”

“No way!”
“Yes, and I believe he’s still got it bad for our Agent Cain.”
James smiled and nestled into Derek’s chest. “Good, I hope they talk to each other.”
“Well I gave Lucas all his contact numbers, all he has to do is call.” Derek gripped James’ ass in his hands. “Now, how about you

and me kiss for a couple of hours?”

“I’m all yours, General.”
“Yes, yes you are.”


Brody jumped out of the Hummer and looked at all the men standing at attention. He had to smile. Jessup was back and in full

form. Connelly was still back in the States doing his rehab, but Jessup’s tour was almost done. He’d had a long talk with Jessup and
assured him that his sexual preference was not an issue where he was concerned. Now he had to deal with a few men who had taken issue
with the subject.

“If you feel you can’t work next to a gay man, please grab your rucksack and head out. I’ll move you to one of the other


Brody turned towards the voice and saw Jessup shaking his head.
“I believe they heard me, Sergeant. I know some of you would be dead right now if it hadn’t been for Connelly. He ran back to get

three of you who had been shot and was shot in the process. So you tell me how Connelly being gay has anything to do with his bravery, or
his loyalty to you guys.” It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Brody eyed all the men. “Good, dismissed.”

Brody walked to his office and collapsed in the chair. The rumor had spread that Connelly was gay and Jessup had been put on the

spot by the rest of the platoon. He knew most of the men couldn’t have cared less, but the newer ones had taken offense. As their superior
officer, it was his job to make sure they worked together. Brody smiled and twirled his pencil; he had a few months left in the tour and then
he could go home and…and what? Brody sighed and ran his hands over his face; the only man he loved didn’t want him. He heard chirping
and looked around his office.

“Crap. Where the hell did I put my cell phone?” Brody searched his uniform and finally found his phone in his thigh pocket.


Brody’s heart stopped in his chest. It couldn’t be…it just couldn’t. “This is Brody, who is this?”
“It’s me, Brody. It’s Lucas.”
“Lucas?” Brody whispered.
“How…how are you?” Lucas sat down on the kitchen stool, and brought a picture of Brody to mind. The russet hair, the slate gray

eyes, the strong hands, the muscular biceps.

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“I’m all right.” Brody fought to keep his voice in control; he’d loved Lucas from the moment they’d met. “How are you doing?”
“I’m all right. I was kidnapped by Aasim Abur—”
You were what?” Brody stood up.
“I’m all right now. James Pruitt and I were taken.” Lucas played with the table mat.
Brody collapsed back down in the chair. “Well, no wonder Derek lost his mind. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I mean I got shot and stabbed twice—”
“Oh God, please stop if there’s more.” Brody put his head down on the desk. “Where are you?”
“Home now, in Tampa. Derek came by to see me and imagine my surprise when he told me General Blackthorn had lectured him.”

Lucas chuckled softly. “You put on general.”

“At a cost, Lucas.” Brody gripped the phone. “It wasn’t worth the cost of losing you.”
“So, you do still care for me?” Lucas held his breath.
“I never stopped, Lucas.” It got quiet and Brody looked at the phone. “Lucas? Are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m still here. How long before you leave Afghanistan?”
“Four more months, why?”
“I would really like to see you.”
“You would?” Brody asked.
“I would, so…will you?”
“I would love to see you, I’ve…missed you so much, Lucas.”
Lucas wiped his eyes. “I’m so sorry I hurt you. I was scared Brody, scared that you’d say anything to get me to stay and then go

back. I couldn’t go through it again and I—”

“It’s okay, Lucas, I get it. I meant it though. I was ready to give it all up for you.”
“And now?”
Brody smiled. “I would walk away tomorrow, if it meant I could have you back.”
Brody smiled, even across the miles, he could hear the hope in Lucas’ voice. “Yes, Lucas Cain. Really.”
“I missed you, too.”

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Chapter Six

After countless hours of making out, James finally came up for air. If they were making up for lost time, they had one hell of a head

start. His lips were raw and red. James smiled, kissing Derek’s nose. The man looked sexy in his bed, and James had every intention of
keeping him there. Derek’s hands were behind his head, fingers laced together and James looked over the impressive muscular torso in
front of him.

“Do you work out every day?” James licked a path across Derek’s stomach and saw the monster dick twitch. “Calm down there.”

James looked up to see a mischievous

smile on Derek’s lips.

“Stop putting your tongue on me then.”
“Can’t help it,” James ran his palm across Derek’s strong torso. “I’ve never seen so much muscle.”
Derek unlaced his fingers and ran his hand down James’ back. Muscles twitched under his fingers. “You have some of your own.”
“So,” James looked at the time. “What do you want to do for what’s left of the day? We definitely need some kind of food.” James

sprawled out on the bed and smiled when Derek moved like a jungle cat, stalking its prey. “Now, now.”

“Mmm, yes, now.” Derek licked a path up James’ inner thigh.
James closed his eyes and lay back as Derek’s tongue massaged the scar from his gunshot wound. A large, warm hand traveled to

his ass. “Derek…”

“I’m hungry,” James pouted. It had its desired effect. Derek was up in an instant pulling his PT shorts on.
Derek pulled his shorts up and smiled. “What do you want?”
“I don’t know, I’m just starving.”
“I can order something? Pizza maybe?”
They both looked toward the living room when the doorbell rang. Derek looked at James still on the bed.
“Expecting someone?”
“No,” James sat up and pulled his sweats on. “Who is coming over at five in the afternoon?”
Derek closed his eyes and sighed loudly. “Gee, who lives in Arizona?”
James laughed. “No…”
The doorbell was ringing over and over again and Derek went to the door and threw it open. Riley and Mateo stood on the front

steps with a casserole dish.

“Well, hellooo,” Riley giggled.
“Oh for Christ’s sake, Derek,” Mateo walked past Derek into the living room. “Put a shirt on before Riley passes out from your


“Don’t you guys know how to call?” Derek narrowed his eyes at Mateo.
“Hey, don’t look at me,” Mateo looked over at his husband. “This was Riley’s idea; we didn’t know you would be here. We

thought we were visiting a depressed and sexually frustrated James.”

James came out into the living room, eyeing the visitors as he sat down on the couch. “What did you bring, Riley?”
Riley took the casserole dish to the kitchen. “Lasagna, I know you love it.”
Derek was smiling at James when he felt eyes on him. He looked up to see Mateo smirking at him. “What?”
Mateo shrugged his shoulders and sat down in the La-Z-Boy. “It’s about time.”
“No shit,” Riley laughed from the kitchen.
James laughed. “Okay guys, stop picking on my man.”
Mateo looked at Derek and pointed at his face. “Oh my fucking God, you’re blushing!”
“I am not,” Derek mumbled and covered his face.
“Awww, that is just too damned adorable.” Riley came back in with plates of food. “Come on guys, eat up. If you’ve been doing

what I think you’ve been doing, you need food.”

“Jesus,” Derek sighed and grabbed a plate from Riley. “Is nothing sacred?”
Mateo shook his head and took a bite of food. “Nope.”
Riley sat back on the couch and tucked a foot under his leg. “So? When are you guys going fishing?”
“Tomorrow,” Derek blurted out. Mateo, Riley and James all looked at him. “What? I want out of here as soon as possible.”
“You want to be alone with James,” Riley smiled and made kissy lips.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Derek sighed in frustration.
James chuckled and leaned into Derek. “It’s okay, Derek, these are our friends, remember?”
“Uh huh,” Derek narrowed his eyes at Mateo.
“Well, we were going to stay and hang out, maybe watch a movie but it seems like you two need to be alone,” Riley smiled,

winking at James.

“Oh come on, Riley, we can watch ‘Titanic.’” Mateo bit his bottom lip at the look of astonishment on Derek’s face.
“I don’t even own that movie,” James laughed, lying back in Derek’s lap.
“We can rent it.” Mateo felt Riley smack his arm. “Ow! What?”
“Leave them alone,” Riley grabbed their plates and walked back into the kitchen. He covered the casserole dish and placed it in the

fridge. Grabbing his keys, he dragged Mateo to the door. “Okay, you crazy kids, have fun.”

“But I didn’t get to finish my food!” Mateo balked.

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“Shush, I’ve got more at home.” Riley gave Mateo a quick kiss.
“Bye, Riley,” James stood up and hugged Riley tightly. “Thanks.”
“No problem. Now, go have lots and lots of sex,” Riley giggled, as Derek sighed again.
“You two have fun,” James opened the door. “We’ll call you as soon as we are back from Washington.”
“We need to have a get-together, all of the guys,” Mateo shook Derek’s hand.
“You’re on.” Derek stood with James at the door as Riley and Mateo made their way out to the driveway. They both turned and

waved as they got into the car.

“So,” James closed the door and leaned against it. “What do you want to do?” He was swept off his feet in an instant, and Derek

growled in his ear.

“I want you.”
“Holy shit,” James whispered. The ease with which Derek carried him had him in awe of the man’s power. He tipped the scales at

about one eighty and Derek carried him as if he weighed one hundred. He was eased onto the bed and Derek pushed his shirt up, kissing
the soft flesh below his navel. “Derek…”

Derek inhaled James’ scent and looked up. “Yes?”
“I might need a day or two to recover,” James smiled impishly.
Derek backed away, looking down at James’ hard-on. “Your dick says something else.”
“My dick has a mind of its own; my ass is in charge right now.”
Derek smiled, kissing James’ belly button, licking a slow path around it. “All right, I can wait.” Derek crawled up James’ body and

hovered above him. “I still want to kiss you for hours.”

James grabbed the nape of Derek’s neck. “Come here.”
Their lips met and a gasp escaped him; he looked down to see James’ hand wrapped tightly around his cock. “You said—”
“I said I couldn’t go another round, I didn’t say I couldn’t have fun with you.”
“Oh hell…”


Derek hadn’t been joking. They were out the door at seven in the morning. James barely had time to finish his cup of coffee, much

less shove a bagel in his mouth before Derek was dragging him out the door. He was moving on four hours of sleep; Derek had ravished
him for most of the night and his lips were still tingling. After a drive that seemed to take seconds, they were standing in front of the terminal
at Luke Air Force base. James swore he was barely conscious as Derek dragged him through the security line. Even though they’d taken a
HOP from the Air Force base instead of flying commercial, the flight wasn’t so bad. James sat back in the rental car and closed his eyes.
For once, Seattle was sunny and beautiful. He felt fingers lacing with his and opened his eyes. Derek was smiling at him.

“I have a surprise for you.”
James sat up in the car and looked around. “We’re getting on a boat?”
“Yes, we have to take the ferry to Bainbridge Island.”
James chuckled. “I didn’t ask any questions about this trip did I?”
“Nope,” Derek smiled, maneuvering the car onto the ferry.
Once the car was parked and secured, Derek took James by the hand and they made their way up on deck. He felt resistance and

looked back at James.

James looked around. “You’re holding my hand, Derek.”
“And?” Derek pulled James close to him and wrapped his arms around James’ waist. “I plan on kissing you, too.”
“Don’t go all crazy on me,” James chuckled softly.
Once on deck, Derek stood behind James at the railing, arms wrapped around his waist. The sea air tickled at their senses with the

smell of salt and seaweed along with a warm breeze. James leaned back against Derek’s chest.

“I love this, you know? It feels good to be alive.”
Derek smiled and nuzzled James’ neck. “Look, the harbor seals are out. When we go fishing, you have to watch out for them. They

are notorious for stealing bait.”

James smiled and leaned his head back. “You know I haven’t been fishing in forever. You’re going to have to re-teach me some


“You’ll have to teach me some things as well, but not about fishing.”
James closed his eyes as Derek kissed him. He swore it was all a dream, this couldn’t be real. To finally have the one man he’d

fantasized about for years kissing him? James sighed in Derek’s mouth. “That feels so good.”

“You like the way I kiss you?” Derek smiled, running his lips across James’.
“God, who wouldn’t?”

The rest of the ferry ride consisted of Derek pointing out everything to James. The ride was smooth and before long, they were

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docking at Bainbridge Island. Derek waited his turn, then drove out onto Olympic Drive. James looked out the window at all the stores
lining the highway. Mostly gas stations and bait shops with the occasional realty and doctor’s offices. James looked over at Derek to see a
small smile on his lips. He had to admit, despite knowing him for six years he didn’t know everything there was to know about the man.

“Do you have a house out here?”
Derek shook his head. “No, my mom does.”
James almost choked on his spit. “Excuse me? You never said anything about your mom.”
“I didn’t?” Derek chuckled.
“This is so not fair!”
“Oh relax, she’ll love you.”
“Oh my God.” James banged his head on the window.
Twenty minutes later they were pulling up in front of a very impressive two story house. It sat nestled right next to the water with a

deck that went all the way around it. A beautiful wrought iron table and chairs were out on the front of the deck facing the water. A path
led down to a boat launch, and out on the water was Derek’s boat.

Derek looked out at his boat. “That’s my baby.”
James looked at the back of the boat. “Does that say…?”
“JP’S JOY.” Derek turned James around to face him. “Yes, it’s been named after you from the moment I bought it.”
“Derek…” James felt his throat constricting, what was it about this man that made him turn into a babbling baby? Jesus, he was

supposed to be hard as steel. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. Come on, let’s go meet Mom.”
“You suck, you do know that, right?” James smacked Derek’s ass. “I’ve met your mom like, one time?”
Derek nodded, dragging James up the walk. “Yes, she was my date to one of the functions.”
James pulled his arm back and stopped. “Does she know about me?”
Derek pulled James into him and held him around the waist. “Yes, James, she knows I’m in love with you.”
Derek laughed and pulled James along. “Yes, really.”
James could feel his pulse racing as they entered the house, full of dark finishes, elaborate carvings and ornamentations on the

furniture. Victorian era was definitely the theme. James took it all in and was startled when Derek’s voice echoed through the house.

“Oh, Mother!” Derek laughed softly.
James smiled at the sing-song voice coming from one of the rooms.
“Yes, your son is here with a guest.”
“He’d better be shorter than you and cute as a button!”
James scowled. “I am not cute.”
Derek dragged James through the house. “Yes you are, and don’t hit me for that.” Derek looked around the kitchen. “Where are


Victoria entered the kitchen. Derek stood with James Pruitt. James hadn’t changed a bit from the first time she’d met him. “Look at

you, you haven’t aged a day, James Pruitt.”

“Mrs. Jacobs,” James put his hand out.
“You must call me Victoria.” Victoria hugged James and smiled at Derek. Her son was positively glowing.
“All right, Victoria. You look beautiful, as always,” James smiled. Victoria’s hair was up in a tight bun. She had minimal makeup on

but she didn’t need it anyway, the woman was a classic beauty.

“James, such flattery.” Victoria winked. “I’ve made dinner, who’s hungry?”
“I am,” Derek made his way to the cupboards. “Can we please use regular plates?”
Victoria gave her son a horrified look.
“Fine,” Derek sighed. “Which china should I pull out?”
“I’ll get it,” Victoria smiled. “You two sit down.”
James laughed as Derek closed the cupboards and took a seat at the kitchen table. “What’s with the plates?”
Victoria took three plates out and placed them on the table. “Everywhere Derek’s father and I went on orders, we tried to get

something from that country. We spent a few years in England, and bought furniture there. Most of the rooms in this house have furniture
from every post we were assigned to. I have a German sitting room.”

Derek looked at the plate. “Mom, please, you know how nervous I get eating on these.”
James looked at his plate. “What am I missing?”
“These are Flora Danica plates—” Derek said.
“Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica.” Victoria smiled.
Derek’s hand shook. “Mom, please…”
“Oh all right,” Victoria sighed. “I’ll pull out Wedgwood.”
James leaned over and lowered his voice. “Is that better?”
“Not by much.”
Victoria had made a pot roast along with potatoes, green beans and carrots. A large bowl of rice sat off to the side along with a

bowl of salad and breadsticks. That was on one side of the table; James noticed on the other side was a dessert area.

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“This is quite a bit of food, Victoria.” James looked over the length of the table.
“Derek can eat quite a bit.” Victoria palmed her son’s face. “Just like his father.”
James took a bite of the roast and moaned. “This is really good, thank you.” James finished chewing and wiped his mouth. “You

know, I can tell you how Derek likes his coffee, what kind of food he does and does not like, what TV shows he watches, the music he
likes, but I can’t tell you anything about his personal life.”

“James…” Derek took his hand.
James smiled. “No it’s okay, I mean we’ve known each other for years and I thought you’d tell me something in that time. I’ve met

your mother one time before now. I don’t know that much about you.”

Victoria took her son’s hand. “He is just like his father. When I met Derek he was a private. We were at a USO dance and I saw

him from across the room.” Victoria sighed. “Women wanted him, all my friends did, but he came over to me and asked me to dance.”
Victoria palmed Derek’s face. “He had eyes that melted you, and he was so respectful. Well, of course after that we began dating. My
parents had a fit! Said he was beneath me but I knew better. Derek Bradly Jacobs was one hell of a man.”

“What do you think he’d say if he knew his son had turned out gay, Mom? Do you think he would have been okay with it?”
Victoria sat back and looked at her son. “He would have loved you just as much. Do you know how I know this? My cousin

Dorian is a little light in the loafers, that’s what they called it back then,” Victoria giggled. “I made it a point to introduce your father to him;
Derek could tell right away that Dorian was gay. The man did not hide his sexuality, but your father just shook his hand and smiled, saying
it was a pleasure to meet him. That’s when I knew I’d marry Derek.” Victoria smiled and looked at James. “I went against my family, lost
all my money, but it was worth it. The years I spent with Derek were worth it all. Just like the time you spend together will be worth it. You
two have known each other for years and are just now coming together. You are both good men, I’m happy you finally came together.”

“So am I, Mom,” Derek kissed James’ hand. “So am I.”


After cleaning the kitchen and saying goodnight to Victoria, James followed Derek out to the boat. His stomach was flipping as

Derek held his hand down the path. Part of him still wondered if all of this was even real. He’d dreamt of it so many times, being with
Derek, kissing Derek. They came to the boat launch and Derek boarded the boat and put his hand out to help him on.

“Permission to come aboard?” James smiled, placing his hand in Derek’s.
“Granted.” Derek pulled James up and into his arms. The full moon hung low in the sky illuminating everything around them. James

had an ethereal glow. “I love you, James.”

James closed his eyes as Derek’s hand swept a slow path along his jaw, pulling his face up gently. “I love you, too.”
Derek smiled and kissed James’ lips lightly. “You want to see your boat?”
“I thought it was yours?” James winked and smacked Derek’s ass.
“It’s ours, everything is ours now.” Derek encircled James in his arms. “I want us to share everything.”
“I don’t know,” James furrowed his brows. “I make more money than you.”
Derek laughed and tightened his grip on James. He lowered his head and pulled James’ bottom lip in between his teeth. “My sugar


James wrapped his arms around Derek’s neck. “You’re older.”
Derek slid his tongue across James’ lips. “Details…”
James felt his pulse racing and his heart hammered against his ribs. Derek had a way of kissing him that took his breath away,

making him weak in the knees. That warm mouth searching, teasing… “Derek…”

“Mmm, you taste good.” Derek broke from the kiss slowly. “You ready for the tour?”
James nodded.
“I love it when I leave you speechless.” Derek took James’ hand, pulling him toward the bow of the boat. They went below deck

and Derek looked around. He’d hired someone to come and keep it clean, it looked spotless. “So as you can see, it has all the comforts of

James looked around the galley of the boat. A coffeemaker sat on one of the counters, a refrigerator, freezer and stove lined one

side. A microwave was above the stove area and cupboards lined the walls. James was being pulled ahead and realized there was a large
bedroom as well. A shower was off to the side with closets on both sides of the room. “Is that a king-size bed?”

“Well, I am tall.” Derek smiled and sat on the bed. “Do you want to take a shower? I had them bring your suitcase out while we

were eating.”

“Who? I didn’t see anyone.” James looked around the room.
“Stuart, he’s kind of my mom’s handyman. Good guy, too, takes care of her while I’m away.”
James peeked into the bathroom. A medicine cabinet was above the vanity as well as hooks for towels. The shower was decent

sized and James looked out the bathroom door. “Are you going to take one with me?”

“I just might,” Derek smirked and took off his shirt.
James took his own shirt off and threw it on the bed. The boat looked like a house on water. When Derek had said he had a boat,

James envisioned a flat bottom boat just for fishing. Not a luxury yacht, or as close as you could get to one without the real thing. “How big
is this thing?”

“Close to forty footer.”
James whistled softly. “Maybe you make more than me?”

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Derek laughed and took his pants off. “I saved up for this baby.” Derek took James in his arms. “I always knew she’d be ours

though.” Derek leaned in to kiss James and heard a small rumbling. He looked into James eyes. “Hungry?”

“I guess so, I don’t know why.”
Derek looked at the time. “How about I make you a snack? Go ahead and shower.”
James closed his eyes as the hot water hit his body. God he wanted Derek again, ass be damned, and it would be if Derek fucked

him again. Part of him wanted to feel that burn, that sweet stretch that told him that Derek was inside him, owned him. Six long years he’d
waited for Derek, waited for the chance to be with Derek Jacobs. He could hear Derek whistling as he made his way back to the bedroom
and he pulled the shower curtain back. Derek was putting a plate down on the nightstand, his PT shorts the only clothing he was wearing.

“You already done?” James turned the shower off.
“Well, it’s just a ham sandwich. I hope that’s okay?” Derek’s heart raced as the shower curtain opened. James stood there, little

droplets of water cascading down his defined chest and abs, sliding down his thighs. Derek knelt down to inspect the gunshot scar on
James’ thigh. He ran his hand up and around James’ thigh, kissing the inside.

“Yes, that’s fine, Derek. Thank you for making it for me.” James held onto the shower wall, his cock right in front of Derek’s face.

The silence was broken by Derek’s heavy breathing.

“You are so beautiful, James.” Derek’s eyes locked onto James’ beautiful cut cock, he licked his lips and looked up at James. His

eyes were closed and when he looked back down James was stroking his cock, nice hard pulls from the root to tip, fingers tightening on
the crown squeezing drops of precum.

God help him, James’ cock was calling to him and Derek took James’ hand, moving it out of the way. His tongue swiped the head

as his fingers squeezed more from it, licking the slit and taking James in.

James watched his cock consumed by Derek’s mouth in one swallow; he held on to the wall as Derek teased him, sucking hard

then running his tongue around the rim pressing down hard right where it mattered. James’ legs were shaking and he grabbed Derek’s hair,
gripping it tight in one hand.

Derek’s cock was rock hard as a sound left James’ lips; it was almost a purr and Derek lost it. He picked James up and took him

to the bed soaking wet, his tongue running long strokes up and down his body playing, teasing and sucking.

“James…” Derek was removing his clothing so fast he almost tripped on his shorts trying to get back on the bed, to get back to

James and his fucking gorgeous skin. The taste of him, God he wanted him. He took James’ mouth and dived in deep, hot wet kisses
caressed as his hand played with James’ cock, stroking him in long, slow strokes.

“Fuck.” James arched his back and felt his cock leaking.
Derek stopped and looked in James’ eyes, the passion was there - the lust, the want, the need and he suddenly wanted James to

make love to him. He wanted to know what it felt like to feel that hot prick up his ass, to feel the fullness, to feel James. “Make love to me,

James’ eyes shot open and he looked into very lust-blown eyes. Derek’s tongue was doing a slow swipe of his lips. “Are you


“Yes, I mean I know we did that one night without anything…” Derek blushed.
Oh. My. God. General Jacobs just blushed; James never thought he’d see the day. “We are both government employees which

means every six months…I’m clean.”

Derek nodded and felt the red in his cheeks, Jesus he was blushing uncontrollably; this shit did not happen to him, ever. ”I thought

so, I mean I’ve never seen you with a man so…”

“I’ve had boyfriends, Derek.”
Derek sat back looking at James. He knew the man was gay from the get-go but he had never really thought about him with anyone

else. Shit, he had made it a point to visualize the man with himself and no one else. “Do I know him? Them? How many?”

Whoa…jealous Derek was awesome. “I’ve had like fifty,” James tried not to laugh and Derek’s eyes went wide, his face went

from blushing to angry in seconds. “Oh relax… I’ve had maybe five boyfriends my entire life.”

“Five?” Derek looked at him. “I want names.”
“Jesus Derek, are you going to kill them?” James sat up looking at him. “You would wouldn’t you?”
“If any of them ever hurt you, you bet your cute little ass.”
“You think my ass is cute?” James lay back, smiling. Derek growled and pulled James into his chest; he was actually off the bed

being held by one massive bicep and he felt his cock hard as a rock. Hot damn that was sexy. “Well, okay then.” James grabbed Derek’s
hair, hauling him into a kiss.

Somewhere along the way he’d put James down and now lie on his back as James ravished his body. Holy shit, he had been

missing the good shit. Because James was a man, he knew exactly what got Derek hot and he used it to his advantage. He couldn’t stop
moaning and writhing beneath James. He was so overstimulated, everything made him moan. He’d managed to grunt and point out the lube
in the drawer; he’d been able to articulate at least that much. James was taking him to the brink and back, his finger slid in slowly and
Derek’s leg went out further accepting the pressure.

James was kissing him slowly, savoring every part of his mouth. He swore he saw stars as James pushed in another finger, rubbing

his swollen gland until he was writhing on the bed. And it just kept going; James was sucking his cock like a professional prostitute. He was
aware that he had pulled the sheets off the bed and was now working a hole in the mattress. James had him so deep in his throat Derek

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expected his cock to come out the back side of his head. All the while James had three fingers in his ass rubbing, pinching and stretching
him, getting him good and ready for the main attraction.

“James, please…” Derek finally ripped a hole in the mattress as James played with the head of his cock.
James grabbed the lube and made sure Derek was slathered in it before lubing his own cock. He wasn’t the size of Derek but when

you’ve never had anything up your ass, anything felt like a watermelon being shoved up there at maximum speed. He ran his cock over
Derek’s puckered hole and slid down the crease and back up. Derek’s eyes were wide open and he was stroking himself slowly watching
James’ every movement. James smiled and pushed the tip in up to the crown and waited. “Okay with that?”

“Fuck yes, just do it.” Derek closed his eyes.
James smiled. Well, then….
Derek felt sharp heat tearing through him and his eyes flew open with a loud gasp. “Shit!”
James stopped and looked down; he wasn’t even all the way in. He’d thought of putting Derek’s legs over his shoulders, but fuck if

that wouldn’t weigh him down and probably look pathetic not to mention his thigh was already killing him. He spread Derek’s legs out
further and pulled back out slowly, adding more lube. He leaned over and kissed Derek softly. “Just close your eyes and relax.”

“Okay…” Derek wasn’t used to taking orders, but the pain he felt, yeah he’d take them from James. Seeing how he was the virgin

in this scenario and was about to be ridden bareback. Yeah, he’d shut his mouth. James was licking his lips slowly and gently nibbling his
lower one. He felt the soft caress of James’ mouth against his and then a teasing tongue sliding across the seam of his lips, begging him to
come out and play. His tongue found James’ and they rubbed, investigated. James covered his mouth with his own, diving in deep and
searching him. He felt pressure and a whole hell of a lot of heat and when he opened his eyes, James was smiling at him. He realized James’
hips were on his ass.

“How do you feel?” James looked into very alert aquamarine eyes for any sign of pain.
Derek clamped down and James let out a small gasp. Hmm. “I take it that felt good?”
“I did it to you the other night,” James smiled and leaned in to kiss those beautiful lips again. “I’m going to move slowly now,


“Damn.” Derek felt James pull out slowly; his ass was screaming. “How big are you?”
“Smaller than you, Mr. Thick Cock,” James smiled and took Derek’s mouth.

With James’ tongue in his mouth and his dick in his ass, Derek didn’t know whether to scream or cry. It burned, it hurt, it felt good

then it felt fucking fantastic. James was thrusting into him with slow, even strokes then following it up with a harder slam, then back to slow
thrusts all while jacking him off. James wasn’t huge, but the power the man possessed had him in awe. Every thrust into his tunnel had him
hanging onto him, fingers digging into his biceps.

“Oh God, that feels good,” Derek breathed.
“So tight,” James closed his eyes and concentrated. He was breathing hard as he thrust in, trying not to hurt Derek but every fiber

of his being wanted to take Derek and show him the real power he possessed in bed. All he needed was to hear Derek say it - and then he

Like a horse in a fucking race, the doors opened and James took off at lightning speed. He forgot about the pain in his thigh and

worked his hips into General Derek Jacobs. Fuck, but it felt good, his balls slamming, hips pumping, pounding into Derek’s ass over and
over again. Bed rocking, sweat pouring, hand pumping Derek’s cock in time with his thrusts and when he heard that loud guttural cry,
ropes of cum hit his hand, warming it. James let loose, hips bucking, his balls emptying into Derek. James slumped over, lightheaded and
close to fainting. Fuck. He couldn’t move a muscle if the boat was on fire. His heart rate was erratic and he swore his fingers and toes were
numb. He felt Derek’s arms wrap around him and lay his head on his chest.

“Holy shit…” Derek exhaled.
Derek lie back with James in his arms in a complete satisfaction coma. Jesus, if he had known it felt that good he would have been

fucking James the night he tried to kiss him. What an enormous jackass he’d been. He felt James’ heartbeat on his chest and kissed the top
of his head. He fit perfectly in his arms and Derek wanted him in his life - and not just at meetings. He knew he had a ways to go and hoped
that James would be patient with him. God but the man was adorable, he’d never say that to James, though. James had made it a point his
whole career to overcome not only his stature, but his adorable, cute little face. Derek couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.

James picked his head up with great effort, and raised an eyebrow. “You’re giggling?”
“No, I’m chuckling.”
“Well, gee, I was almost crying after you fucked me. Was I that small?” James smiled and bit Derek’s chin.
Derek pulled him up to his face and smiled. “No, I think I may need the Oral Jel now.”
James smiled. “It’s Orajel.”
“Whatever, I think I need to buy stock in the company.” Derek rolled them over and James slid out, causing Derek to hiss softly.


“Should have waited until I was soft.”
“Lesson learned.” Derek kissed him softly running his hand through James’ soft hair.
“Mmm, damn you taste so good; I should have kissed you that first night.” Derek pulled away, and looked into James’ eyes.


James grabbed his hair and pulled him into a kiss. As cute as babbling Derek was, they only had precious time to make love and lie

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in bed all day. “Shut up.”

“Yes, sir.”

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Chapter Seven

James awoke to the gentle rocking of the boat. He was wrapped up in very large biceps with a very hard erection on his lower

back. James smiled and moved his ass back and forth. Arms tightened around him and a soft growl came from behind him.

“Morning.” James tilted his head back, meeting with Derek’s warm mouth.
“I can’t wait to wake up like this every morning,” Derek sighed in James’ mouth.
“How is that going to work? I work in Phoenix; you have a house in Benson.”
“Well,” Derek pulled James on top of him and cupped his face in his hands. “The house isn’t used very much anymore, so I thought

maybe I’d move in with you?”

James blinked, and shook his head. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”
“Unless you don’t want that? Am I moving too fast?” Derek tried to sit up, James pushed him back down.
“No, that’s fine. We just haven’t talked about everything; I don’t know what you want from me.”
“I want everything, James.” Derek nuzzled James’ nose. “I want you in my life, in my bed, every day. I don’t know how to make it

clearer than that. I want you James Pruitt, in every possible way.”

James smiled and dragged his morning erection over Derek’s. “Everything?”


They were out on the water by ten in the morning. Derek dropped anchor and they bobbed in Murden Cove. James hadn’t been

fishing in years. He did manage to get the bait on his hook, though. He looked over at Derek with a smile. The man took his fishing
seriously; James almost laughed out loud when he baited his hook. Derek bit his lip in concentration and cast out like a professional. James
felt a tug on his line and looked at Derek.

“Something’s biting.”
Derek stood up quickly and put his rod in the holder. “Okay, now pull back hard when you feel the next tug.”
James waited and sure enough the rod bent. He yanked back and was suddenly holding on with both hands. “What the hell?”
Derek smiled as the rod bent further. “Probably a dog fish shark.”
“A what?” James’ eyes widened.
“Oh, they’re not too bad. You just have to be careful taking the hook out of their mouth.”
“Great,” James mumbled. Whatever was on the hook was not coming willingly.
“He’s going to bite through the line. You better get him up here before I lose a hook,” Derek chuckled softly.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” James pulled the rod all the way back and reeled in the line. After a few minutes, he finally got

the damn thing pulled out of the water and onto the boat. It looked like a shark; the gills were going in and out. Sharp needle-type teeth
lined its mouth. And it looked pissed off. “He doesn’t look happy.”

Derek grabbed his gloves and picked up the shark. “He’s got a hook in the side of his mouth. With these guys you have to be

careful with the top dorsal fin. Right in front of it is a spine, and it’s mildly poisonous.”

“Peachy,” James sighed. The shark was not happy with Derek digging out the hook. It smacked him with its back caudal fin and

James chuckled.

“Oh it’s going to be like that, huh?” Derek got the hook out and grabbed the shark with both hands. He was maybe two feet long,

but he was a fighter. “Calm down, I’m putting you back in.” Derek turned the shark to face James. “You want to smack him? He ate your
bait,” Derek laughed.

“Nah, just let him be.” James laughed as Derek swatted the shark on the butt and threw him overboard.
The rest of the day, James caught more sharks than anything else. Derek caught quite a few flounder along with salmon, sturgeons

and trout. By the time they got back to the cove, James was starving. Derek cleaned the fish on deck like an expert, and James watched
him slice the fish into fillets.

“You’re good at that.” James sat down, and offered Derek a beer.
“I’ve always loved to fish.” Derek wiped his hands off on a towel. “Can you hand me that pan, please?”
“You’re cooking on deck?”
“Nope, just going to get the fish ready out here. I tend to get flour all over the galley.”
James smiled and leaned over. “God, you are so sexy with flour on your face.”
Derek closed his eyes as James wiped the flour off with the tips of his fingers. “Oh, really?”
James looked at the beautiful face in front of him. In all the years he’d known Derek he had fantasized so many times about what it

would be like to be with him. Now he was, and the reality was so much better. “Yes, really.”

Derek opened his eyes. James had a dazed look. “What is it?”
“I’m not still in the cave, am I?” James whispered.
Derek stood up and took James’ hand. “No, you’re not. I know what you’re going through, James. You can talk to me about it.”
James shook his head clear. “I have a shrink appointment in two weeks. It’s mandatory.” James tilted his head looking at Derek.

“You were tortured?”

Derek sat down, pulling James into his lap. “Yes, in Somalia. I froze up and that gave them enough time to grab me. It was the only

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time in my whole career that I was afraid.”

“I’m so sorry.” James ran his fingers through Derek’s hair. “I didn’t know.” James kissed Derek’s forehead and leaned back

looking into Derek’s eyes. “That’s why you went crazy when I was taken.”

Derek nodded. “I know what I went through, and when I heard…” Derek closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “That was the

second time in my whole life I’ve been scared to death. The thought of something happening to you, and you not knowing how I felt.”
Derek pulled James in closer. “The way we left things, I wanted desperately for you to know how much I love you.”

James wrapped his arms around Derek. “You may not have ever voiced it, but somehow I knew.” Derek’s strong hands slid up his

back, under his shirt, and James shivered.

“Are you cold?” Derek traced James’ jaw with his fingers.
Derek let his fingers glide across James’ lips. A soft sigh of contentment escaped James and Derek picked him up in his arms. In

seconds, they were both naked, wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing languidly. His fingers ran the length of James’ velvet-soft skin, as he
pulled him closer. Fingers laced, Derek made love to James. Of all the times he’d had sex, it had never been like this; he was truly in love.
They lay quietly afterward, kissing softly, touching every inch of skin.

“James?” Derek kissed the soft skin of James’ neck.
“Hmm?” James closed his eyes and gripped Derek’s fingers tighter.
“You are here with me,” Derek whispered in his ear. “You will always be with me, and I will never let anyone hurt you ever again.”
James leaned his head back, looking into love- filled eyes. “I know.”
He watched James sleeping for a good hour, making sure he wasn’t dreaming. Derek sighed, and pulled James into him further.

“It’s going to be okay.”


Four months later...

The sun was just rising as Derek rounded the corner on his way back home. Even at five thirty it was hot. He’d moved most of his

belongings into James’ house, and was now living there fulltime. The drive back and forth to Sierra Vista was a pain, but it was worth it. He
got to wake up with James in his arms every morning. Pretty soon, he’d be working with James at the FBI office instead. That thought
made him smile, although it was weird knowing that, technically, James had a lot more power than he did. Derek chuckled and decided it
was a turn on instead of a turn off that his man was a force to be reckoned with. He pulled the key out of the flower pot and unlocked the
door; the smell of coffee invaded his senses.

“In the kitchen, babe.” James put two more pieces of toast in the toaster, and turned the flame down under the eggs. “I made them


“Sounds good.” Derek went to their bedroom and slipped off his sweaty workout clothes. He looked at the made bed and had to

smile. Last night, James had fucked him so hard he thought he’d been paralyzed. He showered and dressed and made his way into the
kitchen. James was at the table, morning paper and tall cup of coffee in hand. “How did you sleep?” Derek bent and kissed James’ head.

“Really good.” James sipped his coffee, his eyes following Derek’s tight ass across the kitchen. “Could have something to do with

my vigorous workout.”

Derek chuckled softly. “Damn, you are one hell of a force in bed, James.” Derek sat down at the table and buttered his toast.
James handed Derek a letter. “This came yesterday. You didn’t get home until late, so I doubt you saw it.”
Derek looked at the envelope. “Oh shit, I forgot about the retirement party.” Derek bit into his toast and sipped his coffee. “We

don’t have to go.”

“Do you want to?”
Derek tilted his head. “I guess I should. I mean, I may not see some of these guys afterwards.”
“Lucas called; he said Brody can’t be there for it. I guess they plan on keeping him in Afghanistan for a couple more months.”
Derek’s brows furrowed. “How did that go?”
James sat back, eyeing Derek. “Brody is willing to retire the minute Lucas asks him to. That seems to be enough for Lucas. He’s in

love and not willing to be without Brody again, so he’ll support him until he retires.”

“And is he going to?”
“Yes, he is.” James smiled at the look of shock on Derek’s face. “He’s got his twenty in, and Lucas is more important to him.”
Derek leaned forward in the chair and took James’ face in his hands. “Just like you are more important to me.” Derek looked at the

invitation on the table. “So we’ll go.”

James nodded. “Yes, and then we have a party at home with all the guys.” James laughed at Derek’s face, he was frowning.

“These are our men, Derek.”

“I know, but Mateo is so annoying,” Derek laughed.
“Gee, I wonder where he got that from?” James stood up and headed back to the coffee pot. He felt arms around his waist and

leaned back into Derek. “I invited Keegan Ripley as well.”

Derek leaned down and kissed James’ neck. “So, you’re really sending him after Markov?”
James tilted his head, giving Derek more access to his neck. “Yes, he’s ready to go. Keegan knows everything there is to know

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about Vince Markov. I’ve met the man; trust me, Keegan is the one who will bring him into the fold.”

Derek turned James around to face him. “How can you be so sure?”
“Have you seen Keegan? He’s exactly Vince’s type,” James winked.
Derek put his hands on his hips. “What if Markov makes him?”
“Then we will be there to pull him out.” James filled his cup and dropped two sugar cubes in. “I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t know

Keegan could pull it off. And we really want Markov and his team working with us. To do that, we’ve got to have Markov willing to meet
with us. We’ve been training Keegan for months. He’ll be perfect.”

Derek took James’ coffee cup from him and put it on the counter. “I think we need to go to the bedroom.”
James sighed dramatically. “Oh all right. Sheesh, I’ve created a sex monster.”
Derek grabbed him, throwing him over his shoulder. He marched down the hall towards their room with James grabbing his ass as

he walked. “For someone who say’s I’m a sex monster, you sure are right up there with me.” Derek dropped James on the bed.

James pulled his sweat pants off. “Come here.”
Derek crawled up the bed with a devilish grin. “Mr. Pruitt.”
“Mmm…” James grabbed Derek by the back of the neck and dragged him to his lips. “I love your mouth.”
“Is that all you love?” Derek nibbled on James’ bottom lip.
“No.” James grabbed Derek’s ass. “I love this, too.”
Derek frowned. “What about my dick?”
“We are still getting to know one another,” James snickered.
“Well, he loves you.” Derek kissed the soft skin of James’ shoulder. “You taste good.”
Derek pulled James up to his mouth and kissed him. He couldn’t get enough of the man and had no idea how he’d gone six years

without holding James. They broke from the kiss and Derek smiled, nuzzling James’ nose. “So, we only have a few hours before we have
to go.”

“Well I need more than a few hours.” James got up from the bed. “I am not walking into that room bow-legged.”
Derek lie back on the bed and sighed. “Okay, but when we get home—”
James jumped on Derek, and pinned him to the bed. “Oh yes, General, all night long.”


The banquet hall was packed with men in uniform as they entered. Applause erupted and Derek shook the hands of the higher

ranking officials in the receiving line. As they made their way down the line of men, James’ eyes caught Fitzpatrick. He nudged Derek in the

“Great,” James mumbled.
“Derek, it’s good to see you.” Prescott winked and shook his hand. He turned and put his hand out to James. “James, it’s good to

see you.”

James put his hand out. “Good to see you, General Prescott.”
“You can call me Prescott, everyone else does.” Prescott leaned into James’ ear. “It’s Bartholomew.”
James pulled away and smiled. “Your secret is safe with me, Prescott.”
Derek turned to see Mateo, Josh, Troy and Sam smiling at him.
“Oh, hell.”
Mateo jerked his thumb to the bar. “The husbands are over there with Keegan.”
Derek looked over at the bar and saw Riley laughing with Keegan Ripley. He had to take another look. Keegan had been working

out. A lot. “Jesus, did you tell him to become the Hulk?” Derek looked over at James.

James caught Keegan’s eye and smiled at him. “He’s still smaller than Vince, believe it or not.” James looked up at Derek. “I’ll just

be over at the bar.”

“No shots of scotch, please,” Derek winked.
“Can’t promise!” James chuckled, making his way over to the bar.
With the mingling part of the evening out of the way, the ceremony began. Pictures of Derek passed over the large screen, a lot of

them with his sniper unit. James smiled as picture after picture flew by. There was a small chuckle through the room as one of the pictures
was of Derek, Josh, Mateo, Sam and Troy riding camels, rifles slung around the camels’ necks.

Prescott walked to the podium and shushed the room.
“For over twenty-five years, General Derek Jacobs has defended his country. He’s earned Medals of Valor and Purple Hearts. No

one can say the man doesn’t love his country and everything it stands for. One man stands here today because of the lessons General
Jacobs instilled in him. Please welcome Private Steve Connelly.”

The entire room stood as Private Connelly was escorted onstage by another soldier. Derek leaned down and spoke in James’ ear.

“That’s Jessup with him.”

James smiled. He’d heard all about Jessup and Connelly. The two of them were ending their enlistment and getting married the

following month. The room got quiet and everyone took their seats.

Connelly looked out over the room of assembled military men. “I came into the Army because I needed a job and got a lot more

than I bargained for. For the first three months in Afghanistan, I was scared to death whenever we went out on patrol. That is, until General

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Jacobs took over.”

Derek winked at Connelly.
“He taught us that no matter how much you train and prepare, in the end you have to be ready for anything.” Connelly gripped the

podium. “So I’d like to thank you, General. If it wasn’t for your yelling, I wouldn’t have come out of this tour alive. You are one hell of a
man, General Jacobs.”

The room stood and clapped as Derek made his way to the front of the room. He removed the Purple Heart from his own jacket

and pinned it on Connelly.

“You deserve this. You did good, kid.” Derek hugged him tight. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Yes, Sir!” Connelly stepped back, allowing Derek to stand in front of the podium.
Derek looked out into the audience and caught James’ eyes. He looked like he was tearing up. “I’ve spent my life in the military

and it’s been good to me. I’ll miss the long nights in the hot desert…”

There was a collective laugh around the room.
“I’ll miss being shot at and men trying to blow me up. Just another day in the Army. We have to remember that young men and


are sent to the front lines every day. They have families, loved ones at home and when they come back, they need to be cared for.

We are family; we take care of our own. No one life is worth more than another. For those of you who are in a position to train and
educate, take the time to get to know who’s following you. They are the ones who will have your back when the shit hits the fan.” Derek
looked at Mateo, Josh, Sam and Troy. “In my famous words - fuck it. I’m outta here.”

Mateo whooped and whistled as did the rest of the guys as Derek hugged Connelly and Jessup. Derek made his way to his guys

and hugged them all at once. The room was still clapping and the standing ovation went on and on. When the room finally calmed down,
Prescott took the microphone.

“It’s time to eat! Chow down!”

Derek stood in line waiting for the roast beef. He felt a presence next to him and looked down to see Fitzpatrick eyeing James at

the bar with Keegan. “Fitz,” Derek snorted.

“Jesus,” Fitzpatrick sneered. “They’ll let anyone in the Bureau now. I always knew Pruitt and Ripley were fucking. Goddamn


James was startled out of his conversation with Keegan by a loud crash. He looked around to see Fitzpatrick standing with cake all

over his uniform, along with some gravy and possibly mashed potatoes. James put his hand over his mouth in astonishment as Derek laid
into the man.

“Do not ever talk about James like that again! Do I make myself clear? He is with me tonight, as my date. Do you understand what

that means? And while I have you here, do not ever speak of homosexuals in my presence,” Derek shouted.

Fitzpatrick’s eyes caught Mateo, Sam, Troy and Josh all looking at him, arms crossed. They were not happy and he figured out

why, and quickly. All of them wore wedding rings, their husbands standing beside them. “Oh, shit.”

“Yes, oh shit.” Derek leaned over looking into Fitzpatrick’s eyes. “Get out of my sight.”
“I should have known.” Fitzpatrick eyed Derek.
“Derek, don’t!” James flew in between Derek and Fitzpatrick. He put his hand on Derek’s chest and forced Derek to look at him.

“Don’t, he’s not worth it.”

Sawyer pulled back on Troy’s hand as he realized his husband was getting ready to pummel Fitzpatrick. “Babe, don’t. This is

Derek’s night.”

Riley dragged Mateo back to the table and motioned to Mark and Dakota to do the same with their own men. God knows the man

deserved to feel some pain. It just didn’t have to happen at Derek’s retirement ceremony.

Prescott made his way over to the mess. “I believe that’s your cue, Fitzpatrick.”
Troy stood with Derek, James and Sawyer watching Fitzpatrick wipe his uniform off with a napkin. His mouth opened and Troy

coughed, shaking his head. The whole room got deathly quiet as Fitzpatrick left. James stood in the middle of the room with Derek, looking

“Oh God, you just came out in front of all these people,” James whispered.
“Fuck it.” Derek took James’ hand and they went back to their table. Riley had his big goofy smile on, staring at him. Derek

arched a brow. “What?”

Riley sat forward, hands clasped together. “That was so chivalrous of you, standing up for your man like that.”
“I never thought you’d come flying out of the closet,” Mateo chuckled.
Derek took James’ hand, kissing the palm. “I have quite a man at my side.”
“Yes, you do.” Keegan sat back in the chair, smiling. “You two are so damned adorable.”
Josh eyed the muscles in Keegan’s biceps. “Jesus, Keegan, did you hit the gym five times a day?”
“No, just making sure I’m still in prime shape before I take Markov on.” Keegan sipped his wine and nodded across the room.

“Look at those two.”

Derek turned to see Jessup and Connelly, their foreheads pressed together, holding hands. Derek let out a short whistle and

motioned them over. James moved over as Connelly sat down slowly in the chair.

“It’s good to see you up and walking around.” Derek pulled another chair out for Jessup.
Connelly sat back in the chair putting his foot up. “Well, considering they told me I’d never walk again, I can’t complain.”

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“That’s because you’re Steve,” Jessup smiled, palming Connelly’s face.
“No, it’s because you yelled at me,” Connelly laughed. “God, you were such an ass!”
Riley looked at the two men and cracked a grin. “You guys are so cute!”
“Oh, Lord, Mateo,” Mark rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you watching how much your husband drinks?”
“Nope.” Mateo pulled Riley into his lap.
Derek sat back, putting his arm around James’ shoulders. “Well, this night became much more exciting.”
“No shit,” Jessup chuckled. “I had no idea you were gay, sir.”
“He’s got the gaydar shield up,” Riley giggled.
“Yes, that’s it, Riley.” Derek threw a bread roll at Riley.
“I think we’ve had enough food flying, don’t you?” James grabbed the rolls away from Derek.
Mateo cracked up. “The look on Fitzpatrick’s face when Derek picked him up!”
“Priceless.” Josh smiled at Derek and James. “You two, it’s about time.”
Derek looked at the time. “I say we head over to the house and finish this party.”
“Do we higher ranking officials get an invite?”
They all turned to see Prescott standing behind them.
James stood and looked at the group. “I think everyone should come.”


Derek was impressed. James was the perfect host. Not only did he whip up a platter of Buffalo wings in less than an hour, but he

made sure everyone had a drink. Derek’s eyes wandered up his boyfriend’s body. James was perfect. He was sitting on the kitchen
countertop talking to Dakota, Riley, Mark and Sawyer. Their eyes met, and Derek winked.

“So,” Mateo leaned against the wall, looking over at Riley. “The husbands club?”
“Well, Derek hasn’t proposed yet.” Troy gave Derek a wicked smile. “Or have you?”
Derek felt all eyes on him. “I’ve told him what I want.”
“Which is?” Prescott arched a brow.
“Everything.” Derek looked at all his guys staring at him. “I want it all, marriage, kids, a lifetime of me and James together.”
“And he wants the same?” Josh sipped his beer.
Derek nodded. “Yes, he does.”
“Well, if you want kids, you better hurry up,” Mateo snickered. “The guys and I are snatching up all the surrogates. Of course, they

all want us to get them knocked up the old fashioned way.”

Sam laughed loud. “Oh God! The one we saw wanted to have sex with Dakota right there!”
“I heard that,” Dakota called over his shoulder.
“I know,” Sam chuckled. “It’s true, though. He turned, like, fifty shades of red.”
Josh wrinkled his brow. “Are there fifty shades of red?”
“Have you seen the new Crayon boxes?” Troy shook his head, sadly. “I had, like, twenty colors at the most? Now there’s like…

well hell… a lot more than I had!”

“Sad part?” Mateo sighed, looking at Troy, Sam and Derek. “We’ll be buying those Crayon boxes for our kids.”
“Just don’t buy them the paints.” Prescott chugged his beer. “They will paint everything, which includes your car.”
Troy spit out his beer. “Oh, hell no. Not my truck!”
Prescott laughed. “Oh yes, you’ll also have spilled drinks, ground-in crackers and God knows what other kind of food in your

carpets. Puke, shit, piss, you name it, you’ll have it.”

Mateo looked over at Sam and Troy. “Nannies?”
“Um, no.” Sawyer arched a brow from the kitchen.
“I second that.” Riley crossed his arms. “No nannies, we will raise our children. Not someone else.”
Derek raised a brow at James. “James?”
“No nannies.” James fixed Derek with a look.
“Don’t even ask Sam.” Dakota turned to look at his husband.
All of them looked at Keegan, who was standing quietly, avoiding detection.
“Keegan?” Josh smiled, pulling Keegan into the circle. “You want kids with Vicious Vince?”
Keegan grinned. “He’s got a kid.”
Josh squeezed Keegan’s shoulders. “But you’d love to have his child.”
“If I wasn’t married to the sexiest man on earth…” Troy started.
“Yeah, yeah,” Sawyer laughed. “Vince is hot, I know. I’ve seen his picture.”
Keegan blushed. “He’s older than me. I’m not sure he’d want another kid, anyway.”
“But look at you!” Josh pinched Keegan’s cheeks. “You are just so cute! Plus you have that cute little bubble butt.” Josh stepped

back, admiring Keegan’s ass.

“Ugh,” Keegan pushed Josh away from him with a laugh. “Will you stop that! I have a job to do and that’s all. I’ll bring Markov in

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and then it’s business as usual.” Keegan realized all of the guys were looking at him, eyebrows raised. “What?”

“You’ve had a crush on the guy for how many years?” Mateo took Keegan by the shoulders. “Be very careful, Keegan. This guy

looks hot, but deep down he’s a killer. Don’t ever forget that. If you need any of us, ever, you call. Understand? I don’t care what time it
is, we’ll have your back.”

Keegan looked around at all the men nodding in agreement. “I will, you guys really need to have more faith in me. I’ve gone

through hell and came out on the other side.”

“I know, Keegan.” Josh pulled Keegan into a hug. “And that’s why we are worried, okay? We never want something like that to

happen again.”

Keegan pulled away, looking into Josh’s eyes. “You guys know?” Keegan whispered.
“Yeah, we do. You’ve got balls, Keegan. We just want to make sure no one ever gets that close to you again.” Josh squeezed

Keegan in a hug.

“Air…” Keegan wheezed.
“Oops.” Josh grinned, releasing Keegan.
“Okay, enough!” Prescott clapped his hands together. “Where’s the Jack and music?”
“I always did like him,” Mateo leaned into Derek, laughing.


Derek locked the front door and checked the rest of the house. Turning off the lights, he made his way to the bedroom. He

squinted, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room.

“James?” A body slammed into him, legs wrapped around his waist and an eager mouth devoured him.
“Holy hell.” Derek grabbed James’ ass in his hands.
“I want you,” James growled. “You turned me on so damn bad.”
Derek lost his footing and fell on the bed; his shirt was ripped off his body and then hands slid up his inner thighs. “Not that I’m

complaining, but what did I do?”

James yanked Derek’s jeans down. “The way you picked up Fitzpatrick and yelled at him.” James buried his face in Derek’s

crotch. “Fuck, that was sexy.”

Derek gripped James’ hair as his dick was swallowed to the root. “Oh, Jesus!” Derek hissed, as James sucked his dick hungrily.
James licked a path up Derek’s cock, flicking the tip. “I want you to take me.”
Derek fisted James’ hair. “I can do that…oh fuck!” Derek swore James was sucking the skin off his prick. “Get on all fours,”

Derek growled.

James smiled and slipped his tongue through Derek’s slit, sucking precum out. “Okay.”
James got on his hands and knees and immediately felt cold lube running down his crease. He gripped the comforter and gritted his

teeth as Derek slid in. He was pulled back forcefully, the comforter sliding down the bed. Fingers dug into his hips and then the first pain hit.
James bit back a cry as Derek pounded into him. Desperately trying to reach his cock, James held onto the bed as Derek ravaged him.
He’d never had sex like this and it was fucking fantastic. Derek hit him deep, continuously massaging his sweet spot and causing a tingle in
his spine.

“Jesus…Derek…” James bit his lip, as another blast of pleasure shot up his tunnel.
“I have to kiss you…” Derek breathed heavily. Pulling James up, he wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him back, taking

his mouth.

James wrapped his arms around Derek’s neck, and felt a strong hand on his abdomen and another one sliding down his torso. A

hand wrapped around his aching prick as Derek thrust up. A warm, insistent tongue traveled his mouth, searching. James moaned as the
hand on his dick moved in time with the thrusting. He was going to lose it, and fast. “Derek….”

“I love you,” Derek growled, tightening his grip on James. Derek worked his hips, thrusting into James. The ache in his balls

became almost unbearable. “Oh fuck…fuck, fuck, and fuck!” Derek came with a roar.

James laced his fingers together as the release came. Derek pushed in to the hilt, filling him and hitting him just right. The bomb went

off and James came all over the bed, a loud cry leaving his lips. Warm lips and hot breath traveled up his neck as he tried to control his
breathing. “Oh my God, Derek…”

Derek licked a path to James’ ear. “Yeah?”
“Oh God, yes.” James slumped over on the bed, taking Derek down with him. “Ew, I think I’m in the wet spot.”
“Go shower.” Derek ran his nose through James’ hair. “I’ll change the sheets.”
James looked over his shoulder. “That is so sweet.”
“Don’t get used to it,” Derek chuckled, biting James’ shoulder.
James flipped over as Derek got up. He grabbed him around his waist pulling him back down. “You said you wanted everything.

Define everything.”

Derek looked into James’ eyes. “I want you in every possible way, as my lover and my friend. Someday, I’d like you as my


James’ eyes widened. “What?”
Derek chuckled. “I love that look on you, the surprised, what-the-fuck look. Relax. I didn’t say tomorrow, but yes, someday I

would like you to marry me. I think at some point in every relationship, marriage comes up. We have known each other for over six years,

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James, and although you don’t know everything about me, you know a lot more than most people. I know a lot about you.”

“Such as?”
“I know your position in the bureau is top secret. I know you are the best spy the CIA has.” Derek waited for the information to hit


“How do you know that?” James sat up.
“When you were captured I heard the Secretary of Defense yelling on the phone.”
James lay back with a sigh. “Great.”
“Hey.” Derek hovered over James. “You know I won’t reveal anything I heard. It’s a real turn on.” Derek smiled slyly.
“Oh?” James arched a brow.
“I just had sex with James Bond.” Derek chuckled.
James laughed, smacking Derek on the ass. “Okay, I’m going to go shower. I expect to see you in there with me.”
Derek eyed James’ naked ass, as he walked into the bathroom. “Oh, I’ll be there.”

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“Did you lock the door? Oh God…Jesus, Derek…” James held onto the desk as Derek pounded into him. His pencil holder slid

off, crashing onto the floor. The whole desk moved back and forth as Derek slammed into his prostate. James gripped Derek’s massive
biceps as he was lifted off the desk. They crossed the room and James’ back hit the wall, he wrapped his legs around Derek’s waist. The
perks of having your boyfriend at work with you? Lunchtime sex.

“Fuck, you feel good,” Derek growled, pumping his hips. James slid up and down the wall as he slammed into him. It was fucking

sexy as hell. James’ mouth was all over him, biting him, sucking his tongue, the buildup in his balls was excruciating. He was going to blow.

“Goddammit, fuck me General!” James ground out, sucking Derek’s bottom lip. The burn felt good, made him feel alive. Derek

gripped his shoulder and slammed him into the wall behind him, James let loose with a loud cry, his orgasm shooting up his abdomen.
Derek’s dick pulsed in his ass, and warmth travelled up his spine as Derek came. James pressed his forehead to Derek’s, a small chuckle
escaped him.

“Jesus, Derek.”
“Better than kung-pow chicken, huh?” Derek pressed his lips to James’ in a soft kiss.
James smiled against Derek’s lips. “It’s a good thing you’re dating the boss, you could get fired for this.”
Derek slid out slowly, letting James slide back down to the floor. “I think that turns me on more than anything else. I’m fucking the


James laughed, as he pulled his slacks back up. “I wish I could give you a raise, your fucking alone deserves it.”
“I make love to you, James.” Derek palmed James’ face.
James pulled Derek into his arms.
“I know that. It’s just a figure of speech.”
James had no complaints when it came to Derek. Despite his assurances nothing would change between them, Derek had become

extra attentive - and extremely jealous. It was actually comical. For a guy who didn’t want to come out of the closet, he basically had
branded James’ ass with ‘I belong to General Jacobs.’ Derek made him breakfast in bed, did dishes, laundry and even vacuumed and
dusted. It had taken a while for him to get used to the domesticated side of Derek. The man was still a man however, and he proved it
every morning with the other agents.

Combatives were on the menu every morning and Derek kicked their asses each and every time. Not one of the men had made a

peep about Derek being gay, they knew better.

“What’s on the menu today?” James asked, fixing his hair in the mirror.
“The range, I got some new guys I want to break in.” Derek fixed his tie.
James turned to look at his man in a suit and his dick hardened again.
“Lord, you can fill out a suit. You look so damn sexy.”
Derek grinned, pulling James into his arms. “Yeah? You want some more kung-pow chicken?”
James chuckled. “For dinner maybe. So how many guys have you got this afternoon?”
“About thirty. Mateo and Josh are coming by to help.” Derek sat down on the corner of the desk. “Mateo’s bringing Riley.”
James sighed. “He’s still depressed, huh?”
“The implantations aren’t taking; this is the third time in a row. It’s taking its toll on Riley; he wants a child so badly,” Derek said.
James nodded. “I know. It’s been the same for most of them, although the wolves of this outfit are having an even tougher time.

The surrogates can’t handle the lupine fetus,” James said, sitting in his chair. There was a knock on the door and James looked at Derek.

“Come in,” Derek said.
A messenger entered, handing Derek an envelope.
“Thank you,” Derek said. Opening the letter, he read over it and smiled. “Connelly’s getting his Purple Heart.” Derek lifted the

Purple Heart medal out of the envelope. “He sent mine back, saying thanks for letting him borrow it.”

“He deserved one,” James said.
“I’m just glad we got invited to the wedding. It was good to see them together and so happy.”
James sat back in the chair. “Now, if we could just get Lucas and Brody in the same room.”
Derek sighed. “I know. The Army is doing what it always does, hanging on to its strongest fighters. It’s not Brody’s fault, believe

me, he has no choice.”

“I think Lucas knows that, doesn’t make it any easier.” James looked up at Derek. “I’m just glad you got out when you did. Things

are becoming more volatile in the region.”

Derek came around the desk and pulled James up. Sliding his arms around James’ waist, he kissed him softly, cupping his ass. “I

needed to be with you. I miss it sometimes, I won’t lie, but you are more important to me.”

“I say we go to the fair this weekend,” James smiled. “Say hi to the fortune teller.”
“Yep, we can let her see we took her advice. I don’t regret one day spent with you, Derek.”
“Even when I was being a moron?” Derek asked.
“Even then.”
Derek looked at his watch. “I need to meet the guys, I’ll see you tonight?”
James pulled Derek down to him by his tie. “Yes you will.” James watched Derek’s fabulous ass as he walked to the door. “Hey,

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Derek turned and stopped. His mouth dropped open.
“Marry me.” James looked up at Derek from his kneeling position on the floor, his hand out, with a gold band on the palm of his

hand. Derek seemed to stop breathing. “Derek? Take a breath.”

Derek let out a slow breath. “Yes.”
James stood with a smile on his face.
“Gimme your hand.”
Derek put his left hand out, the cool metal slid up his finger. James had a smile a mile wide. “You planned this?”
“I know how I reacted when you brought up marriage, you didn’t think I wanted to get married. I’ve always wanted you Derek,

from the moment our eyes met, I wanted you. Your mother gave me the ring, it was your father’s. She said it brought them a great deal of
luck and love.”

Derek fingered the band. His father’s wedding band, given to him by the only man he’d ever loved. Derek took a deep breath,

fighting the tears he knew were coming. Jesus, he was becoming a huge sap.

“So, James Jacobs?”
“James Pruitt-Jacobs,” James grinned.
“Oh, you’re not going the Caden route? The Caden Brady-Fournier?”
“I’m not as domineering as Caden.” James laughed at Derek’s raised eyebrow. James frowned. “Wait a minute, why can’t it be

Derek Pruitt?”

“I am that domineering,” Derek laughed.
“All right, I’ll let it slide just this once.” James wrapped his arms around Derek’s neck. “By the way, I promised your mom she

could do the wedding.”

Derek’s eyes went wide. “You didn’t!”
“Yep, Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica plates everywhere!” James laughed.
Derek groaned. “Oh shit.”
James palmed Derek’s face. “I love you, General Jacobs.”
“I love you, too.” Derek sighed as Riley’s voice came from behind the door.
“Are you guy’s nekkid?” Riley giggled.
“Come on in, Riley, I just proposed to Derek.”
James laughed as the door almost flew off its hinges. His eyes went wide; not only was Mateo with Riley, but most of the Bureau’s

agents were in the hall.

“Oh, crap.”
“Congratulations!” Mateo yelled down the hall. “Derek and James are getting married!”
Whoops and hollers echoed up the hallway. James turned and looked at Derek, “Well, have a good time out there.”
Derek leaned in, kissing James softly. “Can’t wait to marry you.”
“You know you’re going to get a rash of shit for this all day.”
Derek waggled his eyebrows. “Fuck it.”

~~The End~~

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November 15, 1984
Vologda Oblast, Russia

Vince was jarred awake by the sounds of the wounded and dying. The cold brick floor bit through his thin layer of clothing. The

cell was dark again and the November cold was seeping through the cracks in the wall.

Six months they had been in Ognenny Ostrov maximum security prison. The prison itself was surrounded by Lake Novozero; there

was no escape, especially in the middle of winter. The temperatures were in the negatives. Vince crawled to the hay in the corner and tried
to warm up, the thin T-shirt doing nothing to keep him warm. His pants were full of holes. The few times he’d been able to actually wash
them, he’d almost frozen to death waiting for them to dry. He knew he was filthy; they were given a bowl of lukewarm water every other
day to clean up.

They had accused his father of being a traitor, but Mischa Markov was no traitor. Vince had been trained by his own father, former

head of the Russian Army before working for the government. They had been taken in the middle of the night; he, his mother and sister
were dragged from their beds and beaten. Thrown in separate cells and interrogated for hours at a time, he hadn’t seen his sister or mother
in weeks. Food was slid under the door, but most of the time he hadn’t eaten it. It was old and moldy and the first few times he had eaten
he’d been sick for days.

He’d figured out pretty quickly his father was in the cell next to him. They could speak through the cracks. The last time he’d heard

his father was two nights ago when he’d told him to remember the rule. When he was twelve, his father had taught him the art of self-
defense, as well as how to turn pain off. Now at fifteen, he remembered the rule quite well: Kill or be killed.

The door locks sounded and Vince sat up against the wall waiting to see which guard was coming to take him. There were three,

Yakov Panchenko, Sacha Krupin and Igorek Matveev. They were the ones in charge of their torture. He’d made it a point to remember
their names. Light illuminated the cell from the open door, and Vince squinted to see who was there. Another guard, one he’d never seen,
came into the cell.

“They will be coming soon. When they take you, kill them and make your way to the furthest corridor. I have left you what you will


Vince stood up and gripped the wall. “Why?”
“Your father is no traitor. I am afraid they will kill you all tonight. It is too late for me to help with your mother and sister.”
Vince grabbed the guard’s uniform. “What do you mean it’s too late?”
“They were taken an hour ago; I do not know what has happened. I must go, they are coming.”
“Wait!” Vince gripped the man’s sleeve. “What is your name?”
Vince sat back down on the floor and heard the locks engage. A few minutes later the door was opened by Krupin. Vince shrank

back, as he always did, and waited for the man to take his arm. It had been months with barely food or water and his strength wasn’t what
it used to be, but he knew when it came to life or death he was ready. He was escorted down the long hallway to another room, one with a
window. There inside were his sister and mother, along with Panchenko and Matveev. A slow, building laugh came from Krupin as
Panchenko raised a knife to his mother’s throat.

“You see what happens to traitors, Vincent?” Krupin leaned into his ear. “We have already killed your father, now you will watch

as we kill them, too.”

Vince went for the door and heard the screams from inside the room. Both his mother’s and sister’s throats had been cut and they

now lay at the feet of the guards who had killed them. Then the rage came. His father had told him that when it came it was as if a veil of
red came over everything.

He lunged for Krupin, throwing him against the wall. Getting loose, he ran down the hallway they had just come from and made for

the one he’d been directed to by Marco. The alarms were going off as Vince found the supplies that had been left for him. Footsteps
echoed down the hall as he ran for the roof.

The bitter, cold air hit his lungs like a knife as he reached the roof of the prison. He had seconds before he’d be found. Vince was

relieved to see it was dark out, giving him an advantage. He opened the plastic bag. Shoes, pants, shirt, jacket, an eight-inch long hunting
knife and a rope were inside, as well as directions on where to go. Vince looked over the side of the building; he’d have to wait for the
clothes and shoes. He was about to go swimming. Attaching the rope to one of the sturdier bricks, Vince crawled over the side and
rappelled down the prison’s brick surface.

The water wasn’t completely frozen because the supply boat had been there today and had cut a path through the thick chunks of

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ice. Vince eyed the distance from shore to shore, he’d have to surface for air maybe twice. Shots were going off around him as Vince dove
in, the cold water stinging him like thousands of needles. He could faintly hear men shouting, more gunshots cracking the ice and the prison
alarm going off. His hands and feet were becoming numb as he swam faster towards shore. Reaching it, he ran for the woods and kept


Damon sat at the bar with his associates. Doing business with the Russians was becoming a pain in the ass. Marco had come back

from the prison with a look that Damon knew well. Mischa, Nadya and Viktoriya were dead. He’d been too late. They’d taken the trip to
Rostani as soon as the letter had arrived from Mischa Markov. They were being held prisoner, as traitors, and Mischa had begged for help.
They’d done business before and Damon had taken a liking to the Russian official.

“Mr. Santorno?”
Damon turned to see Marco in the doorway of the bar. “Yes?”
“He’s coming, and they are right behind him.” Marco closed the bar’s door and grabbed for the gun in his waistband.
Damon stood and waited. The noise was getting closer and, finally, the door to the bar was thrown open. Damon’s eyes went

wide; the younger Markov was covered in blood. He looked feral. “Marco! Take him in back now!”

Marco grabbed Vince and hauled him into a side room. The kid was trying to kill him the minute he put his hands on him. Marco

took Vince’s face in his hands. “Stop!” Marco put his finger to his lips.

Vince closed his eyes and listened to the voices in the bar. Damon was calmly telling the men he hadn’t seen anyone come into the

bar for hours.

“Are you calling me a liar, Mr. Panchenko?” Damon arched a brow.
“He was headed this way; we know he came through here.”
“Oh, did he? Or did he just make you think he did?”
“He killed fifteen of my guards, Mr. Santorno.” Panchenko growled.
“It is of no consequence to me what this man has done.” Damon arched a brow and folded his arms over his chest. “And now you

are standing here wasting precious time.” The guards all looked at one another and Damon sighed in irritation. “Would you like a shot of
vodka while you mull it over?”

Marco held onto Vince as the men cleared out of the bar. All was quiet and then Damon told them to come out. Marco opened the

door, keeping Vince behind him. Damon sat at the bar with a wide smile.

“Very good, Mr. Santorno.”
“I have not gotten where I am today by panicking, Marco.”
Damon looked Vince over. “Get him in a hot shower and clean clothes and then we will talk.” Damon stood and walked over to

Vince. “I am a friend of your father’s, Vince. I was told if anything should happen I am to take care of you.”

“I don’t need anyone,” Vince spat out defiantly.
Damon leaned over and looked into Vince’s eyes. “You are fifteen years old and on your own. Now get your ass in the shower.”

Damon looked up at Marco. “Watch him.” Damon walked back over to the bar and sat down. “Oh, and Marco?”

“I have told you repeatedly to call me Damon.”
Marco smiled, taking Vince’s arm. “Habit, sir.”
Damon sighed in frustration. “Take him and clean him up.”
An hour later Vincent Markov was sitting in front of him, showered and clothed. Damon’s heart ached looking at the boy; he’d lost

everything. “I have made arrangements for you to come home with me, Vince. I will finish your education, and you will finish your training.”

“Why should I trust you?” Vince narrowed his eyes.
Damon handed Vince a letter. “Because your father did.”
Vince looked over the letter. At first, he didn’t see anything but how they were being treated fairly. Then his eyes fell on the first

and second letter of each word. He looked up at Damon Santorno. “It’s in code.”

Damon nodded. “The letter did not reach me soon enough. If I had known, all of you would have been out at once. I am known for

storming the castle, as they say. Now, one thing you must know about me, Vince - I am not always a kind man. I am vicious and ruthless
when I need to be.”

Vince sat back in the chair. “Good, because I plan on taking my revenge very soon.”
Damon sat forward and clasped his hands together. “If you seek revenge, you will have it, but only when you are ready. Marco and

Antonio will teach you more of what your father started. Until then, you will not make a move until I say. Is that clear?”

Vince arched a brow. “I want them dead, all of them.”
“Then they shall be.”

Damon struggled raising the younger Markov. Vince shied away from any form of human contact; he was defiant, stubborn and

cold. Damon supposed he couldn’t blame the boy; six months of torture would harden any man. He tried, and failed, to warm Vince’s ice-
cold interior. They had formed an uneasy relationship and Damon taught Vince at home as he couldn’t be trusted in a normal school

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environment. For two years Vince trained with Marco and Antonio. At seventeen, he carried out his revenge. Krupin, Panchenko and
Matveev died in their homes, torn limb from limb, with an eight-inch hunting knife.

~Chapter One~

Amalfi, Italy….

The smell of the sea was strong this morning. Vince sat back on the steps of his villa watching the waves crash against the rocks

below. It was peaceful here. The move from Russia was well overdue; it was Andrei’s home, not his. He’d put Russia behind him a long
time ago, and although he missed it sometimes, it would never be home again.

The sun was rising on the fishermen getting ready to leave for the day. Italy had become his mid-station in life; he had no idea where

to go from here. He was divorced with a child, and forty…something. Vince chuckled.

“Yo, Pops.”
Vince turned to see his son, Nikolai, bounding down the steps. Nikolai was an exact replica of himself. Six foot two, black hair

with equally black eyes were smiling at him.

“What’s up? You packed?”
“Yep.” Nikolai sat down next to his father. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I mean, I hate leaving you here alone.”
Vince mussed Nikolai’s hair. “I’ll be fine; besides, I can always come to Seattle and bug you.”
Nikolai looked horrified. “Oh hell, Dad. I am not going to be in competition with you for men.”
Vince laughed loud and smacked Nik’s arm. “Stop it. Did you get a hold of Sebastian?”
Nikolai frowned. “Not yet, something’s up with him, Pops. I think his dad is being a fucktard. I got a hold of Wyatt, though. I’ll

hang with him until I find Bastian.”

Nikolai smiled at his dad. The divorce had been civil and his fathers had stayed close. Nikolai knew his fathers loved each other but

his pop could never open up completely. He’d heard the story a million times. When Vince had gone to kill Yakov Panchenko, the man’s
son had been home. According to his pop, he just couldn’t kill Andrei Panchenko for the sins of his father and years later they met again
and fell in love. Now that was over.

Vince looked out across the water. “I need to find a new house somewhere. Any suggestions?”
Nikolai’s brows pinched in thought. “Arizona?”
Vince sat back and arched a brow. “Why Arizona?”
“It’s hot as hell,” Nikolai laughed. “You’ll feel at home.”
“Smartass.” Vince punched Nikolai playfully in the arm.
Nikolai hugged his father. “Oh come on, Dad. You need to move on and find a hot guy. I won’t be too far away and I still need

you to train me.”

“You don’t need any more training, Nik.” Vince cupped Nikolai’s face in his hands. “You already know everything I do, and being

my kid means from time to time you will have to defend yourself. So, keep up with it every day.”

Nikolai smiled wicked. “I already have, remember? I know who I am and where I come from. I’ve never been ashamed of who

my parents are. I’m a Markov,” Nikolai winked.

Vince hugged his son tightly. They’d always been close, and Nikolai knew everything there was to know about him. “I have to go

see Damon; I’m going to get Nardozzi.”

Nikolai pulled away quickly. “Are you crazy? Is Damon sending you with anyone else?”
“Calm down Nik, I volunteered. You know I’m the only one who can bring this asshole down.”
Nik stood up and paced. “I know you can, Dad. I still don’t like it though. I can go with?”
“No.” Vince stood up and took Nikolai by the shoulders. “You are going to go to Seattle and visit Sebastian. If you like the

university, hell, you can go to college there.”

Nikolai smirked. “It is kinda gay friendly.”
“And you can visit me in hell.” Vince smacked Nik’s ass.
Vince turned to see Lorenzo coming down the stairs. Vince kissed Nikolai’s cheek. “Go on, I’ll see you in a minute.”
Vince stood, waiting for Lorenzo to reach him. They’d been friends a long time and Lorenzo knew most of his deep, dark secrets.

When Lorenzo had fallen in love, Vince had felt as if he’d lost a friend. But, over time, he realized Reece had been good for Lorenzo.
Reece had never tried to keep them apart.

“What is it old man?” Vince cracked a grin.
Lorenzo frowned. “You are older than me. Reptile.”
“That’s dinosaur,” Vince cracked up. “Doesn’t Reece teach you anything?”
“He taught me love,” Lorenzo said.
Vince scowled. “Not this again.”

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“You are not happy, I can tell. Why do you continue to deny yourself love? Do you not want a partner?”
“You have become a huge sap,” Vince sighed, looking Lorenzo in the eye. “I love Reece to death, but he’s reduced you to a

kitten.” Vince had to laugh as Lorenzo’s grey eyes blazed.

“I am no kitten,” Lorenzo growled. “I have love; it has made me a better man. Have you learned nothing from the divorce? Why

will you not let someone in?”

“Because I don’t want to!” Vince shouted. “You think I need to feel something? Well I don’t! I’ve been perfectly happy numb.”
“It will not bring them back, Vince. You must be happy in your time on Earth. I worry for you; it has become worse since the


“What has?” Vince asked.
Lorenzo dragged a hand through his hair. “You are volunteering for more and more missions. What about Nikolai? You wish to

leave him without a father?”

Vince raised himself to his full height, getting in Lorenzo’s face. “Don’t you ever question my parenting abilities. I love Nikolai, and I

would never do anything to hurt him.”

“You love your son, yes, but your anger fuels you, Vince. Not your son. How do you ever expect to love him the way you should

when you cannot open your heart?”

“My heart is open to my son and only him. I can’t go through that again, loving someone, having them be injured, or God forbid,

die.” Vince ran his hands over the day’s growth of beard. “Besides, I don’t even know if I remember how.”

“You do not think it can happen to Nikolai? He is a Markov, son of Andrei Panchenko; he is a target at all times.”
“Which is why I trained him. He knows everything I know.”
“Then do the same with whomever you fall in love. I worry for you.” Lorenzo furrowed his brows. “You are becoming more and

more like your old self.”

“I liked him.” Vince grinned, devilishly.
Lorenzo sighed in frustration. “I only say this to you because I care. You know I do.”
“You only say this to me because no one else will.” Vince narrowed his eyes. “Who put you up to this?”
“Where should I start?” Lorenzo laughed.
“I should have known,” Vince groaned. “Chicken shits.”
“They care for you, all of them. They have seen what I do, and are worried.”
“Well, don’t worry so much, reptile,” Vince chuckled, leading Lorenzo towards the villa.
“You are not amusing, Vince.”
“I’m a laugh riot,” Vince laughed.
He looked up to see his housekeeper peeking out the door.
“Yes, Christine?”
“Will you and Mr. Costa need anything, Mr. Markov?”
Vince frowned. “How many times have I told you to call me Vince?”
Christine tilted her head in thought.
“More than five?”
“Very funny. No, we are fine. Thank you for asking.” Vince winked as Christine went back into the villa. He felt Lorenzo’s eyes on


“A housekeeper?” Lorenzo raised a brow.
“She does a wonderful job,” Vince shrugged his shoulders. “Besides, I had to hire her; her last name is Amalfitano.”
Lorenzo laughed. “I guess you would have to, seeing as you live on the Amalfi coast.”
“See? You get it.”


Keegan pulled into The Lion’s Den at seven at night. The sun was still up, making it unbearably hot as always. He locked the door

on his beat-up Honda and made his way into the bar. The Lion’s Den was the bar where most law enforcement officers and firefighters
came after a long shift, which would explain the outrageous amount of women inside. Keegan snickered, the name sounded like a male strip

Looking around the crowded bar for his partner, Devin, he moved through the crowd getting looks from a lot of the women and

some men. He hadn’t had time to change and his suit probably screamed G-man. Not that the badge hadn’t gotten him tail before, it was
like a siren’s call to the women. Too bad he wasn’t into women.

He spotted Devin in the back at a booth. Snagging one of the cute waiters, he ordered two beers and continued his way to the

back. Sliding into the leather-seated booth, Keegan put his elbows on the table, regarding his partner.

“Out with it.”
Devin sat back, arm propped on the high-backed seat. “You know how I feel about this.”
“I do.” Keegan nodded. The beers arrived and Keegan paid the waiter, giving him a grin. “Thanks.”
“No, thank you,” the waiter smiled, moving off.
Devin sighed loudly. “What is it with you and younger men?”

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“Hell if I know,” Keegan giggled, sipping his beer.
“I know what you said. We want these other guys to work with us and to bring in all we need to bring in one. But why on Earth

does it have to be Vince Markov? You know what that man is like, we both do. He’s fucking crazy, Keegan, the worst kind.”

Keegan shook his head. “No, he’s mellowed since Nikolai was born, you know that.”
“Yeah? Then what’s he been doing since the divorce Keegan? Killing, that’s what, and in more, how should I put this, artistic


Keegan pulled the label off his beer slowly in thought. “He’s just acting out, you know this, Dev. The divorce was kinda hard on


“Well, you sure celebrated,” Devin chuckled at the scowl on Keegan’s face. “Come on, you’ve had a crush on him forever. How

the hell do you expect to stay professional around him?”

“I just will. You know me, when it comes to the job, I do it,” Keegan said.
Devin sat back in thought. Well, that much was true. When he’d first been asked to partner with Keegan, he’d been against it,

because Keegan had been psychologically damaged by Dario Nardozzi. After meeting with Keegan privately, he thought differently.

Yes, the man stuttered, and, yes, he got nervous boners, but he was professional. Devin sipped his beer, smiling at Keegan. Even

though Keegan was younger than him -34 - they had a lot in common and had gotten along from the start. Keegan being gay didn’t bother
him a damn bit, as he himself was bisexual. Which was probably another reason James Pruitt had paired them.

Devin didn’t take shit from anyone, and he really didn’t like it when the rest of the guys gave Keegan shit. He was just so

damn…sweet. Oh, he supposed if he was into the “pretty” boys, he’d take a shot at Keegan. But Devin liked them tough, and taller.
Keegan was an inch shorter than himself, but his face is what attracted men and women to him. He had perfect cupid bow lips; his eyes
were a green-grey with just a hint of honey gold; he had a square jaw with a long nose. He had beautiful skin and high cheekbones. He was
just, well, pretty.

“Dev? Did you hear a word I just said?” Keegan asked.
“Huh?” Devin shook his head clear.
“I said what about you? You want Andrei Panchenko.”
“That’s different, I want him behind bars.” Devin pointed at Keegan with his beer bottle.
Keegan chuckled. “Yeah right, I’ve seen how you look at his pictures. Don’t sit there and act like he’s not smokin’ hot.”
“He’s the head of the Russian mob, Keegan,” Devin said.
“Yeah, and he’s six feet of lean muscle, just how you like your men.” Keegan winked. “Don’t tell me those slate grey eyes don’t

give you wood.”

Devin ran his hands over his face with a frustrated sigh. “We aren’t talking about me, we’re talking about you. You’ve been on this

case longer than me, you’ve watched Vince for over ten years. Hell you know his favorite food.”

“Garlic chicken with teriyaki sauce,” Keegan grinned.
“See? I don’t get that,” Devin said.
“What? Soy is too salty—”
“Not that, numb nuts.” Devin kicked Keegan under the table. “How do you expect to remain professional with this guy, when all

you want to do is fuck him through a bed?”

Keegan giggled, covering his face. “Like I could.”
So not the point,” Devin sighed. “What if he makes you? Then what?”
“I don’t think he’d kill me—” Keegan scowled, as Devin arched a brow. “He won’t, I just know it.”
Devin leaned over the table. “What if he wants something else from you?”
Keegan knew his cheeks were coloring. “Then I’ll have to say no.”
“Oh, and Vince loves the word no,” Devin snickered.
Keegan needed to change the subject, and fast. As much as he loved working with Devin, they just didn’t see eye to eye when it

came to Vince Markov.

“So, if I pull this off, Panchenko is off the market. You can’t touch him; he’ll be working with us,” Keegan said.
Devin nodded, sitting forward and resting his elbows on the table. “So I’m told. I guess the bigwigs don’t consider him worth

bringing in.”

“And you do? Come on, Panchenko has been legitimate for years, and the only reason he wasn’t before was because he was

cleaning up Borkosky’s mess.”

“Yeah, right after he killed him to take his place.” Devin pointed at Keegan. “See the point I’m trying to make?”
“Well, killing the old head of the Russian mob made way for him to take over and make it legitimate. Besides, they wanted a better

life for Nikolai. The kid already has the deck stacked against him.”

Devin laughed, drinking what was left of his beer. “He’s a terror in his own right.”
“And he had every reason to be,” Keegan said. “You read the report; they tortured him.”
“And he killed them all, didn’t he? Guess it was fitting.”
“There’s my partner!” Keegan giggled, signaling the waiter again.
Devin took Keegan’s hand, running his thumb over his fingers. “I don’t want anything like that to happen again.”
Keegan swallowed the lump in his throat. “It won’t. I know him Devin. I know you think he’s robotic and unfeeling, but I’ve seen

him with Nikolai.”

“If anything, and I mean anything, happens to you because of that…prick, I swear Keegan, I’ll put him down.”

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Keegan squeezed Devin’s hand. “I know all of you are worried and I get it. But you aren’t the only one with a marksmanship

badge, Dev.”

“I’m afraid you’ll be too busy fucking Vince to shoot him.” Devin leaned his head back, letting a loud throaty laugh escape.
“From your lips to God’s ears,” Keegan giggled.




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