Sheridan, Diana Hitting the Hot Notes

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Hitting the Hot Notes

Cody loves Joel. Joel loves Cody…but life isn't that simple. Cody

fronts a singing group, Cody and the Brainiacs, with Joel as one of

the backup singers. The manager of the group wants Cody to keep

his mind strictly on business, which means no romance. He tries

his damnedest to keep Cody and Joel apart, even though they love

each other.

Cody and Joel attempt to keep their relationship a secret, even

from their band mates, in fear that the manager will find out. The

cramped quarters of being on tour give rise to many temptations—

as well as many close calls.

Then Joel gets accused of stealing Cody's prized possession, a

piece of jewelry with sentimental value. Joel must prove his

innocence in the face of many obstacles, including the suspicions

of the one man he thought would trust him no matter what. Will

Joel and Cody’s love survive?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 20,265 words

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Diana Sheridan



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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Diana Sheridan
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-413-7

First E-book Publication: March 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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For my good friend, Cassandra Pierce,

a very hot writer.

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Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

“Sure, I know you want to be a singer,” Sonja said, “but do you

know what a tough life it is? It’s not all glamour and it’s not all fun.
It’s hours and hours of practice…”

Joel cut her off, putting a hand on her arm. Then he put his other

hand under her chin and turned her face so she was looking right into
his eyes instead of into her coffee cup. It was those little intimate
gestures that sometimes fooled people into thinking they were
boyfriend and girlfriend instead of brother and sister. They were just
that kind of family, though, emotionally close and physically
demonstrative. “Yeah,” he said. “I know all about it. But I wouldn’t
mind hours and hours of rehearsal. It’s still singing!”

“Well, then, have you heard about the audition tomorrow?” Sonja

asked her brother. She knew that, having been out of town for a week,
he might have missed hearing about it.

“No. Who’s auditioning?”
“Cody and the Brainiacs. One of the backup singers is quitting.

They’re looking for a replacement.”

Cody Canavan?” Joel’s eyes lit up and went wide as pie plates.

“You’re not just teasing me? Cody? I’d kill to sing with him.”

“I don’t think that’s all you want to do with him,” teased Sonja.

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Joel’s sheepish grin testified that her sally was right on the money.

“He’s hot,” Joel breathed reverently. “But I’ve never heard any word
about his liking guys that way. Sure, I’d love to get him in my bed,
but I doubt it’s gonna happen. I’d love to sing with him, too, though.
Where’s the audition taking place, and when?”

“At the Oasis, tomorrow at 2:00. Are you going to their concert?”
“Concert? Where? When?”
“Also the Oasis. Tonight at 8:00.”
“I am now! Thanks for clueing me, sweetie.” Joel stood up, leaned

across the table, and planted a noisy kiss on his sister’s forehead. “Oh,
and thanks for taking care of Funky while I was gone.”

“I don’t know why you picked a ferret for a pet, though I’ll admit

he’s easier to take care of than a dog would be. I don’t have to walk
him or anything. He smells, though.” She wrinkled up her nose.

“Well, you’re a sweetheart for taking care of him,” Joel said

gratefully. “I owe you one.”

“No, you don’t. That’s what family is for.” Now it was Sonja’s

turn to stand up, lean across the table, and kiss her brother on the
forehead. Then she bent down and picked up her purse from the floor.
“Let me shove off. Returning Funky to you was just the first of my
errands. I need to hit the road.”

“Do me one more favor?”
“Sure, little brother. Name it.”
“Go with me to the audition tomorrow. For moral support. This is

really big for me. Really important. I need you along—I don’t mind
admitting I’m nervous.”

“Sure, honey. Shall I drive, too? I can pick you up at 1:30. I’m

sure you want to get there early.”

“Deal!” He stood up to kiss and hug her good-bye. Then he went

into the bedroom of his rented cottage to unpack his suitcase, and in a
minute he heard Sonja’s car start up and back out of the gravel

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Diana Sheridan

That evening, he dressed with care. Not that the Oasis was a

dressy spot, but if there was any chance Cody, his backup singers, or
their manager would notice him in the audience, he wanted to make a
good impression. Especially on Cody. He put on a sharp pair of dark-
gray pants and a teal blue shirt, completing the outfit with a broad-
buckle belt and a string tie.

* * * *

“And now, ladies and gentlemen, the Oasis is proud to bring you,

back in their hometown after a successful month-long tour, Cody and
the Brainiacs
!” Joel put his fingers to his mouth and whistled
extravagantly. Cody and his group took to the stage amid loud
applause from all the club patrons. Seeing Cody exuberantly
bounding onto the stage, Joel imagined himself as part of the trio with
him. Brett, Kevin, and Liam. He knew their names, though he didn’t
know which one was leaving. Another mental picture immediately
replaced that one. This picture had nothing to do with the stage,
though. It was Joel and Cody in a sweaty grapple between the sheets.
He sprang a woody, hoping no one would notice. Then he sat back,
took a deep swig of his beer, and prepared to enjoy the show.

The group was really on! The vibes were electrifying. Caught up

in the rocking music, Joel tapped his feet, clapped his hands, and had
all he could do to keep himself from singing along. He knew most of
the numbers. When the show was finally over, he sat in his seat,
transfixed, the same two images playing in his head. Him singing up
on stage with Cody. Him in an erotic tussle with Cody. Although
ready to leave, he resigned himself to sitting there longer until the
aching erection in his pants subsided. Finally he paid his tab, got up,
and left.

Popping a stick of cinnamon gum in his mouth, he walked around

for a bit instead of driving right home. He was too energized to sit
still. Suddenly he realized there was someone else sharing the

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sidewalk with him—Cody Canavan himself! There was no mistaking
the shaggy brown hair, those green eyes, the wealth of freckles that
spread across his face like a grin, or the rangy figure. “Uh…hi!” Joel
said. Yeah, right. Real smooth opening!

“Hi!” Cody replied with a warm grin. “Did you just catch our


“Loved it!” Joel enthused. Oh, god—was I gushing too much? You


But Cody seemed flattered. He thrust his hand out. “I take it you

know my name. What’s yours?”

“Joel. I’ve been your fan since half past forever. In fact, I’m

coming to the audition tomorrow. Which of the guys is fool enough to
drop out?”

“Liam.” Cody laughed. “If wanting to drop out makes him a fool,

count me into the ‘fool’ category, too. There are plenty of days I’d
like to take this career and shove it.”

“You can’t mean that!”
“Oh, but I do. My manager won’t let me, though. Allan’s been our

manager since the group got started, back when I was sixteen. In fact,
he was the one who put the group together. He’s kind of like a big
brother to me. Maybe I’ll tell you the story some time.”

Emboldened by Cody’s apparent assumption that there would be

future encounters between them, Joel took a chance and said, “How
about now? Come back to my place for a beer? Or would that look
like I was trying to get an unfair ‘in’ for the audition?”

“Make it a rum and Coke and you’re on. Currying favor with me

won’t do you a bit of good, though—Allan’s the one who’ll make the
decision at the audition. And speaking of Allan, he watches me like a
hawk. You’d think he was my dad. You’d think I was still
sixteen…sometimes I think he thinks I still am! Let me get outta here
before he catches me running off to your place and drinking when I
should be in bed…or at least, when he thinks I should be.”

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Diana Sheridan

“I need to stop at the liquor store. I don’t have any rum in the

house…or Cokes.”

“What do you drink?”
“I’m a beer man myself.”
“You don’t ever drink Coke by itself?”
“I swig coffee by the tankerful—and black at that. What I don’t

need is any more caffeine!”

“I hear you about speeding. I’m partial to Red Bull myself. Never

did acquire a taste for coffee, but I can sure put away the Red Bull.
Listen, I’ll stop and get the rum and Coke. Just give me your

“It’s no problem for me to pick it up.”
“I insist. Write your address down for me…and let me get outta

here before Allan stops me with some harangue about how we messed
up that last song.”

“You did not!”
“It was ragged. Mostly Liam’s fault, but I’m the one who’ll catch

hell. Liam doesn’t give a shit anymore, now that he’s leaving. Not
very professional, if you ask me.”

Joel had been scribbling his address on the back of a piece of

paper from his wallet. “Don’t lose this—it’s my laundry ticket.”

Cody chortled. “Okay, dude. Be there shortly. With the laundry


Joel drove home in a daze. Cody Canavan is coming to my house!

Oh, wow!

When Cody didn’t show up immediately, Joel began to worry.

Had Cody blown him off? Had he lost the address, and the laundry
ticket with it? Had he been waylaid by Allan? He had Joel’s address
but not his phone number, nor his last name to look him up with.

But no—there, finally, was the unmistakable sound of tires

scrunching on the gravel driveway. Joel leaped up and exuberantly
flung the door open. Cody was just getting out of his Firebird. “Hey,

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dude—you’ve got a Pontiac, too!” he said, jerking his thumb at Joel’s
GTO, parked ahead of his car in the driveway.

“Yeah—cool wheels!” Joel said, admiring Cody’s Firebird.
“I’ve got the rum and Coke. I bought you a six-pack of beer, too.

May have got the wrong brand, though,” Cody said. “Shoulda asked
you first what your preference is.”

“Anything’s fine,” said Joel, who preferred imported beers but

didn’t have the budget for them and really was happy with any brand.
As a wannabe musician working odd jobs to survive, he wasn’t in a
position to be picky.

“So you’re auditioning tomorrow? You sing and play, both, or


“Guitar and voice. I also play a mean banjo, but that’s basically

recreational. I mean, there aren’t many rock bands putting out a call
for banjo players. It’s kinda a hobby, though.”

“I hear ya, dude. Well, if you get in with us, you won’t need to

play the guitar, either. I do a little of that—”

“I know,” Joel cut in.
“—but for the backup group it’s, like, totally vocals.”
“Hey, what were you going on about before? About wanting to

quit showbiz?”

“Worried that you’ll get hired on and then lose the gig when I

quit? Not to fear—Allan would never let me quit. Quitting’s been my
dream for the last year, but, dude, it ain’t happenin’. Don’t fret.”

“I’m not worrying, man. I just don’t understand how you could

want to give up the life that all the rest of us dream of.”

“That’s just it, dude. You dream of it. You don’t know the reality.

I wanted it, too…once upon a time. Now I’m sorry. But it’s tough to
walk away from. I love singing. I love writing songs even better. I
love the limelight. But there are a lot of negatives involved. No
privacy. No private life. Allan won’t let me near anyone interesting.
He even keeps the girl fans away from me and—I hope this won’t
shock you or upset you, but—girls are not my lifestyle.

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Diana Sheridan

“Did that freak you out, dude? Did it upset you? I’m not even

allowed to be myself. Allan insists I play straight for the adoring fans.

“Hey…what is it, dude—have I been too honest? I’m sorry,


“No! Man, no! It’s just…I’m gay, too, and for years I’ve thought

you were hot, but I also thought you were straight.”

“Well, that’s the idea. Allan’s idea, anyhow.”
“Well, anyhow, man, I have a case of the hots for you like you

wouldn’t believe.”

“Let’s do something about it.”
Had Cody just said, “Let’s do something about it”? Was he

suggesting the two of them get naked and nasty between the sheets?

Joel stood up, took a step toward Cody, and stopped. Am I about

to make an ass of myself?

Cody stood, too, and put a hand on Joel’s butt.
No, this is real! This is really happening!
Too shocked to react, Joel neither fought him off nor welcomed

him. He just stood there. Then Cody’s mouth, flavored of rum and
demanding, was crushing hard against Joel’s own startled lips while
his tongue demanded admittance. When Joel opened his mouth to
suggest they go into the bedroom, Cody’s tongue took the open mouth
as a welcome and probed its way into Joel’s oral cavern.

Then Cody’s body was surging against Joel’s, his hard-on

grinding hard against his. Cody grabbed Joel’s dick through his pants.
Cautiously, he returned the gesture. Then suddenly Cody was sinking
to his knees, his lips immediately plastering themselves to Joel’s
raging dick, gulping him in, licking him, inhaling him. His lips
compressed around Joel’s shaft and enclosed him in their warmth. His
tongue played along the flat base of Joel’s shaft, trilling up and down.

Joel gasped at the sensation. It was a double treat. Not only was

Cody exceptionally talented, especially for a fellow with limited
experience, as he assumed was the case from what Cody had told him,
but this was Cody. This was not just any guy. This was the man Joel

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Hitting the Hot Notes


had fantasized about for so long. Joel kept his eyes wide open, so he
could see, could watch, the musician with the smooth, soft, strong
mouth suck his raging boner. Firmly placing his hands on Cody’s
head, Joel urged the rocker to suck him faster. Then he began driving
his shaft deep into his throat, deeper, and deeper still, roughly
slamming his demanding meat into Cody’s gullet.

Cody was willing. Cody was, more than just willing, in fact. He

was eager, even greedy. The singer gobbled Joel’s cock as if it were
the first meal he’d had in weeks. Voraciously he swallowed down
Joel’s rampaging dick as Joel plowed deep into his gullet. Then Cody
reached up, under Joel’s shirt, and began to molest his tit-nubbins.

Joel gasped again when he felt Cody’s hands twisting his nipples

and pinching them. His touch sent shivers of delight and of heat
throughout Joel’s body. Joel’s nipples were in direct communication
with his dick and balls. The pads of Cody’s fingers stroked across the
hardened surfaces of Joel’s now-bullet-like nipples, and the electric
charge zinged straight from his nips to his ball sac and his throbbing

Punching his hips forward, hard and insistently, Joel drove his

dick deeper yet into that insatiable maw, and Cody gobbled him
down. He couldn’t hold back any longer, though. He was about to
blow a fuse. Too hot to stave off his climax any longer, no matter how
wonderful this felt, he gave in to the demands his body was putting
forth and helplessly felt his ball bag implode and squeeze out its
creamy contents. A geyserful of steaming spunk shot into the gulping
mouth of Joel’s idol, Cody.

Joel felt Cody’s throat muscles swallow and swallow and swallow

again, as the burning cream spurted down his throat. Every swallow
massaged Joel’s quivering, shivering dick, but finally that dick had
expended its entire load and was retreating to a softened state.

Well, that took care of Joel, but Cody had yet to be satisfied. Joel

thought he’d suck Cody off in return, but Cody had other ideas. “Got

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Diana Sheridan

a rubber?” he asked. “Get your clothes off and get up on the bed. I
want you on your back.”

His meaning was clear. He was going to put that dick of his up

Joel’s butt. The rocker was about to plow Joel’s ass! Joel’s asshole
quivered and tingled just at the thought. Complying eagerly with
Cody’s request, Joel stripped naked and let his clothes fall to the
floor. Lying on the bed with his eyes eagerly on Cody, he mentally
visualized his idol stuffing his ass with that fat cock. Cody Canavan,
Cody of Cody and the Brainiacs, Cody, whom he’d drooled over,
fantasized about, had wet dreams about, was about to fuck him!

Cody’s dick was a jutting prong that curved slightly, and though

not any longer than average, it looked awfully thick. Joel shivered
with anticipation. Then Cody approached the bed, rubbering up as he
stepped to the bedside, and knelt onto the bed. Joel handed him a
small tube of lube from the night table, and Cody uncapped it and
squeezed the lube onto his finger. Then Joel felt that finger touch his
wrinkled asshole.

With the first touch of Cody’s finger, laden with cool lube, Joel

was instantly yearning to have that hard dick up his ass. The finger
was gentle yet insistent as it probed Joel’s asshole, spreading on the
gel, sliding within the grip of his sphincter, slipping up into the sacred
sanctum of his ass. Wherever it touched, it set nerves afire. Wherever
it went, Joel blazed. And Joel’s dick came back to life again, fully
rampant, hard as steel, engorged as it had been a short while before,
before he’d blasted off into Cody’s mouth.

He hooked his hands under his knees, the better to raise his ass for

Cody’s entry, but also so that he could easily keep his legs up. Then
he felt the blunt head of Cody’s dick as it prepared to spear its way up
Joel’s yearning butthole.

At first, Joel’s asshole resisted. Cody tried to slam that monster-

thick dick up into Joel’s gut, but his portal wouldn’t part. Cody tried
again, then slowly worked his way in, easing Joel open, gradually
getting Joel’s asshole to spread for his blunt weapon. And as it spread,

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Hitting the Hot Notes


Joel felt the greatest pleasure he had ever known. Once again, it was a
combination of physical sensations and the knowledge that this was
Cody’s dick spearing up into his guts. Cody’s dick! Cody Canavan
was fucking him!

Cody spread him farther and farther, until at last the whole thick

head of his cock was within the grip of Joel’s rectal muscle. Then he
speared him deep, jabbing him swiftly, burying himself to the hilt
inside Joel’s tunnel. Holy hell! What had he thrust up there, a tree
It actually hurt, yet once again, at the same time it hurt, the
pleasure was indescribable.

Then Cody began to saw in and out. Back and forth he ramrodded

his cock, as Joel learned of nerves he’d never known he had, nerves
he’d never had rubbed before, and pleasures he’d never known
existed. Deeper and deeper still, Cody fucked his way into the farthest
reaches of Joel’s ass. Joel was sure Cody had plowed in so deeply that
he was past Joel’s navel…and still heading north. Joel’s interior


to the length of Cody’s thick intruder. And shortly Joel was ready to
spurt again.

Cody sensed it. “Wait for me. I’m almost there,” he cooed,

sounding more than a bit breathless. Holding himself up on his strong
arms, he levered himself in and out of Joel’s butt, pounding him silly
with his jackhammering cock.

Joel couldn’t hold back, though, despite Cody’s plea. He was

there. He was right on the edge. He was powerless to stop himself
from spraying his thick semen into the air above him, but fortunately
Cody was there, too. As Joel felt his ball bag contract, lurch, and
power out his jism, Cody’s thick dick pulsated within the grip of
Joel’s asshole, and Joel felt him discharge his cum load deep in Joel’s

They fell into a tangle of limbs on the bed. Cody pulled out of

Joel’s asshole and tied off the end of the rubber. His dick was
shrinking fast. “If Allan knew I was here, he’d kill me,” he observed
with a chuckle. “Of course, not every manager is as strict as he is. He

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isn’t even as strict with the other guys as he is with me. Liam and
Brett and Kevin have it easier than I do…but make sure this is what
you want before you come to the audition tomorrow.

“It isn’t an easy life. If I could go back now, I’d pick a different

path. It’s a tough challenge, though, to give up on it once you’re in it.
I do love singing, performing for an audience, and especially writing
my own songs. That’s the best part. Overall, though, if I had it to do
over, I wouldn’t.”

“You can’t just quit? Walk away?”
“Like I said, it isn’t that easy, and it’s not like I hate every aspect

of showbiz. I absolutely love some parts of it. Performing is a trip. I
do get off on the love I feel from the audience. And I love writing the
songs. But I hate it when we go on the road, and I hate not being able
to have a personal life. It’s really a complex set of feelings…a love-
hate relationship.

“Then there’s Allan. He’s always pushing me to go higher in the

biz. Right now we’re a local band that tours. We play some dates in
other states. We have one video out there, but it hasn’t really hit, and
our albums haven’t exactly gone platinum. We just can’t seem to hit
the big time. Allan’s always pushing us, though. He wants to see us
on the stage in New York and L.A., on national TV, and all that other
good stuff. He’s always reminding me of how much he’s given up to
help me and my guys make it big. I suppose he’s guilt-tripping me,
but it’s true all the same. He really has sacrificed any semblance of a
normal life.

“Sometimes he reminds me of Rose, the mother in Gypsy. Didja

ever see that movie?”

“No, but I saw a performance of the stage show when the

community theatre put it on.”

“Well, that’s Allan. Always pushing me and the guys. The

quintessential stage mother…except that he’s a guy.”

“Is he gay?”

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“I don’t think so. He doesn’t allow himself any personal life

either. He rubs that in, too. ‘Look at how much I give up for you,’ and
‘If I can live without a personal life, so can you.’”

“Wow—you’re really up against it, aren’t you?”
“You don’t know the half of it…but if you get onboard, maybe

you and I can find some opportunities to get together. It would be
seriously to cool to have you as one of the singers.”

“Yeh, man! If my singing is good enough, can’t you just pick


“It’s not on me to decide. I told you—it’s strictly up to Allan.

Besides, if he sees me favoring you, he’s likely to suspect that
something’s up. He’s a sharp dude. That’ll just prejudice him against
you, so play it cool, dude. We never spent the evening together. We
never even met. Don’t forget.”

“I’ll never forget this evening. That’s what I’ll never forget.”
“Yeh—I like you, too, dude. But I’d better get outta here now, if I

know what’s good for me.”

“Hey—my sister’s coming with me to the audition. Don’t start

thinking it’s a girlfriend or something.”

“No, but maybe Allan will think that. Cool move!”
“I didn’t plan it for that reason. She’s coming along for moral

support. We planned it all before I met you.”

“It’s a smart move all the same, under the circumstances. Hey,

man, good luck. I hope you get the nod from Allan.”

“Me, too…now more than ever!”
They high-fived, and then Cody got dressed again, while Joel

pulled on just his tighty-whities so he could see Cody to the door.

“Tomorrow, man…and thanks for coming over.”
“Yeah…tomorrow, dude. The pleasure was mine, believe me!

And good luck! For real!”

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Diana Sheridan

Chapter 2

“I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes. Be ready.”
“I’m nervous, Sis,” Joel admitted, holding the phone with a

sweaty hand.

“Of course you are,” Sonja soothed. “That’s why I’m driving. We

don’t need to get into any accidents on the way over to the Oasis.
What are you wearing?”

“Black pants, silver Western shirt.”
“Bad choice. First of all, the silver shirt screams ‘Country &

Western’, but you’re auditioning for a rock band. Second, you’ve got
gorgeous curly, blond hair, and that shirt does nothing to set it off.
Wear your green shirt.”

“He’s auditioning my voice, not my looks.”
“Wake up and smell the coffee! Now go change shirts!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Do it now—make sure you’re ready when I get there.”
“Okay! Okay!”
“You’ll be fine,” Sonja said in a softer tone. “See you shortly.”
Joel changed shirts. Twenty minutes later he heard the beep of a

car horn and scurried to the front door.

There weren’t as many singers auditioning as he had feared there

would be, but still, it looked like nearly fifty of them at quick count.
The audition had been well publicized, and apparently there were
plenty of guys, and one audacious girl singer, who wanted a shot at
singing backup for a promising band. Joel filled out a form, took a
number, and waited his turn.

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Many of the auditioners were hopeless, talentless wannabes with

their eyes full of stars but their vocal cords squeaky, gravelly, or
simply ho-hum. One hapless fellow froze on stage and stood there
like a deer in the headlights. The girl did well—she really could
belt—but she didn’t seem as if she’d blend in as a backup singer.
Someday, maybe, she’d be a singer in her own right, but she stood out
too much to be a Brainiac.

Three of the singers showed real talent, and Joel saw them as

serious competition. Indeed, Allan asked each of them to remain
behind. “You’re just as good as they are—and I think better,” Sonja
said, one hand on Joel’s arm and the other arm around his shoulders.
Allan glanced over at the two of them just then, and Joel remembered
what Cody had said the night before about it being good if Allan
thought Joel was straight and Sonja was his girlfriend. With that in
mind, he leaned toward Sonja and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“What’s that for?” she asked.

“The encouragement,” Joel said. He really was buoyed by his

sister’s faith in him. She’d always been his biggest supporter.

“Number thirty-three,” Allan called at last.
“That’s me!” Joel yelped, jumping up so fast that his chair tipped


“Calm. Steady,” Sonja cautioned him, a hand on his arm to gentle

him. Joel took a deep breath and then strode to the stage, while Sonja
righted the knocked-over chair.

Allan was scanning the informational sheet that Joel had filled

out. “You play guitar?”

“Banjo, too…though that’s mostly for fun.”
“Okay—let’s hear you.”
Joel gave it his all. He was really on. Sonja sat there grinning,

proud of her brother. When he was finished singing, Allan asked him,
too, to please remain behind.

Two other fellows from the remaining hopefuls also made the first

cut. When everyone had been heard, the six whom Allan had asked to

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wait were given a chance to sing again, this time a number of Allan’s
choosing, which they sang along with Brett and Kevin, who were also
present for the audition. Allan now asked Joel and one other
auditioner, a fellow named Sam, who had a commanding presence, to
please wait. Thanking the other four, he let them leave. Joel’s heart
was beating double time. He and Sam now were asked to sing several
more numbers, both up-tempo and slow, both solo and with the two
remaining Brainiacs, Brett and Kevin.

At length, Allan turned to Sam. “Very impressive,” he said. Joel’s

heart sank. Then Allan said, “Don’t be surprised if you hear from us
in the near future. Thank you for your time.” Sam’s face showed a
mixture of confusion and disappointment, while Joel felt a glow of
sudden elation spread irrepressibly across his features. Then he was
in! Allan must have chosen him!

From a briefcase, Allan withdrew two sheaves of papers. One was

sheet music for a whole bunch of songs. The other was a contract.
“Sign this. Learn these. We’re recording an album starting next week.
The recording studio is in Oak Harbor.” That was a town not too far
distant. “We’re rehearsing tomorrow at ten sharp at the Glenwood.
Franklin Street, also in Oak Harbor…you know where I’m talking

Joel nodded dumbly.
“Bring the contract. Learn the songs by then. Be in good voice

and in good shape. No partying for you tonight…not even to
celebrate.” Allan glanced over toward Sonja. “You can’t sing well
with a hangover. Got it?”

“G–got it,” Joel managed to squeak out.
“Tell your girlfriend the group is your first priority now, not her.”

Allan once again looked at Sonja. Joel did not correct his mistaken
assumption about the relationship.

“Be at the Glenwood early—say, 9:30—so you can hand over the

contract and meet the guys.”

Joel did not tell Allan he’d already met Cody.

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Allan shook his hand and turned abruptly away from him. When

Joel, stunned, did not immediately head back to Sonja, Allan said
brusquely, “That’s it. See you tomorrow.”

“O–okay,” Joel squeaked. “Thanks!” Then his feet finally found

their muscles again, and he hurried back to Sonja with a most
unprofessional whoop, lifted her up into the air and whirled her
around. Allan, watching from halfway across the room, chuckled.

The next month was a whirlwind. It started at the Glenwood that

next morning, when Allan introduced Joel to Brett, Kevin, and Cody,
and Cody and Joel played it off like they’d never met before. “A real
pleasure!” Joel enthused, squeezing Cody’s hand and knowing Cody
would get the double entendre about “real pleasure,” but no one else
would think anything of it. Cody squeezed his hand back, warmly.

They rehearsed every day, then finally started laying down tracks

at the studio. This routine was interrupted by three local dates they
played in the area, though they sang mostly numbers from the album
they were recording, so there was little extra rehearsal required.

Getting together with Cody wasn’t as easy as Joel had hoped,

even though they were both living in the same town, staying at their
respective homes, and both eager. But they got together when they
could. “Keep playing it off like you’re straight,” Cody advised Joel on
one such occasion. “Don’t go picking up guys.”

“Is that jealousy talking?” Joel ribbed Cody. “I’m a one-man

guy…and besides, now that we’ve both been tested, and we’re not
using rubbers anymore, I’d be a fool to ruin a good thing.”

“No, it’s not jealousy,” Cody replied, trailing a hand down Joel’s

body. “Just being sensible. I never asked you for a long-term
commitment, but as long as this thing lasts…”

“Why talk that way?” Joel asked. “Why shouldn’t it last


“What could I offer you? A life on the road, playing it straight

myself to fool the fans. We couldn’t be open about our feelings. Shit,

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I love you, dude…but I have no illusions it could last for the long-

It was the first time Cody had said, “I love you,” and Joel let the

words hang in the air, savoring them. Finally he responded. “I love
you, too, man. Don’t you think Allan will have to accept that
eventually? You’re not sixteen anymore. You’re an adult and entitled
to a life. So what if our life is on the road and not more conventional?
I never was a holdout for picket fences anyhow!”

Cody smiled at that, but then he sighed. “I don’t see Allan ever

accepting that, and I can’t kick him to the curb after all he’s done for

“Then we’ll just have to keep sneaking around for the time

being…till something changes. I know it will!”

“I like your optimism,” Cody said. “It inspires me. Are you

always this way about most things?”

“Yes,” Joel said simply. “I have an optimistic nature.”
“That’s good,” Cody said, approvingly. “You’re good,” he added,

stroking Joel’s arm softly. “What do you say we go inside?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” teased Joel. “But I didn’t have time

for a shower before you got here. I’d better go sluice off. I don’t want
to be stinky for you.”

“An excellent idea. I’ll join you.”
At first, as they stood under the shower, each guy soaped up his

own body, but soon Cody’s hands moved to Joel’s body. He ran down
Joel’s chest, his hands glossing over Joel’s jutting nipples, and Joel
returned the favor, moving through his brown pelt as Joel glided
across Cody’s swollen nips and felt their wooden stiffness drilling
into his palms. Then Joel cupped Cody’s developed pecs before
moving on down his body and smoothing his way across Cody’s taut,
hard abs and down, down, to the thing that held most of his attention,
Cody’s firmly jutting, wildly bobbing, raging-hard erection.

When he reached it, he simply wrapped his hand around it and

began to jack it slowly back and forth. Cody groaned at the feel of

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Joel’s hand wrapping around his hard cock and treating it to the
attention Cody didn’t get nearly enough of. Joel groaned, too, at the
burning feel of Cody’s spongy, steely cock gliding through his
clasped palm, heating up his hand, swelling within his grasp.

Cody began to hump his hips back and forth, driving his concrete-

stiff dick between Joel’s clenching fingers, feeding Joel’s sweaty
palm his eager, raging dick, punching his hips back and forth as he
drove his cock in and out of Joel’s grasp. Joel groaned at the feel of
Cody’s searing hard-on fucking his fist, but he wanted Cody
someplace hotter than that. “Mouth or ass?” he gasped to Cody as he
dropped his cock.

“Both. Mouth first,” Cody panted. He was halfway dried off, on

the bed, and approaching Joel’s mouth with his cock not two minutes
later. Joel opened wide, gulped him in, and swallowed him down.
Cody’s rampaging cock plowed past Joel’s tonsils and invaded his
gullet, while his balls knocked a howdy against Joel’s chin as if
wanting to be let in, too.

But there was no room in Joel’s mouth for those two squishy,

cum-filled sacs, not with that humongous dick spreading his jaws
wide and flattening his tongue. Rubbing against the roof of Joel’s
mouth, it surged inside his oral cavern and made its surging way
down his throat, down toward his belly, as if to come out his rear
from above.

Joel told himself to be patient. He knew that cock would be

spreading his asshole soon enough as it surged its demanding way up
into his gut from his nether end. For now it was enough to swallow
the hot dick down his craw and see how far toward his belly it could

Of course it really wasn’t anywhere near his belly button, but it

felt like it was reaching that far down as it galloped down his gullet
and plowed its way toward his esophagus. To encourage Cody
further, Joel grabbed Cody’s nut sac and began to squeeze urgently,
insistently, rhythmically. Cody groaned in muted heat and pounded

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his cock more demandingly down Joel’s throat. If Cody’s verbal
response was being held in check, his physical response certainly was

As that brown-forested nut sac banged against Joel’s chin, he

reached up and squeezed it again. Cody groaned loudly and power-
fucked Joel’s mouth, plowing his rampaging dick down Joel’s willing
and eager throat.

“Oh, yeah…you’re hungry tonight, aren’t you?” he cooed.
Taking his mouth off Cody’s thick tool, Joel answered,

“Yeah…for you, you fuck-starved bastard.”

Cody chuckled and drove his dick back into Joel’s greedy gullet,

shutting him up in the process. Joel gulped, sucked, swallowed, and
began to nurse eagerly on the demanding hard-on. At the same time
he dropped a hand to his own needy fuckstick. He was hurting. He
was aching. It had been too long since their last encounter. Now,
suddenly, with Cody’s dick in his mouth, he felt a ravenous hunger as
well as a surge of overwhelming love for the man.

His own hand was on his raging hard-on now as, made hornier by

sucking Cody, he began to jack himself at the same time. Cody
noticed and said, “Save some for me. I want that up my ass.”
Dropping his hand from his dick, Joel slid his lips down Cody’s
pulsating cock again and felt him surge once again down Joel’s gullet.

Eager to get his own load off, Joel began sucking Cody harder and

faster, urging him on to orgasm so that Joel could stuff his stiff dick
up Cody’s ass as the dude had said he wanted. Cody punched his hips
out and back demandingly, fucking Joel’s gullet raw with his big
cock. The flared rim of his dick pounded Joel’s gulping throat as he
strove to get off.

To help him along, Joel palmed Cody’s nut sac and then closed

his hand around it until he held Cody’s balls firmly. Then he rolled
them in his squeezing hand, urging Cody’s nut sac to give up its
precious cargo. He wanted that cumload spewing into his mouth
quickly. Fortunately, Cody didn’t keep him waiting long.

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With a bellow that left no doubt as to what was happening, Cody

geysered a gusher of jism into Joel’s throat. It landed too far down his
throat for his taste buds to be able to savor the flavor, but he felt the
warmth in his gullet. He was sorry he hadn’t gotten to actually taste
Cody’s jizz, but it was good to feel the thick dickcream spurting down
his throat all the same. Then Cody withdrew eagerly, saying, “Your

Cody was still drawing deep, labored breaths in the aftermath of

his climax when he repositioned himself ass-end-up to offer Joel his
winking puckerhole for the prow of Joel’s dickhead. Forgoing K-Y
for nature’s oldest lube, Joel slathered some spit on two fingers of his
right hand and then prodded at Cody’s asshole with those fingers. He
worked his way around Cody’s puckerhole, slathering it with spit and
getting Cody good and juicy so he could spear Cody’s butthole with
his dick as easily as possible.

When Joel had Cody’s puckered rim good and wet with his spit,

he worked his way inside with his fingers and spread the natural lube
into Cody’s rectal depths. His sphincter gave easily, and Joel knew
he’d have no trouble gaining entry to Cody’s back channel. Removing
his fingers, he positioned his thick club of a cock at Cody’s pucker
and shoved his way in with one mighty thrust.

Cody was well lubed as well as relaxed, and Joel popped in easily.

The humid warmth of Cody’s anal interior welcomed him, and he
burrowed inside him rapidly. Soon he was buried balls-deep in
Cody’s ass, and now he pulled back out until only his knobhead
remained lodged in Cody’s butt. Then he thrust forward again,
burying himself fully in Cody’s violated asshole.

In and out he chugged, his balls banging against Cody’s butt

cheeks, as Joel drove his dick home in Cody’s ass channel, feeling the
inner walls enfold his rampaging dick. Cody had begun a keening
wail of need, and when Joel reached around, he felt Cody’s dick, up
as hard as if Joel had not just sucked him off a few minutes earlier.

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Joel let his hand linger there a minute or two, jacking Cody’s newly
engorged dick and feeling it swell and throb and stiffen in his grip.

When Joel pulled his hand away from Cody’s shaft, it was sticky

with his pre-fuck juice, oozing liberally from his cumhole. Holding
his goo-smeared hand up to his own mouth, he licked his hand clean
of Cody’s juices. Having been deprived of the chance to taste Cody’s
cum earlier, when Cody had blasted off too far down Joel’s throat for
Joel to taste, he was making up for it the best he could. Pre-cum has
less taste than the real thing, but it was still enjoyable. At the mildly
salty taste of Cody’s pre-cum, Joel felt his own cock swell even larger
and throb needfully.

Then Joel tweaked Cody’s nipples, pinching the wood-hard

promontories and egging him along toward his second climax even as
he felt the boiling up of his own spermload in his cum sac. Seeming to
realize from Joel’s grunts and his feverish, out-of-rhythm thrusts that
he was close, Cody growled, “Yeah, dude—give it to me.” Joel
needed no encouragement at that point and indeed gave it to him,
erupting into Cody’s clenching ass with a wild whoop. As his balls
drained, the energy and tension all drained out of him, too. He
collapsed next to Cody and rolled over, onto his back, his dick wilting

But if his dick was wilting, Cody’s was as hard as ever. “Legs up.

I’ve got a present for you,” Cody said with a wicked chuckle. He
quickly entered Joel’s asshole without even spit to ease the way. Only
his oozing pre-cum was there to act as lube. Cody’s rowdy dick
burned Joel as it dry fucked its way up his guts, and then Cody was
buried in him and ramming him hard and fast, fucking him with a fury
born of heated need.

He came off remarkably quickly, as though it had been weeks

since he’d gotten off a load. From the speed with which he got off, it
was hard for Joel to believe he’d just drained his lover’s balls not ten
minutes earlier. He felt the warmth of Cody’s spew in his guts, and
then Cody collapsed next to Joel again.

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“Awesome, dude!” Cody sighed with a weak but satisfied grin.

“You’re the greatest.”

“You only think so because you’re in love with me,” Joel said, his

own grin as broad as an IMAX theatre screen.

“No,” Cody said, and Joel frowned. “I mean, I do love you,” Cody

quickly clarified, “but that’s not why I say you’re the greatest. You
really are!”

“That’s love talking,” Joel reiterated, “but you know what? I love

you back and twice as much as you love me!”

“No way, man!” Cody protested, propping himself up on his

elbow despite his orgasmically induced lassitude. “I love you more!”

“Oh, yeah? Wanna bet?” Joel challenged, grabbing a pillow and

whopping Cody with it.

“Want a fight? Bring it on!” Cody answered, taking hold of the

other pillow and thumping Joel with it energetically.

The fight was on, but the two of them were laughing too hard to

fight effectively, and soon the pillow fight devolved into a ticklefest,
until Cody yelled, “Truce, dude. I’m laughing so hard I’m about to
piss my pants…only I don’t have any pants on!”

Ten minutes later, redressed and sipping drinks—beer for Joel and

rum and Coke for Cody—they sat in the living room and talked about
what lay ahead professionally. They were nearly finished recording
the album, and they were looking at a road trip in two and a half
weeks that would take them around the Southeast, playing gigs in
small towns across Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, northern Florida,
and South Carolina.

“I sure would like to hit the big time.” Cody sighed. “I’d love to

play New York…or even Hoboken.”

That struck Joel as funny, and he collapsed in a gale of laughter.

Then, getting serious, he said, “I thought you wanted out of this

“Well, yeah, but as long as I’m in it, I’d like to do it right.”
“I hear you, man.”

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“Well, I’d better get on home,” Cody said. “Tomorrow’s another

work day.”

“You’re sure I can’t induce you to stay over?”
“If I stay over, we won’t get much sleep. I know your sexual

appetites. You’re voracious, dude. If I do fall asleep, I’ll wake up two
hours later with your dick up my ass or down my throat.”

Moi?” asked Joel in feigned innocence.
“G’night, dude. I love you, but I’m outta here. We both have to be

fresh and sharp in the morning.”

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Chapter 3

Cody and the Brainiacs took their show on the road, and this time

Joel was part of the group. Cody, Allan, and the other two Brainiacs
had, of course, toured before, but this was all new to Joel. They
traveled in a small bus, which held the five of them, their clothing and
instruments, and the few personal effects they’d brought along with
them. Funky the ferret was remanded to Sonja’s care once again.

Sonja came to kiss Joel good-bye and wish him good luck. Joel

held her tight and kissed her enthusiastically on the cheek. “Is that the
best kiss you can give your girlfriend?” jibed Brett, who, thanks to
Allan, was under the impression that Sonja and Joel were a couple,
not brother and sister. Cody shot Joel a look, and Joel kept mum and
didn’t correct Brett’s mistaken belief. Sonja, who’d been previously
briefed, likewise kept quiet.

Joel would have liked to sit next to Cody throughout the trip, but

to keep from arousing Allan’s suspicions, he forbore to do so and
instead took turns sitting next to each of the guys, except for Allan,
who was driving the bus. When he did wind up next to Cody, he made
the best of it, getting to know him even better. They did not, however,
play touchy-feely games, make surreptitious grabs at each other, or in
any way risk blowing their cover.

On one such occasion, Joel had the opportunity to learn more

about Cody’s backstory, a subject they had not touched on more than
briefly before. Joel knew that Cody’s father had died when Cody was
fourteen. Cody wore a pendant that his father had given him right
before he died, and Cody treasured it. His father had worn it
previously, and though Cody took it off for performances, he kept it

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on at all other times, including in bed and in the shower. The pendant
was religious in nature, featuring a combined cross, Jewish star,
Islamic moon, and Egyptian ankh, and Allan felt it was inappropriate
to perform in, so although Cody had at first objected, he eventually
grew accustomed to divesting himself of it before each show.

That and the fact that Cody’s dad had died of cancer, however,

comprised most of the facts Joel possessed about Cody’s family. Now
Cody had a chance to fill him in further. “Dad was successful,” Cody
told Joel. “Very successful. When he died, he left Mama quite well-
off. He directed that some of his money be used to start the Bennett
Canavan Foundation, and that Mama be installed as chair of the
foundation. She takes her duties seriously. She’s more devoted to the
foundation than she is to me.” There was wistfulness in his voice but,
surprisingly to Joel, no bitterness.

When Joel ventured to ask, “Doesn’t that upset you?” Cody

answered only, “It used to. I grew used to it…and then, two years
later, along came Allan. He heard my voice, watched me perform—I
had formed a group as a teenager. You know how kids do. A garage
band. Allan saw something in me. He talked to my mom, told her I
had a future, said he’d be responsible for me if she’d sign papers to let
him take over. I think she was glad to be able to focus full-time on the
foundation. She agreed, provided Allan would see to it that I finished
high school in spite of whatever singing career I might have.

“Allan was true to his word. When we were on the road, he

tutored me. He saw I kept up with my schoolwork. My original group
was called Cody and the Buffaloes. Buffalo Bill Cody, you know?
But Allan didn’t like the name. He said it sounded too Country &
Western. Well, Liam—the guy you replaced?—he was one of the
original group members, and he was always poking fun at the way
Allan had me studying all the time. He said, ‘What are you, some
kind of brainiac or something?’ So I said, ‘Let’s call the group Cody
and the Brainiacs.’

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“Anyhow, Allan was all over me like stink on shit, watching to

make sure I studied, ate right, got a good night’s sleep, kept out of
trouble…You hear all those stories about singing groups and bands
being all strung out on drugs or high all the time? Not us! Allan
wouldn’t hear of it. He really mother henned us. Me especially. But
you know what? Even though I sometimes resented his iron grip, it
was good to know he cared about me. He’s been kinda like—I
dunno—not really a second father but…a big brother, I guess. All
these years. Six years, from when I was sixteen till now.

“Maybe now you understand better why I let him run my life, and

why I won’t just summarily fire him and get a new manager.”

“Yeah,” Joel said quietly, saying a little, silent prayer of thanks

for his own close-knit family. Well, maybe one day he and Cody
could be a family of sorts, a close, loving, committed couple, at least.
That was, if they got out of showbiz, or at least, replaced Allan as
manager. Although, in the light of what Cody had just told him, that
seemed less likely than ever.

It was in a motel room in Alabama that they almost got busted by

Allan. They had played a gig, not in a club but in a small, rinky-dink
theatre. The audience, small in accordance with the theatre’s size, had
been appreciative, even rising to their feet to demand three encores
after the show was purportedly over. It was late when they finally got
back to the motel, and Allan cautioned everyone to get to sleep
quickly; they would need to hit the road early in the morning to get to
their next venue in time. Cody and Joel, however, were both too high
on the performance, and the enthusiastic audience, to settle down and
go to sleep. “Sneak into my room in ten minutes,” Cody whispered to
Joel out of Allan’s hearing. “I’m hot for you.”

Joel flashed him a thumbs-up and went back to his own room,

under Allan’s watchful eye. Ten minutes later, though, he opened the
door, peered out to make sure Allan wasn’t anywhere around, and
then tiptoed to Cody’s room. Cody had left the door unlocked, and
Joel let himself in.

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Cody greeted him with an enthusiastic kiss, then a thump on the

back. “You were great out there tonight!” he boomed. “You’re really
fitting in with the group just fine. How do you feel? Comfortable?
Happy? Enjoying yourself?”

“Yeah, man—all of those things. Yeah. It’s good. It’s cool. All’s


Just then there was a knock at the door. “Who?” Cody called.
“Allan. Let me in?”
“Uh—I’m undressed.” In actuality, Cody still had his pants on.
“Well, pull a pair of pants on. I can’t find Joel. He’s not in his


“He probably just went for a walk. I know I’m all revved up

myself. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“I’d like to know. Hey, let me in.”
Cody looked at Joel, shrugged, and pointed to the bathroom. Joel

scooted into the confines of the bathroom, closed the door partway,
and got into the tub and pulled the shower curtain closed. He could
hear the conversation out in the room perfectly clearly from his hiding

“Do you suppose he’s out tomcatting around?” Allan asked

without preamble when Cody opened the door to him.

“I think he’s taking a walk to come back down to earth. I almost

did that myself.”

Joel, listening from his hiding place, heard the alarm in Allan’s

voice as he said, “Oh, never do that! You don’t know who’s out there.
Joel shouldn’t be walking around out there either.”

“I’m sure he can take care of himself. He’s a big boy. And strong.

You worry too much.”

“How can I not? I’m your manager.”
“Yes…manager. That is not spelled M-O-T-H-E-R.”
“What if he decides to pick up something strange and gets a

disease? I know he has that girlfriend, but how do we know he’s
faithful to her? We don’t know him that well yet.”

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Joel was sure he heard Cody trying to suppress a snicker. He was

having trouble holding back laughter himself.

“Go to bed, Allan. I’m sure he’s fine. And don’t keep knocking on

his door every ten minutes, either. When he does get back to his
room, he’s gonna need to go to sleep. So do you. You have to be
bright-eyed to drive the damn bus.”

“I guess,” Allan agreed halfheartedly. “But I’m gonna have to

have a talk with that young man in the morning.”

“Okay. But now we both need our sleep,” Cody said pointedly.
A few seconds later, Joel heard the door close, and then Cody

softly called, “Come out of hiding. He’s gone. Or did you fall asleep
in there?”

“Not a chance,” said Joel, emerging from the bathroom naked,

with a drooling hard-on leading the way. “Get your pants off,” he
growled. He himself was naked as a defeathered chicken and raging
hard to boot. While listening to the conversation between Cody and
Allan with half his mind, he’d occupied the rest of his mind with
thoughts of what he and Cody were about to do to each other as soon
as Cody got Allan out the door.

Cody eagerly complied with Joel’s demand and stripped off his

pants, while Joel lasciviously viewed the process, his eyes targeting
Cody’s temporarily flaccid dick. Joel licked his lips showily and
meaningfully. Cody punched his pelvis forward in Joel’s direction.

Another drop of pre-cum seeped out of Joel’s cumslit as Cody’s

hand wrapped around Joel’s hard-on and squeezed. Joel returned the
favor, putting his hand around Cody’s still-soft cock. Cody obviously
hadn’t been able to change gears all that quickly behind Allan’s
unexpected and dangerous visit, but now, with Joel’s paw wrapped
around Cody’s cock and insistently jacking it, it began to swell
rapidly. “Yeahhhhhhh,” he exhaled. Then he dropped to his knees in
front of Joel and took a few swift sucks on his dick.

“Let’s get over to the bed,” Joel urged. Cody staggered to his feet.

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Together the two of them hurriedly took the few steps to the bed,

and Cody lowered his head to Joel’s crotch again, this time gobbling
his balls, lapping at his bulging sac, and sucking on it as his hand
jacked his fully engorged cock. Joel’s buns tightened, and he began
thrusting upward, jabbing his hard-on toward the sky as lightning
replaced the blood in his veins and carried electricity to every corner
of his body.

Then Cody’s hand slipped under Joel’s upraised ass, and a sneaky

but determined finger squirmed into his asscrack and fumbled for his
buttpucker. The finger was unlubed. He hadn’t even spit on it. When
it tried to press inward, it burned Joel’s assrim, but it pressed inward
insistently and soon got through his tightly clenched anal rim.

Now Cody abandoned sucking Joel’s balls in favor of slobbering

on his dick and then sucking it into his mouth. As he did, he speeded
up his finger fucking until he was slamming that finger in and out of
Joel with rapid, forceful strokes. Meanwhile, his lips were inching
lower and lower and lower on Joel’s wildly throbbing cock! He kept a
tight lipgrip on him as he sucked in more and more of Joel’s meat, his
tongue lapping fervently all up and down the flat base of his shaft as
his lips took in more and more of Joel. It seemed he was going all out,
intending to deep throat him, an activity at which he had long since
proved to Joel that he was an expert.

Cody increased the power of his suction even more as he got

closer to the base of Joel’s dick. Finally his lips were kissing Joel’s
kinky pubes, and all of Joel’s raging erection was encased in Cody’s
voracious mouth. Cody began making little humming noises of
pleasure. Joel was hunching wildly on the bed, shoving his dick
recklessly into Cody’s mouth with no regard for how much he could
take. But as usual, he took everything Joel could give him.

Meanwhile his finger was still squirming and thrusting deep inside

Joel’s bunghole. For Joel, it felt wickedly good. Joel was close to
blowing his wad. It had been four or five days since they’d last
managed a romp between the sheets, and now Joel had a warm, tight

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mouth sucking the whole thing of his dick down into the top reaches
of Cody’s tight and tender gullet. As well, he had a finger squirming
relentlessly up his butt. He knew he wasn’t going to last long.

Then Cody tried another maneuver. With one of the other fingers

on the hand that was invading Joel’s asshole, he started tickling Joel’s
assrim, just stroking his buttpucker. Joel thought he’d go through the
roof. It felt like every nerve in the entry to his asshole had a direct
link to his dick and balls.

Suddenly his balls squeezed inward, and suddenly he was blowing

a hot wad of dickcream out the quivering tip of his overworked rod.
Cody gulped as all that saved-up dickcream cascaded down his throat.
Then he raised his head with a satisfied grin and said, “My turn.” His
engorged cock was leaking lube at a ferocious rate, wetting the bed

Joel was still reeling from the powerhouse effect of his orgasm.

His legs were quivering and weak. His head was reeling. The final
few pulsations still throbbed through his dick. His asshole was
palpitating. Cody was eager, though, and impatient in his horniness.
His dick was demanding attention. Joel had had his. Now Cody
clearly wanted his own turn, as his actions demonstrated. Throwing
Joel’s legs up in the air, Cody braced them up with one arm while his
other hand grasped his lust-bloated dick and positioned it at the
tingling, tight entry to Joel’s buttchannel.

At first he missed his aim. Joel’s tight sphincter was unlubed, and

when Cody tried to press inward, he instead slid along Joel’s asscrack,
teasing the nerves that lived on the rim of his anal opening. Back and
forth Cody slid, taking aim at Joel’s hole but always missing, sliding
along his anal crease, titillating his sphincter. But finally, with one
well-aimed and particularly ferocious shove, he managed to get
within Joel’s lust-hole and spear his way up into Joel’s butt. Deeper
and deeper Cody plunged up into Joel’s anal chasm, and as he did,
Joel’s burning muscles gave way. Cody touched nerves deep inside

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Joel, and Joel’s buttnut got its share of the action, too. The burning on
the rim of Joel’s unlubed asshole morphed into pure pleasure.

Then Cody grabbed Joel’s nipples and tweaked them, while at the

same time, plunging deep, skewering into Joel until his wiry, brown
pubes ground against Joel’s pulsating, blossoming butthole. When
Cody pulled back, he slammed back in again with an eagerness that
gave power to his drive and pleasure to Joel’s anal tract. Looking up
at the man he loved, Joel saw a purely blissed-out expression warring
with one of deep concentration as Cody tried his utmost to get off,
and get off quickly. There was no going slow to enjoy the process this
time. Cody was most clearly and obviously in need, and Joel could
see that Cody wanted only to orgasm as soon as possible.

Joel could feel Cody’s fat, amazingly engorged dick swelling like

an inflated balloon inside his tight anal channel. Then Cody scrunched
up his face, grunted, groaned, and fell on top of Joel. Inside his
asshole, Joel could feel the tremors and pulsations in Cody’s dick as
he pumped out a huge load of his lust juices. Joel’s own dick
throbbed, too, and, to his total surprise, it shot off a second, smaller
burst of jism.

They lay together, hugging each other, and Cody said, “I wish you

could spend the night in my bed.”

“So do I, but what if Allan does another bed check?” asked Joel,

for once being the sensible one. “Besides, we need to be up early for
the long ride.”

“We can sleep on the bus.”
“If we’re both drowsy and red-eyed, isn’t it going to look

suspicious?” suggested Joel.

“You’ve got a guilty conscience.”
“Yeah, but Allan’s got a suspicious mind.”
“I guess you’re right,” sighed Cody. They had spent a few nights

together, but not many. It was a rare treat for the two of them. “Not
tonight, I guess.”

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“I’m twenty-one,” Joel groused. “I’m entitled to a life…and a life

without a chaperone.”

“I’m twenty-two,” Cody pointed out, “and he still watches me like

a hawk.”

“Hey…do you think he’s got the hots for you?” Joel asked, as the

thought suddenly hit him. “He could be gay, too, you know.”

“Theoretically possible but doubtful. In six years he’s never made

a move on me, never said anything inappropriate, or ever given me
any reason to think that. Naaah, I think he just wants me totally
focused on my career. He’s so completely invested in me and the
group—it’s his whole life. If the group fell apart, he’d have nothing.
He has no other business interests or anything. I don’t think he even
has any hobbies. Not only do you guys and I represent his total
business life, we represent his total life…period. Without us, he’d
have nothing. He’d be lost. Not only no income but no interest,
no…no anything.”

“I see,” said Joel, beginning to actually feel a little sorry for Allan.
“I don’t think he wants me the way you’re suggesting, but he

doesn’t want anyone else to have me, either. He wants me to be
totally focused on my singing, my career—the way he is. It’s all he’s
got in this world.”

Cody pulled Joel to him and nuzzled his neck. Joel relaxed into

his lover’s embrace.

“What did Allan do before he got hooked up with you guys?” he

asked after a minute.

“He was a bookkeeper. From what I understand, he was good at it

but didn’t enjoy it. Then he caught my act one night…and you know
the rest of the story.”

“Yeah,” said Joel. “Yeah. Poor guy.” He gave a sad smile. “Well,

let me go on back to my room. I’ll see you in the morning.” He stood
up beside the bed, reached to the floor, and wearily lifted up his pants.
Then he plopped down onto the edge of the bed again and put one
foot at a time into the legs of his pants, stood up again, and tiredly

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pulled the pants the rest of the way up and zipped them. He didn’t
bother with the top snap or the belt. He held his shirt between his arm
and his chest, not bothering to put it on.

The guys stood by the door, Cody still naked and Joel now

semidressed, at least decent enough to look presentable in the
hallway. “Let me check the corridor. I don’t want Allan to see you
poking your head out of my room,” Cody suggested. But Allan was
nowhere to be seen, nor was anyone else prowling around at this late
hour. “Coast is clear,” Cody hissed to Joel. With another quick kiss,
Joel was out the door and rushing the four doors down the corridor to
his room.

A minute later, the phone in his room rang. He supposed it was

Allan, but it was Cody. “Made it back safely?” he asked.

“Yeah. No prob,” Joel reported.
“G’night, then, dude. I love you,” Cody said.
“I love you, too, man. A lot!”
Hanging up, Joel shucked his pants once again, leaving them and

his shirt discarded in a heap on the floor, slipped into the bathroom,
and shortly was in bed, although not asleep. He was still too wired. It
was nearly half an hour before he fell asleep, with Cody on his mind.
Whatever were they going to do about Allan?

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Chapter 4

With the tour over, the group came home, and just in the nick of

time. It seemed there had been a technical glitch in the recording
studio, and two of the tracks on the album had gotten messed up and
needed to be rerecorded before the album could be released. During a
break in the recording, Cody commented quietly to Joel that he
enjoyed this part of his career—recording in the studio. “I don’t enjoy
the road trips,” he said, “but it’s tough to just play locally. You have
to take your show on the road. Studio recording is work—don’t get me
wrong about that—but it’s work that I enjoy. Like songwriting. That’s
both fun and work, too.”

Joel said, “I realize I’m shooting myself in the foot with this

suggestion—sabotaging my own career—but why don’t you just quit?
Do what you love. Write songs. Record songs. Skip the touring. In the
time you’re no longer on the road, you can write more songs for other
singers and groups and make money that way. Doesn’t that work out
for you? What’s the flaw in my thinking…’cause I don’t see one.”

Cody’s answer was, “How can I do that to Allan? I told you

everything he did for me, taking me under his wing and molding me.
He’s the proverbial stage mother, except for being male and not a
relative. It’s like I told you—the group is Allan’s whole life. .

“My mother gave Allan carte blanche with me. She even signed

papers. Allan made me what I am today. I owe him too much to flake
off like that.”

“What’s in it for Allan?” Joel asked. “He’s so dogged in his

drive…he must have a motivation.”

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“When he was a teenager, he wanted to be a singer. He had a fair

voice and a fair talent at playing the guitar, but ‘fair’ doesn’t propel
you to stardom or even modest success, and from what I’ve seen he
didn’t have the necessary stage presence, either. So now he’s living
out his dream vicariously through me.”

“He still doesn’t suspect that you and I…?”
“No! He still thinks you’re straight…and if you’re smart, you’ll

do something to reinforce that belief. Where’s your sister? She hasn’t
been around lately.”

“Tied up with her real boyfriend. She’s got a new one. I swear she

changes boyfriends every two months like clockwork.”

“Well, ask her to come around and be conspicuous…and leave her

boyfriend home.”

Joel laughed. “I’ll ask her. She’s a good egg. She’ll show up.”
Sure enough, two days later Joel came to rehearsal with Sonja,

and she was clinging to his arm possessively. When Allan saw them,
he frowned. Taking Joel aside, he pointedly commented, “We don’t
need distractions when we’re rehearsing. I appreciate that this is your
steady girl and you’re not out tomcatting around. That’s good. But she
doesn’t need to be here when we’re all trying to focus on work. If she
wants to hear you sing, let her come to a club date. I can probably
even get the management to comp her a free drink. But she doesn’t
need to be here now. Can you ask her politely to go home, or do you
need me to play the bad guy and do it for you?”

“She’s gonna be ticked,” Joel said with a mock sigh, “and I don’t

see how she’s hurting anything by watching the rehearsal.”

“She’s a distraction, for Christ’s sake! Get her outta here or I


“I’ll talk to her,” said Joel.
Going over to Sonja, he repeated Allan’s comments and, with a

wink that Allan couldn’t see, thanked her for coming along…and now
for leaving.

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“Great. I’ve got a hairdresser appointment in half an hour,” said

Sonja. When Joel first asked her to show up at rehearsal with him, he
had told her she could fairly well count on getting booted out quickly.
Joel gave Sonja an extravagant hug, and she walked out of the
rehearsal studio in a pretend huff.

“Thank you,” said Allan.
While Allan’s back was turned to Cody, Cody flashed Joel a

surreptitious thumbs-up.

They finished the rehearsal without further incident, and Allan

announced at the end of rehearsal that they would be going on a
minitour to four towns in Arkansas that he had just finished
scheduling. Brett groaned. He hated touring. Kevin cheered. As a
twenty-one-year-old who still lived with his folks, he relished every
opportunity to get out of town. This was ironic, Joel thought, because
Allan, with his watchful eye and strict rules, kept Kevin tethered on a
shorter leash than his folks did. The tour would start in two weeks,
Allan told them.

“Bring your banjo,” Cody suggested to Joel.
“I don’t think I’m good enough with it to play it professionally,”

Joel said skeptically.

“That’s not what I have in mind,” Cody replied with a wink,

leaving Joel to figure out just what he was up to. Well, no matter—
Joel enjoyed playing the thing. He could have fun with it in his motel
room, when he couldn’t get together with Cody. He could even play it
on the bus.

It was the second of their four dates that they were playing in

Arkansas. The venue was a club in a fairly small town. A rowdy
patron at a front table, fueled by too much alcohol, began a series of
catcalls aimed at Cody. “You’re hot, man!” he first called. Then,
when Cody sang a number called, “What I’d Like to Do,” the fellow
called out, “Know what I’d like to do? I’ll tell you what I’d like to do
to you.” He stood up and moved his body in suggestive fuck motions.
“Yeah, baby—ever had your ass reamed?”

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Joel wondered where the club’s bouncer was. Maybe in a low-end

dive like this they didn’t have one, but shouldn’t the manager or
somebody eject this vile person?

Allan finally strode over to the patron, just as the guy was

shouting, “Bet you’ve never been fucked by a real man, but don’t
knock it till you’ve tried it.” By now the crowd was getting restive.
The other club patrons had had it with this creep. Allan confronted
him and said something that Joel, up on the stage, couldn’t hear, and
the drunk abruptly lurched to his feet, swung at Allan, and decked

Cody stopped singing in the middle of the song and leapt to

Allan’s aid. Joel, feeling he needed to do something, rushed over to
the drunk and pinned his hands behind his back. The drunk, not taking
that too kindly, fought his way free and took a swing at Joel. Joel,
however, was ready for him and ducked. The drunk’s fist swooshed
harmlessly through the air, causing the guy to lose his balance and
stagger. At that, Cody stood up, abandoning the prostrate Allan, and
inserted himself into the melee. A well-aimed knee to the guy’s back
sent him crashing to the floor, at which point the club’s manager
belatedly got involved. He smashed a bottle over the drunk’s head,
knocking him into semiconsciousness, and barked at the nearest
waitress, “Call the sheriff.”

The drunk, dazed but not fully out cold, tried to stagger to his feet,

but the manager raised a chair in the air and threatened the drunk with
it. Two other patrons grabbed the drunk’s arms and held them
securely. The manager lowered the chair, and the pandemonium
finally began to ebb. With the drunk neutralized, Cody and Joel were
free to turn their attention to Allan, who had a serious goose egg
rising on his forehead. “Can you get some ice?” Joel asked the
waitress, and she hurried off to the bar, returning with ice wrapped in
a napkin. Joel applied it to Allan’s forehead until Allan was able to
hold the compress in place himself.

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It was at that juncture that the sheriff showed up, and the two

patrons holding the drunk’s arms let them go so the sheriff could cuff
the assailant. “What happened here?” the sheriff asked, and the
manager, Cody, and Joel filled him in. “Do you want to press
charges?” the sheriff asked Allan, who shook his head weakly in the
negative. “I just want to get out of town on schedule and never see
this…this hellhole again,” he said.

“Do you want a ride to the hospital over in Fayetteville?” the

sheriff offered. “Or I could call Doc Andersen and see if he’s home.
Most likely he is. He would meet you at his office, I’m sure.”

“No…thanks,” Allan declined. “I’ll pass…but thanks.” Then

turning to Cody and Joel, he said, “I owe you guys. Thanks.”

“No sweat, man,” said Cody.
“You’re welcome,” Joel said simply.
“If you don’t feel like finishing out the set…” the manager began.
“I can get back up and go back on,” offered Cody.
Joel felt less up to it, so he was glad when Allan started mumbling

about the management failing to exert proper crowd control, and how
were they supposed to put on a decent show under these conditions.

“I’ll get your check,” the manager said deferentially.
Allan looked up at Brett and Kevin, still onstage, and drew his

hand across his throat in the traditional “cut!” signal. “Show’s over,”
he said. They couldn’t hear him above the din of the still-riled crowd,
but they read his lips and understood his hand signal. They hesitated,
seeming uncertain whether to go backstage or join Cody, Joel, and
Allan. Meanwhile, Joel and Cody helped Allan toward the stage area,
and then backstage, which decided Brett and Kevin on what to do.
Allan walked with an unsteady gait toward the backstage area, and
Joel deferentially took his elbow and aided him.

As the group changed clothes in the small backstage dressing

room, the manager knocked on the door and proffered a check. “I’m
sorry, guys,” he said.

“Yeah,” snarled Allan. “This whole effing club is sorry.”

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“You sure you don’t want medical attention?” the club manager


“I just want out of here,” Allan retorted.
Indeed, they would have gladly pulled up stakes and moved on

right then, but they had five motel rooms reserved in a motel in town
for the night, and Allan explained to the guys that he wasn’t at all sure
they could recoup the credit card charge or find another motel at this
late hour, so they were stuck where they were.

Cody and Joel had planned to try to get together surreptitiously

that night, but under the circumstances, Cody stayed with Allan until
he fell asleep, then monitored him, waking him up half an hour later,
to make sure he wasn’t suffering from concussion. Only then did he
go back to his own room, too late for Joel, who, after spending half an
hour messing around with his banjo, had finally gone to sleep.

The next night went much more smoothly. Again they were in a

small town in Arkansas, playing in what was at best a third-rate club,
but this time the patrons included no rowdy drunks, and the show was
well received overall. Allan was still in grateful mode, appreciative of
what Cody and Joel had done the night before. All went well, and
Cody said to Joel after the show, “Come to my room in half an
hour…and bring your banjo.”

Mystified but eager to be with Cody, Joel showed up as requested.

“It’s our cover,” explained Cody. “If Allan does a bed check, you’re
here to noodle around with the banjo.” Then they got down to what
Joel really was there for.

Cody’s hand immediately went to Joel’s dick. He grasped it

through Joel’s pants and began to squeeze, then stroke. He worked
Joel’s lust-thickened dick back and forth for a minute or two, jacking
him through his pants; then he quietly, wordlessly eased down Joel’s
zipper and reached into his suddenly gaping fly.

Joel’s hard-on was so rigid that Cody had a time of it getting

Joel’s swollen dick out the opening, but he persevered and succeeded.
When he had drawn Joel’s dick into the light, he slowly began to jack

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it with an insistent motion that wouldn’t be denied. Joel groaned.
Cody chuckled. Then Cody reached under Joel’s shirt for one of his
nipples, which he proceeded to pinch and rub.

Joel reached for Cody’s fly then. Up until that point, he’d been

passive, allowing Cody to do to him but not returning the favor, but
he could no longer ignore the man he loved and just let him work him
over. Impatient now, Joel yanked at Cody’s zipper and freed his dick
while Cody continued to tug at Joel’s hard-on while at the same time
molesting his nip.

Cody’s mushroom-crowned dick was impressively thick as usual.

In length it was average, but in girth it was awesome under the
impetus of their not having gotten together in quite a few days. Joel
just had to suck it. Cody returned to jacking Joel’s raging hard-on, but
Joel squirmed out of his grasp in order to get on his knees on the floor
so he could suck Cody from a more felicitous angle. Cody unbuttoned
and unzipped his pants and pulled them partway down, freeing his
balls, which Joel sucked first before approaching Cody’s shaft.

His balls were raunchily sweaty. The salty sweat tasted wonderful

to Joel, as wonderful as the strong scent the balls emitted, a sweaty
scent, a male scent, a sexy scent. Joel breathed deep lungfuls and felt
his cock pulsate strongly with every inhalation. Wrapping his mouth
around those balls, he drew them as deeply into his mouth as he could
and began sucking on them while prodding the squishy sac with his

Cody groaned, leaned back, stretched luxuriantly, and began

hunching his hips upward, thrusting his dick toward the ceiling in
little fuck motions. The sight of his dick in such close proximity was
more than Joel could ignore, and despite how much he was enjoying
sucking Cody’s balls, he yearned for something that would fill not
just his mouth but his throat.

So he let go his mouth hold on Cody’s balls and gobbled his

quivering dick instead. With one gulp he had the whole thing in his
mouth and skewering down his undulating throat. Cody exhaled an

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“Ahhhhh” of satisfaction as Joel’s rippling throat muscles stroked his
dickhead while Joel’s mouth suctioned the rest of his cockshaft.

Cody began thrusting up and down, fucking Joel’s mouth deep

and hard and fast. Joel worked with him, swallowing his rampaging
hard-on as it plunged ever deeper into Joel’s gullet. His hands reached
up to molest Cody’s nips as he humped up and down beneath Joel, his
rod stabbing Joel in quick fuck motions.

But just when Joel thought Cody was close to coming, he pulled

out! “Wh–what…what’s up?” Joel asked, dazed, confused, and

“I want to be sure I get a feel of that hot ass of yours, too,” Cody

said. “You know how much I love it.”

So there Joel was, bare-assed, ass-up on the bed, his dick drooling

pre-lube, Cody’s dick spearing its way into Joel’s clenching asshole.
The spit Joel had left behind on Cody’s dick was all the lube Cody
bothered to use, but it proved to be enough, as hot as Joel was. With
one sharp, searing lunge, Cody pushed his way deep into Joel’s gut,
invaded his depths, and aimed straight up as if for his mouth. That
bloated dick stabbed Joel’s bung and filled it with thick, surging shaft,
and Cody reached around to pinch Joel’s nipples.

At that point, Joel knew nothing but the heat that spread like an

out-of-control forest fire through his ass. He thought of nothing but
the way Cody’s dick felt as it repeatedly plunged in and out of his
overstuffed anus. He didn’t even think about his own dick, on the
verge of erupting all over the mattress of Cody’s motel room bed.

Cody had barely spurted into Joel’s asshole, and Joel, overheated

like an electrical circuit on overload, had only just spewed his jism
onto the sheets, when there was a knock at the door. “Hey, Cody?
You’re not asleep, are you?” It was Allan’s voice.

“Pull your pants on and grab your banjo,” Cody whispered to Joel.

They separated in a real hurry, and Cody pulled the sheets and
bedspread up to cover the wet spot. Both of them rushed back into

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their clothes. “Right there,” Cody called to the closed door. “Hold

When both were looking semirespectable, even though Joel feared

the flush of orgasm was still upon him, Cody opened the door. Allan
walked in, only to see Joel seated in a chair, his banjo in his lap, and
Cody, shirtless but with his pants on, looking tousled but otherwise

“Want to sit in?” Cody asked with an air of innocence. “Joel

brought his banjo. We’re messing around. He’s not half-bad.”

Although the guys had hoped for more hot and sweaty fun and

didn’t really want their manager to stay, Allan sat down at the foot of
the bed and said, “Let me hear. Go on, Joel—play.” Reluctantly, Joel
picked up his banjo and started strumming, while Cody and Allan
sang along with him.

By the time Allan had had enough of singing along with Joel’s

banjo picking, the erotic mood had passed for Joel. “I’ll walk you
back to your room,” Allan said to Joel. “It’s late.” Joel saw nothing
for it but to let Allan escort him back to his room. He blew a
surreptitious goodnight kiss to Cody behind Allan’s back, but that was
the end of it. The mood was broken. The evening was over. Allan’s
watchfulness had once again scotched their plans. Would they ever
get out from under his thumb?

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Chapter 5

It was at their third and next-to-last date in Arkansas that things

started to really come unglued. First of all, their motel seriously left
something to be desired. They were playing two nights in a small
theatre and were booked into the E-Z Rest Motel for three nights, but
their rest there was anything but easy. It was a court-and-cabins
arrangement, and all night long the first night, Joel’s sleep was
disturbed by motorcycles roaring in and out of the parking lot.
Second, his next-door neighbor was an obvious druggie, who kept
trying to get into Joel’s cabin by mistake. He was too high on
whatever he was taking to discern which door led to his own room. At
one point, Joel opened his door to find the druggie lurking outside.
When Joel opened the door, the druggie pushed past him and walked
into the room. “Hey, where’s my stuff?” he asked, in a daze.

“You’re in the wrong room, man,” Joel said firmly, taking the

man by the shoulders and spinning him around toward the door.
Although he tried to propel the druggie toward the door and out it,
however, the man dug his heels in and would not be eased out.

“Who stole my stuff?” he demanded indignantly. Then, facing

Joel squarely, he demanded, “Did you take my clothes and my pills?”

“They’re in your own room,” Joel said firmly. “You’re in the

wrong room.”

“What kind of shit are you trying to pull?” the guy demanded,

turning belligerent.

Finally Joel had no recourse but to say, “Get out of my room, or

I’m calling the Feds.”

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That threw a scare into the druggie, who finally allowed Joel to

push him out the door, which Joel double-locked behind him. Things
only went downhill from there, however.

They’d rehearsed at the theatre that afternoon, in advance of their

first show that night, and Cody was in a raunchy mood. He kept
taking more chances than usual, flashing obscene signals at Joel and
otherwise risking getting busted by Allan. Finally, over an early
dinner in a local mom-and-pop restaurant that featured homestyle
country cooking, he whispered to Joel, “You’ve gotta come to my
room later. I’m super horny. Besides, my head’s in a weird place. I
could use the company.”

Just that afternoon, Allan had delivered one of his periodic tirades

about no sex on the road, focus on your singing, don’t risk messing
with strange stuff, and on and on and on. Joel felt it was the wrong
time for him and Cody to get together for a romp, but if Cody’s head
was in a weird place and he needed Joel for something more than
simply hot sex, Joel could hardly say no to the man he loved.

Accordingly, he sneaked down the walkway to Cody’s room after

the show that night. The show had gone fairly well, the group had
been well received, there were no repeats of the type of incident that
had culminated in Allan’s getting decked, and Cody and his three
backup singers had all been “on” and all in fine voice. As a result,
Cody’s head was in a better place, but he still felt the need to spend
some time with Joel in earnest soul baring and sharing.

Indeed, despite the raunchy mood he’d been in earlier, sex was not

the first thing on his mind or on his agenda when Joel knocked quietly
at his door. “I need a hug” was Cody’s greeting as he opened the door
to admit Joel. Joel grasped him in a manly bear hug, patting his back
with his right hand. “I need to spend more time with you.” Cody

“We’re together much of the day—rehearsals, performances,


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“One-on-one. Not working,” Cody clarified. “And not just sex,

either. I’m not knocking it. Sex is good. In fact, you’re not leaving
this room till we get nasty on the bed. But it’s not all about sex. I love
you, dude!”

Joel had relaxed his bear hug of Cody, but Cody now grabbed him

anew, squeezing him tightly. Joel was surprised at this unabashed
outpouring of emotionality, yet was gratified by it. The feelings were
certainly mutual. “I love you, too, man!” he affirmed, swatting
Cody’s butt affectionately.

“Someday I want to live with you. Openly, with no interference

from Allan, and no having to pretend I’m straight to fool the fans,”
Cody said in a ragged voice. “I don’t know how it’s gonna be
possible, but someday I’m going to make it happen. I promise you.”
He sounded close to crying.

Joel didn’t know what had brought this on, and he figured he

didn’t need to know, either. Maybe it was just one of those moods.
But whatever it was, he knew he had to cheer up the man he loved.
“Want me to go get my banjo, and we can mess around with it and

“Wanna just talk?”
“Why don’t you tell me more about your dad,” Joel suggested,

fingering the pendant Bennett Canavan had given to Cody before he

Cody palmed the pendant, squeezed it hard, and began talking

about his father. Joel listened to the outrush of words with his hand on
Cody’s knee. Cody talked and talked.

Finally the barrage of words slowed down. Cody fell back on the

bed, sideways across it, and Joel thought maybe Cody, now that he
was winding down, would be able to go to sleep. Sleep, however, was
not what was on Cody’s mind. Joel noticed the swelling lump of

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dickflesh at Cody’s crotch, beneath his pants, and at the prospect of a
hot encounter, Joel, too, began to sprout a hard-on.

Cody noticed it. “Mmmm…sausage for dessert,” he purred,

stroking Joel’s thigh with one hand while grasping the cloth-covered
protuberance of his dick with the other. Then he unzipped Joel’s fly,
unbuckled his belt, unsnapped the top snap of his pants, and fished for

At that they both wriggled out of their clothes and quickly

rejoined each other on the bed. Cody began licking his way up Joel’s
hairy left thigh until he’d reached his balls, which he started lapping

Joel took pleasure in watching Cody’s thick dick lengthen even

further than it already had, ballooning until it resembled a blimp. The
more Cody’s tongue toyed with Joel’s nuts, the more his own
swelling meat grew stiff. Joel gazed lovingly at the mottled, maroon
corona proudly displaying itself for his viewing pleasure, and he did
take pleasure in looking at it. Getting up on one elbow, he swung
around so that he was repositioned without disrupting Cody’s
attentions to his nut sac. Cody was working over Joel’s hairy, plump
balls, first licking them, then suckling at them, his warm, eager mouth
lavishing great attention to them.

When Joel was settled where he wanted to be, Cody’s fat cock

was in Joel’s hand, and Joel’s face was buried in Cody’s pit, licking
the sweaty residue from his hairy underarm. The salty, sweaty flavor
of his masculine-tasting pit made Joel’s crotch react in an
astoundingly responsive way, pulsating to a wild jazz rhythm. His
balls and dick had a pounding pulsebeat hammering throughout them,
but he was so engrossed in licking that acrid pit that he barely noticed
the wild throbs thundering through his balls and his cock.

On the other hand, he could hardly fail to notice what Cody was

doing to him. Cody was still sucking on Joel’s bloated ball sac, and
now, in addition, he was jacking his hard-on to a steady beat. What’s
more, he had wet a finger with saliva and was taking careful aim at

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Joel’s quivering asshole. In a minute, Joel felt that thick finger
punching at the puckered entryway. Then Cody jabbed up into the
depths of Joel’s hole.

His finger found Joel’s prostate like the experienced fucker he

was. Easing across Joel’s walnut-sized gland, Cody rubbed it with a
practiced motion that sent Joel’s nuts churning and left him in fear of
losing his load too fast. “Take it easy.” Joel gulped. “I don’t wanna
come off yet.”

Cody chuckled but withdrew the finger partway, spiking another

one up there to join it and then a third, so that he was fucking in and
out of Joel’s quivering asshole with the thickness of three fingers, but
he kept them away from Joel’s prostate, concentrating on rubbing his
inner walls. Joel broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn’t come.

Meanwhile Joel was still jacking Cody’s cock, his hand travelling

up and down that bumpy road to bliss. Joel felt the protruding veins,
the heat of that oversized rod, the spongy firmness of the thick
column of flesh, and the way it quivered under his touch. And Joel
knew Cody was getting pretty hot himself.

Well, then, time to get down to some serious business. Joel

swooped his tongue around the tip of Cody’s dickshaft and swirled
around that bloated corona until Cody began arching on the bed and
lost all sense of rhythm in his actions on Joel. But Joel didn’t care. A
moment or so later, when Cody stopped totally both his jacking and
his nut sucking, Joel didn’t care about that either. He was deeply
engrossed in sucking on Cody’s cock.

Joel’s cheeks hollowed as he drew deep and pulled Cody into his

mouth, down and down and down until his dicktip was rampaging its
way into Joel’s gullet and his considerable girth was spreading wide
Joel’s hollowing cheeks. It was almost a fight. Joel would suck him
in, his cheeks hollowed from the suctioning effort, and then Cody
would take possession of Joel’s mouth, his thickness spreading Joel’s
cheeks wide again and billowing the formerly hollowed flesh. Then
Cody would start to retract from Joel, and he’d feel his cheeks move

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inward again, dedicated to trying to siphon the thick cream that lurked
in those massive balls of Cody’s.

Joel tickled Cody’s dicktip with his tongue with every retraction.

Whenever Cody pulled back enough that Joel’s tongue tip could touch
his glans, Joel did just that, laving the domehead with the raspiest part
of his tongue. Joel could feel and taste the warm, syrupy pre-cum
weeping out of gaping cumslit and pooling on his tongue. Then Cody
would push back inside Joel again, and Joel’s tongue would have to
settle for trailing down Cody’s quivering cockshaft as his charging
cock burrowed deep inside Joel’s throat.

And Cody was inside his throat. His bulbous glans was ramming

its way well within the clutches of Joel’s gullet with every forward
thrust, and he drove deep, spreading the tender tissues of Joel’s throat
wide. Wrapping his hand around Cody’s ball sac, Joel squeezed his
stones urgently as he sucked on that massive cock that was cramming
Joel’s throat with hot dick. Cody let out a powerful groan.

Joel’s free hand decided to get into the game and wrapped itself

around the base of Cody’s oversized erection, squeezing and palping
and jacking lightly up and down, until it met Joel’s mouth and
receded again. Cody grabbed Joel’s ass cheeks and began to squeeze
them, though that was all he was doing for Joel at that point. He was
too blissed out on the treatment Joel was giving him.

Joel bathed Cody’s throbbing dick in the wetness from his mouth,

and Cody rammed that dick deep down Joel’s throat, but suddenly he
stopped. Joel looked up, alarmed. Had he scraped Cody with his
teeth? What was wrong?

Nothing, as it turned out, but, “I want to fuck you!” Cody

explained. “I love your tight ass, and I want to fill it with my cock
now. Your mouth is wonderful…but right now I want to be
someplace even hotter and tighter. Right now I want to pump your ass
with my cock and feel your ass walls closing tight around my hard-

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It sounded like a plan to Joel. They rearranged themselves yet

again. Joel was now on his back, his legs up on Cody’s shoulders,
while Cody positioned the globular corona of his throbbing cock at
the tight entrance to Joel’s chute. Then he gave a mighty shove and
buried his mushroom cock crown within the constricting grip of Joel’s
rectal sphincter. Joel howled with pure pleasure as he felt that
rounded meathead charge up his anal tunnel and go burrowing deep
inside him.

“Oh yes!” Joel panted as Cody dug deep. “Yes! Fuck me! Deep!

Deeper! Oh yes! Feed me all of it! Give it to me! Give it to me! Give
it to me!”

From the way he was driving deep into Joel and from the way he

was breathing heavily, Joel knew that not only was Cody giving him
all his cock, but he was about to give him his cream as well.

Joel wriggled his hips and swallowed Cody’s dick deep inside his

anal tunnel as Cody drove fast and furious, slamming his cock hard
and deep inside Joel. Joel’s clenching tunnel squeezed Cody’s cock.
Joel could feel the scrunch he was transmitting to his cock, and he
knew Cody wasn’t going to last long at that rate, but that was all right,
because neither was Joel.

In fact, Joel came off first, his balls contracting and powering out

a stream of sauce that geysered up into the air like a fountain. “Here it
comes!” he yelled, unadvisedly loudly as his thick jizz spurted. Cody
jammed his meat deep within Joel and plunged to the limit. It felt like
he was driving farther inside Joel than he’d gone ever before, and he
held the position as his balls pounded out their steamy, creamy
contents. As they did, he screamed out his release at decibel levels not
recommended for so public a place as a motel.

A second later, there was a pounding at the door. Joel thought it

was the management, there at the request of some other motel guest
whom they’d disturbed with their raucous, raunchy yelling, but it was
worse than that. It was Allan.

“Cody? Who’ve you got in there with you?” he hollered.

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After a minute of stunned and guilty silence, Cody called out,

“Come back later!”

“Open now!” Allan demanded forcefully. “Open this door.”
“I’m twenty-two. I’m entitled to my privacy!”
“Open the damn door!”
Joel and Cody looked at each other. Allan was pounding on the

door now. Joel was concerned about Allan’s drawing the attention of
others, and apparently Cody was, too, as he finally pulled his pants on
and opened the door while Joel was still zipping his pants.

To say Allan was angry would be like saying Hurricane Katrina

was a little breezy. He was not just angry, he was outraged beyond
belief. “How the fuck dare you after all the warnings I’ve given you?”
He was screaming at both of them but primarily at Joel. “You’re
fired!” That one was aimed specifically at Joel.

“No, he’s not.” That was Cody. “You can’t fire a man for a

consensual act after hours. We’re both adults. Joel did nothing
wrong…and neither did I. If you fire Joel, you have to fire me, too.”

“I can’t fire you! You’re the star!” Allan sputtered.
“And you can’t fire Joel, either. Not for making me happy. Now,

give it up and go back to your room. Unless you had something
important to say when you came barging in here?”

“No, I–I heard you and I wanted to know…” Allan’s voice trailed

off. “I still think he needs to go!” he finally said.

“He stays!” Cody said insistently.
Joel wondered if this was the first time Cody had stood up to

Allan. His guess was that it was.

The next night they played the same theatre again. Allan was in a

prickly mood but made no reference to the events of the night before
and didn’t treat Joel any differently than he treated the others,
although it was obvious, from the way he was behaving with all of
them, that something was troubling him. Cody and Joel, of course,
said nothing to the other two about what had gone down the night

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before, and if they had heard the commotion when Allan shouted and
banged on the door, they made no mention of it.

They rehearsed a bit before the show, and at one point, in the

midst of rehearsals, Allan said, “I can’t find my keychain. Did I leave
it in your dressing room, Cody?”

“I dunno.”
“Cody, give Joel your dressing room key and let him run

downstairs and look for my keychain.”

“I’ll go look,” Cody offered.
“Joel can go!” Allan said firmly. Cody shrugged but gave Joel the


Joel easily spotted the keychain and returned with it. “Thank

you,” Allan said grudgingly.

It was after the show, after they had all returned to their dressing

rooms, that Cody noticed his pendant was missing. His pendant! The
one that his father had given him!

“Who was the last one in your dressing room?” Allan asked


“Joel went to look for your keys,” Cody replied, clearly annoyed

at what was certainly an attempt to blame Joel.

“Then obviously Joel took it.”
“Bullshit!” Joel exclaimed. “I so definitely did not!”
“Who else was in there?” Allan asked calmly.
Joel didn’t know the answer to that. All he knew for a fact, for

sure, was that he hadn’t done it. “Search my dressing room,” he said.
“Search my pockets. Search my room at the motel.” The motel was
right around the corner from the theatre. He could have hurried back
to the motel and secreted the pendant among his things.

“You probably sold it,” said Allan.
“When?” Joel challenged.
“When we were taking half an hour between rehearsal and the

performance. You probably traded it for drugs.”

I don’t do drugs! Joel screamed.

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“Says you.”
“I’m clean. I don’t do that shit.”
“Well, what did you do with the money you got for the pendant?”
I didn’t sell the fuckin’ pendant!
“Then what did you do with it?”
“I don’t have it. I never did.” Turning to Cody, he said, “Cody,

man—clear my name!”

“How? I believe you, but how can I prove you’re innocent?”
“At least you believe me.”
“I know you wouldn’t do that to me.” But Joel thought he detected

the slightest hesitation in Cody’s voice. If he was right, if Cody really
wasn’t sure about him, Joel didn’t want to be part of the group

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Chapter 6

Joel looked at Cody imploringly. “Allan has to have had

something to do with it. It’s because of last night.”

“I can’t believe he’d stoop that low.”
“Then what? Do you believe I took the pendant?”
“No, dude, I don’t. But I can’t believe Allan would set you up


“Who else has a motive?”
“He wouldn’t stoop that low,” Cody repeated resolutely. Joel

wondered if Cody was trying to convince him or convince himself.

“Then who? Brett or Kevin? What motive?”
“Maybe someone on the staff of the theatre!” Cody said, as

inspiration hit him.

“No. It was Joel,” Allan said flatly.
“Look, last night was unpleasant and unfortunate—”
“What happened last night?” asked Kevin. Cody waved him off.
“—but that doesn’t mean Allan would go so far as to steal my

pendant and frame you.”

“Why would he blame it on drugs? Why does he have drugs on

his mind? In all this time, none of you has ever seen me get high on
anything…well, beer. But never anything stronger. I’m clean! So
what put drugs in Allan’s mind?”

“Dunno, dude, but I’m going to file a police report.”
“I’m going with you. Maybe they’ll give me a lie detector test.”
But it seemed the sheriffs’ departments of small Arkansas towns

did not all possess lie detectors. At least, this one didn’t. The sheriff, a
prototypical gruff-but-kindly type, got out of bed to come down to the

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station and take their report. He listened to Allan, who’d insisted on
going with Cody and Joel, and who told the sheriff how all evidence
pointed to Joel, but then the sheriff turned to Joel and asked, “What’s
your side of it, son?” Joel saw nothing for it but to tell the sheriff the
whole story, starting with the events of the night before.

“Never would have taken you for one of them queer guys,” the

sheriff said, shaking his head in disbelief. “But if there’s one thing
I’ve learned in nearly thirty years on the police force, it’s that you
can’t tell a book by its cover. What’s your answer to what he’s
saying?” he asked Allan.

“That I had nothing to do with it and that the theft of the pendant

has nothing to do with my catching these two in the act…plain and

“Seems to me,” said the sheriff, “that the first thing we need to do

is check the two pawn shops in the area. Neither one’s here in town,
but neither one’s that far away, either. How long are you in town

“We pull out in the morning,” Allan answered firmly.
“I strongly suggest you stick around,” said the sheriff.
“Are you saying one of us is under arrest?” asked Joel.
“No, but I wouldn’t want to see you leave just yet…especially if

you want to get this piece of jewelry back.”

“I do, and I’m not leaving till we make a good try at finding it,”

Cody put in.

“I think we should stick to schedule and leave in the morning as

we planned,” said Allan edgily.

“I advise you to wait,” the sheriff said firmly. “And if you don’t

want to make yourself look guilty, you’ll take my advice.”

So they all went back to the motel, though Joel could barely sleep,

and Cody told him in the morning that he hadn’t gotten much rest
either. The sheriff collected the three of them at the motel in the
morning, leaving Kevin and Brett to their own devices. All three were
nervous as they set out for the two pawnshops. They found the

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pendant at the second one they visited. “Who left this here?” asked
the sheriff.

“Dalton Flint.”
“Who’s he?” asked Cody.
“Local druggie. Probably a small-time dealer, too, though we

haven’t pinned that on him yet. I’ll get him in for questioning.”

“No…we really need to get back on the road,” said Allan.
“What’s your rush?” asked the sheriff meaningfully. “Afraid of

what we might find out?”

Joel, feeling emboldened, echoed the question. “Just what are you

afraid of, Allan?”

So the sheriff drove the trio back to town, where he picked up

Dalton Flint for questioning.

“I didn’t steal nothin’!” Dalton said. “That man sold it to me!” He

pointed to Allan.

“Ain’t no liar! Well, maybe sometimes, but I ain’t lying now. He

told me he needed money, said he’d sell it to me for far less than it
was worth and I could resell it and turn a nice profit.”

“What did you need the money for?” Cody asked wonderingly.
“He didn’t. That was just his cover story to explain why he was

selling it to Dalton,” Joel logicized.

“And you’re positive this is the man? You’d swear to it?”
“Yes, Sheriff. Absolutely.”
“You’d take a druggie’s word over that of a respectable

businessman?” Allan fumed.

“Not so respectable, from the look of it. You wanna press charges,

son?” This last was directed to Cody.

He pondered the question for a moment. Then he turned to Allan

and beseechingly asked, “Why?”

Allan slumped. The fight had gone out of him. “You were my

world,” he answered.

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“Sounds like one of them three-way Hollywood love triangles,”

the sheriff observed. “The whole lot of you are queers. Dang!”

“No—I don’t—I didn’t love him that way,” Allan protested. “I’m

not gay.”

“I believe you on that,” Cody said. “But you were so fixated on

my making it to the top and taking you along with me…you wanted
my career to be the be-all and the end-all of my life, like it was for
you. You almost ruined my chance at happiness with Joel. You were
doing a damn good job of it as it was.”

“I still need to know if you wanna press charges,” the sheriff


“Naaah!” said Cody, kicking the leg of the table. “I want…I

dunno…I want to throw up. This whole thing is making me sick.”

“Guess you can go, Dalton. Looks like you didn’t do anything

wrong this time. You need a ride back home?”

“I can walk,” said the druggie. Joel guessed that the sooner Dalton

was out of the presence of the sheriff, the happier he’d be. Dalton
scurried out of the sheriff’s office.

“What about you guys? You need a ride back to the motel?”
“We’d appreciate that,” said Cody. He, Joel, and Allan got into

the sheriff’s cruiser, but Cody and Joel edged as far away from Allan
as they could.

“Hey, c’mon, guys,” Allan said.
“You’re fired!” said Cody. “Here’s some money. Find your own

way home. We don’t want you on the bus with us.”

“Oh, c’mon! You know I did what I did for your career!”
“I believe you mean that in your own twisted way, but it was

soooo wrong on so many levels! Framing Joel was the last straw.
Kevin can drive the bus home. You can catch a Greyhound.”

When they got back to the motel, Kevin and Brett were pacing

outside, wondering where the other three had gone and when they
were leaving to go home. “What happened?” they both asked. “Where
were you?”

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Cody filled them in while Allan went back to his room to pack. At

Cody’s request, Kevin drove him to the nearest Greyhound stop while
Cody, Joel, and Brett hung around the motel until he returned. When
he did, Brett asked, “So who’s gonna be our manager now?”

“Joel is,” Cody declared.
“I am?” Joel asked, surprised by this turn of events.
“Is he still one of us backup singers, too?” Brett asked.
“Absolutely,” Cody said, putting an arm around Joel’s shoulder.

“He’s also my number-one man personally. In fact, not just number
one but one and only.”

That night they stopped at a motel on the road, and Cody and Joel

shared a room. “No more sneaking around!” exulted Cody.

“No more hiding. No more bullshit!” Joel concurred.
They put the DO NOT DISTURB sign out and double-locked the

door, and Joel stood facing Cody. “I love you,” he said, “and, by the
way, thanks for making me the manager.”

“I can’t think of anyone I trust more,” Cody said sincerely. Then

he added, “Or anyone I could ever love as much.”

Cody was opening his suitcase, fishing for his toothbrush. Joel

took a step forward, bringing him immediately behind Cody. He
snugged his crotch up to Cody’s ass and ground lasciviously against
him. “Hey, stranger, wanna fool around?” he teased.

Cody put the toothbrush down and turned to face Joel. “Yeah,” he

growled. “Let’s get it on.” He was still fully dressed, but it was
obvious from the way his hard-on was seriously tenting his pants that
his dick was already standing at full erection.

“Let’s shuck these clothes,” Joel husked, wriggling out of his

pants and letting them pool on the floor. Cody quickly followed suit
and, when they were both naked, they dived for the bed.

Cody’s cock was already weeping viscous pre-cum. Joel wrapped

his hand around it and began to jack it, feeling the way the spongy
wrapping encased a steel-hard shaft.

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“Mmmmm,” Cody purred at the feel of Joel’s hand working over

his hefty cock. “Do it faster.”

“We don’t need to rush,” Joel reminded him. “We don’t have to

hurry up and finish before we get caught. We’re freeeeeeee!” He
whooped the last word.

Joel was jacking Cody languidly, not really trying to get him off,

just enjoying the feel of Cody’s throbbing cock in his palm. At
Cody’s request, however, Joel sped up the rate at which his grasping
hand was skinning that throbbing dick back and forth. Pre-cum was
drooling ferociously out of Cody’s cumslit. Suddenly lowering into a
squat, Joel took one of those big, lightly hair-covered balls into his
mouth and began to tenderly suck Cody’s nuts while continuing to
jack his dick.

Cody groaned so loudly it sounded as if he were coming! He

wasn’t, though, just expressing his building need. Letting go of his
nut sac, Joel spoke up. “Let me do this properly. Handjobs are nice,
too, but let me suck you off. Wouldn’t that feel better?”

“Well, yeah, but this is good, too.” Cody’s taut body was moving

up and down on the bed as he lay there.

“You’re just a sex fiend,” Joel teased. “You like sex in any form.”
“I’m a Joel fiend,” Cody teased back. “I love you…in any


“One of us has to get up,” Joel said, letting go of his dick, and he

explained, “I want to suck you first, but eventually we’re gonna need
the lube, and I don’t want to have to get up to get it later.”

“You’re the new manager,” Cody teased. “You’re responsible for

all the arrangements. You get up and get the lube.”

“Oh, so that’s the way it’s gonna be from now on,” Joel jibed. “I

see.” Then he kissed Cody fiercely before getting up and getting a
tube of lube out of his suitcase. Settling back on the bed, he gobbled
down Cody’s cock, which had grown to gargantuan proportions.

Dispensing with the niceties of working his way gradually and

teasingly down the shaft, he took the whole thing in in one quick

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swoop and immediately noticed how much larger than usual that
massive cock seemed to be. Even as accomplished a cocksucker as he
was, it was a challenge to fit it all into his mouth and down into his
gullet. But he managed!

As Cody’s massive, plummy dickhead lodged far down Joel’s

throat, he began to suck, feeling Cody’s cock swell within the
confines of his gullet. Manhandling Cody’s fat sac at the same time,
Joel gulped at the oversize slab of thick dick that was poking ever
farther down into his guts and blocking off his windpipe.

Now Cody began humping against Joel’s face, his bony pelvis

grinding mercilessly up against Joel’s mouth and jaw. At that point,
he began to exude a musky scent. Up until then, he’d smelled fresh
and clean, not at all sweaty despite not having had a shower since
morning. But now he began to work up a sweat, and soon his body
was emitting pheromones and perspiration, reeking intriguingly as he
pounded hard against Joel.

Joel’s well-beloved fucked his face demandingly, jarringly driving

his massively swollen dickshaft down Joel’s throat. Pounding at Joel
relentlessly, he began to thrash around on the bed, and now he started
to babble, too. Meaningless syllables and grunts issued from his
mouth as he sought the release he needed so badly. Joel, in no hurry
to see the encounter end but not wishing to torture his beloved any
further than he obviously already was, just sucked, keeping up with
him manfully as best he could.

It was then that Joel wormed his hand under Cody’s ass cheek and

went on a squirmy hunt for his buried asshole. Joel’s finger slithered
between Cody’s two clenched ass cheeks and found, at last, the
puckered entryway. It was dry, and his finger was still unlubed, but
Joel had fucked Cody dry before, and he was sure that tonight, once
again, Cody’s bung ought to be pierceable by Joel’s finger even
without Joel’s stopping to slather on any goop to ease the way.

Sure enough, his finger had only minimal difficulty getting inside

Cody’s grasping sphincter. Once inside, it encountered a warm, moist

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environment that seemed to bathe that finger while urging it in
deeper. Joel slithered a second finger in alongside the first, and then a
third finger found its way inside Cody’s asshole and began jamming
in and out with the others.

Joel was so worked up that his heart was hammering inside his

chest and thundering throughout his body. Joel’s own dick was
beyond full erection and threatening to spill a load on the sheets
without anyone touching it. His balls bulged as if they hadn’t been
drained for months. He knew that, whenever he spewed, it was going
to be a big load.

Cody reached up and grabbed Joel’s neck, pulling him down

firmly. Joel’s nose was already squashed pleasurably against Cody’s
pubic bone. Cody’s pubic hairs were tickling Joel’s cheeks
tantalizingly. Cody’s dick was choking him delightfully. Yet Cody
was trying to draw Joel even farther down onto him. There was
nowhere else to go, however, except back up again, and so, fighting
against his strong grip, Joel released Cody’s cock and backed off it,
taking a good, deep, lung-satisfying breath before he sucked his way
down Cody’s giant dickpole once again.

Joel swallowed Cody deep, glorying in the way that hunk of cock

stretched the walls of his gullet and barreled on down until Joel
expected Cody to reach his belly button. “Oh, you’re such a good
cocksucker, dude,” Cody groaned. “You do it so well. That’s not why
I love you, but it’s sure one of the reasons I appreciate you.”

And then he exploded. Suddenly, without further warning, he

stiffened, arching upward, and Joel felt Cody’s dick swell even larger
in his throat. At the same time, Cody’s anal canal quivered around
Joel’s thrusting fingers, and he emitted the longest, loudest, most
heartfelt groan Joel had ever heard. Well, at least they didn’t have to
worry about being overheard. Their relationship was open now.
Everyone knew. Brett. Kevin. And Allan? He didn’t matter anymore.
They could be as loud and as open as they wanted to be.

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What felt like gallons of hot, thick sauce exploded into Joel’s

mouth, challenging his tonsils to hold back the tide. Joel eagerly
swallowed and swallowed, feeling he was capturing Cody within him
as he greedily took in his outpouring. He kept Cody’s dick in his
mouth as long as he could, but finally he needed a breath. Cody was
showing signs of finally beginning to soften anyhow. Joel relaxed his
mouth hold on Cody’s meat and let him escape his clutches.

Well, Cody had gotten his rocks off, but Joel was still in need.

Eagerly he pushed his lover’s legs up in the air and grabbed the gel
he’d snagged from the suitcase earlier. A quick application of lube to
Cody’s asshole and to Joel’s hugely engorged dick, and he was ready
to rumble. Cody’s asshole had taken Joel’s three fingers dry without
protest, but it was a bit much to expect him to take Joel’s whole dick,
not as huge as his but certainly no lightweight, without lube. Yes, they
had done it before, but Joel had always felt guilty afterward.

Still, remembering how easily Cody had accepted Joel’s cock in

past encounters, Joel didn’t pull his punches when he went ramming
inside him. And indeed Cody didn’t flinch or cringe or whimper as
Joel’s full length and thickness went storming inside Cody’s anal cave
with the help of lube but with no holding back. Joel fucked him full
force, full-on, full speed ahead. He punched his way to the blind end,
then pulled almost all the way out and went flying back in again.

“Yeah, dude,” Cody urged him. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Do it.

Give it to me.” Joel endeavored to comply with his request, stuffing
Cody’s asshole as full of his meat as he could, until Joel could only
assume that Cody’s guts must feel like a sausage, plumply stuffed to
bursting with Joel’s meaty filling.

Then Joel set to rat-a-tatting in and out of Cody, ramming away at

top speed, filling him hard and deep and full with his eager dick. He
lodged it deep, then pulled back until only the snout of his dick
remained trapped inside the humid corridor, then plunged
immediately back in again. Slamming in and out, he power-drove his

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Hitting the Hot Notes


needy dick deep up Cody’s tunnel as Joel’s rumbling balls smacked
repeatedly against Cody’s ass cheeks.

“Do it, dude!” he urged Joel. “Come. Get your nut. Come off!”
And Joel knew he was about to do just that. Lunging forward, he

lowered his face and bit Cody’s neck as he let his spunk fly and
socked Cody’s asshole with a bucketful of jism. As he did, he felt his
beloved’s dick fire off a second salvo.

“Looks like I owe you one again.” Cody panted.
“And I’ll collect,” Joel mock-snarled. “Just give me a chance to

get over this one.”

Cody was still half-hard, and Joel had the feeling that by the time

he had had nut number two, Cody would be working on his third, or
maybe even his fourth.

With no more Allan to get in their way, they had clear sailing

ahead from now on.

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Diana Sheridan

Chapter 7

They were back home, and Joel, as their new manager, had called

a meeting. Even Sonja was there, eager to see her baby brother in his
first managerial role. “I’m so proud of you!” she had told him, when
he called her to update her on what had happened. “Not just for
standing up to Allan, but for getting promoted to manager. Do you
plan to make any changes right away?”

That’s when he invited her, “Come to the meeting and hear it all

for yourself.”

Sure enough, Joel started out the meeting by telling his two fellow

Brainiacs and Cody, “There are gonna be some changes. As your new
manager, I’m promulgating some new rules.

“First of all, we’re not going on the road anymore.” Brett cheered

at that, though Kevin frowned. “That’s just the beginning,” Joel went
on. “Cody, you’re going to spend more time writing songs, now that
we’re not traveling. Next, as your manager, Cody, I’m going to sell
some of your songs to other singers…not just to cover what we’ve
recorded, but for them to have first crack at. You’re a damn fine
songwriter, and you enjoy it. You need to make more use of your

“I also want you to explore writing commercial jingles. They’re

not as artistically satisfying, but there’s more money in them.

“We’re going to record more albums, and we’re going to play

more local dates. But our days of traveling are over.

“And, Cody, one change more just for you. You’ve gotta change

your place of residence. You’re moving in with me. Unless you want
me to move in with you.”

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Hitting the Hot Notes


“How about we both look for a whole new place together?” Cody

suggested. “I think a fresh start is in order.”

“As long as I’m starting over with you,” Joel agreed, and the two

of them hugged each other tightly, while Kevin, Brett, and especially
Sonja applauded happily.


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No stranger to male/male stories, Diana Sheridan edited gay male

sexzines for the better part of two decades under the nom de plume of
“Dan Maxwell.” Though “Diana Sheridan” isn’t her true name either,
it does reflect her true gender. In her own name, she has had
numerous books published both in print and as e-books, is an
accomplished editor of both books and magazines, and is comfortable
switching gears to go from serious nonfiction to romantica in her
work. Diana lives with her Significant Other, who is fully aware of
and supportive of the many facets of her career.

Also by Diana Sheridan

Siren Allure ManLove: Finding Mr. Wright

Siren Classic ManLove: Mating Michael

Siren Classic ManLove: Caught in a Web of Intrigue

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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