How to draw RAPUNZEL

How to Draw Rapunzel

Step 1.

 Draw a large or medium sized circle for her head. Now the size of the head is going to be based on preference which means you can make it as big, or as small as you want the image to be. Next, add the facial guidelines, and then draw the lines for the neck and torso.


Step 2.

 Begin sketching out the shape of Rapunzal's face like you see here. This is a combination of her cheek, jawline, and chin. When that is done, you can add the lining for her mouth, nose, and eyes. This Disney character has some big eyes that are really expressive.


Step 3.

 It's now time to sketch out her pretty long hair that has a slight lift to it along the front roots. When you begin drawing out her hair, don't forget to make it look full, and straight. Next, draw the eyebrows, and then finish sketching out Rapunzal's pretty big eyes including lashes and all. Finish drawing her mouth, and teeth, and then incorporate the shape of her ear with the lining for her face. Lastly, color in the inside of her mouth, and then draw the shape of her neck, and some of her right arm.


Step 4.

 You are almost done with this lesson. Here you will begin sketching out the shape of her blouse or the top of her dress. The shoulders or sleeves are a bit puffy, and snug around the arm like so. Add some ruffle for the neck line, and then draw out some of her right arm and hand which is clutching onto a bowl of some sorts. Lastly, draw the shape of her bowl.


Step 5.

 For your last drawing step, all you have to do is finish off her hand, and then finish her bowl. Notice how the bottom of the bowl is drawn, and how I drew in her knuckles. Add a collar bone, and then erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one.


Step 6.

 When your drawing is all cleaned up and ready to color, you should end up with a sketch that looks just like the one you see here. Now all you have to do is color her. I hope you had fun drawing Rapunzal.



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