the secret of perfect weight and health

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The Secret of Perfect Weight and Health

By Chris Howard

80% of the people who go on a diet end up gaining back even more weight than they lost!

Ultimately, there’s one thing that determines your physical health; your focus. In life you tend to get what you
focus on.

This holds especially true for people who find that their weight goes through cycles; these are the classic “yo-yo
dieters.” The question is: “What is the dieter focusing on?”

Are they focusing on getting into great shape, OR are they focusing on all the things that they can’t eat? Are they
focusing on feeling light and energetic, OR are they focusing on how hungry they are. Are they focusing on how
great it feels mentally and physically to be challenging themselves, OR are they focusing on how great it would be
to go out drinking with their friends.

The good news is that you can change your focus and take charge of your physical destiny as a result.

The challenging news, for many people, is that 90% of our focus is generated at the unconscious level.

So the question becomes: “How can you identify those things that determine your focus, and then how can you
change your focus to produce different results?”

There are many determinants of focus. These include your: values, beliefs, meta-programs, memories, and
decisions. These are largely outside of your conscious awareness, but it’s possible to bring them into your
consciousness, and it’s even possible for you to change them.

One of the most powerful things you can do in terms of producing breakthrough results is to clarify your values.

Values are simply those things that are important to you in life. People who are in great shape realise the
importance of exercise. In fact if you really want to take charge of your physical destiny, one of the best things you
can do is make working out the MOST important part of your day.

A very good friend of mine says that she has four values that drive her entire life. Amongst those four values is the
word “Love”. Love, to her, means two things: demonstrating love to others through her actions, AND
demonstrating love to herself by taking care of her mind and body. She only eats the best foods to fuel her body,
she never misses a workout, and she always takes time out of her daily routine to meditate and spend time with
herself. She thinks of love as being a behaviour, or something you do.

Most people believe that one day WHEN they weigh their ideal weight THEN they’ll allow themselves to feel those
feelings of self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem. But the secret to perfect health is to realise that it’s only ONCE
you’ve allowed yourself to feel those feelings of self-esteem, self-worth and self-love that YOU WILL weigh your
ideal weight.

The outer you is nothing but a reflection of the inner you. When you look inside, you are empowered to transform
the way you look outside.

Realise that love is a behaviour, and decide today that YOU are the most important aspect of your life. Make
exercise the most important part of your day. This change of focus will catapult you to great success.

Christopher Howard is an internationally acclaimed expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and
Ericksonian Hypnosis. Chris is a leading resource to individuals and organisations that want to
accelerate their performance and create breakthrough results.

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