olimpus Z A4 klucz 2005

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1. How many students are there in Tom's class?

2. Which pet has got black eyes?

8. A: ………………………

B: She's from England

9. A: Mum, this is my friend, Tina.

B: Hello, Tina. ……………………


Tom is eleven years old. He lives in a small village
and goes to school there. There are thirty-one
students in his class: seventeen boys and fourteen
girls. He likes his class.
He's got three pets: a dog, a cat and a hamster. The
dog's name is Rex. He is six years old. He is
beautiful. His eyes are brown and his fur is black and
white. He is a very friendly dog.
Tom's cat is called Susie. She's got green eyes and
grey fur. She's very friendly, too. She is younger than
Rex, she is only two years old. She is clean and
The hamster's name is Max. He has got small black
eyes and orange fur. He is very funny.

3. What colour is Susie's fur?

10. A: ………………………..

B: They're twenty-five pounds.

11. What do you say when you leave your friend's home?

5. Which sentence is not true?

12. Jak mówimy po angielsku: “Zamknijcie ksi¹¿ki”


a) a dog

b) a cat

c) a hamster

a) 14

b) 31

c) 17

d) 11

d) a dog and a cat

a) The dog is 7 years old.

b) Tom goes to school in a village.
c) Tom doesn't live in the city.

d) Tom's cat isn't called Max.

a) How much money cost these trousers?

b) How much are these trousers?
c) How much you pay for these trousers?

d) How much is these trousers?

a) Open your books.

b) Close your books.
c) Shut up your books.

d) Read your books.









a) black and white

b) white

c) orange

d) grey

4. Does Tom like his class?
a) No, he does.

b) Yes, he does.

c) Yes, he doesn't.

d) No, he doesn't.

6. A: How are you today?

B: ……………………

a) I'm not.

b) I'm OK, thanks.

c) I'm beautiful, thank you.

d) I'm eleven years old.

7. A: ……………….., Andy. Can I borrow your rubber,


B: ………………….

a) A: Excuse me

B: Yes, of course, you can.

c) A: Excuse me

B: Yes, of course, I can't.

d) A: Please

B: Yes, of course, I can.

b) A: Please

B: No, why not?

13. My mum's sister is my ……………… .
a) ant

b) uncle
c) cousin

d) aunt

a) Good evening.

b) Hello.
c) Goodbye.

d) Hi tomorrow.

a) Nice to meet you.

b) Where is your school?
c) Nice to meet her.

d) Who are you?

a) Is Maria from England?

b) Where does Maria from?
c) Where Maria is from?

d) Where is Maria from?

14. Choose only wild animals:
a) cow, wolf, elephant, hen, tiger

b) cheetah, wolf, giraffe, lion, gorilla
c) cheetah, donkey, horse, hen, goose

d) elephant, giraffe, ostrich, snake, dog

background image

22. …………….. five people in my family: my parents,

my two brothers and me.

23. Can you see (1)……..?

(2)…….. eyes are so sad.

24. A: ………… do you live?

B: I live in a small house near the sea.

16. Today is Wednesday, so tomorrow is ……………….

18. Choose the odd-one-out.

(Wybierz wyra¿enie, które nie pasuje do pozosta³ych)

20. …………….. an orange box on the table.

21. Look at ………… beautiful bike over there! It's mine!

26. Which question is correct?

(Które pytanie jest poprawne?)

27. Put the words in the right order to make a question.

(Ustaw s³owa we w³aœciwej kolejnoœci, aby otrzymaæ

28. Jack ………. much free time this weekend.

29. Which question is correct?

30. ZnajdŸ poprawne pytanie do nastêpuj¹cego zdania:

Mrs Wilson works as a teacher not far from London.






What does the solution mean in Polish?
(Co znaczy po polsku s³owo bêd¹ce rozwi¹zaniem

a) kreda

b) kredka

c) g¹bka

d) cyrkiel

a) Friday

b) Tuesday

c) Saturday

d) Thursday

17. Pair up the words from column left and right.

(Po³¹cz wyrazy z kolumny lewej z wyrazami z
kolumny prawej)

a) waiting

b) playing football
c) skiing

d) collecting stamps

19. We ………. very good friends.

a) this

b) these

c) that

d) those

25. Where is the teddy bear?

a) We can listen to music in my room?

b) Can we listen to music in my room?
c) Can we listen in room my to music?

d) Can my to music listen in we room?


15. Put the words into the crossword:

1. neck

2. hands

3. head

A. shoes

B. hat

C. tights

4. feet

5. legs

D. scarf

E. gloves

a) 1 - D; 2 - E; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - C

b) 1 - E; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - C; 5 - D
c) 1 - D; 2 - A; 3 - E; 4 - B; 5 - C

d) 1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - E


a) There are

b) There is

c) There isn't

d) There aren't

a) (1) my; (2) Me

b) (1) their; (2) They

c) (1) hers; (2) Her;

d) (1) him; (2) His

a) Who

b) Where

c) What

d) How much

It's ……… the chair.

a) on

b) behind
c) under

d) between

a) How many books does she have?

b) How much book does she have?
c) How much books does she have?

d) How many books does she has?

listen, we, in, room, can, music, my, to

a) doesn't got

b) don't have

c) haven't got

d) hasn't got

a) Does your mother can speak English?

b) Can your mother speak English?
c) Does Your mother speaks English?

d) Can your mother speaks English?

a) There are

b) There is

c) They are

d) There aren't

a) Where is Mrs Wilson work?

b) Where is Mrs Wilson do?
c) What does Mrs Wilson do?

d) What does Mrs Wilson work?





a) is

b) am

c) isn't

d) are


waiting - playing football
skiing - collecting stamps


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