[Resident Evil] 01 The Umbrella Conspiracy

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Latham Weekly, June 2, 1998
-The mutilated body of forty-two-year-old
Anna Mitaki was discovered late yesterday in an abandoned
lot not far from her home in northwest Raccoon City,
making her the fourth victim of the supposed "cannibal
killers" to be found in or near the Victory Lake district in
the last month. Consistent with the coroner reports of the
other recent victims, Mitaki's corpse showed evidence of
having been partially eaten, the bite patterns apparently
formed by human jaws.
Shortly after the discovery of Miss Mitaki by two joggers
at approximately nine o'clock last night, Chief Irons made a
brief statement insisting that the RPD is "working diligently
to apprehend the perpetrators of such heinous crimes" and
that he is currently consulting with city officials about more
drastic protection measures for Raccoon citizens.
In addition to the murderous spree of the cannibal
killers, three others have died from probable animal attacks
in Raccoon Forest in the past several weeks, bringing the
toll of mysterious deaths up to seven. . . .
Raccoon Times, June 22, 1998

-The bodies of a young couple were found
early Sunday morning in Victory Park, making Deanne
Rusch and Christopher Smith the eighth and ninth victims
in the reign of violence that has terrorized the city since
mid-May of this year.
Both victims, aged 19, were reported as missing by
concerned parents late Saturday night and were discovered
by police officers on the west bank of Victory Lake
at approximately 2 A.M. Although no formal statement
has been issued .by the police department, witnesses to
the discovery confirm that both youths suffered wounds
similar to those found on prior victims. Whether or not
the attackers were human or animal has yet to be
According to friends of the young couple, the two had
talked about tracking down the rumored "wild dogs"
recently spotted in the heavily forested park and had
planned to violate the city-wide curfew in order to see one of
the alleged nocturnal creatures.
Mayor Harris has scheduled a press conference for this
afternoon, and is expected to make an announcement
regarding the current crisis, calling for a stricter enforce-
ment of the curfew. .

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Cityside, July 21, 1998

With the reported disappearance of three
hikers in Raccoon Forest earlier this week, city officials have
finally called for a roadblock on rural Route 6 at the foothills
of the Arklay Mountains. Police Chief Brian Irons an-
nounced yesterday that the S.T.A.R.S. will participate full-
time in the search for the hikers and will also be working
closely with the RPD until there is an end to the rash of
murders and disappearances that are destroying our community
Chief Irons, a former S.T.A.R.S. member himself, said
today (in an exclusive Cityside telephone interview) that it is
"high time to employ the talents of these dedicated men and
women toward the safety of this city. We've had nine brutal
murders here in less than two months, and at least five
disappearances now-and all of these events have taken
place in a close proximity to Raccoon Forest. This leads us to
believe that the perpetrators of these crimes may be hiding
somewhere in the Victory Lake district, and the S.T.A.R.S.
have just the kind of experience we need to find them."
When asked why the S.T.A.R.S. hadn't been assigned to
these cases until now, Chief Irons would only say that the
S.T.A.R.S. have been assisting the RPD since the beginning
and that they would be a "welcome addition" to the task
force currently working on the murders full-time.
Founded in New York in 1967, the privately funded
S.T.A.R.S. organization was originally created as a measure
against cult-affiliated terrorism by a group of retired military
officials and ex-field operatives from both the CIA and FBI.
Under the guidance of former NSDA (National Security and
Defense Agency) director Marco Palmieri, the group quickly
expanded its services to include everything from hostage
negotiation and code breaking to riot control. Working with
local police agencies, each branch office of the S.T.A.R.S. is
designed to work as a complete unit itself. The S.T.A.R.S.
set up its Raccoon City branch through the fund-raising
efforts of several local businesses in 1972 and is currently
led by Captain Albert Wesker, promoted to the position less
than six months ago.



when she somehow managed to drop her keys into her
cup of coffee on the way out the door. There was a
muted ting as they hit the bottom, and as she paused
in mid-stride, staring in disbelief at the steaming
ceramic mug, the thick stack of files she carried under
her other arm slid smoothly to the floor. Paper clips
and sticky notes scattered across the tan carpeting.

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"Ah, shit."
She checked her watch as she turned back toward
the kitchen, cup in hand. Wesker had called the
meeting for 1900 sharp, which meant she had about
nine minutes to make the ten-minute drive, find
parking and get her butt into a chair. The first full
disclosure meeting since the S.T.A.R.S. had gotten
the case - hell, the first real meeting since she'd made
the Raccoon transfer-and she was going to be late.
Figures. Probably the first time in years I actually
give a rat's ass about being on time and I fall apart at
the door. . . .
Muttering darkly she hurried to the sink, feeling
tense and angry with herself for not getting ready
earlier. It was the case, the goddamn case. She'd
picked up her copies of the ME files right after
breakfast and spent all day digging through the re-
ports, searching for something that the cops had
somehow missed and feeling more and more frus-
trated as the day slipped past and she'd failed to come
up with anything new.
She dumped the mug and scooped up the warm,
wet keys, wiping them against her jeans as she hurried
back to the front door. She crouched down to gather
the files-and stopped, staring down at the glossy
color photo that had ended up on top.
Oh, girls. . . .
She picked it up slowly, knowing that she didn't
have time and yet unable to look away from the tiny,
blood-spattered faces. She felt the knots of tension
that had been building all day intensify, and for a
moment it was all she could do to breathe as she
stared at the crime scene photo. Becky and Priscilla
McGee, ages nine and seven. She'd flipped past it
earlier, telling herself that there was nothing there she
needed to see. . . .
. . . But it isn 't true, is it? You can keep pretending,
or you can admit it-everything's different now, it's
been different since the day they died.
When she'd first moved to Raccoon, she'd been
under a lot of stress, feeling uncertain about the
transfer, not even sure if she wanted to stay with the
S.T.A.R.S. She was good at the job, but had only
taken it because of Dick; after the indictment, he'd
started to pressure her to get into another line of
work. It had taken awhile, but her father was persis-
tent, telling her again and again that one Valentine in
jail was one too many, even admitting that he was
wrong to raise her the way he had. With her training
and background, there weren't a whole lot of op-
tions - but the S.T.A.R.S., at least, appreciated her

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skills and didn't care how she came by them. The pay
was decent, there was the element of risk she'd grown
to enjoy. ... In retrospect, the career change had
been surprisingly easy; it made Dick happy, and gave
her the opportunity to see how the other half lived.
Still, the move had been harder on her than she'd
realized. For the first time since Dick had gone inside,
she'd felt truly alone, and working for the law had
started to seem like a joke - the daughter of Dick
Valentine, working for truth, justice, and the Ameri-
can way. Her promotion to the Alphas, a nice little
house in the suburbs - it was crazy, and she'd been
giving serious thought to just blowing out of town,
giving the whole thing up, and going back to what
she'd been before. . . .
. . . until the two little girls who lived across the
street had shown up on her doorstep and asked her
with wide, tear-stained eyes if she was really a police-
man. Their parents were at work, and they couldn't
find their dog. . . .
. . . Becky in her green school dress, little Pris in her
overalls-both of them sniffling and shy . . .
The pup had been wandering through a garden only
a few blocks away, no sweat and she'd made two
new friends, as easy as that. The sisters had promptly
adopted Jill, showing up after school to bring her
scraggly bunches of flowers, playing in her yard on
weekends, singing her endless songs they'd learned
from movies and cartoons. It wasn't like the girls had
miraculously changed her outlook or taken away her
loneliness, but somehow her thoughts of leaving had
been put on a back burner, left alone for awhile. For
the first time in her twenty-three years, she'd started
to feel like a part of the community she lived and
worked in, the change so subtle and gradual that she'd
hardly noticed.
Six weeks ago, Becky and Pris had wandered away
from a family picnic in Victory Park and became
the first two victims of the psychopaths that had since
terrorized the isolated city.
The photo trembled slightly in her hand, sparing
her nothing. Becky lying on her back, staring blindly
at the sky, a gaping, ragged hole in her belly. Pris was
sprawled next to her, arms outstretched, chunks of
flesh ripped savagely from the slender limbs. Both
children had been eviscerated, dying of massive trau-
ma before they'd bled out. If they'd screamed, no one
had heard. . .
Enough! They're gone, but you can finally do some-
thing about it!
Jill fumbled the papers back into their folder, then

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stepped outside into the early evening, breathing
deeply. The scent of freshly cut grass was heavy in the
sun-warmed air. Somewhere down the street, a dog
barked happily amidst the shouts of children.
She hurried to the small, dented gray hatchback
parked by the front walk, forcing herself not to look at
the silent McGee house as she started the car and
pulled away from the curb. Jill drove through the wide
suburban streets of her neighborhood, window down,
pushing the speed limit but careful to watch for kids
and pets. There weren't many of either around. Since
the trouble had started, more and more people were
keeping their children and animals indoors, even
during the day.
The little hatchback shuddered as she accelerated
up the ramp to Highway 202, the warm, dry air
whipping her long hair back from her face. It felt
good, like waking up from a bad dream. She sped
through the sun-dappled evening, the shadows of
trees growing long across the road.
Whether it was fate or just the luck of the draw, her
life had been touched by what was happening in
Raccoon City. She couldn't keep pretending that she
was just some jaded ex-thief trying to stay out of jail,
trying to toe the line to make her father happy, or
that what the S.T.A.R.S. were about to do was just
another job. It mattered. It mattered to her that those
children were dead, and that the killers were still free
to kill again.
The victim files next to her fluttered slightly, the top
of the folder caught by the wind; nine restless spirits,
perhaps, Becky and Priscilla McGee's among them.
She rested her right hand on the ruffled sheaf,
stilling the gentle movement and swore to herself
that no matter what it took, she was going to find out
who was responsible. Whatever she'd been before,
whatever she would be in the future, she had
changed . . . and wouldn't be able to rest until these
murderers of the innocent had been held accountable
for their actions.

"Yo, Chris!"
Chris turned away from the soda machine and saw
Forest Speyer striding down the empty hall toward
him, a wide grin on his tanned, boyish face. Forest
was actually a few years older than Chris, but looked
like a rebellious teenager - long hair, studded jean
jacket, a tattoo of a skull smoking a cigarette on his
left shoulder. He was also an excellent mechanic, and
one of the best shots Chris had ever seen in action.
"Hey, Forest. What's up?" Chris scooped up a can

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of club soda from the machine's dispenser and
glanced at his watch. He still had a couple of minutes
before the meeting. He smiled tiredly as Forest
stopped in front of him, blue eyes sparkling. Forest
was carrying an armful of equipment-vest, utility
belt, and shoulder pack.
"Wesker gave Marini the go-ahead to start the
search. Bravo team's goin' in."
Even excited, Forest's
Alabama twang slowed his words to a stereotypical
drawl. He dropped his stuff on one of the visitors'
chairs, still grinning widely.
Chris frowned. "When?"
"Now. Soon as I warm up the 'copter." Forest
pulled the kevlar vest on over his T-shirt as he spoke.
"While you Alphas sit taking notes, we're gonna go
kick some cannibal ass!"
Nothing if not confident, us S.T.A.R.S. "Yeah,
well. .. just watch your ass, okay? I still think there's
more going on here than a couple of slobbering nut
jobs hanging around in the woods."
"You know it."
Forest pushed his hair back and
grabbed his utility belt, obviously already focused on
the mission. Chris thought about saying more, but
decided against it. For all of his bravado, Forest was a
professional; he didn't need to be told to be careful.
You sure about that, Chris? You think Billy was
careful enough?
Sighing inwardly, Chris slapped Forest's shoulder
lightly and headed for ops through the doorway of the
small upstairs waiting room and down the hall. He
was surprised that Wesker was sending the teams in
separately. Although it was standard for the less
experienced S.T.A.R.S. to do the initial recon, this
wasn't exactly a standard operation. The number of
deaths they were dealing with alone was enough to
call for a more aggressive offense. The fact that there
were signs of organization to the murders should have
brought it to A1 status, and Wesker was still treating it
like some kind of a training run.
Nobody else sees it; they didn't know Billy...
Chris thought again about the late-night call he'd
gotten last week from his childhood friend. He hadn't
heard from Billy in awhile, but knew that he'd taken a
research position with Umbrella, the pharmaceutical
company that was the single biggest contributor to the
economic prosperity of Raccoon City. Billy had never
been the type to jump at shadows, and the terrified
desperation in his voice had jolted Chris awake, filling
him with deep concern. Billy had babbled that his life
was in danger, that they were all in danger, begged
Chris to meet him at a diner at the edge of town and

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then never showed up. No one had heard from him
Chris had run it over and over again in his mind
during the sleepless nights since Billy's disappear-
ance, trying to convince himself that there was no
connection to the attacks on Raccoon and yet was
unable to shake his growing certainty that there was
more going on than met the eye, and that Billy had
known what it was. The cops had checked out Billy's
apartment and found nothing to indicate foul
play ... but Chris's instincts told him that his friend
was dead, and that he'd been killed by somebody who
wanted to keep him from talking.
And I seem to be the only one. Irons doesn't give a
shit, and the team thinks I'm just torn up over the loss
of an old friend.
He pushed the thoughts aside as he turned the
corner, his boot heels sending muted echoes through
the arched second floor corridor. He had to focus, to
keep his mind on what he could do to find out why
Billy had disappeared, but he was exhausted, run-
ning on a minimum of sleep and an almost constant
anxiety that had plagued him since Billy's call. Maybe
he was losing his perspective, his objectivity dulled by
recent events. . .
He forced himself not to think about anything at all
as he neared the S.T.A.R.S. office, determined to be
clear-headed for the meeting. The buzzing fluores-
cents above seemed like overkill in the blazing eve-
ning light that filled the tight hallway; the Raccoon
police building was a classic, if unconventional, piece
of architecture, lots of inlaid tile and heavy wood, but
it had too many windows designed to catch the sun.
When he'd been a kid, the building had been the
Raccoon City Hall. With the population increase a
decade back, it had been renovated as a library, and
four years ago, turned into a police station. It seemed
like there was always some kind of construction going
The door to the S.T.A.R.S. office stood open, the
muted sounds of gruff male voices spilling out into
the hall. Chris hesitated a moment, hearing Chief
Irons's among them. "Just call me Brian" Irons was a
self-centered and self-serving politician masquerad-
ing as a cop. It was no secret that he had his sweaty
fingers in more than a few local pies. He'd even been
implicated in the Cider district land-scam back in '94,
and although nothing had been proved in court,
anyone who knew him personally didn't harbor any
Chris shook his head, listening to Irons's greasy

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voice. Hard to believe he'd once led the Raccoon
S.T.A.R.S., even as a paper-pusher. Maybe even hard-
er to believe that he'd probably end up as mayor
Of course, it doesn't help much that he hates your
guts, does it, Redfield?
Yeah, well. Chris didn't like to kiss ass, and Irons
didn't know how to have any other kind of relation-
ship. At least Irons wasn't a total incompetent, he'd
had some military training. Chris pasted on a straight
face and stepped into the small, cluttered office that
served as the S.T.A.R.S. filing cabinet and base of
Barry and Joseph were over by the rookie desk,
going through a box of papers and talking quietly.
Brad Vickers, the Alpha pilot, was drinking coffee and
staring at the main computer screen a few feet away, a
sour expression on his mild features. Across the room
Captain Wesker was leaning back in his chair, hands
behind his head, smiling blankly at something Chief
Irons was telling him. Irons's bulk was leaned against
Wesker's desk, one pudgy hand brushing at his care-
fully groomed mustache as he spoke.
"So I said, 'You're gonna print what I tell you to
print, Bertolucci, and you're gonna like it, or you'll
never get another quote from this office!' And he

"Chris!" Wesker interrupted the chief, sitting for-
ward. "Good, you're here. Looks like we can stop
wasting time."

Irons scowled in his direction but Chris kept his
poker face. Wesker didn't care much for Irons, either,
and didn't bother trying to be any more than polite in
his dealings with the man. From the glint in his eye, it
was obvious that he didn't care who knew it, either.
Chris walked into the office and stood by the desk
he shared with Ken Sullivan, one of the Bravo team.
Since the teams usually worked different shifts, they
didn't need much room. He set the unopened can of
soda on the battered desktop and looked at Wesker.
"You're sending Bravo in?"
The captain gazed back at him impassively, arms
folded across his chest. "Standard procedure, Chris."
Chris sat down, frowning. "Yeah, but with what we
talked about last week, I thought"

Irons interrupted. "I gave the order, Redfield. I
know you think that there's some kind of cloak and
dagger going on here, but 7 don't see any reason to
deviate from policy."

Sanctimonious prick. . . .
Chris forced a smile, knowing it would irritate

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Irons. "Of course, sir. No need to explain yourself on
my behalf."

Irons glared at him for a moment, his piggy little
eyes snapping, then apparently decided to let it drop.
He turned back to Wesker. "I'll expect a report when
Bravo returns. Now if you'll excuse me, Captain."

Wesker nodded. "Chief."
Irons stalked past Chris and out of the room. He'd
been gone less than a minute before Barry started in.
"Think the chief took a shit today? Maybe we all
oughtta chip in for Christmas, get him some laxa-
Joseph and Brad laughed, but Chris couldn't bring
himself to join in. Irons was a joke, but his mishan-
dling of this investigation wasn't all that funny. The
S.T.A.R.S. should've been called in at the beginning
instead of acting as RPD back up.
He looked back at Wesker, the man's perpetually
composed expression hard to read. Wesker had taken
over the Raccoon S.T.A.R.S. only a few months ago,
transferred by the home office in New York, and Chris
still didn't have any real insight into his character.
The new captain seemed to be everything he was
reputed to be: smooth, professional, cool, but there
was a kind of distance to him, a sense that he was
often far removed from what was going on.
Wesker sighed and stood up. "Sorry, Chris. I know
you wanted things to go different, but Irons didn't put
a whole lot of stock into your . . . misgivings."

Chris nodded. Wesker could make recommenda-
tions, but Irons was the only one who could upgrade a
mission's status. "Not your fault."
Barry walked toward them, scruffing at his short,
reddish beard with one giant fist. Barry Burton was
only six feet tall but built like a truck. His only
passion outside of his family and his weapons collec-
tion was weight lifting, and it showed.
"Don't sweat it, Chris. Marini will call us in the
second he smells trouble. Irons is just pullin' your
Chris nodded again, but he didn't like it. Hell,
Enrico Marini and Forest Speyer were the only experi-
enced soldiers in Bravo. Ken Sullivan was a good
scout and a brilliant chemist, but in spite of his
S.T.A.R.S. training, he couldn't shoot the broad side
of a barn. Richard Aiken was a top-rate communica-
tions expert, but he also lacked field experience.
Rounding out Bravo team was Rebecca Chambers,
who'd only been with the S.T.A.R.S. for three weeks,
supposed to be some kind of medical genius. Chris
had met her a couple of times and she seemed bright

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enough, but she was just a kid.
It's not enough. Even with all of us, it may not be
He cracked open his soda but didn't drink any,
wondering instead what the S.T.A.R.S. were going up
against, Billy's pleading, desperate words echoing
through his mind yet again.
"They're going to kill me, Chris! They're going to
kill everyone who knows! Meet me at Emmy's, now, I'll
tell you everything. ..."
Exhausted, Chris stared off into space, alone in the
knowledge that the savage murders were only the tip
of the proverbial iceberg.
Barry stood by Chris's desk for a minute, trying to
think of something else to say, but Chris didn't look
like he was in the mood for conversation. Barry
shrugged inwardly and headed back to where Joseph
was going through files. Chris was a good guy, but he
took things too hard sometimes; he'd get over it as
soon as it was their turn to step in.
Man, it was hot! Seemingly endless trickles of sweat
rolled down his spine, gluing his T-shirt to his broad
back. The air-conditioning was on the fritz as usual,
and even with the door open, the tiny S.T.A.R.S.
office was uncomfortably warm.
"Any luck?"
Joseph looked up at him from the pile of papers, a
rueful smirk on his lean face. "You kidding? It's like
somebody hid the damn thing on purpose."

Barry sighed and scooped up a handful of files.
"Maybe Jill found it. She was still here when I left last
night, going through the witness reports for about the
hundredth time. . ."

"What are you two looking for, anyway?" Brad
Barry and Joseph both looked over at Brad, still
sitting at the computer console, headset on. He'd be
monitoring Bravo's progress throughout their fly-by
of the forested district, but for now he looked bored as
Joseph answered him. "Ah, Barry claims that there
are floor plans in here somewhere on the old Spencer
estate, some architectural digest that came out when
the house was built"
He paused, then grinned at
Brad. "Except that I'm thinkin' that ol' Barry's gone
senile on us. They say memory is the first thing to go."

Barry scowled good-naturedly. "Ol' Barry could
easily kick your ass into next week, little man."

Joseph looked at him mock-seriously. "Yeah, but
would you remember it afterwards?"
Barry chuckled, shaking his head. He was only

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thirty-eight, but had been with the Raccoon
S.T.A.R.S. for fifteen years, making him the senior
member. He endured numerous old age jokes, mostly
from Joseph.
Brad cocked an eyebrow. "The Spencer place? Why
would it be in a magazine?"

"You kids, gotta learn your history." Barry said. "It
was designed by the one and only George Trevor, just
before he disappeared. He was that hot-shit architect
who did all those weird skyscrapers in D.C. - in fact,
Trevor's disappearance may have been the reason that
Spencer shut the mansion down. Rumor has it that
Trevor went crazy during the construction and when
it was finished, he got lost and wandered the halls
until he starved to death."
Brad scoffed, but suddenly looked uneasy. "That's
bullshit. I never heard anything like that."
Joseph winked at Barry. "No, it's true. Now his
tortured ghost roams the estate each night, pale and
emaciated, and I've heard tell that sometimes you can
hear him, calling out, 'Brad Vickers . . . bring me
Brad Vickers'"
Brad flushed slightly. "Yeah, ha ha. You're a real
comedian, Frost."
Barry shook his head, smiling, but wondered again
how Brad had ever made it to Alpha. He was un-
doubtedly the best hacker working for S.T.A.R.S.,
and a decent enough pilot, but he wasn't so hot under
pressure. Joseph had taken to calling him "Chicken-
heart Vickers" when he wasn't around, and while the
S.T.A.R.S. generally stuck up for one another, nobody
disagreed with Joseph's assessment.
"So is that why Spencer shut it down?" Brad
addressed this to Barry, his cheeks still red.
Barry shrugged. "I doubt it. It was supposed to be
some kind of guest house for Umbrella's top execs.
Trevor did disappear right about the time of comple-
Tion, but Spencer was whacko, anyway. He decided
to move Umbrella's headquarters to Europe, I forgot
where exactly, and just boarded up the mansion.
Probably a couple million bucks, straight into the
Joseph sneered. "Right. Like Umbrella would
True enough. Spencer may have been crazy, but
he'd had enough money and business savvy to hire
the right people. Umbrella was one of the biggest
medical research and pharmaceutical companies on
the planet. Even thirty years ago, the loss of a few
million dollars probably hadn't hurt.
"Anyway," Joseph went on, "the Umbrella people

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told Irons that they'd sent someone out to check the
place over, and that it was secure, no break-ins."
"So why look for blueprints?"
Brad asked.
It was Chris who answered, startling Barry. He'd
walked back to join them, his youthful face fixed with
a sudden intensity that almost bordered on obsessive.
"Because it's the only place in the woods that hasn't
been checked over by the police, and it's practically in
the middle of the crime scenes. And because you can't
always trust what people say."
Brad frowned. "But if Umbrella sent somebody
out. . ."
Whatever Chris was going to say in response was
cut short by Wesker's smooth voice, rising from the
front of the room.
"All right, people. Since it appears that Ms. Valen-
tine isn't planning on joining us, why don't we get this
Barry walked to his desk, worried about Chris for
the first time since this whole thing had started. He'd
recruited the younger man for the S.T.A.R.S. a few
years back thanks to a chance encounter in a local gun
shop. Chris had proved to be an asset to the team,
bright and thoughtful as well as a top-notch marks-
man and able pilot.
But now . . .
Barry gazed fondly at the picture of Kathy and the
girls that sat on his desk. Chris's obsession with the
murders in Raccoon was understandable, particularly
since his friend had disappeared. Nobody in town
wanted to see another life lost. Barry had a family,
and was as determined as anyone else on the team to
stop the killers. But Chris's relentless suspicion had
gone a little overboard. What had he meant by that,
"You can't always trust what people say"? Either that
Umbrella was lying or Chief Irons was. . .
Ridiculous. Umbrella's branch chemical plant and
administrative buildings on the outskirts of town
supplied three-quarters of the jobs in Raccoon City; it
would be counter-productive for them to lie. Besides,
Umbrella's integrity was at least as solid as any other
major corporation's-maybe some industrial espio-
nage, but medical secret-swapping was a far cry from
murder. And Chief Irons, though a fat, weasely blow-
hard, wasn't the kind to get his hands any dirtier than
they'd get accepting illegal campaign funds; the guy
wanted to be mayor, for chrissake.
Barry's gaze lingered on the picture of his family a
moment longer before he turned his chair around to
face Wesker's desk, and he suddenly realized that he
wanted Chris to be wrong. Whatever was going on in

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Raccoon City, that kind of vicious brutality couldn't
be planned. And that meant. . .
Barry didn't know what that meant. He sighed, and
waited for the meeting to begin.



sound of Wesker's voice as she jogged toward the
open door of the S.T.A.R.S. office. She'd seen one of
their helicopters taking off as she'd arrived, and been
positive that they'd left without her. The S.T.A.R.S.
were a fairly casual outfit in some respects. But there
also wasn't any room for people who couldn't keep
up-and she wanted very much to be in on this case
from the beginning.
"The RPD has already established a perimeter
search, spanning sectors one, four, seven, and nine.
It's the central zones we're concerned with, and Bravo
will set down here ..."
At least she wasn't too late; Wesker always ran
meetings the same way-update speech, theory, then
Q and A. Jill took a deep breath and stepped into the
office. Wesker was pointing to a posted map at the
front of the room, dotted with colored tags where
the bodies had been found. He hardly faltered in his
speech as she walked quickly to her desk, feeling
suddenly like she was back in basic training and had
shown up late for class.
Chris Redfield threw her a half-smile as she sat
down, and she nodded back at him before focusing on
Wesker. She didn't know any of the Raccoon team
that well, but Chris had made a real effort to make her
feel welcome since she'd arrived.
". . . after a fly-by of the other central areas. Once
they report in, we'll have a better idea of where to
focus our energies."
"But what about the Spencer place?"
Chris asked.
"It's practically in the middle of the crime scenes. If
we start there, we can conduct a more complete
"And if Bravo's information points to that area,
rest assured, we'll search there. For now, I don't see
any reason to consider it a priority."
Chris looked incredulous. "But we only have Um-
brella's word that the estate is secure..."

Wesker leaned against his desk, his strong features
expressionless. "Chris, we all want to get to the
bottom of this. But we have to work as a team, and the
best approach here is to do a thorough search for
those missing hikers before we start jumping to con-

background image

clusions. Bravo will take a look-see and we'll conduct
this by the book."

Chris frowned, but said nothing more. Jill resisted
the urge to roll her eyes at Wesker's little speech. He
was doing the right thing, technically, but had left out
the part about it being politic to do as Chief Irons
wanted. Irons had made it clear time and again
throughout the killing spree that he was in charge of
the investigation and was calling the shots. It
wouldn't have bothered her so much except that
Wesker presented himself as an independent thinker,
a man who didn't play politics. She had joined the
S.T.A.R.S. because she couldn't stand the bullshit
red-tape that dominated so much of law enforcement,
and Wesker's obvious deferral to the chief was irri-
Well, and don't forget that you stood a good chance
of ending up in prison if you hadn't changed your
occupation. . .
"Jill. I see that you managed to find the time to
come in. Illuminate us with your brilliant insight.
What have you got for us?"
Jill met Wesker's sharp gaze evenly, trying to seem
as cool and composed as he was. "Nothing new, I'm
afraid. The only obvious pattern is location. . ."

She looked down at the notes she had on the stack
of files in front of her, scanning them for reference.
"Uh, the tissue samples from underneath both Becky
McGee's and Chris Smith's fingernails were an exact
match, we got that yesterday . . . and Tonya Lipton,
the third victim, had definitely been hiking in the
foothills, that'd be sector-seven-B. . . ."
She looked back up at Wesker and made her pitch.
"My theory at this point is that there's a possible
ritualistic cult hiding in the mountains, four to eleven
members strong, with guard dogs trained to attack
intruders in their territory."
Wesker folded his arms, waiting.
At least no one had laughed. Jill plunged forward,
warming to the material. "The cannibalism and dis-
memberment suggest ritualistic behavior, as does the
presence of decomposed flesh found on some of the
victims - like the killers are carrying parts of previ-
ous unknown victims to their attacks. We've got saliva
and tissue samples from four separate human assail-
ants, though eye-witness reports suggest up to ten or
eleven people. And those killed by animals were all
found or found to be attacked in the same vicinity,
suggesting that they wandered into some kind of off-
limits area. The saliva traces appear to be canine,
though there's still some disagreement. . ."

background image

trailed off, finished.
Wesker's face betrayed nothing, but he nodded
slowly. "Not bad, not bad at all. Disprove?"
Jill sighed. She hated having to shoot her own
theory down, but that was part of the job-and in all
honesty, the part that most encouraged clear, rational
thinking. The S.T.A.R.S. trained their people not to
fixate on any single path to the truth.
She glanced at her notes again. "It's highly unlikely
that a cult that big would move around much, and the
murders started too recently to be local; the RPD
would've seen signs before now, some escalation to
this kind of behavior. Also, the level of post-mortem
violence indicates disorganized offenders, and they
usually work solo."
Joseph Frost, the Alpha vehicle specialist, piped up
from the back of the room. "The animal attack part
works, though, protecting their territory and all that."

Wesker scooped up a pen and walked to the dry-
erase board next to his desk, talking as he moved. "I
He wrote territoriality on the board and then turned
back to face her. "Anything else?"
Jill shook her head, but felt good that she'd contrib-
uted something. She knew the cult aspect was reach-
ing, but it had been all she could come up with. The
police certainly hadn't come up with anything better.
Wesker turned his attention to Brad Vickers, who
suggested that it was a new strain of terrorism, and
that demands would be made soon. Wesker put terror-
ism on the board, but didn't seem enthusiastic about
the idea. Neither did anyone else. Brad quickly went
back to his headset, checking on Bravo team's status.
Both Joseph and Barry passed on theorizing, and
Chris's views on the killings were already well known,
if vague; he believed that there was an organized
assault going on, and that external influences were
involved somehow. Wesker asked if he had anything
new to add (stressing new, Jill noticed), and Chris
shook his head, looking depressed.
Wesker capped the black pen and sat on the edge of
his desk, gazing thoughtfully at the blank expanse of
board. "It's a start," he said. "I know you've all read
the police and coroner reports, and listened to the
eyewitness accounts."
"Vickers here, over."
From the back of the room,
Brad spoke quietly into his headset, interrupting
Wesker. The captain lowered his voice and continued.
"Now at this point, we don't know what we're
dealing with and I know that all of us have some . . .
concerns with how the RPD has been dealing with the

background image

situation. But now that we're on the case, I..."
At the sound of Brad's raised voice, Jill turned
toward the back of the room along with everyone else.
He was standing up, agitated, one hand pressed to the
ear piece of his set.
"Bravo team, report. Repeat, Bravo team, report!"
Wesker stood up. "Vickers, put it on 'com!"
Brad hit the switch on his console and the bright,
crackling sound of static filled the room. Jill strained
to hear a human voice amidst the fuzz, but for several
tense seconds, there was nothing.
Then. "... you copy? Malfunction, we're going to
have to . . ."
The rest was lost in a burst of static. It sounded like
Enrico Marini, the Bravo team leader. Jill chewed at
her lower lip and exchanged a worried glance with
Chris. Enrico had seemed . . . frantic. They all lis-
tened for another moment but there was nothing
more than the sound of open air.
"Position?" Wesker snapped.
Brad's face was pale. "They're in the, uh, sector
twenty-two, tail end of C ... except I've lost the
signal. The transmitter is off-line."

Jill felt stunned, saw the feeling reflected in the
faces of the others. The helicopter's transmitter was
designed to keep working no matter what; the only
way it would shut down was if something big hap-
pened - the entire system blanking out or being seri-
ously damaged.
Something like a crash.
Chris felt his stomach knot as he recognized the
The Spencer estate.
Marini had said something about a malfunction, it
had to be a coincidence - but it didn't feel like one.
The Bravos were in trouble, and practically on top of
the old Umbrella mansion.
All of this went through his head in a split-second,
and then he was standing, ready to move. Whatever
happened, the S.T.A.R.S. took care of their own.
Wesker was already in action. He addressed the
team even as he reached for his keys, heading for the
gun safe.
"Joseph, take over the board and keep trying to
raise them. Vickers, warm up the 'copter and get
clearance, I want us ready to fly in five."
The captain unlocked the safe as Brad handed the
headset to Joseph and hurried out of the room. The
reinforced metal door swung open, revealing an arse-
nal of rifles and handguns shelved above boxes of

background image

ammo. Wesker turned to the rest of them, his expres-
sion as bland as ever but his voice brisk with au-
"Barry, Chris I want you to get the weapons into
the 'copter, loaded and secured. Jill, get the vests and
packs and meet us on the roof."
He clipped a key off
his ring and tossed it to her.
"I'm going to put a call in to Irons, make sure he
gets us some backup and EMTs down at the barri-
Wesker said, then blew out sharply. "Five
minutes or less, folks. Let's move."
Jill left for the locker room and Barry grabbed one
of the empty duffel bags from the bottom of the gun
safe, nodding at Chris. Chris scooped up a second bag
and started loading boxes of shells, cartridges, and
clips as Barry carefully handled the weapons, check-
ing each one. Behind them, Joseph again tried hailing
the Bravo team to no avail.
Chris wondered again about the proximity of the
Bravo team's last reported position to the Spencer
estate. Was there a connection? And if so, how?
Billy worked for Umbrella, they own the estate-
"Chief? Wesker. We just lost contact with Bravo;
I'm taking us in."
Chris felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and worked
faster, aware that every second counted - could mean
the difference between life and death for his friends
and teammates. A serious crash was unlikely, the
Bravos would have been flying low and Forest was a
decent pilot. . . but what about after they'd gone
Wesker quickly relayed the information to Irons
over the phone and then hung up, walking back to
join them.
"I'm going up to make sure our 'copter's outfitted.
Joseph, give it another minute and then turn it over to
the boys at the front desk. You can help these two
carry the equipment up. I'll see you on top."
Wesker nodded to them and hurried out, his foot-
steps clattering loudly down the hall.
"He's good," Barry said quietly, and Chris had to
agree. It was reassuring to see that their new captain
didn't rattle easily. Chris still wasn't sure how he felt
about the man personally, but his respect for Wesker's
abilities was growing by the minute.
"Come in, Bravo, do you copy? Repeat. . ."
Joseph patiently went on, his voice tight with
strain, his pleas lost to the haze of white static that
pulsed out into the room.

Wesker strode down the deserted hall and through

background image

the shabbier of the two second-floor waiting rooms,
nodding briskly at a pair of uniforms that stood
talking by the soda machine.
The door to the outside landing was chocked open,
a faint, humid breeze cutting through the stickiness of
the air inside. It was still daylight, but not for much
longer. He hoped that wouldn't complicate matters,
although he figured it probably would. . . .
Wesker took a left and started down the winding
corridor that led to the helipad, absently running
through a mental checklist.
. . . hailing open procedure, weapons, gear, re-
port . . .
He already knew that everything was in order, but
went through it again anyway; it didn't pay to get
sloppy, and assumptions were the first step down that
path. He liked to think of himself as a man of
precision, one who had taken all possibilities into
account and decided on the best course of action after
thoroughly weighing all factors. Control was what
being a competent leader was all about.
But to close this case...
He shut the thought down before it could get any
further. He knew what had to be done, and there was
still plenty of time. All he needed to concentrate on
now was getting the Bravos back, safe and sound.
Wesker opened the door at the end of the hall and
stepped out into the bright evening, the rising hum of
the 'copter's engine and the smell of machine oil
filling his senses. The small rooftop helipad was
cooler than inside, partly draped by the shadow of an
aging water tower, and empty except for the gunmetal
gray Alpha helicopter. For the first time, he wondered
what had gone wrong for Bravo; he'd had Joseph and
the rookie check both birds out yesterday and they'd
been fine, all systems go.
He dismissed that train of thought as he walked
toward the 'copter, his shadow falling long across the
concrete. It didn't matter why, not anymore. What
mattered was what came next. Expect the unexpected,
that was the S.T.A.R.S. motto, although that basi-
cally meant to prepare for anything.
Expect nothing, that was Albert Wesker's motto. A
little less catchy, maybe, but infinitely more useful. It
virtually guaranteed that nothing would ever surprise
He stepped up to the open pilot door and got a
shaky thumbs-up from Vickers; the man looked posi-
tively green, and Wesker briefly considered leaving
him behind. Chris was licensed to fly, and Vickers had
a reputation for choking under the gun; the last thing

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he needed was for one of his people to freeze up if
there was trouble. Then he thought about the lost
Bravos and decided against it. This was a rescue
mission. The worst Vickers could do would be to
throw up on himself if the 'copter had crashed badly,
and Wesker could live with that.
He opened the side door and crouched his way into
the cabin, doing a quick inventory of the equipment
that lined the walls. Emergency flares, ration kits . . .
he popped the lid on the heavy, dented footlocker
behind the benches and looked through the basic
medical supplies, nodding to himself. They were as
ready as they were going to be ...
Wesker grinned suddenly, wondering what Brian
Irons was doing right now.
Shitting his pants, no doubt. Wesker chuckled as he
stepped back out onto the sun-baked asphalt, getting a
sudden clear mental image of Irons, his pudgy cheeks
red with anger and crap dribbling down his leg. Irons
liked to think he could control everything and every-
one around him and lost his temper when he couldn't,
and that made him an idiot.
Unfortunately for all of them, he was an idiot with
a little bit of power. Wesker had checked him out
carefully before taking the position in Raccoon City,
and knew a few things about the chief that didn't
paint him in a particularly positive light. He had no
intention of using that information, but if Irons
attempted to screw things up one more time, Wesker
had no qualms about letting that information get
...or at least telling him that I have access to it; it'd
certainly keep him out of the way.
Barry Burton stepped out onto the concrete carry-
ing more ammo cache, his giant biceps flexing as he
shifted his hold on the heavy canvas bag and started
for the 'copter. Chris and Joseph followed, Chris with
the sidearms and Joseph lugging a satchel of RPGs,
the compact grenade launcher slung over one
Wesker marveled at Burton's brute strength as the
Alpha climbed in and casually set the bag down as
though it didn't weigh over a hundred pounds. Barry
was bright enough, but in the S.T.A.R.S., muscle was a
definite asset. Everyone else in his squad was in good
shape, but compared to Barry, they were pencil-necks.
As the three of them stored the equipment, Wesker
turned his attention back to the door, watching for
Jill. He checked his watch and frowned. It had been
just under five minutes since their last contact with
Bravo, they'd made excellent time ... so where the

background image

hell was Valentine? He hadn't interacted with her
much since she'd come to Raccoon, but her file was a
rave review. She'd gotten high recommendations
from everyone she'd worked with, praised by her last
captain as highly intelligent and "unusually" calm in
a crisis. She'd have to be, with her history. Her father
was Dick Valentine, the best thief in the business a
couple of decades back. He'd trained her to follow in
his footsteps, and word had it that she had done quite
well until Daddy had been incarcerated. . . .
Prodigy or no, she could stand to buy a decent watch.
He silently urged Jill to get her ass into gear and
motioned for Vickers to start the blades turning.
It was time to find out how bad things were out



dim and silent S.T.A.R.S. locker room, her arms full
with two bulging duffel bags. She set them down and
quickly pulled her hair back, tucking it into a well-
worn black beret. It was really too hot, but it was her
lucky hat. She glanced at her watch before hefting the
bags, pleased to note that it had only taken her three
minutes to load up.
She'd gone through all of the Alpha lockers, grab-
bing utility belts, fingerless gloves, Kevlar vests and
shoulder packs, noting that the lockers reflected their
user's personalities: Barry's had been covered with
snapshots of his family and a pin-up from a gun
magazine, a rare .45 Luger, shining against red velvet.
Chris had pictures of his Air Force buddies up and the
shelves were a boyish mess-crumpled T-shirts, loose
papers, even a glow-in-the-dark yo-yo with a broken
string. Brad Vickers had a stack of self-help books and
Joseph, a Three Stooges calendar. Only Wesker's had
been devoid of personal effects. Somehow, it didn't
surprise her. The captain struck her as too tightly
wound to place much value on sentiment.
Her own locker held a number of used paperback
true crime novels, a toothbrush, floss, breath mints,
and three hats. On the door was a small mirror and an
old, frayed photo of her and her father, taken when
she was a child and they'd gone to the beach one
summer. As she'd quickly thrown the Alpha gear
together, she decided that she'd redecorate when she
had free time; anyone looking through her locker
would think she was some kind of dental freak.
Jill crouched a bit and fumbled at the latch to the
door, balancing the awkward bags on one raised knee.

background image

She'd just grasped it when someone coughed loudly
behind her.
Startled, Jill dropped the bags and spun, looking for
the cougher as her mind reflexively assessed the
situation. The door had been locked. The small room
held three banks of lockers and had been quiet and
dark when she'd come in. There was another door in
the back of the room, but no one had come through it
since she'd entered-
-which means that someone was already here
when I came in, in the shadows behind the last bank. A
cop grabbing a nap?
Unlikely. The department's lunch room had a cou-
ple of bunks in the back, a lot more comfortable than
a narrow bench over cold concrete.
Then maybe it's someone enjoying a little "leisure"
time with a magazine, her brain snarled, does it
matter? You're on the clock here, get moving!
Right. Jill scooped up the bags and turned to leave.
"Miss Valentine, isn't it?" A shadow separated
itself from the back of the room and stepped forward,
a tall man with a low, musical voice. Early forties, a
thin frame, dark hair and deep set eyes. He was
actually wearing a trench coat, and an expensive one
at that.
Jill readied herself to move quickly if the need
arose. She didn't recognize him.
"That's right," she said warily.
The man stepped toward her, a smile flickering
across his face. "I have something for you," he said
Jill narrowed her eyes and shifted automatically
into a defensive position, balancing her weight on the
balls of her feet. "Hold it, asshole - I don't know who
the hell you think you are or what you think I want,
but you're in a police station . . ."

She trailed off as he shook his head, grinning
broadly, his dark eyes twinkling with mirth. "You
mistake my intentions, Miss Valentine. Excuse my
manners, please. My name is Trent, and I'm ... a
friend to the S.T.A.R.S."
Jill studied his posture and position and eased her
own stance slightly, watching his eyes for even a
flicker of movement. She didn't feel threatened by
him, exactly. . . .
. . . but how did he know my name?
"What do you want?"
Trent grinned wider. "Ah, straight to the point. But
of course, you're on a rather tight schedule..."

He slowly reached into a pocket of his coat and
pulled out what looked like a cell phone. "Though it's

background image

not what I want that's important. It's what I think you
should have."
Jill glanced quickly at the item he held, frowning.
"Yes. I've assembled a few documents that you
should find interesting; compelling, in fact."
As he
spoke, he held out the device.
She reached for it carefully, realizing as she did that
it was a mini-disk reader, a very complicated and
costly micro computer. Trent was well-financed, who-
ever he was.
Jill tucked the reader into her hip pack, suddenly
more than a little curious. "Who do you work for?"
He shook his head. "That's not important, not at
this juncture. Although I will say that there are a lot of
very important people watching Raccoon City right
"Oh? And are these people 'friends' of the
S.T.A.R.S., too, Mr. Trent?"
Trent laughed, a soft, deep chuckle. "So many
questions, so little time. Read the files. And if I were
you, I wouldn't mention this conversation to anyone;
it could have rather serious consequences."
He walked toward the door in the back of the room,
turning back to her as he reached for the knob. Trent's
lined, weathered features suddenly lost all trace of
humor, his gaze serious and intense.
"One more thing, Miss Valentine, and this is criti-
cal, make no mistake: not everyone can be trusted,
and not everyone is who they appear to be - even the
people you think you know. If you want to stay alive,
you'll do well to remember it."
Trent opened the door and just like that, he was
Jill stared after him, her mind going a million
directions at once. She felt like she was in some
melodramatic old spy movie and had just met the
mysterious stranger. It was laughable, and yet-
- and yet he just handed you several thousands of
dollars worth of equipment with a straight face and
told you to watch your back; you think he's kidding?
She didn't know what to think, and she didn't have
time to think it; the Alpha team was probably assem-
bled, waiting, and wondering where the hell she was.
Jill shouldered the heavy bags and hurried out the

They'd gotten the weapons loaded and secured and
Wesker was getting impatient. Although his eyes were
hidden by dark aviator sunglasses, Chris could see it
in the captain's stance and in the way he kept his head

background image

cocked toward the building. The helicopter was
prepped and ready, the blades whipping warm, humid
air through the tight compartment. With the door
open, the sound of the engine drowned out any
attempt at conversation. There was nothing to do but
Come on, Jill, don't slow us up here. . . .
Even as Chris thought it, Jill emerged from the
building and jogged toward them with the Alpha gear,
an apologetic look on her face. Wesker jumped down
to help her, taking one of the stuffed bags as she
climbed aboard.
Wesker followed, closing the double hatches behind
them. Instantly, the roar of the turbine engine was
muted to a dull thrum.
"Problems, Jill?" Wesker didn't sound angry, but
there was an edge to his voice that suggested he wasn't
all that happy, either.
Jill shook her head. "One of the lockers was stuck. I
had a hell of a time getting the key to work."

The captain stared at her for a moment, as if
deciding whether or not to give her a hard time, then
shrugged. "I'll call maintenance when we get back.
Go ahead and distribute the gear."

He picked up a headset and put it on, moving up to
sit next to Brad as Jill started passing out the vests.
The helicopter lifted slowly, the RPD building falling
away as Brad positioned them to head northwest.
Chris crouched down next to Jill after donning his
vest, helping her sort through the gloves and belts as
they sped over the city toward the Arklay Mountains.
The busy urban streets below quickly gave way to the
suburbs, wide streets and quiet houses set amidst
squares of browning grass and picket fences. An
evening haze had settled over the sprawling but iso-
lated community, fussing the edges of the picturesque
view and giving it an unreal, dream-like quality.
Minutes passed in silence as the Alphas prepared
themselves and belted in, each team member preoccu-
pied with his or her own thoughts.
With any luck, the Bravo team's helicopter had
suffered only a minor mechanical failure. Forest
would've set it down in one of the scraggly open fields
that dotted the forest and was probably up to his
elbows in grease by now, cursing at the engine as they
waited for Alpha to show. Without the bird in work-
ing order, Marini wouldn't start the proposed search.
The alternative . . .
Chris grimaced, not wanting to consider any alter-
natives. He'd once seen the aftermath of a serious
'copter crash, back in the Air Force. Pilot error had

background image

led to the fall of a Huey carrying eleven men and
women to a training mission. By the time the rescuers
had arrived, there'd been nothing but charred, smok-
ing bones amidst the fiery debris, the sweet, sticky
smell of gasoline-roasted flesh heavy in the blackened
air. Even the ground had been burning, and that was
the image that had haunted his dreams for months
afterwards; the earth on fire, the chemical flames
devouring the very soil beneath his feet. . . .
There was a slight dip in their altitude as Brad
adjusted the rotor pitch, jolting him out of the un-
pleasant memory. The ragged outskirts of Raccoon
Forest slipped by below, the orange markers of the
police blockade standing out against the thick muted
green of the trees. Twilight was finally setting in, the
forest growing heavy with shadow.
"ETA . . . three minutes." Brad called back, and
Chris looked around the cabin, noting the silent, grim
expressions of his teammates. Joseph had tied a
bandana over his head and was intently relacing his
boots. Barry was gently rubbing a soft cloth over his
beloved Colt Python, staring out the hatch window.
He turned his head to look at Jill and was surprised to
find her staring back at him thoughtfully. She was
sitting on the same bench as him and she smiled
briefly, almost nervously as he caught her gaze.
Abruptly she unhooked her belt and moved to sit next
to him. He caught a faint scent of her skin, a clean,
soapy smell.
"Chris . . . what you've been saying, about external
factors in these cases ..."
Her voice was pitched so low that he had to lean in
to hear her over the throbbing of the engine. She
glanced quickly around at the others, as if to make
sure that no one was listening, then looked into his
eyes, her own carefully guarded.
"I think you might be on the right track," she said
softly, "and I'm starting to think that it might not be
such a good idea to talk about it."

Chris's throat suddenly felt dry. "Did something
Jill shook her head, her finely chiseled features
giving away nothing. "No. I've just been thinking that
maybe you should watch what you say. Maybe not
everyone listening is on the right side of this..."

Chris frowned, not sure what she was trying to tell
him. "The only people I've talked to are on the job."
Her gaze didn't falter, and he realized suddenly
what she was implying.
Jesus, and I thought I was paranoid!
"Jill, I know these people, and even if I didn't, the

background image

S.T.A.R.S. have psycho profiles on every member,
history checks, personal references - there's no way it
could happen."
She sighed. "Look, forget I said anything. I just . . .
just watch yourself, that's all."

"All right, kids, look lively! We're coming up on
sector twenty-two, they could be anywhere."
At Wesker's interruption, Jill gave him a final sharp
glance and then moved to one of the windows. Chris
followed, Joseph and Barry taking the search up on
the other side of the cabin.
Looking out the small window, he scanned the
deepening dusk on automatic, thinking about what
Jill had said. He supposed he should be grateful that
he wasn't the only one who suspected some kind of a
cover up, but why hadn't she said anything before?
And to warn him against the S.T.A.R.S. . . .
She knows something.
She must, it was the only explanation that made
any sense. He decided that after they picked up Bravo,
he'd talk to her again, try to convince her that going to
Wesker would be their best bet. With both of them
pushing, the captain would have to listen.
He stared out at the seemingly endless sea of trees
as the helicopter skimmed lower, forcing his full
attention to the search. The Spencer estate had to be
close, though he couldn't see it in the fading light.
Thoughts of Billy and Umbrella and now Jill's strange
warning circled through his exhaustion, trying to
break his focus, but he refused to give in. He was still
worried about the Bravos - though as the trees swept
by, he was becoming more and more convinced that
they weren't in any real trouble. It was probably
nothing worse than a crossed wire, Forest had just
shut it down to make repairs.
Then he saw it less than a mile away, even as Jill
pointed and spoke, and his concern turned to cold
"Look, Chris!"
An oily plume of black smoke boiled up through the
last remnants of daylight, staining the sky like a
promise of death.
Oh, no!
Barry clenched his jaw, staring at the stream of
smoke that rose up from the trees, feeling sick.
"Captain, two o'clock sharp!" Chris called, and
then they were turning, heading for the dark smudge
that could only mean a crash.
Wesker moved back into the cabin, still wearing his
shades. He stepped to the window and spoke quietly,
his voice subdued. "Let's not assume the worst.

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There's a possibility that a fire broke out after they
landed, or that they started the fire on purpose, as a
Barry wished they could believe him, but even
Wesker had to know better. With the 'copter shut
down, a fire starting on its own was unlikely and if
the Bravos wanted to signal, they would've used
Besides which, wood doesn't make that kind of
smoke. . . .
"But whatever it is, we won't know till we get
there. Now if I could have your full attention, please."
Barry turned away from the window, saw the others
do the same. Chris, Jill, and Joseph all wore the same
look, as he imagined he did: shock. S.T.A.R.S. some-
times got hurt in the line of duty, it was part of the
job, but accidents like this . . .
Wesker's only visible sign of distress was the set of
his mouth, a thin, grim line against his tanned skin.
"Listen up. We've got people down in a possibly
hostile environment. I want all of you armed, and I
want an organized approach, a standard fan as soon
as we set down. Barry, you'll take point."
Barry nodded, pulling himself together. Wesker was
right; now was not the time to get emotional.
"Brad's going to set us down as close to the site as
he can get, what looks like a small clearing about fifty
meters south of their last coordinates. He'll stay with
the 'copter and keep it warm in case of trouble. Any
Nobody spoke, and Wesker nodded briskly. "Good.
Barry, load us up. We can leave the rest of the gear on
board and come back for it."
The captain stepped to the front to talk to Brad,
while Jill, Chris, and Joseph turned to Barry. As
weapons specialist, he checked the firearms in and out
to each S.T.A.R.S. team member and kept them in
prime condition.
Barry turned to the cabinet next to the outer hatch
and unhooked the latch, exposing six Beretta 9mm
handguns on a metal rack, cleaned and sighted only
yesterday. Each weapon held fifteen rounds, semi-
jacketed hollow points. It was a good gun, though
Barry preferred his Python, a lot bigger punch with
.357 rounds. . . .
He quickly distributed the weapons, passing out
three loaded clips with each.
"I hope we don't need these," Joseph said, slapping
in a clip, and Barry nodded agreement. Just because
he paid his dues to the NRA didn't mean he was some
trigger-happy dumbass, looking to kill; he just liked

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Wesker joined them again and the five of them
stood at the hatch, waiting for Brad to bring them in.
As they neared the plume of smoke, the helicopter's
whirling blades pushed it down and out, creating a
black fog that blended into the heavy shadows of the
trees. Any chance of spotting the downed vehicle
from the air was lost to the smoke and dusk.
Brad swung them around and settled the bird into a
scrappy patch of tall grass, snapping wildly from the
forced wind. Even as the rails wobbled to the ground,
Barry had his hand on the latch, ready to move out.
A warm hand fell on his shoulder. Barry turned and
saw Chris looking at him intently.
"We're right behind you," Chris said, and Barry
nodded. He wasn't worried, not with the Alphas
backing him up. All he was concerned with was the
Bravo team's situation. Rico Marini was a good
friend of his. Marini's wife had baby-sat for the girls
more times than Barry could count, and was friends
with Kathy. The thought of him dead, to a stupid
mechanical screw-up . . .
Hang on, buddy, we're comin'.
One hand on the butt of his Colt, Barry pulled the
handle and stepped out into the humid, whipping
twilight of Raccoon Forest, ready for anything.



Wesker and Chris behind and to Barry's left, Jill and
Joseph on his right. Directly in front of them was a
sparse stand of trees, and as the Alpha's 'copter blade
revved down, Jill could smell burning fuel and see
wisps of smoke curling through the foliage.
They moved quickly through the wooded area,
visibility dropping off sharply beneath the needled
branches. The warm scents of pine and earth were
overshadowed by the burning smell, the acrid odor
growing stronger with each step. From the dim light
filtering toward them, Jill saw that there was another
clearing ahead, high with brittle grasses.
"I see it, dead ahead!"
Jill felt her heart speed up at Barry's shout, and
then they were all running, hurrying to catch up to
their point man.
She emerged from the copse of trees, Joseph next to
her. Barry was already at the downed 'copter, Chris
and Wesker right behind. Smoke was still rising from
the silent wreck, but it was thinning. If there had been
a fire, it had died out.

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She and Joseph reached the others and stopped,
staring, no one speaking as they surveyed the scene.
The long, wide body of the 'copter was intact, not a
single scratch visible. The port landing rail looked
bent, but besides that and the dying haze of smoke
from the rotor, there seemed to be nothing wrong
with it. The hatches stood open, the beam from
Wesker's penlight showing them an undamaged cabin.
From what she could see, most of the Bravo's gear was
still on board.
So where are they?
It didn't make any sense. It hadn't been fifteen
minutes since their last transmission; if anyone had
been injured, they would have stayed. And if they'd
decided to leave, why had they left their equipment
Wesker handed the light to Joseph and nodded
toward the cockpit. "Check it out. The rest of you,
spread out, look for clues-tracks, shell casings, signs
of struggle-you find anything, let me know. And stay
Jill stood a moment longer, staring at the smoking
'copter and wondering what could have happened.
Enrico had said something about a malfunction; so
okay, the Bravos had set down. What had happened
next? What would have made them abandon their
best chance of being found, leaving behind emergency
kits, weaponry
- Jill saw a couple of bullet-proof
vests crumpled next to the hatch and shook her head,
adding it to the growing list of seemingly irrational
She turned to join the search as Joseph stepped out
of the cockpit, looking as confused as she felt. She
waited to hear his report as he handed the light back
to Wesker, shrugging nervously.
"I don't know what happened. The bent rail sug-
gests a forced landing, but except for the electrical
system, everything looks fine."
Wesker sighed, then raised his voice so the others
could hear. "Circle out, people, three meters apart,
widen as we go!"

Jill moved over to stand between Chris and Barry,
both men already scanning the ground at their feet as
they slowly moved east and northeast of the helicop-
ter. Wesker stepped into the cabin, probing the dark-
ness with his penlight. Joseph headed west.
Dry weeds crackled underfoot as they widened
their circle, the only sound in the still, warm air
except for the distant hum of the Alpha helicopter
engine. Jill used her boots to search through the thick
ground cover, brushing the tall grasses aside with each

background image

step. In another few moments, it'd be too dark to see
anything; they needed to break out the flashlights,
Bravo had left theirs behind. . . .
Jill stopped suddenly, listening. The sighing, crack-
ling steps of the others, the far away drone of their
'copter and nothing else. Not a chirp, a chitter, nothing.
They were in the woods, in the middle of summer;
where were the animals, the insects? The forest was
unnaturally still, the only sounds human. For the first
time since they'd set down, Jill was afraid.
She was about to call out to the others when Joseph
shouted from somewhere behind them, his voice high
and cracking.
"Hey! Over here!"
Jill turned and started jogging back, saw Chris and
Barry do the same. Wesker was still by the helicopter
and had drawn his weapon at Joseph's cry, pointing it
up as he broke into a run.
In the murky light, Jill could just make out Joseph's
shadowy form, crouched down in the high grass near
some trees a hundred feet past the 'copter. Instinc-
tively, she pulled her own sidearm and double-timed,
suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of encroaching
Joseph stood up, holding something, and let out a
strangled scream before dropping it, his eyes wide
with horror.
For a split-second, Jill's mind couldn't accept what
it had seen in Joseph's grasp.
A S.T.A.R.S. handgun, a Beretta.
Jill ran faster, catching up to Wesker.
And a disembodied human hand curled around it,
hacked off at the wrist.
There was a deep, guttural snarl from behind Jo-
seph, from the darkness of the trees. An animal,
growling joined by another rasping, throaty shriek
and suddenly dark, powerful shapes erupted
from the woods, lunging at Joseph and taking him
Jill's scream ringing in his ears, Chris drew his
weapon and stopped in his tracks, trying to get a clear
shot at the raging beasts that were attacking Joseph.
Wesker's penlight sent a thin beam dancing over the
writhing creatures, illuminating a nightmare.
Joseph's body was all but hidden by the three
animals that tore at him, ripping at him with gnash-
ing, dripping jaws. They were the size and shape of
dogs, as big as German shepherds maybe, except that
they seemed to have no fur, no skin. Wet, red sinew
and muscle flashed beneath Wesker's wavering light,

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the dog-creatures shrieking and snapping in a frenzy
of bloodlust.
Joseph cried out, a burbling, liquid sound as he
flailed weakly at the savage attackers, blood pouring
from multiple wounds. It was the scream of a dying
man. There was no time to waste; Chris targeted and
opened fire.
Three rounds smacked wetly into one of the dogs, a
fourth shot going high. There was a single, high-
pitched yelp and the beast went down, its sides
heaving. The other two animals continued their as-
sault, indifferent to the thunderous shots. Even as
Chris watched in horror, one of the slavering hell
hounds lunged forward and ripped out Joseph's
throat, exposing bloody gristle and the glistening
slickness of bone.
The S.T.A.R.S. opened up, sending a rain of explo-
sive fire at Joseph's killers. Red spatters burst into the
air, the dog-things still trying to get at the spasming
corpse while bullets riddled their strange flesh. With a
final series of harsh, barking mewls, they fell-and
didn't rise again.
"Hold your fire!"
Chris took his finger off the trigger but continued to
point the handgun at the fallen creatures, ready to
blow apart the first one that so much as twitched. Two
of them were still breathing, growling softly through
panting gasps. The third sprawled lifelessly next to
Joseph's mutilated body.
They should be dead, should"ve stayed down at the
first shots! What are they?
Wesker took a single step toward the slaughter in
front of them when all around, deep, echoing howls filled the
warm night air, shrill voices of predatorial fury com-
ing at the S.T.A.R.S. from all directions.
"Back to the 'copter, now!" Wesker shouted.
Chris ran, Barry and Jill in front of him and Wesker
bringing up the rear. The four of them sprinted
through dark trees, unseen branches slapping at them
as the howls grew louder, more insistent.
Wesker turned and fired blindly into the woods as
they stumbled toward the waiting helicopter, its
blades already spinning. Chris felt relief sweep
through him; Brad must have heard the shots. They
still had a chance. . .

Chris could hear the creatures behind them now,
the sharp rustling of lean, muscular bodies tearing
through the trees. He could also see Brad's pale, wide-
eyed face through the glass front of the 'copter, the
reflected lights of the control panel casting a greenish
glow across his panicked features. He was shouting

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something, but the roar of the engine drowned out
everything now, the blast of wind churning the field
into a rippling sea.
Another fifty feet, almost there.
Suddenly, the helicopter jerked into the air, acceler-
ating wildly. Chris caught a final glimpse of Brad's
face and could see the blind terror there, the unthink-
ing panic that had gripped him as he clawed at the
"No! Don't go!" Chris screamed, but the wobbling
rails were already out of reach, the 'copter pitching
forward and away from them through the thundering
They were going to die.
Damn you, Vickers!
Wesker turned and fired again, and was rewarded
with a squeal of pain from one of their pursuers.
There were at least four more close behind, gaining on
them rapidly.
"Keep going!" he shouted, trying to get his bearings
as they stumbled on, the piercing shrieks of the
mutant dogs urging them faster. The sound of the
helicopter was dying away, the cowardly Vickers
taking their escape with him.
Wesker fired again, the shot going wide, and saw
another shadowy form join the hunt. The dogs were
brutally fast. They didn't stand a chance, unless . . .
The mansion!
"Veer right, one o'clock!"
Wesker yelled, hoping
that his sense of direction was still intact. They
couldn't outrun the creatures, but maybe they could
keep them at bay long enough to reach cover.
He spun and fired the last round in his clip.
Ejecting the spent magazine, he fumbled for anoth-
er one tucked into his belt as both Barry and Chris
took up the defense, firing past him and into the
closing pack. Wesker slapped in the fresh clip as they
reached the edge of the overgrown clearing and
plunged into another dark stand of trees.
They stumbled and dodged through the woods,
tripping on uneven ground as the killer dogs came on.
Lungs aching for air, Wesker imagined that he could
smell the fetid, rotting meat stench of the beasts as
they narrowed the distance and he somehow found
the capacity to run faster.
We should be there by now, gotta be dose...
Chris saw it first through the thinning shadows of
trees, the looming monstrosity back-lit by an early
moon. "There! Run for that house!"
It looked abandoned from the outside, the weath-

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ered wood and stone of the giant mansion crumbling
and dark. The full size of the structure was cloaked by
the shadowy, overgrown hedges that surrounded it,
isolating it from the forest. A massive outset front
porch presented double doors, their only option for
Wesker actually heard the snap of powerful jaws
behind him and fired at the sound, intuitively squeez-
ing the trigger as he ran for the front of the mansion.
A gurgling yelp and the creature fell away, the howls
of its siblings louder than ever, raised to a fever pitch
by the thrill of the chase.
Jill reached the doors first, slamming into the heavy
wood with one shoulder as she snatched at the han-
dles. Amazingly, they crashed open; brightness spilled
out across the stone steps to the porch, lighting their
path. She turned and started firing, providing cover as
the three gasping men ran for the opening in the
They piled into the mansion, Jill diving in last and
Barry throwing his considerable bulk against the
door, wedging it closed against the snarls of the
creatures. He collapsed against it, face red and sweat-
ing, as Chris found the entry's steel deadbolt and slid
it home.
They'd made it. Outside, the dogs howled and
scrabbled uselessly at the heavy doors.
Wesker took a deep breath of the cool, quiet air that
filled the well-lit room and exhaled sharply. As he'd
already known, the Spencer house wasn't abandoned.
And now that they were here, all his careful planning
was for nothing.
Wesker silently cursed Brad Vickers again and
wondered if they were any better off inside than
out. . .



she caught her breath, feeling like she was a character
in a nightmare that had just taken a turn into grand
fantasy. Wild, howling monsters, Joseph's sudden
death, a terrifying run through the dark woods-and
now this.
Deserted, huh?
It was a palace, pure and simple, what her father
would have called a perfect score. The room they had
escaped into was the epitome of lavish. It was huge,
easily bigger than Jill's entire house, tiled in gray-
flecked marble and dominated by a wide, carpeted
staircase that led to a second-floor balcony. Arched

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marble pillars lined the ornate hall, supporting the
dark, heavy wood balustrade of the upper floor.
Fluted wall sconces cast funnels of light across walls
of cream, trimmed in oak and offset by the deep burnt
ocher of the carpeting. In short, it was magnificent.
"What is this?" Barry muttered. No one answered
Jill took a deep breath and decided immediately
that she didn't like it. There was a sense of... wrong-
ness to the vast room, an atmosphere of vague oppres-
sion. It felt haunted somehow, though by who or
what, she couldn't say.
Beats the hell out of getting eaten by mutant dogs,
though, gotta give it that much.
And on the trail of that
thought, God, poor Joseph! There hadn't been time to
mourn him, and there wasn't time now-but he
would be missed.
She walked toward the stairs clutching her hand-
gun, her footsteps muffled by the plush carpet that
led from the front door. There was an antique
typewriter on a small table to the right of the steps, a
blank sheet of paper spooled into the works. A
strange bit of a decorum. The expansive hall was
otherwise empty.
She turned back toward the others, wondering what
their take on all this was. Barry and Chris both looked
uncertain, their faces flushed and sweaty as they
surveyed the room. Wesker was crouched by the front
door, examining one of the latches.
He stood up, his dark shades still in place, seeming
as detached as ever. "The wood around the lock is
splintered. Somebody broke this door open before we
got here."
Chris looked hopeful. "Maybe the Bravos?"
Wesker nodded. "That's what I'm thinking. Help
should be on the way, assuming our 'friend' Mr.
Vickers bothers to call it in."

His voice dripped sarcasm, and Jill felt her own
anger kindling. Brad had screwed up big time, had
almost cost them their lives. There was no excuse for
what he'd done.
Wesker continued, walking across the room toward
one of the two doors on the west wall. He rattled the
handle, but it didn't open. "It's not safe to go back
out. Until the cavalry shows up, we might as well take
a look around. It's obvious that somebody's been
keeping this place up, though why and for how
long . . ."
He trailed off, walking back toward the group.
"How are we set for ammo?"
Jill ejected the clip from her Beretta and counted:

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three rounds left, plus the two loaded magazines on
her belt. Thirty-three shots. Chris had twenty-two left,
Wesker, seventeen. Barry had two racked speed load-
ers for his Colt, plus an extra handful of loose
cartridges tucked into a hip pouch, nineteen rounds in
Jill thought about all they'd left back on the heli-
copter and felt another rush of anger toward Brad.
Boxes of ammunition, flashlights, walkie-talkies,
Shotguns - not to mention medical supplies. That
Beretta that Joseph had found out in the field, the
pale, blood-spattered fingers still wrapped around
it - a S.T.A.R.S. team member dead or dying, and
thanks to Brad, they didn't even have a band-aid to
A sound of something heavy sliding to the floor,
somewhere close by. In unison, they turned toward
the single door on the east wall. Jill was suddenly
reminded of every horror movie she'd ever seen; a
strange house, a strange noise . . . she shivered, and
decided that she was most definitely going to kick
Brad's narrow ass when they got out of here.
"Chris, check it out and report back ASAP,"
Wesker said. "We'll wait here in case the RPD comes
knocking. You run into any trouble, fire your weapon
and we'll find you."

Chris nodded and started toward the door, his
boots clacking loudly against the marble floor.
Jill felt that sense of foreboding wash over her
again. "Chris?"
His hand on the knob, he turned back, and she
realized that there was nothing she could tell him that
made any sense. Everything was happening so fast,
there was so much wrong with this situation that she
didn't know where to start.
And he's a trained professional, and so are you. Start
acting like it.
"Take care,"
she said finally. It wasn't what she
wanted to say, but it'd have to be enough.
Chris gave her a lopsided grin, then raised his
Beretta and stepped through the doorway. Jill heard
the ticking of a clock and then he was gone, closing
the door behind him.
Barry caught her gaze and smiled at her, a look that
told her not to worry, but Jill couldn't shake the
sudden certainty that Chris wouldn't be coming back.
* * *
Chris swept the room, taking in the stately elegance
of the environment as he realized he was alone;
whoever had made the noise, they weren't here.

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The solemn ticking of a grandfather clock filled the
cool air, echoing off of shining black and white tiles.
He was in a dining hall, the kind he'd only ever seen
in movies about rich people. Like the front room, this
one had an incredibly high ceiling and a second floor
balcony, but it was also decorated with expensive-
looking art and had an inset fireplace at the far end,
complete with a coat of arms and crossed swords hung
over the mantle. There didn't seem to be any way to
get to the second floor, but there was a closed door to
the right of the fireplace.
Chris lowered his weapon and started for the door,
still awed by the wealth of the "abandoned" mansion
that the S.T.A.R.S. had stumbled into. The dining
room had polished red wood trim and expensive
looking artwork on the beige stucco walls, surround-
ing a long wooden table that ran the length of the
room. The table had to seat at least twenty, though it
was only set for a handful of people. Judging from the
dust on the lacy place mats, nothing had been served
for weeks.
Except no one is supposed to have been here for
thirty years, let alone hosted a formal dinner! Spencer
had this place closed down before anyone ever stayed
Chris shook his head. Obviously someone had
reopened it a long time ago ... so how was it that
everyone in Raccoon City believed the Spencer estate
to be boarded up, a crumbling ruin out in the woods?
More importantly, why had Umbrella lied to Irons
about its condition?
Murders, disappearances, Umbrella, Jill. ... It was
frustrating; he felt like he had some of the answers,
but wasn't sure what questions to ask.
He reached the door and turned the knob slowly,
listening for any sound of movement on the other
side. He couldn't hear anything over the ticking of the
old clock; it was set against the wall and each move-
ment of the second hand reverberated hollowly, am-
plified by the cavernous room.
The door opened into one side of a narrow corri-
dor, dimly lit by antique light fixtures. Chris quickly
checked both directions. To the right was maybe ten
meters of hardwood hall, a couple of doors across
from him and a door at the end of the corridor. To the
left, the hallway took a sharp turn away from where he
stood, widening out. He saw the edge of a patterned
brown run on the floor there.
He wrinkled his nose, frowning. There was a vague
odor in the air, a faint scent of something unpleas-
ant, something familiar. He stood in the doorway

background image

another moment, trying to place the smell.
One summer when he was a kid, the chain had
come off his bike when he'd been out on a ride with
some friends. He'd ended up in a ditch about six
inches away from a choice bit of roadkill, the dried-
up, pulpy remains of what once might have been a
woodchuck. Time and the summer heat had dissi-
pated the worst of the stink, though what had re-
mained had been bad enough. Much to the
amusement of his buddies, he'd vomited his lunch all
over the carcass, taken a deep breath, then puked
again. He still remembered the sun-baked scent of
drying rot, like thickly soured milk and bile; the same
smell that lingered in the corridor now like a bad
A soft, shuffling noise from behind the first door to
his right, like a padded fist sliding across a wall. There
was someone on the other side.
Chris edged into the hallway and moved toward the
door, careful not to turn his back to the unsecured
area. As he got closer, the gentle sounds of movement
stopped, and he could see that the door wasn't closed
all the way.
No time like the present.
With an easy tap the door swung inward, into a dim
hall with green flecked wallpaper. A broad-shouldered
man was standing not twenty feet away, half-hidden
in shadow, his back to Chris. He turned around
slowly, the careful shuffling of someone drunk or
injured, and the smell that Chris had noticed before
came off of the man in thick, noxious waves. His
clothes were tattered and stained, the back of his head
patchy with sparse, scraggly hair.
Gotta be sick, dying maybe.
Whatever was wrong with him, Chris didn't like it;
his instincts were screaming at him to do something.
He stepped into the corridor and trained his Beretta
on the man's torso. "Hold it, don't move!"
The man completed his turn and started toward
Chris, shambling forward into the light. His, its,
face was deathly pale, except for the blood smeared
around its rotting lips. Flaps of dried skin hung from
its sunken cheeks, and the dark wells of the creature's
eye sockets glittered with hunger as it reached out
with skeletal hands.
Chris fired, three shots that smacked into the crea-
ture's upper chest in a fine spray of crimson. With a
gasping moan, it crumpled to the floor, dead.
Chris staggered back, his thoughts racing in time
with his hammering heart. He hit the door with one

background image

shoulder, was vaguely aware that it latched closed
behind him as he stared at the fallen, stinking heap.
-dead, that thing's the walking goddamn dead!
The cannibal attacks in Raccoon, all of them near
the forest. He'd seen enough late-night movies to
know what he was looking at, but he still couldn't
believe it.
No, no way, that was fiction, but maybe some
kind of a disease, mimicking the symptoms. He had
to tell the others. He turned and grabbed at the
handle, but the heavy door wouldn't move, it must
have locked itself when he'd stumbled.
Behind him, a wet movement. Chris spun, eyes
wide as the twitching creature clawed at the wooden
floor, pulling itself toward him in an eager, single-
minded silence. Chris realized that it was drooling,
and the sight of the sticky pink rivulets pooling to the
wood floor finally spurred him to action.
He fired again, two shots into the thing's decaying,
upturned face. Dark holes opened up in its knobby
skull, sending tiny rivers of fluid and fleshy tissue
through its lower jaw. With a heavy sigh, the rotting
thing settled to the floor in a spreading red lake.
Chris didn't want to make any bets on it staying
down. He gave one more futile yank on the door and
then stepped carefully past the body, moving down
the corridor. He rattled the handle of a door on his
left, but it was locked. There was a tiny etching in the
key plate, what looked like a sword; he filed that bit of
information into his confused, whirling thoughts and
continued on, gripping the Beretta tightly.
There was an offshoot to his right with a single
door, but he ignored it, wanting to find a way to circle
back to the front hall. The others must have heard the
shots, but he had to assume that there were more
creatures running around here like the one he'd
killed. The rest of the team might already have their
hands full.
There was a door at the end of the hall on the left,
where the corridor turned. Chris hurried toward it,
the putrid scent of the creature - the zombie, call it what it is -
- making him want to gag. As he neared the door,
he realized that the smell was actually getting worse,
intensifying with each step.
He heard the soft, hungry moan as his hand
touched the knob, even as it registered that he only
had two bullets left in his clip. In the shadows to his
right, movement.
Gotta reload, get somewhere safe.
Chris jerked the door open and stepped into the

background image

arms of the shambling creature that waited on the
other side, its peeling fingers grasping at him as it
lunged for his throat.

Three shots. Seconds later, two more, the sounds
distant but distinct in the palatial lobby.
"Jill, why don't you..."
Wesker started, but Barry
didn't let him finish.
"I'm going, too," he said, already starting for the
door on the east wall. Chris wouldn't waste shots like
that unless he had to; he needed help.
Wesker relented quickly, nodding. "Go. I'll wait
Barry opened the door, Jill right behind. They
walked into a huge dining room, not as wide as the
front hall but at least as long. There was another door
at the opposite end, past a grandfather clock that
ticked loudly in the frigid, dusty air.
Barry jogged toward it, revolver in hand, feeling
tense and worried. Christ, what a balls-up this opera-
tion was!
S.T.A.R.S. teams were often sent into risky
situations where the circumstances were unusual, but
this was the first time since he'd been a rookie that
Barry felt like things had gone totally out of control.
Joseph was dead, Chickenheart Vickers had left them
to be eaten by dogs from hell, and now Chris was in
trouble. Wesker shouldn't have sent him in alone.
Jill reached the door first, touching the handle with
slim fingers and looking to him. Barry nodded and
she pushed it open, going in low and left.
Barry took the other side, both of them sweeping an
empty corridor.
"Chris?" Jill called out quietly, but there was no
answer. Barry scowled, sniffing the air; something
smelled like rotting fruit.
"I'll check the doors," Barry said. Jill nodded and
edged to the left, alert and focused.
Barry moved toward the first door, feeling good
that Jill was at his back. He'd thought she was kind of
bitchy when she'd first transferred, but she was prov-
ing to be a bright and capable soldier, a welcome
addition to the Alphas.
Jill let out a high-pitched gasp of surprise and Barry
spun, the scent of decay suddenly thick in the narrow
Jill was backing away from an opening at the end of
the corridor, her weapon trained on something Barry
couldn't see.
"Stop!" Her voice was high and shaky, her expres-
sion horrified and she fired, once, twice, still backing toward

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Barry, her breathing fast and shallow.
"Get clear, left!" He raised the Colt as she moved
out of the way, as a tall man stepped into view. The
figure's arms were stretched out like a sleepwalker's,
the hands frail and grasping.
Barry saw the creature's face then and didn't hesi-
tate. He fired, a .357 round peeling the top of its ashen
skull away in an explosive burst, blood coursing down
its strange, terrible features and staining the cataracts
of its pale, rolling eyes.
It pitched back, sprawling face-up at Jill's feet.
Barry hurried to her side, stunned.
"What..." he started, then saw what was on the
carpet in front of them, laying in the small sitting area
that marked the end of the corridor.
For a moment, Barry thought it was Chris, until
he saw the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo insignia on the vest, and
felt a different kind of horror set in as he struggled to
recognize the features. The Bravo had been decapi-
tated, the head laying a foot away from the corpse, the
face completely covered in gore.
Oh jeez, it's Ken.
Kenneth Sullivan, one of the best field scouts Barry
had ever known and a hell of a nice guy. There was a
gaping, ragged wound in his chest, chunks of partly
eaten tissue and gut strewn around the bloody hole.
His left hand was missing, and there was no weapon
nearby; it must have been his gun that Joseph had
found out in the woods.
Barry looked away, sickened. Ken had been a quiet,
decent sort, did a lot of work in chemistry. He'd had a
teen-aged son who lived with his ex in California.
Barry thought of his own girls at home, Moira and
Poly, and felt a surge of helpless fear for them. He
wasn't afraid of death, but the thought of them
growing up without a father.
Jill dropped into a crouch next to his ravaged body
and rifled quickly through the belt pack. She shot an
apologetic look at Barry, but he gave her a slight nod.
They needed the ammo; Ken certainly didn't.
She came up with two clips for a nine-millimeter
and tucked them into her hip pocket. Barry turned
and stared down at Ken's murderer in disgust and
He had no doubt that he was looking at one of the
cannibal killers that had been preying upon Raccoon
City. It had a crusty scum of red around its mouth
and gore-encrusted nails, as well as a ragged shirt that
was stiff with dried blood. What was weird was how
dead it looked.
Barry had once done a covert hostage rescue in

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Ecuador, where a group of farmers had been held for
weeks by a band of insane guerrilla rebels. Several of
the hostages had been killed early in the siege, and
after the S.T.A.R.S. managed to capture the rebels,
Barry had gone with one of the survivors to record the
deaths. The four victims had been shot, their bodies
dumped behind the small wooden shack that the
rebels had taken over. After three weeks in the South
American sun, the skin on their faces had shriveled,
the cracking, lined flesh pulling away from sinew and
bone. He still remembered those faces clearly, and
saw them again now as he looked down at the fallen
creature. It wore the face of death.
Besides which, it smells like a slaughterhouse on a
hot day. Somebody forgot to tell this guy that dead
people don't walk around.
He could see the same sickened confusion on Jill's
face, the same questions in her eyes, but for now,
there weren't any answers; they had to find Chris and
Together, they moved back down the corridor and
checked all three doors, rattling handles and pushing
at the heavy wood frames. All were securely locked.
But Chris had to have gone through one of them,
there's nowhere else he could have gone.
It didn't make sense, and short of breaking the
doors down, there was nothing they could do about it.
"We should report this to Wesker," Jill said, and
Barry nodded agreement. If they'd stumbled into the
hiding place of the killers, they were going to need a
plan of attack.
They ran back through the dining room, the stale
air a relief after the corridor's reek of blood and
decay. They reached the door back to the main hall
and hurried through, Barry wondering what the cap-
tain would make of all this. It was downright.
Barry stopped short, searching the elegant, empty
hall and feeling like the butt of some practical joke
that simply wasn't funny.
Wesker was gone.



echoing through the chilly room. "Captain Wesker!"
He jogged toward a row of arches at the back of the
hall, calling to Jill over his shoulder as he ran. "Don't
leave the room!"
Jill walked to the stairs, feeling almost dizzy. First
Chris, now the captain. They hadn't been gone five
minutes and he'd said he was going to stay put. Why

background image

would he have left? She looked around for signs of a
struggle, a spent cartridge, a spot of blood - there was
nothing to indicate what might have happened.
Barry appeared on the other side of the giant
staircase, shaking his head and walking slowly to join
her. Jill bit her lower lip, frowning.
"You think Wesker ran into one of those-things?"
she asked.
Barry sighed. "I don't think the RPD showed and
snuck him out. Though if he did run into trouble, we
would have heard the shots."
"Not necessarily. He could have been ambushed,
dragged away ..."

They stood silently for a moment, thinking. Jill was
still a bit shaken from the face-to-face with the
walking corpse, but thought she'd accepted the facts
pretty well; the woods bordering Raccoon City had
become infested with zombies.
After a lifetime of reading trashy novels about serial
killers, is a cannibal zombie so hard to swallow?
Somehow it wasn't, and neither were the murderous
dogs or the secretly kept estate. There was no question
that it all existed. The question was, why? Did the
mansion have anything to do with the murders, or
had the zombies simply overrun it like they'd overrun
Raccoon Forest?
And was that creature the last thing Becky and Pris
She rejected that thought almost violently; thinking
about the girls now would be a mistake.
"So do we go looking or do we wait?" Jill said
"Go looking. Ken made it here. The rest of the
Bravos could be somewhere in this house. It'd be easy
enough to get lost. Chris . . ."
He half-smiled, though Jill could see the worry in
his eyes. "Chris and Wesker got-side-tracked, but
we'll find them. It'd take more than a couple of
walking stiffs to cause either of them any grief."
He reached into a pocket in his vest and pulled out
something wrapped in a handkerchief, handing it to
her. She felt the thin metal objects beneath the light
fabric and recognized them instantly.
"It's the set you gave me to practice with last
he said. "I figure you'll have better luck with
Jill nodded, tucking the lockpicks into her hip
pouch. Barry had taken an interest in her former
"career" and she'd given him a few pieces from her
old set, several picks and torsion bars. They could
come in handy. The small bundle settled on top of

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something hard and smooth-
-Trent's computer! In all the excitement, she'd
totally forgotten about her strange encounter in the
locker room. She opened her mouth to tell Barry, then
shut it, remembering Trent's cryptic warning.
"I wouldn't mention this conversation to anyone."
Screw that. She'd almost risked it anyway with
And where is Chris now? Who's to say that Trent's
"dire consequences" haven't already occurred?
Jill realized what she was thinking and had to fight
off an urge to laugh at herself. What had happened
with Trent probably wasn't even relevant to their
predicament, and whether or not she could trust
Barry, she knew she didn't trust Trent - still, she
decided not to say anything about it, at least until she
had a chance to see what the computer held.
"I think we should split up," Barry continued.
"I know it's dangerous, but we need to cover a lot of
ground. We find anybody, we meet back here, use this
room as base."
Rubbing at his beard, he fixed her with a serious
gaze. "You up for this, Jill? We could search to-
gether . . ."

"No, you're right," she said. "I can take the west
Unlike cops, S.T.A.R.S. seldom partnered.
They were trained to watch their own backs in dan-
gerous situations.
Barry nodded. "Okay. I'll go back and see if I can
persuade one of those doors to open. Keep an eye out
for a back exit, conserve ammo . . . and be careful."
"You, too."
Barry grinned, holding up his Colt Python. "I'll be
There was nothing left to say. Jill headed straight
for the set of doors on the west wall that Wesker
hadn't tried earlier. Behind her, Barry hurried back to
the dining room. She heard the door open and close,
leaving her alone.
Here goes nothing.
The painted blue doors opened smoothly, revealing
a small, shadowy room as cool and silent as the main
hall, all in shades of blue. Muted track lighting
illuminated framed paintings on dusky walls, and in
the center of the room was a large statue of a woman
holding an urn on one shoulder.
Jill closed the door behind her and let her eyes
adjust to the gloom, noting the two doors opposite the
one she'd come through. The one on the left was
open, though a small chest was pushed in front of it,
blocking access. It was unlikely that Wesker had gone

background image

that way.
She walked to the one on the right and tried the
knob. Locked. Sighing, she reached into her pack for
the picks and then hesitated, feeling the smooth
weight of the mini-disk reader.
Let's see what Mr. Trent thinks is so important.
She slipped it out and studied it a moment, then
tapped at a switch. A screen the size of a baseball card
flickered to life, and with a few more taps, small lines
of type scrolled across the monitor. She scanned the
material, recognizing names and dates from local
newspapers. Trent had apparently compiled every arti-
cle he could find about the murders and disappear-
ances in Raccoon, plus the pieces on the S.T.A.R.S.
Nothing new here. . . Jill skipped along, wonder-
ing what the point was. After the articles was a list of
She frowned. None of the names were familiar,
Except - wasn't Bill Rabbitson Chris's friend, the one
who had worked for Umbrella? She couldn't be sure,
she'd have to ask Chris. . . .
. . . assuming we find him. This was a waste of time;
she needed to start looking for the other S.T.A.R.S.
She pressed the forwarding key to get to the end of the
data and a picture appeared, tiny lines set into pat-
terns. There were squares and long rectangles, cross-
hatched with smaller marks that connected the empty
boxes. Beneath it was a single line, a message as
enigmatic as she could have expected from Mr. Trent:
Gee, how illuminating. That just clears up every-
thing, doesn't it?
The picture was some kind of map,
she decided. It looked like a floor plan. The biggest
area was at the center, a slightly smaller one extending
off to the left.
Jill suddenly felt her heart skip a beat. She stared
down at the small screen, wondering how Trent had
It was the mansion's first floor. She tapped the
forward button again and saw what could only be the
second floor, the shapes corresponding to the first
map. There was nothing after the second map, but it
was enough.
As far as she was concerned, there was no longer
any question that the Spencer estate was the source of
the terror in Raccoon City, which meant that the
answers were here, waiting to be uncovered.

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The zombie groaned as Chris fired point-blank into
its gut, twice. The shots were muffled by its rancid
flesh and it fell against him, expelling a rush of foul,
stinking air across his face.
Chris pushed it away, the back of his throat locking.
His hands and the barrel of his weapon were dripping
with sticky fluids. The creature collapsed to the floor,
its limbs spasming.
Chris backed away, wiping the Beretta against his
vest as he took deep breaths, trying desperately not to
vomit. The zombie out in the hall had been a desic-
cated mess, shriveled and dry; this one was-fresh, if
that was the right word. Festering, necrotic, wet. . .
He swallowed, hard, and the urge to throw up
slowly passed. He didn't have a particularly weak
stomach, but that smell, God!
Keep it together, could be more of them. . . .
The hall he'd entered was all dark wood and dim
light. For the moment, there was no sound except the
pulse of blood in his ears. He looked down at the
body, wondering exactly what it was, what it had
been. He had felt its hot, fetid breath against his face.
It wasn't a reanimated corpse, no matter what it
looked like.
He decided it didn't matter. For all intents and
purposes, it was a zombie. It had tried to bite him,
and creatures like it had already chowed down on
some of Raccoon's population. He needed to find his
way back to the others and they had to get out, get
help. They didn't have the firepower to handle the
situation alone.
He ejected the empty clip from the gummy weapon
and quickly reloaded, his chest tightening with stress;
fifteen rounds left. He had a Bowie knife, but the
thought of going up against a zombie with only a knife
wasn't all that appealing.
There was a plain-looking door to his left. Chris
pulled at the knob, but it was locked. He squinted at
the key plate, and wasn't all that surprised to see an
etching of what looked like armor. Sword, armor-
there was a definite theme developing.
He moved down the wide hall, listening for any
sound and taking frequent deep breaths through his
nose. The goo on his vest and hands made it hard to
tell if there were any more of them around, the smell
was all over him, but it could be his only chance to
avoid another close encounter.
The hall turned to the left and he took the corner
fast, sweeping the Beretta across the wide wooden
expanse. There was a support pillar partially blocking

background image

his view but he could see the back of a man just past
it, the slumped shoulders and stained clothes of one
of the creatures.
Chris quickly edged to the right, trying to get a clear
shot. The zombie was maybe forty feet away, and he
didn't want to waste his last rounds. At the sound of
his boots against the hard wood floor, it turned,
shuffling slowly. So slowly that Chris hesitated,
watching the way it moved.
This one seemed to have been dipped in a thin layer
of slime, dull light reflecting off of its glistening skin
as it stumbled almost blindly toward Chris. It slowly
raised its arms, its pale, hairless skull wobbling on its
emaciated neck. Silently, it shuffled forward.
Chris took a sliding step back to his left and the
zombie changed direction, veering toward him ea-
gerly, closing the distance between them at a slow
Just like in the movies; dangerous but dumb. And
easy to outrun. . . .
He had to save ammo in case he got cornered.
There were stairs at the end of the hall, and Chris took
a deep breath, readying himself. He stepped back,
giving himself enough room to maneuver-
-and heard a gasping moan behind him, a fresh
wave of rancid stink assaulting his senses. He spun,
the realization hitting him even before he saw it.
The festering zombie was only a few feet away,
reaching for him, bits of its putrid gut spilling out
across its shattered abdomen. He hadn't killed it,
hadn't waited long enough to make sure, and his
stupidity was about to cost him.
Ah, shit!
Chris sprinted away and down the corridor, dodg-
ing both of them and cursing himself. He passed the
thick support beam, almost to the stairs-
-and stopped cold, seeing what waited at the top.
He caught only a glimpse of the ragged creature
standing at the head of the stairs and spun away,
raising his weapon to face the attackers that shambled
toward him hungrily.
From the shadows beneath the steps came a heavy,
gurgling sigh and the scuffing of wood; another one.
He was trapped, there was no way he could kill them
all - door!
It faced the side of the stairs, the dark wood
blending so well with the shadows that he almost
hadn't seen it. Chris ran for it, grabbing at the handle,
praying that it would open as around him, the crea-
tures closed in.
If it was locked, he was dead.

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Rebecca Chambers had never been more afraid, not
once in her eighteen years. For what seemed like an
eternity, she'd listened to the soft scrape of rotting
flesh brushing against the door and tried desperately
to think of a plan, her dread building with each
passing minute. There was no lock on the door, and
she'd lost her handgun on the run for the house. The
small storage room, though well stocked with chemi-
cals and stacks of papers, had offered nothing to use
as a defense except a half-empty can of insect repel-
It was the can she gripped now, standing behind the
door of the tiny room. If or when the monsters finally
figured out how to use a doorknob, she planned on
spraying it in their eyes and then making a run for it.
Maybe they'll be laughing so hard I'll have a chance
to slip past; bug spray, great weapon...
She'd heard what could have been shots somewhere
close by, but they weren't repeated. Her hope that it
was one of the team faded as the seconds ticked past,
and she was starting to give serious consideration to
the concept that she was the only one left when the
door burst open and a gasping figure hurdled inside.
Rebecca didn't hesitate. She leapt forward and
pressed the button, releasing a cloud of chemical mist
into its face, tensing herself to run past it.
"Gah!" It yelled, and fell back against the door,
slamming it shut. It covered its eyes, spluttering.
It wasn't a monster; she'd just maced one of the
"Oh, no!" Rebecca was already reaching into her
field medical kit, her immense relief at seeing another
of the S.T.A.R.S. battling with monumental embar-
She fumbled out a clean cloth and a tiny squeeze
bottle of water, stepping toward him. "Keep your eyes
closed, don't rub at them."
The Alpha dropped his hands, face red, and she
finally recognized him. It was Chris Redfield, only the
most attractive guy in the S.T.A.R.S., not to mention
her superior. She felt herself blush, and was suddenly
glad that he couldn't see her.
Nice going, Rebecca. Way to make a good impres-
sion on your first operation. Lose your gun, get lost,
blind a teammate . . .
She led him over to the small cot in the corner of
the room and sat him down, letting her training take
"Lean your head back. This is going to sting a little,
but it's just water, okay?"
She dabbed at his eyes with
the damp cloth, relieved that she hadn't sprayed him

background image

with anything worse.
"What was that stuff?" he said, blinking rapidly.
Tears and water streamed down his face, but there
didn't seem to be any damage.
"Uh, bug repellent. The label's been ripped off but
the active ingredient is probably permephrin, it's an
irritant but the effect shouldn't last long. I lost my
gun, and when you came in I thought you were one of
those things, though if they haven't figured out how to
use a doorknob by now, they probably won't."
She realized she was babbling and shut up, finishing
the crude irrigation and stepping back. Chris wiped at
his face and peered up at her with bloodshot eyes.
"Rebecca . . . Chambers, right?"
She nodded miserably. "Yeah. Look, I'm really
"Don't worry about it,"
he said, and smiled. "Not a
bad weapon, actually."
He stood up and looked around the small room,
frowning. There wasn't much to see: an open trunk
full of papers, a shelf lined with bottles of mostly
unlabeled chemicals, a cot, and a desk. Rebecca had
been through it all in her search for something to use
against the creatures.
"What about the rest of your team?" he asked.
Rebecca shook her head. "I don't know. Something
went wrong with the helicopter and we had to set
down. We were attacked by animals, some kind of
dogs, and Enrico told us to run for cover."

She shrugged, suddenly feeling like she was about
twelve years old. "I got-turned around in the woods
and ended up at the front door of this place. I think
one of the others broke it down, it was open . . ."

She trailed off, looking away from his intense gaze.
The rest was probably obvious: she had no weapon,
she'd gotten lost, she'd ended up here. All in all, a
pretty poor showing.
"Hey," he said softly. "There's nothing else you
could have done. Enrico said run, you ran, you
followed orders. Those creatures out there, the zom-
bies . . . they're all over the place. I got lost, too, and
the rest of the Alphas could be anywhere. Trust me,
just the fact that you made it this far."

Outside, one of the monsters let out a low, plaintive
wail and Chris stopped talking, his expression grim.
Rebecca shuddered. "So what do we do now?"
"We look for the others and try to find a way out."
He sighed, looking down at his weapon. "Except you
don't have a gun and I'm almost out of ammo. . ."

Rebecca brightened and reached into her hip pack.
She pulled out two full magazines and handed them

background image

over, pleased that she had something to offer him.
"Oh! And I found this on the desk," she said, and
produced a silver key with a sword on it. She didn't
know what it unlocked, but thought it might be useful.
Chris stared at it thoughtfully, then slipped it into a
pocket. He walked to the open trunk and looked down
at the stacks of papers. He rifled through them,
"Your background's in biochemistry, right? Have
you looked through these?"
Rebecca joined him, shaking her head. "Barely. I've
been kinda busy watching the door."
He handed her one of the papers and she scanned it
quickly. It was a list of neurotransmitters and level
"Brain chemistry," she said, "but these numbers
are all screwed up. The serotonin and norepinephrine
are too low . . . but look here, the dopamine is off the
chart, we're talking big-time schizo."

She noticed the incredulous look on his face and
smiled a little. Being an eighteen-year-old college
grad, she got a lot of that. The S.T.A.R.S. had
recruited her right after graduation, promising her a
whole team of researchers and a lab of her own to
study molecular biology, her real passion-provided,
of course, that she went through basic training and got
some field experience. No one else had shown much
interest in hiring a whiz kid. . . .
There was a soft thump at the door and her smile
faded. She was getting experience, alright.
Chris fished the sword key out of his pocket and
looked at her seriously. "I passed a door with a sword
engraved over the keyhole. I'm going to go check it
out, see if it leads back to the main hall. I want you to
stay here and go through those files. Maybe there's
something we can use."

Her uncertainty must have showed in her face. He
smiled gently, his voice low and soothing. "I've got
plenty of ammo, thanks to you, and I won't be gone
She nodded, making a conscious effort to relax. She
was scared, but letting him see it wasn't going to help
matters. He was probably scared, too.
He walked to the door, still talking. "The RPD
should be here any time, so if I don't come back right
away, just wait here."
He raised the weapon, putting his other hand on the
knob. "Get ready. As soon as I'm out, move the trunk
in front of the door. I'll give a yell when I get back."

Rebecca nodded again, and with a final quick smile,
Chris opened the door and looked both ways before

background image

moving out into the hall. She closed the door and
leaned against it, listening. After long seconds of
silence, she heard the rattle of gunfire not far away,
five or six shots-then nothing.
After a few minutes, she moved the trunk to block
part of the door, edging it in front of the hinges so she
could push it out of the way easily. She knelt in front
of it, trying to clear her thoughts as she started
looking through the papers, trying not to feel as young
and unsure as she actually felt.
Sighing, she pulled out a handful of papers and
started to read.



tumblers in a single row; Jill could have opened it with
a couple of paper clips. According to the map, the door
would open into a long hall. . ..
Sure enough. She took another long look at the
pocket computer's screen and then slipped it into her
pack, thinking. It looked like there was a back way
out, through several halls and past a series of rooms.
She could look for Wesker and the others along the
way, and maybe secure an escape route at the same
time. She stepped into the narrow corridor, the fully
loaded Beretta in hand.
It was a study in weirdness. The hall wasn't all that
spectacular, the carpet runner and the wallpaper done
in basic tans and browns, the wide windows showing
only the darkness outside. The display chests that
lined the inner wall, though . . .
There were three of them, each topped by a small
lamp, and each prominently displaying a wide array
of bleached human bones on open shelves, inter-
spersed with small items of obscurity. Jill started
down the hall, stopping briefly at each bizarre specta-
cle. Skulls, arm and leg bones, hands and feet. There
were at least three complete skeletons, and amidst the
pale and pitted bones were feathers, clay beads,
gnarled strips of leather.
Jill picked up one of the leather strips and then put
it down quickly, wiping her fingers on her pants. She
couldn't be sure, but it felt like she imagined tanned,
cured human skin would feel, stiff and kind of
The window behind her exploded inward, a lithe,
sinewy form lunging into the hall, growling and
snapping. It was one of the mutant, killing hounds, its
eyes as red as its dripping hide. It charged her, its

background image

teeth as bright and dangerous as the jagged glitter of
glass still falling from the shattered frame.
Backed between two of the chests, Jill fired. The
angle was wrong, the bullet splintering the wood at
her feet as the dog jumped at her, growling deep in its
It hit her in the thighs, slamming her painfully
against the wall, gnashing to get its jaws at her flesh.
The smell of rotting meat washed over her and she
fired again and again, barely aware that she was
moaning in fear and disgust, a sound as guttural and
primal as the furious, dying shrieks that came from
the canine abomination.
The fifth bullet fired directly into its barrel chest
knocked it away. With a final, almost puppyish yelp it
crumpled to the floor, blood gushing into the tan
Jill kept her weapon trained on the still form,
gulping air in huge, shuddery breaths. Its limbs
twitched suddenly, its massive claws beating a brief
tattoo across the wet, red floor before it lay still again.
Jill relaxed, recognizing the movement as a death
spasm, the body releasing life. She'd have bruises, but
the dog was dead.
She brushed her bangs out of her eyes and crouched
down next to it, taking in the strange, exposed muscu-
lature and huge jaws. It had been too dark and hectic
on the run to the house to get a good look at the things
that had killed Joseph, but in the bright light of the
corridor, her initial impression wasn't changed; it
looked like a skinned dog.
She stood up and backed away, warily eyeing the
row of windows in the hall. Obviously they offered no
protection from the hazards outside. The corridor
took a sharp left and she hurried on, past more of the
macabre displays that decorated the inner wall.
The door at the end of the long hall was unlocked. It
opened into another hall, not as well lit as the first but
at least not as creepy, either. The muted, gray-green
wallpaper sported paintings of generic scenery and
gentle landscapes, not a bone or fetish in sight.
The first door on the right was locked, a carving of
armor on the key plate. Jill remembered the list on the
computer, something about knight keys, but decided
not to bother with it for now. According to Trent's
map, there was a room on the other side that didn't
lead anywhere. Besides, if Wesker had come this way,
she didn't imagine that he was locking doors behind
Right, just like it was unlikely that Chris would
disappear; don't assume anything about this place.

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The next door she tried opened into a small bath-
room with an antique feel, complete with a ceiling fan
and an old-fashioned, four-footed tub. There was no
sign of recent use.
She stood for a moment in the stale, tiny room,
breathing deeply, feeling the aftermath of the adrena-
line rush she'd had in the corridor. Growing up, she'd
learned how to enjoy the thrill of danger, of sneaking
in and out of strange places with only a handful of
tools and her own wits to keep her safe. Since joining
the S.T.A.R.S., that youthful excitement had faded
away, lost to the realities of back-up and handguns,
but here it was again, unexpected and not unwelcome.
She couldn't lie to herself about the simple joy that
often followed facing death and walking away. She
felt . . . good. Alive.
Let's not have a party just yet, her mind whispered
sarcastically. Or have you forgotten that S.T.A.R.S. are
being eaten in this hellhole?

Jill stepped back into the silent hallway and edged
around another corner, wondering if Barry had found
Chris and if either of them had run across any of the
Bravos. She felt like she had an advantage with the
maps, and decided that once she'd checked out the
possible escape, she'd go back to the main hall and
wait for Barry. With the information on Trent's
computer, they could search more quickly and thor-
The corridor ended with two doors facing each
other. The one on the right was the one she wanted.
She tried the handle and was rewarded with the soft
snick of the bolt retracting.
She stepped into a dark hall and saw one of the
zombies, a hulking, pale shadow standing next to a
door, maybe ten feet away. As she raised her weapon,
the creature started toward her, emitting soft hunger
sounds from its decaying lips. One of its arms hung
limply at its side, and although Jill could see jagged
bone protruding from the shoulder, it still clenched
and unclenched its rotting fist eagerly as it reached
out with its other arm.
The head, aim for the head.
The shots were incredibly loud in the chilly gloom,
the first blowing off its left ear, the second and third
punching holes into its skull just above its pallid
brow. Dark fluids streamed down the peeling face and
it fell to its knees, its flat, lifeless eyes rolling back into
its head.
There was shuffling movement in the shadows at
the back of the hall to the right, exactly where she
meant to go. Jill trained the gun on the darkness and

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waited for it to move closer, her entire body wired
with tension.
How many of these things are there?
As soon as the zombie cleared the corner, she fired,
the Beretta jumping lightly in her sweating hands.
The second shot punctured its right eye and it imme-
diately collapsed to the dark, polished wood of the
floor, the sticky, viscous matter of the blown eyeball
flecked across its skeletal face.
Jill waited, but other than the spreading pools of
blood around the dead creatures, nothing moved.
Breathing through her mouth to avoid the worst of the
stench, she hurried to the back of the hall and turned
right, down a short, tight passage that dead ended at a
rusting metal door.
It creaked open and fresh air flooded past her,
warm and clean after the morgue-like chill of the
house. Jill grinned, hearing the drone of cicadas and
crickets on the night air. She'd reached the final leg of
her little excursion, and although she wasn't outside
yet, the sounds and smells of the forest renewed her
sense of accomplishment.
Got a secured path now, straight to the back of this
place. We can head north, hit one of the logging roads
and hike down to the barricade. . .
She stepped out onto a covered walkway, a mosaic
of green stone surrounded by high concrete walls.
There were small intermittent openings near the
ceiling of the pathway, accounting for the faint, pine-
scented breeze. Ivy trickled down from the arched
openings like a reminder of the outside world. She
hurried down the dim passage, remembering from the
map that there was a single room at the end and to the
right, probably a storage shed.
She turned the corner and stopped at another
heavy-looking metal door, her smile fading as she
reflexively reached for the handle; the keyhole was
plugged. She crouched and poked at the tiny hole, but
to no avail. Someone had stopped it up with epoxy.
To the left of the door was some kind of diagram set
into the concrete, made of dull copper. There were
four hexagonal depressions in the flat metal plate,
each fist-sized hole connected to the next by a thin
line. Jill squinted at the legend etched beneath, wish-
ing that she had a flashlight as she struggled to make
out the words. She brushed a thin layer of dust off of
the indented letters and tried again.

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She blinked. Four holes - Trent's list!
Four crests, and something about the gate of new life –
- it's a combination mechanism for the
lock. Place the four crests, the door opens . . .
. . . except that means I have to find them first.
Jill pushed against the door and felt her hope fizzle
out completely; not even a rattle, no give at all. They
were going to have to find another way out, unless the
crests could be found - which in this place could take
A lone howl rose in the distance and was joined by
the echoing cries of the dogs near the mansion, the
strange, yodeling sounds piercing the gentle quiet of
the woods. There had to be dozens of them out there,
and Jill realized suddenly that escaping out the back
door probably wasn't such a hot idea. She had limited
ammunition for her handgun and no doubts that
there were more ghoulish creatures wandering the
halls, shuffling about in hungry, mindless silence as
they searched for their next grisly meal. . . .
She sighed heavily and started back to the house,
already dreading the cold stench of death and trying
to prepare herself for the dangers that seemed to lurk
at every corner.
The S.T.A.R.S. were trapped.

Chris knew he had to make the ammo count, so
when he left Rebecca, he took off through the dim
corridor at a full run, his boots pounding at the wood
There were still only three of them, all grouped near
the stairs. He dodged past them easily and sprinted
down the hall and around the corner. As soon as he
got to the door that led back to the other hall, he
turned and assumed a classic shooter's stance, sup-
porting his gun hand at the wrist, his finger on the
One by one, the zombies reeled around the corner,
groaning and stumbling. Chris took careful aim,
breathing evenly, keeping his focus. . . .
He squeezed the trigger, sending two bullets
through the gangrenous nose of the first. Without
pausing, he sent a third shot into the center of the next
zombie's forehead. Fluid and soft matter sprayed the
wall behind them as the bullets slapped into the
Even as they crumpled to the floor, he'd found his
mark on the third creature. Two more muted explo-
sions and the zombie's brow caved inward, dropping
it like the bag of bones that it was.
Chris lowered the Beretta, feeling a flush of pride.

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He was a high-ranked marksman, even had a couple
of awards to show for it, but it was still good to see
what he could do when given enough time to aim. His
quick-draw wasn't nearly as strong, that was Barry's
He reached for the door handle, urged into action
by the thought of all that was at stake. He figured the
Alphas could take care of themselves, they had as
much of a chance as he did, but this was Rebecca's
first operation and she didn't even have a gun; he
needed to get her out.
He stepped back into the soft light of the hall with
the green wallpaper, quickly checking both direc-
tions. Straight ahead, the corridor was in heavier
shadow; no way to tell if it was clear.
To his right was the door with the sword on the key
plate and the first zombie he'd shot, still sprawled
lifelessly across the floor. Chris was gratified to see
that it hadn't moved. Apparently head shots were the
best way to kill a zombie, just like in the movies. . .
Chris edged toward the sword door, training his
weapon left, then right, then left again; he'd had
enough surprises for one day. He checked the small
offshoot across from the door and seeing that it was
clear, quickly inserted the slender key into the lock.
It turned smoothly. Chris stepped into a small
bedroom, only slightly better lit than the corridor, a
single bright lamp on a desk in one corner. It was all
clear, unless there was something hiding under the
narrow cot ... or maybe in the closet across from the
He shuddered, closing the door behind him. It was
every kid's first set of fears, and had been his, too.
Monsters in the closet and the thing that lived under
the bed, waiting for the careless child's ankle to come
within reach.
And how old arw you now?
Chris shook off the case of nerves, embarrassed at
his imaginative wanderings. He walked slowly around
the room, looking for anything that might be helpful.
There was no other door, no path back to the main
hall, but maybe he could find a better weapon for
Rebecca than a can of bug spray.
Besides an oak table and bookshelf, there was the
small, unmade bed and a study desk in the room,
nothing more. He quickly rifled through the books,
then moved around the foot of the bed to the desk.
There was a slim volume next to the desk lamp, the
fabric cover untitled; a journal. And although the
desktop was coated in dust, the diary had been moved

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Intrigued, Chris picked it up and flipped to the last
few pages. Maybe there was a clue as to what the hell
was going on. He sat on the edge of the cot and started
to read.
May 9, 1998: Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias
from Security, and Steve from Research. Steve was the
big winner, but I think he was cheating. Scumbag.
Chris smiled a little at that. He skipped down to the
next entry and his smile froze, his heart seeming to
pause in mid-beat.
May 10,1998: One of the higher-ups assigned me to take
care of a new experiment. It looks like a skinned gorilla.
Feeding instructions were to give it live animals. When I
threw in a pig, the creature seemed to be playing with it
tearing off the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before it
actually started eating.
Experiment? Could the writer be talking about the
Chris read on, excited by the find. The diary
obviously belonged to someone who worked here, had
to be meaning that the cover-up was even bigger
than he'd suspected.
May 11, 1998: At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up.
Scared the shit out of me, too. He was wearing a protective
garment that looked like a space suit. He handed me
another one and told me to put it on. Said there'd been an
accident in the basement lab. I just knew something like
this would happen. Those assholes in Research never rest,
even at night.
May 12, 1998: I've been wearing the damn space suit
since yesterday. My skin's getting grimy and feels itchy all
over. The goddamn dogs have been looking at me funny, so I
decided not to feed them today. Screw 'em.
May 13,1998: Went to the Infirmary because my back is
all swollen and feels itchy. They put a big bandage on it and
told me I didn't need to wear the suit any more. All I wanna
do is sleep.
May 14, 1998: Found another blister on my foot this
morning. I ended up dragging my foot all the way to the
dogs' pen. They were quiet all day, which is weird. Then I
realized some of them had escaped. If anybody finds out, I'll
have my head handed to me.

May 15, 1998: My first day off in a long time and I feel
like shit. Decided to go visit Nancy anyway, but when I tried
to leave the estate, I was stopped by the guards. They said
the company's ordered that no one leave the grounds. I can't
even make a phone call - all the phones have been ripped
out! What kind of bullshit is this?!
May 16, 1998: Rumor's going around that a researcher
who tried to escape the estate last night was shot. My entire
body feels hot and itchy and I'm sweating all the time now. I
scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh

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just dropped off. Wasn't until I realized the smell was
making me hungry that I got violently sick.

The writing had become shaky. Chris turned the
page, and could barely read the last few lines, the
words scrawled haphazardly across the paper.
May 19. Fever gone but itchy. Hungry and eat doggie
food. Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

4 // Itchy. Tasty.
The rest of the pages were blank.
Chris stood up and slipped the journal inside his
vest, his thoughts racing. Some of the pieces were
finally fitting into place - secret research at a secretly
kept estate, an accident in a hidden lab, an escaped
virus or infection of some kind that altered the people
working here, changing them into ghouls . . .
. . . and some of them got out.

The murders and attacks on Raccoon started in late
May, coinciding with the effects of the "accident"; the
chronology made sense. But exactly what kind of
research was being done here, and how deeply in-
volved was Umbrella?
How involved was Billy?
He didn't want to think about that, but even as he
tried to clear his mind of the thought, a new one
occurred to him . . . what if it was still contagious?
He hurried to the door, suddenly desperate to get
back to Rebecca with the news. With her training,
maybe she could figure out what had been unleashed
in the secret lab on the estate.
Chris swallowed heavily. Even now, he and the
other S.T.A.R.S. could be infected.



rate ways, Wesker stayed crouched on the balcony in
the main hall, thinking. He knew that time was of the
essence, but he wanted to outline a few possible
scenarios before he acted; he'd already made mis-
takes, and didn't want to make any more of them. The
Raccoon Alphas were a bright group, making his
margin for error very slim indeed.
He'd received his orders a couple of days ago, but
hadn't expected to be in a position to carry them out
so soon; the Bravo team's 'copter going down had
been a fluke, as had Brad Vickers's sudden display of
cowardice. Still, he should have been more prepared.
Being caught with his pants down like this went
against his grain, it was so ... unprofessional.
He sighed, putting the thoughts aside. There'd be
time for self-recrimination later. He hadn't expected

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to end up here, but here he was, and kicking himself
for lack of foresight wasn't going to change anything.
Besides, there was too much to do.
He knew the grounds of the estate fairly well and
the labs like the back of his hand, but he'd only been
inside the mansion a few times and not at all since
he'd been "officially" transferred to Raccoon City.
The place was a maze, designed by a genius architect
at the bidding of a madman. Spencer was bats, no two
ways about it, and he'd had the house built with all
kinds of tricky little mechanisms, a lot of that silly spy
crap that had been so popular in the late sixties. . .
Spy crap that's going to make this job twice as hard
as it needs to be. Hidden keys, secret tunnels - it's like
I'm trapped in an espionage thriller, complete with
mad scientists and a ticking clock.
His original plan had been to lead both the Alpha
and Bravo teams to the estate and clear the area
before he proceeded to the lower labs and wrapped
things up. He had the master keys and codes, of
course; they had been sent along with his orders, and
would open most of the doors on the estate. The
problem was, there was no key to the door that led to
the garden, it had a puzzle lock and was currently
the only way to get to the labs, outside of walking
through the woods.
Which ain't gonna happen. The dogs would be on
me before I could take two steps, and if the 121s got
out . . .
Wesker shuddered, remembering the incident with
the rookie guard who'd gotten too close to one of the
cages, a year or so back. The kid had been dead before
he could even open his mouth to call for help. Wesker
had no intention of going back outside without an
army to back him up.
The last contact with the estate had been over six
weeks ago, an hysterical call from Michael Dees to
one of the suits in the White office. The doctor had
sealed the mansion, hiding the four pieces of the
puzzle lock in a fruitless effort to keep any more of the
virus carriers from reaching the house. By then, they
were all infected and suffering from a kind of para-
noid mania, one of the more charming side effects of
the virus. God only knew what tricks and traps the
researchers down in the labs had screwed with as they
slowly lost their minds.
Dees had been no exception, although he had
managed to hold out longer than most of the others;
something to do with individual metabolism, or so
Wesker'd been told. The company had already de-
cided to call a complete wipe, though the babbling

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scientist had been assured that help was on the way.
Wesker had enjoyed a good laugh over that one. There
was no way the White boys would risk further infec-
tion. They'd sat on their hands for almost two months
while Raccoon suffered the consequences, letting the
incompetent RPD investigate while the virus gradu-
ally lost its punch and then sent him in to clean up
the mess. Which by now was considerable.
The captain absently ran his fingers across the plush
carpet, trying to remember details of the briefing
about Dees's call. Whether he liked it or not, every-
thing had to be taken care of tonight. He had to collect
the required evidence and get to the labs, and that
meant finding the pieces of the puzzle lock. Dees had
been mostly incoherent, ranting about murderous
crows and giant spiders, but he had insisted that the
crest-keys to the puzzle lock were "hidden where only
Spencer could find them,"
and that made sense.
Everyone who worked in the house knew about
Spencer's penchant for cloak-and-dagger mecha-
nisms. Unfortunately for Wesker, he hadn't bothered
learning much about the mansion, since he never
thought he'd need the information. He remembered a
few of the more colorful hiding places - the statue of
the tiger with mismatched eyes came to mind, as did
the armor display room with the gas and the secret
room in the library. . .
But I don't have time to go through all of them, not
by myself.
Wesker grinned suddenly and stood up, amazed
that he hadn't thought of it already. Who said he had
to be by himself? He'd ditched the S.T.A.R.S. to map
out a new plan and search for the crests, but there was
no reason that he had to do everything. Chris wasn't
viable, he was too gung-ho, and Jill was still an
unknown quantity . . . Barry, though . . . Barry Bur-
ton was a family man. And both Jill and Chris trusted
And while they're all still fumbling around in the
house, I can get to the triggering system and then get
the hell out, mission complete.
Still grinning, Wesker walked to the door that led to
the dining room balcony, surprised to find that he was
looking forward to his little adventure. It was a
chance to test his skills against the rest of the team
and against the accidental test subjects that were
surely still lurching around not to mention, of
Spencer himself. And if he pulled it off, he was going
to be a very rich man.
This might actually turn out to be fun.

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Jill whipped her Beretta toward the sound, the
mournful shriek echoing all around as the door
slipped closed behind her. Then she saw the source of
the noise and relaxed, smiling nervously.
What the hell are they doing in here?
She was still in the back part of the house, and had
decided to check out a few of the other rooms before
heading back to the main hall. The first door she'd
tried had been locked, a carving of a helmet on the
key plate. Her picks had been useless, the lock a type
she'd never encountered, so she'd decided to try her
luck on the door across the hall. It had opened easily
enough, and she'd gone in ready for anything,
though about the last thing she'd expected to see was a
flock of crows, perched along the support bar for the
track lighting that ran the length of the room.
Another of the large black birds let out its morose
shriek, and Jill shivered at the sound. There were at
least a dozen of them, ruffling their shiny feathers and
watching her with bright, beady eyes as she quickly
surveyed the room for threats; it was clear.
The U-shaped chamber she'd entered was as cold as
the rest of the house, perhaps colder, and empty of
furniture. It was a viewing hall, nothing but portraits
and paintings lining the inner wall. Black feathers lay
scattered across the worn wooden floor amidst dried
mounds of bird droppings, and Jill wondered again
how the crows had gotten inside, and how long they'd
been there. There was definitely something strange
about their appearance; they seemed much larger
than normal crows, and they studied her with an
intensity that seemed almost unnatural.
Jill shivered again, turning back toward the door.
There wasn't anything important in the room, and the
birds were giving her the creeps. Time to move on.
She glanced at a few of the paintings on her way
out, mostly portraits, noticing that there were
switches beneath the heavy frames - she assumed
they were for the track lighting, though she couldn't
imagine why anyone had bothered setting up such
an elaborate gallery for such mediocre art. A baby, a
young man . . . the paintings weren't awful, but
they weren't exactly inspired, either.
She stopped as she touched the cold metal handle of
the door, frowning. There was a small, inset control
panel set at eye level to the right of the door, labeled
"spots." She punched one of the buttons and the

background image

room dimmed as a single directional light went out.
Several of the crows barked their disapproval, flutter-
ing ebony wings, and Jill turned the light back on,
So if these are the light switches, what are the
controls beneath the paintings for?
Perhaps there was more to the room than she'd
thought. She walked to the first picture across from
the door, a large painting of flying angels and clouds
shot with sunbeams. The title was, From Cradle to
Grave. There wasn't a switch below it, and Jill moved
to the next.
It was a portrait of a middle-aged man, his lined
features sagging with exhaustion, standing next to an
elaborate fireplace. From the cut of his suit and his
slicked back hair, it looked to have been painted in
the late 1940s or early '50s. There was a simple on/off
switch underneath, unlabeled. Jill flicked it from left
to right and heard an electrical snap and behind her,
the crows exploded into screaming motion,
rising as one from their brooding perch.
All she could hear was the beat of their dark wings
and the sudden, manic ferocity of their cries as they
swarmed toward her and Jill ran,
the door seeming a million miles
away, her heart pounding. The first of the crows
reached her as she grabbed for the handle, its claws
finding the soft skin at the back of her neck. There was
a sharp stab of pain just behind her right ear and Jill
flailed at the rustling feathers that brushed her cheeks,
moaning as the furious shrieks enveloped her. She
slapped at the air behind her and was rewarded with a
startled squawk of surprise. The bird let go of her,
reeling away.
-too many, out out OUT-
She jerked the door open and fell into the hallway,
kicking the door closed even as she hit the floor. She
lay there a moment, catching her breath, relishing the
cool silence of the corridor in spite of the zombie
stench. None of the crows had gotten out.
As her heartbeat returned to something approach-
ing normal, she sat up and carefully touched the
wound behind her ear. Her fingers came away wet, but
it wasn't too bad, the blood was already clotting; she'd
been lucky. When she thought of what could have
happened if she'd tripped and fallen . . .
Why had they attacked, what had the control switch
done? She remembered the snap of electricity when
she'd flipped it, the sound of a spark-
-the perch!
She felt a sudden rush of grudging admiration for

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whoever had set up the simple trap. When she'd hit
the switch, she must have sent a current through the
metal bar they'd been perched on. She'd never heard
of attack-trained crows, but could think of no other
explanation-which meant that someone had gone
through a lot of trouble to keep whatever was in that
room a secret. To get to the answer, she'd have to go
back in.
I can stand in the doorway, take them out one at a
. . . She didn't much like the idea, she didn't
trust her aim and would certainly waste a lot of
Only fools accept the obvious and go no further; use
your brain, Jilly.
Jill smiled a little; it was her father talking, remind-
ing her of the training she'd had before the S.T.A.R.S.
One of her earliest memories was of hiding in the
bushes outside the rickety old house in Massachusetts
that her father had rented for them, studying the dark,
empty windows as he explained how to properly "case
a prospect." Dick had made it into a game, teaching
her over the next ten years all the finer points of
breaking and entering, everything from how to re-
move panes of glass without damaging them to walk-
ing on stairs so they didn't creak and he'd also
taught her, again and again, that every riddle had
more than one answer.
Killing the birds was too obvious. She closed her
eyes, concentrating.
Switches and portraits ... a little boy, a toddler, a
young man, a middle-aged man . . .
"From Cradle to Grave." Cradle to grave . . .
Once the solution occurred to her, she was almost
embarrassed by the simplicity of it. She stood up and
dusted herself off, wondering how long it would take
for the crows to return to their roost. Once they were
settled, she shouldn't have any more problems uncov-
ering the secret.
She cracked the door open and listened to the
whispering beat of wings, promising herself to be
more careful this time. Pushing the wrong button in
this house could be deadly.

"Rebecca? Let me in, it's Chris."
There was the sound of something heavy sliding
against the wall and the door to the storage room
creaked opened. Rebecca stepped away from the
entrance as he hurried inside, already pulling the
diary out of his vest.
"I found this journal in one of the rooms," he said.
"It looks like there was some kind of research going

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on here, I don't know what kind but..."
Rebecca interrupted, and held up a
stack of papers, grinning. "You were right about there
being something useful in here."

Chris took the papers from her and skimmed the
first page. As far as he could tell, it was in a foreign
language made out of numbers and letters.
"What is all this stuff? DH5a-MCR . . ."
"You're looking at a strain chart,"
Rebecca said
brightly. "That one's a host for generating genomic
libraries containing methylated cytosine or adenine
residues, depending."

Chris cocked an eyebrow at her. "Let's pretend that
I have no idea what you're talking about and try
again. What did you find?"
Rebecca flushed slightly and took the papers back
from him. "Sorry. Basically, there's a lot of, uh, stuff
in here on viral infection."

Chris nodded. "That I understand; a virus . . ."
He quickly flipped through the journal, counting
the dates from the first report of the accident in the
lab. "On May eleventh, there was some kind of spill
or outbreak in a laboratory on this estate. Within
eight or nine days, whoever wrote this had turned into
one of those creatures out there."

Rebecca's eyes widened. "Does it say when the first
symptoms appeared?"
"Looks like . . . within twenty-four hours, he or she
was complaining of itchy skin. Swelling and blisters
within forty-eight hours."
Rebecca paled. "That's . . . wow."
Chris nodded. "Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Is there
any way to tell if we could be infected?"
"Not without more information. All of that..."

Rebecca motioned at the trunk full of papers, "...is
pretty old, ten years plus, and there's nothing specific
about application. Though an airborne with that kind
of speed and toxicity ... if it was still viable, all of
Raccoon City would probably be infected by now. I
can't be positive, but I doubt it's still contagious."
Chris was relieved for himself and the rest of the
S.T.A.R.S., but the fact that the "zombies" were all
victims of a disease - it was depressing, whether it
was a disaster of their own making or not.
"We have to find the others," he said. "If one of
them should stumble across the lab without knowing
what's there ..."
Rebecca looked stricken at the thought, but nodded
gamely and moved quickly toward the door. Chris
decided that, with a little experience, she'd make a
first-rate S.T.A.R.S. member; she obviously knew her

background image

chemistry, and even without a gun, she was willing to
leave the relative safety of the storage room in order
to help the rest of the team.
Together, they hurried through the dark, wooded
hallway, Rebecca sticking close to his side. When they
reached the door back to the first hallway, Chris
checked his Beretta and then turned to Rebecca.
"Stay close. The door we want is to the right and at
the end of the hall. I'll probably have to shoot the
lock, and I'm pretty sure there's a zombie or two
wandering around, so I'll need you to watch my
"Yes, sir,"
she said quietly, and Chris grinned in
spite of the situation. Technically, he was her
superior - still, it was weird to have it pointed out.
He opened the door and stepped through, training
his gun on the shadows straight ahead and then down
the hall to the right. Nothing moved.
"Go," he whispered, and they jogged down the
corridor, quickly stepping over the fallen creature
that blocked their path. Rebecca turned to face the
open stretch behind them as Chris rattled the door
knob, hoping vainly that it had unlocked itself.
No such luck. He backed away from the door and
took careful aim. Firing at a locked door wasn't as
easy or safe as it looked in the movies; a ricochet off of
metal at such close range could kill the shooter "Chris!"
He glanced over his shoulder and saw a shambling
figure at the other end of the hall, moving slowly
toward them. Even in the dim light, Chris could see
that one of its arms was missing. The distinctive odor
of decay wafted toward them as the zombie moaned
thickly, stumbling forward.
Chris turned back to the door and fired, twice. The
frame splintered, the inset metal square of the lock
revealed in a spray of wood chips. He jerked at the
knob and the lock gave up, the door swinging open.
He turned and grabbed at Rebecca's arm, hustling
her through the doorway as he pointed the Beretta
back down the hall. The creature had made it halfway,
but was stopped at the lifeless body of the zombie that
Chris had killed earlier. Even as Chris watched in
horror and disgust, the one-armed zombie dropped
to its knees and plunged its remaining hand into
the other's crushed skull. It moaned again, a wet,
phlegmy sound, and brought a handful of slushy gray
matter to its eager lips.
Oh, man.
Chris shuddered involuntarily and hurriedly step-
ped through to join Rebecca, closing the door on the
gruesome scene. Rebecca was pale but seemed com-

background image

posed, and again, Chris admired her courage; she was
young but tough, tougher than he'd been at eigh-
He took in the hall at a glance, immediately notic-
ing the changes. To their right about twenty feet away
was a corpse of one of the creatures, the top of its
head blown away. It lay face up, the deep sockets of its
eyes filled with blood. To their left were the two doors
that Chris hadn't tried when he'd first come to
investigate. The one at the very end of the hall was
standing open, revealing deep shadows.
At least one of the S.T.A.R.S. came this way, proba-
bly looking for me.
"Follow me," he said softly, and moved toward the
open door, holding the Beretta tightly. He wanted to
get back to the main hall with Rebecca, but the fact
that one of his team must have gone through the
opening deserved a quick look.
As they passed the closed door on the right,
Rebecca hesitated. "There's a picture of a sword next
to the lock,"
she whispered.
He kept his attention on the darkness just past the
open door, but realized as she spoke that there were
too many ways for them to get side-tracked. He didn't
think the rest of the team was still waiting for him,
but his original orders had been to report back to the
lobby; he shouldn't be leading an unarmed rookie
into unknown territory without at least checking.
Chris sighed, lowering his weapon. "Let's get back
to the main hall,"
he said. "We can come back and
check it out later."
Rebecca nodded and together they walked back
toward the dining room, Chris hoping against hope
that someone would be there to meet them.

Barry pointed his Colt toward the crawling ghoul
and fired, the heavy round splattering the thing's
mushy skull into liquid even as it reached for his boot.
Tiny drops of wetness splashed his face as the zombie
spasmed and died. Scowling, Barry wiped at his skin
with the back of his hand. The tiny white tiles of the
kitchen wall got it much worse, rivulets of red cours-
ing down the grouted tracks and pooling to the faded
brown linoleum. Still, it was pretty disgusting.
Barry lowered the revolver, feeling the ache in his
left shoulder. The door upstairs had been solidly
locked, he had the bruises to prove it and staring
down at the zombie hash in front of him, he realized
that he was going to have to go back up and break
down another one. If he hadn't been certain before,
he was now - Chris hadn't come this way. If he had,

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the crawling creature would already have been his-
So where the hell are you, Chris?
Of the three locked doors, Barry had picked the one
at the end of the hall on pure instinct. He'd ended up
in a dark, silent hall that led past an empty elevator
shaft and down a narrow set of stairs. The bare white
kitchen at the bottom had seemed deserted, the
counters thick with dust and corrosion stains on the
walls - no sign of recent use, no sign of Chris, and
the single door across from the sink had been locked.
He'd been about to leave when he'd noticed the trails
of disturbed dust on the floor and followed them.
Sighing heavily, Barry stepped over the stinking
monster, a final check before he headed back up for
door number two. There were some stacked crates
and the same old-fashioned elevator shaft, also emp-
ty. He didn't bother with the call button since the one
upstairs hadn't worked. Besides, judging from the rust
on the metal grate, no one had used it in quite awhile.
He turned back the way he'd come, wondering how
Jill was making out. The sooner they could get away,
the better. Barry had never disliked any place as much
as he did this mansion. It was cold, it was dangerous,
and it smelled like a meat locker that had been
unplugged for a week. He generally wasn't the type to
frighten easily or let his imagination get out of hand,
but he half-expected to see some white-sheeted spook
rattling chains every time he turned around.
There was a distant echoing clatter behind him.
Barry spun, a knot of dread in his gut as he pointed
his weapon randomly at the empty air, his eyes wide
and mouth dry. There was another metallic clatter,
followed by a low, throbbing hum of machinery.
Barry took a deep breath and blew it out slowly,
getting a hold of himself. Not a disembodied spirit,
after all; someone was using the elevator.

Who? Chris and Wesker are missing and Jill's in the
other wing. .. .
He stayed where he was, lowering the Colt slightly
as he waited. He didn't think the ghouls were smart
enough to work the buttons, let alone open the gate,
but he didn't want to take any chances. He was a good
twenty feet from where the booth would open, assum-
ing it stopped in the basement, and would have a clear
shot at whoever stepped around the corner. A glim-
mer of hope sparked through his confusion; maybe it
was one of the Bravos, or someone who lived here and
could tell them what had happened.
With a dull dang, the elevator stopped in the
kitchen. There was a squeal of dry metal hinges and

background image

footsteps and Captain Wesker stepped into view, his per-
petual sunglasses propped on his tanned brow.
Barry lowered the revolver, grinning as cool relief
swept over him. Wesker stopped in his tracks and
grinned back at him.
"Barry! Just the man I was looking for," he said
"God, you gave me a scare! I heard the elevator
start up and thought I was gonna have a heart
attack ..."
Barry trailed off, his grin faltering.
"Captain," he said slowly, "where did you go?
When we came back, you were gone."

Wesker's grin widened. "Sorry about that. I had
some business to attend to - you know, call of na-
Barry smiled again, but was surprised by the con-
fession; trapped in hostile territory, and the man had
gone off to take a leak?

Wesker reached up and lowered his shades, break-
ing their eye contact, and Barry suddenly felt a little
nervous. Wesker's grin, if anything, seemed to grow
wider. It looked like every tooth was showing.
"Barry, I need your help. Have you ever heard of
White Umbrella?"
Barry shook his head, feeling more uncomfortable
by the second.
"White Umbrella is a sector of Umbrella, Inc., a
very important division. They specialize in ... bio-
logical research, I guess you could say. The Spencer
estate houses their research facilities, and recently, an
accident occurred."
Wesker brushed off a section of the kitchen's center
island and casually leaned against it, his tone almost
"This division of Umbrella has a few ties to the
S.T.A.R.S. organization, and not long ago, I was
asked to ... assist in their handling of this situation.
It's a very delicate situation, mind you, very hush-hush;
White Umbrella doesn't want a whisper of their
involvement getting out.”
"Now, what I'm supposed to do is get to the
laboratories on the grounds here and put an end to
some rather incriminating evidence-proof that
White Umbrella is responsible for the accident that's
caused so much trouble in Raccoon as of late. The
problem is, I don't have the key to get to those labs-
keys, actually. And that's where you come in. I need
for you to help me find those keys."
Barry stared at him for a moment, speechless, his
mind churning. An accident, a secret lab doing biolog-
ical research . . .

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. . . and murdering dogs and zombies loose in the
tvoods. . .
He raised his revolver and pointed it at Wesker's
smiling face, stunned and angry. "Are you insane?
You think I'm going to help you destroy evidence?
You crazy son of a bitch!"
Wesker shook his head slowly, acting as if Barry
were a child. "Ah, Barry, you don't understand; you
don't have a choice in the matter. See, a few of my
friends from White Umbrella are currently standing
outside of your house, watching your wife and daugh-
ters sleep. If you don't help me, your family is going to

Barry could actually feel the blood drain from his
face. He cocked the hammer back on the Colt, feeling
a sudden, vicious hatred for Wesker infusing every
fiber of his being.
"Before you pull the trigger, I should mention that
if I don't report back to my friends fairly soon, their
orders are to go ahead and do the deed anyway."
The words cut through the red haze that had
flooded Barry's mind, turning his hands clammy with
Kathy, the babies – I...
"You're bluffing,"
he whispered, and Wesker's grin
finally disappeared, his expression slipping back into
the unreadable mask that he usually wore.
"I'm not," he said coldly. "Try me. You can apolo-
gize to their headstones later."

For a moment, neither of them moved, the silence a
palpable thing in the chill air. Then Barry slowly
eased the hammer back down and lowered the weap-
on, his shoulders slumped. He couldn't, wouldn 't risk
it; his family was everything.
Wesker nodded and reached into one of his pockets,
producing a ring of keys, his manner suddenly brisk
and business-like. "There are four copper plates
somewhere in this house. Each one is about the size of
a teacup, and has a picture engraved on one side:
sun, moon, stars, and wind. There's a back door on
the other side of the mansion where the four of them
He unhooked a key from the ring and set it on the
table, sliding it across to Barry. "This should open all
of the doors in the other wing, or at least the impor-
tant ones, first and second floor. Find those pieces for
me and your wife and children will be fine."
Barry reached for the key with numb fingers, feeling
weak and more afraid than he'd ever been in his life.
"Chris and Jill. . ."
"... will undoubtedly want to help you search. If

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you see either of them, tell them that the back door
you've discovered could be the way out. I'm sure
they'll be more than happy to work with their trusted
friend, good ol' Barry. In fact, you should unlock
every door you can in order to promote a more
thorough job."
Wesker smiled again, a friendly half-grin that belied
his words. "Of course, you tell them you've seen
me - that could complicate matters. If I run into
trouble, say, get shot in the back . . . well, enough
said. Let's just keep this to ourselves."
The key was etched with a little picture, a chest
plate for a suit of armor. Barry slipped it into his
pocket. "Where will you be?"
"Oh, I'll be around, don't worry. I'll contact you
when the time is right."
Barry looked at Wesker pleadingly, helpless to keep
the wavering fear out of his voice. "You'll tell them
that I'm helping you, right? You won't forget to
Wesker turned and walked toward the elevator,
calling out over his shoulder. "Trust me, Barry. Do
what I tell you, and there's nothing to worry about."

There was the rattle of the elevator's gate opening
and closing, and Wesker was gone.
Barry stood a moment longer, staring into the
empty space where Wesker had been, trying to find a
way out of the threat. There wasn't one. There was no
contest between his honor and his family; he could
live without honor.
He set his jaw and walked back toward the stairs,
determined to do what he had to do to save Kathy and
the girls. Though when this was over, when he could
be sure they were safe.
There won't be any place for you to hide, "Captain."
Barry clenched his giant fists, knuckles whitening,
and promised himself that Wesker would pay for what
he was doing. With interest.



the engraved star into its position on the diagram,
above the other three openings. It settled into place
with a light click, flush against the metal plate.
One down. . . She stepped back from the puzzle
lock, smiling triumphantly.
The crows had watched her walk through the hall of
paintings without moving from their perch, crying
out occasionally as she solved the simple puzzle.
There had been six portraits in all, cradle to grave -

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- from a newborn baby to a rather stern-looking old
man. She'd assumed they were all of Lord Spencer,
though she'd never seen a photo.
The final painting had been a death scene, a pale
man lying in state and surrounded by mourners.
When she'd flipped the switch on that one, the
painting had actually fallen off the wall, pushed out
by tiny metal pegs at each corner. Behind it had been
a small, velvet-lined opening that held the copper
crest. She'd left the hall without any more trouble;
if the birds had been disappointed, she couldn't
She took a final deep breath of the pleasant night air
before going back into the mansion, pulling Trent's
computer from her pack as she went. Stepping care-
fully over the crumpled corpse in the dim hall, she
studied the map, deciding where to try next.
Back the way she'd come, it looked like. She went
back through the double doors that connected the
corridors, into the winding, mild, gray-green hall with
the landscape paintings. According to the map, the
single door just across from her led to a small, square-
shaped room which opened into a larger one.
Tensing, she grabbed the knob and pushed it open,
crouching and pointing her Beretta at the same time.
The small room was indeed square-shaped, and to-
tally empty.
Straightening, Jill stepped into the chamber, briefly
appraising its simple elegance as she walked toward
the door on her right. It had a high, light ceiling and
the walls were creamy marble flecked with gold;
beautiful. And expensive, to say the least. She felt a
vague wistfulness for the old days with Dick, all their
grand plans and hopes for each score. This was what
real money could buy.
She readied herself, grasping the cold, flowing met-
al of the latch and pushing the door open. A quick
sweep with the Beretta and she felt herself relax; she
was alone.
There was a molded fireplace to her right beneath
an ornate, red and gold tapestry. A low, modern
couch and oval coffee table sat atop a burnt orange
carpet of oriental design, and against the back wall -
- a pump-action shotgun was mounted on dual
hooks, shining in the light from the antique light
fixture overhead. Jill grinned and hurried across the
room, unable to believe her luck.
Please be loaded, please be loaded.
As she stopped in front of it, she recognized the
make. Guns weren't her strong suit, but it was the
same as the S.T.A.R.S. used: a Remington M870, five

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She bolstered the Beretta and lifted the shotgun
with both hands, still grinning -
- and the smile dropped away as both mounting
hooks clicked upward, released from the weight of the
gun. At the same time, there was a heavier sound
behind the wall, a sound like balanced metal changing
Jill didn't know what it was, but she didn't like it.
She turned around quickly, searching the room for
movement. It was as still as when she'd entered, no
screaming birds, no sudden alarms or flashing lights,
none of the pictures fell off the wall. There was no
Relieved, she quickly checked the weapon and
found it fully loaded. Someone had taken care of it,
the barrel clean and smelling faintly of cleaner and
oil; right now, it was about the best smell she could
imagine. The solid weight of it in her hands was
reassuring, the weight of power.
She searched the rest of the room and was disap-
pointed not to find any more shells. Still, the Reming-
ton was a find. S.T.A.R.S. vests had a back holster for
a shotgun or rifle, and although she wasn't that hot
with an over-the-shoulder draw, at least she could
carry it without tying up her hands.
There was nothing else of interest in the room. Jill
walked to the door, excited to get back to the main
hall and share her discoveries with Barry. She'd
checked out every room that she could open on this
side of the first floor. If he'd managed the same, they
could head upstairs to finish their search for the
Bravos and their missing teammates.
And then, hopefully, get the hell out of this morgue.
She closed the door behind her and strode across
the slate-colored tiles of the classy marble room,
hoping, as she grasped the knob, that Barry had found
Chris and Wesker. They sure didn't come this way.
The door was locked. Jill frowned, turning the
small gold knob back and forth. It rattled a little, but
wouldn't give at all. She peered at the crack where the
door met the frame, suddenly a little anxious.
There it was, by the handle-the thick sliver of
steel that indicated a dead-bolt, and a very solid one;
the entire area surrounding it was reinforced. But only
one keyhole, and that's for the knob...
Click! Click! Click!
Dust rained down from above as the sound of gears
turning filled the room, a deep, rhythmic clatter of
metal from somewhere behind the stone walls.

background image

Startled, Jill looked up-and felt her stomach
shrivel in on itself, her breath catching in her throat.
The high ceiling that she'd admired earlier was mov-
ing, the marble at the corners powdering into dust
with the heavy grind of stone against stone. It was
coming down.
In a flash she was back at the door to the shotgun
room. She snatched at the handle, pushing it
down . . .
. . . and found it locked as solidly as the first.
Holy shit! Bad thing! Bad thing!
Panic rising through her system, Jill ran back to the
other door, her frightened gaze drawn back to the
lowering ceiling. At two to three inches each second,
it'd hit the floor in less than a minute.
Jill raised the shotgun and aimed at the door to the
hall, trying not to think about how many shots it
would take to blow apart a reinforced steel dead-bolt;
it was all she had, the picks wouldn't work on that
kind of lock.
The first round exploded against the door and
splinters flew, revealing exactly what she'd feared.
The metal plate that supported the bolt extended
across half the door. Her mind raced for an answer
and came up blank. She didn't have the shells to blow
through it and the Beretta carried hollow points, they
flattened on impact.
Maybe I can weaken it, break it down.
She fired again, targeting the frame itself. The
thunderous shot tore apart wood and chipped marble,
but not enough, not even close. The ceiling continued
its clattering descent, now less than ten feet above her
head. She was going to be crushed to death.
God, don't let me die like this.
"Jill? Is that you?"
A muffled voice called from the corridor, and she
felt a sudden, desperate hope course through her at
the sound.
"Help! Barry, break it down, now!"
Jill shouted,
her voice high and shaking.
"Get back!"
Jill stumbled away as she heard a heavy blow strike
the door. The wood shuddered but held. Jill let out a
low cry of helpless frustration, her terrified gaze
jumping between the door and the ceiling.
Another solid, shaking hit to the door. Five feet
Come on, come ON.
The third pounding blow was joined by the crunch

background image

and splinter of wood. The door flew open, Barry
framed in the entry, his face red and sweating, his
hand reaching for hers.
Jill lunged forward and he grabbed her wrist, liter-
ally jerking her off of her feet and into the corridor.
They crashed to the floor as behind them, the door
was crushed off its hinges. Wood and metal squealed
as the ceiling continued smoothly down, the door
snapping in a series of harsh cracks.
With a final, resonating boom of impact, the ceiling
met the floor. It was over, the house again as silent as
a tomb. They staggered to their feet, Jill staring at the
doorway. The entire frame was filled with the solid
block of stone that had been the ceiling, at least a
couple of tons of rock.
"Are you alright?" Barry asked.
Jill didn't answer for a moment. She looked down
at the shotgun she still held in her trembling hands,
remembering how confident she'd been that there'd
been no trap and for the first time, she wondered
how they were ever going to make it out of this hellish

They stood in the empty front hall, Chris pacing the
carpet in front of the stairs, Rebecca standing ner-
vously by the banister. The massive lobby was as cold
and ominous as when Chris had first seen it, the mute
walls giving away none of their secrets; the S.T.A.R.S.
were gone, and there were no clues as to where or why.
From somewhere deep in the mansion, there was a
heavy rumbling sound, like a giant door being
slammed. They both cocked their heads, listening, but
it wasn't repeated. Chris couldn't even tell from what
direction it had come.
Terrific, that's just great. Zombies, mad scientists,
and now things that go bump in the night. Priceless.
He smiled at Rebecca, hoping that he looked less
rattled than he felt. "Well, no forwarding message. I
guess that moves us to plan B."

"What's plan B?"
Chris sighed. "Hell if I know. But we can start by
checking out that other room with the sword key.
Maybe we can dig up some more information while
we wait for the team to reassemble, a map or some-
Rebecca nodded, and they headed back through the
dining room, Chris leading the way. He didn't like the
idea of exposing her to further danger, but he didn't
want to leave her alone, either, at least not in the main
hall; it didn't feel safe.
As they passed the ticking grandfather clock, some-

background image

thing small and hard cracked beneath Chris's boot.
He crouched down and scooped up a dark gray chunk
of plaster. There were two or three other fragments
"Did you notice these when we came through
he asked.
Rebecca shook her head, and Chris ducked down,
looking for more of them. He didn't remember if
they'd been there before, either. On the other side of
the table was a broken pile of the fragments.
They hurried around the end of the long table past
the elaborately decorated fireplace, stopping in front
of the shattered pile. Chris nudged at the gray pieces
with the tip of his boot. From the angles and shapes, it
appeared to have been a statue of some kind.
Whatever it was, it's garbage now.
"Is it important?" Rebecca asked.
Chris shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. Worth a look,
anyway. In a situation like this, you never know what
might turn out to be a clue."
The echoing tick of the old clock followed them
back to the hall door and into the smell of decay that
filled the tight corridor. Chris pulled the silver key out
of a pocket as they headed right
and stopped, quickly drawing his Beretta and
moving closer to Rebecca. The door at the end of the
hall was closed; when they'd left, it had been standing
There was no sense of being watched, of movement
in the hall, but someone must have come through
while they'd been in the lobby. The thought was
disconcerting, reaffirming Chris's uneasy feeling that
secret things were happening all around them. The
dead creature to their left was in the same position as
before, its blood-filled eyes staring blindly at the low
ceiling, and Chris wondered again who had killed it.
He knew he should examine the corpse and the
unsecured area beyond it, but didn't want to go off on
his own until he got Rebecca somewhere safe.
"Come on," he whispered, and they edged to the
locked door, Chris handing the key to Rebecca so that
he could watch the hall for attackers. With a soft click,
the intricately paneled door was unlocked, and
Rebecca gently pushed it open.
Chris could feel that the room was okay even as he
did a quick check and motioned for Rebecca to step
inside. It was set up like a piano bar, a baby grand
dominating the floor across from a built-in counter,
complete with stools bolted along its length. Perhaps
it was the soft lighting or the muted colors that gave it
such an atmosphere of calm stillness. Whatever it

background image

was, Chris decided that it was the nicest room he'd
encountered so far.
And maybe a good place for Rebecca to stay while I
try to find the others.
Rebecca perched herself on the edge of the dusty
black piano bench while Chris did a more thorough
search of the room. There were a couple of potted
plants, a small table, and a tiny alcove behind the wall
where the piano was situated, a couple of wood
bookshelves pushed in back. The only entrance was
the one they'd come through. It was an ideal spot for
Rebecca to hide.
He holstered his weapon and joined her at the
piano, trying to choose his words carefully; he didn't
want to scare her with the suggestion that she stay
behind. She smiled up at him hesitantly, looking even
younger than she was, her spiky red bangs adding to
the impression that she was only a child. . .
. . . a child who got through college in less time than
it took you to get your pilot's license; don't patronize
her, she's probably smarter than you are.

Chris sighed inwardly and smiled back at her.
"How would you feel about staying here while I take a
look around the house?"
Her smile faltered a little, but she met his gaze
evenly. "Makes sense," she said. "I don't have a gun,
and if you run into trouble, I'd just slow you

She grinned wider and added, "Though if you get
your ass kicked by a mathematical theorem, don't
come crying to me."
Chris laughed, as much at his own faulty assump-
tions as at her joke; she wasn't one to be underesti-
mated. He walked to the door, pausing as his hand
touched the knob.
"I'll be back as soon as I can," he said. "Lock the
door behind me, and don't go wandering off, okay?"

Rebecca nodded, and he stepped back into the hall,
closing the door firmly behind him. He waited until
he heard the bolt drawn and drew his Beretta, the last
trace of a smile falling away as he started briskly
down the corridor.
The closer he got to the rotting creature, the worse
the smell. He took shallow sips of air as he reached
the body, stepping past it to see if the hall continued
on before he examined it for bullet holes
and he stopped cold, staring at the second corpse
stretched out in the alcove, headless and covered in
blood. Chris studied the slack, lifeless features of the
face that lay a foot away, recognizing them as Kenneth
Sullivan's and felt a surge of anger and renewed

background image

determination sweep through him at the sight of the
dead Bravo.
This is wrong, all wrong. Joseph, Ken, probably
Billy - how many others have died? How many more
have to suffer because of a stupid accident?
He finally turned away, striding purposefully to-
ward the door that led back to the dining room. He'd
start from the main hall, checking every possible path
that the S.T.A.R.S. could have taken and killing every
creature that got in the way of his search.
His teammates weren't going to have died for
nothing; Chris would see to it, if it was the last thing
he ever did.

Rebecca locked the door after Chris left, silently
wishing him good luck before walking back to the
dusty piano and sitting down. She knew that he felt
responsible for her, and wondered again how she
could've been so stupid, dropping her gun.
At least if I had a gun, he wouldn't have to worry so
much. I may be inexperienced, but I went through
basic training, just like everybody else.
She traced a finger aimlessly across the dusty keys,
feeling useless. She should've taken some of those files
from the storage room. She didn't know that there
was much more to be learned from them, but at least
she'd have something to read. She wasn't very good at
sitting still, and having nothing to do only made it
You could practice, her mind suggested brightly, and
Rebecca smiled a little, gazing down at the keys. No,
thanks. She'd suffered through four long years of
lessons as a child before her mother had finally let her
She stood up, looking randomly around the silent
room for something to keep her occupied. She walked
to the bar and leaned over it, but saw only a few
shelves of glasses and a stack of napkins, all thinly
coated with dust. There were several liquor bottles,
most of them empty, and a few unopened bottles of
expensive-looking wine on the counter behind the
Rebecca dismissed the thought even as it occurred
to her. She wasn't much of a drinker, and now wasn't
exactly the best time to tie one on. Sighing, she turned
and surveyed the rest of the room.
Besides the piano, there wasn't much to see. There
was a single small painting of a woman on the wall to
her left, a bland portrait in a dark frame; a slowly
dying plant on the floor next to the piano, the leafy
kind she always saw in nice restaurants; a table that

background image

extended out from the wall with an overturned marti-
ni glass on top. Considering what she had to work
with, the piano was starting to look pretty interest-
She walked past the baby grand and peered into the
small opening to her right. There were two empty
bookshelves pushed to one side, nothing interest-
Frowning, she stepped closer to the shelves. The
smaller one on the outside was empty, but the one
behind it.
She placed her hands on either side of the end piece
and pushed, sliding the outer shelf forward. It wasn't
heavy and moved easily, leaving a track in the dust on
the wood floor.
Rebecca scanned the hidden shelves, feeling disap-
pointed. A dented old bugle, a dusty glass candy dish,
a couple of knickknack vases-and some piano sheet
music propped up on a tiny holder. She peered down
at the title and felt a sudden rush of warm nostalgia
for when she used to play; it was Moonlight Sonata,
one of her favorite pieces.
She picked up the yellowing sheets, remembering
the hours she'd put in trying to learn it when she was
ten or eleven. In fact, it had been this very piece of
music that had made her realize she wasn't cut out to
be a pianist. It was a beautiful, delicate tune and she'd
pretty much butchered it every time she took the
Still holding the composition, she walked back
around the corner and gazed at the piano thought-
fully. It wasn't like she had anything better to do.
And besides, maybe one of the other team members
will hear it and come knocking, trying to track down
the source of the terrible noise.
Grinning, she dusted the bench off and sat down,
propping the sheets open on the music holder. Her
fingers found the correct positions almost automati-
cally as she read the opening notes, like she'd never
given it up. It was a comforting feeling, a welcome
change from the horrors inside the mansion.
Slowly, hesitantly, she started to play. As the first
melancholy sounds rose into the stillness, Rebecca
found herself relaxing, letting tension and fear slip
away. She still wasn't very good, her tempo as off as
ever-but she hit all the right notes, and the strength
of the melody more than made up for her lack of
If only the keys weren't so stiff.
Something moved behind her.
Rebecca jumped up, knocking the bench over as she

background image

spun around, searching wildly for the attacker. What
she saw was so unexpected that she froze for a few
seconds, unable to comprehend what her senses were
telling her.
The wall is moving.
Even as the last notes lingered in the cool air, a
three-foot panel of the bare wall to her right slid
upwards into the ceiling, rumbling to a gentle halt.
For a moment she didn't move, waiting for some-
thing terrible to happen, but as the seconds ticked
past in silence, nothing else moved; the room was as
quiet and non-threatening as before.
Hidden sheet music. A strange stiffness to the
keys . . .
. . . like maybe they were connected to some kind of
a mechanism?
The narrow opening revealed a hidden chamber
about the size of a walk-in closet, as softly lit as the
rest of the room. Except for a bust and pedestal in the
back, it was empty.
She stepped toward the opening and then paused,
thoughts of death-traps and poison darts whirling
through her mind. What if she walked in and trig-
gered some kind of a catastrophe? What if the door
closed and she was trapped there, and Chris didn't
come back?
What if you were the only member of the S. T.A.R.S.
who didn't accomplish jack-shit on this entire mission?
Show some backbone.
Rebecca steeled herself against the consequences
and stepped inside, looking around cautiously. If
there was a threat here, she didn't see it. The plain
stucco walls were the color of coffee with cream, offset
by dark wood trim. The light in the small chamber
was provided by a window into a tiny greenhouse on
her right, a handful of dying plants behind the dirty
She moved closer to the pedestal at the back, noting
that the stone bust on top was of Beethoven; she
recognized the stern countenance and heavy brow of
the Moonlight Sonata's composer. The pedestal itself
boasted a thick gold emblem shaped like a shield or
coat of arms, about the size of a dinner plate.
Rebecca crouched down next to the simple pillar,
gazing at the emblem. It looked solid and thick, with a
vaguely royal design in a paler gold set across the top.
It looked familiar; she'd seen the same design some-
where else in the house.
In the dining room, over the fireplace!
that was it, only the piece over the mantle
was made out of wood,
she was sure of it. She'd

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noticed it while Chris was looking at the broken
Curious, she touched the emblem, tracing the pat-
tern across the front-and then grasped the slightly
raised edges with both hands and lifted. The heavy
emblem came away easily, almost as if it didn't belong
there and behind her the secret door rumbled down,
sealing her inside.
Without hesitating, she turned and placed the em-
blem back in its hollow-and the section of wall rose
again, sliding up smoothly on hidden tracks. Re-
lieved, she stared down at the heavy gold emblem,
Someone had rigged all this up in order to keep the
medal hidden, so it had to be important-but how
was she supposed to remove it? Did the one over the
fireplace also reveal a secret passage?
Or... is the one over the fireplace the same size?
She couldn't be positive, but she thought it was-
and she knew instinctively that it was the right
answer. If she switched the two of them, using the
wood emblem to keep the door open and placing the
gold one over the mantle . . .
Rebecca headed back into the room, smiling. Chris
told her to stay put, but she wouldn't be gone more
than a minute or two-and perhaps when he got
back, she'd have something to show him, a real
contribution toward solving the secrets of the man-
And proof that she wasn't so useless after all.



walkway by the puzzle lock, breathing the clean night
air. Beyond the high walls, the crickets and cicadas
hummed their ceaseless song, a soothing reminder
that there was still a sane world outside.
Jill's brush with disaster had left her light-headed
and somewhat nauseous, and Barry had gently led her
to the back door, suggesting that the fresh air would
do her good. He hadn't found Chris or Wesker,
though he seemed certain that they were still alive. He
brought her up to speed quickly, retracing his mean-
dering path through the house as Jill leaned against
the wall, still taking deep breaths of the warm air.
"... and when I heard the shots, I came running."
Barry rubbed absently at his short beard. He smiled
at her, a somewhat hesitant grin. "Lucky for you.
Another couple of seconds, you would've been a Jill

background image

Jill smiled back gratefully, nodding, but noticed
that he seemed a little . . . strained, the humor forced.
Odd. She wouldn't have figured Barry as the type to
tense up in the face of danger.
Is it any wonder? We're trapped here, we can't find
the team, and this entire mansion is out to get us. Not
exactly a laugh-riot.
"I hope I can return the favor if you ever get in a
tight spot," she said softly. "Really. You saved my
Barry looked away, flushing slightly. "Glad I could
he said gruffly. "Just be more careful. This
place is dangerous."
She nodded again, thinking of how close she'd
come to dying. She shivered slightly, then forced the
thoughts away; they needed to be concentrating on
Chris and Wesker. "So you do think they're still
"Yeah. Besides the shell casings, there was a whole
trail of those ghouls in the other wing, all with clean
head shots; gotta be Chris - though I had to splatter a
couple more of 'em upstairs, so I figure he holed up
somewhere along the way."
Barry nodded toward the copper diagram set into
the wall. "So, was this star crest here already?"
Jill frowned, a little surprised at the abrupt change
of topic; Chris was one of Barry's closest friends.
"No. I found it in another room with a trap. This
place seems to be full of them. In fact, maybe we
should look for Wesker and Chris together - no tell-
ing what they might've stumbled into, or what else
could happen to either of us."
Barry shook his head. "I don't know. I mean,
you're right, we should watch our step, but there are
a lot of rooms, and our first priority ought to be
securing an escape. If we split up, we can try to find
the rest of these crests, and look for Chris at the same
time. And Wesker."
Though his demeanor didn't change, Jill had the
sudden distinct impression that Barry was uncom-
fortable. He had turned away to study the copper
diagram, but it almost seemed as if he was trying to
avoid eye contact.
"Besides," he said, "we know what we're up against
now. As long as we use a little common sense, we'll be
"Barry, are you okay? You seem-tired."
It wasn't
the right word, but it was the only one that came to
Jill’s mind.
He sighed, finally looking at her. He did seem tired;
there were dark circles under his eyes, and his wide

background image

shoulders were slumped.
"No, I'm alright. Just worried about Chris, you
Jill nodded, but she couldn't shake the feeling that
there was more to it than that. Since he'd pulled her
out of the trap he'd been acting unusually subdued,
even nervous.
Paranoid much? This is Barry Burton you're talking
about, the backbone of the Raccoon S.T.A.R.S. - not
to mention, the man who just saved your life. What
could he possibly be hiding?
Jill knew she was probably being overly suspi-
Cious, but all the same, she decided to keep her
mouth shut about Trent's computer. After all she'd
been through, she wasn't feeling particularly trusting.
And it sounded like he already had a pretty good idea
of the mansion's layout, so it wasn't like he needed the
That's it, keep rationalizing. Next thing, you'll be
suspecting Captain Wesker of planning this whole
Jill scoffed inwardly as she pushed herself away
from the wall and she and Barry walked slowly back
toward the house. Now that was paranoid.
They stopped as they reached the door, Jill taking a
few final lungfuls of the sweet air, letting it settle her
nerves. Barry had taken out his Colt Python and was
reloading the empty chambers, his expression grim.
"I thought I'd go back over to the east wing, see if I
can pick up Chris's trail,"
he said. "Why don't you
head upstairs and start looking for the other crests?
That way we can cover all of the rooms, work our way
back to the main hall."
Jill nodded and Barry opened the door, the rusty
hinges squealing in protest. A wave of cold swept past
them and Jill sighed, trying to prepare herself to face
another maze of frigid, shadowy halls, another series
of unopened doors and the secrets that lay behind
"You're gonna do fine," Barry said smoothly, plac-
ing a warm hand on her shoulder and gently ushering
her back inside. As soon as the door closed behind
them he lifted his hand in a casual salute, smiling.
"Good luck," he said, and before she could re-
spond, he turned and hurried away, weapon in hand.
With another creak of ancient metal, he slipped
through the double doors at the end of the hall and
was gone.
Jill stared after him, alone once again in the chilled,
stinking silence of the dim corridor. It wasn't her
imagination; Barry was keeping something from her.

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But was it something she needed to worry about, or
was he just trying to protect her?
Maybe he found Chris or Wesker, dead, and didn't
want to tell me.
It wasn't a pleasant thought, but it would explain
his strange, hurried behavior. He obviously wanted
them to get out of the house as soon as possible, and
wanted her to stay on the west side. And the way he'd
fixated on the puzzle mechanism, seeming more con-
cerned with their exit than with Chris's or Wesker's
whereabouts. . .
She looked down at the two crumpled figures in the
hall, at the tacky, drying pools of red that surrounded
them. Maybe she was trying too hard to find a motive
that didn't exist. Maybe, like her, Barry was scared,
and sick of feeling like death could come at any time.
Maybe I should stop thinking about it and do my
job. Whether or not we find the others, he's right about
needing to get out. We have to get back to the city, let
people know what's out here.
Jill straightened her shoulders and walked to the
door that led to the stairwell, drawing her weapon.
She'd made it this far she could make it a little
farther, try to unravel the mystery that had taken the
lives of so many or die trying, her mind whispered softly.

Forest Speyer was dead. The laughing, Southern
good ol’ boy with his ratty clothes and easy grin was
no more. That Forest was gone, leaving behind a
bloody, lifeless impostor slumped against a wall.
Chris stared down at the impostor, the distant
sounds of the night lost to a sudden gust of wind that
whipped around the eaves, moaning through the
railing of the second-story patio. It was a ghostly
sound, but Forest couldn't hear it; Forest would never
hear anything again.
Chris crouched down next to the still body, care-
fully prying Forest's Beretta from beneath cool fin-
gers. He told himself he wouldn't look, but as he
reached for Forest's belt pack, he found his gaze fixed
on the terrible emptiness where the Bravo's eyes had
once been.
Jesus, what happened? What happened to you, man?
Forest's body was covered with wounds, most an
inch or two across and surrounded by raw, bloody
flesh - it was as if he'd been stabbed hundreds of
times with a dull knife, each vicious cut ripping away
chunks of skin and muscle. Part of his ribcage was
cruelly exposed, slivers of white showing beneath
tattered redness. His eyeless, streaming stare was the
crowning horror-like the killer hadn't been content

background image

to take Forest's life, wanting his soul instead.
There were three clips for the Beretta in Forest's
pack. Chris shoved the magazines into a pocket and
quickly stood up, tearing his gaze from the mutilated
body. He looked out over the dark woods, breathing
deeply. His thoughts were jumbled and grasping,
trying to find an explanation and yet unable to hold
on to any coherent facts.
Once in the main hall, he'd decided to check all of
the doors to see which were unlocked and when
he'd seen the bloody hand print in the tiny upstairs
hall and heard the wailing cries of birds, he'd charged
in, ready to deal out some justice. . .
. . . crows. It sounded like crows, an entire flock . . .
or a murder, actually. Pack of dogs, kindle of kittens,
murder of crows . . .
He blinked, his tired mind focusing on the seem-
ingly random bit of trivia. Frowning, Chris crouched
back down next to Forest's ravaged body, studying the
jagged wounds closely. There were dozens of tiny
scratches amidst the more serious cuts, scratches set
into lined patterns.
Claws. Talons.
Even as the thought occurred to him, he heard a
restless flutter of wings. He turned slowly, still holding
Forest's Beretta in a hand that had suddenly gone
A sleek, monstrous bird was perched on the railing
not two feet away, watching him with bright black
eyes. Its smooth feathers gleamed dully against its
bloated body . . . and a ribbon of something red and
wet hung from its beak.
The bird tilted its head to the side and let out a
tremendous shriek, the streamer of Forest's flesh
droooine to the railing. From all around, the answer-
ing cries of its gathered siblings flooded the night air.
There was a furious whisper of oversized wings as
dozens of dark, fluttering shapes swooped out from
beneath the eaves, screeching and clawing.
Chris ran, the image of Forest's bloody, terrible
eyes burned into his pounding thoughts as he lunged
for escape. He stumbled into the tiny hall and
slammed the door against the rising screams of the
birds, adrenaline pumping through his system in hot,
surging beats.
He took a deep breath, then another, and after a
moment, his heart slowed down to a more normal
pace. The shrieks of the crows gradually grew distant,
blown away on a softly moaning wind.
Jesus, how dumb can I get? Stupid, stupid.
He'd stormed out onto the deck looking for a

background image

fight, looking to avenge the deaths of the other
S.T.A.R.S. and been shocked into stupidity by
what he'd found. If he hadn't let himself get so
freaked out by Forest's death, he would have made
the connection sooner between the birds and the
types of wounds and perhaps noticed the gather-
ing flesh-eaters that had watched him from the
shadows, looking for their next victim.
He headed for the door back to the main hall, angry
with himself for going into a situation unprepared. He
couldn't afford to keep making mistakes, to let his
attention wander from what was in front of him. This
wasn't some kind of a game, where he could push a
reset button if he missed a trick. People were dying,
his friends were dying - and if you don't pull your head out
of your ass and start being more careful,
you 're going to join them.
Another torn and lifeless body crumpled in a cold
hallway somewhere, another victim to the insanity of
this house.
Chris silenced the nagging whisper, taking a deep
breath as he stepped back into the high gallery of the
lobby and closed the door behind him. Beating him-
self up was no more useful than charging blindly
around in a strange and dangerous environment,
looking for revenge. He had to concentrate on what
was important: the lost Alphas and Rebecca.
He walked toward the stairs, tucking Forest's weap-
on into his waistband. At least Rebecca would be able
to defend herself.
Startled, he looked down to see the young
S.T.A.R.S. member at the base of the wide steps,
grinning up at him.
He jogged down the stairs, glad to see her in spite of
himself. "What happened? Is everything all right?"
Rebecca held up a silver key as he reached her, still
smiling widely. "I found something I thought you
could use."
He took the key, noting that the handle was etched
with a tiny shield before slipping it inside his vest.
Rebecca was beaming, her eyes flashing with excite-
"After you left, I played the piano and this secret
door opened up in the wall. There was this gold
emblem inside, like a shield, and I switched it with
the one in the dining room and the grandfather
clock moved, and that key was behind it."
She broke off suddenly, her smile faltering as she
studied his face. "I'm sorry ... I know I shouldn't
have left, but I thought I could catch you before you

background image

got too far ..."
"It's okay," he said, forcing a smile. "I'm just
surprised to see you. Here, I found you something a
little better than a can of insect repellent."

He handed her the Beretta, pulling out a couple of
clips to go with it. Rebecca took the gun, staring down
at it thoughtfully.
When she looked up at him again, her gaze was
serious and intense. "Who was it?"
Chris thought about lying, but saw that she wasn't
going to buy it and realized suddenly what it was
about her that made him feel so protective, that made
him want to shield her from the sad and sickening
That was it; Rebecca reminded him of his little
sister, from her tomboy sarcasm and quick wit to the
way she wore her hair.
"Listen," she said quietly, "I know you feel respon-
sible for me, and I admit that I'm pretty new at this.
But I'm a member of this team, and sheltering me
from the facts could get me killed. So-who was it?"

Chris stared at her for a moment and then sighed.
She was right. "Forest. I found him outside, he'd been
pecked to death by crows. Kenneth's dead, too."

A sudden anguish passed across her eyes, but she
nodded firmly, keeping her gaze on his. "Okay. So
what do we do now?"
Chris couldn't help the slightest of smiles, trying to
remember if he'd ever been so young.
He motioned up the stairs, hoping that he wasn't
about to make another mistake. "I guess we try
another door."

Wesker didn't catch much of the conversation be-
tween Barry and Jill, but after a muffled, "Good
from Mr. Burton, he heard a door open and
close somewhere near by and a moment later, the
hollow thump of bootsteps against wood, followed by
another closing door. The hall outside was clear, his
team off on their mission to find the rest of the copper
Looks like I picked the right room to wait in.
He'd used the helmet key to lock himself into a
small study by the back door, the perfect place from
which to monitor the team's progress. Not only could
he hear them coming and going, he'd be able to get a
head start to the labs.
He held the heavy wind crest up to the light of the
desk lamp, grinning. It had been too easy, really. He'd
happened across the plaster statue on his way back

background image

from talking to Barry, and remembered that it had a
secret compartment somewhere. Rather than waste
valuable time searching, he'd simply pushed the hide-
ous thing off the dining room balcony. It hadn't been
hiding one of the crests, but the sparkle of the blue
jewel amidst the rubble had been almost as good.
There was a room just off the dining hall that held a
statue of a tiger with one red eye and one blue, one of
the few mechanisms that he'd remembered from an
earlier visit. A quick visit to the statue had confirmed
his suspicions; both eyes had been missing, and when
he'd placed the gaudy blue jewel into its proper
socket, the tiger had turned to one side and presented
him with the crest. Just like that, he was one step
closer to completing his mission.
When the other three are in place, I'll wait until
they're off looking for the final piece and then slip right
out the door.
He considered going to check the diagram, but
decided against it. The house was big, but not that big,
and there was no need to expose himself to further
risk of being seen. Besides, they probably hadn't
managed to find any of the other crests yet. He'd
already had a close call when he'd gone downstairs to
retrieve the jewel, almost stepping directly into Chris
Redfield's path. Chris had found the rookie and the
two of them were blundering around, probably look-
ing for "clues."
Besides, this room is comfortable. Maybe I'll take a
nap while I wait for the rest of them to catch up.
He leaned back in the desk chair, pleased with
himself for all he'd accomplished so far. What could
have been a disaster was turning out quite nicely,
thanks to some quick thinking on his part. He had
already found one of the crests, he had Barry and Jill
working for him and he'd had the good fortune to
run into Ellen Smith while he'd been in the library.
Oops, scratch that. It's Doctor Ellen Smith, thank
you very much.
After fetching the wind crest, he'd gone to the
library to check the small side room that overlooked
the estate's heliport, the entrance concealed behind a
bookcase. A quick search had revealed nothing useful,
and he'd been about to check the back room when Dr.
Smith had shambled out to greet him.
He had tried to get a date with her ever since he'd
moved to Raccoon, drawn in by her long legs and
platinum blond hair; he'd always been partial to
blonds, particularly smart ones. Not only had she
repeatedly turned him down, she hadn't even tried to
be nice about it. When he'd called her Ellen, she'd

background image

coolly informed him that she was his superior and a
doctor, and would be addressed as such. Ice queen,
through and through. If she hadn't been so damned
good-looking, he never would've bothered in the first
But my, how your beauty has faded, Dr. Ellen. . .
Wesker closed his eyes, smiling, reliving the experi-
ence. It had been the ratty strings of blond hair that
had given her away as she'd shuffled out from behind
a shelf, moaning and reaching for him. Her legs were
still long, but they'd lost a lot of their appeal - not to
mention a fair amount of skin.
"What lovely perfume you're wearing, Dr. Smith,"
he'd said. Then two shots to the head, and she'd gone
down in a spray of blood and bone. Wesker didn't like
to think of himself as a shallow man, but pulling the
trigger on that high-riding bitch had been wonder-
fully- no, deeply-gratifying.
Like icing on a cake, a little bonus perk for taking
matters in hand. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll run into that
prick Sarton down in the labs. . .
After a few moments, Wesker stood up and
stretched, turning to scan some of the titles on the
bookshelf behind him. He was eager to get moving,
but it might take the S.T.A.R.S. awhile to find the rest
of the puzzle pieces and there was really nothing he
could do to hurry the process; he might as well keep
He frowned, struggling to make sense of the techni-
cal titles. One of the books was called, Phagemids:
Alpha Complementation Vectors, the next one was,
cDNA Libraries and Electrophoresis Conditions.
Biochemistry texts and medical journals, terrific.
Maybe he'd get that nap in after all. Just reading the
titles was making him sleepy.
His gaze fell across a heavy-looking tome sitting by
itself on one of the lower shelves, bound in a fine red
leather. He picked it up, glad to see a title he could
read printed across the front, even one as stupid as,
Eagle of East, Wolf of West.
Wait - that's the same thing written on the fountain.
Wesker stared at the words, feeling his good mood
slipping away. It couldn't be, the researchers had gone
nuts but surely they wouldn't have locked down the
labs, there was no reason for it. He opened the book
almost frantically, praying that he was wrong
and let out a low moan of helpless rage at what
was tucked into the sham book's glued pages. A brass
medallion with an eagle engraved on it lay in the cut
away compartment - part of a key to yet another of
Spencer's insane locks.

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It was like the punch line to a cruel joke. To get out
of the house, he had to find the crests. Once out in the
courtyard, he'd have to make his way through a
winding maze of tunnels that ended in a hidden
section of the garden - where there was an old stone
fountain that marked the entrance to the under-
ground labs. The fountain was one of Spencer's
fanciful creations, a marvel of engineering that could
be opened and closed to hide the facility under-
neath - provided, of course, that you had the keys:
two medallions made out of brass, an eagle on one, a
wolf on the other.
Finding the eagle meant that the gate was closed.
And that meant that the wolf could be anywhere,
anywhere at all and that his chances of even getting
to the lab had just dropped down to somewhere near
Unable to control his fury, he snatched up the
medal and threw the book against the desk, knocking
the lamp over with a crash and plunging the room
into sudden blackness. There was no longer any point
in holding on to the wind crest; his perfect plan was
ruined. He'd have to give up his edge and hope that
one of the others would inadvertently stumble across
the wolf medal for him, secreted away somewhere on
the massive, sprawling estate.
Which means more risk, more searching and a
chance that one of them will reach the labs before I do.
Seething, Wesker stood in the dark silence with his
fists clenched, trying not to scream.



glass and held perfectly still, listening. The acoustics
of the mansion were strange, the long corridors and
unusual floor plan making it hard to tell where sounds
were coming from.
Or if you even heard them at all. . .
She sighed, taking a last look around the quiet,
book-lined sitting room at the top of the stairs. She'd
already checked the three other rooms along the
gallery railing and found exactly nothing of interest:
a sparse bedroom with two bunks, an office, and an
unfinished den with a locked door and a fireplace
inside. The only switches she'd found were light
switches, though she had gotten excited over a rather
sinister-looking black button on the wall of the office
until she'd pushed it, and found that she'd
managed to discover the drainage control for an
empty fish tank in the corner.

background image

She'd found some ammo for the Remington, she
supposed she should be grateful for that - a dozen
shells in a metal box underneath one of the bunks in
the bedroom. But if there'd been any hidden crests,
she'd missed them.
Jill took out Trent's computer and checked the
map, finding her position at the top of the stairs. Just
past the sitting room's second door was a wide,
U-shaped corridor that angled back around to the
front hall balcony. The corridor also connected to two
rooms, one a dead end and the other leading through
several more.
She put the computer away and drew her Beretta,
taking a moment to clear her mind before stepping
into the corridor. It wasn't easy. Between trying to
figure out what had happened in the house to create
monsters and her concerns for and about her team,
her thoughts were distinctly messy.
Should've looked closer at those papers. . .
The office had been simple, a desk, a bookshelf,
but there was a rack of lab coats by the door and the
papers strewn across the desk had mostly been lists of
numbers and letters. She knew just enough chemistry
to know that she was looking at chemistry, so she
didn't bother trying to read them, but since finding
the papers, she had begun to think of the zombies as
the result of a research accident. The mansion was too
well maintained to have come from private money,
and the fact that it had been kept a secret for so long
suggested a cover up. She guessed that there was a
couple of months worth of dust on almost every-
thing - which coincided with the first attacks in Rac-
coon. If the people in the house had been conducting
some kind of an experiment and something had gone
wrong . . .
Something that transformed them into flesh-eating
ghouls? That's a bit far-fetched. . .

But it made more sense than anything else she
could come up with, although she'd keep her mind
open to other possibilities. As to her concerns about
the team - Barry was acting weird and Chris and
Wesker were still missing; no new developments
And there won't be any if you don't get going.
Right. Jill put her musings on hold and stepped out
into the hall.
She noticed the smell before she actually saw the
zombie farther down the corridor, crumpled to the
floor. The small wall sconces cast an uneven glow over
the body, reflecting off of dark red trim and tinting
everything in the corridor a smoky crimson. She

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trained her weapon on the still body and heard a
door closing somewhere close by.
He'd said he was going to be in the mansion's other
wing, but maybe he'd found something and had come
looking for her ... or maybe she was finally going to
meet up with someone else from the team.
Smiling at the thought she hurried down the
gloomy hall, eager to see another familiar face. As she
neared the corner, a fresh wave of decay washed over
her and the fallen creature at her feet grabbed at her
boot, clutching her ankle with surprising strength.
Startled, Jill flailed her arms to keep her balance,
crying out in disgust as the slobbering zombie inched
its rotting face toward her boot. Its peeling, skeletal
fingers scrabbled weakly at the thick leather, seeking a
firmer grip and Jill instinctively brought her other boot
down on the back of its head, the heavy treads sliding
across the skull with a sickening wet sound. A wide
piece of flaking scalp tore away, revealing glistening
bone. The creature kept clawing at her, oblivious to
The second and third kicks hit the back of its
neck and on the fourth, she felt as much as heard
the dull snap of vertebrae giving out, crushed beneath
her heel.
The pale hands fluttered and with a choking, liquid
sigh, the zombie settled to the musty carpet.
Jill stepped over the limp body and ran around the
corner, swallowing back bile. She was convinced that
the pitiful creatures roaming the halls were victims
somehow, just as much as Becky and Pris had been,
and releasing them to death was a kindness, but they
were also a menace, not to mention morbidly un-
wholesome. She had to be more cautious.
There was a door to her right, heavy wood overlaid
with twining metal designs. There was a picture of
armor over the key plate, but like the other doors
she'd come across upstairs, it was unlocked.
There was no one inside the well-lit room but she
hesitated, suddenly reluctant to continue her search
for whoever else was wandering the area. Two walls of
the large chamber were lined with full suits of armor,
eight to a side, and there was a small display case at
the back - not to mention a large red switch set into
the middle of the gray tiled floor.
Another trap? Or a puzzle. . .
Intrigued, she walked into the room and headed for
the glass fronted display, the silent, lifeless guards
seeming to watch her every move. There were a
couple of mysterious grated holes in the floor, one on

background image

either side of the red switch, for ventilation per-
haps and she felt her heart speed up a little, sud-
denly sure that she had found another of the
mansion's traps.
A quick inspection of the dusty display case de-
cided it for her; there wasn't any way that she could
see to open it, the glass front a single thick piece. And
something in one shadowy niche at the bottom
glinted like dull copper.
I'm supposed to push that button, thinking that it
will open the case and then what?
She had a sudden vivid image of the ventilation
holes sealing off and the door locking itself, a death by
slow suffocation in an airless tomb. The chamber
could fill with water, or some kind of poisonous gas.
She looked around the room, frowning, wondering if
she should try to block the door open or if perhaps
there was another switch hidden in one of the empty
suits. . .
. . . every riddle has more than one answer, Jilly,
don't forget it.
Jill grinned suddenly. Why push the button at all?
She crouched down next to the case and took a firm
grip on the barrel of her handgun. With a single firm
tap, the glass cracked, thin lines spidering away from
the impact. She used the butt of the gun to knock out
a thick chunk and reached carefully inside.
She withdrew a hexagonal copper crest, engraved
with an archaic smiling sun. She smiled back at it,
pleased with her solution. Apparently some of the
house's tricks could be worked around, provided she
ignored a few rules of fair play. All the same, she
found herself hurrying back to the door, not wanting
to call it a win until she was clear of the solemn
Stepping back into the blood-hued corridor, she
stood for a moment, holding the crest as she weighed
her options. She could continue to look for whoever
had closed that door, or head back to the puzzle lock
and place the crest. As much as she wanted to find her
team, Barry had been right about needing to get out of
the mansion. If any of the other S.T.A.R.S. were still
alive, they'd surely also be looking for an escape.
Her thoughtful gaze fell across the fetid, broken
creature that she'd killed, lingering on the slowly
spreading pool of dark fluids surrounding its scabby
head and she realized suddenly that she desperately
wanted to leave the house, to escape its tainted air and
the pestilent creatures that stalked its cold and dusty
halls. She wanted out, and as soon as was humanly

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Her decision made, Jill hurried back the way she'd
come, gripping the heavy crest tightly. She'd already
uncovered two of the pieces that the S.T.A.R.S.
needed to escape the mansion. She didn't know what
they'd be escaping to, but anything had to be better
than what they would leave behind. . .

Rebecca immediately dropped to her
knees next to the Bravo, feeling his throat for a pulse
with one trembling hand.
Chris stared mutely down at the torn body, already
knowing that she wouldn't find a heartbeat; the gap-
ing wound on Richard Aiken's right shoulder was
drying, no fresh blood seeping through the mutilated
tissue. He was dead.
He watched Rebecca's slender hand slowly drop
away from the Bravo's neck and then reach up to close
his glazed, unseeing eyes. Her shoulders slumped.
Chris felt sick over their discovery; the communica-
tions expert had been a positive, sweet guy, and only
twenty-three years old. . . .
He looked around the silent room, searching ran-
domly for some clue as to how Richard had died. The
room they'd entered just off the second-floor balcony
was undecorated and empty. Except for Richard,
there was nothing.
Frowning, Chris took a few steps toward the room's
second entrance and crouched down, brushing at the
dark tile floor. There was a dried crust of blood in the
shape of a boot heel between Richard's body and
the plain wooden door ten feet away. He stared at the
door thoughtfully, tightening his hold on the Beretta.
Whatever killed him is on the other side, maybe
waiting for more victims.
"Chris, take a look at this."
Rebecca was still kneeling by Richard, her gaze
fixed on the bloody mass of his torn shoulder. Chris
joined her, not sure what he was supposed to be
looking at. The wound was ragged and messy, the
flesh discolored by trauma. Strange, though, how it
didn't seem very deep.
"See those purple lines, radiating out from the cuts?
And the way the muscle has been punctured, here and
She pointed out two dark holes about six
inches apart, each surrounded by skin that had turned
an infected-looking red.
Rebecca sat back on her heels, looking up at him.
"I think he was poisoned. It looks like a snake bite."
Chris stared at her. "What snake gets that big?"
She shook her head, standing. "Got me. Maybe it
was something else. But that wound shouldn't have

background image

killed him, it would have taken hours for him to bleed
out. I'm pretty sure he was poisoned."

Chris regarded her with new respect; she had a good
eye for details and was handling herself remarkably
well, considering.
He searched Richard's body quickly, coming up
with another full clip and a short-wave radio. He
handed both to Rebecca, tucking Richard's empty
Beretta into his waistband.
He looked at the door again, then back at Rebecca.
"Whatever killed him might be back there."
"Then we'll have to be careful,"
she said. Without
another word, she walked to the door and stood there,
waiting for him.
I've gotta stop thinking of her as a kid. She's outlived
most of the rest of her team already, she doesn't need
me to patronize her or tell her to wait behind.
He stepped up to the door and nodded at her. She
turned the knob and pushed it open, both of them
raising their weapons as they edged into a narrow
Straight ahead were a few wood steps leading to a
closed door. To their left, an offshoot of the hall,
another door at the end. There was blood smeared on
the walls bordering the steps, and Chris was suddenly
certain that it was Richard's; his killer was behind
that door.
He motioned down the offshoot, speaking quietly.
"You take that room. You run into any trouble, come
back here and wait. Check back in five minutes either
Rebecca nodded and moved down the narrow hall.
Chris waited until she'd gone into the room before
climbing the steps, his heart already thudding solidly
against his ribs.
The door was locked, but Chris saw that there was a
tiny shield etched next to keyhole. Rebecca was
turning out to be more useful than he could have
possibly imagined. He took out the key she'd given
him and unlocked the wide door, checking his Beretta
before moving inside.
It was a large attic, as plain and unassuming as the
rest of the mansion was ornate. Wooden support
beams extended from the floor to the sloping ceiling,
and other than a few boxes and barrels against the
walls, it was empty.
Chris walked farther in, his guard up as he scanned
for movement. At the other side of the long room was
a partial wall, maybe four feet by nine, standing
several feet from the back of the attic. It reminded
him of a horse stall, and it was the only area that

background image

wasn't open to view. Chris moved toward it slowly,
his boots against the wood floor sending hollow
echoes through the cool air.
He edged to the wall, training his Beretta over the
top as he peered down, heart pounding.
No snake, but there was a jagged hole near the
floorboards between the two walls, a foot high and a
couple across and a strange, acrid odor, musky, like
the smell of some wild animal. Frowning at the scent,
Chris started to back away and stopped,
leaning in closer. There was a rounded piece of metal
next to the hole, like a penny the size of a small fist.
There was something engraved on it, a crescent shape.
Chris walked around the side and into the stall,
keeping a wary eye on the hole as he crouched down
and picked up the metal piece. It was a six-sided disk
of copper with a moon on it, a nice bit of craftsmanship.
Inside the hole, a soft, sliding sound.
Chris jumped back, targeting the opening as he
moved. He backed up quickly until his shoulders
brushed the attic wall, then started to edge away
and a dark cylinder shot out of the opening,
lightning fast. It was as big around as a dinner plate
and it hit the wall inches from his right leg, wood
crunching from the impact.
-oh shit that's a SNAKE-
Chris stumbled away as the giant reptile reared
back, pulling more of its long, dusky body out of the
wall. Hissing, it raised up, lifting its head as high as
Chris's chest and exposing dripping fangs.
Chris ran halfway across the room and spun, firing
at the massive, diamond-shaped head. The snake let
out a strange, hissing cry as a shot tore through one
side of its gaping mouth, punching a hole through the
tightly stretched skin.
It dropped back to the floor and whipped itself
toward him with a single waving push of its muscular
body, at least twenty feet long. Chris fired again and a
chunk of scaly flesh erupted from the snake's back,
dark blood spewing from the wound.
With another roaring hiss, the animal reared up in
front of him, its head only inches away from Chris's
gun, blood gushing from the hole in its mouth-
-Eyes. Get the eyes-
Chris pulled the trigger and the snake fell across
him, knocking him to the floor, its body thrashing
wildly. The tail slammed into one of the thick support
beams hard enough to crack it as Chris struggled to
free his pinned arms, to at least hurt it worse before
he died and the cold, heavy body suddenly went limp,
sagging bonelessly to the floor.

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"Chris!" Rebecca rushed into the room, and
stopped cold, staring at the monstrous reptile.
His boot found one of the wooden supports and
with a tremendous shove, Chris managed to wiggle
out from beneath the thick body. Rebecca reached
down to help him up, her eyes wide with awe.
They stared down at the wound that had killed the
Creature the black, liquid hole where its right eye
had been, obliterated by a nine-millimeter slug.
"Are you okay?" She asked softly.
Chris nodded; a few bruised ribs maybe, but so
He'd literally been inches from certain death,
and all because he'd stopped to. . .
He held up the copper crest, having to pry his
clenched fingers from around the thick metal. He'd
held onto it throughout the attack without even
realizing it and looking at it now, he had a gut
feeling that it was important somehow. . .
. . . maybe because you were almost snake-food for
picking it up?
Rebecca took it from him, tracing a finger over the
engraved moon.
"You find anything?" he asked.
Rebecca shook her head. "Table, couple of
shelves . . . what's this for, anyway?"

Chris shrugged, looking back down at the bloody
hole where the snake's shining eye had been. He
shuddered involuntarily, thinking of what would have
happened if he'd missed that final shot.
"Maybe we'll figure it out somewhere along the
he said quietly. "Come on, let's get out of

Rebecca handed the crest back to him and together
they hurried out of the cold attic. As he closed the
door behind them, Chris realized suddenly that al-
though he'd never cared before, he now absolutely
hated snakes.

Barry walked heavily up the stairs in the main hall,
the knot of dread in the pit of his stomach tightening
with each step. He'd been through every room he
could open in the east wing and had come up empty-
The same horrible images played through his mind
over and over as he trudged up the steps. Kathy and
Moira and Poly Anne, terrified and suffering at the
hands of strangers in their own home. Kathy knew
the combination to the gun safe in the basement, but
the chances of her making it down the stairs before
someone could get in. . .

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Barry reached the first landing and took a deep,
shaky breath. Kathy wouldn't even think to run for
the weapons if she heard someone breaking through
one of the windows or doors. Her first priority would
be to get to the girls, to make sure they were okay.
If I don't turn up those crests soon, nothing will be
He hadn't seen a phone or radio anywhere in the
house. If Wesker couldn't get to that laboratory, how
would he be able to contact the people at White
Umbrella and call off the killers?

Barry reached the door on the upper landing that
led into the west wing. His only hope was that either
Jill or Wesker had managed to find the three missing
pieces. He didn't know where Wesker was (although
he had no doubts that the rat-bastard would turn up
soon enough), but Jill would probably still be search-
ing upstairs. They could split up the rooms she hadn't
checked and at least rule out the least likely areas. If
they couldn't uncover any more of the crests, he'd
have to go back through the east wing and start
ripping apart furniture.
He opened the door that led into the red hallway,
lost in thought and very nearly ran into Chris
Redfield and Rebecca Chambers as they stepped out
of the doorway on his right.
Chris's face lit up with a broad, beaming grin.
The younger man stepped forward and embraced
him roughly, then backed up, still grinning. "Jesus,
it's good to see you! I was starting to think that me
and Rebecca were the last ones alive. Where are Jill
and Wesker?"
Barry pasted a smile on as he fumbled for an
acceptable answer, feeling almost sick with guilt.
Lying to Jill hadn't been easy, but he'd known Chris
for years. . .
-Kathy and the girls, dead-
"Jill and I came after you, but all the doors in that
hall were locked and when we got back to the lobby,
the captain was gone. Since then, we've been looking
for you two and trying to find a way out."
Barry smiled more naturally. "It's good to see you,
too. Both of you."
At least that much is true.
"So Wesker just disappeared?" Chris asked.
Barry nodded, uncomfortable. "Yeah. And we
found Ken. One of those ghouls got to him."

Chris sighed. "I saw. Forest and Richard are dead,
Barry felt a wave of sadness and swallowed thickly,

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suddenly hating Wesker even more. The people
Wesker worked for had done this and now they
wanted to cover it all up, avoiding responsibility for
their actions.
And like it or not, I'm going to help them do it.

Barry took a deep breath and fixed an image of his
wife and daughters in his mind's eye. "Jill found a
back door, and we think it could be a way out - ex-
cept its got this trick lock, like a puzzle, and we have
to get all the pieces together to open it. There are
these four metal crests, made out of copper. Jill got
one already, and we think the rest are hidden through-
out the mansion. . ."
He trailed off at Chris's sudden grin as Chris
reached into his vest. "Something like this?"
Barry stared at the crest that Chris had produced,
feeling his heart speed up. "Yeah, that's one of them!
Where'd you find it?"
Rebecca spoke up, smiling shyly. "He had to fight a
big snake for it - a really big snake. I think it may
have been affected by the accident, though a cross-
genus virus . . . those are pretty rare."

Barry reached for the crest as casually as he could
manage, frowning. "Accident?"
Chris nodded. "We found some information that
suggests there's some kind of secret research facility
here on the estate and that something they were
working on got loose. A virus."

"One that can apparently infect mammals and
Rebecca added. "Not just different species,
different families."
It's certainly infected mine, Barry thought bleakly.
He let his frown deepen, feigning thoughtfulness as
he struggled to come up with an excuse to get away.
The captain wouldn't approach him unless he was
alone, and he was desperate to get the copper piece
into place, to prove that he was still on board,
cooperating and that he'd convinced the rest of the
team to help him look. He could feel the seconds
ticking away, the metal growing warm beneath his
sweating fingers.
"We need to get the feds in on this," he said finally,
"a full investigation, military support, quarantine of
the area."

Chris and Rebecca were both nodding, and again
Barry felt nearly overwhelmed by guilt. God, if only
they weren't so trusting.
"But to do that, we have to find all of these crests.
Jill might've turned up another one by now, maybe
both of them. . ."
. . . I can only pray . . .

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"Do you know where she is?" Chris asked.
Barry nodded, thinking fast. "I'm pretty sure, but
this place is kind of a maze . . . why don't you wait in
the main hall while I go get her? That way we can
organize our search, do a more thorough job.
He smiled, hoping it looked more convincing than
it felt. "Though if we don't turn up soon, keep
looking for more of those pieces. The back door is at
the end of the west wing corridors, first floor."

Chris just stared at him for a moment, and Barry
could see the questions forming in his bright gaze,
questions that Barry wouldn't be able to answer: Why
split up at all? What about finding the missing cap-
tain? How could he be certain that the back door was
an escape?
Please, please just do as I say.
Chris said reluctantly. "We'll wait, but if
she's not where you think she is, come back and get
us. We stand a better chance of making it through this
place if we stick together."

Barry nodded, and before Chris could say anything
more, he turned and jogged away down the dim hall.
He'd seen the hesitation in Chris's eyes, heard the
uncertainty in his voice and with his final words,
Barry had felt himself wanting desperately to warn his
friend of Wesker's betrayal. Leaving was the only way
to keep himself from saying something he might
regret, something that might get his family killed.
As soon as he heard the door back to the balcony
close, he picked up speed, taking the corners at a full
run. There was a dead zombie near the door that led
to the stairs, and Barry leaped over it, the stench
falling away as he ducked through the connecting
passage. He took the back stairs three at a time as his
conscience yammered mercilessly away at him, re-
minding him of his treachery.
You're a liar, Barry, using your friends the way
Wesker's using you, playing on their trust. You could've
told them what was really going on, let them help you
put a stop to it.
Barry shook the thoughts away as he reached the
door to the covered walk, slamming the heavy metal
aside. He couldn't risk it, wouldn 't - what if Wesker
had been nearby, had overheard? The captain had
Barry's family to blackmail him with, but once Chris
and the others knew the truth, what was to stop
Wesker from just killing them? If he helped Wesker
destroy the evidence, the S.T.A.R.S. wouldn't be able
to prove anything, the captain could just let them all
walk away.
Barry reached the diagram next to the back door

background image

and stopped, staring. Relief flooded through him, cool
and sweet. Three of the four openings were filled, the
sun, wind, and star crests in place. It was over.
He can get to the lab now, call off his people, he
doesn 't need us anymore! I can go back in and keep the
team busy while he does whatever he has to do, the
RPD will show eventually and we can forget this ever
He was so elated that he didn't register the muted
footsteps on the stone path behind him, didn't realize
that he wasn't alone anymore until Wesker's smooth
voice spoke up beside him.
"Why don't you finish the puzzle, Mr. Burton?"
Barry jumped, startled. He glared at Wesker, loath-
ing the smug, bland face behind the sunglasses.
Wesker smiled, nodding his head at the copper crest
in Barry's hand.
"Yeah, right," Barry muttered darkly, and slipped
the final piece into place. There was a thick metallic
sound from inside the door, ka-chink
and Wesker walked past him, pushing the door
open to reveal a small, well-used tool shed. Barry
peered inside, saw the exit at the opposite wall. There
was no diagram set next to it, no more crazy puzzles
to figure out.
Kathy and the girls were safe.
With a low bow, Wesker motioned for Barry to step
inside the shed, still smiling.
"Time's short, Barry, and there's still a lot for us to do."
Barry stared at him, confused. "What do you
mean? You can get to the lab now."

"Well, there's been a slight change of plans. See, it
turns out that I need to find something else, and I
have an idea of where it might be, but there are some
dangers involved . . . and you've done such a good
job so far, I want you to come along."
Wesker's smile transformed into a shark-like grin, a
cold, pitiless reminder of what was at stake.
"In fact, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to
insist on it."
After a long, terrible moment, Barry nodded helplessly.



My dearest Alma,
I sit here trying to think of where to begin, of how to
explain in a few simple words all that's happened in my life
since we last spoke, and already I fail. I hope this letter finds
you well and whole, and that you will forgive the tangents of
my pen; this isn't easy for me. Even as I write, I can feel the
simplest of concepts slipping away, lost to feelings of despair

background image

and confusion, but I have to tell you what's in my heart
before I can rest. Be patient, and accept that what I tell you
is the truth.
The entire story would take hours for me to tell you, and
time is short, so accept these things as fact: last month there
was an accident in the lab and the virus we were studying
escaped. All my colleagues who were infected are dead or
dying, and the nature of the disease is such that those still
living have lost their senses. This virus robs its victims of
their humanity, forcing them in their sickness to seek out
and destroy life. Even as I write these words, I can hear
them, pressing against my locked door like mindless,
hungry animals, crying out like lost souls.
There aren't words true enough, deep enough to describe
the sorrow and shame that I feel knowing that I had a hand
in their creation. I believe that they feel nothing now, no
fear or pain, but that they can't experience the horror of
what they've become doesn't free me of my terrible burden.
I am, in part, responsible for this nightmare that surrounds
In spite of the guilt that is burned into my very being,
that will haunt my every breath, I might have tried to
survive, if only to see you again. But my best efforts only
delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure
for what will follow - except to end my life before I lose the
only thing that separates me from them. My love for you.
Please understand. Please know that I'm sorry.
Martin Crackhorn
Jill sighed, laying the crumpled paper gently on the
desk. The creatures were victims of their own re-
search. It seemed she'd had the right idea about what
had happened in the mansion, though reading the
heartfelt letter put a serious damper on any pride she
might have taken from her deduction skills. After
placing the sun crest, she'd decided that the upstairs
office merited a closer look and with a little digging,
she'd found the final scrawled testament of Crack-
horn, tucked in a drawer.
Crackhorn, Martin Crackhorn - that was one of the
names on Trent's list. . .
Jill frowned, walking slowly back to the office door.
For some reason, Trent wanted the S.T.A.R.S. to
figure out what had happened at the mansion before
anyone else did, but with as much as he obviously
knew about it, why not just tell them outright? And
what did he stand to gain by telling them anything at
She stepped through the office's small foyer and
back out into the hall, still frowning. Barry had been
acting strange before, and she needed to find out why.
Maybe she could get a straight answer if she just asked

background image

him outright. . .
. . .or maybe not. Either way, it'll tell me something.
Jill stopped by the back stairs, taking a deep
breath and realized that something was different.
She looked around uncertainly, trying to figure out
what it was her senses were telling her.
It's warmer. Just a little, but it's definitely warmer.
And the air isn't quite as stale. . .
Like someone had opened a window. Or maybe a
Jill turned and jogged down the stairs, suddenly
anxious to check the puzzle lock. Reaching the bot-
tom of the steps, she saw that the door connecting one
hall to the next was standing open. She could hear
crickets singing faintly, feel the fresh night air wafting
toward her through the frigid mustiness of the house.
She hurried to the darker corridor and hooked a
right, trying not to get her hopes up. Another sharp
right and she could see the door that led to the
covered walkway standing open.
Maybe that's all it is, it doesn't mean the puzzle's

Jill broke into a run, feeling the clean warmth of
summer air against her skin as she rounded the corner
in the stone path and let out a short, triumphant laugh as she saw
the four placed crests next to the open door. A warm
breeze was flowing through the room that the puzzle
had unlocked, a small storage shed for gardening
tools. The metal door on the wall opposite was
standing open, and Jill could see moonlight playing
across a brick wall just past the rusted hinges.
Barry had been right, the door led outside. They'd
be able to get help now, find a safe route through the
woods or at least signal.
But if Barry found the missing pieces, why didn't he
come looking for me?
Jill's grin faded as she stepped into the shed,
absently taking in the dusty boxes and barrels that
lined the gray stone walls. Barry had known where she
was, had suggested himself that she take the second
floor of the west wing. . .
So maybe it wasn 't Barry who opened the door.
True, it could've been Chris or Wesker or one of the
Bravos. If that was the case, she should probably go
back in and look for Barry.
Or investigate a little first, make sure it's worth the
It was a bit of a rationalization, but she had to
admit to herself that the thought of returning to the
mansion with a possible escape in front of her wasn't
all that enticing. She unholstered her Beretta and

background image

walked toward the outer door, her decision made.
The first thing she noticed was the sound of rushing
water over the soft forest noises that filled the cooling
air, like a waterfall. The second and third were the
bodies of the two dogs that lay across the irregular
stone path, shot to death.
Pretty safe bet that one of the S.T.A.R.S. came this
way. . .
Jill edged out into a high-walled courtyard, low
hedges set into brick planters on either side. Dark
clouds hung oppressively low overhead. Across the
open space was a barred iron gate just past an island
of shrubs; to her left, a straight path overshadowed by
the ten-foot-high brick walls that bordered it. The
gentle waterfall sound seemed to come from that
direction, though the path ended abruptly in a metal
gate a few feet high.
Stairs going down maybe?
Jill hesitated, looked back at the arched, rusty gate
in front of her and then at the curled bodies of the
mutant dogs. They were both closer to the gate than
the walkway, and assuming they'd been killed while
attacking, the shooter would have been headed in that
There was a sudden sound of water splashing
wildly, making the decision for her. Jill turned and
ran down the moonlit walk, hoping to catch a glimpse
of whatever was making the noise.
She reached the end of the stone path and leaned
over the gate, then drew back a little, surprised by
the sudden drop off. There were no stairs, the gate
opened to a tiny platform elevator and a huge, open
courtyard, twenty feet below.
The splashing was off to the right, and Jill looked
down and across the wide yard just in time to see a
shadowy figure walk through the waterfall she'd
heard, disappearing behind the curtain of water that
cascaded down the west wall.
What the hell?
She stared at the small waterfall, blinking, not sure
if her eyes were playing tricks on her. The splashing
had stopped as soon as the person disappeared, and
she was fairly certain that she wasn't hearing things-
which meant that the rushing water concealed a secret
Great, that's just what this place needs. Lord knows I
didn't get enough of that inside.
The controls for the one-man lift were on a metal
bar next to the rusting gate, the platform itself down
in the courtyard. Jill toggled the power switch, but
nothing happened. She'd have to get down another

background image

way, wasting time while the mysterious splasher got
farther away.
Unless. . .
Jill looked down the narrow elevator shaft, an inset
square only three feet across and open on the side
facing the yard. Coming up would be a bitch, but
descending? Cake. She could crouch her way down in
a minute or less, using her back and legs to support
her weight.
As she unstrapped the shotgun from her back in
preparation for the climb, a disturbing thought oc-
curred to her - if the person who'd gone through the
waterfall was one of the S.T.A.R.S., how had they
known that the passage was even there?

Good question, and not one she wanted to linger
over. Holding the shotgun tightly, Jill pushed the gate
open and carefully started down the shaft.

They'd given Barry a full fifteen minutes before
heading through the winding halls of the west wing
and finding the open back door.
They stood therenow, looking at the slab of copper
and its four engraved crests.
Chris stared at the crescent moon that Barry had
taken, feeling confused and more than a little worried.
Barry was one of the most honest, straightforward guys
that he had ever known. If he said that he was going to
look for Jill and then come back for them, then that's
what he meant to do.
But he didn't come back. And if he ran into trouble,
how did the piece I gave him end up here?
He didn't like any of the explanations his mind was
giving him to work with. Someone could have taken it
from him, he could've placed it himself and then been
injured somehow ... the possibilities seemed end-
less, and none of them good.
Sighing, he turned away from the diagram and
looked at Rebecca. "Whatever happened to Barry, we
should go ahead. This may be the only way off the
Rebecca smiled a little. "Fine by me. It just feels
good to get out of there, you know?"

"Yeah, no kidding," he said, with feeling. He hadn't
even realized how accustomed he'd grown to the cold,
oppressive atmosphere of the house until they'd left
it. The difference was truly amazing.
They walked through the tidy storage room and
stopped at the back door, both of them breathing
deeply. Rebecca checked her Beretta for about the
hundredth time since they'd left the main hall, chew-
ing at her lower lip nervously. Chris could see how

background image

tightly wound she was and tried to think if there was
anything she needed to know, anything that would
help her if they were forced into a combat situation.
S.T.A.R.S. training covered all the basics, but shoot-
ing at a video screen with a toy gun was a far cry from
the real thing.
He grinned suddenly, remembering the words of
wisdom he'd gotten on his first operation, a stand-off
with a small group of whacked-out survivalists in
upstate New York. He'd been terrified, and trying
desperately not to show it. The captain for the mis-
sion had been a tough-as-nails explosives expert, an
extremely short woman named Kaylor. She'd pulled
him aside just before they went in, looked him up and
down, and given him the single best piece of advice
he'd ever received.
"Son," she'd said, "no matter what happens when
the shooting starts, try not to wet your pants."

It had surprised him out of his nervousness, the
statement so totally weird that he'd literally been
forced to let go of the worst of his fear to make room
for it.
"What are you grinning about?"
Chris shook his head, the smile fading. Somehow,
he didn't think it would work on Rebecca and the
dangers they faced didn't shoot back. "Long story.
Come on, let's go."
They moved out into the calm night air, crickets
and cicadas buzzing sleepily in the surrounding
woods. They were in a kind of courtyard, high brick
walls on either side, an offshoot walkway to their left.
Chris could hear rushing water nearby and the
mournful cry of a dog or coyote in the distance, a
lonely, faraway sound.
Speaking of dogs . . .
There were a couple of them sprawled out across
the stones, soft moonlight glistening against their wet,
sinewy bodies. Chris edged up to one of them and
crouched down, touching its flank. He quickly pulled
his hand back, scowling; the mutant dog was sticky
and warm, like it had been sheathed in a thick layer of
He stood up, wiping his hand on his pants. "Hasn't
been dead long,"
he said quietly. "Less than an hour,
There was a rusted iron gate just past some hedges
in front of them. Chris nodded at Rebecca and as they
walked toward it, the sound of rushing water in-
creased to a dull roar.
Chris pushed at the gate and it swung open on
violently squealing hinges, revealing a huge, cut stone

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reservoir, easily the size of a couple of swimming
pools put together. Deep shadows draped and hung at
every side, caused by the seemingly solid walls of
murky green trees and lush vegetation that threatened
to break through the bordering rails.
They moved forward, stopping at the edge of the
massive pool. It was apparently in the slow process of
being drained, the turbulent noise caused by the
narrow flow of water through a raised gate on the east
side. There wasn't a complete path around the reser-
voir, but Chris saw that there was a walkway bisecting
the pool itself, about five feet below water level. There
were bolted ladders at both sides, and the path had
obviously been submerged until quite recently, the
stones dark with dripping algae.
Chris studied the unusual setup for a moment,
wondering how anyone got across when it wasn't
being drained. Another mystery to add to the growing
Without speaking, they climbed down and hurried
across, boots squelching against the slimy stones, a
clammy humidity enveloping them. Chris quickly
scaled the second ladder, reaching down to help
Rebecca up.
The heavily shaded path was littered with branches
and pine needles and appeared to border the east end
of the reservoir, passing over the open floodgate. They
started toward the forced waterfall and had only
gotten a few feet when it started to rain.
Plop. Plop, plop.
Chris frowned, an inner voice informing him coolly
that he shouldn't be able to hear raindrops over the
roar of the draining water. He looked up
and saw a twisted branch fall from the stretching
foliage hanging over the rail, a branch that hit the
stones and slid smoothly away -
- that's not a branch -
- and there were dozens of them already on the
ground, twisting across the dark stones, hissing and
writhing as they fell from the trees overhead.
He and Rebecca were surrounded by snakes.
"Oh, shit!"
Startled, Rebecca turned to look at Chris and felt
cold terror shoot through her, her heart squeezed in
its icy grip as she took in the path behind him. The
ground had come to life, black shapes coiling toward
their feet and dropping from above like living rain.
Rebecca started to raise her gun, realizing numbly
that there were too many even as Chris roughly
grabbed her arm.

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They stumbled forward, Rebecca crying out invol-
untarily as a thick, writhing body fell across her
shoulder, a touch of cool scales against her arm as it
slid heavily off and hit the stones.
The path zig-zagged and they ran through the
shifting shadows, heels crunching down on rubbery,
moving flesh, throwing them off balance. Snakes
darted forward to strike at their passing boots as they
ran over a steel grate, black, foaming water thunder-
ing below, the sound of their boots hitting metal lost
to the liquid roar.
Ahead of them, the stones were clearer, but the
path also dropped off sharply, a small elevator plat-
form marking its end. There was no place left to go.
They crowded on to the tiny platform and Rebecca
snatched at the controls, her breath coming in pan-
icked gasps. Chris turned and fired repeatedly, the
shots blasting over the crash of water as Rebecca
found the operating button and slammed it down.
The platform shuddered and started to descend,
slipping down past rock walls toward a massive,
empty courtyard below. Rebecca turned, raising the
Beretta to help Chris and felt her jaw drop,
her throat locking at the gruesome scene.
There had to be hundreds of them,
the path almost completely hidden by the slithering
creatures, hissing and squirming in an alien frenzy as
they struck wildly at each other. By the time she
managed to unfreeze, the loathsome sight had risen
past eye level and was gone.
The ride seemed to last forever, both of them
staring up at the edge of the path they'd left behind,
tensely, breathlessly waiting for the bodies to start
falling. When the lift was within a few feet of the
bottom, they both jumped off, stumbling quickly
away from the wall.
They both leaned against the cool rock, gasping.
Rebecca took in the courtyard they'd escaped to in
between shuddering breaths, letting the sound of the
splashing waterfall soothe her nerves. It was a huge,
open space made out of brick and stone, the colors
washed out and hazy in the frail light. The water from
the reservoir above tumbled down into two stone
pools nearby, and there was a single gate across from
And no snakes.
She took a final deep breath and blew it out, then
turned to Chris.
"Were you bit?"
He shook his head. "You?"

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"No," she said. "Though if it's all the same to you,
I'd rather not go back that way. I'm more of a cat-
person, really."

Chris stared at her for a moment and then grinned,
pushing away from the wall. "Funny, I would've
figured you for lab rats. I ..."

The radio!
Rebecca grabbed at the unit hooked to her belt, the
snakes suddenly forgotten. It was the sound she'd
been hoping to hear ever since they'd found Richard.
They were being hailed, maybe by searchers.
She thumbed the receiver and held the radio up so
they could both hear. Static crackled through the
tinny speaker along with the soft whine of a wavering
". . . this is Brad!. . . Alpha team . . . read? If. . .
can hear this..."
His voice disappeared in a burst of static. Rebecca
hit the transmit button and spoke quickly.
"Brad? Brad, come in!"
The signal was gone. They both listened for a
moment longer, but nothing else came through.
"He must have gotten out of range," Chris said. He
sighed, walking farther out into the open yard and
gazing up at the dark, overcast sky.
Rebecca clipped the silent radio back to her belt,
still feeling more hopeful than she had all night. The
pilot was out there somewhere, circling around and
looking for them. Now that they were clear of the
mansion, they'd be able to hear him signal.
Assuming he comes back.
Rebecca ignored the thought and walked over to
join Chris, who had found another tiny elevator
platform, tucked in the corner across from the water-
fall. A quick check showed it to be without power.
Chris turned toward the gate, slapping a fresh clip
into his Beretta. "Shall we see what's behind door
number one?"
It was a rhetorical question. Unless they wanted to
go back through the snakes, it was their only option.
Just the same, Rebecca smiled and nodded, wanting
to make sure he knew she was ready and hoping
desperately that if anything else happened, she would



open pit in the dank tunnel, staring helplessly at the

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door on the other side. The pit was too wide to safely
jump and there was no way to climb down, at least none
that she could see. She'd have to go back and try the
door by the ladder.
Her frustrated sigh turned into a shiver. The damp
chill emanating from the stone walls would have been
bad enough without her being dripping wet.
Great secret passage. To use it, you have to catch
A glint of metal caught her gaze as she turned, feet
squelching in her boots. She peered down at it,
brushing a wet strand of hair out of her eyes. It was a
small iron plate set into the stone, a six-sided hole
about the size of a quarter at the center. She looked
back at the door thoughtfully.
Maybe it works as a bridge, or lowers stairs . . . ?
It didn't matter, since she didn't have whatever tool
it required, it was as good as a dead end. Besides, it
was unlikely that whoever she'd seen walking through
the waterfall had managed to get across.
Jill walked back through the twisting passage to-
ward the entrance to the tunnel, still in awe of what
she'd found behind the curtain of water. It appeared
that there was a whole network of tunnels running
beneath the estate. The walls were rough and uneven,
chunks of sandy limestone protruding at odd
angles-but the sheer amount of work that had gone
into creating the underground path was mind-
She reached the metal door next to the ladder,
having to make a conscious effort not to let her teeth
chatter as a cold draft swept down from the courtyard
above. The sound of the waterfall was strangely
muted. The steady, echoing rhythm of water dripping
to the rock floor was much louder, giving the tunnels a
somewhat medieval feel. . .
She pulled the door open and froze, feeling a rush
of mixed emotions as Barry Burton whirled around to
face her, revolver in hand. Surprise won.
He quickly lowered his weapon, looking as shocked
as she felt and just about as wet, too. His T-shirt
clung to his broad shoulders, his short hair plastered
to his skull.
"Jill! How did you get down here?"
"Same way you did, apparently. But how did you
He held up his hand, shushing her. "Listen."
They stood in tense silence, Jill looking up and
down the stone corridor and failing to hear whatever
Barry had heard. There were metal doors at either

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end, cast in shadow by the dim utility lights overhead.
"I thought I heard something," he said finally.
"Voices ..."
Before she could ask any questions, he turned and
faced her, smiling uneasily. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't
wait for you, but I heard somebody walking out in the
garden and had to take a look. I found this place by
accident, kind of tripped and fell in ... anyway. I'm
glad you're here. Let's check around, see what we can
dig up."
Jill nodded, but decided to keep a close eye on
Barry for awhile. Maybe she was paranoid, but in
spite of his words, he didn't seem all that happy to see
her. . .
Watch and wait, her mind whispered. For now,
there was nothing else she could do.
Barry led them toward the door to the right, hold-
ing his Colt up. He pulled the handle, revealing
another gloomy tunnel.
A few steps in to the right was another metal door
and across from it, the passage veered sharply into
almost complete darkness. Barry motioned at the
door and Jill nodded. He pushed it open and the two
of them moved in to another silent corridor.
Jill sighed inwardly as she studied the bare rocky
walls, wishing that she had a piece of chalk with her.
The tunnel they were in now looked pretty much like
all the rest of them, turning left up ahead. She already
felt lost, and hoped that there weren't too many more
twists and turns.
"Hello? Who's there!" A deep, familiar voice
shouted from somewhere ahead of them, the words
echoing through the passage.
"Enrico?" Jill called out.
"Jill? Is that you?"
Excited, Jill ran the last few steps to the corner and
around, Barry right behind her. The Bravo team
leader was still alive, had somehow ended up down
Jill rounded the next corner and saw him sitting
against the wall, the tunnel widening out and ending
in a shadowy alcove.
"Hold it! Stop right there!"
She froze, staring at the Beretta he had pointed at
her. He was injured, blood seeping from his leg and
puddling on the floor.
"Are you with anyone, Jill?" His dark eyes were
narrowed with suspicion, the black bore of his semi-
automatic unwavering.
"Barry's here, too - Enrico, what happened?
What's this about?"

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As Barry stepped out from behind the corner,
Enrico stared at them both for a long moment, his
gaze darting back and forth nervously and then he
sagged, lowering his gun as he fell back against the
stones. Barry and Jill hurried over, crouching down
next to the wounded Bravo.
"I'm sorry," he said weakly. "I had to make
It was as though defending himself had taken his
last bit of strength. Jill took his hand gently, alarmed
at how pale he was. Blood oozed from his thigh, his
pants soaked with it.
"This whole thing was a set-up," he breathed,
turning his watering gaze toward her. "I got lost, I
climbed the fence, saw the tunnels . . . found the
paper . . . Umbrella knew, all along..."

Barry looked stricken, his face almost as white as
Enrico's. "Hang on, Rico. We'll get you out of here,
you just have lie still."

Enrico shook his head, still looking at Jill. "There's
a traitor in the S.T.A.R.S.,"
he whispered. "He told
me. . ."

Bam! Bam!
Enrico's body jumped as two holes suddenly ap-
peared in his chest, blood pulsing out of them in
violent spurts. Through the resounding echo of the
shots, running footsteps clattered away down the
corridor behind them.
Barry launched to his feet and sprinted around the
corner as Jill helplessly squeezed Enrico's twitching
hand, her heart pounding and sick. He slumped over,
dead before he touched the cold stone floor.
Her mind flooded with questions as Barry's pursu-
ing footsteps faded away, silence settling once again
over the deep shadows. What paper had the Bravo
found? When Enrico had said "traitor" she'd imme-
diately thought of Barry, acting so strangely, but
he'd been right beside her when the shots had been
So who did this? Who was Trent talking about? Who
did Enrico see?
Feeling lost and alone, Jill held his cooling hand
and waited for Barry to come back.

Rebecca was going through an old trunk pushed
against one wall of the room they'd entered, shuffling
through stacks of papers and frowning while Chris
checked out the rest of the room. A single, rumpled
cot, a desk, and a towering, ancient bookshelf were
the only other pieces of furniture. After the cold, alien
splendor of the mansion, Chris was absurdly grateful

background image

to be in simpler surroundings.
They'd come to a house at the end of the long,
winding path from the courtyard, much smaller and
infinitely less intimidating than the mansion. The hall
they'd stepped into was plain, undecorated wood, as
were the two small bedrooms they'd discovered just
off the silent corridor. Chris figured they'd found a
bunkhouse for some of the mansion's employees.
He had noticed the thick, unmarked dust in the
hallway on their way in with a sinking resignation,
realizing that none of the other S.T.A.R.S. had made
it out of the main house. With no way for him and
Rebecca to get back, all they could do was try to find
the back door and go for help. Chris didn't like it, but
there weren't any other options.
After a brief perusal of the shelves, Chris walked to
the battered wooden desk and pulled at the top
drawer; it was locked. He bent down and felt along the
bottom of the drawer, grinning as his fingers touched
a thick piece of tape.
Don't people ever watch movies? The key's always
stuck under the drawer.
He peeled the tape away and came up with a tiny
silver key. Still grinning, he unlocked the drawer and
pulled it open.
There was a deck of playing cards, a few pens and
pencils, gum wrappers, a crumpled pack of ciga-
rettes - junk, mostly, the kind of stuff that always
seemed to accumulate in desk drawers. . .
Chris picked up the key ring by its leather tag,
pleased with himself. If finding the exit was this easy,
they'd be on their way back to Raccoon in no time.
"Looks like we just got a break," he said softly,
holding up the keys. The leather tag had the word
"Alias" burned into one side, the number "345"
written on the back in smudged ball-point pen. Chris
didn't know the significance of the number, but he
remembered the nickname from the diary he'd found
in the mansion.
Thank you, Mr. Alias. Assuming the keys were for
the bunkhouse, they were that much closer to getting
off the estate.
Rebecca was still sitting by the trunk, surrounded
by papers, envelopes, even a few grainy photos that
she'd pulled out. She seemed totally absorbed in
whatever she was reading, and when Chris walked
over to join her, she looked up at him with eyes
clouded by worry.
"You find something?"
Rebecca held up the piece of paper she was reading.

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"A couple of things. Listen to this: 'Four days since
the accident and the plant at Point 42 is still growing
and mutating at an incredible rate. . .'"
She skipped ahead, skimming the page with one
finger as she spoke. "It calls this thing Plant 42, and
says its root is in the basement. . . here. 'Shortly after
the accident, one of the infected members of the
research team became violent and broke the water
tank in the basement, flooding the entire section. We
think some trace chemicals used in the T-virus tests
contaminated the water and contributed to Plant 42's
radical mutations. A number of shoots have already
been traced to different parts of the building, but the
main plant now hangs from the ceiling in the large
conference room on the first floor. . . “
" 'We've determined that Plant 42 has become
sensitive to movement and is now carnivorous. In
close proximity to humans, it uses tentacular, prehen-
sile vines to entrap its prey while leechlike adap-
tations latch onto exposed skin and draw fatal
quantities of blood; several members of the staff have
already fallen victim to this.' It's dated May twenty-first,
signed Henry Sarton."
Chris shook his head, wondering again how some-
one could invent a virus like the one they had come
across. It seemed to infect everything it touched with
madness, transforming its carrier into a deadly carni-
vore, hungry for blood.
God, now a man-eating plant. . .
Chris shuddered, suddenly twice as glad that they'd
be leaving soon.
"So it infects plants, too," he said. "When we
report this, we'll have to. . ."
"No, that's not it,"
she said. She handed him a
photo, her expression grim.
It was a blurry snapshot of a middle-aged man
wearing a lab coat. He was standing stiffly in front of a
plain wooden door, and Chris realized that it was the
very door they'd come through not ten minutes ago,
the front entrance to the bunkhouse.
He flipped the picture over, squinting at the tiny
script on the back. "H. Sarton, January '98, Point 42."
He stared at Rebecca, finally understanding her
fearful gaze. They were standing in Point 42. The
carnivorous plant was here.

Wesker stood in the darkness of the unlit tunnel, his
irritation growing as he listened to Barry stumble
through the echoing corridors. Jill wouldn't wait
forever, and the raging Mr. Burton couldn't seem to
grasp that Enrico's killer had simply slid into the

background image

shadows just around the corner, the most obvious
place there was.
Come on, come on . . .
Since they'd left the house, he'd finally started to
feel like things were going in his favor. He'd remem-
bered the underground room near the entrance to the
labs, and was almost certain that the wolf medal
would be there. And the tunnels were clear. He had
expected the 121s to be out, but apparently no one
had messed with the passage mechanisms since the
accident. They'd split up to search for the lever that
worked the passages and it had been in plain sight,
propped up next to the very mechanism that it
Everything would have been perfect, except god-
damned Enrico Marini had wandered along, happen-
ing across a very important paper that Wesker had
accidentally dropped - his orders, straight from the
head of White Umbrella. And then to complicate
matters, Jill had blundered into the tunnels before
Wesker could finish taking care of the problem.
Wesker sighed inwardly. If it wasn't one thing, it
was another. In truth, this whole aifair had been a
massive headache from the beginning. At least the
underground security hadn't been activated - though
he'd had no way of knowing that until they'd reached
the tunnels, and having dragged Barry along as insur-
ance, he now had to deal with the consequences. If the
money wasn't so good.
He grinned. Who was he kidding? The money was
After what felt like years, Barry huffed into the dark
room, blindly waving his revolver around. Wesker
tensed, waiting for him to walk past the generator's
alcove. This part could be tricky - Barry and Enrico
had been close.
As Barry stormed past the small chamber, Wesker
stepped out behind him and jammed the muzzle of
his Beretta into Barry's lower back, hard. At the same
time, he started talking, low and fast.
"I know you want to kill me, Barry, but I want you
to think about what you're doing. I die, your family
dies. And right now, it looks like Jill may have to die,
too, but you can stop it. You can put a stop to all the
Barry had stopped moving as soon as the gun
touched him, but Wesker could hear the barely con-
tained rage in his voice, the pure, driving hatred.
"You killed Enrico," he snarled.
Wesker pushed the gun deeper into his back. "Yes.
But I didn't want to. Enrico found some information

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he shouldn't have, he knew too much. And if he'd told
Jill what he knew about Umbrella, I'd have had to kill
her, too."
"You're going to kill her anyway. You're going to
kill all of us."
Wesker sighed, allowing a pleading note to creep
into his voice. "That's not true! Don't you get it –
- I just want to get to the laboratory and get rid of the
evidence before anyone finds it! Once that material is
destroyed, there's no reason for anyone else to get
hurt. We can all just . . . walk away."

Barry was silent, and Wesker could tell that he
wanted to believe him, wanted desperately to believe
that things could be that simple. Wesker let him waver
for a moment before pressing on.
"All I want you to do is keep Jill busy, keep her and
anyone else you run into away from the labs, at least
for a little while. You'll be saving her life and I
swear to you that as soon as I get what I need, you and
your family will never hear from me again."
He waited. And when Barry finally spoke, Wesker
knew he had him.
"Where are the labs?"
Good boy!
Wesker lowered the gun, keeping his expression
blank just in case Barry had good night vision. He
pulled a folded paper out of his vest and slipped it
into Barry's hand, a map from the tunnels to the first
basement level.
"If for some reason you can't keep her away, at least
go with her. There are a lot of doors with locks on the
outside down there; worse comes to worst, you can
lock her up until it's over. I mean it, Barry, no one
else has to get hurt. It's all up to you."
Wesker stepped back quickly, reaching for the lever
with the six-sided tip that he'd left next to the
generator. He watched Barry for a few seconds longer,
saw the sag in the big man's shoulders, the submissive
hang of his head. Satisfied, Wesker turned and walked
out of the room. On the very slight chance that any of
the S.T.A.R.S. made it to the lab, Mr. Burton would
ensure that there wouldn't be any more trouble.
He hurried back through the entrance tunnel, si-
lently congratulating himself on getting things back
under control as he headed toward the first passage
mechanism. He'd have to move fast from here on out;
there were a few things he'd neglected to mention to
Barry - like the experimental security detachment
that would be released into the tunnels once he turned
that lever for the first time. . .
Sorry, Barry. Slipped my mind.

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It would be interesting to see how his team fared
with the 121s, the Hunters. Watching the S.T.A.R.S.
pit their strength and agility against the creatures
would be quite a show and sadly, one that he'd have
to miss.
It was too bad, really. The Hunters had been caged
for a long time; they'd be very, very hungry.



Jill had no idea how extensive the tunnels were, but
from what she'd seen they all looked alike. Barry
could be lost, trying to find his way back. Or he could
have found the murderer, and without any backup ...
He might not come back at all.
In any case, staying put wasn't going to help any-
thing. She stood up, taking a last look at the Bravo's
pale face and silently wishing him peace before walk-
ing away.
What did he find out that got him killed? Who was it?
Enrico had only managed to get out that the traitor
was a he, but that didn't exactly narrow things down;
except for herself and the rookie, the Raccoon
S.T.A.R.S. were all male. She could rule out Chris,
since he'd been convinced from the start that there
was something weird going on and now Barry,
who'd been with her when Marini died. Brad Vickers
simply wasn't the type to do anything dangerous, and
Joseph and Kenneth were dead - which leaves
Richard Aiken, Forest Speyer, and Albert Wesker.
None of them seemed likely, but she had to at least
consider the possibility. Enrico was dead. And she no
longer doubted that Umbrella had one of the
S.T.A.R.S. in their pocket.
When she got to the door, she quickly leaned down
and tightened her damp boot laces, preparing herself.
Whoever had shot the Bravo could have just as easily
taken her and Barry out - and since he hadn't, she
could only figure that he didn't want to kill anyone
else, and wouldn't be looking for more targets. As-
suming that he was still in the underground system,
she'd have to be as quiet as possible if she wanted to
find him; the tunnels were perfect sound conductors,
amplifying even the tiniest sound.
She eased open the metal door, listening, and then
edged out into the dim tunnel, staying close to the
wall. In front of her, the corridor was unlit. She opted
to head back the way she'd come instead; the darkness
was a perfect spot for an ambush. She didn't want to
find out she was wrong about the killer's intentions by

background image

taking a bullet.
A low, grinding rumble reverberated through the
heavy stone walls, a sound like something big moving.
Jill instinctively used the sound as cover, taking
several sliding steps forward and reaching the next
metal door just as the rumbling stopped. She slipped
back out into the tunnel where she'd run into Barry,
gently closing the door behind her.
What the hell was that? It sounded like an entire
wall moving!
She shuddered, remembering the descending ceil-
ing of that room in the house. Maybe the tunnels were
rigged, too; she needed to watch every step. The idea
of being crunched to death by some bizarre mecha-
nism underground. . .
Like the one next to that pit, with the hexagonal hole?
She nodded slowly, deciding that she needed to go
take another look at those doors she couldn't get to
before. Maybe the killer had the tool it required, and
the noise she'd heard had come from him operating it.
She could be wrong, but there was no harm in
And at least I won't get lost.
She reached for the door that would lead her back
and stopped, her head cocked to catch the strange
sound coming from the tunnel behind her. It was
a rusty hinge? Some kind of a bird, maybe? It was loud,
whatever it was. . .
Thump. Thump. Thump.
That sound she knew. Footsteps, headed in her
direction, and it was either Barry or someone built
like him. They were heavy, plodding, but too far
apart, too . . . deliberate.
Get out of here. Now!
Jill grabbed at the metal latch and ran into the next
tunnel, no longer caring how much noise she made.
Although she sometimes misread them, her instincts
were never wrong and they were telling her that
whoever or whatever was making that sound, she
didn't want to be there when it showed up.
She took several running steps down the stone
corridor, away from the ladder that led back to the
courtyard and then forced herself to slow down,
taking a deep breath. She couldn't just go sprinting
ahead, either; there were other dangers than the one
she'd left behind.
Behind her, the door opened.
Jill turned, raising her Beretta and stared in hor-
ror at the thing standing there. It was huge, shaped
like a man, but the resemblance stopped there. Na-
ked but sexless, its entire muscular body was covered

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with a pebbled, amphibious skin, shaded a dark
green. It was hunched over so that its impossibly long
arms almost touched the floor, both its hands and feet
tipped with thick, brutal claws. Tiny, light-colored
eyes peered out at her from a flat reptilian skull.
It turned its strange gaze toward her, dropped its
wide - hinged jaw and let out a tremendous, high-
pitched screech like nothing she'd ever heard before,
the sound echoing around her, filling her with mortal
Jill fired, three shots that smacked into the crea-
ture's chest and sent it reeling backwards. It stum-
bled, fell against the tunnel wall and with another terrible shriek
it sprang at her, pushing off the stones with powerful legs,
its claws outstretched and grasping.
She fired again and again as it flew toward her, the
bullets tearing into its puckered flesh, ribbons of dark
blood coiling away and it landed in a heaving crouch
only a few feet in front of her,
screaming, one massive arm snaking
out to swipe at her legs. A musky, moldy animal smell
washed over her, a smell like dark places and feral
-Jesus why won't it die-
Jill trained the Beretta on the back of its skull and
emptied the clip. Even as the green flesh splattered
away and bone splintered, she continued to fire, the
hot slugs ripping into the pulpy, pinkish mass of its
Click. Click. Click.
No more bullets. She lowered the weapon, her
entire body shaking. It was over, the creature was
dead, but it had taken almost an entire clip, fifteen
nine-millimeter rounds, the last seven or eight at close
range. . .
Still staring at the fallen monster, she ejected the
empty magazine and loaded a fresh clip before hol-
stering the Beretta. She reached back and unstrapped
the Remington, taking comfort in the solid, balanced
weight of the shotgun.
What the hell were you people working on out here?
It seemed that the Umbrella researchers had invented
more than just a virus - something just as deadly, but
with claws. . .
And there could be more of them.
She'd never had a more horrifying thought. Hold-
ing the Remington close, Jill turned and ran.

Chris and Rebecca walked down a long, wooden
hallway, warily glancing up with every other step.
There was what looked like dried, dead ivy poking out

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of every crack and crevice where the walls met the
ceiling, a bone-colored growth that scaled across the
planks like a fungus. It looked harmless, but after
what Rebecca had read to him about Plant 42, Chris
kept himself ready to move quickly.
After going through the rest of the papers in the
trunk, Rebecca had come up with a report on some
kind of an herbicide that could apparently be mixed
in Point 42, called V-Jolt. She'd brought it along,
though Chris doubted it would be useful. All he
wanted was to find the exit, and if they could avoid
the killer plant, so much the better.
The front hall had been clear of the growth, though
Chris wasn't prepared to call it secured. Besides the
two bedrooms by the front door, there had been a rec
room that had been distinctly creepy. Chris had
looked inside and immediately felt his internal alarms
going off, though he hadn't known why; there'd been
no danger that he could see, just a bar and a couple of
tables. In spite of the seeming calm, he had closed the
door quickly and they'd moved on. His gut feeling
was enough of a reason to leave it alone.
They stopped in front of the only door in the long,
meandering stretch of hallway, both of them still
glancing nervously at the scaling ivy near the ceiling.
Chris pushed at the knob, and the door swung open.
Warm, humid air flooded out of the shadowy room,
thick and tropical, but with a nasty undertone, like
the taint of spoiled fruit. Chris instinctively pushed
Rebecca behind him as he saw the walls of the
chamber. They were completely covered in the same
kind of strange, straggling growth that was in the
hall, but here, the scaling ivy was lush and bloated, a
bilious verdant green.
There was a faint whispering coming from inside
the room, a subtle sense of movement and Chris
realized that it was coming from the sickly plant
matter itself, the walls quivering in a weird optical
illusion as the draping tendrils crept and grew.
Rebecca started to step past him and Chris pushed
her back. "What, are you nuts? I thought you said this
thing sucks blood!"
She shook her head, staring at the whispering walls.
"That's not Plant 42, at least not the part the report
talked about. Plant 42 is gonna be a lot bigger, and a
lot more mobile. I never did much with phytobiology,
but according to that study, we'll be looking for an
angiosperm with motile foliage."
She smiled a quick, nervous smile. "Sorry. Think of a
great big plant bulb with ten to twenty foot vines
waving around it."

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Chris grimaced. "Great. Thanks for putting my
mind at rest."
They edged into the large room, careful not to walk
too closely to the hissing walls. There were three
doors besides the one they came through: one directly
across from the entrance and the other two facing
each other to their left, where the room opened up.
Chris led them toward the door opposite the entrance,
figuring it as the most likely to lead out of the
The door was unlocked, and Chris started to push it
open. . .
The door slammed shut, causing them both to jump
back, weapons raised. A series of heavy, sliding
thumps followed, like someone on the other side was
kicking at the walls - except the sounds were every-
where, above and below the door's sturdy frame,
beating against every corner of the sealed room.
"Lots of vines, you said?" Chris asked.
Rebecca nodded. "I think we just found Plant 42."
They listened for a moment, Chris thinking about
the kind of strength and weight it would take to slam
the door so solidly.
No kidding, bigger and more mobile . . . and maybe
blocking the only exit to this place. Terrific.
They backed away, turning into the open area and
looking at the other two doors. The one on their right
had the number "002" above it. Chris fished out the
keys he'd found and flipped through them, finding
one with a matching number.
He unlocked the door and stepped inside, Rebecca
behind him. There was a smaller door to the left that
opened to a bathroom, quiet and dusty. The room
itself was another bedroom, a bunk, a desk, a couple
of shelves. Nothing of interest.
There was another series of dull thumps from
behind the far wall and they quickly moved back into
the humid, whispering room, Chris fighting a growing
certainty that they were going to have to deal with the
plant if they wanted to get out.
Not necessarily, there could still be another way. . .
The way things had been going so far, he didn't
think so. From the shuffling zombies lurking in the
main house to the run through the courtyard, snakes
dropping from the trees, every part of the Spencer
estate seemed to be designed to keep them from
Chris shook the negative thoughts aside as they
approached the shadowy chamber's final door, but
they came rushing back at the sight of the small green

background image

keypad set next to the frame. He rattled the knob but
there was no give. It was another dead end.
"Security lock," he said, sighing. "No way to get in
without the code."
Rebecca frowned down at the pattern of tiny red
lights set above the numbered buttons. "We could just
try numbers until we run across the right combina-
Chris shook his head. "You know what our chances
are of just stumbling across the right..."

He stopped, staring at her, then fumbled the key
ring out of his pocket.
"Try three-four-five," he said, watching eagerly as
Rebecca dutifully punched in the number.
Come on, Mr. Alias, don't fail us now.
The pattern of red lights flashed, then blinked out,
one by one. As the last tiny light faded, there was a
click from inside the door.
Chris grinned, pushing the door open and felt his
hope dwindle as he glanced around the tiny room.
Dusty shelves filled with tiny glass bottles and a rust
stained sink; not the exit he'd expected.
No, that would have been too easy, God knows we
can't have that...
Rebecca walked quickly to one of the shelves and
looked over the glass bottles, mumbling to herself.
"Hyoscyamine, anhydride, dieldrin . . ."
She turned back to him, grinning widely. "Chris, we
can kill the plant! That V-Jolt, the phytotoxin - I can
make it here. If we can get to the basement, find the
plant's root."
Chris smiled back. "Then we can destroy it
without having to fight the damned thing! Rebecca,
you're brilliant. How long do you need?"

"Ten, fifteen minutes."
"You got it. Stay here, I'll be back as soon as I can."
Rebecca was already pulling down bottles as Chris
closed the door and jogged back toward the corridor,
past the whispering walls of shadowy green.
They were going to beat this place, and once they
got out, Umbrella was going down hard.

Barry was standing over Enrico's cold body,
Wesker's map crumpled in one hand. Jill had been
gone when he'd returned and rather than look for
her, he'd found himself unable to move, to even tear
his gaze away from the corpse of his murdered friend.
It's my fault. If I hadn't helped Wesker get out of the
house, you'd still be alive...
Barry stared miserably at Enrico's face, so filled
with guilt and shame that he didn't know what to do

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anymore. He knew he had to find Jill, keep her from
getting to Wesker, keep his family from being hurt,
but still, he couldn't seem to force himself to walk
away. What he wanted more than anything was to be
able to explain himself to Enrico, make him under-
stand how things had come to be the way they were.
He's got Kathy and the babies, Rico . . . what else
could I have done? What can I do but follow his orders?
The Bravo stared back at him with glazed, unseeing
eyes. No accusation, no acceptance, no nothing. For-
ever. Even if Barry continued to help the captain and
everything else turned out the way it was supposed to,
Rico Marini would still be dead and Barry didn't
know how he was going to live with the knowledge
that he was responsible...
Shots echoed through the tunnels. A lot of them.
Barry's head snapped around. He reached for his
weapon automatically, the sounds spurring him to
action as anger flushed through his system. There
could only be one explanation; Wesker had found Jill.
Barry turned and ran, sick at the thought of another
S.T.A.R.S. member dead by Wesker's treacherous
hand, furious with himself for believing the captain's
The door in front of him slammed open and Barry
stopped dead in his tracks, all thoughts of Wesker and
Jill and Enrico wiped away by the sight of the crouch-
ing thing in front of him. His mind couldn't grasp
what he saw, his stunned gaze feeding him bits of
information that didn't make sense.
Green skin. Piercing, orange-white eyes. Talons.
It screamed, a horrible, squealing cry and Barry
didn't think anymore. He squeezed the trigger and the
shriek turned into a bubbling, choking gasp as the
heavy round tore into its throat and knocked it down.
The thing flailed its limbs wildly as blood spurted
from the smoking hole. Barry heard several sharp
cracks like breaking bones, saw more blood pour from
its fists as long, thick claws snapped off against rock.
Barry stared in mute astonishment as the creature
continued to spasm violently, burbling through the
ragged hole in its throat as if still trying to scream.
The shot should have blown its head off its neck, but
it was another full minute before it died, its frenzied
thrashings gradually weakening as blood continued to
pump out at a tremendous rate. Finally, it stopped
moving and from the dark, noxious lake it had
created, Barry realized that it had bled to death,
conscious until the end.

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What did I just kill? What the fu...
From the tunnel outside, another shrieking howl
resounded through the clammy air and was joined
by a second, then third. The animal cries rose up,
furious and unnatural, the screams of creatures that
shouldn't exist.
Barry dug into his hip pack with shaking hands and
pulled out more rounds for the Colt, praying to God
that he had enough and that those shots he'd heard
before hadn't been Jill's last stand.



spiders ever got to be the size of cattle. From the thick
layer of white web that covered the room, floor to
ceiling, it couldn't have been anything else.
Jill stared down at the curled, bristling legs of the
abomination, her skin crawling. The creature that had
attacked her by the courtyard entrance had been
terrifying, but so alien that she hadn't been able to
relate it to anything. Spiders, on the other hand . . .
she already hated them, hated their dark, bustling
bodies and skittering legs. This one had been the
mother of all of them and even dead, it frightened
Hasn't been dead long, though . . .
She forced herself to look at it, at the slick puddles
of greenish ichor that dripped from the holes in its
rounded, hairy body. It had been shot several times
and from the noxious ooze that seeped from the
wounds, she guessed that it had still been alive and
crawling not twenty minutes ago, maybe less.
She shuddered and stepped away toward the double
metal doors that led out of the webbed chamber.
Whispering streams of the sticky stuff clung to her
boots, making it a struggle to move. She took careful,
deliberate steps, determined not to fall. The thought
of being covered in spider web, having it clinging to
her entire body . . . she shuddered again, swallowing
Think about something else, anything.
At least she knew she was on the right track, and
close behind whoever had triggered the tunnel mecha-
nism. Neat trick, that. When she'd reached the area
where the pit had been, she'd thought that maybe
she'd gotten lost after all. The gaping hole had been
gone, smooth stone in its place. Looking up, she'd
seen the ragged edges of the pit suspended overhead;
the entire center section of the tunnel had been
flipped over, turned like a giant wheel by some

background image

miracle of engineering.
The doors had led to another straight, empty tun-
nel. A giant boulder stood at one end, and past that,
the room she was about to leave.
Jill grabbed the handle of one of the doors and
pushed it open, stumbling out into yet another
gloomy passage. She leaned back against the door and
breathed deeply, barely resisting the urge to brush
wildly at her clothes.
I can blow away zombies and monsters with the best
of 'em; show me a spider and I lose my freaking
The short, empty tunnel ran left to right in front of
her, a door at either end, but the door to her left was
set into the same wall as the one she'd just exited,
leading back toward the courtyard. Jill opted for the
one on the right, hoping that her sense of direction
was still intact.
The metal door creaked open and she stepped in,
feeling the change in the air immediately. The tunnel
split in front of her. To the right, a thickening of
shadow where the rock walls opened into another
corridor. But to her left was a small elevator shaft like
the ones in the courtyard. A warm, delicious wind
swept down and over her, the sweet air like a forgot-
ten dream.
Jill grinned and started for the shaft, seeing that the
lift's platform had been taken up. Chances were good
that she was still on the trail of Enrico's killer. . .
. . . but maybe not. Maybe he went the other way,
and you're about to lose him.
Jill hesitated, gazing wistfully at the small shaft-
and then turned around, sighing. She had to at least
take a look.
She walked into the stone corridor that stretched in
front of her, the temperature immediately dropping
back to the now familiar unpleasant chill. The tunnel
extended several feet to her right and dead ended. To
her left, a massive, rounded boulder like the one she'd
seen before marked the other end, a good hundred
feet away. And there was something small laying in
front of it, something blue. . .
Frowning, Jill walked toward the giant rock, trying
to make out the blue object. Halfway down the dim
tunnel was an offshoot to the left, and she recognized
the metal plate next to it as the same kind of mecha-
nism that had moved the pit.
She stepped into the small offshoot, examining the
worn stones at its opening. There was a small door to
her right, and Jill realized that the passage and room
could be hidden by way of the mechanism, the walls

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turned to block the entrance.
Jeez, it must've taken them years to set all this up.
And to think I was impressed with the house. . .
She opened the door and looked inside. A mid-
sized square room of rough stone, a statue of a bird on
a pedestal the only decoration. There was no other
exit, and Jill felt a sudden rush of relief as the
implications sank in. She could leave the under-
ground tunnels; the killer had to have left already.
Smiling, she stepped back out into the corridor and
started toward the giant rock, still curious about the
blue thing. As she got closer, she saw that it was a
book, bound in blue-dyed leather. It had been thrown
carelessly against the base of the stone, laying face
down and open. She slung the Remington across her
back and crouched down to pick it up.
It was a book-box. Her father had told her about
them, though she'd never actually seen one. There
was a cut-away section of pages behind the cover
where valuables could be hidden, though this one was
She flipped it closed, tracing the gold-leaf letters of
the title, Eagle of East, Wolf of West, as she started
back toward the elevator. Didn't sound like much of a
thriller, though it was nicely bound.
Jill froze as the stone beneath her left foot sank
down a tiny bit-and she realized at the same instant
that the entire tunnel gently sloped away from where
she was standing.
-oh no-
Behind her, a deep, thundering sound of rock
grating against rock.
Dropping the book, Jill sprinted for cover, arms
and legs pumping as the rumbling grew louder, the
tripped boulder picking up momentum. The dark
opening of the offshoot seemed miles away -
-won 't make it, gonna die-
- and she could almost feel the tons of stone
bearing down on her, wanted desperately to look but
knew that the split-second difference would kill her.
In a final, desperate burst of speed she dove for the
opening, crashing to the floor and jerking her legs
in as the massive rock rolled past, missing her by
inches. Even as she drew in her next gasping breath,
the boulder hit the end of the tunnel with an explo-
sive, bone-jarring crunch that shook the underground
For a moment, it was all she could do to huddle
against the cold floor and not throw up. When that
passed, she slowly got to her feet and dusted herself

background image

off. The heels of her hands were abraded and both her
knees bruised from the running dive, but compared to
being smashed flat by a big rock, she thought she had
definitely made the right choice.
Jill unstrapped the Remington and headed for the
elevator shaft, very much looking forward to leaving
the underground behind and keeping her fingers
crossed that whatever came next, it wouldn't be cold.
And that there wouldn't be any spiders.

The basement was flooded, all right.
Chris stood at the top of a short ramp that led to the
basement doors, staring down at his own unsmiling
face reflected off of the shimmering water. It looked
cold. And deep.
After he'd left Rebecca, he'd continued down the
hall and found room 003 at the end, the ladder to the
basement level tucked discreetly behind a bookcase in
the neatly kept bedroom. He'd descended into a
chilled concrete corridor with buzzing fluorescent
lights overhead, a dramatic change from the plain
wood and simple style of the bunkhouse above.
At least I found the basement.
It appeared that killing Plant 42 was their only
option for escape after all. He'd seen no other exit
from the bunkhouse, which meant that it had to be
past the plant's room or else there was no back
door, a thought that left him distinctly unsettled. It
didn't seem possible, but then, neither did a carnivo-
rous plant.
And you won't find out until you get this over with.
Chris sighed, and stepped into the water. It was
cold, and had an unpleasant chemical smell. He
waded down to the door, the water sliding up over his
knees and finally stopping at mid-thigh, sloshing
gently. Shivering, he pushed the door open and
moved inside.
The basement was dominated by a giant glass-fronted
tank in the center of the room that extended
floor to ceiling, a large, jagged hole toward the bottom
right-hand side. Chris wasn't that good at judging
volume, but to fill the whole area with water, he
figured that the tank had to have held several thou-
sands of gallons.
What the hell were they studying that they needed
that much? Tidal waves?
It didn't matter; he was cold, and he wanted to find
what he needed to find and get back to dry land. He
started off toward the left, slowly, straining against
the push and pull of the gently lapping waves.
It was totally unreal, wading through a well-lit

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concrete room, though he supposed it was no stranger
than anything else he'd experienced since the Alpha
'copter had set down. Everything about the Spencer
estate had a dream-like feel to it, as if it existed in its
own reality far removed from the rest of the
world's . . .
Try nightmare-like. Killer plants, giant snakes, the
walking dead-all that's missing is a flying saucer,
maybe a dinosaur.
He heard a soft sloshing behind him and glanced
over his shoulder...
...to see a thick, triangular fin rise up from the
water twenty feet away and slide toward him, a
wavering gray shadow beneath.
Panic shot through him, an all-encompassing panic
that seared away rational thought. He took a giant,
running step and realized that he couldn't run as he plunged
face first into the cold, chemical water and came up
gasping, spluttering tainted liquid from his nose and
mouth, hoping to God Rebecca was right about the
virus having burned itself out.
He whipped his head around, eyes burning, search-
ing for the fin and saw that it had halved the distance between
them. He could see it now - a shark, its rippling,
distorted body sliding easily through the water, ten or
twelve feet long, its broad tail lashing it forward - the
black, soulless eyes set above its pointed grin.
-wet bullets misfire-
Chris stumbled away backwards, knowing that he
didn't stand a chance of outrunning it. Wheeling his
arms for balance, he sloshed heavily through the
dragging water, turning himself sideways and manag-
ing a few more steps before the shark was on top of
...and he leaped to the side, dodging the animal
and slapping the water as violently as he could,
churning it into foaming waves. The shark slid past
him, its smooth, heavy body brushing against his leg.
As soon as it was past, Chris stumbled after it,
splashing wildly to keep up as he turned the corner in
the flooded room. If he could stay close enough, it
wouldn't be able to turn, to get at him - except
that in seconds, the shark would have the
room to maneuver. He could see two doors ahead on
the left but the giant fish was already leaving him
behind, heading toward the next corner to turn
around and come back for him.
Chris took a deep breath and plunged into the
water, knowing it was crazy but that he didn't have a
better chance. He stroked desperately toward the first
door, kicking off against the cement floor to propel

background image

himself forward in great, bounding leaps.
He hit the door just as the shark was turning up
ahead and grabbed for the handle, choking -
- and it was locked.
Shit, shit, shit!!!
Chris jammed his hand into his wet vest and came
up with Alias's keys, fumbling through them as the fin
glided closer, the wide, pointed grin opening.
He shoved a key into the lock, the last key on the
ring that he hadn't found the room for, and slammed
his shoulder against the door at the same time, the
shark now only a few feet away.
The door flew open and Chris stumbled in, falling
and kicking frantically. His boot connected solidly
with the shark's fleshy snout, deflecting it from the
opening. In a flash, he was on his feet. He threw his
weight into the door and in a slap of water, it was
He sagged against the door, wiping at his stinging
eyes with the back of his hand. The lapping water
settled gently into smaller and smaller ripples as he
caught his breath and his vision cleared. For now, he
was safe.
He unholstered his Beretta and ejected the dripping
magazine, wondering how the hell he was going to
make it back upstairs. Looking around the small
room, he saw nothing he could use as a weapon. One
wall was lined with buttons and switches, and he
trudged over to look at them, drawn to a blinking red
light in the far corner.
Looks like I found a control room . . . aces. Maybe I
can turn off the lights and get the shark to go to sleep.
There was a lever set next to the flashing light and
Chris stared down at the faded tape beneath it, feeling
a numb disbelief as he read the printed letters.
Emergency Drainage System.
You've gotta be kidding me! Why didn't anyone pull
this thing the second the tank broke?
The answer occurred to him even as he thought it.
The people who worked here were scientists; no way
they were going to turn down the opportunity to study
their precious Plant 42, sucking up water from the
man-made lake.
Chris grabbed the lever and pushed it down. There
was a sliding, metallic noise outside the door-and
immediately, the water level started to drop. Within a
minute, the last of it had flowed out from under the
door and a gurgling, liquid gasp came from the
direction of the broken tank.
He walked back to the door, opening it carefully
and heard the frantic, wet thumps of a very big fish

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trying to swim through air.
Chris grinned, thinking that he should probably feel
pity for the helpless creature and hoping instead
that it died a long, agonizing death.
"Bite me," he whispered.

Wesker had shot four of the shuffling, gasping
Umbrella workers on his way to the computer room
on level three. He hadn't recognized any of them,
though he was pretty sure that the second one he'd
taken out had been Steve Keller, one of the guys from
Special Research. Steve always wore penny loafers,
and the pallid, dried-up husk that had reached for
him by the stairs had been wearing Steve's brand.
It appeared that the effects of the viral spill had
been harsher in the labs . . . less messy, but no less
disquieting. The creatures that roamed the halls out-
side seemed to have been totally dehydrated, their
limbs withered and stringy, their eyes like shriveled
grapes. Wesker had dodged several of them, but the
ones he'd been forced to put down had scarcely bled
at all.
He sat at the computer in the cool, sterile room and
waited for the system to boot up, feeling truly on top
of things for the first time all day. He'd had earlier
moments, of course. The way he'd handled Barry,
finding the wolf medal in the tunnels - even shooting
Ellen Smith in the face had given him a momentary
sense of accomplishment, a feeling that he was in
control of what was happening. But so much had gone
wrong along the way that he hadn't had time to enjoy
any of his successes.
But now I'm here. If the S.T.A.R.S. aren't already
dead, they will be soon and assuming I don't suffer
some massive lapse of skill, I'll be out of here within
half an hour, mission complete.
There were still dangers, but Wesker could handle
them. The mesh monkeys - the Ma2s - were un-
doubtedly loose in the power room, but they were
easy enough to get past, as long as you didn't stop
running; he should know, he'd helped come up with
the design. And there was the big man, the Tyrant,
waiting one level down in his glass shell, sleeping the
sweet, dreamless sleep of the damned. . .
. . . From which he'll surely never wake. What a
waste. So much power, crossed off as a failure by the
boys at White. . .
A gentle musical tone informed him that the system
was ready. Wesker pulled a notebook out of his vest
and opened it to the list of codes, though he already
knew them; John Howe had set the system up months

background image

ago, using his name and the name of his girlfriend,
Ada, as access keys.
Wesker tapped out the first of the passwords that
would allow him to unlock the laboratory doors,
feeling a sudden, vague wistfulness for the excitement
of the day. It would be over so soon and there would
be no one to witness his achievements, to share his
fond memories after the fact.
Now that he thought about it, it was a shame that
none of the S.T.A.R.S. would be joining him; the only
thing better than a grand finale was a grand finale with
an audience. . .



seemed to be another part of the garden or courtyard,
although the area had been isolated, surrounded by
trees; she'd guessed as much from the few overgrown
potted plants and the welcome sounds of the forest
beyond the low metal railing. There had been nothing
to see but a rusting door set into a nondescript,
overgrown wall, welded shut and a large, open well,
like a stone wading pool. Inside had been a short,
spiral staircase leading down to another small ele-
Which I took, but now where the hell am I?
The room that the elevator had led to was unlike
any other part of the estate she'd seen. It lacked the
strange, fetid charm of the mansion, or the dripping
gloom of the underground. It was as though she'd
walked out of a gothic horror story and into a military
complex, a utilitarian's bleak paradise.
She was standing in a large, steel-reinforced con-
crete room, the walls painted a muddy industrial
orange. Metal ducts and overhead pipes lined the
upper walls, and the room was rather aptly titled
"XD-R Bl," painted across the concrete in black,
several feet high. Any sense she'd had of where she
was in relation to the rest of the estate was totally
Although it's as cold as everywhere else, at least I
know I'm still on the grounds. . .
There was a heavy metal door on one side of the
room, firmly locked. The sign to the left of it stated
that it was only to be opened in case of a first-class
emergency. She figured that the "Bl" on the wall
stood for "Basement level one," her theory confirmed
by the bolted ladder that led down through a narrow
shaft in the concrete; where there was Bl, B2 natu-
rally followed.

background image

And considering the alternative, it looks like that's
where I'm headed. My other option is to go back
through the underground tunnels.
She peered down the ladder shaft, only able to see a
square of concrete at the bottom. Sighing, she held on
to the Remington and started down.
As soon as she hit the last rung, she turned anxious-
Ly and faced a much smaller room, as bland and
industrial as the first. Inset fluorescent lights on the
ceiling, a gray metal door, concrete walls and floor.
She walked through quickly, starting to feel hopeful
that there were no more creatures or traps. So far, the
basement levels had offered nothing more dangerous
than a lack of decorum. . .
She opened the door and her hope faded as the dry,
dusty smell of long-dead flesh hit her. She stepped out
onto a cement walkway that led over a flight of
descending stairs, a metal railing circling the path.
At the top of the steps was a crumpled zombie, so
emaciated and shriveled that it appeared mummified.
She held the shotgun ready and walked slowly
toward the stairs, noting that there was a hall branch-
ing off to the left where the railing stopped. She
darted a quick look around the corner and saw that it
was clear. Still watching the desiccated corpse care-
fully, she edged down the short corridor and stopped
at the door on her left. The sign next to the door read
"Visual Data Room," and the door itself was un-
It opened up into a still, gray room with a long
meeting table in the center, a slide projector set up in
front of a portable screen at the far end. There was a
phone on a small stand pushed up against the right
wall, and Jill hurried over, knowing that it was too
much to hope for but having to check just the same.
It wasn't a phone at all, but an intercom system that
didn't seem to work. Sighing, she stepped past an
ornamental pillar and walked around the table, glanc-
ing at the empty slide projector. She let her gaze
wander, looking for anything of interest
and it stopped on a flat, featureless square of
metal set into the wall, about the size of a sheet of
paper. Jill stepped over to take a closer look.
There was a flat bar at the top. She touched it
lightly, and the panel slid down into the wall, reveal-
ing a large red button. She looked around the quiet
room, trying to imagine what the trap would be and
then realized that there wouldn't be a trap at all.
The mansion, the tunnels - all of it was rigged to
keep people from getting here, to these basement levels.
They're way too efficiently dull to be anything but

background image

where the real work gets done.
She knew instinctively that her logic was sound.
This was a board room, a place for drinking bad
coffee and sitting through meetings with colleagues;
nothing was going to jump out at her if she pushed the
Jill pushed it. And behind her, the ornamental
pillar slid to one side with a smooth, mechanical hum.
Behind the pillar were several shelves, stacked with
files and something that glittered in the soft gray
light of the room.
She hurried over and picked up a metal key, the top
of it imprinted with a tiny lightning bolt. Slipping it
into her pocket, she flipped through a few of the files.
They were all stamped with the Umbrella logo, and
though most of them were too thick and ponderous to
spend time sorting through, the title on one of the
reports told her what she needed to know, what she'd
already suspected.
Umbrella / Bioweapons Report / Research and Development.
Nodding slowly, Jill put the file back. She'd finally
found the real research facilities, and she knew that
the S.T.A.R.S. traitor would be somewhere in these
rooms. She was going to have to be very careful.
With a final glance around her, Jill decided to go see
if she could find the lock that the key belonged to. It
was time to place the last few pieces of the puzzle that
Umbrella had set up and that the S.T.A.R.S. had
sacrificed themselves trying to solve.

The twisted, gnarled root of Plant 42 took up a
large corner of the basement room, the bulk of it
hanging down in slender, fleshy tendrils that almost
touched the floor. A few of the tiny, worm-like threads
squirmed blindly around each other, twisting slowly
back and forth as if looking for the water supply that
Chris had drained.
"God, that's disgusting," Rebecca said.
Chris nodded agreement. Besides the control room
he'd escaped into, there had only been two other
chambers in the basement. One of them had been
stacked with boxes of cartridges for all kinds of
weapons and although most of them had been use-
lessly wet, he'd found most of a box of nine-
millimeter rounds on a high shelf, saving them both
from running out of ammunition.
The other room had been plain, containing only a
wood table, a bench and the massive, creeping root
of the carnivorous plant that lived upstairs.
"Yeah," Chris said. "So how do we do this?"
Rebecca held up a small bottle of purplish fluid and

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swirled it gently, still staring at the moving tendrils.
"Well, you stand back, and don't breathe too deeply.
This stuffs got a couple of toxins in it that neither of
us want to be ingesting, and it'll turn gaseous once it
hits the infected cells."
Chris nodded. "How will we know if it's working?"
Rebecca grinned. "If the V-Jolt report is on the
mark, we'll know. Watch."
She uncapped the bottle and stepped closer to the
twisted root, then upended the glass vial, dousing
the snaking tendrils with the watery fluid.
Immediately, a billow of reddish smoke plumed up
from the root as Rebecca emptied the bottle and
stepped quickly away. There was a hissing, crackling
sound like wet wood thrown atop a blazing fire and
within seconds, the feebly twisting fibers started to
break, pieces of them snapping off and flaking away.
The knotted thickness at the center started to tighten
and shrink, pulling into itself.
Chris watched in amazement as the giant, terrible
root suddenly shriveled up into a dripping ball of
mush no bigger than a child's ball and hung there,
dead. The entire process had taken about fifteen
Rebecca nodded toward the door and both of them
stepped out into the drying basement, Chris shaking
his head.
"God, what'd you put in there?"
"Trust me, you don't want to know. You ready to
get out of here?"
Chris grinned. "Let's do it."
They both jogged toward the basement doors, hur-
rying out into the cold corridor and back toward the
ladder that led upstairs. Chris was already going over
escape plans for when they left the bunkhouse. It
really would depend on where the exit led. If they
ended up in the woods, he was thinking that they
should head toward the closest road and light a fire,
then wait for help to come. . .
. . . though maybe we'll get lucky, run across the
damned parking lot for this place. We can hotwire a car
and drive out - and get Irons to do something useful
for a change, like call in reinforcements.
They reached the wood corridor and headed for the
plant room, both of them taking long, easy strides
past the hissing green walls and finally stopping at the
room that held Plant 42.
Breathing deeply, Chris nodded to Rebecca. They
both unholstered their weapons and Chris pushed the
door open, eager to see what lay beyond the experi-
mental plant.

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They stepped into a huge, open room, the smell of
rotting vegetation thick in the damp air. Whatever it
had looked like before, the monster that had been
Plant 42 was now a massive, steaming lake of dark
purple goo in the center of the room. Bloated dead
vines the size of fire hoses draped limply across the
floor, extending out from the livid, gelid mass.
Chris scanned for the next door, saw a plain fireplace
against one wall, a broken chair in a corner
and a single door that apparently led back into
the bedroom he'd searched earlier. A hidden passage
that he'd missed and that led to the very room in
which they stood.
Must have been behind the bookcase. . .
There was no way out. Killing the plant had been a
waste of time, it hadn't been blocking anything.
Rebecca looked as disappointed as he felt, her
shoulders slumped and expression grim as she studied
the bare walls.
Ah, I'm sorry, Rebecca.
They both walked slowly around the room, Chris
staring at the dead plant and trying to decide what to
do next. Rebecca walked to the fireplace and crouched
down next to it, poking at the blackened ash.
He wouldn't drag her back to the mansion, neither
of them were up for it. Even with the extra ammo,
there were too many snakes. They could wait in the
courtyard for Brad to fly by again, hope he got into
"Chris, I've found something."
He turned and saw her pull a couple of pieces of
paper out of the ashes, the edges scorched but both
sheets otherwise intact. He walked across the room
and leaned down to read over her shoulder and felt
his heart start pounding as the first words sank in.
Heliport/For executive use only. This restriction may not
apply in the event of an emergency. Unauthorized persons
entering the heliport will be shot on sight.
Elevator/The elevator stops during emergencies.
Visual Data Room/For use by the Special Research
Division only. All other access to the Visual Data Room must
be cleared with Keith Arving, Room Manager.
Prison/Sanitation Division controls the use of the prison.
At least one Consultant Researcher (E. Smith, S. Ross,
A. Wesker) must be present if viral use is authorized.
Power Room/Access limited to Headquarters Supervisors.
This restriction may not apply to Consultant Researchers

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with special authorization.
Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after use of
T-Virus . . .
The rest of the paper was burned, the words lost.
"A. Wesker," Chris said softly. "Captain Albert
goddamn Wesker..."
Barry had said that Wesker disappeared right after
the Alphas had made it to the house. And it was
Wesker who led us here in the first place when the dogs
attacked. Cool, competent, unreadable Wesker, work-
ing for Umbrella. . .
Rebecca flipped to the second page and Chris
leaned in, studying the neatly typed labels beneath the
drawn boxes and lines.
There was even a compass drawn next to the sketch
of the mansion, to show them what they'd missed – a secret
entrance to the underground hidden behind the waterfall.
Rebecca stood up, eyes wide and uncertain. "Cap-
tain Wesker is involved with all this?"
Chris nodded slowly. "And if he's still here, he's
down in those labs, maybe with the rest of the team. If
Umbrella sent him here, God only knows what he's
up to."

They had to find him, had to warn whoever was left
of the S.T.A.R.S. that Wesker had betrayed them all.

Everything was done. Wesker stepped into the
elevator that led back to level three, running through
his checklist as he lowered the outer gate and slid the
inner one closed.
. . . samples collected, disks erased, power recon-
nected, Tyrant support off. . .
It was really too bad about the Tyrant. Ugly as it
was, the thing was a marvel of surgical, chemical, and
genetic engineering, and he'd stood in front of its glass
chamber for a long time, studying it in silent awe
before reluctantly shutting down its life support. As
the stasis fluids had drained, he'd found himself
imagining what it would have been like to see it in
action once the researchers had completed their work.
It would have been the ultimate soldier, a thing of
beauty in the battlefield . . . and now it had to be
destroyed, all because some idiot tech had hit the
wrong button. A mistake that had cost Umbrella
millions of dollars and killed the researchers who had
created it.
He hit the switch and the elevator thrummed to life,
carrying him back up for his final task-activating

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the triggering system at the back of the power room.
He'd give himself fifteen minutes to make sure he was
clear of the blast radius, climb down the heliport
ladder, hit the back road toward town and boom,
no more hidden Umbrella facility. At least not in
Raccoon Forest. . . .
Once he got back into the city, he'd pack a bag and
head for Umbrella's private air strip. He could make
the necessary calls from there, let his contacts in the
White office know what had happened. They'd have a
clean-up team standing by to comb through the forest
and take out the surviving specimens-and they'd be
most eager to get their hands on the tissue samples
he'd taken, two of everything except for the Tyrant.
With the Tyrant scientists all dead, Umbrella had
decided to shelve the project indefinitely. Wesker
thought it was a mistake, but then, he wasn't getting
paid to think.
As the elevator slid to a stop, Wesker opened the
gates and stepped out, setting down the sample case.
He unholstered his Beretta, going over the twisting
layout of the power room in his mind. He had to make
another run through the Ma2s to get to the activation
system. He'd already managed it once to hook up the
elevator circuit, but they had been more active than
he'd expected; instead of weakening them, their hun-
ger had driven them to new heights of viciousness.
He'd been lucky to make it through unscathed.
At a hydraulic hum from down the hall, Wesker
froze. Footsteps clattered across the cement floor,
hesitated and then started for the power room at
the opposite end of the corridor.
Wesker eased up to the corner and looked down the
hall, just in time to see Jill Valentine disappear
through the metal doors, a burst of hissing mechani-
cal noise echoing through the corridor before they
How did she make it through the Hunters? Jesus!
Apparently he'd underestimated her . . . and she'd
been alone, too. If she was that good, the Ma2s might
not kill her, and she had effectively just blocked him
from the triggering system. He wouldn't be able to
deal with the creatures that roamed the maze like
walkways and put a stop to her prying. . .
Frustrated, Wesker scooped up the sample case and
walked quickly down the hall, back toward the hy-
draulic doors that led to the main corridor of level
three. If she made it back out, he'd just have to shoot
her; it would only delay his escape by a few minutes.
Still, it was an unexpected curve, and as far as he was
concerned, it was too late in the game for surprises.

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Surprises pissed him off, they made him feel like he
wasn't in control. . .
I AM in control, nothing is happening here that I
can't handle! This is MY game, my rules, and I will
accomplish my mission without any interference from
that little thief-bitch.
Wesker stalked out into the main corridor, saw that
Jill had managed to take out a few more of the
wizened, withered scientists and technicians that
wandered the basement labs. Two of them lay just
outside the door, their skulls blown into arid powder
by what looked like shotgun blasts. He kicked one of
them angrily, his boot crunching into the corpse's
brittle ribs, the dry snap of bone loud in the silence -
- except that suddenly, he heard heavy boots com-
ing down the metal stairs from B2, the hollow clump
echoing through the hall. And then a rough, hesitant
voice calling out.
Barry Burton, as I live and breathe.
Wesker raised his weapon coolly, ready to fire when
Barry stepped into view and then lowered it
thoughtfully. After a moment, a slow grin spread
across his face.



room, a thick smell of grease in the heated air. It was
some kind of a boiler room, and a big one; heavy,
thrumming machinery filled the large chamber, sur-
rounded by winding catwalks. Massive turbines spun
and pounded, generating power in a steady whine as
hidden ducts spat out steam at short intervals.
She moved slowly into the poorly lit chamber,
peering down one of the railed walkways into the
fluctuating shadows cast by the towering generators.
From where she was, she could see that the place was
a labyrinth of paths, twining around the giant blocks
of noisy machinery.
The source of the estate's power. That explains how
they managed to keep it a secret for so long, they had
their own little city out here, totally autonomous,
probably had their food shipped in, too.
She turned down the narrow walk to her right,
watching uneasily for any more of the strange, pale
zombies that she'd seen in the corridors of B3. The
path seemed clear, but with the movement and noise
created by the turbines. . .
Something ripped at her left shoulder, a sudden,
violent slash that tore open her vest and scraped the

background image

skin beneath.
Jill spun and fired, the roar of the shotgun drowning
out the hissing machines. The blast hit metal, pellets
ricocheting into the empty walk. There was nothing
behind her.
A lunging, blade-like claw sliced the air in front of
her face, swooping down from above.
She stumbled back, staring up at the steel mesh of
the ceiling and saw a dark shape skitter out of the
shadows, hooking its way across the grate incredibly
fast, curving claws at its hands and feet. She caught a
glimpse of thick spines around its mutant, flattened
face and then it turned and ran into the thrumming
shadows of the power room.
There was a door at the end of the walk and Jill
sprinted toward it, heart racing, the pounding whine
of the generators thundering in her ears.
She was five feet from the door when she saw the
moving shadow position itself in front of her. She
raised the shotgun and leaned back -
- more of them!
There were two of the creatures overhead, squat,
terrible things with vicious, curving hooks instead of
hands. One of them dropped down suddenly, hanging
by clawed feet to swipe at her with its bladed arm.
Jill fired and the creature screeched, the blast
hitting it in the chest. It fell from the ceiling with a
clatter, thick blood oozing out of the ragged wound.
She turned back toward the entrance and ran,
hearing the patter of claws against the mesh overhead.
Another of the aberrant monkey-like things swung
down in front of her, and Jill ducked, afraid to stop
running. The thing's strange arm whistled past her
ear, missing her head by less than an inch.
The metal doors were in front of her. Jill crashed
into them, slapping one handle down and stumbling
back into the cold stillness of the corridor. The door
closed on the furious, shrill cry of one of the mon-
sters, rising high over the sounds of the working
She sagged against the door, gasping
and saw Barry Burton standing midway down
the chilled, silent hall. He hurried toward her, an
expression of deep worry on his rugged, bearded face.
"Jill! Are you alright?"
She pushed away from the door, surprised. "God,
Barry, where have you been? I thought you'd gotten
lost in the tunnels."
Barry nodded grimly. "I did. And I ran into some
trouble trying to get out."

background image

She saw the splatters of blood on his clothing, the
rips and tears in his shirt, and realized that he must
have come across more of those walking green night-
mares. He looked like he'd been through a war.
Speaking of. . .
Jill touched her shoulder, her ringers coming away
bloody. It was painful but shallow; she'd survive.
"Barry, we've got to get out of here. I found some
papers upstairs, proof of what's been going on. Enrico
was right, Umbrella's behind all of this and one of the
S.T.A.R.S. knew about it. It's too dangerous to keep
looking around, we should get those files and head
back to the mansion, wait for the RPD."
"But I think I found the main lab,"
Barry said.
"Downstairs, there's an elevator at the end of the hall.
There are computers and stuff. We can get into their
files, really nail 'em."
He didn't seem excited by the find, but Jill barely
noticed. With the information they could get from
Umbrella's database: names, dates, research mate-
rial. . .
We can find out everything, present the investigators
with the whole, messy package. . .

Jill nodded, grinning. "Lead the way."

The tunnels had been a cold, miserable maze, but
the map had led them through quickly. Rebecca and
Chris had reached the first basement level, both of
them shivering and wet - and not a little freaked out
by the dead creatures they'd passed along the way.
The Umbrella scientists had been disgustingly cre-
ative in their approach to making monsters.
Chris rattled the door that supposedly led to the
heliport, but it was solidly locked, an emergency sign
next to it implying that it could only be opened by an
alarm system. He'd hoped to send Rebecca out with
the radio while he searched for the others.
He looked down the narrow stairwell and sighed,
turning to her. "I want you to stay here. If you stand
by the elevator, you should be able to pick up Brad's
signal from outside. Tell him where we are and what
happened - and if I'm not back in twenty minutes,
get back to the courtyard and wait there until help
Flustered, Rebecca shook her head. "But I want to
go with you! I can take care of myself, and if you find
the lab, you'll need me to tell you what you're looking
"No. For all we know, Wesker already killed the
other S.T.A.R.S. and is looking to finish the job. If
we're the last ones, we can't risk both of us getting

background image

ambushed. Somebody has to survive and tell people
about Umbrella. I'm sorry, but it's the only way."
He smiled at her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"And I know you can take care of yourself. This isn't
about your competence, okay? Twenty minutes. I just
have to see if anyone else made it."
Rebecca opened her mouth as if to protest further
and then closed it, nodding slowly. "Okay, I'll stay.
Twenty minutes."
Chris turned and started down the ladder, hoping
he could keep his promise to come back. The captain
had successfully deceived them all, acting the part of
concerned leader for weeks while the people in Rac-
coon City had died and all along he'd known why.
The man was a sociopath.
It seemed that Umbrella had created more than one
kind of monster. And it was time to find out how
much damage he'd done.

Barry couldn't bring himself to look at Jill as they
took the elevator down to B4. Wesker would be
waiting for them at the bottom, and Jill would find
out that he had been helping the captain all along.
He'd killed three more of the violent, springing
creatures down in the tunnels before making it to the
lab only to run into Wesker, who had insisted that
he lure Jill down to B4 and assist him in locking her
up. The smiling bastard had reminded Barry of his
family's situation and promised again that it was the
last thing he'd have to do, that after Jill was safely
locked away he'd call his people off -
- except he's said that every time. Find the crests
and you're free. Help me in the tunnels, you're free.
Betray your friend. . .

"Barry, are you okay?"
He turned to her as the elevator stopped, looking
miserably into her concerned, thoughtful eyes.
"I've been worried about you ever since we got to
the mansion,"
she said, laying a hand across his arm.
"I even thought - well, never mind what I thought. Is
something wrong?"
He pulled the gate open and raised the mesh outer
door, an excuse to look away. "I ... yeah, something's
he said quietly. "But now's not the time.
Let's just get this over with."

Jill frowned but nodded, still looking concerned.
"Okay. When this is over, we can talk."
You won't want to talk to me when this is over.
Barry stepped out into the short hallway and Jill
followed, their boots clanking across a steel grate. The
hall turned to the left just ahead and Barry slowed

background image

down on the pretense of checking his weapon, letting
Jill get in front of him.
They turned the corner and Jill froze, staring into
the muzzle of Wesker's raised Beretta. He grinned at
them, his sunglasses hiding his eyes, his smile smug
and leering.
"Hello, Jill. Nice of you to drop by," he said
smoothly. "Nice work, Barry. Take her weapons."
She turned her startled gaze to him as he quickly
plucked the shotgun from her hands, then reached
around to unholster her Beretta, his face burning.
"Now get back up to Bl and wait for me by the exit.
I'll be up in a few minutes."
Barry stared at him. "But you said you just wanted
to lock her up."
Wesker shook his head. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not
going to hurt her, I promise. Now get going."

Jill looked at him, confusion and fear and anger
playing across her face. "Barry?"
"I'm sorry, Jill."
He turned and walked around the corner, feeling
defeated and ashamed - not to mention terrified for
Jill. Wesker had promised, but Wesker's word meant
nothing. He'd probably kill her as soon as he heard
the elevator doors close, but what if I'm not in the elevator?
Maybe I can still do something to keep her alive. . .
Barry hurried to the lift and opened the gates,
then slammed them closed and pushed the operation
switch, sending it back to B3 without a passenger.
Moving silently, he edged back toward the corner,
". . . can't say I'm all that surprised," Jill was
saying. "But how did you get Barry to help you?"
Wesker laughed. "Ol' Barry's got some trouble at
home. I told him that Umbrella has a team watching
his house, waiting to kill his precious family. He was
only too happy to help."

Barry clenched his fists, his jaw tight.
"You're a bastard, you know that?" Jill said.
"Maybe. But I'm going to be a rich bastard when all
this is over. Umbrella is paying me a lot of money to
clean up their little problem, and to get rid of a few of
you goddamn snooping S.T.A.R.S. in the process."
"Why would Umbrella want to destroy the
Jill asked.
"Oh, not all of them. They've got big plans for some
of us, at least those of us that want to make a profit.
It's you sniveling do-gooders that they don't want,
the red-white-and-blue, apple pie, all that happy
bullshit. The way Redfield's been running around,
mouthing off about conspiracies, you think Umbrel-

background image

la didn't notice? It has to stop, here. This whole place
was rigged to blow up just in case of an accident
and the Tyrant virus escaping qualifies. Once you're
all dead and this facility's destroyed, no one will be
able to get to the truth."
Son-of-a-bitch was going to kill all of us.
"But enough about Umbrella. I had you brought
down here for a little experiment of my own. I want to
see how our most agile team member stands up
against the miracle of modern science. If you'll just
step through that door."
Barry flattened himself against the wall as Wesker
stepped back, part of his shoulder coming into view.
He put his hand on his Colt and drew it out slowly.
"I can't believe that you're doing this," Jill said.
"Selling out to protect a bunch of unethical corporate
"Blackmailers? Oh, you mean Barry. Umbrella
wouldn't bother with blackmail. They can afford to
buy people just as easily. I made all that up to get him
on board."
Barry slammed the butt of his Colt into Wesker's
skull as hard as he could, dropping him like a ton of



suddenly stopped talking and crumpled to the floor
and Barry stepped into view, staring down at
Wesker's body with a look of intense hatred, Colt in
She crouched down next to Wesker and pried the
Beretta from his fingers, tucking it into her waistband.
Barry turned to look at her, his eyes swimming with
apology. "Jill, I'm so sorry. I never should have
believed him."

Jill stared at him for a moment, thinking about his
daughters. Moira was Becky McGee's age. . .
"It's okay," she said finally. "You came back, that's
what matters."
Barry handed her back her weapons, and they both
gazed down at Wesker's sprawled form, still breathing
but unconscious. He was out cold.
"I don't suppose you have any handcuffs on you?"
Barry asked.
Jill shook her head. "Maybe we should check out
the lab, there's bound to be some cable or cord we can
use. Besides, I'm kind of curious about this 'miracle
of modern science' he was talking about..."

She turned and found the switch that operated the

background image

hydraulic door, noting the biohazard symbol painted
across the front. The door slid open and the two of
them stepped inside.
Wow. . .
It was a huge, high-ceilinged chamber lined with
monitoring consoles, cables snaking across the floor
and connecting to a whole series of standing glass
tubes. There were eight of the tubes lined up in the
center of the room, each of them big enough to hold a
grown man. They were all empty.
Barry reached down and scooped up a handful of
cable, digging into his pocket for a knife while Jill
walked toward the back, gazing at the technical and
medical equipment and stopped, staring, feeling
her jaw drop.
Against the back wall was a much larger tube, at
least eight or nine feet tall, hooked up to its own
computer console and the thing inside filled it, top
to bottom. It was monstrous.
"Jill, I got the cable. I. . ."
Barry stopped next to her, his words faltering as he
saw the abomination. Silently, they both walked to-
ward it, unable to resist a closer look.
It was tall, but proportionally correct, at least
through the broad, muscular torso and long legs; those
parts appeared human. One of its arms had been
altered into a cluster of massive, dragging claws,
hanging past its knees, while the other seemed ordi-
nary, if overly large. There was a thick, bloody tumor
protruding from where its heart would be, and Jill
realized, staring at the bulbous mass that it was the
thing's heart; it was pulsing slowly, expanding and
contracting in slow, rhythmic beats.
She stopped in front of the tube, awed by the
abomination. She could see lines of scar tissue snak-
ing across its limbs, surgical scars. It had no sexual
organs; they'd been cut away. She looked up at its face
and saw that parts of the flesh there had also been
removed; the lips were gone, and it seemed to grin
broadly at her through the sliced red tissue of its face,
all of its teeth exposed.
"Tyrant," Barry said quietly.
Jill glanced over at him, saw him frowning down at
the computer that was hooked to the tube by multiple
She looked back at the Tyrant, feeling nearly over-
whelmed by pity and disgust. Whatever it was now, it
had once been a man. Umbrella had turned him into a
freakish horror.
"We can't leave it like this," she said softly, and
Barry nodded.

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She joined him at the console, looking down at the
myriad switches and buttons. There had to be a
switch that would put an end to its life; it deserved
that much.
There was a set of six red switches in a row along
the bottom and Barry flipped one of them down.
Nothing seemed to happen. He glanced at her, and
she nodded for him to continue. He used the side of
his hand to flip all of them.
There was a sudden, dull thump...
They both whirled around, saw the Tyrant pull back
its human hand and hit the glass again. Cracks
webbed out from the impact, though the glass had to
be several inches thick.
"Oh . . . SHIT!"
Barry grabbed her arm as the creature drew its
bleeding knuckles back for another blow.
They ran, Jill wishing to God that they'd left it
alone, panic welling up from deep inside of her. Barry
slammed his hand down on the door control and it
slid open as behind them, glass shattered.
They stumbled through the door, terrified, Barry
hitting the lock and saw that Wesker was gone.

Wesker stumbled toward the power room, his head
pounding, his limbs feeling strangely distant and
weak. He felt like he was going to throw up.
Goddamn Barry . . .
They'd taken his gun. He'd come to as they'd
walked into the lab and reeled toward the elevator,
cursing them both, cursing Umbrella for creating such
a screwed up mess, cursing himself for not simply
killing the S.T.A.R.S. when he could have.
It's not over. I'm still in control. This is my
game. . .
The sample case was down in the lab, probably
being destroyed right now by one of those idiots.
Tyrant, too. That magnificent creature, powerless
without the adrenaline injections, dead. They'd shoot
him in his sleeping heart, he'd die without ever tasting
battle. . .
Wesker reached the door to the room and leaned
against it, struggling to catch his breath. Blood drib-
bled out of his ears and he shook his head, trying to
clear it of the strange fog that had settled into his
He didn't have the tissue samples, but he could still
complete his mission. It was important, very impor-
tant that he complete his mission. It was about
control, and control was his game.

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. . . triggering system, watch out for monkeys . . .
The Ma2s, he had to be careful. Wesker opened the
door and pitched forward, the ground seeming too far
away and then too close. The machines were hissing at
him, whining and hissing in the hot, oily air. His hand
found the railing and he pulled himself toward the
back of the room, trying to hurry but finding that his
legs weren't interested.
A claw shot down from above and tore into his
scalp, yanking away a clump of hair. He felt warm
liquid trickle down the back of his neck and stumbled
on, the pain in his head sharper now.
Took my gun, stupid, stupid assholes took my
gun. . .
He reached the door and had just managed to get it
open when something heavy landed on his back,
knocking him into the next room. He fell on the cold
metal floor and a terrible shriek sounded in his ear.
Thick talons punctured the skin on his back and
Wesker slapped at it, at the grinning, screaming thing
that was trying to kill him.
He hit the creature as hard as he could, shoving the
heel of his hand into its throat. It leaped away,
landing on the mesh wall and clambering back up to
the ceiling.
Wesker pulled himself up and stumbled on, fresh
waves of pain and nausea washing over him. The air
was too hot, the turbines loud and relentless in their
spinning, throbbing frenzy, but he could see the
door to the back now, the door that led to the
completion of his mission.
All of the S.T.A.R.S., dead, blown into orbit while I
escape, fly away a rich man. . .
He flung the door open and made his way toward
the small, glowing screen in the back corner. It was
quieter here, cooler. The massive machines that filled
the chamber hummed softly at him, their purpose
quite different than that of the ones outside. These
were the machines that wanted to help him regain his
The noise from the open door behind him seemed
far away as he reached the glowing screen, his fingers
numb as they touched the keyboard beneath.
He found the keys he needed, the code spilling out
across the monitor in soft green after only a few
mistakes. A sexy, quiet voice informed him that the
countdown would begin in thirty seconds. Dizzy, he
tried to remember the setting for the timer. The
system would trigger automatically in five minutes,
but he had to reset it, give himself time to get
reoriented and make his way to the outside.

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Behind him, something screamed.
Wesker whirled around, confused-and saw four of
the mesh-monkeys running at him, lashing out with
long, curved hands as they reached him. Terrible pain
shot up through his legs and he fell, crashing to the
hard steel floor.
This can't happen.
One of the creatures jumped onto his chest and
suddenly Wesker couldn't breathe, couldn't even raise
his weak arms to push it away. Another tore into his
left leg, ripping away a thick chunk of flesh with its
hooked claw. The third and fourth screamed in savage
glee, dancing around him like dark, vicious children,
lifting their claws as they pranced on squat legs.
Somehow, there was blood in his eyes, and the
world was spinning away, screams and hisses and
incredible, searing heat blurring his vision, his
Tyrant has come.
Wesker could feel it, could feel the presence of
something vast and powerful touching him. Grinning
through the pain, he searched for it through the red
haze of his failing vision, wanting more than anything
to see it slaughter his attackers in a glory of perfect
motion, but he could only make out the immense
shadow that seemed to flood over him, through him,
could only imagine that the powerful, magnificent
warrior was reaching down to lift him from his
torment. . .
I control let me seeeee. . .
Darkness stole his hopes away, and Wesker thought
no more.

". . . S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, Bravo, anybody -
- you can't answer, try to signal! I'm running out of fuel,
do you read? This is Brad! Repeat-S. T.A.R.S. Alpha
team ..."
Rebecca hit the button, talking fast. "Brad! There's
a heliport at the Spencer estate, you have to get to the
heliport! Brad, come in!"
There was a high, whining squeal and Rebecca
heard what must have been the word "copy" - but the
rest was lost.
"I copy?" or, "Do you copy?"
There was no way to know. Frustrated and worried,
Rebecca held on to the radio tightly, hoping that he'd
heard her.
Suddenly, a shrill alarm blared into the silent room
through some hidden speaker in the ceiling. Rebecca
jumped, staring around the cold chamber helplessly.
There was a buzzing click from inside the door that

background image

led to the heliport and she hurried over, grabbing the
handle and pulling it open. It had unlocked.
A cool, female voice began to speak, slowly and
clearly over the jangling alarm.
"The triggering system has now been activated. All
personnel must evacuate immediately or process deac-
tivation. You have five minutes. The triggering system
has now been activated. . ."
As the recorded message repeated, Rebecca stood
in the open doorway and watched the open ladder
shaft, her blood racing, waiting to see Chris emerge
from the levels below.
He'd only been gone a few minutes, but their time
had just run out.



back toward the main hall of B3, the cool voice
informing them that they had four and a half minutes.
They hit the open corridor at a dead run, sprinting
around the corner and saw Chris Redfield
halfway up the metal stairs.
"Chris!" Jill shouted.
He spun around, his face lighting up as he saw them
dashing toward him.
"Hurry!" he shouted. "There's a heliport on Bl!"
Thank God!
Chris waited until they reached the base of the
stairs and then ran ahead, rushing around the walk-
way and holding open the door that led to the ladder.
Jill and Barry made it to the top and sped through,
the computer telling them that they had four minutes,
fifteen seconds to get away.
Barry went up the ladder first and Jill followed,
Chris right behind. They piled out into Bl. Jill saw
that Rebecca Chambers was standing at the emergen-
cy exit, her youthful face tight with anxiety.
Chris hustled her through the door and the four of
them ran through a winding concrete hall, Jill praying
silently that they'd have time to clear the estate.
I hope you burn here, Wesker.
There was a large elevator at the end of the corridor
and Barry slammed the gate open, holding it as they
rushed inside. He jumped in after them. They had
four minutes even.
The elevator seemed to crawl upward and Jill
looked at her watch, heart pounding as the seconds
ticked past.
Not gonna make it, we'll never make it.
The lift hummed to a stop and Chris yanked the

background image

gate open, the cool air of early morning sweeping over
them and the sweet, wondrous sound of a helicop-
ter overhead, circling.
"He heard me!" Rebecca shouted, and Jill grinned,
feeling a sudden wave of affection for the rookie.
The helicopter port was huge, the wide, flat space
surrounded by high walls, a circle of yellow paint on
the asphalt showing Brad where to set down. Barry
and Chris both waved their arms frantically, signaling
the pilot to hurry as Jill looked at her watch again. A
little over three and a half minutes remained. More
than enough time. . .
Jill whirled around, saw chunks of concrete and tar
fly into the air and rain down over the northwest
corner of the landing pad. A giant claw stretched up
from the hole, fell across the jagged lip
and the pale, hulking Tyrant leaped out onto the
heliport, rose smoothly from its agile crouch . . . and
started toward them.
What the hell is that?
It had to be eight feet tall, parts of its giant body
mutilated and deformed, its grinning face focusing on
them even as it stood up. It moved toward them at a
slow walk, the massive claw of its left arm flexing.
No time, Brad can't land.
Chris targeted the dark, tumorous thing on its chest
and fired, pulling the trigger five times in rapid
succession, three of the rounds finding their mark.
The other two were within an inch of the pulsing
Redness ... and the creature didn't even slow down.
"Scatter!" Barry yelled.
The S.T.A.R.S. split, Jill pulling Rebecca to the
farthest corner from the towering monster, Chris
sprinting toward the southern wall. Barry stood his
ground, pointing his Colt at the approaching beast.
Three .357 rounds slammed into its belly, the
thundering shots echoing against the high concrete
The creature suddenly sped up, running toward
Barry, drawing its giant claw back
and as Barry dove out of the way, the thing swept
past him in a running crouch, bringing its claw up as if
throwing a ball underhand. Its talons gouged the
asphalt, ripping through it as though it was no more
solid than water.
As soon as the monster was past, it stopped run-
ning, turning almost casually back to watch Barry
scramble to his feet and fire again.
The bullet took out a fleshy chunk of its right
shoulder. Thick blood coursed down its wide chest

background image

and joined the dripping, open mass of its stomach.
Overhead, the Alpha 'copter still circled, unable to
Land and there was still no sign that the immense
creature felt the injuries. It started its run again,
dropping its terrible, inhuman hand down as it went
for Barry just as his revolver clicked on empty.
Barry sprinted away, but the charging monster
veered with him and its sweeping claw
glanced against his side, tumbling him to the ground.
Chris raced toward the creature, firing into its back
as it bent down over the fallen Alpha. Barry was
scrambling backwards, his vest shredded, his eyes
wide with terror and it must have felt the sting of the bullets
because it turned, fixing its emotionless stare on
Chris. Barry staggered to his feet and limped quickly away.
We don't have any time!
Chris emptied the clip, the last several rounds
hitting it in the face. Pieces of tooth flew from the
creature's lipless mouth, spattering to the asphalt in a
rain of white and red. The creature didn't seem to
notice as it started to run toward him at incredible
Jill and Rebecca were both firing, shouting, trying
to turn its attention away from Chris but it was
already fixated, pounding toward him and drawing its
claw back - wait for it.
He dove to the side at the last possible second and
the monster went flying past, its claw mulching the
asphalt where he'd just been standing.
Chris ran, the horrible awareness dawning on him
that the seconds were slipping past and that they
couldn't kill it in time.
Barry felt blood seeping from his thigh, the top
several layers of his skin sliced neatly away by the
Tyrant's brutal swipe. The pain was bearable; the
knowledge that they were going to die wasn't.
We 'II blow up if we don't get chopped to pieces first.
Tyrant turned its attention to Jill and Rebecca, both
of them firing again at the seemingly invulnerable
monster. It started its smooth, easy walk toward
them, still indifferent to the bloody holes in its body.
Shotgun blasts hit it in the legs and chest, nine
millimeter bullets speckled its pasty flesh, and it
didn't falter, kept on walking.
Wind whipped down over Barry as the roar of the
helicopter's blades suddenly got louder. He heard a
screaming shout come from above.
Barry stared up at the 'copter, hovering only twenty
feet from the ground and saw

background image

a heavy black object fly out of the open
door on the side, hitting the tar with an audible thud.
Chris was closest. He ran for it.
The Tyrant had almost reached Jill and Rebecca.
The two of them split, each headed in a different
direction and the creature turned toward Jill without
hesitating, tracking her with its strange, fixed gaze.
"Jill, this way!" Chris screamed.
Barry spun and saw that Chris had the bulky
rocket launcher propped on his shoulder.
Jill veered toward Chris, the Tyrant close behind.
She leaped to one side and rolled as Chris fired, the
whoosh of the rocket-propelled grenade almost lost to
the thundering beat of the 'copter's rotors.
The explosion wasn't. The grenade hit the Tyrant
square in the chest and in a burst of incendiary light
and deafening sound, it blew the monster into a
million smoking pieces.
Even as tattered shreds of flesh and bone hailed
down over them, Brad lowered the 'copter back
toward the ground and the four S.T.A.R.S. ran for it.
The rails hadn't touched yet as Jill dove into the open
cabin, Chris and Rebecca and Barry all throwing
themselves in after her.
"Go, Brad, now!" Jill screamed.
The bird lifted into the air and sped away.



inhuman ears.
"You have five seconds, three, two, one. System
activation now."
A circuit that ran the length and width of the estate
With an earth-shaking thunderclap of motion and
sound, the Spencer estate exploded. Devices went
off simultaneously in the basement of the mansion,
beneath the reservoir, behind a plain, uninterest-
ing fireplace in the guardhouse and in the third
level of the basement laboratories. Marble walls
tumbled down over the disintegrating floors of the
fine old mansion. Rock collapsed and concrete
blew into a fine blackened dust. Massive fireballs rose
up into the early morning sky and could be seen from
miles away in their few brief seconds of brilliant life.
As the incredible peal of booming sound rolled
across the forest and died away, the wreckage started
to burn.

background image



piloted the 'copter back toward the city, and though
he had a million questions, something about their
silence didn't invite conversation. Chris and Jill were
both staring out the hatch window at the spreading
fire that had been the estate, their expressions grim.
Barry was slumped against the cabin wall, looking
down at his hands like he'd never seen them before.
The new girl was quietly moving among them, treat-
ing their wounds without saying a word.
Brad kept his mouth shut, still feeling crappy about
taking off earlier. He'd been through hell since then,
flying around in circles and watching the fuel gauge
slowly drop. It had been a total nightmare, and he had
to take a piss like nobody's business.
And then that monster. . .
He shuddered. Whatever it had been, he was glad it
was dead. It had taken all of his nerve not to fly away
the second he'd laid eyes on it and as far as he was
concerned, he deserved a little consideration for man-
aging to kick the launcher out the door.
He glanced back at the silent foursome, wondering
if he should tell them about the weird call he'd gotten
over the radio. Right after the rookie had screamed
something about a heliport through the static, a clear,
solid signal had come in, a male voice calmly giving
him the exact coordinates. The guy had been listening
in, which was weird, but the fact that he knew the
location well enough to give Brad directions was
downright spooky.
He frowned, trying to remember the mystery man's
name. Thad? Terrence?
Trent. That's it, he said his name was Trent.
Brad decided that it would keep for another day.
For now, he just wanted to go home.


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