Zoe Perdita Savage Wolf Pack 01 Wolf Bait[mm]TRAD

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Savage Wolf Series:

Wolf Bait

By: Zoe Perdita

Copyright 2012 by Zoe Perdita

Published by Smashwords

Cover Art:

© Can Stock Photo Inc. /stryjek

© Can Stock Photo Inc. /Paha_L

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author’s imagination.

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Staring at the old Victorian farmhouse, the garden over grown and the driveway dusty in

the hot summer air, I wonder if I can do this. I’ve had time- six long months of grieving before I

came out here to deal with my parent’s things. Shit! I’m way too young to be left alone. Twenty-

five and both parents gone? What the hell am I supposed to do?

Taking a deep breath, I look over the short white fence toward our neighbor’s house.

Yuri’s in the yard, his long black hair tied back into a ponytail and his finely toned chest bare, as

he mows the front lawn. Sweat beads on his pale brow and drips down the lanky muscles on his

back. Damn, all this time and the oldest Lowell brother is still as hot as ever. Just looking at him

sends a prickle of excitement over my skin. I wonder if all five brothers still live there?

I remember the first time I met the Lowell boys. We’d just moved into the country- a

long twenty-minute drive from Spokane. My parents wanted to start a little organic farming

operation and they needed the land. As a kid from the suburbs living all the way out here

sounded horrible. What was I supposed to do in the middle of nowhere? They’d better have cable

and a way for me to play video games!

The first time I saw the house with its peeling yellow paint and the huge wrap around

porch I wanted to be disappointed. But the place was huge! A hell of a lot bigger than our little

one-story ranch house back in the city. The mountains came right down and touched the edge of

the valley, rising right up to greet the sky like they were saying hello. Looking over the fields of

wheat, still green and growing, my lingering trepidation faded away. Maybe this wouldn’t be so

bad after all.

Then the neighbor boys ran out of the house, Yuri towering above them at sixteen, his

hair just as long as it is now. They chatted in a strange mixture of Russian and English but

stopped as soon as they saw us. We stared at one other for a moment that seemed to stretch

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across time and space. Looking at their faces, I felt strangely at home. But I’d never met those

kids in my life!

“What?” I said loud enough for them to hear me, and my mom clipped me lightly on the

back of the head.

“Go say hello, Sam. Don’t be rude to the neighbors.” And she pushed me toward the little

wooden fence that separated our yards.

I stumbled up to them, shoved my Gameboy in my pocket, and nodded. “I’m Sam. We’re

moving in.”

Yuri was the first to speak, his English slightly accented. “I’m Yuri Lowell and these are

my brothers.”

All four of the younger ones sounded off: Alexei was the second oldest- a gawky

fourteen-year-old with dirty blonde hair and clear gray eyes. Then came the twelve-year-old

Nikolai whose dark hair and pretty boy face reminded me of Yuri’s to an extraordinary degree.

Dmitri was my age and his reddish-brown hair looked like my own, but his eyes were a clear

green instead of an ugly muddy brown. The youngest was Pasha at seven, his pale blonde hair in

stark contrast to all of his brothers.

“Where are your parents?” I asked and glanced at the house behind them. It was in

slightly better repair than our own- freshly painted and larger. Did each kid get his own room or

did they share? Sharing wasn’t something I had to do very often as an only child.

“At work,” Nikolai said and looked me over with a critical eye. “What’s wrong with


I glared at the taller boy. “Nothing. What’s wrong with you?”

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Yuri clamped his hand down on Nikolai’s slender shoulder. “Sorry for my brother. He’s a

bit of a joker.”

I didn’t believe he was joking for a second, but the smile on Dmitri’s lips distracted me.

“Will you play with us?” Pasha asked and rested his chin on the fence, his grubby fingers

gripping onto the wood. “I think you’re supposed to play with us.”

I nodded. “Yeah, sure. What’s there to do out here anyway?”

Dmitri gave me a wolfish grin. “Oh, plenty, moy droog. Plenty.”

The blaring honk of a car wakes me from my reverie, and I watch as an old beat up truck

pulls into their yard. Yuri, his face as pale and as smooth as a statue, glances over as Alexei and

Nikolai climb down.

Alexei’s dirty blond hair had always been messy, but now it hangs to his shoulders with a

fringe of bangs dangling in his eyes. The sharp curve of his jaw and chin, never as delicate as the

other boys, adds a strong air of masculinity to his handsome face. A black wife beater and tight

jeans cling to his muscular frame- the bulge in his pants more than evident as he pulls groceries

out of the back. Like usual, Nikolai looks like a slightly younger Yuri, right down to the long

black hair and the well-defined lanky body.

Blood rushes to my groin and sweat gathers on my palms. A strange electric buzz fills my

ears, radiating off my skin like static. Why do I still feel this way after all these years? It’s been

ages since I’ve spoken to any of them. After I left for college I didn’t have the time to keep in

touch with a family of brothers who lived totally different lives from my own. No matter how

badly I want to, saying something now seems cheap and forced. It’s not like talking to them will

change anything- my parents are still dead. I still won’t have a job. And I’ve got a whole stupid

U-Haul trailer to unpack all on my own. Fun!

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Suddenly, Yuri catches me staring. His almond shaped eyes narrow into dangerous slits,

and he turns and hurries the other brothers into the house. As they disappear inside the ache in

my body eases to a dull thud. Weird, but I have other things to worry about.

I unload most of my stuff and settle into the house. It’s funny how everything is just the

same as I remember. The floral couch- the tacky wallpaper- even the lacy curtains blowing in the

warm evening breeze all remind me of my childhood. The hutch is filled with all my mom’s fine

china. I can almost hear her telling me it was passed down from her great-grandmother- her light

voice urging me to take care of it. What the hell am I supposed to do with china? What am I

supposed to do with most of this stuff?

As I lean against the wall, staring at nothing, my stomach growls. I don’t remember the

last time I ate, probably at lunch, and like an idiot I glance in the fridge. Empty, of course. Well,

I think I still have a bag of chips in the car. Hopefully that’ll tide me over until morning. This is

why I hate the country- no easy access to food! I walk toward the door, the fading light of

evening shining over the mountains like a halo of gold, and open it.

Dmitri stands on the porch, his hand raised to knock and that familiar wolfish smirk on

his full lips. “I heard you were back, Sammy!”

My heart pounds in my chest and I nod, looking him over. Just like his older brothers

Dmitri’s grown into a fine looking man. He’s about my height, a decent six-feet, and his rusty

hair still hangs in gentle waves around his pale face. Those keen green eyes seem to pick up the

light from the house and reflect it back at me. His slightly crooked nose, upturned at the tip, is

similar to the other Lowell boys. Are all Russian men this good looking or did they hit the

genetic jackpot?

“Yeah. So what’s up?”

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“We’re sorry to hear about your parents. It was so shocking to us that they died like that.

We emptied the pantry and refrigerator so the food wouldn’t spoil.”

I clear my throat and look at the night sky dusted with stars. Shit! I really don’t want to

talk about my folks right now. “Thanks.”

“I brought you some dinner if you want to eat. We’d invite you over but we have plans

tonight,” he says and hands me a plate wrapped in tin foil.

“It’s not steak tartare, is it?” I ask as I take the offering.

Dmitri laughs, and I wonder if he remembers that day as well as I do. Raw meat is not

something I want to try again. “No. It’s like pirog. A cooked meat pie.”

“Sounds good,” I say and force myself to smile. What kind of plans do they have? Maybe

they all have dates. The ladies must love them- if they know any ladies. A strange pit forms in

my stomach at the thought.

The young Russian glances up at the full moon rising over the hills, and for a moment I

think I catch a glimpse of sharply pointed fangs hanging over his bottom lip. No. That doesn’t

make any fucking sense. He’d not a vampire! “I must go. I’ll see you later, Sammy. Let us know

if you need help,” he says and pats my shoulder with a long fingered hand.

He turns and trots down the steps and out of my yard. Once he gets to the fence he stops.

“You should shut your windows tonight. Wolves always come out on the full moon,” he shouts

and disappears into the growing shadows.

Backing into the house I remember him saying the same thing to me when we were kids.

Wolves come out on the full moon. After living out here for eight years I only saw one wolf, but

that memory is bad enough.


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“Here. This looks perfect,” Dmitri said and set down his pack.

I pulled mine off, glancing up at the ancient fir trees towering over our heads, and took a

deep breath of the fresh mountain air. “I can’t believe Yuri let you go camping alone. He always

wants to come with us.”

Dmitri shrugged his broad shoulders and sipped from the water bottle. “Let’s just say I

talked him into it,” he said and grinned.

“So you didn’t tell him?”

His green eyes flashed in the dim light of the forest as he held his finger to his pouty lips.

“I’m on a trip with the chess team. He’s so busy lately he won’t remember I’m even gone.”

“Why didn’t you invite Pasha? He’s gonna be bored back there.”

“This trip is just for you and me to celebrate,” he said and pulled our tent and two full

bottles of vodka from his backpack. “Pasha’s still too young.”

“That’s twenty-one!” But I grabbed a bottle nonetheless, swishing the clear, oily liquid

around inside it.

“Well, in Russia you can drink now, so that’s what we’ll pretend,” he said and flashed his

bright white teeth at me.

A rush of excitement surged to my groin at that look- his pale, boyishly handsome face,

the well-defined strength in his arms and chest- shit! I shouldn’t think about one of my best

friends like that, especially when I had the same kind of dirty thoughts about all his brothers.

How the hell did he get so fit when he didn’t play sports or work out? I swam and ran track and

my body didn’t have the same easy muscle tone; I was just slightly too skinny.

“What?” he asked suddenly, and heat rushed to my cheeks. Shit, I was staring again!

“Um, yeah. Let’s pretend I’m in Russia! Want to set up the tent?”

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Dmitri nodded, his eyebrows raised into a question he never bothered asking.

The cool night air of the mountains wrapped around us as we made camp and settled in

front of the roaring fire. From our spot on the hill we could just make out the twinkling light of

the houses in the valley below.

“Where is UCLA?” Dmitri asked as he gnawed on his sixth hotdog.

“Los Angeles, California.”

He whistled into the night. “That’s a long way from home. When will you come to visit


“Maybe at Christmas,” I said and shrugged. Getting away was part of my plan- living in

such a small community with a big secret weighting over my head sucked. Going out with girls-

especially girls I had no interest in- wasn’t easy. Not to mention living next to a house of hot as

fuck Russian men that I couldn’t have. But the weird thing is I wasn’t attracted to any other

guys- just the Lowell brothers. Something was really wrong with me and getting away from them

was the only way to fix it.

“Won’t you miss us?” he asked and scooted closer to me, the fire casting strange shadows

over his face.

“Yeah, you’re my best friend! But I don’t want to go to any of the local schools. Plus, I

got a full scholarship. I can’t pass this up.”

Dmitri pouted and his eyes seemed to shine in the darkness. “We’ll miss you too. All of


Thinking of our time together over the years, I nodded. “We had a lot of fun. I’ll come

back. My parents are gonna live out here forever!”

He smiled, but it held none of the impish pleasure it usually did. “Yes. Forever.”

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“Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think about your folks,” I said. Whatever

happened to them, the brothers never talked about it. Must have been bad though.

He shook his head and grinned. “I’m not sad about our parents! They’re on a trip this

week. Come. Let’s have a drink of this fine Russian water and make Yuri proud!”

The vodka burned as it slid down my throat. Fuck! It tasted like drinking Pine Sol, but

after a few shots the strident flavor mellowed- or I was just too buzzed to be bothered by it


“What about your girlfriend?” Dmitri asked and grabbed the bottle from my hand. How

could he gulp it like that and not make a face?

I laughed. Everything in the world felt like a joke at that moment. “We broke up when I

told her about UCLA.”

He handed the bottle back to me, his eyes sharp even after all that alcohol. “Oh. Too bad.

You fuck her?”

“No. She wanted to wait for marriage or some shit,” I said and giggled into the vodka as I

took another slow sip.

Suddenly, Dmitri’s shoulder pressed into mine, his green eyes glowing in the dim light of

the fire as he studied my face. “But you kissed her? You liked kissing her?”

My cheeks burned. “Um, yeah. It was okay, I guess. Haven’t you kissed a girl?”

His lips turned up into a smirk. “I don’t know if I could kiss a woman properly.”

The thump of my heart sounded louder- more pronounced- like I felt every single beat.

“Why not?” Was he as curious as I was?

“I might be bad at it. I need practice,” he whispered, his lips mere inches from my own.

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The warmth of his breath blew into my face and smelled strongly of alcohol. My whole

body burned- a fiery need building in my chest and cock as I looked at him.

Our lips met. The barest touch of flesh to flesh. His plump mouth pressed into mine, our

tongues flicking out to meet each other in the middle. He tasted like vodka and marshmallows,

and I pressed my flat chest into his, my hands groping at his thickly muscled arms as he gripped

onto my back. His nails dug into the skin, almost scratching me through two layers of clothing.

Dmitri moaned as my lips traveled down his pale neck- his hips grinding into my body- both our

cocks rising to the occasion as we dry humped each other through our jeans. Fuck! I needed

more of him- his cock inside me somehow!

“I want you,” he moaned and grabbed by ass, pulling me onto his lap.

My legs fit over his hips like they were meant to. Rubbing our throbbing dicks together,

the friction blurred my vision. Fuck! Panting hard. Hearts pounding. An electric surge of lust

flowed from his body into mine. This was meant to happen. It needed to happen.

As I suckled his skin between my lips, a soft rustling came from the woods.

Suddenly, Dmitri sat up straight, shrugging off my hands and sniffing the air.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Something’s out there.”

I wiped my eyes, looking past the smoke of the fire and into the darkness surrounding us.

“It’s probably just a raccoon.”

“Shut up and get in the tent,” he said, his voice low and grumbly- almost a growl.

As I stood, the world spun around me- the stars in the sky blurring into a mess of lights.

Shit! Maybe I drank too much. I stumbled forward, but the ground rushed up to met me, and

when I sat up again my friend was gone.

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“Dmitri?” I called.

A snarl answered me.

I slowly stood up and backed toward the tent. That didn’t sound like a raccoon.

Just as I bumped into the smooth nylon the beast jumped out of the trees and stalked

toward me. Its pointed fangs bared and its ears pressed back to its head. The wolf’s coat looked

as white as freshly fallen snow, except for the smears of red around its mouth. What the hell was

going on?

“Dmitri?” I yelled again, almost falling over the tent as I stared at the thing.

If I ran would if follow? Shit! Did it eat Dmitri? What was I supposed to do?

Movement from the trees caught the animal’s attention, and I turned in the opposite

direction and took off- but just as I moved the wolf swiped at me. Its enormous paw caught my

side, the claws ripping into my jacket and shirt to the tender skin below.

I screamed in pain and ran pell-mell into the woods. Trees snapped at me, their branches

scratching my face. Rocks and roots grabbed my shoes and pulled me to the forest floor as I tried

to escape. Finally, I tripped over a fallen log and lay sprawled in the pine needles, my heart

hammering in my chest as I waited for jaws to sink into my flesh- the bite of death to overtake

me- but it never happened.

“Sammy? Where the hell did you go?” Dmitri called with his slight Russian accent.

Panting for breath, I sat up and held my side. “I’m here. By a log.”

“Shit!” he cried when he saw me. For some reason his clothes were ripped although he

didn’t have a drop of blood on him. “Did it bite you?”

“No, just a scratch,” I said and stumbled to my feet.

He wrinkled his brow and helped me back to camp- our secret trip ruined.

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I don’t remember much after we stumbled home that night. My parents rushed me to the

emergency room, and I got stiches in my side. When we went back to school Dmitri had a black

eye- something he didn’t get from the wolf in the woods. After that, I’d often hear the Lowell

brothers arguing in Russian late into the night. I never found out why.


Just as I’m wiping the buttery crumbs of the meat pie from my lips I hear the first howl- a

long lonely sound from the edge of the forest. Shit! Was that a wolf? A moment later another

howl answers it as long and drawn out as the first. I guess Dmitri wasn’t kidding. I get up like a

mad man and pull all of the windows closed, turning the little metal locks in place just in case.

As I move to the last window I see the outline of a bounding animal in the darkness, the

great furry body of a wolf as it runs through the late summer fields of wheat. For a minute I can’t

move- can’t do anything but stare at the creature in the distance. Is it the white wolf? The one

that scratched me?

With shaking hands, I force the window down and lock it, pulling the lacy white curtains

over it. My heart beats in my chest, pounding against my rib cage like it’s trying to break free.

The scar on my side, the three long claw marks, suddenly itch, and I scratch at them. Sleep.

Yeah. I should clean up and get to sleep. In the morning the world won’t seem as fucking crazy-

I hope.


Crazy? No. Mundane? Yes. Unpacking my paltry belongings into my parent’s house isn’t

nearly as exciting as seeing wolves running in my backyard. I finally head outside around noon. I

need groceries and they aren’t going to buy themselves- as my dad used to say.

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The bright sunshine beats down, warming my skin instantly, and I glance at the Lowell’s

house. I should probably return their plate and thank them again for dinner the night before.

Hopefully, Dmitri’s home.

As I step over the low fence, separating my weed-ridden yard from their sculpted lawn,

the steady hum of insects fills the summer air. The porch is littered with chairs and a few tables,

each with a chess set resting on top. Russians and their chess! I never understood how it could be

better than video games as a kid, no matter how many times the brothers tried to explain it to me.

I knock on the door and wait, sweat beading on my brow in the heat.

Suddenly, the door swings open, and Yuri stands in front of me. He’s only an inch or two

taller than I am, but something about his presence makes him seem larger. Up close he’s even

better looking- his black hair hangs loose over his pale shoulders, his bare chest lanky and

muscular all at the same time. His face is almost beautiful: full lips, the impish nose, large

almond shaped eyes like a cat- eyes that seem to see past my flesh and into my very soul. How

the hell does he do that?

“Sammy,” he says looks me over. “Why did you come back?”

I wipe my hands on my shorts and wonder if I’m any better looking than I used to be. I

know I’m not as blessed as the Lowell boys, but I’ve been told I’m cute- handsome even- in a

boyish kind of way. “My parents died. I have to take care of the house.”

He glances past me, his eyes cold. “Are you staying for good?”

“For a while. Look, I just came to bring back the plate and thank Dmitri for the meat pie.

I’m not going to bother you guys or anything,” I say and shove the plate toward him. Is he pissed

that I didn’t keep in contact with them or something?

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Suddenly, he grabs my chin in his long, slender fingers and lifts my face to his. “Did you

see any wolves last night?”

My cheeks flush with the contact. “Y-yeah. One was running in the backfield. Why?”

Narrowing his eyes, Yuri grabs my side with his other hand and pulls up my t-shirt.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Instead of answering me his fingers trail over the scarred claw marks that cut right across

my slender waist and the tight muscles of my stomach. Usually the scars are slightly pink on my

fair skin, but now they’re red- just like they were all those years ago.

“Does it itch?” he asks, his fingers lingering over the flesh in a slow and deliberate


“Uh, sometimes. What the hell does that have to do with anything? I got this scratch

years ago,” I say and step away from him. My heart’s pounding too fast. My cheeks are too

flushed and the sweat dripping down my back has nothing to do with the heat. Being so close to

him- the rich scent of Yuri’s body, a mixture of musk and earth, sends liquid heat to my groin. I

don’t need to get a boner on their fucking porch!

He steps toward me, his pants hanging low on his narrow hips and showing off the little

line of muscle that disappears under the thin fabric. “More than you know,” he says, his voice a

low rumble in his chest.

Without warning he grabs my wrist and yanks me into the house. The plate tumbles from

my hands and breaks into pieces on the wooden floor, the loud crash of glass piercing the perfect

summer day. Then Yuri slams the door closed and shoves me into the wall- knocking the breath

from my lungs.

“What the-” I start, but he cuts me off.

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“Dmitri tried to kiss you that night, didn’t he? That little bastard wanted you all to

himself,” he growls- his blue eyes reflecting the light from the windows back into my face.

My mind spins- my body a confusion of nerves- at once excited and scared of what’s to

come. “Yeah, but what does that have to with me?”

Yuri smirks and turns the lock on the door. His fingers tighten on my wrist, the slender

flesh burning into mine with the intensity of a flame. “You’re heart’s pounding. Ba-dum. Ba-

dum. You like this, don’t you? Or your body does.”

His eyes look like those of a starving predator that’s finally trapped its prey. I always

knew Yuri had a temper, I just never knew he was fucking crazy! My body might like this, but I

need to get the hell away from him!

I pull my wrist out of his grip and slam into his chest with my shoulder. “Dmitri? Pasha?”

I call as I charge for the backdoor. They’re not gonna let Yuri hurt me; I know that for damn


Just as I turn the corner he crashes into me, and we tumble onto the couch. The hot heavy

breath on my neck sends jolts of electric desire into my veins, feeding the growing need in my

cock. Shit! Why am I turned on at a time like this?

“No one else is home, Sammy,” Yuri snarls in my ear, his lips nipping at my earlobe as

he rips at my clothes. Hot breath tickles my cheek, the pounding of his heart flush against the

skin on my back.

I pull myself forward, trying to wiggle out from under him, but Yuri’s fingers dig into my

waist like claws. When the fuck did he get so strong?

“You’re not going anywhere,” he barks, the blunt head of his cock pressing into my ass.

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“What are you planning?” I mumble into the couch, urging my body to fight him off. Run

away. Giving into him is not a good idea, even if it feels good. I don’t even know if I’m gay for

God’s sake!

He chuckles into my neck, his lips and teeth brushing over the skin lightly. “You aren’t

stupid. You know what I want and you know what your body wants- you can’t help it. It’s in

your nature.”

I dig my fingers into the soft cushions on the couch. Now I know he’s completely lost it.

“What does that even mean?”

He huffs into my neck, taking the skin between his teeth and suckling it until I gasp. Shit!

I haven’t gotten laid in a long time- and I’ve never felt like this when I fooled around with other

people. Hungry lust floods my body, making me want to give in and do whatever he says

because it feels better than anything I’ve ever experienced.

“You don’t even know?” he huffs, grinding his dick into my ass- his rock hard cock

exciting the tender skin through my jeans and boxers.

Think, Sam. Think! Taking a deep breath, I muster up all my strength and push back into

Yuri, trying to knock him off my back so I can finally get away. Fuck! Shoving into him is like

slamming into a brick wall! He won’t budge. Instead, his hands trail over my stomach, pinching

at the tender flesh of my chest until he finds my nipples and squeezes- twisting them into painful

points of delight.

“Ah,” I moan, my cock hardening completely at his touch.

“You have a cruel fate- to entice greedy beasts like my brothers and me. You’re volk


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I don’t even know what volk means, but the throbbing ache in my jeans makes it difficult

to care at the moment. What am I supposed to do? Just let Yuri Lowell fuck me?

His hands burn over my skin, working down toward the boner in my pants. I should tell

him to stop- ask him what the fuck a volk is- but the glorious need building up in my body, like

static electricity, keeps me from doing anything. What the hell is wrong with me?

“What’s a volk?” I say, my voice little more than a breath of air.

Yuri fingers the buttons on my jeans. “It is wolf in English.”

“I’m wolf bait?”

He stops messing with my button and the weight of his body moves off my back. It’s the

perfect opportunity for me to make a run for it- so I get up and jump forward, but Yuri’s too fast.

He grabs my foot, and I tumble onto the thick carpet. In one quick move he flips me onto my

back and straddles my legs. Sweat beads across my skin as I take a deep shuddering breath and

stare into his dangerous eyes. The tent poles in each of our pants an obvious sign of arousal. I

have to get away before this goes too far.

“I noticed when you were young, but your scent’s only increased in potency since then.

Living in the city kept you safe, but that’s not so in the woods. Creatures like us will smell you-

they’ll want you as much as I do, and they won’t let you get away until they’re through.”

My heart hammers in my chest- my brain reeling to understand what the fuck he’s talking

about. “What kind of creatures are you?” I ask, trying to keep my voice calm and neutral and not

let him know how insane he sounds.

He smiles suddenly; pulling his full lips back over the white shine of his teeth. His large

canine’s come to dagger sharp points, but that doesn't prove anything. “You don’t have to

believe me, but that won’t keep this from happening.”

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“How can I believe or not if you don’t tell me what you are?” If I keep him talking

maybe he’ll forget about sex and let me go.

Without a word he pops the button of my jeans and yanks down the zipper, pulling the

pants down my hips. A blush spreads up my chest and over my cheeks. How am I supposed to

escape without pants?

“You have trouble getting this hard with other people, don’t you?”

“How do you know that?” I ask.

Yuri only smiles. The sunlight streaming across his face and hair- picking up the

highlights of red and brown in his dark mane. Slowly, he lowers his mouth to my standing


I try to scoot back, my body begging me to stay while my mind struggles for some form

of control over the situation. I have none- I’m totally fucking helpless! The heat of his lips

radiates over my cock, his tongue lapping at the dripping pre-come like it’s a water fountain on a

hot day. Gasping, I buckle my hips into his face, but he holds me down with his superior


The full pout of his mouth joins his tongue, kissing the blunt head of my dick with

surprising gentleness and suckling at the oversensitive tip. My vision blurs, a groan escaping my

lips as I dig my hands into his smooth black hair. Fuck!

Opening wide, his mouth engulfs my cock. The shaft beats against the slick passion of his

tongue- the muscle sliding over and around with increasing intensity. Lips grip me tightly. His

hands rolling my aching balls in fingers and palms. I’m harder than I’ve ever been, and Yuri’s

mouth is my only salvation. My only sanctuary.

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Slowly and deliberately, he sucks. Each bob of his head calculated to drive me crazy.

Everything he said- all his insanity- disappears. My body trembles with a need only he can

fulfill. My mind focuses only on the fury of his tongue- the power of his lips. I can’t believe this

is happening!

Suddenly, he pulls back and smirks at me over my flat stomach, and his eyes fill with a

dangerous glint. Grabbing my hands, he pins them above my head. I wriggle my wrists,

struggling to get free- but his grip is like iron. “Don’t tell me you dislike it. I can see what you

want all over your face,” he says and licks my lips.

The rough material of his pants rubs against my dripping cock as his mouth assaults

mine- his full pout pressing into me with fervor like Dmitri’s all those years ago. Why do I want

to give into him? Parting my lips, our tongues flick out to mingle, his breath heaving as he grinds

into my body. He tastes salty and sharp. Every time I want to fully give in to his kisses, he pulls

back just slightly and nips at my bottom lip- pulling it with his teeth almost painfully. His hair

dangles over us and I’m lost in the world of his musky scent and his fiery touches- the throbbing

in my cock and tightness in my balls begging for some form of release.

A hot hand travels down my chest, pinching at my hard as fuck nipples until I moan. His

fingers bite and snap. Each touch a rush of pleasure. Shit! This is it. I can’t help giving in. No

matter how fucking crazy this situation is I can’t get away. Can’t do anything but let his hunger

devour me. Eat me whole.

For a moment his warmth lifts off my body, his lips still hovering over me. Then the

naked heat is back. His slick and pounding cock nudges against mine like they’re old friends.

The tingling need building to unspeakable levels. Lust wafts off us like mist. I see it in my mind-

feel the strange tingle of power flowing from my veins into his. What the hell is going on?

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“You like everything I do to you,” he pants, grabbing both our cocks in his long fingered

hand. The slickness of dripping pre-come allows them to slip against each other without friction.

“Yes,” I moan, leaning into his mouth.

Smirking, he lowers his face to my neck- his lips and teeth attacking the tender skin. Each

bite and suck opens a new world of lingering delight for my starved flesh. Trapped on the floor, I

writhe against his burning body. Shifting my hips in time with his purposeful hand. There’s

nothing else I can do. No recourse I can take. Giving in is my only option. And fuck does it feel


Each thrust into his hands brings his balls smacking against mine- the impact nearly

sending me over the edge. Nothing else in the world matters but the grip- his control over my

body and soul. His thumb as it rubs the sensitive skin of my head in slow circles.

I’m gasping, moving my hips faster as he picks up the pace. His hand grips us tighter-

holds my wrists more firmly. Lips blister me with kisses. Traveling up my rough jaw line and

landing on my lips. We pant into each other’s mouth. Our tongues barely touching. Focused on

one thing. One moment- the inevitable release.

Our breathing shallow. The tingling electric pleasure building over our skin- flickering

through every nerve in our bodies. I ram into him. Shoving my cock into his hand as fast as I

can. Fuck! I need this. I’ve never needed anything more in my life. Staring into Yuri’s perfect

face, his eyes shine a bright and vibrant blue. A low growl escapes his lips. Another thrust. And

another. My balls contract, my come shooting over our chests.

He keeps rubbing. Thrusting. Smashes his mouth into mine as the jolts of pleasure linger

over my body. A moment later he tenses- his own seed spurting over my stomach as he reaches

his peak.

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Sweat beads on my forehead as I tremble and fight to catch my breath. His weight presses

into me. His body engulfing mine almost completely with scent and power. What the hell was

that? I’ve never had an orgasm that intense before- not with a girl and definitely not on my own.

Yuri buries his head into my neck, his hair tickling my nose. “You’re under our

protection from now on. But in turn you belong to us.”

“Why do I need protection?” I ask.

His fingers trail over the scar on my side. “The wolf who gave you this scratch will come

looking to claim his prize. Only we can protect you from him.”

I want to argue- to ask him why he knows what an animal will do. But I can’t. The empty

pit in my chest filled up. I belong to the Lowell boys? Yeah. That feels about right.

Check out the next Savage Wolf Pack story coming soon.

Also, check out the Lone Wolf series and the Lone Wolf Pack series, both stories take

place in the same fictional world as the Savage Wolf Pack.

Lone Wolf Series (M/M werewolf)

Lone Wolf: Seduced by the Alpha:



Jake, a lone wolf, is not interested in pack life- but his new boss, the powerful alpha wolf
Holden Walker, won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Can Jake fight off the sexy alpha’s
advances or will he give in?

Lone Wolf: Lust for Dominance:


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While Jake’s boss, Holden, claimed him as a mate, the lone wolf isn’t ready for pack life
just yet. He wants to rule as an alpha along side his lover- but he can only do so through
the sheer force of dominance- and Holden isn’t interested in giving in. Can Jake
overpower his mate and tempt him to submit?

Lone Wolf: Dominate the Pack:


Jake’s ready to join his mate’s pack, but in order to prove himself as an alpha he needs to
dominate the other pack members. Will they submit to Jake as their new leader or will the
lone wolf have to get rough?

Lone Wolf Complete Series:


All three Lone Wolf stories in one set.

Lone Wolf Pack Series

Lone Wolf Pack: Seducing the Omega (M/m werewolf)



As an omega, Timothy thinks he’s never going to find a mate. Then a pair of Eurasian
wolves move into town, and he can’t bring himself to tell his pack about them- even
when one of them kisses him at work. Will the little omega dodge the sexy wolf’s
advances or end up in his embrace?

About the Author:

Zoe Perdita lives in the Pacific Northwest and writes erotica as a means of escape from a ho-hum
everyday sort of life. She enjoys writing about hetero and male/male relationships in all

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situations including contemporary, historical and fantasy/sci-fi. A lot of her erotica contains
BDSM elements for reasons she can’t explain. You can read her blog Zoe Perdita’s Eccentric
Erotica at



Visit her on Facebook at



Email her at



Or follow her on Twitter @ZoePerdita.

Zoe Perdita’s other stories include:

The Control Series (M/m BDSM)

Taking Control: An Erotic Novella:


When Maxwell saves Hiro from a life on the streets, the young man has no idea he’d
enjoy the kinky world of BDSM. However, as the two men work out their budding
dom/sub relationship, a ghost from Maxwell’s past threatens to tear them apart.

Training Day:


Maxwell concocts a training exercise for his sub, Hiro, that stretches the man to his
limits. Will it deepen their BDSM relationship or drive the two apart?

Private Play:


Hiro’s world turns upside down as he learns the ropes of humiliation at the hands of a
different Master. Will he enjoy this new BDSM experience more than the pain and
pleasure Maxwell inflicts?

Dining Out:

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While at a boring corporate dinner, Maxwell whisks Hiro to the bathroom for a little
kinky sexual recharge- and a startling revelation about their growing relationship.

Cooking Lessons:


Hiro questions Maxwell’s jealousy, so the Master teaches his little sub a lesson on lust in
the kitchen. Can Hiro stand the heat of his punishment or will Maxwell burn him up?

Love in Chains:


Hiro always thought the Dom/sub relationship he had with his Master, Maxwell, was
anything but normal- but are their feelings for each other based on something deeper than
steamy chemistry and their BDSM lifestyle?

The Control Series Complete Collection:


All six Control Series stories in one collection.

Dark Passions Series

Dark Passions: The Vampire’s Servant:


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Isabel has been the vampire William Davenport’s servant for years- and she’s deeply in
love with him. However, acting on their emotions would put both of their lives in danger,
and William is unwilling to risk it. Now, Isabel’s service is ending and she must make up
her mind. Confess her feelings to William or find happiness in a new life?

Dark Passions: The Vampire’s Embrace:


William and Isabel confess their feelings for each other, but defying the Vampire council
will only lead to death, so Isabel takes the situation into her own hands and flees in order
to protect William. But will he settle for an eternity away from his true love or rush to
find her?

The Vampire’s Awakening:


Charles’ lover is a wolf, but a fateful accident transforms him into a vampire. At odds
with the woman he loves, he throws away his entire future to join her pack as the omega-
but will the strong and sexy alpha male accept him?

Other Stories

Brothers in Sin (M/m BDSM):


Pio is a lonely monk living a lie- he’s attracted to men and enjoys pain and dominance
more than life in a monastery. Then wandering monk Matthew opens his eyes to whole
new world of pain and pleasure. When Matthew is ordered to leave, Pio must choose
between his Church, his lover and his life.

Dancing Dirty: Ballet Boys (M/M):


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Martin dreams of landing the lead role in the up coming ballet production but he doesn’t
stand a chance next to the gorgeous and talented Pasha. During a private session the two
men strive for dominance not only over the ballet, but also over each other, and learn how
dirty dancing can get.

Night of the Wolf’s Desire (M/m werewolf):


Shawn’s job sends him to a dilapidated manor house where he meets the hot as hell
caretaker, Rafe. But when night falls Rafe’s beastly desires come to light. Will Shawn
give in or get torn apart?


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