STRONA BIERNA, wsr rok 2, sem 3, ang


Stronę bierną tworzymy używając odpowiedniej formy czasownika „to be” oraz formy czasownika Past Participle (imiesłów bierny). Zmienia się również podmiot zdania, w porównaniu do zdań w stronie czynnej. To, co stanowiło w zdaniu jego dopełnienie staje się podmiotem. Sam podmiot zaś użyty w zdaniu w stronie czynnej jest nieistotny dla sensu zdania i zostaje w stronie biernej pominięty. Jeżeli zaś wykonawca czynności jest istotny, jego pojawienie się poprzedza słówko „by” - „przez”.

Użycie strony biernej polega na zwróceniu uwagi na ważność czynności.

I wrote a letter. - A letter was written.

I write letters every day. - Letters are written every day.

I will write a letter. - A letter will be written.

Susan has written a letter. - A letter has been written by Susan.

I had written a letter. - A letter had been written.

I am writing a letter. - A letter is being written.

They were writing letters. - Letters were being written.

Użycie strony biernej z czasownikami modalnymi polega na dodaniu do czasownika modalnego “(to) be + Past Participle”

She must send the letters. - The letters must be sent.

Często w stronie biernej w języku angielskim tworzone są zdania, których odpowiednik w języku polskim nie jest w stronie biernej, np.

She must be paid. - Trzeba jej zapłacić.


are (am/is)



(by Peter).


were (was)

will be


have (has) been

had been

will have been



must be

Ex. 1

Uzupełnij w stronie biernej w czasie Present lub Past Simple.

  1. The Eiffel Tower (build) in 1889. was built

  2. All the singer's clothes (make) specially for her. Were make

  3. The grass (cut) every month. Is cut

  4. Australia (discover) by Captain Cook in 1770. was discovered

  5. This morning I (wake) up by the neighbour's dog. Was waken

  6. Cricket (play) in the summer in the UK. Is played

  7. These songs (record) last year. Was recorded

  8. Most children (educate) in state schools. Are educated

Ex. 2

Zamień zdania w stronie czynnej na stronę bierną

  1. Shakespeare wrote „Hamlet” in 1603. the hamlet was wrotten by shakespeare In 1603

  2. Last night the police stopped us. We were stoppen by in the police last night

  3. American teenagers eat a lot of fast food. A lof of fast food is eaten by American teenagers

  4. Toulouse-Lautrec painted “At the Moulin Rouge”. At the Moulin rouge was painted by Toulouse-lautrec

  5. The marketing manager organizes weekly meetings. Weekly metings are organized by the …

  6. The Italians make Fiat cars. Fiat cars are maked the Italians

  7. They sell cold drinks here. Cold drinks are sell here.

  8. They subtitle a lot of foreign films. A lot of foreign films are subtitled.

  9. Someone threw the letters away by mistake. the letter

  10. Some people are painting my house. My house is being painted

  11. They have sold all the tickets for the concert. All the tickets for the concert have been sold

  12. They will play the match tomorrow. The match will be played tomorrow

  13. Somebody must pay this bill tomorrow. This bill must be play tomorrow

  14. They performed the operation in the emergency room. The operation was performed in the emergency room

  15. Mr. Rodney has just evaluated your script. Your script

  16. A mechanic from Queens is repairing this car. This car is being repaired by a mechanic from queens

  17. Professor Bridges wrote this interesting article on SIDS. This interesting artivle on sids was written by professor bridges

  18. Nurse Brag will bandage his foot. His food will be bandaged by nurse brag

  19. Exon managers were discussing the project. The project was being discussed by exon managers

  20. Joanna saw her interns at C&A last Tuesday. Interns were seen at C&A by Joanna last the tuesday

  21. Their son would certainly give the money back. The money would be given back

  22. My students can answer the most difficult questions. The most difficult quwstions can be answered by my students

  23. They will plan the day later on. The day later will be planed

  24. Someone noticed the thief an hour earlier.

  25. Everyone knows the facts very well.

  26. They opened the theatre only last month.

  27. Someone is serving coffee now.

  28. People will soon forget the whole affair.

  29. Someone has translated those documents.

  30. You must write the answers in ink.

  31. Someone has taken away two of my books.

  32. They are now producing this type of transistor radio in Japan.

  33. Someone cleans the rooms every week.

  34. Someone will send this parcel to Mr. Brown.

  35. You must finish the work by 5 o'clock.

  36. Someone is repairing the road to Winchester.

  37. Someone has locked the safe.

  38. They will cut the tree down.

Ex. 3

Zamień zdania w stronie biernej na stronę czynną

  1. This sterilizer should be improved immediately.

  2. That scanner could not be depended on.

  3. The children will be taken care of by their mum.

  4. This book should be read by everyone.

  5. You can be instructed by our doctor.

  6. The evaluation sheet should be given back.

  7. George is very well spoken about.

  8. The room had to be cleaned again.

  9. Mary's merits can't be forgotten.

  10. The emails will be sent in the afternoon.

Ex. 4

Popraw zdania

  1. Lada cars made in Russia.

  2. A new motorway is being build at the moment.

  3. The film based on a famous novel.

  4. This programme were watched by millions of people.

  5. My bag was stole when I was in Florida.

  6. The “Harry Potter” books were written for J.K.Rowling.

  7. I couldn't send you an email because my computer was repairing.

  8. You will taken to your hotel by taxi.

  9. Oh no! Our flight has being cancelled.

  10. English is spoke in this restaurant.

  11. Seat belts must wear at all times.

Ex. 5


  1. Zanim doktor Jones wrócił na oddział, podano już środki przeciwbólowe. Befor doctor Jones come back to the Word, servd a painkiller

  2. Nie denerwuj się! Twój komputer jest właśnie naprawiany. Don't nervous! Your komputer repaird now.

  3. Śmieci powinny być wyrzucane każdego wieczora. Trash should be

  4. Wczoraj powiedziano jej całą prawdę. Yesterday she would told all

  5. Twoja reklama została właśnie wydrukowana. your … hes just bin pinted

  6. Nie martw się, kwiaty będą podlewane przez Betty. Don't wory, flower will be watered by betty.

  7. Obiecano mu dodatkowe pieniądze. They Promise extra Money.

  8. Pacjenci powinni być szanowani, bez względu na wiek. The patients shoud be vepected

  9. Dzieci powinny być uczone angielskiego 3 razy w tygodniu. Children shoud be lerned english 3 in the week

  10. Podręcznik jest dawany gratis każdemu, kto zapisze się na kurs. The book is giv free evrybody, who raiting in the kurs

  11. W naszej dzielnicy buduje się duży basen. In auer district build a big swiming pull

  12. Portret mojej córki został namalowany przez słynnego artystę. … my doughter

  13. Po hiszpańsku mówi się w większości krajów południowoamerykańskich.

  14. Pasażerowie proszeni są o zapięcie pasów.

  15. Ogłoszono, że prezydent przybędzie do Rzymu jutro.

  16. Ta książka musi być zwrócona natychmiast.

  17. Gdy weszliśmy, właśnie podawano obiad.

  18. Dlaczego listy nie zostały jeszcze przepisane na maszynie?

  19. Ryż jada się głównie na wschodzie.

  20. Nie powiedziano mi, że goście już wyszli.

  21. Czy Jim będzie zaproszony na przyjęcie?

  22. Okno otwarto zanim poszedłeś spać.

  23. Nie zapłacono za ten obraz.

  24. Twoja książka będzie wydana w przyszłym roku.

  25. Powieść Heleny będzie ukończona przez jej męża.


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