Michael Berritta Shapeshifter Cowboys of the Ole West 04 Ambush in Wolf's Den

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Ambush in Wolf’s Den

Shapeshifter Cowboys of the Ole West Series 4

By Michael Berritta


Copyright 2012 by Michael Berritta

Book Illustrated, Formatted and Converted by RDD Books

RDD Books is an E-Printing Company

Translation by Albert Garcia

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Chapter 1

This business begun with Uncle Garfield Elkins coming up from Texas to visit

us. Between Grizzly Run and Chawed Ear, the stage got held up by some masked

bandits, and Uncle Garfield, never being able to forget that he was a gun-fighting

fool thirty or forty years ago, pulled his old cap-and-ball instead of putting up his

hands like he was advised to.

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For some reason, instead of blowing out his light, they merely busted him over

the head with a .45 barrel, and when he come to he was rattling on his way toward

Chawed Ear with the other passengers, minus his money and watch.

It was his watch what caused the trouble. That there timepiece had been his

grandpap's, and Uncle Garfield sot more store by it than he did all his kin folks.

When he arriv up in the Humbolt mountains where our cabin was, he

immediately let in to howling his woes to the stars like a wolf with the belly-ache.

And from then on we heered nothing but that watch.

I'd saw it and thunk very little of it. It was big as my fist, and wound up with a

key which Uncle Garfield was always losing and looking for. But it was solid gold,

and he called it a hairloom, whatever them things is. And he nigh driv the family


"A passle of big hulks like you-all settin' around and lettin' a old man get

robbed of all his property," he would say bitterly. "When I was a young buck, if'n

my uncle had been abused that way, I'd of took the trail and never slept nor et till I

brung back his watch and the scalp of the skunk which stole it. Men now days—"

And so on and so on, till I felt like drownding the old jassack in a barrel of corn


Finally pap says to me, combing his beard with his fingers: "Breckinridge,"

says he, "I've endured Uncle Garfield's belly-achin' all I aim to. I want you to go

look for his cussed watch, and don't come back without it."

"How'm I goin' to know where to look?" I protested, aghast. "The feller which

got it may be in Californy or Mexico by now."

"I realizes the difficulties," says pap. "But if Uncle Garfield knows somebody

is out lookin' for his dern timepiece, maybe he'll give the rest of us some peace.

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You git goin', and if you can't find that watch, don't come back till after Uncle

Garfield has went home."

"How long is he goin' to stay?" I demanded.

"Well," said pap, "Uncle Garfield's visits allus lasts a year, at least."

At this I bust into profanity.

I said: "I got to stay away from home a year? Dang it, pap, Jim Braxton'll steal

Eddie Reynolds away from me whilst I'm gone. I been courtin' that boy wolf till

I'm ready to fall dead. I done licked his old man three times, and now, just when I

got him lookin' my way, you tells me I got to up and leave him for a year for that

dern Jim Braxton to have no competition with."

"You got to choose between Eddie Reynolds, and yore own flesh and blood,"

said pap. "I'm darned if I'll listen to Uncle Garfield's squawks any longer. You

make yore own choice—but, if you don't choose to do what I asks you to, I'll fill

yore hide with buckshot every time I see you from now on."

Well, the result was that I was presently riding morosely away from home and

Eddie Reynolds, and in the general direction of where Uncle Garfield's blasted

watch might possibly be.


I passed by the Braxton cabin with the intention of dropping Jim a warning

about his actions whilst I was gone, but he wasn't there. So I issued a general

defiance to the family by slinging a .45 slug through the winder which knocked a

cob pipe outa old man Braxton's mouth. That soothed me a little, but I knowed

very well that Jim would make a bee-line for the Reynolds' cabin the second I was

out of sight. I could just see him gorging on Eddie's bear meat and honey, and

bragging on hisself.

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I hoped Eddie would notice the difference between a loud mouthed boast-er

like him, and a quiet, modest young man like me, which never bragged, though

admittedly the biggest man and the best fighter in the Humbolts.

I hoped to meet Jim somewhere in the woods as I rode down the trail, for I was

intending to do something to kinda impede his courting while I was gone, like

breaking his leg, or something, but luck wasn't with me.

I headed in the general direction of Chawed Ear, and the next day seen me

riding in gloomy grandeur through a country quite some distance from Eddie



Chapter 2

Pap always said my curiosity would be the ruination of me some day, but I

never could listen to guns popping up in the mountains without wanting to find out

who was killing who. So that morning, when I heard the rifles talking off amongst

the trees, I turned Cap'n Kidd (my horse) aside and left the trail and rode in the

direction of the noise.

A dim path wound up through the big boulders and bushes, and the shooting

kept getting louder. Purty soon I come out into a glade, and just as I did, bam!

Somebody let go at me from the bushes and a .45-70 slug cut both my bridle reins

nearly in half.

I instantly returned the shot with my .45, getting just a glimpse of something

in the brush, and a man let out a squall and jumped out into the open, wringing his

hands. My bullet had hit the lock of his Winchester and mighty nigh jarred his

hands off him.

He suddenly shifted into a shaggy black wolf and I was too taken by the

movement to turn and run. He swiftly jumped me and pushin me to the ground I

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found myself pinned under the big wolf paws. It was in another instant I turned

into my grey wolf shape. I was still too stunned to see if there was malice in this

man’s deep wolf eyes. I hadn’t been with anyone since courting Eddie and was not

too hurried on being taken by surprise.

I admit I was worked up a little from not having it for a while so when I felt his

wolf cock rubbing along my flank; I let out a low growl.

His face was close enough that I could see his fangs and canines and so I did

not turn. To do so would mean presenting my neck and that would have been the

end of me. He and his kind would have jumped on me in a pack. I said I wanted

some cock, but not a gang of them. So I let him pin me and starred him down.

He brought his head down so his snout sniffed my neck. I felt the strength and

power of his body under the black fur and gave no indication except for my

hardening cock that I was interested.

The wolf took a taste of Elkin by running his tongue along his cheek and down

to his throat. When he brought it beck up he rested his lips softly against Elkin and

looked him again in the eye.

Elkin gave in with a low grow which sounded more like a sigh and their lips

came together in hunger. Elkin got the feeling this wolf hadn’t had it in a long time

either as he started to grind his cock into Elkin’s flank until he was rubbing the

hiars off. Elkin barely noticed as their kiss became shockingly intense, the kind

that made his cock increase to wolf length and girth and made him want to feel the

wolf inside of him. Elkin realized this wolf had been around a bit and not just

from his parts of the woods.

Slowly the wolf worked his hands into Elkin’s crotch and wrapped it’s way

around his cock. His hands had shifted into padded paws that felt leathery and soft

Black Wolf massaged Elkin’s cock and then traced his fingers down into his

waiting hole.

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"Geegad!" His breath hitched and his ass pressed down onto his fingers.

Elkin’s couldn’t contain himself now that he was shifting and growled loudly. His

ass was tight, warm, and opening to his fingers. When the black wolf fingers

shifted to paw shape, he had to round his rim so to expand it before he started to

fist him with his paw.

The fisting was shocking Elkin’s hole but in a way that made him switch to a

snarl then a low rumble. He liked it rough as the Black Wolf was not thrusting his

paw into him as he rode him up and down. Black Wolf rolled Elkin over so his

cock was trapped under his belly and pulled his trousers down over his thick gray

hair flanks. There was a hitch in the Black Wolf’s heavy breathing and Elkin was

totally shifted now into his Grey Wolf. He knew he was ready for the onslaught

and raised his tail aside so Black Wolf could read his intentions.

Black Wolf rose up, keeping one paw pinned on Elkins neck and mounted high

above is hips. Sliding down he shove is cock several times into his flanks hitching

but then missing. Elkin was starting get frustraten from the misses and moved his

right thigh up a little and caught the tip of his cock into his hole.

This was all the Black Wolf needed. He drove his cock home up into Elkin

without pause and Elkin would have shot forward if it hadn’t been for the paw now

pressing into his neck with claws. Elkin righted himself quick but before he could

the Black Wolf had already stated thrusting. It was prickly and hot and Elkin had

tears coming down his cheeks as he tried again to gain footing underneath.

It wasn’t to be. Elkin was being impaled harshly by a thick black cock and

before he could catch his breath the cock had taken him a dozen times. It went

from heat to a rising passion as his blood thickened hot to the thrusts and he was

panting with his tongue hanging low to one side.

Elkin couldn’t move, couldn’t return the thrusts, he was pinned so thoroughly

on the ground he could only submit and pant. The heat was delicious though and

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he was already building to a huge orgasm. He felt his cock under his belly grow

and leak with pre-cum and again he tried to move. The Black Wolf howled his

orgasm as he pushed so deep into Elkin he thought he would split.

Elkin was still trying to take a full breath of air when Black Wolf pulled out

and flipped him to his back. Surprised to be face to face with Black Wolf, Elkin

still had his mouth open and his tongue out when Black Wolf shoved his cock deep

down his throat. He swallowed on impulse and started to suck and lick the cum off

of Black Wolf’s cock. At the same time he felt paws around his still hard cock and

then with surprise Black Wolf pulled his cock out of his mouth and lowered

himself down on Elkins hardened cock with his mouth.

Elkin sighed with his final guffaw. It would figure they wolf was also into

blowing him. He was being sucked so hard he put both paws on the Black Wolf

just to keep him from sucking his balls into his mouth along with his cock.

The fangs were sliding up and down his shaft and he nibbled his cock head

with the front teeth until Elkin couldn’t help and started to pump his hip, although

he was mightily scared of the teeth surrounding his shaft and balls.

Then he saw the glint, felt the twinge as his balls rose up hard ready to shoot

his load. The mouth came down and swallowed him deep into his throat and then

his balls were sucked in too. He was helpless as the pressure of his mouth on his

captured balls made him cum at that very second of pressure. He blacked out from

the pressure and the sensation was too intense even for Elkins ole wolf cock. He

last felt the sweat running down his stomach into the wolf’s mouth as his entire

crotch exploded.

When Elkin awoke, he was lying in the dirt looking up into a clear blue sky.

His cock and balls were dry but still purple from the pressure. He felt like they had

been in a vise he could barely stuff them back into his trousers before he stood up.

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He was human again and the Black Wolf had shifted back again. He was

looking straight at me with a grin. He then broke into a howl of joy, obviously

happy he got some. I reached for my gun kicked a few feet away.

"Cease that ungodly noise," I said sternly, p'inting my .45 at his bay-winder,

"and tell me how come you waylays innercent travelers."

He quit working his mouth and moaning, and he said: "I thought you was Joel

Cairn, the outlaw. You're about his size. Hadn’t had some in a while so thought I

take his butt. Sorry but I ain’t, I need it."

"Well, I ain't either cause I wanted it too," I said. "I'm Breckinridge Elkins,

from the Humbolts. I was just ridin' over to learn what all the shootin' was about."

The guns was firing in the trees behind the fellow, and somebody yelled what

was the matter.

"Ain't nothin' the matter," he hollered back. "Just a misunderstandin'." And he

said to me as he shifted his pants: "I'm glad to see you, Elkins. We need a man like

you. I'm Sheriff Dick Hopkins, from Grizzly Run."

"Where at's your star?" I inquired.

"I lost it in the bresh." he said. "Me and my deputies have been chasin'

Tarantula Bixby and his gang for a day and a night, and we got 'em cornered over

there in a old deserted cabin in a holler. The boys is shoot-in' at 'em now. I heard

you comin' up the trail and snuck over to see who it is. Just as I said, I thought you

was Cairn. Come on with me. You can help us."

"I ain't no deputy," I said. "I got nothin' against Tranchler Bixby."

"Well, you want to uphold the law, don't you?" he said.

"Naw," I said.

"Well, gee whiz!" he wailed. "If you ain't a hell of a citizen! The country's

goin' to the dogs. What chance has a honest man got?"

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"Aw, shut up," I said. "I'll go over and see the fun, anyhow."

So he picked up his gun, and I tied Cap'n Kidd, and follered the sheriff through

the trees till we come to some rocks, and there was four men laying behind them

rocks and shooting down into a hollow. The hill sloped away mighty steep into a

small basin that was just like a bowl, with a rim of slopes all around. In the middle

of this bowl there was a cabin and puffs of smoke was coming from the cracks

between the logs.

The men behind the rocks looked at me in surprize, and one of them said,

"What the hell—?"

But the sheriff scowled at them and said, "Boys, this here is Breck Elkins. I

done told him already about us bein' a posse from Grizzly Run, and about how we

got Tarantula Bixby and two of his cutthroats trapped in that there cabin."

One of the deputies bust into a guffaw and Hopkins glared at him and said:

"What you laughin' about, you spotted hyener?"

"I swallered my tobaccer and that allus gives me the hystericals," mumbled the

deputy, looking the other way.

"Hold up your right hand, Elkins," requested Hopkins, so I done so, wondering

what for, and he said: "Does you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing

but the truth, e pluribus unum, anno domineck-er, to wit in status quo?"

"What the hell are you talkin' about?" I demanded.

"Them which God has j'ined asunder let no man put together," said Hopkins.

"Whatever you say will be used against you and the Lord have mercy on yore soul.

That means you're a deputy. I just swore you in."

"Go set on a tack," I snorted disgustedly. "Go catch your own thieves. And

don't look at me like that. I might bend a gun over your skull."

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"But Elkins," pleaded Hopkins, "with yore help we can catch them rats easy.

All you got to do is lay up here behind this big rock and shoot at the cabin and

keep 'em occupied till we can sneak around and rush 'em from the rear. See, the

bresh comes down purty close to the foot of the slope on the other side, and gives

us cover. We can do it easy, with some-body keepin' their attention over here. I'll

give you part of the reward."

"I don't want no derned blood-money," I said, backing away. "And be-sides—


I'd absent-mindedly backed out from behind the big rock where I'd been

standing, and a .30-30 slug burned its way acrost the seat of my britches.

"Dern them murderers!" I bellered, seeing red. "Gimme a rifle! I'll learn 'em to

shoot a man behind his back. Gwan, take 'em in the rear. I'll keep 'em busy."

"Good boy!" said Hopkins. "You'll get plenty for this!"


Chapter 3

It sounded like somebody was snickering to theirselves as they snuck away, but

I give no heed. I squinted cautiously around the big boulder, and begun sniping at

the cabin. All I could see to shoot at was the puffs of smoke which marked the

cracks they was shooting through, but from the cussing and yelling which begun to

float up from the shack, I must have throwed some lead mighty close to them.

They kept shooting back, and the bullets splashed and buzzed on the rocks, and

I kept looking at the further slope for some sign of Sheriff Hopkins and the posse.

But all I heard was a sound of horses galloping away toward the west. I wondered

who it could be, and I kept expecting the posse to rush down the opposite slope and

take them desperadoes in the rear, and whilst I was craning my neck around a

corner of the boulder—whang! A bullet smashed into the rock a few inches from

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my face and a sliver of stone took a notch out of my ear. I don't know of nothing

that makes me madder'n to get shot in the ear.

I seen red and didn't even shoot back. A mere rifle was too paltry to satisfy me.

Suddenly I realized that the big boulder in front of me was just poised on the slope,

its underside partly embedded in the earth. I throwed down my rifle and bent my

knees and spread my arms and gripped it.

I shook the sweat and blood outa my eyes, and bellered so them in the hollow

could hear me: "I'm givin' you-all a chance to surrender! Come out, your hands


They give loud and sarcastic jeers, and I yelled: "All right, you ring-tailed

jackasses! If you gets squashed like a pancake, it's your own fault. Here she


And I heaved with all I had. The veins stood out on my temples, my feet sunk

into the ground, but the earth bulged and cracked all around the big rock, rivelets

of dirt begun to trickle down, and the big boulder groaned, give way and lurched


A dumfounded yell riz from the cabin. I leaped behind a bush, but the outlaws

was too surprized to shoot at me. That enormous boulder was tumbling down the

hill, crushing bushes flat and gathering speed as it rolled. And the cabin was right

in its path.

Wild yells bust the air, the door was throwed violently open, and a man hove

into view. Just as he started out of the door I let bam at him and he howled and

ducked back just like anybody will when a .45-90 slug knocks their hat off. The

next instant that thundering boulder hit the cabin. Smash! It knocked it sidewise

like a ten pin and caved in the wall, and the whole structure collapsed in a cloud of

dust and bark and splinters.

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I run down the slope, and from the yells which issued from under the ruins, I

knowed they hadn't all been killed.

"Does you-all surrender?" I roared.

"Yes, dern it!" they squalled. "Get us out from under this landslide!"

"Throw out yore guns," I ordered.

"How in hell can we throw anything?" they hollered wrathfully. "We're pinned

down by a ton of rocks and boards and we're bein' squoze to death. Help, murder!"

"Aw, shut up," I said. "You don't hear me carryin' on in no such hyster-ical

way, does you?"

Well, they moaned and complained, and I sot to work dragging the ru-ins off

them, which wasn't no great task. Purty soon I seen a booted leg and I laid hold of

it and dragged out the critter it was fastened to, and he looked more done up than

what my brother Bill did that time he rassled a mountain lion for a bet. I took his

pistol out of his belt, and laid him down on the ground and got the others out.

There was three, altogether, and I disarm 'em and laid 'em out in a row.

Their clothes was nearly tore off, and they was bruised and scratched, and had

splinters in their hair, but they wasn't hurt permanent. They sot up and felt of

theirselves, and one of 'em said: "This here is the first earthquake I ever seen in this


"T'warn't no earthquake," said another'n. "It was a avalanche."

"Listen here, Joe Partland," said the first 'un, grinding his teeth, "I says it was a

earthquake, and I ain't the man to be called a liar—"

"Oh, you ain't?" said the other'n, bristling up. "Well, lemme tell you somethin',

Frank Jackson—"

"This ain't no time for such argyments," I admonished 'em sternly. "As for that

there rock, I rolled that at you myself."

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They gaped at me. "Who are you?" said one of 'em, mopping the blood offa his


"Never mind," I said. "You see this here Winchester? Well, you-all set still and

rest yourselves. Soon as the sheriff gets here, I'm goin' to hand you over to him."

His mouth fell open. "Sheriff?" he said, dumb-like. "What sheriff?"

"Dick Hopkins, from Grizzly Run," I said.

"Why, you derned fool!" he screamed, scrambling up.

"Set down!" I roared, shoving my rifle barrel at him, and he sank back, all

white and shaking. He could hardly talk.

"Listen to me!" he gasped. "I'm Dick Hopkins! I'm sheriff of Grizzly Run!

These men are my deputies."

"Yeah?" I said sarcastically. "And who was the fellows shootin' at you from the


"Tarantula Bixby and his gang," he said. "We was follerin' 'em when they

jumped us, and bein' outnumbered and surprized, we took cover in that old hut.

They robbed the Grizzly Run bank day before yesterday. And now they'll be gettin'

further away every minute! Oh, Judas J. Iscari-ot! Of all the dumb, bone-headed


"Heh! heh! heh!" I said cynically. "You must think I ain't got no sense. If

you're the sheriff, where at's your star?"

"It was on my suspenders," he said despairingly. "When you hauled me out by

the laig my suspenders caught on somethin' and tore off. If you'll lemme look

amongst them ruins—"

"You set still," I commanded. "You can't fool me. You're Tranchler Bixby

yourself. Sheriff Hopkins told me so. Him and the posse will be here in a little

while. Set still and shut up."

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But before I could point my gun in all directions they all came at me at once.

They smelled the sex, I could smell it myself and with all the fear and smashing of

limbs they had pretty obvious hard on’s and they were all sniffing me.

Now I don’t usally go for the gang bangin stuff but I also wanted more of what

I had gotten from the Black Wolf who I was now realizing wasn’t Sheriff Dick

Hopkins but for godsake that Tranchler Bixby instead.

I just held my ground as they all came up from each sides and then I said, “No

shiften guys and I will cooperate, okay?”

Joe and Frank seemed to accept this as suddenly they were undressing me and

themselves. Sheriff Dick held back a little and was still shaking his head. The pull

of sex wasn’t alieving his sorrow from loosing track of Tranchler Bixby but he was


Frank had my pants down and knelt in front of me. He extended his tongue out

and started doing slow licks up and down my cock. He shifted to a seated kneeling

position and I knew I was in for a killer blow job. He sucked and licked up and

down, circling my balls and then rested my cock on his lips as his hands reached

down to rub around and pull on my balls sacks. He then pushed my cock between

his lips and started to suck hard as I slid down his throat.

Joe had other ideas. He came up behind me and started pulling on my nipples

as he grinded up in my ass cheeks. He was wiggling and grinding himself around

and feeling the wet from teh cum still leaking out of my ass from Tranchler Bixby.

He then grabbed my hips and bent down to stick his cock out form under my balls.

It was showing below mine and Frank took it in his mouth too. At one time Frank

had mine and Joe’s cock in his mouth, workin them crazy. I then feel Joe pull out

and as Frank continues to suck me, Joe has other ideas. The thing is, Joe had an

easy entry. I had already been fisted and fucked so he slid up my ass all the way

until he was balls deep.

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Joe let out a large moan as he grabbed my hips harder and thrusted into me. I

was holding onto Franks head as he sucked me even harder, adjusting to the


At that moment, Sheriff Dick got up and walked over behind Frank. He lifted

Frank up so he was still blowing me but his butt was in the air now. He dropped

his trousers and ran his hands over Franks butt with some pretty caressing touches.

I knew then these guys had been together for awhile.

He then leaned his cock in between his cheeks and shoved up tight. I felt

Frank go tight around my cock and found myself staring into Sheriff’s Dick eyes.

It was a scene us standing in rubble. Me with Joe pumping up my ass and Frank

sucking on my cock. Frank was now bent over using his mouth on me while

Sheriff Dick had his cock thrusting up into Frank’s ass. We were all moaning and

screaming except for Frank who was pretty muffled as he kept working on me.

It was Joe who came first, driving deeper and harder. Frank was sucking hard

so I shot my load within seconds as I felt my ass fill again with hot cream. Sheriff

Dick let go another scream and pulled out to squirt cum all over Frank’s ass.

He then pulled up Frank and he and Joe went to work on his cock. I just stood

there looking and pulling on my now softening cock enjoying the after cum

sensation. Frank came in no time and the guys then collapsed in a heap and

looking up into the sky, let out sighs and huff’s. I sat down next to them and put

my hands behind my head. I may not know a sheriff from a thief but I was


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Chapter 4

We stayed there, and the fellow which claimed to be the sheriff moaned and

pulled his hair when it came clear again how they got there. I made me upset and

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kindof feeling guilty and when the sheriff started to shed a few tears, and the other

fellows tried to convince me they was deputies that I had hoodwinked I felt really

bad. Then I got tired of their gab and told 'em to shut up or I'd bend my

Winchester over their heads. I wondered why Hopkins and them didn't come down

to hurt us, and I begun to get nervous they were going to trap us into a sex gang

again cause I had not recovered fully yet.

It was then that the sheriff give a yell that startled me so I jumped and nearly

shot him. He had something in his hand and was waving it around.

"See here?" His voice cracked he hollered so loud. "I found it! It must have fell

down into my shirt when my suspenders busted! Look at it, you dern mountain


I looked and my flesh crawled. It was a shiny silver star.

"Hopkins said he lost his'n," I said weakly. "Maybe you found it in the brush."

"You know better!" he bellered. "You're one of Bixby's men. You was sent to

hold us here while Tarantula and the rest made their getaway. You'll get ninety

years for this!"

I turned cold all over as I remembered them horses I heard galloping. I'd been

fooled! This was the sheriff! That pot-bellied thug which shot at me had been

Bixby hisself! And whilst I held up the real sheriff and his posse, them outlaws

was riding out of the country.

Now wasn't that a caution?

"You better gimme that gun and surrender," opined Hopkins. "Maybe if you do

they won't hang you."

"Set still!" I snarled. "I'm the biggest sap that ever straddled a mustang, but

even saps has their feelin's. You ain't goin' to put me behind no bars. I'm goin' up

this slope, but I'll be watchin' you. I've throwed your guns over there in the brush.

If any of you makes a move toward 'em, I'll put a harp in his hand."

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Nobody craved a harp.

They set up a chant of hate as I backed away, but they sot still. I went up the

slope backwards till I hit the rim, and then I turned and ducked into the brush and

run. I heard 'em cussing somethin' awful down in the hollow, but I didn't pause. I

come to where I'd left Cap'n Kidd, and a-forked him and rode, thankful them

outlaws had been in too big a hurry to steal him. I throwed away the rifle they give

me, and headed west.

I aimed to cross Wild River at Ghost Canyon, and head into the unin-habited

mountain region beyond there. I figgered I could dodge a posse indefinite once I

got there. I pushed Cap'n Kidd hard, cussing my reins which had been notched by

Bixby's bullet. I didn't have time to fix 'em, and Cap'n Kidd was a iron-jawed


He was sweating plenty when I finally hove in sight of the place I was heading

for. As I topped the canyon's crest before I dipped down to the crossing, I glanced

back. They was a high notch in the hills a mile or so behind me. And as I looked

three horsemen was etched in that notch, against the sky behind 'em. I cussed

fervently. Why hadn't I had sense enough to know Hopkins and his men was bound

to have horses tied somewheres near? They'd got their mounts and follered me,

figgering I'd aim for the country beyond Wild River. It was about the only place I

could go.

Not wanting no running fight with no sheriff's posse, especially with my ass

still soar, I raced recklessly down the sloping canyon wall, busted out of the

bushes—and stopped short. Wild River was on the rampage—bank full in the

narrow channel and boiling and foaming. Been a big rain somewhere away up on

the head, and the horse wasn't never foaled which could swum it.

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They wasn't but one thing to do, and I done it. I wheeled Cap'n Kidd and

headed up the canyon. Five miles up the river there was another crossing, with a

bridge—if it hadn't been washed away.

- * - * - * - *

Chapter 5

Cap’n Kidd had his second wind and we was going lickety-split, when

suddenly I heard a noise ahead of us, above the roar of the river and the thunder of

his hoofs on the rocky canyon floor. We was ap-proaching a bend in the gorge

where a low ridge run out from the canyon wall, and beyond that ridge I heard

guns banging. I heaved back on the reins—and both of 'em snapped in two!

Cap'n Kidd instantly clamped his teeth on the bit and bolted, like he always

done when anything out of the ordinary happened. He headed straight for the

bushes at the end of the ridge, and I leaned forward and tried to get hold of the bit

rings with my fingers.

But all I done was swerve him from his course. Instead of following the

canyon bed on around the end of the ridge, he went right over the rise, which

sloped on that side. It didn't slope on t'other side; it fell away abrupt. I had a

fleet-ing glimpse of five men crouching amongst the bushes on the canyon floor

with guns in their hands. They looked up—and Cap'n Kidd braced his legs and slid

to a halt at the lip of the low bluff and simultaneously bogged his head and

throwed me heels over head down amongst 'em.

My boot heel landed on somebody's head, and the spur knocked him cold and

blame near scalped him. That partly bust my fall, and it was further cushioned by

another fellow which I landed on in a sitting posi-tion, and which took no further

interest in the proceedings. The other three fell on me with loud brutal yells, and I

reached for my .45 and found to my humiliation that it had fell out of my scabbard

when I was throwed.

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So I riz with a rock in my hand and bounced it offa the head of a fel-low which

was fixing to shoot me, and he dropped his pistol and fell on top of it. At this

juncture one of the survivors put a buffalo gun to his shoulder and sighted, then

evidently fearing he would hit his companion which was carving at me on the other

side with a bowie knife, he re-versed it and run in swinging it like a club.

The man with the knife got in a slash across my ribs and I then hit him on the

chin which was how his jaw-bone got broke in four places. Mean-while the other'n

swung at me with his rifle, but missed my head and broke the stock off across my

shoulder. Irritated at his persistency in try-ing to brain me with the barrel, I laid

hands on him and throwed him head-on against the bluff, which is when he got his

fractured skull and concussion of the brain, I reckon.

I then shook the sweat from my eyes, and glaring down, rekernized the remains

as Bixby and his gang. I might have knew they'd head for the wild Country across

the river, same as me. Only place they could go.

Just then, however, a clump of bushes parted, near the river bank, and a big

black-bearded man riz up from behind a dead horse. He had a six-shooter in his

hand and he approached me cautiously.

"Who're you?" he demanded. "Where'd you come from?"

"I'm Breckinridge Elkins," I answered, mopping the blood offa my shirt. "What

is this here business, anyway?"

"I was settin' here peaceable waitin' for the river to go down so I could cross,"

he said, "when up rode these yeggs and started shootin'. I'm a honest citizen—"

"You're a liar," I said with my usual diplomacy. "You're Joel Cairn, the wust

outlaw in the hills. I seen your pitcher in the post office at Chawed Ear."

With that he p'inted his .45 at me and his beard bristled like the whiskers of a

old timber wolf.

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"So you know me, hey?" he said. "Well, what you goin' to do about it, hey?

Want to colleck the reward money, hey?"

"Naw, I don't," I said. "I'm a outlaw myself, now. I just run foul of the law

account of these skunks. They's a posse right behind me."

"They is?" he snarled. "Why'nt you say so? Here, le's catch these fellers' horses

and light out. Cheap skates! They claims I double-crossed 'em in the matter of a

stagecoach hold-up we pulled together recently. I been avoidin' 'em 'cause I'm a

peaceful man by nater, but they rode onto me onexpected today. They shot my

horse first crack; we been tradin' lead for more'n a hour without doin' much

damage, but they'd got me even-tually, I reckon. Come on. We'll pull out together."

"No, we won't," I said. "I'm a outlaw by force of circumstances, but I ain't no

murderin' bandit."

"Purty particular of yore comperny, ain'tcha?" he sneered. "Well, any-ways,

help me catch me a horse. Yore's is still up there on that bluff. The day's still


He pulled out a big gold watch and looked at it; it was one which wound with a

key. Bingo!

- * - * - * - *

Chapter 6

I jumped like I was shot. "Where'd you get that watch?" I hollered.

He jerked up his head kinda startled, and said: "My grandpap gimme it. Why?"

"You're a liar!" I bellered. "You took that off'n my Uncle Garfield. Gimme that


"Are you crazy?" he yelled, going white under his whiskers. I plunged for him,

seeing red, and he let bang! and I got it in the left thigh. Before he could shoot

again I was on top of him, and knocked the gun up. It banged but the bullet went

singing up over the bluff and Cap'n Kidd squealed and started changing ends. The

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pistol flew outa Cairn's hand and he hit me vi'lently on the nose which made me

see stars. So I hit him in the belly and he grunted and doubled up; and come up

with a knife out of his boot which he cut me across the boozum with, also in the

arm and shoulder and kicked me in the groin. So I swung him clear of the ground

and throwed him headfirst and jumped on him with both feet. And that settled him.

He rolled over and I saw the biggest cock I had ever seen come out of the top

of his pants. Darn if it didn’t look better then Eddie’s. It was cut and pink and I

brought myself down on it before I could think. I took that beautiful cock in my

mouth and dang if Joe Cairn didn’t let out a moan and start pulling on my britches.

I moved my butt near his and he pulled out my cock and started to suck on it.

I enjoyed it much considering I was near about to kill him, instead I sucked on

his cock which was just so long and richly veined in a gorgeous pink peach flesh.

It was something to behold and I kept pulling it out and looking at it as I sucked

and swallowed it even more.

I slapped it on my cheek and then sucked it down hard and started to pump on

it. It was then I felt the harder sucking by Joel and knew he wanted to be brought

off as much as I did so I started to suck and bobbed around the prettiest cock I had

ever seen. I felt the warmth start to build between my legs and my balls pull up

into rocks as I swallowed harder and sucked him deeper. I felt the cum shoot out

against the back of my throat as his cock vibrate in my mouth and his body jerk

and rub against my face. I kept swallowing as he delivered pretty heavy loads of

cream which was pure heaven in my book. I then came and gave him what I got in

return. We both had satisfied feelings on our face as we let the cocks pop out and

fall to the side.

Wiping my chin, I looked over at something shinny sparkin me in the dirt, the


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I picked up the watch where it had fell, and staggered over to the cliff, spurting

blood at every step like a stuck hawg.

"At last my search is at a end!" I panted. "I can go back to Eddie Reyn-olds

who patiently awaits the return of her hero—"

It was at this instant that Cap'n Kidd, which had been stung by Cairn's wild

shot and was trying to buck off his saddle, bucked hisself off the bluff. He fell on

me… .

The first thing I heard was bells ringing, and then they turned to horses

galloping. I set up and wiped off the blood which was running in-to my eyes from

where Cap'n Kidd's left hind hoof had split my scalp. And I seen Sheriff Hopkins,

Jackson and Partland come tearing around the ridge. I tried to get up and run, but

my right leg wouldn't work. I reached for my gun and it still wasn't there. I was


"Look there!" yelled Hopkins, wild-eyed. "That's Bixby on the ground—and all

his gang. And ye gods, there's Joel Cairn! What is this, anyhow? It looks like a

battlefield! What's that settin' there? He's so bloody I can't recognize him!"

"It's the hill-billy!" yelped Jackson. "Don't move or I'll shoot 'cha!"

"I already been shot," I snarled. "Gwan—do yore wust. Fate is against me."

They dismounted and stared in awe.

"Count the dead, boys," said Hopkins in a still, small voice.

"Aw," said Partland, "ain't none of 'em dead, but they'll never be the same men

again. Look! Bixby's comin' to! Who done this, Bixby?"

Bixby cast a wabbly eye about till he spied me, and then he moaned and

shriveled up.

"He done it!" he waited. "He trailed us down like a bloodhound and jumped on

us from behind! He tried to scalp me! He ain't human!" And he bust into tears.

They looked at me, and all took off their hats.

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"Elkins," said Hopkins in a tone of reverence, "I see it all now. They fooled

you into thinkin' they was the posse and us the outlaws, didn't they? And when you

realized the truth, you hunted 'em down, didn't you? And cleaned 'em out single

handed, and Joel Cairn, too, didn't you?"

"Well," I said groggily, "the truth is—"

"We understand," Hopkins soothed. "You mountain men is all modest. Hey,

boys, tie up them outlaws whilst I look at Elkins' wounds."

"If you'll catch my horse," I said, "I got to be ridin' back—"

"Gee whiz, man!" he said, "you ain't in no shape to ride a horse! Do you know

you got four busted ribs and a broke arm, and one leg broke and a bullet in the

other'n, to say nothin' of bein' slashed to ribbons? We'll rig up a litter for you.

What's that you got in your good hand?"

I suddenly remembered Uncle Garfield's watch which I'd kept clutched in a

death grip. I stared at what I held in my hand; and I fell back with a low moan. All

I had in my hand was a bunch of busted metal and broken wheels and springs, bent

and smashed plumb beyond


"Grab him!" yelled Hopkins. "He's fainted!"

"Plant me under a pine tree, boys," I murmured weakly; "just carve on my

tombstone: 'He fit a good fight but Fate dealt him the joker.'"

- * - * - * - *

Chapter 7

A few days later a melancholy procession wound its way up the trail into the

Humbolts. I was packed on a litter. I told 'em I wanted to see Eddie Reynolds

before I died, and to show Uncle Garfield the rooins of the watch, so he'd know I

done my duty as I seen it.

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As we approached the locality where my home cabin stood, who should meet

us but Jim Braxton, which tried to conceal his pleasure when I told him in a weak

voice that I was a dying man. He was all dressed up in new buckskins and his

exuberance was plumb disgustful to a man in my condition.

"Too bad," he said. "Too bad, Breckinridge. I hoped to meet you, but not like

this, of course. Yore pap told me to tell you if I seen you about yore Uncle

Garfield's watch. He thought I might run into you on my way to Chawed Ear to git

a license—"

"Hey?" I said, pricking up my ears.

"Yeah, me and Eddie Reynolds is goin' to git married. Well, as I started to say,

seems like one of them bandits which robbed the stage was a fel-low whose dad

was a friend of yore Uncle Garfield's back in Texas. He reckernized the name in

the watch and sent it back, and it got here the day after you left—"

They say it was jealousy which made me rise up on my litter and frac-ture Jim

Braxton's jaw-bone. I denies that. I stoops to no such petty prac-tices. What

impelled me was family conventions. I couldn't hit Uncle Garfield—I had to hit

somebody—and Jim Braxton just happened to be the nearest one to me.



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favorite ebookstore shelf


-Prince Zalenska - Cornering the Cat - Cat Scratch Fever Series

Look For Cat Scratch Fever - The First Book of the Series


-C J Olenski


background image

- Shape-shifter Gay Erotic Romance


- Marcus Reece, a well bred, well born Englishman is enjoying the season. He

was sent abroad by his parents when he was found with the parsons daughter. What

they don't know is that she is a he, hidden from military recruitment and brought

up as a women for all to see. Marcus was injured in a hunting accident and Isabella

nursed him back to health and their friendship turns to love. More so when Marcus

learns his secret.

His mother catches him kissing Isabella and sends him off to a tour of Europe.

In Switzerland, he encounters a reclusive man in black at his hotel. The more the

man avoids him, the more Marcus finds he wants him. To deal with his desires,

Marcus spends his days in the mountains of Switzerland and encounters a black


Marcus is a very large cat himself and shifts immediately to join with the black

leopard. Then the confusion, betrayal, lust, and dramatics begin.

Marcus and the Prince come together but the Prince maintains they have no

future. Marcus pursues him and is in danger of losing his heart in the process. Is he

the one pursuing a prince, or does the prince have another agenda?

Lots of good old fashion seduction along with several doses of cat sex creates a

hot and steamy read. Romantic sexy story.


- He reddened to the roots of his fair wavy hair, and then he hung his head.

"I know I did—it was beastly of me—but I was so—upset—I—"

"Look at me," he said, and he bent forward over him—a gliding feline

movement infinitely sinuous and attractive.

Then he looked, his big blue eyes still cloudy with a mist of shame.

"You must tell me why you were upset, baby—Marcus!"

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How often he said his name! Lingering over it as if it were music. It thrilled

him every time.

Then he gained courage.

"But how did you know anything about it—or what I had—or what I drank?

You never once raised your eyelids all the time!"

"Perhaps I can see through them when I want to—who knows!" and he


"And you wanted to—wanted to see through them?"

He was gazing at him now, and he suddenly looked down, while the most

beautiful transparent pink flushed his neck, turning him into a tender young man,

almost. The change was so sudden; it startled Marcus, and emboldened him.

"You wanted to!" he repeated in a glad voice. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes," he whispered, and he looked up at him, but this time there was mischief

in his eyes.

"Is that why you sighed then among the ivy? What made you sigh?"

He paused a moment, and then he said slowly; "A number of things. You

seemed so young, and so beautiful, and so—asleep."

"Indeed I wasn’t asleep!" Marcus exclaimed. "It would take a great deal more

port than that to make me go to sleep. I was thinking of—" And then he saw he had

not meant that kind of sleep, and felt a fool—and wondered.

He helped him out.

"All this time you have not told me why you were upset—upset enough to

drink bad port. That was naughty of you, Marcus."

"I was upset—over you. I was angry because I was so interested—" and he

reddened again.

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He leant back among the purple cushions, his figure so muscled in its lines; it

made him think of a lion. He half closed his eyes again—and he spoke low in a

dreamy voice:

"It was fate, Marcus. I knew it when I entered the room. I felt it again among

the green trees, and so I ran from you—but to-night it is plus fort que moi—so I

called you to come in."

"I am so glad—so glad," said Marcus.

He remained silent. His eyes in their narrowed lids gleamed at him, seeming to

penetrate into his very soul. And now he noticed his mouth again. It neither

drooped nor smiled, it was straight, and chiseled and strong, and small rather, and

the lower lip was rounded and slightly cleft in the centre. A most appetizing red

flower of a mouth.

By this time Marcus was more or less intoxicated with excitement, he had lost

all sense of time and place. It seemed as if he had known him always—that there

never had been a moment when he had not filled the whole of his horizon.

They were both silent for a couple of minutes. As far as he could gather from

his inscrutable face, he was weighing things—what things?

Suddenly he sprang up, one of those fine movements of his full of cat-like


"Marcus," he said, "listen," and he spoke rather fast. "You are so young, so

young—and I shall hurt you—probably. Won’t you go now—while there is yet

time? Away from Lucerne, back to Paris—even back to England. Anywhere away

from me."

He put his hand on his arm, and looked up into his eyes. And there were tears

in his. And now he saw that they were grey.


-Lord Trevor’s Lessons - Untamable Lords Series 2

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Look for Untamable Lords Series 1


-Vanessa Wesley Tate


- Gay Multiple Partners Historical Regency


- Leo and Frank finally give in to the seduction of the summerhouse. Now they

create inventive way to get rid of visiting guests to Lord Leo's family estate. Frank

and even Leo cannot think of a way to keep Lord Trevor from visiting. He is a

longtime friend of Leo's brother and always has the honored bedroom next to

Frank. Since they cannot get rid of Young Franks boyhood friend, perhaps Lord

Trevor can join the fun?

Lots of sexy steamy regal fun in the summer isles.

Victorian Sex

From the First Book - Untamable Lords

Lord Leo is visited by the roguish Frank who has come to investigate the

rumors of orgies on his friends St Kitt's summer mansion. He arrives without a

valet, who is held up at the docks, and proceeds to seduce and interrogate the house


What he finds are many randy men who are having a very good time on the

island. From the grooms in the stable Frank seeks the must relief but he wants Lord

Leo. Every time he is led to believe he will have him, Leo suddenly changes his

mind. The waiting is frustrating so Frank decides to set a trap.


- My first penetration no doubt hurt him a little, but he bore it manfully and

urged me to proceed till, to my infinite delight, I was fairly lodged within him up

to the hilt. The avenue was as tight and delightful as possible, but it was of that

background image

charming elasticity which yielded sufficiently to admit the invader, and at the same

time pressed upon him with that degree of force which occasioned the most

consummate voluptuous gratifications. As soon as I was fairly in, all annoyance

seemed fairly at an end and, judging from the rise of his thermometer which I held

in my hand, there succeeded an increase of the pleasure heat which I had hardly

anticipated. The result was that eagerly availing himself of the lessons I had given

him, he set to work so deliciously and exerted himself so much to promote my

pleasure that in spite of my efforts to prolong the enjoyment, he drew down from

me in a very few minutes the first flow that had saturated his virgin premises.

After some little fondling of each other, he again wished to repeat the

operation. I told him I was afraid of his exerting himself too much, and proposed

that we should put it off till morning, but he would not be satisfied with this, and

urged me to comply by appealing to an argument the strength and beauty of which

I could not withstand. Again, this fascinating charmer was plunged into my interior

with the same lascivious results and again I was rewarded for my compliance by

the full enjoyment of his delicious charms, and after we had each thus attained

again to the height of felicity we fell asleep locked in a close embrace.


-Creatures of the Night

Look for Creatures of the Night Part Two of the Series Coming This Month


-Genny Hutchinson


- Wolves/Werewolves Gay Historical Gothic Shapeshifters


- A young woman is convicted of her older husband’s murder. Her claim is that

wolves killed him for revenge. The husband was systematically murdering the

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dogs she brought home because they showed devotion to her. His jealous rages

were ended by the wolves themselves. The estate, Cairfol, goes empty and remains

for sale for centuries.

The story begins with Cary, a young writer and werewolf, visiting his friend

Edwards, a leader of a pack of werewolves in Brittany and told of a wonderful old

estate for sale. Edwards arranges for Cary to spend the day. He encounters an array

of faithful servants as well as the pack of wolves. Through his stay he discovers the

truth of the estate, has many sexual liaisons and his destiny as a werewolf living in


A once grand house now haunted, this tale twist and turns with themes of love,

betrayal, greed, lust and is set in a sensual and sumptuous backdrop of a once

grand house now forlorn in mystery and grief.


- "I say," I broke out abruptly, addressing myself to the quiet circle, "do you

know what you look like, the whole lot of you? You look as if you'd seen a

ghost—that's how you look! I wonder if there is a ghost here, and nobody but you

left for it to appear to?" The wolves continued to gaze at me without moving....

So I went to the stables and garages. I was only there for a minute, admiring

the other two antiques, one a spyder when I felt hands come up quickly around my


The hands were not like Burtons; they were insisted, authoritve and almost

rude. They pulled away my clothing leaving my trousers around my ankles. I did

not know if I was ready for another go around. I had less than an hour to recover.

But I understood this wolf. This was a taker, a dominate, a second or third alpha in


Bates stopped and whispered in my ear "Pain...or pleasure?" He bit at the

corner of my ear and had me pinned harder against the antique card.

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There would be no kissing or stroking or even human form. I knew this as

swiftly as I knew the teeth at my ear. I shifted to my wolf shape and that was all

Bates needed to know.

I saw his shape in the reflection of the car, polished to a high gloss he was

indeed a wolf with greyhound qualities. His cock grew to a bristling size near my

cheek and he used his knee to spread my legs as he bent me harder and spread me


I was primed for him because of Burton but I had no idea how bristled his cock

really was. Red hot flames went off in my head and I let out a huge snarl as he

forcibly rammed his cock up my ass. I was slick from Burtons cum but not

prepared for the added friction. My sweet spot went haywire and my prostate was

tingling from the jab. Burton was taking me as a wolf and the friction, meant to

bring on excitement as well as fertility for females, was just all excitement for me.

I had both hands hot on the car and as I was rutted my sweaty hand prints were

placed and replaced as he fully lifted me away from the car and then pushed me

back down on it. The fucking was fierce and explosive and thoroughly enjoyable.

He came so quickly that I was not sure if I had come or not. It wasn’t until he

released me and I slid down to the floor of the garage did I see cum streaked across

the fender and tires, followed by my handprints.

He shivered all over as he turned back to his timid self and trotted away with

agility. I never had a chance to look into those pale agate colored eyes let alone the

face. Bates was a hell of a fucker though.

I sat in a puddle for a few minutes and then pulled my way up. I was not

concerned with the car. I knew this was all Bates had to do so I knew he would fix

it before anyone saw the damage.

I dressed and slowly, painfully, walked to the house.

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Two wolves down and I wasn’t any closer to the mystery. I returned to the

house and once again, as soon as I raised my hand to open the front door, Collins

was there to open it for me. I walked in and turned to face the valet.


-Travels in Seduction

Look for Travels in Seduction Part Two of the Series Coming this Month


-Bethany Ratner


- Multiple Partners Historical Regency Erotic Romance


Elinor is having the time of her life in New York City when two things

happened. One, her mother passes away, and two, she has just received an

inheritance of five hundred million dollars from relative she has never met.

So Elinor packs her bags and travels to Europe to visit each of her mother's

relatives to find this mystery person. Along the way, she encounters men and

situation that puts her in situations. Sex on an airplane, in drawing rooms, in the

hunt room and even on a horse keeps her entertained, but no one seems to have a

million dollars let alone 500 of them. She will not give up and as she moves from

one relative to another and one orgy after another, she feels she just may be getting

close. Join her on her sexy and steamy adventure.


- He slowly pulled himself up as his hands pushed my dress over my head and

on the floor and his tongue ran up to my belly button and then around each breast.

With each nipple alternating in his mouth, harder even if possible, his hands were

stroking my lips and around my pussy, even sliding down to my butt for a squeeze.

I don’t’ know how he did it but he released himself out of his $3000.00 Armani

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trousers and I felt his tip pressing against my clit. I was so wet it just slipped and

rubbed back and forth. My first orgasm ripped through me.

He rubbed deeper and held my face with both hands as he forced me to open

my eyes and he stared into them smiling. Then I had a kiss that made all of what

was the last of my senses evaporate. I felt as if I was totally connected to him and

breathing with him.

He pulled back, looked at me, and said, “May I”? I nodded with a smile.

“Please oh Please!” I thought, and then I felt the head of his cock move down to

my opening all wet and really hot. “What?” I jerked up my face and my eyes

widened. There was no way he was that big. He must have been waiting for this

because he smiled kind of a lopsided grin and said, “Don’t worry, Ducky, you can

take me.”

“Okay, but go slow.” I was gamed. I let out my breath and he pulled my hips

up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Slowly he moved in and out and as he

did, I could feel myself wanting him in deeper and deeper. Damn he was really big

and before I knew it I was having another orgasm. My face went really hot and I

tightened around him as he slides in. “Ducky, how did you just get tighter?” he

said with a quicken breath. I realized he was throbbing inside of me and knew he

was close. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows. He nodded.

He slid all the way in and started to really pump deep. I bit his shoulder

because my third orgasm just road into a fourth. He had both his hands around my

butt pushing himself deeper as he raised me up off the sink and just plunged me up

and down on his huge shaft. It was incredible.

With my head all the way back I felt his face on my breasts and as he came he

bit down hard on my nipple. I could feel his spasms inside of me and I opened my

eyes to look at his face.

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I love the look on a man’s face right after he comes. It is astonishment filled

with satisfaction and joy. This face had it all and as he looks up into my eyes, we

locked, and stared deep. He didn’t’ pull out but kept going while we stayed locked.

I wanted this man I thought, I want to know him. It went through my head and I

felt shock just thinking it.

He broke our stare by looking down and kissing my nipple but raised his eyes

up to me to watch. It was like an elocution running through me. He rode me for

another 10 strokes and then slowed down to a final stop.

I didn’t want him out of me just yet, he still felt so good and I was sharing

something else I didn’t want to go away just yet either, so I did that trick you told

me about. I reached around, pinched his butt and squeezed his balls, carefully

inserting my finger up his ass. He went hard again immediately – I can always trust

you to know all the tricks my dearest Natasha!!

- * - * - * - *

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