Midnight Secrets of Shadow Midnight 2nd Edition Errata

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M2E: Errata and Clarifications


The scale of the maps is 500 miles per inch.

Chapter 1: Races of


Erunsil Racial Traits: Erunsil (snow) elves treat icewood
bows as martial weapons, rather than as exotic weapons.

Chapter 2: Heroic Paths

Table vs. Description Conflicts: Where the description of a
heroic path ability conflicts with the Abilities by Level
table, the table is correct.

Ability Bonuses: Whenever a heroic path grants an ability
bonus, it provides a +1 inherent bonus to the character’s
current ability score. So for instance, when a Northblooded
character reaches 10th level, she gains a +1 inherent bonus
to Constitution. This bonus stacks with the +1 inherent
bonus to Constitution she gained at 5th level, for a total
inherent bonus of +2.

Giantblooded (pg. 58): At character creation, when deter-
mining the giantblooded’s height and weight, multiply his
height and weight by 1.5 to determine his actual final height
and weight. At 10th and 20th level his height and weight
increase by 50%.

Pureblood (pg. 65): Only Erenlander characters may be
take this heroic path.

Quickened (pg. 66): The level 11 and level 16 abilities
should read “+2 bonus to initiative.” When the quickened
character uses his burst of speed ability, he may move his
base speed before or after making a full attack, superseding
the normal rule that a character cannot move farther than 5
feet in the same round he performs a full-round action.

Seer (pg. 68): Divination 1/day at 14th level should be
replaced by find the path 1/day.

Speaker (pg. 68): The DC for the speaker’s power words is
10 + spell level + speaker’s Charisma modifier.

“Word of Immobilization” should be “Word of Holding.”

Spellsoul (pg. 70): The spellsoul may affect spell-like abili-
ties as well as spells, so long as he is aware of the ability
being used and it is not quickened.

Shadow Walker (pg. 70): The shadow walker must be
unrestrained (and able to actually “step into” the shadows)
in order to use his shadow jump ability. If he is chained,
grappled, pinned, or paralyzed he must first escape his
bonds, succeed at an opposed grapple check, escape the pin,
or somehow remove the paralysis before using his ability.

Also, the hide in plain sight ability is as per the wildlander
ability of the same name, but instead of being able to use it
in natural terrain, the shadow walker may use the ability
(hiding even while observed) any time he is in shadowy or
darker illumination.

Steelblooded (pg. 71): “Improved Weapon Focus” and
“Improved Weapon Specialization” should be “Greater
Weapon Focus” and “Greater Weapon Specialization.”

Warg (pg. 73): The level 13 ability, Ferocity, is the same as
the wild boar extraordinary ability in the MM.

Chapter 3: Core Classes

Charismatic Channeler (pg. 80): All references to inspire
freedom and supreme freedom should be replaced with
inspire confidence and greater confidence, respectively.

Defender (pg. 83): As a clarification, a defender with speed
training still cannot move more than 5 ft. if he takes a full-
round action (unlike a quickened character, whose ability is
limited by a number of rounds and uses per day). Adefender
that performs a full attack action, for instance, could use his
extra move action to stand from prone, close a door, draw a
weapon, or pick up an item; he could not use it to move his
base speed. Alternatively, if the defender took a double
move, he could use this ability to move even farther; if he
moved and then attacked once as a standard action, he could
use this ability to move away again (possibly provoking
attacks of opportunity from his opponent).

Fighter (pg. 85): As a clarification, unlike the other war-
riors’ ways, a fighter who chooses the Leader of Men war-
rior’s way must meet all the prerequisites for those feats.

Also as a clarification, fighters who choose the Adapter war-
rior’s way and choose to increase their number of skill points
per level gain 5 skill points per level for each subsequent

Secrets of Shadow

Midnight 2nd Ed: Errata & Clarifications

Updated 11/8/05

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fighter level; the increased skill points are not retroactive,
nor do they apply to just 4th level. If the fighter chooses to
increase his skill points per level again at 10th level, he sub-
sequently gains 6 skill points per fighter level, and so on.

Wildlander Table 3–4 (pg. 87): The wildlander may use
hunter’s strike 5/day at 20th level, not 4/day.

Wildlander Traits (pg. 88): Some wildlander traits list other
wildlander traits as prerequisites; however, there may be
core classes, prestige classes, or other sources that offer
abilities that are identical to wildlander prerequisites (for
instance, the warg heroic path grants wild empathy, and the
rogue core class grants evasion). These abilities may, at the
GM’s discretion, qualify as the identical wildlander trait for
the purposes of fulfilling wildlander trait prerequisites. If
this is allowed, however, the following level prerequisites
should be added to each trait:

—Tier 2 traits gain “Wildlander level 2” as a pre

—Tier 3 traits that have one tier 1 ability and one
tier 2 ability as prerequisites gain “Wildlander level
8” as a prerequisite

—Tier 3 traits that have another tier 3 ability as a
prerequisite gain “Wildlander level 11” as a prerequisite

Chapter 4: Prestige Classes

Avenging Knife, Security Breach (pg. 97): Replace “the
DC of this skill check is determined by consulting the table
below” with “the DC of this skill check is equal to the Hide
DC to blend in while in the area (see Hide, pg. 118).”

Bane of Legates class skill list (pg. 99): The bane of
legate’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Gather
Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Profession
(Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Survival

Freerider Special Mount (pg. 104): The horse that a
freerider gains is a Sarcosan warhorse.

Freerider Devastating Attack (pg. 122): As a clarification,
if a freerider with the devastating attack ability has the
Devastating Mounted Assault feat, he still suffers the normal
–5 penalty on iterative attacks; he simply does not suffer the
additional –5 penalty on interative attacks made while on a
mount that is performing a single move or a charge (making
such attacks is normally impossible, but the ability is grant-
ed by the Devastating Mounted Assault feat.

Chapter 5: Player Options

Feats, Crafting Spell Talismans (pg. 121-122): As a clari-
fication, the amount of time and effort to craft a spell talis-
man or greater spell talisman depends on the item’s gp value
(those values are found on pg. 306 in the DM’s section).

Spell talismans are magical. The caster level (such as for the
purposes of astirax detection, saving throws, dispelling, etc.)
for spell talismans is equal to the minimum caster level
required to cast the spell for which the talisman is designed.
The caster level for greater spell talismans is 3rd for those
that cost 25,000 gp, 5th for those that cost 40,000 gp, and
8th for those that cost 75,000 gp.

Magecraft (pg. 126): Normally, characters can cast a num-
ber of 0-level spells per day equal to 3 + their spellcasting
ability modifier without suffering spell damage or using
spell energy. If the character exceeds this limit, treat all 0-
level spells as 1st-level spells for purposes of spell energy
and spell damage.

Spell Level (pg. 128): The rules for the maximum level of
spell that may be learned do not apply to the 1st-level spell
learned when taking the Magecraft feat.

Creating Charms (pg. 139): As a clarification, in addition
to the skill prerequisites for creating the various levels of
charms, characters must have the Craft Charm feat to create

Herbalism (pg. 139): As a clarification, in addition to need-
ing to gather and prepare the ingredients, characters must
have the Herbalist feat to create them.

Weapons [Tack whip] (pg. 145): Tack whips are more dan-
gerous versions of farmer’s ropes whose bits, jangles, and
studs can actually be used to inflict damage. They look like
little more than tangles of bit, bridle and other tack for a
beast of burden, such that Spot checks made to notice
weapons with a casual glance and Search checks made to
find weapons amidst a pile of other gear both suffer a –8

Animals (pg. 148): Details on adult and immature wogren
can be found in chapter twelve, pg. 332–333. Sarcosan hors-
es are light warhorses (see MM) with maximum possible hit
points, +5 ft. to speed, 15 Dexterity, and 16 Constitution.
More advanced rules for Sarcosan-bred horses may be
found in Star and Shadow.

Chapter 9: Kaladruns & Coast

Mithral in Midnight (pg. 244): Mithral in M



bines the best attributes of mithril and adamantine from
D&D 3.5, not D&D 3.0. This means that all mithral items
weigh half as much as the same items made from other met-
als, and that weapons and armor fashioned from mithral are


M2E: Errata and Clarifications

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always masterwork items. Additionally, mithral in M


has 40 hits points per inch of thickness and and hardness 20.

Mithral weapons ignore hardness less than 20 for the pur-
poses of sundering or damaging other items.

The spell failure chance for armor made from mithral is
decreased by 10%, the maximum dexterity bonus is
increased by 2, and armor check penalties are lessened by 3
(to a minimum of 0). Armor made from mithral has has sev-
eral additional traits, including:

—Light armor made from mithral grants its wearer damage
reduction 1/—.

—Medium armor made from mithral grants its wearer dam-
age reduction 2/— and is considered to be light armor.

—Heavy armor made from mithral grants its wearer damage
reduction 3/— and is considered to be light armor.

Chapter 12: Running Midnight

Spell Talismans (pg. 306): The example given using the
fireball is in error. Acharacter with a spell talisman (fire-
ball) would expend four points of spell energy, rather than
the normal five, when casting a fireball.

Oruks are still core creatures in M








Large Giant
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (half-plate); base 30 ft.
AC: 16 (–1 size, +2 natural, +5 breastplate)
Attacks: Greataxe +6 melee or javelin +1 ranged
Damage: Greataxe 3d6+6 or javelin 1d8+4
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity,

orc/ogre blood

Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +3, Spot +3
Feats: Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2–4), squad (11–20

plus two 3rd-level sergeants and one leader of 3rd-6th-level),
or band (20–80 plus 100% noncombatantas plus one 3rd-
level sergeant per 10 adults, five 5th-level lieutenants, and
three 7th-level captains)

Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Advancement: By character class

Oruks, also called elite orcs or greater orcs, are the

much larger kin of normal orcs. They usually reach well over
eight feet tall but closely resemble normal orcs in all ways

except build: oruks are much stronger and stockier. It is
believed that oruks are the result of the union of a male orc
and a female ogre.

In contrast to lesser orcs, oruks are highly disciplined

and straightforward. The oruks of Aryth were bred to lead
their lesser cousins in battle, although they often segregate
themselves into all-oruk military units once battle is joined.
Oruk military units are highly organized, tactically superior,
and far more dangerous than those of normal orcs. Such oruk
units formed the vanguard of Izrador’s armies during the Last
Battle, and they proved devastating to the defending human,
elf, and dwarf units. Oruks do not separate themselves into
their own clans, despite their tendency to self-segregate while
in an orc army. Oruks speak Orcish (3) and Black Tongue.


Oruks prefer weapons that deal massive amounts of

damage. They try to avoid subterfuge, favoring direct combat
to any other tactics.

Light Sensitivity (Ex): Oruks suffer a –1 penalty to

attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a day-
light spell.

Orc/Ogre Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and

effects, an oruk is considered an orc or ogre. Oruks, for exam-
ple, can use special ogre or orc weapons or magic items with
racially specific ogre or orc powers as if they were ogres or

Oruks as Characters

— +8 Strength, +4 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, –2
— Large size
— Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
— Darkvision out to 60 ft.
— Racial Hit Dice: An oruk begins with three levels of
giant, which provide 3d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of
+2, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +1, and
Will +1.
— Racial Skills: An oruk’s giant levels give it skill points
equal to 7 x (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1). Its class skills
are Climb, Knowledge (northern reaches), Listen, Speak
Language, and Spot.
— Racial Feats: An oruk’s giant levels give it 1 feat.
— Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An oruk is automatically
proficient with simple and martial weapons, with light and
medium armor, and wish shields. Oruks also gain weapon
familiarity with all vardatch variations.
— +2 natural armor bonus.
— Automatic Languages: Black Tongue and Orcish. Bonus
Languages: High Elven, Erenlander, Norther, Old Dwarven.
— Favored Class: Fighter.
— Level adjustment: +2


Encounter Key (pg. 390): Replace “Winter Wolf” with

“Krenshar,” and give the Krenshar the cold subtype.


M2E: Errata and Clarifications


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