12 03 13

Language focus 3 - Gerunds and Infinitives B

Go on winning - continue to do the same activity

Go on to become a full-time model - change to a different activity

Remember studying

First - study, second - remember

Remember to study

First - remember, second - study

Regret to say

Regret - first, say - second

Regret saying

Say - first, regret - second

Stop to buy

Stop - first, buy - second

Stop buying

Buy first, stop - second

He stopped to smoke (in the street)

He stopped smoking (he quit)

Try having tennis lessons to improve your game - as an experiment, to see if you can solve a problem

Try to have tennis lessons - make an effort (but you didn't have them)

I meant to do it - intended, planned

It meant doing something - involved

Play volleyball - court - volleyball player

Play tennis - court - tennis player

Play basketball - court - basketball player

Go skiing - on ski slopes -skier

Go cycling - on a track - cyclist

Do athletics - on a track - athletes

Go swimming - in a pool - swimmer

Do gymnastics - in a gym - gymnast

Play football - on a pitch - footballer






Dreamed/ dreamt


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