Aline de Cheivgny chronicles of the Cursed 02 The Ravenson Project (lit)

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Aspen Mountain Press

Copyright ©2008 by Aline de Chevigny

First published in 2008, 2008

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Ravenson Project
Chronicles of the Cursed:
Book 2
Aline de Chevigny
Aspen Mountain Press

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Chronicles of the Cursed Book 2: Ravenson Project
Copyright © 2008 by Aline de Chevigny

This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be made places or
events, the names, characters, incidents, and locations within are from the
author's imagination and aer not a resemblance to actual living or dead
persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.

Aspen Mountain Press

PO Box 473543

Aurora CO 80047-3543

First published by Aspen Mountain Press, February 2008

This e-Book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or
distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International
Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction fines
and/or imprisonment. The e-Book cannot be legally loaned or given to others.
No part of this e-Book can be shared or reproduced without the express
permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-60168-088-4

Published in the United States of America

Editor: Sandra Hicks

Cover artist: Nikita Gordyn

Chapter One

Malek growled, his senses coming alert all at once as the curse let him free
from its grasp.

Her scent infused him; she smelled of desire and need. Her lips tasted of
eagerness and something he hadn't tasted in decades...


Could it really be?His eyes snapped open.Could Sharra still be an innocent?
The thought excited his senses and deepened his desire.

He rolled over pinning her to the mattress. She'd been warned to stay away
until he rose for the evening, yet the stubborn woman refused to obey the
simplest of commands. If his Sire hadn't given him leave to take a keeper of
his very own, Sharra would be in serious danger for the stunt she'd just
pulled. Raven House law stated that a woman had no rights of her own. Any
woman found in the house after the sun set was fair game for any vampire male
who found her, obliged by rules older than time to obey their every wish and

He'd decided within moments of being granted permission to choose a keeper
that Sharra would that person, in effect keeping her safe under his protection

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from the other men in the house. As his keeper she would finally belong to
him, but until the ceremony she was at risk if found in his bed.

A slow throaty chuckle escaped his throat. He'd always wanted a human lover
he could bite into orgasmic bliss and she had just granted his wish with one
bold move. Seeing her surprised expression he grinned evilly. “Good evening

"Malek, you're awake!"

"You sound surprised pet. I must say this is definitely the nicest way I've
been woken in ages. But you know this isn't where you were told to meet me."

A frown caressed her lips at his grin. He knew she hated being ordered about.

"I'm no one's slave Malek and I missed you."

"No you certainly aren't that Sharranna. But you could be mine. I wouldn't
object in the least."

"Why you vile, disgusting, despicable excuse for a man."

"You have no idea my pet, none whatsoever, how vile I can be.” He released
his hold on the desire he felt for her and kissed her again. He expected no
resistance since she'd entered his chambers and his bed freely, and he didn't
receive any.

Five years of waiting and wanting were set free in her one act of defiance.
His hands roamed eagerly down her side to her thigh, slipping under the dress
she wore and climbing back up to rest on her hip. Her dress bunched above his
left hand, his right holding her chin steady while he plundered her mouth
kissing the breath out of her.

Every available area on her body was kissed and licked, tasting her while she
moaned pinned to the bed beneath him. Her hands clawed at his back frantically
trying to latch onto something, anything to bring them closer together.
Frustrated, she grasped the blanket separating them, and ripped it away from
his naked body, her hands greedily caressed his ass urging him to finish what
she'd started. Malek rested his head on her chest hiding the fangs she wasn't
yet aware of, and couldn't learn about until the pledge ceremony binding her
to him as Keeper. The desperation in her actions had almost made him forget

He growled low in his throat, eager to enter her willing flesh. His animal
sounds pulled her gaze to his and her desire for him, burned in her blue eyes.

But Malek had to make certain she was willing, hear her agreement spoken
aloud, as it was clan law. Punishable by death at the hands of Mikael De
Wohlf, the head of all the houses if he were to force her against her will.
“Do you wish this?"

"Yes, oh dear God, yes, Malek."

His fangs extended at her throaty reply. His Sire would not be pleased with
him, yet he couldn't control himself in her presence.

A pity he'd have to fog her memory after their night together to keep her
safe. The thought repelled him. He wanted her to remember. If she accepted him
as he was, he would allow her to retain her memory of his true nature.

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Screw the rules, his Sharra deserved the truth.

Leaning on an elbow, he ran a lone finger along her jaw, tracing a path down
her throat into the cleavage of her dress along the swell of her breast. “Are
you afraid of me Sharra?"

Rich throaty laughter caressed him while her hands ran silkily up his chest.
Malek cupped her breast in his hand, pushed it out of her bra and gave the
tender flesh a nip. Her answer pleased him, and he wished to bestow the
ultimate honor upon her a human could claim.

Leaning over her, he grinned wolfishly allowing his other self to emerge.
Fangs extended, he nipped the buttons off her dress one by one, loving the way
she continued to run her hands over him. He peeled the material away from her
body, leaving her luscious body exposed before him.

Christmas had come early for him this year it seemed. The look of complete
trust and desire showing in her eyes pulled at a part of him he thought long
dead. A flick of his wrist and her undergarments were ripped away then tossed
across the room. The sight of her naked and willing before him pulled a low
growl of appreciation from his throat. “Perfect."

"Yes, you are,” she said breathlessly.

He laughed with delight at her praise, and dipped his head taking one perky
nipple into his mouth. Sharra arched her back beneath him wanting more and
pulling a chuckle from him at her enthusiastically wanton response.

"Malek, don't you dare stop now!"

He bit her nipple in response, drawing just enough blood to send waves of
ecstasy through her body and allowing himself a taste of her sweetness. Sharra
cried out in pleasure, her nails digging into his shoulders. He moved his
mouth to her other nipple giving it the same attention he gave the first,
reveling in her response to his ministrations.

"Malek, please!"

Grinning at the plea in her voice, he rained kisses down her stomach to her
hip. Teasing her, nipping her inner thigh, her hands tangled in his hair
urging him to do what she craved. Malek looked up at her teasingly, slowly
trailing kisses back up her body, until he reached her lips. The kiss was pure
fire and heat. He'd never get enough of her and he wanted more than he'd
intended to give.

Breaking off the kiss, he slid his arms under her hips lifting her off the
bed and up to his mouth. Seeing her moist and ready for him teased at his
hunger. He attacked, licking and nibbling till she cried out, not stopping
until he had her in the throes of her first orgasm.

Setting her down, he captured her lips with his before she could completely
regain her breath, and settled himself between her legs. He placed the tip of
his shaft at her mound's entrance and entered her before she could tense. He
met a slight resistance and leaned down to suckle her breast in distraction as
he pushed past her barrier claiming her virginity for his own.

A howl escaped his lips, his lupus mating instincts claiming her as his mate
for life. Malek sank into her filling her completely, his body trembling as
her body held his snug.

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Perfect! She fits me perfectly.

He would never let her go again.

Sharra's arms circled around him, clinging to him as her body trembled in
obvious anticipation of what was yet to come. “Yes, Malek, more."

Her desperate plea drove him forward, giving him the determination to make
certain she felt completely sated before he took his own pleasure. He reached
up and caressed her cheek. “You are so beautiful."

Sharra thrust her hips forward sucking the air from his lungs and the
thoughts from his head. “Make love to me, Malek."

She turned her face into his caress, lightly kissing his palm. “You can feed
if you have the urge, Malek, I don't mind. Just please, make love to me."

Her desperation enflamed his demon nature. He crushed his lips against hers
with a need to taste her burning in the pit of his belly. He moved against her
slowly, extending both their pleasures. Touching and tasting as often as
possible to dull his cravings.


Her cry shattered his self control. His fangs extended as his hunger
threatened to tear him apart. “Please, my pet. I can't resist the hunger any

"Oh God, yes, Malek, yes."

She cried out in ecstasy the moment he sank his fangs into her neck to feed,
thrusting into her, in time to his drinking until they both climaxed together.
Licking her wounds closed, he kissed her deeply and collapsed against her.

Her arms caressed his back accepting his weight without complaint. Gathering
his energy, he rolled off of her, carrying her with him so that she lay
sprawled across his chest. His arms wrapped around her possessively. Looking
towards the clock on the mantle, he realized that they'd stayed abed all
night. “The sun Sharra, you—"

"Shhh, Malek. I'm not leaving you tonight. I want to stay with you, do my own
kissing and nibbling while you sleep,” she teased, running her tongue over his

"Pet, I...."

She kissed him to quiet him. “I understand. You don't trust me enough to stay
with you while you're defenseless. Why should you when I never told you the
truth; that I knew who and what you really were."

The hurt in her eyes, did things to him he'd never felt or allowed himself to
feel before. She was his mate. He wanted her to stay with him, needed her
there, where he could protect her from the others until the pledging ceremony.
“My pet, nothing would please me more, than to share my bed with you while I

Dawn broke while she settled herself against him and pulled him down into the
sleep of death, his arms tightening on his mate as her words flowed back to
him. She knew? She already knew about the beast and she wasn't terrified.

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Chapter Two

Daemor stood in the shadows of the room's secret entrance, watching through
the two way mirror he'd had installed to keep an eye on the young wolf cub his
adoptive clan son as he seduced and sated himself on the human woman. Malek's
fangs extended when she willingly gave herself to him, the scent of her blood
permeating the room as he took her innocence and pierced her neck to feed.
This woman's blood was pure, the scent intoxicating his senses. He would have
this one for himself at least once, as was his due as the head of the Raven

The sun had started its climb; Daemor couldn't fight off its slumbering
effects much longer. He'd seen what he came to see; Malek, the foolish child,
had bonded to the woman and chosen her as mate. Daemor knew the howl of a wolf
choosing his mate intimately, he'd watched them chose then destroyed in sport
enough of their human bond-mates over the years to recognize the sound when he
heard it. The blue flames in Malek's eyes brought out the silver in their
depths. The cub knew he'd found his mate and that played perfectly into his

The woman was the perfect catalyst for his plans to gain dominion over the
clans. Mikael and his Wolf clan wouldn't survive the assault he'd planned for
them. Malek had been impeccably trained to guarantee that.

He shifted into his Raven form and made his way swiftly to his chambers. Let
the child spend the night with the woman, her curses would be upon her soon
enough. Then Malek would have to let her go, and he had plans for that woman.
He had a clan to feed after all, an army to raise to attain his goal of

Malek was the instrument of his victory, and no little piece of ass was going
to ruin that for Daemor. He had a destiny he was honor bound to fulfill.

As he let the curse of sleep take him his mind wandered back to the day he
conceived his brilliant plan. The day he killed that damn wolf and stole his
new charge had been sheer genius.

Daemor loved these prophetic visions, as he'd come to think of them. Yes they
highlighted parts of his past, but all prophecies were a combination of past
and future events. The past he'd already accomplished. Future actions were
revealed; they were preordained to reach his destiny, and a glorious destiny
it would be.

He'd stalked the wolf for days, waiting for the perfect opportunity to
strike. Daemor wasn't then and never had been a fool. The need to remove the
wolf discreetly was paramount to his plans. He couldn't allow anyone to learn
that he'd been responsible in this or any of the other deaths. Learning the
fool had sired his first Vampire left Daemon giddy with delight; fate was
looking out for him. It was like the plan had formed itself and he was just
along for the ride.

He'd waited until the wolf was weak from the blood loss that always followed
when one sired another, and then killed him. Quick and clean, that way he
didn't risk getting caught.

Mikael's was the face he saw every time he removed a wolf from existence. The
damn clan head had it all, looks, charm, money and a mate that Daemor had
coveted since the very first time he'd laid eyes on her, during a clan

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He turned his thoughts on Mikael's mate, Annabella De Wohlf. The woman was
sheer perfection. After five years of being queen of the clans, she knew how
to handle a childe drunk on his first taste of power. Her only fault lay in
being human. Mikael, the fool, still hadn't turned her, a fault Daemor planned
to correct the moment Mikael was dead and the woman was his.

The vision still wouldn't allow him to see his ultimate victory which
irritated him. The time wasn't right yet, but he didn't have to like it.
Everything was finally starting to fall into place. After years of planning
and waiting Malek had finally taken a mate. Soon Daemor could take the first
steps in priming his secret weapon towards his enemy. Effectively keeping his
hands clean in the eyes of the council and giving him the power he coveted so
dearly. His mind drifted from that point, going from event to event, ending
when the sun sank below the horizon.

It was time to confront his charge and dole out his punishment for disobeying
clan laws. Malek's new mate would be allowed to retain knowledge of their kind
before the keeper ceremony and Daemor would take his just dues from the girl
in flesh and blood.

Rising, he called his son to him and ordered him to take Malek to the dungeon
without waking or touching the girl. Then, dressed in his most formal robes,
Daemor made his way directly to Malek's chambers.
* * * *

Bella stood glaring at her husband. The damn man could be so aggravating at
times. “I'm telling you Mikael, there's a lupine in the raven clan. Daemor..."

"You will stay away from that man, Bella!"

She rolled her eyes at him, wondering yet again if he thought she was stupid.
“I'm not foolish enough to be caught alone in Daemor's presence Mikael. Unlike
you, that ‘man’ has no morals. Now as I was saying, Daemor says he found the
boy abandoned after being turned. That he took him in out of good will."

"Tell me you don't believe that crap. No wolf would ever turn then abandon
their charge!"

Some days she wondered why she ever married the man. “Of course not, which
means the boy's sire was killed and Daemor is up to no good. You, my dear
husband, need to save that poor boy before he is corrupted beyond redemption."

Mikael calmly sat back in his chair. Too calmly as far as she was concerned.

"I love watching you take command, Bella. It inspires me."

Annabella threw her hands up in disgust. “I give up! If you won't help me,
I'll do it myself."

"Bella sit down! I've had Nicolai looking into it since I learned of the
childe's existence. I have an informant inside the Raven clan's home, as I do
in each major house. It seems your young wolf cub has taken himself a matemi
Bella. His future keeper from what I'm told, a pretty little thing that
reminded young Nicolai of you when he first saw her."

Bella narrowed her eyes at him in dangerous anger. The realization that he'd
been playing her didn't sit well.

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"Now Bella, you know our clan mates for life. Killing me would bring you no

The words were whispered in her ear, as his arms circled her waist
possessively. It angered her further that he could move so quickly and quietly
without her noticing. “This has nothing to do with your love for me Mikael and
you know it."

His lips traveled over her neck, stopping for a quick nip at her throat
before answering. Her body reacted instinctively, her hands reaching back to
pull him closer.

"It was clan business amore, and we agreed on our wedding night that you
would allow me to conduct it."

"But Mikael...” She was such a weakling when it came to his touch, she
couldn't get her mind to focus.

"Once you've made the change, you will rule at my side in all areas. Until
then you stay far away from any dangers that may put you in harms way.
Especially, Daemor."

Annabella melted into his soft touch. Mikael had gotten more loving and
attentive since the Antediluvian had blessed their union. “Agreed, on one

Mikael laughed sexily and continued to turn her bones to jello, his fangs
extending in desire. “And that condition would be,mi Bella?"

"You promise to keep that boy safe and you agree to come to bed.” She wanted
him to sink his fangs into her throat and give her the release her body cried
for. Yet Mikael laughed, his hands roaming over her never really putting out
the fire he left behind with his touch.

"That's two thingsmi Bella, and the sun has been set for barely an hour."

Annabella sighed in content when his hands sought out her breasts. “Make me
immortal Mikael, please before I grow so old and ugly that you don't find me
attractive any longer."

Mikael's breath was hot on her ear as he answered. “You could never be old or
ugly,mi Bella and I believe we should wait until our child is born. Wouldn't
you agree?"

Frustration flowed through her at the reminder of her inability to conceive.
Stepping away from him she steeled herself for the fight to come. “Mikael,
seriously we need to come to terms with the fact that it may never happen. So
why torture ourselves by waiting and hopping? Soon I'll look older than you!"

Seeing an entertained smirk cross his face fueled her determination to
finally end this conversation once and for all. This time she refused to let
him distract her with his soft words of love. “Stop looking at me like that."

"Bella,mi amore , tell me. When last did you have your spells?"

Annabella sat on the wing-backed chair Malek had vacated to hold her,
surprise washing over her at his very strange question. It dawned on her that
he had a point. It had been months since the last time.

The more she thought it through, the more depressed she felt. He'd been

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avoiding her when he needed to feed, proving he'd lost interest in her.
Whether from her lack to conceive or her getting old she wasn't sure. “I don't
recall and I just remembered that I have an appointment withSignore
Martinelli. He wishes to..."

Mikael chuckled and blocked her exit. “Veramente miBella, I can read you like
an open book. How dare you think I don't desire you! You are aware that the
clans have been in chaos these past few moons. It's taken all my power and
concentration to keep order."

"I know but..."

He placed his finger over her lips to stop her flow of words. “Yet I always
make certain to be home before sunrise. I can't rest unless I'm in your arms."

That was truth. Mikael always came home to rest and insisted she hold him for
a few hours. Yet the doubts persisted. “Then why—"

"I can't feed from you while you're pregnantmi amore , it isn't good for
thebambino you carry."

Her hands instinctively covered her abdomen protectively. “A baby, but how
can you be so certain?"

Mikael smiled. “I spend each day in your arms, from sun up to sun down. I
know it's been nearly two moons since you've had a spell."

Annabella frowned in disbelief. “How exactly do you know that?"

"I always know when you have a spellmi amore , I can smell the blood."

That one bold statement removed all doubt. A giddy feeling in the pit of her
stomach grew. “Bambino, stiamo avendo un bambino?” A squeal of joy escaped her
lips as she threw her arms around his neck. “SignoreMartinelli can wait, let's
go celebrate!"

Mikael didn't answer; he just picked her up in his arms, walked out of the
red room and headed straight to their bed chamber to finally take her up on
her offer.

Chapter Three

Sharra woke, her hand reaching instinctively beside her only to find the bed
empty. “Malek?” Sitting up, the sheet fell to her waist while she scanned the
room for his presence. “Malek?” When she still got no answer she wondered if
maybe she'd made a big mistake. Malek obviously wasn't the man she'd thought
he was.

"Don't worry my dear. Malek is being punished for breaking clan laws."

"Punished? Looking toward the voice, a jolt of fear stabbed through her
heart. She quickly pulled the sheet up to cover herself. “Lord Daemor!"

"Now as for you..."

The look in his eyes gave her goose bumps of terror, sending a shiver running
down her spine. Clutching the sheet to her chest, Sharra's mind raced.Malek is
in serious trouble, because of me.

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"I'm afraid there's only one thing left to do with you now, Sharranna."

"Please Lord Daemor, let Malek go. He's done nothing to deserve this
punishment. It was my fault. I entered his chambers without his permission."

Daemor smiled wickedly and shook his head. “I'm afraid I can't. Malek broke
our most sacred of laws. He told you about our kind, before you became his

Sharra clutched the sheet tighter and tried to scoot further away from
Daemor. His eyes made her blood run cold with the way he watched her. “Malek
didn't have to tell me, I already knew. I'd accidentally witnessed Sebastien
violently feeding from some poor chambermaid. If you need to punish someone
punish him!"

Daemor laughed. “You expect me to believe that child? No human would give
themselves to a vampire willingly after witnessing that!"

"Malek is different. He's kind and gentle. He soothed away the nightmares and
made me feel safe again in this house."

Daemor scowled, his fangs exposed in anger. “There is also the law that
states no member of the house of Ravens shall share their bed with a human
during daylight hours, unless they are mated! Malek, my child, did not claim
you as his mate last evening.

Sharra sobbed, her hand reaching out toward Daemor in a plea of desperation.
“Please let Malek go. I made him let me stay. Please, Lord Daemor, I'll do

Daemor leaned against the door, smiling evilly. “I wish I could child, but
Mikael De Wohlf created the laws. Who am I to break them? As for you, might I
remind you that Raven House laws dictate that I, as head of this household,
get a taste of any unmated morsel that comes through. Now that you've gotten
Malek punished, you're all mine. He'll never want you again."

Sharra shrank back against the headboard in terror. Malek wouldn't hold her
responsible for this would he? She never knew there were rules against their
being together. She loved him; all she'd wanted to do was show him how much.
If she'd known he'd be hurt over it ... “Lord Daemor I beg you, please let
Malek go. I'll willingly take his punishment. It was my fault we broke the
laws, not his."

Daemor advanced on her the moment her consent left her lips. Sharra was going
to die and she tried a last ditch effort to save herself. “What about Kelly?"

"Kelly does as she is told."

She closed her eyes and made peace with her fate. Steeling herself for the
feel of his fangs in her flesh, her entire body shook with the effort to keep
from running away screaming. Sharra sent out a prayer to the gods that she go
quickly when the end came. Feeling his hot breath on her face, she whimpered

"Daemor, stop!"

Opening her eyes, she was unsure if she should be grateful or more terrified
of the person who halted Daemor. She'd never seen the man who just gracefully
entered the room, but the fact that Daemor was terrified of him couldn't be
good for her well being.

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"Mikael, what are you doing in my House?"

"If you touch that child Daemor, I'll have you up before the council by the
time the sun rises over the ocean. Vampire law forbids the harming of
innocents under our care, especially for sport. Raven house has already been
warned about this immoral practice once. Leave the girl be and deliver Malek
to Nicolai now! Or I will relish playing judge, jury, and executioner to
remove you from our midst."

Sharra was in the middle of some hellish nightmare, caught between too
powerful combatants and wishing she were anywhere but there.

"I asked you a question Wolf Lord!"

"My lovely wife informed me of the wolf cub you have hidden within your
walls. The one you should have informed the council you found sixty years

Daemor growled and shifted to his Raven form, flying out of the room.

I never knew vampires could do that? Can Malek?

Feeling Mikael's focus turn onto her, Sharra clutched the sheet tighter to
her chest. What would he do to her now that Daemor was gone? He didn't move
from his place by the door, just stood there looking at her, almost like he
was trying to determine if she was worth any more of his time.

A soft whisper drew both of their attention towards the doorway. Mikael
smiled sexily and stepped out into the hallway holding his hand out to someone
she couldn't see from her vantage point. Sharra had never felt more terrified
in her entire life, than she did right at that moment.

"Comemi Bella, the girl is terrified of me."

The most beautiful woman Sharra had ever seen walked through the door with a
look of sincere concern etched on her face. “What did you do to frighten her
so, Mikael? You were only supposed to remove Daemor from the room."

Sharra watched the vampire Master's smile widen as he pulled the beautiful
woman into his arms to kiss her. “I merely dispatched Daemor to free the pup
you've taken an interest in,mi amore . Daemor made certain she was already
terrified to make her pliable to his plans."

The woman, Bella, he'd called her, moved away from him and toward the bed.
Would the woman kill her for seducing Malek last night? How had a woman gotten
so much power over the Master of all Vampires?

"Come dear, its time to get you dressed and leave this horrible place."

Sharra looked up over Bella's shoulder at Mikael in embarrassment, the sheet
clutched against her chest. Bella seemed to understand immediately. “Mikael
please leave the room and close the door behind you!"

"Bella! We had an agreement when I allowed you to accompany me."

Sharra laughed nervously at Bella's snort dismissing Mikael.

"First of all, you needed me here. Within your entire party only I can stand
the sun's rays. Secondly, you can't expect the poor girl to dress in front of

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you? Mikael De Wohlf, if you think for one moment that I would allow such a

"IINyaivo, I'm going."

His entertained laughter followed him out of the room, leaving Sharra
wondering what he'd said. “What about Malek, Miss Bella?"

"Dress first, we'll discuss your mate once I have you safely away from this
horrible house."

Sharra got up to dress quickly; she didn't care what Bella said, she was not
leaving this house without Malek!

"And you can wipe that defiant look off your face. I wouldn't dream of
leaving young Malek in this house of demons either.Il dio, mi dice che non sia
stato mai quello testardo!"

Uncontrollable laughter drifted in from the hallway shocking her to a
standstill, with her dress only half buttoned. Bella frowned at the door
mumbling Italian obscenities under her breath. Sharra only understood one word
in ten, yet from what she could piece together it didn't bode well for Lord
Mikael once the lady got him alone.

"If you wish for Daemor to return before you finish dressing, you may just
get your wish."

She didn't realize that Bella had turned her attention back on her. As the
words sank in, Sharra quickened her pace, not needing to be told twice. Nor
did she stop to look for her shoes before bolting out the door. Even Bella's
laughter as she followed her out, didn't bother her one bit.
* * * *

Malek woke, his head pounded, his arms ached and he didn't understand why.
Memories of his night with Sharranna seemed like nothing more than a brief
dream. Trying to move his arm, he found himself shackled to the dungeon wall
with no memory of how he'd gotten there. Opening his eyes and seeing Sebastien
standing at the door in obvious guard duty made him angry. “Release me this

"Daemor's orders wolf cub, you're to be tortured for breaking clan laws."

Malek growled and yanked at his bonds in anger. “Why?"

"Decree passed down from Mikael De Wohlf. Daemor is bound by law to enforce
it. Take your punishment like a Raven and you may survive!"

Sharra's heart shaped face swam into his mind's eye, followed by worry for
her safety. “What about Sharra? Where is she? If you've touched one hair on
her golden head, I'll..."

His guard laughed, and evil sound that called the change from him causing him
pain. His fangs extended in rage. “Where is my keeper?"

"Probably in Daemor's bed, servicing his desires as we speak! As the head of
the House, it's his right to bed or ... feed from any unmated female within
these walls. If she survives, I plan on asking for a taste of her myself."

"A keeper is above those rights, Sebastien."

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"Perhaps, but that tasty morsel of yours isn't a keeper. If you had only
waited one more day, she'd be safe."

Malek wanted to rip the bastard's throat out. “If anyone touches one hair on
her precious head, I'll kill them.” His words were cut short when the object
of his fury flew into the room, followed by Mikael's De Wohlf's right hand
man, Nicolai. Seeing Daemor fueled Malek's fury further. “Daemor, unchain me
this instant!"

Daemor shifted into human form, a superior look etched onto his features. For
the first time since he'd met the vampire lord, Malek saw him without a mask.
Daemor wasn't the benevolent man he'd been pretending to be all these years.
He was cruel and underhanded, attempting to use Sharra for his own pleasures
against her will.

"Quiet wolf cub! In my house you do not order me about! I should have killed
you when I had the chance."

Malek strained at his chains, willing them to break and cursing the
enchantments forged into them that stopped his body from shifting to escape.
“If you've touched..."

"You'll what? Kill me?” Daemor laughed insultingly. “You don't have the

"Free me Daemor and we can test that theory of yours."

Daemor scowled and advanced, his fangs gleaming in the soft moonlight from
the cell's sole window. “Cub, I'll have your hide for speaking to me that way!
And I won't kill you, before I skin it off of you."

"No you won't Daemor. Mikael gave you an order. Fulfill it, now!"

Malek looked at Nicolai. He'd forgotten the man was there. Head held high, he
looked Nicolai in the eyes. “I'll face my punishment. Just give me your word
that you'll keep Sharranna safe. She's innocent in all of this. She's been my
anchor for months. She's my keeper, although she has yet to take the oath, but
in heart she's already fulfilling the role and she's my mate!"

Nicolai held up his hand for silence. “Your mate is safe with Lady Annabella,
childe. As soon as Daemor does as he's been ordered, you'll have her by your
side once again."

Sharra was safe. Relief flooded through him at those words. But more she was
considered his mate and now safe from all. No vampire could touch her short of
either of their deaths.

"I am loosing patience here, Daemor. My liege will not be happy if he is
forced to come down here."

"Soon Nicolai. Soon I will get my revenge for this insult."

Nicolai crossed his arms and stared down Daemor arrogantly. “Perhaps Daemor,
but not today. Release the childe as ordered."

Malek calmly waited for the manacles to be removed. The moment Sebastien
freed one hand, Malek moved. The magical enchantments weakened on his free
hand enough to allow him to extend his claws for a quick strike across
Sebastien's neck. The cut went deep, severing the carotid artery with one
stroke. The death was quick and efficient. Sebastien never saw it coming nor

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did he feel a thing. “That was for Sharra. No one will ever threaten her

Chapter Four

Mikael stood in the shadows and watched with pride as his son, Nicolai,
handled the situation. The childe Malek also made a good accounting of
himself. Mikael was proud of how Malek had handled himself and kept a level
head since waking in chains. His concern was first and foremost for his mate,
proving he hadn't been completely corrupted by his time in Raven house. How
much evil they'd instilled into him was yet to be determined. He might be
redeemable. It depended on whether the childe had become ruthless or not.

Seeing that Nicolai had everything under control, Mikael decided not to make
his presence known and returned to Annabella at the car. In her condition, he
disliked leaving her unprotected.

"Where's Malek? You promised you'd save him!"

He stopped Sharra's outburst with one look, making her back away in fright,
and then entered the car behind her. “Malek is on his way with Nicolai as
promised.La mia moglie, Bella is the only person with my permission to speak
to me that way girl. Innocent or not, you do that again and I will kill you!"

He ignored Bella's frown and quietly thanked her with a soft kiss, a reward
for refraining from voicing her displeasure out loud. Bella understood he
needed to use any means necessary to keep those under his protection safe.

"Vater, Malek Ravenson as requested."

Mikael took his eyes off the girl and slipped out of the car before turning
to greet the newest member of his house.

"Don't call me that. My name is Malek DeWinter. I changed it to Ravenson as a
sign of gratitude for Daemor's generosity and my allegiance to his house when
he took me in. That ended the moment he tried to take advantage of my mate.
Where's Sha..."


Mikael hid his smile when the lady in question bravely poked her head out of
the car door. After all she'd been through the girl had more spunk than he

"Sharra, beloved. Thank the gods you're safe."

Mikael let slide the childe's rude behavior, he knew he'd have acted exactly
the same in the boy's shoes. Bella was his life, just as Sharra was Malek's.
Seeing the look in Bella's eyes when Malek helped Sharra out of the car and
took her into his arms, whispering soft endearments into her hair, made him
wish they were home safely tucked away in their bed. He'd spent too many
nights without making love to his beautiful wife, a lack he planned to rectify
and soon. Offering his wife a hand out of the vehicle, Mikael held her close.

"Hush my love. I'll never let anyone hurt you.” Malek cooed into Sharra's
ear, attempting to calm her fears while stroking a hand though her hair.

Mikael focused his attention on the young couple. His yearnings would wait
until they were safely out of Romania and in Italy under his roof.

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"I was so scared. Lord Daemor said you'd broken clan laws by making love to
me. I never meant to get you in trouble Malek. I swear it, I just..."

Malek stopped her apology with a heated, passionate kiss.

Mikael hated to interrupt them, but Daemor would only hesitate for so long
before attacking. If they didn't reign in their desire, he just might ravage
his beautiful Bella, in the middle of Raven house's driveway. “It's time to
leave children; my presence will only keep Daemor at bay for so long. Once he
remembers that he has a house full of warriors and we are only five, he will

"He's right Sharra. Get back in the car."

Sharra held on tighter. “What about you? I'm not leaving here without you
Malek! You can't make me."

Mikael grinned. “She sounds like you,mi Bella. Strong of will and full of
determination to get her own way."

Bella raised an eyebrow at him, before slipping out of his arms and getting
into the car's front seat next to Nicolai, leaving him to sit in the back with
his new charges. Mikael chuckled arrogantly. Bella knows I desire her, she can
sense it.

With one last look around their surroundings Mikael shook off the sudden
foreboding that washed over him and turned to his new charges. “You heard my
lady, into the car. I wouldn't recommend tempting her wrath."
* * * *

Enraged, Daemor flew to the top of the northwest tower of his castle to watch
Mikael drive away with his most prized possessions. Fury enveloped him like a
cloak at the knowledge that Annabella had been within his grasp and he'd let
her slip away. Tonight, no wolf within his lands would be safe for the insult
Mikael bestowed upon his house.

Then he'd take his revenge on that ungrateful cub and his mate for killing
his only son, Sebastien. Mikael De Wohlf he would make watch as he ravaged
Annabella. Perhaps he'd even pass her around to his clan and let them have a
little fun of their own before killing her. No one humiliated him in his own
home and got away with it.

The bloody images he conjured helped calm him. It was time to take back the
reigns of power and put into action the plans he'd spent years formulating.

Chapter Five

Malek followed Nicolai as he weaved his way through the maze like corridors of
the Wolf house manse. He still felt confused and suspicious by all he'd
experience in the past forty-eight hours, but one thing was certain. Sharranna
was his mate, and no one would ever hurt her again.

"Your rooms childe. If you or your keeper need anything you may ask Jeffrey;
he's been assigned to you until further notice.” Waving Jeffrey out of the
room, Nicolai turned to look at Sharra. “Lady Annabelle will require young
Miss Sharra's presence at eight am to complete her Keepers Oath."

Then Nicolai finally turned his attention on him. “Vaterwill send for you

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childe when he's ready to determine your status within the clan."

"I'm not leaving Sharra alone!"

Malek knew nothing about these damn wolves. He wasn't leaving his mate
unprotected in the middle of their stronghold. The look of quiet disgust
Nicolai threw him didn't sway his resolve one bit. He'd spent sixty years
despising the wolf clan for abandoning him. Those feelings didn't go away
overnight. They'd done very little to earn his trust.

"I'll speak with Lady Annabella concerning Miss Sharra's safety..."

"If you think—"

Sharra placed her hand on his arm and stopped him from finishing his
sentence. “We apologize, Nicolai. I'd be honored to spend time with Annabella
if she is free."

Malek frowned.What is she thinking?

"Rest. I'll send Jeffrey whenVater is ready for your presence."

Malek waited until Nicolai left before turning an angry glare on Sharra.
“What are you trying to do? Get yourself killed?"

Sharra glared back not a trace of fear in her bright blue eyes or an apology
on her lips. Sweet demure Sharra was standing up to him. “I'm trying to keep
the peace and show our hosts some respect for their kindness."

"You are much too naïve Sharra, we know nothing about these people.” Why
would she care if they showed Mikael De Wohlf respect?

"I'm sorry you feel that way. I suppose it was naiveté at work when I allowed
you to take refuge in my home the first day we met! I like Annabella. It will
be nice having another human around to talk with. It's been months since that
last happened. In case you've forgotten Malek, once I agreed to become a
keeper I was isolated from other humans. A practice I've since learned isn't
upheld in any other house or clan! You'd be surprised at all the information I
discovered during the two hour flight here form Romania. Lady Annabella is
nice and she promised to teach me the true laws while you, Mikael, and Nicolai
were below in the cargo hold of the aircraft asleep. I like and trust her,

His fury with Daemor intensified, a hot red rage burned in the core of his
being. Daemor obviously had plans for his Sharra by keeping her apart from the
other humans in the house, and the more he learned, the more he realized that
those plans would have ended in her death. “Did Daemor touch you?” Narrowing
his eyes further he leaned in so she couldn't avoid the question. “Did

Sharra cupped his face, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “No Malek, but if
Mikael hadn't arrived when he did Daemor would have done far worse than touch
me. For that I am grateful. I will be polite and as helpful as I can to make
things go smoothly while I am under his roof."

"You never answered my question Sharra! Did Mikael De Wohlf touch you?"

"He never passed the doorway. The moment Daemor was gone, he called Annabella
into the room to care for me and she made certain he left so I could dress."

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He'd forgotten that Sharra had been naked when he'd gotten dragged from their
bed. Seemed he owed De Wohlf more than he felt comfortable owing another.
Pulling her close, his hands stroked back her hair in soothing strokes. “If
anything had happened to you..."

"Just promise me that you'll be nice. I like it here. Much more than at Raven
house. Here women have freedom. They are treated with respect and equality.
Not Property!"

"I can't make you any promises on this subject, but I will be fair. Will that
suffice for now?"

Sharra leaned against his chest, her fingers tangling in the material of his
shirt. A sigh of relief caressed his skin. His fangs extended protectively at
the sound. In one night, this tiny woman had thrown his whole world in chaotic
disorder and he wouldn't change a thing.
* * * *

Mind racing Mikael walked over to the room's only chair and sat. He'd
requested Nicolai bring the childe to him an hour ago and they still hadn't
arrived. Nicolai had reported his entire conversation with Malek to him after
leaving the childe alone with his new mate in their rooms. It seemed that
Malek was not happy, nor did he trust anyone in this house. Any other house
lord would be furious with the whelp for his lack of appreciation and the
insult shown. Mikael was entertained.

The childe and his mate intrigued him. From all the accounts he'd received
from Nicolai during the past six months concerning the pair, neither was
acting normally. The woman was quiet and shy, afraid of her own shadow, yet
she'd stood up to Malek and defied him in one breath. She had potential that
one, potential to become a great keeper and an even better house member should
she seek out the change. Malek, he'd been led to believe was quiet and easy
going yet he'd seen nothing but arrogance and anger since they officially met
at the car.

"Vater, the childe as you requested."

Mikael looked up in time to watch Malek wipe a frown from his face. “Welcome
to my home. I trust your rooms are satisfactory?"

"Sharra is content. That alone makes me happy."

Mikael smiled, his fangs extended in approval. He'd expected that answer. The
mating was true and strong.

"I've asked you here to determine if Daemor twisted you beyond redemption
during the time he had you in his possession. Tonight we will decide if you
are truly ready for a keeper of your own. I'm confident you know a keeper is
never to be harmed or used for your own personal pleasures? The laws
protecting them are more severe than any other law we have. Any vampire found
abusing a keeper is put to death!"

He watched the childe closely, scrutinizing every nuance of action and
reaction. He liked what he saw so far. Malek still had a firm hold on his
morals and understood the difference between good and evil. Malek's actions
towards his mate proved that. She hadn't been afraid to stand up to him
proving he'd been nothing but kind and loving toward her.

"I refuse any keeper but Sharra, and I'd never harm a hair on that woman's
beautiful head. She taught me that humans deserve to be treated with respect,

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that they can be very useful in situations where we are quite vulnerable."

Mikael nodded. “Good answer. Now tell me how you met Sharranna."

Malek pulled himself up straighter. “Sharra saved my life. She just didn't
know she was doing it at the time. She gave me a place to hide when I got
caught outdoors at sunrise."

"Sounds like Sharranna deserves to be rewarded for her bravery. Not many
young women would allow a strange man into their homes. Perhaps I should offer
her the chance of becoming Clan?"

Malek's angry growl echoed though the room. Mikael held up a hand
forestalling Nicolai. “You don't like that suggestion Malek? Why? Do you not
wish to spend eternity with your mate?"

"Sharra has too much life to be cursed forever to darkness. She's like a
flower that needs sunshine to flourish and thrive. Sharra took care of me when
I desperately needed it, and now I will care for her. For however long we have

Mikael sat back a slow smile curving his lips in approval. “Congratulations
Malek. I am quite pleased with your responses. Welcome to our house. Bella has
agreed to complete Sharranna's training this week, and we shall hold the
official bonding ceremony on Friday at midnight.

"The rules state a keeper must spend the last week of training isolated from
their new charge, alone in contemplation of their new path in life.” Mikael
held up a hand for silence when Malek made to interrupt. “But taking into
account what the girl has been through, and my wife's adamant insistence,
Sharra shall share your chambers until the bonding ceremony. As long as she
agrees. In this, the lady has the final say! Do not make me regret my

Malek didn't verbally respond, he merely nodded and waited for Mikael to
continue, confirming the childe was truly ready to be on his own. “Now tell me
what your plans were once you gained your keeper?"


The fact that Malek was confused by this question confirmed a few other
rumors and information he'd received over the past six months. “Yes plans. The
way you were planning on supporting yourself and aiding in the support of your
clan. Your means of employment, Malek?"

"Daemor never mentioned anything concerning work. I assumed I would be told
what to do once I became a full-fledged clan member."

Mikael nodded. “That short-sightedness is why Raven house is weak. They're
scavengers and until something changes, they always will be the weakest house
of all the clans.” He knew he was harsh, baiting the childe, but he needed to
know where the boy's loyalties stood.

"Daemor enjoyed having complete power over the clan.” Malek announced in a
matter of fact tone.

Mikael went over the options open to the childe. “What would you like to do
Malek? Every one in Wolf house must be able to support themselves and their
mates before they are allowed to bond. Earning ones keep is how we determine
if a childe is ready to move forward on their own.

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In Wolf house there is only one keeper, and that is mi Bella..."

When he saw Malek intended to interrupt, Mikael held up a hand to silence the
childe. Malek needed to learn to listen until he had all of the information
before losing his temper and interrupting. “Yet since you were already
promised a keeper, and since the woman has had some training in the role I
will allow her to become one.Mi Bella will be unable to carry out most of her
duties soon and I feel your mate could be a useful aide for her."

Malek tensed, his eyes narrowing in mistrust. “I won't let you take Sharranna
away from me."

Mikael laughed. “Dio childe,mi Bella would lock me in the dungeon and throw
away the keys for even suggesting such a thing. No one can or will take your
mate away. Rest assured of that fact, Malek. Now what do you believe you'd
like to do with the rest of your after life?"

Chapter Six

Sharra entered the room timidly, her posture and nervously darting eyes
helping Bella assess the woman from behind Mikael's ... no, her old desk.
She'd usurped the lovable monstrosity from him the day they married in the
ancient bonding ritual. Mikael was immensely amused by her bold move, but
didn't begrudge her the win.

Pulling her mind back to the task at hand, Bella returned to her assessment
of the girl. When Nicolai had called Sharra a tiny woman he hadn't been
jesting. She couldn't be more than five foot two and seen next to Malek's six
foot frame, she truly was tiny. Her light blonde hair and quiet ways fooled
you into thinking she was a push over. The truth, Bella saw, couldn't be
further from reality. Sharranna was a strong and confident woman, as proven by
the way she looked you straight in the eyes when she spoke.

Bella felt a little jealous of the tiny beauty, if and when Sharra accepted
the change, no other vampire would have more beautiful eyes. The dusty blue
would turn silver and her mate would then be hard pressed to keep the men,
both human and vampire, away from her. “Have a seat Sharra. We need to have a
chat about your future."

"My future? I don't understand? My future is at Malek's side as his keeper."

Bella smiled and sat back in what Mikael liked to call her intimidating pose.
“Is that all you want?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Annabella? What more could there be?” Sharra
asked with confusion in her voice, finally accepting the seat she was offered
in front of the desk.

"Your options are limitless. We always need day workers here at the manse and
at the company. You could even return to school and get a degree. The clan
would pay for your education and in return you would support the clan with
your education and earnings. You could marry and have children."

Bella noted that when she mentioned marriage Sharra's face glowed with
happiness, yet at the mention of children a sadness, deep and profound, filled
them and pulled at Bella's heart. Covering her abdomen with both hands Bella
smiled. Sharra's sadness she had known well herself; one Bella was happy could
be wiped clean.

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"Malek can never..."

"It may be possible that he can. After five years, it's still a little
confusing as to what all the rules are, but if I'm correct...” Bella smiled
when Sharra leaned forward. “As Malek is your true mate, you should be able to
conceive ... if you're both willing."

Sharra's eyes lit up and her breathing quickened. Bella well understood the
myriad of emotions Sharra experienced and allowed her time to digest the
information in peace.

"Does Malek know?"

Bella sat forward with interest. Could Daemor have kept such an important
piece of information a secret form his clan? “I'm not sure my child, but I
promise to make certain he learns of it if he doesn't."

Picking up her pen, Bella made a note to speak to Mikael later. It was time
to make certain that all the clans were properly educated in the ways of their
world. “Now back to my question. What do you want Sharra?"


Bella laughed and stood up. “Congratulations, you passed the final test. I
will personally finish your training this week and you can take your oaths on

"Then Malek is really officially mine?"

It had been years since Bella had felt any form of entertainment. Vampires
weren't known for their senses of humor and Sharra's excitement was
infectious. “Yes. On Friday dear, Malek is officially yours. We have one more
bit of business to take care of and then you can return to your rooms and tell
him the good news."

"Will Malek truly be done as well?"

Bella checked her watch, amazed but not surprised by the girl's one track
mind. “Yes, I believe he just might."

Sharra rose out of her chair and walked to the window. “What's this business
you want to discuss?"

The way the girl held herself with her arms wrapped protectively around her
body to ward off unwanted information worried Bella. The girl was much too
suspicious for her young age. “Relax Sharra. I want to discuss your living

"I know the laws."

"Yes, I'm quite sure Daemor enforced his version of the laws. Normally you
would need to stay in the south wing with all of the other humans who serve in
the manse."

Sharra hung her head. “I thought as much."

Bella made a note to speak to Mikael about the defeated responses. “I said
normally. Mikael has agreed to make an exception in your case. If you and
Malek wish it, Mikael has agreed to allow you to share a chamber. Do you wish

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Annabella thankeddio for the mental bond she shared with her husband. This
way they could both interview one half of the couple and make decisions
without waiting to discuss the interviews.

Sharra took so long to answer that Bella seriously thought she would say no.
“More than anything, but only if—"

The door slammed open. “Where's Sha—"

A look of complete relief crossed Malek's features telling Bella he wished it

"You weren't in our rooms when I got there and Mikael said you'd be there
waiting for me. I got worried..."

"Well that answers my question. I'll inform Mikael of your decision. I'm
confident you can both find your way back to your chambers."

Malek ignored her. He only had eyes for his mate as it should be. Envy curled
in the pit of Bella's stomach. Mikael used to look at her that way, before
Daemor started all this chaos.
* * * *

Once back in their chamber, Malek firmly shut the door behind him and turned
the key in the lock, then slipped it into his pocket. He wasn't letting Sharra
out of his sight again.

"You should have knocked before barging into Bella's office. What were you

He slowly advanced on her, his hunger for her gnawing away at him. “I wasn't.
All I could think about was you. Holding you, making love to you, feeding from

He watched her start of surprise at the intensity of his words and smiled,
his fangs extending to show his intentions. “Do I frighten you, Sharra?"

Sharranna stepped forward, without a single trace of fear showing in her baby
blue eyes. Reaching out her finger, she traced it down his incisor slowly.

He'd never allowed anyone to touch him that way before. It was more sensual
than anything he'd ever experienced in his entire lifetime.

"I trust you Malek. I'd do anything to make you happy. As long as you're
always honest with me and never betray me, I will do anything you ask of me."

Malek shook with the effort it took for him to stand still and not slake his

"I have a question for you Malek."

"Ask it!"

Sharra grinned at him impishly. “Have you ever considered having children?"

Malek smiled sadly. “Of course I have. The day I met you, I made that wish.
Yet you know I can no longer entertain such fancies, my love."

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"But if you could, would you like to have them with me?"

Pulling her into his arms Malek ran his tongue possessively across the pulse
in her neck. It would be so simple to take what he wanted. “I wouldn't want
any other to be mother to my children Sharranna. You are my mate, the love of
my life. If I could, I would give up my immortality for you."

"Good!” She slid her hands up his chest seductively. Standing on her toes,
she laid a soft kiss on his chin before pushing back her blonde locks to
expose her neck for him in offering. “Would you like to feed now, or wait and
feed while you ravish me?"

Her offer tempted him beyond words. He wanted her now more than ever, but
something she'd said made him hesitate. She wanted children, something he
could never give her.

It was time he grew up and thought about someone else's needs before his own.
He had to release her from her bond to him. Malek knew he needed to fog
Sharra's memories and return her to the human world. As she was no longer
pure, he also needed to find her a new mate. One that would treat her like the
princess she was. “As tempting as that offer is Sharra. I'm afraid I must
decline both offers. Since I can't trust myself around you I will find other
accommodations for the day."

"Malek? What did I do wrong?"

She backed quickly away from him, confusion evident in her teary blue eyes.
The way she wrapped her arms around herself revealed the pain his rejection
had caused. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, and chase away the hurt
expression she now wore because of his words. He couldn't risk everything by
taking her in his arms to soothe her; he loved her too much. “No love ... it's
a keeper law."

A look of relief washed over her beautiful face and she stepped forward
forcing him to retreat from her touch.

"Bella said that Mikael waved those laws for us."

It pained him to lie and dash her hopes, but he wasn't strong enough to
resist her if she were to offer herself to him again. “He offered and I

"You ... refused?"

"I don't want special circumstances to be made on my account, Sharra. I'm new
in this house and I truly don't wish to create animosity between myself and
the others over this."

"You don't ... I see!"

"Tell me you understand, Sharra."

He watched her spine stiffen, her shoulders square and her head lift high.
Sharra was pissed off and that relieved him.

"Oh I understand perfectly! The people of this house are more important to
you than my feeling safe or wanted. You shouldn't have forced your way into
Bella's office Malek. That will cause unrest in this house. More than our
lovemaking or your feeding from me would have. Now please unlock the door or
I'll scream. I'm going for a walk. Don't wait around for me. I won't be back

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until after daybreak."


She narrowed her eyes angrily at him. “You don't have the right to ask me
that question! I'll leave word with Nicolai that I need new lodgings and
request that my...” She laughed sadly. “I really don't have anything that
needs to be moved do I? I gave it all up to be with you."

Unlocking the door, Malek made a mental note to ask Mikael to replace
Sharra's things. He'd spend the rest of his life making amends to her if

"Goodbye, Malek."

Goodbye? Why would she say goodbye?

He never had a chance to ask her before she ran out of the room.

Chapter Seven

Sharra felt like her heart had been torn from her chest. Malek didn't want her
anymore. It was this horrible place's fault. His words said that he still
desired her, but his actions told a different story. He wouldn't touch her or
kiss her since his meeting with Mikael and that hurt more than having him tell
her he was tired of her.

In a matter of minutes, she was completely lost within the walls of the
manse. All she wanted was to find an exit and escape into the night, but the
more she tried to find a way out the worse she got lost. The despair she'd
been trying so hard to keep in check escaped, taking with it her ability to
stand, think, or care.

Malek's words of warning wafted back to her.Never show weakness within the
walls of any of the houses. Weakness brings out the predator in my kind and
that would make you their prey . Pushing away his silky voice, she curled in
on herself and wished to die.

"Miss Sharranna? Are you alright, my lady?"

Looking up through tear filled eyes she saw Nicolai crouched down in front of
her, a look of deep concern etched across his handsome features. Seeing his
expression broke through the walls she started to build around herself. “I
wish Daemor had killed me."

The words had spilled out of her lips before she could curb them. Anger
crossed his features, yet she didn't care. If she was lucky Nicolai would
finish the job Mikael had stopped Daemor from doing.

"What did the whelp do?"

Confused Sharra looked up into his deep blue eyes. “Who?"

"Young Malek. Did the whelp hurt you in any way?"

Sharra laughed. “That depends on what you term hurt."

Rage built in his eyes, a look telling Sharra she needed to explain or
Nicolai might hurt Malek. “No Nicolai, Malek didn't hurt me, not in the

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physical sense. He could never harm me that way. He's decided that he no
longer wants me. I'm sure I can't blame him for that. The women here at Wolf
house are quite beautiful."

Nicolai flashed her a grin. “I prefer blondes myself."

Sharra blushed, her face, she knew from experience was probably scarlet in

"Like your friend Kelly from Raven house."

"I wish Kelly were here, then at least she'd be safe from Daemor's wrath. He
likes to use and abuse her when he's frustrated."

Nicolai's fierce growl startled her. “Not while I'm alive."

"You're in love with her! I always thought it strange that two vampires from
rival houses would spend so much time alone together. She would risk Daemor's
wrath when she knew you were coming to Raven house. Now it all makes sense,
the secrecy, the veiled looks...."

"You're daft woman! I believe inVater' s laws. Protect the innocent, keep the
balance and defend your house. Kelly is an innocent and I will protect her to
the best of my abilities. Nothing more."

Sharra smiled. She wasn't stupid. “Kelly is lucky to have someone like you on
her side. She's a stubborn woman. Don't let her run you away.” Heaving a heavy
sigh Sharra stared past Nicolai's shoulder. “Malek used to protect me that way
too ... before we came here."

Sharra though back to her days before Malek, how her life got so much better
after he crashed through her front door demanding Sanctuary, that first
morning. He filled something that had been empty inside of her. She knew she
should have been frightened when this massive man barreled through her front
door the moment she yelled out, “I'll let you in, just give me a chance to get
to the door.” Then there was their first and last night together and finally
Malek's rejection at her offering of love.

"Nicolai, could you arrange for me to get new quarters?"

"Of course, Sharra. Is there anything else you need?"

Sharra thought it over. “A meeting with either Lady Bella or Lord Malek?"

Nicolai stood gracefully and held out his hand to help her up. “Would now be
a good time?"

Sharra accepted his offer with a smile, something a few moments ago she never
thought she'd do again. The smile was only skin deep but put Nicolai at ease.
“Now would be perfect, but are you certain they aren't otherwise occupied? I'd
hate to disturb them."

With a flash of his fangs, Nicolai placed her hand on the crook of his arm.
“This is somethingVater and Lady Annabella will want to know about. They take
care of those under their protection and that includes you, my little one."
* * * *

Malek followed Sharra's scent the moment he could get his legs to move. He
told himself he was only following her to keep her safe, that this was a new
house with new rules and she didn't know who could be trusted here. He

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couldn't stand to have anything happen to her. After the fourth time following
her around the same corridors, he wondered why she wandered in circles. It was
as if she was lost in a daze and didn't know where she was going.

Pain flared in his chest when she stopped walking and slowly slid to the
ground to land in a heap. A sharp stab ached, directly over his heart. Malek
hadn't been prepared for the very real physical blow to manifest. How was it
he felt her pain? How much more information had Daemor kept from them
concerning mates and mating truths?

As the pain intensified, he realized his actions had hurt his love, caused
her such a deep pain he felt it etched in his own chest. Pain that deep only
meant one thing: he'd made a serious mistake when he'd rejected her.

Pushing away from the wall, he had but one goal in mind. He needed to reach
Sharra, pull her into his arms and beg her to take him back. Without Sharra he
knew his life would end.

Turning the corner, he spotted Nicolai kneeling and speaking to Sharra. The
thick concern in the older man's voice stopped him in his tracks before he
could be seen. Sharra would rid herself of the vampire, she could never betray
him with another ... could she? He felt her pain, surely that meant something!
Watching Nicolai lean toward her, jealousy assailed him.

"I wish Daemor had killed me."

His jealousy evaporated at the sounds of those words. He'd done the one thing
he'd been trying to avoid, he broke her heart. No reason on earth he could
give her would ever earn him her forgiveness now.

Blending back into the shadows, Malek quietly made his way toward the red
room. It was time to confess his sins and have an honest chat with Mikael
about his needs. It was time to trust Cerberus Gnosis and hope it wasn't too
late to fix what he'd broken.

Chapter Eight

The wolf was hidden nearby. Daemor smelled his stench even from his perch in
the tree. The humiliation he'd received from Mikael and his house still stung,
and he planned on getting even with every wolf he could find within his lands.
Mikael might rule the clans, but he didn't rule these lands, no matter what
the arrogant wolf thought.

Daemor moved from branch to branch scanning the ground for the hidden beast.
A movement from the left caught his eye and he took flight after it. He didn't
care if it was the wolf or not, something would die this night. He would have
blood to ease the painful humiliation Mikael had caused, even if that meant
taking it out on Kelly's smooth milky flesh. There was nothing more satisfying
than bruised, open wounds on a willing slave.

Thoughts of all he'd lost the night of his humiliation assaulted him. Malek,
the tool he'd spent years forging to use in revenge against his greatest
enemy; the childe's mate, Sharranna and her purity, all gone. His warriors
were to use her to gather their strength for the coming battle. The blood of
an enemy's newly bonded mate taken by force granted the warrior power beyond
compare, that advantage ... that belief was lost to him as well.

His only son, Sebastien, had been his greatest loss. All the power he poured
into the young fool gone forever. If he'd known the idiotic childe would

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antagonize his weapon, he would have killed the boy himself and re-absorbed
the power. With Sebastien gone, Daemor no longer had anyone to lead his army
and none in his house deserved the honor.... none perhaps but his most
faithful slave Kelly. She alone had show loyalty, strength and an underhanded
streak that he couldn't help but admire.

Then there was the loss of honor in front of the members of his house. Mikael
would pay dearly for that. Even if Daemor had to kill them all, one wolf at a

Blood lust consumed him, and the damn wolf was proving ever elusive. He'd get
the beast tomorrow night. There were a few hours of darkness left and a slave
awaiting his return in his chambers. Kelly would have to do this night. It was
time to take out his favorite toys. Blood and torture always mellowed his mood
and when he combined that with his favorite girl's screams of pain he was
almost content.
* * * *

Malek was escorted into the red room an hour after presenting himself for an
audience. Being made to wait after informing the guard that it was urgent he
see Lord Mikael tested his patience. He entered to find Sharranna bent on one
knee before Mikael in supplication. Anger warred with terror at the sight
before him.

He'd done all of this, broken his mate's heart, all in the attempt to save
her future pain. He buried his anger, knowing it would only cause more trouble
if Mikael saw it. Bowing at the waist, Malek followed every single form of
diplomacy. “Thank you for seeing me, Lord Mikael."

"After the request young Sharra made, I couldn't resist finding out what you
wished to discuss with me."

A glace at Sharra showed she still knelt with her head bent; she hadn't moved
an inch. “May we speak privately, my Lord?"

"No, I believe young Sharra has earned the right to hear this. What you have
to say will color my decision to her request."

Request? No she couldn't ... wouldn't request to bond herself to the clan as
a Protestuates. Not after seeing what could happen to a woman in that post.He
turned his full attention on Sharra, silently begging her to stand.

"Tell me why you requested my presence Malek!"

The authority in Mikael's voice, confirmed why he was the head of all the
clans. “I came to beg a boon my Lord. I have questions, that I need answers
to. I realized too late, that by trying to save Sharra from this life, by
trying to give her everything she wanted that I could never provide her, that
by sacrificing my happiness in letting her go, I broke her heart. My liege, I
wounded her deeply."

Sharra didn't move an inch while he spoke, scaring him more than any decision
Mikael might make to her request. If he couldn't get through to her, then even
if Mikael turned her down, he'd lost. “I physically feel her pain when she
hurts, so I know she isn't thinking clearly at the moment, my liege."

"Interesting. You believe she's acting impulsively then? What exactly do you
believe Sharranna wishes, Malek?"


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Mikael nodded and leaned forward. “Most women who have found their lifemates
wish for children, son. That shouldn't have surprised you. Why would you not
be able to grant her that wish? I've witnessed the mate bond myself."

Malek felt confusion. “I don't understand? I know the laws, strength,
weaknesses and histories of the vampire. I studied well, wishing for
advancement within Raven house. No Vampire can sire a child."

"Damn Daemor and his twisted notions. He needs to be removed from his seat,
Mikael. He's broken more laws than anyone man or vampire combined. You need to
do something,” Bella announced angrily entering the red room from Mikael's
secret entrance.

Mikael motioned her closer. “Hush my love, the council will deal with Daemor
when the time is right."

Malek envied them their closeness. Mikael and Annabella had what he'd hoped
to share with Sharranna one day.

"Mikael you need to tell the boy the truth. Now!"

Mikael chuckled softly at his mate's order. “Forgive my wife, Malek. Pregnant
women can be a tad emotional when they care deeply for someone. Seems she's
decided to take you and your mate under her wing."

"Pregnant? But how? How could you allow another...?"

Mikael's laughter insulted him. “Malek, no other man has touchedmi Bella in
over a year."

Bella smiled softy and rested her hand on his shoulder. “Actually, it's been
since you stared courting me, you rogue."

Malek watched Mikael slip his arm around Annabella's waist and pull her down
onto his lap for a kiss. Turning his focus back onto Sharra he prayed for a
reaction, any reaction, to what she'd heard to date, but found her still

"The child is mine, Malek. Some ... not all mind you, but some vampires can
sire children. The key ingredients needed to a successful conception is a true
mating bond and a woman who has not been turned. Until a few hours ago, you
had both of those needed ingredients. Whether you still have the woman, only
Sharra can answer."

Malek stood stunned, rooted to the spot. Sharra could have everything her
heart desired and he could be the one to give it all to her. If only she would
grant him forgiveness for his mistaken deed.

Daemor would die by his hand and no other for the lies and deceptions that
lead to Sharra's broken heart and destroyed his chance at happiness.

"Before I ask Sharra if she still wishes her request be granted, tell me
Malek, what are your intentions concerning this woman?"

Malek looked up startled. He'd been so lost in his own thoughts he'd
forgotten that Mikael was about to stand judgment on his future. His whole
attention had been focused solely on his mate kneeling at the foot of the
throne. “I beg your forgiveness my Lord. Your news stunned me so, that I
missed your last remark. Would you mind repeating the question?"

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Mikael sat back in his throne and glanced pointedly at Sharra before him.
“It's not my forgiveness you need to beg, Malek."

Malek turned crimson at the blatant reminder of his foolishness.

"I asked what your intentions were concerning this human?"

"To make her happy. I'm no fool Lord Mikael. I've hurt Sharra deeply. I know
this because I felt her pain and despair. In this I will abide by her wishes,
her choice. If she'll have me, I wish to marry her and spend the rest of my
eternal life making it up to her."

"And if she refuses?"

The thought that Sharra might reject him had crossed his mind, yet he
stubbornly held on to the hope that she loved him enough to move past his
idiotic mistake. But he knew there was always that slim chance and had come
prepared. “Then I will be her protector until she finds ... a new mate."

Mikael growled at him, fangs bared in disgusted anger. “You listened to
nothing you were told during our earlier meeting. I should kill you now
childe. Rid this house of your presence and Sharra from future pain!"

Malek stood tall, unmoving. If Sharra rejected him he'd welcome death with
open arms.

"Love, the boy is young and has been lied to by Daemor for many
years.Pazienza, mi amore . He is in pain."

Watching Mikael cover his queen's hand lovingly with his own, Malek saw all
the killing anger flow out of his new lord. He wouldn't die today, at least
not by Lord Mikael's hands. Malek turned his attention back to Sharra's
unmoving form.

Bella cleared her throat to regain his attention. “Sharra will never find
another mate. Once the bond is forged it is unbreakable ... even with death
whether it is acknowledged by both parties or not."

"What if neither—” The look on Mikael's face stopped Malek cold.

"You already have fool. Proven by the fact that she was the first person you
thought of while chained in the dungeon. When she was your only concern once
you'd been freed and when you put her happiness and desires above your own,
you claimed her as your mate,” Mikael announced with venom in his voice.

Malek held himself in place by sheer force of will. He refused to show any
weakness that might work against him.

"Why else do you think Daemor wished her for his own? The bond between you
would have given him complete power over you, to control you. He knew you'd
risk life and limb to keep Sharra safe. You would have allowed nothing to
stand in your way if it meant keeping your mate safe."

Mikael finished, turning his eyes away from Malek and back to the woman
kneeling before him in contemplation.

Malek dropped his eyes from Sharra's kneeling form. She hadn't moved once
since he'd entered the chamber. He remembered back to the days when she'd
flash him that sexy grin the moment he entered the room, those nights he

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couldn't stay away and didn't understand why. The way she'd run into his arms
the moment she saw him. He missed that. “I wish I could take it all back..."

"Enough,” Sharra said softly.

Sharra's one word was barely above a whisper and so full of pain he felt what
was left of his heart crumble like ash.

"If Malek wishes me forgotten, wishes to take back all we've meant to each
other the past four years, then so be it. But I will not allow you to take my
memories of him. I deserve those at the very least."

He smelled the salt from her tears. Those words dearly cost her. He should
have realized that his mate would see the truth behind his words. Sharra
always had known what he wished before he did.

Looking up for the first time since he'd entered the room, Sharra started
reciting her pledge. “I pledge my life, my blood, and my...."

He knew those words, had heard many mortals recite them to Daemor. He'd be
damned if he'd allow her to throw their future away to feed anyone's damn
clan. No vampire would lay a single fang on her precious flesh but him.

Shifting his form, he moved before Nicolai could stop him. He'd never shifted
in the presence of another before, nor so quickly. His body flowed into his
lupine form only long enough to reach his mate, then shifted back to human,
pulling her into a kiss the moment he reached her, cutting off the vow mid

"Malek you insolent whelp, how dare you use your powers in this room!"

"I dare to stop my mate from finishing that vow.” Malek's teeth were exposed
in defiance, his whole body eager and willing to protect what was his. “She
misunderstood my words. I'd rather die than stand by and watch her desecrate
herself because of my foolishness."

He expected Mikael to order him taken away and put to death, yet he didn't
care if his rash actions saved Sharra.

"Are you satisfied, Sharranna?” Mikael asked with a satisfied smirk.

He realized then that Sharra clung to him, her face buried against his chest
and her fingers tangled possessively in his shirt, a smile pressed against his

"When can we make it official so he doesn't change his mind again?” She asked
quickly, the excitement in her voice surprising him.

In shock he looked down on his woman's face. “You planned this? This was a

"No Malek, if you hadn't stopped her, she'd have pledged herself to the clan,
mind, body, and soul,” Bella explained.

Anger flared at his core. “I forbid it!"

Sharra laughed at him, actually laughed with defiance etched firmly over her
beautiful face. “You can't forbid me to do anything Malek. You may request,
beg, or plead but after today you've lost the right to forbid."

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He liked this new determination in her. He had hoped she would mature into a
true partner, a woman he longed desperately to have in his life and his bed.
That she would arrange this elaborate ruse with the Lord and Lady's aid, just
to teach him a well deserved lesson gave him hope he'd been forgiven even if
just a little. “You mentioned making our mating official Sharra. This I wish

"When may it occur, Lord Mikael?"

Mikael laughed. “I will call for the Antedeluvians at dusk. For now
Sharranna, please return to your room."

Malek slipped his arm around Sharra's waist and turned to go. They only had
an hour together before sunrise and he had much to beg her forgiveness for.

"Alone Malek. Until the joining she may no longer share your bed or your

Malek stopped, his arms rigid around Sharra's waist halting her progression.
“Where will my mate be sleeping?"

"Nicolai has offered her the use of his spare chamber."

Bloodlust called to him at the thought of his Sharra alone with the wolf he
considered his only competition. Nicolai, the one person in this house who'd
taken the time to make certain she was alright, when even he, himself didn't
think of asking her.

Sharra tried to soothe him. “Hush Malek. I trust Nicolai. I'll see you at
sunset. Now that you've come to terms with your feelings, nothing could keep
me away from you."

Sharra had never been much for wasted words, so to hear her vow that nothing
could keep her from him lifted his spirits. Brushing the hair from her neck,
Malek growled possessively, and extended his fangs to give her a fresh mark of

Sharra gently stopped him. “You can't. Feeding is prohibited until the
joining ceremony. Punishment foryour rash actions.” Her lips trembled as she
traced a finger along his lips. “You'll need to visit the ... the protestuates
to feed until then."


"You must. If Daemor attacks you'll need your strength."

"I won't. I refuse to sully our bond further by visiting that place.” If
Daemor attacked, not that Malek believed he would, the man was too cowardly
for a frontal attack. Daemor preferred subterfuge and underhanded actions.
He'd deal with the beast when the time arose.

Sharra looked at him sadly. “Please explain it to him for me. I can't."

She kissed him softly and ran from the room in tears.

"Explain what?” Malek, turned from the closed door and back towards the Lord
and Lady on the throne. Sharra had just forgiven him, why now did she insist
he betray their love by visiting those women? “I don't understand? Hasn't she
been through enough pain?"

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"Pain you had a firm hand in creating.” Mikael narrowed his eyes angrily.
“Nicolai go after her, make certain she reaches her room safely."

With jealousy tinged with gratitude, Malek turned to the older vamp. “Make
sure she eats. She hasn't had sustenance since ... I never had the chance to
offer her food since the night before last."

Mikael leaned forward to whisper into Lady Bella's ear, trying to calm the
Lady's rising temper. Angrily she rose from his lap and started pacing behind
the throne while counting to ten.

When Bella reached ten, she turned furious eyes on Malek. “Explain!"

Malek stepped back, stunned by the vehemence in the Lady Bella's voice. “At
Raven house females are forbidden to dine without their men. I'd always
insisted Sharra return to her home during daylight hours to await me. There
she would be safe to sleep and eat when she felt the need."

Bella pounded the top of the throne with the palm of her hand. “You haven't
answered my question! Why hasn't she eaten in the past twenty-four hours?"

"Sharra got tired of waiting for me to realize she was there.” Looking back
toward the doors Sharra had run through, Malek fought his urge to go after
her. “She ignored my request and hid until the Vampires in the house were
asleep, then snuck into my room. Once Daemor retires for the evening, the day
guards are to lock down the house. No one can get in or out."

Bella returned to sit on her husband's knee, all the fight gone out of her.

Mikael stroked Bella hair thoughtfully. “You're excused childe, remember my

Malek walked out of the room wondering why he'd gotten off so easily and if
perhaps they weren't finished with him yet.
* * * *

"Mikael, he deserves more than being kept apart from the girl. He forgot to
feed her knowing she wasn't allowed to fetch food on her own."

Mikael, pulled her closer to her chest and held his wife tight. “Amore, if I
were to met out punishment to each foolish childe who ignored his heart when
he met his mate I would have lost control over the houses long ago. He's young
and had the girl's best interests at heart, even if he went about it wrongly."

"But the poor girl has been abused..."

Laughing, he stood with his wife still in his arms. “I'm positive the girl is
as much to blame for his memory loss as he is. You women can be very
determined when you have a goal in mind and hers was to seduce the young

Sliding her arms around his neck, she rested her head on his shoulder. “When
you put it that way, he's a pretty good kid isn't he?"

"Si, miBella, now shall we retire for the day? Tomorrow will be full of
excitement and we both need our rest."

"Take me to bed, you romantic fool."

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Chapter Nine

An hour past sunset and Sharra still hadn't appeared. Malek had searched
everywhere for her, everywhere, but her new rooms in Nicolai's suite. He woke
to find a note from Lady Bella reminding him that Nicolai's room was off
limits and he was to stay away.

This annoyed him as Nicolai was nowhere to be found. Every person he stopped
to ask told him he'd either just missed him or that he was back where Malek
had already been. On the word of a guard, he stormed his way toward the
opposite end of the manse, to confront Nicolai. “Where is she, Nicolai? Sharra
promised to meet me at sunset and my Sharra always keeps her promises."

Nicolai growled angrily and slammed down the clipboard he'd been looking at.
“Cub if you've done anything to upset that girl again, I'll have your head."

Malek took a step back in surprise, a horrible feeling forming in the pit of
his stomach. “You mean you haven't seen her tonight?"

"Not since sunset. She'd been preparing to see you, when I left the room!"

Terror filled him. Something was wrong. He took off at a run, flowing into
his lupine form to better track her scent, Nicolai right on his tail.

They found her in Malek's chambers, lying face down on his bed not moving. He
lost his hold on his lupine form the second he saw her. “Sharranna ... Baby?"

Pulling her into his arms he kissed her repeatedly, begging her to wake.


"I'm here Sharra, what's wrong? Why are you here?"

"Malek ... traitor ... poison ... need Nicolai."

She asked for another while in the throes of death. Hurt filled him. She
didn't love him enough to completely forgive after all. He started to lay her
back down onto the bed to fetch Nicolai for her as requested, wondering
briefly where the older wolf had gone, when her hands clutched weakly at his
shirt front pulling his attentions back to her.

"Don't let me go ... please—"

"I won't Sharra. I told you, I'll never let you go again. Talk to me, what

"Where am I? Why is it so cold?"

Malek wanted to howl in frustration and pain. Nicolai had disappeared the
moment they'd tracked her scent to his rooms. Sharra was dying. He smelled
death in the air and the thought that he was helpless to save her, killed him.

"Against Mikael's orders, you're in my rooms my love."

"No, no, no, no, that isn't allowed.” Sharra stopped to take a breath.
Speaking drained her. Malek get me out ... before he ... forbids us to marry.
I can't loose you ... not again ... please ... not again."

He kissed her softly to quiet her, pulling her further into his arms. She was
naked beneath the sheets. The person who did this to her, had violated her, or

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worse ... Holding Sharra tighter, he vowed he would find that person and make
them pay dearly for what they'd done to his mate.

"Malek, move out of the way so we can help her.” Mikael entered the room and
went straight to Sharra's side.

"No! I'm not leaving her side."

As weakly as Sharra clung to him, he refused to upset her more by breaking
his word and letting her go. “I made her a promise and I refuse to break it."

Nicolai hissed, his hand landing firmly on Malek's shoulder gaining his
attention. “What did she say? And don't lie to me boy, I can smell the poison
in her blood."

"Poison? No ... save her, heal her..."

Nicolai grabbed him by the collar and shook him. “Focus! What did she say?"

Malek thought back, all but three of her words had been garbled and hard to
understand. “She said traitor, poison, and Nicolai."

Mikael stood and started pacing. “Your little lady there must have uncovered
a traitor in our midst on her way to meet you. Can she be saved, Nicolai?"

"What do you mean by ‘can’ and why are you asking Nicolai to save her? Call a
doctor, a surgeon, the damned poison control experts!” Malek had been through
war, famine, loneliness and betrayal in his lifetime. Nothing frightened him
more than the threat of going through eternity without his Sharra.

"Nicolai is Wolf house's Spy Master childe. He is the resident expert in all
of Italy on poisons and poisonous substances.” Mikael explained with more
patience than the Lord had shown to date.

Nicolai looked Malek straight in the eyes, before answering. “I'll need to
taste her to determine how deep the poison has penetrated her body."

Malek bared his fangs in warning. “No one will..."

"Malek please ... if it can help,” Annabella pleaded.

He held Sharra possessively against him. “How much of her blood will you

Nicolai sat on the corner of the bed, and took Sharra's wrist in his hand. “A
few drops, no more. I must warn you, if the poison has gone too deep—"


Nicolai looked at him sadly. “The only thing that will save her will be to
turn her."

Malek growled in warning. “We can't. Sharra wishes to have children, and you
said only an unchanged female may bear children."

Her fingers softly traced his lips. She was weaker, dying, and there was
nothing he could do to save her except the unthinkable. This helpless feeling
was one he'd hoped to never experience again.

"I want you..."

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That was all he needed to hear, Sharra had chosen and he would respect her
choice. Leaning his head down, he drew her into a soft kiss, distracting her
while Nicolai pierced her wrist with his fangs.

"I love you, Malek."

Her hand fell away from his lips as she slipped into unconsciousness once
more. “Sharra?"

Nicolai rested the hand he held on the bed beside her. “It's the poison cub,
either we turn her ... or she dies!"

How did he decide? He'd promised himself to never sire another, never to put
another through the pain and suffering he'd experienced. Sharra deserved
better than a life relegated to darkness.

Annabella placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy. “She wished to be with
you more than life itself Malek. Children may still be a part of your future.
There are thousands of children in the world that need loving parents. You can
adopt, but only if she lives."

Nodding his understanding, he brushed back her hair and tilted her head back
exposing her neck. Fangs extended, he leaned in for the bite that would take
her life and realized he couldn't go through with it. “I can't ... I can't be
the one to kill her."

Nicolai pushed him out of the way with such force Malek fell off the bed.
“Move! I won't let her die. Only she can tell us who the traitor is!"

Bella entered further into the room and had a seat. “Malek, her dearest wish
was to be with you forever. I know this because I feel the same way about my
own mate."

No matter his feelings, it was too late to change his mind. Nicolai had
already pierced her neck and drained away the tainted blood. Finished, Nicolai
gestured toward Sharra's lifeless body.

"Now feed her, I won't be the one to sire your mate, nor will I risk her
change by feeding her tainted blood. If she lives or dies is all in your
hands. So choose!"

Still Malek hesitated. Was this really Sharra's wish? Her fondest desire?

Nicolai growled angrily.Why was he being so protective of Sharra's immortal
life? Could Nicolai have fallen in love with his mate? Did Sharra feel the
same? No ... “ Malek shook his head to stop the flood of questions and doubt
from running rampant through his mind.I care for her emotional well being
along with her physical. Nicolai wishes to catch a traitor is all! She told me
she loves me and wished to be with me.

Peace flowed through him at the last thought. Sharra loved him and he would
do everything in his power to save her. Before he could move, Nicolai grabbed
him by the collar and pulled him onto the bed. Malek looked up at the older
wolf in stunned surprise.

Nicolai was insane! He watched in awe as Nicolai grabbed his wrist and
slashed it open before putting it against Sharra's lips for her to drink.
There was no turning back now. “I didn't risk my immortality to let her die
cub. That poison she'd been injected with is deadly to our kind as well as

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Sharra lay lifeless, refusing to drink Malek's blood. Her inaction finally
scared him into action. “Please Sharranna, drink. I can't live without you. If
you die, I'll take my own life to be with you. I swear it!"

How did he get her to drink if it wasn't her wish? How did he know if she
wanted to drink, yet felt too weak to do it on her own?

Slowly at first, her lips pulled at the wound, taking in the blood, then with
more relish as her strength began to return. Just as suddenly, she stopped.
Her lips released his wrist with a contented sigh. “I love you Malek."

Relief flooded his core, she was alive and didn't despise him for choosing
her life over any possible children they might have in the future. Drawing her
into a soft kiss, he quickly found himself feeling breathless and in need of
so much more. “Feeling better my love?"

Sharra smiled softly, her hands tangling in the blanket around her as she got
used to her new senses. He remembered well that first taste of his heightened
abilities, and vowed to be there for her while she adjusted. Looking around
the room he saw that they were now alone with Nicolai.

Annabella and Mikael had left, probably to lock down the manse before the
traitor could escape.
* * * *

Sharra never felt so alive or so hungry for both sustenance and sex. She
smelled Malek's blood and wanted more, but this time she wanted it on her own
terms. Sitting up, she straddled his lap, ignoring his weak protests and her
lack of clothing. She wanted him and nothing short of true death was stopping
her. Undoing his pants, she ran her hands possessively up his belly and under
his shirt. Laying soft, teasing kisses up his chest, she pushed his shirt up
over his head as she went. Everything she smelled and touched was more vivid
than she remembered. More enticing...

"Sharra...” he gasped, his hands kneading her ass possessively and exciting
her further. “...wait. Nicolai..."

"I almost forgot, Nicolai come here."

She smelled Malek's anger rising and knew she needed to diffuse it. “Nicolai
must drink my love, or he'll die from the poison he took from me. I refuse to
have that on my conscience for eternity."

She sensed his disagreement, but before he had a chance to voice it she
nipped it in the bud. “He saved my life, and I intend to save him ... for

She saw the surprise in Malek's eyes at her statement but he still agreed
reluctantly. “Very well, but I insist you cover yourself first."

Sharra leaned down, brushing her bare breasts against his chest to whisper in
his ear. “I was hoping you'd ravage me while he fed."


She laughed and kissed his lips. The freedom she felt was intoxicating. “The
sounds, smells and tastes are all so much richer ... clearer now. You never
told me ... I want you, Malek. I want to feed from you while you bring me to

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the brink of an orgasm and beyond."

His eyes widened in hunger and desire. “Deal, but only after Nicolai feeds
and leaves us alone."

She lured him into a deep a soul searing kiss, to seal their agreement.
“Nicolai, come here!"

The vampire weakly waved her away, annoying and angering her. “I said now
Nicolai! I will not allow you to die when I can easily transfuse you with the
blood Malek so lovingly gave me. Now get your ass over here and bite me,
damnit! Malek will not be happy with you if you force me to go there to you."

She giggled at Malek's warning growl and the possessive hold he had around
her waist. He let her go only long enough to wrap a blanket around her
shoulders, covering her from Nicolai's view. She kissed him in thanks then
turned her gaze back to Nicolai. “Mikael will be very angry with me if I let
you die Nicolai, as will Kelly..."

Nicolai stood unsteadily, and walked slowly to the bed, to sit beside them,
hesitant to take what she knew he needed. Sharra was through playing games and
used her ace in the hole. “If you don't drink to keep yourself alive, I won't
tell Mikael who the traitor is!"

Nicolai howled in frustrated anger, and tilted Sharra's head to the side and
sank his fangs into her throat's artery to drink. She cried out at the
overload of emotions she experienced while he fed.
* * * *

Sated Nicolai licked the drop of blood from the corner of his mouth and sat
back. “I'll leave you both to rest and recover. At sunset we go hunting."

Standing, he paused and kissed Sharra's lips. “Thank you for caringMavodar
Mamb .” Seeing her confused expression he repeated it just for her in English.
“Young Mother."

"Nicolai, don't you wish the name of the traitor?"

"No need little one, you told me while I fed. Enjoy your evening, for when
the traitor is caught we start your new training."

Malek waited until the door closed, then pinned Sharra to the bed below him.
“Time to make all of your desires reality my love."

"It's about time."
* * * *

Nicolai processed the information he'd gotten from Sharra's mind while he fed.
They'd bonded on a cellular him and the her mind was now an open book to him.
Nicolai only hoped that she hadn't inherited his gifts in the process. Nicolai
returned to the Red room to report, only to find Mikael returning to the cub's

"Vater?I was just on my way to report.” He noted a soft sigh of relief as
Mikael's shoulders relaxed upon seeing him.Could he have been worried for my

"Yes, Nicolai I am happy to see you safe and well. How is the girl?"

"Happy and horny. I'll never understand why our women wake from death so full

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of need and desire."

Mikael chuckled throatily and turned back toward his Sanctuary. “It's a
mystery we may never solve, but one I'm looking forward to tackling. Bella
will be ready to turn once the child is born, a day I am looking forward to
very much."

Nicolai shook his head in amusement. “You tempt me to find a woman to Sire,
if only to experience this phenomenon but first we have a traitor to find.”And
then ... then we take down Daemor once and for all.

"Let's make that call to the elders and request the clan Antediluvians’ come
bless Sharra and Malek's union."

Nicolai frowned as a stray thought occurred to him. “The cub will wish to
know who his Sire was, as will the Antediluvians. What will you tell them?
Lady Bella searched the record and found no mention of the cub in them."

"The truth. His Sire was killed before he could report his new charge, and
that only Daemor may have the answers we seek."

"He isn't likely to tell us after our last visit to his house. I feel for the
cub. Not knowing who sired you is difficult and will affect his trust issues."

Mikael stopped walking. “Sharranna trusts Wolf house and honesty will win the
childe over in the end Nicolai. Just wait and see. He will be a valuable
member of our house once he decides what he wants out of life. I have faith in
that ... and a wife awaiting me in our rooms. Sleep well Nicolai."
The End

We hope you enjoyed the second installment of Aline de Chevigny'sChronicles of
the Cursed Book 2: Ravenson Project. In the first story, we learn about Mikael
and his Annabella.

Mikael De Wohlf has lived the better part of his life as a ruthless, vicious
vampire. Only one person, Annabella Micelli, has managed to sooth his vampire
ire to warm what is left of his soul. But Annabella despises the way Mikael
lives, the way he metes out justice, the way he has brought about the downfall
of his enemies. How can he turn her disgust into lust and then maybe into


Mikael De Wohlf was aware he scared people. He could see it in their eyes
when they were called into his presence. He'd killed his own sire, no vampire
in history had ever done that as viciously as he had. Now they weren't sure
what to make of him. Women still came to him willingly his blond hair and teal
colored eyes, inherited from his Russian father and Greek mother, got him all
the female attention he wished.

Any woman but her—the one he desired.

Annabella Micelli knew who he truly was. She was among the elite of the human
race with the knowledge of his kind, the knowledge of the undead. He knew his
past actions disgusted her. He saw it every time she looked into his eyes.
Clearly, she fought his advances because of his reputation as a vile ruthless
demon without a conscience. No other reason made sense of her actions. She
didn't approve of his tactics, or of the fact that he used his vast knowledge,

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painfully gained throughout the centuries, to assure the downfall of his
enemies and their progeny at any cost. He desperately wished he hadn't given
her grandfather his word that he wouldn't use his mental gifts on her. To be
able to read her mind would simplify his life immeasurably.

Yet he couldn't bring himself to break his word or kill her like he had all
others who disapproved of him. She had a hold over him, over that thing that
had once been his heart. Her mere presence soothed him; her aura washed over
him like a calming breeze. Her smiles, though rare warmed his soul and made
him want—life, love and family. With her around, many escaped his anger and
their deaths. For that reason alone she willingly served as his secretary—or
his personal assistant.

Visit for information on additional titles by this
and other authors.

This eBook copyrighted. See the first page of this book for full copyright

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