Tematy na prezentację ustną, Geodezja, 03sem, eng

Tematy na prezentację ustną

  1. Stress in your life - how does it influence your health? How do you cope with it?

  2. What illnesses are people most frightened of these days and why? Do you think they are a real threat?

  3. The stereotypical image of the Polish - what are our strengths and weaknesses?

  4. Traveling by plane - is there a reason to be afraid of it?

  5. Harsher punishments reduce number of crimes. Discuss.

  1. Climate change - do you believe there is anything to be worried about?

  2. Body language - why is it important to be aware of it?

  3. Sleep deprivation - is it a problem of modern society?

  4. Which is the most influential mass-medium and why?

  5. Discuss the problems of modern cities.

  1. What do you consider the most significant discovery ever?

  2. Honesty - what does it mean to you? Is it difficult to live up to its standards?

  3. Talk about a company you would like to work for in the future.

  4. Advertising - how does it work?

  5. Language is an important part of every nation's identity and the best way to protect it is to prevent any foreign linguistic influence. Discuss.


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