Zamień na mowę zależną

Zamień na mowę zależną

 Zadanie 1


1. 'Where were you?' my father wanted to know.

My father wanted to know, where ..............


2. 'I am driving my car now.', I said to her.

I said to her that ............... my own car then.


3. I shouted: 'It hasn't been snowing for the last ten years!'

I shouted that it hadn't been snowing for ....................


4. He told me: 'She has already been married to Jack'

He told me that she .................. to Jack.


5. 'Don't use this machine.' said the notice

The notice said ............... machine.


6. 'I will be washing my new car.' Kate said happily

Kate said happily that she  ............... her new car.


7. 'I wish I had more money' he said

He said that he .................. more money


8. 'I will spend my holiday in Italy' he thought

He thought that he .......... holiday in Italy.


9. 'Don't argue with me.' said the man

The man said ............ with .........


10. 'My wife was cooking it for a long time.' said John to his guests.

John said to his guests that ...... wife ................ it for a long time.


11. He remarked: 'We are not going to tolerate his behaviour.'

He remarked that .................. to tolerate his behaviour.


12. 'You have promised to call her' he reminded me.

He reminded me that I .............. to call her.


13. 'I wish they had gone home earlier.' John said

John said that he ............. home earlier.


14. 'Mary has been crying for the last few minutes' he noticed

He noticed that Mary .............. for the previous few minutes.


15. 'I would rather you didn't shout at her.' my mother said.

My  mother said that she would rather ............. at her.


16. John said: 'I don't like my neighbour Bob.

John said that he neighbour Bob.


17. I asked him: 'Did you study maths in the past?'

I asked him .............. maths in the past.


18. 'I will go shopping if my mother doesn't come back at 2 o'clock.' the girl said

The girl said that she ............ shopping if her mother ..................... back at 2 o'clock.


19. They small boy shouted: 'He is drowning!'

They small boy shouted that ........................


20. 'I will never be late again.' said the boy to his girlfriend

The boy said to his girlfriend that he ............... late again.


21. 'My father has been smoking for many years now.' said John

John said that his father had been smoking for ................


22. 'Go to the cinema with me.'I asked my friend

I asked my friend .............. to the cinema with me.


23. Kate said: 'My mother was cleaning the house for a long time.'

Kate said that her mother .................. the house for a long time.


24. 'I have already fix that old car', said my friend.

My friend said that he ............... that old car.


25. Kate mentioned: 'They will  not be painting my room next week'.

Kate mentioned that they would not be painting that room .............


26. 'Last night I slept and I didn't hear the phone.' he said.

He said that the ................ he ............... and he hadn't heard the phone.


27. They asked: 'Who is responsible for that accident?'

They asked ................... for that accident.


28. 'Will you do that for me?' she asks

She asked .............. do that for her.


29. 'Mary has been looking for her keys for many hours'. said Jack

Jack said that Mary ................... for her keys for many hours.


30. 'How old are you?' they asked me

They asked me how old ................


31. Henry told me 'Tom will be watching TV all night.'

Henry told me that Tom ............. TV all night.


32. The teacher ordered: 'Be quiet children!'

The teacher ordered children ................


33. 'Why the train has been canceled?' the people asked

The people asked ............. had been canceled.


34. Jack mentions: 'We don't have time for that'

Jack mentions that they ............... time for that.


35. 'I was working all night yesterday' said the bodyguard

The bodyguard said that ................... all night the .............


36. 'Lend me your pen, please.' said Mary

Mary asked me to borrow .............pen.


37. He told me: 'I didn't ask my boss for a pay raise'.

He told me that he ............... his boss for a pay raise.


38. 'Will you be reading this book tomorrow?' she asked

She asked ............ that book the next day.


39. 'I wish it would rain.' said the man

The man said he ............. rain


40. 'Will my sister be traveling around the world next month?' asks the child

The child asks if his sister ................... around the world following month.


41. I told my parents: 'Every weekend I study English'.

I told my parents that I ................ English every weekend.


42. He says: „ Roberta ironed your shirt yesterday'.

He says that Roberta ........... my shirt ............


43. 'Call me if you like'.  he told me

He told me ............. if I liked.


44. ' How could you be so rude to her!' she screamed.

She screamed ............... so rude to her.


45. 'She was fishing for five hours two days ago' said my father.

My father said that she .................. for five hours two days ...........


46. 'Hurry up and take your clothes': my mother shouted

My mother shouted ................ and take my clothes.


47. The policeman says: 'You are crossing the street in a wrong place'.

 The policeman says that I ............... the street in a wrong place.


48. 'Could I use you car?' he asked me

He asked me ............ my car.


49. Mark claimed: 'He hasn't been driving this morning'.

Mark claimed that he ............ driving .......... morning.


50. She said: 'Don't come again.

She said ............. again.


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