małopolski konkurs języka angielskiego dla gimnazjalistów etap szkolny 29 listopada 2007 (konkursy przedmiotowe gimn )



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Drogi Gimnazjalisto!

Zanim przystąpisz do rozwiązywania testu, wpisz swoje imię i nazwisko, nazwę i adres szkoły, datę i miejsce urodzenia oraz imię i nazwisko nauczyciela przygotowującego Cię do konkursu - na przygotowanej kartce, którą należy włożyć do koperty i zakleić.

Test, który masz przed sobą, zawiera siedem zadań od A do G. Przeczytaj bardzo uważnie polecenia i przykłady do zadań. Zwróć uwagę na to, że w zadaniach C, D,E, G wymagana jest całkowita poprawność ortograficzna. Należy pisać czytelnie, gdyż nieczytelność liter dyskwalifikuje odpowiedź. Można używać drukowanych liter. Akceptowane są skrócone formy czasowników.

Zadanie A sprawdza rozumienie tekstu czytanego.

Zadania od B do E obejmują zagadnienia gramatyczne. Zadania F, G sprawdzają słownictwo. Jeżeli jeszcze nie wyłączyłeś telefonu komórkowego, to zrób to teraz.

Czas przeznaczony na rozwiązanie testu: 75 min.

Oto maksymalna liczba punktów, jaką możesz uzyskać za każde zadanie:

























Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

2 punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 10 pkt.



By Martin Hinton

(adapted from `The World of English' No. 2, 2004 (71))

There are some who believe that the British are happier when they lose because winning is somehow embarrassing. When you win you have to shout and scream and deal with all that attention and, worst of all, praise. I wouldn't go that far. The British like to win, but when they lose they believe in losing well.

But that's not to say that the British are always losing. On the contrary, Britain has a fine record in competitive sport. Take the recent victory (which, admittedly, you probably haven't heard of) in the Rugby World Cup final, when the English beat the Australians…at last! And the British haven't lost a war for ages; Napoleon, Hitler, all dealt with. But in no other nation is so much importance placed on how well one takes defeat. Perhaps it is the feeling that by showing how disappointed one is to have lost, one gives the impression of having suffered a terrible disaster rather than a temporary setback. It might be, paradoxically, the British record of winning, which has kept us free from invasion for a thousand years and led a small nation to rule, briefly, half the world, that allows us to take defeat so well.

We were once a nation of seafarers, and what's our most celebrated ship? The Titanic. We are a nation of explorers, and not many are more well known than Capt. Robert Scott of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910, who famously didn't get to the South Pole first (his team was beaten by a Norwegian!) and died trying to get back. Many of the Antarctic team had no experience of polar conditions, and pulled their sleighs themselves rather than use dogs as the successful Norwegian team did, apparently because Scott thought it more noble; still, they had a jolly good go, didn't they?

Perhaps it is true that we are uncomfortable with winning and feel happier letting others be the stars. I believe that British players struggle so much at tennis because of the post-match interviews. Players from other nations are happy to say, “I won because my serve was fantastic, my backhand incredible and everything I did went really well.” Most Brits, however, would probably rather lose than have to boast in front of the cameras about how well they had played.

Out of all the countries in the British Isles it's England that loves a loser the most. The Scots, Irish and Welsh always believe they have a chance against the English at rugby or football, despite the difference in populations, because of their greater Celtic passion. And in Australia and the US, sport is definitely all about winning. For them, there are winners and - well, losers, and nobody wants to be one of those. England have not beaten Australia in Test Match Cricket series for years; this may be because the English play merely hoping to win, and the Australians play hoping to be swallowed up by the ground if they lose, rather than face the shame of returning to their friends and families having lost to the British.

So next time the English cricket team faces the Australians, don't put your money on them winning; but don't expect the English to be too bothered if they lose, either. In Britain, we love a heroic failure.

  1. In the first paragraph, the author expresses his opinion that

  1. losing makes the British feel embarrassed.

  2. the British are happier when they lose than when they win.

  3. the British don't like to win.

  4. the British would rather win than lose.

  1. The possible reason why the British know how to deal with failure is the fact that

  1. they have an impressive winning record.

  2. they don't feel very disappointed.

  3. they haven't been invaded for a century.

  4. they have once ruled over the whole world.

  1. According to the author, the story of Capt. Robert Scott's Antarctic Expedition is an example of

  1. an act of bravery and nobility.

  2. a great shame.

  3. a well-known failure.

  4. an unfortunate accident.

  1. According to the author, the British players don't do well at tennis because

  1. they hate giving interviews.

  2. they don't like talking about how well they play.

  3. they play rather badly.

  4. they are happier losing than winning.

  1. Compared with the Scots, Irish and Welsh, the English

  1. share great Celtic passion.

  2. think sport is all about winning.

  3. tend to love their losers.

  4. always beat others at sport.


ZADANIE B - Zakreśl poprawną formę.

1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 10 pkt.

Przykład: Kelly's already invited over thirty people at/to/on her 18th birthday party.

  1. Maggie has gone/has been/ has arrived to Spain twice this year and she's flying there again next month.

  2. What's the matter? You look sadly/saddly/sad. Have you been crying?

  3. A/The/An Equator is an imaginary line which goes around the middle of the Earth.

  4. Eric's brother was born on/in/at New Year's Eve.

  5. Nathan's wanted to be a pilot from/since/until his first flight.

  6. His dad often wishes he didn't choose/had chosen/has chosen a less stressful career.

  7. It's been estimated that the greenhouse gas emissions will reached/will reach/will have reached alarming levels by 2010.

  8. Many teenagers claim they would die on/with/of boredom if they didn't have their TVs and computer games.

  9. Veronica was allowed to go to the party on condition if/unless/provided she came back before midnight.

  10. Let's not argue about it, would/shall/will we?

ZADANIE C - Podaj poprawną formę słów umieszczonych w nawiasach.

1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 10 pkt.

Przykład: The taxi driver asked me whether I ………………………. (ever be) to New

York before. … HAD EVER BEEN …

  1. Louise is terrified of flights. Whenever she ………………………. (fly), she has to take some medicine to help her calm down.

  2. We regret ………………………………. (inform) you that your application for the scholarship has been rejected.

  3. Kenneth is graduating from high school this year. If everything goes fine, he ………………………………………… (study) pharmacy this time next year.

  4. Our teacher wants us to describe the …………… (bad) holiday we have ever had.

  5. Don't worry! I'm sure they are fine. You know what they say: “No news …………………………… (be) good news.”

  6. The school teachers ……………………..………….. (pay) about $10.000 a year

  7. Yesterday Max had a terrible stomachache because he ………………………. (eat) something bad the day before.

  8. It's a very big family. They buy four ………………… (loaf) of bread every day.

  1. If you ……………………………………………..… (know) Peter, you'd love him.

  1. I would rather you …………………………………. (not whistle). It really gets on my nerves.

ZADANIE D - Zadaj pytania o informację zawartą w podkreślonej części poniższych zdań.

Wymagana poprawność ortograficzna!

2 punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 20 pkt.

Przykład: The British weather is extremely changeable.

Odpowiedź: What is the British weather like?

1. The students have been waiting for the school trip.


2. Betty sees her grandparents twice a year.


3. Jeremy was extremely nervous before his first performance.


4. The ski jump tournament was put off because of heavy snowfall.


5. “Bizarre” means strange and unusual.


6. Two hundred people were injured in the train crash.


7. Our neighbours are going to have their garden designed by a professional landscaper.


8. The new Olympic stadium is going to be built in Warsaw.


9. Last night Jenny told Mark about her new project.


10. The last time we went skiing was ages ago.


ZADANIE E - Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby znaczyło to samo, co pierwsze, wykorzystując podany wyraz. Użyj od dwóch do pięciu wyrazów. Nie zmieniaj formy podanego wyrazu. Wymagana poprawność ortograficzna!

2 punkty za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 20 pkt.

Przykład: The actress left the hotel by the back exit so as to avoid meeting the paparazzi.

order The actress left the hotel by the back exit …………………………… the paparazzi.


  1. Simon last called us a month ago.

heard We ……………………………………………. Simon for a month.

  1. Would you like to go to the new photo exhibition at the gallery?

fancy Do …………………………………………….. to the new photo exhibition

at the gallery?

  1. Emma thinks it was wrong of Anna to cheat on her boyfriend.

should Emma thinks ……………………………………………... on her boyfriend.

  1. I really want to see the film

forward I'm ………………………………………………………………… the film.

  1. David can't go out if he doesn't tidy his room.

unless David can't go out …………..…………………….……. his room.

  1. In spite of a blizzard, our plane took off on time.

was Although ………………………………………….., our plane took off on time.

  1. When I was a child we lived in Brighton.

live ………………………………………… in Brighton when I was a child.

  1. The view was so spectacular that we stopped to admire it and take some pictures.

such It was ……………………………………………….. we stopped to admire it and take some pictures.

  1. Some careless tourists have spoilt this beautiful countryside.

spoilt This beautiful countryside …………………………..……….. by some careless tourists.

  1. - “Does the flat have central heating?” Julie asked.

flat Julie wanted to know …………………………………………. central heating.


ZADANIE F - Zakreśl opcję, która najlepiej pasuje do podanego zdania.

1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 10 pkt.

Przykład: More and more young people become ………………………….. on drugs.

a) addicts b) dependent c) influenced d) addicted

  1. In general, little children are extremely …………………. about the world around them.

a) interesting b) curious c) interested d) fascinated

  1. Her face looks…………………. I'm sure I've seen her before.

a) strange b) familiar c) authentic d) real

  1. Hilary, who hasn't been feeling well for some time, finally called the doctor's surgery to make ………………….

a) a reservation b) an arrangement c) a booking d) an appointment

  1. When they were kids, the twin brothers used to argue all the time but they haven't had a

…………………. for ages now.

a) row b) raw c) argument d) quarrelled

  1. Our school isn't very …………………. about things like jewellery, make-up and extravagant clothes. My friends have dyed hair and I wear a nose ring.

a) permissive b) forbidding c) strict d) demanding

  1. For years scientists have been ……………………… research into the communication between various animal species.

a) leading b) making c) carrying d) doing

  1. This unique sculpture is absolutely …………………. In the whole collection, there is nothing we value more.

a) precious b) priceless c) inexpensive d) valuable

  1. Whenever Alex gets angry, she just takes a deep …………………. and then counts to ten.

a) breathe b) breadth c) sigh d) breath

  1. Jane is a very ………. person. She loves giving presents.

a) sensitive b) stubborn c) generous d) ambitious

  1. There's been a lot of public opposition to the idea from the start. …………………., the local authorities are going to go ahead with the construction of another supermarket.

a) Even though b) Nevertheless c) Despite d) Whereas

ZADANIE G - Uzupełnij luki w poniższych zdaniach jednym słowem.

1 punkt za każdą poprawną odpowiedź = 10 pkt.

Przykład: Could you do me a ………………….? Could you give me a lift to the town centre on your way to work?

Odpowiedź: …FAVOUR …

  1. Rachel's Dad is usually very calm and easy-going. He rarely loses his ………………….

  1. The teacher wanted to know my …………………… of view on whether people should keep exotic animals as pets.

  1. What do your parents…………………. for a living? My Mum is an architect and my Dad is an engineer.

  1. `What do Jonathan Swift, James Joyce and Oscar Wilde have in ………………….?' `They are all Irish.'

  1. Michael hates writing. He says he always ……………….. out of ideas in the middle of a sentence.

  1. When we went to England we couldn't ………………… to pay for a hotel so we stayed in a youth hostel sharing our room with three other tourists.

  1. Rita got her cat for her 13th birthday and she's had it ever …………………..

  1. After all these years, my Mum is still in ……………. with some of her school friends.

  1. That dictionary is out of ………………….. It hasn't got the latest words.

  1. The ozone ………………… above the southern hemisphere is already badly damaged.


kod ucznia


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