G A Hauser The Hard Way

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Chapter 1

Richard ‘Dick’ Hunt III wondered if he had bit off more than he could chew. His fingers,

white with chalk, held onto a ledge where he dangled a few thousand feet in the air.

Dick heard Lowell Fowler, the lead climber, letting him know the rope had been

attached above him. It didn’t offer much comfort to Dick at the moment. He peered down the
line at Holly Massena, who seemed to have a solid hold below him.

He was the only one out of the three struggling. Though he hated to admit he was in

trouble, he shouted, “Tight.” Immediately the rope from above tightened up its slack.

As Dick scrambled for a toehold he loosened rocks with his boot. “Shit. Below!” he

called to Holly, hearing the pattering of pebbles falling, skipping against the sheer cliff.

“You’re at the crux, Dick,” Lowell said, as if reassuring Dick he was at the worst of the

Dick didn’t care. He was getting worn out and could not spot a hand hold anywhere, up, down,
or sideways. His left hand had a sure grip on a tiny ledge, but his muscles were burning. He put
both feet on the wall and arched back to have a look.
“Right side,” Holly called out.
Though Dick didn’t see what she could see from below, he trusted her. He released his grip and
using the rope for balance moved quickly to the right. Immediately he was able to gain a good
leg and hand hold.
From above Lowell said, “Always the hard way, Dick. Always the hard way.”
Dick grinned to himself, yup, and made progress up the sheer cliff wall now that he had more to
work with. “Would I have it any other way?”
“No!” Holly said from her position below.
Dick laughed. His young friends knew him well.

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William Winsor didn’t always like working as the fundraiser for Southeastern California State
College, but the pay was decent and it challenged him constantly. Dick thought he was the king
of multitasking. His phone on speaker, typing at his computer and reading letters from the dean’s
office simultaneously did take skill, William couldn’t deny it. He wasn’t born with a trust fund
and too much time on his hands.
His lover, Dick, was.
“The fees must go up,” William said over the phone, “The students can protest all they’d like.”
“It’s ugly in the news, William. Ugly coverage.”
“What are we supposed to do? Would you rather cut the staff in half?” William noticed his
second line flashing. “Can I put you on hold?”
William took the next call, thinking about the coming semester of students, the changes in the
programs to keep them inspired, and the amount of resources he had to juggle. It wasn’t easy, but
it kept him busy finding answers to impossible questions. Like, where’s the money for this
project coming from?
That was one of his favorites.
“Your cell phone is turned off.”
“Is it?” William smiled at the sound of his lover’s voice.
“I hate calling you on your work line. Do you have any idea how hard it is to weave through the
maze of automated choices?”
“Just press my extension number. Presto, you get me.” William glanced at the flashing line, the
one the dean was holding on. He could hold a little longer. “I thought you were at Pinnacles
“I was. I am.”
William checked his watch. “You can’t be done already. It’s only two.” He heard a woman’s
voice in the background and assumed it was Holly. “What did she say?”
“She called me a Gumby.”
“No way. You’ve been climbing more years than she’s been out of diapers.”
“I’m not that old!” Dick choked in a laugh.
“Where are you?”
“Still here at Pinnacles.”
William heard Holly shout through the phone line, “He needs to rest!”
The phone was cupped so William couldn’t hear Dick’s reply to Holly, but William could
imagine the snappy, caustic comeback to her insult. There was nothing Richard Hunt liked less
than losing or coming in second place. “I have another call on hold.” William glanced at the
flashing light. “Will I see you later?”
“If I’m not in the hospital from the trip down this cliff.”
“That’s a comfort.”
William hit the button for the first line and said, “Sorry about that. Where were we?”

Chapter 2

As Dick walked stiffly through the attached garage door of his home in Glendale, he

cringed at his aching body. “Honey, I’m home,” he sang sarcastically.

William raised his gaze from the bubbling pots, a wooden spoon held upright in his hand.

“You look like hell.”

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“Screw you.” Dick tossed his backpack on the floor near the door and limped towards William.
He smelled garlic and olive oil sautéing. He poked his head over William’s shoulder for a peek at
William pecked his lips quickly and poured pureed tomatoes into the sizzling pot. “What did
you hurt this time?”
“Pulled my groin. Nothing a good tongue massage won’t cure.”
Once he covered the sauce pan with a lid, he gave Dick a closer inspection. “Christ. You’re
covered in scratches and bruises.”
Dick limped out of the kitchen. “I’m fine.”
“Must you push yourself like this?”
“Yes, my prince. I must.” Dick winced as he sat on his bed, trying to remove his climbing
William appeared in the doorway. “I know you don’t want me to help.”
“I’m fine.” Dick clenched his teeth as he reached for his shoelaces.
“I’m beginning to think you have a death wish.” William knelt down and took Dick’s shoes and
socks off for him.
Dick didn’t answer.
“Look at your knee.” William inspected the raw scratched skin.
“It’s nothing.” Dick struggled to remove the clingy shirt off his head. “I stink.”
“You do. But you always smell that way when you’ve been out doing some daredevil stunt. I
think it’s the smell of stress.” William gave Dick a hand removing his shirt as well, when Dick
got stuck halfway.
Everything ached. Dick knew he beat himself up for his extreme sports. It was a compulsion.
He had to do what he did.
They met gazes.
Dick melted at the light blue color of William’s eyes. He called him ‘Prince’ because with a
name like William Winsor, it was only natural. Though William was thirty, he looked like a
college student, not a college administrator. Dick loved the ‘preppy’ athlete air William exuded.
Loved it the minute he met him two years ago at a black tie fundraiser for William’s college.
“Get up. Let me help you with your pants.”
“Now you’re talking.” Dick was hauled to his feet, trying not to wince at all the painful points
on his body. At times he felt like a Hollywood stuntman, having broken more than a few bones
and being stitched up constantly. He was surprised he wasn’t partially bionic. Well, he did have a
metal plate in his leg with two pins.
William dragged both his tight nylon climbing pants and briefs down his legs. When his cock
was exposed Dick knew good things would happen. “Is that sauce going to burn if you get
“No. It’s on low and it needs to simmer.” William helped Dick step out of the pants.
“Do I stink…everywhere?” Dick held William’s shoulder for balance.
“It’s that shirt. The fabric of those things traps the sweat.” William gave Dick’s balls a sniff.
“You smell good here.”
Dick tried to adjust his weight on his legs, but he was aching from a whole day of rock
climbing. As if William noticed it, he said, “Why don’t you lay back before you fall over?”
“If I lay back, I won’t get up. Let me shower first.”
William gave Dick’s crotch a nuzzle with his mouth and stood beside him.
As he struggled to walk without showing his pain, Dick could feel the look of disapproval

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coming from William. “Stop shaking your head at me.”
“You will kill yourself one day.”
Dick made it to the bathroom, propping his foot on the closed toilet lid to look at his knee. “It’s
nothing.” He brushed dirt from the open skin as William turned on the water in the shower.
“I’ll let you wash up. Dinner will be done soon.”
“Thank you, dear,” Dick said with slight sarcasm to his reply. When William closed the
bathroom door behind him, Dick opened the medicine chest and dropped two Vicodin tablets
into his palm. He swallowed them with tap water and gingerly made his way into the shower.
William dumped the pasta into the boiling kettle just as the phone rang. He grabbed the cordless
extension and tucked it between his shoulder and jaw. “Hello?”
“William? It’s Lowell.”
“Hi, Lowell.”
“I just called to see how Dick was feeling.”
William glanced through the living room to make sure Dick wasn’t listening. “What happened
to him?”
“He nearly had a fall on the descent. Lost his grip and slammed the cliff pretty hard.”
“Jesus.” William knew Dick would never tell him the truth.
“It was unusual for him. Holly and I didn’t think that climb was going to nail him. But it did. I
feel like crap.”
“Don’t. He does this constantly.” William stirred the pasta and checked on the sauce.
“Tell him to slow down.”
“Yeah. Right.”
“I’ll let you go. I just wanted to make sure he’s still in one piece.” “Thanks, Lowell.”
“Talk to you soon.”
William hung up and put the phone back into the cradle. While he set the table he thought about
the snippets of information Dick had revealed to him over the last two years. Dick’s grandfather
was Richard P. Hunt, an immigrant who came to America in the early 1900’s. He invented a
device to make spiral-slip-free gears for machine parts. By 1930, the first Richard Hunt was a
wealthy man and had opened three factories—one in New York and two in Chicago. A trust fund
was set up for Dick’s father, Richard II, and his brother, Charles, both of whom worked in the
factories, eventually running them.
Dick’s father was the only son who married and had a child. One heir to inherit the family
business. Rumor had it Uncle Charles had numerous affairs but never married. Though distant
relatives, and children who claimed to be illegitimate offspring of both Uncle Charles and his
dad Richard materialized, the minute ‘Old Man Grandpa Hunt’ and Uncle Charles died, Dick
was the only child with the right to inherit the trust. It turned out to be nearly two million a year
after taxes. For the rest of his life.
Though Dick was sent to the Army and Navy Academy and then educated at Harvard in
economics and business, he threw in the towel on working nine to five in the factory. His father
had already some of the best men and women from all over the world running it. Dick couldn’t
do any better than the staff already was. He was no idiot. If it ain’t broken don’t fix it. And he
found his appearance in the workplace to be detrimental from day one. The amount of paranoia
he instilled in workers who were doing an outstanding job was ridiculous. So he left it to the
efficient staff, and it appeared they appreciated it.
From that day on he pursued hobbies that consistently placed him in jeopardy. Maybe the sense

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of being a burden on the people his father trusted had ruined his self-esteem. Dick wasn’t the
introspective type. So instead of dwelling on the negative, he saw it as a way to pursue fun and
William looked up at the doorway when Dick appeared. He was wearing worn sweats and a
grey t-shirt, appearing scruffy, yet incredibly masculine. “Feel better?”
“I’m fine.”
Seeing Dick was not ‘fine’, William gave him a gentle nudge to sit at the table. “What do you
want to drink?”
“Booze. Strong preferably.”
William retrieved a bottle from the cabinet. He poured the whiskey for Dick and resumed his
preparations for dinner. As he dumped the pasta through a strainer, he gazed at Dick who was
sipping the drink, eyes glazed. “You took a pain killer, didn’t you?”
William figured that meant two. “Booze and Vicodin.” He shook his head and tried not to care,
but he did.
“Magic potion.”
“Lethal, not magic.” William brought the pasta and sauce to the table in a big bowl, scooping a
serving onto Dick’s plate for him.
Dick slung his arm around William’s waist and kissed his zipper flap.
“I assume you’re feeling no pain.” William managed to set the food on the table.
“You assume correctly.” Dick opened William’s pants, digging for his cock.
While steam swirled around the hot food, William’s cock was engulfed in Dick’s mouth.
William held onto Dick’s shoulders as he drew hard suction on his cock.
He’d fallen in love with Dick at first sight. Yes, it was cliché. Yes, it was the fairy princess
wanting the handsome prince, but William knew the minute Dick walked into that fundraiser on
April Fool’s Day, that he had to have him. William figured it was the perfect day to be a fool for
“Who is that man?” William had asked a colleague.
“How could you not know him, William? He’s in every celebrity gossip magazine in LA.”
“Is he a star?”
“No. A rich playboy. A ‘gay’ rich playboy.”
“Gay? And out?”
“Yeah. Dick Hunt doesn’t give a shit who knows he’s gay.”
“Introduce me. Introduce me!” William pushed his coworker until he almost stumbled and
spilled his drink.
The minute William was in the sites of Dick’s dark bedroom eyes, he drooled at his designer
stubble and GQ model good looks. William was smitten. He swore no matter what, he would get
this man.
“Dick? This is the gluten for punishment who organized the fundraiser, William Winsor.”
William reached out his hand, eager for a touch.
“William Windsor?” Dick’s smile showed off dimples and perfectly white teeth. “You must be
Prince Charming.”
Boldly, William said, “For you, Mr. Hunt? I can be Cinderella.”

As William fucked Dick’s mouth, staring at his jet black hair which was still wet from

the shower, he never thought he could snare this catch. But he knew he would never give up until

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he had. Loving Dick’s deep-throating technique and his swirling tongue, William felt the climax
beginning to surge between his legs. “Baby, baby…” he moaned, holding tighter.

Dick drew stronger, faster, obviously wanting William to climax. William sank into

pleasure, his body pumping out cum and his skin covering with chills. A deep vibrating hum of
satisfaction came from Dick.

William waited as Dick milked his cock for the last drop. Only when Dick sat up, giving

him a Vicodin and whiskey smile, did William stand on his own and close his zipper. “Still
hungry for pasta?”

“Oh, yeah.” Dick shot the remainder of booze down and scooted closer to the table.

William joined him, worried about the risks Dick took and the disregard he seemed to have for
his wellbeing. But after two years of knowing him, William knew better than to play mommy. ~
The after-effects of the Vicodin and whiskey had left him with a headache. Dick closed his eyes
as he and William lay in bed watching the late show. He shifted to his back and touched his groin
where he had pulled a muscle. Though he tried to be discreet, William caught his movement.
William used the remote to shut off the set, and cuddled close.
Dick felt William searching under the sheet for where the pain was. He relinquished his own
touch to allow William to rub it for him. “Thank you, prince.”
“You only have to ask.”
“Never.” Dick smiled but felt like shit. He sank into the mattress as the massage soothed his
weary body.
Though it was late and he knew William needed to wake early for work, Dick assumed William
would take good care of him, because that’s what William did. He was the nurturer of the two.
Sitting up, William folded the blankets so he could give Dick a better rubdown. “Do you want
me to get oil?”
“No. Go to sleep. I’m fine.” They both knew it was a lie.
Of course William ignored him and continued a deep tissue rub right where Dick needed it. He
flinched as the tender muscle was located. William lightened up his touch instantly.
Through his slight headache, Dick stared at William’s silhouette as he doted on him.
From the first time they met at that black tie gala fundraiser, William had immediately struck
Dick as a caring, giving man. One had to be generous to a fault simply to be doing what William
did for a living. It took a very devoted individual to make the rounds begging for money in this
economic climate, hitting up the alumni for handouts and giving corporate execs the hard sell.

The gentle plying of the tendons in his groin began to include his soft cock and balls.

William had a very high sexual drive. Another thing Dick loved about him.

They dated sporadically at first. Dick sensed William’s infatuation with him. But most of

the men Dick had met were mad about his money, not him. Not to mention, they were all very

Though Dick had tried to stay out of the aim of paparazzi, LA being LA, he was lassoed

into the same messy pile as every other meaningless socialite who did nothing to earn acclaim
other than being born to the right family.

Since he was twenty, he’d been photographed nude on the beach in St. Tropez, kissing

pretty boys in Morocco, and losing cash in Monte Carlo.

Now he was in his thirties and trying not to be stupid. It didn’t matter. He still was on the

cover of every worthless tabloid magazine in the state—nude on the beach in St. Tropez, kissing
pretty boys in Morocco, and losing cash in Monte Carlo. Some men never learn. He was one of

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The stroking William was doing between his legs was making him forget his headache

and pulled groin.
What he loved about William was he didn’t nag constantly. Yes, he heard a reprimand or two,
but it wasn’t over the top.
It never failed. When Dick dated a man more than a week, the whining began. Dick knew he
was never home. He knew he took risks. He knew he lived on the edge. Fuck off. That’s me.
As the warm friction grew more arousing, Dick wanted to come because it would help him
sleep. He parted his thighs, figuring William was about to give him a blowjob anyway. The act
of moving his legs brought a spasm of pain to his groin muscle. He reacted before he could hide
it. William exhaled but bit his tongue on a comment. Another reason he adored him—William
didn’t criticize, say, ‘I told you so’, or any multitude of other demeaning phrases.
The head of his cock was submerged into William’s eager mouth.
Dick gave him a groan of approval. He petted William’s light brown hair, surprised at how
much affection he felt for him. Something about William had nabbed his heart. Dick didn’t think
anyone could make him monogamous. William had.
“Suck it, suck it, suck it.” Dick would have thrust his hips into William’s mouth with each
word, but he knew the pain in his groin would disrupt the pleasure.
William scooted closer, got a better grip on the base of Dick’s cock and his balls, and gave him
a blowjob worth remembering.
All of the oral sex from William was extraordinary. The passion William had for his body made
Dick tingle from his head to his toes.
It seemed William could see past all the scars and puncture wounds and still be turned on. For
thirty-seven, Dick would be in great shape if he wasn’t so beaten up.
The tingling rush began in Dick’s balls. Just what I want. To come and go to sleep. He used his
arms to help brace his hips when his muscles were too sore to thrust. Dick propped his hands
behind his ass and fucked William’s mouth. William intensified his fisting and it was all Dick
needed. “I’m coming.”
William whimpered as he swallowed, strongly milking Dick’s cock.
As he came down from the climax high, Dick felt completely spent. “Thank you, baby.”
William sat up, wiping his mouth, drawing the blankets higher for them. He snuggled close
after checking he had set the alarm. “Goodnight, handsome.”
“Night, prince.” They kissed goodnight and Dick closed his eyes.

Chapter 3

When the alarm sounded, Dick ignored it, feeling the bed shift. They had a routine.

William snuck out of the room, keeping it dark and quiet for Dick to continue sleeping.

By the time Dick stirred, William was gone, probably at his business lunch, or late

afternoon meetings.
Dick showered, sipped coffee, and sped his cherry red Ferrari Testarossa along Interstate 15 to
Las Vegas. Pulling into a VIP parking area of a race track, Dick pocketed his keys and could
hear the high performance engines echoing from the arena. As he entered the building he was
recognized immediately. “Shawn,” Dick waved at the owner of the track.
“Come on through, Dick. Got a Lamborghini Gallardo all ready for you.”
Dick tried to walk smoothly but his stiff groin pulled as he did.
“You all right?” Shawn held open a door for him.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” Dick grinned through the pain.

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The revving engines made Dick’s adrenaline dump. He rubbed his hands together in glee.
“Can’t fucking wait.”
“That’s her there. That green beauty.”
“Sweet.” Dick gave the empty stands a sweeping glance. The sky was crystal blue and
cloudless. He greeted a few other men he recognized as he was given a helmet.
“Twenty laps, Mr. Hunt?”
Dick stood by the impressive race car as the door was opened for him. It was already idling in
the pit area. Shawn patted his back. “All ready for you, sir.”
The one lone car left on the track was flagged down and signaled off. Dick tried not to enter the
low slung car like an old man. He ignored the pain from yesterday’s climb and was helped with
the harness as he fastened the chin strap of the helmet.
“You’ll love the way she handles.” Shawn did a quick check of the safety belt.
“Better than the Ferrari?”
“I’ll let you decide.” Shawn closed the car door and smiled.
Dick watched the lights change on the track as he revved up the powerful engine. The minute he
saw green, he hit the accelerator and the g-force nailed him to the seat. He whooped it up in
excitement and pushed the limits of his skill and the car’s handling. He hit the apex of a turn and
pumped the gas, feeling the weight transfer as he moved high on the straightaway.
William tried to prevent his back from slouching as he typed up a fundraising proposal for the
alumni newsletter. Tight budgets cuts and the horrific present economy made keeping up with
the financial demands of his state run school as fun as walking a tightrope in lead boots.
He glanced at the time on the bottom-right of the computer screen. What day of the week is it?
He had to actually think about it. Friday. Race day. Dick had a running date in Las Vegas every
Friday afternoon to hit the race track. William had accompanied him once as a passenger. He
never did it again.
You may have a death wish, but I don’t.
William never managed to get to the bottom of Dick’s selfdestructive tendencies. But with Dick
Hunt, you either let him do his thing or he left you. William knew better than to argue or nag. He
didn’t want to become the disgruntled wife. But at the same time, being a widow wasn’t high on
his list either. And he wasn’t even married to Dick. All the work and worry of a wife without the
documentation. Even if they passed the gay marriage proposal, William doubted Dick was the
‘proposal’ type. William figured if Dick got down on one knee, he wouldn’t be able to stand
without help. Not to mention prenuptials, the press, the complication of combining their
incomes… No. In this case, William and Dick were where they should be. Living in sin. Ha!
Love that.

During the first few weeks of his and Dick’s courtship, William’s friends thought he was out of
his mind.

“You do know who he is, don’t you?” his friend Rocky Knox asked him.

“Yes, I know who he is.” William tried not to take insult.
“You think you can tame the grizzly?”
“Tame him? Why would I want to tame him?” William shook his head. “Can’t I like him just
the way he is?”
“Do you read the stupid tabloids?”

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“No. Why would I assume any information coming from those rags is true?”
Rocky said, “You’re an idiot. You and Dick Hunt will never be a couple.”

Never say never. William smiled, continuing to type his newsletter.

An hour later, William closed down the computer program and rubbed his eyes. His cell phone
vibrated. He removed it from his suit trouser pocket and opened a photo sent to him from Dick.
There was his man standing near a green Lamborghini, his helmet under his arm. William
chuckled and called him.
“I see it’s not a bent piece of metal. Can I assume that this is an ‘after’ picture as well as a
“I never crash on the track. Well, not never. Let’s say, rarely.”
“Where are you at the moment, crazy man?”
“Still in Vegas. Come here. Spend the night with me.”
William wanted to but the drive seemed daunting after a long week at work. And as usual, Dick
didn’t plan it, he invented it last minute.
“Want me to hire a limo for you?”
“Mind reader.” William loosened his tie.
“Anything for you.”
William laughed softly. “Give me an hour.”
“I’ll give you the world.”
“And you call me ‘Prince Charming’. You take the cake for sweet talk.” He heard Dick laugh.
William disconnected the call and took another look at the photo Dick sent. Though Dick
seemed like a handsome hero of the next blockbuster romantic comedy, William knew Dick was
not the perfect leading man. It was only a matter of time before William got that dreaded phone
call instructing him to make funeral arrangements.
His smile faded quickly as he pocketed his phone. His morbid thoughts changed to the idea of
hitting the LA traffic to get home, packing for two, and most likely falling asleep in the back of a
limo on the drive to Vegas.
Welcome to the world of Richard Hunt III.
William woke just before the driver opened the door to the limousine for him. He was dozing
on and off, trying to find a second wind. He exited the car and shook his head. “Not the villa
again.” The driver carried two bags—one William had packed for Dick, the other his—to the
private entrance where a butler was available for their every need.
The driver handed the bags to the butler as William attempted to understand Dick’s constant
need to go over the top. In this hotel, the luxury suites were perfectly suitable. But leave it to
Dick to reserve the villa. They had previously stayed here and hadn’t used more than one
bedroom and one bathroom, in this sixty-five hundred square foot, two-bedroom, five-bath with
a spa, a pool, a workout room, formal dining room…
“Thank you,” William told the butler as he freshened up in the master bath, splashing his face.
The butler handed him a towel.
Once he dried his face and hands, he removed his cell phone and hit speed dial. “Where are
“Poker room.”
William flipped the phone closed and was escorted to the door by the butler.

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He walked through the lush casino interior, passed hanging orchid gardens, a lobby with a
hand-blown glass chandelier from a world famous artist, and avoided rubbing elbows with the
rich and infamous. Though he loved Dick passionately, he didn’t share most of his eccentric
In reality, William didn’t share any of them. He wasn’t a daredevil, didn’t gamble, drink
heavily, or race cars.
Two high-stakes tables were separated from the others. William knew where he’d find Dick.
Though women were lingering near him, it was no secret Dick was gay. His money was green,
that’s all the owners of the casino cared about. No one gave a shit who was gay or who was
straight in this town.
He and his man met eyes.
William didn’t want to interfere with the hand being played. He stood behind Dick and was
offered a drink. William accepted the cognac, taking a glass from the tray.
Dick peeked behind him, reached out his arm, drawing William closer, hugging his hips. “Out.”
Dick tossed his hand face down and gave William a wicked smile. “Took you long enough.”
“Are you in the hole?”
“Not yet.” Dick gave William a sexy grin.
William blushed and caught a few knowing smiles.
“Thank you, boys. But my prince is here and now I’m his to enjoy.”
William stepped back, seeing Dick still favoring his pulled groin as he got to his feet. Dick
cashed in his chips then hooked William’s arm as they strolled through the casino.
“You’re still in pain.”
“The booze is killing it slowly.”
William had no doubt Dick had plenty. He felt him leaning on him to walk. “You should have
gone to a doctor when you got injured.”
“I’ve dealt with pulled muscles before. Nothing you can do.”
William downed his drink and placed it on a table as he passed. “I haven’t eaten. Do you
“I haven’t either. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Which is it? French food? Steak house?” William knew all the restaurants in this casino were
world class.
William caught the gleam in Dick’s eyes. He whispered into his ear, “What’s got you so hot to
“Going nearly two hundred miles an hour in a Lamborghini.”
“That means you’ve been hard for hours.”
“What am I going to do with you, Mr. Hunt?”
“I know you know the answer to that. So I won’t bother.”
William felt Dick tighten his grip when he tried to walk at a faster pace. With Dick it was all
about pain tolerance. He’d been injured so many times, he had learned to bear it.
William didn’t want to see his lover in pain. But with Dick, you didn’t have a choice.
Dick hated being fussed over. He’d been at this casino and the steak house enough times to
make it clear not to treat him any differently than any other customer. The waiter was efficient
without fawning. “I’ll have the endive salad, and the prime rib, rare.” He said to William, “Pick

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out a wine for us.”
“I’ll have the little gem lettuce salad, the seared ahi, and how about a merlot to go with Mr.
Hunt’s steak.”
“Very good, sir.”
William waited for the man to leave. “The villa?” He made a silly face at Dick.
Dick smiled. “And it’s for only one night.”
“You’re a nut.”
“Been called worse.”
“Why one night?” William placed the cloth napkin on his lap. The dining room was opulently
dressed in brown velvet with robin’s egg blue wall treatments.
“I’m going skydiving tomorrow.” Dick sat back as the waiter showed him a bottle. Dick pointed
to William. “The prince ordered it.”
After his faux pas, the waiter gave William a sample of the merlot.
“Yes. Fine.” William shot Dick a look. That look.
Dick knew it well. It was a scolding glance without the nagging words. He could hear William’s
thoughts. Skydiving? Why are you going skydiving? Dick smirked to himself.
Once the waiter placed rolls on the table and left again, Dick tasted the wine. “You always
know which one to order.”
“Don’t you want to get over your groin pull?”
“I’m over it. Why aren’t you?” William pouted ever so slightly. Dick rubbed his thigh under the
table. “You look delicious.”
“I’m surprised. I dozed off on the drive here.” William touched his hair self-consciously.
“Never better.” Dick leaned his elbows on the table. “How was work?”
“Hectic. Nothing new.”
“Budget cuts from the state?”
“The state, the feds, you name it.”
“I offered you a grant.”
“I already took one from you. Don’t be absurd.”
Dick enjoyed the way William licked the wine off his lips. “That was nearly a year ago.”
“Let’s eat first, shall we? I can’t negotiate on an empty stomach.”
“I try to give away more than what I spend.”
“You never have to justify yourself to me.”
The seriousness in William’s blue eyes made Dick’s breath catch in his throat.
William broke their trance, buttering a roll. “Here. Eat one. I imagine you have nothing in your
belly but Vicodin and booze.”
“Thanks.” Dick set his stemmed glass down and bit into the roll, watching William eat one as
With the trust fund had come guilt. Dick couldn’t deny that. His grandfather was the man who
had made the fortune, his father the individual who had continued the legacy. All Dick had done
was to be born into it. He didn’t complain. How could he? But it made him question why him?
Why not others who worked so hard to make ends meet?
Most conquests in the past made his wealth an issue. It never was with William.
Their salads were set before them, and the waiter offered ground pepper.
“More rolls, please?” Dick asked, knowing they’d gobble them quickly.
“Yes, sir.”
William began eating, catching Dick’s eye. They had dated very sporadically for the first year.

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Dick expected William to be needy, calling him constantly, emailing him, texting him. It was the
norm with other men he had dated.
William didn’t.
Dick hated to admit he liked the courtship phase more than the after-the-honeymoon-is-over
blues. Men changed once you got to know them. They pretended to be aloof and suddenly
became dependant and clingy.
That never occurred with William. William had a life—a career he loved and a caring family.
The man was highly educated, cultured and didn’t so much as ride a roller coaster for an
adrenaline rush.
Dick hadn’t imagined them lasting more than a few weeks. A year later, he was still calling
William for dates. ‘Dates’. Dinners out. Movies. A night at the casino. And in between there
were no angst ridden messages of ‘when will I see you again?’
Not to mention, William did not expect Dick to pay constantly. It was either Dutch or they

“You okay?”

“Yes.” Dick snapped back to the present.
“How’s the endive?”
Dick poked a piece with his fork and held it up for him. William
ate it and nodded. “Good.” The waiter arrived with a fresh basket of rolls. He asked, “How are
the salads?”
“Excellent.” Dick took a warm roll from the basket.
“Anything I can get you while your meal is prepared?”
“We’re good.” When the waiter left, Dick buttered a roll and asked William, “You want this
“Sure. Thanks.”
Dick set it on his bread plate and prepared one for himself. “We haven’t seen your parents for a
“They’ve been busy. I’ll let Mom know you asked about her.”
“You know your mother said she wanted to try something daring for her seventieth birthday.”
William raised his eyebrow. “She didn’t mean skydiving.”
“You don’t know that. We can do a tandem jump.”
“You can ask her.”
“I will.” Dick wanted William to try it, but after William nearly had a coronary riding shotgun
in the race car, he didn’t think playing a daredevil was William’s cup of tea.

“What do you do for fun?” Dick had asked him at a different gathering for a fundraiser

for AIDS that William had help organize, outside his college duties. It was months after the first
one when they had met in April.

“I don’t know. Book groups, yoga…”

Dick raised his eyebrows skeptically. “That’s your idea of fun?” “What did you expect? Do you
think I go to NASCAR and shoot
Bambi in my spare time?” Dick didn’t know what he expected when he asked William that
nearly two years ago. He watched William eat his salad. He envied him. William had his shit
together, as far as Dick was concerned. And the trait he envied most was William’s sense of
being centered. Content inside. There wasn’t any battle raging in William. The man was serenity

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There was no legacy of greed in his family tree, no hesitation from his family in

accepting William’s alternative lifestyle, nothing to give William cause to battle or hate. Nothing
evil in this man. No ulterior motive. He had a loving heart and the yearning to help people. That
was what William Winsor was about.

“Do you want to taste my salad?”

William held a piece of avocado on his fork. Dick ate it off. “That

has a kick to it.”

“Spicy corn vinaigrette.”
“Good one.”
“Care to disclose where you are in your head?”
“Not really.” Dick gave him a good natured smile.
“You never do.”
“Never say never.” Dick used the roll to mop up the dressing,

finishing his salad. “Isn’t that your motto?” Dick loved seeing William blush. He had

heard from mutual acquaintances in his and William’s ‘dating era’ that William had used that
slogan when it came to getting Dick to commit to a monogamous relationship.

“I can’t read your mind or predict you, except for the fact that you are unpredictable.”

“Touché.” Dick raised his glass.
William tapped it and took a sip. The moment their salads were eaten the plates were removed,
their wine and water glasses topped up by the efficient staff.
Dick used the moment to admire William. The conversation between them was never constant.
Another thing Dick couldn’t abide was non-stop chatter. There was nothing he enjoyed more
than silently savoring his partner’s appeal while sipping a glass of good wine.
William was too smart to ruin the mood. He said nothing. But he made sure they stared at each
other to convey their mutual desire.
Dick couldn’t resist. He reached out to touch William’s cheek. There was no one he loved more.
William’s smile was worth everything to him.
“Your steak and ahi,” the waiter said as he displayed the food.
Dick broke his trance on his lover’s light eyes and sat back. The waiter placed his meal before
him. The presentation of the food was as good as the flavor.
“Ground pepper?”
“No, thank you,” William said.
The waiter bowed and left.
Dick sliced the butter soft meat and tasted it. He glanced at William as he took a bite of the
tuna. The center was just as pink as Dick’s prime rib.

Dick recalled one of their first dinner dates. “You don’t eat meat?”

William replied, “Not red meat. I’m not a vegetarian.” “Why don’t you eat red meat?”
“I just don’t care for it.”
“Do you mind if I order it?”
“Of course not.”
“Am I going to find out you have a black light and day-glow
posters of Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin in a room with a bong? Some hippie wannabe who
wished he was at Woodstock?”

Seeing laughter fill William’s expression and hearing the

robust quality of it gave Dick a thrill. He liked making this man laugh. He hoped he always did.
“I’d ask you if you would like a taste, but I know you won’t.”

Dick chewed the food and

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sipped his wine.
“Want to taste the ahi?”
“Nope.” Dick smoothed his hand down William’s leg. “Have I

told you I loved you yet today?”

“No.” William gave him a sly smile.
Dick ran his fingers lightly over the bulge in William’s trousers.

He didn’t have to say it. Hadn’t he already?

William took another bite of his food, giving Dick a sensual
Dick couldn’t wait to play with him. Pleasing William was still
his number one choice of entertainment.
William dabbed his lips with his napkin and couldn’t eat another
bite. He checked his watch, it was nearly eleven.
“Dessert?” Dick asked.
Dick threw him a playful kiss. He signaled to the waiter to get the
check. “I got this one. You schlepped here.”
“Deal.” William waited as Dick signed his credit card slip. They
stood together, walking hand in hand.
Typically, interiors of casinos were faux microcosms of society.
No daylight, no clocks, no windows, no water fountains. Patrons spent money day and night
without any influence from the outside
Luckily for them, the villa had a beautiful outdoor pool and
courtyard. Dick was stoically silent, which was normal for him.
William never took his moods personally. There were dirty little
secrets William knew about Dick that the tabloid press would love to
get their hands on. Betraying Dick under any circumstances was out
of the question. Even if their relationship ended badly, William
wasn’t the type to get even.
As they entered the villa, Dick said, “Let me wash up.” He held
the nape of William’s neck, giving him a passionate kiss. William watched him walk across the
suite to the master
bathroom. The butler asked, “Anything I can get for you, sir?” “No. We’re going to get ready
for bed. How about you leave us
for the night?”
“Very good, sir.” The man bowed and let himself out. William loosened his tie and walked to
the bedroom. Outside the
sliding doors, the spa area and pool were lit with underwater
spotlights, giving the whole area a luxurious blue hue.
He undressed, hanging his suit on a hanger, hearing the sink
running in the adjoining bathroom.
The first time he realized Dick was hooked on pain killers was
when he had wrenched his back trail-bike riding. He’d been offroading in Carnegie and flipped
his Honda XR and nearly broke his

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neck. The prescription for Vicodin began then. At least to William’s
knowledge. But that didn’t mean Dick hadn’t been hooked on them
for decades.
He met Dick April first two years ago when Dick was thirty-five.
William couldn’t get a straight answer from Dick as to when he had
begun eating pain killers like candy.
Stripped down to his briefs, William was about to use another
bathroom to wash up when the door to the master bath opened. Dick
was naked, erect, and smiling.
William laughed softly at the lascivious leer he was receiving.
“Give me a chance to wash up too.”
Dick bowed gallantly, gesturing for him to pass. Dick’s fingers
lingered as they caressed William’s bottom. William gave him an
adoring smile and Dick continued walking to the bedroom. Before he turned on the sink tap,
William spotted the brown pill
bottle. Some days Dick didn’t hide it. He didn’t sneak around all the
time taking the medicine behind William’s back. Just on occasions
when William kept track. And because of their opposing schedules,
it was rare William actually knew the count.
William washed his face and hands. He glanced at his reflection
as another memory hit him.

Dick was in the hospital. When William arrived, the anger Dick had at himself for falling

off the Honda was far greater than William’s. He was afraid, yes, constantly in fear that Dick
would damage himself permanently, but he never grew angry.

When William entered the room where Dick was being treated, he found Dick enraged,

trying to get out of the bed, nearly fighting the nurses who patiently explained they had to make
sure he hadn’t fractured his bones. The minute Dick met William’s stare, he stopped arguing.

While the staff prepared Dick for x-rays, he and Dick didn’t verbally communicate. What

was there to say? William had been through this drill before. Dick being rushed to the hospital,
splints on his fingers, casts on his arms, ace bandages wrapped around his ribs, stitches in his

Once the doctor found Dick had not broken any bones, he released him. With a

prescription for pain pills.
Not speaking the obvious, William waited as Dick’s order was filled at the pharmacy. He had
gulped two down at the water fountain in the hospital lobby before they had even walked to the
William knew then.
Nearly two years ago after the first serious injury Dick had suffered, William knew.
He brushed his teeth, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing his mouth. With love came
responsibility. But with it also came respect. Dick had boundaries that were distinct. If William
crossed them, it was at his own peril. In most ways, Dick was the ideal boyfriend. He was fun,
spontaneous, attentive, and loyal. But Dick also knew what he did not want in a relationship. A
leash. A nag. Or a control freak.
Closing the light and entering the bedroom, William found Dick in a seductive pose. Propped
up on his side, his chin in his palm, spread out on the silky bedding like a nude centerfold.
He joined him on the bed, mirroring his position.

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“Have I told you I loved you yet today?”
“Not yet.” William never tired of Dick’s sense of humor. By asking him, he was already telling
him. It was silly but William adored him for it.
Dick reached for William’s jaw, bringing their lips together. William surrendered immediately
to Dick’s dominance.
As the heat of Dick’s body began to mingle with his own, William lay flat on the bed, caressing
Dick’s hair and neck.
Dick grasped William’s cock and balls in one hand, holding them firm and giving William a
groan which translated to the fact that he was very fond of William’s body.
William remembered the first time they had made love.
They’d used protection up until a few months ago when Dick commented it was silly since
neither of them would ever cheat. William agreed. His faith in Dick was as strong as his love.
William had no idea if Dick was the kind of man who would insist on being top dog
exclusively. The illusion Dick gave in the media was that of a man of intense ego and conceit.
William quickly realized that was yet another fabrication of the tabloids. Dick was a giver in
bed—open for either role and never hesitating to please him.
Tonight William sensed Dick wanted to assert his dominance.
William was more than happy to accommodate his lover’s wishes. He parted his legs, showing
Dick he knew.
The pleasure from Dick’s awareness of his signal was in his body language and tongue swirling.
Words at times were too powerful. Too hard to retract.
Through patience William began to read Dick’s movements and expressions. It was simpler
than arguing or wasting time on meaningless conversation.
Besides, William already knew what Dick wanted tonight.
His ass.
While William’s eyes were closed and his mouth occupied with Dick’s fabulous kisses, he felt
Dick smooth his fingers between his legs. William splayed out in response, relaxing his body,
which was overtired from a long week and day. At times the love-making with Dick felt surreal,
as if he were the one high on whiskey and Vicodin. Dick knew how to please a man. He took his
time. He gave attention to detail.
William bent his knees almost without intending to. He widened his straddle and felt chills as
Dick used his fingertip to massage his rim. Against Dick’s lips William said, “Baby, so nice.”
But it was lost on Dick’s kiss and tongue.
In the dimness the bed shifted. William only felt Dick’s mouth move away from his for a
moment before slippery gel entered his back passage. Dick’s movements were as slick as his
fingers. There were no jerky awkward pauses. Mr. Hunt was the consummate romantic lover.
Kisses ran down William’s sternum while his ass and balls were caressed until he was dizzy.
He tried to keep in contact with Dick but as Dick lowered down his body, William relaxed his
arms at his sides. Dick slid his finger inside William’s ass, finding the tip of William’s cock with
his lips. As wet heat enveloped William’s length, his prostate was massaged.
The pleasure flooded William’s body. He fought to keep his eyes open just to see Dick sucking
his cock. Dick’s black hair and eyebrows were contrasted to the nightstand lamp light
shimmering on his golden skin. When Dick’s dark lashes blinked and William was able to gaze
at his brown eyes, he felt his cock pulsate before the climax. Dick sucked harder, staring at
William as he did.
The penetration deepened until William gave in. He groaned and clutched the bedding, coming

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inside his lover’s mouth.
Still riding the waves, William’s legs were elevated to Dick’s shoulders. Soon after, William
felt his lover’s cock. He exhaled and unwound his muscles, allowing Dick to connect with him
completely. Dick held still and William felt his cock throb in his ass.
As gently as he began, Dick made love to William, kissing his knees and licking his skin as his
body rocked. William watched Dick climb the ladder to his orgasm, loving the expression on his
face as the pleasure took hold. Dick’s lips parted, his eyebrows knotted and he thrust in. William
enjoyed it with him, closing his eyes so his other senses took over. As the pulsating slowed and
Dick began to withdraw, William sighed loudly.
“Tired, baby?”
Dick stood off the bed and reached out. William clasped his hand and they returned to the
bathroom to wash up.
Once they were both in bed, William crushed his body against Dick’s, feeling amazing heat
coming from him. He pressed his lips to his neck and fell asleep.

Chapter 4

By Saturday afternoon, William was unpacking both their bags in the home they shared

in Glendale. Dick had gone to his skydiving session. After he sorted the clean from dirty
clothing, William made a fresh pot of coffee and sipped it from his favorite mug, the one with a
naked man on it that was captioned, ‘Coffee isn’t the only thing I swallow in the morning’. He
was wiping the granite counter top and making sure the room was spotless when the phone rang.
He read his mother’s name on the LCD and pushed the speaker button. “You just missed him.”
“Did he say he wanted me to go skydiving with him today?”

William leaned against the

counter near the phone, blowing the steam off his brew. “Yes. You know Dick.”
“I’m tempted.”
William choked on his sip. “Mom? Are you nuts?”
“I told your father I want to do something special for my seventieth birthday.”
“Jump out of a plane? Are you kidding me?” William set his mug down as he jolted from the
unexpected reaction of his mom.
“Is he doing that now?”
“Yes.” William picked up the sponge and kept finding more coffee where he had spilled from
his shocked reaction. “Mom, don’t skydive. It’s bad enough I worry about him.”
“Don’t worry about him. He hates that.”
“Don’t I know it.” William picked up his coffee again. “He pulled his groin rock climbing.
Didn’t slow him down for a second. He was racing at the track in a Lamborghini yesterday. I met
him in Vegas. We just got home an hour ago.”
“Tell him to give me a call. I think I want to do it.”
William shook his head, saying, “I’m shaking my head at both of you.”
“I trust him. He knows what he’s doing. He’s been this way since you met him.”
“Since before I met him. I don’t think he knows how to do anything else. He’s an adrenaline
“You won’t change him.”
“I don’t want to. I just don’t want to lose him.” William gazed out of the patio window at the
panoramic view of the Verdugo Mountains and Burbank.
“You won’t lose him.”

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“I don’t mean to another man.”
“I know what you mean.”
His mother was the only one he confided his fears to. “He won’t slow down.”
“He never will.”
“What if something happens to him again?” William put his cup back on the counter and
suddenly felt as if he was going to cry.
“Sweetheart, you have been asking me that question since you moved in with him.”
“Sorry.” William pulled himself together. “I know.”
“This is Dick. He’s always been living on borrowed time.”
“Wow. It seriously sucks to hear you say it that way.”
“When you are a risk taker, you…well, take risks.”
“And you want to jump out of a plane with him.”
“I’m not in my thirties. My life is behind me. So yes. I do.”
“Do you want to meet him at the airport now?”
“No. How about closer to my birthday? We’ll have dinner after.”
“Good idea. If you have it before, you’ll just be sick.”
“Are you okay?”
William picked up the cordless phone and took if off speaker. He sat down with his cup of
coffee at the island counter. “Yes. I’m sorry. He just is in a lot of pain lately.”
“Still taking pain killers?”
“Yes. Don’t tell Dad.”
“I won’t.”
William sipped his coffee. “I worry too much.”
“You love him.”
“I do.”
“Then just let him be. You can’t change a thing.”
“I know.”
“Maybe in some strange way, his lifestyle is telling you to enjoy him now. While you have
“Mom. Stop.”
“Okay, sweetheart. Tell him I said, yes. Next time he goes, I would love a tandem jump with
“Okay. Hi to Dad.”
“I love you, William.”
“You too, Mom.” William hung up and set the phone beside his cup. He sipped the coffee, his
eyes losing their focus out of the back window.
“Why did you wait so long to deploy the shoot?” Val Woburn helped Dick with his
bridle-harness. “Were you letting the AAD do it for you?”
“It wasn’t on purpose. I had to hand-deploy when the rip cord wouldn’t release.” Dick was still
catching his breath, watching Val unhook the buckles efficiently. He removed his helmet and
“We thought you were trying to get an extra adrenaline rush.”
Dick held out his arms as she took the parachute harness off his back. “Yeah. I think I got one
of those today.” He ran his hand through his hair and walked stiffly to the jeep that had arrived in
the drop zone to pick him up.

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“How was the jump, Dick?” his pilot and instructor, Victor asked.
“Exhilarating.” Dick sat in the front passenger seat as Val loaded his gear in back. “William’s
mother wants to do a tandem jump with me on her birthday.”
“Just tell me when. I can arrange it.” As the jeep rode over the rocky terrain, Dick held the roll
bar and tried to recover. Freefalling without a parachute open was fun, up to a point. When you
pulled the rip cord, you expected it to work first time. Three more years until I’m forty. Am I still
going to be doing this then? Or will I be the sad old man trying to recapture his youth?

They returned to the hanger where the plane was parked. Dick climbed out of the jeep, his groin
tear still giving him some grief. He unzipped his jumpsuit as he walked, removing it near a
locker containing his wallet and keys. Once he was ready, he met Val who was laying out his
chute for him to repack into the container.
“Thanks, Val.”
“All ready for you, Dick.”
Before he prepared the parachute for his next jump, he checked for missed calls and then
pocketed his phone. With Val beside him, he folded up the parachute. He assumed the next jump
would be with William’s mother. Val helped him pack it tightly into its deployment bag, and
Dick finished tucking it in, filling out the information card with the date he packed it. “There. All
ready for next time.”
“Sounds good.” Val put it into Dick’s locker and Dick used his own lock to secure it.
“See ya, Dick.” Val waved and left.
Dick shook two pills into his hand and stuck them on his tongue. He crouched at a fountain and
drank them down, wiping his mouth. As he walked to his car, he gave Victor a wave goodbye
and engaged his cell phone. “I’m on my way home. What are you doing?”
“Writing up proposals begging corporate America for donations.”
“Where can I take you to dinner?” Dick sat in the Ferrari’s bucket seat.
“I was thinking of making something here.”
“You sure?”
“See ya soon.” Dick tossed the phone beside him on the passenger’s seat and shut the car door.
The engine growled as he started it up. He drove out of the private airport property and hit the

A recollection hit him. He had woken up in Cedars-Sinai trauma center surrounded by

medical staff. His gurney was being wheeled and the ceiling lights made him dizzy. He reached
for the oxygen mask on his face and yanked it aside, asking, “Why am I here?”

“You had an accident and rolled your car. The first responders found you up-sided over

an embankment of Highway 101.”
Dick had no idea what they were talking about and had no recollection of the crash.
“You have an open femoral fracture and we have to operate.”
The next thing he remembered was waking up in a bed in the recovery ward, a metal plate had
been inserted in his right leg and he had months of rehab ahead of him.
Had he been drunk? No. He had one glass of sherry. He fell asleep from exhaustion.
Dick rubbed his eyes. He knew why he had fallen asleep. Because he was in college, constantly
burning the candle at both ends and never got enough rest. From that moment on, the pain he was
in constantly was intolerable.
He was twenty-one at the time. His mother, Delia and his beloved Grandma Vera were at his
bedside when the anesthesia wore off. Their concern and love gave him the fight he needed to

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get off the bed and into physical therapy.

William had noticed the scar the first time Dick had shed his pants for him.

Though William traced his finger over it gently, he never asked Dick what had happened. It was
an ugly scar as far as Dick was concerned. He didn’t wear shorts for years until a plastic surgeon
worked on it, closing the thick pink tissue and making a thin line that healed much better than the
original cut.

Dick drove up to his private gate and hit the remote. It moved back and he rounded the

curved drive to the four-car garage. Pushing another button on the remote made the garage door
elevate. He pulled in and shut the Ferrari, sitting while the block cooled and ticked. He glanced
around the interior of the car and grabbed his phone. As he stood he felt a slight dizziness and
paused to allow it to pass. He entered the house through the kitchen and looked for William.
“Prince? Your king is home.”
“In here.”

He followed the voice to their office-study. William was working diligently on

the computer. Dick stood behind his chair, purring into his ear and running his hands down his
“How was your jump?”

“Good. We’re all set for your mom anytime she wants to come

“She does. I spoke to her earlier.”
Dick nestled against William’s neck, reaching into his shirt collar to touch his skin. “Do you
want me to shower?”
“No. You don’t stink like from rock climbing.” William began shutting down the program.
“No smell of adrenalin? Not pitted out?”
“If you’re asking if I think you smell bad, the answer is no.” William turned off the computer
and spun in the chair. When they met gazes, Dick watched William’s quick senses pick
something up. Dick avoided his stare and began undressing.
“How badly do you hurt?”
William had an uncanny ability to know when he had taken meds that always amazed Dick.
“I’m fine.”
“I’d tell you I don’t want you driving on those pills, but you won’t listen.”
“Then don’t bother.” He put his wallet on the nightstand and unzipping his pants. Because he
had just thought about that car accident, when Dick removed them, he could see the long, thin
scar running down the inside of his thigh.
His bone had broken so severely on impact, it had split and come through his skin. He never
knew until the surgeon showed him the xrays. It nearly made Dick faint it was so horrific.
Stepping out of his clothing, Dick glanced back to see William getting undressed, folding his
things. He removed the lubrication from the top drawer and climbed into bed.
William didn’t know how many Vicodins Dick had already taken. But judging by his eyes, he
had consumed enough.
He joined Dick in bed and embraced him. “Come here, baby.” William hugged him, loving the
amount of heat Dick’s body gave off. He was an inferno. This time Dick felt pliable in his arms.
William knew it was up to him to give his assertive loving to Dick. He had never jumped from a
plane, but William assumed once the adrenalin left, you were drained and tired.
Living life the way Dick did may had been easy at twenty-one, but as Dick hit his late thirties,
William knew each day of hard play took its toll.
He pressed Dick back on the bed and kissed him, making sure their cocks rested upright

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together. With the tender connection of their mouths, William ground his hips against Dick’s. He
parted his legs, bracing on either side of Dick’s thighs and ran his stiff cock up and down Dick’s.
Dick moaned and wrapped his arms around William’s back, deepening their kiss. Sensing how
weary Dick truly was, William used the lubrication for his hands and coated both their erections.
He rested on his elbow and pressed their cocks together. Dick reached to help and cupped his
palms around William’s fingers. As they drew slowly up and down, bringing each other and
themselves to a climax, William stared at Dick’s face. He had closed his eyes and parted his lips,
his chest muscles twitching as he jerked his arms up and down.
When Dick bit his bottom lip and pressed his head into the pillow, William knew. He increased
the speed of his fisting and came with his lover.
A deep rumbling groan preceded Dick’s cock spattering thick cream. William added his own to
the sticky ribbons on Dick’s skin and they slowed their hands down and recuperated.
Seeing Dick open his eyes wearily, William smiled at him. “Let me clean us up.”
“Thank you, babe.”
William kissed his lips and hopped out of bed. He returned with a washcloth and paused to
admire him. Dick had his forearm over his forehead and his eyes closed.
He wiped his skin clean of cum and took one hand at a time to remove the gel from Dick’s
palms. Then he headed to the bathroom to tend himself.
By the time he returned, Dick was deep in slumber.
William made sure everything was turned off and secure before he crawled under the blankets.
He spooned Dick and closed his eyes. Be happy with the time you have with him; for a moment
changes all things
And William was happy.

Chapter 5

Sunday morning turned into Sunday afternoon.

Dick couldn’t motivate enough to wake up. The bed was cozy and
warm and William sleeping beside him was perfection.
As gently as he could, Dick repositioned so he could stare at him.
William was sprawled out, the covers barely covering him as he
grew warm in the night. Dick propped his head on the pillow and
admired his profile.
Once he and William had established a genuine ‘dating’
relationship, the paparazzi made sure William and his photo was
captured and spread like manure over the cheap tabloids. Rich Playboy Heir Finally Settles

It was short lived however, because making the assumption Dick
was a serial man-eater who had a preference for the eighteen to
twenty-five year olds was much more fun. So the ‘rumor’ which was
true, lasted only a week.
When he and William got wind of the headline stating they were
an item, Dick choked and said, “Dating you is hardly settling.” “Ignore them.” William let it go.
Nothing seemed to ruffle him. “If anything, you’re settling, not me.”
“Why do you care so much what that junk says about you?” Dick didn’t know the answer. But
he did care. The attitude of
society towards him always made him hostile and defensive. Not

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only was he gay, he was rich. Not only was he rich, he hadn’t done a
thing to earn it, it was a trust fund. Not only was he a gay, rich man
who had done nothing to earn a living, but he acted like a fool, a
whore, and a daredevil. He was having a mid-life crisis according to one celebrity magazine, a
nervous breakdown according to another. Rumors abound that he constantly cheated on William
with go-go dancers, pool boys, lifeguards, landscapers, and gigolos. He was accused of flaunting
his wealth in the face of poverty while hard
working Americans couldn’t afford to keep their homes. Dick took everything personally.
William shrugged and waved it off as nonsense.
“We know the truth. What do you care?”
Almost to prove to himself he was not the man the press
portrayed, Dick made sure he was an open book to William. He gave
him every document of his worth and his charity donations. He
handed William his ‘little black book’ and asked him to destroy it.
William repeatedly told Dick he trusted him, he didn’t need Dick to
prove anything.
Dick worried his bad reputation would be an influence on
William and his fine career and good standing with the college and
fundraising community. William was Teflon. Nothing Dick did
reflected badly on him. Thank fuck!

Staring at him now, Dick felt sorrow but didn’t know why. He should be the happiest

man alive. What more could he want?
He cupped William’s face as he slept.
Slowly William came to the surface and opened his eyes. The light blue color of his irises
always made Dick smile.
“We’re sleeping the day away.” William stretched his legs under the sheets. He glanced at the
digital clock. “My God. No. That can’t be right.”
Dick enveloped William in his embrace. “How did I get so lucky?”
“Sorry?” William chuckled but appeared perplexed.
“Nothing.” Dick rolled to his back, taking William with him so he lay on top of him. “Have I
told you I loved you yet today?”
William’s laughter was like the ringing of a silver bell to Dick, jubilant and full of music.
Dick held him close, knowing he’d be lost without him.
“I could use a piss and a teeth brushing.” William ran his fingertips through Dick’s sideburn.
Dick raised his wrist in the air to read his Rolex. “Two minutes. Whoever’s back first gets to
“Deal.” William bolted off the bed, laughing like a school boy as he skidded on the wood
Not to be outdone, Dick ignored his aching body and leapt after him, nudging William out of
the way as he scrubbed his teeth over the sink. They had a mini pushing battle and nearly missed
the toilet as they urinated. Dick ending up standing alongside William as they peed, then they
scrambled to get back to bed first.
William took a flying leap and bounced as he hit the bed, lying face up. The look of satisfaction
on him was delightful.
“The winner and new champion!” William pumped his arms into the air. “William Winsor!” He
made cheering noises as if he were an audience.

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Dick stood beside the bed, hands on hips. “Okay, prince. What will it be?”
William reached out to bring Dick to the bed with him. Dick crawled in next to him. A sensual
smile on his lips, William cupped the back of Dick’s head and kissed him.

Dick recalled their first kiss.

William knew many corporate sponsors and when the state school needed a new gym or parking
garage, William was the man to get the cash flowing. He also had impeccable taste. Charging a
thousand a plate for a six course dinner, with champagne flowing from spouting fountains that
had everyone drunk on the bubbly.
He’d spotted William before he was introduced. The man was so strikingly good looking he
stuck out from the rest. There was something about a tuxedo on a handsome man that gave Dick
a hardon to begin with. At the time Dick wanted his Prince Charming to be his next conquest.
Certainly not a boyfriend.
Through the gossip vine Dick heard William was gay.
Watching the man work the crowd, being handed checks from big corporate America, made
Dick’s mouth water.
After placing his empty champagne glass on a passing tray, Dick circled his prey. He wasn’t
patient and it took willpower to not swoop in and carry William off like a caveman with his
As Dick watched, William discreetly handed a colleague an envelope of what he had collected.
She smiled, obviously pleased, and walked away.
Dick approached William, very hot and bothered.
William appeared to be taking a breather before he went back to work on opening the wallets
once more. He spun on his heels and connected to Dick’s hungry leer. “Mr. Hunt. Are you
enjoying the gala?”
Dick moved within William’s personal aura, nearly nose to nose with him. “I would like to
make a donation.”
Looking shy and awkward, William stepped back and smiled, nodding. “That’s very kind.”
“I left my checkbook in my coat.”
“All right.”
Dick held William’s elbow. “Come with me. It’ll only take a moment.” He led William towards
the coat check booth, but veered past it, down a corridor near an exit with stairs.
William’s breathing quickened as he soon got the idea.
Dick urged him against the wall in a dimly lit alcove. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” Dick could see William’s Adam’s apple move with his nervous swallow.
When William tilted his head up, parting his lips, Dick knew instantly William wasn’t like other
men. The giving nature of William’s career, his genuine sense of care and duty, overshadowed
every cheap affair Dick had participated in.
As their lips met, Dick resisted his impulse to lose himself and grope the heck out of William.
But the touch was so erotic, he was weak in the knees for the first time since he was a very
young man.
It was William who first used his tongue. Not bold, not timid, just skillful. And in what later
become the norm between them, unspoken signals, body language, and intuition, took over even
during that first kiss. It was as if Dick had known William for more than a brief minute and the
touching of their tongues.
He hadn’t intended more than one kiss. But William’s soft lips maddened Dick. Staring at them,
watching him smile and speak was bad enough. Tasting them, William’s tongue in his mouth,

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Dick hadn’t expected to be overwhelmed by yearning and passion quite as intense as this.
It was too posh an affair to be caught with one’s pants down in the hall or to crowd inside a
toilet stall for a quickie. Both of them knew that.
This was business, not a fling in Vegas.
With an effort, Dick did not reach for William’s crotch. He balled his fists up, trying to keep his
hands in check. A whimper escaped William’s lips as they kissed. The tenderness would morph
into wild frenzy if they didn’t stop.
Dick rested his forehead on William’s as they panted and caught their breaths. Just to see how
hard William had gotten from the foreplay, Dick rolled his erection over William’s trousers. The
solid bulge nearly made Dick faint, it was so wonderful. “Oh my God,” he said before he
realized how it sounded. It was as if he was the needy one. Dick hadn’t felt this much attraction
for a man before.
“Yes. Well.” William chuckled nervously. “I suppose I need to get back.”
Dick released him from his confined spot. The desire to make plans, nail William down to a
time and place to get together was very strong.
As William began moving back to the party, he said, “You’re not leaving yet, are you?”
Without a word Dick shook his head.
“Good. Don’t go without saying bye.” William gave him a wonderful smile and walked back to
the affair.
It took Dick a while to recover. The attraction was very potent. He savored it for a moment,
ruminating over William’s cologne scent, his taste, the feel of his cock as they rubbed together.
On his return to the party, he paused at the coatroom. “Yes. I left something in my jacket.” He
showed the clerk his stub. She brought his jacket over. Dick removed his checkbook and wrote
up a sizable donation, thanking her as he tore the check off the book and replaced it into his coat
He folded it and returned to the gathering. He removed a glass of champagne off a tray and
waited for another opportunity to catch William. Alone.

“I want to fuck you.” William gnawed on Dick’s bottom lip seductively.

“I said, your choice. Name the position.” Dick was on his hands and knees over William.
William rolled off the bed and knelt behind Dick, kissing his back and bottom. Dick reached into
the nightstand and placed the tube of lubrication beside them. He spread his knees and relaxed,
his face on the pillows, his rump high in the air.
Kisses covered every inch of him. Dick closed his eyes and smiled.
William admired the view from behind. He tugged at Dick’s balls as they hung between his
legs, giving them a nice massage. He reached for the gel and sat on his heels, coating himself and
Dick generously.
As the light filtered into the room through the blinds, William could see several marks marring
Dick’s skin. He was familiar with most of them, having explored Dick’s body over the past two
years. Kneeling behind him, using his erection to run between Dick’s legs before he pushed in,
William inspected an incision that had left its trace on Dick’s back. He had crushed a vertebrae
waterskiing. Most of the injuries were done prior to them meeting at the gala fundraiser.
They were creeping up on their two year anniversary of that event. He knew it was soon, he just
couldn’t remember today’s date.
William fisted himself to get harder. He placed the head of his cock against Dick’s rim, heard
Dick exhale as he relaxed, and pushed inside. The heat and tightness made William tingle.

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Gradually he worked his gel-coated cock inside him, getting deep enough to establish a rhythm
and be able to come. He knelt up, holding Dick’s hips, staring at the scar. Though time had faded
it, he could still count the dots where each thread had been sewn. The reason Dick never healed
well was because he didn’t stay sedentary long enough. He always raced out before his wounds
could mend, usually resulting in tearing open cuts and ripping stitches.
He ran his hand lightly over it. He loved Dick, scars and all. “You okay, babe?”
“Wonderful.” Dick sounded drowsy.
William smiled to himself, increasing his speed and depth. His friends tried so hard to scare
William away from Dick, warning him of his infidelity, his death wish, his careless drinking and
dabbling with recreational drugs.
All tabloid nonsense.
As the tempo increased, William felt his cock thicken. He held Dick’s hips and witnessed their
union with pleasure. Bareback had its benefits. There was no barrier to the sensation. The sight
of his engorged cock in his lover’s bottom was enough stimulation to climax, even without the
delightful friction. A shiver washed up William’s spine. “I want to edge the climax.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
William slowed down and withheld the urge to come, enjoying the act.
In some ways they were an odd couple. William led a sheltered childhood. He never sampled
any illegal drugs. Even as a kid, he’d never smoked cigarettes or pot. His friends tried to push
him into giving it a taste. He wasn’t a big fan of peer pressure. His loves were soccer, baseball,
and academics.
His parents came from a middleclass background. No fortune to inherit for him. He went to the
state school he was now working for. To save on paying for the dorm, he had commuted from his
parents’ home. His first car was a hand-me-down from his dad. He came out to them on his
sixteenth birthday. No hassle, no fanfare. William just told them he wasn’t going to the prom
because he didn’t like women.

William felt Dick shift on the bed. He knew Dick wouldn’t complain, but if he stayed in

one position too long, he ached. And Dick hadn’t swallowed any pills yet. So pain was most
likely becoming a factor in this sexual bout.

Without hesitation William began to fuck Dick with the intention of a climax. He

smoothed his hands over Dick’s ass, touching the slick base of his own cock and giving a few
good deep thrusts. He closed his eyes and felt the first shiver of orgasm in his balls. He held his
cock as he hammered the last few times inside his lover, his cock pulsating quickly as he came.

“That’s it, prince.” Dick wriggled backwards to show his approval.

“Sorry for the delay. It felt too good.” William pulled out and sat on his heels as Dick moved
stiffly from his position.
“No need to apologize.” Dick climbed off the bed, reaching for William.
“Sticky.” William held up his hand. Dick grasped it anyway, leading him to the shower.
William reached into the tub, turning on the water. He caught the medicine chest opening
behind him and spun around. Dick was shaking pills into his palm, sucking water from the tap to
swallow them. “Still have bad pain?”
“I’ll be okay.”
Waiting for the water to heat, William held Dick from behind, staring at him in the reflection of
the vanity mirror. He rested his chin on Dick’s shoulder and pouted. “The pulled groin giving
you problems?”
“That, my back, my knees…” Dick tried to laugh it off.

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“When’s your next appointment with the chiropractor?” William released him, climbing into the
“I can’t remember. I have to check my calendar.”
Once they were both wet down and washing, William asked, “Have you tried anything else?”
“You know I have. Acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy. It’s all a load of crap.”
“You don’t do any of the exercises they give you at physical therapy.”
“I don’t have time. And it hurts too much. Can we change the topic?” Dick stood with his face
under the spray, eyes closed.
William shut up. He had already pushed that taboo subject too much. “Any plans today?”
“I don’t think so. On the seventh day, I rested.”
William chuckled. “Are you God?”
“Yeah. That’s me.” Dick shifted over to give William a chance to rinse off. “God of shit.”
The smile dropped from William’s face. He shut off the water and handed Dick a towel as he
took one for himself, wiping his face. “I can make us breakfast.”
“Let’s go out. I’m in the mood for pancakes and bacon.”
William waited as Dick stepped out of the tub, drying his legs. “I’ll drive.”
Dick looked over his shoulder and met his glance. “You just did. Up my ass. My turn.”
Knowing better than to argue, William tossed the towel over the rod and went to get dressed.

Chapter 6

William tried to tolerate the speed. In the Ferrari, everything felt like it was whipping

past him. They headed to Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. Breakfast for Dick wasn’t exactly an
IHOP, though William preferred it to the pretentious upscale restaurants. He didn’t need to
hobnob with the Hollywood elite.

Dick parked at the valet and took his ticket stub, reaching for William’s hand as they

passed into the lobby. The door was held open for them. Though he did like things simple,
William didn’t complain about the beachfront view. As they were shown to a table, William
eyed the buffet as they passed.
“Thank you.” Dick sat down in a booth, across from William.

“Are you having the buffet?

Or shall I bring you menus?” the host asked.
“Menus, please.” Dick checked his phone for new messages, putting it up to his ear.
William caught the host before he rushed off. “I’m having the buffet.”
“Very good, sir. Just help yourself. Coffee?”
“Yes, please.” William caught Dick’s eye.
Dick finished texting after he listened to the voicemails and set his iPhone aside. “You’re going
to graze?”
“Yeah. You have a problem with that, Mr. Hunt? Is it too common?”
“You can do as you like.” Dick sat back as a waiter brought a carafe of coffee and two cups on
saucers. He had menus tucked under his arm and after he poured he handed them each one.
William set his aside. “I’m going for the buffet.”
The waiter nodded. “Do you need a minute, sir?”
The waiter left.
William stirred milk into his coffee. He knew Dick liked his black. “Pancakes and bacon?”
“Are you angry or in pain?”

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Dick jerked his head up to connect with William’s stare. “Neither.”
“You seem short with me.”
Dick folded the menu and raised his cup of coffee to his lips, blowing on the steam. After he
took a sip, he said, “I haven’t had more than five minutes with you since we made love and
showered. How do you know I’m either angry or in pain?”
The waiter appeared. “Have you decided?”
“Yes. I’ll take the wild blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon.”
“Very good, sir.” The waiter took the menus. “Can I bring you orange juice or anything else?”
“We’re good.” William smiled and it fell as the man left. “I’m hitting the buffet.” He moved his
chair out. The minute he left the table, Dick was on his phone.
He wasn’t angry or in pain. He was high on painkillers.
William picked up a warmed plate and made the rounds, glancing back at their booth as he did.

He recalled his and Dick’s first real fight.

They hadn’t been dating more than two months, and without regularity. William was hesitant to
even say they were a couple. Dick wouldn’t return his calls for days, and William didn’t bother
emailing or texting, since he was beginning to think there was no relationship. He’d been
Dick Hunt was the consummate user, playboy, and commitment was a four letter word to him.
Night after night of waiting for him to call was getting on William’s nerves. It was his own
fault. He wanted to get to know Dick on a deeper level. Prove to himself and his friends Dick
was a decent man.
Ten o’clock, on a Friday evening, William had enough of playing the doormat. He arranged to
meet a friend at a local club. He left his apartment in a huff, slamming the door after making sure
he had his mobile phone and wallet. There, parked in front of his condo building, was Dick’s car.
At the time, Dick owned a white Porsche 911.
When they met eyes through the windshield, William noticed Dick appeared as if he were
caught. He stormed to the passenger’s side window and rapped the glass. “What are you doing
The window powered down and Dick looked sheepish.
“I made plans,” William said.
“Uh? You missed out. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I did.”
William removed his phone and scanned through the information. “Why are you lying? Screw
you.” He tried to walk away. The car blocked his path so quickly, William leapt back. “Are you
trying to kill me?”
“Get in the car, Prince Charming.”
“You don’t order me around.”
“I’m not ordering you. I’m asking you.”
“It sounded like a goddamn order to me.” William folded his arms and grumbled.
“Please get in the car with me.”
“I’m meeting a friend at a club.”
“I can drive you there.”
William leaned into the passenger’s window. “Are you drunk?” “No.”
William sniffed the air trying to detect alcohol. He got in, staring at Dick. “You exasperate me.”

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“Do you expect me to sit around waiting for you to call?”
“No. Of course not. You have your life, I have mine.”
“Just drive.” William tugged the seatbelt around him.
“Where am I taking you, master?” The car lurched forward as Dick took off into traffic.
“Why were you here? Why were you parked in front of my building?”
“Why did you get in my car if you already have plans?”
William didn’t answer. He stared at the roadway before him. Knowing full well he and Dick
would not make it to the club, William took out his phone to cancel on his friend. “Yeah, look,
“Let me guess,” Rocky Knox said, “The master’s voice.”
William blew out a frustrated breath as Dick’s fingers surrounded his thigh.
“Catch ya some other time, William. But don’t say we all didn’t warn you.”
“Thanks.” William shut the phone off completely and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. “Now
that you have kidnapped me, where are we going?”
Dick laughed and gave William a sexy wink.
William shook his head. He was a sucker for bad boys, and Richard Hunt was the perfect

A fresh waffle was made as he waited. William scooped up sliced strawberries and

blueberries from the buffet, crispy bacon and turkey sausages.
“Here you go, sir.” William held up his plate as the waffle was placed on it. “Thank you.” He
made the rounds of the buffet, adding a poached egg and warmed maple syrup. He returned to
the table just as Dick was again, checking his phone, thumbing through apps.

William placed his napkin on his lap and waited.

“Eat. It will get cold.”
“It’s okay.”
Dick took one of the slices of bacon off William’s plate and ate it. Just as William began cutting
into the waffle Dick’s blueberry

pancakes arrived. “Thanks.”

“Anything else I can get you?” The waiter placed a carafe of
warm maple syrup on the table.
“We’re good.” Dick waited for him to leave and topped up both
their coffee cups.
“That does look good.” William chewed his waffle.
Dick cut a bite and held it on the fork for him. It dripped of butter
and maple syrup. William leaned over and ate it. “Wow.” “Change your mind?”
“No. This is excellent.” He continued to devour his plate, looking
outside at the distant pier and waves. “It’s beautiful out.” “We can walk the beach after.”
“No commitments?”
William waited. “Let me guess. Parasailing? Deep sea diving?” “No.” Dick bit a slice of crispy
bacon and grinned. “You.” “You’re lucky. I was getting an attitude.”
“I know.”
William shifted his feet so he was in contact with Dick under the
table. “How long do I have you for?”
“Until you leave for work tomorrow morning.”
“Really?” William hammed it up. “Special occasion? Is it my

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“It’s our two year anniversary.”
William stopped chewing and blinked.
“Two years ago today I met you at the gala fund raiser.” William checked his watch for the
date. It read the first. “Son of a
bitch. I knew it was getting close, but I lost track of the date.” “So stop behaving like a
neglected wife.”
“Have I told you I loved you yet today?” William’s cheeks felt
“No.” Dick laughed.
He ate more of his waffle, grinning mischievously at Dick. ~
Making William giddy like a schoolboy was high on Dick’s list
of favorite things.
Dick knew he wasn’t easy to get along with. No one in his family
was. His mother and father either bickered constantly or gave each
other the silent treatment. His mother was into pain killers and
booze, while his father had numerous affairs with women half his
His mother died first. Her liver gave out, and she had already had
two transplants. It never stopped her addiction to alcohol. If it
weren’t for their money and place in ‘society’, she wouldn’t have
been given a liver at all. She failed every test as far as qualifying.
Most people were glad to get a second chance, gave up booze and
unhealthy habits. Not Mrs. Delia Hunt. A cigarette in one hand and a
martini in the other, she was a parody of the nouveau riche. Rumor
had it she’d been a high priced call-girl his father had gotten
pregnant while in Vegas. Not the first, not the last, to get knocked up
by the man, but Delia dug in for all it was worth. She made Dick a
legitimate child, marrying his father before he was born. With all her faults, Dick loved his
mother dearly, and she loved
and was devoted to him as well.
Both his father and grandfather had a habit of preaching morality
while having affairs with young women. The minute his father died
of a heart attack, Dick was overwhelmed with claims that his dad had
fathered dozens of children. DNA was waved in his face, dates,
times, paperwork, photographs, everyone wanted a piece of the Hunt
dynasty pie.
Using his father’s pitbull of a lawyer, Dick kept a low profile as
their dirty laundry was hung out for the press. Everyone claimed to
be the spitting image of Richard Hunt II and could ‘prove it’. However, the will was written in
such a way as to specifically
denounce all ‘illegitimate’ children.
That left one legitimate child. Him.
The legal battles ensued for years until finally his lawyer used the
State Supreme Court to finally shut down further claims. Though he
tried to hide in plain sight, Dick was dragged through the mud. At

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one low point he had to hire bodyguards while the hearings took
place. People threatened to kill him if he did not share the trust. He had no doubt his father had
sired many brothers and sisters for
him, but why they waited to announce their blood relationship to him
only after money was involved made him shun them.
He wouldn’t have minded a close sibling. Quite the contrary.
Being alone growing up was hard enough. Though his parents and
grandparents adored him, they were busy people.
The fervor was slow to subside. In all, it took nearly ten years for
the miscellaneous claims to vanish. Was it any wonder Dick didn’t
trust anyone?
Until he met William.

Their bellies full of food and the check paid, Dick held William’s hand as they strolled

the waterfront. It was a breezy, cool spring day, but there were many people in the area.
Summer’s promise of warmth and good fun brought the locals out like daffodils sprouting from
soft dirt.

They stopped to gaze at the horizon, leaning on the fence that ran along the walkway.

Dick felt William rest his shoulder against his, heard him sigh deeply. “What a fabulous day.”
“It is. I’m glad you suggested this.”
Dick rested his elbow on the rail and touched William’s soft hair. He was treated to a smile and
those bright blue eyes. “How do we manage to stay together?”
“Good luck and skilled surgeons.”
Dick made a face at the sarcastic joke. “Would you want me any different than I am?”
The expression on William became serious. “No.”
“But…You always seem to do things the hard way.”
“Not really.”
“I won’t elaborate.”
“Good. You’ll ruin our good mood.” Dick put his arm around William’s shoulder to enjoy the
view with him. He pressed his lips against William’s ear. “There’s only one thing I like the ‘hard
way’.” He heard William’s soft chuckle and held him close, relaxing as he gazed at the lapping
While Dick drove, William noticed him clip on his wireless earpiece and answer a call. “Yes,
I’m here. What’s so urgent you can wait ‘til tomorrow?”
William leaned on the passenger’s armrest, staring at the stop and go traffic. The Ferrari revved
loudly as Dick downshifted, working the clutch. William knew how Dick detested traffic and his
irritation level rose. Life in LA, babe.
“Now?” Dick said, “You had to call me on a Sunday afternoon for this?” Dick shook his head in
annoyance. “I am accessible. I always return my calls, so don’t give me that.”
William braced his hand on the dash as traffic came to an abrupt halt. So did the Ferrari, with a
“Fine. Yes. I’ll wait.” Dick rubbed his face and muttered, “It’s my tax accountant. April
fifteenth is coming, whoopee.”
William nodded, keeping silent.
“Yes. I’m here. Who else is on the line?”

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William figured out it was now a conference call. He couldn’t imagine the amount the
government would want from Dick’s trust. But somehow the wealthy got all the breaks, didn’t
they? William didn’t feel sorry for him all that much. But the quality of the driving was
becoming too much to ignore. “If you’re going to be distracted by the call, pull over!”
Dick snarled at William, took a left on the first side street and flew down its narrow lane of
parked cars.
William held on for dear life, just knowing someone or something would bolt out in front of
them. He held the handle over the door and the dashboard. “Jesus!”
Dick stopped on the side of the road, throwing it in park. Still arguing over the phone, he
walked around the car and signaled for William to drive.
After blowing out a breath of air, William climbed out, walked around the front of the car and
got in as Dick did the same. He adjusted the mirror and merged into traffic, feeling slightly better
to be driving.
Dick’s conversation turned into a tirade. Nothing wound Dick up as much as the end of a tax
year. William knew Dick’s frustration. No matter how much Dick donated, deducted or
exempted, because he was not actually ‘working’, he paid—a lot—to Uncle Sam.
William had only a limited amount of sympathy however. Rich people shouldn’t whine.
His and Dick’s political views were polar opposites on some topics, which created a gap in
current issues they could debate rationally. William had made that mistake only once.

“What are we, socialists?”

“Socialists? Because we all should have healthcare?” “My grandfather made his money from
nothing. He was

scrounging pennies on the street as a child.”

“I believe in capitalism, Dick. I think everyone should have the
right to earn a living, a good living. But…”
“But? So even if you’re a lazy bastard, you should be handed
things on a silver platter?”
“Weren’t you?”
The look of outrage on Dick’s face made William realize this
conversation was the last political one they would share, or their
relationship was over.
“Is that what you think of me? Some bourgeois leech who is
useless to society?”
“Wow. Is that what you think of yourself?”
“Get lost. Leave me the hell alone.”
William stood in silence as Dick walked away. He thought he’d
seen the last of him then. Three weeks later, Dick was waiting for
him as he left work. It seemed the man was hooked, and William
knew better than to bring up their situations in life again.

William tried to find a less popular route home. The impulse to turn on the radio and

drown out Dick’s side of the discussion was strong, but he knew that wouldn’t go over well.

Death and taxes, my love. Doesn’t matter what you do, both will get you in the end.

By the time William idled the car at the front gate of their home, Dick was quiet, his phone shut
off, and appeared to be either in contemplation or furious. Typically, the days they attempted to
spend together without outside influence, didn’t pan out. With his work at the college, and
Dick’s activities and obligations, they tried to make do with the snippets of time they shared.

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And when they had an occasion or whole day to spend together, they did make an effort to keep
the outside world at a minimum. In this case, the taxman won.
William parked in the garage and shut off the car. Before he could hand Dick back his set of
keys, he was already at the door between the kitchen and garage.
By the time William caught up to him, Dick was opening the brown vial and dumping pills into
his hand. William turned away. He couldn’t take the self-destruction.
On his way to change his clothing to get comfortable, he checked the messages on the
answering machine. With them both having mobile phones, not many people called their home
number. Just his mother.
As he came through the bedroom doorway, William toed off his shoes and put them into the
closet. He stripped down to his briefs and fished in a drawer for a pair of sweatpants. He heard
Dick come in behind him. When he looked over his shoulder he couldn’t stand the worry on his
lover’s face. He closed the gap between them and rocked him in his arms.
“I don’t know what I would do without you,” Dick said, sounding exhausted. “Don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” William kissed Dick’s jaw and they connected gazes. “Why don’t
you rest?”
“Pour me a whiskey instead.”
He caught himself before he commented on Dick having just ingested Vicodin. William left the
room to fill a shot glass. When he returned Dick was lying on the bed naked, propped up on his
side. “Thank you, prince.”
William didn’t reply, handing him the glass. He cringed as Dick shot it down. One day he’d
overdose. What would William do then?
Dick patted the bed beside him.
William joined him, staring at his dark eyes, trying not to express his worry.
Once they had settled, Dick stroked William’s cock over his briefs. William let go a long low
sigh and caressed Dick’s shoulder and upper arm.
“Did I tell you I loved you today yet?”
William didn’t smile. “No.”
“Happy two year anniversary, prince.” Dick reached inside William’s briefs to skin.
At the arousing touch, William fell to his back and tugged off his underwear. Dick scooted
closer, digging his hand between William’s thighs to his balls.
Dick knew.
He knew he shouldn’t have taken the phone call. The pills, yes. The phone call on a Sunday.
“Does that feel good, prince?” He gave the root of William’s cock a good rubbing, seeing it
perk up.
It was William’s way of showing he was annoyed, but still wanted to get fondled. Dick thought
he was adorable even when William was pissed off at him. “Nice cock.”
“Shut up. Stop buttering me up.”
“I’ll stop.” Dick scooted down the bed and took William’s cock into his mouth. He sucked for a
second then released it. “See? I’m stopping.” He put it back in his mouth and gripped the base,
moving his hand in time with his head.
William whimpered in surrender.
Dick shifted to get a better angle and continued to draw deep suction on William’s cock. He

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closed his eyes and used his tongue to explore under the head and in the slit. He tasted pre-cum
and sat up higher so he could reach under William’s balls at the same time. In reaction, William
parted his legs wider.
Dick reached for his rim, giving the pucker a nice rub down. William’s hips responded,
thrusting upwards.
That’s it, baby. Forgive me.
He quickened his rhythm as William’s cock hardened between his lips. It went thick as steel and
began throbbing. Dick groaned and waited for the load. Under him all of William’s muscles
tensed. Dick swallowed in pleasure as William’s hissing moans made his own cock wag.
He milked it, lapping the dewy drops from the tip. William appeared delirious, rocking his hips
side to side.
“Tasted good. Was it good?”
Ohh…” William closed his eyes, touching his chest as if feeling his heartbeat.
With a blink William’s eyes opened. He pushed Dick so he was flat on the bed, making his way
down to reciprocate.
Dick reached for a pillow and dragged it under his head so he could watch. The wicked look in
William’s eyes was titillating. He bent his knees so William could rest between them. When
William ran his finger down the long thin scar on his inner right thigh, Dick nudged his hand
away gently.
William got the hint and focused on the blowjob. On his knees, using two hands and his mouth,
William sucked like a preppy college boy with his first BJ at a kegger. Wild. Sloppy. And
The slurping and moaning from William was putting Dick over the edge. Though he was only
seven years his junior, William’s boyish charm made Dick feel as if he was with a boy toy. And
Dick loved that. Oh yes. Loved it.
He had all the sexual appeal of a twenty year old, without the stupidity of one.
There was no edging a climax for Dick. He wanted to come from the start and never held back.
Staring at William as he held the base of his cock in two fists, his length wet with saliva and the
friction tight and hot, Dick came. “God! You fucker!” He clenched his jaw and shut his eyes as
the climax began. Writhing on the bedding, Dick hit the sky as William continued to jack and
suck as he milked him. The swirling orgasm was slow to subside. Dick gasped for breath and
held his chest the way William had done. When he managed to open his eyes, William was
wiping his face with the back of his hand, and then trying to dry the spit off Dick’s cock.
“Get the fuck up here.”
William crawled over Dick’s body until they were face to face. He rested his crotch over
They stared deeply into each other’s eyes. Dick knew no man would ever satisfy him on this
level. He had found the needle in the haystack. He embraced William, squeezing him tight,
inhaling his hair and neck. Offering kisses when he had no words, Dick knew William
appreciated him. Though they often disagreed, they communicated like no other couple he knew.

Chapter 7

Monday morning William was surprised to see the bed empty when the alarm went off. It

was usual for him to creep out of bed to leave Dick to his rest.

He had a look around for him. A fresh pot of coffee had been made and croissants left out

on a platter with fresh fruit. Next to it was a note.

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Wicked busy day ahead. I couldn’t sleep anyway so I tried not to wake you. Will call later. XX

William returned to the bedroom to shower and get ready for work. Perplexed as usual

with Dick’s behavior, he tried to let it go because he had a very hectic day ahead as well.

With the morning news playing on the small flat screen television in the kitchen, William

ate a croissant and sipped coffee, listening to the economic woes of the state and trying not to be
discouraged as fundraising became an insurmountable challenge. The temptation to continuously
dip into Dick’s pockets for a check was constant. But Dick did give, ‘constantly’ and willingly,
every time William was in a serious pinch.

Serious pinches were becoming the norm.

And the staff knowing William had a partner with a deep pocket and no offspring to leave it to,
made the pressure to meet fundraising goals awkward for all.
William had worked for the same college since he graduated Southeastern State. The addition of
Richard Hunt III to their list of donors was a feather in William’s cap. At least the board was
happy. William didn’t want to take advantage, and was loath to ask Dick for any help.
Ironically if it wasn’t for Dick’s philanthropic ways, they never would have met.

William was at his wits end in 2008. The economic crisis had reached a pinnacle and no

one was opening their coiffeurs. Banks failing, loans defaulting, states going bankrupt, William
was about to succumb to defeat. All his contacts had either withdrew funding or tightened up the
belt. And a state run school was already scraping by on crumbs from the budget. The need for a
new art center and performance hall was dire.

Desperation looming, William tried to come up with a unique way of finding donations.

One Saturday morning, while getting his hair cut at the local salon, fate nudged him in a new

There on the cover of the weekly showbiz rag, in a montage of celebrity scandalous

pictures, was the overtly gay ‘slut’ Dick Hunt. Several shots of him with a various young men
being wined and dined, gave William the idea.

Yes, a few Hollywood icons could be tapped for cash. He had written letters before with

some positive results. He did his best with the big corporate sponsors. Fast food giants and soft
drink monopolies sent him checks or attended gala dinners for the good PR.

But Richard Hunt III? Infamous man-eater and risk-taker? The intimidation factor alone

put William off. And how does one contact a man such as this? He wasn’t exactly in the phone

The hunt was on for Hunt.

William scanned the computers for any mention of a location he could be contacted at. William
used all his secret squirrel connections and finally an inside not-to-be-named source gave him the
address of Dick’s attorney. Rumor was that this man often screened the incoming mail for the
rich heir.
It wasn’t until the evening of the gala dinner, April 1


, that William met the legend himself. He

expected Dick to have a young handsome model on his arm. But Dick came alone. Not only was
he poised and well mannered, Dick was generous to a fault.

William finished his coffee and brought the empty plate and cup to the sink. He put them

into the dishwasher, pouring out the remainder of the coffee pot and making sure the kitchen was
spotless before he left.

He grabbed his cell phone and keys. As he headed to the garage, he texted his lover,

Have I told u I loved u yet 2day?’
A second later a wink came back. William smiled and drove to work.

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Dick wrung his hands as his CPA, Jeremy Houston, tapped a calculator.
“You still need to pay nearly a two hundred and fifty thousand.”
“That’s in addition to the estimated quarterly taxes I have already paid?”
“Why? I don’t get this. Didn’t you figure this out last year? How can we be in the hole for that
“It’s not that much.”
“Bullshit. We came out nearly even last year. Where did this come from?”
“You maxed out your IRA deposit this year. We were able to put money into it last year.”
Dick rose up and from his chair as his frustration level mounted. “No. That’s only six thousand
a year. We can’t put more into it until I’m older. What the hell?”
“Calm down. Sit.”
Dick did. “What are you doing to me? I trusted you.” “You made a huge donation to the state
“Two years ago.”
“Two years ago?” Dick tried to focus. Numbers and he didn’t get along. That’s why he
employed accountants and bookkeepers.
“Yes.” Jeremy showed him a piece of paper. “Your total donations to charities were triple from
what it was this last tax year.”
Dick took the paperwork.
“The donations helped with the tax deductions.”
“How much did I donate last year?”
“Not enough to defer the taxes to balance out.”
“You’re telling me now? It’s April second.”
“I called and sent you letters last November and December.”
“You did?” Dick had no recollection.
“I did. I recommended you keep track of everything. Here.” He fished through his own files.
“These are my copies of the letters I mailed you.”
Dick took them, reading them over, checking the dates.
“I tried. I did.”
Dick rubbed his face. “Fine.”
“You have it in the trust. I just hate to send the IRS that money.”
“You hate it?” Dick clenched his jaw.
“You also had a huge medical deductible when you…”
Dick held his hand up.
Jeremy shut up.
He gave Jeremy back the paperwork, standing. “So, I’m supposed to go into a near death coma
for the federal government?”
“They have their rules. Medical costs are deductable.”
“Great. Okay. I’ll make sure I crash next time I’m at the race track.”
“Uh. If you do it during high risk sports, forget it.”
“I flew all the way to San Francisco for you to torture me?”
“I would have driven down to LA. You know I would.”
“Just file the return and tell me what I have to pay.”

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“I’m sorry, Dick. I took every deduction they allow.” “I thought rich Republicans were exempt
from high taxes.” Jeremy narrowed his eyes in annoyance.
“Don’t answer that.” Dick extended his hand. “Thanks. I know you did your best.”
“This year, read my mail, listen to my messages, and spend more on charities and donations.”
“And get into the hospital, but not with high risk sports.”
Dick waved at him to be calm and left the office. His limo driver drove him back to SFO
International Airport. He wanted to spend time in San Francisco, walk around the Castro District
with his lover. They needed to plan a trip.
He checked his messages. He hadn’t even mentioned he was flying to San Francisco to William.
He did wonder, however, why William did not tap into the trust fund for a donation this year. It
would have helped both of them.
“You’re too nice to ask.”
“Sir?” The driver leaned towards him.
“Nothing.” Dick’s back and leg ached. He took a vial of pills out of his pocket and checked the
back seat for a cabinet. “Are there any water bottles back here?”
“Left side.”
Dick located a small wood veneer panel and opened it. Bottled water and tiny booze samplers
were inside. He opened the vodka and swallowed two Vicodin with it, sprawling on the back
seat, aching and weary.
Dick was in the parking garage at LAX when his phone vibrated. He removed it and read the
name of his climbing buddy. “Hey, Holly.”
“Lowell and I are on our way to Pinnacles. Meet us there?”
Dick checked his watch, it was just after noon.
“You up for it?” she asked.
“Sure.” He wasn’t.
“See you in our usual spot.”
Dick flipped shut his phone and used the key fob to open the car doors. He didn’t usually go
climbing if he took medication. But he hated missing out when they went.
He stopped home to change into his gear, packing a new rope and climbing harness. Before he
left he drank a bottled caffeine energy drink and headed back out.
Lowell and Holly were sitting on the open tailgate of Lowell’s pickup truck. They waved when
they spotted him pulling in.
He parked next to the truck, seeing few climbers in the area since it was a Monday. Lowell and
Holly worked together at a retail sporting goods shop and Mondays were a good day for them to
take time off. He met them several months ago when he updated his equipment. On more than
one occasion he enjoyed their conversation during the days he used the store’s indoor climbing
wall for practice. Both were in their early twenties. Dick had rock climbed for over a decade, but
his age and many injuries had made the sport harder over the years. Lowell loved to lead climb,
and Dick had no problem letting him.
Holly hopped off the tailgate to meet him. “Hey, Dick. How’s the groin pull?”
“It’s fine. Nearly gone.” He stretched his muscles, resting his hands on the car fender.
“I thought we’d try an easier one, since it’s later in the day.” Lowell slung his backpack over his
Dick removed the rope from the trunk. “Here. We need to use a new one. I fell hard on the old

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“Good idea.” Lowell put the older rope into his truck and coiled the new rope up so he could
carry it.
Dick sat on the tailgate and tightened his shoelaces. He made sure he had everything he needed,
and tied a chalk bag to his harness. The three walked to the guide map near the trailhead.
Lowell pointed to the coded lines. “Okay. This one’s the Back Door climb. We have to rap
down but it’s completely anchored up. Good hard climb but no worries about trying to create a
“You’re not going easy just for me.”
“It’s not easy, Dick. It’s still a five plus rating,” Holly said.
Dick hoped he was up to it. “Let’s go.” He began the hike behind Lowell, with Holly last.
Initially when his flight from San Francisco arrived in LA, he’d imagined a long nap. Holly’s
call changed his plan. It was more typical for them to climb early, before Dick had ingested
painkillers. But he had taken them for so many years, the effect was minimal in his opinion. The
energy drink had kicked in, so he expected a slight boost for a few hours.
Anything to get my mind off of taxes.
William sorted through the paperwork for the coming year’s financial needs. The state had
made another reduction in their funding, and the rising tuition had created a protest on campus.
California’s economy was dismal even after the latest election. The more things changed the
more they stayed the same.
Sighing, rubbing his forehead head in worry, William went back to the listing from the chamber
of commerce and cold called. It usually brought disappointment, but once in a while a gem
would shine through.
“Yes, hello, my name is William Winsor. I’m calling from Southeastern California State
College and I would like to speak to someone about the possibility of your company making a
“One moment, sir.”
William tapped his fingers on the desk. He could imagine the rolling of the eyes and the
prepared excuses. He’d heard them all.
“Mr. Winsor?”
“The associate who handles that end of our business is on another line. Can he call you back?”
William knew that tactic. “I’ll hold.”
“All right.”
When piped music began, William groaned and slunk down to rest his head on the desk. “I love
my job. I love my job.” ~
Lowell was lead climber using the hardware that had been placed into the rock by previous
experts. This time, Dick insisted Holly go second because the last time he rained rocks on the
poor kid’s head. Though he had stretched his muscles as best he could, his groin pull was
reminding him that four days between climbs did not completely heal him. He craned his neck
up to see Lowell making good progress. At twenty-two Dick could scale a sheer cliff like
Spiderman. Three shakes away from forty, he was moving like Slugman. The rope dangled
before him as he stood at the base. Dick tightened his helmet strap, chalked up his palms and
after looping the rope through his harness, he began finding holds up the wall. Rappelling down
wasn’t difficult. Gravity always brought you down. Fighting it upwards with little to grapple

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with was the challenge.
Even five feet into the climb, Dick realized he was not up for this. The thought of admitting it,
finding an alternate ‘walk’ up the mountain while his young companions did the route with ease,
was a blow to his ego. He had a huge ego. That wasn’t a secret to anyone.
Leaning back, Dick could see Lowell was nearly at the top already. Holly was midway, making
great progress on what should have been an average climb for all three.
An internal argument began in Dick. Was he going to show how weak he was? Or battle
through the dizziness and pain?
Setting his jaw in determination, he reached to a well-chalked ledge and gripped it. With his
right leg he began searching for a good spot to haul himself up. The sensation of burning pain in
his groin made his breath catch in his throat. He pushed beyond it and hoisted himself up. Inch
by inch, Dick battled the nearly feverish sensation of chills on his skin plus the searing pain and
the ripping sensation in his groin. His legs began trembling from the strain.
Holly asked, “Are you all right?”
“Yes.” He watched her every move, using her trail up the sheer rock. The woman was petite but
strong. She was all upper body strength.
Dick actually felt sick at one point and closed his eyes. His skin was slick with cold sweat and
he had to keep chalking his fingers to not slip off.
Lowell had made it to the top, peering down.
The slack in the rope tightened for him. Dick refused to give up, and now he was more than
halfway to the goal. Bile rose in his throat, but he swallowed it back and took deep breaths. His
stomach was empty but for two painkillers, vodka and an energy drink. He’d already had a bad
night’s rest, and a round trip plane ride to San Francisco. Perhaps he was beating himself up
trying to do everything.
Holly may have said something to him, but his ears were ringing. He didn’t clearly hear it.
Dick fought through the agony of every fiber in him aching, and a sensation of chills that
rivaled a raging fever.
Holly was now at the top as well. They were both waiting for him, managing the rope.
Dick knew with a last effort, he could complete the climb. The hard part, according to Lowell,
was behind him. Through clouded hearing he could make out Lowell guiding him to where the
secure holds were. He listened. He wasn’t disappointed. A good right hand grip helped him bring
his body closer to the end. He gained solid footing on a bulge in the rock and with a loud growl,
he reached for the top ledge to haul himself up.
Four hands gripped his arms and heaved him over the lip.
Dick said, “I can do it.”
They didn’t let go until he was completely atop the rock and sitting on his rump catching his
“You’re white as a sheet.” Holly touched his dripping forehead.
“Take a drink.” Lowell handed Dick the bottle of his sports drink. He guzzled it down,
removing his helmet with an irritated tug. He was drenched in cold sweat and felt very ill.
“We have to get you out of here.” Lowell tried to get Dick to stand.
He wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. Accepting the help of his friends, Dick managed to get to
his feet. With one on either side, they practically carried him back to the parking lot, using a foot
trail to hike down.
Dick was too weak to walk on his own. He was glad no one was coming up the trail because he
had never been this humiliated.

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Once he was in the parking area, he sat on the tailgate of Lowell’s truck to recuperate.
As they stowed the rope and harnesses, Dick caught Lowell and Holly exchange worried looks.
“Let us drive you home,” Holly said.
“I’m not leaving my car here. I’m fine.” Dick stood, holding the truck for balance. He opened
the car door and tossed his helmet into the back seat, taking off the climbing shoes and putting
on a pair of tennis shoes.
He spun around in anger and both of his friends flinched. “I’m fine. Stop treating me like an
“We’re not doing that. If Lowell felt ill, wouldn’t you help him?” Holly stepped closer.
“I can drive myself home. I appreciate it.” Dick sat behind the wheel, looking for something to
wipe the sweat off his face with.
Lowell knelt beside him before Dick closed the door. “You sure?”
“Yes. I must have caught a bug or something. It’s nothing serious.” Dick used his shirt tail to
dab his face.
“Can you send me a text that you’re home all right?”
Dick made a face at him indicating he was not happy. “Please…”
“Okay.” Lowell gave up. “Call ya next time.”
Dick closed the car door and turned the key. He backed out seeing Lowell and Holly climb into
the truck together.
The mixture of boiling heat and ice cold chills was driving Dick crazy. He didn’t know whether
to blow the air conditioning or the heater.
When he hit a traffic snarl from hell, coming to a complete stop, he moaned out loud. He
blasted the heater since he began to shiver. Inch by inch he crawled past a wreck, a fire truck, an
ambulance, and several police cars and rubberneckers who all had to get a look.
A traffic cop directing the tie up through an intersection stopped the flow at his car. As the cop
signaled for cross traffic to go, he glanced into Dick’s car at him. The cherry red Ferrari drew a
lot of attention, both wanted and unwanted.
Dick avoided direct eye contact at first, but had to watch the officer to see when his lane was
allowed to move. Seeing the cop approach his window upset Dick. The officer gestured to roll
the window down. “You okay?”
Dick couldn’t believe how ill he must appear if the cop could tell from outside his car. “I just
think I’m getting the flu.”
“Pull over.”
“I’m all right, officer.”
“I said pull over.”
Dick swore like a demon in his head, driving to the side of the road and stopping as the officer
used his radio shoulder microphone to get someone over to him.
Dick was shocked it was a paramedic and not a drunk driving patrol.
The young medic knelt by his driver’s window. “Step out. Let me take your blood pressure.”
“You’re busy. I can go to my doctor’s office.”
“Give me five minutes, sir. You’re white as a sheet.”
Reluctantly Dick took his keys from the ignition and opened the car door. The minute he stood
upright, he passed out.
After navigating the evening rush hour, William thumbed through the mail and checked his

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phone for messages. He hadn’t heard from Dick since morning. He called his mobile phone and
it went directly to voicemail. That wasn’t a good sign. William controlled his panic and left a
message. “Where are you? Am I expecting you for dinner?” He hung up and texted the same
thing. Nothing returned. Dick did not have any close family members alive. There was no mom
or sibling to contact when Dick didn’t show up. And the few distant blood relatives had battled
Dick in court for the trust fund. Not exactly the kind of people either of them could contact for
Early in their relationship, Dick’s vanishing act was the norm. Once William had moved in,
Dick had been extraordinarily responsible letting him know his whereabouts.
In this age of text messaging, there was no longer an excuse to not connect.
William wracked his brains trying to remember what activity Dick had planned. Nothing came
to mind. All he recalled was Dick had slept poorly and left before the alarm had gone off. Where
Dick had gone was a mystery.
William checked the wall calendar. Next he searched Dick’s office area in case he had left a
note or day planner. Nothing.
He paced. He walked in and out of the kitchen, stared out of the front window for a sign of his
car. An hour passed and the sense that something was wrong began to gnaw at him. With Dick’s
reckless lifestyle, anything could happen.
“Fuck.” William knew all of Dick’s personal contacts were on Dick’s iPhone. Dick didn’t keep
a written directory. Other than one or two numbers for attorneys or handymen, William did not
know how to reach anyone.
In the two years they had been together, Dick had been able to call him to let him know
everything. Even when he was carted off to the ER. Why not this time?
He called Dick’s cell phone again, leaving a message. “Okay. Now I’m worried. Where the hell
are you that you can’t answer the phone?”
William forced himself to sit on a chair by the island counter in the kitchen. Soon his anxiety
made him feel sick to his stomach. He needed someone to talk to so he called his mom.
“Dick isn’t answering his phone.”
“William? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know where he is and he’s not answering his phone.” William walked back to the front
window to stare at the driveway. “Mom, he always calls if he can’t make dinner.”
“What was he doing today?”
“I don’t know. I woke up this morning to an empty bed. He left a note that he couldn’t sleep and
he didn’t say where he was going.” William bit at a nail.
“All right. Don’t jump to conclusions.”
“What should I do? Call the cops? Call the hospitals?”
“Calm down. Seriously, William. What if he’s just been delayed?”
“He’d call. He’s dead.”
“Stop it. He’s not dead.”
“Mom, it’s inevitable that one day I will get that damn call.”
He heard the call waiting beep on his phone. “Hang on. I got another call.” William’s heart was
in his chest. “Hello?”
“I’m on my way home, prince. Sorry I couldn’t call earlier.”
“Hang on. Mom’s on the other line.” William clicked the button. “It’s him. Talk to you soon.”
William held the phone to his ear. “What happened?”

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“Nothing. I’m just coming into the driveway now.”
William looked out the front window and spotted the headlights. He rushed to the garage and
stood beside his car as the Ferrari pulled in and shut down. The garage door lowered and William
held the phone by his side, waiting.
Dick was wearing his spandex climbing shirt and shorts, his backpack over his shoulder. He
looked like hell. William rushed towards him and said, “You went climbing? This late?” He
spotted a hospital bracelet and sank inside. “Come on, babe.”
Dick walked slowly, holding William’s hand. William brought him to the bedroom, sitting him
down. He helped him take off the outfit, and noticed him shiver. “Holy crap. Get in bed.”
Hurrying to the dresser, William removed a flannel pajama set and helped Dick dress. “Why
didn’t you call me?”
“I tried. I have no idea why the signal wouldn’t get through.” Dick crawled under the blankets.
“You drove yourself home? They let you?”
“I’m fine. Just a little cold.”
William felt Dick’s forehead. “What can I get you?”
“Nothing. Let me rest.”
Knowing he was not going to get the truth, William found another blanket and covered Dick
with it, shutting the light. He sat beside him, worrying that his time with this man was not going
to be long. ~
Dick slept deeply. When he woke he felt disoriented. It was dimly lit in the room and the digital
clock read eleven-fifteen. He rolled over to see William sitting up in bed, a book on his lap.
Seeing he was awake, William put the book aside and caressed Dick’s hair. “Can I get you
“I think I need something to eat. Maybe something light.”
When Dick moved to get up, William stopped him. “Don’t you dare.”
Dick drooped into the blankets.
“I’ll make toast and tea.”
“Perfect.” Dick smiled at him and after William left he grew angry. He didn’t play the patient
well, and convalescing was infuriating. Folding down the blanket, Dick fluffed the pillow and sat
up. He noticed the hospital bracelet and then remembered the pills the doctor had told him to
take. Inhaling deeply, Dick set his feet on the floor and waited before he stood up, not wanting to
get dizzy. Once he was upright he headed to where he’d left his backpack by the door and
spotted William making his tea and toast.
“What are you doing out of bed?”
“Don’t treat me like grandma.” Dick dug through the pack for his new prescription.
“Are you going to tell me why you were in the hospital?” William poured water from the hot
kettle into a cup.
Dick opened a drawer removing scissors, and cut the bracelet off, tossing it in the trash. Shaking
a pill out of a bottle, Dick stuck it on his tongue. “Low blood sugar? High blood pressure? Those
quacks never know what the hell’s wrong with you.” He opened the fridge and drank orange
juice from the container to swallow the pill.
“Did you fall off a cliff as well?”
“Not this time.” Dick sat at the island counter as William placed a steaming mug of tea and
buttered toast in front of him. “Thanks.” He bit the toast and chewed staring at William.
“Look…I didn’t eat enough. That’s all it was. Okay? I headed to San Francisco this morning to
see my accountant. I had a cup of coffee at the airport. I wasn’t hungry after news of what the

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IRS is going to gouge from me, so I didn’t eat.”
William’s arms were crossed and he did not look happy.
Dick ate another bite of toast. “Then Holly called just as I was heading home from LAX. I
couldn’t resist.”
“So you just got lightheaded from not eating. Is that the story you’re sticking to?”
He stuffed the crust in his mouth and stirred the teabag around. “Yes.”
“High blood pressure?”
“I think that’s a load of crap, but I’m taking a pill to shut the doctor up.” He placed the teabag
on the saucer and William handed him the honey.
“Another pill. Did you tell the doctor what you already take?” Dick glared at him. “I don’t take
any other prescriptions.” “No?”
“Do not start on me.” Dick pointed at William in warning. “I’ve had the day from hell.”
William deflated his posture and pulled a stool up beside him. “Why the hell do you have an
accountant in San Francisco? Do you seriously think there are none in LA capable to help you?”
“I met this guy ages ago in the Castro. He’s who I want to do my taxes.” Dick gave William a
look and added, “No, we didn’t fuck, okay? Then or now.”
“So? What did your CPA say?”
“He said I needed to give your fucking college more cash. What the hell, William?” Dick
finished stirring honey in the tea and let it cool. “Why didn’t you hit me up this year? I mean,
I’m screwed on taxes.”
The blush rose to William’s cheeks. “I don’t want to keep asking you. I feel as if I’m taking
“Lot of good that did me.” Dick started eating the rest of the toast. “Instead of you guys getting
a new whatever, the US government is going to buy a new tank.”
“That’s not too bad. We need tanks.”
Dick caught William’s smile. “You’re lucky you’re so nice. I felt like hitting you.”
“Hit me. I can take it.” William raised his chin as if he wanted a punch.
Dick ignored the baiting. “I don’t want toast. I want a sirloin and a bottle of whiskey.”
“You should have had the steak for lunch, sans the whiskey. It’s bad enough you climbed on an
empty stomach.”
He pushed the plate aside and drew his tea closer. “You want to say it.”
“You’ll punch me.”
“Say it.” Dick sipped the tea.
“Were you high on painkillers when you climbed?”
“Yes. Happy now?”
“No. Most unhappy.” William took the plate to the sink to rinse. “Want another piece?”
“Yes, please. And at least stick peanut butter and jelly on it. Just butter is a bore.”
“Got it.”
Dick stared off into space as William popped another two slices of bread into the toaster. The
whole day made him feel like an idiot. He should have eaten. He shouldn’t have gone climbing.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda

Chapter 8

William arrived at work the next morning with a check in his pocket. Another feather in

his cap. Dick gave him enough money to finance the entire new performance hall and art center
project. Though William knew Dick did not want to become a victim of the IRS again next

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April, the guilt of constantly using Dick’s generosity to pay for the college’s new additions was

He knocked on Stu Flemming’s door, the chief of advancement’s office.

“Come in.” The man looked up from his work. “Hello, William.”
Before he spoke a word, William placed the check in front of him.
Stu picked it up and shook his head. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Me neither. I don’t know whether to worship him as a god, or feel like I’m chronically
mooching off him. Or both.” William sat down in the chair in front of Stu’s desk.
“We need to honor him this time.”
“He won’t let you.”
“We can name the new project after him.”
“Are you kidding me?” William laughed. “Though I would love it, the rest of the staff would
not be pleased to have their new performance hall named after Dick Hunt. His reputation in the
tabloids is terrible.” William sighed loudly. “And Dick would probably object.”
Stu laid the check down as if it were gold. “What can we do? We can’t name a scholarship after
him? Nothing?”
William smiled at the irony. “No. For so many reasons. Think about it.”
Stu appeared pensive, but William knew Dick had sown the seeds of a very bad reputation in
the press. Though he and Dick had a solid relationship for nearly a year and a half, Dick was still
photographed with young men and accused of having casual sexual flings with them. With his
non-stop reckless behavior and the paparazzi constantly ‘catching’ him in clubs with twinks, he
continued to appear the bad role model.
“I think if you make a fuss over him, you’ll stir up more lawsuits from wannabe heirs.” William
stood and buttoned his suit jacket.
“Seems a pity we can do nothing to thank him.”
“He knows how much we appreciate it.”
“I have an awkward question for you.”
“Are we a part of his planned giving?”
William felt an icy chill up his spine. “I doubt it. I have never discussed Dick’s will with him.”
“I assume he’s going to give everything to you.”
“Can I say this conversation is in poor taste and makes me extremely uncomfortable?”
“I’m sorry, William.”
William nodded tacitly and left. He closed the door behind him and returned to his office. Stu
didn’t know how real the possibility of Dick’s death was. Yes, the celebrity press occasionally
printed articles of Dick racing cars or snowboarding down sheer mountains, but they weren’t
privy to Dick’s mental state, nor his addictions.
William sat at his desk and rubbed his face tiredly. He checked his mobile phone for messages.
Dick had promised he would take it easy. But I know that’s a lie.
Dick tried to enjoy lunch at one of his favorite Hollywood bistros. With the dark red painted
walls and dim lighting, he was hoping to have a quiet meal. Though he had felt badly the day
before, he didn’t hesitate to order the rich food on the French menu. He used his bread to shovel
into the hummus and eggplant dip, sipping a glass of merlot even though it was just past one in
the afternoon. When in a French bistro, do as the French do.
The morning with William had been strained. Dick had given him the check to ensure this year

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the donation helped defer the taxes. He didn’t need to be told twice. Though he would never
expect William to jump for joy, the grimace on his face at the gift was slightly unexpected. They
didn’t speak about it. Dick continued his morning shave afterwards and heard William leave.
“Well, hello there!”
Dick sat up as a young man slid into the booth beside him. “What the hell do you want?”
“One fuck nearly three years ago, Liam, and you want me?” Dick dipped another chunk of
bread into the humus.
“Growl! Woof! Love you when you say no.”
“I came for a quiet meal. How on earth did you notice me sitting way back here?”
“A Ferrari Testarossa in the lot with the license plate, ‘ONTHEHUNT’? How stupid am I?”
Dick wiped his mouth with his napkin and gave Liam Russo a good inspection. While he did,
Liam raised Dick’s wine glass and sipped it mischievously.
“Are you even old enough?” Dick took it back and set it down.
“Just turned twenty-one. So, yes. God, you look so fucking hot.”
Dick swatted Liam’s tickling fingers away from his cheek. “You really are a nuisance.”
“I still surf at Malibu but you’re never there.”
The waiter approached and asked Liam, “Shall I get you anything, sir?”
Dick said, ‘no’ and Liam said ‘yes’ simultaneously.
“Lunch? For old time’s sake?” Liam licked Dick’s cheek.
“You’re like a mongrel.” Dick shifted away and nudged him. He glanced into Liam’s pleading
eyes. “Get him a menu.”
“No need. I’ll have what Mr. Hunt is having. Including the wine.” Liam sat up excitedly.
“Another glass, sir?” The waiter seemed to understand Dick’s frustration.
“Bring the bottle.” Dick gave Liam a sideways glance.
“Very good.” The waiter left.
“So? Talk to me, dawg daddy.”
Dick winced. “Christ. I can’t believe I actually screwed you.” He finished his wine.
“You did, ace. Took my cherry!”
“Lower your voice.” Dick glanced around in horror. “It’s one thing to intrude on my quiet
lunch, and another thing entirely to humiliate me.”
Liam appeared stunned. “I would think you having a young surfer-dude like me as a conquest
would be something to boast about.”
“I was horny and you were something to poke.” Dick sat up as the waiter placed a wineglass on
the table, uncorked the bottle, and filled his and Liam’s glass. “Thank you.”
“I’ll get you more bread.”
When the waiter left, Liam drank his wine. “Is he hot on you too?”
“Is who hot for me?”
Liam tilted his head to the waiter.
“Look. Liam.” Dick was getting frustrated when Liam’s hand began a journey up his thigh. He
plucked it off. “From mongrel to octopus.”
Another serving of bread and dips was placed on the table. “I’ll have your meal out shortly.”
“Hey,” Liam said to the waiter defensively, “He’s already with someone, okay?”
“I am. And he’s not you.” Dick shook his head at the waiter. “I apologize.”
“No need.” The waiter took it well and left.
“Say what?” Liam pouted his lower lip. “What do you mean he’s not me? I’m not a virgin now.

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I can fuck and suck like a pro.”
“Someone shoot me.” Dick rubbed his forehead.
“Why don’t you surf anymore? All the guys ask me about you.” Liam’s hand squeezed Dick’s
thigh again.
The scent of the salt water and sand washed over Dick as if Liam’s words had brought it back.
A long day of riding the waves on Malibu beach, meeting most of the same faces he had seen
year after year, Dick had noticed a few newcomers. Mere boys. Novices to the sport, spending
more time paddling around on their bellies than standing on the board.
There was no secret that Dick had an appetite for men. The group most likely informed the
young bucks of his name, and if not that, his reputation. Dick didn’t care. There was little he did
care about.
On his last walk to shore, the board under his arm, the hot sun on his back, a beautiful eighteen
year old hurried to walk with him, the board held by his side like he was a pro. “Why don’t we
go for a burger, Dick?”
“I was going to just shower and head out.” He leaned his board against the side of a bathhouse.
Dick was surprised when the young man did the same and followed him in. He stopped his
progress and gave the man a curious look. “Yes?”
“Heard you were gay.”
“Want to?”
“To?” Dick gave the young man’s fit body and light hair and eyes another look.
“Ya know.” He gave his own cock a squeeze in an obvious sign.
Dick’s mouth watered. “How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” the youth held up his hand, “S’truth.”
“Jesus Christ.” Dick hated when sex was handed to him on a platter.
“No. Liam Russo.” He grinned wickedly. “Dick. Hunt.” He licked Dick’s shoulder.
Men came and went to use the facilities. “Not here.”
“That’s cool. I can come home with you, right? Can I?”
“Can you prove you’re at least eighteen?”
“I can.” He shifted his weight proudly. “I got college ID.”

Dick woke out of his daydream and met Liam’s smile. “Stop groping my nuts.”

Dick brushed his hand off again.
“You didn’t say that in your bed.”
“Three years is a long time ago. And for you it’s nearly a quarter of your lifetime.”
To make his point, Dick held Liam’s face in his hands. “Listen carefully, peanut,” he enunciated
like Liam was simple, “I am with someone now. Can you understand?”
“I don’t care. I’m not jealous.”
Dick shook his head and leaned his elbows on the table. “Were you this stupid when I fucked
“I guess so.”
“Your lamb, gentlemen.” The waiter brought two servings of food.
Liam sat back and sniffed it. “Wow. That looks rad. You always had good taste.” He gave Dick
a wicked smirk.
Dick and the waiter exchanged glances.
“Thank you,” Dick said to him.

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“My condolences, sir.” The waiter winked.
“What did he mean by that?” Liam chewed as he spoke.
“Nothing. How’s the food?”
“Sweet. So? Are we going to fuck?”
“No. So enjoy your meal.”
Liam scooted closer on the seat and tried to seduce. “I told ya. I’m good at it now. I brought
rubbers and lube.”
“Sit back and eat. Don’t climb on me.”
“Wow. That’s harsh.”
Dick smiled to himself. They did have a good time that night. He remembered how cocky Liam
was for a virgin.
“This your crib? Nice.”

Dick shook his head at the slang. He wasn’t well versed enough to

even know if Liam was using it correctly. The generation gap was a canyon. If he thought about
it, he’d…well, he’d still fuck him.
“Which way to your bed?” Liam swaggered, taking off his shirt. Though they had both rinsed
off in the beachside shower, Dick could still catch the scent of coconut suntan lotion on Liam.
He liked it. “Keep going.” Dick held Liam’s waist from behind and directed him.
“I heard you were a rich guy but…wow. Like how rich?” Dick raised Liam’s shirt over his
head, spinning him around and sucking his nipple. Once it hardened in his teeth he replied,
“Does it matter?”
“Yeah. I can say I fucked a millionaire my first time.”

“Can you not kiss and tell? Or is that

asking too much?” Dick unbuttoned Liam’s shorts and tugged them down his tan legs.
“Oh, right.” Liam put his finger to his lips. “Got ya.”
Dick coaxed him to lie on the bed. After a bounce, Liam smiled and tugged on his own hard
cock. “I can’t wait. Can you suck my cock?”
“If you say please.” Dick removed his clothing quickly, getting supplies out of the nightstand.
“Pretty-fucking-please with my cherry on top?” Liam bent his knees placing his feet on the bed.
Dick ran his hands down the inside of Liam’s thighs and chewed on his balls. The groan from
Liam made Dick certain this was indeed one of Liam’s first sexual encounters.
The light, sandy brown pubic bush surrounding Liam’s thick, wagging cock smelled like
sunshine and coconut oil. Dick sunk it into his mouth and Liam’s hips jerked up and pre-cum hit
his tongue.
“Holy shit, dude. I’m gonna cream.”
Dick rubbed hot friction on Liam’s ass. Liam arched his back and came, choking on his inhale
of air.
Once he savored the taste of his spunk, Dick stood and said, “My turn.”
Blinking in amazement, Liam stared with his mouth hanging open. Dick flipped him on his
stomach and squeezed lubrication on his hand. “You ready, pretty boy?”
“Oh, fuck yeah!” Liam raised his ass into the air.
Dick thought he had died and gone to heaven.
It wasn’t until the Hollywood rag printed the photo of he and Liam leaving the beach together,
along with the speculation of Liam’s age and an affair, that the high from the fling had vanished.


“Hmm?” Dick returned his focus to Liam.
“So? Really no sex after?”
“Really, no sex after.”

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“That’s harsh.”
“Sorry. Life sucks, then you die.”
Liam gave Dick an annoyed expression and continued to devour

his meal.

William walked to his car feeling tired. The day at the computer,

composing letters to the alumni, still on the prowl for donations, schmoozing local

corporations, who clung to every buck, held one small consolation. Dick’s generosity. But, of
course, the question of where the next new project’s cash would come from will be uttered soon.

His phone vibrated. He took it out of his pocket and read his friend Rocky’s name and

stopped short at a photo that had been transmitted. The caption Rocky sent with it was ‘Do u
know where ur luva is?
’ An image of Dick having dinner with a ridiculously young man
appeared. William responded to the taunt, ‘They try but they never succeed.’ He stuffed the
phone back into his pocket, expecting an end to the topic. Once he was sitting in his car, he heard
his ringtone. He grumbled and answered it. “He’s not cheating, Rocky.”
“Why are you so naïve?”
“I’m not naïve. I trust Dick. Believe me, I don’t have to worry.” He started the car, lowering
the music.
“Well, then be forewarned. I noticed several paparazzi lingering
in the bistro. He’s bound to be nailed for it.”
“What else is new? They photograph him with shoe salesmen and
say he’s screwing them in the backroom.”
“This kid was eating dinner with him on Sunset Boulevard, not
selling him shoes.”
“Look. I just finished a long day and am about to head home.” “Okay, William. Just figured I’d
give you the heads up.” “Don’t fall prey to all the shit they say about Dick, okay? I expect
my friends to be smarter than that.”
“And we don’t want to see you hurt.”
“If I’m hurt, it won’t be because Dick has cheated on me.” “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Thanks for the call.” William disconnected, and took
one more look at the photo. He could read Dick’s annoyance even
from the tiny screen in his hand. Shaking his head at the absurdity,
William backed out of the parking spot and headed home. Dick’s car was already in the garage
when he pulled in. Loosening his tie as he entered the kitchen, William removed his
shoes at the door. Dick was at the stove, the scent of food strong in
the air.
“Hey, prince.” Dick approached and kissed him on the lips,
returning to his preparations.
It wasn’t unusual for Dick to cook. Lately he’d been gone or late
coming home, but William knew Dick enjoyed it. “Feeling better?”
He slid his tie out of his shirt collar.
“Never better.”
A twinge of jealousy hit him. Would Dick tell him he was seen
eating lunch with a very young man? “Let me change.” William
lowered his head and walked towards the bedroom.
“I’ll have a brandy for you. Oh, and ignore the shit that’s going to

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hit the tabloids this week.”
Stopping short, William watched Dick checking on the casserole
in the oven. “Anything in particular?”
“A surfer dude I had the pleasure of fucking three years ago
barged in on my quiet lunch.”
William smiled. “You’re such a playboy.”
“Was. I’m a wife and homemaker now.” Dick spun around,
potholders on his hands and a huge grin on his face.
“What’s in the oven?”
“Spinach and béchamel lasagna.”
“Man, that sounds good.”
“We’ll sip booze while it sets up.”
William threw him a kiss and grinned as he walked to the
bedroom to change. I love that man.

Chapter 9

“I can’t talk you out of this, Mom?” William stood with his father, Fred, outside the hanger.

Both Victor, the instructor and pilot, and Dick were making sure William’s mother, Ruth,

was ready to go.
“How hard can it be? Dick is the one with the parachute.”
Dick laughed loudly. “Oh, Ruth, I wish you were my mother. How did William get so lucky?”
“You can call me ‘Mom’ anytime, Dick. I adore you.”
William felt emotional. Perhaps Dick needed maternal nurturing. Lord knew what his childhood
was like. He never said. And with both his parents dead, it never hurt to have a mom’s love.
“We ready?” Victor began walking to the plane.
“Good luck!” William kissed his mother’s cheek and Dick on the lips.
“See ya soon.” Dick hooked Ruth’s elbow and escorted her across the airfield to where the light
plane waited. William tapped his father and they headed back indoors while the plane started up
and began taxiing to the runway.
“She’s insane,” Fred said, standing by a window to watch the action outdoors.
“Heck, she’s seventy. What the hell.” William figured he had more butterflies in his stomach
than his mother did.
“Most women her age celebrate their birthday with dinner and dancing.”
“She’ll do that too.” William heard the engines revving through the double glass as the plane
took off on a short runway. “I’m not ready to be a widower.”
William glanced at his father’s profile. He was glued to the plane, binoculars to his eyes, as it
gained altitude. “Yeah, neither am I.” William softly focused. His thoughts wandered to the first
time Dick had wound up hospitalized.

“Are you a family member?”

“No. I’m his partner.”
“His business partner?”
William was about to explode. “No! His boyfriend.” “I’m sorry. No one is allowed to see him
but immediate family.” “He doesn’t have any. Don’t you know who he is?”
“It’s neither here nor there who the patient is. If you’re not his
wife or his immediate family you cannot gain access to him. Now excuse me.” William
thought his life with Dick was exasperating enough. Listening to the chronic tales of his

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conquests, the scandalous behavior in Morocco and Tangier, smoking hashish with twelve year
old boys…all the while Dick shook his head at the absurdity. His denials contradicted the
photographs in the weekly celebrity gossip columns and TMZ shoving microphones in Dick’s
face, asking him to verify the rumors. William didn’t know what to believe.

Suddenly their sporadic dating—or ‘non-issue’ as William referred to it when his

co-workers asked him if he and Dick were an item—had turned into something. Something.
What? A relationship? A commitment?

Two months from the day they had met, a game of not contacting each other, then text

and phone tag, then…well, the non-whatever-itwas had morphed into seeing Dick almost every
other day.

Their insignificant dating progressed to a love affair after the unbelievable sexual

William was not one to play the field. He’d had two long-ish relationships prior to Dick. One in
college and one with a man whom he met canvassing for college funds via the telephone. The
college affair ended after his lover moved to Virginia for a job, and the affair with his second
boyfriend just faded away. William never pursued the reason. Boredom had set in and they grew
This was the first time he lived with a man.
But since they weren’t married, or related, William was faced with a huge problem. He wasn’t
considered suitable for the part of holding Dick’s hand at his bedside in a hospital. The insanity
of some ‘rule’ keeping him and Dick apart was driving William crazy.
The minute the awful woman who had stopped him from entering Dick’s recovery room turned
her head, William raced in.
The sight of Dick with intravenous tubes in his arms, a nasal cannula up his nose, bandages, and
black and blue eyes brought William to tears. He crouched at his side, held his skinned knuckles
and pressed them to his lips. “What did you do? What did you do!
Dick opened his eyelids slowly and smiled. “I hit a tree, you dodo.”
“Dick,” William cried his name, trying to hug him and not disturb all the connections he had to
his body.
“That’s what I get for not skiing the bunny hill.”
“How can you laugh?” William dabbed his eyes.
“How long you known me, Prince Charming?”
William had to think. “Four months.”
“You like me?”
“Stupid question.”
“Then get used to it. I have frequent flier miles at this hospital.”
The woman who had denied William access realized he had gained it. “Sir, you must leave.”
Dick raised his head off the pillow. “He’s my fuck-buddy, Nurse Ratched. Get over yourself
and find someone else to harass about their sexual preference.”
She appeared highly insulted but left.
“I’d use the ‘C’ word, but I’m too much of a gentleman.” Dick gave William a silly smile.
“Wow. How high are you?” William scooted over a chair and brushed the hair back from
Dick’s forehead.
“Get used to that too.” Dick winked.
“There they go.” Fred elbowed William and pointed skyward.

William pressed his face to

the glass. “Come on.” He grabbed his dad’s arm, hurried outside again, watching the plane make

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a circle and begin its return approach as the parachute opened in the distant blue sky.

Fred held up the binoculars as the two tandem jumpers floated back to earth. The plane

landed, and William turned his back to the gust of air, wondering if they should be inside or not.

Once Victor coasted to the hanger, the noise ceased. He climbed out and met with

William and his dad. “They touch down yet?”
“It looks like Dick is giving her a nice ride.” Fred smiled, handing William the binoculars.
He took a look. “Well, if it was me, I’d need to change my briefs. Mom’s got nerves of steel.”
“Want to come pick them up?” Victor signaled to his jeep.
“Sure. Why not?” William and his father jogged along. ~
Dick held tight to Ruth as the ground loomed closer. “Relax, babe. Don’t tense up. Remember
your lessons.”
“Dick, we’re moving so slowly now. Don’t worry. I’m not afraid.”
He spotted the jeep heading their way and touched land before Ruth did, stopping their
momentum and making sure she was all right. “Honey, you are the queen. No wonder William is
a prince.” The deflated chute rested soundlessly on the ground behind them.
“Mom!” William rushed to help her unhook from Dick’s harness. “Well?”
“Wonderful!” She was beaming, her cheeks rosy. “The world looks so incredible from up there.
I felt like an eagle soaring.”
“When are you going to be my next victim, prince?” Dick allowed Victor to release all the
buckles and reel in the opened chute.
“Never!” William made sure his mother was steady on her feet and hugged Dick. “Love you.”
“Don’t get my cock wagging in front of your folks.” Dick licked William’s chin.
“Time for a birthday dinner.” Fred helped Ruth to sit inside the jeep.
“I’m lucky we had a good jump. If I killed your mom you wouldn’t be kissing me right now.”
Dick grinned wickedly. He loved teasing William. To his surprise William got a good handful of
his crotch and squeezed. “Be good!” Dick scolded, then began laughing.
“You amazing man.” William appeared as if he were the one who had jumped out of a plane.
“You should be telling Ruth that. She has bigger balls than you do.”
“Will you jump with me on my seventieth?”
Dick’s smile fell. Would he be alive that long? He doubted it. William read the expression on
Dick’s face and backed off, joining his parents in the jeep. Dick helped Victor with his chute and
harness, stuffing it in back of the seat until he could pack it properly at the hanger.
He sat in the front passenger’s seat listening to Ruth excitedly explain her exhilarating
experience. Melancholia crept up on Dick. Before he had met William, he didn’t think he was
interested in living past forty. Now?
You moron. The derogatory comment was aimed at himself.
Dick never planned on falling in love, moving in with someone, or thinking about slowing
down in the twilight years. Previously the future held nothing. He would never marry, never
spawn children, and had whatever he owned arranged to go to numerous charities when he
passed away. Now?
He met an incredible man with so much love and tolerance for his lifestyle, he was wondering
what to do.
Two years of in a relationship and now living in sin wasn’t long enough to contact his attorney
and begin rewriting his will. Was it? Ten, maybe. Two? No.
On the ride back to the hanger, Dick never imagined he could ever lose his heart or be loyal to
one man, let alone give his wealth to someone when he died.

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The Winsor clan had nearly adopted him as one of their own. Ruth and Fred had so much
affection for Dick he was speechless. Never once did they react adversely to the love he shared
with their son. He was greeted with open arms, even the first time William had brought him to
meet them. And with Dick’s reputation, he truly wondered if they were ignorant, or had
intentions of converting him to some religious cult. But neither scenario was true. William had
been lucky enough to have been born to two open-minded people with so much heart, they raised
a saint. Or at least a man close enough to perfection, in Dick’s opinion, to apply for sainthood.
You lucky bastard. I’d give every cent I inherited to still have my parents and be loved the way
you are
William was chuckling as they waited for the gate to open on their driveway. The dynamics
between Dick and his mother entertained him. The two of them were like firecrackers that fed off
each other’s wit.
Once the Ferrari had quieted in the garage and the door behind them lowered, William touched
Dick’s thigh. “Thank you. I think this was the best birthday my mom has ever had.”
“You mean besides the one where you came into her world.”
William felt his eyes water from affection. “They love you like a son.”
“I know, prince.” Dick climbed out of the car, headed to the kitchen door.
William followed him, feeling the late hour but glad tomorrow was Saturday. He rubbed Dick’s
back as he disarmed the alarm.
“Can I get you anything?” William felt as if he were floating on the pleasant waves of the
“No.” Dick left his shoes at the door and passed through the kitchen.
William made sure the door was locked behind them, turning off the light after taking a bottle
of water from the fridge. As he rounded the bend to their bedroom, he spotted Dick in the en
suite bath, drinking water from the tap, standing, and capping a brown bottle. He had watched
Dick drink plenty of wine and Irish coffee with dinner. “Do you ache?”
“I always do.” Dick avoided eye contact, stood near the bed and began undressing.
“Vicadan and booze again?”
The return look was a mixture of annoyance and the obvious. Of course he had taken pain
killers. Duh
“Where do you hurt? Can I help? Give you a rubdown?”
“Don’t ruin the nice evening, prince. Okay?” Dick stripped to his briefs and returned to the sink
to wash up.
Well, the nice evening for me is gone, thank you very much. William hung up his shirt and slacks,
considering doing the same for Dick, but deciding against it. He wasn’t the man’s nursemaid or
The desire William had to continue nagging, saying; ‘So the close call the other day at the
hospital didn’t scare you enough? Going to the ER is so common for you, you never figure
maybe this time is the last?’
was very strong.
Once before William had gone down that route, and he’d been given the cold shoulder for
nearly a week. Dick was gone every night, only sending a brief text just so William wouldn’t
panic. Things like, ‘out late- c ya.’ ‘don’t wait up.’ ‘tuck urself in.’
Seven days of punishment because William had said, ‘Do you think maybe you should check
yourself into a clinic to get off the drugs?

Lesson learned.

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If he wanted to be Dick’s partner, he had to know the boundaries. Concern for Dick’s health
aside, William had to mind his own business when it came to Dick’s use of pain killers. There
wasn’t another topic William could not broach. He could ask about any previous man Dick had
slept with, enquire about speculation of his tabloid-invented liaisons to come, be nosy about
Dick’s preference of top or bottom…the list of questions had one taboo. Ingesting pain pills.
Other than that, Dick was an open book.
William stared at himself in the mirror on the dresser as he stood naked. He considered himself
attractive. At thirty, he could prowl the clubs and take his pick of the litter. The fundraisers were
particularly good places to meet men. William was open about his sexuality and mutual friends
introduced him to eligible gay men constantly. They continued to offer the same, even after he
and Dick had established a ‘relationship’ and cohabitated. It was as if the life expectancy of the
commitment, or the man himself, was for a limited time only.
He spun to watch Dick exit the bathroom, toss the pile of dirty clothing into the hamper and
crawl into bed. Instead of curling up to sleep, Dick sat against the headboard, put his reading
glasses on and opened a novel he was in the process of reading.
William felt slighted. He took his turn in the bathroom, forcing himself to regain the euphoria of
his mother’s happiness she felt at Dick’s attention and conversation at dinner. It didn’t work.
William lived in the here and now. Always had.
Though his past two lovers liked to remind William what they had done for him yesterday, last
week, or last year, William’s motto was ‘be here now’. He appreciated kindness, but looked to
the present for consistency. There was nothing worse than a partner who did one act of
consideration and expected that act to be the token of appreciation for weeks to come. In his
experience, partners like that celebration, the the stimulating allowed their behavior to
deteriorate, which inevitably brought the relationship either to the pits, or to a stop in growing.
Where were he and Dick now?
Every time William thought he knew that answer, the words, ‘You don’t know Dick,’ ran
through his mind. It should have been ‘You don’t know ‘shit’.’ But William thought the former
more apropos. William climbed in bed with him. On the drive home, he’d imagined he and Dick
would have a nice love-making session. He wasn’t sure he wanted to now.
Dick glanced at him.
William propped his head in his palm and leaned on his side. He did look adorable in those
Though it appeared he tried to keep reading, Dick kept being distracted by him. He lowered the
glasses and peered over them. “Yes?”
“Nothing. Keep reading. I’m trying not to disturb you.”
Dick pushed the glasses higher on his nose, settled down and flipped a page.
William snuggled, resting his head on Dick’s shoulder. He figured the book would be
non-fiction. Dick wasn’t one to read fantasy or romance. He was a stock-market or politics kind
of guy. And though his alternative lifestyle dragged him to the left, his finances and opinions on
liberal extremism kept him on the fence.
A loud exhale came from Dick. “I keep reading the same line over and over again.”
“Because you’ve given me a hard-on.”
William laughed, and the dour mood vanished. He reached for Dick’s erection now that he
knew it existed. As William squeezed it from base to tip, Dick played up his intention to
continue reading, though they both knew it was a joke.

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Dick cleared his throat, shifted the tome higher, lower, then midway on his chest and grumbled,
finally spreading his legs and laying the book flat on his stomach. “Uncle.”
William crawled closer, taking the book and making sure the page was secured, and placed it on
the nightstand. Next he straddled over Dick, leaning on his arms to smile at him. “From playboy
stud to school teacher.”
Dick frowned, taking the glasses off. “Blind at thirty-seven. May as well put me out of my
“Needing reading glasses does not mean you’re blind.” William pecked his lips. “I like the way
you look. It’s like fucking Clark Kent when in reality, you’re really fucking Superman.”
Dick put them back on, grinning. “Fuck me, Lois.”
“I can do that.” William tossed off the blankets and inched down Dick’s body. Inevitably his
eyes were drawn to the numerous scars. Some healed well, others were pinkish tissue, stretched
before the two ends had mended.
William was well aware that telling Dick to stay in bed longer than one day to get well, or heal,
was an effort in futility. He ran his fingertips along one large scar on Dick’s chest. Dick glanced
from under his glasses at him. Judging Dick’s silence and body language, William could tell he
refrained from making a comment and waited to see what William was going to do.
William decided to play connect the dots, or scars in this instance. Dick usually swatted his
hand away, as if he was either squeamish or didn’t like the sensation of touch on his tender skin.
As William scooted even lower, he found so many marks on Dick’s body he was wondering if
he’d ever noticed them all before. Okay, this one was from the motocross accident. William
recalled the gash from the bike ripping open Dick’s side. He knew a few were just from the
previous to last climbing accident where he collided with the rocks. The incision on his inner
thigh was from his broken femur.

Dick pushed William off angrily. “What the hell are you doing?” He removed the glasses,
slamming them on top of the book.
The reaction surprised William. It actually gave him a start he was unprepared for.
“Do you want me to point them all out? Tell you the number of stitches?” Dick said, “Do you
have some warped fascination with the macabre?”
“Don’t get defensive. You know me better than that.”
“Then what the hell are you doing?”
William was at a loss. He had never gotten so much as a stitch or broken bone. The fact that
Dick had been so battered did hold a slight morbid curiosity, but nothing more. If anything, it
was empathy or pride in Dick’s courage and fortitude that no matter what, he kept going.
Dick threw off the rest of the blankets and left the room.
“Where are you going?” William didn’t get an answer. He sat still, listening. The liquor cabinet.
Well, that was predictable. William assumed he’d shoot down something strong and return.
Another door opened and slammed. The guest bedroom? Dick had never slept separately from
him. This would be a new trend William would not tolerate. He waited.
This wasn’t their first spat. Far from it.
In the beginning of their live-in relationship, Dick grew enraged at the drop of a hat. Neither
man had ever lived with a partner, so the learning curve was great. William knew there were
invisible lines drawn all over the relationship.
The number one battleground was Dick’s use of painkillers. William figured that out from day
one. He recalled his ‘original sin’. He asked Dick why he took Vicodin.

“Mind your own business.”

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“No, seriously, Dick, are you in pain?”
“If I wasn’t in pain, why would I take a painkiller?” Dick snarled,
showing his teeth like a wild cat. Perhaps William wasn’t the first lover to observe the nasty
little habit.

“Have you tried over-the-counter stuff? I take ibuprofen and it works pretty

“Shut up.”
“Shut up?” William blinked. “Did you just tell me to shut up?” “I’m not your son. I’m not your
elderly father. I’m an adult and I

don’t need you to tell me what to do.”

“Wow. Chill out. I didn’t think you had a problem, but with the
overreaction, I expect you do.”
Dick closed the small space between them, breathing fire. “How
many times have you broken bones, prince?” Before William could
answer, Dick asked, “Dislocated shoulders? Twisted wrists and
ankles? Been sliced up or left skin on a tarmac?”
William winced. “Not once.”
“Christ, have you ever even had a hangnail?”
“No. Will you hold that against me?”
“What the fuck? You have never injured yourself? Not once?” “I may have bruised myself once
or twice.”
Dick’s expression was volatile. “Bruised yourself?”
“Yes. You know. As a kid or while in sports in school.” “Have you had any stitches?”
“Have you ever even been x-rayed for broken bones?” Feeling like a wimp, William shook his
head. “No.”
“Jesus, prince! Then shut up about painkillers. You haven’t a clue
what pain is!”
When Dick stormed off, William wondered if he was right. That had been nearly two years ago.
How long was intense pain
supposed to last? Surely strong medicines were meant for temporary
use. And who was this doctor that he kept refilling Dick’s
Doors slamming throughout the house woke William up from his
thoughts. A man with Dick’s kind of money could get anything he
wanted. Maybe William was lucky Dick was only addicted to
painkillers and not dope.
William knew if Dick was on something else, cocaine or heroin,
William wouldn’t be with him. Was Vicodin the new fashionable
fad? He wasn’t stupid. Everyone wanted to get a prescription for it.
And William did believe Dick had pain from all the injuries. From that point on, William had
tried to accept it and not dwell. Until tonight.
He wasn’t quite sure when the new lines in the sand began to
show up. This was relatively new. Touching his scars is now a
source of disagreement? Why?
Even in his past two relationships, unimportant as they were,
William refused to part angry—whether it was after a date or after

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sex. And sleeping in separate rooms with Dick? Not an option. He hunted Mr. Hunt down.
Dick was stewing in a guest bedroom.
William didn’t knock. He opened the door and found him lying in
the bed, his back to the door. “What did I do?”
A loud exhale was all he got from Dick. But the sound of
frustration was clear. William was getting feeling he may not be the
entire source of Dick’s anger. He sat on the bed, but did not touch
him, though he wanted to. “Fine. Yes. I am slightly in awe of how
damaged you are. Okay? Sue me. It’s the honest truth.”
Dick slowly rolled to face him. He wasn’t glaring, which was a
good sign. His expression was deeply troubled however. William shifted, tucking one leg under
him. “I’m like an injury
virgin. You know that. If I accidentally cut myself chopping
vegetables, I pass out.”
The smile on Dick’s face was a relief to William. He scooted
closer to Dick.
“You do. More than once I’ve had to sit you down and put your
head between your knees.” Dick tucked a pillow under his head. “I love you. So doesn’t it seem
logical that your past or future
injuries concern me? They always will.”
“I know. But running your hands over the scar tissue isn’t going
to make them go away.”
“Maybe I wish it did.”
Dick noticed William’s eyes water. “You were honest with me,
William tilted his head, listening intently.
“I’m humiliated by them.”
“Them? Your scars?”
“You never said that before.”
Dick shrugged. “With my ego, do you think it’s easy for me to
“Why? Why would they embarrass you?”
“It shows what an absolute clod I am. How I can’t handle a car, a
pair of skis…need I go on?”
William shook his head. “Hell no. It shows the opposite. You’re a
man who isn’t afraid to take risks, who gambles with very high
stakes. Dick, believe me, I envy your courage. You are the perfect
man’s man.”
Although he knew William tried to compliment him, Dick said,
“You’re an idiot.”
The insult showed instantly on William’s face.
“I’m sorry. Not an idiot. That was rude.” Dick reached for him
and dragged him closer. “How about, mistaken?” He smiled as he
spoke, trying to soften his meaning. “Most real men can manage to

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drive without going off an embankment.”
“You think you’re the only one who has ever been in an
An accident?”
“When you engage in high-risk sports, you have higher risks. And
you just called me an idiot?” William pointed to his own chest and
“Touché.” Dick inched nearer so he was lying on William’s
naked lap. “But, prince, I don’t learn, do I? I continue to misbehave. I jump from planes, with
your mother no less, I speed Lamborghinis
around race tracks, I rock climb…”
“Would you rather sit at a desk all day like I do? Make phone
calls to the alumni begging for a handout? I would trade places with
you any day of the week.”
“That’s complete bullshit.” Dick again, smiled to try and stem off
insulting William entirely. “I ask you to come with me constantly.
You won’t even do a tandem jump with me. Even a seventy year old
lady can do that.”
“Ouch!” William punched him playfully.
Dick exaggerated his pain at the hit and then gave William a sly
look. “You would never trade the safety of your office and computer.
“My turn to say ‘touché’?”
“Hey, I don’t mind. I never have. We are who we are. That’s the
nice part about it.”
“And? But?”
“But…” Dick gave William’s soft cock a tug. “How would you
like it if before our lovemaking session I sat and inspected each of
your defects?”
William pouted. Dick figured William hadn’t seen it that way. He
was too sweet to even know what he had done.
“My prince is perfect. There are no flaws here.” Dick scooped up
his balls as well, giving them a good squeeze.
“Don’t get carried away. Nobody is perfect.”
“Show me a scar.”
William blinked and held out his arms as if he were struggling to
find one that did not exist.
“Please…” Dick shook his head. “Don’t even try. It’s
“I must have cut myself enough to scar.” He inspected his fingers. “Stop. I was making a point.
I don’t need to see anything.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of it that way.”
“I know.”
“If you know, why did you storm out?”
“Because I’m an immature brat who is used to having tantrums
and getting his own way.”
“So true!” William laughed.

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Dick rolled out of the opposite side of the bed. “All right.
Tantrum’s over. Let’s fuck.”
“You, romantic, you.” William led the way back to their
“That’s me. Richard Hunt III, the king of romantic conquests.” “Speaking of…” William spread
out face up on their bed. “Who
was that guy you had lunch with?”
“Will it turn you on if I describe the sex he and I had before you
and I met?” Dick positioned himself low on the bed, between
William’s thighs.
“Then be a good prince and be quiet.” Dick took his soft cock
into his mouth.
“I’m shutting up now.” William moaned and Dick felt him relax
under him.
The sex. The sex between them, the chemistry of their bodies, the
way William smelled, tasted, sounded…that’s what kept Dick happy
and interested. Everyone else he had met was a complete bore in the
Soon Dick could not fit all of William’s cock into his mouth. As
it hardened, he sucked the tip, enjoying the silky skin at the head and
running his tongue underneath. As if inviting more, William bent his
knees to a wide straddle. Dick was on his way between his thighs
anyway. He continued to massage William’s cock while he
enveloped one ball at a time. As he sucked the tender globes, Dick
pushed his nose into William’s skin and inhaled. It was the most
effective aphrodisiac Dick had ever experienced. Even better than
sunshine and coconut oil
. He smiled to himself. The young men think
that all they have to be is young to be attractive to an older man. No.

With Dick it just wasn’t the case. At least not since he had met William. He finished sucking
each testicle and pushed William’s legs back against William’s body, exposing his ass. Dick
chewed the inside of each of William’s thighs as he made his way towards that lovely puckered
rim. William began to writhe as he usually did just before Dick made contact. It was the
anticipation of getting a tongue job that was the fun part.

Dick took his time, gnawing and teething on the soft inner areas of the base of William’s

cock, the tender flap of skin near the root, nuzzling into the gap connecting his balls and thigh to
give long wet laps against the area where testicles met body. A low moan came from William
and Dick felt his cock thicken in his hand. He gave it a nice tug to keep it happy, running his
fingers to the tip to touch the pre-cum he knew would be there. He’d taste that later.

He sat back, running his thumb across William’s rim, massaging the saliva over it.

Another whimper was Dick’s reward. He glanced at William first, giving him an ‘are you
ready?’ smirk. William bit his lower lip like an inexperienced virgin. Dick could only be more
excited at the play act William was so wonderful at.

Dick gave William’s cock another good tug and then used both hands to part William’s

ass. With the tip of his tongue, Dick teased, tickling him. William was going crazy under him.

His own excitement growing with William’s, Dick ground his body against the foot of

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the bed, dying to fuck his man.
He made his tongue like a little hard-on and dipped inside William’s body. William’s
enthusiastic moans became louder.
Dick rode licks from the inside of William’s back passage up the root of his cock to his balls,
beginning to make his own sounds of yearning and delight.
He burrowed in, using his coarse jaw to rub the sensitive areas of William’s groin. Dick had to
refrain from giving him a good sandpaper massage. He had no doubt William would love it, but
also didn’t want William uncomfortable after. He sat back, wiping his mouth on his arm and
returned to taste that leaky slit. William gripped Dick by the hair and fucked his mouth. Dick
loved it. He took William as deep into his throat as he dared, having years of practice, and
pushed his finger inside where his tongue had been. William gave a short gasp, his pre-climax
yelp. The tempo of the thrusting increased as Dick sucked as strongly as he was able. William’s
hips elevated and his entire package went rigid as stone.
Dick closed his eyes and jerked the base of William’s cock as hard and as quickly as he could
and a rush of cum filled Dick’s mouth. The taste of William was as delicious as his scent. Dick
moaned in pleasure as William gave up his seed, swallowing him down and milking him
Before William came down from the high, Dick was about to mount William with just the
saliva as lube, but noticed the lubricating gel was already within reach. He grabbed it, coated his
cock and threw it on the nightstand. While William gasped and rocked on the bed, Dick nearly
bent William in two to gain access. Dick slipped inside him and fucked him like he wanted to be
fucked. He rode William, humping him hungrily while he held William’s legs for leverage. It
took nothing, he was so amped up. Dick came, connecting them on the deepest level two people
could get. He choked on his intake of air as the breath was sucked out of him by the intensity of
the climax. All Dick’s focus was on his pulsating cock inside his man. When the throbbing
slowed, Dick gave one more good thrust and pulled out, releasing William from his contorted
He flopped down face up beside William and caught his breath. As if he were groggy as well,
William moved like a snail, cuddling Dick and resting his dewy cheek on Dick’s chest. Dick held
him close, recovering from the amazing bout.
“I love you. Love you so much.”
“Oh, my prince, more and more every day.” Dick laughed in an exhale of air.
“I’d sleep sticky if I could. I don’t want to move.”
“Me neither.” Dick stared at the ceiling. Each time he made love to William the urge to risk his
life on extreme pursuits subsided. But the emotion was short lived. It lasted just as long as the
lingering tingles in his groin.

Chapter 10

Dick heard William clinking dishes and silverware in the kitchen. They had slept in,

cuddled, then William decided he wanted to shower and make blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Though Dick had plentiful financial funding, he’d never considered domestic help. Yes,

they did have someone who came in once a week and cleaned the serious dirt, but as far as the
daily chores, he wasn’t an invalid. Well, at least not this week.

His family attorney, the same one who had worked with his father, had fought every

greedy grab for his inheritance, and kept the tabloids to a tolerable irritation level, also kept
nagging Dick to name an executor. All his money was already allocated to various charities, but

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who would pull the plug if he needed a plug puller?

He and William had crossed the two year threshold on their relationship. Never in Dick’s

life did he expect to last that long with one man. He didn’t consider assigning a ‘plug-puller’
because he figured if he got that bad he’d simply pull his own plug. That wonderful morphine
drip he had already sampled after the femur fracture could be used in many different ways.

Why do I have such morbid thoughts? He rubbed his eyes and face, knowing he should

get the hell out of bed, shower, and help William in the kitchen.

Truth was, he couldn’t move. Everything ached. As he aged, his back and legs were so

painful in the morning, the urge to never get out of bed was constant. Once he was up, on
painkillers and moving, he was okay. But first thing in the morning? He knew agony.

Though some people may assume he had a high pain tolerance, in reality, he had a low

tolerance. That’s why he took pills to alleviate it.

The scent of bacon and coffee managed to find him. The kitchen wasn’t in the next room,

but he thought maybe the ventilation system brought him the tantalizing aromas.

He couldn’t lie in bed forever. William would call him to eat any minute. Closing his

eyes, Dick imagined sitting up before he actually did it. He cringed at the pain. There was a
reason he either got up before William or stayed in bed until he left. It was rare that he would
allow William to see what shape he really was in. Before Dick could manage to actually move,
he heard William’s footfalls in the hall so he lay still.

William poked his head in. “Any minute. Should I bring you a cup of coffee?”

“No. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Dick forced a smile through his discomfort.
William threw him a kiss and the footsteps receded.
Visions of the vial and the meds within became his driving force. Dick took a deep inhale and
sat up, holding his chest and moving his legs to drop over the side of the bed. He used the
nightstand to help him to his feet, feeling like a feeble old man.
Once he was upright, he managed slightly better. He walked slowly to the bathroom, opened the
medicine chest and dumped three pills into his hand. They were big so he swallowed two then
one, his mouth under the running water. He braced his hands on the sink and looked at himself in
the mirror. In his opinion, his looks had faded. He appeared worn and broken. Coaxing the
painkillers to work so he could act like he wasn’t in agony, Dick managed to brush his teeth and
shave, trying to look at least halfway presentable.
Dick straightened out his features. “Sorry. I just wanted to wash up.”
“It’s warming in the oven. Go ahead and shower. It’s okay.” William was studying him. Dick
knew the look. Did you take a pill or didn’t you?
“I’ll shower after. No sense in waiting.” He took his robe from the back of the bathroom door
and put it on, all the while knowing William was still undetermined in the answer to that
question. Dick did his best not to snap at him. Instead he faked a smile and gestured for William
to lead the way.
William’s cordial expression fell as Dick followed him to the kitchen. You already took them,
didn’t you?
He knew. Dick was an addict. Addicts hide their addiction. It was turning into a
nasty game, and William didn’t know if he could deal with it.
Dick sat at the kitchen table, thumbing through the morning paper that William had placed there
for him.
No, he wasn’t Dick’s servant, not by a long shot, but William enjoyed cooking. Dick did as

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well. There was no inequity in this household.
He poured Dick a cup of coffee, then used potholders to remove two plates he had prepared,
from the oven. He set them down on the table and went back for the maple syrup he had warmed.
“Anything else?” William asked before he sat.
“It looks perfect. Thank you.” Dick pushed the paper aside and stirred milk into his coffee cup.
“Look, I was thinking…”
William ate a slice of bacon, daydreaming about Dick offering to go to a rehab clinic on his
own. Maybe he needed an intervention.
“Would you be the one to pull my plug?”
William stopped chewing and nearly choked before he swallowed. “What?”
“I need someone to be named to pull the plug. You know…when I finally screw up badly
enough to be on life support.”
Shocked didn’t even begin to explain how William felt. He placed the half slice of bacon on his
plate and wiped his hands. “Why are you asking me this?”
“Because we just had our two year anniversary. I never thought I’d be with someone this long,
and well…” Dick poured maple syrup on the pancakes. While William gaped, Dick took a bite.
“Wow. Better than the ones I had at the restaurant, prince.”
William waved his hands in a gesture of go back. “Don’t change the subject.”
“I didn’t. I just told you the food was good.” Dick continued eating. “So, you don’t want to pull
my plug. Fine. Just say so.”
William rested his elbows on the table and gave Dick a look of exasperation. “I don’t want you
“Prince, that’s not reality.” Dick smiled as if what they were talking about were funny. He
devoured a crispy slice of bacon and sipped his coffee.
“Fine.” He threw up his hands. “I’ll pull your fucking plug.”
“Mm. That sounds sexy. Pull my man-plug.”
William knew Dick had no one else to ask. “Can’t you just have a ‘do not resuscitate’ clause?”
“I do. Why? Is doing it so terrible? Putting me out of my goddamn misery? We euthanize pets,
for crying out loud. We call that humane.”
“Don’t start on this as if we have opposing thoughts. I’m all for assisted suicide.”
“Good. I’ll have my attorney draw up the paperwork.”
“Now I’m sick to my stomach.” William rubbed his belly.
“Don’t be. I’ll pay you handsomely for the deed.”
He glared at Dick.
“Joking.” Dick held up his hand. “Damn. Where did you learn to make pancakes this good?”
“All I did was add frozen blueberries to a pancake mix.” William tried to continue eating.
“Shit. I have to try that.”
William drank more coffee, struggling not to be furious. And when he thought about it, he
didn’t know who he was furious with. God? For the possibility of taking Dick away from him
one day?
William glanced at Dick through watery eyes.
Dick smiled sweetly at him, puckering his lips as if for a kiss. ~
After breakfast William offered to clear up while Dick showered. The painkillers took some of
the edge off his aching body.

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He hung his robe and turned on the water in the shower. As it heated, Dick glanced at the
medicine cabinet, tempted to take one more. He resisted the urge and stepped into the tub.
While he was shampooing his hair, he felt a gust of air and assumed he had company. “Yes?”
The sliding door opened and William peered in. “Don’t die. Okay?”
“Prince…” Dick gave him a scolding look, rinsing under the water. “We all die.”
“Yeah, but how about after our fiftieth anniversary instead of talking about it after our second?”
“Would you miss me if I were gone?” Dick shut off the water and opened the door wider.
“Yes, you goddamn egomaniac.” William handed him a towel.
“You can still live here. I’ll leave you the house.” Dick rubbed the towel over his head. He was
teasing William, but dead serious at the same time.
“You really think it’s all about the material things with us?”
“No. That’s what I like most about you. You couldn’t give a shit if we lived out of a box under
the freeway.”
“Well, let’s not get too crazy.” William chuckled, standing back to allow Dick to get out of the
It was awkward for Dick though it shouldn’t have been. He had no idea why he was so sore
today. In truth, by the time he and William were together, it was usually evening, after Dick had
enough booze and pills in him to feel ‘no pain’. Most weekends Dick had a steady stream of
plans, usually forty-eight hours of windsurfing, racing, parasailing…
The thought of showing William just how stiff and old he was killed Dick. And he wanted
another pill. He wrapped the towel around his hips and tried to think on his feet. “Hey, why don’t
you grab the entertainment section of the paper and see if there’re any good films playing?”
The ruse worked. In reality, Dick couldn’t sit in the same spot for two hours without being in
agony. He made sure William had left the bedroom as well and held the wall as he climbed out
of the tub. Once he was standing, he quickly opened the cabinet, and swallowed another pill,
seeing his supply dwindling.
He covered his tracks and finished drying. By the time he had managed to get his briefs and
jeans on, William returned, reading the paper as he walked in.
“Christ, the selection is dismal.”
“I figured.” Dick pulled a shirt off a hanger and put it on. “We don’t have to spend the day
together. You can call Rocky or something.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” William folded the paper and stuck it under his arm.
“No. But I figured you may want options.” He tucked in his shirt.
“If I had my way, I’d spend more time with you, not less. This is the first Saturday morning
we’ve had a leisurely sleep in and breakfast since…” William exaggerated thinking, “since I
don’t know when.”
“The secret to a good marriage is spending time apart.” Dick pocketed his keys and wallet,
checking his cell phone.
“Is that meant to be a joke?”
“Yes and no.” Dick kissed William’s nose as he passed, dying for booze because the pain meds
weren’t doing it this morning. And he needed a refill. The last thing he wanted was to go to the
pharmacy with William sneering in disapproval.
William followed Dick down the hall. “Seriously? You’re going somewhere without me?”
Dick began to get annoyed. He spun on his heels and asked, “Fine. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. But I want to do it with you.”

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Dick continued to the garage. “You sound like a clinging wife.”
He slammed the newspaper on the table and shouted, “Fine!”
Dick slipped his shoes on, trying not to wince in pain. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Don’t bother.”
“Prince. Don’t be like that.” Dick held his car keys.
“Fuck off.” He left the room.
Making his way to his car, Dick was literally dying of pain. He sat behind the wheel, knowing
he was impaired from the drugs, but he’d driven worse. He headed to the pharmacy first, then he
would prop himself up at a beachfront bar.
William was fuming. He paced, threw a silent fit and stared out of the front window as the
Ferrari vanished.
Thoughts of Dick having another lover surfaced, but William trusted him. No. What was it? Did
his company revolt the man unless it was in small increments?
He picked up the phone thinking about calling a friend, but instead he called his mom. After all,
they had just spent a great day and evening together the day before. Maybe his mother could tell
him what the hell he had done wrong.
Sitting in a beachfront café, Dick had the new bottle of pills in his shirt pocket. He ordered
pineapple juice and vodka and swallowed another tablet. Finally feeling numb, he stared at the
waves and began to think dark thoughts. Oh, prince, you may need me around for the next
forty-eight years, but I can’t stand the pain much longer
Shifting on the chair so the pressure was off his right hip and leg, the one with the metal plate in
it, Dick took out his phone, feeling very guilty. Before he dialed approached him.
“Hi, Dick.”
He looked over his shoulder screwed ‘pre-William’. “Go away, Caleb.”
“Buy a rent boy a drink?”
Dick turned his back to him and called William.
“What?” William answered.
“You have a right to be mad.”
“What did I do to you, Dick? Why did you treat me like shit?”
Dick flinched from William’s defensive anger. “Take a taxi to the Beach Front restaurant.”
“A taxi? Why?”
“Prince…” Dick pleaded.
“I get it. See you soon.”
He put the phone back into his pocket and spotted the young man staring from the bar. Even
though Dick turned away, he could sense the man closing in on him again.
“Hey, sexy. I can buy my own drink. But can I keep you company?”
“Since when are you a ‘rent boy’?”
“I was joking. I’m an escort.”
“I’m sorry to inform you it’s the same thing. A whore.”
The young man dragged a chair to sit with him. “I never would charge you.”
“Caleb…go away.” Dick finished his drink to the ice.
“I’ll get you another.”
Before he could stop him, Caleb was at the bar speaking to the bartender, pointing towards

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William’s number, someone
at another young man he had

Dick figured it would take William the better part of

forty-five minutes getting a taxi and arriving. Trying to find peace, he stared beyond the
beautiful white sand at the waves.

“Here you go, gorgeous.” Caleb placed a fresh glass of pineapple and vodka in front of

Dick, holding something colorful with a skewer of fruit in it for himself.

Once Caleb was sitting, he scooted close enough to press his knees against Dick’s leg.

“You never called after we did it.”
“I never do.”
“But it was so incredible.”
“Thanks for the compliment.” Dick sipped the new drink, using the stir stick to mix it.
“Rumor is you fell in love.”
“Finally, gossip that’s true.” Dick felt Caleb caress his hair. He glanced over at him. “You
won’t get my cock again.”
“I don’t care.” Caleb pouted his full lips.
“Sure ya don’t.”
“If you’re so in love, where is he? I never see anything about him in the celebrity magazines.
Who is he?”
“Hang around long enough and you’ll meet him,” Dick mumbled under his breath.
“What? I didn’t hear what you said.”
“I said, thanks for the drink, goodbye.”
“Can I give you my number in case you change your mind?”
Dick spun around physically to make his point clear. A photographer was in the background,
taking their picture. “It’s useless.” Dick faced the ocean again and drank more alcohol.
“Kiss goodbye?”
“Kiss my ass.”
“Anytime, Dick.”
“I mean, go away.”
“Okay, handsome. But here’s my card anyway.”
Dick felt something go into his shirt pocket but didn’t move. He was toast now. No more pain.
But his brain was gone as well. He couldn’t drive if he wanted to. Is this how it will be now?
More pain every day? More pills and booze to get me out of hell?
If it is, I can’t live this way.

A taxi? Great. I should at least be happy he knows better than to drive drunk. Is this the way it’s
going to be? If it is, I can’t live this way.

The cab pulled in front of the restaurant. William leaned over the front seat and handed the
driver forty dollars. “Keep the change.”
There was no way to adjust his attitude this time. William controlled himself enough to not slam
the car door. He stormed into the lobby of the establishment and looked around. Just as the host
was going to greet him, William said, “I got it. Thanks.” He made a direct line to Dick who was
facing the ocean, a glass near him containing nothing but melting ice.
He sat down across from him but Dick didn’t meet his eyes.
The waiter approached. “Can I get you anything, sir?”
“Coffee, please.”

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“Very good.”
When the waiter left, William said, “I don’t even deserve a hello?” As Dick met his eyes,
William began to realize how out of it he was. “How many drinks did you have?”
Dick didn’t reply.
“And pills?” William’s anger turned to worry. “Do I need to get you to the hospital to get your
stomach pumped?”
“Jesus, Dick. Is this it from now on? What will you do on the days I can’t pick you up? Drive
completely shitfaced?”
As if he were unable to bear the lecture, Dick began to stand from the table. William watched
him struggle and couldn’t decide if it was pain or intoxication, or both.
Dick nearly knocked over the chair, making it shift on the wood floor noisily as he managed to
walk to the exit. William approached the waiter as he stood by the counter getting his coffee.
“Has Mr. Hunt paid his bill?”
“Yes, sir.”
William reached for his wallet. “Let me pay you for the coffee.”
“No need.” The waiter appeared very sympathetic.
Nodding, William hurried to catch up to Dick. He met him approaching his car in the lot.
William took the key out of his hand and opened the passenger’s door for him. Seeing Dick
cringe in real pain made William’s fury evaporate.
He rushed around to the driver’s side and sat behind the wheel. “I’m taking you to the ER.”
“There’s nothing they can do.”
“Then I’ll get you home.” William started the car and before he backed out, he helped Dick
with his seatbelt. “Talk to me! Is it the pain? Depression? What?”
“Pain.” Dick winced and tried to stretch his bad leg.
Near tears, William backed out of the spot. “You don’t tell me how bad it is.”
As he drove, he asked, “How long? Huh? How long has it been this bad?”
“Not too long.” Dick rubbed his face in both hands.
“Do you feel sick?”
“I’m not going to puke, no.”
William grabbed Dick’s hand and held it tight. He was so upset he was holding back a flood of
tears. “Am I that much of a moron? Huh, Dick? You can’t tell me?”
Dick faced the passenger’s window as if he needed peace. William shut up, but he was frantic.
He pulled into the garage and rushed to help Dick. He gripped his arm and Dick jerked out of
his grasp. “I’m not a fucking invalid!”
He backed off. All William could do was offer help, but in reality he was helpless. But he
couldn’t sit back and see the man he loved in terrible pain.
Dick steadied himself on the doorframe as he entered. He walked past the beeping alarm so
William put in the code. He didn’t know what to do. If he helped Dick, he would be chastised, if
he did nothing he would be angry at himself.
He followed at a distance.
Dick took a vial out of his pocket and shook a pill into his palm. A card floated to the floor. As
Dick poured tap water into a glass, William crouched down for the card. “Caleb Starr? Escort
“Another Mrs. Hunt wannabe.”

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“If I ask you how many pills you’ve taken today will you bite my head off?”
“I’d tell you I don’t know. Six?” Dick left the room in the direction of the bedroom.
He threw out the card after ripping it in half. William stayed behind in the kitchen. This was out
of his league. Nurturing he could do. Nursemaid? Concerned partner? Yes. But acting like a
stranger? Sitting back and doing nothing? No. That was too much to ask.
Risking a fit of rage, William walked down the hall. Seeing Dick trying to take off his lower
half of clothing while in agony was killing him. “Please, let me help.”
“I can take off my own fucking clothing!” Dick roared so loudly William cowered.
Unable to stand it, William left the room, covering his eyes as he cried.
Dick held his breath as he struggled to remove one pant leg at a time. Never had the pain been
this bad and he had no idea what he had done to trigger it. He nearly fell to the bed from the
discomfort and managed to strip off everything but his briefs. He gingerly covered himself and
tried to find a position on the mattress that did not aggravate his body. It didn’t take long with the
alcohol and the painkillers, he fell asleep.

Chapter 11

William felt as if he was sitting vigil at Dick’s death bed. This is how it will be. It wasn’t even
one in the afternoon and Dick was sleeping deeply. William had no idea how much of the lethal
combination of pain pills and alcohol Dick could take before he would OD and slip into a coma.
But Dick had taken Vicodin for so long, his body obviously was becoming immune to its
benefits. If William could, he’d recommend seeing his doctor, getting possibly a different type of
medication, one he didn’t have to overdose on to feel the effect.

But he knew what Dick’s reaction would be.

And inevitably, William knew Dick secretly wanted to die. Numb, as if he were the one out of it
on too many chemicals,
William rode the emotional waves between hysterical tears and staunch resignation.


was no mystery to Dick Hunt. His life was an open celebrity magazine. Everyone called him
reckless, a daredevil, living life on the edge.

William had no doubt the youthful suitor from the café would be the next photographed

young stud, labeled as Dick’s latest fuck. It happened weekly, at least. Or more. Wherever Dick
went without him, men seemed to find him. Some past liaisons, others wishing they could be.
Still others wanting cash handouts.

That inheritance had become an albatross around Dick’s neck. Maybe it always had been.

William couldn’t get anything out of Dick regarding it. Everything William knew, he had read.
So he didn’t know whether to believe a word. Did it matter? He loved the man, not his money.
But the human part of Dick was in agony. Yes, we put down animals in pain.

William teared up again remembering breakfast and Dick asking him to pull the plug. No.

Not yet. Not until you have gone years trying to fix this.

William didn’t know what needed fixing. Was it his leg? His back? His internal injuries?

The man was a living autopsy corpse. Every part of him had been opened up or inspected.

His phone vibrated. William hopped off the bed and hurried out of the room so he didn’t

wake Dick. “Hello?”
“Have you heard from him yet?”
“Mom.” William walked farther from the bedroom doorway. “Yes. He called me to come get
him. He was out of it on painkillers and booze.”

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“Oh, William. I am so sorry.”
“He’s in pain. So much pain.” William rubbed his forehead and tried to keep his voice from
quivering. “I had no idea. This must be something new. I don’t remember him this bad even a
couple days ago.”
“He didn’t say anything Friday.”
“He never does. He’s good at pretending he’s okay.” William glanced back at the doorway. The
last thing he wanted was for Dick to overhear. “He won’t let me help him. Mom, he’s in agony.”
“Why? William, if it’s appendicitis or something he needs to go to the hospital now.”
“I don’t think that’s it. It’s an injury. He’s been in so many accidents. Did I tell you he once
fractured his femur and has a plate in his leg?”
“No. How awful. Is that what’s causing the pain?”
“I don’t know. He’s so defensive, he won’t tell me. He thinks he’ll be less of a man.”
“That’s Dick. You knew that coming into the relationship.”
“I still can’t sit by and do nothing.”
“What can I do?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he’d listen to you.”
“Do you want me to come over?”
“No. He’s sound asleep. Let me think about it.”
“You know I’ll do what I can.”
“I know.” He paused and neither spoke, then he said, “Okay. Let me go. I’ll keep you up to
William disconnected the call. Before he returned to the bedroom, someone was sending him
something via his phone. He stopped to see it. Rocky emailed the latest picture of Dick sitting at
the restaurant with the male escort. William text him, ‘stop sending me those things, plz’. He
turned off the phone and headed back to the bedroom. Dick’s eyes were open a slit.
William was torn as to what to do. “Can I get you something?”
“Water, please?”
William nodded and walked to the kitchen.
Dick felt hung-over from the meds and exhausted. When William returned with a bottle of
water, he scooted up slowly against the headboard and took it. “Thanks, prince.” He drank nearly
the entire bottle.
“Are you hungry?”
“Ironically, yes.” Dick shifted his legs, rubbing the inside of his thigh where the metal plate was
“Is that it? The leg?”
“Mostly. But, Christ, Prince Charming, I’m a bag of fractured bones.”
“Stop.” William sat beside him. “I love my bag of bones.”
“You can do better than me, you know. When you leave, I’ll take good care of you.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“I want you to do better than this.” Dick gestured to himself. “You don’t need to care for
someone in a wheelchair and diapers yet.”
“Jesus. You’re far from that. Will you let up on yourself?”
“I suppose that’s the problem.” Dick finished the water and set the empty plastic bottle on the
side table. “I never let up.”

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“Maybe now’s the time.”
“I’d sooner die.”
“How about a break? A week to not jump out of planes or ski?”
Dick made a sour face. “Put me out of my misery, prince. Pretend I’m a German Shepherd.
Have a heart.”
“You haven’t even explored any options yet. Other than Vicodin and booze.”
“Here we go. Lecture time.” Dick shifted on the bed, trying to get comfortable.
“Is every conversation a lecture in your eyes?”
“If it’s about my injuries or my intake of pills, yes.” Dick checked the time. “Please don’t tell
me that says one in the afternoon.”
“Yes. Why?”
“I was hoping I would sleep until tomorrow morning.”
“Oh well. Can you come to the kitchen for a sandwich or do you want me to bring something
“I can get up. I don’t need a wheelchair yet.” Dick thought about the idea of standing. He
craved a painkiller but knew asking William to get him one wouldn’t go over well.
William stood, headed to the bathroom and returned with Dick’s robe, tossing it on the bed.
Dick moved the blanket away from his legs. He knew William was dying to offer to help. And
sleeping had alleviated some of the pain. Using his arms, Dick scooted so his legs made it to the
floor. He waited to see how much pain he was in. Not bad. He put pressure on his feet. He was
still pretty good. With William watching Dick was loath to use something to help him up. He
glanced at the nightstand. “Oh, just give me your fucking hand, will you?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” William reached out.
Dick gripped it and stood. He waited for agony. He was okay. He rocked his weight side to side.
“I’ll try to put the jeans on.”
He knew, just knew, William was about to say, no, put on your robe. But the man seemed to
understand when to shut up. Dick picked up his pants and put them on.
“You will let me know if you’re going to pass out, right?”
“If I can. But to be honest…” Dick stared William right in the eyes. “I mean honest as fuck.”
Dick tugged his pants up. “I’m better than earlier.”
“You look better. Of course you’re not toasted on pills and booze.”
“Eh!” Dick wagged a warning finger.
William pretended to lock his mouth with a key.
He put on his shirt and still wasn’t doing too badly. “Okay. Ready to eat. What’s on the menu,
“I know we have deli meats, coleslaw, and potato salad. I just don’t know what else.”
“Where did we get them from?” Dick followed William out of the room.
“I bought them.”
“How old are they?”
“Old!” William teased, “Old, moldy and green.”
“You just described me.” Dick leaned against the counter, not wanting to sit just yet. It felt
pretty good to stand.
“You really are a dork.” William shook his head as he inspected the contents of the refrigerator.
“Do you think Caleb Starr would want to fuck you if you were old and moldy?”
“He’d fuck anything with a wallet.” Dick chuckled at the way William said Caleb’s last name. It
was so obviously made up. He took a peek at the selection. Freshly sliced turkey and ham, thinly

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sliced Swiss cheese, and a selection of cold salads were presented on the counter. Dick ate a slice
of the cheese. “You got taste, kid.”
“I know.” William winked at Dick.
“Come here.”
William wiped his hands on a dish towel and rested his body against Dick’s. Dick pecked his
lips and hugged him.
They didn’t say their thoughts but Dick knew William well enough to know them, so he
answered them in his head. Okay, I’ll hang out for a bit longer. But only for you.
William gave Dick’s crotch a squeeze before he went back to making sandwiches. “You must
feel better. You have a nice woodie.”
“For some reason that never aches.” Dick stole a slice of turkey and stuffed it into his mouth.
“It aches for my love,” William said dramatically.
“And your ass.”
“Mayo or mustard.”
“Yes. Live dangerously.”
William gave Dick a look. The look of the obvious.
Living dangerously. Yes, it’s what he did best.
William was easily entertained by relaxing, reading a magazine or the newspaper, but Dick
wasn’t. By evening he was pacing like a caged mountain lion in a sideshow zoo.
The fact that Dick wasn’t bedridden suddenly gave him carte blanche to go out. William knew
that other than binding and gagging the man, which Dick may enjoy on some level, you could
not stop him from playing.
“You sure you feel up to going out?”
“You ask me one more time and I’ll spank you.” Dick brushed his hair and tossed the brush on
the sink vanity.
“You were on your death bed this morning.”
“I’m not now. I feel pretty good.”
“How many pills did you take?” William knew he was walking dangerous ground.
And predictably Dick went on the defense. He pointed a finger into William’s face. “None since
earlier. But if you nag, I’ll swallow one.”
“Swallow this.” William grabbed his cock in a tease.
Dick’s eyes brightened. He shoved William to the bed and made him fall back onto it.
“I was joking.”
“So you don’t want me to taste your delicious elixir?” Dick licked his lips.
“I’ve never had it referred to that way.”
“No one has commented on how incredible your cum tastes?”
“No.” William leaned up on his elbows.
“Huh.” Dick put on his shoes, appearing to be pain free temporarily.
“Like, a lot better than other guys’?” William stood, assuming the temptation of going out
outweighed the sweetness of his cum.
“Prince…” Dick made a face of ecstasy.
“Really?” William put his wallet and phone into his pocket. “Huh.”
“That’s my dessert.”

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“I’m driving.” He dangled his keys in front of Dick.
“Oh, hell yeah you are.” Dick laughed. “Later.” He thrust his hips out seductively.
“You do feel that much better now? You’re not just pushing yourself?” William trailed him to
the garage.
“I wouldn’t be able to move if I didn’t. You saw me.” Dick shut off lights as he went.
“Yes, but that was only seven hours ago. You act as if you’re out of the woods.”
Dick’s sweet countenance changed. “If I don’t enjoy myself while I’m feeling good, what do
you suggest? Sit around and wait ‘til the next episode of agony?”
“That’s one line of thinking.” William put in the security code and shut the door behind him
while Dick opened the garage door with a button on the wall.
“You want to take the Ferrari?”
“No. That thing has way too much power.”
Dick grunted like Tim Taylor of Home Improvement.
“Get in the car.” William opened his door of his BMW and sat behind the wheel. “As I was
“Were you still going on about something? Sheesh. You’re like a nagging wife.”
“Excuse me?” William started the engine and backed out.
“Yes, dear. Yes, dear. Please, finish your thoughts on my health, dear.”
“I just think you may need more than a nap to keep feeling good. That’s it.”
“I need to be euthanized.”
“I wish you’d stop saying that.”
“And I wish you’d accept reality.”
William bit his lip on the topic. Reality sucked.
He was directed to a restaurant-night club. William wasn’t a big fan of loud music during or
after dinner. Anything that made him shout to communicate was annoying, not entertaining.
Dick, however, loved ‘the scene’, often being spotted under the flickering lights with three or
four young men fawning over him.
A valet parked William’s BMW for them. The only reason William didn’t argue about the issue
was the fact that he had no idea if walking a few blocks would flare up Dick’s pain. He made a
decision to go with the flow. He would not criticize Dick, nor cramp his style. William knew a
major reason he and Dick did not spend much time in these types of clubs together was
William’s abhorrence to it. The quiet life had always been William’s priority.
At times he was smacked with the notion that he and Dick were indeed The Odd Couple.
The doorman recognized Dick immediately and gave William a once over. William imagined he
was probably ten years older than the men who stalked Dick. There was no way of knowing who
was truly aware Dick was off the market and living with him in a committed relationship, and
who believed the tabloid press and assumed millionaire Hunt was still screwing a different boy
toy a night.
I don’t care.
And he didn’t.
A man in a dark suit, possibly the host or manager fell all over himself to show Dick to a
suitable table. William lagged behind and observed the occupants’ reactions as Mr. Hunt
appeared in the flesh. As he glanced around the distracting flickering lights and cringed at the
volume of electronic pop music, William spotted more than a few reality show celebrities, or
pseudo-B-List members as he referred to them. Ironically they were the ones pointing at Dick as
if he were the biggest dog in the room.

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Dick Hunt, a man who had never acted in film, stage, or even a commercial, had done nothing
notable in life other than being born to a generation who had built a dynasty in the industrial
revolution. Richard Hunt III, famous for nothing, infamous for everything.
Only William, Dick’s attorney, and Dick’s CPA knew of his philanthropic deeds. And Dick
would have it no other way. William was certain a part of Dick loved the bad boy image, for he
did everything to maintain it.
In the noise William couldn’t hear a thing being discussed between Dick and the host. The man
in the suit smiled, nodded, and made eye contact finally with William.
Yes! I exist! William sat on a couch loaded with oversized pillows, facing the dance floor and the
wildly attired DJ.
“I ordered you a bottle of your favorite wine.” Dick rested his arms on the back of the sofa,
appearing very at home in the chaos.
“Okay.” William couldn’t complain. He promised himself he wouldn’t.
Without asking for it, trays of food were set before them on a low table; caviar, foie gras, fresh
berries, kiwi, and pomegranates, stilton blue, provolone, baked brie, gourmet spreads, dips, and
seeded crackers and bread.
A bottle of wine was uncorked for William and a sample was offered. Meanwhile Dick had a
personal tender, loitering beside the sofa, shaking up vodkatinis for him as he sucked them down.
William sipped the wine and nodded. Of course it was splendid. He was starving because they
hadn’t eaten since the deli sandwich for lunch. William dove in, sampling everything.
He knew it would be too loud to talk to Dick, but perhaps that’s what Dick wanted. To veg out
in front of the dance floor the way William sometimes did in front of the television when he was
tired of working.
It didn’t take long for young men to get wind of who had arrived. Who did they think William
was? Dick’s butler? His brother?
Though William assumed Dick’s admirers were at least twentyone to be inside the club, some
of the boys looked just like…boys— hungry for a daddy.
Dick didn’t flirt back. As William barely sipped the expensive wine with no intention of even
getting a head buzz since he was the designated driver, he devoured the caviar and cheese.
He read the annoyance clearly on Dick’s face at the persistence of the young men. Yet the studs
ignored Dick’s expression of disdain and the fact that he had indeed brought a partner. The
hovering males took turns whispering into Dick’s ear. William could only imagine the
propositions. Not to mention, they continued to touch Dick.
One had the audacity to sit on Dick’s lap, like he was Santa, and use his mobile phone to record
the event.
Dick pushed the young man off and held his glass up for a refill.
Holy shit. William didn’t know how Dick tolerated it. His personal space and privacy was
violated continuously.
Then it occurred to him. Dick loved this attention or why would he choose this type of club? It
was all part of the mystique that had become Dick Hunt. Being photographed with young lithe
boys, driving a fire engine red race car, wildly risking his life in extreme sports… Dick wanted
to go out the legend. The Rebel Without a Cause, James Dean of his time. Being remembered as
the playboy who lived life to the fullest was Dick’s idea of the perfect legacy.
With tacit tolerance, William held no spite, no regrets. Dick was his, exclusively. There was
never a doubt of his fidelity in William’s mind.
From day one of their meeting at the fundraiser, William comprehended the attraction for this

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crazy man. Oh yes, he knew. He too had fallen prey.
It just never occurred to him two years later with Dick being his loyal, loving partner, that Dick
would not grow out of it.
William put his hand on Dick’s leg. Claiming him? Maybe.
Dick finally acknowledged him. He leaned closer and William realized it was to kiss him. When
their lips touched, William expected a short affectionate peck. Dick had other ideas.
Dick’s hand in his hair, he drew William into a deeper kiss, opening his mouth and exploring.
William could imagine the reactions of the jealous young boys, the fascination of the women,
and the excitement of the crowd to hold up their phones and get it on film.
Dick parted from William’s lips and caressed his hair. He asked, “You enjoying this?”
“I am now.” William wedged his fingers between Dick’s thighs.
“How’s the food?”
“To die for.”
“Which cheese do you recommend?”
“All of them.” William placed a wedge of stilton blue on a cracker, topped it with caviar, and
fed Dick. He nodded in agreement and sipped more of his drink. “Since you’re driving, will you
give me hell if I get drunk?”
“No. Enjoy yourself.” In the noise they had to press their mouths against each other’s ear.
“You are my prince.”
William wondered if Dick assumed he would cramp his style. Perhaps Dick thought William
would act the part of the jealous lover, or whine he wasn’t having fun. No, William would not
choose this as his leisure activity, but for Dick? Anything.
As Dick relaxed again, his legs fell to a wide straddle which gave William the urge to cup his
cock, very badly.
He wondered if Dick’s hectic lifestyle was the rise before the fall. Dick constantly brushed
elbows with the Grim Reaper. If William knew he would only have a short time left on earth,
wouldn’t he behave the same way? Burn that candle at both ends? Get the most out of what you
have left?
Dick had to admit he was surprised at how well William was handling the club. Since Dick was
seventeen he had explored the wild side of LA’s nightlife. His name was his ticket to underage
drinking, ample amounts of cocaine, and a multitude of other recreational drugs.

Back in the 90s Dick’s father’s chauffeur had parked in front of a club with Rue Paul’s

Supermodel being pumped out of the speakers for the line of people waiting to get in. The
moment he stepped onto the sidewalk, the bouncer opened the rope and waved him inside.

Even at seventeen, he had already developed a swagger and attitude. His shirt was open

to his navel, his pants were skin tight, and he wanted cock. Cock, booze, and drugs.

The owner knew Dick was underage and always had a legion of paparazzi documenting

his antics. Because of that fact, Dick was ushered into a ‘backdoor’ room—private, for the
‘elite’. Cocaine was available in narrow white lines on octagonal shaped mirrors while scantily
dressed women amused the male clientele. Dick didn’t want tits and pussy. He wanted men.

He signaled the employee who was obviously in charge of attending every wish of the

special guests. Dick flapped a wad of cash at him. “Get me a hot cock and make sure it’s
attached to something incredible.”
“Right away, Mr. Hunt.”

Dick shoved a woman away with a straight arm to her chest. “Get

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the fuck away from me.” She backed up quickly and seduced another guest.

Dick threw a shot of tequila down his neck and snorted a line of coke. When he glanced

up someone was coming into the small pleasure oasis. A man so incredible Dick’s mouth
watered. The hunk with movie-star looks gazed sensuously at Dick and smiled.

Maybe the stunning man was twenty, twenty-five, who knew? But Dick wanted him. Was

it his first cock? No. He’d managed to enjoy some of the other boys in his private, all-male
schools. But this would be his oldest conquest. And with this stallion, there would be no first
time timid attempts or awkward moments where they didn’t know what to do to each other.

Dick had a strong hunch this man knew gay sex. He shot one more glass of booze down

and spread his legs while he sat on a velour couch.

The man craned his finger.

Dick couldn’t fly to him fast enough. His hand was held and he was led to a room, small but
equipped with a bed and a sink. Not to mention it was loaded with condoms, lube, and toys. The
‘sex room’ in the club. Possibly one of many.
“What’s your pleasure, Mr. Hunt?”
“Fuck!” Dick ran his hands down the man’s chest. “You. You in me, me in you, both?”
Dick’s face was cupped, urged to this model’s lips. Dick nearly came in his pants. He tore open
the man’s zipper to feel his cock. They both paused to have a look.
The size and shape of the man’s penis was perfect. Dick brushed his cheek against the man’s
body as he knelt in front of him.
“I was going to do that for you, Mr. Hunt.”
Dick felt the man running his fingers through his hair affectionately. “You will. I assume you’ll
do anything I want.”
“You assume correctly. But it’s my pleasure.”
Dick held the base of the man’s cock. “And you’re paid to flatter me, so don’t bother.”
He knelt down, mirroring Dick’s position on the floor. Holding his jaw, the man said, “You
gorgeous boy, you will have hundreds of men of all ages begging for your attention.”
“Yeah. Cash does that.”
“Not for the money. Maybe some, yes. But…” He caressed Dick’s face and Dick actually
thought the man was being honest. “For your beauty. Your charm. Not just for the money.”
“Sure. Like you’re not being paid.”
The man reached into his pocket, took out his wallet and returned the cash.
Dick was stunned.
His cheek was caressed as if he were an angel and then he was kissed. With gentle coaxing,
Dick lay on the cushions which were strewn all over the floor. He closed his eyes and went into a
state of bliss as he was serviced, sucked, fucked and touched like he had never been in his life.
“Do you want another bite of cheese?” William asked.

Dick blinked and brought his focus

onto William’s expression of adoration and care. To Dick’s recollection, it was only the second
time he had a man look at him that way. And to this day, Dick never knew the name of the male
model who made love to him at the club when he was seventeen.
“Yes. Please.”

“Try the provolone. It’s to die for.” William placed a slice on a cracker

and fed him.
“Mm.” Dick moaned as he chewed. “It’s incredible.” He glanced at the gyrating hips of the
young people on the dance floor. Three fucking years away from forty. Do you really want to be
in this scene anymore? You must appear to be an old fool. A dirty old man drooling over twinks.

Dick signaled the man who was in constant attendance for his drinks. “Pack this up for me, will

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“My pleasure, Mr. Hunt.”
William tilted his head curiously, simply because there was no way he could hear in the noise.
Another man approached, using containers to fill with the delicacies. Still William kept silent,
Once the gourmet spread and the rest of William’s cabernet were made ready to go, Dick stood,
handing the host a nice thick wad of bills. The man bowed and Dick and William were escorted
to the door. The same man who had packed the food stood beside them as William’s car was
brought to the front of the club by the valet.
It wasn’t until William was driving off, the white bags of food in the back seat, that he asked,
“What made you want to leave?”
“Don’t head home. Turn right here.” Dick directed William as he drove. In a half hour they
arrived at a lookout point high above the ocean. He told William to pull off and park. They faced
the cresting dark waves of the sea as Dick brought the bag of treats to the front seat. He held a
slice of kiwi up to William’s lips.
William ate it, grinning. “This is much nicer.”
“It is.” Dick handed him the wine and removed two plastic wine glasses from the bag. He filled
them. “To us.”
“To us.” William tapped Dick’s glass. “If I ask why you wanted to leave so quickly, will you
snap my head off?”
Dick smiled sadly at William’s fear of reprimand. “Maybe I’m getting too old for the party
“No!” William appeared genuinely shocked.
“Yes!” Dick mimicked him in a tease. “Come on. You were humoring me. I felt like grandpa in
there. There wasn’t a kid over twenty-five in that place.”
William dug into the food bag and bit into a strawberry. “You don’t have to go to that particular
place. There must be clubs that cater to a slightly more mature clientele.”
“True. You want to hear the best of the 70s and 80s?” Dick made a silly face of repugnance.
“Stare at the geriatrics trying to do the rumba with their hip replacements and walkers?”
“Jesus. Everything is an extreme with you.”
“Truth hurts. I know.”
Turning so he could lean his elbow on the seatback, William rested his head on his hand. “So?
Peter Pan is willing to grow up?”
“Growing up is optional. Growing old is mandatory.”
“True.” William smiled. “Now that I kissed you in public, will I be your next tabloid conquest?”
“Nope. You’re too old. They would never bother. Who cares if Dick Hunt dates a man close to
his own age? That’s not newsworthy.”
“I expect the few little boys who made advances will be the next front page spread.”
“Count on it.” Dick dug through the bag, removing the chunk of provolone. “This cheese is
unbelievable. But I think I’ll explode if I eat anymore.” He nibbled a piece he broke off the
corner. “God, that’s heavenly.”
William gestured to the windshield and its dark view of the ocean. “We could make out. After
all, isn’t this why you took me to such a romantic spot?”
“I do love the way you think sometimes.” Dick packed the food and put the bag in the back seat.
“Come here, Prince Charming.”
William leaned over the console and embraced him, wrapping his arms around Dick’s neck.

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When they kissed, in Dick’s mind’s eye, he flashed on the face of nearly every man he had the
pleasure of kissing. The amount was overwhelming. And if he were honest with himself, he
could never recall all of them. How many did he have? It had to be close to a hundred.
Though the men in his past ran the gamut of beauty, youth, and celebrity, no one kissed him like
his prince did.

Chapter 12

William hoped this personal growth on Dick’s part was permanent. Enjoying Dick’s

tongue in his mouth, knowing there wasn’t another man in his past who kissed him like Dick did,
William became pliable in Dick’s capable hands and mouth.

He knew better than to have expectations. Expectation was the terminal illness of a

couple’s relationship. It spelled doom for anyone who fell prey to it.

Did he hope Dick changed, slowed down, stopped acting like a twenty-something? Yes.

Did he expect it? No.
He dug his fingers into the feathery softness of Dick’s hair. William didn’t know how Dick felt,
but he wanted to go home, strip naked and devour Mr. Hunt. Though Dick just said he wanted to
‘act his age’ or something close to that, there they were, necking like teenagers at a lovers’
It’s fun. Stop ruining it. William chided himself. The man was romantic. Even after two years he
wanted to smooch like a couple of young lovers. Stop moaning!
“Now I want to suck your cock.” Dick’s sensuous laughter vibrated William’s lips.
“You read my mind.”
Dick reached for William’s lap.
William sprang backwards. “You don’t mean here.”
“Don’t I?”
Paranoia hit. William looked around the empty pull-off area they were parked in on Highway 1.
“Don’t you want to be cozy in our bed?”
“Won’t we be? Soon?”
“I know I’m being cautious…” William also knew he already ruined the mood.
Dick said nothing. He sat forward, fastened his seat belt and rested his chin in his palm with his
elbow on the armrest.
Though he was thinking of a way to apologize, William started the car and headed home, in
Dick was clenching his jaw. Trying to be spontaneous with William was like getting a nun to
lift her habit to show off her bloomers.
Another thing was happening to Dick that was not good. During the ride home, Dick began to
ache. He knew what being seated too long did. It killed him. Images of trying to blow William,
contorting his back to be able to suck on William’s cock in the car made him wince. Who was he
kidding? There was no way he could have sucked his man until he came. Not in a car. He would
have been in so much pain he would need traction.
The ride home felt very long. Dick shifted his hips and moved the seat back so he could rest his
legs without bending his knees. Even that wasn’t enough. He reached into the paper bag behind
the seat and removed the wine bottle. With William not watching, but knowing his every move,
Dick removed the vial of Vicodin from his shirt pocket and swallowed two pills with the

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cabernet. He had no choice. If he didn’t take them immediately, he’d be in agony very soon.
Instead of a reprimand, William reached for Dick’s free hand. With the other hand, Dick held
the bottle, chugging it as they went.
The buzz from the vodkatini had evaporated a half hour ago. He had only had two.
Ten minutes from their home in Glendale and Dick was dying. He finished the bottle of wine,
putting it back in the food bag and tried to roll to his side. It was no use. He unhooked the
seatbelt and reclined the seat until he was completely horizontal.
“Don’t say anything.” Dick closed his eyes, but he squeezed William’s hand, trying to fight the
coming battle against his body’s pain receptors. From his hip to his knee, his low back, his neck,
he was beginning the slow crawl to hell. “Fuck!” He took out the little brown vial and wanted to
ingest more Vicodin.
“My guess is you’re building up a tolerance for it.”
Dick threw the vial onto the floor by his feet. He knew William was right. No matter the
amount, they didn’t seem to work like they used to. He could not find a position without fiery
pain. “Stop the car.”
“We’re two blocks from home.” William hit the gas and flew down the side streets.
Red and blue lights appeared.
“You have got to be kidding me.” William didn’t stop. “I’m heading home. Screw it.”
“Prince. Stop the fucking car.”
“We’re a block from the fucking house!”
“Stop the fucking car!” Dick screamed nearly at lung capacity.
William screeched to a halt and threw the car in park. Dick opened the passenger door and
stumbled to the sidewalk, on his hands and knees he was in so much pain.
Over the police car’s PA system Dick heard, “Get back in the car, now!”
“Shoot me!” Dick shouted back, “Just fucking shoot me!” He lie prone, his cheek on the cold
William was panic-stricken.
A loud voice over a speaker ordered, “Shut off the car and drop the keys out of the driver’s side
door. Now!”
He shut off the ignition and opened the door, dropping the keys to the street. He held his hands
up so the police car spotlight could see he wasn’t armed. “Dick! Stop telling him to shoot you!”
He was fighting his terror as this mess was going to get worse before it got better. They both
drank alcohol. No, William wasn’t drunk, but he was sure he stunk like it. And they had an
opened, empty wine bottle in the car and a vial of painkillers on the floor of the passenger’s side.
For what felt like forever, nothing happened. Dick was lying on his stomach on the sidewalk
beside the car and William kept checking his side and rear view mirror for the cop.
Sirens sounded. Two more patrol cars pulled up behind them, their spotlights blinding. “What
the fuck?” William turned around in the car to look. Five cops with guns drawn were
approaching. “Oh my fucking God!”
As a gun was pointed into William’s face, he heard the officer say, “Don’t move.”
“Officer, that man needs to go to the hospital. He’s very ill.”
William spun to look for his lover. Dick was handcuffed by two cops and forced to stand.
“What are you doing?” William cried. “He’s in pain! Can’t you hear me?”
“Get out of the car. Keep your hands where I can see them.”

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“What the fuck? What the fuck?” William opened the door and stepped out. He was
immediately shoved against his car and his hands were cuffed behind his back. “This isn’t
Both he and Dick were brought to the first officer’s patrol car. He leaned beside Dick as Dick
slouched against the hood of the black and white. The BMW was searched and the empty wine
bottle and pill vial were set on the trunk.
After giving them a cursory pat down, one of the cops removed their wallets from their pants
pockets and read their ID. “Mr. Winsor, I’ll need you to take a sobriety test.”
“Yes.” William nodded. “Dick is in agony. I was trying to get him home.”
“Mr. Hunt?” a second officer addressed him as William’s cuffs were removed and he was
brought away from Dick.
The distraction of seeing Dick in pain, in cuffs, and needing to get help was keeping William
from paying attention to the officer with him.
“Sir? Mr. Winsor.”
“Can you at least call a medic? Please?”
“He looks fine. He’s just drunk.”
William gave up. “Tell me what you want me to do.”
“Blow in this.”
William took the small field sobriety tester and blew. He handed it to the cop.
“You’re point o-five. Lucky you.”
“I just wanted to get him home. That’s why I was speeding.”
The second cop walked over to the first. He said, “The guy is in agonizing pain, Keen.”
William exhaled in relief. “He is. Trust me.” It was then he read the name tag on the cop’s shirt
pocket. It said, ‘M. Keen.’
Officer Keen said, “Let me talk to him. Mr. Winsor blew under the limit.”
“Are we writing him for speeding?”
“Hang on.”
William rubbed his face tiredly. He asked, “Can I please be with him.”
“Yeah.” The second cop walked with William to where Dick and the first cop, ‘Keen’ were
“You sure you don’t want me to call a medic?” Officer Keen asked.
“I can walk to my home from here.” Dick pointed down the block. “If I could move.”
William watched him wince in pain and felt his agony.
Officer Keen pointed at William in warning. “Open container in the car? Going forty in a
twenty-five mile an hour zone, not stopping when I first turned on my overheads…”
“Can you see why?” William gestured to Dick.
“That’s no excuse.”
“Then write the ticket and let me get him home.”
“Just take him home now.”
William went to help Dick to the car.
Dick jerked his arm away and moved stiffly back to the BMW, snatching his prescription bottle
from the trunk where it sat.
As the cops walked to their patrol cars, William heard one say to the other, “Finally met the
infamous Dick Hunt. I’m so impressed. Wooo!”
William picked his keys up off the ground and put the empty wine bottle back into the car, lest
he get cited for littering. Dick managed to get in the car, righting the seat with a reaction of pain

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and a groan. William began driving the minute Dick closed the passenger’s door. The whole
experience had him a nervous wreck.
Is he worth it? Huh? Is he worth this bullshit?
William parked the car beside the Ferrari in the garage and got out. He didn’t even turn to look
when Dick made his way behind him. He disarmed the security system and headed to the
bedroom, furious.
Dick could barely make it to the bedroom. His head was splitting with a migraine-like ache and
every time he took a step he nearly passed out from the pain. The image of crawling came to his
mind as he staggered the last few feet. He gripped the doorframe of the en suite bathroom and
collapsed to his knees by the toilet. It wasn’t the pills. It wasn’t the booze. It was intense pain
causing his nausea. He retched over the toilet and gripped his temples, then his chest in agony.
Never had he vomited purely from pain. Another first.
“Dick.” William was at his side immediately.

You think it’s the booze! You think it’s the RX! Come on, prince! Accuse me! Tell me how

the combination is making me throw up!
But William said nothing. He knelt down beside him, holding him.
Dick couldn’t remain in the crouched position. He unfolded his legs and lay flat on his stomach
between the bathroom and the bedroom.
“Sweetheart.” William caressed his back. “I’m begging you to let me get you in bed.”
“Get me the fuck in bed, prince. I’m begging you now.” Dick swallowed his pride. It was worse
than the bile in his throat to get down. The pain in his head and legs swelled to such an extent his
ears began ringing and his vision blurred. He was passing out from it. He gripped William to
prevent from falling.
“I have you.”
With his last reserves Dick willed his legs to obey when they didn’t want to. He staggered,
hanging onto William, knowing William was taking all his weight. Once he was at the foot of the
bed he crawled on it, closing his eyes and trying like hell to find a position that didn’t scream
agony. As if he knew it was adding to Dick’s discomfort, William shut off the ceiling light,
dimming the room. William removed his shoes but didn’t disturb Dick further. He took a blanket
out of the closet and covered him, leaving the room.
Lying perfectly still, Dick fought the tension his body was using to fight the pain. In his head he
went through the motions of meditation he had learned so long ago. Relax your toes. Relax your
heels. Relax your ankles.

Before he had made it to his waist, he fell asleep.
William slouched on a kitchen chair, the phone to his ear talking to an RN from a help line.
“Yes, my name is William Winsor. My partner is in agonizing pain to the point where he has
nearly thrown up and passed out.”
“Can you bring him to a hospital emergency room?”
“No. He can barely move. He’s in bed now. Doesn’t anyone do house-calls anymore?”
“I suggest you call an ambulance to get him to the emergency room. He could be suffering from
a burst appendix and need urgent care.”
“He’s been in several accidents, serious ones. He had an open compound fractured femur and I
have a feeling it’s that injury that may be causing most of this pain. He has a prescription for
Vicodin, but they don’t seem to be effective any longer.”

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“Obviously I can’t give any type of diagnosis over the phone. If the pain is that bad, get him to
the emergency room.”
William figured that would be the response when he called the hospital help line. “Okay.
Thanks.” He hung up and placed the cordless back in its cradle. He went to check on Dick.
Poor man. Sleeping in your clothing.
William rested his hand on Dick’s forehead. There was no fever, no sweat. He listened to his
breathing. It sounded strong and deep. He knew if he called the paramedics, Dick would kill him.
Leaving Dick to rest, William sat in the den and booted up his laptop. He reclined on the sofa
and began doing some research of his own.

Chapter 13

Dick woke disoriented and exhausted. William was beside him. The minute William

spotted Dick’s eyes open, he asked, “Can I help you get undressed?”

That surprised Dick. He felt his chest and touched his shirt. Without a word, Dick sat up

slowly—again the pain subsided and he was able to function. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it
off, standing by holding the nightstand for balance, then the wall.

While William watched, Dick undressed and moved with care to the bathroom to wash

up. It was nearing three a.m. and Dick thought about a pain pill but didn’t take it. He brushed his
teeth, urinated and returned to the bed. William had folded back the covers for him.

They cuddled close under the sheets.

“Love you, my baby.” William kissed his cheek.
“Back at you, Prince Charming.” Dick connected their fronts

together. “You always feel so good.” He heard William laugh softly. “In my head I’m

imagining us fucking hard.”
“And in your groin your cock is thinking the same thing.” “Up for it?”
“Did you just ask me if I’m up for it?” William made a choking
noise. “Between your pain and your libido, I can’t keep up.” “Roll with me, prince. Enjoy me
while you have me.” “Stop talking that way. You have to stop or instead of sex I’ll be
crying like a baby.”
“Can I fuck you while you cry?” Dick caressed William’s face,
making it out in the dim light of the moon coming through the
blinds. “Never made a man cry before. Could be a turn on.” “Shut up. You are impossible.”
Hearing the laughter in William’s voice, Dick reached down to
William’s crotch. He was sporting a semi-erection, his lover was not.
“I’ll leave you alone if you’re not into it.”
“Baby…I wasn’t kneeling on the floor dying a few hours ago.
How can you be up for it yourself?”
“I’m awake. I’m alive.” Dick shrugged. “My penis doesn’t care if
I was in pain before. Hey. You’re the one who always says, ‘Be here
now’, ‘Live in the moment’. Am I the new Ram Dass?” “Have I ever turned you down for sex?”
“No. I don’t even have to think about that one. You’re the wife
who never gets her period or a headache. That’s why I love you.” “Get the lube.”
“You say all the right things.” Dick took a second to think about
whether he was going to be able to make love. He did a mental check
of his leg, his back, and his head. He had no idea why this new
mystery pain was so extreme in its coming and going. But it wasn’t

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hitting him at the moment.
He didn’t want it to return either so he made no hasty, jerking
movements that may spin him into another session in hell.
Meanwhile William shoved down the blankets and began playing
with Dick’s nuts. Dick stopped what he was doing to enjoy it. He
rolled to his side and bent his good knee, opening his body for
William to toy with. The tube of lube in his hand, Dick relaxed on
his pillow and watched in the dimness as William stroked his length,
hand over hand, including his balls.
“Looks like I’m topping you, prince.”
“You are.” William became more aggressive, fisting Dick’s cock,
getting it good and hard.
A debate began in Dick’s head. He didn’t think he could kneel
long enough to fuck William if William were on his hands and knees
or lying on his back with his ass up in the air. The debate turned into an argument with himself,
causing him to nearly lose his erection.
“Change of plans.”
“Name it.”
“I lie here and you give me a blowjob and a nice prostate rub.”
He handed William the lube.
“Coming right up, sir.”
“I will be.” He smiled and fell to his back, the most comfortable
position he had found yet.
William moved to the spot between Dick’s legs, kneeling upright
to put gel on his fingers. Dick tried not to envy the fact that William
was pain and injury free. Not now. Not before a lovely blowjob. The tube set aside, William got
to his elbows and held the base of
Dick’s cock in his left hand while going between Dick’s thighs with
his right.
Dick assumed if he bent his knees and spread his legs not only
would William get easier access, but the pleasure would increase.
The thought unnerved him. Bending his knees. Uh. No. Instead, he
parted his legs while they were straight. It was better than nothing. Good ole William managed
to find his sweet spot regardless of
how unintentionally difficult Dick was making it. When his cock
sank into William’s hot wet mouth, Dick forgot any memory of pain
and drifted off.

His first foray into oral sex. Dick was thirteen.

Since he was consistently enrolled in all boys’ parochial schools, paramilitary academies, and
dabbled with male-bonding sports, race cars, and all things masculine, it was natural for Dick to
make close male friends. More so when he was very young, was not the subject of trust funds or
tabloid press, and hadn’t built up the dislike in his fellow human being.
Nathan McHenry was his best buddy from the time they met at age ten to the time they went
their separate ways at age fourteen. The best part of his friendship with Nathan was the
sleepovers. At ten the two would giggle at the mere fact of staying up late. They’d lie side by
side on the floor of Dick’s bedroom reading comic books or looking through car magazines. His

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father had a automobiles he’d buy at auction and recondition. magazines were readily available,
and his father encouraged Dick to read them.
The comic books were looked on with slight disapproval, but tolerated.
A few months after both he and Nathan had turned thirteen, Nathan and he were lying on the
floor scanning the newest editions of car magazines. They didn’t giggle much anymore but they
did stay up all night talking together.
By one a.m. their conversations mixed with yawns.
Dick studied Nathan’s profile as he read an article on John De Lorean. Nathan had brown hair
and eyes. His nose was wide and flared at the base, he was slightly taller than Dick, so far, and
the kind of friend you could tell secrets to and they would stay secrets.
“I got another magazine.”
“Okay.” Nathan kept reading.
Dick hopped to his feet and raised his mattress, grabbing it and leaping back to the blankets and
pillows they had used to make a camping spot on the floor.
Nathan closed the car magazine and paid attention.
Dick slid over a Sears catalog.
“What’s this? I don’t get it.”
“There’s car stuff in here…and other stuff.” Dick leafed through the pages. He stopped at the
ads for men’s underwear. “What do you think?”
“Why are you showing me guys wearing underpants?”
“If you look, you can see this guy’s whole cock and balls.”
Nathan became interested, bringing the magazine closer. As Dick stared at his reaction, he grew
hard as stone. “Buddy secret?” It was what they said when they confided their deepest thoughts.
“Buddy secret.” Nathan held up his pinky and they locked them together.
collection of Classic car
Dick rolled over and showed his hard-on through his pajama bottom. “I get really fucking hard
looking at that kind of stuff.”
Nathan stared at Dick’s body, then again at the undergarment model. “This guy must be like
twenty. He’s got a big one.”
“Yeah. I know. I wish I could rip that underwear off him and really look.”
“I’m kind of getting off on it too. See?” Nathan showed Dick the bulge in his crotch.
Dick didn’t hesitate. He cupped his hand over his best friend’s cock for the first time. The first
time he had ever touched another boy sexually in his life. Nathan appeared apprehensive. He
looked back at the door to Dick’s room.
“No way anyone will come in. Not a chance.” Dick slid his fingers into the waistband of
Nathan’s pajamas and briefs, touching skin. “Is it okay?”
“Yeah. What are you going to do?”
“You’ve made it spurt yourself, right?”
“A couple times.”
“A couple times?” Dick rooted out Nathan’s cock and righted it, fisting it. “Sure, Nathan. A
couple times.”
“God that feels good!” Nathan rolled to his back. “Have you ever touched another guy’s cock
“Nope. You?”
“You’re my best friend, Nathan. If I touched another guy’s prick it would be yours.”

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“True. Are we queer then?”
“I don’t know. Let me make you cream.”
Dick didn’t get an argument from Nathan. He didn’t think he would. He coaxed Nathan to allow
him to lower his bottom half. They had sleepovers together for years, and not once did anyone
come in to check on them. Dick knew Nathan was well aware they were on their own for the
While Nathan enjoyed the hand job, Dick wanted more. He bent down for a lick.
Nathan gasped and raised his hips to meet it. “Oh-my-God, Dick. Will you do that again?”
With permission to do as he pleased, Dick took all of Nathan’s cock into his mouth. Nathan
instantly came.
Dick wasn’t prepared for that and sat up, spitting it out on the catalog pages. “Sorry!”
Nathan gasped, his eyes wide. “Sorry? Dick! That felt so good!”
It didn’t take another word from Nathan to convince Dick. He knelt up, flipping his cock out of
his pajamas.
Nathan went for it.
The intensity of his best friend’s mouth enveloping his cock almost made Dick pass out from
the shock. He arched his back and came.
Nathan spat it out on the same page, making a sour face and wiping his lips. “That tasted like
“Yeah. It tasted like shit, but it felt unreal.” Dick rubbed the spit off his cock and tucked it back
into his pajamas. “Would you do it again?”
“Would you do it again to me?”
Like a dare, they raised their pinkies in a challenge, locking them.
From then on, the sleepovers were the most incredible experience Dick ever had as a youth.
Not long after, Nathan and he lost touch. It wasn’t until years later, Dick spotted a wedding
announcement in the local paper. Nathan McHenry married a woman he had met in grad school.
That was the last time Dick had heard anything about him. Nearly fifteen years ago.
“But Nathan never gave me a prostate rub.”

“Hm?” William peeked up, his mouth full

with Dick’s length, his fingers up his bottom.
“Nothing, prince. You just keep up the good work.” Dick hummed happily and did nothing by
enjoy. William increased his speed and tenacity in perfect increments. The man knew how to
suck cock better than anyone Dick had had previously. William does everything better than
anyone I know.

The urge to come became immanent. “That’s it, Prince Charming…your man is going to come
in your mouth now.”
William moaned in excitement, working faster, deeper into Dick’s back passage.
Dick closed his eyes and felt every ounce of pleasure his body could produce. It was good at
producing pain, and it was equally good at giving him pleasure. His climax was intense and
enduring as the expert prolonged it until it felt like a multiple orgasm. Another pulsating wave
caused him to moan and William kept going until he could no longer make the muscles in Dick’s
cock throb.
He lay back panting as William knelt up, jerking himself off over Dick’s body. The spray of
warm cum coated Dick’s skin. He laughed. He couldn’t remember the last time William had
done that. If he ever had.
Dick caught his breath and said, “Saving the cripple from contorting to please you?”
“Yeah. Do I get brownie points?” William shook a drop from his cock onto Dick.

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“Stay there.”
“I can’t move. Are you kidding me? After a climax like that? I’m lucky you didn’t kill me.”
On his way to the bathroom William replied, “Stop saying shit like that!”
Dick chuckled and unwound his tense muscles after the delightful fun. William returned with a
warm, wet washcloth and wiped the cum off Dick’s skin, as well as the gel residue.
The clean up process complete, the bathroom light shut off, William curled into Dick’s arms
and they snuggled close.
“I wish I had the words to tell you how much I love you, prince.” Dick smiled contentedly,
holding his man tight.
“You just did. Back at ya, Mr. Hunt.”
“Mm.” Dick replied, “Back at ya.”

Chapter 14

Monday morning their normal routine was back. William made sure he didn’t disturb

Dick from his slumber, showering and dressing for his day at the office.

As he sipped coffee and listened to the traffic and weather report, William wasn’t

consumed with worry for Dick. They had spent Sunday doing errands like food shopping and
paying bills, and Dick seemed to be fine. Only once did William discuss something he knew
Dick would find controversial. He revealed to Dick what he had read on the net about how it
may be possible the metal plate and intermedular nails that were placed in his thigh could be
causing a problem. Dick acknowledged it silently and the discussion ended.

The rest of their day off together William tried not to watch over Dick or count how

many pills he ingested.
A check of his watch and William stuck his coffee mug in the dishwasher, grabbed his keys,
and left for work.
Dick was awake. He heard the garage door rumbling open, then closing. He had the urge to get
up and sit with William over a cup of coffee, but his stiff joints had other plans.
When his cell phone rang, Dick moaned in irritation. He picked it up from the nightstand and
read it was Holly calling. He answered. “Are you out of your mind? It’s eight in the morning,
Ms. Massena.”
She laughed. “I know. Lowell tried to warn me you sleep late.”
“What can I do for you, dear?” Dick relaxed on the pillows.
“Well, Lowell and I volunteered to lead a climb this morning at around ten. You know the
group that’s over fifty and single who come in during the week to use the practice wall?”
“They want Lowell and I to be their instructors and for Lowell to set up the climb. I want you
there to help us out. It’s a huge group and Lowell and I need all the support we can get.”
Dick forced himself to sit up, gauging his body’s reaction to moving. “What do you want me to
“Climb, help with getting them ready, making sure their harnesses and equipment are prepared.
But only if you’re over the flu, or whatever you had last week.”
“I didn’t have the flu. All I ingested all day was coffee and a caffeine energy drink. I forgot to
eat, that’s all.”
“Duh. Gee, Dick, that was smart. Look, I’ll bring granola bars, Gatorade, and some raisin and

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bran muffins so you have all the energy food you need to keep you from getting lightheaded.
“Fine. Same spot?”
“Yup. We know that climb at Pinnacles the best so I thought it would be better than to
experiment with a new route with these novices.”
Against his better judgment, Dick said, “Okay. See you there.”
“See ya!”
Dick moved slowly to the edge of the bed. He rubbed the length of the scar inside his thigh and
thought about what William had said about the plate needing to be replaced. That was major
surgery as far as he was concerned. No fucking way.
His mobile ringtone sounded again. Dick looked at it in amazement. “Christ, Grand Central
Station this morning.” He picked it up and read the incoming number. “Hello, Shawn.”
“Did I catch you too early, Dick?”
“No. It seems I’m destined to not sleep in on Mondays any longer. What’s up?”
“A friend’s got a Radical SR3 1500ccs for sale. Thought of you first.”
“Yeah? What year?”
“2010…fucking gorgeous, Dick. Upgraded from a K7 to a K8, V8 wheels and brakes, IQ3 data
system. Sweetest thing you ever did see. Come out for a test ride. I told him to hold onto her
until you had a look.”
“Sweet!” Dick felt his heart pump in excitement. “I have an appointment for a climb at ten.
When can I meet you, and where?”
“It’s no problem if you come late this afternoon. We can go out for a nice steak for dinner. The
owner of the Radical’s name is Felix Romano. He’s anxious to sell but I made him promise to
show you the car first.”
Dick checked his watch. “Six suit you?”
“Yes. Perfect. Meet at the track. I told him to bring the car there so you can test drive it.”
“I’ll be there.” Dick hung up, smiling. “Okay, ya old fucking body. Get up!” He stood without
holding the nightstand and headed to the shower. Slow down? Fuck no. Go for more surgery?
Convalesce in some ward doing physical therapy for nearly a year? Been there, done that, ain’t
doing that again.

He parked beside Lowell’s pickup truck and noticed a crowd of middle-aged men and

women wearing shiny new climbing gear with glistening helmets without even a scuff on them.
He exited his low slung red sports car and every person in the parking area stopped to gape at
him. He was used to it.

He put one foot at a time on Lowell’s open tailgate and tightened his laces. So far he felt

excellent and ready for a good climb.
“Can I have your attention, please?” Holly smiled like she was about to give away an award.
“Everyone, this is Dick Hunt. He’s going to help you guys out today as well.”
Dick inspected the expressions. The mixture amused him. Most were giving him that awestruck
ogle like he was a real celebrity and donating to the cause. A few of the older men glanced his
way quickly, unimpressed. Dick had more respect for them than the ones who gave him gaga
He made the rounds with Lowell, ensuring all the beginner’s climbing equipment was secure
and on correctly; tightening helmets, tying on chalk bags and bending down to tighten shoelaces.
One handsome man who Dick estimated to be in his early fifties said to him, “I’d pay you to
kneel in front of me after the climb.”

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For some reason Dick found that extremely funny. He stood to stare eye to eye with the man
and smiled. “If I had a buck for very time I heard that line…”
“I bet.” The man blushed. “Sorry. It was inappropriate.”
“On the contrary. It was very flattering.” Dick touched his shoulder and studied the age that had
not interfered with the man’s good looks. Some men seemed to improve as they grew older.
Holly was trying to get everyone organized for the hike up to the cliff. Lowell approached Dick.
“Can you bring up the rear, make sure there are no stragglers?”
“You got it, babe.”
Lowell gave him a generous grin. “I can’t tell you what it means to me and Holly to have you
with us for this. I can’t think of anyone else with your…”
Lowell appeared shy. “Yeah. Money and celebrity. Why mince words? You and I have always
been straight up.”
Like a boy scout, Dick held up his hand in an oath. “Straight up.” He whispered into Lowell’s
ear, “Except in bed.”
Unexpectedly, Lowell hugged him, but it was a man-hug, without any sexuality, just
“Careful. Someone may photograph us and you and I will be announced as my next lewd fuck
on the front page.”
Lowell gave him an adoring smile. “I could do worse.”
“Oh?” Dick knew he was straight. Had no doubt.
“Okay, people! Let’s go!” Holly gave a big wave for the dozen plus people to follow her. The
older man waited for Dick as if they had created a special bond already.
They walked side by side as the trail allowed.
“I’m Howard.”
Dick shook his hand. “Very nice to meet you, Howard.” “I’ve read quite a lot about you in the
Smiling to himself as they hiked up the dirt path, Dick shook his head. “Ah yes. The tabloid
press. How they love me.”
“It’s all a load of crap, isn’t it?”
“No!” Dick acted shocked. “It’s all true! I fuck a different eighteen year old every night. I
squander all my money in egotistical pursuits, and I’m a lazy good for nothing that never did a
thing to earn his inheritance.”
“I take it you want me to perpetuate the rumors.”
“Rumors?” Dick made an exaggerated expression of surprise. “Not a lie out there. They have
me pegged dead right. Particularly the last bit about me being a lazy good for nothing.”
The trail narrowed, so Dick gestured for Howard to go first.
“Sure, Mr. Hunt. Sure.” Howard gave him a smile over his shoulder.
William began organizing a fundraiser dinner—black tie, two thousand dollars a plate per
couple. He kept his fingers crossed the turnout would be substantial. William was praying using
Dick as a source of the most-likely-to-donate of the wealthy class wasn’t eventually going to
wear on Dick’s nerves.
Checking his watch, it was nearing eleven. William was hoping Dick was lounging in bed, but
knew that was preposterous. He only hoped the man wasn’t in agony and lying on the floor. He
called him, just to make sure he wasn’t having one of his very bad days.

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“Hello?” Dick answered, breathless.
“Oh no. More agony?”
Dick laughed. “Yes! Lowell and Holly literally ‘roped’ me into helping a bunch of middle-aged
“You’re rock climbing?” William didn’t know whether to be happy Dick felt good, or furious
he was pushing it.
“Hell yeah! I had no idea the fifty generation could be so much fun. These men and women are
like your mom. They’re a hoot!”
“So,” William tread carefully, “You’re, like, spotting them?”
“Prince, I’m climbing. Up the rear. You know. Where I do my best work.”
“Dick!” William couldn’t prevent his apprehensive feelings from surfacing.
“Babe. Relax. I feel like a million bucks.”
“Have you taken any pills?”
“Uh uh…mind your manners, Prince Charming. Gotta go! I’m holding up the progress to the
top. Oh! And I’m heading to Las Vegas later to see about buying a race car. You can join me, or
I’ll see you sometime tomorrow. Think about it and text me. Bye.”
Blinking in surprise, William shut the phone and asked himself, “Did I imagine all the agony
this man just went through over the weekend? Was that my delusion or his?” He shook his head
and set the phone on his desk. Once he gathered his thoughts, he looked up the number of his
caterer, depending on that man for the finest selection of food and drinks to impress the guests.

By four, William remembered Las Vegas. No way. He didn’t want to go. He was too

tired even with a limo to drive him. Deep inside his gut he had a nagging fear Dick may have
another attack and be on his own, but William did not make choices for Dick, nor was he the
man’s guardian. At times William did think Dick was crazy, but he was an adult. And if William
had never begun a relationship with him, Dick would have to deal with his own decisions on his
own. He texted him, ‘prefer 2 hang home. c u soon.’ He hit the send button and held the phone to
his chest. Nothing could stop him from worrying.

Dick flew in a private chartered jet to Las Vegas. He was chauffer driven to the track and

shook a pill into his hand, swallowing it with a small can of tomato juice located in a mini fridge
in the back seat. Still okay. Still not in agony. Dick did not understand what triggered the pain
but figured whatever it was it had resolved itself.

He was climbing, being physical for the last five hours, had only taken one pill since

morning, and had kept plenty of food in his stomach so he wouldn’t chance getting light-headed.

As the chauffeur approached the track, Dick gave his leg a squeeze as if testing it, seeing

if it was going to go whacky on him. No pain.
“Here you go, sir. Shall I wait?”

“Yes. Please. I’ll need you to take me to the hotel in around

an hour or so.” Dick handed him a few hundred dollars.
“Thank you, sir.” The driver exited the vehicle and opened Dick’s door for him.
As Dick climbed out he felt a slight sensation of pulling in his hip, so he slowed down. Last
thing he needed was to suffer another bout like the one he had on Saturday.
Shawn Sanborn was waiting with a dark, handsome man who appeared to be in his early
thirties. Dick assumed it was Felix Romano, owner of the sports car. He was correct as Shawn
made the introductions, urging the men together to clasp hands.
“Nice to finally meet you.” Felix had a thick Italian accent.
“You act as if you’ve known about me for some time.” Dick followed Shawn into the building,
the heavy noise of high-powered race cars circling the track echoing throughout the area.

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Neither Shawn nor Felix replied to Dick’s comment. Dick knew his legacy was all acquired via
tabloid press. What was there to say? Yes, I’ve known about your sexual decades? It would be
“There she is…” Shawn grandly Radical as if he were showing off Miss America.
and daredevil exploits for
gestured to the low slung Dick couldn’t deny it was impressive. “Blue and orange. A
combination I never would have thought could look so good.” Dick ran his hand along the paint.

“I’ll clear the track.” Shawn walked away.

Felix opened the hood. “You can eat off her, yes?”
“I’m not arguing. She’s a beaut, Mr. Romano.”
“No. No sense arguing over the obvious.” He shut the hood. The noise of racing motors slowed,
then stopped. Shawn returned.
“She’s all yours, Dick. Give it a go.”
With a smile and a nod, Dick took the helmet Shawn handed him and put it on.

William sat at the kitchen table, eating alone. It was what he normally did all week and

even some weekends. Lately he had been lucky enough to get three or four nights with Dick,
even an entire weekend. There was no doubt it was because Dick hadn’t been feeling well that he
had been home. When Dick was feeling good, he was gone.

Though William knew a few friends he could call to go for a drink with, he chose not to.

His idea of the good life was to finish work, have a wonderful meal with his man, and cuddle
before a hot bout of sex.

As he ate his meal of pasta and seafood, alone, he took stock of all the pros and cons of

being partnered with a man like Dick Hunt. William actually imagined getting out a pen and
paper and making a list. But…

The pros outweighed the cons. He knew that already. If they didn’t, he would have

moved out ages ago.
No, William didn’t have a list of conquests miles long to compare Dick to, but Dick ticked the
basics on his must-have boxes. Loyalty. Love. And sex with the thrill of a stick of dynamite.
Though William craved being a couple, he also had a side of him that was fiercely independent.
Dick didn’t make unreasonable demands of William’s time. His job already did that. William
didn’t need a nagging insecure partner.
Even with all his faults, Dick was perfect for him, and he knew it.
The food on his plate eaten, William washed the one dish and wiped down the kitchen so it was
spotless. He checked his phone, considering throwing a cyber-kiss at his man as he walked to the
bedroom to change into something cozy.
He placed his mobile phone on the nightstand and emptied his trouser pockets, undressed down
to his briefs and washed his face at the sink. Over the running water he heard his mobile phone
ring. Smiling, wondering if he and Dick were having similar thoughts, William wiped his face
and hands and did indeed see it was Dick’s number. “Hey…”
“Mr. Winsor?”
William went ice cold. “Yes?”
“Do you know Mr. Hunt?”
“I’m…” William dropped to sit on the bed, dreading what was coming next. “I’m his partner.”
“Good. We were trying to find someone on his phone list who was family but—”
“Please!” William rubbed his head through his hair. “Who is this and what has happened to

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“This is The University Medical Center in Las Vegas. My name is Dr. Murli.”
“Oh, God. Oh God!”
“Mr. Hunt was motor racing and has gotten into an accident.”
“Is he dead?” William stood with a jolt of terror.
“He’s in grave condition. I just wanted to advise someone in his family—”
“I am his family! I’ll be there as soon as I can. Please. Call this number if anything changes.
“Yes. All right.”
William shook violently as he put his pants on. He needed to fly there. Which private jet did
Dick have on call? William let Dick take care of everything. In tasks like this, he was lost.
William finished dressing and gathering his wallet and keys. He tore through Dick’s rolodex,
knowing, just knowing, this time Dick would not pull through. He had been cheating fate for
decades. The Reaper finally took him.
Dick couldn’t believe the color of the sky. It was the crispest of blue, cloudless, perfectly
contrasted to the Sierra’s jagged snowcapped tops and vivid green trees. The air was warm and
hummed with insects and the songs of birds.
He walked along a switchback trail, one he knew well.
“Richard! Keep up!”
“Okay, Dad.” Dick jogged, watching his footing, seeing his favorite pair of hiking boots on his
feet. It had taken him weeks to break them in, and the blisters they caused when he first wore
them were painful. But now? They were like butter and he never wanted to take them off.
His white socks seemed to glow against his tan legs. The khaki shorts were his favorites as well.
Like cargo pants, with all the pockets. He had them full with everything a hiker could
need—Swiss army knife, granola bars, a miniature first aid kit…the works!
“Richard? Step it up, son.”
“Coming, Dad.” Dick lost sight of his father around a stand of thick Douglas firs. He could hear
his own keys jingling as he hurried, thinking the sound was so wonderfully musical, it was like
harp strings or that silly gift his mother had given him as a toddler. Bells. Multicolored bells of
with numbers on them. Each one had a higher pitch than the next. She would stand with him
after lining the bells in a perfect row in size order, and they would actually play songs, reading
the numbers on the music pages which corresponded to each of the rainbow colored bell. The
thought of he and his mother laughing together as they tried to get the tunes right, made Dick
smile. “Dad?”
“You’re almost there. Wait ‘til you see it, Richard.”
He knew this vista. It was a panoramic view of Lake Tahoe. His father’s broad back expanded
with his deep inhale as if he were drinking in the beauty.
Dick walked up beside him. His dad put his hand on his shoulder. It made Dick feel tiny, but his
father promised him he would grow up to be big and strong some day.
“What do you think, son?”
“Always worth the climb up, Dad.”
His dad ruffled Dick’s hair. “I’ve always told you, when you work hard for something, it pays
“It’s true. Wow. There isn’t a cloud in the sky.”
Dick heard steps behind him. He spun around. “Grandpa! You walk really slow. And Dad
thinks I’m the slow one!”

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Richard Hunt senior stood beside his grandson and son. “Have you ever seen anything
“Mom and grandma should have come. How come they don’t come, Dad?”
“I don’t think hiking is your mom’s favorite thing.”
Dick’s grandfather added, “And your grandmother isn’t in the kind of shape to walk this steep
of a trail, Richie.”
Richie. His grandpa called him Richie because Dick’s dad was Richard. Dick smiled to himself.
In his head he used a deep voice to say ‘Richard’ like his grandpa did. He gave each of them a
broad grin though neither noticed, too busy enjoying the view. “I love it here. I wish we could
camp overnight.”
“I prefer the cabin.” Dick’s dad laughed. “I think you’d be the one to camp up here on your
“I would!” Dick jumped up and down. “I would do it. I’m not afraid of anything. Bears, wolves,
His grandfather caressed his head. “You’re a good boy, Richie. One day you’ll be the man of
the family. You’ll have a son of your own and you’ll teach him the way we are teaching you.”
“You always get all corny on me, Grandpa. Did he do that with you, Dad, when you were a
“Yes. I’m afraid your grandfather is filled with pearls of wisdom.”
Dick watched the two men exchange smiles over his head. “What’s a pearl of wisdom? Is it like
Mom’s necklace?”
“Only if you’re smart enough to string them all together.” Dick’s father patted his back. “Okay.
I’m sure your mother is waiting for us to return, Richard.”
“Do we have to go back so soon? Can’t we sit and stare at the lake?”
“We’ll go another day.” His grandfather allowed Dick to walk in front of him.
“It took forever to get here. Both of you are always working at the factory. When will I go there
and work too?”
“Once you finish boarding school and college,” his grandfather replied.
“You help us during the summer, Richard. That’s good enough for now. You focus on your
“But, Dad…” Dick took one last look at the view over his shoulder and followed his father
down the trail.
When they walked into the cabin his mother immediately shouted at his father. “Two hours,
Richard?” Delia said in a huff.
“I told you she would be upset,” Richard said, smiling.
“I’m hungry, Mom.” Dick rushed to sit on his grandmother’s lap as she sat in a rocking chair
near the fire. His grandmother had the best cuddles and smelled of lavender.
“Hello, my precious baby boy.” She kissed his hair.
“You should have come, Grandma.” Dick closed his eyes as he rested his head on her shoulder.
“It was so beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as my grandson.” She caressed his hair until he felt sleepy in her arms.
William kept wiping his eyes. He had never seen Dick so bloody and battered. One eye was
swollen shut, with blood red eyelids, turning to blackish purple. His nose had an X-shaped tape
covering a plastic nose splint. Both his arms were wrapped up and against his chest, which was
loaded with monitors and wires. His lips were cut, dried blood seeped from the cracks.

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He had hit the wall so hard at such a high speed, the metal femur plate had speared through his
thigh muscle, just as his bone had done originally. This time he had shattered his knee with it.
William couldn’t even hold Dick’s hand. Both were covered in bandages. He rocked in the chair
beside him, weeping.
Outside the media was kept at bay by security, but word from the staff was the world was on a
death watch.
He turned with an effort to see his mother and father. William reached for his mom and held her
around the waist from where he sat vigil, crying.
“Shh. He’ll be okay.”
“No. No…he won’t. He won’t.”
“Auntie Helen?” Dick tilted his head. “Mom? I thought you said Auntie Helen had died.” Dick
whispered close to his mother’s ear, obviously not wanting Aunt Helen to hear he had been told a
horrible mistake.
“Richie…” Aunt Helen opened her arms to him.
He rushed to her embrace and crushed his cheek against her chest. “Mom said you’d gone
“We’re all here now, my precious boy.”
“I missed you. Why did you stay away for so long?” Dick wiped at his eyes and stood back
from her. “You were always my favorite. None of my other aunts and uncles came to see me at
graduation at West Point. And you give me chocolates every time you come to visit.”
“I did this time too!”
“Cadbury!” he exclaimed in excitement. “The good stuff from England, Auntie Helen? Please
say it’s from England! They’re so much better than here.”
“Would I bring you anything else?”
Dick cheered and opened the wrapper. “Mm!” He loved the creaminess of the extra butter fat
the English Cadbury had. “You always remember.”
“You’ll ruin your dinner,” Delia said.
“Leave the boy alone. He’s a good boy.”
“Thanks, Grandma.” Dick chewed the candy, loving the richness of the chocolate. “Where did
Daddy and Grandpa go?” He walked to the window of the cabin. A cabin they rented every
Dick opened the door and was suddenly standing on the beachfront in Santa Monica. The sun
was bright and he lowered his sunglasses down his nose. He strolled the pavement, enjoying the
selection of stores. He paused to inspect the window display of a mystic/fantasy shop. The
molded dragons with crystal balls clasped in their claws fascinated him. He could smell the
incense coming from the interior. He’d browsed the shop on several occasions, only making one
purchase. A young lover had a collection of wizards, so as a sweet thank you for the nice
lovemaking session, he bought the young man a figurine of an old wizard, his long staff had an
amethyst on the top, the paint job on the beard and long robe with stars on it was flawless.
Alongside the aromatic mystic shop was the Uncut Buzzard bookstore, and next to that was a
café he had stopped in many times for coffee and their freshly baked bread and cakes.
He loved this bookshop in particular. Nothing was worse than the mainstream mega bookstores
with their exclusive contracts with New York publishers. Dick detested them. The only gay
section in those book-tropolises were in self-help. As if gayness was a disease that needed to be

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cured. He had ideas of buying them all out and choosing his own titles to stock, but it was just a
passing fancy. Besides, ebooks would put them all out of business soon.
The second reason he loved this particular shop was because Gabriel ‘Angel’ Loveday, the
ex-porn star, owned it and usually was inside manning it as well. Dick has seen every film the
man had made, and though they were not acquaintances in a true sense, each knew the other by
their reputation.
Dick opened the door hearing a chime jingle. He could smell the mixture of old and new books
and enjoyed it. Before he headed to the erotic gay romance section he looked for the fabulous
Mr. Loveday.
A mousy woman was behind the cash register. He approached her. “Excuse me.”
“May I help you?”
“Yes. Is Angel Loveday in today?”
“Angel Loveday. The owner.”
“There is no Angel Loveday here.”
“Did he sell out?”
The woman appeared upset. “I have owned this bookshop for the last twenty years.”
Dick thought maybe she was slightly off in the head and waved his hand. “Never mind.” He
approached his favorite section of the shop.
In a spot where hundreds of gay erotic romance novels used to be, were cookbooks, travel
guides, and atlases.
He hated talking to that woman again, but asked her, “Sorry, but, where have you put all the
great gay romances?”
The repugnance in her expression surprised Dick.
“If you want that kind of smut, I’m afraid you’ll have to look elsewhere.”
Completely disoriented, Dick left the shop and looked up at the sign over the door. It said,
Mable’s Nearly New Novels
He returned to the mystic shop. The window was boarded up and a placard was posted ‘For
Dick spun around feeling very dizzy. He figured he’d ask the woman at the café. He went to
open the door but it wouldn’t budge. He put his hand to the glass and found it was filled with
coffins. Not luxury caskets with silk linings, but hundreds of hexagonal plywood boxes, fit for
the pyre.
He jumped back in fear. Glancing over his shoulder where the Pacific Ocean should have been,
was a casino fronted by a statue of the Goddess of War, Athena, with her helm and spear
towering over him like a colossus. He didn’t recognize the resort’s façade even though he’d been
to both Reno and Vegas hundreds of times. But of course, new resorts were springing up all the
He stood at the base of the impressive marble titan, and looked up.
The statue became animated, looking down at him, meeting his eyes with its pure white stare.
Terror seized him and he wondered if the high from too much Vicodin and vodka was getting
the better of him. He hurried to the entrance, just noticing the entire resort appeared deserted. ~
“During surgery we found he had a ruptured spleen which we removed. We had to rebuild the
destroyed right leg and replace the metal plate and intermedular nails in his right thigh. The
trauma to the muscle tissue and his patella was acute. The metal plate did not splinter like normal
skeletal bone would have with the same blunt force.” Dr. Murli met William’s eye finally, as if

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the information was too painful to reveal. “And the risk of infection is high. I’m afraid Mr. Hunt
is in very grave condition.”
William choked, unable to reply.
Ruth held his hand while William’s dad, Fred, stood beside his son, his hand on his shoulder.
“The next twenty-four hours will be crucial. I think a man like Richard Hunt has a very strong
will to live, Mr. Winsor. Keep hoping.”
The doctor left, leaving a nurse to inspect several tubes and wires attached to Dick.
“He’s wrong, Mom. Dick doesn’t want to be alive.”
“Don’t say things like that.”
“Sit.” William dragged two chairs close so he could talk to his parents quietly. “Last weekend,
when I called you, Mom…”
“Yes.” She squeezed his hand.
“Dick had a really bad bout of pain. So much so he was lying on the floor and couldn’t move.”
“I remember you telling me.”
“We had a discussion.” William wiped his eyes. “Dick asked if when the time came if I would
pull the plug.”
“Shh. William, it’s not coming to that. Dick isn’t on life support. He’s just battered.”
William looked at Dick. “It has come to that. Mom, he’s a mess. Everything is broken or
shattered. I can’t even…” William turned away. He couldn’t bear the sight of seeing his lover so
damaged. He wiped his nose on a tissue and said, “Because we just discussed it a couple days
ago, he didn’t draw up the paperwork. How would either of us know he would be so close to
death so soon?”
Fred chided him. “William, the man may pull through. Why do you keep being so pessimistic?
He is not on any sort of artificial life support. I don’t understand why you can’t be more
“You have to understand him, Dad. Dick doesn’t want to live. He would never commit suicide.
So instead, he does high risk sports and hobbies so he’ll get killed and not have the stigma of
actually killing himself.”
“I don’t believe that for a moment,” Ruth said. “When we were together before our jump, Dick
and I laughed and had a wonderful time. He’s a man who loves life to the fullest. I think you may
have misinterpreted his words, William.”
“So you think you know him better than I do, Mom?” William was too tired to get angry with
her, but he was frustrated. “Believe me. Dick Hunt is not happy. Inside he has always felt useless
and never believed he could fill his father’s and grandfather’s shoes.” William found the courage
to stare at the black and blue face of his lover. “Even if he wakes up? He’ll realize the state he’s
in and beg me.”
“Hush!” Ruth hugged William. “He will heal. Just please, don’t continue to torture yourself
with these horrible thoughts. William, Dick is alive. He is alive. Do not take that lightly. After
what he’s been through, he is still breathing…on his own.” She enunciated the last three words.
William knew what Dick’s state of mind would be if he were to survive this initial trauma.
Months of rehab? Dick would not do it. And looking at the amount of carnage Dick suffered, he
couldn’t blame him.
Dick entered the resort because he craved a drink. He opened the grand entrance. “Hello? Are
you guys open for business yet?” His voice echoed in the cavernous space.
Slot machines stood in rows like infantry soldiers, roulette wheels sat motionless, the usual

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array of noise and blinking lights was dark and silent.
Dick was compelled to keep investigating though it was obvious this casino was not open for
business. He walked through another set of double doors to see a massive race track. Had he
been to this one? Why was it part of a casino? That was a bizarre concept but one he liked.
He finally noticed a small group of people. Dick headed towards them, if for no other reason to
ask where he could get a drink. He felt very thirsty. As he approached he could see the mangled
pieces of what was a race car. A tow truck was dragging the remaining wreckage to its bed.
Another man was sweeping debris. “Wow. What a mess.” Dick walked beside another man, one
who was just staring at the remnants of what looked like a Radical. “Hey. Did the guy walk away
from this one?”
He wasn’t acknowledged. “Are you deaf?” Dick grew annoyed. “Buddy, I’m asking you if the
guy died.”
The man walked away as if he hadn’t noticed Dick at all.
Dick moved closer to what was nearly unrecognizable as an actual vehicle. The fiberglass body
was completely shattered and being swept up. One tire was still upright on the axel while two
where shorn off and one was bent sideways. The cage which held the driver was split at the top.
“Guy must have died.” Dick shook his head. “Did it burn up too?” he asked the man sweeping
the track.
“Fuck all of you! You know what?” Dick threw up his hands. “You’re all rude sons of bitches.”
He headed back from where he had come, but couldn’t find a door.
He smoothed his hands along the wall for an opening. He finally felt a handle and yanked it
A cocktail party was in full swing. Men in tuxedos, women in gowns with glittering jewelry,
sipping from fluted glasses as music played a soft tune, unobtrusive and sweet.
“William?” Dick hurried across the room, swinging his man into his arms and kissing him.
“Sorry it took me so long. How’s the fundraiser going? Hm? Did I give you enough contacts to
fill the college’s coiffeurs?”
“You know I want you to stay.”
“I know. I usually cut out early, but I promise you I’ll hang out with you.” Dick touched his
chest. “Am I dressed okay? I was just…” He looked down. He had his best black tie attire on.
“Oh. Never mind.” Dick shook his head. “Too many painkillers. Sorry.” He reached for a glass
of champagne. “I am so parched. You have no idea.” He put the glass to his lips but found it was
empty. He held it out and studied it curiously. “This was full right?”
“Dick. Don’t leave us.”
“Prince…where am I going? I told you I’d hang out with you.” Dick checked for another server.
He was so thirsty he was growing annoyed he couldn’t get a drink. “Is it cold in here? Christ,
prince, don’t freeze the poor philanthropists. They may never take out their checkbooks.” Dick
rubbed his arms to warm them.
“Please. Please, Dick…stay with us.”
“Why the hell are you repeating that?” Dick frowned at him. “Hello? William to earth? I’m not
going to split, okay?”
“You’re acting like a nut. I’m not leaving the dinner, but I am going to look for something to
drink, okay?” He shook his head and searched for a waiter, a bartender, a water fountain,

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He pushed through two doors that swung backwards, like for a restaurant kitchen. But there was
nothing behind them in the room. Dick spun around to go back to ask William where he could
get a drink, but the dinner gala had vanished and he couldn’t find his way.
“William?” he called out. Dick searched through a labyrinth of halls, white walls, with bright
florescent lighting. His head began to ache and the fear of getting an attack of pain again was
infuriating him. He was sick of dealing with a body that had nothing but pain and stiffness to
offer him. He was thirty-seven and those fifty-plus climbers moved better than he did.
“I’d be better off dead.” Dick couldn’t find William. A dark figure was at the end of a long
corridor. He had no idea who it was, but the vision scared him. “Prince!” Dick became afraid and
needed William. “Prince, where are you?” He made his way through a confusing maze of
nothing but walls. His head began to throb to the point where he could barely see.
“Stay with me, Dick. Please.”
“Where are you, William? I can’t find you?” Dick kept moving, away from the terrifying
shadow. He didn’t even want to look over his left shoulder. He had read years ago in a book by
Carlos Castaneda that Death watches from a position behind your left shoulder.
He heard footsteps. They were close behind him. He spun around. He had no choice. “Caleb?”
“Hi, Dick!”
“Caleb, not now. I need to find William.”
“If you come with me, we can do whatever you want. You know. Like old times.”
“Old times? We fucked in a hotel in West Hollywood once. Don’t make it sound like we had a
“You have to come with me.”
When Caleb touched Dick’s arm, Dick felt sharp pain. Flinching, he looked down and noticed
Caleb’s hand was bones without flesh. “Get away from me!” He didn’t see Caleb anymore, but a
dark shadow was hovering before him. Dick screamed, “William!” and backed away from the
terrifying apparition.
“We’re going to get coffee, William. And something for you to eat.” Ruth stood with her purse.
“Just coffee. Thanks, Mom.” William met with her concerned glance as she and his father left
the room.
He scooted closer to Dick. “Baby, if you can hear me, don’t give up. I know you’re kind of
fucked up right now, but…” William teared up, touching Dick’s bandaged fingers. “Don’t leave
me. Please. I beg of you to not let go and fight the pain. I want you with me. Two years? You
think that’s enough of Dick Hunt? Baby, baby…” William rested his head as gently as he could
against Dick’s shoulder. The sound of Dick’s heart beating under his ear was such a relief to
him. His Mom and Dad were right, Dick was not on life support, just antibiotics, fluids, and a
heart monitor. That meant he was not a plug puller yet. And he never wanted to be.
“Stay with me. Stay with me,” William cried, rocking softly against Dick.
“Why isn’t there anything to drink in his bar?”
William bolted upright and blinked. Dick’s voice was weak and raspy but he spoke.
“Prince. Why isn’t the bar open?”
William rang for the nurse and kissed Dick’s cheek through a gauze bandage. “I’ll get
something for you.”
“What the hell. What the hell.” Dick cringed and William could see him try to move.
The nurse came in.
“He’s awake and thirsty.”

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She nodded and rushed out.
William could tell each word took Dick a great effort to speak. “I’m here, my love, my life.” He
touched Dick’s hair as lightly as he could.
“What did I do now? I can’t recall. How fucked up am I?”
The nurse returned with a paper cup and straw. “Just a sip, Mr. Hunt.”
William held it for him, putting the straw in his mouth. Dick sucked it all down, ignoring the
Once Dick had his drink, the nurse placed a pitcher of water and a cup of crushed ice next to
him. She checked on the drip tubes.
“Give me fucking morphine.”
Dick didn’t even sound like himself. His swollen face and lips made it difficult for him to talk.
“Now. I want a fucking drip of that shit and the control knob in my hand.”
“I’ll get the doctor. I’m sure he can arrange it.”
When she left, William leaned closer to Dick. “How much pain are you in?”
“The more I’m awake, the more I can feel it. Fuck!” Dick closed his eyes. “Prince. Please. How
fucked up am I?”
William noticed Dick try to move his arms, which were wrapped against his chest. “I’m afraid if
I tell you…”
William knew he had to. “You fucked yourself up bad this time, babe.”
“Fucking head is killing me. And my leg. Holy shit. Did I hit the plate or something?”
“It came through your muscle. The impact was so hard, the metal plate didn’t give like a bone.”
William bit his lip. “It fractured your knee in the process.”
“No…no…” Dick whimpered.
“You lost your spleen too.”
“Impact. Car.” Dick seemed to be recalling the accident. “Yes. You were racing. At least that
was what I was told.”
“Yeah. Took her to over two hundred and she couldn’t handle the curve.”
The doctor approached the bed. He addressed Dick. “Mr. Hunt. I’m convinced you are the man
of steel. I’m amazed you are awake and talking already.”
“Morphine. Now. Button in my hand.”
The doctor instructed the nurse and she left.
William panicked. “No. He’ll use it to OD. No.”
“Prince. Go home.”
“Not in your dreams, Dick. Never.”
“I have to help him control the pain, Mr. Winsor.”
“Yes, but you can let the nurse do it.”
“Prince. Leave me and the doc to talk.”
“Dick! No!”
Dick licked his cracked lips. The doctor gave him the crushed ice to suck on, holding the cup
for him. “Mr. Winsor, please respect Mr. Hunt’s wishes.”
“He won’t fight it. Don’t you get it? And if you give him selfadministered morphine, he’ll kill
“Leave the room, prince. I don’t have the energy for this.”
“Mr. Winsor. Please.”

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William said to Dick, “If you think I’m going to let you kill yourself, think again.”
“It’s not your decision.” Dick winced in pain and William left with tears in his eyes.
Dick tried to turn his head as the nurse set up a CPA pump system to help Dick with the pain
management. “Doc.”
The doctor rolled a stool closer to Dick’s bedside and leaned near so Dick didn’t have to strain.
“Give me the rundown.”
“You did a good job on yourself, Mr. Hunt.”
“Doc.” Dick winced as he tried to shift on the bed. The pain in his right leg was beginning to
win the competition for the worst agony prize. “Tell me straight up. Will I walk? Will I be a
fucking cripple?”
The nurse handed the doctor the button which controlled the morphine doses into the IV tube.
“I can’t gauge your recovery now. But from your previous medical history and your
determination, you will probably fully recover. My concern now is infection. If we keep that
under control, you will make good progress.” He handed Dick the button for the morphine,
tucking it under the gauze bandage. “Can you squeeze it?”
Dick did.
“I have news for you. You won’t be able to kill yourself. This has a built in safety feature to
stop you from doing it.”
“Damn you.” Dick began depressing the pump again and again.
“That act of pressing the button will just make you sleep.”
“If you won’t help me, I’ll pay someone that will.” Dick kept depressing the button but he knew
it was useless.
“Even with all your money, you won’t get someone to assist you with suicide.” The doctor
looked over his shoulder to make sure no one overheard. “There’s a man outside that door who
has not left your side. You really want to do that to him?”
Dick stopped the futile effort of trying to fill his veins with morphine. “I can’t do this again. I
“You can. I looked at your X-rays, Mr. Hunt. This is par for your course. You have done more
physical therapy than anyone I have ever met, and even with a plate in your leg, you race cars,
climb mountains…”
“Yeah, yeah…fuck boys… Go read another tabloid paper.” Dick began to feel exhausted and
closed his eyes.
“I’ll get Mr. Winsor.” The doctor stood. “That morphine will take the edge off the agony. I
“I want Vicodin with it.”
“You are persistent. I’ll give you that.”
Dick went limp against the bed and tried to do an inventory of his own body. He felt his lips and
eyes were swollen, knew his arms or ribs must be damaged because of the way they were
wrapped up, and of course, his wonderful right leg and knee were destroyed. I’m lucky they
didn’t amputate
William rushed in and immediately looked at the morphine pump and Dick’s grasp of the
control. “You can’t kill yourself with it. The doc told me so.”
“Bring me my pills from home.”
“Sure, Dick.” William rolled his eyes and rested his chin on the bed beside him. “I love you and
I’m going to get you through this.”

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“If I wasn’t so exhausted I’d scream. I don’t want to do this. You know I don’t. I can’t.”
“Do you love me?”
Dick felt his puffy eyes burn with tears. “Don’t pull the love card on me. I can say the same. If
you loved me, put me down, like a sick dog.”
“If you were on life support, maybe.”
“Prince. The fucking pain.” Dick began to feel too tired to talk. “You thought last weekend
sucked? This is a hundred times worse.” He pushed the morphine button again but he knew
nothing would come out of the pump. “Please. Bring my Vicodin tomorrow.”
Instead of answering, William rested his head on Dick’s shoulder and his arm across his body.
Dick began to cry, the hot tears rolling down his temples. “I can’t do this, prince.”
He had no choice. He was completely out of it and couldn’t stay awake if he wanted to. With
the scent and warmth of William beside him, Dick imagined they were together in their bed at
home after a hot bout of sex.

Chapter 15

Six months later
Dick cuddled with his man. They were at the Palmilla in Baja California Sur, Mexico. The
floating daybed on the beach had a billowing white canopy atop four wood pillars. William
rolled Dick to his back with the gentleness of a butterfly.

“Mr. Hunt.”

William slipped his hand inside Dick’s shorts. They were both

naked from the waist up. “Can I service my man?”

“Never did it outside in a bed on a beach.”
“A first? No! I can’t believe anything I can do to you would be a

first.” William straightened Dick’s cock so it was upright. “Glad that’s the one thing I

never fucked up.” Dick closed his
eyes and relaxed on the pillows.
William opened Dick’s zipper and exposed his erection. When William enveloped it into his
mouth, Dick made the effort
to prop up his head to watch. “If it wasn’t for your mouth, I never
would have pulled through.”
Dick heard William laugh while he sucked. “Oh, prince…you do
that so well.” Dick tried to spread his legs but between the confining
shorts and his bum leg, he stayed still.
As if William knew his thoughts he said, “I’ll make you come
like this. Don’t worry.”
“I never worry about you making me come.” Dick smiled. “It’s
just that everything I do is the hard way.”
William held Dick’s cock at the base, standing it up to admire. “I
like this hard. Nothing wrong with it being hard.”
“Ha. Ha.”
“Suck now, talk later.”
“That’s my man.” Dick reached to touch William’s hair as he
resumed the lovely blowjob. “You take such good care of me.” William drew deep suction from

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the base where his hands were
clasped to the tip. He ran his mouth under the head and down the
back of Dick’s cock, then back up. Dick shivered and William
immediately went for the drop of pre-cum, licking it off. “Anytime you’re ready, prince.”
“Good.” William got to his knees and gained a better grasp of the
base of Dick’s cock. He sucked harder, faster, and deeper. The pleasure rocketed through Dick’s
groin and he whimpered,
wanting to raise his hips and fuck William’s mouth, but lay still and
let William do all the work.
And what wonderful work it was.
“I’m there, my baby…I’m there.” Dick closed his eyes and felt
his cock pulsating inside William’s mouth. He was milked strongly
and heard William moan as he swallowed.
Dick panted as he recovered, his sweat blown dry by the warm
ocean breeze. William tucked his cock back inside his shorts for him
and lay beside him, caressing his hair.
“I can do you.” Dick drew him closer.
“Later. I just enjoy sucking you so much, it’s just as good as
“You’re a liar. You just don’t want the invalid to move.” William pointed his finger into Dick’s
chest assertively. “Six
months ago you were in a hospital bed so broken up, I never thought
you would walk again.”
“And?” Dick pointed to a carved walking stick leaning against the
bed. “Now you’re saddled with grandpa and his cane.”
“Yeah. Right. Like you’ll be needing that in a week.” He rolled
his eyes.
Dick sighed and stared at the waves. “I wouldn’t mind
“Augh!” William gave a shout of anguish dramatically. “You
see? Parasailing? Yeah, you’re a real cripple, Mr. Hunt.” “Point taken, prince.” Dick caressed
his face. “I never would have
been able to do it without you.”
“No. You wouldn’t have.” William gave him a cheeky smile.
“You owe me.”
“Name it.”
“No more Vicodin and vodka.”
“Eh!” Dick wagged his finger at him. “Behave, Mr. Winsor.” William shook his head, but he
was smiling. “Always the hard
way, Mr. Hunt.”
Dick grabbed a handful of William’s crotch. “You know both you
and I would have it no other way.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
Dick embraced William and rolled so he was on top. Yes, he felt
every fiber of his scar tissue, worse than ever since the accident. But
he never would have lived his life any differently.

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William became pliable under him, allowing Dick to assert his
dominance. Dick met his lips and they kissed, the ocean waves and
flapping canopy like music in the background.
Dick leaned on his elbow to stare at his lover, admire him. “I
can’t believe you still want to associate with damaged goods. I’ve
always told you, you can do better.”
“And I’ve always told you, you are better. Better than anything I
have ever had.”
“Ha! And you say I do things the hard way?” Dick laughed,
playfully whacking William’s chest.
“Just get those lips back here. They need more physical therapy.” Dick laughed. “You do have a
very good sense of humor.” “If I didn’t laugh, I’d cry, dealing with you.”
“You’ve done plenty of both.”
“I’ve no complaints.”
“Yes you do. Vicodin and vodka.”
“Okay. One complaint. Hey, that’s not bad.” William drew him
closer. “Now. I said shut up and kiss me, Mr. Hunt.”
“I can do that.” Dick embraced him, opening his mouth to receive
William’s tongue.
Never tiring of the touch of his man, William enjoyed the sensual
kisses, knowing they had nothing but time to enjoy. He had quit
work to tend Dick full time while he was convalescing. And now that
Dick was well enough to travel, William decided his time with this
man meant more to him than his work.
They had each other, for a year? For fifty years? There was no
way for William to predict. But when it came to his love of Dick
Hunt, there was nothing hard about it. It was easy.
“Parasailing,” William laughed between their lips as he said it. “Tomorrow.”
“Yes, my love?”
“Your turn to shut up and kiss me. Have I told you I loved you
yet today?”
“Mm. You just did.” William smiled and closed his eyes as their
mouths met. Whatever time they had in the future, William was sure
life with Richard Hunt III would be worth every minute.

The End


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