Lee Avalone Light My Fire

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…Craig moved away from the bed. A second scream

turned him in the direction of the victim, who now lay on a
stretcher, surrounded by the EMTs.

“What’s happening?” another man asked.
Craig wasn’t certain, but it couldn’t be good. “I never see

them still alive. It would be beside the point since the demons
are eating their souls. This time it wasn’t successful.” And
maybe that was the key to finding a way to stem the flood of
chaos. How had this one survived when so many others had

“Are you sure the demon’s gone?” one man asked and


“I’m certain it’s not in the room with us, but it could still

be close.”

“What the fuck is stuffed inside this guy’s penis?”
Craig closed the distance fast and bent to closer examine

the gold speck he’d seen earlier in the victim’s slit. Maybe this
was what he was looking for. A talisman… something.
Demons were curious creatures in that they attached
themselves to peculiar physical objects. “It’s as if they need to
connect themselves to humans with a man-made object,
something tangible. If we knew the answers to why they do
what they do, we’d be able to rid ourselves of their presence.”

The victim lifted his hand to touch Craig shoulder. “I tried

to cut it off.”

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“He cut his own cock?” one of the medical techs squeaked.
“What kind of guy would do something like that?”
Craig moved closer. “The kind who knows he has a

demon’s talisman shoved inside him. If that’s what I think it
is…he’s good as dead.”

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Sex Scene: Take One

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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of

the author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC


All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission

in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2008 by Lee Avalone

ISBN 978-1-60272-309-2

Cover Art © 2008 Trace Edward Zaber

Layout and Formatting provided by: Elemental Alchemy


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To new beginnings…in stories and life, I dedicate

this to those taking on life’s next big challenge, whatever it

may be. May DWB in Soho live on in our hearts forever!

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The body, bloody and beaten over every inch, hung from

the wall with arms spread in a macabre configuration of the
crucifix. Not only was it cliché, it pissed Craig off. His chosen
profession as demon hunter brought him to the fiery gates of
hell on more than one occasion and this was one of them.

Demon manifestation at its very worst, this makeshift

theatric sacrifice made his stomach pitch. Craig’s humanity
hadn’t been so desensitized by all the carnage over the past
couple of years that this horrific scene meant so little. It
affected him. The man’s almost severed dick waved with the
hot breeze of the window fan blowing on it. The flow of air
sent the smell of decomposition in the opposite direction from

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where Craig stood in the doorway to the fourth-floor walkup
in a seedy neighborhood of Chicago. Instead the aromas
wafting from the pizzeria below made it almost welcoming.
However, as Craig stepped deeper into the room, an
underlying current of fire and brimstone hung like a shroud in
the single room efficiency.

Smells. Most of the time, the smells bothered him worse

than the visual experience of these brutal slayings. The
slayings had become all too commonplace over the last few
months. The escalation of violent acts perpetrated by demons
on the weak willed of mankind had reached an all-time high.
Here in Chicago a special taskforce had been instituted to stem
the tide of brutality and so far they’d had little success.

Craig reached into his pocket for his cell to call for the

coroner and a bus to transport the body, when a moan almost
made him drop the phone. No wonder there was no stench of
decomp. The victim was still alive. No way!

Poor fuck.
“This is Lieutenant Craig Faulk, with the CDDC, Chicago

Department of Demon Control. I got a live one and need
medics, ASAP at 135 Cater, fourth floor, first door to the

“Demon attack again?” The operator’s voice changed from

calm to rushed and nervous. Demon attacks had the whole city
living in terror, ever since the previous year when the gates of
hell had been officially opened, no ribbon-cutting, but open
nevertheless. No one individual or department of many such
folks could stem the flow of evil for long.

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“You got it and I imagine you know the drill by now. I’m

going to see what I can do for this guy. Give me an ETA.”

“But they’re never alive.”
“I don’t have time to argue here.”
“I already have someone on the way. Maybe three minutes

out. Stay on the line and I’ll keep you apprised.”

“Three minutes,” Craig repeated and then snapped the cell

shut, before he pigeon-toed through the puddles of coagulated
blood on well-worn wood floor in his new ostrich leather
boots. If blood seeped into the quill holes in the leather, it
would be a bitch to get them clean. The second the thought
occurred to him, he experienced a stab of guilt. He was
worried about his boots while this poor schmuck hung on the
wall like a bloody discarded rag. When he drew close, the
victim stank of human waste and puke. A yellow stream of
bile ran out of the corner of his mouth and over his chest to a
puddle of vomit at his feet.

The naked man was slight of frame, but his muscles were

well defined, like a runner or maybe a biker. “Looks like you
couldn’t run fast enough to get away from this one, buddy.”

The man raised his shaggy head, his long, matted blond

hair falling across his face. But what struck Craig in the gut
with a force unlike anything he’d felt for a long time, were his
eyes—filled with pain, but still striking. Blue-green, almost
turquoise, even in misery, they were beautiful. When he
closed them a second later, Craig breathed easier.

Craig didn’t like it. He had no business giving this guy a

second thought. This guy had one foot in the grave and the

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other in a puddle of stinking puke. “Help is on the way. Hold
on, buddy. Craig didn’t want to risk moving the man for fear
of doing him more harm.”

::Pray for me.::
The situation just went from bad to worse in a blink since

the dude hadn’t spoken out loud, but the words were clear in
Craig’s brain. This guy’s soul wanted to communicate. The
demon hadn’t eaten it. However, demon hunters weren’t the
best people to go to for spiritual help. Most of the time Craig
had the sinking suspicion one day his fire would be lit and
he’d end up in hell, too, with the rest of the unrepentant hell-
raisers. As much as he detested demons, they rubbed off on
him. He became a little less of a believer in the power of good
versus evil with each passing day and every grotesque murder
of the innocent.

The wail of a siren in the distance gave him hope help

would soon arrive. Craig had seen many a cock, but this poor
sucker’s near-dismembered piece had him wanting to grab his
own crotch and hang on tight.

He retraced his steps, then swiveled to the left toward the

window to turn off the fan. It couldn’t help to have his near-
severed penis flailing like a flag in the breeze. As Craig
twisted back, a flash of gold caught his eye, and he shuddered.
Had something been rammed up there, too? Why the sexual
mutilation on top of a beating severe enough to cause death?
What had this guy done to warrant this kind of abuse?

“Holy hell! I hate these calls.”
Craig looked in the direction of the deep male voice to see

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a burly, uniformed Chicago cop with a face as green as the
plant on a stand near the victim.

“He’s still alive,” Craig said.
Craig shook his head. “There’s nothing holy about this.”

Another effect resulting from deteriorating quality of life—
people no longer sat on the fence. Now it was full-on war of
good versus evil, only those who claimed to be good often
didn’t have a clue.

Right behind the Chicago cop walked three paramedics,

and the relief Craig experienced was palpable. These cases
usually didn’t rattle him, since he’d long ago lost count of the
bodies. Then again, the victims normally weren’t alive. There
had been only one in the past, and that person had lived only
for a few minutes. So far, this one had the record.

Craig had work to do. If the demon who did this left

evidence to facilitate his speedy discovery, he needed to find
it. Not that he’d had much success in the past, but finding this
evil fuck seemed even more necessary with a live victim. It
could mean he’d still be targeted.

With someone there to care for the casualty, Craig got

down to business. The psychic vibes were strong in the room
now that he wasn’t concentrating on helping someone who
more than likely wouldn’t make it anyway. He moved over to
the blood soaked bed and tried not think about what had
happened there.

Psychic vibes, dank and intense, floated about the bed like

smoke. Although no one else could see, he did. It was his gift.

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One he’d willingly give up for a more normal life any day of
the week. He didn’t have that option.

Sometime his psychic manifestation was visual and other

times olfactory. And on occasion, not often, if a soul reached
out…he could hear a person’s inner thoughts.

Craig reached to pull back the sheet. The moment his

fingers grazed the surface an otherworldly scream echoed
through the room.

“What the fuck!” a male voice said.
Craig moved away from the bed. A second scream turned

him in the direction of the victim, who now lay on a stretcher,
surrounded by the EMTs.

“What’s happening?” another man asked.
Craig wasn’t certain, but it couldn’t be good. “I never see

them still alive. It would be beside the point since the demons
are eating their souls. This time it wasn’t successful.” And
maybe that was the key to finding a way to stem the flood of
chaos. How had this one survived when so many others had

“Are you sure the demon’s gone?” one man asked and


“I’m certain it’s not in the room with us, but it could still

be close.”

“What the fuck is stuffed inside this guy’s penis?”
Craig closed the distance fast and bent to closer examine

the gold speck he’d seen earlier in the victim’s slit. Maybe this
was what he was looking for. A talisman…something.
Demons were curious creatures in that they attached

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themselves to peculiar physical objects. “It’s as if they need to
connect themselves to humans with a man-made object,
something tangible. If we knew the answers to why they do
what they do, we’d be able to rid ourselves of their presence.”

The victim lifted his hand to touch Craig shoulder. “I tried

to cut it off.”

“He cut his own cock?” one of the medical techs squeaked.
“What kind of guy would do something like that?”
Craig moved closer. “The kind who knows he has a

demon’s talisman shoved inside him. If that’s what I think it
is…he’s good as dead.”

“What is it?” one of the paramedics asked and jerked back.

“This demon shit is…” His mouth snapped shut and he took
another step backward. The crusty old guy obviously didn’t
like dealing with demons. Well, who did?

Craig had an idea what might be inside the victim’s slit,

but didn’t know for certain. “Can you get it out of there?”

“I’m not a homophobe,” one of them admitted, “but I don’t


“Allow me,” another said. “Just another day in the life for


Craig took a second look at the EMT. Gay, huh? And

good-looking, too.

The one who’d already proven to be unreliable gave an

angry growl. “You don’t have to sound so goddamned proud
of it.”

“Are you saying I should be ashamed?”
This wasn’t the time to have a discussion about sexuality.

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Another time…Craig would give them an earful, and an ass-
full to the cute EMT who’d just come out in front of him.

Craig took the head of the man’s sizeable cock between his

fingers and felt around the circumference of his cock-head.
And he didn’t like what he quickly concluded. “You got any

“This is ridiculous,” the homophobe said. “We need to get

this guy to the hospital right now. Who gives a fuck what he’s
got rammed up his cock.”

“I do. And so should you if it brings you in contact with

the demon who did this. I just finished telling you they attach
themselves to objects.”

“I found them. You want me to try?”
“Since you’re the medical professional, I think you should.

Although I don’t have any problem holding a man’s junk.”

“For crissakes. You two jerk-offs are turning my


The crusty bastard’s bulging stomach would do more than

turn if he didn’t shut up. It was about to become acquainted
with Craig’s fist. If what he believed was in this poor guy’s
penis, everyone would soon be queasy and it would have
nothing to do with homophobic willies.

The victim’s eyes opened again and he stared at Craig. The

psychic and sexual vibes Craig had experienced earlier
returned in full force as he looked at the man’s haunting
turquoise eyes. A long fringe of brown-blond lashes framed
them…what wasn’t caked with blood.

“It’s a crucifix…a fucking cross.”

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“I didn’t know something like that would fit in there. I

thought you said this thing might be a demon’s talisman. I
thought a cross would stop them, not be used to help them.”
The homophobe made the sign of the cross.

“What better object to use than something people trust and

believe in,” Craig told them.

Between milking it out with his fingers and tweezing, the

paramedic got it. About an inch in length and maybe a half-
inch wide, it could have been worse. “This thing is hot as

Words he so didn’t want to hear. Craig grabbed the

crucifix and prepared for the worst, or so he thought. When in
the next instant they were surrounded by flames, a bad
situation became fatal.

“Move it!”
Craig grabbed hold of the stretcher and lunged toward the


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“You have a visitor.” The female voice awakened Steven

with a start…and then he remembered. It hadn’t been a
nightmare and would’ve been better if it had. His reality was
far worse than any nightmare, and Steven would never be the

He opened his eyes to see his savior, the man capable of

transforming his worst horrors into dreams. He stood way over
six feet, even larger than Steven remembered in his pain-
induced semi-consciousness state. No wonder the big man had
been able to not only save Steven, but get everyone to safety
when the fire started.

“You came. Thank you. I don’t even know your name.”

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His champion pulled the wide-brimmed, black western hat

from his head and then swept his a hand through his hair, more
a gesture of nervousness than grooming since his short dark
hair curled back off his face. Everything about him was
dark—hair, eyes, and even his tanned skin.

“Lieutenant Craig Faulk.” He pulled a badge from his

jacket pocket and took a few steps closer. Near enough Steven
could see his eyes were very dark blue. “CDDC, Chicago
Department of Demon Control.”

Craig Faulk. Lieutenant Craig Faulk. Steven mentally

repeated the name while he admired his visitor. The glossy
black sportscoat Craig wore over washed-out blue jeans had a
western yolk and made him infinitely fuckable, the kind of
man who turned heads, both men’s and women’s. Steven
knew if he could see to the man’s feet, he’d find cowboy

“Are you a real cowboy?”
Craig gave a lopsided grin and it transformed his face from

handsome into downright devastating, and it gave Steven a
lump in his throat. The tanned skin crinkled at his eyes and,
have mercy, the man had dimples. Steven had already been in
love with him before he’d discovered Craig was an Adonis.
But this handsome lieutenant had too much on the ball to ever
get mixed up with someone like Steven…if he were gay…and
what was the chance of that? Ordinarily, Steven would say
slim to none, but there were rumors about the demon

“In Chicago? I used to be, but not anymore. I grew up in

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Montana and then followed the rodeo circuit until an injury
forced me into retirement.”

“Did you ride bulls?” His balls tightened and for a second

he imagined his cock responded to the idea. No way. The
doctors were optimistic maybe one day they’d get his cock to
work, but it couldn’t be this easy to regain his manhood.

“On occasion, but mostly I rode broncs, did some

bulldogging, and my partner and I were National calf-roping
champions three years in a row.”

His partner? Just in cowboying, or in life?
“Now I hunt demons.”
Hunt them? Steven’s stomach rolled and gooseflesh

showed on the surface of his arms crossed over his chest. The
idea of going out his way to come in contact with demons
made him ill. He relived the attack moment by moment and
had thought of little else. “That’s why you came to my

“One of my informers told me about a demon attack and I

went to your apartment expecting to find you dead.”

“When I invited him in—the demon, I didn’t know who or

what he was. I’d met him earlier at a club. I had no idea.”

The lieutenant pulled a small leather notepad with pen

attached from his pocket. CF was embossed on the corner. It
wasn’t the kind of thing a person bought for himself. Steven
bet someone special had given it to him.

“You met him earlier?” Craig asked. “What club? How?

Did he come on to you or were you introduced?”

“He said he’d had his eye on me for a while. Why me?”

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“Demons take joy in torturing the weak.”
“Is it true most of the squad hunting demons are gay?”

Steven asked the question in retaliation. He didn’t believe the
rumors and hated to be called weak, even when he knew it to
be true. He’d heard it his entire life, starting with his mother.
He’d had a good relationship with her until she joined a cult
and became a religious fanatic. Then everything changed. She
became abusive and, when he acted out, she’d tried to beat his
normal teenage rebelliousness out of him. She’d leave welts as
big as his fingers across his buttocks and the back of his legs
in her self-righteous rages.

And all of his lovers had called him waiflike and

submissive, which he hated. “You don’t know me well enough
to say I’m weak.”

“Trust me, anyone who can survive what you did isn’t a

lightweight. I’d never call you weak. I believe you appeared
fragile to your attacker… And yes, it’s true about the squad.
We have a unique advantage in hunting demons.”

Steven gave a nod. “What advantage?”
“If I spoke openly about it, then the benefit would be lost.”
“Of course. I’m sorry. About the man—”
“I met the m—demon at a club earlier that night when

were introduced by a mutual friend.”

“A friend or a lover? I’ve been doing some investigation

on you—”

“And have come to the conclusion I’m a slut,” Steven

talked over top of the handsome cowboy. “Steven Richter, slut

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extraordinaire.” There was no safe road this conversation
could take that wouldn’t leave him looking cheap and easy.
Steven preformed sex acts for money on occasion. Lately the
occasions were more often than not.

The gorgeous hunk stopped short of rolling his midnight

blue eyes. “I need a name and an address for this friend of
yours who introduced you.”

Here it came…the condemnation, and no way could this

macho beefcake begin to understand even if he was gay. “I
know him by Carlos. And he frequents the Buzz Club.”

“I’ve heard of it.”
“Not your type of hangout.”
“I don’t have a type of hangout. I don’t drink, dance, or

frequent clubs of any sort and I bore the shit out of anyone
foolish enough to get close to me. But this isn’t about me, is
it? Could you give me a description? Something to lead me in
the right direction?”

“Maybe I could take you there.”
“You aren’t in any shape to go clubbing.”
“They’re releasing me today.”
The handsome, cowboy demon hunter shook his head and

sighed. “No insurance, huh?”

“I’m a dancer.”
“You got something against dancers or gays?” Steven’s

words came out petulant and whiney. He so didn’t want to do
this. This guy had saved his life and he didn’t deserve a drama

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“Let’s try this.” Craig pulled something out of the inside

pocket of his stylish western sportscoat. The tight jeans under
the jacket were almost more than Steven could bear. This man
was perfection wrapped up like chocolate cake and caviar.

He held up a glass vile holding a gold cross, probably the

same one that had been rammed up his cock. A closer look
and Steven could see it was surrounded by water. “Is that the
one that was inside me?”

“How did that work out? The operation…was it a


Steven knew what he wanted to know. No man, gay or

straight, wanted to think of what it would be like to live
without a penis. “I had my first successful piss this morning.
That’s why they’re releasing me. They say I’m cured. I guess
it looked worse than it really was.”

“It looked damned near cut off.”
“Maybe I’ll get lucky. Those words have new meaning.”
Cowboy, Craig frowned. “I can only imagine. Now about

this—” Craig held the vile closer. Steven reached for it. When
their fingers touched, a current traveled through the tips of his
fingers and up his arm. For the briefest moment, Steven
believed the source was sexual until pain sizzled along his
nerve endings and blackness crept into his mind.

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Craig awakened as a mouth clamped over his cock. He

opened his eyes to see his legs stretched out in front of him,
still fully clothed. This wasn’t real, but the sensations were.
Steven Richter lay in the bed next to where Craig had been
sitting since the man lost consciousness.

And now…
The mouth, warm and velvety soft, began to suck his

cockhead, just the right amount of pressure to make Craig last
a good long time. He hadn’t let himself go, drift in pleasure,
for such a long time. Why not? Steven was dreaming this and
he’d never know that Craig was fully aware of what was
happening. Why not sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride?

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A hand wrapped around the base of his cock and another

fondled his balls, rolling them with a gentle touch and skill to
make Craig remember this event. Craig breathed deeper,
filling his lungs, while his head lolled back. The tingling at the
back of skull traveled all the way down his spine and then
spread around and down to seize his balls. Each suck, no
matter how gentle, produced a tightening that wouldn’t be
denied for long.

When next Craig was being swallowed, the urge to fuck

went into overdrive. He humped into the invisible face with
his hands gripping the arms of the chair until his knuckles
turned white. When a finger slid into his ass, he almost
exploded. Only sheer will staid the sweet inevitable. The
finger pulled back to rim him, then penetrated a second time.
As the finger fucked harder, Craig began to sweat. Each graze
against his sweet spot sent him higher, tighter, and more near
explosion without going over than he’d ever remembered
being. The pleasure and the need to cling to it, to control it,
became torture.

In a blink, both the hands and mouth were gone. Craig

lifted his gaze to find Steven staring at him…wide awake.
Frustrated didn’t begin to describe what Craig felt right then.
His balls would be blue in another second. “Fuck!”

Craig pulled himself from the chair to walk stiff-legged

into the bathroom. Unzipping his jeans, he took hold of his
cock and fucked his hand. A ribbon of cum shot across the
shower and onto the smooth white surface of the plastic wall,

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and then another ribbon followed, then another. Craig grunted
his satisfaction loud enough to be heard in the next room.
While ordinarily he would’ve worried about a lack of restraint,
his sexual frustration took precedence.

After he cleaned up his jism, he walked back into the room

and was greeted by a turquoise stare of terror.

Between him and the bed where Steven struggled to get to

his feet was a demon in human form. The smell of brimstone
hung in the air. Craig turned the ring on his finger and
concentrated. The air heated and crackled with energy. The
demon jerked around with supernatural speed.

Too late.
A pinpoint beam of light shot from the ring and caught the

beast as he started to transform. His dragon-like mouth with
rows of sharp, protruding teeth opened wide in a high-pitched

It was going to get ugly real quick.
One. Two. Craig began a mental count as he moved around

the room, keeping the beam on the demon whose human arms
became like a prehistoric caricature with long sharp claws.
One swipe could slash a man’s throat to shreds.

Three. Four.
Craig held the ring steady and prayed the power would

outlast the number of souls the demon possessed.

Five. Six. Seven.
The room grew dark with supernatural power of the worst

sort…black and dank. Piecing shards of power stung him as

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they pelted him in every direction. This had to be hitting
Steven, too, but he hadn’t uttered a whimper.

Craig’s hand began to shake, but the demon took a step

back and gave him hope. And the evil spirit stopped
metamorphosing into his full demon form, where he’d be
many more times powerful.

The pain became almost intolerable. If not for the wail the

demon continued to emit, Craig might not have been able to
work through the pain and keep the laser-like beam on the
horrendous form.

A hand touched his shoulder.
A calm flowed through Steven’s touch and washed over

Craig to block the pain. His hand stopped shaking and the
demon howled still louder. He continued to count until he
reached twenty-nine, longer than he believed possible. Chains
of fire materialized, surrounding the demon. Like a lasso, they
encircled it and drew tight. In an almost blinding flash of light,
the demon disappeared.

The calming effect of Steven’s hand changed character and

flashed to sexual. Craig turned and the frail man collapsed into
his arms in a dead faint again. Craig carried him to the bed as
easily if he carried a small child. But instead of putting Steven
down, Craig took the liberty of holding him tight against his

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His long golden hair fell about his face, half covering it.

His flawless porcelain skin would make him sought after in
the degraded profession he’d chosen. His weight told Craig he
was stronger than he looked. He’d have to be strong to do
what he’d done back there, trying to come to Craig’s support.
And he had.

Now he looked like a sleeping angel. Only he wasn’t an

angel, not even close. His full lips were made for kissing,
almost pouting as he slept peacefully. The light stubble on his
chin and over his upper lip was not quite as pale as his hair.
Protective urges rose and then were pushed aside by the urge
to fuck. Craig dropped him like a hot potato. No way did he
need this kind of complication.

This was about surviving a close brush with death, not

about desire.

* * *

Steven awakened to find the handsome cowboy gone, or so

he thought. When Craig ambled out of the bathroom zipping
his tight jeans, his eyes were just naturally drawn to his crotch.
And just like each time he awakened, the memories flooded
back, only this time a new one joined the crowd inside his
head. There had been a demon in his hospital room.

“A demon.”
“We sent him back to Tartarus to await his eternal

judgment. That one won’t be bothering you again.”

“I don’t think it was the same one.”
“What the fuck?”

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“The one who tortured me turned into his otherworldly

form, too. They looked nothing alike. It’s like I’m on a
fucking demonic hit list. This is the third time I’ve
encountered one in less than a week.”

The handsome lieutenant’s face looked like he’d been

smacked. “What happened the first time?

Steven took a deep breath. He so didn’t want to relive the

event. “The one who tortured me fought with the first one at
the Club Buzz earlier. I didn’t have a clue, because I thought
maybe someone had slipped me a hallucinogen. He bragged
about it later.”

“Then we need to get you out of here. You need protection

until we can figure out what you have that they want.” Craig
frowned and seemed uneasy. “Did you have sex with either of

“I’m sure you know about me. I’m a whore.”
“That’s what I’ve heard.”
Very diplomatic. Don’t call someone a whore if you’re

seeking information. Then on the other hand, this polite
cowboy didn’t seem the type to sling insults, even if they were
deserved. “I dreamed about you. I dreamed you wanted me to
kiss you.”

The cowboy turned red and made Steven sorry he’d said it.

“I’m not telling you this because I want to kiss you. Dreams
can’t be controlled as far as I know. I told you because it
reminded me of the other one, the demon.” Only he did want
to kiss this cowboy and the idea didn’t please Steven any more
than it did Craig. “I don’t kiss the guys I fuck for money—

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ever. The first guy at the bar, the one I later learned was a
demon, asked me to kiss him. He told me he’d give me a
grand for a kiss. And he had one…a thousand-dollar bill. I
didn’t think it was real or I might’ve done it. I didn’t believe
someone would offer me that kind of money just for a kiss.
And I told him so.

“I pissed him off…no beyond pissed. What I’d said

infuriated him and I made myself scarce. I knew he was evil, I
just didn’t realize how much so. Later, the second one told me
he’d fought for me and won.”

“I wonder if this has happened before,” Craig said. “How

many of our victims had more than one demonic encounter
before they ended up dead? This could be the key to slowing
down the carnage, at the very least.”

“Then you think it’s going to keep happening. For

whatever reason, I have a target on my backside.”

“What about the guys you fuck for fun?”
“What about them?”
“Do you kiss them?”
“Since I started this…became a whore, I haven’t been with

anyone just for fun. It’s not like I could fall for anyone who
paid for me.”

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Pay for sex…
While he’d never had to pay—why not go for it? Craig

decided he’d go insane if he had to be with Steven twenty-
four-seven, having psychic blow jobs. Maybe a little sex
would take the edge off. Right after the demon attack, when
Steven passed out cold, he’d come to Craig in a supernatural
manifestation again to give him another BJ. And the second
time had been even better than the first. Plus, it had the same
frustrating ending…a nurse came into the room to check on
Steven right as Craig was about to blow his load.

Her interruption stopped everything and Craig had to seek

the solace of the bathroom a second time.

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“I want to hire you. What do you get an hour?”
“You want to…you want to fuck me?”
“Correction. I want to fuck your mouth.”
Steven gave a noncommittal shrug, but his turquoise eyes

squinted as if he didn’t care for the idea. “I get two bills for

“I’m talking twenty-four-seven. What do you get for a

whole day? I want to keep you close, but I want a working
relationship. I want head…when I want it. How much?”

“A thousand a day, five grand a week.”
Craig expected more. But then he’d heard Steven was

more interested in drinking than making money. “And you
need to lay off the booze.”

Steven winced. “That may not be so easy.”
“You were in a coma for three weeks. You’ve already


“Why do you suppose the demon who came today didn’t

come while I was unconscious if he wanted to finish the job?”

“Good question. One we need to figure out. Do we have a

deal? You come home with me and—”

“Deal. But I can’t charge you. You saved my life…twice.”
“We’ll have to make other arrangements if you don’t. I can

get one of the others on the squad to take over for me. I need
to keep the lines separating business and personal clear.
Fucking is business only between us.”

“You evidently don’t want to do this, so why?”
“I need to keep my urges under control. You’re going to

help me during the course of this investigation. The demons

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have triggered a button I don’t normally experience. You’d be
doing me a service in more ways than one.”

Steven seemed to accept this explanation. No way did

Craig want him to know about the telepathic connection they
shared. And no way did he want to reveal this to the guys on
his squad, but he had to. It wasn’t a conversation he relished.
“Let’s get you checked out of here before you pass out again.”

Only Craig wasn’t so lucky. On the ride to his house in the

suburbs, Steven fell asleep again. Sure enough, Craig found
himself driving down the freeway with a phantom mouth
teasing his cock. To make matters worse, the traffic came to
standstill and Craig drove a stick. In the first thirty seconds,
he’d grinded an inch of steel from his gears.

Teeth nibbled on the tag of skin on the underside of his

cockhead, tugging with enough pressure to stop just short of
pain while delivering a zing.

Craig’s foot slipped from the clutch just as he stopped and

he stalled the car. Before the traffic started moving again, he
restarted the engine and shifted into neutral. If he survived this
without wrecking his Porsche it would be a miracle.

* * *

Steven preferred this dream over the demonic nightmare

he’d been having only minutes before. The cowboy’s cock
was long and thick, more than enough to satisfy. Steven
worshiped it with the flat of his tongue, and nibbled along the
length. His cowboy wrapped his hair in his strong hands and
moved his hips just slightly, humping like a man who’d only

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begun to enjoy the sensations.

Steven took his time, but he wanted to taste cum…needed

to taste him. Steven rimmed the surface of his head with kisses
before taking him into his mouth. At the same time, Steven
fondled the man’s balls. Huge balls. Gargantuan.

They were still pliant under his touch, but when Steven

took him deeper into his mouth and sucked harder, it wasn’t
long before they tightened. It pleased Steven to have the man
respond so easily. It made him proud of his skill…something
he didn’t experience often. Usually, Steven only felt guilt.

Steven brought one hand up to almost circle Craig’s cock,

but the girth stopped his fingers short of touching at the base.
He worked his hand up and down, squeezing with a gentle
pressure while he used a single finger to massage the sensitive
spot right behind the balls before Craig’s pucker. Craig’s balls
drew tighter…more firm against Steven’s knuckles.

It wouldn’t be long. The salty taste of pre-cum made

Steven’s own balls tuck tight like a knee jerk reaction. This is
a dream, he reminded himself. In a dream, his mutilated junk
could work as good as new.

Steven traced his finger around Craig’s pucker and he

bucked into Steven’s mouth. Steven eased his digit inside him,
feeling for the sweet spot that would make this better for
Craig…a whole lot better.

It wasn’t hard to distinguish. Like everything else on the

big man, the cowboy had a spot that Steven found easily since
his stock and trade was giving a good finger-fuck with head,

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Steven fucked with one finger and then two.
With a loud grunt and a moan, Craig shot a ribbon of cum

into Steven’s mouth. Like magic, the taste, texture and
pressure brought Steven to completion, too. Together they
went off again and then once more. The aftershocks

A loud sound he recognized as screaming tires jerked

Steven awake. Large hands on his chest caught him as he
pitched forward with the sudden impact. He opened his eyes to
see the back end of a pickup in the windshield.

“Fuck,” Craig muttered.

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Steven’s life had never been easy, but it hadn’t prepared

him for the uncertainty he now experienced as his world spun
out of control. They pulled into the driveway of a medium-
sized ranch house and Craig used a remote to open his garage
door. This was the kind of home for families, holidays, and
stability, not what he’d expected of a demon hunter.

“The suburbs?”
“I grew up here. I’m an only child and my parents died in a

car accident shortly after I graduated from high school a dozen
years ago.”

That made Craig about six years older than Steven’s

twenty-four. Why did it feel like so much more? It made

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Steven uneasy about how he lived his life, or how it lived him,
since he went about his unhappy ways without trying to make
a single change. For Steven, life was about paying his rent and

When he got out of the car and walked up front to see the

damage, a sense of foreboding took him. What had happened?
Craig didn’t give his car a second look as he headed toward a
door more than likely leading inside the house. Of course,
he’d already had a close look at the damage at the accident
site, while Steven had cowered inside the car, afraid to get out.
With the front of his pants wet, Steven had a suspicion that
what happened in the car hadn’t just been a dream. Somehow,
his subconscious had made it happen, like an out-of-body
experience. Could that be possible? Was he losing his fucking
mind on top of everything else?

But despite everything, Steven couldn’t help being ecstatic

about one thing. His cock worked!

Craig paused and turned back with a dark look in his deep

blue eyes. “The guys from the squad should be here any

“The entire squad?” Steven followed him inside the house

and into a laundry room and was greeted by the smell of fabric
softener sheets. The shirts hanging between two shelves above
the washer and dryer were all white and looked alike. This
cowboy was set in his ways…not at all like Steven, who
hadn’t begun to settle down. And look where that had gotten

The too tight jeans Craig had bought for him made the

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uncomfortable new and unwashed jeans swish-sound. The
new T-shirt wasn’t much better. A small?

“The entire squad is never together in one place at any

given time. Key people are coming, not only to give hands-on
help, but to analyze what’s happened.”

The kitchen came next. It was nice enough, but outdated in

a sixties style with white appliances and Formica countertops.
They moved through a small family room and then into a
living room.

“Why me? Why am I the target of demons?”
Craig stared at him like it was a question without answers.

If Craig had no idea and he was the expert, what chance did
Steven have from it happening again? “I’m going to change.
Sorry I didn’t buy a second set of clothes for you.”

Sorry he had to see the wet spot on the front of Steven’s

jeans? “That’s the closest you’ve come to talking about what
happened when you wrecked your car. I thought I was
dreaming about you, but it was more, wasn’t it? It was real.”

Craig looked away and shook his head. It wasn’t so much

as a denial as avoidance. This made him uncomfortable. Too
bad. Steven needed answers. “Has it happened before, or was
the episode in the car the first time?”

It happened a couple of times at the hospital while I was

in your room. But I think maybe it was also happening while
you were in a coma on a lesser scale and I didn’t know it was
you. My ex is in town and he’s a well known psychic. I’d
believed he was doing this to me until the first time in the
hospital and then I knew it was you. I don’t know why, but

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we’re able to communicate telepathically.”

As far as Steven knew he’d never even been intuitive. “Is

this the reason you want to buy my services?”

“I thought maybe if you worked it out of your system, you

wouldn’t dream about doing me in your sleep. And paying you
keeps it from becoming personal.”

Steven hurt inside almost as much as the lingering physical

pain. “Of course you wouldn’t want to get personal with a pro.
I’m not good enough for the likes of you. Aren’t you supposed
to be the same as a cop though? Did prostitution become legal
while I was in a coma?” Now why had he said that? Craig
Faulk had been nothing but good to him. He’d saved his life
twice. Tears stung the back of Steven’s eyes. He was a fucking
immoral waif…a weak-willed slut. Why would someone of
Craig’s caliber want him? Why would anyone?

“If you learn anything about me, know this…I’m about as

fucking far from a cop as you’ll ever find. If you’re feeling
sorry for yourself, it’s not flattering. I don’t want to get
personal with you because this is bigger than the both of us.
This is about hunting demons and protecting the people of
Chicago. I don’t want to be distracted in the middle of what
could be a breakthrough. We stopped a demon today. Do you
realize how rare that is? In the three years I’ve been doing this,
it’s only happened once before. And the one we sent back to
Tartarus was more powerful by far. He’d collected plenty of
souls before we stopped him. The more souls they’ve
eaten…the harder they are to bring down.”

Craig’s words took away the sting of rejection. Maybe this

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was his time…time to make changes. Maybe the demon attack
had been his rock-bottom and he had nowhere to go but up. He
toured the living room of the less-than-stylish ranch house.
He’d expected someone like Craig to live in a rich and sexy
environment. His car was sexy…until he’d wrecked it.

“Maybe you could wear a pair of my drawstring sweats

until I send somebody for your clothes. I don’t want you
calling any of your friends and letting then know where you
are. Are you comfortable with that?”

You’d know better than me…was anyone there to see me

while I was in a coma? My parents? Did they come.” The
mention of his parents almost did him in…tears slid down his
cheeks. Since the attack he’d been an emotional shell.

Craig gave a noncommittal shrug. “We need to get you

into something better than that.”

Steven turned away and swiped his face. Fucking waif!

Worthless fucking gay waif. No wonder his parents wanted
nothing to do with him. “You picked these clothes out?”

“You aren’t as thin as I thought. Even after an extended

visit to the hospital.”

“And you’re nothing like I thought you’d be. Are you sure

you’re gay?”

Craig chuckled at that. “No taste, huh?”
“Not even a little.”
“When I rodeoed, I lived out of a suitcase. I never

imagined being confined in one space.”

Steven couldn’t help himself. He made a mental note of

what would work in the L-shaped living area now accented

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with an antiquated brick fireplace along the end wall. “If I
owned this place I’d redo the fireplace with Travertine tile and
tear out that wall to open the space up to the kitchen. Are you
sure you can afford to pay me a thousand dollars a day?”

Craig chuckled again, a little more heartily, which relieved

Steven. He hadn’t pissed the cowboy off.

“If you’re worried I won’t get my money’s worth, jot

down your decorating ideas. Maybe I can incorporate them
when I’m not too busy hunting demons.”

“Well, that was pissy.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be. I’m just not into aesthetics.”
“And I’m not worried about giving you your money’s


Craig’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he

swallowed. It gave Steven a modicum of satisfaction to have
rattled the big guy. Instead of making a reply, Craig took off.
A few moments later he called out from the hallway.

Steven followed the length of hall to find Craig with

sweatpants dangling from his hand. Craig had changed into
some the same color. “Your room is there. The bathroom is to
your right.”

As Steven reached for the garment, the doorbell rang and

Craig stepped closer. He was such a big man, he towered over
Steven’s five-ten. With a body like his, Craig would be in high
demand as an escort, not that he’d ever sink so low. And once
again, Steven was reminded that he didn’t stand a chance with
this cowboy. Still and all, why not do his utmost to make the
handsome hunk regret saying goodbye when the time came?

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The time would come…Steven didn’t doubt it.

When Steven eventually came back into the living room,

five men had taken seat around the room. He had a choice; he
could either stand or sit next to Craig on the loveseat. He
perched on the edge while everyone stared. No way would he
stand so they could deliberate on how his pants were several
sizes too big. Or if his cock was sewn on straight.

Even sitting, he determined all of them were big like

Craig, as if being a demon hunter required physical stamina.
Another question for later. One of them was dressed like a
cowboy, too. What were the chances of meeting two cowboy
demon hunters in the big city? Or in this case, in the suburbs
of the big city.

Once Steven entered the room it got quiet, and as soon as

he took the seat next to Craig, the other cowboy stood, but not
before shooting an angry look in Steven’s direction. What was
that about?

“Washington called me in to see what’s happening here,”

the man said. “From this point forward, I want everyone to
answer to Craig. And Craig will answer to me.”

Craig huffed. “Now just a minute—”
“No arguments. I don’t have time to deal with a drama


All eyes flashed to Craig as if they expected fireworks.

When none happened, the mood in the room relaxed. Steven
took an instant dislike to the bastard.

“So tell us what happened at the hospital today and leave

nothing out.”

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“First of all, Steven here communicates with me

telepathically. He says he’s never experienced it before, but he
does it like a pro.” Craig blushed and shot a direct stare at
Steven. “Sorry. I meant no disrespect.”

“None taken.”
“He has extrasensory and telepathic abilities. When he’s

dreaming he acts out or lives his dreams with the one he’s
dreaming about. He has no idea he’s doing it, or at least he
didn’t until I wrecked my car on the way home from the
hospital when he—”

The jerk who hadn’t bothered to even introduce himself,

glowered at Steven. “We get the picture.” When the man
turned his attention to Craig, the sexual heat in his gaze was
unmistakable—they had history. “Concentrate on what
happened with the demon.”

“I’d gone into the bathroom to relieve myself and when I

came out the demon had entered the hospital room and stood
between me and Steven. I moved along the wall until I
believed I could keep the demon off Steven or at least give
him room to escape. I never dreamed I’d have a chance to be

“How many seconds did you have your weapon trained on


The beam of light was a weapon? Only then did Steven

notice all of them wore the same peculiar rings. Strange kind
of weapon. What made them work? More questions for later.

“I counted to twenty-nine.”
“Holy shit,” one of the other men said.

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“Are you sure?”
“Positive. I didn’t think I’d make it when Steven came up

behind me and touched my shoulder. With his touch, the pain
lessened and I was able to count with a clear mind. I could’ve
gone as long as it took.”

“That’s a bold statement,” another of men said.
The man in charge growled. “If Craig says it…I believe it.

He’s not given to exaggeration. At the end, was he surrounded
by chains of fire?”

“Just like the textbook says. The first time I had the

privilege of sending a demon back to Tartarus was nothing
like this. That time it happened so fast I didn’t see anything
but a flash of light. This time it was just like the case recorded
in New York.”

“That one only lasted twenty-five seconds, so you appear

to have the record for what it’s worth.”

“It’ll be worth more if we can discover what happened to

help me resist the pain and keep my aim true. I figure the
additional power came from Steven since I was at my end of
my days when he touched my shoulder. That’s what changed

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An hour later, they were no closer to a solution, but at least

his friends were more accepting of Steven. They’d all
introduced themselves and stopping acting like shits…except
for Paul, Craig’s ex. No way would he warm up to anyone
who’d had Craig’s cock in his mouth. Even if it was only a
psychic connection at this point, Paul wouldn’t like it.
Besides, the end results were real enough.

“I’m setting up a command center here,” Paul told the

group and shot Craig a defiant stare as if daring him to say no.
“If that’s okay with Craig.”

No, it definitely wasn’t okay. He knew Paul well enough to

know what could behind the request—jealousy. Paul could see

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as many men as he wanted, but he didn’t want Craig to do the
same. “Fine. You can sleep in the den.” And Craig meant it.
No way would he allow Paul back into his bed.

“We’ll all meet back here first thing in the morning and

see if we can come a little closer to discovering why the
interest in Steven Richter. What is there in his profile that
makes him a target?”

Steven winced at being referred to a target and Craig

didn’t blame him. Paul didn’t have a lot of finesse. “And don’t
forget to bring Steven some clothes in the morning, Sam. And
thanks for offering. Let’s do our best to make this easier on
him. I figure I owe him my life after today.”

Steven’s frown transformed into a smile so radiant it hurt

to look at him. When Craig’s cock sprang to attention, he tried
to hide it. While Steven wasn’t Craig’s type, he didn’t deny
the attraction. He couldn’t deny it. The evidence was there for
all to see.

::Is that for me?::
For a second, Craig thought Steven sent the telepathic

message. But when Paul plopped onto the arm of the couch,
rubbing against Craig’s arm, he knew it had been Paul. And he
hated having his ex inside his brain. It had taken far too long
to get him out of his heart.

::Never again.::
As the guys filed out the door, Paul stayed seated on the

arm of the couch. When the last man was out, with the door
shut behind him, Paul almost fell on top of Craig. He initiated
a kiss that was way too hard and personal. “I’ve missed you.”

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Craig pushed him off. “Did you forget Steven?”
Paul leaned back to kiss him again. “I think he should go

to bed and give us some alone time. And that’s where we
should be…in bed, together.”

The rapid shift of weight on the loveseat told Craig that

Steven had jumped up to leave. Damn, Paul.

“I’d rather sleep with a demon.”
“You already have.”

* * *

Steven let the hot stinging spray of the shower hit him on

the back as he leaned against the rear wall of the shower. His
cock pained him as he rubbed soap over the length it. The
angry looking incisions made him wonder what Craig would
think when he got a good look.

“Mind if I join you?”
The words startled him. Craig.
Steven glanced over his shoulder as the big guy came into

the shower. He hadn’t expected this. Nor did he anticipate the
immense condom-covered cock in Craig’s hand. It hadn’t been
that big in his dreams. “I thought you said blow jobs?”

“If you object…”
“No.” Steven dropped the soap and leaned forward until

the wall stopped him. He spread his ass cheeks and waited.

Craig’s big cockhead pressed against his pucker, stretching

him. One hand took hold of Steven’s right hip. Such large
hands. Craig’s cock pushed into him halfway, then, when
Craig took hold of his left hip, it penetrated him fully, going

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deep. The big guy pumped in and out of him, slowly at first
and then picking up speed. The pleasure took Steven faster
than normal, almost as though he was experiencing Craig’s
enjoyment with his own.

Steven placed one hand on the wall and, with the other,

cautiously feathered his fingers over his damaged goods. The
harsh sound of their breathing, combined with the little grunts
Craig gave, were magnified in the enclosed space.

So good.
Steven couldn’t recall fucking ever feeling this good. He

closed his eyes and hot tears ran down his cheeks. He didn’t
know why…because his hero was fucking him? Every second
became better than the last.

Steven watched his cock swell. The angry-looking scars

didn’t hurt, but he still only touched it lightly.

Craig’s long fingers splayed over Steven’s abdomen,

kneaded him as he fucked harder. Steven covered Craig’s left
hand with his own, threading his smaller fingers between
Craig’s. The act was almost more intimate than the cock in his
ass. Craig balled his fist, capturing Steven’s fingers in the vise
of his strong grip.

“This is fucking amazing,” Craig rasped, giving Steven a

zing of pleasure with the exhilarating words.

Each thrust took him a little closer to ejaculating, but it

also made him more emotional. This was too good to be just a
quickie in the shower. Too beautiful to mean so little. Or was
it his imagination?

The need to fuck his hand while Craig fucked his ass

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became something he couldn’t deny even though he wanted to
make this last. However, when he attempted to hold it, his
member was still sore to touch. He couldn’t do it. Despite that,
white hot pleasure coursed through him, making his sphincter
tighten and his balls tuck.

“I’m coming.” Craig didn’t bother to keep his voice down.

His grunts as he shot his load into the condom grew louder. It
sent Steven over the edge, and he shot a short ribbon of cum
onto the shower wall. The act almost brought more tears to his
eyes. It really did work. The doctors had been wrong.

Without another word, Craig pulled out of Steven’s ass

and turned his backside to him. Steven looked over his
shoulder, but could see little. The movement indicated Craig
was ridding himself of the condom. When he left the shower
without speaking, Steven wanted to cry. And then he got mad.
Craig was a total top, the kind of dominant jerk Steven always
fell hard for.

* * *

“Did you enjoy yourself?”
In the process of pulling on his tightie-whities, Craig

hoped Paul wouldn’t have the balls to come all the way into
his bedroom uninvited. “More than you can imagine.”

“I can imagine a lot. And you were leaking in there. I

could tell exactly what you were experiencing.” Wrapped in a
robe, Paul leaned back against the door and crossed one leg
over the other. His auburn hair, wet from the shower,
feathered about his handsome face. He had a marvelous body,

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and he knew it. Then again, Steven’s muscular litheness was
very appealing.

Craig didn’t need this. “Then why ask if I enjoyed myself

if you already know the answer.”

“It’s better when you’re in love. You know that.”
“In this case, it’s questionable. I don’t understand how, but

Steven pushes buttons I didn’t even know I had. He brings the
mother lode. And it has nothing to do with love.”

“How could it? He’s not worthy of someone like you.”
This had been coming a long time. Craig had never

confronted Paul about his evident feelings of entitlement.
“What I do with my personal life is none of your business
anymore. Where do you come off saying Steven isn’t worthy?
Answer me truthfully, who am I to hold anything against a
man who stood by my side in front of a demon? That act alone
changes everything. In my eyes it absolves him of any prior
acts. Any.”

“Fuck if it does.”
“You have no say in my life anymore.”
Paul crossed the room and dropped his robe. Craig’s gaze

was drawn to his cock. He’d spent a great deal of his past
getting to know every inch of it, and Craig missed it like an
old friend. At this point, he could only go with his gut. “Put
the damned robe back on. I’m not interested. Honestly.”

Paul smiled and shook his head. He clearly didn’t believe


“I’ll go sleep with Steven tonight if it will convince you to

back off,” Craig said.

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Paul’s smile faded. “He’s a fucking whore who’s done

nothing with his life. You’d choose him over me?”

“Did you forget how we got started? Our unique

experience that qualified us to become demon hunters?” Paul
hated to be reminded he’d been fucked by a demon.

“I haven’t forgotten anything. I’ve been doing this a hell of

a lot longer than you. And look at me now. Several million in
the bank, two homes, and no one tells me what to do.”

That was the problem with Paul. Everything was about

possessions. They were as different as night and day. The
excessive amount of money Craig earned went into the bank.
He didn’t feel the need for showy houses and expensive cars.
He was done with this…with Paul. Craig brushed by him on
the way out of the room.

* * *

This telepathic shit was spooky. Steven reclined on his

pillow with his hands behind his head. The boneless sensation
following one of best orgasms in his miserable life was fading.
Not because the orgasm was so great, but because he’d had
one at all… He’d had an orgasm when his cock had almost
been severed from its nest.

Phrases and entire sentences came into his brain as Craig

argued with his friend Paul.

Steven pushes buttons I didn’t even know I had.
He’s not worthy of someone like you…
He’s a fucking whore, who’s done nothing with his life.
Steven put his hands on both sides of his head to ward off

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the words that validated what he knew to be true. Why did it

When the door opened and Craig entered in his tight white

briefs, it startled Steven. Why had he left his lover to come
spend time with a whore who’d done nothing with his life?

::This is a new day. You can do anything, be anyone you

want to be. The past is over.::

Craig had no idea Steven had heard his thought. Or did he?

Could Steven communicate back? He focused his energy,
much as he had when he’d stood with his hand on Craig’s
shoulder to help ward off the shards of pain hitting him. ::I
want you.::

A flash of surprise crossed Craig’s face. He reached down

to the juncture of his legs where his cock had grown hard as
evidenced by the bulge. “I want you, too.”

The words shot through Steven, making him stiff again.

Four simple words, but from this man’s mouth they had power
and gave him hope. His first mental response was to shy away
from the vulnerability it perpetrated.

::Trust me.::
The relief brought him to tears. He so wanted to trust, to

have a person in his life he could count on…forever. But it
wasn’t possible. Not for him. “I’ve never trusted anyone

Craig gave a nod. “It isn’t easy, but it can be done. And it

feels damned good. Now let me fuck you.”

Fucking was something Steven understood and did well.

But even that he questioned at the moment. When Craig

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joined him on the bed and nudged him onto his side, Steven
didn’t hesitate physically, but his mind worried. Craig brushed
a hand over Steven’s thigh with infinite patience for a man
with a hard log between his legs. Maybe he wasn’t a total top
after all.

“You have skin like a woman. Soft.”
“You’ve been with a lot of women?”
“A few.”
“I’ve never been undecided.”
Craig rained kisses over his back. His lips were soft and

pliant and the idea of kissing him back—no! He didn’t dare.
He never kissed a client and never would, not until he gave his

As if he’d read his mind, Craig urged him to turn. Once

face to face, looking into the cowboy’s incredible dark blue
eyes, Steven’s determination wavered. But just as he’d said
earlier, he’d never been undecided. And once Steven had fixed
his mind, it stayed so.

When Craig drew close to kiss him, Steven turned his


Craig drew up and reached for a drawer in the table next to

the bed. The rustling of foil told what he’d been after. Steven
pulled up to watch Craig sheath his long, hard cock and lube
it, anticipating where he’d soon put it. His pucker clenched
and his own cock twitched.

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“Draw your legs up.”
Steven did as he was told. He stretched out on his back and

pulled his legs up tight to his chest with his ass in the air. He
spread his cheeks still farther and watched while Craig moved
closer to position his legs on both sides of Steven.

“Move your balls.”
Steven eased them up out of the way with one hand and

took a gentle hold of his cock with the other. Craig rolled his
cockhead in a circular motion over Steven’s pucker, before he

Without hesitation, he plunged all the way in to the hilt.
Much like their first time in the shower, the intense

pleasure made Steven emotional. This time it was far worse
since the sight of the cowboy’s hard muscular body upped the
stakes. His heated eyes made Steven’s heart lurch.

In the past, sex had never been emotional, so this confused

him. He closed his eyes in an attempt to gain control, and
concentrated on the bliss taking him higher with each thrust of
Craig’s magic prick.

Knowing Craig could see his face worried him. Steven

didn’t want to show what this meant to him for fear Craig
would stop and never touch him again. And he never wanted
this to stop. Never.

The sound of Craig’s breath rasping grew louder, and he

fucked harder. Steven wanted to ask him to slow down, make
it last longer, but he couldn’t find his voice. Couldn’t think, as
the delight soared into unfamiliar territory. His heart began to
pound in his chest. His own husky breathing matched Craig’s.

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The musky smells and the sound of skin smacking skin
ratcheted up the intense edge of pleasure until it became like a
freight train roaring toward him, filling him…consuming him.

Steven balls tucked so tight against his body he didn’t have

to hold the boys out of the way. He open his eyes and stared
into Craig’s heated gaze. A second later, he regretted it when
he lost another piece of his control…a big fucking piece. The
word love slashed into his mind.

Love? Fat chance.
“Cum with me. Light my fire.”
Although it probably wasn’t necessary, Steven gave a

couple of soft jerks to his swollen cock while Craig’s eye’s
darkened. On the third jerk a long, very long ribbon of cum
spurted out onto his chest and Craig gave a loud grunt before
burying his log to the hilt. He bucked hard and groaned, which
produce a second load of cream from Steven and then a third.

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Steven hated being back at his apartment. He despised

seeing the eviction notice nailed to the door under the
crisscrossed police tape. And after Craig moved the tape and
opened the door, he detested walking inside. Each step jarred
him. The stench of blood and other noxious substances
permeated the air. Even though they’d come from his own
body or maybe because they did, Steven nearly lost the lunch
Craig had prepared for him.

And he especially didn’t like being thrust into this

nightmare with Paul, who watched Steven’s every move with
suspicion. “There’s nothing in this miserable hovel a demon
would want. This is a waste of time.” Paul kicked aside a

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piece of the tape.

Craig shot an angry look at his ex, which buoyed Steven’s

spirits a little. “I thought maybe something would trigger a

Steven didn’t want to remember this. He walked to the

center of the small space and turned in a circle to examine
what had been his home. His clothes hung in the open closet,
his clock next to bed flashed, showing the electricity had been
off. Except for the smell and blood, everything was neat and in
place. “There’s nothing.”

This had been his life…it wasn’t nothing. Or was it? He

walked to closet and pulled his suitcase down from the top
shelf. And then a second later, he second guessed what Craig
expected from him. How long would he allow Steven to stay
with him?

“I don’t know what to do. I don’t have much, but what

should I do?”

Craig joined him in front of the closet. “We’ll settle with

your landlord. You don’t need to worry about your shit. It’ll
be here when this is finished. Pack what you need. Paul and I
will wait in the car.”

Paul made a crude sound. “The Buzz Club is next. Maybe

we’ll run into the acquaintance who introduced you to your
attacker. Then again, pretty-boy here is more than likely
acquainted with most of the men there. It’ll be like finding a
needle in a haystack.”

“I’ve had enough of you.” Steven threw his suitcase to the

floor at his feet. His temper flared out of control. He didn’t

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care if he ended up in the hospital again; he was done being
abused mentally by this jerk. It was worse than a beating.

“Let him talk.” Craig placed a hand of Steven’s arm as if

to restrain him. The words disappointed Steven more than he
cared to admit to himself.

“Every time he takes a jab at you, he’s showing his dim-

witted jealousy,” Craig continued. “Otherwise, he wouldn’t
have an opinion one way or the other. You have him rattled.”

Paul stormed out.
“I’ll wait in the car, too.” Craig left him alone.
Steven rushed to pack his clothes and tried not over-think

his future.

It comforted Steven all the way to the club that Craig had

stood up for him against his ex. But before they even walked
inside, Paul began to make digs at him again. Steven tried to
ignore him, since Craig did.

“Only whores and fucking sleazeballs would frequent a

place like this,” Paul said once they were inside the large club,
almost filled to capacity with gay men.

“That shows what you know. This club is members only,

and the fee is high,” Steven said. Just a glance at the men
closest to them told he hadn’t lied. GQ. Totally.

“I don’t give a fuck. You’re still a whore.”
Craig caught him under the chin with his fist, literally

lifting him off his feet. Steven didn’t see it coming and neither
did Paul. Paul hit the wooden floor with a loud thud.

The sound level in the club at first lessened and then

escalated as the onlookers responded to the fight. Steven

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expected to see blood, but Paul sat up rubbing his chin.

And then Paul smiled at Craig. “I’ll take that for your final


“Seems you always have someone fighting over you or

with you. All I wanted was a kiss.”

Steven looked away from Paul to see the man who’d

spoken standing nearby. He remembered him. What was it?
Why the sudden demand for kissing from everyone all of a

Craig glared at the intruder, which gave Steven a perverse

thrill. Could the cowboy cop be jealous?

“I told you so,” Paul said as he pushed up from the floor

and swiped at his slacks.

“Demon,” Craig whispered the word so low, Steven wasn’t

certain he’d heard.

A closer look showed the truth of Craig’s words. The man

who’d spoken had eyes like the one who’d attacked him, the
same dead-cold malevolence. Steven turned away before his
face showed recognition. “What should I do?” he asked Craig
and tried not to panic.

“Let’s take this outside before someone besides one of us

gets hurt,” said Craig and he headed the way they’d come.

Steven stayed close and resisted the urge to glance back.

They were almost to the door when it opened and a tall man

“Fuck,” Paul said under his breath. “No way in hell.”
“Don’t be so damned literal.” Craig stopped so fast, Steven

almost collided with him. “We’re in for some serious shit.”

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Steven didn’t need to be told they were facing another

demon. The creature stared at Steven, just like the other one.
And then he screamed, his face distorted. Another scream
came from to the rear of them. A second later a figure streaked
from behind and toward the second demon who’d just entered
the building.

Everything was happening too fast.
“Demon attack! Get out! Run for your lives!” Steven

didn’t know he could scream so loud. Everyone panicked and
shouts filled the room.

The demons didn’t seem to care as they circled each other

like two fierce velociraptors. They snarled and snapped at
each other with long pointy teeth. A flash of light hit one and
then the other. The demons stopped attacking one another and
writhed. Both Craig and Paul were shooting rays of light from
the strange rings they wore. Paul’s beam faltered when
someone fleeing crossed in front of them. The demon grabbed
the woman and used her as a shield.

“One. Two. Three,” Craig counted as he had in the


Needlelike shards of energy pelted Steven, stinging his

skin through his clothing. He moved closer to Craig and
placed his hand on Craig’s shoulder. He concentrated with all
his might on giving the cowboy his energy. The demon under
Craig’s beam began to scream even louder. Just like before,
the demons grew larger while they continued to change out of
human form, but the one Craig fought was faltering.

Paul moaned. “I can’t get a good shot.” The demon

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grinned as he held the woman and sent waves of black
particles toward Paul. “I don’t know how much more of this I
can take.”

Paul was close enough Steven only needed to stretch to

reach him. Did he dare try? He had to… Steve connected with
Paul’s extended arm and gripped it tight. Paul trembled
beneath his touch, but didn’t shy away. This time Steven could
feel the energy as it flowed through his fingertips and into

A piercing scream ripped from Craig’s demon as chains of

fire coiled around his eyes and then with whip-like speed they
spread around his entire body. With a burst of flames, the
demon disappeared.

“I’m going to try to get behind him.” Craig pulled out of

the range of Steven’s touch.

“I’m going with you,” Steven said, releasing Paul.
Craig moved fast, and Steven stayed close. The demon

tracked them, and the air was now thick with the black smoke-
like particles pelting them like piercing needles. Steven
reached for Craig as the beam from his weapon caught the
demon in the forehead. Chains of fire swirled around him until
he dropped the woman. With two beams of light connecting,
he burst into flames.

Steven looked back to Paul to discover him sitting on the

floor with his head down. Craig walked back and reached out
for him. “Are you all right?”

Paul raised his face to Steven. “He was getting stronger

until you touched me. How? What was that?”

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“We need to bottle it,” Craig said. “Steven is our secret


Steven was a secret weapon? He finally had value? The

words gave Steven an unfamiliar feeling…pride. He’d done
something right.

“They were after him.” Paul grabbed onto Craig’s hand.

“We need to find out why and make sure they don’t get him.”

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“Tell me about the rings you guys wear.” Steven sat down

next to Craig on the loveseat, knowing full well Paul wouldn’t
like it if he came out of the den to find them sitting next to
each other.

Craig stretched back and linked his strong hands behind

his head, his left elbow almost touching Steven. The muscles
in his arms bulged, and the clean smell of him filled Steven’s
head and caused his cock to stiffen. Craig’s smile, bright white
against the stubble of a five-o’clock shadow, lit a flame of
desire in Steven’s groin.

And the doctors wondered if he’d be a normal man again.

Craig was the cure for what ailed him…Steven’s medical

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“The rings are said to be made from stones from a holy

object or maybe objects. The powers-that-be haven’t seen fit
to reveal the details to us. We don’t know what the object is or
where it came from, just that it’s our only defense so far. Our
department has eight rings. The communities that have been
the hardest hit have priority since the rings are in high demand
and short supply. It’s a federal offense to carry one without a

“But they haven’t always worked?”
“No, we’ve never had this kind of success. And we need to

find out why.”

Steven had a crazy idea. “All of the demons I’ve come in

contact with have wanted to kiss me.”

Craig gave Steven a pensive stare. “I’d be willing to bet

this isn’t about a kiss, or even the act of kissing. Maybe it’s
about your personal resolve. I read in your mind that you’ve
made a vow not to kiss anyone except the man you give your
heart to. Maybe the demons could care less about kissing you,
but they want you to break your vow.”

That made more sense than wanting to kiss him. “So my

personal decision could have been anything then.”

“Maybe. Each person has his or her own resolve—mine is

to never fall in love again. Not while the world is in this state
and I need to focus my energy on making a difference.”

All of a sudden, kissing or not kissing didn’t seem so

important. “So if I kissed you right now, then they’d stop
targeting me?”

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“No one could accuse you of being stupid. Are you sure

you want to give it up to me so easily?”

“To keep from coming face to face with another one of

those evil fucks? You better believe it.”

Craig unlinked his hands and reached out to Steven. The

rush the small gesture created was off the charts. Craig caught
him behind the neck and drew him near, but it was clear
Steven needed to close the distance if he wanted this to
happen. He hesitated while he stared at Craig’s full, parted
lips. The warmth of his breath enticed Steven to draw nearer
and close his eyes. They breathed each other in.

Steven licked his lips before initiating contact. Once they

touched, Craig moved over Steven’s lips with finesse borne of
experience. When Craig deepened the contact by running his
tongue over the inside of Steven’s upper lip, Steven
shuddered. Sensation bombarded him from every direction.

Craig tasted of beer and sweetness, his smell was slightly

musky with a hint of spring-fresh soap, and his stubbled chin
rubbed over Steven’s just-shaven, sensitive skin. Craig leaned
back, pulling Steven on top of him. Craig’s hard arousal
rubbed against his own as they pressed against one another.

No regrets. This was well worth it.
They continued to hump each other, kissing like two

teenagers, and Steven didn’t want it to end. As if Craig knew
exactly what Steven needed, he didn’t press for more, even as
the handsome cowboy’s breathing became labored.

Steven’s balls tightened as his own breath rasped into

Craig’s mouth. It made him light-headed, almost giddy. An

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orgasm slammed into him. “I’m coming.”

In the next instant, Craig was ripped from underneath him,

while Steven sailed through the air, hitting the coffee table
with a resounding crash. The gargoyle statue decorating it
landed beside him, missing his head by a scant inch.

“Human vermin. Your death will be slow and painful.”
A demon, almost dragon-like in appearance, dangled Craig

by a single arm and shook him like a rag doll, but his words
were directed to Steven.

Human vermin. How foolish to have believed he had


This wasn’t just any demon, but the one who’d almost

killed him. Steven had no idea what to do…how to fight. The
demon began to shred Craig’s clothes, slicing into skin and
making ragged bloody cuts while Craig tried to fight. The arm
the dragon held Craig by was the one with the ring. His only
weapon—the ring—was locked in the demon’s grip.

“Paul!” Steven screamed for Craig’s friend. “Don’t do

this!” he shouted at the demon.

Craig punched with his free arm and kicked, but it did

nothing. “Get Paul.”

“Don’t bother, I’ve already seen to the other one.” The

demon tossed Craig aside. His head cracked back against the
hard wall and he collapsed in a heap.

“You killed him.”
“Give me what I want and save your friend. Subject

yourself to me. Worship me with your lips and I’ll have your
soul. You’ll be with me, inside me forever.”

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“I can’t. I’ve already broken my vow.”
“Because of you, these weak humans have gained power.

Your ability to resist us has given you authority, but now I
have what you want more than your own life.”

The demon walked to where Craig lay, and racked his

claws along his back, laying him open.

Where was Paul? Why didn’t he come?
The demon lifted his head, his grotesque nostrils flaring.

“His soul is still snug in place for now. You’re the one in
danger here. Remember what happened last time?”

The demon ambled back toward Steven. His large

hindquarters reminded Steven of a prehistoric monster. The
evil motherfucker stopped to pick up the gargoyle statue and
waved it front of him. “This is my talisman now. I’ll fuck you
with it.”

Steven had to fight. The statue with its jagged edges would

rip his insides to shreds. “Just tell me what you want.”

“The same as before. I want your soul, and the ones you’ve


What the fuck did that mean. Collected souls? “Take me

and leave him alone. I’ll do whatever you say.”

“You think he would be your soul mate if he didn’t believe

you were beneath him. You’re a whore. You’ll do my bidding,
give me what I need, then die.” Flames shot out of the
demon’s clawed fingertips and licked the sofa into fire.

Behind the demon, Craig struggled to sit. He pulled the

ring off of his finger and threw it at Steven. Panic
overwhelmed Steven when he didn’t catch it. The demon

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roared toward him.

Steven dropped to the floor, searching for the ring.
Claws ripped his back open.
Pain seared through Steven. White hot pain almost

rendered him unconscious, yet he struggled through to find the

Steven’s head was jerked back by the hair the second his

hand closed over the ring. His scalp ripped as the demon
jerked him to his feet.

His index finger sank into the circumference of the ring

and he twisted to face his tormentor. A beam shot from the
stone. A scream pierced the air, and Steven was free.

Appendages flailing, the monster took a step back and

Steven focused his energy much as he had before. This time,
with the ring fully seated, the light burned brighter. The
demon cowered and screamed. Chains of fire crept around him
like coiling snakes.

Flames from the sofa began to spread along the floor and

up the wall to Steven’s right. He needed to get to Craig.

The demon disappeared in a blaze.
Steven ran to Craig as the front door flew open. Some of

the men Steven had met in Craig’s living room earlier rushed

Two grabbed Craig, so bloody…
“Where’s Paul?”

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Steven couldn’t think. “In the den.” I think.
“Get out of here.”
Steven was led out of the house just as an ambulance

screamed down the street in their direction. Help had come for
Craig. Tears stung Steven’s eyes.

One of the demon hunters wrapped his arm around

Steven’s waist, which almost made him burst into tears. “You
need stitches. I’ll take you to hospital. Let Paul and Craig go
in the bus.”

What had happened to Paul?
Steven turned to see Craig’s ex coming toward them on the

arms of two of the demon hunters. “Is Craig alive?” Paul

Of course his first thought would be for Craig. Steven

understood that well.

“He was banged up pretty good, but he’ll make it,” the

man with his arm around Steven said.

Paul gave Steven a look of pure hatred. “This time… What

about next? It’s just a matter of time until you get him killed.”

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In the ballroom of one of nicest hotels in downtown

Manhattan, the mayor of New York City tapped on the
microphone to get people’s attention. “Because of Special
Agent Steven Richter’s tireless pursuit of evil here in the
greatest city on earth, we can now say we’ve won the fight.
We honor him for the contribution he’s made with a key to the

The mayor paused when the applause began to drown out

his voice. Steven had never been more valued—and less
happy—in his life. The wounds his heart suffered were far
greater than any physical injuries he’d endured over the past
year in dozens of confrontations with demons.

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With each passing day, the loneliness had increased ten-

fold, even as his power grew. He finally understood what
made him special. He’d collected the souls of the innocent
killed by demons. He didn’t want them, but for whatever
reason they were part of him. And they did make him a
powerful adversary in the war against evil.

He might even take solace in his accomplishments if not

for a certain Chicago cowboy demon hunter. Steven’s dreams
kept him connected with Craig, even though they’d had no
real contact in over a year.

The words and the applause continued until Steven thought

he’d scream. He was dead inside…couldn’t they see?

“L.A. will be happy to have his help, but we’ll hate to see

him go. Now let’s toast to Special Agent Richter, and a return
to normalcy.” The mayor raised his glass and more ovations

City of the angels…not anymore. Steven would have his

work cut out for him.

Lips touched his cock.
No way. He was fully dressed, and sitting at a table on a

podium in front of a crowd of two thousand. The lips kissed
him tenderly as a hand feathered along the length of his now
stiff log. The floor-length white linens would hide his lower
half, but his face had to be comical.

He searched the crowd…
Only one man had this power or over him. Could it be


An invisible mouth surrounded him, sucking him inside

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the delicious warmth. Sucking. Nibbling. Incredible.
Especially for a man who hadn’t had an orgasm since he’d left
Chicago over a year earlier.

He gripped the sides of the table as the mouth sucked


“Are you okay?” asked the city official sitting next to him.
His superior officer on the other side leaned near. “What’s

going on? Demon?”

“No demons.”
“Good. You had me worried for a second. Well, would you

look at that? There’s your new partner.”

Steven looked to where Special Agent Cadiz pointed.
When their eyes met, the mouth on Steven’s cock


Craig started toward him as the mayor stopped speaking

and took his seat at the table. People were all around him, but
he could only see Craig. His black hat, the western cut jacket,
his faded blue jeans and leather western boots…all of it made
Steven so excited he jumped to his feet, sending his chair to
crash behind him. Steven drank him in.

The reception in his honor had just begun, but all Steven

could think of was his room upstairs and Craig…naked. Then
in the next instant, he forced the urge to still. He didn’t dare do
that again. Another emotional round with Craig Faulk would
kill him.

The staff started serving food, so attention was focused

elsewhere, and not on Steven, who stood at the table, torn

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between tears and elation. “By any chance is my new partner
Craig Faulk?”

“You know him?”
“I know him. And no way is he my new partner. I’m not

into masochism.” Steven tossed his napkin onto his plate and
headed to meet his past. He cut Craig off before he reached
their table and made this worse.

Steven jerked Craig to the back wall, grateful he didn’t

resist. “I already told the CCDC, I don’t need or want a
partner.” The Command Center for Demon Control should
have cleared this decision with Steven first.

“If you put up a big enough fuss, I have no doubt you’ll

get your way and I’ll be reassigned. But I’ll follow you
anyway, with or without a job. I’m miserable without you.”

Those were not the words he’d expected from the big

cowboy. If he took his hat off…

Craig swooped his hat from his now shaggy brown locks

and clutched it to his chest. “I want you. Forever.”

Forever? Impossible.
“You know I’m a man of my word. Search your heart.”
“Yeah right! Thanks to you, there’s no blood left in my

brain. It’s not working.”

The cowboy’s eyes crinkled at the corners and his dimples

made a command performance. Steven didn’t have a chance.
He couldn’t resist.

Not now.
Not ever.
“I can do something about that.” Craig pulled him to the

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left toward a door. “I cased the joint.” Craig opened the door
and pulled Steven into the darkness.

After a click, the lights came on.
“A supply closet?”
“I didn’t bring you here to talk,” Craig said and pulled

Steven against his hard length.

Craig kissed him. When his full lips touched Steven’s, his

entire body flushed with heat. This kiss nearly brought him to
his knees.

“It’s obvious you can read my mind, so…” Craig dropped

to his knees in front of Steven and fumbled with Steven’s
zipper. Steven helped him. And in the next moment, Craig
kissed his swelling cock as he held it gingerly with only two

Craig’s gentleness only made this role-reversal more

poignant. Emotional train-wreck Steven had control, while the
total-top cowboy was on his knees.

When Craig began to lick, Steven threaded his hands in his

soft hair and sighed. What did he have to lose?

Nothing. Life without his cowboy wasn’t worth living. He

was what he was today because of Craig. He owed him

Steven had everything to gain, if he trusted his heart and

this handsome man.

Craig took him in his mouth. The warm wet heat over his

sensitive cock head ignited a fire inside him.

He cradled the cowboy’s head between his hands and

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watched as Craig bobbed up and down. Steven had already
been almost there with the kiss. Craig swallowed, then pulled
back. When he did it a second time, Steven’s balls tucked into
firing position. He exploded cum into Craig’s mouth.

A year’s worth kept him spurting. And Craig didn’t ease

up until Steven had given him everything he had. Craig gave
Steven a loving pat before he stood. “Can you think better

“Paul said I’d get you killed.”
“Everyone has to go sometime. But it’s what you do with

the time you have that counts in the end. The only one who
can light my fire is you. I love you.”

His cowboy loved him? “I’ve loved you from the moment

you saved me.”

Craig smiled again, his dimples socking Steven in the gut.

“So, baby, light my fire.”

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Paranormal author Lee Avalone is new to gay erotica, but not
to writing best-selling stories. Lee’s otherworldly stories
promise sizzle with a twist of the unusual and heroes ranging
from demon hunters to vampires to ghosts. This is an exciting
to new journey and Lee hopes to make many new friends
along the way.

Feel free to contact Lee at Leeavalon@gmail.com.

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