03 The Sneaky, Unnoticable Ways That Women Test Men

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RUCA  System  The  Sneaky,  Unnoticeable  Ways  That  Women  Test  Men   1  


The  Sneaky,  Unnoticeable  Ways  That  Women  
Test  Men  


I don’t know how much experience you have with women. But if you’ve ever talked
to a woman sometime during your life, chances are big that she has tested you in one
way or the other.

The tests she will put you through can vary, and will do so. Here are a couple of tests
that she will probably put you through in a nightclub (the correct answer to give on
each test will follow):

Buy me a drink!

What answer should you give here? It depends on the situation. But think like this: If
a guy you didn’t know told you to buy him a drink, would you do it? Hell no.
Probably, you’d ask what the fuck was wrong with him. You should have the same
mindset when talking to girls. What gives her the right to ask you questions like that?
Who is she, the Queen of England? (Even if she were the queen, I’d tell her to fuck

I’m not going to tell you what to say in a situation like that, it’s up to you. But here
are some examples of what I would say. Then you can think for yourself:

- Buy me a drink! (her)
- What will I get out of it, will you suck my dick afterwards?

- Buy me a drink! (her)
- I don’t buy people drinks I don’t know..tell me, why should I?

- Buy me a drink! (her)
- Get the fuck out of here, bitch!

What you want to establish here is that you don’t accept the way she’s talking to you.
She’s stepping over the line. And when you have some integrity and self-respect
(which you show when you answer her like this), not only can you walk with a
straight spine, but she will become more attracted to you.

In reality, you will have passed her test.

But here’s how I want you to look at tests: I don’t want you to see her sneaky tests as
tests you need to pass to make her attracted. If you have that mindset, you approach
this whole thing from the wrong angle. It really means that you still value her more
than yourself. So instead of trying to pass her tests for the sake of passing them, just
call her out on bad behavior like you would if a guy where talking to you. See her as a
human being who is disrespectful, not as a pure, innocent angel who you must

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Realize that she’s the weak and you’re the strong. Not the other way around. She
can’t hurt you. She can’t knock you out. She’s a weak little woman with a big fucking
mouth and an arrogant attitude who takes every opportunity she can get to humiliate
and disrespect you. That type of behavior has to end. Not because you want to make
her attracted, but because it’s the only sensible thing to do.

The funny thing is though, when you do call her out on bad behavior, that’s when
she’ll get attracted as well.

Women love to see you fail her tests. It’s an ego-boost to them, they know they can
control you, and they know you have no sense of self-respect. They feel like they
have the power, and that you look up to her so much that you don’t even dare to call
her out on obvious disrespectful behavior. In simple terms, it says to her that you
think she’s a goddess.

The trouble with this though (even though THEY love it when you fail), is that they
will not love YOU for it. Actually, they will despise you. You have to realize that
women have a lot less empathy for other human being’s than we men do. That might
sound harsh, or that I’m bashing women. And yeah, you’re right. But there is a simple
explanation of why that is:

Women (especially good-looking ones) have never dealt with being rejected in their
whole lives. They have never approached a guy asking for his number. And because
of that, she can’t possibly know what it’s like to have another person tell you to fuck
off because you’re an ugly cocksucker, right after you’ve opened yourself up and put
yourself on the line. And even when women approach guys, a guy would NEVER say
something like that. But a woman has no problem with it. She feels no empathy for
you or for any other human being whatsoever (at least not in the same league as we
men do).

You might say then ”But women are emotional creatures...if they don’t feel empathy,
how come they cry so much?”

I love that you asked me that. You see, first of all, a woman can control her tears. It
sounds really fucked up, but it’s true. Just because a woman is crying doesn’t mean
that she’s really feeling anything. She cries on command.

And second of all, 99% of the time, she’s not crying out of empathy for someone else.
She’s crying because she’s not getting her way, or to get you to feel bad for
something that wasn’t even your fault. Trust me on this, I’ve talked with many, many
women and most of them have agreed that this is true (the rest of them is lying of

But to get back on testing itself! Women love it when you fail, but they’ll get attracted
when you pass. That’s the difference. The first one is an ego boost for them, which
they will love (but not love you for), the second one is a reality check for them, but
also the biggest attraction-generator you can have on your side.

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RUCA  System  The  Sneaky,  Unnoticeable  Ways  That  Women  Test  Men   3  


And what you’re going to realize is that once you’ve passed their test once, she will
become addicted to testing you. This is because she gets more and more attracted
every time you pass her tests, and it makes her heart beat faster and faster. After a
while (it can take five minutes or it can take twenty-five), she’s going to want to jump
your bones.

And it has nothing to do with you being a nice, respectable and friendly person whom
she can feel comfortable around. Comfort doesn’t build attraction. Putting her in her
place, showing who’s boss and telling her what a cunt she is for raising her voice at
you, does.

This is the reality, whether you like it or not. And even though you’re not comfortable
with calling out bad behavior in people, whether they’re men or women, right now,
you will after this program is done. At least, you’ll be well on you way.

I realize I went off a little bit there. But what I’ve just told you is very, very
important. Simply, don’t pass women’s tests for the sake of passing them, do it
because she’s acting like a cunt, and because it’s unacceptable behavior to you.

Here are some more examples of how she will test you (my answers will follow).

I can’t go sit with you, I have to be with my friends

Answer: If a guy would say this to you, you’d probably reply with ”Ok then, go fuck
yourself then”. But when talking to a woman, you want to get something out of the
conversation. You want to get laid. Therefore, you don’t give up as easily. But still,
you don’t want to lose your frame and be toyed with. Also, you don’t ever want to
chase a woman around, because once you’re the chaser, she’s the one calling the
shots. (Obviously, there are shy and conservative girls as well, and when you’re
interacting with one of those, you might have to chase a little bit to get what you
want. After you’ve slept with her though, that’s when you stop chasing and you let
her do the chasing instead.)

To get back on track: What I would answer here is ”It’s cool, I don’t care about your
friends, come here…” (”I don’t care” means that you’re calling the shots. You’re not
thinking about her feelings, you’re thinking about what you want. That’s what you
should do, and as a bonus, it is very attractive as well.)

Then you drag her with your arms. If she’s resisting or saying something like ”Don’t
touch me”, simply move on or tell her something like ”Ok, you’re out bitch”, then
move on. You got no time to waste on chicks that are resisting too much. They can
still be interested in you and just are very resistant out of fear of seeming ”too easy”,
or she’s not interested at all. Either way, we got no time for chicks like that. There are
other girls in the club and we got no time to waste.

Here’s another line that you’ll get quite a lot:

Are you a player?

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Answer: This is a test masked as an innocent question. Questions like these are not as
obvious as tests like ”Buy me a drink”, but still...they need to be handled. When she
asks you if you’re a player, she wants to see your reaction. She wants to see how
manipulated you are and if you see her as an innocent angel or not.

I am very honest when talking to girls. I have nothing to hide, because I simply don’t
give a shit what she thinks or what she answers. Therefore, I would say either ”Yes”,
or if I felt like being a little funny I’d say ”No, I’m the sweetest lovemaking nice-guy
marriage material wanker you’ll ever meet”.
It’s obviously a lie since I went on and on with it. And replying with a sarcastic line
like this has a twofold effect:

First, it shows that you don’t care what she thinks of you. You can say that you’re a
sweet lovemaking wanker without giving a shit.

Second of all, it shows her that you ”get it”. She now knows that you know what she
wants, which is NOT a nice guy but a player who she cannot control. But you do it
without coming out directly and saying it (which might be interpreted as ”faking it” or
trying to show off). What you did was communicating that you know what she wants,
you’re the guy who’s going to give it to her, but still you don’t give a shit about the
outcome. You got options.

And all those things are exactly what you want to communicate. That’s what she’s
looking for.

But I say it again: You don’t care what she’s looking for. You only care what
YOU’RE looking for. And once you really have this mindset down, you’ll naturally
pass every single test she puts on you. Once you reach that level, seduction becomes
as easy as buying a snickers bar at the supermarket. It’ll set you free.

There are so many other tests women do that I could probably write 1000 pages just
filling it up with testing questions or statements. The specific things she says is not
important. What’s important is that as soon as you recognize something being said
having a disrespectful or demeaning tone to it, you can be sure it is a test. You don’t
even have to think ”Oh, this is a test”. Actually, you shouldn’t. You should talk to her
like a normal person, and you should demand that she respects you at all times. If not,
you call her out on it.

In Module 2 of this program, we’re going to talk about setting principles for yourself.
These principles are going to help you tackle every single test that can be put on you,
without you having to think about it. But that’s for later. Right now we still have lots
of fundamentals to cover.





Copyright © 2013 RuthlessPickup.com



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