Letter of Complaint, MSG I stopień, II rok, ang

Letter of Complain
I am writing /to complain about.../on account of/ because of/ on the subject of...
I am writing to draw your attention to…
I am writing to you in connection with...
I was appalled at... - bylem zbulwersowany...
I feel I must protest/complain about
I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with...
I would therefore be grateful if you could consider a full refund of....
(Nevertheless) I hope you will replace.... (mam nadzieję, że wymienicie państwo...)
I demand a full refund of...
Such a delay seems to me inexcusable - takie opoznienie jest dla mnie niewybaczalne
I trust the situation will improve
I hope the matter will be resolved
I hope we can sort this matter out amicably - mam nadzieje,że mozemy rozwiazac tę sprawe przyjacielsko
Unfortunately tour product (or service) has not performed well (or the service was inadequate) because...
I am disappointed because....(ex. the product does not work properly/the service was not performed correctly etc)

Letter of apllication
I am writing with regard to your advertisment which appeared in (nazwa gazety etc) on (data)
I would be grateful if you could send me further informations about job you offered
As far as my experience is concerned..... - jeśli chodzi o moje doświadczenie
I would also like to add that I am........ which makes me an ideal candidate for this job.
I am currently a student of.....
After graduating from high school I started my studies at the faculty of....at the University of (ex. Warsaw)
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convieniece
I would like to apply for the post of....
I would also like to add that I hold a certificate in English
I enlose a copy of my CV.
I would be glad if I could attend an interview at any time convenient to you - Byłbym szczesliwy, gdybym mogl przyjsc na rozmowę w sprawie pracy w czasie dogodnym dla panstwa

I am writing to enquire about... - pisze z zapytaniem o...
Could you please send me further details about...?
I would be grateful if you could send me further details about...
I am writing for information about...
I would like to learn/know more about....
I would like to as if...
Thanking in advance for your assistance



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