Word list - christmas paegant, Filologia angielska - UP - lic - 2010-2013, Rok II, Semestr III

Pageant - a public entertainment in which people dress in historical costumes and give performances of scenes from history

tinsel - strips of shiny material like metal, used as decorations, especially at Christmas

cut-out - a shape cut out of paper, wood, etc

hum - to sing a tune with your lips closed

thrum - to play on a stringed instrument, as a guitar, by plucking the strings, especially in an idle, monotonous, or unskillful manner - strum, to drum or tap idly with the fingers.

parlour - a shop/store that provides particular goods or services

leotard - a piece of clothing that fits tightly over the body from the neck down to the tops of the legs, usually covering the arms, worn by dancers, women doing physical exercises, etc.

pinafore - a loose dress with no sleeves, usually worn over a blouse or sweater (both BrE) a long loose piece of clothing without sleeves, worn by women over the front of their clothes to keep them clean, for example when cooking

dresser-scarf - serwetka na stół

swat - to hit sth, especially an insect, using your hand or a flat object

sacrilege - an act of treating a holy thing or place without respect

penance - an act that you give yourself to do, or that a priest gives you to do in order to show that you are sorry for sth you have done wrong something that you have to do even though you do not like doing it

appease sb - to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want

a millstone around/round your ˈneck - a difficult problem or responsibility that it seems impossible to solve or get rid of

vengeance - the act of punishing or harming sb in return for what they have done to you, your family or friends

locusts - a large insect that lives in hot countries and flies in large groups, destroying all the plants and crops of an area

corsage - a small bunch of flowers that is worn on a woman's dress, for example at a wedding

knit - to make clothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread using two long thin knitting needles or a machine

pooch - a dog

brittle - hard but easily broken a brittle mood or state of mind is one that appears to be happy or strong but is actually nervous and easily damaged

scat - a style of jazz singing in which the voice is made to sound like a musical instrument

gnash your ˈteeth - to feel very angry and upset about sth, especially because you cannot get what you want

jab - to push a pointed object into sb/sth, or in the direction of sb/sth, with a sudden strong movement

twang - used to describe a way of speaking, usually one that is typical of a particular area and especially one in which the sounds are produced through the nose as well as the mouth

leer - to look or smile at sb in an unpleasant way that shows an evil or sexual interest in them

trailer - a vehicle without an engine, that can be pulled by a car or truck or used as a home or an office when it is parked

snot - a word that some people find offensive, used to describe the liquid substance (= mucus ) that is produced in the nose

wad - a mass of soft material, used for blocking sth or keeping sth in place

tacky - (informal) cheap, badly made and/or lacking in taste

meek - quiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without expressing your own opinion

bobbed - (of hair) cut so that it hangs loosely to the level of the chin all around the back and sides

sprig - a small stem with leaves on it from a plant or bush, used in cooking or as a decoration

smear - to spread an oily or soft substance over a surface in a rough or careless way ~ sb/sth to damage sb's reputation by saying unpleasant things about them that are not true

stout - (of a person) rather fat (formal) brave and determined

curtsy - a formal sign made by a woman in a dance or to say hello or goodbye to an important person, by bending her knees with one foot in front of the other

crane - to lean or stretch over sth in order to see sth better - to stretch your neck

fluster - to make sb nervous and/or confused, especially by giving them a lot to do or by making them hurry

patter - the sound that is made by sth repeatedly hitting a surface quickly and lightly fast continuous talk by sb who is trying to sell you sth or entertain you

lurch - to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or sideways

glint - to produce small bright flashes of light

janitor - caretaker, a person whose job is to take care of a building such as a school or a block of flats or an apartment building

feint - to confuse your opponent by making them think you are going to do one thing when you are really going to do sth else, (especially in sport) a movement that is intended to make your opponent think you are going to do one thing when you are really going to do sth else

sombre - dark in colour, dull, sad and serious

stumble - + adv./prep. to walk or move in an unsteady way, trip, ~ (over/through sth) to make a mistake or mistakes and stop while you are speaking, reading to sb or playing music

screech - to make a loud high unpleasant sound - to say sth using this sound, (+ adv./prep.) (of a vehicle) to make a loud high unpleasant noise as it moves

sob - to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths, to say sth while you are crying

snarl - to speak in an angry or bad-tempered way

nelson - a move in which a wrestler stands behind his/her opponent, puts one or both arms underneath the opponent's arm(s) and holds the back of the opponent's neck. When done with one arm it is called a half nelson, and with both arms a full nelson.

Sic - . To set upon - attack. . To urge or incite to hostile action - set: sicced the dogs on the intruders.

brat - a person, especially a child, who behaves badly

fit - a sudden attack of an illness, such as epilepsy, in which sb becomes unconscious and their body may make violent movements, a sudden short period of coughing or of laughing, that you cannot control


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