David Damron Life

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By: David Damron

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It’s Out There

Whether its windsurfing, island hopping, parenting, or day trading, the opportunities are endless
for you to make your life all about what you love. It’s just a matter of capturing it.

It is astonishing to me how easily we fall in love with liking. It has become such a mundane
approach to life. We may go to our 9-5, watch some TV, and go to sleep. How utterly mundane
are we that we allow this to occur? We have accepted that liking is just as good as loving and
this may continue to lead my life, your life, and

everyone else’s life to the point that we all do not

know how to truly love life again.

It’s time to put a stop to that.

Finding what you love means finding your passion and doing everything in your power to
capture it. Becoming a minimalist and simplifying your life go hand in hand with these efforts.
We are not capable of doing everything, so we might as well capture the opportunity to do what
we love. By letting a simple minimalist path guide you, finding your true love is even more


Do you take advantage of each and every
opportunity afforded to you? I know I don’t,
but I try to take
advantage of as many
as possible. Am I
perfect? Obviously not
by my pure honesty in
my example. Yet, I
have still been able to
find what I love simply
by grasping as many
opportunities as

Opportunities are the easiest way to find
what you love. It isn’t the only way to find
what you love, but it does allow you to
determine what you would rather skip and

what you would possibly

emerge yourself in.

If it weren’t for taking a
volunteering opportunity
up in Australia, I would
have never found out
how much I love
traveling and exploring.
These are the exact
opportunities that will
lead you to finding what
you love.

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Making opportunities for you is as simple as
not being stagnant. Being stagnant has this
tendency to prevent you from even finding
what you love let alone living that lifestyle.

If there was one thing you took away
from this eBook, let it be that
opportunities come from being open to
change, uneasiness, and passion. If you
can simplify your life and absorb
yourself in the three characteristics of
opportunities, you will find the life you
will love.


Once you have discovered that love, you
need to be as passionate about that one
lifestyle as anything you have ever been

Passion is a feeling and action that many of
us overlook. It is easy to love something
and even easier to like something. But if you
are passionate and proactive about
something you love, you will find true
meaning in everything else you do as well.

Passion plays a major role in simplifying
one’s life. The reason is that if you are so
passionate about something that you are
willing to change your entire way of
living, then your life will be fulfilled.

As you are finding with the acceptance of
becoming a minimalist and simplifying your
life, it all comes down to accomplishing and
living the life that you want. It starts with that
discovery which comes from taking
advantage of opportunities. However, it
grows through passion.

Love & Life

What is the point in living a mundane life
when you can live a life you love?

We only have one shot at this whole life
thing. We might as well make the most of it.
Part of making the most of it is eliminating
(i.e. minimalizing, simplifying) the things that
do not promote the love we have for our life.

Through opportunities and develop by
way of passion, we each can live a life
we love. For each of us the approach will
differ, but the end result is always the
same…To find the life we love and were
meant to love.

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Which are you doing?

When I see overweight, lazy, unmotivated people, I have the tendency to assume. I hate
assuming, but the reality is that many of them are letting life slip away. I don’t hate these
people. I just want them to enjoy life as much as I try to. By no means am I looking down on
them. Rather I look at them and see such potential that I am discouraged by their current
predicament. Maybe they were never given the chance or motivated by others. All I know is
that I would love to see them achieve even a small bit of their potential so they too could see
where they could take themselves.

So, what are you doing? Are you grabbing life by the horns and taking it for a ride? Or are you
letting life slip from your grasp and content with mediocrity? Hopefully, these eBooks are
motivating you to do the former.


I have yet to reach 20% of my potential in
my eyes. Part of me knows that I can be so
much more and do so much more and
another part always wants to have
something to strive for. This is why
potential and your outlook on your own is
key to finding the life you have always

Potential is often misunderstood. Most
people feel down when others discuss their
lack of focus on potential. I see it from a
different light and would like you to start
seeing it my way as well. When others see
potential in you, it is not a way of saying
you suck, but rather a compliment to attest
to the great characteristics you already own
and can build heaven-reaching pyramids.

How do you see your own potential? Do you
feel that you can achieve much more? I
hope you do because I know you can. All it
takes is a bit of effort and focus. Applying
minimalist and simplistic principles tends to
catapult individuals towards their potential
because it eliminates the distractions that
tend to hold us back.

Ask yourself right now what you can
improve upon and think you would be
amazing at. Go ahead….do it.

After asking yourself this, do you feel
empowered by this focus on a specific thing
that you can achieve? I think most people
will feel empowered. Such can be applied to
finding the life you want because our goals
are usually tied to our potential.

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Let’s face it. We all only have about 75-80
years on average to live. We can see this as
a negative, but we can also realize that
there isn’t the opportunity to waste our life
because it is so short.

Time is such a powerful thing. It controls
much of our lives and, yet we seem to have
little if any control over it. However, we can
control time by doing whatever we want
with our life. Time cannot tell me what I am
going to do with it. Others tell me what I
am to do with it unless I empower myself to
spend my time how I want.

Through being a minimalist, one is
allowed the opportunity to eliminate
the unnecessary things that drain
one’s time. When you simplify your life
to the aspects that you love and care
about, you begin to regain that control
of your time that cannot be had when
living a mediocre, follow-the-leader
type of life.

The sooner you accept that we have only so
much time and start spending your time
more wisely, your life will begin to feel like
his has the meaning that it deserves.

Just Don’t Waste It

Life is too fragile and short to be wasting it.
I wish that we all would take advantage of
the great opportunities that we are
afforded. When the time has come for you
and I to say adieu to our time on this
planet, I want us each to look back and
know that we squeezed every ounce out of
life possible.

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Stop Copying Me

This is the section that you are reminding to stop jumping off the same bridge as everyone
else. Yes, that even means the bridge I am jumping off of.

I am as flattered as anyone would be when a reader attempts to follow the same path as I.
However, I quickly try to turn them in a different direction. This is not done out of disrespect,
but out of respect for the idea that we should all be following our own unique path.

Through the teachings of this eBook, you will, hopefully, discover the path that is right for you.
Hopefully, it is similar to the one that I have successfully navigated and continue to do so.
However, this eBook is not meant to tell you what you must or have to do. There are specific
examples and strong suggestions provided, but this is your life and it is time you started living it
for yourself and by your own terms.

I’d like to provide you with the most profound quote I think I could ever come up with that I
am sure could be noted to millions of mothers in the history of time.

“Be You.” – David Damron, the minimalist path

Your Own Path is the

Right Path

At the minimalist path, I try to assist my
faithful followers in finding a simpler way of
being so that they may find happiness in
their life. Through this assistance, many of
my readers have gone on to find their true
calling. Though I have helped, they have
still only succeeded because they found the
path they have been looking for.

Your path is unique to you and there is not
one person who can determine which

direction you head. This is important
because many of us have taken on the
identity of another. From copying celebrities
slang or style to copying a family members
same footsteps in regards to a career path,
we have accepted other’s path and become
complacent in many of the lifestyles that we

There is no right path, but your own. That
is why many of the minimalist preachers
exclaim that their words are only meant to
help you determine your own way.

Obviously, this sounds repetitive, but this is
extremely important when it comes to living

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a simple minimalist life. If you follow for too
long, you will lose the passion and desire to
continue excelling at your own life.

It Would Be Wrong If…

I live a life where I have a simple diet and
focus primarily on physical feats such as
triathlons and
marathons. This
lifestyle is only right
for one person and it
would be wrong of me
to tell you how to live
your life. Plus my
passion is extremely
different than most
and passion is
probably the least
likely to be exactly the
same from one human to another.

It would be wrong if I told you this was the
only way to be a minimalist. Whether you
are Leo Babauta or Everett Bogue, your
minimalist approach and goal of living such
a lifestyle differs. Sure, they are both
minimalists, but they lifestyles differ in
many ways. This is the exact reason why
mirroring even those who we admire is not
always beneficial.

Find a Lifestyle &

Make it Your Own

The best way to apply these skills I have
taught in the eBook and on TMP is by
seeing what works best for you and

eliminating that which
has failed you.

I know, and am not
offended, by those who
critique certain aspects
and approaches that I
take. My advice is that
everyone’s advice just
supplements the lifestyle
you choose.

Once you start on your new found simplified
path, you will notice the benefits of applying
and not following others. Make your path
your own by changing and modifying
teachings by others. The result will be much
more gratifying than the one where you
follow each of another’s footsteps.

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It’s in Your Hands

As you have read throughout these eBooks, creating an independent mindset is the key to
developing a simplistic lifestyle. Making that change happen is harder said than done.

For some reason or another, we love consistency. Change is rarely appreciated and often
overlooked as being important. Usually change is forced upon us rather than chosen. When it
comes to your life though, you have all the power. It’s in your hands to perform and succeed.
So this change should be welcomed as a means to welcoming the life you have dreamed of.

Simplicity will not solve all problems, but it may make solving them a lot easier. With the chaos
that we have allowed upon our lives, changing our approach through a minimalist and simplistic
mindset can be empowering to those who have never felt empowered in most other aspects of
their life.

Yet, we come full circle in the fact that it is up to you. Taking the steps to change yourself and
your opportunities may be a rare action for you (maybe not?!), but doing so is necessary to
finding that life that is missing.

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Live It

Life is something we should all cherish more. I have been lucky enough to realize this at a
young age, but age really has no bearing. It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old. It
just matters that you realize it and capture it starting now. Cherish it for you never know when
it will end.

Now that you have chosen to implement a minimalist outlook and simplistic principles, you have
an even greater chance of living your life to the fullest. Why? Now, you are focusing on that
which you love which will impact every aspect of your life. Instead of worrying about the clutter
of physical, mental, and emotional constraints, you should be on your way to placing emphasis
on the things that matter.

Take the principles, ideas, and strategies and start forming your outlook on your future. This
can only be done via your actions. Grab your life by the horns and start living it today.

Document Outline


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