Lekcja 10 Niepełnosprawni na rynku pracy

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Lekcja 10: Niepełnosprawni na rynku pracy



Lekcja 10: Niepełnosprawni na rynku pracy

Praca jest wartością, która umożliwia nam pełne uczestnictwo w życiu społecznym poprzez zapewnienie jej
materialnych warunków egzystencji, określenia roli i statusu w ramach organizacji społecznej. W przypadku
choroby i niepełnosprawności, coraz częściej dostrzega się znaczenie pracy jako elementu rehabilitacji
społecznej. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby każdy niepełnosprawny uświadomił sobie możliwość podjęcia pracy,
która może mu dać nie tylko dodatkowe źródło dochodu, ale również satysfakcję.

Work is a value that enables all individuals to fully participate in society by satisfying their living needs and through
determining their role and status within a social system. In case of illness and disability, the importance of working as
part of a social rehabilitation is increasingly recognised. This is why it is crucial for all disabled people to realise that
they can work, which might be for them not only an additional source of income, but also a rewarding occupation.

In Poland, there are more than two million people with some degree of disability, of whom almost twenty five per cent
are professionally active. Moreover, recent years saw an increase in activity of people with disabilities. Promoting
awareness of their rights and opportunities for professional development helped a lot to achieve this result.
Progressively they become active participants in the labour market. Still, there is still much to be done in the field of
incentives stimulating the disabled to work: unfortunately, we are still far from the EU average, where the percentage
of people with disabilities who are professionally active fluctuates around 50 per cent.

What is also improving, is the awareness of employers giving work to people with disabilities. In addition, employees
with disabilities mean, for their employer, various financial benefits. Their bosses can apply for salary funding,
reimbursement of the costs of training, equipment and any adaptations needed. What's more, it is also possible to
deduct the cost of hiring a person helping the disabled employee in the job.

The disabled can find employment in virtually every industry. A meeting with a career counsellor may reveal that a
person with a disability can find fulfilment in a job that seemed to be out of reach. It is even more important given that
work is the best way of active rehabilitation for people with disabilities. It has been proved many times that disabled
people who start working open up to others and become more self-confident. Also, their colleagues quickly get rid of
all the stereotypes about disabilities in the workplace.

Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl -


© Agora SA


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