Missy Lyons and Cherie Denis Bareback on the Beach

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Bareback on the Beach

By Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis

Copyright © January 2012, Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis
Cover art by Mina Carter © January 2012
ISBN: 978-1-936668-42-7

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel
are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to
reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA

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Bareback on the Beach Missy Lyons & Cherie Denis


Chapter One

As soon as Gerald Ford got off the plane the humidity about knocked

him over. It was hot and the air was thick and humid. The air conditioning
at the airport did little to help. He was dripping sweat in only a few
minutes. It would be a long time before he was used to this and he
couldn’t imagine ever growing used to this crazy tropical weather in the
short time he had before he left the tiny island.

Then again, a few rainstorms would be nothing compared to the wrath

of his brother. His brother didn’t know he was coming and this whole trip
could go very badly. Badly meaning he would be leaving in a casket.

He tried not to think about any details of his trip as he waited patiently

for the crowd to thin and his mother to go first before using his cane and
limping into the empty waiting area. He had a small bag with his laptop in
it slung over one shoulder which made it a little more difficult than normal
to keep his balance.

The twelve hour expedition with the nine hour plane ride and two

stopovers was just about done and he was more wound up than ever. He
was in paradise—he should be happy as hell but he was here to support his
mother and be here for his brother’s wedding.

A brother he hadn’t spoken to in too many years to count. A brother

who didn’t know he was coming across the country to see. He hoped by
now that Harry forgave him but he wouldn’t be surprised if Harry still
wanted to kick his ass. If their positions were reversed he might feel the
same way.

Then again, Harry had a pretty bad temper.
Gerald couldn’t blame him really. Harry had never forgiven him when

he found out he had been fucking his wife. Not many people could get
over something that big, and the way he had found out was horrible. Gerry
and Marta had just checked out of a hotel room and were on the way back
home when they were struck by a sixteen wheeler. Marta had died

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instantly but the accident left Gerry a cripple for life. That one moment in
time changed his forever and it destroyed Harry to lose his wife.

Marta had always been a friend, even before she fell for Harry. They

knew each other from grade school and grew up in the same town. It felt
natural that she should be the first one he told he thought he was gay and
she seemed supportive.

At first.
The whole situation where he found himself in bed with her was a bad

accident and he regretted it now because it cost him his brother’s
friendship. She suggested that to be sure he was gay, he might try sleeping
with a woman.

Her, specifically.
If things didn’t work out, it wouldn’t matter because, well—they were

friends. That wasn’t so bad because it was way before she and Harry had
gotten married.

He had not sex with anyone before that night and he couldn’t even say

sex with her was that good. But one night led to another and when she
found out Harry had a low sperm count and wanted a baby, it just kept
going. It was one excuse after another to keep him as a lover chained to
her bed. It felt wrong and sex with her made him feel used and dirty.

Gerry should have just held out for the right guy to come along. After

all these years, he still hadn’t had a steady guy in his life and Marta
couldn’t fill that hole in his life no matter how much she tried. She didn’t
take it well. She promised to reveal him and their secret relationship. She
wouldn’t let go no matter what Gerry did or said and yet, she wasn’t about
to leave Harry, either. She did her best to hang on to both him and Harry.

Gerry recognized Harry across the empty waiting area immediately.
He looked good. Tanner than normal—happier than ever and a ring of

flowers dangled from his hand that was probably meant for their mother.
He was dressed in a ridiculously fruity tropical shirt and khaki shorts. He
had a pair of leather sandals on his feet and looked so relaxed and happy.
Gerry knew the instant Harry recognized he was there at the airport.

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He changed immediately. The smile dropped from Harry’s face and

his demeanor grew stone cold. Harry’s muscles seemed to lock up in his
arms and legs, making him look straighter, and more awkward. A muscle
in his jaw ticked.

Yeah, Harry recognized him all right.
Gerald gathered up the courage to come closer, using his cane to limp

after his mother and closer to his red-faced brother.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Harry asked.
“Gerry came to see you get married. Isn’t that nice?” His mom tried to

act like it was all Gerry’s idea to come. She flashed both of them a smile
and then pulled him closer to Harry. As if she had no clue there was a
storm brewing in Harry. The man was ready to fight and bringing the two
of them together probably wasn’t a good idea. Not that she would ever
admit to it being a bad idea.

Gee thanks, mom.
Harry wasn’t amused in the slightest. He looked mad enough to spit.

His face was bright red and his muscles in his neck pulsed with restrained
anger. “You should have saved your money. You are not welcome at my
wedding, brother.” Harry turned to walk off but his mother held on to his

“Wait—son. It was my idea he come.” Finally the truth came out. His

mother looked embarrassed to admit it, but it was all her idea. She worried
her bottom lip between her teeth. Gerry should have known better to come
at all, even with all his mother’s pleading. He was such a softie when it
came to her. “Please don’t hold this against him.”

“I’m not discussing this here, mom,” Harry snarled and dismissed

Gerry with a wave. “We’re in a public place.”

Gerry would hate to see what would happen to him if Harry met him

in a dark alley somewhere. With no rules of society to hold him back, he
could be a dead man or at least a badly broken one.

“Then we can discuss it later but it’s time we had you boys get this out

in the open.” Their mom remained immoveable in her position on this

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argument. She loved confrontations and getting things out in the open. It
was why she became a lawyer and stayed in the same career field for so
many years.

“Not unless you want to see a boxing match.” Harry folded his arms


“You have to work it out sometime. You can’t avoid this forever,

Harry.” Mommy dearest couldn’t force the issue but Gerry did see one
thing as a positive. This was the longest amount of time Harry had spent in
Gerry’s presence since the funeral.

“No? But I’m a grown man and I can live my life the way I want—just

like him.” He pointed to Gerry, “He can live life the way he fucking wants
on the other side of the fucking world for all I care.”

“Fucking go to hell, Gerry.” Harry growled.
Harry stomped off and Gerry watched his mother try to catch up with

him. Harry took a step and she had to take four just to keep up with his

Things were going to be okay. The meeting was more than he

expected. Harry spoke to him. For some reason he never expected to get
this far. Maybe his mom was right, maybe his brother would come around
now that he found another woman to fill his life again.

Gerry would catch up with his mom later at the hotel and find out if

his older brother calmed down at all. It may be a few more years to before
they had a real relationship but maybe by then Harry could tolerate him
for family gatherings or in small doses.

It hurt like hell to watch his brother walk away like that but Gerry

understood why he was so mad. Even if Harry forgave him for what
happened, he wasn’t sure things would ever be the same. Harry might be
capable of forgiveness, but the trouble was Gerry wasn’t sure he could
forgive himself either for what happened.


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Gerry did his physical therapy religiously. It was his only hope of not

being a fucking cripple for the rest of his life. When he got to the hotel and
found it had a gym, he decided it was probably a good idea to use up some
of this nervous energy instead of beating himself up about what happened
this afternoon.

It was out of his control.
He did his normal routine like a robot, counting the repetitions until he

got to the leg lifts. It was painful and he pushed himself to do more weight
than normal. Half of his muscles were missing and the doctors had to graft
skin over the wound to replace what was missing. The scarred and twisted
leg drew many stares when he wore shorts but he had learned to ignore
most of them. It still bothered him but he pretended it didn’t. It was a
tough façade to put up for the rest of the world.

The muscles that were left had to work twice as hard to support his

weight and help him move. That was why he had to make sure to do the
exercises, no matter how painful they were. He gritted his teeth with each
painful extension, fire streaking through his calf muscle straight into the
tip of his toes.

Every day he lived with this physical pain, but he hoped one day this

would eventually go away. The mental anguish never seemed to get any
better. Every day he kicked himself for making the choice to have an affair
with Harry’s wife and now he had to live with this heartache for the rest of
his life.

From across the room, he spotted a young man, whom Gerry guessed

was about twenty-something, that kept staring at him. It gave him goose

Being stared at was nothing new to Gerry. He tried to ignore it, but his

attention kept getting drawn back to the young man again and again. He
looked like a local island boy, with his short, dark black hair and brown
skin. Those dark eyes haunted him.

He was without his cane, so he had a more pronounced limp than ever

as he made his way to the towel rack. He grabbed one and mopped the

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sweat off his brow, throwing it over his shoulder. He walked close to the
wall, using it to help him support his weight and make his way back to the
locker room. He didn’t feel like going up to an empty hotel room just yet,
but he could relax his tired muscles in the sauna and then get a shower.

Island Boy got the same idea at the same time and seemed to follow

him. Keeping his distance, of course.

Gerald did his best to ignore him. It was probably his imagination after

all, and hurriedly undressed in the locker room. He wrapped a towel
around his waist and made his way down the hallway to the sauna. He
wasn’t worried about being undressed because this hotel featured a Men
and Women’s Sauna. No one of the opposite sex was going to be there.

Just him and his sexy tag-a-long he affectionately named Island Boy.
He pushed the door open and was hit in the face with hot steam and

the clean smell of wood. He sat down in a corner, laid his head back
against the wall, and closed his eyes.

Gerry heard the distinctive sound of a door opening and closing. He

didn’t bother to look up. He knew instinctively who it was.

“Aloha. Do you mind if I join you?” Island Boy spoke to him for the

first time. He was wrapped in a small white towel like Gerry but he was
much smaller than him. He was skinny, short and with not an ounce of
extra fat on his body. He was half the size of Gerry.

Gerry looked at him directly, frowning as he did. The kid was cute and

if he was back at home he may have made a pass at him, but right now the
last thing he wanted was company of any sort. He felt defensive,
protective of himself after his brother refused to talk to him this afternoon.
That defensive wall was a protective mechanism. He shrugged his
shoulders. “It’s a free country.”

“Thanks.” Island Boy flashed a sexier than hell smile, his white teeth

contrasting starkly with his dark skin. Even without saying much of
anything he had this bubbly personality that came across in a look. He was
happy from the heart with a real happiness, not the fake thing Gerry had to
dredge up and pretend was a smile. It felt like a grimace and he knew he

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was pretending to be happy for other people. It just felt wrong to even try.

Gerry just didn’t feel like being social today. He couldn’t handle

putting on another happy face. He hated feeling fake and Mr. Sunshine
here next to him wasn’t helping him. He leaned back against the wall and
closed his eyes again while Island Boy came into the cramped room and
sat down.

“You not from around here, are you?” Island Boy didn’t seem to take a

hint from Gerry’s closed eyes and spoke directly to him.

Gerry jumped, surprised that Island Boy decided to sit right next to

him. His chocolate brown eyes seemed to stare right into his soul. It was
slightly unsettling and oddly erotic.

“No, is it that obvious?” Gerry said sarcastically. It had to be obvious.

He was a white man, at a hotel, on an island in the middle of nowhere.
Well, technically it wasn’t nowhere. He was on a tiny little island on the
outskirts of Hawaii.

“Where you from?” Island Boy ignored his bad attitude.
Gerry couldn’t seem to throw him. So instead he gave up, squared off

his shoulders and finally responded, “Nashville, Tennessee.”

“You long way from home,” Island Boy replied in a kind of clipped

broken English. One curious eyebrow arched high above his brown eyes.
“Here to get away from work?”

“No, this ain’t a vacation for me. My brother decided to get married

and I wanted to see him happy again.” Gerry shrugged. This entire trip
wasn’t for him. He took it to make everyone else happy but there was no
way he could say it was for him to be happy. It might be different if he
were visiting the island to sightsee without any family. He could play in
the waves, see about finding a romantic rendezvous in one of the local gay
clubs or just think about doing something for himself. At the moment he
couldn’t think about going for a massage or anything so selfish.

Everyone else came first.
“But you no look happy,” Island boy said quizzically.
Gerry crushed the desire to reach up and run his fingers through Island

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Boy’s thick, wavy, jet black by balling up his hands into fists. This guy
was a complete stranger and it wasn’t like he was making a move on him.
This guy was just being nice and starting a conversation. Nothing illegal
about that.

“No, I can’t say I am,” Gerald replied honestly.
“That’s why I wanted to see you brah. I thought you looked sad and

needed some cheering up.” Island Boy smiled at him and he noticed him
shift in his seat. The edge of his towel had come undone giving Gerry a
view higher up the towel. Island Boy wasn’t wearing anything under that
towel. There was nothing but skin. Gerry swallowed, trying to pretend it
wasn’t affecting him.

At least that was one nice thing he could say about today. He couldn’t

complain about the view.

God, he shouldn’t even be looking at him like this. Island Boy had to

be ten years younger than him. Younger. Sexier. So much better and what
did he have to offer the other man even if he was interested? He was a
fucking cripple. He had to use a cane. There was nothing he could offer
sexually that the other man couldn’t get from someone else even better

“Yeah well…thanks. What’s your name?” Gerry asked.
“Kai Kaiopio,” Island boy said the words slowly, enunciating every

consonant and Gerry still wasn’t sure he could repeat the name again. It
didn’t even sound American.

“Is that your first name? I’m not sure I could pronounce that if I tried.”

Gerry laughed imagining the trouble the kid in front of him must have had
trying to learn to spell his name.”

“No, just call me Kai.” Island Boy pronounced the sound like the word

guy but with a K sound. “My mother named me in the Hawaiian tradition.
It means ‘pure of heart’.” He smiled and Gerry felt a fist go around his
chest. It was like being next to Kai just made him happier.

“That’s nice. My mother named me after the President, Gerald Ford. It

was more like a joke than anything.” Gerry responded and then gave a

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choked laugh at the end.

“Gerald?” The name sounded so formal on Kai’s tongue Gerry

cringed. He hadn’t heard that name since grade school from Mrs. Clark.
He used to hate the way she refused to use his nickname and singled him
out on reading aloud when he had a stuttering problem in the fourth grade.

“Just call me Gerry. It’s what my friends do.” Gerry shrugged

pretending it didn’t matter what Kai called him. Somehow having him use
the nickname made this feel more intimate and like there was the
possibility for whatever this was to blossom into more.

“I like it. It’s a cool name like Jerry Springer, or Jerry Seinfeld.” Island

Boy gave him a cheeky smile but Gerry’s eyes drifted lower. He couldn’t
help but notice the dappling of light hair covering his chest and a stronger
line at his naval leading lower to the treasure below the towel.

“Thanks.” Gerry was beginning to warm up to the guy. Kai was trying

to be friendly and he shouldn’t hold that against him. “It could be worse. I
could have my brother’s name, Harrison Ford.”

“The actor in Star Wars?” That was at least something the island boy

recognized. They must have at least one movie theatre on the island.

“No, just a poor guy named Harry.” Gerry laughed just a little, then his

thoughts returned to his brother and his mood darkened. Things were
never going to be the same because he was such a fuck up.

Kai seemed to sense this change in him instantly. “You no like this


“I do. I love him, but he doesn’t like me anymore. I…made some

mistakes and I never told him I’m gay.” Gerry had always been afraid of
coming out with his family. His Dad was practically homophobic and the
rest of them followed his lead. Even though his father was dead now, he
didn’t want to lose the relationship he had with his family. He was scared
and it had been a hell of a lot easier to tell a complete stranger than the
ones he cared for most.

“You think he’ll care that much? Hey look, I knew there was a reason

I needed to talk with you. I’m gay, too. I came out last year and told my

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“You’re gay?” Gerry suddenly had a lot more respect for this kid. Kai

might be young but he had the kahunas to do something he never had the
nerve to do in the thirty years he had been alive.

“Yeah.” Kai nodded and then he did something totally unexpected, the

young man put his hand on Gerry’s knee.

“I know you are visiting family, but anytime you want to go

sightseeing or just for a swim, I’d be happy to show you around the
island.” It was the simplest offer and nothing would please Gerry more
than to make a friend, especially with the man in front of him.

“I’d like that.”
“I work downstairs as a waiter in the restaurant. They give me free use

of their pool and the gym so you can see me around anytime, but in case
you want to call me, I’ll give you my number.”

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Chapter Two

Gerald yelled when he heard a knock at the hotel room door. “Come

in.” It had to be his mom, because no one else knew his room number
except the hotel.

Holly slid the key card in the lock and opened the door. Gerald looked

up. He was sitting on the bed watching TV.

Good ol’ Mom. Holly was never alone. She never seemed to be able

to leave Gerald along for long and this time she’d brought a guest. Great.
She was probably Harry’s fiancé, but Gerry wasn’t in the mood to meet
anyone, including Harry’s soon-to-be wife. Whoever she turned out to be,
she was stunningly beautiful with fiery red hair that fell down her back
and bright green eyes.

He adjusted his legs on the bed under the younger woman’s scrutiny

and he watched as her eyes widened in surprise when she saw his cane.

Holly must have been watching Sally and waiting for her to make a


Sally walked over to Gerald and put out her hand. “It’s nice to meet

you, Gerald. Holly had told me you were injured in the car accident, but I
didn’t realize you had not recovered yet.”

Gerald smiled and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m assuming

you’re the happy bride-to-be.”

Sally nodded and tugged her hand back. She probably thought he was

a sleezy old man, which was okay with Gerry. It would be better for her
new relationship if she stayed far, far away from him.”It’s nice to meet
you, Gerald.”

Holly asked suddenly, “Where have you been all afternoon? I tried

calling and couldn’t reach you.”

“Not that you need to know, but I went where I wanted to go,” Gerald

grumbled, but didn’t take his eyes off of Sally. “I’ll give my brother
credit—he picked another good one.”

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Sally cringed inadvertently, but he took note of it.
“What’s the matter, Sally? Are you nervous around me?”
She remained silent.
He appraised her beauty in her silence. Even though he was not

attracted to her, he could see why his brother was. She was model perfect,
thin but heavily endowed in the breast department. Harry always had been
a breast man.

He was so wrapped up in examining his soon to be sister-in-law that

he barely noticed his mother Holly, clear her throat and make herself
known. “Gerald, I asked where you went.”

“I went out for a couple cases of beer and then thought it would take

more to get me shit-faced. So I got a bottle of rum, ice and coke.” He
grabbed Sally’s hand once more. “Stay and have a drink with me, won’t

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m taking your mom out to dinner. Do you

want to come with us?” Sally bit her bottom lip.

He gave her a cheeky grin. “Nope. I plan to drink myself silly


“Suit yourself.” Sally moved past Holly and picked up her purse. “Are

you coming with me, Holly?”

Holly stood and warned him with a dirty look. “Enjoy yourself. I hope

you have a miserable headache tomorrow. You deserve it.”

Maybe he did deserve a nasty headache but mothers should be sweet

and nurturing, not tell you off.

He stuck his tongue out at her and made a face. A childish action, but

he couldn’t help himself.

Sally chose to ignore the fight between mother and son. “Gerry,

someday you will have to tell me why you had to come to our wedding
because I know it would have been easier to stay home.”

Sounded like Sally would have preferred he stayed home, too.
The whole world hated him.

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“Let’s go, Sally before I forget myself and really lay into my nasty

son.” Holly grabbed Sally by the arm and escorted her to the door before
slamming it.


Gerry was tired of being alone in his hotel room. He felt like a piece of

shit after the way his mother went off on him. He drank half a case of beer
before heading out to the bar downstairs inside the hotel restaurant to get
shit faced properly.

He recognized his new friend from earlier in the gym and nearly made

it there before stumbling into Sally. He didn’t see her at all. He walked
into her and she stumbled backwards.

Luckily she fell onto a chair.
She looked green around the gills, like she was about to puke.
Sally held out her hands defensively in front of her. “Stand back. I

think I’m going to throw up.”

“Sally, are you all right?”
“No. I don’t think so.” He touched her shoulder but she didn’t look up,

almost like she was afraid to in case she hurled.

“How much have you had to drink tonight?”
“Too much. What do you care?” She snarled back. He smelled the

alcohol on her breath. Sally had way more alcohol than he had and he was
trying to get drunk.

“I might be gay, but I’m not a complete asshole.” Sometimes he cared

far too much. Like right now for instance. He should walk away. Anyone
else would have.

“You aren’t gay. I know better. You had an affair with, ugh—what’s—

her—name.” Sally held her head for a second looking confused.

The last woman Gerry wanted to talk about was Harry’s dead wife. He

filled in the blank for Sally. “Marta, and I’m gay as a man can get, Sally. I
was helping to get her pregnant because Harry couldn’t do it. “

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“That can’t be right.” Sally had a funny expression on her face and

then she suddenly hit herself in the head as if she were trying to tell herself
he was so not gay.

He didn’t want to argue with a drunken woman. That would get him

nowhere good. “Let me help you get home.”

“You can’t drive. You’ve been drinking, too.”
She had a point, but he didn’t want to admit it. He still felt a

responsibility to get her home safely. “Well. I can call a cab if you tell me
where you live.”

“I can’t go anywhere. I’m too sick,” she complained.
Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell over.
“Oh no, you don’t!”
Gerry leaped forward to grab her before she fell to the floor. Her small

body wasn’t too heavy but he couldn’t carry her by himself. He laid her
body across the chairs and asked the Maitre D’ to get his friend Kai. Kai
would help him get her to a safe place to sleep off the alcohol’s effects.

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Chapter Three

“Thanks for helping me get her up here.” Gerry looked at the sleeping

female form in his bed. “I never would have been able to do it without

“No problem, brah. What are friends for? Only a true friend would

take care of a dead body for you.” Kai’s lips perked up in a smile.

“She’s not—” Gerry shook his head when he realized it was a joke.

“You’re funny.”

“You’re not planning on standing around and watching her all night

are you?”

“I probably should keep an eye on her, but I am tired.”
“Where you gonna sleep?”
Not with her, obviously. He glanced at Sally asleep on the bed once

more. “I guess I will take the floor.”

“You can bunk at my house. There’s plenty of room to sleep if you

want, Gerry.”

“Thanks, but after the day I’ve had I’m not sure I can sleep.” If he

couldn’t drink away his memories of his brother and mother being so mad
at him their critical words would haunt him in his dreams.

“You don’t have to sleep if you don’t want to.” And as if that didn’t

give him the message, Kai winked at him giving Gerry a spark that went
straight through him from the top of his head to the tip of his cock.

“If you don’t mind if I’m a little rusty. I’m afraid I haven’t had a

sleepover in years.” He hoped it didn’t sound awkward but Gerry just
wasn’t a smooth talking guy. He was male as they came, but it had been a

“I don’t mind.” Kai reached over and held Gerry’s hand.
“Okay.” He hadn’t felt this way in years. He was nervous as a school

boy and excited at the same time, almost like he was on the precipice of a
giant roller coaster, poised to begin his descent. Head over heels for an

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island romance. He kissed Kai for a bit of luck and to get a taste of what
the other man offered. Kai had the softest lips and a gentle touch.

If the kiss was anything to go by, Gerry was in for one hell of a night.


Gerry followed Kai into his itty bitty darkened apartment. He wouldn’t

even know this was here from the outside of the car repair shop building,
but there were a set of stairs that led to a studio apartment above it.

“You must not have a problem with the neighbors here,” Gerry joked.
Kai took the joke in stride, chuckling lightly. “It gets pretty loud

during the day but since I’m at work, I don’t mind.”

Gerry shut the door behind him and took a look around the one room

apartment. It was neat but sparsely decorated. What little there was as far
as furnishings go was modern and black and did nothing to describe Kai’s
personality. The little bit of the color in the room was a poster on the wall
advertising an extremely obese musician named Kaleohano Israel
Kamakawiwo’ole. The Great Iz.

“Hey. Who’s this?” Gerry pointed to the poster.
Kai frowned. “You haven’t heard of the late Iz before?”
“No, should I?”
Kai shook his head. “He’s only the greatest authentic Hawaiian singer

born in this century. You can’t help it if you are a mainlander, but you
probably know his song Over the Rainbow and Wonderful World. You
ever seen Meet Joe Black?”

“Sorry, no.”
“You gotta see it just to listen to Iz sing. He died in 1997, but he

changed the way most people think of Hawaiian music. He was one of the
first to incorporate jazz, and reggae in his songs and his music was used in
movies and commercials. The day he died, Hawaii flew the state flag half
mast. Everyone cried like he was their family.”

“I didn’t even cry when Elvis died,” Gerry joked.

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“Who’s Elvis?”
“You don’t know who Elvis is?” Gerry hesitated. Maybe they were

more different than Gerry thought. This may not be more than a one night
affair if they didn’t have common interests.

“Nah, I’m just messing with you man. Do you mind if we kick back

and watch some movies?”

“Sure,” Gerry answered, suddenly relieved. He loved music and it was

something he connected to easily. Nashville may be his hometown but it
wasn’t called Music City for nothing and there was a lot more to life than
country music.

“Great. I will get the popcorn.” He watched Kai buzz around the

kitchen, pulling a package of instant popcorn from the cupboard and
tearing off the plastic wrap before popping it into the microwave. Gerry
took his time looking at personal photos and treasures around the room
that gave him a hint about his new friend Kai’s life.

He held up a picture where he recognized a much younger Kai

standing in the middle. He guessed it was his parents and brothers and
sisters or close family members. “Nice family you got here.”

“Thanks. We have big families here on the island and most people get

started young, but I don’t think my life will go that way.”

“No?” Gerry set the picture back on the bookshelf.
Kai took the fully popped popcorn from the microwave and poured it

into a bowl. It was only a few steps for him to come back to the main
living area and sit down on the one thing in the room to watch the
television. It dominated the room and was the same thing Gerry had been
avoiding looking at all night.

The bed.
Kai patted the seat next to him. “Come and sit down.”
It had been a year since he had been with a man and then it was

nothing really good. It was awkward. Planned to be anonymous from an
online offer for sex with no strings attached. The car was cramped, and the
other guy was into receiving but not giving. The sex sucked and Gerry

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didn’t want this to fail as badly as that one did.

His cock was ready and standing at attention but the rest of him was

scared as hell. It felt like a thousand pounds were stopping him from doing
as Kai asked, but he managed to pull himself together and slowly made his
way over to the other man. A few movie rentals were lying on the side
nightstand and Gerry couldn’t stop from reading them aloud.

“So are we watching Danny does Dallas? Or Balls of Steel?”
“I wasn’t going to make you watch porn.” Kai turned bright red. “I

have a subscription to Netflix, too.”

“You shouldn’t have to watch porn alone. That kind of defeats the


“If you want to watch it, that’s okay, too. I haven’t watched the Balls

of Steel yet and just so you know, I’m not kinky. I don’t’ watch this stuff
all the time. I just get the urge once in a while.”

“So that giant dildo in the box in the closet isn’t yours?”
Kai looked horror stricken.
Gerry tried to correct the situation quickly. He touched Kai’s neatly

defined biceps. It wasn’t even skin to skin contact. There was a shirt
between them so he hoped the other man wouldn’t take offense to it. “I’m
kidding. We all get urges. I know I do.”

“My urges are lower,” Kai said in a deep throaty voice.
“Here?” Gerry reached over to rub the other man’s flat stomach.
“No, here.” Kai pulled Gerry’s hand to cover his taut jeans stretched

over his firm, hot cock.

“Oh.” Gerry squeezed slightly. Kai had a naughty streak and he liked


Kai reached over him to the remotes and turned the TV and the DVD

player on. It took a second to go through the menu and play the movie.
“The DVD is already in. I just haven’t had time to watch it yet.”

“I may have a hard time watching it. I only want to watch you

tonight.” The anticipation had been building since the day they met and
after having his hands that close to the jewels, Gerry wanted more.

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“I don’t mind. You can watch this.” Kai climbed into his lap and

unzipped Gerry’s pants. His cock had been swelling to the point it hurt
him inside the restraints of his pants, rubbing painfully against the zipper.
“There’s something about you. I can’t put my finger on it, but you seem
like a common spirit, Gerry. I want to be near to you, and to feel you
inside of me.”

Gerry was rock hard, and the gentle soothing strokes of Kai’s thumb

over the mushroom tip of his fat cock pushed him into paralysis. His
breathing grew slower, heavier, and he waited with baited breath to see
what the other man would do next.

It was no secret he was crippled. He used a cane to walk, but Kai had

not seen his scarred and mutilated body. Would he be so interested when
he saw those scars for the first time? The other man had the beautiful body
of an Adonis, and too many of his fantasies. Doubts crept into his mind.
Gerry felt insecure about everything and tonight he would have to take off
his clothes. When it wasn’t dark, in front of a man he really liked.

The thought of Kai laughing or worse, being disgusted by his

deformed body frightened him.

No, that wasn’t quite right.
Gerry was scared stupid.
When Kai began to slowly unbutton his shirt, Gerry stopped him.
“Are you playing shy with me, Gerry?” Kai kissed his belly button and

didn’t try to remove Gerry’s hands from his clothes. “You can trust me. I
want to feel your skin next to mine tonight.”

“But I’m not pretty to look at. You are so much more than I am.” So

much more man, so much more everything…

“This is not about what you look like. It’s about who you are. Tonight,

we belong to each other,” Kai said. “Trust in me. I will make this good
for you.”

Gerry felt Kai’s lips wrap around his cock and he nearly lost it then

and there. He sucked and swallowed Gerry’s meaty package. It was pure
pleasure. Gerry could hardly look away and when he did he saw the

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television screen muted but with gorgeous men sucking each other,
fucking each other and pretending there was a plot.

Kai took in about five to six inches of dick, moaning into Gerry’s

flesh. Gerry gently guided his head, running his fingers through Kai’s
silky hair. It was heaven and every wet dream come to life.

Gerry couldn’t imagine wanting anything more than to have Kai fuck

him at the moment. He was everything he always dreamed of, sensitive to
his needs, sexy as hell, and fun to be around. He couldn’t believe he was
doing this, but he put his hands on Kai’s shoulders and pushed him off his
cock. “Kai, turn off the lights for me and I will take off my clothes.”

“Seriously?” Kai looked confused. “I want to see you.”
“Please. I don’t feel comfortable having you see me this way.”
“What way?”
“The accident left me scarred and ugly. It’s not something I share


Kai reached up and kissed Gerry, effectively silencing his complaints.

His tongue was smooth as velvet, snaking in and out of Gerry’s mouth.


wasn’t just tongue-wrestling; he knew how to kiss. Along with the rest of
Gerry’s body, his tongue surrendered to Kai as well. His eyes were closed
but he loved the Kai’s island accent when he spoke. It was like music to
his ears.

“Look, it is okay. If you need the lights off we do that, but I want

to see what you look like.”

“It’s okay, Kai. If you want to see my body, I’ll show it to you, but

I’ve never showed anyone else these scars. Not even my own mother. The
doctors are the only ones I let touch my body.” The twisted laugh got
stuck in his throat and Gerry coughed to dislodge it.

Gerry removed unbuttoned his shirt and Kai shifted so he could fully


“I have to warn you, it’s not pretty.” Gerry began but the warning

wasn’t enough. He noted with keen humiliation, Kai’s indrawn breath the
moment he saw the scars that chris-crossed his body.

Kai didn’t say anything but Gerry noticed where his eyes had strayed.

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His right leg was deformed. Chunks of muscle were ripped out that could
never be replaced from the accident. The doctors wanted to remove his leg
but his mother fought to keep it. It was one thing he was grateful for
besides not dying in the accident. A prosthetic leg would have been hell to
fight with everyday. It was bad enough he had to use a cane for the rest of
his life.

“Sorry, but I told you it wasn’t pretty.” Gerry tried to apologize. But to

be humiliated like this was more than he could bear. His dick deflated
faster than a balloon with a hole in it.

“Reality can’t be a fantasy and I won’t build you into one. You are

who you are, and what you are. Not perfect. I want to know the real you.”

“Well, this is all me.” Gerry held out his hands and giving a full

frontal view of his nudity. “Now it’s your turn.”

“You mean you want to see me naked?”
“Of course. It is only fair.” Gerry smiled, waiting not so patiently. It

was a secret desire he hid from the first time he met the man. With his
golden skin and lean muscled body, he couldn’t wait to see him naked.

Kai wasted no time in complying. His clothes were tossed across the

room in a laundry hamper, reaffirming Gerry’s first impression of him as a
neat freak.

“Well, what do you think?” Kai posed for him with his muscles

pumped for the best view.

“I think you need to come here so I can get a better look.” Gerry

kicked up his lips in a smile and lay down on the bed.

Kai climbed onto the mattress and lay on top of Gerry’s body. The

sensations couldn’t be matched. Kai’s body heat infused into his skin cells
and that thick masculine scent of Old Spice clung to his Kai’s skin,
making Gerry want to bury his face in his neck and other parts deeper.

Kai played with Gerry’s man titties, sensitizing his nipples with his


“Your tongue could be a secret weapon in some countries,” Gerry

protested but ran his fingers through Kai’s hair, holding his head in place.

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“Mmmm,” Kai groaned as he loved on Gerry’s nipples.
“Don’t stop.” Gerry rubbed his pelvis in a steady rhythm against Kai.

He felt himself on the edge of coming. The drop of moisture from the tip
of his cock disappeared in the sheets of the bed. He moved his hips against
him and their dicks touched, battling like two swords. Gerry found a
groove and Kai bucked on him, pumping his hips into his belly.
“Whatever you do, don’t stop what you are doing.”

Kai lifted his head immediately, sensing Gerry was on the edge of

release. “Don’t you dare come.”

Their eyes locked together.
“Isn’t that the point of this?” Gerry asked suddenly distraught.
“No, I just want to have you come in my mouth the first time. I want

to know what you taste like, Gerry.”

“You have a gorgeous ass, Kai. I would die a happy man if you let me

fuck you.”

“I was hoping you would ask.” Kai handed him a tube of lubrication

and rolled over, tucking a few pillows under his belly to prop himself up.

“You’re not very shy are you?” Gerry removed the lid and squeezed

out a little on the palm of his hand to rub over his dick and then spread
Kai’s cheeks so he could use the rest on the entrance to Kai’s ass.

“No and you talk too much. Less talking and more fucking.” He

waggled his ass suggestively.

“I will gladly let you squeeze my dick in your backside.” Gerry

opened him first with one finger and then two. He was amazing with his
muscles, and he was sure when he flicked him with his tongue, the other
man puckered his little rosebud for him.

“I’ll be as gentle as I can.” The added lube made penetration easier,

but Kai’s ass was still tight. His butt trembled with small spasms around
his penis.

Gerry held his hips still so he could pump his load into Kai easier. His

hips eased back and forth in a purely sexual and very physical act of
sinking his dick into Kai’s sweet asshole. His ass muscles and sphincter

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squeezed hard with the final strokes. He was riding his ass hard and fast
and the euphoria hit like a hurricane.

“Just like that you bad boy! Fuck me some more.”
“Ohhh.” Gerry pumped harder, deeper than he dared at first, sinking in

to the full eight inches of Kai’s rectum. It was all he could take.

Pleasure swept his body like a gentle rain after the storm. He felt wet

with a light film of sweat. Gerry couldn’t tell if it was from the exercise or
the humidity but he didn’t care. It was good kind of wet and he felt
exhausted but in the best way possible.

Smooth white cum filled Kai’s ass and dripped out as he removed his

cock. He flopped down on the bed exhausted next to Kai.

“You are so good to me. I haven’t been fucked like that…ever.” Kai

rolled next to Gerry cuddling into him.

“Really?” He was exhausted, but when Kai said that to him, he could

feel his dick prickle with anticipation. “Because I was just thinking I want
to do it again.”

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Chapter Four

Gerry returned early in the morning to check on Sally. He didn’t want

her to wake up confused in an unfamiliar environment. No sooner than he
arrived than Harry showed up looking for her.

Bam. Bam. Bam.
“I’m coming—I’m coming—hold your horses!” Gerry limped his way

over to the door and opened it. An angry Harry took up the entire

“What are you doing here?” Gerry asked.
“Looking for Sally,” Harry answered “Have you seen her?”
“Well, uh…” Gerry stalled trying to think of what to say. Lies or tell

the truth? If he said yes, then they would get into this long drawn out
argument and if he told Harry where Sally was right now, sleeping in his
bed, he may as well sign away his life. He tried to block the doorway with
his body so Harry could not see her sleeping in the bed.

He was a dead man either way.
“Gerry, get out of my way.” Harry’s voice rose above the racket in the

other room.

“Harry, if you would just listen…” Gerry pleaded.

“Gerry?” A soft feminine voice came from behind him.
“What am I doing here?”
“Sally, stay out of this.” Gerry yelled over his shoulder at her.
Harry tried to peek over Gerry’s shoulder. “What the hell is she doing

in your bed?!”

“I’ll explain if you just give me a moment.”
Harry exploded, bulldozing over Gerry. His fists moved lightning fast.

Gerry hadn’t hit the floor before Harry was straddling Sally’s body. Gerry
struggled to his feet. His older brother had always been a bully so he was
used to taking a punch, but this time he was down for the count. The world

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blacked out but he could still hear everything that went on in the room. He
just couldn’t say anything or move. His heart raced as he realized how
helpless he was.

“Are you all right?” Harry asked Sally.
“Yeah, I think so.” She looked dazed and confused. She was probably

still feeling the after effects of the alcohol last night. Gerry guessed her
head was pounding fierce as the surf after a storm. She blinked as if the
sun light streaming in through the window bothered her. Gerry tried not to
laugh. He had more than his share of hangovers in the morning after
drinking himself silly.

“What are you doing here?” Harry asked.
Wide eyed and mouth open in shock, she froze. It was as if the last

thing she could explain was how she found herself in Gerry’s bed. Which
made complete sense to Gerry since he and Kai carried her upstairs and
put her to bed. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember, was that I drank
too much, and when I was leaving the bar, Gerry walked up and was
talking to me, but I never—”

“Slept with him? Because that’s what my ex-wife used to tell me, too.”

Harry was red faced and that vein in his neck was bulging out again.

“Harry, I know this looks bad…” Sally began but Harry cut her off.
“Hell yeah. Ya think?”
Sally started to defend herself again but Harry was in no mood to

listen to her arguments. “Harry, listen to me. It isn’t what it looks like.

“I can’t believe I was worried about you.” He moved to leave her on

the bed alone. “When I couldn’t find you, I called the Rosenthal’s and the
police. I thought I needed to ask my family for help, and yet here you
are...with my asshole brother.”

“Harry nothing happened.” She tugged at his shirt sleeve.
“I can’t believe I trusted you enough to marry you.” Harry pulled


“I would remember if he did anything,” Sally said.

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“Damn, I can’t stand your lies, woman.” Harry’s shoulders voice

sagged in defeat. “Just go break someone else’s heart.”

“He’s gay, Harry.” She blurted out.
There. It was out in the open now. Gerry had been trying to find the

right time or place and Sally just blurted it out in a hotel room. Surely,
Harry would understand they were innocent. Nothing had happened.

“Lies, lies and more lies, but you have one little problem, my dear.

You need to tell them to someone who cares.” Harry stomped out and then
slammed the door.

The instant the door slammed, Gerry heard Sally burst into tears. How

could Harry possibly not trust her?

He heard her whisper “But I love you.”


“Ow.” Gerry cringed away from the ice bag Sally pressed against his

black eye. “Not so hard.”

“Stop being a crybaby.” Sally was not a patient woman. She threw the

bag of ice in his lap which stung his balls. He quickly removed it from his
sensitive crotch area.

“You hold it if it hurts so much. I am not feeling real sympathetic at

the moment.”

“Fine.” Gerry took the ice bag and readjusted it on his swollen eye. It

had only been an hour but it was already tinged black and blue when he
looked in the mirror.

“We have to talk to your brother,” she insisted for the thirtieth time.
Gerry shook his head. He was tired of talking and so was Harry. “You

saw how he was. He hits first and asks questions later.”

“Harry only acted like he did to protect me. I’ve never seen him lose

his temper. He’s always so calm and sweet.”

Gerry wanted to snap at her, but he bit his retort and replied calmly,

“Maybe that’s your experience, but it sure isn’t mine,” Gerry muttered.

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“You ruined my life and you’re worried about getting beat up? I don’t

think so. Harry is never going to marry me if he thinks we slept together.
You have to fix this.” Sally wagged her finger at him reproachfully.

“Just exactly what do you expect me to do?” Gerry was ready to pull

his hair out. She had no clue how difficult his brother could be to talk to.
“You saw how Harry punched me. You think he’ll talk to me?”

The hotel door rattled and someone knocked. Loud. Gerry jumped and

Sally turned to stare expectantly at the door.

“I’ll get it. It’s probably my mother.” Gerry cursed under his breath

before grabbing his cane and limping to the door.

“Kai, what are you doing here?” Gerry was surprised, but he didn’t

want Sally to see him. His instincts said these two should not get together.
They would probably gang up on him. He blocked the other man with his
body and the door.

“You said I should come back this morning for our date. Oh brother,

what happened to you?” Kai asked, squishing up his face when he saw
Gerry’s eye.

“It’s nothing, really.” Then he removed the ice bag to show the

damage. “See?”

“I don’t call dat nothin’. Who did dat to you, mon?” Kai reverted to a

thicker island accent the angrier he got. He shoved past Gerry and stormed
into the room.

Sally stifled a smile when she saw Kai for the first time. As Gerry

imagined anyone would be hard pressed to take him seriously at the
moment. He was short but his temper was like a volcano. His sleek brown
skin and thick, wavy, jet-black hair made it clear he was of island descent
and he walked around like he was related to Pele, the fiery Hawaiian
Goddess of Lava.

“Hey!” Gerry moved to stop him, but Kai had already invited

himself in.

“Did you do dis?” Gerry watched Sally bite her cheek to try not to

laugh. Kai’s twisted up angry face was a funny sight. The man actually

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growled at her.

“No, it was my brother,” Garry was quick to assure Kai.
“Brah’s don’t do this to each other.” Kai frowned at him.
Sally was quick to get involved. “I was just trying to talk Gerry into

going to see Harry. They need to talk this out, but Gerry won’t go.”

“I go,” Kai said firmly.
“Do you think you could help talk some sense into Harry? He’s acting

like an ass right now.” Sally barely knew him, but she knew exactly how
to push Gerry’s buttons, Gerry paced around the room and grumbled to

Sally was grinning like the cat in Alice in Wonderland. She’d gotten

under Gerry’s skin inviting Kai like this. He didn’t even want to go and
she was going to take a complete stranger? What was she thinking?

“Yah man, I talk sense into him.” Kai pounded his fist into his open

palm for emphasis.

“Hey, hey!” That gesture was one he didn’t like seeing. Kai and Harry

were both too hotheaded to get together. “You can’t just walk up to
someone and beat the crap out of them.”

“That’s what happened to you isn’t it, Gerry?” Sally put her hand over

her mouth to cover her laughter.

“Sally you aren’t helping.” Gerry hobbled slowly into the middle of

the room.

“So, does that mean you’re coming with us? I think it’s long past time

you two men talked out your differences. I’m past caring if it means I
don’t get a wedding. Harry hurts inside every time your name is brought

“That’s why I think it’s best if we just leave this whole thing alone.” A

confrontation was the last thing Gerry wanted, but it seemed like it was
inevitable. The stars were aligned for them to get together and have this
done with.

“Did you fly all the way out here to leave this thing alone?” Sally


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“No, but things are different now,” Gerry answered.
“How so?” Sally asked.
“Sally, you aren’t giving me a chance. I just want to see Harry happy. I

don’t want to cause him any more pain than you do.” Gerry was hoping
she would just let the whole thing go, but like a pit bull she held on.

“Then fix this,” Sally pleaded.
“Fine.” Gerry let out a long sigh. “I give up. You are as relentless as a

shark that’s smelled blood.”

“So I’ve heard,” Sally smiled smugly.
“I can’t wait to meet dis guy.” Kai crossed his arms while leaning

against the dresser.

“You’re not going, Kai. This is none of your business,” Gerry said.
“What’s your business, is my business.” Kai crossed his arms over his


“God, I can’t believe I am saying this, but you can come if you

promise to behave. Kai, I won’t have any more fighting.” Gerry ran a hand
through his hair in frustration.

Kai nodded but didn’t say anything. Gerry took that as a yes.
“Well let’s go,” Sally piped up before grabbing her car keys from the

nightstand. “I’ll drive since I have to pick up my car from the valet service
downstairs. It’s not a Lamborghini, but you guys don’t mind squeezing
into a BMW do you?”

No complaints there. His butt could use a rest.

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Chapter Five

Kai was the first one up to the door. Sally helped Gerry to the door.

She hoped Kai would behave as promised. Kai knocked on the motel room
door and when Harry answered she heard him ask. “Are you Harry Ford?”

“Yeah, who’s asking?”
“I have a knuckle sandwich for you, brah.” Kai seemed to

instantaneously explode.

And that was all the warning Harry got before Kai’s knee slammed

into his balls, and then he kicked in the side of Harry’s knee bringing him
down to Kai’s level. Harry didn’t even have time to react to the first hit
before Kai’s fist impacted with his face. Harry’s nose was gushing blood
and Kai was on him like a little rat terrier. Swift fists hit Harry in the head,
giving him no time to plan anything but a defense.

“How do you like it, eh brah? You like to pick on da handicapped, but

don’t like it when someone smaller than you picks on you.”

“What the hell is he doing?” Sally stopped in shock.
“Kai stop!” Gerry seemed to have more working brain cells than she

did at the moment because at least he kept moving so he could eventually
intervene in the fight. It took him a few more seconds to limp up the steps
but he pulled Kai off Harry by the collar of his shirt. “What were you

Kai quickly wiggled out of his grasp. “You my friend, brah and I

protect my friends. Just because you’s gay gives him no right to beat you

“Harry didn’t…” Gerry shook his head and put his hand to his fore

head in frustration. “I deserved the black eye, Kai.”

“You didn’t deserve to get hit.” Sally crooned over Gerry’s shoulder.

“Harry, however, did.”

“Yes, he did deserve it.” Harry sat up from the ground with one hand

on his man parts and the other on his nose.

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Gerry had no clue how to fix this. Somehow things had gone terribly

wrong. “Harry, stop acting stupid and listen for once. You weren’t
supposed to get your ass kicked.”

“It was good for him,” Kai quipped. “Serve him right.”
Harry was insulted and cringed away from Kai. “Get away from me,

you little fuck. Damn, did you break my knee?”

“It not broken. Just slipped a little so you ken not run away like little

girl.” Kai laughed cruelly. “I fix later.”

Sally pushed him to the side. Gerry couldn’t blame her. Kai was acting

downright mean.

“Come on honey, let’s get you inside.” She helped hoist Harry to his

feet and hobble inside his room.

“Great. Now they can leave.” Harry was acting like his usual grumpy

inhospitable self and not ready to let bygones be bygones.

“No. You brothers waited too long to get this out in the open. Gerry

has something to tell you and you need to shut up and listen.”

“Maybe I should make some coffee first,” Gerry offered making his

way to the tiny coffee maker at the back of the room.

“Just get to the point, Gerry. I think you have procrastinated long

enough.” Sally looked ready to knock the brother’s heads together if it
would help them listen to each other’s stories. Talk about stubborn. She
and Harry were perfect for each other.

Gerry cleared his throat. Nothing had ever worked before so this time

it had to come from the heart. “I am sorry. I am truly sorry for everything.
For your ex-wife. For Sally. I didn’t mean to meddle in things either time.
I just want to see you happy.”

“Don’t bullshit me.” Harry pulled himself up on the bed and sat down

holding his knee and gave Kai a really nasty scowl. If looks could kill, Kai
should be dropping over dead any minute now, with Gerry right alongside

“I can explain last night, but if you’ve already made up your mind,

you’re not going to believe me. If you can’t trust the woman you love or

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the brother you used to love, then things are never going to work out,”
Gerry said.

“I trust her. It’s you I don’t trust. You could have drugged her with

that date rape drug to get her to sleep with you.”

“He didn’t drug me, Harry.” Sally’s voice was full of exasperation and

tinged with disgust.

“Do you remember what happened last night, Sally?” Harry asked her.
“No, but it shouldn’t matter,” Sally snapped irritably.
“You no make sense, haule. Gerry wouldn’t have slept with her. He

was in my bed last night. All night.” Kai sounded way too smug. “And,
I’m glad, because all his loving would be wasted on a woman.”

“Whoa.” Sally looked suddenly very icked out. She held both hands on

her ears. “That is TMI.”

“What did you say?” Harry asked Kai.
“We’re lovers. I’m gay, Harry. I’ve been trying to tell you for years.

There was just never a good time or place. I’ve tried to hide it all my life
because I wanted our family’s approval. I wanted your approval.
Everything I did was done for you and I was stupid.”

“No, no. No! You fucked my wife for me? Fuck you very much. Don’t

try and blame me for your stupidity or say you wanted my support.” Harry
was having no part of Gerry’s sudden outpour of emotion.

“And for that, I am truly sorry. If I had known how it would end, I

never would have done it, but Marta begged me.”

“It’s not fair for you to accuse a dead woman when we can’t hear her

side of the story,” Gerry snarled.

“She was married to you for two years Harry. Two years, and all she

ever wanted was a baby. Did you ever think she would stop at a no?”
Gerry said.

“I tried to give her a baby. God just didn’t plan our lives that way,”

Harry argued.

“When you wouldn’t go to the doctor, she came to me for help. She

figured because we were brothers the baby would look like you. She

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wanted your baby, but since you couldn’t give it to her, I was the runner
up,” Gerry said.

“Well, weren’t you lucky?” Harry looked like shit and sounded even

worse when his voice cracked with emotion.

“I am sorry.” Gerry placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder. Harry

surprised everyone by leaning into Gerry’s hand for comfort. “I should
have told you. I never meant to hurt you.”

“It’s okay. I am in shock, but I’m not hurt,” Harry muttered.
“You’re not?” Sally sat on the other side of Harry. “But Harry you

talked about this when we first met. You wouldn’t have brought it up if it
wasn’t a burden on your heart.”

“It’s okay because my heart healed the day I met you, Sally.” He gave

her a meaningful look. “You’re my soul mate. It just took me a long time
to figure it out.”

“Two weeks?” Sally countered.
“Okay, so I knew it on the first day. I just didn’t think you would take

my proposal on the beach after I stepped on the jelly fish.” He cracked a
smile and pulled her into his lap.

“So does this mean the wedding is back on?” Sally looked so relieved.

Gerry knew she loved Harry from that starry lovestruck gaze in her eyes.
He knew that the love they shared was stronger than this stupid fight.

“Are we all forgiven now? You brah’s make up with each other?” Kai


Harry answered. “Yeah, we’re all friends now. Except for you Kai.

You didn’t have to beat me up or fuck up my leg.”

“You needed beating to listen. You no beat—you no listen. I fix now,

yeah?” Kai didn’t wait for Harry to say yes. He moved around to stand in
front of Harry and placed his leg between his and then suddenly twisted
with a quick jerk.

Harry screamed. His face was a picture of pure agony. A few seconds

later Harry rubbed his injured knee with a curious expression on his face.
“What did you do?”

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“It all better now, yeah?” Kai asked.
“Yeah, but what did you do?” Harry asked again while flexing his

knee back and forth.

“I fix it.” Kai looked content. “Study Kung Fu for fourteen years. Not

bad, eh?”

“How old are you? You don’t even look eighteen years old,” Harry


“Old enough to kick your ass again, brah,” Kai said.
“Not if I can help it. Come here you imp. You’re mine and I expect

you to keep your hands off my brother.” Gerry pulled Kai into his lap and
gave him a playful kiss. “There’ll be no more ass kicking unless I am
intimately involved. Understand, Kai?”

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Chapter Six

Kai pulled his little orange jeep into the parking lot of Donkey Beach.

“Here we are, Gerry. You’re going to really like it here.”

“So far, I’m impressed. There are plenty of shade trees so we won’t

get sunburned” He grinned at Kai. The last time they’d gone swimming on
a private beach Gerry had ended up with a sunburned bottom and it had
been something he never wanted to experience again.

“It’s a long walk from here to the beach, but it’s worth it,” Kai assured

him. “You’re legs feel up to it? It’s a ten minute walk to the beach, but it’s
nice and secluded.” Kai put his small hand on Gerry’s knee. “I hope you’ll
have a good time today. This is the one beach I know that is a nude beach
and no one minds if you are gay or not. Everyone is here for pleasure and
fun. No snooping, no cops. Nice and private.”

Kai got out and opened the back door, reached in and pulled out a

blanket, several large, bright beach towels and a huge picnic basket.

“Hey, come on, I’m not so crippled I can’t help. At least give me the

basket to carry. It looks pretty heavy.” Gerry lifted the basket off of Kai’s
arm and nearly dropped it. “What on earth is in here? Lead piping? Do
you plan to murder me?”

Kai laughed and squeezed Gerry’s bicep. “No way. Murder not on my

list for today. I brought lunch, some wine, some ice. You know, the usual
picnic stuff.” Kai draped the towels around his neck and put the large
blanket over his arm. “And, for dessert, some good fucking. You ready?”

Gerry nodded. Kai was a mind-reader. He always knew what Gerry

wanted and needed. A good solid fucking would be a great way to finish
off the meal.

“Okay, watch for rocks, very slippery and plenty of them.” Kai led the


Gerry was glad he was wearing his work boots. Kai had not been

fooling. The walk was littered with sharp rocks and stones. “Is there any

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“Yep, plenty sand behind those boulders. You’ll like. Very beautiful.

Also very sexy.”

“Mmmm, sexy sounds good. It’s been a long time, Kai.”
“Yah, not my choice, brah.” He stopped, turned around and gave

Gerry one of his delicious, suck-me, fuck-me looks and Gerry’s legs
turned to mush.

“You good? Legs okay? Ready to keep walkin’?”
Gerry groaned. He wanted to flip the flirty little minx down and fuck

him right now. “Sure, lead on. I’m right behind you.” Watching your fine
little ass moving in your
loose surfing shorts.

Kai turned and headed to the beach, but not before he searched the

front of Gerry’s cut-off jeans. “Lookin’ good to me. Make very good

Gerry’s hard-on was making him miserably uncomfortable. Kai really

knew how to get him jazzed up. No doubt about it.

When they reached the beach, Gerry was panting and his legs ached

from slipping on all the stones, but the hike had been worth the walk.
Rocks littered the shoreline, but a lovely stand of shade trees and a long
beautiful narrow stretch of sand made it paradise on earth.

Kai took a few minutes to lead them to a large stand of rocks. He

wound his way between the rocks holding onto Gerry’s arm. “You doin’
k’ sexy-man?”

“I’m fine. You take too good care of me, Kai. I don’t deserve you.”
“You so right. I’m one big fuckin’ man, don’t need some crip like

you.” Kai snorted and punched Gerry in the arm. “Get over it, lover-boy,
you mine. You fuck damn good. Not going anywhere fast. Now knock off
the cripple stuff. You work out, you big, strong man now. I take good
care of you, aw-right. You deserve me.”

Gerry laughed. “Kai, you are one snotty little bastard. No wonder I

love you so much.”

“Love me, huh, big boy? Ss’ nice ta know.”

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“It’s very beautiful here, Kai. What a fantastic place. How did you find

it?” Gerry couldn’t express how much the area appealed to him. “It is so
quiet here.” Except for the birds singing, there was only the waves
washing onto the shore.

The spot Kai found was very secluded, hidden behind several rows of

large rocks.

Kai spread out the blanket and the two men stripped and lay down

facing each other.

Gerry stroked Kai’s neck easing him closer to place a soft kiss on

Kai’s tempting mouth. Kai sighed and closed his eyes. “Don’t go to sleep,
Kai, darling.”

“I wasn’t, Ger. I was relaxing. It’s so peaceful and no one cares about

us. No one watching, we be concealed from other couples.”

“Other couples? I didn’t know anyone else was around. Should we be


“There are lots of couples hidden among the rocks. This is one of the

few beaches around which lets gay couples enjoy each other in the nude.”
Kai smoothed a hand over Gerry’s jaw. “Hmm, just like I love. The slight
prickle of your beard really turns me on.”

Gerry looked down to see Kai was fully aroused. His long, slender

cock rested on the blanket and his balls nuzzled against his thigh. “God,
Kai. You are so delicious.”

Kai’s cheeks turned pink. “You pretty fancy too, lover man.”
Kai was right. Gerry was fully aroused also. His thick, long cock lay

next to his lover’s. The two cocks were so beautiful to Gerry’s eyes, but
they were also very different. Kai’s cock was a dark tan as were his balls.
He shaved his pubic area every day, so he was a smooth as a baby’s

Gerry perused his own cock. It was long, full and hard, dark pink with

a dark blue vein running the length of it. His balls were lightly haired,
large, round and heavy. The tips of each shaft was darker than the shafts
and each tip was shaped like a heart.

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Gerry was anxious for Kai, but wanted to put off the moment as long

as possible. “Kai, honey?”

“Mmm?” Kai had put his hand on Gerry’s cock and was slowly

stroking up and down his lover’s shaft with one finger.

Gerry’s body trembled from head to toe, but he persisted in finishing

his questions. “Why do the natives call this Donkey Beach? Is it because
of all the gay lovers using the beach?”

Kai smiled and licked his lips. “No, it is because the nearby

plantations used donkeys and burros to haul the cane from the fields across
this beach. It was shorter than using the road.

“Oh. Very interesting.” Gerry had started stroking his finger up and

down Kai’s dark shaft. Kai trembled. “You like that, don’t you?”

“Yes. Very much, Ger. Please, I beg you. Please fuck me. I’m am wet

and hot for you. I’ve been waiting all day for your lovin’.”

“Is there some lube in your fancy basket of goodies?”
“Sure, mon. First thing I put in, along with lots of paper towels.”
“Excellent. You are the perfect partner.” Gerry urged Kai to roll on his

back. Kai’s cock pointed skyward. Gerry closed his lips around Kai and
deep throated him. He wrapped his tongue around Kai’s shaft and sucked
hard as he worked his way up Kai’s shaft.

Gerry continued to suck Kai cock until he was nice and juicy. Pearls of

pre-cum rolled down his shaft every time Gerry pulled back. “Put your
legs in the air, Kai.”

Kai, young, supple, and nimble did as he was told. Soon his legs were

pushed up so his knees were tight against his chest and he held his calves
with his hands.

His round puckered anus pulsed in and out as though begging for

Gerry’s cock.

Gerry was very anxious and his cock was weeping. He rubbed the

head of his cock over Kai’s anus and Kai groaned. “Put it in.” His voice
was trembling. “Hurry, I can’t wait any more.”

Gerry squatted near Kai and rubbed his cock over Kai’s anus several

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times until he was well lubricated, then he slowly slid his cock into his
lover. There was a slight tug as he pushed past the sphincter muscle.
“Ahhhh, God.” Kai tilted his pelvis taking Gerry as deep as he could and
yet he continued to beg and plead for more.

Gerry whispered, “I’m in, baby. That’s as far as I can go. Are you with


“Oh, oh, oh...hurry, Gerry, I’m going to come.
“You devil, you angel. Wait a minute for me and I’ll be there with you

all the way to heaven and back.

Gerry picked up his rhythm. Kai was tight, hot and wet from Gerry’s

pre-cum. He leaned between Kai’s legs and kissed him on the lips softly at
first, when Kai’s lips parted Gerry used his tongue to simulate what his
cock was doing.

Kai’s body began to tremble and his cock under Gerry’s chest filled.

Hot sperm shot out of him in rhythmic spurts. The heat of Kai’s seed was
all Gerry needed. He climaxed at the same time, shooting hot sperm deep
into Kai.

Gerry and Kai lay together attached for several moments before Gerry

slid his cock out. Kai dropped his legs, surrounding Gerry. Gerry reached
into the basket and used the paper towels to clean them both up with
tender loving care.

Gerry lay down, and grabbed a beach towel. He pulled Kai into his

embrace and covered them from the waist down. “Did I hurt you, Kai?”

“No, you are great lover. No pain, lots of pleasure.”
“I’m glad. You are a great lover also.”
Kai rested his head on Gerry’s shoulder and the men dozed in the

shade of the overhanging trees.

Kai’s breathing slowed and Gerry chuckled. “So, the old man wore

you out, eh?” Kai snickered.

Gerry sighed. “Sometimes I wish this could go on forever.”
Kai remained silent so long Gerry was afraid he’d overstepped some

boundary in their relationship, which was still new and precarious at best.

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Gerry’s heart took a dive. He should have kept his mouth shut. Damn.

Kai was still silent. The only thing keeping Gerry’s hopes up was the fact
Kai continued to lay quietly in his arms. Maybe he was asleep.

Gerry must have dozed off because he jumped when Kai spoke into

his ear.

“Boss mon, ya wanna wade in the ocean. No good for swimming, but

we can wade . We can sit in the water and the pretty fish will come close
an nibble toes. You game? It will be fun. You see.”

Oh hell. He’s screwed up. Kai was treating this far more casual than

Gerry was feeling. “Sure sounds like fun.” Gerry jumped up so Kai
wouldn’t notice the hurt in his eyes and said, “Last one in is a rotten egg.”
He took off limping as fast as he could and was shocked when he realized
he’d beat Kai by a good foot.

“What took you so long, Kai?”
“I was watching you’re fine ass.”
“You’re kidding? I always thought it probably jiggled like a bowl full

of jelly.”

“Hell, you all wrong.” Kai slapped Gerry’s butt lightly. “Feel damn

fine to me.

The rest of the day was truly a day in paradise for Gerry except for the

one fact; Kai couldn’t look him in the eyes.

They waded in the ocean, stood still and let the beautiful fish nibble at

their toes. They went back to their blanket and let the sun dry them off.
Kai initiated soft, slow lovemaking and Gerry prayed things would be
easier between them after their loving.

Kai remained quiet. Gerry felt the guilt worm it’s way through his

body like an evil snake. He’d really screwed up by rushing Kai. Maybe it
was their age difference. Gerry was fairly certain Kai was at least twenty-
five, making him Gerry’s junior by almost ten years. To some people age
didn’t matter. Kai was still young, strong and healthy. Why would he want
to be with a man so much older than him and a cripple besides?

Hell. He shouldn’t have used the word ‘forever’. He’d scared the kid

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away. It was almost as if the last time they’d made love would really be
their last time.


The sun was going down when the two men cleared up the signs of

their day at beach. Kai smiled softly and helped fold the blanket after they
shook the sand out. They packed the basket and threw away their trash in a
trash barrel in the parking lot.

Kai climbed behind the wheel of his cheerful car. Gerry buckled up

and Kai put the transmission in reverse. “Home, boss man?” He asked,
looking over his left shoulder.

Gerry put a hand on Kai’s thigh. “No, Kai. Not unless you come with

me. I don’t want to go back to the hotel alone.”

Kai stopped the car and turned to Gerry. “What d’ya mean?”
“First stop calling me ‘boss man’. I am not your boss. I want to be

more than that to you Kai.”

Kai’s dark brows shot up. “More? How? Like more sex?”
“No, I mean I want to get to know the real you. The man you are.

Where you work.

Where you play. Where you live, what your family is like. I want to

know it all. I’m not ready to lose you yet.”

“Yet?” Kai took his foot off the brake and the jeep shot forward,

sliding and slithering out of the parking lot.

“You’re totally misunderstanding me Kai and you know it.” He

squeezed Kai’s thigh. “I care a lot for you and I want to find out more
about you.”

Kai almost ran a red light before seeing it in time and slamming on the

brakes. Gerry threw out his hands to stop from flying through the
windshield. “Geeze!”

“Sorry. Did I hear you right? Gerry?”
“Yes, you heard me.”

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“If you’re serious, my family is having a big luau to celebrate the birth

of the first grandchild. We go tomorrow.”

“Won’t your mother be upset if you show up with a stranger in tow?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Kai. I want to stay with you as long as

you’ll have me.”

“Sounds good to me boss. Uh, Gerry.” Kai finally gave him a big grin.

“If you serious...tomorrow my mother having big family luau to greet the
first grandkid. Mom is really excited.”

“Are you sure she wants an extra mouth to feed.”
Kai’s laugh rang and if Gerry hadn’t yelled “Stop” they would have

run a red light. “You kid, right, Ger?”

“No. I don’t want to make any waves with your family.”
“No problem there. Mom will have enough food for family and whole

village. My brothers are cooking two big pigs. Mom is making all kind
pies and my sisters-in-law are making vegetable dishes. You gonna love

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Chapter Seven

Kai spent the night with Gerry and they enjoyed another wild session

of lovemaking before falling asleep from exhaustion.

Kai went home after breakfast in the dining room and told his mother

he was bringing a friend. His mother was thrilled. “The more the merrier.
You know that, boy.”

“Okay, mom. What time do you want us to show up?”
“Two would work. Your father and brothers say the pigs will be done

by three. Hope your friend will be hungry.”

“No problem, mom. He’ll do justice to the food.”
“Hmmm, him, eh? It’s about time you brought one of your friends

home to meet the family.” She punched him in the shoulder and Kai
rubbed the spot.

“Knock it off, Ma. He’s a real nice man. You’ll like him. Dresses nice,

has good job, good looking.”

“Does he treat you well, boy?”
“Yes, Ma, he’s great guy.”
“Good. Are you staying for lunch?”
“Nah, gotta get to work. I’ll pick up Gerry and we’ll be here around

two. If we’re late, don’t worry.”

Kai phoned Gerry and told him the plans for the day. “Dress casual.”
“Did you tell her about my leg?” The nervous edge to Gerry’s voice

bothered him a little. Kai didn’t think he should care so much what anyone
thought about how he looked. Gerry had a good spirit inside and that was
what mattered.

“Nope, don’ matter to me. None of her business.”
“If you say so. I’ll be outside waiting for you.”
Gerry spied the bright yellow jeep before Kai turned into the hotel

drive and was anxiously waiting in the turn-around when Kai pulled to a
teeth-jarring stop.

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Gerry climbed into the front seat and had barely fastened his seatbelt

when they were off and running like a jackrabbit.

If Gerry had any complaint about Kai, it was his driving. He was going

to get himself killed if he wasn’t careful. Gerry bit his lower lip and held
onto the door frame, acting as casual as he could. “You’re sure your
mother won’t mind?”

“She is dying to meet you. By now the whole family knows you’re

coming today.” Kai laughed and squeezed Gerry’s thigh. “Better be
careful, you mine. You leave my brother’s alone.”

“Don’t worry, Kai. I don’t need anyone else, and I sure as hell don’t

hit on married men.”

“Damn good thing, Gerry.”
After a half hour ride they pulled up in front of an unremarkable

house. Same as all the others on the block except for all the cars parked on
the lawn and in the driveway. “This mus’ be the place,” Kai laughed and
jumped out of the jeep. He’d parked on the side of the road and the jeep
was slightly tipped. He ran around and carefully helped Gerry out of the

They walked toward the house and Kai grabbed Gerry’s hand and

wove his fingers through Gerry’s. “Okay?”

“Very okay. You make me feel so damn special. When I’m with you, I

forget my bad leg. Will your family care that I’m not perfect?”

“No way. And, if someone pick on you, let me know and I knock their

block off. My brothers know better than to give me a hard time.”

Kai led Gerry around the side of the house and into the back yard.

Gerry tugged to get his hand free. He didn’t need to cause any trouble, but
Kai held on tight.

Kai walked up behind a large woman in a bright muumuu and kissed

her behind the ear. The woman swatted at her ear.

“Hey, Ma. It’s me. Don’t knock my kisses off.”
The woman turned around and her long, dark hair swung around

behind her. There was hardly any gray at the temples. She didn’t look any

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older than forty-five if she was a day.

She smiled and her smile grew wider when she spied the men were

holding hands. She slapped Kai on the back almost knocking him over.
“‘Bout time you found a man. I almost gave up on you, boy.” She turned
and yelled into the chaos in the huge yard. “Hey! Come meet Kai’s

Soon Gerry was swamped with people and Kai tried to introduce

everyone at once. Gerry wasn’t sure he caught any one’s name, but it
didn’t seem to matter. They were all so warm and welcoming. The women
kissed him on the cheeks and the huge men pounded him on the back.
Gerry held his ground even though he was shaking in his boots.

“Almost time to eat, Kai. Go help get the pigs out and ready. I take

good care of Gerry. Quiz him about his intentions.”

Kai turned several shades of red. “Please ma, leave him alone. You’ll

scare him away. He good guy. Make me very happy.”

Several hours later, Gerry was stuffed to the gills and only a little tipsy

from the local beer.

“Time to head home, Ger,” Kai said and grabbed Gerry’s hand. He

helped Gerry into the jeep and made a screeching U turn. “My family like
you. How you feel?”

“They’re a great family, Kai. You are very lucky to have such

understanding parents, brothers and sisters. I wish my family could accept
who I am and love me for who I am. Not for who they want me to be.”
Gerry sighed. “It was nice no one even seemed to notice my leg. They
were more excited about you and the new baby. It was a great day.”

“Yah, sure was. They like you a lot. Before we leave my ma say bring

you back many times. You okay with that?”

Gerry sighed. “You bet.” He stared out the windshield. “Kai?”
“Will you spend the night with me? I need you. I want to hold you all


Kai patted Gerry’s leg. “Sure, Ger. You make me very happy. I’ll be

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with you as long as you want me.”

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Chapter Eight

“Not that this isn’t beautiful, but I would have expected for Harry to

get married in a church,” Gerald whispered to Kai.

There wasn’t a more picturesque scene, the sunset, the happy couple

standing on the beach holding hands in front of the priest. For a wedding
thrown together in just a few days, Gerald was impressed. A handful of
family from both Sally and Harold’s sides attended the gathering. Friends
outnumbered family but that was to be expected when there was little
notice and it was so far away from Harry’s home.

“Churches are for mainlanders,” Kai retorted. “When we get married,

it will be outside under God and where everyone can witness it.”

“When?” Gerald was in shock. This seemed too early to bring up

marriage, but it hit him just the right way. The idea of marriage appealed
to him, especially with Kai, but he had never entertained it being gay. Kai
was sweet and loving and everything he could ask for in a lover. He’d
been looking for the right partner all his life and he never felt like it was
such a good fit with anyone else, but marriage? He knew better than to
expect to live happily ever after. That only existed in fairy tales.

“What you not know?” Kai turned to him.
It was common knowledge gays weren’t recognized as married

couples. Marriages were just pieces of paper and it didn’t mean anything
to anyone but them. “We can’t get married.”

“Yeah we can. Hawaii isn’t named the rainbow state for nothing. It

allows gay marriages and encourages gay rights.” Kai’s brow had knotted
curiously low over his brown eyes.

“I didn’t know that,” Gerry said honestly. “Tennessee isn’t that way. It

is the bible-belt and filled with a lot of very conservative people.”

“That’s why we get married here when you ready.” Kai squeezed his

knee and he reached over and laced his fingers through his lover’s hand.

Gerry couldn’t imagine being happier with anyone else. He could

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imagine himself getting married to Kai and living together happily ever
after. Of course, they would live with a dog and maybe one day they could
even consider adopting a child.

Gerald Ford had found his paradise.

The End

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About the Authors:

Cherie Denis; wife, mother, grandmother, lawyer, doctor, pharmacy

clerk, cake decorator, seamstress, school teacher, artist, chef, and possible
in another life an Indian chief. You name it, she’s probably done it.

She’s been married to her high school sweetheart for ages and has

never regretted a moment of her life. Except she wishes she could be
thirty-five again.

Cherie has been writing erotica for several years and finds it to be the

most intoxicating, satisfying job of her life. Check out more details about
her books at:
or at http://www.cheriedenis.blogspot.com

Missy Lyons is a wife, mother, and just recently has added erotic

romance author to her resume. It’s a dirty job but someone has to write
satisfying sexual fantasies for men and women across the world and if you
want to read another one you can check out more details about her stories
on her website:
or you can read about her adventures in writing on her blog:

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Coming Soon

From the authors of Bareback on the Beach


Here is the first chapter to tempt you!

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Chapter One

Hokuikekai stood at the captain’s wheel driving his faithful, fair-sized

fishing boat full speed out through the waves to the area that was
considered his family’s. He had fallen on lean times lately, not making
near his usual quota, and his choices were leaving him with empty nets
and little to take back to shore to sell. He was willing to believe in some of
the old world superstitions and his Nana’s glum predictions were in the
forefront of his mind.

This morning he started his day by throwing back the state fish, the

Humuhumunukunukuapuaa. He didn’t need any more bad luck.

The last thing he needed was to start the day with that fish on board. It

was probably his fault for enjoying too much island beer and a young
body last night. The spirits were going to make him suffer for his lack of
good judgment last night. Damn.

Who could blame him? The young man had approached him. Good

looking and young, the guy gave Hokuikekai an instant hard-on.
Hokuikekai had been downing his third beer on an empty stomach. He
should have spent his money on food instead of booze, but there was no
one waiting for him at home to give him grief. Thus the third beer and the
feeling of loneliness which seemed to be his constant companion lately.

He was pushing thirty and he felt every year of it. He was tired. It was

hard work hauling heavy, wet nets over the side of the boat and upsetting
when the nets came up empty.

“May I have this seat?” a young male voice asked while he was trying

to drink away his troubles. Hokuikekai nodded and pushed the empty stool
out for the stranger.

Hokuikekai couldn’t help but stare. The guy was handsome as the day

was long. His skin was dark and smooth. He wore a torn tank top and
baggie surfers in a gaudy print. His legs were long and smooth also, and
well formed.

Oh, god, the guy was finger lickin’ delicious.
The kid held out his right hand. “Hi, my name is Tyler Martin. I’m

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new to the island and wondered if you’d be willing to show me around.”

“Hokuikekai, but you can call me Snapper. No one but my mother can

pronounce my name right.”

The men shook hands and Hokuikekai liked the feel of Tyler’s soft

hand in his larger, rough one. “So, man, what you do all day? Haven’t
seen you round here before. On vacation?”

“Yes, and I’ve been watching you for several days. You’re very

handsome in a rugged sort of way. I particularly love your hair—it’s so
long and...” The stranger was gaping at him.

“You got somethin’ on your mind, kid? If so, speak up and get it out in

the open.”

“If you insist. I think you are very good looking in a dark, intense sort

of way. I want to learn what makes you tick, big guy.”

Hokuikekai smiled and ran his thick thumb over Tyler’s smaller,

slimmer fingers. “If you could figure it out, you’d be first one. Good luck,
you gonna need it.”

“Snapper is an unusual name.” Tyler smiled. “And so is the other


“Hokuikekai is my ancestral name. My Nanna picked it. Mama didn’t

object, so I’m stuck with it. Like I said before, just call me Snapper. My
nickname is a lot easier if you’s a haoule.”

“Hey, Snapper. I like that name. Nice to meet you. I’m hungry, how

‘bout you? I’m buying.”

Hokuikekai tossed down the last of his beer and thought it over for a

minute. The kid would only be a one-night stand, but he was lonely and
so, it would seem, was Tyler.

“If you’re sure you don’t mind buying, I’m open to some food.

Haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

“Man, how do you do it?”
“I get so busy out on the water, I forget to eat lunch. Sometimes my

mama packs me something and sometimes not. Depends on how good the
fishing was yesterday.”

Tyler bought him a huge steak dinner at one of the better local

hangouts and after Hokuikekai threw back his forth beer of the day, Tyler

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asked him to come home with him.

“Why? You must be lonesome to want to sleep with me.”
“No, I think you are quite handsome. But, yes, if you must know, I’m

tired of being alone all the time. Back home every one is in my business so
I have to go out for lunch.”

Tyler’s room at the hotel was luxurious compared to the room

Hokuikekai rented from his sister, who owned the bar he’d been drinking
at when he met Tyler. To take Tyler to his place would have been super
embarrassing. The place was a dump.

Tyler wasn’t his soul mate.
He was just easy and a good lay.
When he woke up the next morning he found Tyler had already snuck

out. There were no sweet terms of endearment, no hand holding and no
waking up in someone’s arms. That also meant there was no
awkwardness between them and Hokuikekai faced a deep, painful silence
in the hotel room as he got ready to leave.

Hokuikekai’d rather be back in bed with him now, but instead he was

out on the ocean hoping to make a quick buck with a boat load of fish.
Cold and tired, wet with salty sea spray in the air, he’d been sailing with
his father since he was four-years-old and he never could remember the
fishing getting this bad. It was always hard work, but he was not afraid of
a little hard work and he wouldn’t give up his first love for anything or
anyone. He couldn’t imagine doing anything else but fishing for a living.

The ocean was his mistress.
The skies were clear and the water was peaceful. Gentle waves rolled

his skiff and the large cruise ship across the bay bobbed with each wave.
The wind was blowing in something, but whatever was coming wasn’t
here yet. The colder air met his face with a spray of sea water every now
and again. The clouds were white and billowy, nothing leading him to
want to believe a storm was coming, but he could trust his leg to tell him.
An old break in his right leg from when he was sixteen-years-old always
told him when a storm was on its way, because it ached more than usual, a
deep inside the bone ache. Hurt like hell.

He would have to call the coast guard or listen to the weather report

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later and see what was coming. If it was real bad he would want to spend
the night on the ocean with his boat so it didn’t get banged up at the dock.
A less serious storm would be bad but it may not mean he had to go onto
shore. He was broke enough to want to work through it.

Hokuikekai gnashed his teeth as he hit a little unexpected bump that

nearly sent him to his knees. He steered right and his boat tried to go left.
His faithful dog, a mutt of the highest back alley quality breeding, lay
down so he would not lose his balance and fall over. Dog had more brains
than the tourists.

“Sorry Rumrunner,” Hokuikekai muttered, looking down at his rather

fat dog kneeling on the deck. “Couldn’t help it. Was a baby rogue wave

He held the wheel straight locking it between his hands. Rumrunner

was his only companion today. He couldn’t afford help or he would have
hired a man or two and although he knew it was dangerous to fish alone he
couldn’t change things now. His body was young enough he could take a
few risks now and again. It didn’t really matter if he was lost at sea since
only his mother would miss him and the money he gave her every month
to help her with her rent. Since his father died, his mom didn’t have
enough income to make all her bills.

She relied on him to make ends meet, but this might be the first time

he had to skip a payment and it broke his heart to think he would have to
do that.

“Some days it doesn’t pay to be a fisherman,” he muttered. A seagull

barked back a response as it flew low over the boat in hopes of receiving a
free meal. The birds often followed his boat from the islands to the sea and
as he processed the bait or the live fish, they would dive and swoop for the
remains tossed overboard. He waved to his loyal companions. “There’s
nothing for you today and maybe not even later.”

It had provided a good income for his family over the years. When his

father retired he left the boat to Hokuikekai because none of his other sons
showed any interest in fishing. They all made their own way in the world
in other ways, most of them catering to the tourists on the island

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The methods he used had not changed for centuries. When his father

was a young boy his family used canoes, but Hokuikekai used the same
nets. The ‘upena paloa net was hand made by his family and was very
long. Once his grandmother had measured it for fun at eight hundred and
fifty feet long. It was used in fairly deep water, well away from the reefs,
where it would get caught or torn. The bottom was laced with a heavy
thick rope to make it sink all the way down and the top was threaded with
wooden floats and coconuts so he could retrieve it easily. The only
difference between the centuries was that he now had a winch to help him
reel in the nets and most of the hard work was done by a machine.

He got to the place where his boat faced the northern tip of the Big

Island and he put his main engine into a gear so slow it was near idling
and then he began the dull and repetitive routine of putting out the nets.
Hokuikekai was never one to shy from physical labor and fishing could be
rewarding but it was always work.

He laid out the nets and slowly circled the boat closing the gaps

between the nets and capturing any fish inside of it. Then he pulled in a
rope at the bottom which closed off escape from any fish inside. It was a
tedious process but it worked for generations.

If only it could work one more time.
He set the smaller engine in reverse to pull the nets back up. He

watched as the net reeled back in on the giant spool at the top of his boat.
He didn’t expect to see a lot at the top of the net, most fish were smart
enough to feel the net pull upward and made a beeline for the bottom and
what they hoped was freedom.

An octopus was caught in the net and a few little silver things too

small for the net, escaping as he pulled the netting back onto his boat.

He didn’t give up hope until he saw the bottom had a whole lot of

nothing. A few very small Mahi-mahis he would be lucky to use for
anything but bait.

These waters were either getting overfished or the fish felt the coming

storm too and were headed for the relative safety of deep waters.

Whatever the case, he was out of luck and out of time.
Hokuikekai turned on the radio and listened for the weather. His

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aching leg was right. A big storm was rolling in from the south side of the
islands but it would be a couple days before it got here. He could take a
few days off and go visit his brother on Kauaii and take shelter on the
north side of the island.

He could forget fishing for a few days and just remember why he got

in this business to start with. He loved the ocean, and his father had known
he would. It was because of a dream his father had one night. Inoa po were
the words his father dreamt and when his father woke, he woke
Hokuikekai’s mother and told her the baby’s name.

His mother had protested, but in the end, had agreed the child would

be Hokuikekai and not after an ancestor as his brother’s were and he
should have been. Hokuikekai didn’t mind because his name was
Hawaiian for star of the sea.

He loved the ocean and most of the time the sea was kind to him in


Not this time.
This time the fish were trying to outrun the storm. Empty nets would

mean empty pockets unless he found another line of work for a while.
Maybe his brother Kai had an idea or some rich haoule that would like to
be taken out on the ocean for some sports fishing. Tourists paid big money
for their entertainment.

And December was the height of tourist season on the islands.
There had to be someone wanting to rent a private boat and do more

than go on a sunset tour of the island or whale watching or whatever it is
that tourists do because he knew the one way he wasn’t going to make
money was by fishing.


Hokuikekai swept his long dark hair out of his eyes with his hand. He

felt oddly out of place in the swanky hotel. The air conditioner changed
the air inside of the hotel to be less humid and it felt oddly man-made. The
hotel was decorated in antique white and gold and the floors were done in
marble. It was luxurious and glamorous at the same time.

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Some white guy in a shirt and tie came out of nowhere and approached

him with the flat of his palm up to stop Hokuikekai. “Sir, you really
shouldn’t be here.”

Hokuikekai frowned. He hated white people sometimes. All he wanted

to do was to find his brother, but this guy made it clear with everything
from his body language to his words that he wasn’t welcome.

There were no niceties about it. No, “Can I help you sir?” The other

guy was probably security and he was followed by two more guys in ties.
Since it was obvious Hokuikekai was a native and not going to be a paying
hotel guest, their first thought was to get rid of him.

How rude. Hokuikekai felt insulted.
“Hey. I no bother you,” Hokuikekai answered with his hands up

showing he was not going to fight.

“Sir, it’s not you. It’s your dog.”The guy pointed down to Rumrunner

who looked back at the suit and faintly wagged his tail. “We don’t allow
pets here.”

“Oh,” Hokuikekai said feeling a little deflated as he looked down at

Rumrunner. Rumrunner looked happily back up at him, wagging his tail,
his tongue lolling to one side. The last thing he wanted to do was tie up his
dog. Rumrunner was like family to him and went everywhere with him.
“Sorry, I not know. I just look for my brah, Kai. He works here. You know

The man in the suit frowned but gave him a little nod. “You just go

wait outside and I’ll see if he’s working today.”

“Thanks.” Hokuikekai waved before backing out of the grand hotel.

He hoped the guy would honestly come back and talk to him and not just
leave him hanging out front. Otherwise he’d have to go back inside and
that meant getting swarmed by the suits again.


Ryan Stern was disappointed after spending two hours walking the

docks. He couldn’t find a single captain ready to set sail. No one was
willing to brave the ocean. They all said something about a storm being

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driven north of the equator by strong Kona winds. At least that is what he
could remember the dark skinned men saying. Not all of what they said
seemed to be English. It was like an odd mixture of native Hawaiian
words and just enough English thrown in to make you think you stood a
chance of understanding what was said.

He shook his head and began the long walk back to the hotel. So much

for taking a dream vacation for two. This was supposed to be his
anniversary trip for him and his long term partner, but they had split
months after he booked it, which was probably for the better. Trey was
black and beautiful. He had the body of a professional athlete and was
trying to go pro as a wrestler, but the steroids he took made him
aggressive at first and then he turned abusive in the last six months. Ryan
finally had to leave him when he realized Trey wasn’t going to give up the

In the end, Trey cared more about his career than Ryan.
So Ryan said screw it. Nothing could change the fact he fell in love

with a drug addict and he sure as hell wasn’t going to take any more of
being Trey’s personal punching bag.

The vacation was already paid for, so he took it alone, but the last

thing he felt like doing was romantic couple things and this island seemed
to be made for romance. Kauai was known as the Garden Island but others
called it the Lovers Island because there was nothing to do for singles.
Forget the fantastic views and the walks along the pristine white beaches.
It didn’t mean anything if he had no one to share them with.

He might as well focus on his career, too.
He heard a rumor that some sailors had seen a rare Crested Hairy-

Necked Dodo bird on some of the outlaying islands. However no one had
ever been able to get pictures, but if he could prove the birds existed it
could change his career. He would go from working at a no name
university to possibly winning the Noble Prize—well maybe not that far,
but this could be big for him.

However nothing was made easy. Hours on the piers meant he should

have found somebody willing to help him. Yet no one was willing to go
out. The seas looked clear, the skies were the prettiest shade of blue and

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everyone with a boat was acting like they were about to be hit by a

“There has to be someone with some guts in this sleepy little town.”

Ryan tsked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and got into his rental
car. All he wanted to do was go for a short ride on a boat. He didn’t care to
go swimming or look at seals or the stupid Fern Grotto off the Wailua
River. Sightseeing was for tourists who gave a damn. He didn’t want to go
walking barefoot on beautiful white sandy beaches. The second best thing
to do was go drinking and wash away some of his troubles.

He slammed the tiny Dodge Neon’s door shut and turned on the

ignition. The roof just barely cleared his head, but the hat caught on the
rooftop and he had to lean over the steering wheel to remove it in the tiny
cramped compartment. He was skinny, but at six and a half feet tall not
many cars fit him well, especially not a compact rental car. He should
have paid the extra fifty bucks for the next bigger model.

He reversed out of the parking space and drove back to the hotel in

defeat. At least they had a bar in the hotel he could wallow away his
problems in. It was the perfect place to get drunk because he wouldn’t
have to drink and drive. He could just walk upstairs to his hotel room.


“What’s your name?” Professor Ryan asked the cute little bartender as

he wiped the water spots from the shot glasses and returned them to their
shelves behind the teakwood bar.

“Kai,” the man responded simply.
He didn’t want to be a whiner, but he knew Kai was probably used to

lending an ear to his troubled customers. It was the life of a bartender to
make a good drink and listen to the reasons his customers were here.

“You been doing this a long time?” Ryan asked.
“Few years now. What can I get you?” Kai’s cheeks dimpled when he


“Something to get me really stone-faced drunk.” Ryan cupped his

hands over his face and let loose a sigh of frustration. I had the worst day

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“That bad? Do you want a beer?”
“No, I don’t like the taste and I don’t handle the taste of liquor too

well either. I need something else to make it go down easier and to cover
up the alcohol taste.”

“I know what I get for you. You like house special. They call it the

Singapore Sling.”

“Sounds good to me.” Ryan let out a choked laugh.
Ryan watched as he prepared the fruity concoction. It certainly looked

pretty with this orange almost red color to the liquid and he poured it in a
frosted glass. The entire thing was topped with a sprig of mint and a piece
of pineapple on the side of the tall fluted glass.

“Looks positively beautiful.” Ryan said as the bartender pushed the

drink into his outstretched hands. He dipped his mouth to the straw and
drank. “Mmm, tastes even better. Thank you.”

“So why you here so early? Most haoules don’t come here until after

they dog tired from sightseeing.”

It was early to start drinking. Ryan glanced down at his watch and saw

it wasn’t even noon yet. He shouldn’t care what anyone else thought of
him. It wasn’t like he was an alcoholic but he didn’t want the little
Hawaiian to think badly of him.

“I don’t want to go do the usual tourist stuff. I spent all morning down

at the docks trying to rent a boat and nobody has the balls to go out or they
are too busy. It’s just damn frustrating. I came all this way and it looks
like I can’t even get off this rinky-dink island. You don’t know anyone
who owns a helicopter or a boat, do you?”

Kai seemed thoughtful for a few seconds. “Yeah, brah. I got a brother

who has a big boat, but it not for sightseeing. It’s big for fishing, but he is
on big island. Only other guy I know has a hole in his boat about the size
of your head and it sitting in his backyard.”

“See my problem?” Ryan just shook his head. Flying to the mainland

would be a big pain the ass and take up valuable time. He might as well
write off this trip and finding the rare Crested Hairy-Necked Dodo bird as
‘not going to happen.’ “There isn’t a single boat on the island that I can

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seem to use and I can’t wait a week to go. My plane tickets to back home
are for Friday and if I miss this opportunity it may never happen.”

Ryan looked despondently at his drink and fingered the rim of the


“What so important you have to go now?”
“I am a college teacher of Zoology at a university in Ohio. It’s not a

great job, but I want to do more than just be a professor. I have always
wanted to get out of the classroom and go have an adventure. This was my
one chance. I found out about this rare bird that has been seen on an island
here in the Pacific but if I can’t prove it exists no one is going to believe
the Harry Crested Dodo bird is alive.”

“Not sure I understood all of that, but it sounds important to you.”
“Sorry, when I get excited I tend to babble. It is important to me. The

bird is considered extinct but if I can prove it still exists, it will make
scientific history. I just need a boat to prove it.”

Just then a guy in a black suit came up and whispered something in

Kai’s ear. Whatever it was that called Kai away must be important
because he left immediately.

As he left, Kai turned to Ryan and said, “I’ll be right back, but you

wait here. I may be able to help you.”

Ryan slurped his alcoholic beverage down until he was left with a

dizzy lightheaded feeling in the front of his head. He needed at least two
more of whatever that drink was to get him drunk enough to sleep the day
away. It was only a few minutes before Kai reappeared with another man
that looked similar to him. The Hawaiian native had similar facial
features, but his skin looked darker, made almost leather thick by the sun.
His hair was windswept and fell somewhere below his shoulders. It wasn’t
too messy but just enough that it looked uncombed. His body moved with
a sinewy strength that reminded Ryan of an animal. He was quite
attractive in a rough and tumble kind of way and the way he looked at
Ryan made him feel like the other man wanted to eat him up.

If Ryan was looking for romance at all in his life, he may have made a

pass at him, but all he cared about at the moment was getting shit-faced

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Kai spoke with a wide smile on his face. “You in luck, Professor. This

my brother and he got a boat he willing to sail wherever you want if you
willing to pay for it.”

Coming Soon from Sugar and Spice Press……

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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.


Document Outline


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