The problems in theÞscription and classification of vovels

  1. The problems in the description and classification of vowels

  1. They are similar to approximants

  2. All are voiced

  3. There is no obstruction, turbulence, friction and narrowing

  1. Parameters typically used for the description and classification of English vowels.

  1. The source of energy

  2. The front-back position of the tongue

  3. Rhotacization

  4. The shape of the lips




e)The highest point of the tongue

f)The position of the soft palate (only in Polish [Ä…] and [Ä™]- it is lowered, so they are nasalized)

g)The length of the vowel



  1. Cardinal vowels-idealized abstract points circumscribing the vowel space

Cardinal vowels are a set of reference vowels used by phoneticians in describing the sounds of languages. A cardinal vowel is a vowel sound produced when the tongue is in an extreme position, either front or back, high or low. The current system was systematised by Daniel Jones in the early 20th century, though the idea goes back to earlier phoneticians, notably Ellis and Bell.

Three of the cardinal vowels, [i], [É‘] and [u] have articulatory definitions. [i] is produced with the tongue as far forward and as high in the mouth as is possible (without producing friction), with spread lips. [u] is produced with the tongue as far back and as high in the mouth as is possible, with pursed lips.


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