Jessica Lee Ariel Estates 2 In The Prides Best Interest

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In the Pride’s Best Interest

An Ariel Estates Story

By Jessica Lee

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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In the Pride’s Best Interest
Copyright © 2013 Jessica Lee
Edited by Marti Ocilka and Jason Huffman
Cover Art by Adrian Nicholas

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-641-7

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable
by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: March 2013

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product
of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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To my darling, Mr. Lee: Without you, none of this would be possible.

You make my dreams come true.

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To Naima Simone, author, critique partner extraordinaire, and most importantly,

my friend: I can’t imagine taking this journey without you. You truly are my


To Marti Ocilka, my fabulous editor: Thank you for sharing your talent, skill, and

amazing attention to detail to my story. You rock!

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Chapter One

“Fuck. Me.”

For the hundredth time, Shayne Matthews stared at the cracked face of the compass in his

palm. Frustrated, he shoved it back in his pocket. Why the hell he even kept the thing anymore

was a complete mystery. Did he think it would miraculously be repaired the next time he pulled

it out?

Peeking up through the canopy of pine and maple branches, Shayne watched as the Great

Smokey Mountain sky went from blue to streaks of crimson with the setting sun. He shrugged

off his backpack and dropped it onto the soft earth. Fatigue had set in, and his back still ached

from the fall he’d taken down an embankment two days ago—the somersault that had broken his

compass. Shayne pivoted, performing another quick survey of the area. His fingers curled into a

tight fist.

Still lost as a motherfucker.

He’d hiked in this general area a few times when he was a kid and was royally pissed that

he’d allowed himself to get disoriented.

After unrolling his sleeping bag, Shayne settled down on the insulated surface and pulled

out the last baggie of trail mix along with his final piece of beef jerky for dinner. Come morning,

he was going to have to find his way to a road and get back on track. The situation was getting

serious. He was out of food. Shayne took a sip from his thermos and shook the canister. He was

about two swallows away from depleting his water supply, too. Damn. Things just kept getting

better and better.

An hour later, darkness settled around him like a cool fog. He turned onto his side and

pulled the edges of the sleeping bag over his shoulder, willing himself to shut down his mind and

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allow sleep to carry him away. A gust of wind rustled the leaves on the trees, and a light

flickered in the distance. He blinked and pushed up onto his elbow. That did not look a star. It

was too bright and the color all wrong. Again the wind kicked up, lifting the hair from his

forehead and blowing it back. There. The yellowish glow of what looked like a streetlight shone

through the trees like a beacon.

Shit. With the forest so dense, Shayne hadn’t realized he was so close to civilization.

He jumped to his feet, stowed his gear back inside his backpack and set out. Traveling

during the night on unfamiliar terrain wasn’t the safest thing to do, but he couldn’t be far away

from whatever required that streetlight. And as much as he loved the Appalachians, he was ready

to go home. Not that there was much to go home to since his mother’s death six months ago.

Caring for his mom during her two-year battle with cancer had been all consuming. Shayne had

put his life on hold. Yet, if he had to do it again, he would.

In a heartbeat.

Rebecca Ann Matthews had been one hell of a woman. She’d raised him as a single

parent without ever once asking for a handout, and he’d never gone to bed hungry. When she’d

taken her last breath, he’d been grateful it was in her sleep. She’d peacefully slipped away.

Shoving the melancholy thoughts aside, he quickened his pace in the direction of—please

God!—a way home.

An hour later, Shayne finally reached as close as he was going to get to his light source. It

had been a longer hike than he’d anticipated to get there. Swiping the sheen of sweat from his

brow, he sucked in another deep breath. Wherever the hell there was.

He stared up at what had to be close to ten feet of chain link fence, considering he was

six-feet tall and the damn thing was well over his head. What the hell were they trying to keep

in—or out—of the place?

Shayne peered through the metal loops. A couple of storage buildings occupied the space

with their metal siding walls pressed up close to the fencing. The orange glow of the streetlight

between them revealed a narrow paved road that ran up to the out buildings.

Roads meant cars.

Cars meant a way out, a trip back to where he started. Yes!

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He shrugged off his backpack, allowing it to tap the chain link in the process. The metal

rattled but no snap, crackle, and pop. Thank goodness for small favors; at least it wasn’t


Returning his backpack onto his shoulders, Shayne studied the top edge of the fence. No

barbed wire.


This was doable.

He’d scaled more difficult cliffs—minus the simple hillside from two days ago. Not his

most graceful moment. On the bright side, there were no witnesses, so he had complete

deniability. Well, as long as they didn’t get a look at him naked with all the bruises he was sure

lined his ass. Shayne almost laughed out loud. Like that was going to happen anytime soon.

Caring for his mother over the last couple of years had been his number one priority, and as a

result, his sex life became nonexistent. His dick would probably recoil if someone other than his

own hand reached for it.

Shayne curled his fingers through the cool metal before hoisting himself up, becoming

one with the vertical chain link. Digging the toe of his boot in, he moved upward, the fence

bowing slightly with his added weight. Easy. He had this. Up and up he climbed. He reached the

top in less than a minute, but it felt like forever, his biceps and quads were seizing up by the time

he’d arrived. Fatigue due to his extended stay in nature had reared its ugly head, affecting his


He grunted and swung a leg over the fence followed by the rest of his body. Shayne

dropped to the earth below with a humpf and crouched, assessing his immediate surroundings.

Nothing moved; the area remained as quiet as before.

“So far so good,” he mumbled.

After a quick dusting off, he straightened and eased forward. His heart pounded out a

jungle beat inside his head. The reality of what he was doing hadn’t escaped him. He was

trespassing. All he needed was either a phone or a ride back to where he’d parked his car. He

wasn’t looking for trouble. Wasn’t spying. Didn’t give a rat’s ass what was behind the fence

unless it had four wheels and rolled.

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His boots thumped on the black asphalt as he made his way deeper into the enclosed

territory. That’s when it struck him. He was the only thing making any noise at all. The woods

around him had suddenly gone quiet.

Cha-ching. The metal on metal sliding sound of a bullet chambering rang in his ear right

before the cold steel of a pistol’s muzzle tapped his temple. Shayne froze mid-step.

“You’ve got about five seconds to explain what the hell you’re doing on private

property,” a deep, gravelly male voice commanded beside him.

Are you fucking kidding me? Guns? He was in the middle of damn nowhere. What the

hell did they have stored up here? Plutonium? Ebola?

“You think we’re playing with you, boy?” A large man dressed in all black stepped into

view, the gun still pressed to the side of Shayne’s head. “Let me assure you, this is no game.” He

shoved the pistol harder against Shayne’s skull and flashed a sadistic grin. Shayne blinked.

Something about the guy didn’t quite look…normal. His teeth appeared almost too large for his

mouth. Lips too broad.

“I-I,” Shayne began. “You see…” He licked his lips. The large guy’s eyelids narrowed,

and Shayne’s peripheral vision detected movement of a second guard closing in on his other side.

Oh fuck. Me.

Shayne twisted on his heels, knocking the gun away from his temple with his forearm and

the first man backward with a sidekick. Shrugging his backpack from shoulders, he whirled,

slamming the pack into the next dude’s gut.

To hell with his gear.

Shayne let go and made a run for it, arms pumping, boots chewing up the pavement. His

fight or flight instinct had kicked in full force, and at the moment, it screamed fly like a bat out of


His gut told him those guys wouldn’t believe the only thing he’d wanted was rescue.

They didn’t look like the Good Samaritan type. More like the kind who’d be happy to get you off

their mountain—for good.

He hadn’t made it but a few hundred yards when something rammed him from behind.

Shayne hit the road, the side of his face skidding along the rough asphalt. Fire lit up his nerve

endings. Air punched from his lungs, and his vision blurred. Son of a bitch!

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Before he could kick start his diaphragm back into action, Shayne was flipped over, his

wrists cinched in front of him, and yanked onto his feet. Going vertical, he gasped and stared into

the pissed-off face of the man he’d kicked in the chest. The hulk-o-guard leaned in and growled,

literally growled, with the whole baring his teeth, chest vibrating kind of action.

Damn. What was up with this guy?

If his face didn’t hurt so damn bad, and add the fact that he was probably about to die,

Shayne would have been tempted to laugh from the absurd intensity of it all.

With one man on each side, they dragged Shayne forward. “Where are you taking me?”

“Shut up,” the one on his left snarled.

“I have a right to know what you’re planning to do to me,” Shayne snapped in return.

“You’re on our property now.” Hulk jerked his head in Shayne’s direction. “Subject to

our rules. We’ll decide what you do and do not have a right to. Something you should have

thought about before you opted to climb over that fence.” He turned his gaze back to their path.

“Who are you people?”

Silence. The twin muscle jocks of the night kept on target, face forward, as if they hadn’t

heard the question. Bastards. His head throbbed like a mother. From the impact with the road,

aftereffects from his adrenaline rush, or the frustrating assholes talking in riddles…who the hell

knew? Shayne was just ready to get the hell out of there.

“Listen, I really just want to go home. I’m not trying to stick my nose in whatever

business you have going on here.” He might as well have been communicating with a store

mannequin for all the response he got to his pleas.

Moments later, they shoved him onto the back of a golf cart, securing him to the bench

seat’s armrest with another zip tie. Shayne glanced over his shoulder as they weaved in and out

of the woodlands. Soon, a large home with a massive stone front like something out of King

Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and outdoor lighting that accented its features

snagged his attention. They rolled past, but turned, heading behind the mansion. Before moving

out of range, he caught sight of more homes farther down the street, smaller ones, sprinkling the

block with a dose of middle class America.

A neighborhood? What kind of neighborhood needed an armed, black-ops team to guard


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They parked the cart in a spot near the rear of the fortress. Hulks One and Two climbed

out then quickly cut the tie securing him to the seat.

“Move your ass,” one of them barked. Without any other options, Shayne slid from the

rear of the golf cart and followed them toward a wing of the house. The guard in front punched a

code into a panel at the side door. It buzzed then popped as the lock released.

With Shayne in tow, they traveled down a long hallway before taking a left into a

narrower room sectioned off by a wall of glass. Inside, he counted four additional guards dressed

in similar black uniforms. Two held their gazes fixed to a wall of monitors that apparently

captured various sections of the property. The others were glued to computer monitors at their


They stopped at a door where one of his captors punched another code then pushed him

inside. Two holding cells lined one wall. Shit. He guessed this was about to be home sweet home

for a while.

The guy he’d kicked grabbed the door to the second cell and held it open. “Inside,” he


Shayne’s gut knotted at the thought of being caged inside that thing. But what the hell

other choice did he have? He eased across the threshold.

“Give me your hands,” the doorman ordered. Shayne pivoted and held out his bound

wrists. The guard cut the zip tie with his knife, and Shayne’s arms fell free. He rubbed at the

stinging red marks made by the hard plastic edges of the bindings.

The door clanged shut.

“What now?” Shayne shouted from behind the bars. “Hey!” One of the men slowed to a

stop, his back to Shayne. “What are you going to do with me?”

Glancing over his shoulder at Shayne, Tall-Dark-and-Growly curled his lip and uttered,

“That’s up to Mr. Novak.”

“Like I’m supposed to know who or what that means?” Shayne gripped the bars and

scoffed, glaring at the guard.

The big guy lifted his shoulder in a lazy shrug and sauntered off with his partner. With a

loud clank that echoed off the walls and rattled around inside Shayne’s head, the metal door

slammed shut behind them.

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“Son of a bitch!” Shayne kicked the bars with his boot, the effort futile against the metal.

The immovable steel only served to add insult to the rage already boiling over inside his gut.

How long was he supposed to stay put in this cage before whomever Novak was decided to pay

him a visit?

In the rear, right hand corner of the cell sat a small cot. Shayne marched over and

plopped down on the edge of the firm surface. Propping his elbows onto his knees, he scrubbed

his palms over his face. Damn. Where had all this bad karma come from? First, he’d fallen down

that embankment breaking his compass. Then, he’d proceeded to get lost as hell, on the brink of

running out of food and water. Now, this. He scanned his surroundings. A concrete wall, a sink,

toilet, cot, and three sides of bars.

Shayne rolled his eyes, fell back on the bed, and swung up his legs.

He stared at the perfect squares forming the drop ceiling, his mind replaying the last

couple of hours like a spinning reel of hindsight, slapping him in the face with regret. Yeah,

yeah. He probably should have told them straight out why he’d trespassed onto their land. But

the gun to his head had made it a little hard to think past self-preservation. Translated as—punch,

kick and run like hell.

The loud clang of the holding room’s door had Shayne jerking his eyelids open. He must

have fallen asleep. As hard as the cot was, it had felt softer and the room warmer than the past

few nights on the ground under the stars. Shayne slung his legs over the side of the bed and

rolled into a sitting position. He cocked his head, studying the tall man heading for his cell. The

new guy’s shoes rapped a slow and steady rhythm against the tile floor. He was still a few feet

away, but everything about his presence, from the arrogance in his step to the way he held

himself, emitted confidence. Dominance.

Shayne’s pulse spiked.

Not from fear. Damn. And he should be very afraid. Shayne had no idea what the other

man had in store from him, but all he could think about was getting a better look at the

testosterone heading his way. Okay. It had now officially been way too long since he’d gotten


The dark-haired man stopped in front of the door to Shayne’s cell. He wore a pair of

black slacks and a crisp white shirt that together looked as if they’d cost more than Shayne’s

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entire wardrobe. In one hand, he carried Shayne’s discarded backpack. He shoved a key into the

lock, the door’s bolt released with a clank and he pulled it open.

“I believe this is yours,” the stranger simply stated, but his voice rolled over and through

Shayne like a smooth shot of bourbon on a hot summer night. His skin flushed, and his cock


The pack landed with a thud at his feet. Shayne grabbed one of the straps and pulled the

bag over to the cot. Slowly, he looked up, taking in the other guy’s long legs and strong thighs,

perfectly encased by the tailored fit of his pants. He could only imagine what hid behind the

significant bulge of his fly. Shayne’s gaze darted to the face of the man, who studied him with

eyes so blue they appeared nearly purple. Striking. His coal black hair was bound at his nape and

had a sprinkling of salt and pepper at the temple.

The clothes, the chiseled cheekbones, a straight patrician nose, full lips, a hint of a five

o’clock shadow, and those bulging biceps… Shayne resisted the urge to shake his head. Fuck. He

swallowed back the curse begging to be groaned. The guy looked like some crazy mix of a

warrior dressed in Armani who’d stepped from a page of GQ.

“You finished?” The new guy swiped his index finger up and down his torso. “Or do I

need to turn around so you can get a good look at my ass as well?”

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Chapter Two

Eli had to put a stop to it. The human raked him with his gaze as if he were the most

delicious dessert in the baker’s window. Everywhere the man’s perusal lingered made his flesh

tingle and his pulse beat just a little a too fast.

“What?” The male, called Shayne according to the ID inside his backpack, squared his

shoulders then shook his head. “Uh. No. You…uhm…you just weren’t what I was expecting

after my run in with your security team.”

“And just what were you expecting?” Eli snagged a chair from outside the cell and

brought it inside. He straddled the wood, eased down on the seat, and propped his arms over the

back, facing Shayne. Folding over the cuffs on his shirtsleeves, Eli shoved them closer to his

elbows. His prisoner watched every move, jade green eyes tracking his progress. Christ. Eli

couldn’t help but wonder if the man had any idea how adorable he was even with the angry

abrasion on one of his cheeks. Freckles dotted his nose and the tops of his cheekbones. Soft

strawberry-blond waves brushed his forehead in that just got out of bed look. He had an athlete’s

body—long, lean, young, and resilient.

Too young.

Only one of the many reasons he was not his type.

“I don’t know.” Shayne shrugged. “Someone packing a lot more weapons—more SWAT

team than Trump Tower.”

Sarcasm in the face of the unknown. He liked that. This Shayne was either quite brave or

a complete idiot.

“I see.” Eli nodded. “I’m Eli Novak. I’m in charge here and was informed that you,

Shayne Matthews, were caught trespassing.”

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Shayne’s head snapped to attention. “How do you know my name?”

Eli pointed to the male’s bag.

“Oh yeah. Right. You searched my backpack.”

“The one you threw at my officers.”

“Yeah.” He sighed and lowered his forearms onto his thighs, dropping his head for a

moment before meeting Eli’s gaze once more. “I’m real sorry about that. I may

have…overreacted a little. But it’s not every day a guy gets a gun put to his head.”

“Why did you try to sneak onto our land?”

“I was lost.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I’ve been lost for a couple of days, and I saw

your streetlight.” He rubbed his palms over his thighs and rocked back, straightening his spine. “I

just wanted to find a ride, man.” Shayne shook his head. “That’s all.”

Eli studied the other male’s face, searching for a twitch, any sign of a lie. “You climbed a

ten-foot fence in the middle of the night because you needed a ride.” He pushed from his chair,

positioning himself directly in front of Shayne.

“That’s it.” Shayne stared up at him. “I don’t care whatever this place is or what you’re

doing here,” he said, the words spilling out in a rush, his voice rising a notch as Eli closed the

distance between them. “I was just lost, trying to get home.”

Eli wanted to believe him, but he couldn’t take that chance. Silas Murdoch, his best

friend and pride leader of Ariel Estates, trusted him to protect the pride in his absence. Calling on

his preternatural strength, he reached down and yanked the male from the cot by his shirt.

Shayne’s breath hitched, and he grasped at the fist holding him. Eli shoved him against the cell’s

cement rear wall. He had no intentions of hurting the human…yet. Not if what he’d said was the

truth. Eli only wanted to put a little fear in him.

With fear came a spike in heart rate. With an increased pulse came perspiration. With

sweat came scent.

Not every shifter in their pride had as sensitive of a nose as Eli. One of the gifts Silas

appreciated in his Secretary. But Eli’s olfactory system was only as good as his proximity to his

prey and how heightened their emotions were at the time.

He leaned in, placing his nose near Shayne’s ear, his fingers coiled within the twisted

handful of the other male’s T-shirt. “Are you sure you’re telling me the truth, Shayne?” he

whispered, his words soft, but the tone anything but. The human shivered.

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“What the fuck?” the man mumbled under his breath and bucked against Eli’s hold,

causing his legs to straddle Eli’s knee.

The heat of the younger man’s crotch seared Eli through the silk fibers of his pants, the

effect going straight through him, making him a little lightheaded. Eli blinked and repositioned

his feet, grounding himself.

“Yes. It’s the truth,” Shayne finally grunted out. “I don’t know what’s going on here. I-I

just need a ride.”

Eli inhaled deep. The fresh scent of the mountains invaded his nostrils. Pine, grass, and

the dried mixture of leaves and nuts that formed the area’s topsoil clung to Shayne’s flesh.

“What the hell are you doing?” Shayne jerked and tried to pull away once more, Eli

breathed in, taking the scent deep. “Shit, man. Are you smelling me?”


Molecules that reminded Eli of mint and sandalwood exploded inside his head. Shayne

Matthews unwrapped. Sweet with a hint of musk. A delectable combination that had Eli yanking

hard on his leash for restraint to keep from licking the human from head to toe—and everything

in between. He shook his head, reminding himself of his purpose. No bitter notes detected.

Shayne wasn’t lying.

He popped open his fingers and stepped back. Shayne rubbed the spot on his neck where

Eli had sampled his scent. The young male glared at him, his irises morphing to an icier shade of

green. “You got one strange way of interrogating someone.” He lowered his arm and worked his

shoulders as if he were shaking off Eli. “Haven’t seen that one on Law and Order. What the hell

was all the sniffing about?”

“I believe your story. Let’s leave it at that.” Eli rotated on his heels and aimed for the cell

door. “I imagine you’re ready to go home.” He glanced back at Shayne who stared at him,

confusion written on his face. “Am I right?”

The younger man nodded. “You have no idea how ready I am to get out of here.” Shayne

drove his fingers into the hair, covering his brow, and pushed it back.

Unbidden, Eli’s nostrils flared, craving one more whiff of the human’s erotic cocktail of


What in God’s name am I doing?

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“Someone will be back soon to escort you off our land,” Eli managed to get out without

stumbling over his words. He strode across the threshold into the hallway, banging the door shut

behind him.

Fresh air. That’s what he needed—that and a hard and fast fuck from someone who didn’t

smell like the sweet outdoors and musk.

Eli was straight.

He loved women. Loved how soft they felt beneath him in bed as he drove his cock into

their tight, wet pussies. Loved how easily most of them submitted. Eli reached down and

repositioned his swelling dick at the thought. He’d never fantasized about nor taken a male to his


Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. But it had been so long ago, back during his freshman

year in high school. Eli stepped outside, breathed deep, and tipped his face toward the warm

glow of the rising sun.

Silas never had a clue his best friend’s feelings had gone much deeper than friendship.

The powerful shifter thought of Eli as a good friend. A confidante, then and now. Eli’s mind

drifted back, images of Silas and him laughing on his bed as they’d pretended to study but spent

more time watching TV, playing video games, and bragging over their most recent conquests.

Their leader had been a handsome young male. Still was. Silas was well over six-feet tall

with a long, thick mane of copper hair and green eyes. Every girl and gay male in school had

wanted a piece of Silas—and secretly, so had Eli.

It wasn’t Silas’ fault, though, that he hadn’t picked up on the clues. There hadn’t been

any. Eli had never given his friend a reason to suspect he carried a serious crush. How could he

when Eli was never without a girl on his arm or in his bed? Eli was the exact Novak male his

father had groomed. Anything less than a strong, heterosexual male would have been

unacceptable. Damn, how he’d envied the ease at which Silas had dealt with his dual sexuality.

Truth was this shit confused the hell out of Eli. He liked order—structure. Liked knowing

what he was and where he was going. He treasured his friendship with Silas and was very

pleased their leader had found love and a mate with his wolf shifter, Theo. Yet Eli doubted he’d

ever find such a thing. God knew he didn’t have an example of a healthy relationship growing

up. His mother had died giving birth to him, leaving a bitter and resentful father to raise him.

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And Eli was too much like the gnarly bastard. Hard, controlling. Who the hell would want to

spend the rest of their life bound to a male with those qualities?

“Sir?” The door clanged behind Eli. He pivoted and faced the guard.

“What are your orders regarding the trespasser?”

“He’s not a threat. The human is free to go. Blindfold him, and let’s get his ass off Ariel

Estates. He doesn’t need to see any more than what he already has.” Eli brushed past the other

male but came to a halt, his hand on the keypad. “Let me know when you have a car brought

around for the transport.” He glanced over his shoulder. “I’ll escort him.”

The guard’s eyes widened. “Yes, sir.”

It was more than a little unusual for the Secretary to personally accompany a trespasser

off the property. But until Silas returned, he was in charge and could do whatever the hell he

pleased, and Shayne Matthews intrigued him. Once he passed through the gates of Ariel, the

human wouldn’t be back, and Eli wasn’t quite finished with him.

Thirty minutes later, Eli sat in the backseat of a black Mercedes watching as Shayne was

led from the rear door of the security wing. Wearing a blindfold and flanked by two guards

holding his arms, the human male shuffled toward the vehicle. One of Eli’s men opened the rear

door, and with a broad hand pressing his head down, guided Shayne inside, then dropped his

backpack on the floorboard between the human’s legs.

“Come on…” he groaned. “Is this really fucking necessary?” Shayne reached up, going

for the black material covering his eyes. Eli grabbed the other man’s arm.

“Yes. It is,” he stated, his tone stern.

Shayne stilled. “Mr. Novak.” His head swiveled in the direction of Eli’s voice, and his

arm dropped. “I didn’t realize you would be taking the ride with me.”

“Keep the blindfold on.”

“I don’t get it. I didn’t have one on when security grabbed me and hauled me into that


“That was unavoidable. But it was dark. Not a major complication. We enjoy our privacy

here, Mr. Matthews, and we’d like to keep it that way.” The sedan’s engine revved, and the

vehicle rolled forward.

“Where are you taking me?”

“A town called Vista. You should be able to manage the rest of your way from there.”

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The human cleared his throat. “Thank you for at least taking me that far. I can hitch a ride

to my car.” Shayne squirmed in his seat as if it were too small for the both of them. After a few

moments, he finally settled down.

Over the next several miles, silence grew thick and heavy between them, an invisible yet

oppressive weight, making Eli’s fingers itch to lower the window to release the tension. He’d

placed himself in the situation because he wanted a little more time with the human. Wanted to

know more before letting him go—so, here they were—and Eli couldn’t get his throat to work.

What the hell? Had he reverted back junior high?

“So…” Eli began. “Where are you from?”

Shayne’s head swiveled in his direction, his covered gaze facing him dead-on as if he

were analyzing him before deciding to speak. Finally, he uttered, “South Carolina.”

“Ah. Right. I remember that from your driver’s license.” Eli rubbed his palms over his

thighs. “You go hiking alone often?”

“Sometimes,” Shayne said. “You sure ask a hell of a lot of questions for a man sitting on

an ass load of his own secrets.”

Eli couldn’t hold back his laughter. The redhead was so refreshing. It had been a long

time since he’d met anyone as quick to speak his mind and as capable of such sarcasm as


“Very true, Mr. Matthews. I give you that one.”

Shayne nodded and quirked a smile before adding, “It’s peaceful in the mountains. I

needed some of their quiet.” He faced forward once more and propped his elbow on the door,

resting his head on his fingertips. “That and some time away, alone, to think.”

“We all need some solitude every now and again.” Eli stared out the passenger window at

the rhododendrons and sheer rock faces of the cliffs zooming by. They were several miles into

their drive—far enough that Shayne would have no idea how to retrace his journey. “You can

remove your blindfold now.”

Eli glanced over his shoulder. Shayne lifted the material away from his eyes and tossed it

beside him on the seat. He blinked rapidly in the bright, midmorning sun, the freckles across his

nose and cheekbones standing out in sharp relief against his fair skin. Shayne ran his fingers

through his hair, and a familiar tingle raced up Eli’s shaft. Fucking hell. Eli repositioned in his

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seat, returning his gaze to the road. Even in Shayne’s tousled up-all-night state, with the road

burn on his cheek, the guy was sexy as hell.

It was a damn good thing Eli was about to drop this guy off, placing him out of sight and

out of mind very soon. He didn’t need this sort of distraction or confusion in his life right now.

Silas had placed a lot of responsibility on him as Secretary of Ariel Estates. Especially with

Silas’ frequent trips back to Alaska to spend time with his mate. After the assassination attempt

on Silas’ life, everyone’s eyes were glued to him and his appointees, watching to see how

competently their new, young leader handled his position. Eli wasn’t about to let his best friend


“Shit!” their driver yelled, and the car swerved hard to the left. His shoulder slammed

into the door, and Eli caught sight of several large rocks rolling down the cliff, hitting the paved

surface like granite and limestone bombs.

“Oh fuck!” Shayne tumbled across the seat, coming to a stop only after landing halfway

on top of Eli, his face a breath away.

And the world stopped spinning.

Jade green eyes, hooded by a thick fan of blond lashes, stared into his. Shayne licked his


Fuck was right.

His lion stirred. Roared for Eli to take.



He smelled so damn good. Except when had Eli remembered to breathe?

The car whipped back to the right, kick starting the Earth back into the motion. Shayne

rolled, but Eli snagged his arm, slowing Shayne’s free fall against his seat.

“Wow!” Shayne twisted and glanced out the rear window. “That was too close.”

“You both okay back there, sir?”

Eli met the driver’s worried stare in the mirror. “Yeah. I think we’re fine. Good job

staying alert.”

“Thank you, sir.”

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“I’ve seen those warning signs before about the danger of falling rocks.” Shayne

repositioned in his seat, turning his attention to Eli. “But I’ve never been almost taken out by any


“Exciting, huh?” Eli lifted a corner of his mouth in a half-smile.

Shayne laughed. “Oh yeah. You can say that.” He dropped his gaze to his backpack,

studying the strap before tilting his head to the side. “Sorry about slamming into you.”

Clearing his throat, Eli focused on the road ahead. “Not your fault.”

About an hour later, they pulled into a parking space at a service station. Shayne grabbed

his pack and stepped out of the vehicle. Sliding over into the warm, empty seat, Eli watched as

Shayne slipped the straps over his shoulders.

“Thanks again for the ride,” he said, positioning the weight of his pack. “I apologize for

all the inconvenience my poor sense of direction caused.”

Eli nodded. “Do me a favor, Shayne Matthews.” The other man stared down at him, the

sun’s rays striking his hair, lighting them up like strands of fire.

“If I can. Sure.” He shrugged.

“Forget about the last few hours—about me and my land. Move on and don’t let me see

your face up there again.” Eli pulled on the door, closing it on their dialogue with a soft thud.

The car rolled forward. “You think he’ll listen, sir?”

Eli stared at the back of the driver’s head, refusing to turn for once last glimpse of the

fiery human. Was he still standing there, or had he taken his advice and moved on? Would

Shayne forget about him right away?

“If he’s smart, he will,” Eli said, his voice hoarse and dark.

The better question was, could Eli ever forget about him?

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Chapter Three

Oh. My. God.

It had never felt so good to be home in Shayne’s entire life. He dropped his keys on the

kitchen counter and tossed his backpack onto the sofa.

First up: shower.

He marched down the hall toward his bedroom and the apartment’s sole bathroom.

Hot water and soap. Shayne groaned. The idea of them racing over his naked body

sounded better than sex. He grabbed a towel from the linen closet. Well—maybe a very close

second if one dark-haired mystery man were involved in the act. He shoved that fantasy to the

back of his mind where it needed to stay. The man in his thoughts was wrapped up in one serious

sexy, muscle-bound package that screamed bad news. And definitely untouchable.

After stripping off his clothes and allowing them to form a small mound on the bathroom

floor, Shayne twisted the controls of his shower. The spray hit the acrylic floor of the tub, and in

a few seconds, a cloud of steam permeated the room. He breathed deep. Niiicce. He’d washed up

a couple of times in the mountain streams, but nothing beat a hot shower.

Under the spray, Shayne fisted the soap, lathered, and started some back and forth action

across his chest and around his neck, careful not to catch his fingers in his…

He froze then crawled his fingertips around his throat, searching for the familiar thin gold


It’s gone!

The chain his mother had given him on his birthday was gone. His stomach twisted into a


“Son of a bitch!”

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Quickly he finished his shower, toweled off, and snagged a pair of boxer briefs from his

dresser drawer. What the hell could have happened to it? The white gold chain and cross was the

last thing his mother had given him. She’d even had it inscribed on the back with the words “To

Shayne, my beautiful son. Love Always, Mom”.

He didn’t want his head to go where his gut was telling him—that he’d lost it in the

mountains. His gut churned. No. It had to be here somewhere. He retraced his steps, snatched his

pants from the bathroom floor, and searched the pockets.


Shayne tore into the living room and yanked his backpack from the couch. After coming

close to ripping the thing in two with the zipper, he dumped the remaining contents onto the tan

carpet and dropped to his knees. He rummaged through his stash of dirty clothes and empty

sandwich baggies, whispering a silent prayer, please let it be here.

But it wasn’t.

Gravity, along with a wave of suffocating grief, dragged his rear to the floor. He clutched

his chest. God, it felt like losing her all over again. He was twenty-four, a grown man, and she

was so much better off, at peace rather than lingering here in constant pain. Yet damn, if he

didn’t miss her presence. For his entire life, they were all each other had. His “sperm donor”

hadn’t stuck around long enough to know him or to help his mom out. The selfish bastard had

split before Shayne had even been born.

A knock sounded at the door, yanking him from the edge of the dark hole called

depression. Shayne pushed up from the floor.

“Hey, Shayne, you in there, man?” His friend Jason’s voice carried through the wood

right before he knocked again.

Shayne glanced down, remembering he’d only pulled on a pair of boxer briefs. “Yeah.

Hang on,” he called out. “Be right there.”

He made short work of grabbing a pair of sweats from the bedroom, pulling them up on

his way into the other room and over to the door.

“Hey there.” Shayne held the door open as Jason strode into the apartment. His friend

wore a pair of loose fitting jeans that had seen better days and a red T-shirt with the words “Got

Beef” printed across the front in black letters.

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Jason glanced down at the array of strewn clothes on the floor then to Shayne. “Um. You

just getting back home?”

“Yeah.” Shayne rounded the couch and gathered his stuff, taking them down the hall to

the dirty clothes hamper before rejoining Jason. “I was looking for something in my bag.”

“Find it?”

Shayne shook his head. “Nope,” he said, releasing a sigh.

“Need any help?” Jason shoved long raven strands of hair away from his eyes and

straightened from where he’d perched on the arm of the sofa.

“No.” Shayne waved him off and headed into the kitchen. “Thanks, though.” That was

Jason, always looking out for his friends. This time, though, there wasn’t any need. Shayne knew

exactly what had happened to his cross. When he’d gone all Jackie Chan on the pair of guards at

that freaking, top-secret property, the chain had probably broken. Accepting its fate to remain

lost in those mountains was another matter.

Shayne snagged a couple of beers from the fridge. Sauntering back toward his friend, he

held up the Bud Lite. “Thirsty?”

“Always.” Jason reached up and wrapped his fingers around the chilled offering. “I came

by a couple of days ago. Thought you were supposed to be home by then?”

“I was.” Shayne dropped into the secondhand, blue-and-white chair that matched his

couch. He couldn’t stand the bold flower pattern, but it was still in decent shape, and the

Goodwill price had been right for his budget: cheap. He tucked his legs and placed the bottle on

the end table. “Can you believe I got fucking lost?”

Jason laughed and collapsed on the sofa cushion. “Dude… You’re shittin’ me?”

“It’s not funny.” Shayne leaned forward. “I broke my damn compass then got turned

around as hell.” He filled his friend in on his extra few days of wandering around The Smokies

then the story of what he thought was going to be a rescue turning into a few hours in a cell.

“Damn, man.” Jason took another swig of his brew and shook his head. “What was that


“I have no idea—didn’t ask. Just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.”

“So they let you go after finding out you weren’t spying or something?”

“Yeah. The guy in charge, Eli, escorted me off the property and dropped me in town.”

“Eli, huh?” Jason sat his empty bottle on the coffee table. “Some old guy?”

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“Older but not old.” He shook his head. “Now for him, I wouldn’t have minded spending

a few more days.” Shayne smiled.

“Well, if nothing else, I’m glad to see something has put a smile back on your face.”

The reminder of why he’d gone to the mountains crashed into his head and heart like a

bullet train of grief. One that he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to shake. His smile faltered.

“Oh shit.” Jason placed his elbows on his knees, and his head bobbed for a moment. “I’m

so sorry for bringing it up, and I don’t mean to sound cold, but it’s been six months. I’d hoped

moving back into your apartment and taking some time for a hike would help. You took care of

your mom by yourself for almost two years. You did everything you could for her, Shayne. It’s

time for you now. You need to start living again.” He straightened his spine. “Why don’t you get

back into the martial arts? You loved that shit, man. Or you could put your biology degree to use,

get a job, or apply to grad school. Hell. Get a boyfriend.”

“I know. I know,” Shayne yelled. He closed his eyes and let his head loll back. Jason had

been his best friend since elementary school, the brother he’d never had. One of the few people

on the planet who really knew him, and the only person he’d allow to talk to him like that

without kicking his ass. “Easier said than done. I don’t even know for sure if I know what I want

or who I am anymore.”

“Then get out of here and find out!” Jason grinned.

“Kiss my ass.” Shayne shot him his middle finger.

“You wish.” Jason batted his eyes then a solemn expression washed over his face. “Even

though you never told your mom…everything…that’s not a reason for you to become a monk.”

“Who said I’ve been checking out flight plans to the nearest monastery?” Shayne rolled

his eyes. “I’ve just been busy. Haven’t felt like going out.” He shrugged. “Speaking of sex…

How’s it going with you and… what’s her name…? Becky?”

“Damn, dude. I think I might have whiplash from that change of subject.” Jason

massaged his nape.

Shayne shrugged.

“But I get the message. Leaving it alone.” Jason tossed up the universal signal for

surrender. “Becky and me are good. Yeah…” He nodded, flashed another smile that was all

teeth, and lowered his gaze.

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“You really like this one, don’t you?” Shayne unfolded his legs, lowered his feet to the

floor, and scooted forward in his chair.

“She’s…I-I don’t know.” Jason stood, shoved his hands in his jeans pocket, and turned.

“Yeah…yeah, I like her. But we’re not getting serious, you know.” He shrugged.

“Right. Right. I get that.” Shayne bit back a laugh. The girl had Jason stumbling over his

words. Nah. He’s not serious about her at all.

Jason reached for the doorknob. “Anyway, I just came by to see if you’d made it back


“Yup.” Shayne nodded. “I’ve returned,” he said, holding his arms out as if for visual


“You sure you don’t need some help finding whatever it was you were looking for before

I head out?”

“Nah.” Shayne rubbed his palm over the vacant spot around his neck. “That’s okay. I

think I know where it is after all.”

“Okay, man.” Jason opened the door and stepped into the hall. “Later.”

“Later.” Shayne closed the door and set the deadbolt. A wave of fatigue washed over

him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a decent night’s sleep. Tomorrow. Tomorrow

he’d have to decide how the hell he was ever going to find his cross. But not finding it wasn’t an


Shayne hit the light switch on the wall, killing the power to the lamp in the corner of the

room, casting the apartment in long shadows. There were a couple of hours still before nightfall,

but he was too tired to wait for sundown. His adventures in the wild, hours spent behind bars,

and realizing he’d lost the one item he could never replace had drained his energy reserves.

In his bedroom, Shayne collapsed on the mattress and dragged a blanket over his

shoulders. The hum of the ceiling fan over his head lulled him into a fog, tugging him into a deep


“I thought I told you to stay away from here, Matthews.”

Shayne spun, searching for the origin of the familiar deep voice. Eli stood behind him,

dressed in all black, his presence intimidating, and at the same time, so damn provocative. His

blue gaze raked Shayne from top to bottom, pausing long enough midway to have Shayne’s cock

swelling under the man’s perusal.

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Shayne swallowed hard, urging his larynx to respond. “There was no other way,” he

managed to get out. “I had to find you.”

“You were supposed to forget.” Eli closed the distance between them. His overwhelming

proximity had Shayne’s feet begging for a retreat, but he stood his ground despite being mere

inches apart. On reflex, he breathed deep.

God, the man smelled crazy delicious, like a steaming cup of cinnamon coffee—spicy,

dark, and robust. Mmm. The scent had him salivating for a taste. He licked his lips. “How can I

when you have something I want?”

Eli gripped his chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing Shayne to meet his glare.

“Don’t toy with me.” His voice dropped into a sexy growl, lifting the hairs on Shayne’s arm.

“I’m not.” He wasn’t, was he? Even though the idea of pulling the man’s strings made

his pulse gallop. The hint of danger lurking in the shadows of Eli’s eyes was a devilish

temptation. “You have my cross.”

“This?” Eli held up a thin, white-gold chain with a cross swinging from its links.

“Yes! I knew you would find it.”

A smile spread across the other man’s face. “Of course.” Eli reached out and placed the

necklace around Shayne’s neck. The cool metal fell into place, spreading gooseflesh over his

skin. Shayne glanced down and smoothed his fingertips over the flat surface of the cross. Below,

his semi-erect shaft flexed, catching his eye. When had he taken off his clothes? “Beautiful…”

Eli whispered.

Shayne lifted his gaze. The expression on Eli’s face said his comment had nothing to do

with the jewelry and everything to do with Shayne. A warm flush raced upward into his cheeks.

“I can’t thank you enough for finding this.” Shayne tugged on the chain.

Eli speared his fingers into Shayne’s hair, jerking his head back. “Thanks isn’t what I

want or need.”

The sharp sting at his scalp drew a gasp from Shayne’s lungs. The sensation arrowed

straight to his cock, nearly buckling his knees in the process. Yet the effect had engorged his

shaft to a rock hard state.

Shayne groaned and swung an arm up to the fist pulling his hair. With his other hand,

Shayne grappled for purchase at Novak’s chest. A fine dusting of hair, though, was all that

covered Eli’s pecs. When the hell had he stripped, too?

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Before he had a chance to question the hows and whys any further, Eli’s mouth claimed

Shayne’s. The dominant passion behind the kiss ignited starbursts behind his eyelids. Holy shit!

Eli’s lips traversed Shayne’s in brazen hunger before his tongue slipped inside, forcing another

groan from Shayne’s throat.

Then he was moving. Eli guided him backward until Shayne’s calves struck an

unmovable object. He released his hold, and Shayne melted onto a bed. There was no other way

to describe the action.

“You came back,” Eli rumbled, his voice hoarse with lust as he crawled over Shayne. His

muscular frame rippled with each controlled move. He planted one large hand at either side of

Shayne’s head, keeping himself aloft, deep blue irises holding Shayne transfixed. “I warned you,

pretty one… Now you’re mine.”

Shayne jerked, and his eyelids popped open. “Fuck!”

A dream.

He sucked in a cleansing breath and rolled onto his back. Big mistake! Shayne hissed and

clamped down on his molars. The cotton rubbing his engorged cock had to go.

Shayne kicked away the blanket and gently removed his sweats. Closing his eyes, he

wrapped a fist around his shaft. He moaned at the sweet feel of the warm, tight pressure around

his rod. No need for lube. This wouldn’t take long.

The vivid image of the mysterious, dark demon from his dream loomed behind his

eyelids. He spread his thighs and pumped into his hand.

Once, twice, three times.

“Shit!” His spine went rigid, and his legs shook as hot streams of cum erupted from his

shaft and sprayed his abdomen. Shayne milked his length, squeezing the sensitive head with each

stroke until his balls relaxed.

Uncurling his fingers from his softening rod, Shayne gulped for air.

Son of a…

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Chapter Four

The female shuddered above Eli, her core clamping down on his cock, squeezing him as

she rode the violent waves of another orgasm. She cried out, and Eli thrust up into her wet heat

twice more, giving her ass cheek a sharp smack. On a groan, Monique collapsed onto his chest

then over onto the mattress. Eli rolled from the bed still hard, grabbed his pair of boxer briefs

from where he’d tossed them to the floor, and held them over himself.

“Hey,” Monique called out, damp hair clinging to her face. “Where you going?” She

pursed her lips into a pronounced pout.

“Bathroom.” Keeping his back to her, Eli headed for the privacy of the other room,

making sure she didn’t glimpse his cock jutting north like a damn steel rod, condom empty. Fuck

that. No way was he having the conversation about why he hadn’t come with the female

sprawled in his bed.

“Hurry back, Eli,” she drawled. “I’m getting cold.”

Eli grunted his reply and closed the door. Resting his hips against the edge of the counter,

Eli ripped the condom from his shaft and tossed it in the trash. He hadn’t been worried about

impregnating the shifter female. She wasn’t in heat. But he preferred to keep his scent out of the

women he chose to bed. Who he fucked was his business.

Fisting his cock, Eli closed his eyes. He and Monique had been at it for over an hour, but

he wasn’t anywhere near ready to spill his seed. What the hell was wrong with him? Monique

had always been a sure thing when he wanted to get off.

Unbidden, the image of a certain strawberry-blond trespasser loomed in his mind’s eye.

His balls tightened, and he hissed.


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Spiraling up and down the length, Eli pumped his shaft, pre-cum spilling over the crown.

God, he had to forget the human. It had been over two weeks since Eli had escorted him from the

property. The man was so far removed from any list of potential lovers; Eli was pathetic for

entertaining the constant fantasy. But dammit, the idea of the fiery redhead on his knees, mouth

sinking over his cock, and that freckled face staring up at him as his throat convulsed on Eli’s


Lightning raced up Eli’s spine, and his balls jerked. On a groan, ribbons of cum jetted

from his shaft, splattering the tiled floor like milky raindrops onto the dark surface. God, yes…

He curled in on himself, massaging every droplet from the head.

Get a grip, Novak.

Straightening his spine, he turned and faced the long rectangular mirror covering the

wall. You’re the Secretary of Ariel Estates. What the fuck are you doing jacking off to the fantasy

of a human male? Get over yourself. A relationship outside their species, especially another high

profile same-sex one after Silas’ mating with Theo, was not in the pride’s best interest. It would

be like pouring gas on a bonfire. Their enemies, who wanted Silas’ ass removed from power,

would use it to fuel their attack.

Eli had to get out of there. Outside the walls of the estates and clear his head.

He quickly cleaned up any evidence of his release, yanked on his underwear, and exited

the bathroom. Monique sat in the center of the bed, the sheet draped over her thighs and nothing

else. A lovely invitation for a return visit—if he were interested.

After a stop at his dresser, Eli pulled on a pair of running pants.

“Where are you going?” On all fours, Monique crawled to the foot of the bed, her

midnight eyes wide. “It’s still early.”

“Out,” he said, pulling a black T-shirt over his head. “I need some air.”

She sat back, blinking. Hurt rolled over her expression like a brewing storm. Damn. Eli

sucked in a calming breath, turned, and his gaze fell to the shimmering gold chain coiled in the

silver dish in front of his mirror. This wasn’t her fault.

“It’s been a long day.” He pivoted around, eased closer, and smoothed a palm down her

hair. Monique leaned into the caress. “I enjoyed our evening. As always,” he added.

Monique smiled, the effort practiced for maximum effect.

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Eli reached down, plucked her dress from the floor, and handed it over. “Please show

yourself out.” She tugged it free from his hands, doing her best to hide the displeasure at her

dismissal. But not well enough.

“I’m not sure when I’ll return.” Eli moved toward the bedroom door.

“I see…” she said behind him. The word “bastard” hung unspoken in the air.

Yeah. He was.

He exited his suite, and as if a belt had loosened around his chest, his breath slipped in

and out of his lungs a little easier. His cat stirred deep inside, eager to release his claws, dig in

the soft earth, and bolt.

The elevator at the end of the hall dinged as he approached, and the metal doors slid

open. Eli rode the box from the third floor of the main headquarters of Ariel Estates down to the

ground level, pacing the confined space like the caged beast he’d become. A couple of minutes

later—not nearly soon enough—he stepped out the rear entrance. One of the carts sat parked

behind the main building, floodlights bouncing off its ivory surface. Peering inside, he found the

keys still hanging in the ignition. Perfect.

Nabbing the vehicle, Eli headed for the rear security gate that opened to the wooded

sanctuary surrounding the Estates for miles. Running in lion form outside the confines of the

property was against pride rules. The risk was too high if a large jungle cat were to be found

wandering the Smoky Mountains. But what he needed—the clarity and freedom he craved—

couldn’t be found within the quaint parks inside the estate’s walls. He’d have to be careful.

Slowing his cart to a stop near the gate, Eli cut the motor and stepped free of his ride. The

red glow of an emergency light illuminated the small square keypad mounted on a pole adjacent

to the exit. Eli punched in his personal code, and the lock to the gate released with a quiet snick.

The act of stripping had never seemed to take longer in his life. Thinking back, he

couldn’t remember the last time he’d shifted, which might explain his racing pulse at the

prospect. For the last year, the demands as Secretary had kept him more than busy with his

friend’s frequent trips to Alaska for visits with his mate. But he shared Silas’ love for their pride,

and the sacrifice of his free time was well worth it for Ariel Estates.

Eli shoved his clothing onto the driver’s seat and reached into the primal center of his

mind for his lion. The beast roared to life inside his head. Adrenalin pumped into his veins, and

his heart slammed against his sternum. Eli’s spine bowed, and he cried out.

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Not from pain.

But from the exquisite release cascading like firecrackers along his nerve endings.

Falling forward, he watched as the caramel-colored fur he’d known since puberty erupted

from his pores. His thick padded feet hit the ground, and Eli’s jaw shifted, elongated, making

room for the sharp canines cutting through his gums. He tossed his head back, shaking the long

mane of hair now flowing around his ears like a dark wreath, and growled. Pawing at the ground,

he reveled once more at the power surging through his veins. And damn if it didn’t feel good. It

had been too long.

With his muzzle, Eli nudged the gate open wide enough to pass his massive form

through, kicked it shut then leaped into the thick brush. He hadn’t gone far before the gurgle of

water rushing over a rocky bed filled his ears. He raced forward, air sawing in and out of his

nostrils in anticipation. Eli darted left, then right, around a large oak, and the stream was there.

With practiced ease, he sprang, taking to the air and spanning the distance to the other side. Yes!

Slicing through a cluster of rhododendron, Eli relished the scratch of the branches

through his fur. He breathed in the sweet scent of the few remaining blooms of mountain laurel.

And froze.


Eli dropped his muzzle low to the earth.

With his nose trained to the ground, he plodded forward, distancing himself from the

fragrant foliage for a better scent. A few feet from the stream, the full onslaught of the human’s

pheromones slammed into his brain. Mint and sandalwood.

His lip curled, and a growl formed low in his throat.

Shayne Matthews.

What the hell was he doing back here?

Even if he’d wanted to, Eli couldn’t have put a halt to the momentum taking him closer to

the origin of the provocative molecules drugging his brain. Weaving in and out of the tree line,

the predator stalked his prey. No way in hell would the human detect his approach until he

wanted him to do so. A few yards ahead, a rustling noise told Eli he’d found Shayne.

Soundlessly, he crept closer until a dark formed outlined by the soft glow of a flashlight

appeared through the branches. Then Shayne turned, offering him a clearer view, and Eli’s step

faltered. His paw landed on a thick twig with a loud pop.

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Holy hell. The guy stood there completely bare, his skin perfect, smooth, and white as a

dish of cream. And damn if Eli didn’t want to lap up every inch.

Shayne must have been at the stream earlier to bathe, based on the towel and clothing

near his fire. At the sound of the twig snapping, the human had dropped into a crouch and

reached for his flashlight. The muscles in Shayne’s thighs bunched under the strain. The sudden

change in position had his shaft and balls swaying between his legs. A wave of lust coursed

through Eli’s veins, taking him by surprise.


A growl unlike any he’d expressed before—instead of rage, this was born of a primal

need to possess—tore from his throat.

The white beam from Shayne’s flashlight hit Eli’s retinas, and he sprang forward.

“Oh shit!” Were the last words he heard before the human stumbled back. Eli leaped,

slamming his body into Shayne’s. Pain seared a path up Eli’s front leg, and Shayne went down

hard on his rear.

Keep moving. Keep moving.

Eli dove back into the cover of the brush. His front leg throbbed, but he didn’t have time

to stop and inspect the damage. What the fuck had he been thinking?

He hadn’t been thinking with his head. That was the problem.

At the sight of Shayne’s nude form, his neurons had fried. Primal instinct had clicked in,

and all he’d wanted to do was claim—lick, suck, and stamp his scent all over the male.

But when the light had hit his eyes, a glimmer of sanity had reclaimed his mind.

Shayne needed to run. Eli had only meant to scare the man bad enough to make him want

to get as far away as possible. For both their sakes.

On the other side of the stream bed, Eli finally slowed and glanced down at the damage.

A crimson trail ran down his leg and soaked his paw. Higher up, he found a three-inch gash—a

stab wound.

Fucking brilliant, Novak.

Clouds hid the moon tonight, but his feline-enhanced vision easily detected the gate

ahead. Eli morphed back into human form, the process pulling at the torn muscle in his arm

before reknitting the tissue. Scanning the injury with the tips of his fingers, he confirmed the

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bleeding had slowed, the wound near to healing. Nothing a couple days and a bandage wouldn’t


Eli punched his code into the keypad and returned to where he’d left his cart. He grabbed

the walkie-talkie stowed on the dash, ignoring the streaks of blood drying on his flesh.

“Base, this is Novak. Come in.”

Seconds later, the device crackled. “This is base, sir.”

“We have a situation about a half mile outside the south gate. Return trespass violator,

Shayne Matthews,” Eli added. “I want a team on the scene immediately. The male is about six

feet with reddish-blond hair. If the camper is still within a mile of Ariel Estates, bring his ass in,

lock him up and notify me ASAP.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll get a team on it right away.”

He tossed the communication device on the passenger seat and gathered his clothes.

Technically, Shayne wasn’t trespassing since he was outside the fence. But technicality or not,

Eli didn’t give a fuck. He had to know what the hell Matthews was doing hiking in the same

area. The last time he was there, the guy had said he was lost, and if it had been a lie, Eli would

have smelled it. And there had been nothing bitter or distasteful about Shayne Matthews’ scent.

His mind flashed back to the moment he’d first breathed him in—delicious. Eli’s body tightened.

With a jerk of his head, Eli shoved the memory away. He’d never been a slave to his

dick, and he wasn’t about to start now. Especially not over a human male. Way more important

matters required his attention. If Matthews was stupid enough to still be anywhere near Ariel, Eli

would make damn sure the guy never wanted to come back.

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Chapter Five

Shayne swiped away another round of perspiration threatening to spill into his eyes. The

night air was cool, but after…whatever had jumped him…yeah. Shayne had broken a sweat.

The creature had disappeared into the woods, and Shayne had thrown on his clothes in

case the damn thing decided to make another attack. He’d parked himself up against a tree—

waiting, flashlight and blade in hand. That was about thirty minutes ago. Based on his current

heart rate, the rush of adrenalin was beginning to wear off. Maybe the thing had decided to move


Shayne stared down at his hunting knife for the hundredth time. Under the beam of his

light, the serrated edges gleamed. But instead of the sheen of a metallic finish, the tips appeared

dipped in scarlet. He’d at least made an impression on the beast. One that said, don’t fuck with


But what the hell had he injured?

The only animal known to be that big in the mountains was a bear. However, even on a

moonless night, he knew that was no damn bear. The eyes… Shayne allowed his mind to roll

back to the moment his flashlight had struck its face. Deep blue irises. Beautiful and unlike any

animal he’d ever seen. Yet the pupils—the pupils had been oval, catlike. But a cat that big in the

Smokies? Impossible. The only confirmed cats around here were bobcats, and they certainly

didn’t have the size and weight to put Shayne on his ass. There had been a few reports of

mountain lions sighted in the Appalachians, but there was no solid proof of their existence in that

part of the country. Besides, whatever had slammed into Shayne had to have been double the size

of a mountain lion. And didn’t most wild animals have an aversion to fire? He’d been standing

next to his when the creature had charged.

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A twig popped behind him. Shayne stiffened, his pulse spiked, and he tightened his hold

on the hilt of his knife. Slowly, he straightened, his back firm against the tree’s bark. Damn,

damn, damn. He’d begun to think the creature had decided to stay gone.

“Get your hands where we can see them!” The booming voice came out of nowhere,

followed by three men dressed in black military clothing and dark skull caps swooping in from

all sides. The business end of their automatic rifles circled Shayne’s head.

“Shit!” Shayne raised his arms. “Okay, okay, okay.”

“Drop the knife,” one of the men ordered.

Shayne opened his fist, allowing the blade to fall. What the hell was going on? From the

way they were dressed, the men had to be from the gated community where he’d had the

pleasure of being locked up. But he wasn’t on their property…yet.

“What the hell is this all about?” he demanded as one of the men in black retrieved

Shayne’s knife.

“Shayne Matthews?”

“Who wants to know?” he snapped.

“We need you to come with us.”

“How about you just ask me nicely?” Shayne sneered.

“We like our way better.” The male to Shayne’s right curled his lip, displaying a set of

unusually sharp looking canines. Freaky. “More effective.”

“I bet,” Shayne huffed.

“Move,” the man growled and shoved Shayne away from the tree while another took care

of the campfire.

“Where are you taking me?”

With a hard grip to each of his biceps, the armed team dragged him forward. “You’ll


After what seemed like at least a half hour of being hauled through the woods in the

middle of the night, they neared a familiar looking fence line. He’d been right. The men were

from the strange compound he’d stumbled upon during his last trip to The Smokies. At least he’d

succeeded in finding the place again. Though he preferred not to have done it with an assault

team on his ass.

“Hold him still,” the guard behind him barked. The others ground to a halt.

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“Whoa…why?” Shayne swung his head over his shoulder, trying to get a good look at

what the other man intended.


A dark swath of cloth covered Shayne’s eyes. He jerked and sucked in a sharp breath.

Bastards. He hated that damn thing.

The other gunmen tightened their holds.

“You know the drill, Matthews,” the one tying the material around his head crooned at

his ear. “If you don’t like it…you should have never come back.”

Recognition dawned. This was one of the same men who’d locked him up a couple of

weeks ago. Probably the guard he’d kicked based on the sadistic tone of pleasure in his voice.

This was turning out to be one bitch of a night.

They guided him on, and after several more yards had passed, the team loaded him onto

the back of another cart.

“Seriously, guys…I’ve already taken this ride before with the blinders off.”

“The less you see, the better for your health,” the voice replied, his tone dark.

The vehicle lurched into action with a hum, more than likely they were hauling him

toward the same cell he’d exited only days prior. Shayne couldn’t help but wonder if Eli would

be waiting for him there. The last time he’d seen Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Dangerous, he’d told

Shayne to forget about him, to forget about this place. Shayne couldn’t do that. Not after leaving

behind something irreplaceable. No matter how big of an ass Novak might turn out to be after

finding Shayne again on the doorstep.

Shayne didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Ripping off the blindfold minutes later, his entourage plopped him onto the cot inside the

all too familiar cell. Shayne blinked rapidly against the harsh florescent lights. He scanned the

interior of the barred narrow room.

His stomach turned over.

The symptom wouldn’t have been unusual except for the fact it wasn’t from fear. But a

result of that crazy thing his gut used to do back in high school when his gaze had landed on the

object of his latest teenage crush. Crushing? It was all Shayne could do not to roll his eyes.

Damn, this is so messed up.

The last gunman exited the cell, passing by Eli. “He’s all yours, Secretary.”

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Secretary? Somehow Shayne couldn’t picture the hard, yet chic man pouring coffee or

answering the phone at a desk.

Eli pulled his hands from his slacks and pushed off the wall where he’d been leaning—

watching. He sauntered through the cell door, his swagger cool. But the cold glare with which he

nailed Shayne belied his calm exterior. For several intense seconds, Eli said nothing.

Shayne stared at him from the edge of the cot, anticipation burning a path from his gut.

“You didn’t listen when I told you to stay away,” Eli began, his tone chilling. “Or you

chose to ignore my instructions. Either option is unacceptable, Mr. Matthews.”

“I heard you,” Shayne said. Eli’s brow lifted, but Shayne wasn’t sure if it were anger or

shock causing the reaction.

“Then you’re not as bright as I thought you were.”

“You thought I was smart?” Shayne couldn’t help but grin. “Even though I got my ass

lost and ended up locked in here the other night?”

“That’s not the point.” Eli shook his head, then without warning, lunged in Shayne’s


Shayne’s back hit the wall, punching the air from his lungs.

“The first time I asked this question, you said you were trying to find your way home.”

Novak’s deep blue eyes sparked. “I believed you,” he growled. “So what’s your excuse this

time? Don’t make me regret having let you go.”

Shayne drew a shaky breath in through his nostrils. Damn the guy is strong. Eli’s gaze

locked with Shayne’s, the blue depths of his irises deepening to a purple void that beckoned

Shayne to dive inside, lose himself in the dark haven. For a moment, he was tempted. But a small

internal alarm he sometimes ignored warned him danger lurked and he might not survive. Don’t

let your guard down, Matthews. Shayne narrowed his glare on the other man.

“Do you think I’d risk coming anywhere near this place again if I didn’t have a damn

good reason?”

“Please. Enlighten me,” Eli bit out. He cocked his head, waiting.

“I lost something while I was here.”

“You lost something?” Eli let him go and stepped back, an incredulous look on his face.

Shayne nodded.

“And what could be so valuable you’d trespass onto our land again?”

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“I didn’t trespass. Not this time.” Shayne quirked a smile. “Your men dragged me onto

your property.”

Eyes flashing, Eli groaned. “Don’t make me hurt you.” He shook his head. “Just tell me

what the hell you’re looking for, so I can get you out of my sight.”

“A cross on a gold chain,” Shayne said. “Do you know if any of your security officers

found something like that?”

Eli stilled.

“There’s an inscription on the back… It has my name on it.”

“You came all the way back here for a piece of jewelry?” Eli leaned his back against the

bars, his demeanor nonchalant. But Shayne knew Eli was fully aware of every move around him.

“It’s important to me.” Shayne squared his shoulders. He didn’t care whether the bastard

understood or not. It mattered to him, and Eli could kiss his ass.

“Why?” Eli pushed from the wall and faced him.

“It was a gift—from my mother before she died.” Shayne swallowed, trying to bring

some moisture to his throat.

It might have been his imagination, but Shayne could have sworn something flashed

across Eli’s expression—longing, maybe sadness? But it was gone too fast for him to be sure. No

evidence remained except the cool features that revealed nothing of what went on beneath the


“Come with me,” Eli stated then turned and headed out the cell door.

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Chapter Six

Shock glued Shayne’s feet to the floor.

“Go with you where?”

Eli slowed and glanced over his shoulder. “My suite.”

His what? As secretive as this damn place was, Eli’s inner sanctum was the last area

Shayne expected to be invited. He edged forward and stepped into the hallway with the

mysterious Mr. Novak.

“Um… Your place? With my eyes wide open?” He waggled both index fingers at his


Pivoting on his heel, Eli hit him with another glare. “It’s after midnight. Few people will

be up and about. Not much for you to see. Besides,” He pointed at Shayne’s thigh. “You’re


Shayne dropped his gaze to his leg. His light blue sweats were stained dark red. Shit.

He’d been so freaked from the animal’s attack then by being arrested he’d never noticed he was


“And,” he drawled. “I have something you want.” He spun, leaving the statement to land

like a bomb in the small space.

Déjà vu slammed into Shayne like a sonic boom, leaving him reeling.

Just like in your dream.

The words streamed through Shayne’s head followed by the flickering images of him and

Eli— naked—his dark warrior advancing over him on the bed. The recollection had Shayne’s

cock thickening, his heart racing.

Not now.

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He clenched hard on his jaw. Ridiculous fantasy. The only place that would be happening

was inside his dreams. Shayne drew in a calming breath. He needed to keep cool, get what he

came for, and get the fuck out of this place.

The other man strode forward without another word as if he’d suggested he had a sweater

Shayne might like. Shayne hurried and caught up, his brain clearing. Oh my God, does the

bastard really have my cross? An array of questions filtered through his mind.

Would Eli have even said anything if I hadn’t asked?

Why hadn’t Novak forwarded it to him? They’d searched Shayne’s belongings—knew

his name and would have definitely had his address.

Wide-eyed, the security officers watched as Eli took hold of Shayne’s arm and marched

him through the room. The older man grabbed the glass door leading to the hallway with his free

hand, then glanced over his shoulder in the direction of his staff.

“He’s with me,” Eli informed the large uniformed officer monitoring a bank of computer

screens. “I’ll contact you soon to escort him off the property.”

“Yes, sir.” The guard nodded.

Shayne kept his mouth shut as they trudged farther down the hall. Tension radiated off

the other man like a warning beacon. The effect kept anything Shayne might say tight in his

throat. He had a feeling few outsiders ever ventured this far.

An elevator loomed ahead, and they slowed to a halt for Eli to punch the UP button. A

bell dinged, and the pair of metallic doors slid open. The ride was about as comfortable as the

trek toward the box. If Eli is so uncomfortable with me on his turf, Shayne wondered, why the

hell didn’t he go and collect the chain and first-aid kit and bring them to the holding cell?

The elevator stopped on the third floor, and Shayne matched Eli’s pace down a wide

corridor. An amber glow radiated from tiered sconces on the wall, lighting their path along the

thick, cream-colored carpeting. At a set of double doors near the end of the hall, Eli stopped and

shoved a key in the lock.

Inside, he tapped a switch on the wall, and the room came alive. Several lamps around

the open space illuminated the luxurious suite and gleamed off the white-tiled foyer. A glass

coffee table and a chocolate-brown sectional sofa filled the center of the room. The seating

position situated for maximum view of what had to be at least a sixty-inch plasma screen TV. He

motioned for Shayne to continue farther inside his home.

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“Nice place you have here,” Shayne said, wandering closer to the rear of the sofa.

“Thanks.” Eli dropped his keys on the bar separating the living space from a mini

kitchen. “There’s water in the fridge if you’re thirsty.” He headed toward a darkened doorway.

“I’ll be right back.”

Shayne padded over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water from the top shelf.

For a big guy, he couldn’t help but notice water was about the extent of what was stocked inside

the stainless door. That, along with a carton of milk, cheese, and what appeared to a bag of fuzzy


Cracking the top on the plastic bottle, Shayne sauntered back over to the living room just

as Eli reappeared. “Here,” he said, handing over a white container about the size of a tackle box.

“Let me know if you don’t find what you need inside to take care of your leg.”

“Oh.” Shayne gripped the kit with one hand, his water in the other. “Thanks.” This was

such a different side to the man who’d questioned him and later escorted him off the mountain a

couple of weeks ago.

“Can I ask you something?” Shayne set the medical kit on the back of the sofa and

screwed the cap on his drink.


“Why?” He had to ask. Even if he didn’t like the answer, Shayne had to know what was

up with the change in attitude.

“Because your leg is obviously injured.” Eli pointed toward Shayne’s thigh.

Shayne sighed. “Not the first aid. Why bring me up here when you or someone else could

have brought me the supplies? Why are you suddenly being so…so accommodating?”

“Accommodating…” Eli nodded. “That’s one way of looking at it. Yeah, I could have

gotten someone else to handle the task and your leg. Bringing an outsider up here is… let’s just

say, it’s not done very often.” He brushed past Shayne, moving toward one of the large windows.

He stared out into the obsidian night. “But honestly, you intrigue me, Matthews. You’ve got

guts—determination. And you haven’t lied to me.” His head swiveled back in Shayne’s

direction. “Do you have any idea how refreshing that is to find? An honest man with no hidden


“That simple, huh? Because I told you the truth?”

“Nothing about you being here is simple.”

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Shayne stepped forward, bringing them closer. “Then why do it?”

He shrugged. “Because I wanted to.”

A shiver raced down Shayne’s spine. Funny how fear, excitement, and anticipation could

elicit the same response. He wondered which end of the emotional spectrum had triggered his


Eli turned, facing him. “Besides, I’m sure you’ve been in the outdoors for a while now,

hiking this mountain. I thought you could use some rest…on something softer than the ground.”

Eli nodded toward a door on the opposite wall from he had emerged. “There’s a bathroom in

there. Go clean up your leg. You can bunk on the sofa until dawn then I’ll get you an escort back

to your campsite.”

Damn. Who would have thought Eli Novak possessed a soft side beneath all that cool,

hard exterior? Shayne retrieved the medical supplies and started toward the bathroom.

“There’s just one rule.”

Shayne glanced over his shoulder. “And what would that be?”

“You stay inside this room. No matter what.” He pulled the drapes closed. “I sleep very

lightly and have excellent hearing. Don’t test me.”

And there went Mr. Nice Guy. “Gotcha. No roaming the halls.”

“See. You are a bright guy.”

Shayne tossed him a tight grin. “Funny.”

The guest facility Eli had directed him to was a half bath, consisting of only a toilet and a

sink. Still, it was nearly as large as the full bath of his tiny apartment in South Carolina. Shayne

dropped his sweats and inspected his thigh. He must have gouged it on a branch or some of his

equipment when he’d fallen during the mysterious animal’s attack. After cleaning the wound

with some hydrogen peroxide and applying a gauze bandage, Shayne washed then returned to the

other room.

Eli sat on the sofa, sipping a drink from a glass tumbler. “I take it you located everything

you needed.”

“Yeah. Thanks.” Shayne nodded. “It was just a big scratch. Not too deep.”

“Did it happen when my men found your campsite?” Eli leaned forward, setting his glass

on the oblong coffee table.

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“No.” Shayne settled on the end of the couch near Eli. “Actually, I had the weirdest

encounter right before your men showed up.”

“Weird? In what way?”

“I was attacked by some kind of large animal.” Shayne rested his forearms on his legs,

studying his hands and recounted the memory. “It came out of nowhere and lunged at me,

knocking me over. I think that’s when I hurt my leg. Thankfully, I had my knife close, and I got

a swing at it. That’s probably what kept it from taking another go at me.” He glanced at the other

man. “Have you heard of anyone around here recently having a similar experience?”

“No.” Eli’s brow lifted. “Not that I recall.” He reached for his drink once more and took a

swig. “What do you think it was?” Eli muttered over the top of the tumbler.

“That’s the crazy part. It reminded me of a large cat. But there aren’t any cats that big in

the Appalachians.” Shayne shook his head and scrubbed his hand across his jawline, the day-old

stubble scratching his palm. “If it hadn’t been dark, I might have gotten a better look. But it

happened so fast…who the hell knows?”

“I’m sure it must have been a frightening experience,” Eli said.

“Yeah. It got my attention, all right.” Shayne sighed and scooted back on the cushion.

“Definitely wasn’t something I’d anticipated running into out there.”

“Well, I think this is what you risked your neck for.” Eli slid closer, reached in his pants

pocket and pulled out the cross and chain.

Relief spread through Shayne like a rush of warm water. Eli lowered the necklace into

Shayne’s outstretched palm. The metal coiled inside Shayne’s fist, cooling his flesh and settling

his pulse.

“Thank you,” he managed to get out, his voice on edge. “I’m sure it sounds pretty

pathetic, but this cross means a lot to me.”

To Shayne’s surprise, Eli didn’t smirk, shrug, or move away. “I could tell. And believe it

or not, I understand.” He cleared this throat, his gaze wandering to the blank TV screen. “I never

knew my mother, but if I had possessed something of hers, I’d never want to lose it either.”

Shayne’s chest tightened. What was that old saying? Someone else always has it worse

than you. He’d lost his mom, which was tragic, but Eli had never known a mother’s love.

Something told Shayne he’d just been admitted into Eli’s exclusive circle: the Don’t-Make-Me-

Have-to-Fuck-You-Up Club.

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“I’d planned to send the necklace to you…” Eli stated. “I just hadn’t found the chance.”

“Oh.” Shayne nodded. “I appreciate you hanging on to it. I didn’t mean to cause a scene

by coming back to the area. But I knew this had to be here somewhere, and I couldn’t let it go.”

“Like I said.” A corner of Eli’s mouth curled. “You’re stubborn.”

“I thought the word you’d used was determined?” Shayne quipped, a chuckle bubbling up

from his chest.

“Yeah. Sure. That’s what I meant.” Eli laughed, and the sound barreled into Shayne’s

chest, arrowing down to his cock like hot fingers of lust.

God help him, the man made him want. Need. Shayne grabbed his bottle of water, took a

long, hard gulp, and plopped down the empty container.

“Something else to drink?”

“No, thanks. I’m good for now.” Shayne gave the chain a closer inspection. The latch

was still intact. But it appeared one of the links near the lock had come apart, and someone had

done a makeshift repair.

“Did you fix this?” Shayne looked up at Eli.

He nodded. “It was a simple repair. I figured it would get you by until you could have a

jeweler check it out.”

“Thank you.” Shayne smiled and proceeded to replace the chain around his neck.

“You’re welcome.”

The stress of the last few hours must have been getting to him because he couldn’t get the

clasp shut.

“Here,” Eli said, moving closer.

The man’s knee brushed his, causing Shayne’s fingers to fumble even more. “Let me help


Leaning in, Eli laced his arms around Shayne’s neck. His warm hands covered Shayne’s,

coaxing them to move aside. The rich aroma of coffee and cinnamon invaded Shayne’s nostrils,

making his mouth water and other parts of him awaken. Shayne lowered his arms, instinct urging

him to place his palms on the other man’s biceps.

What the hell do I do with my hands?

After a few indecisive seconds and some awkward midair repositioning, Shayne finally

chose to drop his arms at his sides.

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Despite the man’s size, Eli’s touch was feather light, raising gooseflesh over Shayne’s

body. He’s just doing the clasp of your chain, not seducing you. Shayne repeated the mantra in

his head.

But when Shayne glanced up, his imagination kicked into overdrive. Eli stared down at

him, his purple gaze liquid, heated. Oh shit. He couldn’t possibly feel the magnetic pull between

them, too, could he? The one that had Shayne licking his lips, wanting the other man’s kiss more

than his own next breath.

The lock clicked in place on the chain. Eli’s arms lowered, but he didn’t pull away.

Instead, broad palms slid over Shayne’s shoulders and gripped his biceps.

“Shayne…” he whispered, his voice hesitant. “I-I…”

A shudder rolled through the other man’s body. Shayne raked his gaze over the strong

chest and arms surrounding him, but a crimson stain blooming on the white cotton of Eli’s sleeve

drew Shayne to a halt.

“You’re bleeding!” The words tumbled from his mouth in a rush.

“What?” Eli jerked back, his eyes wide.

“Here.” Shayne reached up, cupping Eli’s elbow in his palm.

Eli glanced down. “Oh. Damn.”

“I’ll go grab the first-aid kit while you take your shirt off.” Shayne jumped up, not

waiting for a response or a reaction.

Kit in hand, Shayne marched back into the room. Eli sat on the sectional, his shirt draped

across his lap, his chest bare. Shayne’s grip tightened on the box to keep from spilling everything

inside. Please, Lord, give me strength to keep my shit together.

The man was built better than was fair to the rest of the male species. There couldn’t have

been an ounce of fat on his body. He wasn’t Mr. Universe, but that was okay. To Shayne, he was

perfect with every muscle carved in beautiful detail.

On a deep breath, Shayne pressed forward and dropped onto the cushion next to Eli.

After setting his supplies on the table in front of them, he ripped open a gauze packet and placed

it over the open, narrow wound, applying gentle pressure.

“How did you get this cut?”

“I don’t remember,” Eli growled then covered Shayne’s fingers. “I can manage this


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Shayne lifted his lashes and met the bigger man’s disapproving stare. “I’m sure you can,

but you’d have to do it with one hand. Let me help.”

With a resolute sigh, Eli moved his palm. “I’m not good with allowing others to take care

of me.”

“You’ll survive. I moved in with my mother during her battle with cancer, and believe

me, if there was ever an independent person, it was her. She did not like having to let someone

wait on her. But I learned something through that experience.”

“Which was?”

He glanced up. “Once in a while, we all need somebody to be there…and it’s okay.”

Eli’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and Shayne returned his attention to applying the last strip of

tape to the bandage. “There. All done.” Shayne tossed the roll of tape back into the box.

Eli’s fingers slid into Shayne’s hair, cupping his face.

“Thank you,” he rumbled. His dark lashes lowered, his focus narrowing on Shayne’s

mouth. “I have the most insane urge to kiss you, Matthews.” Eli’s eyelids lifted. His pupils, large

and dilated, fixated on Shayne. “What would you do if I tasted those lips of yours? Run? Punch

me? Or beg me for more?”

“If you’re asking me if I would take offense to your advances…” Shayne ran his palms

along the outside of the other man’s uninjured arm. “I would definitely not run.”

Something like a low groan exited Eli’s throat as he leaned forward, his chest almost

touching Shayne’s. Eli hovered with his mouth mere inches from the younger man’s as if he

were attempting to suspend time, but in the process, stole Shayne’s ability to breathe.

Christ, kiss me before I pass out, Shayne wanted to scream.

“Eli,” a female voice called out. “The door was open, so I—”

Shayne glanced up, and Eli reared back.

“Oh,” she said, her lips lingering open. “I didn’t realize you had company.”

“Monique…” Eli launched from the sofa, rounded the sectional, and shoved a hand

through the hair on top of his head. “What are you doing here?”

“I-I…” Her dark gaze flickered between Shayne and the man closing in on her. Finally,

she fixed her attention on Eli. “I forgot my earrings on your nightstand.” She punctuated her

statement with a quick glance in Shayne’s direction.

The woman wants to make damn sure I know she’s been in Eli’s bed.

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So what was Eli’s deal?

“Stay here,” Eli commanded. “I’ll get them.” His gaze wandered over to Shayne for a

second before he hustled out of the room.

As soon as Eli was out of sight, the woman he’d called Monique sashayed over to the

sofa and stuck her hand out. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” She smiled brightly. “Monique


Shayne slid his palm into hers for a brief shake. “Shayne Matthews.”

Slowly, her hand slipped free, and Shayne could have sworn her nostrils flared as if she’d

smelled something repugnant. What the hell? He hadn’t been in the woods that long, and he had


“Here you go,” Eli said, reentering the room. Monique turned, and Eli deposited her

missing jewelry into her waiting palm, a look of disapproval creasing his brow. “It’s late. So if

you don’t mind…” He indicated the door with a lift of his fingers. “I’ll walk you out.”

The sound of hushed voices as they exited carried through the suite. Shayne couldn’t

make out their words, but he could tell Eli’s voice sounded irritated. The exterior door clicked

shut a few seconds before Eli returned. Without a word, he made a beeline for his bedroom.

Shayne picked at a loose thread dangling from the hem of his shirt, waiting to see what

would come next. Awkward much?

It didn’t take long before approaching footsteps foretold Eli’s return. Shayne glanced up

as a blanket and pillow tumbled onto the cushions beside him.

“Like I said earlier, don’t try to leave this suite,” Eli stated, his tone an ominous warning.

“At dawn, after you’ve gotten some rest, I’ll take you downstairs, so you can pack your things

and go home.”

Shayne stifled an urge to release a puff of air to see if it would turn into a cloud of vapor

from the arctic blast that had descended in the room. “I got it,” Shayne said. “Loud and clear.”

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Chapter Seven

The next evening

Orange and pink rays bathed the mountain sky as Mikah Malloy strolled into his mother’s

kitchen. The smell of pot roast and potatoes filled the air, triggering a hungry growl from his

midsection. No matter how old he became, Mikah couldn’t imagine ever turning down his

mother’s invitation to dinner.

A duo of voices from the next room snagged his attention—one his mothers, and the

other… He choked back a groan. Monique. Even if he weren’t gay, Mikah wouldn’t be interested

in what the female offered.

The woman always had an agenda.

But since his father’s tragic demise after plotting the death of their current leader, and

Mikah’s prospects of a speedy rise in the pride deteriorated, Monique’s attention had thankfully


“I was as shocked as you, Saundra,” Monique told his mother as he neared the dining


“And you’re sure he was human?” His mother’s voice rose.

“If who was human?” Mikah rounded the corner, and both women swung their heads his

way. A smile blossomed on his mother’s face. Even though his mother had celebrated her

sixtieth birthday, to Mikah, she didn’t look a day over forty. Saundra Malloy was a striking

woman with long, wavy midnight locks, which she’d passed on to him. Yet she insisted on

always wearing her hair in a chignon at her nape, denying everyone the pleasure of seeing her


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“Come in, dear,” Saundra said, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles from her skirt. “Have a


Still in his work clothes, Mikah settled on the overstuffed chair opposite the sofa where

the two women were indulging in their gossip session. He propped one ankle over his knee and

sat back. Against the cream and floral design of the upholstery, his black boots and matching

uniform made him feel like a giant raven landing in the room. On a positive note, since he’d been

relegated to patrolling the mostly uninhabited north side of Ariel Estates with only his thoughts

to keep him company, Mikah didn’t have to worry about soiling his mother’s furniture or carpet.

He spent most of his time in his vehicle, monitoring the several acres of perimeter fencing, rather

than on foot patrol.

“Monique was just filling me in on some very interesting news regarding our illustrious

Secretary.” His mother retrieved her cup of tea from the table and squared her shoulders.

“And what would that be?” Mikah held back the sigh begging for release. Ever since his

father was killed after attacking Silas Murdock, the pride’s newly appointed leader, his mother

had been obsessed with revenge. She wanted Silas to pay for her husband’s death. Wanted him

stripped from his position. She’d loved his father dearly and was fiercely loyal to his memory.

Durran Malloy had been much older than her when they’d married. But for his mother, the age

difference hadn’t mattered. Their race wasn’t immortal, but they had been known to live well

past one hundred and fifty years. Since his father had been taken from her—violently—she’d

never been the same.

“I found Eli in what appeared to be an intimate moment with a man in his apartment.”

This time, it was Monique who’d piped in.

“And besides being a surprise to the community that Novak may like the company of

men as well as women.” Mikah pinned Monique with his stare. “This is newsworthy how?”

“The man was human.” Monique sneered.

Mikah tightened his fist, refusing to allow Monique to see the impact of her words. He

had to admit this could be significant. The Secretary of Ariel Estates bringing a human not just

on the grounds during Silas’ absence—which was bad enough—but within the walls of the pride

leader’s domain. He would have never expected such reckless behavior from Eli.

“You know as well as I do, Mikah,” his mother began. “That alone is nearly enough

evidence of Silas’ incompetence as a leader to approach the Supreme Council of Elders for his

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removal. The male’s judgment is as flawed as his sense of morality. While he parades back and

forth to Alaska, Silas has appointed a male to govern Ariel who would put the entire race’s

security at risk by sneaking a human onto our grounds. And a human male at that!” she cried out.

“Eli is as depraved as Silas. But should we have expected any better? He’s Murdock’s best

friend.” A look of disgust curled her lip.

Monique rose, a satisfied smile on her face. “Well, I should be going.”

His mother stood, and Mikah joined them. “I appreciate you coming by, dear,” Saundra

said. “As for that tidbit of information… I think it’ll prove quite useful.”

“I thought you’d find it interesting.” Monique stepped around the coffee table and eased

closer to Mikah. She placed a well-manicured hand over his chest and stroked. “It was lovely to

see you again, Mikah.” Monique tilted her head, allowing her long, dark tresses to brush her

shoulder and winked.

“Likewise,” he forced the word out between his teeth, controlling the urge to swat her

fingers away.

Monique lowered her palm and strolled toward his mother, who showed her to the door.

Mikah released a long exhale he had no idea he’d been holding.

“Mikah,” his mother called out from the kitchen. “You ready for a bite to eat?”

He headed into the other room, more than ready for something a little more palatable than

what he’d just witnessed.

The sun had fully set, and the moon shone brightly through the kitchen windows by the

time Mikah and Saundra were several bites into dinner.

“Can you believe our fortune with Monique’s discovery?” His mother grinned then took

another mouthful of roast.

“Mother, I wish you would give this a rest. I loved my father, but nothing good will ever

come from seeking revenge. Just like nothing good came from Dad going after Silas like he did.”

“Silas cut your father down in cold blood!”

“Because Dad tried to kill him.”

“There were no witnesses besides Murdock’s lover to what occurred in Alaska, so all we

really know is my husband was returned home dead.”

Mikah forced down his last bite of beef, trying not to choke. The chunk of meat felt like a

damn tennis ball in his throat.

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“Mother…” Mikah rested his forearms on the polished wood surface of the kitchen table,

capturing her gaze. “Even with what Monique told us, the Supreme Elders will never take the

word of a woman scorned or the widow of a suspected assassin. They’re not going to bring Silas

down on a rumor regarding his Secretary’s indiscretion.”

Dark eyes, identical to those he saw in the mirror each morning, flashed. And for the first

time, Mikah noted the evidence of the heavy toll of her loss at the corners where deep lines had


“Don’t you think I’m aware of that?” she growled, evidence of her beast stirring.

Mikah settled back in his chair. It didn’t take the emergence of fangs and claws to know

when he needed to retreat. “So what’s your plan?”

Lowering her fork to the china, Saundra lifted one expertly arched brow. “I want you to

watch Eli. Keep your eye on him.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “And then what?”

“We need hard evidence to bolster Monique’s claim.” She tapped her forefinger against

her glass of iced tea.

“And how am I supposed to get this proof?”

“Just keep that camera phone of yours handy. Watch and report,” she added in a sing-

song voice then picked up her utensil. “Eli took a big risk once already, he’ll do it again.”

Saundra grinned. “And you’ll be there, my boy.”

Whether he liked it or not, Mikah couldn’t walk away from his mother and her need for

revenge. Saundra Malloy had been through enough with the loss of his father. He wasn’t about to

add to her pain.

“Okay.” With his jaw clenched, Mikah nodded. “Whatever you need me to do.”

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Chapter Eight

“Where are you going?” Eli shot out from behind his desk, a growl rumbling in his throat.

His assistant drew to a halt then back peddled at his approach.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Dawn mumbled. “I didn’t realize you still needed me.”

Eli yanked the folder from her hand, and she tucked her chin, obediently submitting to

the larger male. Fuck. With that kind of reaction, he could only imagine how menacing he must


Cool your temper, Novak. You’re acting like a jackass.

“I didn’t,” he lied. “Need you, that is. I’d changed my mind on sending you.”

He pivoted and headed toward his desk. “I’ll take these to Silas,” Eli said, adding the

additional folder from his desktop he’d wanted her to include. “I remembered I was supposed to

have lunch with him today anyway.” That was the truth.

“Oh.” Dawn managed a weak smile. “Of course, sir.” She turned to leave. “If there’s

nothing else, I’ll leave for lunch now as well?”

“That’ll be all for now,” he said with a lift of his chin. His assistant darted from the room

as if she couldn’t haul ass away from him fast enough. Eli didn’t blame her. He groaned,

snatched the empty coffee mug from his desk, and hurled the cup at the nearest wall. The

ceramic slammed into the hard surface with a loud crash, blasting tiny shards of white chunks

and powder into the room.

Clenching both fists, Eli dragged a long, hard breath through his nostrils, reining in his

temper. His pulse thrummed in his ears, hot and demanding. Wired. Like a junkie who needed a

fix but couldn’t find a source. Wasn’t smashing things supposed to make a guy feel better?

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He’d been on edge for a week now. Ever since he’d escorted Shayne down to security so

a team could make sure he made it off the mountain. Eli had dropped him off like an annoying

in-law who had overstayed his welcome. He squeezed his eyes shut against the memory of

Shayne’s confused expression when Eli had turned and left without a word. Yeah. He’d been a

complete ass.

Sighing, Eli gathered the folders Silas had requested detailing the upcoming Supreme

Elders’ visit at the end of the month. Their leader had made it back home a few days ago along

with his mate, Theo. This time, the couple was here to stay, making Ariel Estates their permanent

home. It was good to have his best friend on the premises again. The villagers always seemed to

grow restless when Silas was away visiting Theo. And after the assassination attempt by their

own head of security a year ago, having their leader permanently on-site and guarded kept Eli’s

blood pressure better controlled. Durran was dead, but that didn’t mean there weren’t others still

out there who shared his distorted views.

The former head of security had despised the fact that a much younger and bisexual male

was now leading Ariel. Silas’ plan for the pride had conflicted with Durran’s personal vision for

their race. Malloy didn’t like the idea of change, bringing Ariel’s people into the twenty-first

century by offering them the option to explore other opportunities outside the walls of the estate.

“You’re dangerous!” he’d accused Silas before they’d battled. The deranged male had felt he

would have been the better choice to lead the pride, instead of a male who would “…soil his

reputation and cast aside his morals as if they were nothing.”

Thankfully, Silas had put an end to Durran and his bigotry.

After a short elevator ride down one floor, Eli made his way along the second story

corridor with its sprawling balcony that overlooked the foyer’s sparkling white marble floor.

Silas’ suite sat a few doors past the staircase, near the end of the hallway. It was close to

lunchtime, so his friend more than likely had already left his office. He tapped the folders in his

hand, why not “kill two birds” as they say. They could eat and discuss the agenda for the

upcoming Supreme Elders’ Summit Ariel was due to host.

At the entrance to Silas’ suite, Eli started to knock, but the door wasn’t completely

closed. Eli pushed on the wood and stepped inside.

Oh, fuck!

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The scene that greeted him nearly buckled his knees. Silas’ impressive frame pinned

Theo’s shorter, more athletic build, to the living room wall. Despite their mouths being sealed to

each other’s, lust-filled moans ricocheted off the walls.

Eli needed to turn and get the hell out of there, yet his feet wouldn’t fucking move.

Theo’s hips ground into Silas’, the tempo of his movement ratcheting higher and higher.

That’s when Eli realized the reason behind the wolf’s hungry thrusts. Silas’ hand was inside his

mate’s pants, and Theo was close to getting off. Blood surged into Eli’s cock.

“Oh, shit!” he hissed, not having meant for the words to leave his lips, spun and headed

for the door.

The sound of a gasp, followed rapidly by another, filled the room.


It was Silas. Eli bit down hard on his molars and dug his heels into the floor, keeping his

back to the room.

“Oh damn, man,” Silas added, his words coming out a bit winded. “We didn’t know you

were there.”

“The door was open.” Eli swallowed hard. “My apologies for the interruption.” He

shuffled from one foot to the other, hoping like hell the bulge behind his zipper deflated before

he had to turn around.

Behind him, someone’s zipper closed on a grunt.

“Just a sec,” Silas added.

“I can come back,” Eli said. Please, God, just tell me to come back later.

“No, Uh, no,” Silas added. “We were supposed to meet for lunch, right?” Silas mumbled

something to Theo right before the unmistakable sound of a kiss pierced his brain. They’re trying

to kill me. Ever since they’d stepped back onto the grounds, they hadn’t kept their hands off each

other, and Eli was about to self-destruct. Or hurt someone if he had to watch one more—

“Come on in, Eli,” Silas chuckled. “The coast is clear.”

Eli braced himself and turned around. “Again, I’m sorry for the bad timing.” Out of the

corner of his eye, Eli noted Theo headed in the direction of their bedroom. Theo glanced over his

shoulder, his cheeks pinker than Eli had remembered from the other day.

“Hi, Eli,” he said with a bashful grin. “No, you don’t have anything to be sorry for. Our

fault, man.” Theo darted into the other room.

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“I should have made sure I’d closed that door.” Silas smoothed his palm over his mouth,

but failed to wipe away the satisfied smirk resting there. “But you know how it is when you’ve

had something on your mind all day…” Silas meandered around the island separating the living

space from the kitchen and grabbed the refrigerator door, pulling it open. Returning, he carried

two beers in hand. “Guess I was a little too eager.”

He shrugged, flashing a couple of long canines and handed Eli one of the bottles.

“Enough!” Eli held up a defensive palm in case Silas meant to share any more details.

“You can stop right there.” He snarled, maybe a little more aggressively than was called for. “I

already saw more of Theo and your love life than I’ll ever be able to burn out of my neurons. I

don’t need to hear about it as well.”

Silas slowly nodded, took a swig of his Guinness then pinned Eli with a glare. “Message

received.” He brushed past him without another word.

Eli shoved his hand through his hair and sighed. Christ! He had to regain some control.

His personal life and career were swirling around one giant-ass toilet bowl, and he was about one

more bad decision and outburst away from flushing his life down the porcelain drain.

“Silas…” Eli allowed his head to fall back. “I don’t know why I said that.”

“Come.” Silas took a seat in one of the room’s leather chairs. “Put down the files for


Eli studied the other man. Silas wanted to talk.

And it didn’t take preternatural powers to know it. Eli wanted to talk about as much as he

wanted his claws ripped one by one from his paws.

“Sit.” Silas pointed at the chair across from him.

“Nah. I’m good right here.”

“Sit, Eli!” Silas’ gaze narrowed in warning, and all visages of his friend were erased,

replaced in an instant by the alpha dominant male who’d won his rightful place as their pride


“Fine.” Eli held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll sit.” He moved to the seat Silas had

indicated for him and plopped onto the leather.

In a slow and deliberate motion, Silas sat his beer on the narrow table between them.

“What’s going on, Eli?” Eli opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out, Silas

continued, “And don’t tell me ‘nothing’. I know something is eating at you because ever since

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I’ve been back, I hear you’ve nearly taken the head off everyone on your staff, and now me. This

isn’t like you.”

Eli crossed one leg over the other and stared at the label on his bottle. Silas knew him too

well to try and bullshit his way out. But how much could he reveal? Taking Shayne up to his

suite had been a hefty risk that could have backfired like a nuclear bomb. Confessing could cost

him not only his friend but his position at Ariel Estates. Yet of all people, perhaps his best friend

would understand better than anyone?

“I’ve been a little on edge for a few days,” Eli said. “That’s all.” He glanced up at Silas.

“It’ll pass.”

Elbows resting on the chair arms, Silas steepled his fingers and studied him over the tips.

“Could this edginess have anything to do with the human male who spent the night in your suite

right before I returned?”


Of course, Silas would know. What did he expect? Even with Silas thousands of miles

away, the male had an ear to everything that went on at Ariel. Especially after one of his trusted

staff had tried to kill him.

“You heard, and you never said anything…”

“Troy, our new head of security told me what happened. As you know, it was a highly

unusual occurrence. But I trust you, Eli.” One corner of his mouth lifted in a tentative smile. “I

figured you’d tell me about the incident when you were ready.” Silas reached over for his beer.

Incident. Yeah, that about summed up what he’d done.

“It’s not what you think.” Eli wanted to wince at the defensive tone in his voice.

“Then please enlighten me, because we’ve been friends for almost as long as I can

remember, and I’ve only known you to take women to your bed.”

“Nothing’s changed,” Eli chewed out.

“So tell me what other reason would there be for you to take such a risk? I can think of

only one capable of fogging a male’s brain to the point he would toss caution out the fucking

window…it’s when his dick is involved.”

Eli squirmed in his seat. He wasn’t ready to admit even to himself what had gone on

inside his head with Shayne. Eli hadn’t planned to bring him to his suite. The idea hadn’t entered

his damn mind until Shayne mentioned what had instigated his return: the cross his late mother

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had given him. The grief behind the other male’s eyes had stabbed deep into his own heart. Right

into the soft spot where Eli kept buried everything to do with his emptiness over his own dead


Whether the guy realized it or not, Shayne wore his emotions on his sleeve. So raw and

pure. And at that moment inside Shayne’s cell, Eli couldn’t think of a damn good reason why

Shayne shouldn’t be in his quarters for the night. Warm, safe, and… Yeah. He’d leave it there.


The sound of his name yanked him back. “It wasn’t the first time Shayne Matthews had

been here.”

“Troy mentioned he’d been detained for trespassing before,” Silas said.

After a gulp from his own Guinness, Eli went on to tell Silas about the results of

Shayne’s initial interrogation, and his second, leaving out how he’d run into him outside the

gates while shifted.

“I felt sympathetic about the loss of his parent and the fact we still had the guy’s

memento from his mother.” Eli stood and walked over to the window, taking in the view of the

mansion’s front lawn. “I assessed the potential risks, and they seemed minimal enough to offer

him the use of my couch for the evening instead of the hard cot in a cell. I saw no need in

sending another team out in the middle of the night to return Matthews to his campsite. Plus, I

was the one who had his cross, and he had an injury that needed to be treated.”

Eli swung back around, his pulse racing, and faced Silas. “My instincts said I could trust

him to stay put, take my direction. But I should have never put Ariel in potential jeopardy.” Eli

straightened his shoulders. “I accept whatever reprimand you feel is necessary.”

Silas stood and sauntered over to the same window. “No harm has come to the pride, so I

don’t think punishment is necessary. You’re harder on yourself than I could ever be, Eli. You

always have been.”

Eli snapped his head in Silas’ direction. He deserved to be at least reprimanded.

Silas met his gaze. “You’re good, Novak. You’re the right man for the job. I knew you

would be, or I wouldn’t have put you in the role. But none of us can be perfect. Not even you.”

“I can damn well try,” Eli growled. “I would give my life for you and our pride.” His jaw

ticked, a dull ache settling in his temples.

“I’ve never doubted your loyalty for a second.”

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“I shouldn’t have allowed the man to get under my skin.”

“That you did.”

Silas’ lip curled in a knowing grin, but Eli refused to take the bait and ask what the hell it

was about.

“So here’s what I’ve decided.”

Eli gritted his teeth in anticipation.

“I want you to take some time off—away from Ariel—and try to figure out why that was

the case.”

“What?” Eli backed up a step. “I don’t need any time off.”

“Yes, you do.”

Eli scrubbed his face with his palm. “I have work to do,” he grumbled. “The elders will

be arriving soon.”

“I’m sure I can manage while you’re away. You’ve put in a hell of a lot of hours while

I’ve been making arrangements for Theo’s move. Besides, you know I like to encourage our

people to take some time once in a while and get off this estate.”

“I don’t think this is necessary.” Eli walked over and retrieved his beer.

“Right now, my friend, I don’t give a fuck what you think is or isn’t necessary.”

A gulp of beer started to take the wrong path, choking Eli. He coughed hard, clearing his

airway. He swiped a hand across his mouth then hit Silas with a glare that said far more than any

words could have done.

“You’re going,” Silas commanded. “I don’t want to see your ugly mug on this property

for at least a week, or I’ll have to find myself a new Secretary of Ariel Estates. Do I make myself


“Perfectly,” Eli growled.

“Good.” A satisfied smile spread across Silas’ face. “Then let’s eat.”

* * * *

This was so wrong.

Eli leaned back against the driver’s seat of his SUV and stared out the side window at the

front of Shayne Matthews’ apartment building.

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What the hell was he doing? Nothing good could come from this. All he’d succeed in

doing was feeding his fascination with the guy. A light clicked on in Shayne’s apartment,

catching Eli’s eye. His pulse jumped, and he groaned at his reaction.

In the last twenty-four hours, he’d turned into a fucking stalker.

He’d tried, dammit, to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. Eli had even headed east at

first, toward the coast. Soak up some sun. But then, before he realized he’d made the conscious

decision, Eli found himself driving south. Before long, he’d crossed the border into South

Carolina and had made a beeline toward the address impregnated in his head: Shayne’s.

A Mustang pulled up in front of the building, the throaty rumble of its engine snagging

Eli’s attention. He watched as a young male with dark hair exited the vehicle and marched

toward the stairwell. Moments later, another light shone from Shayne’s window. Then the

profiles of both men appeared in the window. The silhouette, resembling the stranger he’d seen

get out of the car earlier, tossed an arm around Shayne’s shoulders.

What the hell?

Shayne was seeing someone? A sick feeling roiled in Eli’s gut as he watched the couple

in the window. Nausea transformed into a knot of pain.

Eli had no fucking reason to be hurt. He should be nothing but a memory to Shayne. One

he’d ordered the younger man to forget. Why shouldn’t Shayne have a life that didn’t include

him? Hell, everything about the two of them being more than a distant memory was a horrible


So why the fuck did that piss him off?

Eli was out of his vehicle and across the street before he could talk himself out of it for

the tenth time. He had to know what was up between Shayne and the other male, or he was going

to go ape-shit. Like a predator marking his territory, Eli wanted to tear into Shayne’s apartment,

roar and rip the intruder to shreds. But that would be another very bad idea. No matter what, he

had to keep his claws in check.

On the second level, Eli drew to a stop at the first apartment off the stairwell. Large brass

numbers on the red door displayed the number seventeen—Shayne’s. He grasped the matching

doorknocker and gave the wood two quick raps.

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What felt like two heartbeats later, the door flew open. Shayne stood there, eyes wide,

wearing a pair of jeans and a garnet hoodie promoting some university team Eli had never heard


“Eli,” he said, his voice just above a whisper. “Shit…Eli Novak?”

“I think we’ve determined that.” Eli nodded.

“What…what are you doing here?” Shayne stood immobile, one arm propped on the

door, the other on the jam.

“Is this a bad time?” Eli’s temples throbbed, meaning he barely held the leash on his

control. “I’m interrupting…”

“Oh!” Shayne dropped his arm and stood back, opening the door a little wider. “No.” He

chuckled. “You’re not interrupting. Come on in.”

Eli eased into the room, his gaze immediately seeking out the other man. The door

clicked shut behind him, and he found the guy from the parking lot sitting in the small living


“Eli, this is my best friend, Jason,” Shayne announced, moving around the chair Jason

occupied, pointing from one man to the other. “Jason, this is Eli. I met him on my last hiking

trip. He gave me a lift back to town when I got turned around up there.”

“Oh yeah. I remember you telling me you got lost on your last trip.” Jason stood and

offered his hand. “Nice to meet you, Eli.”

Eli gave the other man’s hand a brief shake. God, he’d never felt more awkward in his

life. What the hell was he doing in Matthews’ apartment?

“Something to drink, Eli? I think I have a beer left in the fridge. Maybe a bottle of

water?” Shayne started toward what looked like a galley kitchen.

“No.” Eli held a palm up to stop him. “I’m good.”

“Um…listen,” Jason began, drawing both their attentions. “I really need to run.”

“You sure? You just got here…” Shayne added, but much to Eli’s relief, Jason was

already heading for the exit. It didn’t appear Eli had walked in on anything, but the gnarled fist in

his midsection liked the idea of the other male gone.

“Yeah,” Jason said. “I just remembered I was supposed to be somewhere.” The dark-

haired male opened the door and crossed the threshold. “Maybe we can catch up later this


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“Okay. Hit me up on my phone and let me know.”

“Later,” Jason called out, the sound of his footsteps echoed off the steps with his descent.

Shayne closed the door and pivoted around, facing Eli across the room. “So,” he drawled.

“Should I be worried that the big guy from the secret facility in the mountains has tracked me


“I don’t know.” Eli said, edging closer. “Did you do something that would cause me to

have to hunt you down?”

“I don’t think so,” Shayne uttered. “Yet, the last time I saw you, I got the clear

impression you didn’t want to ever see me again.”

Eli pulled up short, leaving a few feet between them. “Yeah…about that…” Words failed

to converge inside his head. What was he supposed to say? Sorry about the way I treated you,

but the woman who caught us that night, I had just fucked. And I didn’t want her to get the

wrong idea about us? Eli fought back a groan.

“What about it?”

“To be honest, I’m really not sure why I’m here.” Eli squeezed the bridge of his nose

between his thumb and forefinger. “I shouldn’t be here.”

He reached for the door.

“Whoa.” Shayne didn’t budge from his position in front of the it. “Eli… Just tell me why

you came looking for me.”

“I’m not gay, all right!” The words came shooting out as if ejected from his brain.

Shayne stared at him, unfazed. “Okay… We’ve got that settled. I figured what happened

the other night between us must not have been your norm, since the woman who had stopped by

made it clear she’d just left your bed. And after that…things got pretty chilly.”

“Well, since you’ve figured it all out on your own, there’s no reason for me to go there,

and I’ll leave you alone.”

Sliding away from the door, Shayne muttered, “If it’s what you really want…”

Eli’s hand froze on the doorknob. “What the hell do you mean by that?” Slowly, he

pivoted, facing Shayne.

With his arms crossed, Shayne shrugged. “I’m just saying…you weren’t sure why you

showed up at my door. I was thinking it might be because you had some unfinished business

with me.”

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“Are you toying with me, Matthews?” A low rumbled kicked up in Eli’s chest.

“Toying with you?” A cocky grin curled Shayne’s lips.

Eli surged forward, trapping the shorter man between the wall and his body, both arms

braced beside Shayne’s head. “Be very careful with who you’re tempting, Matthews,” he said,

his voice deep and hoarse. “I don’t play well with others.”

Eli slammed his mouth onto Shayne’s. Shayne opened, yielded, and Eli couldn’t hold

back. God help him, the human was a damn drug to his system.

Intoxicating and impossible to resist.

He swept inside Shayne’s mouth, tasting, thrusting, and Shayne gave as good as he got.

Teeth clashed, and someone groaned. Shayne’s fingers were in Eli’s hair seconds before the

younger man pulled the band at his nape free and tugged at the strands. The sharp twinges

arrowed straight to Eli’s cock, swelling him to a rock hard state. He sank his teeth into the other

man’s lip. Shayne jerked, and the coppery taste of blood raced over Eli’s tongue.


The growl rolled from his chest before he could choke it back.

“Shit!” Shayne fisted Eli’s hair, and his hips rocked into Eli’s, the hard ridge of his cock

brushing Eli’s. “So damn hot,” he mumbled against Eli’s lips. “More.”

Christ. Shayne was killing him.

Destroying his reason.

Then Shayne’s fingers gripped the hem of Eli’s shirt and ripped it over his head. Eli

snatched the other man’s wrist and yanked him against his bare chest. Eli’s heart pounded behind

his sternum, the beat so hard Eli couldn’t imagine Shayne not feeling the thump. Their gazes

clashed, Shayne’s a more sparkling green now than jade.

“This is a really bad idea,” Eli whispered.


“You need to tell me to go,” he bit out.

“What if I don’t want you to go?”

Another low growl rumbled in Eli’s throat. The human had no idea the kind of Pandora’s

box he’d be opening.

“You think you know what you want, Matthews. But you don’t. Nothing good can come

from this if I stay.”

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With his free hand, Shayne traced the ripples of Eli’s exposed abdomen. Eli hissed at the

contact and released his hold on Shayne’s arm.

“Oh, I think something very good would come if you stayed.”

Shayne worked free the buckle on Eli’s belt then the button to his slacks. The man tested

every ounce of Eli’s control. Shayne lowered to his knees, putting his face directly in front of

Eli’s fly.

Oh, fuck.

The hard length of his cock flexed against the fabric as if it knew what pleasure waited on

the other side. Eli’s brain screamed stop him! but his body roared for more. “Shayne…?” The

name was more warning than question. The last warning. Because, if and when Shayne touched

him, it would snap the final thread of his control. There would be no turning back.

Green eyes stared up at Eli from under a thick fringe of blond lashes with tips dipped in

rose gold. Eli’s balls tightened at the sight. Damn, the man was breathtaking.

“My choice,” Shayne stated and reached for the tab to Eli’s zipper. “And I know what I

want.” Slowly, Shayne tugged on Eli’s fly. Every pop of the metal closure resonated louder and

louder inside Eli’s head like a widening breach in his armor. A tremor rolled through his limbs.

Finally, cool air rushed over his heated flesh, and his cock sprang free.

“Oh, damn,” Shayne uttered, a grin splitting his face. “I was right.”

“About what?”

The other man glanced up. “Commando.”

“You approve?”

“Oh yeah.” Shayne nodded with a lift of one brow.

A wave of satisfaction coursed through Eli’s veins. Strange. He’d never cared what any

of his lovers thought about his attire, or lack thereof, but with Shayne…Eli liked knowing he’d

pleased him.

Shayne coiled his fingers around the base of Eli’s shaft, and Eli’s world funneled in on

itself. His consciousness reduced to only where the other man and he were connected.

“Oh, fuck,” Eli groaned. His knees wobbled, and he slapped his palms against the wall

for balance.

“Shit…” Shayne slid his fingers forward toward the crown. “I can barely get all of you in

my hand.”

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The only thing Eli could manage in response was a moan. His brain was too busy

processing the reality of his cock in Shayne’s hand. Eli rocked forward, pushing his shaft

through the other man’s fingers. A hiss escaped through his teeth at the sensation.

Kneeling before him, Shayne leaned in, trailing his tongue south over Eli’s abs, following

the path of dark hair to where it gathered around his shaft and balls. Anticipation had Eli wound

tight, his fingertips curling, nails biting into the painted surface of the wall. Christ, if Shayne

doesn’t get his mouth on my cock soon, my brain cells are going to fry.

Then the pink tip of Shayne’s tongue flicked out and licked the drop of pre-cum from the

slit at the end of Eli’s shaft.

“Fuck!” Eli’s back arched.

“Like that?” Shayne blew a warm puff of air over the head, making Eli’s cock jerk.

“Yes.” Eli’s fingers curled into tight fists against the wall, the veins in his forearms

standing out like serpentine ropes coiling around his muscles. Another puff of air followed by a

teasing wet swipe as Shayne’s tongue circled his cock. A grunt burst from Eli’s throat as Shayne

worked his shaft in a languid twist and squeeze action from base to tip.

“Enough!” Eli shouted, his voice barely recognizable to his own ears. “I want…” he

rasped, glaring down at Shayne.

“What do you want, Eli?” Shayne’s grip tightened on Eli’s engorged rod, each heartbeat

throbbing up the length.

Unbidden, Eli reached down and seized a fistful of hair at the back of Shayne’s head,

forcing Shayne’s lips to the head of his cock. “I want to fuck your mouth so damn bad it hurts. Is

that what you wanted to hear?” Eli yelled. Air sawed in and out of his lungs. “Is that what you


“Yes,” Shayne breathed, nearly rocking Eli on his heels. “So fucking take me already.”

“Open.” The tone of Eli’s voice made sure Shayne knew it wasn’t a request. Shayne

complied, and Eli filled him to overflowing. The head of his cock hit the soft tissue at the back of

Shayne’s throat, sending a spark of pleasure up Eli’s spine. Shayne gagged around the thick

intrusion but recovered.

“That’s right. Relax,” Eli said, his voice going from gruff to soothing. “Take it.”

Using the other man’s hair for leverage, Eli reversed a couple of inches then slammed

home again. The muscles at the back of Shayne’s throat tightened around the crown, and his

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lover swallowed. Eli’s balls contracted. Cum hammered at the last barrier between his nuts and


“Damn you,” Eli growled. He wasn’t ready for this to end. Not yet. But a couple more

like that from Shayne, and he would be done.

The younger man looked up, his eyes watering. Eli pulled out, giving Shayne a moment

to recover. Shayne sucked in a long breath. “Give it back,” he said. Matthews’ eyelids lowered to

half-mast. “I’m not done yet. I want to taste you.”

The mental image had Eli squeezing his cock, his fist clamping down hard on his orgasm.

Fuck! If not, he was going to come before he ever got back inside.

“Incubus,” Eli growled and grabbed another handful of Shayne’s hair. “That explains the

fire in these strands.”

Shayne smiled then slipped his tongue out, wetting his lower lip. On a groan, Eli slid the

head of his shaft into his lover’s warm, wet haven.


Eli pistoned deep. Over and over, he thrust into the younger man’s mouth. Shayne

moaned and grasped the sides of Eli’s hips, hanging on for the ride.

Too good.

Pleasure spiked, like spirals of lightning from Eli’s shaft, through his balls, radiating up

his spine. The room tilted on its axis. He gasped as the dam broke on his orgasm. A hard shudder

seized him as his cock pulsed, sending jets of cum flooding Shayne’s throat. Shayne coughed

hard under the surge.

Pull out. Pull out.

Finally, his limbs responded to his brain’s demand. Eli stumbled back, yanking his cock

free. Wrapping one hand around his girth, the other palm plastered to the wall over Shayne’s

head, Eli milked the final waves of his orgasm from his balls. Ribbons of cum painted his lover’s

freckled cheek and decorated the front of Shayne’s dark red hoodie.

The last pearlescent bead of fluid dripped from the head of Eli’s cock, striking the lower

half of Shayne’s lip. Matthews’ tongue darted out, captured it on the tip and pulled it inside.

Shayne’s eyelids lowered as if he were savoring a decadent wine.

Fucking sexy as hell. Eli’s thighs trembled, and his gut tightened at the sight.

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He’d never wanted anyone more in his life. For so many reasons, the fact scared the hell

out of him. But he’d gone too far already. And no way was he finished yet.

Eli clasped Shayne’s shoulders and brought him to his feet. Their mouths came together,

the flavor of Eli’s cum lingered on the other’s man’s tongue. Despite having had the best

blowjob of his life mere seconds ago, his cock twitched, swelled. It wasn’t Eli’s first time tasting

his orgasm inside a lover’s mouth, but for some reason, on Shayne’s tongue, the combination

was hotter than hell.

No, he was far from finished with his fiery incubus. Eli pulled back, breaking the kiss, his

fingers wrapped around both sides of Shayne’s head. A need as heated and unspent as his own

stared back at him in Shayne’s green gaze.

“Where’s your bedroom?”

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Chapter Nine

This had to be another dream.

If so, Shayne never wanted to wake up.

Eli was in his apartment. His cock had been inside Shayne’s mouth. Then Eli had pulled

Shayne up from his knees and kissed him stupid right before asking him a question.

Bedroom? What about a bedroom?

Every ounce of blood had to be in Shayne’s dick, starving his brain cells for oxygen

because he couldn’t think.

Eli lowered his hands then ensnared one of Shayne’s biceps along the way and hauled

him toward the back of his apartment.

Oh, shit! Bedroom. Yeah, I do have one of those.

The erection trapped behind his zipper throbbed. Every step rubbed the over-sensitized

head of his cock against the metal. Damn, he couldn’t remember ever being this hard.

“In here,” Shayne said, taking the lead. Eli released Shayne and followed him toward the

open door to his bedroom. Inside, Shayne grabbed his hoodie and pulled it over his head, tossing

it to the floor.

He spun and faced Eli. His dark lover placed his palms over Shayne’s chest and slowly

moved lower as if savoring every ridge and valley of Shayne’s torso. Eli’s gaze narrowed over

Shayne’s left pec. A thick fan of obsidian lashes hovered over Eli’s deep purple irises. God, the

way the man looked at Shayne—like he wanted to ravage him—went straight to his head,

making him drunk.

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“A lion tattoo?” Eli’s fingertips traced the outline. Shayne watched as Eli inspected every

detail of his one and only piece of skin art—a male lion reared up on his hind legs with claws

and teeth exposed. He’d had the tat for four years, and Shayne still loved the design.

Shayne shrugged. “I’m a Leo. I’ve always been kind of into lions. They’re really badass,

you know.” A smile Shayne would have to describe as smug turned up the corner of Eli’s mouth.

“What’s the grin all about?”

“Nothing.” Eli shook his head, sobering. “You fascinate me. That’s all,” he added,

continuing his exploration. “So different,” he whispered.

“In a good way?”

“Yeah. I like the way you feel,” Eli said. “The way your muscles bunch under my

fingers.” His fingertips skated over Shayne’s abs, making him tense under the sensation. Eli’s lip

curled in a devilish grin. “Like that.”

“Try touching a little lower, and I bet you’ll like that response even better.” Shayne

maneuvered Eli’s hand till it cupped the aching bulge behind his fly. Eli lightly squeezed,

sending a bolt of pleasure/pain through his cock. “Fuck!” Shayne hissed, gripping Eli’s arms. His

head rolled back. “See?” he managed to say after a second or two and brought his head forward.

“What did I tell you?”

“Very nice.” Eli smiled. “You were right,” he added, and his smile tightened. “Now on

the bed.”

Shayne didn’t waste time and plopped onto the foot of the bed. After unbuttoning his

jeans, Shayne reached for his fly.

“Don’t!” Eli’s baritone voice halted his progress. He stood back an inch, shoved his pants

to the floor, and stepped out of his socks and shoes. Shayne glanced up and found Eli’s naked,

sculpted form hovering over him. “That’s mine to unwrap.”

Oh God… Shayne swallowed hard. It had been way too long since he’d been with

anyone…more than two years to be exact. Eli touching him through his pants had about blown

his mind. How the hell he’d keep from coming the second Eli wrapped his hand around his cock,

Shayne had no idea.

Scooting closer to the headboard, Shayne watched as Eli crawled onto the mattress. His

heart stuttered at the sight. Eli slinked over Shayne’s body like a predator assessing his prey for

the best place to strike. He’d never felt so exposed or as turned on at the same time.

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With Shayne’s zipper between his fingers, Eli opened the denim wider, revealing his

white boxer briefs below.

“Lift up,” Eli commanded. Shayne did as he was told, and Eli dragged his jeans down to

his bare feet and beyond. Wide and roughened palms covered Shayne’s thighs and maneuvered

north. Anticipation had his dick pulsing behind the thin cotton of his underwear. Eli explored

higher, massaging his quads, his pelvis, everywhere but Shayne’s throbbing hard-on.

“Damn…” Shayne groaned and plopped his head back on the pillow. “If you don’t…”

His throat worked, searching for moisture.

“What?” Eli’s voice sounded as strained as Shayne’s. “Touch you?”


“Haven’t you heard…the longer you wait, the better the payoff?”

“Believe me when I say…” Shayne lifted his head. “I’ve waited long enough.”

For a second, Eli stared back at him as if he possessed the power to see beneath Shayne’s

surface. See every one of his dark secrets, his innermost thoughts. A tremor rattled Shayne. Then

Eli smiled, washing away the unsettling effect and tugged on the elastic waistband to Shayne’s

briefs. He pulled back the material, exposing the flared head of Shayne’s cock. Air shuttled in

and out of Shayne’s lungs as Eli stripped away the last barrier between their bodies.

Then Eli captured Shayne’s cock.

Capture was the only word to describe the act. He fisted the aching column, his grip firm,

knowing, as if he owned it—owned Shayne’s cock and Shayne himself. The heated sensation

ricocheted through his core and imploded behind Shayne’s eyes.



Shayne’s body was no longer his to control. And the thought ignited a blazing fire in his

veins. Shayne grappled for the metal posts in the headboard, his pulse a jackhammering inside

his head. God, he was so fucking close to coming already, and Eli had barely gotten started.

With his broad hand gripping Shayne’s shaft, Eli slowly lowered his mouth toward the

crown. Oh. My. God. Eli was about to go down on him. Did Novak hate the idea? Only doing it

for some kind of payback?

“You don’t have to do that,” Shayne stated.

Eli flicked his gaze up, his mouth hovering over Shayne’s crying cock.

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“I mean… I know this—giving head—might be new.” God, he was rambling. “I’m just

saying it’s okay if you’d really rather not.”

“No. I haven’t done this before,” Eli said. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to. Unless

that is, you’d rather I not place my mouth here?” His grip tightened on Shayne’s rod, drawing

Shayne’s balls even closer to his body and standing every hair over his flesh on end. “Can I suck

you, Matthews?”

“Oh yeah,” he breathed. Shayne spread his thighs wider for emphasis. “God, yes.”

As if he were sampling a new flavor of candy, Eli flattened the tip of his tongue at the

base of Shayne’s shaft and slid it upward, tasting him from root to crown. Shayne gasped, his

butt lifting from the bed, every nerve sparking to life.

“Don’t stop,” Shayne muttered. “Please…”

Eli moaned. “No way in hell…”

And he didn’t. Eli went to work on Shayne’s cock like a man obsessed—obsessed with

seeing how far he could push Shayne toward the crumbling edge of the abyss known as

desperation, right before reeling him back only to do it all over again.

Eli fisted Shayne’s rod, twisting his slick palm up and down as he tortured the slit and

crown with his lips and tongue. The engorged veins circling Shayne’s length jutted out in sharp

relief against his pale flesh. Shayne watched, mesmerized, as his fierce warrior pumped him,

Eli’s thumb coming up to massage the sweet spot right under the rim before spiraling in reverse.

Shayne couldn’t stay still any longer.

His legs scissored, his heels digging into the mattress.

“Faster…” He panted, and Eli complied. “Shit. Yes.” Shayne bit down hard on his


His fingers clawed at the sheets.

Pleasure zinged up his spine, bowing his back.

His neck arched.

“I’m going to come. Oh, God,” he mumbled, his head slamming back against the pillow.

“Oh, G—”

Ecstasy burst like a raging flood from the end of his cock. His diaphragm spasmed,

trapping the air in his lungs. His thighs shook as jets of what felt like never-ending cum surged

from his body. But Eli held on, taking everything Shayne had to give.

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After God knows how long, the last of his orgasm emptied from his balls. A long groan

rolled up from Shayne’s chest. His softening length slid from his lover’s lips, and Eli

maneuvered to lie on his side beside him.

His mind and cock completely blown, Shayne’s head lolled. “That was fucking

amazing.” He sounded ridiculously drugged out of his mind. But Shayne was too drained to

muster up a laugh.

“Fucking amazing is right.” Eli grinned, and the effect was dazzling.

Shayne ran his fingers through Eli’s dark strands. He loved the sprinkling of salt and

pepper at his temples. On Eli, it didn’t make him appear old. To Shayne, the look gave him a

sexier edge over other men.

“You really surprised me, showing up at my door,” Shayne said. A cloud darkened Eli’s

irises, and immediately Shayne wished he’d never said anything.

Eli rolled over then swung his legs off the side of the bed, going upright. “I should be


“Why?” Shayne glimpsed at the large blue-green numbers on his bedside clock. “It’s

almost midnight.”

Eli sat with his back to Shayne, his spine rigid.

“Stay with me tonight,” Shayne whispered. There. He’d said it.

A long sigh escaped Eli. “There’s so much you don’t know. Don’t understand what

you’re asking.”

“Tell me.”

Eli whipped around. “I can’t,” he gritted out.

“Is there someone else?”

A confused looked screwed up the older man’s features. He shook his head. “No.”

“Well, I know you’re not a monk or a priest.”

“God, no.” Eli rolled his eyes.

Shayne crawled over to his lover and slung an arm over Eli’s shoulder, pressing his chest

into the other man’s back. Eli tensed. “So you’re not breaking someone’s heart or any vow by

being with me.” Shayne stroked the fine hairs covering Eli’s pecs, enjoying the tickle against his

fingertips. Some of the tension in Eli’s muscles eased. “So I can only assume it has to do with

what’s up in those mountains.” Eli’s shoulders squared a little more. Yeah. “You’re here, not

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there with whatever has you so stressed out. And from what little I’ve learned about Eli Novak,

I’m pretty sure no one knows where you went.” Shayne eased back, rested his palms on Eli’s

shoulders, and began to work at some of the knots buried in the tissue. Eli groaned and rolled his


Before Shayne could blink, Eli whipped around and had him flat on the mattress, his

wrists shackled inside Eli’s large hands.

“What do you think you’re trying to do?”

Eli’s face sat mere inches from Shayne’s. Even though the thin sliver of a moonbeam

coming through the window served as his only light, Shayne couldn’t miss the lethal passion

burning in the other man’s eyes.

“Trying to get you to see logic. Convince you to stay.” Shayne squirmed under Eli’s hold,

and his awakening cock brushed the backside of Eli’s. A warm burst of air escaped the other

man’s lung. “Is it working?”

A low rumble vibrated against Shayne’s breastbone. “Yeah,” Eli breathed. “It’s

working.” Eli’s mouth came down on Shayne’s, buzzing his brain. Damn, he hoped one night

would be enough to hold onto for a lifetime.

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Chapter Ten

The morning sun cut through the shadows of Shayne’s bedroom and lifted the fog of

sleep from Eli’s brain. Eli blinked against the bright rays and glanced down his body. Shayne’s

arm draped over his chest. Sunshine glinted off the strawberry-blond hairs sprinkling his arms

and highlighted the splattering of freckles on his cream-colored flesh. The urge to lick every one

of the little brown dots swamped him. His cock twitched.

“Morning.” Shayne’s groggy voice yanked Eli from his daydream.

“Good morning.” Eli ran his palm over Shayne’s arm. The younger man slid over until

most of his torso covered Eli’s. He smiled down at him, green eyes sparkling.

“You look pretty damn hot in my bed, Novak,” Shayne said, sporting a sexy grin.

“Is that so?” Eli cupped Shayne’s nape. “So what are you going to do about it?”

“Hmmm…” Shayne glanced up as if contemplating a diabolical plan. “Shit. The

possibilities are endless.”

Eli chuckled. “I think I like the sound of that.”

Shayne scooted up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “But it’ll have to be after

coffee.” Shayne rolled over and off the bed, giving Eli a delicious view of his tight bare behind.

“I’m addicted to the stuff,” Shayne added. He pulled his boxer-briefs and jeans back on. “Can I

get you a cup?”

“Sounds great.” Eli stood and grabbed his own pants from the floor.

“How do take your coffee?”

“Black is fine.”

“Will do.”

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Shayne headed out of the room, leaving Eli alone with his thoughts. Drawn toward the

sun and blue sky outside the patio door of Shayne’s bedroom, Eli popped the latch and stepped

onto the narrow concrete balcony. The cool morning air felt good on his heated flesh, but did

little to clear his mind.

The fact he’d shared sex with another man was enough to rattle his cage. It wasn’t as if

he were some kid exploring. He was a grown man. Thirty-three years old, and he thought he had

a firm grip on who and what he was when it came to his sexuality. Except for a brief crush on

Silas that never went anywhere, Eli had put the idea of being bisexual out of his mind. That was

until Shayne Matthews wandered onto Ariel Estates. What the hell was he going to do about the



Eli sighed and ran his hand through the long strands of his hair, catching on a few

tangles. A leftover result from where Shayne had had his fingers buried deep. A smile begged to

form at the thought, but Eli refused its development.

This could never go anywhere.

He was only going to end up hurting Shayne when he had to cut him out of his life. And

that was inevitable.

“Hey, there you are,” Shayne said coming up behind him.

Eli turned and leaned his hip against the metal posts. “Came out for some air.” Shayne

handed him a mug, the brew inside sending up steamy tendrils of aroma. “Smells good.”

“Beautiful morning.” Shayne breathed deep, then moseyed up beside him, propping his

elbows on the railing. Eli pivoted and faced the same direction, shoulder to shoulder with the

other man. Shayne stared down into his cup. “I’ve never been someone who could keep my

mouth shut, so I have to ask…any regrets?”

Eli’s gut twisted. “Yes,” he said, not missing the way Shayne’s knuckles blanched from

the tight hold on his cup. “And no.”

Shayne tilted his head. “You’re not one to ever give a guy a straight answer, are you?”

“I can’t give you one.” Eli stared at the street below. “I wish I could. But I will say being

with you last night is something I’ll never forget. But it can’t continue.” Eli locked his gaze with

Shayne’s. “Even if I wanted it to with every fiber in my being—”

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Shayne sealed his lips over Eli’s, breathing in the remainder of his words and stealing his


Fuck! The younger man’s mouth played over his before his tongue slipped between Eli’s

lips. God, how he craved to take Shayne just like that—and in a hundred different ways. He

groaned, reached low, and squeezed his lover’s ass. Shayne moaned in return.

Too dangerous.

Matthews was human.

There were several reasons shifters avoided mating outside their race. Shayne didn’t

possess the ability to heal as easily as one of his own kind. Eli could lose control during

intercourse, swell to the point of tearing Shayne up inside. He couldn’t risk hurting him.

Breaking the kiss, Shayne drew in a long stabilizing breath, his eyes closed. “When do

you have to be back?”

“Next Friday,” Eli whispered, resting his forehead against Shayne’s.

“Okay, so we have exactly one week.” Shayne lifted his head, facing him. “And I don’t

know about you, but I’m starving.” A smile that said, let’s make the best of this, lit his face.

“Let’s eat.”

“Okay,” Eli said. What else was he to do? Shayne was determined to spend whatever

time they could together no matter the end result. And Eli couldn’t deny that the irrational side of

him was ecstatic to do the same. “I could eat.”

“Great.” Shayne tugged on his hand and pulled him inside. “I know this awesome little

café. It serves the best breakfast and coffee in town.”

“We’re going out?”

Shayne turned, walking backward toward his closet. “Uh, yeah. Unless you want moldy

bread and a slice of cheese for breakfast?” He pivoted and snatched the closet door open.

Eli cringed. “I see your point.”

* * * *

Matthews hadn’t lied. The omelet at The Rise and Shine Cafe had been one of the best

Eli had ever eaten. The sun was warm, so they’d opted for a table outside on the patio. It was a

weekday and well past the morning rush hour, so traffic was light, allowing them to chat without

having to talk over road noise. Shayne still worked on the pancakes and sausages and seemed to

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be enjoying them immensely. Eli sat back, his stomach more than full, and sipped on the dark

roast in his cup.

“You look satisfied,” Shayne said right before stuffing another forkful of his breakfast

inside his mouth.

“Very.” Eli quirked a smile. Shayne grinned at the innuendo in his answer.

“I’m glad.” Shayne nodded. “While my mother was able, I used to bring her here on the


At the mention of Shayne’s deceased loved one, Eli realized other than her death he knew

little about the man. “How long ago did she pass?”

“Six months. Cancer.” Shayne leaned back, mug in hand.

“And you took care of her by yourself?”

“Yup.” He nodded. “No brothers and sisters, and my mom hated the idea of dying in a

hospital. I didn’t blame her. I wanted to do whatever I could to enable her to control at least

where she was when she left this world.”

Eli’s heart swelled. The man before him was young, but he possessed the compassion and

strength of a person twice his age. “I’m sure your mother was very proud of you.”

“I like to believe she was.” Shayne’s gaze fell to his cup. “She was a single parent and

worked hard to make sure I had all the same opportunities as the children with two parents.

When I graduated from college, she’d hoped I’d go to medical school one day, become a doctor,

marry, and give her grandchildren.” Shayne sighed and plopped his coffee cup back on the table

with a hard thunk of ceramic meeting wood. “I couldn’t bring myself to break her heart by

confessing I was gay, and biological grandchildren would probably never happen.”

“You never told her?” Eli leaned forward, sliding his elbows onto the table. “I’m

surprised. You seem very comfortable with who you are.”

“It’s easier with people who aren’t your flesh and blood.” Shayne shoved his sausages

around his plate with his fork. “With my mom…there never seemed to be the right moment.

There was a time—before she got sick— when I was working myself up to tell her. Then the

cancer diagnosis came, and everything else felt trivial.”

“I can see how that could happen,” Eli said. “You mentioned medical school… Did you

ever go?”

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“No.” Shayne shook his head. “I’m not sure becoming a doctor is what I want to do with

my life. And it’s a full time commitment that takes a lot of money—loans. I’ve been toying with

the idea of getting my graduate degree and going into research instead.” Shayne shrugged. “But I

don’t know. Figuring all this out was one of the reasons I went hiking a few weeks ago. Trying

to decide what now. What to do with my life. Fortunately, mom had a life insurance policy that’s

giving me some time.”

Their server showed up with a carafe, offering refills. She leaned over, reheating Eli’s

coffee, the low cut on her blouse barely containing her full bosom. “Anything else I can get

you?” The position of the blonde’s chest and the look in her eye said what she offered wasn’t on

the house menu. Out of the corner of his eye, Eli caught the flicker of Shayne’s gaze between the

two of them.

“No, thank you.” Eli shook his head. “I’m good.” And he meant it. She hadn’t gotten a

rise out of him. Literally. Not a twitch. Knowing Shayne watched the way she’d blatantly flirted

with him didn’t sit well in Eli’s gut.

This was not good.

He’d never felt enough of a connection with any of his sexual partners in the past not to

have at least entertained a spark of interest at the waitress’ flirting. Even with a partner sitting

across from him. Granted, most had known their time with him was over once their lust had been

sated in his bed.

After refilling both their mugs, the server sashayed away. “I think she’s hoping for more

than a tip from you,” Shayne stated, stirring more cream and sugar into his coffee.

Eli shrugged. “She’s not my type.”

“Oh, really…?” Shayne grinned. “Interesting. So Eli Novak has a type, huh?”

Sliding forward, Eli let his fingers tangle with Shayne’s. “I’m learning that I do,” Eli

replied, his voice hushed and deep.

Shayne’s Adam’s apple bobbed, his green eyes turning more emerald than jade. A telltale

sign Eli had grown to recognize when Shayne was aroused. The younger man squeezed Eli’s

fingertips then slowly withdrew his hand.

“Bathroom,” Shayne stated and rose without looking back.

Blood surged into Eli’s cock, desire hitting him with the force of a tsunami, and he drew

in a harsh breath.

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He pulled out his wallet and tossed more than enough bills on the table to cover their

meal. He waited a couple more minutes to make sure enough time had passed so it didn’t seem

as if he were following Shayne, then Eli left his seat.

Inside, Eli searched for the restroom sign and found it hanging in the back corner of the

restaurant over a dark hallway.

Fighting the urge to charge through the tables like a madman and the need to appear

nonchalant was a bitch. Finally, he made it to the men’s room door without making a scene.

Standing before the barrier and the man who waited on the other side, Eli worked his fist open

and closed, gathering some semblance of control.

He pushed the door open.

Shayne stood facing him, his hips leaning against the broad side of the single stall, his

gaze fixed on Eli. With Shayne’s ankles crossed and his palms flattened against the dingy blue

wood, Eli couldn’t miss the bulge tenting his denim.


Eli’s own cock pulsed, lengthened, and thickened. Harder than he ever thought possible.

Eli reached behind him and turned the lock, bolting the door.

“Face the mirror,” he commanded. Shayne immediately complied and turned toward the

counter, his knuckles gripping the laminate. “Good.” Eli eased up behind the other man.

Shayne stared at their reflection, his lips parted, his breath moving in and out in shallow

bursts. It was all Eli could do not to spin Shayne around, sink his tongue deep inside his mouth,

and savor the sweetness he was sure to find left behind by the maple syrup.

With the heel of his hand, Eli massaged the aching ridge behind his fly. He closed the

distance between them, his chest pressed to Shayne’s shoulders. They were so close the lemony

tang of the younger man’s body wash teased Eli’s nostrils.

“Unzip your jeans,” he ordered, his lips at Shayne’s ear. Shayne’s hands moved to his fly,

but Eli didn’t miss the shudder that rolled through him before he’d moved.

Eli watched in the mirror as Shayne did as he was told. “Very good.”

Shayne looked up, his gaze locking with Eli’s, and grasped his lower lip in his teeth

before smoothing the plump surface with the pink tip of his tongue. Eli couldn’t help but groan at

the sight. He remembered all too well how the other man’s mouth felt on the head of his cock.

Warm, wet, soft, and rough. Perfect.

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“What do you want me to do now, sir?”

Sir? Eli gave himself a mental shake. Oh, hell. He kind of liked the sound of that. Eli

rewarded Shayne with a hint of smile in the mirror, letting him know he definitely approved.

“Show me,” Eli stated. Shayne gripped the waistband of his jeans and briefs and pushed

them down over his hips. Eli did the same, baring the full length of his erection the moment

Shayne’s sprang free. The engorged head of his cock bumped Shayne’s bare buttocks.

Eli trapped the hiss of pleasure behind his teeth. “Touch yourself.”

The moment the order left his mouth, Shayne had his shaft wrapped in his fist. His

eyelids shuttered as he slid his palm up and down the length. “Do you like knowing I’m

watching you? Stroking my cock in time with yours?”

Shayne’s eyes opened, his green gaze finding Eli’s. “Yes,” he whispered.

Eli’s balls tightened.

“Faster,” he ordered. “Show me just how you like it.” Shayne gathered the bead of pre-

cum from his slit with his thumb and spread it over the crown before working back down his

shaft. With a spiraling action, Shayne pumped his thick length, the rod arching up toward his abs.

“Don’t come until I tell you,” Eli breathed into Shayne’s ear.

Shayne groaned, and his head lolled.

Taking hold of Shayne’s hips, Eli prodded Shayne’s bare cheeks with his cock. Shayne

leaned over, giving Eli better access, his gaze never leaving their reflection. Eli worked the

backside of his shaft along the tight warm path of Shayne’s ass. He could only imagine the

ecstasy of sinking into the younger man’s dark heat.

“God, please tell me you have a condom.” Shayne whimpered and pushed back.

“No condom.” He wasn’t about to tell Shayne there was no need for the prophylactic.

Shifters didn’t carry or transmit disease to humans. But that was beside the point. Eli had no

intention of ever fucking his fiery incubus.

A grunt of disappointment exited his lover. Eli wrapped an arm around Shayne’s chest,

pulling him upright and tight against Eli’s chest. Bending his knees, Eli flexed his hips forward,

seated the backside of his erection between Shayne’s cheeks.

“Do you like the way this feels?”

Shayne nodded.

“I didn’t hear you,” Eli rumbled in Shayne’s ear.

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“Yes, sir.” Shayne swallowed. “I like it a lot.”

“Me, too. So much so that I’m going to fuck you.” Eli rocked into him again. “Just like

this. While you show me just how hot it makes you.” Again, Eli slid his shaft up and down. “But

don’t you fucking come until I do.”

“Oh, shit.” Shayne hissed.

Back and forth, Eli rubbed his cock against Shayne’s bottom, his gaze fixated on his

lover. Under the harsh florescent lighting, Shayne’s cock was flushed, the head glistening from

the leaking pre-cum. With every lunge at his backside, Shayne tugged on his shaft, every muscle

in his body taut with the effort to stave off his orgasm.

Eli bit down hard on his molars, his own balls begging for release. Shit. Watching Shayne

edge—knowing his lover’s orgasm was his to control—was a torturous dance with pleasure.

“Eli…” Shayne gasped, and the younger man’s hand trembled around his erection. “I

can’t… I’m gonna…” His palm froze around the base of his shaft and squeezed. “Oh, God.”

“Not yet,” Eli growled, pistoning this cock against Shayne’s backside. Shayne groaned.

Like a volcano, lava swelling the cap, Eli’s orgasm grew inside his balls. “Almost.” Eli huffed.

“Oh my God,” Shayne cried out. “I can’t stop. I can’t stop. Eli!”

Unable to fight it back any longer, cum surged up through Eli’s shaft, exploding from the

end. “Now!” Eli gasped. “Come for me.”

“Fuck!” Shayne’s hips bucked, cum splattering the laminate and the floor. “Oh, God!”

Eli’s own load sprayed Shayne’s lower back, knocking the strength from his legs. He

wobbled but recovered, holding onto his lover’s torso as his seed continued to pump from his

cock. “Christ…” Eli steadied himself on his feet and wrapped both arms around Shayne’s waist.

“That was—” Shayne sucked in a hungry gulp of air. “That was incredible.” He pivoted

around and planted a gentle, exploring kiss to Eli’s lips. Eli found Shayne’s hand and brought it

up to his mouth, breaking their kiss long enough to slip two of Shayne’s fingers between his lips.

The taste of the other man’s orgasm flooded his tongue: salty and sweet. Shayne’s eyes widened

as Eli licked every inch clean.

“Damn…” the word fell from his lips on a breathy rush. “I think that’s the hottest thing

I’ve ever seen.”

Eli tugged Shayne’s fingers free with a pop.

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“I think you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Eli replied before he could censor his


“Wow… you’re not bad yourself.” Shayne reached over and grabbed a handful of paper

towels from the dispenser. He turned, twisted the water on, and started soaking them. Their gazes

caught in the mirror, the awkwardness of the moment combined with the reality of where they

were evident on their faces. Shayne burst into laughter, and Eli couldn’t help but follow.

“Shit!” Shayne wiped away the evidence of their rendezvous from the countertop. “I

can’t believe we just got off in Rise and Shine’s men’s room.”

* * * *

One by one, Mikah clicked through the images on the screen of his digital camera. Eli

and his human lover kissing on the balcony of the redhead’s apartment. The couple sitting down

for breakfast on the patio of the outdoor café. The Secretary staring into the human’s eyes while

holding hands at the table.

A long sigh escaped Mikah’s lungs, and his head fell against the seat’s headrest. He’d

captured the exact evidence for which his mother had been looking. Proof Ariel Estate’s

Secretary, the male Silas Murdoch had left in command during his multiple absences, had put the

pride at risk for exposure.

Mikah clicked back to the picture of the couple’s intimate embrace. The expression on

Eli’s face was of a male enthralled. A part of Mikah envied the hell out of the temporary

happiness the Secretary had found. Yet such reckless behavior came with a high price.

If his mother had her say, it would bring Novak and his best friend, Murdoch, down.

The whole assignment, following and taking pictures of his senior officer over the last

few days, made Mikah’s gut roil. He powered off the camera and tossed it into the passenger seat

of his Charger. He scrubbed the lower half of his face with his palm, the coarse whiskers of his

two-day-old beard scratching his palm. He closed his eyes, wishing there were some other course

of action.

But there wasn’t.

Having an affair with a human, bringing him onto their estate, was like playing Russian

roulette with all their lives. He couldn’t keep what he’d discovered from his mother. She’d

suffered enough. Even if revenge wasn’t the best way to deal with her pain, it’s what she wanted.

And Mikah wasn’t going to begrudge her the peace seeing the end of Silas’ reign would bring.

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Activating the call center in his car, Mikah clicked his mother’s number. After two rings,

she answered.

“I hope you have some news for me,” Saundra said.

“I’ve got what you wanted.”

“Excellent!” Despite the ugly, destructive power the few photos held, the excitement in

his mother’s voice felt good to hear. “Bring them to me, Mikah. I knew you wouldn’t let me


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Chapter Eleven

“So how do you like your steak?” Shayne flipped the rib-eye onto the hot pan, the

resulting sizzle sending aromatic tendrils into the air, making his mouth water.

“Rare,” Eli called out from the living room.

Rare? Okay. Not his choice, but everyone had different tastes. His was more on the

cooked side for beef. “Rare, it is,” Shayne responded and promptly turned the steak.

“Hey, you mind if I get on your PC and check my email?”

“Sure,” Shayne replied, and pulled Eli’s steak from the heat, placing it in the oven to

keep warm while his continued on toward medium-well. “But I thought you were supposed to be

on vacation.”

“Mind your own business,” Eli teased.

Shayne laughed.

A few moments later, Eli joined him in the kitchen. “I found this beside the computer.”

Shayne looked up and spotted the application he’d completed for grad school in the other man’s

hand. “Have you decided to go back then?”

Shayne shook his head. “No, not really. Not yet. I completed that a couple of days ago

while you were sleeping. Just haven’t sent it in yet.” Shayne opened the fridge, the cool rush

over his skin a welcome relief from the heat of the stove and pulled out their salads. “I’ve got to

figure out first how I’m going to balance my living expenses and tuition with time for classes.”

He brushed past Eli and set the bowls on the table. “So my next step will be to find a job.”

“You’ll figure it out.” Eli came up behind him and snaked an arm around Shayne’s waist.

“I have no doubt.” The sharp edges of his teeth grazed Shayne’s earlobe shooting a wave of

gooseflesh down his arms.

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“Cut that out.” Shayne elbowed him in the gut, the blow having little effect on the steel

ridges Eli called his abs. “It’s time to eat.”

“Smells great,” he said, nuzzling Shayne’s neck. “I’ll grab some plates.”

Forty-five minutes into their meal, Shayne surmised dinner was a success—if how

eagerly Eli had consumed his meal was any indication. “So your steak was done the way you like


“Perfect,” Eli said and plucked his beer from the table for a long swig. “How did you

learn to cook so well?”

“My mom. Being a single parent, she made sure even if she had to work late, I knew my

way around the kitchen.”

“Well, you were an excellent student.”

“Thank you.” Shayne grinned. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He pushed his plate away,

picked up his Bud and studied the swirling contents. “You know, we’ve spent the last five days

together, and you’ve learned a lot about me, but I barely know anything about you.”

“There’s not much to tell,” Eli said, his tone final.

Shayne glanced across the table. “I know you can’t tell me anything about your job, but

what about Eli Novak himself? I remember you saying you never knew your mother. Did she

walk out on you and your dad, like my sperm donor did?”

“She died giving birth to me,” Eli said, his gaze fixed on the bottle in his hand.

“Oh.” Shayne’s stomach tightened on his meal. “I’m so sorry.”

“No reason for you to apologize.” Eli looked up. “You can’t feel loss for something or

someone you never knew.”

“I know.” Shayne repositioned in his seat, his legs suddenly not wanting to be still. “But I

hate that you never got to know your mother.”

“Others who knew her said she was a wonderful woman. My father, they say, was never

the same afterward. Whether he consciously knew it or not, I always felt he blamed me for her


“Damn. That must have been a hellish way to grow up.” Shayne leaned in and brushed

his fingertips over the back of Eli’s hand.

Eli shrugged. “Yeah, well…you learn how to cope with what life deals you.” Eli pulled

his arm back. “Let me help you clean up.”

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Door closed. Conversation over. That was all he was going to get out of Eli—for now.

Shayne rinsed the dishes while Eli loaded the dishwasher. Who would have thought

Shayne would ever see Mr. Badass himself stacking pots and plates in a dishwasher? But dammit

if the sight wasn’t erotic as hell. Shayne’s cock was rock hard.

As if sensing where Shayne’s mind had gone, Eli glanced up, his blue gaze deepening to

a dark purple.

“I want you so bad right now I ache,” Shayne said, his palm going to the front of his

athletic shorts to massage the hard bulge.

One second, a groan rumbled from Eli’s throat, the next, he had Shayne up against the

refrigerator, his tongue in Shayne’s mouth. Eli’s hips rocked into his, rubbing, grinding the hard

length of his cock against Shayne’s.

“Fuck…” Shayne moaned, trailing his lips along Eli’s neck. God, he loved the way Eli

smelled, tasted: spiced coffee. So delicious. It made no sense, but damned if he cared about the

hows and whys, he just wanted more.

“Pants off,” Eli ordered, breathless.

But it wasn’t necessary. Shayne was already yanking them down.

Eli had his dropped a second later, and Shayne could have sworn he’d heard something

tear in the process. Then Eli took both their cocks into his roughened palm. Shayne hissed and

jerked at the rough contact. But the pain quickly turned to pleasure, wringing a groan from his


So damn good.

He thrust into Eli’s hold, rubbing the back of his shaft over Eli’s. “Want you,” Shayne

mumbled against his lover’s mouth. Thank God he’d had the forethought to finally pick up lube

and condoms earlier from the store when he’d went for food.

“I want you, too,” Eli groaned, his voice rusty.

“Yes. Fuck!” Shayne’s bottom tightened at the thought of finally having every thick inch

of Eli inside him.

Maneuvering around until he walked backward, Shayne guided Eli toward the dining

room table. Greedy for Eli’s kiss and so much more, Shayne nipped at Eli’s mouth and ran his

hands over the other man’s chest. Eli’s sides vibrated with a hungry growl.

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“Stuff’s in the bag on the chair,” Shayne said, his words riding a breathless pant. With a

nod of his head, he indicated the paper sack in the seat of one of the dining room chairs.

“What?” Eli blinked as if the act could clear his mind.

“Supplies. I got everything we need.” Shayne punctuated his statement with another kiss

before adding, “Fuck me, Eli,” he said and slid his tongue over the seam of his dark lover’s lips.

“Want all of you.”

The muscles where Shayne gripped Eli’s shoulders tensed, and Eli tugged free of his

arms. Shayne glanced up as Eli turned his head away.

“No,” Eli blurted out.

“No?” Shayne’s mind whirled. What had he done wrong?

“I mean…I can’t do that,” Eli said, threading his fingers over his nape.

Was he afraid he’d hurt him? That had to be it. “It’s okay.” Shayne reached for Eli’s arm.

“I know you’re a bit bigger than average. But it’s not like I haven’t done it before.”

Eli dropped his arms and glanced back at him, his gaze stormy, eyebrows drawn taut.

“If we go slow, it’ll be fine. I really want this. I want you,” Shayne added, and cupped the

back of Eli’s neck, drawing him back for another kiss.

But before their lips locked, Eli froze, gripping the back of the chair beside them. “You

have no idea how much I want inside you…” Eli’s eyes closed then opened. “But I can’t do

this,” he bit out. He pushed away, headed into the kitchen, bent and retrieved his pants from

where he’d left them by the fridge.

“What? You worried about your image?” Did Eli think fucking him would be too gay?

Shayne’s chest ached at the thought of the possibility Eli was ashamed.

Eli came to a halt, his gaze riveted on Shayne. He cocked one brow. “My image?”

“I remember how you reacted when that woman walked in on us. You couldn’t stand the

thought she’d caught us. So now, if you don’t go too far before you walk away, it’s easier for

you to deny we ever happened. That’s it, isn’t it?” Shayne blamed himself for the knife splitting

his heart in two. Eli had told him he didn’t know what he was getting into.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eli’s expression darkened as he brushed

past him.

“Oh yes, I do!” Shayne shouted at Eli’s back. “I’m the king of denial. I couldn’t even

bring up the subject to my dying mother.” Shayne’s voice cracked. “I let her leave this world

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never really knowing my hopes and dreams or who I really am. Believe me, Eli, it’s no way to

live. The truth about who you really are deep down is going to eat you alive if you keep living a


“Leave it alone, Shayne.” Eli’s voice rumbled.

“You’re saying I’m wrong?”

“I’m saying drop it.”

Shayne closed the distance between them. “Why? Am I getting too close to the quick?

Because you sure look like a man who’s running away to me.”

“I can’t take it that far.” The words came out sounding as if they were torn from his


“I don’t get it.” Shayne shook his head. “Every time we’re together, I can feel you

wanting me.”

A tremor, so intense Shayne couldn’t miss the quake, rolled through Eli.

“Talk to me,” Shayne whispered and reached out, his fingertips grasping Eli’s shirt

before he slipped away. “Dammit, Eli! You gotta tell me what’s really going on.”

Eli spun, a growl unlike any sound—anything human—he’d ever heard before

reverberated from the other man. Shayne backpedaled, and the chair beside him hit the floor with

a bang in the process.

The affectionate lover he’d once known seized Shayne’s upper arms, forcing them face-

to-face. The sharp points of Eli’s canines glinted from beneath his upper lip. Whoa… Those

didn’t look like that before. He would have remembered. Shayne’s gaze roamed north. His

eyes… What was up with his pupils? They’d changed. More elongated—alien—more catlike

than man.

What the fuck? Shayne’s pulse galloped.

“You want the truth?” Eli chewed out. “I’m not human! That’s the whole fucked up

truth.” His chest heaved. “I can’t do this with you!”

Not human? This couldn’t be happening. A loud gulp went down Shayne’s throat, and he

shuddered. Shit. Maybe he’d swallowed his own damn tongue. Shayne blinked. And blinked


Still there.

He wasn’t human…

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“Oh Christ…” Eli groaned, released him, and whirled around. “Fucking idiot…” He

inhaled long and deep.

On autopilot, Shayne reversed his step until with a thump the wall stopped his progress.

Eli glanced over his shoulder. But this time, all the freaky changes were gone. Okay. How was

this possible? Shayne couldn’t have hallucinated the whole event.

“I didn’t mean to—” Eli swiped a palm over his face. He looked exhausted all of a


“What…?” Shayne tried to find some moisture in his mouth. “What was that?”

Eli shook his head. “I need to get out of here.” He turned and made a beeline for the


He’s getting his things. No way in hell was Eli going to walk out without telling him

what the fuck had just happened.

By the time Shayne had gotten his feet moving again, Eli met him heading for the door

with his suitcase. Shayne had to be crazy. Any sane person would have beat Eli out the exit,

putting himself as far from the madness as he could get. But no, Shayne was going to go after

him. He snagged Eli’s forearm, spinning him around.

“You can’t leave like this,” Shayne insisted.

“Yes, I can.” Eli tugged on his hold.

“I deserve an explanation.”

“Let me go.” Eli stared at the wall ahead, looking at everything but Shayne.

“You don’t get to toss something like ‘I’m not human’ in my face and expect me to just

let you walk away. Not after everything we’ve shared these last few days.” That seemed to

somehow strike a nerve and drew Eli’s attention. His gaze searched Shayne’s, his expression


“What are you?” Shayne whispered.

Eli reached out, his thumb finding Shayne’s lower lip where he teased the sensitive flesh

before cupping his cheek. His mouth opened then closed as if the words didn’t want to come out.

His eyelids lowered, and his expression twisted as if he’d tasted something foul. When Eli

opened his eyes, what stared back at Shayne was even scarier than before. Something new had

settled in Eli’s gaze. Something hard, cold…empty.

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“This—we never happened,” he said. “It was a mistake, an experiment I regret ever

allowing to happen.” He scowled. “Don’t ever show your face on my mountain again, Shayne.”

Eli yanked out of Shayne’s grip. “Forget me. Because I plan to forget you.”

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Chapter Twelve

Three days.

Shayne stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, listening to the drone of traffic outside his

balcony window.

It had been three days since Eli Novak had marched out of Shayne’s apartment without

another word. Most people would have probably told the man, “Don’t let the damn door hit you

in the ass on your way out”. After the things Eli had said before he’d made his dramatic exit,

Shayne should be glad the guy was out of his life.

So why did it still feel as if he’d been kicked in the gut?

What he’d witnessed still didn’t make any sense. Eli wasn’t human? The guy had to have

been messing with Shayne’s head somehow, trying to make Shayne want him to be gone. But

how Eli had done it, Shayne had yet to figure out.

Calling the cops was out of the question. What would he have said if he had dialed 911?

Yeah… A guy I’ve been having a fling with for the last few days says he’s not human. You need

to go after him. Or, Excuse me; I’d like to report a close encounter of the fourth kind. Or maybe

it would be fifth? Good God, who the hell knows this kind of shit?

Shayne groaned and rolled over on his side. If only he could sleep. He’d barely closed his

eyes in the last seventy-two hours.

Forget him, Eli had said.

Like hell.

How was he supposed to delete from his brain not only the guy’s freakish transformation

but several days of the best sex he’d ever had? The way Eli had touched him went deeper than

the flesh. Eli had connected with his soul.

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God, how could he be in his right mind, thinking he’d developed real feelings for

someone who had walked out, leaving him with so many unanswered questions. Like what was

going on up on that mountain? And better yet, had Eli been jerking his chain when he’d morphed

into something else? Was it some kind of trick?

And those eyes… They reminded him of a large cat’s. Dark purple irises with black slits

for pupils just like the ones he’d seen—

Oh hell no!

Shayne bolted upright in bed in a dizzying rush.

“It couldn’t be,” he whispered into the empty space.

What had jumped him on his last trip up the mountain had been big—really big—with fur

and claws. It couldn’t have been Eli. Unless…

His mind drifted back to the night he’d stayed in Eli’s suite. Shayne had treated a cut in

Eli’s upper arm, a wound similar to one made by a shallow knife. Shayne’s pulse pounded inside

his temples, and his stomach rolled over. He dropped his head into his palms and groaned.

Shifters only existed on late night TV and those B horror movies on SYFY. This was the twenty-

first century. The real world. He was letting his imagination run wild in the dark.

Shayne swung his legs off the bed and made his way through the shadows toward the

bathroom. No need for light. He didn’t own enough furniture to have to worry about breaking a


After using the facilities, and hoping to clear his head, Shayne splashed cold water on his

face before returning to his bed. Just inside his bedroom, an arm snaked around his throat. The

force would’ve knocked Shayne off his feet had he not been lashed by the beefy extremity.

“Shit!” Shayne reared back, throwing an elbow to his captor’s gut. But it was as if the

blow had landed against a steel barrier. The only thing that moved was the bones in Shayne’s

arm. The impact vibrated into his shoulder and hurt like a bitch.

“Time to go nighty-night, puny human,” his attacker rasped into Shayne’s ear.

Puny human?

“Let me go!” A searing pain stabbed the side of his neck. A needle. The bastard had shot

him up with something! “Son of a bitch!”

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Shayne bucked against the larger man’s iron hold. The guy didn’t move, if anything, the

restraint around Shayne’s throat tightened. His attacker’s other arm coiled around Shayne’s

waist, effectively holding him immobile.

“You bastard,” Shayne growled. “What the fuck?” As if someone had speared a gaping

hole into Shayne’s rage, the fight seeped out of him. His arms and legs became too heavy, too

weak to move.

Terror seized his brain.

But the extra dose of adrenaline was of little use. The effect more like pissing in the wind

against whatever drug flooded his system.

Oh fuck…I’m dying.

“Why…kill…me?” The words sounded thick to Shayne’s ears.

The room spiraled into darkness.

* * * *

“It looks like everyone has agreed to the agenda for the summit with the Elders on

Monday,” Eli stated and closed the folder on his desk. On the other side, sprawled in one of the

leather wing back chairs, Silas crossed his legs.

“I heard back from the final Elder earlier in the week,” his leader said. “Everything

appears set in that regard. Any issues with security coverage?”

“No. We’re pulling some of the more experienced staff from their regular detail on

Monday to fill in where needed within the main house, and we’re stationing some of the newer

officers on perimeter patrol.”

Silas nodded. “Sounds good.” He switched legs, propping an ankle over his knee. “There

was no need for you return early from your vacation. I told you everything would be under

control. I didn’t want to see you back here for at least a week.”

“I was finished vacationing.” Eli studied the label on his folder. “Had enough of the

scenery. It was time to come home.”

“You’re such an awful liar, Eli,” Silas stated.

Eli snapped his head up, his gaze landing on Silas’ amused expression. “What the hell are

you talking about?”

“You’ve tried to avoid me for the last four days because you knew I would ask questions.

And you know me well.” Silas grinned. “Did you see Shayne?”

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The floor shifted beneath Eli. It was as if he’d lost his balance even though he was sitting

down. “It’s over,” Eli stated, his voice strained.

“I see.” Silas released a sigh. “Is that what you wanted?”

“Why would it matter?” Eli snapped. “It’s the way it should be. It’s what’s best for


“No. You’re right.” Silas held up his palms in surrender. “Attempting to carry on a

relationship with a human is pushing the boundaries of what’s safe for the pride. As much as I

want everyone to lead full, rich lives that includes time spent outside these walls, falling in love

or taking a mate—”

“For God’s sake! I never said anything about love or a mate.” Eli pushed from his seat.

A hearty laugh rolled from his leader. “Well, doesn’t this sound like a very familiar


“This isn’t the same situation.” Eli came around the desk and leaned against the wood,

facing Silas. “Theo may not be a lion, but at least he is a shifter. A wolf shifter who understands

all too well the importance of keeping our existence a secret.”

“True there, my friend.”

“Matthews was a rare fascination…” Eli’s mind rolled back to the night he’d showed up

at Shayne’s door. The surprised look on the human’s face had been priceless. The way the color

of his eyes transformed from jade to emerald when his mouth had been wrapped around the head

of Eli’s cock. Shit! As much as he wanted to erase the man from his neurons, Shayne was

unforgettable. Permanently seared into Eli’s gray matter.

He gave himself a mental shake.

“But it’s over,” Eli said. “I made sure of that.” Every time he thought of what he’d done,

it felt like the serrated edge of a blade sliced deep into Eli’s gut. Yet he didn’t flinch. No one

needed to know that hurting Shayne was tearing him apart on the inside. In time, and with

distance, the pain would get easier. For both of them.

Neither had a choice.

“Dare I even ask what you mean by that?” Silas pushed to his feet.

“Let’s just say Shayne will not want anything else to do with me or this mountain.”

Silas released a deep breath. “Okay. You always were a stubborn, close-mouthed

bastard.” He shook his head and slapped Eli on the shoulder.

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“You know… I mentioned Shayne being a rare fascination, but he wasn’t my first.”

Silas stilled and cocked his head, apparently as surprised as Eli that he’d volunteered

such private information. Fuck, Eli thought. Who the hell turned on the flood switch for my

mouth, and how do I turn it off?

“Oh, really?” Silas crossed his arms, lifting one corner of his mouth in an amused grin.

“Do I know him?”

What the hell was there to gain for getting this off his chest now? Yet for some reason,

Eli felt like it was the perfect time. They were both grown men. Silas was happily mated to Theo,

and Eli had definitely moved on—many, many times. And perhaps by telling Silas, dealing with

the turmoil over this sudden attraction to Shayne might become a bit easier.

“Yeah. You do.” Eli cleared his throat. “Believe it or not, years ago, when we were in

high school, I…might not have said no…if you had been interested.” Eli tugged on the cuffs of

his sleeves and studied the vase of flowers on the bookcase across the room. They looked as if

they needed a drink. He really needed a drink.

“I’ll be damned,” Silas drawled. “Wow… Damn…”

“Yeah. You said that already.”

Silas laughed. “Well, you can’t blame me. I never had a fucking clue.”

“I know.” Eli risked a glance at his friend. “My father would have killed me back then if I

had gone down that path.”

“Yeah. He was a real piece of work.” Silas nodded. “I can see why you would have kept

that part of yourself hidden. Imagine how differently things may have turned out for us, though,

if I had known.”

“Yeah…” Eli nodded then shrugged. “Or it could have ruined our friendship. Another

reason I’ve never said anything until now.”

“You have a point.” Silas nodded.

“Besides, it wasn’t like I haven’t enjoyed the women in my bed over the years.” Eli


“Oh yes, my friend. You were never one to spend many nights alone.” He chuckled. “Not

that I wasn’t just as guilty. That’s a fact. But we can’t say we didn’t make the most of our

youth.” Silas returned a cocky grin.

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“Yes, we did.” Eli nodded. “But I believe things turned out exactly how they were

supposed to. You might have never met Theo if we’d ever…” Both knew what he meant. The

words didn’t need to be spoken. “And based on how happy it appears he makes you, missing out

on him would have been a tragedy.”

“He does…make me happy that is. The plane crash was both the worst and the best thing

that ever happened to me. If our Cessna had never gone down, I might have never met the other

half of my soul. That had to have been destiny.” For a brief moment, a distant look washed over

Silas’ face as if he were lost in his memories, then it vanished. “When the hell did you get so


Eli flicked Silas his middle finger. “You know I’ve always been the one with the brains

in this friendship.”

“Bite me,” Silas added.

“I think Theo would try to rip out my throat if I did.”

Silas laughed as Eli eased around his desk to reclaim his chair.

“You noticed I said try?”

“Oh, I didn’t miss that. I just won’t be repeating it to my mate.”

“Probably a good move.” Eli reshuffled the folders on his desk. “I never have liked the

taste of wolf fur. It always gets between my teeth.” He glanced up, hitting Silas with his best

arrogant grin.

“Bastard,” his friend growled, all bluff and no bite.

Eli’s desk phone rang, snagging his attention. The display showed Private Caller.

“Excuse me,” Eli said. “Let me grab this.”

“Sure.” Silas turned away and meandered over to a row of books on the other side of the


“Novak,” Eli said after putting the receiver to his ear.

“If you care at all for your human, you won’t draw attention to our conversation, and

you’ll do exactly as I say,” the distorted voice stated on the other side of the line.

What the fuck?

“You have my attention,” Eli said, doing his best not to alert Silas.

“You’ve been a very bad boy, and now it’s time for you to pay a price for your

indiscretion before your pride has to reap the fallout.”

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Eli swallowed hard against what felt like a fist plugging his throat. How the hell had

anyone known?

“If you want your lover to keep breathing,” the caller continued. “You’ll kill Theo, your

best friend’s so-called mate.”

A hot bolt of lightning flared inside Eli’s gut, threatening to double him over and unload

the contents of his stomach.

“I want proof of what you’re saying,” Eli snapped, his voice low.

“I expected you would. You should be receiving a text image any moment now. Oh, and

don’t bother to try and trace either my call or the text, all you’ll discover is a dead end.”

A familiar ding sounded from the cell lying on Eli’s desk. Doing his best to control the

tremor in his hand, he flipped his phone over and tapped the image. His heart seized in chest. Oh

dear God…

Eli couldn’t breathe.


He blinked and shook his head. But the image was the same. It was Shayne. He stood

with his arms outstretched and shackled, his head slumped as if he were either unconscious or


“This tells me nothing. I want to speak to him.” He had to be careful with his words in

Silas’ presence in case this wasn’t some kind of sick pathetic hoax.

“In ten minutes, expect another call. But I advise you to take my ultimatum very

seriously, Mr. Novak. Either Theodor Lucas dies by the end of the first day of the Supreme Elder

Summit, or Shayne Matthews definitely will. Oh, and one more thing, alerting Silas to

your…situation…would be a very bad move. A decision that would end Shayne’s life

prematurely. I’ll be in touch.”

Eli replaced the phone on its base with more calm than he’d believed himself capable. If

the pounding inside his head reflected his current state, he was about to blow a vessel.

“Problem?” Silas stepped in front of his desk.

Eli glanced up, schooling his expression. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

“You sure? Because that vein in your temple tells me you’d like to rip someone apart.”

Silas waggled a finger in the direction of Eli’s head.

“I said I’m fine,” Eli snapped, harsher than he’d intended.

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“Okay.” Silas leaned on Eli’s desk, his fingertips splayed. “You know, you don’t always

have to handle everything by yourself. An island can be a very lonely place when you refuse to

ever light a signal fire for rescue.”

Drawing in a calming breath, Eli leaned back in his chair. “Point taken.” He gave his

friend a curt nod. “And I appreciate your offer, but I’ve got everything under control.”

Silas raised his brows in a silent I know you’re lying again, but I’m letting you slide this

time manner.

“Fine. I’ll get out of here and let you get some work done.” Silas turned to leave, but

looked over his shoulder on the way out the door. “Theo’s cooking tonight—lasagna. If you’re

free, come by and join us.”

“I’ll let you know if I can make it,” Eli said. At the moment, the idea of food was on the

verge of making his stomach shift into reverse.

Silas closed the door, the sound of the latch engaging resounding inside the room.

If this bastard really had Shayne, how the hell was Eli supposed to choose between

Shayne’s life and Theo’s? How could they expect Eli to kill his best friend’s mate, destroy Silas’

world—and his heart in the process—in order to save his own love?

Eli groaned. He had to admit it—even if only to himself—he’d fallen for Shayne the first

time he’d seen him. Now that incessant desire, his refusal to forget the younger man might cost

Matthews his life.

“Congratulations, Novak,” the voice echoed inside his head, the mocking sound a gut-

churning twin of his father’s. “Could you have fucked up any worse?”

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Chapter Thirteen

Cold water drenched his face, punching Shayne into consciousness and wringing a gasp

from his throat. He spat then fell into a round of choking coughs. Shayne threw his head back,

drawing in precious lungsful of air. Somehow, he was still alive.

He tugged his arms, but something clanked at his wrists, restricting his movements.

Shayne glanced right, then left, trying to absorb everything at once. He hadn’t died, but he was

chained to a fucking wall.

A muscle spasm rolled down his back. “Oh, shit,” Shayne groaned, doing his best to arch

his spine and relieve some of the pain. How long had he been like this?

“Good. You’re finally awake,” a gruff voice stated from a few feet away.

Shayne jerked at the sound, then searched the area for the source. A tall bear of a man

stood near the doorway. He tossed an empty plastic bottle onto the floor and closed in on

Shayne. Despite the handgun holstered at his side, the guy didn’t look like a killer in his jeans

and Hard Rock Café T-shirt. But what the hell did he know about profiling except for what he’d

seen on the few episodes of Criminal Minds he’d caught on TV.

“Look,” Shayne said, the desperation in his voice hard to control. “I don’t know who you

are, but you’ve got the wrong guy.”

“Nah…I got the right guy.”

“Who the fuck do you think I am?” Shayne yanked at his chains, shooting ribbons of pain

down his arms.

“Shayne Matthews, of course,” A new voice, this one female, interjected from the

doorway. “You’re exactly who I wanted.”

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Shayne’s pulse skipped a beat, and he forced the bile sitting in the back down his throat.

“Who are you?” Shayne shook his head. “What the hell do you want with me?”

A woman with dark hair neatly tucked into a bun at her nape and wearing what looked

like a floral silk blouse and a solid green skirt sauntered into the room. She gave him a warm

smile as she approached, but the dark void in her eyes didn’t quite match the expression she tried

to sell. She was a bizarre mix of Sunday brunch and crazy.

“I need you to say hello to someone for me.” She slipped her hand in her pocket and

pulled out a cell phone. After quickly tapping in a number, the woman put the device to her ear.

A few seconds later, she closed in on Shayne and shoved the smart phone against the side of his


He was confused as hell. But what choice did he have other than to speak? “Hello?”

Shayne said, his voice hoarse.

“Shayne! Oh, fuck. Are you okay?” Eli. There was no mistaking his voice.

“Eli? What the hell is going on? Who the fuck are these people?”

“Shayne—” Eli began, but Ms. Attitude ripped away the cell and hung up.

“That should do,” she said and turned to Hard Rock. “Make sure you keep him here. I

don’t give a shit how you handle him. Whether Eli comes through or not, Matthews is yours to

do with as you please. Just don’t kill him, not quite yet. I may need him breathing for extra

incentive before this it over.”

Oh, shit! They really did intend to kill him. Just hadn’t finished the job yet.

The big guy nodded then glanced Shayne’s way with a satisfied grin.

Shayne wrenched at his chains. “If you’re going to take me out, you can at least tell me

what the hell for,” he spat. “If I’m going to die I deserve to know why!”

The woman cocked her head as if she were studying a bug. “Tell me about your trip to


“Ariel?” Shayne shook his head. “I don’t know any place called Ariel.”

“Oh, please,” she drawled. “What good does it do for you to play dumb now? You’re

dead whether you open your mouth or not.” She moved closer once more, facing him. “Ariel

Estates…ring a bell?”

“I’ve never heard of it.” His mind raced, desperately reaching for some clue. Did these

people know about Eli not being human? Was that what the call was about? Did they suspect Eli

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had revealed himself to Shayne? But they were asking about an estate, “Does this have

something to do with me trespassing on that private property in the mountains?”

Her eyes widened in animated surprised, and she reached back to tap her comrade on the

arm. “Well, isn’t he a smart one?” She flicked her gaze Shayne’s way. “I think he deserves a


“Yeah,” the other man grunted. “I think so.” Hard Rock sauntered forward, his fist

opening and closing.

Trepidation rolled through Shayne like icy fingers. He gave his shackles another round of

frenzied hard yanks, trying in vain to gain some traction, to move into some kind of defensive

stance. But he was fucked.

The moment the other man came within reach, Hard Rock reared back and slammed his

fist into Shayne’s gut. Pain arrowed straight through to his spine and would have doubled him

over if he’d hadn’t been secured to the wall. Again, the beefy man rammed hard into Shayne’s

midsection. Bile filled his mouth and spewed from his lips. His diaphragm seized.

The room warped, distorted.


He was going to black out.

Breathe, Matthews!

On a wheeze, his lungs kick started, the fresh dose of oxygen erasing the dark spots

before his eyes. Thick fingers jabbed into his hair, and Hard Rock jerked Shayne’s head up,

forcing him to stare into the other man’s amber-colored eyes.

“That was just a little taste of the fun me and you are going to have over the next couple

of days,” the man said, every word sending foul-smelling puffs of garlic mixed with ashtray into

Shayne’s nose. If he hadn’t already hurled, the thug’s bad breath would have sent Shayne over

the edge.

“Maybe that jogged his memory,” the dark-haired woman interjected. She joined the guy

in front of Shayne. “I want to know what Eli has told you.”

“Nothing,” Shayne said. His voice sounded as if his vocal cords were draped in sand


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“Liar!” she shrieked. “I know you were on Ariel—twice. My sources don’t lie. The

second time, you spent the night in Eli’s personal quarters. So don’t fuck with me and try to feed

me some crap like you don’t know about my people.”

Sunday Brunch grabbed his face, her nails biting into his cheeks. Shayne flinched,

attempting to rip his head from her grasp, but he only succeeded in sinking her fingertips deeper

into his flesh. “Who else have you told?” she spat. “Someone has to protect our people, and that

duty has fallen to me. Tell me!”

“I don’t know anything! Eli never talked about his job.”

The woman’s eyes flashed. One second, she appeared normal—crazy as hell, maybe—

but her pupils were normal. The next instant, Shayne stared into the eyes of a cat. He jerked,

rattling the chains, his head bumping the concrete behind him. Fuck! She was one of them—like


“That got your attention.” She smirked. “And judging by the look on your face, this isn’t

the first time you’ve seen eyes like mine.” She extracted her fingers from his cheeks and

retreated a few steps.

Shayne’s legs shook, the strength draining from his limbs in aftershock from the

pounding to his body.

“Just as I thought. Eli and Silas will pay dearly for the damage they’ve inflicted to our


Their pride? The eyes… The beast in the mountains, and Eli’s wound… It was true.

“You turn into lions?” The question tumbled from his mouth, his brain too rattled to stop


The woman spun on her heels, a scowl distorting her features. “Shut him up!” she barked.

Hard Rock sprang into action. Before Shayne could brace for the impact, a sharp blow

landed on his jaw with a loud crack of knuckles to bone. Shayne blinked hard, doing his best to

fight back the encroaching black veil.

Lions… Eli’s a lion.

Another fist barreled into his face, and Shayne couldn’t hold on any longer. The darkness


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Chapter Fourteen

It wasn’t a hoax.

Eli pressed the heel of his hand to his eye socket and rubbed. The ice pick chipping at his

skull wouldn’t let up.

Shayne’s voice.

He cursed under his breath. It was definitely Shayne’s voice on the other end of the

phone. And he’d sounded scared out of his mind.

Shoving away from his desk, Eli rose. The clatter from behind him drew Eli to a halt.

Half the items on his desktop were heading for the edge, dragged by the receiver still in his hand.

“Dammit!” Eli slammed the phone back onto its base. He had to get his shit together.

There were only two days left until the Elders arrived at Ariel. Forty-eight hours to figure out

what the hell he was going to do.

Kill Theo. Or Shayne dies. The mantra looped inside his head.

An invisible band coiled around Eli’s chest and cinched itself tight. He couldn’t breathe.

His vision blurred then went red. A loud roar burst from his throat. Eli grabbed the flower

arrangement from his bookshelf and hurled it across the room. The vase hit the opposite wall in

an explosion of multi-colored petals, stems, water, and shards of glass.

What a fucking mess!

Finally able to fill his lungs again, Eli slowly inhaled. Thank God it was Saturday or his

assistant would have been barging into his office in a panic at the noise. He couldn’t deal with

that right now.


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That was what he needed. Another choice besides murdering Theo. The thought of

Shayne dying at the hand of some damn kidnapper felt like a stake through Eli’s heart. How was

he supposed to allow that to happen? If only they wanted Eli’s life in exchange for Shayne’s

there would be no hesitation.

Even if he never laid eyes on the man again, Eli couldn’t bear the thought of a world

without Shayne.

But choosing Shayne meant Theo had to die…

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned. The mental image of sinking his fangs into Silas’ mate’s throat,

crushing his windpipe, flickered through his mind’s eye. Theo’s body thrashed beneath Eli in his

death throes. Bile surged up Eli’s esophagus, choking him.

He couldn’t kill an innocent man, especially one who belonged to a male he called his

friend. No way in fucking hell would Eli allow either Shayne or Theo to die.

He had to figure out who was behind this—and fast. The clock ticked down on their lives.

Once he uncovered the mastermind’s identity, it would be a matter of tracing Shayne’s location

and getting him out alive.

Who would want to hurt Silas and Eli so desperately that they would go this far? Eli

wandered over to the office window and stared at the green space located in the center of Ariel.

Shadows were forming with the setting sun, signaling the end of another day. Another hour lost.

Eli had to think…

Durran Malloy. Ariel Estates’ former head of security had hated Silas. The male’s venom

had killed everyone except their leader in last year’s plane crash, then Malloy’s obsession had

taken him to Alaska in an attempt to finish the job himself.

Malloy had failed…and died at Silas’ hand.

But not his son. The thought leaped into his mind.

“Dammit!” Eli punched the thick wood molding encasing the window. The impact

radiated up into his wrist. His knuckles throbbed. Eli clenched and unclenched his fingers,

watching the blood well where the skin had cracked over the bone.

Did Durran’s heir carry a grudge against Silas?

There were some in their pride who weren’t happy about the changes Silas had begun to

implement. But to Eli’s knowledge, there hadn’t been any death threats. He dropped his hand,

marched back to his desk, and pulled up the computer file for the security staff. A few clicks

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later, Eli found the name he searched for in the database: Mikah Malloy. The young male was

still an active member of the security team.

Eli had interrogated Malloy himself after the death of the young male’s father, making

sure the questions were clear cut—no room for any possible evasion of the truth. Unlike the

instance when Eli had gone to Ariel’s head of security while Silas had been missing, demanding

action. Only select members of the pride knew of Eli’s gift for lie detection. With good reason.

There were times when his special sense came in handy. As head of security, Durran had been

well aware of Eli’s talent. Looking back now on his conversation with the elder male, Eli could

see how Durran had made sure to keep enough distance between them, and how his answers had

contained just enough truth not to set off any of Eli’s olfactory alarms.

For as long as Eli could remember, Durran had been in charge of their leader’s safety.

Why would he have suspected the male wanted Silas dead? A lax presumption that had held fatal

consequences. Eli squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, fighting off the

signs of a tension headache. That situation had taught Eli a lesson he would never forget. None

are above reproach.

During his later meeting with Mikah, Eli’s senses hadn’t detected any deception when the

younger male stated he didn’t share his father’s rage toward their new leader. Malloy had

pledged to serve their new leader and defend Ariel Estates. After some deliberation, Silas had

decided to let young Malloy remain on staff. But as a precaution, Silas and Eli had felt it would

be wise to keep the male in a position outside the main house. According to the personnel

records, Mikah continued to serve as a competent member of the team.

“What have you been up to, Malloy?” Eli stared at the digital photo of Mikah embedded

in the file.

Whoever had placed this deadly scheme in motion had to have followed Eli. Spying was

the only way anyone could have discovered his connection to Shayne and the human’s location.

Eli’s stomach roiled at the knowledge of being watched while he’d been with Matthews.

Even if it was Malloy, he couldn’t have pulled this off alone. Eli thought back to the

night he’d taken Shayne to his suite. The guards on duty were aware Shayne hadn’t left till


Then there was Monique.

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She’d walked in on him with Shayne. Perhaps she’d gone to Malloy with what she’d

found. Monique had always been a shallow, materialistic female, yet he’d never sensed any

hatred toward Silas. She’d been pissed with Eli, however, when he’d cut their night short. But

had she been angry enough to want to kill?


“Hey, Eli!”

Eli jumped and looked up from the computer screen. Silas stood in the doorway.

“What? Did I catch you watching porn again?” Silas laughed.

“Uh… no.” Eli shook his head, his heart pounding out a mad beat. “Just thinking over a

few things.”

“I could tell.” Silas strolled farther inside. “I came to kidnap you.”

“What?” A tremor washed over Eli at the word. “What are you talking about?”

“Whoa.” Silas held his palms up. “Just a figure of speech, Novak. Theo made this huge

pan of lasagna and insisted I come and get you. He hasn’t seen you since you got back.”

The thought of food made Eli’s stomach turn inside out. “Maybe some other night…?”

Eli stood and made for the door.

Silas matched his moves, bringing Eli to a full stop.

“He’s not going to take no for an answer.” Silas crossed his arms.

Eli sighed. This was not what he had planned for the night. He didn’t have the luxury of

time to waste hanging around doing stupid shit like eating.

“Don’t make me go back without you,” Silas warned, targeting him with a devilish stare.

“You work too hard, and you have to eat sometime.”

God, if Silas only knew. How was Eli supposed to sit there across from them both, make

nice, and try to shove down lasagna?

Like granite, Silas stood unmoving, blocking Eli’s exit.

Eli threw up his hands. “Fine,” he bit out. “Let’s eat.”

A grin turned up Silas’ lips, showing off a brilliant set of teeth. “I knew you’d come

around,” Silas said, slapping Eli on the back.

An hour later, Eli had managed to force down a serving of Theo’s lasagna without it

coming back up all over the linens.

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“You sure you’re okay, Eli?” Silas lifted his glass of wine, peering over the top as he

took a sip.

“I’m fine. Why?” Eli gripped the stem of his own glass, doing his best not to snap it in

two. He’d never felt more awkward and out of sorts in his life. A bead of sweat popped on his

forehead. God, would this evening ever end?

“You’ve seemed on edge ever since that phone call right before I left.”

“Nothing to worry about,” Eli said. “Just some issues with the security team. I’ll have it

taken care of very soon.” Eli glanced between the happy couple. They appeared satisfied with his

answer and had returned to chatting amongst themselves—something about when Theo was

planning the next visit to his pack.

Such opposites. Silas was taller and broader than his mate with a long mane of copper

hair, whereas Theo was muscular but leaner with blond hair and blue eyes. So different, yet even

a blind man could tell they were completely enamored with each other. As if they’d been

together for a lifetime instead of a little more than twelve months.

How could he even think of taking Theo from Silas? Eli wasn’t sure his friend could even

survive the loss of his white wolf.

As Eli watched, Silas reached over and pulled Theo into a kiss. “Dinner was delicious,”

he whispered against the other man’s lips.

“I’m glad you were pleased,” Theo replied. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

A large grin bloomed on Silas’ face. “I’m sure you have something I want for dessert.”

Oh, fuck. That was Eli’s cue to leave. He had plans of his own that needed to be


“Okay. Thanks for dinner, you two,” Eli interjected and stood.

Silas joined him. “I’m glad I could convince you to join us.”

“Theo, it really was delicious,” Eli said. “Thank you for the invite.”

“Any time, Eli.” Theo grabbed their plates and headed for the kitchen. “You’re Silas’

closest friend, and I would like for you and I to get to know each other better.”

Eli’s gut constricted on his dinner. He had to get the upper hand on the situation.

Tonight’s dinner confirmed that finding and rescuing Shayne was the only option. Neither he nor

Silas could—or would lose the men they loved.

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“See you tomorrow, Novak,” Silas said. He placed a warm palm on Eli’s shoulder. “Get

some rest.”

“I will.” Eli passed through the doorway but glanced back. “Don’t worry about me. I’m


“I know,” Silas stated, his gaze assessing. “You’ve always been fiercely independent.”

“You mean hardheaded and a pain in the ass.”

“That, too.” Silas chuckled. “Night, Novak.”

“Good night, Murdoch.” Eli headed toward the elevator.

The door clicked shut behind him.

* * * *

Eli tapped End Call on his cell and lowered his rear to the bed. Monique was on her way.

Dinner with Silas and Theo earlier had only served to motivate Eli even more. He had to find out

who was behind this threat and stop their madness.

Monique lived near the south end of the estate, so it would be several minutes before she

arrived. Time enough for a shower and a fresh change of clothes. No need to make her

suspicious that tonight was anything other than their usual fuck session.

He stripped down, dropped his clothes in the hamper, and padded his way into the

bathroom. Twisting on the spray, his mind wandered back to last weekend when he and Shayne

had shared a shower. His cock sprang to life.

“Stop it!” Eli shouted to himself. He couldn’t go there. Eli stepped under the spray. He

had to stay focused on the task at hand. Wallowing in memories wasn’t going to help anyone.

The time to indulge in what was and what could have been would come once Shayne was back

home. After the trauma Shayne would have endured because of his connection to Eli, the human

wouldn’t want to see his face again. Eli couldn’t blame him.

What if they’re torturing him?

Rage surged through his veins. His heart pounded against his sternum. He would make

them pay—pay dearly—if he found Shayne harmed. A low growl resonated off the bathroom


“Hang on just a little longer, Shayne,” he mumbled to himself, praying his fiery human

could somehow feel his presence and draw on his strength. “I’m coming for you.”

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By the time Eli had bathed and pulled on a clean cotton shirt and jeans, a knock sounded

at his door.


Eli finished tucking in his shirt and made his way into the other room. At the door, Eli

didn’t hesitate. Why make the night last any longer than it needed to?

Monique stood in the hallway, decked out in one of the dresses designed to stir a man’s

libido. She wore her long dark tresses down and spilling over her shoulder. The wavy locks

covered one of her breasts, a few of the ringlets teasing her exposed cleavage. With the plunging

neckline and a high slit to show off her legs, the silky red number left little to the imagination.

Not that he needed to imagine. He’d had Monique many times.

“I was surprised to hear from you.” Monique sashayed into his suite. “I’d heard you were

away on a vacation, of all things.”

Eli closed the door and followed her into the room.

She stopped at the bar and looked back in his direction. “I didn’t think you ever took a

day off.” Monique tossed him a lazy smile.

Stopping mere inches from her, Eli stated in a low voice, “There’s much you don’t know

about me, Monique.”

She swiped one of her long, red-tipped fingers along his jaw. “But I’m so eager to learn.”

She stepped closer, pressing the tips of her breasts against his chest, going for his lips. Eli

gripped her wrist in a tight hold, capturing her attention. With her eyes wide, she looked up.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you the story about what happens to a curious cat?” Her

mouth fell open, and Monique started to pull away, but Eli held her in place. “Or better

yet…how about the one with the feline who couldn’t keep her mouth shut?”

“What are you getting at?” Monique squirmed against his hold, her respiration escalated.

Good. He’d gotten her heart rate up.

He leaned in, putting his lips to the outer shell of Monique’s ear. A shiver skated down

her spine. “You know what I’m talking about,” Eli whispered. “Or you wouldn’t be so nervous

right now.”

“Let me go,” she demanded and wrenched at his hold.

Eli snaked his other arm around her waist, pulling her tighter against him. “Who did you

tell about the night you walked in on me and my male guest?”

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She gave her head a quick shake. “I didn’t. Y-you told me not to.”

Eli breathed deep, his brain dismissing the floral notes of her shampoo and body wash,

searching for the base pheromone that was purely Monique. Slowly inhaling once more, Eli

could taste the subtle variations on his tongue. There…vanilla mixed with the sharp bite of

ginger: the olfactory fingerprint that was hers and hers alone. Except the moment the molecules

landed in his nostrils, the scent altered—soured.

“Liar,” he stated, his voice dead-calm.

“No!” she shouted and shoved hard against his chest. “I told no one.”

“I know you’re lying, Monique. You can’t bullshit me,” he said, his cheek against her

hair. “Like I said, there are things you don’t know.”

“Okay,” she croaked. “You’re right. I did tell someone.”


“Mikah Malloy?”

“Yes,” Monique whispered, nodding against his shirt. She shuddered. “I told him.”

Eli closed his eyes, suppressing the urge to toss her from his arms, hunt Mikah down, and

rip him limb from limb. Patience. He had to do this right or Shayne would be dead.

“Are you going to kill me?” Her voice cracked, and she sniffed.

God help him he did want to hurt someone. But murder would make him no better than

his blackmailer.

“Come with me,” Eli growled, tugging her by the wrist.

“What are you going to do?” she cried out, the desperation in her voice like nails on a


With his fist clamped onto her arm, Eli marched into his bedroom and went straight to his


“Eli…?” She choked back a sob. “Talk to me.”

“You should be grateful for my silence.” Eli glanced back, teeth bared. “Believe me.”

Eli yanked open the bottom drawer and plucked out a pair of metal cuffs he’d stored

there. He grabbed Monique by the shoulders and positioned her with her rear facing the bed.

“Sit,” he barked.

“Why? What are you going to do with those?” She stared at the cuffs in his hands, her

eyes wide.

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“Ah, come on, Monique…” He lifted the cuffs, hanging them off his index finger. “It’s

not like you haven’t been in a pair before.” Eli nabbed one of her wrists and made short work of

securing her to the spindle in the headboard.

“I don’t understand.” Her gaze flicked back and forth between her shackled arm and Eli.

“Why are you doing this? How long do you plan to leave me here?”

“I can’t risk you running to Mikah.” Eli reached over and ripped the phone from the wall.

He tossed the disabled box across the room, the hard plastic hitting the floor with a bang. “And I

can’t have you calling anyone either. I need you to stay put where I know you can’t fuck

anything up until I have everything under to control.”

With a glare that should have had him bursting into flames, Monique rattled her

handcuffs against the iron railing. “Have what under control?” she spat. “You sound like a

madman, Eli! I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

He ducked back in for another litmus test of her ability to tell the truth.

“Get away from me.” Monique shoved at his torso.

This time nothing foul hit his nostrils. Eli straightened to his full height. “One point for

you. That wasn’t a lie.”

“Of course it wasn’t a lie. I have no idea what’s got you so freaked out.”

“Then you’re better off here where I can keep an eye on you. Plus it’ll keep you from

adding more chaos to all the hell about to go down.” He pivoted, opened his closet, and started to


“What are you doing?” she squeaked. “You think I’m going to have sex with you now?”

Eli hung up his shirt then closed the door. “There are only a few hours until dawn, and

I’m going to spend them in the other room on the couch. Maybe I’ll get lucky, and I’ll close my

eyes for a couple of them.”

According to the records, Mikah was still assigned to the north side of Ariel, a less

inhabited section of the estates. It was the most steep and rocky side of the property, less likely

for any trespassers. And as a result, the head of security kept a minimal perimeter team there.

A perfect site for a one-on-one interrogation.

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Chapter Fifteen

“I need to go to the bathroom!” Shayne yelled out for the second time.

Hard Rock swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rolled into an upright position.

He’d beached himself on the mattress hours ago and had been either snoring or listening to tunes

on his phone ever since. There wasn’t much else for Shayne to stare at other than the stash of

abandoned wooden crates, the exposed pipes in the walls, and the snarled wiring hanging from

the ceiling. The place looked like a long-forgotten, stripped bare apartment building. Watching

Hard Rock bob his head to music only the other guy could hear had been Shayne’s sole

distraction from the agony in his joints.

Mr. Prison Guard tugged his ear buds free and glared in Shayne’s direction.

“I need to piss,” Shayne reiterated.

“You could do it right there for all I care, except I can’t stand the smell.” The other man

stood and lumbered toward Shayne as he pulled a key ring from his pocket.

Thank God. Shayne had lost the feeling in his arms hours ago.

The big guy rattled one of the keys inside the cuff’s lock. It popped open and gravity took

over, forcing Shayne’s arm south. Searing pain arrowed up into his shoulder and neck from the

abrupt change in position. Shayne gasped then cried out. Thousands of pins and needles

exploded under his skin. He bit down hard on his molars, groaned, and worked his fingers open

and closed.

Then the process repeated itself on the other side.

“Come on,” Hard Rock growled and yanked Shayne forward by his bicep. Shayne

commanded his legs to move, but they refused to listen. Instead, his knees buckled. Hard Rock

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caught him by his armpit before he went down. Shayne’s stiff shoulder screamed under the

pressure, and the metallic taste of his own blood washed over his taste buds.

“Son of a bitch! Get your ass moving.” His guard shoved him forward.

Shayne’s knees collided with the wooden floor. By sheer willpower, he managed to force

himself up.

“In there.” The other man herded Shayne toward a small bathroom off to the side of the

room near the bed.

Shayne pushed down the sweats he still wore from the night of his kidnapping, and it

dawned on him, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d emptied his bladder. Hell, he couldn’t

recall the last time he’d sat down, eaten, or drank. That was if you didn’t count the time Hard

Rock had thrown water in his face. Finished, he flushed the toilet, then moved over to a sink he

was sure must have been white at one time. Now, the bowl was a dingy brown with twin rusted

faucets. He twisted one of the knobs, and it squealed in protest. Shayne rinsed his hands—no

soap—and splashed some of the cold water onto his face. He glanced at the old medicine cabinet

over the basin. The attached mirror had seen better years. Shayne rubbed his damp palm over it

and stared at his distorted image. His reflection reminded him of a carnival House of Horrors.

How apropos considering the freak show his life had become.

“Come on out of there!” His kidnapper banged on the door. “I ain’t gonna stand here all


Cupping his hands, Shayne gulped a mouthful of the brown tinged liquid gushing from

the spigot. The taste was like sucking on a rusty nail, but it was better than the barren landing

strip he called his throat. One more swallow then he turned off the water.

“Fine,” Shayne said and yanked the door open. “I’m finished.”

The other guy grabbed his arm, jerked and shoved Shayne back toward the wall.

“Can’t I have a break from the chains for a few minutes?” Shayne pulled up short and

glanced over his shoulder.

“I ain’t taking a chance your ass will run. Not that you would get very far from me.” He

chuckled. “Now turn your ass around and back it up.” Hard Rock slammed the palm of his hand

into Shayne’s sternum, knocking him backward and into place. The guy stuck his face in front of

Shayne’s, the warmth of his breath heating Shayne’s cheek. “From what I hear if Eli was here,

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you wouldn’t mind this position at all. Up against the wall with the fag on his knees. Your cock

in his mouth.”

God, how Shayne wanted to bust the disgusted look off the guy’s face. But the

combination of drugs, the beating, the restriction in his joints, and the lack of food and water had

taken its toll on his body.

Hard Rock made short work of getting the shackles back in place. “Who knows?” the big

guy added. “Maybe before I kill you, I’ll sample that ass of yours.”

With one hand, he gripped Shayne’s face, digging his fingers into his cheeks. “See just

what made Novak’s dick so hard. Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” With his free hand, Hard

Rock groped at the bulge between his legs. “My hard cock inside your tight ass.”

Shayne couldn’t help it. He puckered up and spat.

Bull’s-eye. Hard Rock cursed and backpedaled a couple of paces before wiping away the

glob stuck to his eyelid on his sleeve.

“Bastard!” Shayne sneered. “I wouldn’t even let you fuck me with some other guy’s

prick.” Probably wasn’t Shayne’s smartest move. But to hell with it. He couldn’t stop himself.

He was going to die anyway, so why take any shit off the asshole.

The big guy’s upper lip drew back, baring a set of long canines Shayne was sure hadn’t

been there a minute ago. A roar erupted, and he lunged forward.

A hard fist landed against Shayne’s head with a loud crack. Stars burst in front of his

eyes, and again the warm taste of copper flooded his tongue. Another roar filled his ears as hot

pain sliced down the front of his chest. Shayne closed his eyes and cried out as he reared back in

agony. His last store of energy drained, Shayne’s head sagged forward, and he lifted his eyelids.

Oh, fuck. The front of his shirt was in shreds, and in between the loose flaps of cotton,

blood trickled from a set of eight long gashes traveling the length of his torso. Shayne’s knees

failed. If it weren’t for the shackles clamped around his wrists, his face would have kissed the


Silence filled the room, except for the harsh sound of air pumping in and out of Hard

Rock’s lungs. A car horn blew somewhere in the distance followed by the distant wail of a siren.

They had to be somewhere inside a city’s limits, not out in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere.

Crazy how the knowledge he wasn’t completely hidden from the rest of the world was somehow

comforting to Shayne.

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Hard Rock’s boots came into view, and he fisted a handful of Shayne’s hair, forcing them

face-to-face. Shayne’s scalp burned from the strain on his roots, but he would be damned before

he gave the other man the satisfaction of a flinch.

“Maybe my marks on your chest will help you remember who the fuck is in charge

around here.”

“Go to hell,” Shayne snarled.

Another loud crack delivered by his captor’s fist resounded inside Shayne’s skull, and the

sweet, numbing bliss of darkness engulfed him.

* * * *

Ariel mansion was alive with the buzz of staff preparing for the next day’s big event: The

Supreme Elders’ Summit. Eli marched down the rear corridor, weaving in and out of the flow of

traffic along the first floor as he headed toward security. He’d already made sure Monique had

been able to stretch, use the facilities, and had food and water available. She’d be fine for the

next few hours.

He might be an asshole, but he wasn’t inhumane. Keeping Monique sequestered and off

the communication grid in and around the estates was critical if he had any chance in hell of

getting Shayne back alive. No one—absolutely no one—could suspect what Eli knew or was up


Before he hunted down Malloy, he wanted a look at the work log and vacation request for

the security officers. He had a feeling what he’d find would confirm his suspicions.

“Morning, sir,” the officer monitoring the bank of video surveillance cameras greeted as

Eli entered the office.

“Morning, Samuels.” Eli made his way over to the shelf where the shift logs were kept.

Employee files were stored in an up-to-date online database, but the current staffing schedules

were hardcopy and later scanned for archive. Silas’s long-term goal was to bring the latest

technology to Ariel, and he was working to modernize all aspects of day-to-day operations. But

for some things and some people, change wasn’t as easily embraced. As evidenced by last year’s

near fatal assassination attempt.

“Anything I can help you with, sir?”

Eli pulled down the current month’s log. “Not a thing, Samuels,” Eli called out over his

shoulder. “I have what I came for.” He flipped to last week’s records and searched for one name

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in particular—Mikah Malloy. Following the tip of his finger down, Eli located the M’s, and then

over until he came to the exact weekend Eli had left on his mandatory leave.

Son of a bitch. Mikah’s work schedule had been cleared during that period for a requested

vacation. What a fucking coincidence.

With a bang, Eli slammed the book closed and headed for the door. Mikah was on duty

this morning, and he knew just where to find him.

A half hour later, Eli hid his cart off the side of the road and under the cover of the

untamed forest growth on the estate’s north side. He stripped down and stowed his clothes on the

driver’s seat, then began his shift into primal form.

Power rushed through Eli’s veins, giving him a temporary high. He loved the exhilaration

of the change. Man and beast becoming one. The strength of the lion combining with the

knowledge and consciousness of the human brain. The magic of the shift never failed to amaze


Silently, he moved through the brush until he found the spot he’d sought. One offering

him full view of the area where Mikah would soon be making his rounds. Perimeter details

varied their rotations, so Eli wasn’t sure exactly when Mikah would appear. Eli would wait. But

he didn’t have all damn day. The clock was ticking on Shayne’s life. And if the male didn’t soon

appear on his own, Eli would have no other choice but to hunt Malloy down.

But it didn’t take long after all.

Less than a half hour later, the crackle of wheels on dry leaves and twigs and the whir of

a motorized patrol cart filled Eli’s ears. His pulse spiked. Mikah was coming.

Eli lowered his massive body into a striking pose, rocking on his paws, getting a better

grip of the soft earth under his claws. The small vehicle rolled into view driven by the dark-

haired Malloy. Eli choked back the growl begging for release.

Malloy slowed, stopped, then slid from his seat. He ambled toward the edge of the

property where a ten-foot fence separated Ariel Estates from the rest of the mountain. The wind

shifted, did a one-eighty, and now blew from behind Eli, directly toward Mikah.

The other man froze in his tracks. Mikah lifted his chin, taking in a better whiff of the air.

Eli wouldn’t get a better opportunity. He had to strike. He launched from the brush.

Mikah whirled, facing the charging lion.

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“Oh, fuck!” It was the last thing out of the male’s mouth before Eli took him down hard.

“Humph.” The air burst from Mikah’s lungs from his impact with the ground.

Eli sank the sharp points of his teeth into Malloy’s neck. The young male stilled under

the power of Eli’s muzzle. It took every ounce of control not to squeeze his jaw shut over the

guard’s carotid and end it now. No question’s asked. Serve as judge and jury and render the


God, it would be so easy.

Inhale. Exhale. Eli breathed deep, doing his best to quiet the beast demanding a top

predator’s solution to the problem.

“Eli…?” Mikah whispered, his voice strained.

Eli’s ears twitched. Of course, Mikah would recognize him. They all grew up around

each other, knew each other’s scent.

“Please… Eli…” Mikah gulped, his throat working under Eli’s hold.

With the male subdued under him, Eli allowed his other form to take center stage inside

his mind. The moment his lion faded away, leaving him bare inside his human flesh, Eli seized

the other male’s throat with his hands. Mikah flinched and grabbed Eli’s wrist.

“I get it,” Mikah said. “I get it already, Eli. You want me dead.”

“If you only knew how hard it is for me not to kill you…” Eli growled, staring down into

Malloy’s dark eyes.

“What do you think I’ve done that deserves your fangs?”

“I don’t think. It’s what I know.” Eli punctuated his last statement with a tighter grip on

Mikah’s throat. The other male squirmed, his face a shade whiter.

“You followed me when I left Ariel last week, didn’t you?”

Malloy slowly nodded.

“Tell me! I want to hear you say it.” Eli loosened his fingers enough for Mikah to get a

larger dose of oxygen.

“Yes,” Mikah stated, his voice hoarse. “I followed you.”

Inhaling deep, Eli sampled the taste of the confession on his tongue.


A tremor washed over him, rattling Eli’s bones. “Why?” Eli rumbled. “Why were you

following me?”

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The other male clamped down hard on his jaw, his lips sealing together in a thin line.

“I swear I will fucking snap your neck. Spit it out!”

“For evidence!”

Eli stilled. “For what? What kind of evidence?”

“Pictures.” The word left Mikah’s lips on a breathless hush then he shook his head.

“Photos showing you with that human male, so they could be presented to the Elders as evidence

of Silas’ incompetency and your endangerment of the pride.”

Eli’s fist slammed into Mikah’s face. “You sorry bastard…”

Malloy’s head snapped to the right and blood flew from the male’s mouth.

“But that wasn’t enough! You weren’t satisfied with just bringing us down. You wanted

to twist the blade of your knife and make us howl.” Eli’s hand morphed, and he extended his

claws, sank them into the front of Mikah’s shirt, and yanked him up from the ground, putting

them eye-to-eye. Mikah blinked as if he couldn’t quite focus. Probably a result of the blow to his

head. Good.

“Where’s Shayne?” Eli demanded, his tone lethal.

“I-I don’t know.” Mikah shook his head. “Why are you asking me?”

“You don’t want to fuck with me right now, Malloy.” Eli bared his fangs. Ones that had

refused to recede with the rest of his shift. “Where is Shayne?” he shouted again. “Where are you

holding him?”

“Holding him?” Malloy’s gaze narrowed on him. “I swear I don’t know what the fuck

you’re talking about. I’ve never touched Shayne.”

Eli calmed his brain long enough to sample Mikah’s scent. Sweet.

He wasn’t lying.

No… No. That can’t be right. Eli tossed the male back onto the ground with a thump and

shoved off him. The wind kicked up, the cool breeze a welcome relief over his heated flesh. He

ran his fingers through his hair, pacing in front of Malloy, who now picked himself up off the

ground. If it wasn’t Mikah…? Fuck! This didn’t make any sense. It had to be him. Malloy was

the logical suspect.

Out of the corner of his eye, Eli noted the other male watching his every move. He’d put

some distance between them, but Mikah hadn’t run.

“Someone’s kidnapped your lover?” Malloy asked, the words barely audible.

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His lover… That brought Eli to a stop. The confirmation of who Matthews was to Eli

coming off another male’s lip resounded through him. Eli would have sworn discussing their

relationship status with someone other than Silas would have felt awkward—uncomfortable.

Especially since his partner was a male—and human. But there was a certain rightness to the

label. Yes. Shayne was his lover. His alone.

He turned and faced the other male. Mikah wiped away the trickle of blood from his lip

with the back of his hand. Eli gave him a half-ass nod of confirmation.

“I didn’t do it.”

“I know you didn’t,” Eli said, not giving a shit if the bitterness remained in his voice or

not. His gut told him the other male had played a part in this somehow whether Malloy knew it

or not.

“What do they want in return?”

At the moment, Eli couldn’t think of reason not to tell him. He’d gone this far. “The head

of Silas’ mate on a platter in exchange for Shayne’s life.”

If Eli hadn’t been closely observing, he would have a missed it. But for a second,

Mikah’s eyes flashed, his lips parted on a small gasp then he zipped his mouth shut as if the

reaction had never happened. The fucker did know something.

“What aren’t you telling me?” Eli marched over, closing the distance between them.

“Get out of my face,” Mikah growled, stiffening his spine.

The fucker at least had some balls. Pity Eli was going to rip them off if the young male

didn’t tell what he knew.

“Not till I’m good and ready,” Eli snarled in return. “I can tell you’re hiding something.”

“It’s possible…” Mikah began, his gaze going somewhere over Eli’s shoulder as if he

couldn’t look him directly in his eyes. “I may know someone…”

“Who?” Eli went for his throat. “Tell me who you think would do this.”

This time, the guard had no trouble matching Eli’s glare. “I do this my way, or you get

nothing from me,” Malloy bit out.

“You little shit! Do you realize I hold your life in my hand?”

“Do you realize I hold your lover’s life in mine?”

A cold chill ran down Eli’s spine. Fuck. If Mikah did have a clue as to who the

blackmailer was, he was right, he was the one who had Eli by the balls.

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“I don’t have time to play games,” Eli said and dropped his hand away from the other

male’s neck. “If Theo isn’t dead by end of day tomorrow, whoever this prick is plans to kill


“I’m not playing you,” Mikah said, rubbing his palm over the marks under his chin. “It

turns my stomach what they’re asking you to do.” His gaze did a once over of Eli’s nude form

then Mikah turned his head away. “No one should be condemned or despised because of whom

they choose to love. And I don’t think it has a damn thing to do with how effectively a male can

lead either.”

The implications of what Mikah was saying registered inside Eli’s head like cannon fire.

“Son of a bitch! You’re gay, aren’t you?”

Mikah jerked his head around, hitting Eli with a glare filled with heated daggers. But he

didn’t deny it.

“How fucking ironic…” Eli chuckled, but the laugh was filled with more disdain than

humor. “Durran’s own son is gay. The male who wanted to destroy Silas partly because of his

bisexuality didn’t have a clue his own son hid in the closet.”

“Leave my father out of this,” Mikah spat. “I’m trying to help you…despite your nasty


“I have the right to be as damn nasty as I want.”

Mikah took a deep breath. “Give me some time. Let me see if I can find out anything

about Shayne, and I’ll bring the information to you.”

Instinct had Eli’s brain howling a warning. Durran’s son was asking for trust. Eli had

trusted him once, a year ago, and look what it had gotten him: a voyeur and spy ready to fuck up

Eli and Silas’ world. But what the hell choice did Eli have?

“You don’t leave this estate without me.” Eli snarled. “If you do…I’ll know the second

your ass leaves this perimeter, and I’ll hunt you down.” The expression on Eli’s face must have

relayed exactly how serious he was, judging by the backward step Mikah took. Eli erased the gap

between them and leaned in. “You don’t want me coming after you again,” he rumbled.

“Listen,” Mikah began then cleared his throat. “I’m not proud of what I did—taking the

pictures of you two—but I had my reasons.” Mikah held his gaze with Eli’s, putting on a strong

show. “But this has gone too far.”

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Malloy blinked, and maybe Eli was mistaken, but he could swear for a moment a wave of

sadness shadowed the dark depths of his irises.

“You can choose to believe me or not, but I promise you, if you’ll let me do this—give

me the few hours I need…” Mikah scrubbed his face with his palm, the look on his face pained.

“If what I think is going on turns out to be true, I’ll help you get Shayne back.”


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Chapter Sixteen

How had his mother spiraled down the same dark path as his father?

Mikah stared across the dark bedroom of his childhood home, the furnishings and décor

frozen in time. He didn’t have any evidence…yet. But his gut said the blackmail situation over

Theo and Shayne had Saundra Malloy written all over it. He didn’t want to think his mother

capable of such treachery. Yet who else did he know who held such a deeply rooted desire for

vengeance? Counting his mom? One.

Sunset was still a couple of hours away. Way too early for him to be off work, so his

mother wouldn’t be expecting him. When Eli had left him that morning, he’d ordered Mikah off

duty, said he’d handle getting him covered. According to Novak, Mikah’s next task was a hell of

a lot more important than perimeter duty.

That was an understatement.

Eli didn’t realize Mikah suspected his own mother. The Secretary had no idea how

difficult the whole damn thing was to stomach. Mikah was all Saundra Malloy had left in the

world. She trusted him. And he was going to have to betray her.

His was a decision born in hell.

Yet he couldn’t stand back and let her kill an innocent man. That would be even harder to

live with.

Mikah had spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how he would go about finding

the truth. He still wasn’t sure what the hell he was going to do once she showed up.

She was probably going to hate him. He only hoped one day maybe his mother would

realize he’d saved her from the poison steadily eating away at her soul.

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Unseen, Mikah had slipped in through the rear door of his mother’s house a couple of

hours ago and waited. He’d watched through his bedroom window as Saundra had pulled up in

her black Volvo, exited the vehicle, and entered the house. The heavy thud of his heartbeat

ticked off like a metronome inside his head.

He eased toward the partially open door on silent feet. Mikah knew every floorboard in

his old room. Knew where to step and where to avoid in order to move about undetected. A

significant feat when you grew up in a home filled with shifters possessing preternatural hearing.

Standing on the interior side of his door, shoulders against the wall, Mikah listened—

waited— once more for the sound of her cell to ring or for a visitor to show up. Finally, his

patience paid off.

After a mobile phone chimed a couple of times, Saundra answered.

“You should have had enough food to last you the entire three days,” she scolded

whoever was on the receiving end. “Even if you fed the human part of it. You’re a pig, Conrad.

Despite what your DNA keeps trying to tell you.” Silence filled the next few seconds. Then she

started up again. “All I need you to do is get through one more day, and then you can kill that

human piece of trash. I’m sure your gut can hold out another twenty-four hours.”

Mikah didn’t need to see his mother’s face to confirm a scowl twisted her features. He

could hear it in her voice. God help him, as he’d suspected, his mother had orchestrated

everything. He swallowed back the groan riding up on the growing ache in his chest.

“Dammit, Mack!” She growled.

He closed his eyes under her outburst, calming his pulse.

Conrad Mack.

Mikah had wondered who she could have convinced to carry out her dirty work. He

couldn’t imagine his mother doing all of this alone. Of course, Conrad would have been an

obvious choice. The male was one of Silas’ early rivals from a few years ago, challenging him

for the position of Ariel’s pride leader. Silas had given Mack a rather humiliating quick defeat

during one of the physical challenges.

The male was perfect.


Unethical, too, judging by how dirty he’d attempted to gain his victory against Silas. He

would have been easy to persuade to join her need for payback.

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“I don’t want to risk another trip off the estate unless absolutely necessary. You’re testing

my patience,” she grumbled. Then, after a few more moments of silence on her end, she said,

“Fine! I’ll be there after sundown.”

Something clattered against wood. Probably, his mother had thrown her phone.

Mikah pressed the back of his head against the wallboard. What now? Should he confront

her? Or hide and follow her to wherever she held Shayne?

Footsteps approached in the hallway. Watching through the thin slit where the door

hinged to the wood, he watched Saundra pass by on a path toward the kitchen or den. Something

inside him snapped.

And the decision was made.

“What have you done, Mother?” he said, stepping from the shadows.

She gasped and whirled, her eyes wide.

“Mikah! You startled me.” She smoothed a hand over her hair and the tight bun at her

nape. “I didn’t know you were in the house.”

He edged forward. “I know. I didn’t want you to.”

Saundra’s gaze narrowed. “You were spying on your own mother?”

“My gut told me you were up to something more than just needing a few pictures for

evidence.” He stopped, leaving about a foot between them. Saundra Malloy was a tiny woman.

Mikah had gotten his height from his father’s side, so when face-to-face with his mother, he

towered a good twelve inches over her. “I see I should always listen to what it tells me.”

“Stay out of this,” she rumbled and turned to walk away.

“It’s too late for that.”

She slowed, placing a hand on one of the kitchen chairs before halting. “What do you

mean?” She kept her back to him.

His stomach roiled. “Mother, you know I can’t let you…”

Slowly, her head swiveled his way, their gazes locking. The look she gave him could

have been etched from stone. Hard and unreadable.

“I can’t let you do this alone,” he added. Her expression softened, and she gave him a

tight smile.

“You were always such a good boy, Mikah.” She strolled back over to where he stood

and stroked his cheek. His heart stuttered. “You’ve always been there when I’ve needed you

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most.” She drew back. “But I can’t let you become part of this.” She turned away and headed

back to the kitchen.

“I’m a part of this whether you want me to be or not. I’m your son—a Malloy—what

affects your world affects me.”

“Mikah… I said stay out of this!” She dismissed him with a wave of her hand.

“This is about that Shayne Matthews guy, isn’t it?”

Her fingers curled over the side of the stainless steel sink, her knuckles white.

“From what I gathered during your phone call, it sounds as if you’re holding a human

hostage, and you’re planning to kill him. The only human male I know you’d have any interest in

would be the one Novak has been seeing. Though I’m still not clear on why you’d go to this


“Stop it!” she hissed.

“I already know too much, Mother. So you might as well let me help you. You said you

didn’t want to leave the estates again tonight.”

She glanced over her shoulder, her pupils becoming those of her cat with her frustration.

“Let me handle this for you,” he said. “I’ll go.” Mikah straightened his shoulders. “Less

suspicion on you.”

“I didn’t bring you in on the whole plan because Eli would, of course, suspect the father’s

son.” She shook her head. “It’s too risky. Plus I didn’t want any blood on your hands.”

“Are you holding the human for ransom?” He had to play along. Allow her to tell him the

story. And his mother didn’t disappoint. She revealed her plan to have Eli kill Theo before the

end of the first day of the Summit. Silas would be a fractured male in front of the elders, adding

more validity to her accusations that he was incapable of being the leader their pride needed and


Saundra wanted Silas to pay for what he’d done to their family. Taking his power alone

wasn’t sufficient. She wanted to hurt him. Wound him so deeply even his soul would wear the

scar. “What better way,” she said, “than to have his best friend take what he holds most dear?

His mate. No one knows better than I how horrible that kind of loss feels.”

Mikah inhaled through his nostrils and swallowed back the lump in his throat. He knew

his mother still grieved and wanted revenge. But he’d had no idea how badly she’d been broken

and how far she’d gone into the dark place everyone had inside their minds. Most kept it in

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check. But her isolation and pain had opened her to its call, and now he didn’t know if he had

enough rope to toss down and pull her to the light.

A better question might be, even if there were enough, would she want to grab on and

save herself?

He moved to the cabinet and retrieved a paper bag. “I overheard something about

supplies.” Mikah turned and handed her the sack. “I take it you need me to carry Mack some

food.” His mother shot him a stern look. One he recognized from his childhood that said he was

about one second from a serious punishment. “I’m not taking no for an answer, so you might as

well fill that and tell me where to deliver it.”

Saundra yanked it from his hand. “You’re as stubborn as your father.” She moved to the

pantry and began to toss a few items inside. “But you’re the best thing I’ve ever done with my

life, Mikah. You have a good heart. Don’t let anyone ever convince you otherwise.”

With the groceries on the seat of his truck, Mikah rolled down the road a half hour later.

About a quarter mile from the gate, he pulled off onto the shoulder and opened the driver door.

Hanging half of his torso out over the pavement, his stomach heaved.

He’d never felt more like the sleaziest scum of the earth than he did at that moment.

Mikah tugged on the wheel and righted himself back inside the cab. He dragged his arm over his

mouth and sucked in a cleansing breath. Somehow, he’d get his mother the help she needed.

What he’d done back there was for the best. She just wouldn’t see it right away.

By lying to her, convincing her he was on her side, she’d be safe at home while all hell

broke loose at the vacant building where she was keeping Shayne. She wouldn’t witness his

betrayal as he took Eli to rescue his lover. He’d saved her from suffering any more injury to her


After it was over, he’d beg Silas for mercy on behalf of his mother. She needed

treatment, not prison. He’d make Silas see—somehow.

He had to.

* * * *

“Dammit!” Eli paced the living room of his suite. Why hadn’t he heard from Mikah yet?

It didn’t help matters having Monique still handcuffed to his bedpost. He never realized how

often a woman needed to go to the bathroom until now. Eli rolled his eyes. Plus the female was a

constant visual reminder of how perilous of a situation he’d gotten Shayne into.

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He needed to get out of there. But he knew why he hadn’t gone anywhere yet. His next

stop was Silas’ door. Murdoch deserved the truth. Eli was running out of hours, and when the

time came, there wasn’t any other male he’d rather have at his side rescuing Shayne.

Eli marched over to the small bar in the corner of his living room, poured himself a shot

of Tequila, and tossed it back. Liquid fire slid down his throat, but he savored the burn as it

rolled farther south and landed in his stomach.

He had to believe Mikah wasn’t going to let him down. If he did, the thin thread holding

his sanity intact would break.

His attachment to Matthews didn’t make logical sense. How could he feel so strongly for

a male he’d only known for a little over a month? Eli imagined the same instant connection must

have gone down between Silas and Theo.

The lion wants what the lion wants.

It had claimed Shayne, and Eli’s heart had quickly followed.

Like a runaway raft on class five rapids, Eli had been out of control when it came to his

desire for the human. His need to have Shayne, touch him, had been as powerful and as

dangerous. Even in the end, when Eli had finally gained the strength to walk away, his love for

Shayne had placed his life in jeopardy.

And now Theo’s.

What if Mikah doesn’t come through, and we don’t find the person who wants Theo


Shayne would die. But someone would come for Theo to finish the job. He couldn’t put

this off any longer. Silas had to know so he could make sure his mate was safe until this was all


After checking on Monique, Eli made his way to the elevator then down to the second

floor. The elders would arrive in the morning for their weeklong summit, so he wasn’t surprised

to find the lights still on in Silas’ office. That was the best news Eli had had all day because he

didn’t want to unload this particular news bomb in front of Theo.

Eli rapped on the door.

“Enter,” Silas’ voice came from the other side.

“Thought I might find you here tonight,” Eli said, crossing the threshold. He closed the

door behind him.

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“I wanted to go over the agenda one more time.” Silas sighed and pushed one of the

folders aside. “As you know, every unresolved grievance against Ariel, plus complaints from all

the other prides, will be touched on during the week.” He scrubbed a palm over his day’s-worth

of stubble. “I don’t think if I studied this stack for the next year, I’d be satisfied enough with my


Silas looked up. “Even if I were, there’s always the unexpected shit any pride member

can request to bring before the Elders.” Silas scowled. “This is the one part of my job I wish I

could pass on to someone else.” He released a pained chuckle as Eli took the seat in front of his

leader’s desk.

“I’ve seen the list, and I can’t blame you.” Eli propped his elbows on the polished wood

arms of the chair and threaded his fingers.

“I wouldn’t think it possible, but I believe you look more stressed than I feel, Eli.” Silas

closed another one of the folders he was reviewing and leaned forward. “What’s going on? And

don’t tell me nothing. I’ve known you too long.”

“No.” Eli shook his head. “You’re right.”

He stood, unable to tolerate his seated position any longer. “There is something.” Eli

turned and headed for the window. His chest felt too tight. God, there wasn’t going to be an easy

way to tell Silas, no matter how he phrased the sentences.

“Damn, Novak. You’re making me nervous if you have to search for the right words.”

The squeak of leather said Silas had left his desk. “Does it have to do with the Summit?”

“Indirectly.” Eli sighed, pivoted, and faced his friend who’d joined him at the bank of

windows. “Remember the call you asked me about when we were discussing the Elders’ visit


“Yeah. I do. You didn’t seem yourself afterward.” Silas crossed his arms. “I never bought

your story about a security issue. What was it actually about?”

Just say it. He has to know.

“The call was from someone who’s holding Shayne Matthews hostage.”

Every muscle in Silas’ body tensed, yet he remained perfectly still. Anyone who hadn’t

known Silas for as long as Eli had would have missed it. But his friend wasn’t Pride Leader in

title alone. He was the alpha male, king of Ariel’s jungle, and he was prepared for battle.

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“Go on,” Silas said, his voice deeper than before Eli had entered the office. “I know there

must be more.”

“He or she—I couldn’t tell by the altered voice—is attempting to blackmail me.”


“No.” Eli held Silas’ gaze. “They demanded I kill someone in exchange for Shayne’s


A lone eyebrow rose on Silas’ brow. “Me?”

Eli swallowed hard then slowly shook his head. “Theo.”

Silas staggered back, and his arms dropped. He spun. “Theo!” he cried out and broke into

a run toward the door.

“Oh my God!” Eli darted after him. “For God’s sake, Silas. I would never harm him.”

With the doorknob in hand, Silas glanced over his shoulders. “I know you wouldn’t,” he

bit out. “But someone wants him dead! If anything happens to him, Eli…I swear I will never

forgive you for not telling me sooner!” he growled and stormed into the hallway.

The words slammed into Eli like grenades but hurt a hell of a lot more than the

explosives would have. Still, he’d expected Silas’ reaction. It was the same kind he would have

had if their roles had been reversed. Shit. He couldn’t have risked informing Silas any earlier.

There were too many unknowns at the time, and he couldn’t afford another male going off

halfcocked, storming through Ariel demanding answers, putting Shayne’s life at greater risk.

But now… Eli released a long exhale and squeezed the bridge of his nose, fighting off a

migraine. Now if Mikah didn’t come through with some new info, Shayne would be dead

tomorrow anyway.

Eli took off after Silas. The door to their suite stood open, and Eli found Silas inside, his

arms around his mate.

“Not that I mind at all you coming home and taking me in your arms, but what the hell is

wrong?” Theo looked over Silas’ shoulder at Eli, worry and confusion drawing his brows down.

Eli closed the door with a soft click.

Silas gripped his lover’s shoulders, stepped back, and faced him. Eli kept his mouth shut

as Silas filled Theo in on the ugly details, including Shayne’s kidnapping and the demand for Eli

to take Theo’s life in exchange for the other male’s.

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“You are fucking kidding me!” Theo glanced over at Eli, a look of stunned horror on his

face. “Oh my God…” He turned away from Silas, slapping a hand over his mouth. “Who the hell

is this bastard?” Theo muttered through his fingers.

As if on cue, Eli’s cell rang. He dug his hand inside the back pocket of his jeans and

pulled it free. The lone letter “M” showed on the display. Mikah. Eli risked a glance at Silas, who

stood with a protective arm around his mate’s shoulder, but his glare was trained on Eli. The ring

tone continued its urgent plea for him to answer. Christ! What if Mikah hadn’t come through?

“It’s the call I’ve been waiting for,” Eli said. “He may be able to tell me who has


“Then answer the damn thing, and let’s put an end to this nightmare,” Silas snarled.

Eli slid his finger along the bottom of his phone and placed it to his ear. “Novak.”

“I know where Shayne is.”

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Chapter Seventeen

He would die tomorrow.

Shayne was certain of it. His kidnapper made sure to constantly remind him of the fact.

Why they had to wait until tomorrow to finish the job, Shayne didn’t know since the duo hadn’t

felt the need to share the fine details of their crime. But with a few more hours of his life left,

there was still hope—hope that Eli didn’t despise him as badly as he’d tried to make Shayne

believe the night he’d walked out. Shayne grunted.

He was so fucked.

His hope was in the hands of a man who wanted nothing else to do with him. So what

chance in hell did Shayne have of Eli putting his life on the line to save his?

Hard Rock rose from his position on the mattress and jingled the keys in his hands.

“What?” Shayne glared at him from where he hung like a piece of meat still cuffed to the

wall. “You got some fucked up idea that I’m Pavlov’s dog?”

“Whose dog?” Hard Rock frowned. “I can’t stand dogs.” He spat.

Shayne rolled his eyes. Of course, the guy wouldn’t get it. “Never mind,” Shayne said,

too exhausted to attempt to explain.

“I figured since tonight’s our last night together…” With a twisted grin on his face, he

closed in on Shayne. “You and me ought to have some fun.”

“If you mean you’re going to uncuff me so I can beat your ass, then yeah.” Shayne

nodded. “I’m ready for some fun.”

“You’re a smart ass.” Hard Rock released one of Shayne’s wrists from the wall, but this

time, he left the shackle and chain in place. “I’m going to love making you beg.” He moved to

the other arm, keeping a tight hold on the one he’d just released.

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“I’d rather fucking die first,” Shayne stated, his voice as rough as if he’d aged fifty years.

The bigger guy yanked on the manacles, tugging Shayne forward. Shayne jabbed his

teeth into his lower lip, refusing to cry out. His knees wobbled under the sudden full weight of

his body. Hard Rock half pulled-half dragged Shayne over to the bed then shoved him face down

on the mattress.

If it weren’t for every joint and muscle screaming from the change in position and the

impact to the open wounds to his chest, Shayne would have groaned in pleasure from finally

being off his feet. The room did a serious tilt and spin from the abrupt shift in his blood flow.

Shayne closed his eyes and tried to breathe.

Hard Rock took Shayne’s arms and forced them up to the head of the bed. Flames licked

at his shoulders. This time, Shayne couldn’t fight the groan tearing from his throat. He lifted his

head and watched as the other man wound the chains around one of the wall’s exposed pipes.

With a click, he secured them together with a padlock.

“That should hold you.” Hard Rock snickered.

His life wasn’t supposed to end like this—chained, raped, and murdered. Fuck! Around

this time last week, he’d never been happier. Shayne’s mind flashed back to the night Eli had

shown up at his door. God, the man was sexier than hell with his royal blue eyes and long dark

hair. Shayne would never forget the way it glided through his fingers…cool strands of silk.

Despite his current situation, a smile tugged his lips at the memory.

“No matter what happens, Eli Novak…” Shayne whispered to himself. “I don’t regret one

second of loving you.”

In his peripheral vision, Shayne caught Hard Rock moving to the foot of the bed. A hard

slap landed on Shayne’s ass, jarring the whole mattress. The sting burned across his cheek.

Shayne clamped down on his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.


His chest hurt, too. Maybe even worse.

Not from the beatings or from the other man’s claws. Because at that moment, he knew

his earlier choice of words had meant more than the physical act—the sex he and Eli had shared.

At some point, he’d fallen in love.

Oh yeah. He was so fucked.

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Shayne was going to die in love with a man who wasn’t even human. And to make

matters worse, the feelings were one-sided. His soul mate wasn’t going to ride in and save him

from the hands of his assassin. He guessed fairytale endings were only written for princes and


“Come on, boy,” Hard Rock drawled. “Show me what you got in there.” The other man

plopped onto the bed by Shayne’s hips. He reached around, fumbling for access to Shayne’s fly.

Shayne bucked against him, trying to knock him off.

“Hold still,” Hard Rock growled and threw himself on top of Shayne, pressing him into

the mattress.

Bastard. Shayne tried to squirm, but he was trapped. Oh, fuck. He could barely get any

air. Hard Rock grabbed him by the side of his head, forcing Shayne’s face into the bedding and

blocking what was left of his ability to breathe.

Shayne fisted his chains, jerking hard on the metal.

This was it.

Dammit! Of all the ways to die, why did he have to go out being suffocated by some sick

brute riding his ass?

A loud roar filled the room, and the weight lifted off his lungs. Shayne sucked in a

mouthful of air. Thank God. He lifted his head from the bedding for another breath at the same

moment a loud crash resonated off the walls. Someone cried out, followed by what sounded like

an explosion of wood against concrete.

What the hell was going on? Shayne blinked, twisted his head, and scooted his hips as

close to the edge of the mattress as his chains would allow.

The biggest damn lion he’d ever seen had Hard Rock pinned to the floor.

Holy shit!

The lion’s coat was the color of honey, and his mane reminded him of rich dark

chocolate. He was magnificent. The lion’s large muzzle surrounded the other guy’s throat. Blood

ran rivulets down Hard Rock’s neck and formed a garnet puddle under his head.

“Let me see if the keys are in one of his pockets, Eli,” an unfamiliar male voice said.

“Eli?” Shayne breathed. Where was he? Shayne strained for a better view. A man with

long copper hair kneeled by the lion.

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“Easy, my friend,” the guy said. The lion growled but didn’t release his hold on Hard

Rock. “Conrad’s dead. You can let him go.” He stroked the lion’s mane. “Come on, Eli. Let go

now. He’s not getting away.”

“Oh my God,” Shayne whispered to no one in particular. The lion was Eli. And he’d just

killed Hard Rock.

Before Shayne’s brain had time to process what he’d just seen and heard, the beast

released his prey. He lifted his large muzzle, and eyes the color of a deep-purple sea collided

with Shayne’s. Suddenly, what he could only describe as a shimmer radiated off the large cat,

and then it was gone. What was once a lion was now the man who’d plagued his dreams and

claimed Shayne’s heart.

“How is this even possible?” Shayne closed his eyes. He was hallucinating. That had to

be it. Or perhaps he’d passed out from lack of oxygen, and this was all an altered reality created

by his mind?

“Here are the keys,” someone said. Footsteps neared, accompanied by the jingle of metal.

“Shayne? My name is Mikah,” the man went on to say despite the fact Shayne hadn’t

acknowledged his presence.

This wasn’t real. No one was coming for him. It was all a desperate fantasy inside his


“I’m going to release you, okay? We’re here to help you.” The bed dipped, and the chains

rattled above his head.

“Shayne?” This time, the voice was familiar. “Oh, dear God. Are you okay?”


The other man’s fingers threaded through the hair on the back of Shayne’s head. Warm

lips kissed the side of his face. Christ. It felt so real. Shayne breathed deep.

Cinnamon coffee.

A groan burst from Shayne’s throat. “Eli?” He opened his eyes, and a royal blue gaze

locked with his. “It’s really you?”

“Yeah, baby.” A brilliant smile lit Eli’s face. “It’s really me.”

“You came.” Shayne gave him the best grin he could muster.

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“Yeah.” Eli nodded, and his Adam’s apple bobbed hard. “No way was I going to let that

motherfucker take you from me.” Eli reached out and brushed a few hairs away from Shayne’s


Take you from me. The words rang inside Shayne’s head. Novak didn’t despise him?

Nothing made sense anymore. The warrior’s touch, his words, combined with the unexpected

rescue had Shayne’s brain near meltdown.

“Do you think you can sit up?” The guy who’d said he was Mikah asked from the other

side of the bed.

“I think so,” Shayne said. He drew his arms down and with a grunt, pushed over onto his

side. Eli cursed under his breath, drawing Shayne’s attention. He followed his gaze to the

exposed flesh of his chest. The claw marks. “I’m okay.”

Eli met his eyes, and it was as if rage had lit a torch behind his irises.

“Really. I’m all right.” Shayne gathered what ragged pieces of his shirt remained and

attempted to cover the wounds. “I just want to get out of here.” With Eli’s help, he managed to

make it upright and sit on the edge of the mattress.

“We’ll get one of our doctors to treat him back at Ariel,” the tall, redheaded man stated

from the end of the bed. His presence felt strong like Eli’s, but the way Eli had calmed under the

man’s voice and direction said he was a guy used to being in command.

“I had a feeling you wouldn’t leave this be, Mikah.”

Shayne froze. He didn’t have to look over his shoulder to know who had entered the

room. It was Ms. Sunday Brunch.

Mikah groaned. “Please. Just let us get him out of here. Don’t do anything crazy.”

Shayne stood, holding onto Eli as the woman he’d met his first day there strode across

the threshold.

“Crazy?” Her voice rose. “You mean like betraying your own mother?” She shook her

head, a demented laugh bubbling up. “I can’t let you ruin this for me. I had everything under

control.” The farther she came into the room the wilder her voice became. “I knew I shouldn’t

have allowed you to come here.”

“Stand down, Saundra,” the man with the red hair ordered. The tone in his voice sent a

shudder down Shayne’s spine.

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“You have to no right to command me, Silas,” she sneered. “I refuse to cower to the likes

of you!” A roar burst from her lungs, and the sound of tearing clothes rent the air.

“Mother!” Mikah screamed. “No!”

It all happened so fast. Yet every detail was burned into Shayne’s brain.

A lion sprang into the air from where the woman had once stood, her trajectory on a path

for the man she’d called Silas.

Partially shifted, Mikah leaped in the same direction.

Silas dove toward the mattress.

Mother and son collided in mid-air, in a move born straight out of a late night horror

movie. The impact sent Saundra’s cat form sailing in one direction, Mikah in the opposite.

Saundra smashed into the mass of broken crates near Hard Rock’s body. Mikah hit the wood

floor, skidded, but rolled back onto his feet. All eyes fell to Saundra. Light pulsed around the

lion then her fur faded away to pale skin. Saundra wasn’t moving.

“Mother!” Mikah tore over to her side. “Oh, God… No!”

Shayne, Eli and Silas gathered around mother and son. Shayne had missed it at first from

the angle of her body, but now, in closer proximity, he could see why she hadn’t regained her

footing. A board jutted from her abdomen surrounded by a widening crimson stain. She’d been

impaled by a jagged piece of wood left from Eli and Hard Rock’s earlier battle.

Eli tightened his hold on Shayne’s shoulder. Shayne leaned in, needing the warmth of his


“Somebody help me,” Mikah cried with a desperate glance in Silas’ direction.

“No!” His mothered grabbed his arm.

Mikah swung his gaze back to hers.

“There’s nothing anyone can do,” she whispered.

“Don’t say that!” Mikah ripped off his jacket and gently covered her nude torso. “You’re

coming back with us to Ariel.” He swiped a hand over his face. “You’re going to be all right.”

Her smile was the kind a mother gave to her child when they spoke foolishness. “Yes. I

am.” She nodded. “Your father’s waiting for me.” Saundra cupped Mikah’s face.

“Don’t go,” he whispered. “I can’t lose you, too. I’m not ready.”

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“Such a good and forgiving heart.” She gasped. “Can you forgive me?” Saundra’s gaze

turned up and landed on Silas before returning to her son’s. “I was never capable.” She closed

her eyes, and a long sigh escaped her lips right before Saundra’s hand slipped from Mikah’s face.

“No…no. No!” Mikah roared.

Shayne’s heart broke for the young man. No matter what she’d done, Saundra had been

Mikah’s mother, and he’d loved her.

Eli turned, moving them both toward the door. “Let’s get you home.”

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Chapter Eighteen

One week later

“How’s Theo?” Eli poured a shot of Tequila at the bar. “I never got a chance to thank

him for taking care of the Monique situation before I got back here with Shayne.” He handed off

the glass to Silas.

Silas tossed it back and closed his eyes as the liquor made its way down. “Theo’s doing

great,” he said, his voice raspy from the blue agave. “I’ll pass that along.” Silas lifted his lids.

“He didn’t mind at all. Can’t say the same for Monique, though.” He chuckled. “She was pissed

off that you’d kept her confined for so long.”

“Yeah,” Eli grunted. “It wasn’t one my finer moments, but I didn’t see any other option

without risking the kidnapper hearing I’d been asking questions.”

Silas nodded. “It was hard learning Theo might have been in danger, and I didn’t know a

damn thing about it. But I understand why you handled things the way you did.”

“Believe me, keeping you in the dark for all those hours wasn’t easy. If our roles had

been reversed, and Shayne’s life had been on the line…” Eli shook his head.

“Speaking of Shayne, how’s he recovering? I hadn’t personally come by before now

because I wanted to give you two some space.”

“Shayne’s doing much better.”

Both men turned in the direction of the new voice in the room. Shayne stood by the

kitchen island with an overnight bag in his grip. The dark bruises on the younger man’s face had

mostly faded over the last few days. But if you knew where to look, a slight tinge of yellow

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haunted the valleys under his eyes and beneath his jawline. Eli couldn’t tear his gaze away from

them every time Shayne was near.

“Are you going somewhere?” Eli left Silas, eating up the distance between him and

Shayne in quick strides.

“Yeah,” Shayne said, his voice quiet as Eli neared. “I’m going home.”

“You know…I forgot Theo had asked me to grab something while I was out,” Silas

interjected. “I better get going.”

Smart man. Eli’s friend could interpret a situation faster than most. Another reason why

he was Ariel’s leader.

“Nice to have met you, Silas,” Shayne said. “I appreciate you allowing me to stay on the

estate while I got my strength back.”

“Of course. You’re important to Eli. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.” Silas gave Eli

a swat on the shoulder.

“Before you go,” Shayne said. “I’ve wanted to ask you about the guy from the other

night—Mikah. I couldn’t help but wonder what’s going to happen to him. He didn’t know me,

yet he betrayed his mother to save me, and then ended up losing her. It’s tragic.”

Silas released a long sigh. “You’re right. It was tragic. But I won’t forget what he did.

Despite who his parents were, Mikah’s loyal, and he lost his mother trying to protect his pride

leader in the process. Don’t worry. I’ll look out for him.”

“That’s great. Please tell Mikah I said thank you when you see him.”

“I sure will.” Silas nodded and headed out.

The door clicked, and Eli turned back to Shayne. “That was nice of you,” he said.

“From what you’ve said, if it hadn’t been for Mikah coming through… I owe him at the

very least my gratitude for his sacrifice.”

“Yes.” Eli nodded. “I do as well. Now… What’s this about?” He pointed at the bag in

Shayne’s hand.

“I think it’s about time I gave you some space and got out of here. I’m feeling a lot better

so there’s no reason I should stay any longer.” Shayne brushed past him. “I have one last favor to

ask, though, you think someone could give me a ride home?”

“You are home,” Eli stated.

Shayne drew to a halt but didn’t turn around. “You can’t be serious.”

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Where the hell is this coming from? He’d done everything to make sure Shayne was

comfortable and well cared for while he was here. Eli marched over to Shayne and spun him


“Yes,” he bit out, trying to keep his temper in check. “I am serious. I don’t say shit I

don’t mean.”

“Oh, really?” Shayne dropped his bag at his side. “If that’s so, then I’m very confused,

because the last time we stayed together, it ended with you stating you were going to forget me

and that I should do the same.”

“I know…” Eli grunted. “I hurt you.” He turned away and grabbed the back of the couch.

“I wouldn’t blame you for hating me for everything I’ve put you through.”

Shayne moved in beside him and leaned on the leather, facing the other way. “I don’t

hate you,” he whispered. “You’re not responsible for Saundra Malloy’s actions—only your


Damn, the male was too wise for his years.

“I said those things the last night we were together to push you away,” Eli continued and

glanced at the man next to him. “I didn’t have a damn clue how I would ever make this work.”

He straightened. “A human and a lion shifter; it’s never been done.”

“You were confused about us. I get that. But what you’re not bringing up is how you feel

about being in an open gay relationship.”

“I can handle it.”

“I would like to believe you because I can’t hide who I am anymore, Eli. I did it for too

long before my mother’s death, and I robbed her of ever getting to know the real me. I won’t be

your dirty, little secret.”

“Never,” Eli rasped.

“If that’s true, then why haven’t you even tried to come near me?” Shayne closed what

distance there was between them.

“What?” Eli’s sensitive hearing caught every thump of the other man’s heart. It echoed

inside Eli’s head, putting him on edge. He couldn’t stop it if he wanted to. When Shayne came

anywhere near, Eli’s senses always went on high alert, tuned in and in Hi Def.

“You made sure I had everything I needed, medically. But I saw how you reacted each

time you caught me with my shirt off. If someone else was in the room, treating my wounds, you

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nearly ran out the door. If I was alone, you’d turn your head as if you couldn’t stand to look at

me.” Shayne caught his breath. “Why in God’s name would you want me to live with you if you

can’t bring yourself to touch me?” He shook his head. “Are you put off by the idea of touching

another man in your bed? Or do my scars disgust you?”

“God…no!” Eli ran his palm over his head. “On both points.”

Christ. Didn’t Shayne realize it had taken every last millimeter of Eli’s control to keep

his hands off? He couldn’t bear seeing Conrad’s marks on his chest. Every time he’d caught a

glimpse of them, he nearly came unglued. Couldn’t Shayne feel how much he wanted him?

“That’s not what’s going on.” He groaned. “I’ve made such a mess of this.”

“Then touch me.” Shayne grabbed Eli’s palm and placed it over his sternum. Heat

radiated between the younger man’s chest and Eli’s palm, nearly searing Eli’s flesh. Shayne

flicked his gaze to where they connected then to the area around them. “Touch me inside these

walls—your space.” He turned back to Eli. “I need you.”

“Fuck…” Eli moaned. “Shayne…you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted you.” He

shook his head. “You don’t get it. It’s more than just dealing with whatever hang up I might have

about my sexuality or being here with my pride.” He cupped Shayne’s cheeks. “Dammit… I’m

terrified of hurting you.”

“You mean physically?” Shayne pressed into Eli’s hand.

“Yes.” Eli pulled his palm free and grasped Shayne. He ran his fingers through the

shorter man’s hair. God, how he loved those strawberry-blond waves. “I’m big. And you know

I’m not referring to my height.”

“I remember.” Shayne gave him a sexy grin. “Damn, do I remember.”

“During sex, if I’m not in complete control, we—my kind—can grow even larger.”

“Fuck…Are you serious?”

Eli nodded. “You’re human, Shayne.”

“Last time I checked.”

“You don’t have the resiliency of a shifter when it comes to healing. Shifting, the act

alone, can close most wounds.”

“Oh.” Shayne nibbled at his lower lip and looked up from under his lashes. “We would

have to take things slower than usual. A lot of preparation, you know. To get me ready. It could

be a lot of fun.”

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Eli growled and smoothed his palms over the other man’s upper arms. “We’d be playing

with fire.”

“It’s not like I’ve never been singed before.” Shayne shrugged. “Besides, you know I

don’t mind a little pain.”

“If I ever got inside you, Incubus…” Eli brought him against his chest, his fingers

digging into the back of the man’s scalp. “I don’t know if I can trust myself not to lose it,” he

said, his mouth inches from Shayne’s.

“Then let me ride you.”

Blood slammed into Eli’s cock, swelling him rock hard.

“That way,” Shayne continued. “I can be in control for both us.”

“You think you can handle it so easily, huh?” Eli leaned in and ran the tip of his tongue

along the outer shell of Shayne’s ear. His human shivered and gave a curt nod. “Then you’ve

never been well and truly fucked by someone like me.”

Shayne glanced up, meeting Eli’s gaze. “There is no one like you, Cat.”

Eli couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re damn right there ain’t,” he said against the other man’s lips right before he

claimed them—gently at first. Eli wanted to take his time, relearn every nuance—the texture, and

taste of Shayne’s flesh. The way the male’s lower lip was slightly fuller than Shayne’s upper. Eli

teased the bottom one with his teeth. Shayne moaned and opened. And the invitation couldn’t be


They kissed as if it had been years rather than weeks since they’d last been together. And

they were famished. Eli drew Shayne’s tongue deeper into his mouth and sucked. Shayne

groaned and thrust his hips into Eli’s. Oh yeah, Shayne’s cock was a hard as his.

Eli broke the seal on their kiss with a gasp. “I want you,” he growled.

“All yours,” Shayne said, breathless.

“Damn right.” Eli curled his lip. “Mine.”

Shayne reversed his step, pulling his shirt over his head on the way toward the bedroom.

He tossed it to the floor then went for his pants. A growl built low in Eli’s gut at the sight of the

pink lines scoring his chest. One formed a diagonal path through the lion tattoo over Shayne’s

left pec. Eli’s canines lengthened at the thought of the other male’s claws scoring Shayne—of the

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pain Shayne had suffered in the fucking sadist’s tender care. In the past, Eli had never gotten a

thrill from killing. But taking Conrad down had been a pleasure.

Reaching up, Eli nabbed a handful of his own polo, snatched it over his head, and threw it

down to mix with the rest of clothing on the floor. By the time they’d made it to the bed, both

men were naked. Shayne’s cock was a good seven inches and jutted up thick and hard toward his

abdomen. Eli’s mouth watered at the sight. Yeah. It had been way too long.

“On the bed,” Eli ordered, and Shayne eased onto the mattress. “Lie back.” Shayne

scooted farther up onto the bed and placed his head on the pillow. Keeping his gaze trained on

Eli, Shayne spread his hands out over his chest. “You don’t have to hide anything from me.” Eli

placed his knees on the bed then lowered over Shayne’s torso. He didn’t miss the way his lover’s

breath caught with his approach.

Lightly, Eli trailed the length of one his lover’s scars with his fingers. Shayne’s

diaphragm picked up tempo. The tips of Eli’s fangs nudged his lower lip. “I just can’t stand the

thought of another man marking you. Violently,” he rumbled. “If you ever caught me looking

away, it’s only because I can’t make it so he’s never touched you. And it fucking drives me

crazy. I swear I can still smell his scent on your skin.”

“I’m sorry,” Shayne whispered.

Eli jerked his head up, his pulse racing. “You have nothing to be sorry for. This was my

fault.” He returned his attention back to the healing wounds. Eli tucked his head, and at the lower

end of a scar, flattened his tongue over the pink flesh. Gently he followed the pale line north.

“Oh God,” Shayne groaned and trembled under Eli’s touch. “I don’t know why, but that

feels so damn good.”

Stopping right above his nipple, Eli glanced up. “I wish like hell I could make them go

away. That I could make all your scars disappear. Inside and out.”

“Eli… Damn. No one has ever said anything like that to me before.” Shayne’s fingers

brushed through Eli’s hair. “I don’t know what to say.”

He flicked his tongue over Shayne’s nipple. The redhead hissed. “Just tell me not to

stop,” Eli said.

“Oh, that’s an easy one.” Shayne grinned. “Don’t stop. Don’t you ever fucking stop.”

And Eli didn’t.

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Not until he’d licked every one of the raised tracks covering Shayne’s torso, paying

special attention to the one bisecting his lion tat. Shayne squirmed under Eli’s ministrations.

“You’re driving me out of my mind,” Shayne cried out.

“Did I ever tell you how much I love this?” Forgetting the wound for a second, he

focused on the dark ink.

“I can tell.” Shayne chuckled. “It must have been destiny telling me something with my

fondness for big cats.” Shayne drew Eli back up by his shoulders until they were close enough to

exchange breaths.

“Meow,” Eli drawled, then gave him a cocky grin.

“That’s my kitty cat.” Shayne scratched him behind the ear.

Eli reared his head back. “Cat is one thing. Even big, damn cat. But kitty…” Eli shook

his head then rocked into Shayne’s groin, making sure the other man got a good feel of what

hung between his legs. “Does anything about that say ‘kitty’ to you?”

Shayne laughed. “Oh, hell no. It definitely screams Tom, not Kitty.” Shayne sobered for

a moment. “So when are you planning to put that to use?”

“As soon as I think you’re good and ready.” Eli continued his exploration lower, dipping

into the hollows between the ridges of Shayne’s abs. He circled Shayne’s navel once then dipped


“Mmm… Keep going,” Shayne said, spreading his thighs wider.

With an arm under each leg, Eli rolled Shayne up, exposing his lover’s cock, balls, and

tight ring.

“Hold on to your legs,” Eli instructed, his voice gruff with lust. On his knees, Eli gripped

Shayne’s length and sucked one jewel into his mouth. He rolled it around on his tongue, while

with his hand, Eli gave Shayne’s cock long and slow strokes.

“Damn… Eli. Feels good.”

He repeated the process with the other orb, making sure his thumb hit the sweet spot

beneath the head of Shayne’s dick with each pass. This time a bead of pre-cum found its way

onto Shayne’s cock, slickening the area beneath the crown.

“Fuck,” Shayne bit out. “I’m not going to last if you keep this up. I was too close to the

edge before we started.”

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Showing a little mercy, Eli moved down to the smooth space under Shayne’s balls,

massaging it with his thumbs as he made his way toward the younger man’s dark opening.

“Eli?” The hesitation in Shayne’s voice brought Eli to a stop. The expression on Shayne’s

face conveyed to Eli more than his lover’s words ever could. Lust, compassion, acceptance—it

was all there.

“There’s not a part of you I don’t want, baby.” Eli flicked the tight hole with his tongue.

Shayne jerked, nearly losing the hold on his legs. Again, Eli bathed the area around the ring,

teasing the bud. The muscle clenched with each pass, but relaxed when he flattened his tongue

over the center.

“Fuck. That’s nice.”

Eli slipped the end of his finger inside.

“God,” Shayne groaned and tossed his head back.

“You like?”

“Uh-huh.” Shayne nodded.

He eased in deeper, curling his finger in the process until he found Shayne’s swollen


“Oh, fuck!” Shayne bucked his hips. “Too good.” He panted.

Backing off, yet remaining inside, Eli grasped Shayne’s cock with his other hand.

Eli wrapped his lips around the crown, sucked, and pumped the finger still inside.

“Christ! Eli…” Shayne panted.

In time with Eli’s probe, Shayne thrust his hips, ramming his cock to the back of Eli’s


Eli worked in another digit alongside the first, stretching Shayne wider. His lover cried

out, reached over his head, and seized the headboard.

“Oh God.” Shayne grunted. “Don’t want to come yet.” He rocked his ass into Eli’s hand,

and Eli’s own shaft pulsed with need. “Fuck!” Warm, salty pre-cum flooded Eli’s tongue.

Shayne was too close.

With a pop, he released Shayne’s cock, and slipped his fingers free. Eli fisted the

throbbing shaft between his own thighs.

“You sure you’re ready for this?” He glanced up at Shayne, the younger man’s cheeks

flushed with arousal.

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“I’m sure,” he said, his words barely above a whisper.

Eli moved to the edge of the bed, reached for the bottom drawer of the nightstand, and

retrieved the bottle of lube. They switched places, Eli going to his back and Shayne on top. He

handed Shayne the gel.


“There’s no need,” Eli said. “We don’t carry any type of STDs.”

“Wow. That’s a perk.”

After a quick application to his shaft and bottom, Shayne reached down with a slickened

palm and worked his hand up and down Eli’s rod. Eli closed his eyes, fisted the sheets, enjoying

the exquisite torture. Shayne straddled Eli’s hips, facing him, then the tip of Eli’s cock bumped

Shayne’s hot ring. Eli clutched the other man’s hips, halting him.

“I might look different during this—my eyes, teeth, maybe hands,” Eli ground out.

“Okay.” Shayne nodded.

“Promise me you’ll stop if you’re in pain.” Eli nearly growled. “Because I don’t know if I

can once I’m inside you.”

“I promise,” Shayne said, adding a smile. “It’s going to be good. No worries, mate.”

Mate. Eli’s heart pounded. Damn nothing ever sounded so right.

Slowly. So excruciatingly slow, Shayne pressed down. Wet heat engulfed the tip of Eli’s

cock, and he dug his fingers into the bedding. He had to keep from grabbing Shayne and forcing

him deeper—faster.

A guttural sound exited Shayne’s throat.

“You okay?” Eli forced the words out between his teeth.

“Fuck, yeah!” Shayne lifted, allowing Eli’s shaft to break free from his clasp. And Eli

choked back a curse. Then the tight grasp of his heat was back. Shayne sank over the crown,

going farther than before.

“Damn, Eli!” He panted. “You’re so fucking thick.” He chewed his lower lip. “Burns.”

“Stop.” Eli seized him by the waist, ceasing Shayne’s movement. It took every ounce of

sheer will to do so, but he wasn’t going to let Shayne do this. Eli wasn’t ever going to be reason

any harm came to Matthews again.

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“No!” Shayne’s eyes widened, and fierce determination stared back at him. “It’s just been

a while. I’m okay.” He pushed Eli’s hands away and pressed harder on a groan. “Want this.

Fuck, Eli. I want you to fuck me.”

As if Shayne had somehow flipped a switch, Eli’s vision sharpened. Sounds became

clearer. Eli was still human, but Shayne had unleashed the beast. The one that wanted to claim

the redhead as badly as Eli. A deep rumble vibrated inside Eli’s chest.

“Yes,” Shayne cried out, his head lolled, and he sank balls deep over Eli’s length.

On a fierce growl, Eli’s back arched, and his claws pierced the mattress.

Shayne’s upper body fell forward, and his palms slapped Eli’s pecs. He lifted his rear off

Eli’s thighs. “Fuck me, Cat.”

Eli surged up, slamming his cock deep.

“Yes! Shayne gasped. “Just like that.”

Again, Eli thrust upward, seating his rod with a slap. In and out, he pistoned, and Shayne

met each one, crying out for more. Shayne’s rigid shaft bounced with Eli’s hard pounding, pre-

cum dripping from the lip of the crown.

“Oh G-God,” Shayne stuttered. “Need to come. Can’t stop.” His eye squeezed shut.

“Fuck. Can’t stop. Fuck me, Eli.”

Driven by need, lust, or whatever it was called, his control snapped. Eli grabbed Shayne

by the arms, flipped, and took the other man to his back.

“Fuck me.” Shayne’s words looped inside Eli’s head. He’d begged Eli to fuck him.

Make him come.

He was a male possessed. Eli surged forward, lifting Shayne’s legs up and sinking his

dick to the hilt. The eye of their hurricane had passed over, and Eli was the raging storm surge

barreling ashore. He pounded over Shayne’s gland, giving him everything. His cock and his soul.

“Eli!” Shayne cried out and fisted the railings of the headboard. “I’m coming! Oh

God…” Shayne shuddered, and jets of cum burst from his shaft. Every thrust sent another stream

splattering the ridges of his abdomen.

Over and over, Eli slammed inside Shayne. The sight of his mate’s orgasm responding to

the impacts was intoxicating. And it triggered his own release.

“Oh fuck!” Eli shouted. The force of the cum exploding from the end of his rod rocked

him forward. He caught himself with his palms beside Shayne’s head.

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Wave after powerful wave pulsed up from his balls and exited his shaft in blinding

pleasure. So fucking good! Eli couldn’t stop. As if his spine and hips were on auto-pilot, he

rocked into his lover.

Every stroke taking him higher.

His orgasm a never-ending pinnacle, and he couldn’t stop the climb.

“Eli.” From somewhere Shayne called for him.

Not yet. Eli wasn’t ready to come down.

“Eli.” There it was again; yet his voice sounded so far away. The warmth of his lover’s

hand smoothed down Eli’s arms. Then Shayne’s mouth was on his, coaxing his lips open. His

tongue drove inside, teasing the roof of Eli’s mouth and playing an erotic game of catch me if

you can. Bringing him back down to earth and to the man he loved.

Eli opened his eyes and lowered himself over Shayne’s torso. He braced himself on his

forearms, giving Shayne room to breathe.

“I hurt you.” It wasn’t a question. He’d lost it for a few moments, and there was no way

he hadn’t.

“Hell, no.” Shayne blew the hair out of his eyes. “That was the…that was…” Shayne


“Funny?” Okay…comical had never been an adjective used in his bed before.

Shayne clutched Eli’s face. “No. I was laughing because I couldn’t find a word to

describe how mind-blowing that was.”

“Ah.” Eli nodded. “You were amazing. At the end, how did you know…how did you

know what to do?”

Shayne shrugged. “I’m not sure. I just sensed it, I guess. I knew if I touched you, kissed

you, it would give you something to hold onto.”

Eli leaned in and brushed his lips over Shayne’s. “You do ground me, Matthews,” he

whispered against his mouth. His cock had softened, and he slid free. Shayne’s eyes closed as Eli

rolled onto his side.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” Eli couldn’t help asking one more time.

“Never better.” Shayne released a long sigh. “Feel like I could sleep for a week, though,”

he said with a grin.

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Warmth filled Eli’s heart. So this was contentment. He couldn’t help but smile. For the

first time, he couldn’t imagine his bed without one particular person filling it for the rest of his

life. If he’d lost Shayne… Eli stared at the red stripes marring his lover’s chest, and an uneasy

wave tilted his stomach.

“You know, I did learn something, though, from having almost lost you,” Eli said, tracing

one of the scars with his fingertip. Shayne followed his movement with his gaze then stroked the

back of Eli’s hand.

“Tell me,” Shayne said.

“For the first time, I actually understand why my father was so hard.”

“Go on.” Shayne squeezed Eli’s wrist.

“I understand now what losing your soul mate would do to your mind. How it would

change you forever from the person you used to be.” Eli looked up and held Shayne’s gaze. “It

wasn’t my father’s fault he couldn’t be the parent I needed. He’d lost the person he loved more

than anything in the world, and he was broken. I know, because if Conrad had killed you, I

would have gone mad.” He reached up and brushed a thumb over Shayne’s lower lip then

cupped his cheek. “I love you, Shayne Matthews.”

Jade green eyes glistened with unshed tears. Shayne blinked as if he were trying to hold

back a flood. “This is so crazy. We haven’t known each other long enough to feel this way. But I

swear, Novak, I wasn’t the same after the first day I met you. When you walked into my cell,

you imprinted my soul. From that night forward, no matter what I did, I couldn’t get you out of

my mind.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” Eli nodded. “Nothing could have stopped me from

making you mine.”

“I am yours, Cat.” Shayne grinned. “I love you so much.”

Eli sealed Shayne’s mouth with a hard and fast kiss then pulled away. “I have something

I’ve been waiting to give you. I hope you’ll like it.” He rolled over and up onto his feet from the


“What? When did you have time to get me anything?”

Naked, Eli made a quick trek over to his dresser and pulled the manila envelope he’d

stashed there the day before from the drawer. He strolled back to the bed and plopped onto the

end of the mattress. Shayne’s gaze fell to the item in Eli’s hand.

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“What’s is it?”

“This…” Eli held it up. “Is something I thought about doing right after I came back from

my vacation. I felt like such an ass for how I’d left things, and I knew you’d never want anything

from me directly.” Eli passed it over to Shayne. “Take a look.” Eli’s gut clenched.

Confusion darkened Shayne’s gaze. “I can’t even imagine…” Shayne lifted the metal

tabs holding the envelope closed and pulled the paper clipped stack of documents free. He

studied the cover page, and then read the words aloud. “This is to notify you that the Rebecca

Ann Matthews Scholarship fund has been established.”

Shayne dropped the papers onto the covers and glanced up, his mouth open. “Oh my

God… How…?” He glanced down at the package then back to Eli. “I can’t believe you did this.”

Eli’s pulse raced. “Is that a good ‘I can’t believe’?”

“Yes!” Shayne crawled across the mattress and grabbed Eli into a tight embrace. “You

stun me sometimes. You’re so gruff, but then you’ll turn around and say or do something so

incredibly thoughtful.”

“Well, don’t let that get around, okay?” Eli swallowed the lump in his throat back down.

“I have my badass image to think of.”

Shayne laughed.

“That’s right.” Shayne lowered onto his knees. “That combination of Armani mixed with

dark warrior does work for you. It’s part of the reason why I fell for you in the first place.”

“Then I definitely don’t want to change a damn thing.”

“No. You don’t.” Shayne shot him a sexy grin.

“I wanted to do something for you in honor of your mother. And in a way, it felt like I

was paying tribute to mine in the process. From what others have told me about my mother over

the years, I think she would have liked the idea. If you want to go back to school one day, we’ll

make it happen. But if you don’t, this way we’ve done something that will help others with their


“I like it.” Shayne beamed. “I like it a lot.”

“Excellent.” Eli squared his shoulders. He didn’t know how Shayne did it, but one smile,

and the guy made Eli feel a foot taller.

“So… is Silas going to be okay with a human living here?” Shayne tossed his arms

around Eli’s neck.

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“Does that mean you’re staying, and you’re not too freaked out to live inside a

community of shifters?” Eli narrowed his gaze on his lover.

“Where else would a cat’s mate live?”

A low purr vibrated off Eli’s throat. “My mate?”

“You can purr?” Shayne eyes widened.

“Stay on the subject, human.”

Shayne laughed. “What was the subject, mate?”

“That. What you called me.”

“Don’t you call your life partner—your mate?”

“We do.”

“Then if I’m yours—as you’ve said a couple of times very recently—and you’re moving

me in, I think that makes me your mate.”

Eli’s cock twitched, and he couldn’t help the grin he knew had the corner of his mouth

curling. He tackled Shayne, knocking him onto his back. Eli gripped the male’s chin between his

thumb and forefinger.

“Damn right it does.”

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About the Author

Jessica Lee lives in the southeastern United States with her husband and son. She loves writing

and can’t wait for that quiet time each day when her son is in school, and she can get lost in

another place and world with the fantastical, sexy creatures in her head. She’s a member of

Romance Writers of America, Carolina Romance Writers, and EPIC.

Jessica Lee loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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Want to read more Ariel Estates?

Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

On Thin Ice (Ariel Estates, Book One)
by Jessica Lee

Silas Murdock, lion Pride Leader of Ariel Estates, is on the trip of a lifetime, big game hunting
with his entourage in Alaska. Everything had been perfect right up until a freak storm barreled
into the area ruining their plans followed by an assassin’s bullet plummeting them into the frozen

Enter wolf shifter and former pack physician, Theodor Lucas. Returning from a trip to a nearby
village, he witnesses the crash and finds the wreckage along with an unconscious and barely
alive Silas. Theo’s ethical sense won’t allow him to walk away, leaving the male to suffer and
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never be responsible for another soul, Theo takes the lone survivor back to his cabin to care for
his injuries.

The stranger’s unusual scent has Theo stumped. The gorgeous male is definitely not human, but
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who he is, and why their pilot ended up with a bullet to the back.

There’s just one problem: now that the male is awake, he doesn’t have a clue. In fact, who, what,
and where he is, is a total blank. But for Silas, there is one thing he does know for sure: when it
comes to Theo, his hot-as-hell rescuer, a lifesaver has never looked more delicious.

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with a pierced nose and green streaks in his hair, but the man's gentleness in feeding the water
fowl strikes a chord with him. In this story of Swan Prince meets Cinderfella, two men from
different backgrounds have to find a way to counter magic and divergent lifestyles to find their
happy ending.

Bedtime Story for a Stolen Child by Anna Mayle

Stolen Child Series, Book One

Stolen away from his cradle as a child, Leinad has been a plaything of the Faerie for thirty years.
He has been broken and put back together so many times that he cannot even remember what he
used to be. He has given up all hope of escape, until a soft breeze through his cell leads him
home, only to find out that home has gone on without him. A man with Leinad’s face is there in
his place, with his siblings, acting out his life. A changeling. The creature who enabled his
imprisonment and torture for all those years.

Daniel Tessel is a thirty year old folklorist. He is meeting his brother and sister at their family
cabin, to spend the anniversary of their parent’s deaths together. His biggest worry is the séance
his little sister is insisting on, and trying to stave off her inevitable disappointment. That is, until

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he looks up during the ritual to see his own face watching him from the window. He is pulled
into the consequences of a plot he cannot even remember, accused of stealing his own life.
Confused, angry, and frightened beyond reason, Daniel tries to escape from Leinad, but there is
something pulling them together.

Revenge and passion are two very similar things. Blood sings, lust and tempers rise, and before
they know it, neither is quite sure who the real monster is anymore. Or if it will even matter in
the end.

Feral Lust by Mia Watts

As a third son of an Earl, Mr. Michael Hastings hasn’t a title or lands. Since a title comes with
responsibilities, Michael needs only money to leave the prying eyes behind and live a quiet
life—with another man.

Country recluse Viscount Lord Atherton is the bearer of a family curse. He must wed and
conceive an heir before his birthday, or live with the painful physical changes that turn him from
man to wolf, several times a month. But Atherton has another dangerous secret. His attraction to
men could place him at the end of the hangman’s noose for sodomy.

Atherton pays Hastings to help him find a wife by Christmas. Yet the more time Atherton spends
with Hastings, the more he wants to know. And when Hastings displays a lust for sex play that
rivals his own, can Atherton trust Hastings enough to share the truth behind his quest? As
Atherton loses his heart where he least expects it, he wonders if he can fulfill his destiny, or face
a lifetime of pain from the curse?

The Mark of Cain
by Cash Cole

After a night of hot sex with an elusive Native American, Gage is left with a bullet wound and a
scarred shoulder from where a panther slashed him. The New Orleans police tell Gage that his
lover morphing from man to beast is highly improbable and that whoever broke into his hotel
room left no trace evidence, but Gage knows he hasn’t imagined any of this. He starts with the
only clue he has, the name of a town in Oklahoma where his lover said he was born. But can he
track down sexy Cain, who is in witness protection, before the assassins find and kill them both?

by SW Vaughn

Devlin Island Series: Book One

Sully Shaw is one of three – a coven of gay male witches on Devlin Island, charged with
protecting the place from the ancient gate between worlds, deep in the woods, that sometimes
lets evil things escape. Sully’s job is to banish demons and spirits – which works for him,

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because after his last disastrous relationship, he’d rather not deal with people. Until a gorgeous
stranger crashes on his private beach and needs his help.

Troy Landry was just out for a vacation, and maybe a fling, on Devlin Island. What he didn’t
bargain for was crashing his boat on the beach, finding a hot naked man who claims to be a
witch, and getting possessed by a demon who takes over his body when he falls asleep. The
demon can’t be driven out until dawn – so Troy and Sully have to stay awake all night long. Lots
of sex helps. But when they start falling for each other, incredible sex might not be enough to
overcome Troy’s insecurities, Sully’s past trauma, and a demon bent on releasing its brethren
and killing any mortal who stands in its way.

Moon Princess
by Suzanne Graham

As Celina Maddock left the office on a Friday evening, her coworker jumped into her car and
demanded she get on the highway and drive fast after their sizzling kiss in the parking lot. She
never imagined she’d get the gorgeous Barrett Osborn ordering her around; however, when he
starts talking about Shadows, werewolves, and werebears, she becomes a little worried about his
mental health.

When Barrett’s lover, Stan Varka, offers his assistance in escaping the Shadows, Celina goes
along with their strange story about shapeshifters, because finding herself the center of their
attention becomes extremely erotic.

Once they’ve finished their night of playacting, Celina doesn’t think she could possibly have a
future with these two amazing lovers¼until they convince her that she really is the Moon
Princess and the only hope for establishing peace between the wolves and the bears.

Ryland’s Sacrifice
by Kim Dare

Principles don’t pay tuition fees. When Ryland’s math scholarship disappears overnight, he has
two choices. He can borrow money from fellow student Jason Burrows, who has very interesting
ways of collecting debts. Or, he can volunteer to be thrown to the werelions.

One night spent playing the part of a willing human sacrifice will give him enough money to
finish his PhD. It seems like a good deal-right up until the moment he finds himself naked,
blindfolded, bound and surrounded by lions.

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