At Gone Wrong by whereSilencebegins

The Bet

When Ed had made the bet, he was so sure he would win, even the horrifying result the office came up with for him when he lost hadn't even phased him. Because he was so sure he wasn't wrong.

Except he was wrong. Horrifyingly, terribly wrong.

As a result of being so fucking wrong and god damn stupid he was standing in front of the bar frequented mostly by officers from the military headquarters just down the street, neon lights advertising beer and a good time blinding him. He didn't care that he was under age or shorter than every single one of the patrons in there (his body had never decided that it would take the effort to grow so that even at eighteen he still only stood at a measly 5'6) No, none of that mattered. It didn't even matter that he actually hated alcohol and everything that came with it. No, the reason he was standing before said bar and glaring fit t burn the place down as because he was standing there *gulp*…in drag.

Yes, he, Edward Elric, the formidable and number one badass of Central, Fullmetal Alchemist was dressed like a fucking girl.

It was such a stupid bet and he had been so convinced that he had proudly walked right into it and landed flat on his face. He had thought it was common sense and he had thought he had tons of that. He prided himself in being one of the smartest alchemists out there. And yet, look where pride had landed him. That's right, in a skirt and high heels, that's where, ready to walk into a place with mostly drunk co-workers and all because he had lost a STUPID BET.

Really, who knew his superior officer and (although apparently this wasn't true) lady's man of Central was gay.

Well, Ed sure as hell didn't but apparently he had been the only one.

How was he supposed to know the man who seemed to have a date with a new woman every other day, who wasted work hours to talk to "lady friends" on the phone, who had every single female falling all over themselves so he would look at them, though that last one wasn't really Roy's fault but still, actually wanted nothing to do with women? There was no evidence that he has seen that the man preferred, well, men. And he had said so when he had heard Havoc and Breda talking amongst themselves that morning. They had stared at him for a moment, surprised and he had thought for a minute that he had them. But then Havoc had barked a rather alarming laugh and asked if he was serious. Well, of course he was. He wouldn't have said anything if he wasn't.

"Major," that had been Hawkeye and her normally stoic face had been amused, "I believe it's true," she had deadpanned and Ed had laughed in her face, earning them the attention of the rest of the office, which included his younger brother, Al.

"He is not, guys, are you all fucking blind?!" he had shrieked, thinking they were all out of their minds and he had missed the looks he was getting because he was too busy laughing at the mere thought of Roy Mustang being GAY. Really, how stupid did they think he was, that he'd fall for that? Perhaps, if his stupid pride hadn't be laughing its ass off in his face, he would have seen the looks exchanged between Breda, Havoc and Riza and the rabid grins they were wearing (or in Riza's case, trying to suppress).

So then the bet. If Ed was right, well, he was allowed to laugh at them for thinking something so obviously ridiculous. If not, he had to dress himself like a girl, skirt, make up, the whole shebang and get himself into The Philosopher's Stone that night where everyone was going to be, relaxing and drinking. He agreed. He fucking agreed and laughed at them. Well, until Roy chose that moment to step out of his office and get pinned with the question.

"Hey, Colonel," it was Havoc, of course. Fucking jerk, thinking he was being all cool, "If I might ask you a question," Roy had looked at them all, taking in the curious (and knowing) faces then leaned against the door jamb, his eyes lingering on Ed's face the longest.

"Go ahead," smug bastard. There was no way he was gay, no way in hell. But right then, as Ed met those dark, slanted eyes, a cold finger of doubt had slithered into his chest.

"Well, we were just wondering, you know, curious about our beloved Colonel, about your sexual orientation," despite the awkward and potentially flammable subject, the question had been delivered smoothly and there had been no surprise or outrage on his face. There had been nothing but the cold arrogance Ed had come to know and expect from the older man. The black eyes had lingered on him for a moment before the shapely lips quirked almost as if he knew what had transpired.

"I believe the term is homosexual. Anything else?"

"No, that's all, sir, thank you," but Ed had been too busy dropping his jaw to the scuffed floor boards and staring at the dark haired man who offered him another cool smirk before slipping back into his office and closing the door. Ed had been good naturedly clapped on the back between guffaws and consolatory offers of sympathy at his loss. Al had looked at him with a "I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen" look and he had collapsed into his chair with Havoc giving him requests of what to wear over his shoulder and Fury and Breda snickering and giggling to themselves at the thought of seeing the Fullmetal alchemist dressed as a girl.

And he had tried to get out of it, he really did but black mail was a powerful thing and it seemed Al had dirt on his he would rather dress up in a fucking skirt than let everyone else find out.

So there he was, glaring at the door, blushing furiously and wishing he could just sink into the ground. It might not have been so bad if it had just been clothes but, oh, no, Al and Riza, who had come over that evening to "help" didn't do anything half assed and Ed actually looked like a fucking teenage girl. The skirt was this little plaid, pleated thing with lace around the edges which, seriously, who were they fooling, covered nothing. It barely covered his upper thighs and the shirt was this tight, black, button down thing that was open to expose his navel and had short puffy sleeves. He had tried to let them wear long sleeves as the metal limb kind of ruined the affect, as did the very manly muscles of his flesh arm. They had just glared at him. Long, thigh high boots adorned his legs, covering the fact his left leg was also made of metal automail and he had almost killed himself several times on the thin heels. A thick black choker wrapped around his neck and a matching band adorned his wrist. What was killing him was his hair, falling down his back in gentle waves from being in a braid all the time, the ends of the hair brushing the small of his back. It was bad enough he had soft features for a guy as it was, with wide gold eyes, long eye lashes, a full, somewhat pouty mouth (he fucking hated his mouth which was now highlighted by clear, cheery flavored lip gloss) and a finely tapered chin. The long hair just accentuated these features, brushing soft, tan skin. He had absolutely refused makeup, though Riza had assured him he didn't really need it (yup, that was a frickin' ego booster) except for the crap smeared on his mouth but they had forced him to put in all of his piercings, the three on the one ear, one on the other and a metal ring looping through his eyebrow.

He had very nearly burst into tears when he had seen the affect in the full length mirror in his brother's room and had to sit with his head in between his knees so he wouldn't hyperventilate. The only thing about him that wasn't girl was his adam's apple and that was covered with the choker. Oh, which made him remember, because of the short skirt, he had been forced to wear a pair of black panties. He had balked at that, violently (to which the now non-existent bathroom mirror could attest to), but it was either that or nothing at all and he was pretty sure he couldn't handle that.

A hand clapped gently on his back and he swung his glare over his shoulder to pin his brother with a molten gaze, fury burning through him.

"I'm going to kill you very slowly when we get home, I hope you fucking know that," he hissed through clenched teeth and Al just smiled sweetly down at him (oh yes, did he mention his little brother was almost a foot taller than him?)

"I know, Ed, but a bet's a bet and you lost," he said, almost kindly and Riza who had accompanied them, was looking too fucking pleased with herself. Ed just growled at them both then turned back to the door, suddenly swallowing the butterflies that had just morphed into elephants parading around in his stomach. But he wasn't a coward and even if this ended in pictures in the fucking newspaper, he wasn't backing out now. So with a final deep breath, he yanked the door to the bar open and was swallowed by the stale, dark air.

Only to stop just inside the door because it seemed the entirety of Central headquarters was packed into the relatively small bar and every single fucking person stopped whatever they were doing and STARED. Seriously, it was a fucking sea of blue uniforms and every single one of them, men and women, had their eyes trained on him.

It took every fiber of will not to turn tail and run as fast as he could in the opposite direction so he stood and waited for uproarious laughter, embarrassing cat-calls, something because he was blushing so hard, he head was going to explode and if everyone didn't stop staring at him like he had four heads, he was going to bury them in the rubble as he brought the entire building down around their heads.

He was contemplating turning around and high-tailing it out of there anyway when there was a loud whistle from the back of the bar and Havoc was pushing his way through the crowd, a beer in one hand and a sloppy grin on his face.

"Kid, you're fucking HOT as a girl!" he cried and Al had to hold him back to keep the blond alchemist from killing the man. But it seemed to break the spell his entrance had cast on the crowd, who all roared at the drunk Second Lt.'s remark and turned back to whatever they were doing before Ed had walked in, the volume in the room rising back up to normal volumes. Ed winced when Havoc slung an arm around him, apparently oblivious to how close he had just come to dying, and began guiding the blond through the crush of people. He hated the extra weight on his shoulders as Havoc leaned against him more than he should, his hair getting caught and pulled slightly and the looks he was getting as they pushed their way towards the bar was beginning to make his skin crawl, like they wanted to eat him for dessert. Well, they could certainly try but they would find he wasn't a soft little girl and could more than handle himself.

It was Havoc's "Shit, blondie, you look better than most women I've seen," that had him snarling like some wild tiger and shaking the taller blond off so he could stop the rest of the way to the bar, though the effect was ruined by the damn heels. The bar tender looked him up and down once as he plopped onto the stool and didn't argue when he barked for a beer. Most people didn't when he was mad enough not to bother hiding it. Al slid into the seat to his right, gently asking if he was okay (no, he wasn't fucking okay and Al knew it) but he shrugged his brother off and snatched the bottle of beer as soon as it hit the bar in front of him, taking a long swig of the smooth beverage. It wouldn't lessen the affects of the stares and side long glances he was still getting yet, but he would work on it. Though he wanted to brain himself against the sticky surface of the bar when Riza came up behind him and whispered,

"Girls sit with their legs closed for a reason, Major," to which he groaned and dropped his forehead to his hands, beginning to feel a bit over whelmed. He closed his legs anyway. Christ, this was going to make great blackmailing material and beer was going to become his best friend. And then he had to notice the man sitting to his other side was none other than Colonel Roy Mustang who was looking at him with a small smirk and swirling a dark amber liquid in a wide glass.

"What the hell are you looking at, bastard?" Ed growled before sucking down more of the beer and felt the anger rise when Roy just gave him a short, cocky grin before focusing his dark gaze in his glass.

"That was quite the entrance, Fullmetal. Is there anything that you do that's not obvious?" to which Ed glared furiously, wanting nothing more that not kick the man's stool out from underneath him and watch him drop to the floor.

"Fuck you, asshole," he said instead and finished off his beer with two long pulls.

"Now, now, that's no way to talk to your superior officer. And you should be more careful before you throw that invitation around dressed like that. Just about everyone in this place would take you up on that," the glass of the bottle exploded under Ed's clenched fist, making everyone in the vicinity stop to see what had caused the noise but quickly looked away when they saw the look on the blonde's face. He stared up at Roy who was now studiously ignoring him, not hearing his brother's gentle, "Now, brother…" before jerking away and standing up.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he muttered and pushed through the crowd until he saw the familiar sign for the men's room and slammed in, startling a poor petty officer so bad he missed the urinal and pissed all over the wall. Ed stood in front of the mirror, glaring hard enough the mirror should have been cracking and took in his appearance. It was strange now that he thought about it; the way Roy had looked at him that morning, he thought there was…something. But the comment the jerk had just made had him tingling angrily and he wanted to punch something, break something, anything and he had no idea why. Roy was always a jerk, so why was he letting it get to him now?

The man he had startled washed his hands quickly and practically fled the bathroom when he was pinned with Ed's glare and as soon as the door closed, he leaned over one of the sinks and let out a long sigh, tension easing from his shoulders. What the hell had he been thinking, accepting that bet like that? Oh, yeah, he wasn't. Now his feet were killing him, everything tasted like cherries and he felt so stupid, he wanted to curl up into a ball and die.

"Oh, well, I could have sworn this was the men's room," the sneering drawl made his head jerk up just in time to see Roy step into the somewhat grimy bathroom and shut the door behind himself, dark eyes crinkled in amusement . Ed slammed his metal fist into the porcelain sink, pretending like he didn't hear something crack, and gave Roy his deadliest look.

"If you've come in here to make fun of me, I'm going to kick your ass, fuck-tard," his language had the dark eyebrows shooting up a pale forehead and the smirk widened, just succeeding in making Ed's blood boil.

"Goodness, that's no way for a lady to talk," Roy teased lightly as he advanced towards the shorter man, stopping just out of reach. Ed really wished he could bury his fist in the bastard's smug face but he'd get some sort of reprimand for attacking a superior officer. Even if the ass deserved it.

"I'M A FUCKING GUY, YOU ASSHOLE!!" he screamed, clenching his fists at his sides and glaring for all he was worth and Roy just looked at him, as arrogant and as cool as ever.

Deciding it wasn't worth the effort, Ed just turned back to the mirror and frowned at himself, wondering how he could get everyone back for this. Suddenly, he stiffened when another face joined his own in the mirror, dark eyes locking with his before he was pinned with his hip against the edge of the sink and a broad chest against his back.

"Really, are you sure, because I can't really tell," and he couldn't move because while he had always known Roy to have a smooth, deep voice, he had never heard it sound like that and it shot straight through him, leaving him stunned and lost, trapped in the smoldering black eyes peering at him through the glass. He couldn't even move when Roy leaned forward and breathed into his ear, "Do you mind if I check?" and a hand snaked around his front to cup him through the material of the skirt.

The touch shocking through him snapped him from his trance and he whirled around to glare up at the older man who had drawn back a bit, face giving nothing away.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing, Colonel?" he snapped and hated how his voice was almost two octaves higher than normal, clutching at the ends of the skirt as if pulling it down was going to make the fiery burn of the touch go away. Roy's lips quirked as he studied the irate blond glaring at him from in front of the sink and Ed was just beginning to wonder if Roy was just not going to reply, again when the dark haired man shot forward, crushing Ed back against the sink and pinned him with arms one either side of him.

"What-" eyes wide with shock, he was cut off when Roy's face darkened and loomed over the blond alchemist, an expression on his handsome face Ed had never seen before.

"When I said I was homosexual, I was being a bit loose in my terminology," for a second, Ed felt a flash of triumph that was short lived when his ass gave a pained twinge at being ground against the edge of the sink. He just blinked in confusion. What the hell was he going on about? Roy took a deep breath and suddenly he was loosened from the unsettling gaze.

"Colonel, what the hell-" he was cut off again by those eyes swinging back to capture his own again and this time he wondered why he suddenly couldn't breathe.

"I'm not attracted to men, as a rule but if wanting you mean's that I'm homosexual, then I suppose I am," Ed blinked, shock washing over him like a wave of ice, like a fucking ice burg and he could only stare and stare because he was sure that Roy just confessed being attracted to him. That couldn't be right, though, because this was Roy and Ed was, well, Ed and this was absolutely insane. Roy made fun of him and looked down his nose at him.

That was when he realized Roy didn't seem to be breathing and was watching him like his life depended on Ed's response. Only he didn't seem to be able to give one because his throat was paralyzed. He opened his mouth a couple of times but when nothing came out ended up closing it again. And the whole time, those dark eyes watched him, boring into him like Roy was trying to see what was turning the gears in his head.

"R-Roy, you—" something snapped in the older man then because he lurched forward and crushed his lips to Ed's violently, like he was drowning and Ed was his life line. It was desperate and almost painful and for a moment he could only just stand there, stock still as his brain tried to play catch up with the current situation. When it did, though, all it seemed to be able to think was Roy is kissing me. Roy is kissing me. All of this happened in a second or two as his lips were being bruised and then the older man began to back off just a bit, softening the contact until the kiss became a caress. All of a sudden he could move again but instead of pushing Roy away, like he should be doing, he tipped his head back and closed his eyes, allowing for better access because he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. Roy lips were surprisingly soft and warm, his breath achingly good and when his tongue brushed along the seam of Ed's mouth, he answered by parting his lips and letting the dark haired man gain access.

Vaguely Ed realized Roy had slipped one hand into his hair and the other encircled his waist, drawing him into the broader frame but he was lost in the sensation of Roy's tongue in his mouth, sweeping along the backs of his teeth, the inside of his cheek, the back of his mouth. When the slick muscle rubbed against his own, Ed felt his knees go weak so that he was clinging to the front of the taller man's uniform jacket. Taste exploded over him, smooth whisky and something deeper that was all Roy and he wrapped his own tongue around the one in his mouth, hunting for more and more of that flavor. Ed was so lost that he didn't even realize he moaned until Roy was tearing away from him, breathless. He cracked his eyes open, feeling like the ground had just been jerked out from under him to find Roy watching him again, his eyes unreadable. For a long moment he just looked back, hands still wound in the rough fabric of Roy's uniform, trying to catch his breath. Then Roy tilted his head, as if he was confused.

"You…you're not trying to kill me," Ed blinked then laughed, a motion the older man followed with avid interest. He debated for a split second then decided what the hell.

"Colonel, do you know why I am even dressed like this? Normally I would have killed anyone who even suggested it but Al knows something I didn't want anyone else to know and thought it would be funny to use as blackmail," by now he had let the blue jacket go and was leaning back against the sink, trying to feign an aloof cool but his heart was slamming against his chest violently like it was trying to claw it's way out of his throat.

"And what is that?" Ed was pleased to note Roy's voice sounded less than stable and it gave him a silent thrill because it was him that had done that to him.

"The way you're gay? Yeah, me too, only for you," and he grinned sheepishly, watching the dark eyes. Something flashed in the pale, handsome face before Roy was rushing forward again, pinning him efficiently against the sink. With something like a low growl, he closed the distance between them once again but this time Ed was ready for it. The second kiss was less painful and more hungry, both of them opening to let the other in. A brief battle of tongues before Roy let Ed win and he was mapping out every last bit of the Colonel's hot mouth, tilting his head so he could get better access and wouldn't miss a spot. It was bliss and he couldn't get enough. Now he had it, he never wanted it to stop. Ed had his hands curled into soft, dark hair, pulling himself as close as he could, crushing his front to Roy's. Large, strong hands tugged on long blond strands of hair before one slipped up the back of the tight black shirt and the other slipped further down to slide over the rough material of the skirt, clutching at the curve of his ass. Ed broke the kiss with a gasp, arching up into the touch and exposing the tan column of his neck.

"Mm, you taste like cherries," was breathed against his skin, warm breath sending chills down his spine and he would have glared but the lips teasing and worrying against his neck were distracting. He gasped again when a mouth closed over his pulse point, nipping gently down to his collar bone then sucking and licking back up the other side. Every touch spread through him like fire, pooling dangerously in the pit of his stomach, each one searing deep, every brush of calloused fingers rubbing along the ridges of the muscles in his back, every touch of teeth and tongue and lips and every closing of fingers around the firm muscle of his rear. A stinging pain shot from the juncture of his neck and shoulder when Roy bit down making Ed groan and arch up again, bringing his crotch in contact with the Colonel's. A bolt of pleasure shot through him when his clothed half-hard member ground against Roy's very hard groin, leaving him moaning and panting helplessly.

Roy seemed to feel the same because he dipped his head and plundered the blonde's mouth again as he slipped his other hand from under his shirt and was hoisting Ed's legs up and apart, gripping the back of his thighs as he did. Not disconnecting their mouths, Ed locked his ankles around the back of the other man's trim waist, hoisting himself up so now he had the height advantage and he used it to deepen the kiss and listening to the low sound Roy was making in the back of his throat. Another grind of their connected hips nearly had Ed seeing stars and his little cry was trapped within the tackily papered walls of the small bathroom. Lips on his neck again, this time marking eagerly with teeth and he found that every time he bucked his hips, the friction nearly had him crying.

Suddenly Roy spun them around, slamming him against a wall and he yelled breathlessly, head banging painfully into the wall. One of the hands left his thighs that had been supporting him and ran up the top of his leg and into the skirt, fingertips brushing along the silky fabric of the underwear. The Colonel was grinding against him mercilessly now, their trapped erections aligned, the heat beginning to pool, coil, tightening and he had to shut his eyes because the glittering stars that were beginning to litter his vision.

"Aha! Shit! Roy…ngh, hang…ha-hang on," the hand had slipped into the panties, fingers teasing the sensitive skin at the base of his member and just above his sac it was driving him towards that beautiful point of completion. But they were in a bathroom in a bar and he didn't want it to happen like this. He tugged on the dark hair to pull the Colonel's face out of his shoulder where he had buried it and forced himself to stop bucking and arching into the wonderful friction. Roy's eyes burned with need but he slowed the motion of his hips when Ed pressed his sweaty forehead to his, trying to catch his breath.

"Ed?" the deep voice was husky and was followed by a sharp moan when Ed was unable to stop a particularly hard buck, leaving them both momentarily incoherent. He forced the coil to stay tight, pushing back the pending orgasm.

"Not h-here…please," he whispered, clinging to the larger man with both arms and legs and the hand that had been stroking him in his underwear retreated to slide back under his thigh. Gold eyes met black and then Roy stepped back, letting Ed slide to the ground with a little grunt and support himself on shaking knees. Then Roy leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to his cheek and he was surrounded with the scent of gun powder and hazelnut as the warm lips traveled up to press a line over his eyelid to his eyebrow where the little ring was caught between white teeth. Ed shivered, hugging Roy's broad shoulders, tying to will away his erection so he could go out into public.

"I didn't know you had piercings," Roy said quietly when he pulled away and Ed breathed a small laugh which the taller man tipped his head back again with a gentle hand under his chin and captured the laugh with another heated kiss. Before he knew it he was opening his mouth again and lava poured through his veins, blindingly hot, Roy answering his moan with one of his own and he swallowed it greedily. Who knew a sound could taste so good? He felt at a loss when the dark haired man pulled away and had to lean against the wall for support. A rough, warm thumb drew circles over his jaw and when he looked up, he was swimming in endless dark pools. "You want to go somewhere else?" the Colonel breathed, the words sending a bolt of white hot excitement shooting through the shorter alchemist. Ed nodded breathlessly. It was strange, how just twenty minutes ago he had still been trying to convince himself he hated Roy and now he wanted nothing more than to have the man still pressed up against him, in him. A rush of heat flooded him when he thought that but wasn't that where they had been going? Sex?

Roy stepped back a few steps, distancing himself from the younger man and he frowned at the loss. The Colonel turned to the mirror and began straightening his uniform, slipping back into his mask of cool arrogance and for some reason, it just turned Ed on even more. He had gotten underneath that mask, had watched it slip and reveal the man who burned with a passion that threatened to sear him straight to his soul. Now that he had seen it off, he realized that even when Roy was at his most aloof, Ed would be able to see right through to the heart beneath.

"I'll go out first, so no one says anything. In the mean time, you might want to do something about that," Roy indicated at the front of the skirt and Ed looked down to see the material pulling away, making room for his aching hard on. He flushed furiously, to which Roy just laughed, the velvet sound not helping matters much.

"Shut up, bastard" he snarled with a glare to cover his embarrassment but refused to cover himself and a second later his chin was caught between a thumb and a forefinger so he was forced to crane his neck to peer into Roy's sharply handsome face as he loomed over the shorter man. Warm breath ghosted over the bridge of his nose and he felt weak all over again.

"I have some paperwork to catch up on tonight. My office will be open," and then he was sweeping from the bathroom, mask firmly in place. Ed watched, the boisterous sounds from the bar flooding over him momentarily only to be cut off again as the door swung closed and noticed that while Roy certainly still sported a rather impressive erection, his pants and the cut of his jacket made it barely noticeable. Damn fucking skirt. No wonder why men didn't wear skirts; besides the fact that they were so damn uncomfortable. Ed glared down at himself but every time he moved, the satin of the black underwear brushed against his painful arousal. A groan of frustration tore out of his throat as he slammed his head back against the wall and then flung himself into the end most stall, cursing loudly.

As he locked himself in and yanked the skirt out of the way, cursing this whole stupid bet thing all over again as he grabbed hold of his already leaking member with a soft groan, he realized just how lucky they were that no one had walked into the bathroom while they had been tangled in one another. Odd coincidence that.

After the bet:

Of course Roy had known about the bet, having over heard his subordinates arguing over his sexual orientation from the relative privacy of his own office and when Ed had agreed to the bet, he couldn't resist stepping out and confirming that, yes, he did indeed prefer men. Well, just one man but that didn't need to be indulged right there in front of everyone that worked under him. The look on Edward's face when he had answered Havoc had been priceless, the wide golden eyes nearly doubling in size, the full lips that had been smirking with retrained confidence that he had admired on more than one occasion falling open in shock, the metal fingers clicking faintly as his limbs fell weak to his side. Roy had wanted to laugh, he really did, but something had caught his attention in the way Ed's eyes had met his across the room and he had just asked if they needed anything else and slipped back into his office. Only then did he laugh but it was short lived and empty because it was no longer funny.

The look he had seen in the blonde's eyes was something close to hope.

In fact, Roy wasn't really gay. He didn't go around checking out random men that might or might not have been attractive. As a matter of fact, he had been all about the women. And then Ed had torn into his life like a tornado and he hadn't had eyes for anyone else since.

Of course, he hadn't been attracted to the boy as he was now when he had first met him; the kid had been eleven. It was the fiery look of determination that had caught his attention and he had known from that very first meeting this boy who had this burning desire to live, would be in his life for a long time to come. At first it was this very resolve that drew Roy, the volatile temper and willingness to do whatever needed to be done to get his brother's body back. Ed was beautiful even then but he had still just been a boy. Roy would do anything to help him but it was out of the honest desire to see this amazing boy, no, young man, succeed in something that was so important. Although, pushing the kids buttons to watch him explode was always entertaining.

They had gotten Al's body back when he was sixteen, and he was still as volatile as ever but now behind those smoldering yellow eyes there was a darkness, a deep shadow that came from being forced to grow up faster than should ever have been necessary. He was still too young but something about this shadow commanded Roy's attention now more than ever and he promised to help him until they could figure out a way to get his real limbs back. And he watched as the blond got older, turned from a charming and hot-headed boy to a young man with a fiery passion that swallowed everyone who came near him. It wasn't until Ed was seventeen, though, that Roy realized the kid was stunning and from there, he had fallen hard. Long, long blond hair, sharp, cat like eyes and smooth tan skin, Ed was everything every single woman wishes they could be and probably most men as well.

It was stupid, that Roy would even contemplate anything happening between them. The blond alchemist was twelve years younger than him, his subordinate and a man. All of that and the anomaly that was Edward Elric somehow outshone every reason for Roy not to fall in love and his heart had been captured.

So of course he had been intrigued by the notion of seeing the short blond alchemist dressed as a girl. While the kid, in his opinion at least, didn't look feminine in the slightest, dressing as a female would be…interesting.

That was, until he actually saw Ed in a skirt and heels.

And thigh high boots and earrings and, holy shit, lip gloss and his beautiful hair unraveled from its normal braid and swaying behind him, brushing against the curve of his ass and it was a wonder he didn't get jumped upon entering the bar. While the affect had indeed been, well, softening, he was still a startlingly good looking young man in women's clothes. Roy had nearly fallen off the stool. On a normal day Ed was alarmingly good looking but now? It was all Roy could do to keep from slamming the kid against a stall door a fucking the life out of him. Well, he almost did do that but the younger alchemist had been right; the bathroom of a crowded bar that was packed with half the officers of Central was probably not the best place for that kind of thing.

At first, the Colonel had pretended not to be affected, just like always. When Ed had sat down next to him, he couldn't help but jab at him in a way he knew would get the kid riled. But that was what he always did and Ed reacted predictably, with fury and name calling, though the way he had been blushing the entire time was adorable. It was like where Ed usually shone like a golden moon, now he blazed, even if he was wearing a skirt. He was still Ed.

It was the shiny gloss he wore on his shapely pink lips and the exposed dip of his naval that had done Roy in. He had been holding back for so long that when he found himself alone in the bathroom with the teen, he couldn't help but touch him. He was hard as soon as he tasted Ed under the sweetness of the cherry gloss. Of course, Roy always took everything to the extreme and he had fully expected to leave that bathroom a bloody mess. So it had been more than a pleasant surprise to find that Ed wasn't at all opposed to the idea of being with him. The knowledge was enough to set a small sun blazing away in his chest that he carried with him from the bathroom to his office at Headquarters.

Of course, he fully understood the dangers of starting anything with a kid who had just become of age and was his subordinate, not to mention the military did not look kindly at same sex relationships (the only reason he'd said anything earlier that day was because he knew every single one of his subordinates were loyal only to him and wouldn't breathe a word of his admission to anyone). There was a strict don't ask don't tell policy but rumors had a way of ruining things. Yet, it didn't matter because he had been in love with this amazing person for a long time and he wasn't about to let him get away now.

The desk light was dim, just bright enough to illuminate his desk top and the black sprawling ink of the paperwork. The only sound was the scratch of his pen as he worked, flying over the papers in his neat handwriting. He concentrated on each report, not thinking about anything beyond his duty. For some reason he found it was easier for him to work after hours, getting more done than he did during the day for a week. That might have something to do with the enigma that was Ed who burned through the room like a wild fire, giving the office a life it had never had. Well, that and Roy hated paper work but that was beside the point. Now he wasn't thinking because he didn't want to contemplate what he would do if Ed decided not to show up. Not that he thought the blond was joking or mocking him with what he said the bathroom but he knew Ed and if the younger alchemist thought just for a second that Roy might be pulling his strings, he would run as far away as possible. Though, kisses like they shared and his raging hard on was a little difficult to doubt but then again, Ed was the most distrusting person he'd ever met. It just made him want the small alchemist even more.

So he pretended like there was nothing more pressing than the need to get his paper work done before his Lt. had his head on a silver platter and forgot for the moment he was waiting to see if his second youngest officer was going to blow him off.

Roy was so engrossed in his work that he almost missed the slight creaking of the outer office door as it was pushed open or the soft, uneven footsteps as someone with a metal leg and high heels on wound through the room and stopped at his door. He had left it open on purpose but he knew Ed was hesitating just outside his line of sight as he pondered whatever misgiving he might be feeling. For Roy's part, he forced himself to continue working, though the words had just become incoherent blurs on the page as his heart was now falling all over itself and anticipation spiked almost painfully. He wouldn't say anything until the blond made himself known but the fact that Ed had decided to accept the invitation made everything else that should have mattered insignificant.

It was the quiet clearing of a throat that was the signal for him to look up and he didn't bother to pretend that he hadn't known the blond was there. Ed was standing just inside the door way, golden eyes dark and unreadable, watching him work at his desk. His pouty mouth was turned down at the corners but that never really meant much. It wasn't until the frown met his eyes that he meant business. Someone had given him a blue uniform jacket to put over his ensemble and by the look at the bars on the shoulder and how it reached past the edge of the skirt, it was probably his brother's. The golden hair had been tied back too, in a sloppy ponytail that looked as if it had been thrown back in a rush. But he still looked different, untouchable as he watched Roy who was unable to do anything but stare.

Finally, those soft, sweet lips curled up into a small smile and the dark haired Colonel realized the kid was shy and trying not to show it.

"Hey," Ed's voice had never really gotten very deep as he matured, staying at a husky tenor that rasped when he was angry and a long time ago, Roy had decided that it fit him perfectly. Now, he sat back into his chair, letting his pen drop, and tried a reassuring smile in return.

"Hi. I liked your hair down better," he teased and registered the dusky flush that spread across the sharp cheek bones and over the bridge of the narrow nose, staining the golden skin a pretty pink. It was a daring comment but it seemed Ed wasn't really about to make a scene and he just walked farther into the room, stopping in front of one of the couches that hulked in front of his desk. For a moment the teen cast his eyes about the room as if he'd never seen it before and it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen, plucking at the edge of the uniform jacket with shining silver fingers. When he met Roy's eyes again over the desk, his expression darkened.

"You better never make fun of me for this. Ever, do you hear me?" and Roy couldn't help but smirk. There was the fire that he had become so familiar with.

"I wouldn't dream of it. Besides, I don't know why you're so upset about it. You look fantastic," again that blush and this time it leaked down his face and down his neck. Roy decided that Ed was beautiful when he blushed and he should do it more often, though he was sure the blond wouldn't think the same. Again the gold gaze was floating aimlessly around the room and there was an embarrassed shifting that drew Roy's attention to the boots the kid was wearing that should have been illegal. It looked, however, by how he was standing, that his feet were killing him and he was trying not to fall over.

"I feel like an idiot. I mean, I look like a fucking girl!" the husky voice cracked on the last word and this time Roy bit back a laugh. He stood, the chair scraping angrily against the floor and Ed flinched, the frown back. It reached his eyes now and Roy recognized the stance that was Ed getting ready for a snide remark or a joke at his expense. Instead, the Colonel just crossed his arms and propped his hip against the edge of his desk, regarding the younger man who was looking like he wanted nothing more than for the floor to swallow him whole.

"You don't look like a girl," he stated flatly and it was returned with a glaring glace. He watched the frustration stoke the fire burning behind the yellow eyes and then Ed flung upon the jacket that had been covering his outfit, thin eyebrows drawn sharply over his nose.

"The FUCK I don't look like a girl! Are you fucking blind?! Christ, just look at me! Wearing this stupid outfit and don't even get me started on the damn boots! All I need it a pair of frickin breasts and a pussy and you would never know I was born with a dick !!" as amusing as the vulgar outburst was, Roy kept the smile off his face and just raked his eyes over the figure in front of him. True, the skirt and boots did kind of make his legs look on the slender side but his waist was straight and his shoulders broad, or as broad as they could get on his slim frame. And while his face was pretty, it was in no way feminine.

Roy rounded the desk and walked closer to the fuming blond, keeping any kind of expression off his face. Gold eyes pinned him suspiciously and he paused, lifting one eyebrow.

"Just because you're in girl's clothes doesn't make you one," he said calmly. Ed stared at him a moment longer then his mouth twisted, as if he had thought of something unpleasant and it had to do with his superior officer standing in front of him.

"So, that's why, today of all days, you decided you could tell me you liked me? Because I don't look like a girl?" Ed all but snarled and the expression on his face meant he was approaching the danger zone and needed to be convinced immediately or this was going to end ugly and painfully. Roy regarded the blazing sun standing before him and dipped his head, shoving his hands in his pockets and hunting the floor boards as if they held all the answers.

"I told you today because it seems I have less self control than I thought but not because you're dressed differently. You're still you under those clothes and that's all I've ever seen. Just you," Lord, that sounded sappy but he didn't know how else to put it. The silence that followed was deafening until he finally had to peer up through the dark fringe of his hair to see Ed's expression. The kid had gone deathly quiet and was studying Roy like he'd never seen him before, that molten frown still marring his expression.

"You're serious," it wasn't a question and Roy didn't answer it like it was one. Ed knew him well enough by now to know Roy didn't say things like that unless he meant them completely. There was a flash of metal as Ed gestured in frustration before he plopped down onto the couch behind him, ducking his bright head so Roy couldn't see his face, "Why would you want me? I'm not whole. I've been missing pieces since I was eight. You could have anyone. Why the fuck would anyone want me?" the voice was flat, dead, trying to hide the fact that Ed had thought about this on more than one occasion and it bothered him. The space around Roy's heart seemed to constrict painfully and he clenched his fists angrily, wondering where the kid had gotten such an idea.

Instead of responding and beginning a roundabout conversation that would do neither of them any good, Roy just walked the rest of the way to the couch and dropped to his knees in front of the younger alchemist, trying to see Ed's face. It troubled him to find nothing there but acceptance.

"Do your feet hurt?" he asked instead and the blond head jerked up in confusion, wide eyes shadowed.

"Huh?" was it really fair that anyone was that beautiful? Roy couldn't understand why no one would want this young man because as far as he was concerned, everything about Ed was perfect.

"Your feet. Do they hurt? I'm sure you're not used to wearing shoes like that," something bright brimmed in the golden gaze and Ed gave him a lopsided smile, an indication he understood what Roy was trying to do. The Colonel knew he'd have to address the depressing bit of insight the kid had just unleashed but for now it would be enough to just show him not everyone cared about missing pieces.

"They aren't comfortable," was all he said but Roy had already found the zipper and was currently unfastening it, much to Ed's alarm, "Colonel, what are you doing?" he tried to shy away by the taller man just grabbed him by the calf and held him still as he dragged the little metal tab from under the slender lower thigh, over the bend in the back of his knee and down over his calf, ending in the back of his ankle. As he did, he allowed the back of his knuckles to run over the surprisingly smooth skin, making the Major shiver and glare uncomfortably. Roy just watched Ed's face grow redder and redder as his hand moved, trying not to think of what that golden skin might feel like in less exposed areas.

"I thought you would be more comfortable with them off," he answered slyly and Ed blushed the reddest yet, hiding his face in as shoulder. Roy gently worked off the leather and was surprised to find Ed wearing silk thigh-high socks underneath.

"You really went all out, didn't you?" Roy teased, fingering the top of the material and Ed knocked his hand away with a warning glare, though it lost its affect because he was still hiding in his shoulder.

"Shut up. Riza said they would keep me from getting blisters," he mumbled in reply and Roy's eyebrows shot up.

"This is Hawkeye's handy work?" he asked incredulously and just received a glare in answer. Chuckling at the thought of Ed getting dressed by Riza and his brother (Roy was positive the younger Elric brother had a hand in this) he moved to Ed's other leg, ignoring the twitch when his fingertips brushed against skin, "Remind me to thank her," he grinned at the look he got in response, watching the zipper pull apart to reveal strong, shapely legs cased in sheer silk, one flesh the other automail.

"Why are you being so nice?" Ed's voice was weaker than normal and Roy looked up to find one gold eye trained on his face, the elegant chin still pressed into a hard, metal shoulder. For a moment he ignored the question in favor of pulling the other boot off and throwing it to the side then considered the mismatched legs for a moment.

"Does it bother you?" he asked quietly, watching his fingers as he pressed them against the cool metal of Ed's left leg under the stocking. Then, with great care and making sure to brush his finger tips over the scars where skin met automail, rolled the sock down to reveal cool, gracefully shaped metal, throwing the discarded material to join the boots on the floor.

"It's just…different," Ed muttered, "Not bad, though," then he gasped when the older man leaned in to kiss the scarred, sensitive skin directly above the cool metal limb. Three kisses before he pulled back, fingers dancing along the curves of the automail, teasing along the joints and arches of the design, transfixed with the way the impersonal color of silver looked under his pale fingers.

Then he turned to the other foot, deftly sliding the silk down over a lean thigh and strong calf, the skin pebbling as he dragged his hand down it. Hard muscle encased in soft skin and he was sure he had never seen anything so erotic. A second sock joined the first and long fingers kneaded sore muscles at the bottom of the elegant arch of a tan foot, gently working places the boots had caused to cramp. The whole time his fingers worked, Roy watched gold eyes slide half-mast and the teen relaxed into the cushions of the couch, every inch of him going limp. Then the golden expanse of honey drizzled skin attracted his attention and he swept his gaze down, contemplating the slender torso, the swell of exposed thigh muscles and the slightly knobby dip of the single real knee. And it occurred to Roy that he wouldn't have Ed any other way; perfection was volatile, golden and broken. And he could think of only one way to show him.

Roy started at the tan ankle, worshiping a trail around over the long shin bone, back up over the knee to the soft flesh of the inside of a strong thigh, which quivered slightly under the attention. All the while he watched yellow eyes which watched him back behind heavy lids, the soft mouth tightening subtly at the corners. Emotion was hidden behind the familiar fire that smoldered brightly under long bright eyelashes that flashed when warm lips reached the edge of the plaid skirt and paused. There was an unspoken question that was answered with an almost inexistent nod, communication silent as spoken words would have added something unwanted and neither wanted what they had right them to stop.

For the moment, Roy bypassed the skirt and leaned over the shorter alchemist, using a hand pressed into the cushions between Ed's legs for support and the other to expose more skin by undoing the thick black choker, working his lips over the complicated ridges and valleys in the tan neck. The skin here tasted a little different, saltier, deeper as blond hair fell over his nose, smelling of shampoo and a teenage boy. Every spot his tongue found sent another thrill through him, feeling the sinews and muscles slide under thin, tanned skin as the blond tilted his head a bit to give the older man better access. A shocking line of gentle teeth worried over the elegant wings of a clavicle bone and Ed breathed out sharply into his ear, a whisper of a groan falling from the full lips. More nipping up the slender column and the teen under him jerked with a small gasp as his tongue found a secret place just under an inviting earlobe. Every reaction he wrung from Ed made him want more, more sounds, more tastes and brushes of pale skin against gold.

Shifting his weight, he settled more comfortably on his knees, pulling away from that lovely spot but he made up for it by working his fingers under the uniform jacket, pushing it back and off sturdy shoulders, bright metal flashing in the pooling yellow light from his desk. Ed sat forward to let the jacket fall back and dipped his head down so his face hovered over Roy's, who had captured a golden wrist and worked his way up the soft, sensitive underside of the arm just as he had done with Ed's leg. Each place that met his lips held a new delight that he lapped up hungrily, feeling the gold gaze burning the back of his head. He stopped at the edge of the sleeve, as he had before but this time he slid his hands under the offending material, fingers questing over a hard abdomen and was very pleased when Ed arched slightly into his rough palms. Even so, it was a surprise when the blond raised his arms, invitation clear as their eyes met once again. Once he might have smiled, teased, saying something about impatience but now there would be none of that. So instead, he tugged the hem of the shirt that hugged graceful curves so neatly, freeing a rich expanse of hidden treasure. He had never realized, fully, just how beautiful this young man was until that instance as his eyes drank in the way muscle covered bone and connected to other muscles and ligaments. It was stunning in its mastery.

There was a tug on his hair, meant to catch his attention and he lost himself in gold eyes in which the flames had just been stoked higher. He didn't find hesitation or embarrassment like he thought he might but a calm desire and longing he found achingly familiar. Roy pushed himself up and tasted Ed's lips once more. It was like coming home. The blond parted his lips and he swallowed the expelled sigh. Who knew something so small and insignificant could taste like fire? This was his favorite place, with his tongue tangled with Ed's and the heavy flavor of golden passion making his head spin. It was a push then a pull until he surrendered, allowing the younger man to touch every last part of his mouth. They only broke when air became scarce, breath shallow, need building between them like a rising flood.

Ed had curled his arms around the back of Roy's neck by now, hunching over the bigger man whose knees still pressed into the floor boards and the soft, slightly swollen lips caressed words into the shell of his ear, making the desire spike and spiral south.

"I've never seen you in anything other than that uniform, Roy," another bolt of arousal, scorching his veins then his fingers were tripping over Ed's in their haste to remove the jacket and dress shirt underneath. It reminded him of a neat dance, weaving and passing, coming down for a quick stolen kiss then returning to another button until his torso was bare and the blond was leaning back in his seat to admire. He may not be missing pieces like the smaller alchemist but the livid scars marring one side of his abdomen, snaking over his ribs told it own tale of woeful brutality. Fingers traced along the pale, puckered lines but there was no pity in the gold eyes as they took him in. There was just shared understanding. They were both broken but together perhaps they could create one disjointed whole.

Roy laid the teen down on the couch, leaning over him to loosen the bright hair from its constraints and letting it fan around Ed's flushed face, catching and snagging against the course material of the couch. Each strand shimmered as if some of that bright fire seeped from every root, soaking the light hair with light. As it slipped through and against his fingers, he discovered it was every bit as soft as it looked. He found bliss again in Ed's mouth, the contact searing, searching, leaving only to find other pieces of gold skin because not having the taste of the sweet fire in his mouth for even one second was unthinkable. His lips roved the curves of Ed's bare chest and again his taste changed. Yet even while he sucked on one dusky nub it wasn't until a pair of slim hips bucked into his own, their arousals lining up and knocking together did he realize; he wanted everything, every little hidden piece of skin, he wanted to taste while he claimed Ed, was inside him and all around him so that he knew nothing but the depths of blazing white flames. He wanted to be consumed.

It was Ed's breathy moan pressed into his dark hair that made him painfully hard and prompted him to slide a hand up the last article of clothing hiding the full extent of the sun from him, fingers meeting silk. When he realized Ed was wearing girl's underwear under the skirt, he had to pause or he would have finished before they even got started. The blond was watching his face, breath unsteady, anticipation darkening the bright color trapped behind pale eyelashes.

"Roy…please," hips lifted in invitation and he didn't need to be asked twice. Nimble fingers found the catch amidst crisscrossing lines of black and red, freeing the strong thighs and slim waist with practiced ease and while he would have liked to stop and admire seeing Ed sprawled under him with nothing on but his burning gaze and a pair of silk panties (which were a taunting black that made his mouth go dry) he just eased the fabric free of the throbbing erection that sprang and discarded it over the end of the couch. It was a little tactless of him to stare but the boy was so wonderfully beautiful just as himself that he couldn't help it. A blushing, aching erection nestled in burnished curls that was much larger than he would have guessed complemented the graceful strength of the rest of the golden body.

"Oh, god, Ed," he breathed and slender fingers tilted his head back up so he could see the answering smile, the little dips at the corners of Ed's mouth deepening just a little. He moved forward, tongue darting out to sink into one and was once again transfixed by the taste. Insistent fingers wouldn't let him linger, though, as they tugged at his dress pants and it took all of his will power to break away and straighten so he could sit and pull his boots off. Ed leaned up on his elbows, eyes watching intently as his fingers undid black laces and tugged off encasing leather. He had just freed the other boot when it seemed Ed got tired of just observing and reared up to wrap mismatched arms around his neck, metal cool against his warm skin, and started his own trail of soft kisses over Roy's pale skin, needy erection pressing against his arm.

Little threads of sunshine spilled over Roy's shoulder and trickled down his chest and for a moment he was distracted by the light, sinking his fingers into the thick waves while leaning into the light touches being scattered over his skin.

"Roy…Roy, I need you," the breathy whisper fizzed through his veins and when Ed bucked against him shamelessly, grinding into his side, he went momentarily blind, tipping his head back against a strong gold chest and groaning "yes," to the ceiling. He had just enough sense to stand and undo his dress pants, allowing the material to pool at his feet, taking in the way Ed slid down on the couch, sitting at the very edge and watching Roy finish undressing with a devouring look in his eyes. He paused a second, ignoring the ache between his thighs taking in the entire breadth of Ed's sun swathed body, a steady want thrumming through him as he basked in the heady feel of the shining eyes taking him in appreciatively. Then Ed met his gaze and reached out his hand, which Roy took in a silent answer, stepping back into the burning glory that was Ed's embrace.

It was slow, steady from the moment he laid the teen back into the couch, hands and lips once again questing, tasting, brushing against the shining brightness, savoring every taste and drinking in every reaction; every sigh, murmur and breathy cry. Hands hunting along his own body was heaven. It still amazed him how something such as this could feel so right, so perfect, the feeling swelling as he nudged the mismatched legs apart and knelt between them, fingers dipping lower, becoming braver. Ed arched into his touch with a sharp gasp as he circled his thumb around the tip of the blonde's flushed erection, rolling into the damp slit and he felt his own cock leak in sympathy when a little pulse of pre-cum seeped out around his finger. He was pulled into another kiss, slow and searing and when they pulled away something had been ignited between them that thickened the air.

"Say my name," he whispered into the curled shell of a tan ear, rocking into Ed's body slowly, who whimpered quietly, arms tightening around his back. The red lips parted, ready to comply and the dark haired Colonel slipped three fingers into the wet, hot warmth, startling the blond. The heady feeling of his fingers being sucked into the younger man's mouth sent a spiraling heat straight downwards, adding to the easy friction of their movements. Then he couldn't wait anymore, pulling his hand free to be replaced by his mouth, sucking on the sweet tongue as his slick fingers skated over warm skin, lower, lower, circling around the thick cock and lower, over the thin sensitive skin of Ed's balls and lower, finding that secret place. He allowed the blond a moment to comprehend what he was about to do, teasing the soft puckered entrance before easing the first finger in, drinking in the surprised gasp. Blinding heat surrounded the digit and he pulled away from the kiss in order to breathe properly, watching the slight wince as he slowly moved his finger, pushing in and pulling out. Gold eyes blazed dangerously, threatening to tear him asunder, asking for more and he complied by adding another finger. Ed didn't wince this time, pushing down on the intrusion with half lidded eyes and an expression of wanton need. Arms tightened further, drawing him closer so his lips found the beautiful arch of one sharp cheek bone, the straight line of the narrow nose, the parted bow of perfect lips. If sound had a taste, Ed's keening moan as he began to scissor his fingers would have been flavored like a fiery dusk, all glowing reds and yellows. A third finger added and he lost the dizzying taste as Ed threw his head back, cry stuck in his throat.

"Roy," he choked, cracking his eyes open and the older man pressed his forehead against a sweaty, golden one, thrusting his fingers deep and striking against a part of Ed that felt slightly different.

"Again," he growled as Ed arched again, cock dripping dangerously between their stomachs. Another sharp strike to the boy's prostate had the blond nearly seizing with waves of bliss, head slamming against the arm of the couch.

"Oh, SHIT! ROY!" it was stunning, the lithe, sun kissed body arching beneath him and he couldn't wait any longer. Using his own pre-cum to slick himself, he pulled his finger's free and lined himself with Ed's entrance. His skin prickled with the heat of anticipation but he waited, catching and holding the heavy golden gaze, finding his answer in the way metal and flesh fingers gripped his biceps and long legs slid further apart, giving him more room. Then he was sliding in, sucked deeper and deeper by a tight, unforgiving heat until he was completely surrounded by shining buttery light.

"Fuck, fuck, Ed…" he groan as the younger alchemist panted under him, afraid to move because already he could feel himself tightening, the heat coiling within him bright and glittering. It felt like the final arrival, stepping through a door of a place that was his and his alone; it was home and it was perfect.

"Please, you can move," four whispered words and he did, pulling out as slowly as possible, ready to stop if Ed showed any signs of discomfort. But there was nothing other than aching lust in the cat like gaze so he pushed back in, registering Ed's lips parting, eyes falling all the way shut. He was going to have bruises on his upper arms for days but as he buried himself once more in the delightful heat, he didn't care. The only thing that mattered was that this was Ed under him, being loved by him, completing him and he was left wanting nothing but the blinding finish of release.

It started unhurried, with just the easy feeling of filling and being filled the only thing that remained important. But he couldn't keep the gentle pace forever and with one sharp thrust, struck the spot in the blond that had him crying out and shaking, fingernails biting into pale skin. The walls around him tightened even more for just a second and that was all it took. Angling his thrusts so he would strike that one point every time, he sped up, tearing shocking moan after sobbing cry past those delicious lips, Ed rising to meet him every time. It never turned brutal or angry because it didn't need to but when Ed cried faster, he sped up and when Ed screamed harder, he became merciless. Breath became shattered, sucked in by laboring lungs that seemed ready to collapse under the strain from the searing heat and sweat shimmered in a fine layer over their bodies, pale and tan alike, looking for all the world like the moon loving the sun. All the while the coil in the pit of his stomach curled tighter and tighter, winding faster until he was adding his own sounds to Ed's chorus.

"R-Roy! Hah, shit! I-I'm…FUCK!" he replied with a loud groan and a hand wrapping around Ed's swollen member, stroking in time to his thrusts, loving the way the blond head tossed, lost in the sensation of being filled and surrounded all at once. Roy, slowing slightly but still keeping the movements hard, eliciting a choked cry each time he struck, leaned in, sucking an earlobe into his mouth before whispering huskily,

"Come for me, Edward," Roy knew the teen never did anything the way people expected and it seemed it was the same with sex. Then again, he wouldn't be Ed if he did. The hands gripping his arms snaked around and fastened onto his hips, jerking him so close he didn't know where he ended and Ed began as the legs around him lifted and gripped hard, drawing him in so deep he thought for a moment he might drown, vision narrowing, seeing nothing but gold light. Ed lifted up, tensing around him, coil on the verge of snapping. His release was violent, spraying them both all the way up their chests. But it was the sound that Ed made as he came that pushed Roy over the edge. He didn't cry out or scream or even hold back with a moan. Ed threw his head back and roared.

Roy followed with the sound ringing in his ears and the heat squeezing him even tighter as Ed clamped down, biting the spot where a golden neck met a silver shoulder, his own guttural sound muffled. It was like being swallowed whole as the coil released deep within the blond teen, darkness rushing up to meet him only to be broken by the shower of white stars littering over his vision. Finally, in that instant, he knew what it was like to be entirely whole. Those few seconds of bliss and they were one, with the thrumming of two hearts beating simultaneously, the study of coming to understand one another completely. The grip on his hips loosened as he came down from his high, just managing to keep himself from collapsing on the shorter blond and hurting him. His vision cleared to find Ed peering up at him, eyes dark with satisfaction and face flushed prettily, expression impassive. Shakily, he dislodge the legs from around himself and settled between them, lowering himself so he was flush with Ed, face hiding in the soft hair now darkened with sweat. Metal against his hot skin made him shiver as arms wrapped around him, holding him close and he just concentrated on breathing without the threat of being scorched.

"You are perfect, Edward," he breathed, fingers digging into hard muscle housed in golden skin and fingers in his hair answered with a gentle tug.

"Could you call me that, from now on?" Roy lifted his head, blinking in surprise and the look he received from behind the fierce blush was open, letting him see the uncertainty and fear of rejection, even now. He used one shaky hand to brush a strand of gold hair from a sweaty temple, leaving a gentle kiss on a damp cheek. His other hand found Ed's automail and curled around the jointed fingers, the grip returned instantly.

"Of course, Edward," he answered, relaxing into the pliant body under his own and ignoring the cum drying stickily between them. There was a sudden pain as strong, animated fingers tightened on his and Ed moved restlessly as if in distress. When he tilted his head, he saw the pleading look as if begging him to understand.

"No, I mean, all the time. Every time you address me. I'm tired of Fullmetal or Major Elric like we barely know each other. Just…please, can…you call me Edward…all the time?" It was an odd request that tugged at something deep inside of him, like it was part of the completion process they had begun. People would wonder at the sudden lack of formality between the two and play at animosity they had for nearly seven years. So he hesitated. It was never good when people wondered. But the look in Ed's eyes was deepening, becoming resigned acceptance that threatened to break the calm and he wanted it to go away. Leaning up, he kissed the underside of the blonde's chin.

"Yeah, I could do that. I would ask the same but I'm still your superior officer and—" Ed cut him off with by capturing his lips with achingly full ones which required he arch up into the bigger body on top of him so they could reach. Gold eyes shone with familiar mischief as he pulled away.

"I understand, old man," the sneer held less of a bite than usual and he chuckled against the bronze expanse of Ed's chest his nose was pressed into. Of course that kind of insult could not go unpunished and he punched one dusky nipple between his fingers hard, making Ed snarl and squirm. There was a brief battle that settled once Roy was on his back with Ed sprawled on top of him, legs locked securely around a slim thigh, holding the boy in place. They laughed breathlessly and then curled around one another, a golden head resting comfortably on a pale chest, fingers tangled hopelessly. Roy lifted the metal hand twined with his and studied it in the dim light from his desk lamp, marveling at the elegant metal work, its design flawless. Gold, sleepy eyes watched, expression shadowing into something unreadable. Cold worked steel finger tips passed over his lips as he brought them to his mouth to kiss each one.

"Everything about you is perfect," he breathed, pressing the cool palm to his chest and Ed peered at him over the tangled fingers, face expressionless except for the blush coloring and darkening his face.

"Not everything," he protested, looking away, eyes flattening and the flash of pain jarred through the older man sharply who freed his hand to tap Ed none too gently on the head, earning himself a wince then a glare.

"Everything," he stated firmly. He felt no reason to lie; he loved everything about the young alchemist, down to the clunky boots he chose to wear instead of the regulation issued ones. His scars, his broken soul, his volatile temper and the exasperating need to go out of his way sacrifice everything for someone else. It was his turn to receive something and Roy would give him anything so that he would have to sacrifice nothing ever again. "Even your lack of height," he teased gently and grunted when a metal limb connected painfully with his side.

"Shut up and to sleep, old fart," Ed grumbled good-naturedly, going limp with a satisfied sigh and he complied with a short laugh. As he drifted, Ed's weight heavy and comfortable against his own, he knew nothing but the bright feeling that had settled into his bones; as if the sun had fallen from the sky and seeped under his skin, floating through his veins, giving him everything he could have asked for.

Just as sleep was about to claim him and toss him from the brink into sated dreams, he tightened his hold on mismatched shoulders and mumbled to the dark, blank ceiling,

"I love you," he didn't feel the answering smile fan over his skin but he didn't need to. He had Ed and it was perfect.

Why Ed would make the bet all over again:

Bright gold eyes cracked open as sunlight poured in through wide, unhindered windows, glancing around in glazed incomprehension. The room he had woken up in seemed somewhat familiar but he couldn't place why; only that it was not his own. Blank walls and a ceiling winked knowingly at him as he sat up, muddled with confusion then his eyes fell a familiar desk he had stood behind countless times in the past seven years, facing off against coal black eyes and raging self assurance. Memories of the night before flooded through him, causing him to flush furiously. Now Roy was settled on top of said desk, long legs crossed and dark eyes unreadable as he watched Ed sit up. He wore nothing but his blue dress pants, scars livid in the stark morning light. The blond stared back for a moment, noticing he'd been cleaned up and dressed in a white shirt that he could have gotten lost in, covered in a Colonel's large jacket. How had he been so lucky, he wondered as he eyed the firm muscle on display what he had done to attract someone as beautiful and put together as this dark haired Colonel.

"Good morning," the strong, velvety voice was soft, making Ed shiver slightly. The way Roy said it was like the older man wanted nothing more than to be right where they were and it was indescribable and unbelievable but he wanted to trust even if he couldn't put the strong emotion into words. Words weren't needed anyway. Ed swung his feet to the floor, metal clunking heavily against the polished wood and clutched the jacket to his chest, breathing in the deep, musky combination of gunpowder and man as he looked through his tangled mess for hair at the dark haired man.

"Shouldn't we, like, move? Somewhere else? You know, before everyone gets here?" he asked, looking meaningfully at the half-open door but he was answered with a soft chuckle.

"It's Sunday, Edward. No one is coming in today," the way he said Edward was perfect and he would never get tired of hearing Roy say it. The Colonel unfolded himself from his perch and stepped closer, slanted eyes smoldering and damn if he wasn't fucking hot. Ed just returned the look, mouth dry and uttered a small, pathetic, "Oh," reminded strongly of that strong body pressing against him, into him. Heat scoured through him as Roy leaned down, tipping his head back with strong fingers and when their lips melded together, he was left tingling down to his metal toes. When the taller man pulled back, it was only an inch or two, thumbs drawing little circles over his cheek and down his neck. Warm breath eased over the bridge of his nose and he leaned up a little more, unaware his fingers had fisted in the rough material of Roy's pants.

"Would you like to go get breakfast?" Roy asked, smoothing blond locks gently as he straightened. The question awoke his stomach, which roared angrily and he smiled, hiding it in the warm skin of the pale stomach, liking the way the ridged muscles jumped under his cheek.

"Breakfast is great as long as you're buying," a deep rumbling chuckle rolled through him, abs jerking under his touch once again.

"Fine, pipsqueak," Roy bit back as he pulled away and pulled the blond to his feet, "but we're going to have to do something about those clothes. Or the lack there of," Ed chucked the jacket at the familiar smirk, indignation flaring hotly.

"Fuck you, bastard! And don't CALL ME SHORT!!" he raged through the stupid grin that threatened because it seemed some things had stayed the same after all and that was just fine. Roy just barked a laugh, dropping a kiss onto the blond head as he shrugged into his jacket. The things that had changed, though, were even better, setting light to a little ball of light curled in Ed's chest. He would have gone out in just the shirt (though he would never mention this to Roy as the man might get ideas) because for the first time since he was six, he had everything he wanted; this, right here, where all the sharp broken pieces were smoothed over and fit neatly with Roy's own broken shards. Strangely enough, it completed everything that was ever missing. It was perfect.


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