Devon Rhodes Through The Red Door

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Through the Red Door
ISBN # 978-0-85715-169-8
©Copyright Devon Rhodes 2010
Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright June 2010
Edited by Jess Bimberg
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
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proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has been rated Total-e-melting.

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Vampires & Mages & Weres, Oh My!


Devon Rhodes

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For all my friends and fans who helped me choose names for my angel and demon…and

who unanimously voted to make my demon male.

Kyrian and I thank you.

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Devon Rhodes


Chapter One

“This one really has nice kerb appeal. Beautiful landscaping, and it looks like the owner

really enjoys gardening. Let’s see here.” The garish, loud real estate agent consulted the sheet

on her clipboard as she minced her way up the front walkway. Seth trailed unenthused in

her wake, wishing he had broken away to stop for a latte. All her inane yammering was

giving him a headache, and missing his regular mid-afternoon caffeine fix probably wasn’t


Rubbing his hand over his tired eyes, Seth tuned back in to what the agent was saying

about their eighth house that day.

“…just two years ago, so you wouldn’t have to worry about a new roof for a long time.

And I love the colours, don’t you? Such a classic combination, with the black shutters and the

red front door. Now where did they stick that lockbox?”

Seth remained where he had frozen stockstill at the mention of the red front door. Fuck.

Figures. Just when I hit full power again.

He resumed walking towards the front of the house, which did seem like a lovely

house, even as he tried to avoid looking at the front door. He kept his eyes averted as the

agent held her cell phone up to the lockbox until it opened, using the time for a silent pep


Okay, now remember. You can do this. The owner said it was okay to come inside when they

agreed to the showing. So technically, that’s like being invited in. Right?

Why don’t we just skip this house?

But it’s in a great neighbourhood.
Oh, shut up!

Wishing he felt more certain about the loophole, knowing that entering this house was

going to leach a ton of power either way, Seth braced himself as he mounted the front step.

Silently chanting a protective cadence to bolster his shields, he took a deep breath and

followed the agent gingerly across the threshold.

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As if walking through an electrical field, shocking pain flashed like a current through

Seth’s body, but dissipated as quickly as it hit. Huh. Weird. That wasn’t nearly as bad as it

should have been.

Not bad? After that, this had better be a fucking amazing house.

And it was.

Seth glanced dispiritedly around the last house in today’s excursion, expecting more of

what he had been seeing during the past month of interminable house-hunting—a cookie

cutter house with no personality that he wouldn’t be caught dead living in, or something

with ‘potential’ that idiotic owners had beaten the crap out of…that he wouldn’t be caught

dead living in.

He’d been surprised to find something in this neighbourhood in his price range and

probably the only reason he was even able to think about affording a house here was because

this house was small. He looked down at the info sheet in his hand. Very small. Only two

bedrooms and an office. Seth shrugged. Fine for him since he lived alone, but he supposed

for most people bigger was better.

The scent hit him first and the vice that was his headache immediately eased. It was a

spicy combination, like nuts and cinnamon. Or maybe cardamom? He inhaled deeply and his

mind cleared completely, making everything suddenly seem brighter, more vivid.

He finally began to really look around at the place. The vaulted foyer was bright and

open, flanked on one side by French doors leading to the office and on the other a half-wall

with glassed cabinets delineating the dining room. The white baseboards and crown

moulding set off the rich earth tones of the walls and Brazilian cherry floors.

With rising excitement, Seth tuned out the nattering agent as he strode forward past her

into the great room at rear of the house. The kitchen was a cook’s dream and spotless.

Through the floor to ceiling bank of windows on the back wall of the family room, Seth could

see a stone patio, a multilevel deck with what looked like a hot tub, and a view of nothing

but green space. Privacy, ahhh.

Not even bothering to step outside, he ascended the stairs to find a tidy guest room at

the front of the house, a small area on the top landing that overlooked the vaulted entry and

dining room below, and a surprisingly large master suite that ran across the entire back of

the house, complete with double doors opening to a private deck.

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Inexplicably, Seth began to become aroused, his cock shifting in his jeans as it began to

harden. The scent from before was strongest in here, which struck Seth as odd. Surely

something in the kitchen was the source of the delicious smell? He took another long inhale

and his lids drifted closed as his eyes nearly rolled back in his head with pleasure. He went

unconsciously into tracking mode as he followed the scent across the room to the four-poster

bed. His hand unerringly reached of its own accord for the pillow on the left side, pulling it

from the covers and raising it to his face, rubbing against it like a kitten with catnip as his

erection reached a dizzying state.

Suddenly hearing the agent on the steps, Seth realised what he was doing and, shocked

at his own actions, dropped the pillow back onto the bed as if it had burned him. He took

two huge steps away towards the window, pretending to admire the view while he

attempted to gather his thoughts.

What the holy fuck!


Quit it! Oh crap, what the hell is wrong with me?

Seth needed to get out of here. Right now. Something was seriously wrong with this

house. It was…too perfect. And his weird reaction to the fabric softener or cologne, or

whatever the fuck was hitting his system like the ultimate aphrodisiac, was really starting to

worry him. Shoving his hands into his front pockets, he gave his cock a ruthless squeeze to

try to get it to behave.

“So what do you think? It’s obvious the owners really love this house, it’s just so well

taken care of. Definitely the best one we’ve seen today.” She checked her papers, hmm’ing

and murmuring to herself before glancing up at Seth with a shrewd look. “Just went on the

market yesterday too, so if you’re interested, I’d suggest making an offer right away.

Someone will surely snap this up in a hurry, especially at this price.”

The panic and possessiveness that shot through him at the thought of anyone else

coming in here shocked the hell out of Seth, and before he knew what he was saying, he

found himself agreeing. “Offer, yes. Let’s do it.”

Her eyes lit up, and Seth groaned quietly. What the hell had he said that for? He didn’t

really want this house, did he? He’d barely looked at it. It was just plain stupid to buy a

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house just because the owner’s pillow smelled heavenly. Delicious. Sexy. Ugh. Seth rolled his

eyes at his own folly.

“Great!” she chirped. “Let’s head back to the office, and I’ll call to let the listing agent

know that we have one coming in so they don’t accept another offer in the meantime.”

“Call now,” Seth growled in the deep voice that usually came only from his demon

side, then tried for damage control as a look of shock crossed her face. It probably mirrored

his own visage right about now. He hastily added in his human voice, “I mean, I wouldn’t

want to take the chance of losing this by waiting until we get back there.” Great, Seth, scare the


“Yes, of course,” she responded wide-eyed, taking a step back, more subdued and

normal-sounding than he had ever heard her. An evil part of him sniped that he should have

used that tone before, it would have saved him several headaches.

Not nice!

But true.

Distracted by his thoughts and the hint of fear lurking in the agent’s eyes as she hastily

turned to exit the room, he found himself once again at the side of the bed, looking down at

the pillow. This time he tried opening all his senses as best he could without actually shifting

form, and sought to make some sense of the reactions the house, the scent, the whole

situation had raised in him.

One thing was certain. There was only one trace signature in this dwelling, so only a

single occupant. He swallowed heavily and tried to tune out his attraction to the scent as he

felt around the perimeter of the house. From the inside, this amounted to scouting for ease of

egress, and he didn’t find anything impeding his progress. So it was no magical being living

here, any worth their salt would have protected the house more carefully, simply someone

who happened to like a red front door. Having the cursed thing carefully and systemically

removed would be his first order of business once he was the owner.

Oh hell. That’ll cost a pretty penny.

The irony wasn’t lost on Seth that the only house he’d liked out of the at least forty he’d

seen happened to be one warded, if unintentionally, against demons. Red doors were a

traditional, ancient protection against all sorts of non-human entities. In fact, most of Seth’s

kind wouldn’t have been able to cross the threshold at all, even with an explicit invitation.

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But Seth was unusually strong at full power and had the extra advantage of guardian

status, the ‘law enforcement’ of his kind, which meant he knew some tricks of the trade that

weren’t common knowledge. Like the ancient chant to help counteract the ward.

He frowned thoughtfully as he recalled his entrance. The wards had given way too

easily. Almost as if they had been deliberately suppressed. On a hunch, Seth searched the

depth of his knowledge for a chant to reveal magic memory in objects as he walked down the

stairs. The agent was waiting at the front door and he paused in the middle of the foyer, not

able to do what he needed in front of her.

Seth sent a small pulse of compulsion her way and, as suggested, she walked out the

door and halfway down the sidewalk before pulling out her phone. With only a few

moments in which to work, Seth quickly approached the door.

Phaino dunamis,” he chanted in a whisper as he ran his hand along the doorjamb and

closed his eyes as an image began to rise in clarity. His eyes flew open in shock as he

recognised the power signature of an ancient demon, long believed vanished.

Palaios? Here?”

“Hmm? Did you say something?” The agent had rejoined him.

He fought to keep his face neutral. “Um, nice place here.”

She gave him a strange look then laughed. “Well, yes, I’d say so if you’re looking to

make an offer on it! So, ready to head to the office?” she prompted as he continued to stand,

rooted to the spot.

“I really haven’t seen the backyard yet. Would it be too much trouble to wait a few

minutes while I take a look?”

“Of course not,” she declared quickly, although her expression told a different story.

She followed him towards the back of the house, her shoes clacking on the hardwood in a

way that had him wincing.

Striving for patience, Seth opened the back door and turned to her as if he had just

thought of something. “Say. I’d like to take a good look, and you probably don’t want to get

your nice shoes dirty.” He smiled, trying to be reassuring. “You could just lock this door up

after me, and I’ll meet you back at your office. Okay?”

She looked vastly relieved. “Oh, that’s a great idea. I’ll call the listing agent on the way

and see you there.”

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Exiting this way was, as he had predicted, much easier. Seth barely felt the jolt as he

stepped outside. Knowing now that another demon was attempting to whittle away at the

wards securing the house, he could sense the power signature here as well. The door closed

hastily, and the nervous agent twisted the lock and disappeared.

He slowly surveyed the yard just in case she was still watching.

A musical chuckle came from his left and he whipped around defensively, his jaw

dropping in shock as he saw the man half-reclined on the chaise lounge. He was long and

lean, with an artistically dishevelled mop of dark hair, and he had a newish-looking cast on

one ankle.

Not a man. Suddenly, his improbable, visceral reaction and the tampering with the

house made perfect sense.

A fucking angel.

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Chapter Two

Kyrian watched with keen interest as the high-strung agent practically shoved the

potential buyer out the door. He couldn’t stifle a chuckle as a strange wince of discomfort

crossed the man’s face.

Oooh, not nice, Kyrian. You’d better watch it. One of these days you’re going to laugh at the

wrong person.

It was his worst fault unfortunately, schadenfreude, which had caused him no end of

trouble over the years. He just couldn’t help laughing at inappropriate times. An automatic

reaction to anything unusual.

His victim whipped around, and for a moment, Kyrian thought his day of reckoning

had actually come. But the dangerous, feral glint in those dark eyes changed in quick

succession to shock then something like distaste.

A born people-pleaser, Kyrian felt a stab of disappointment at the look of disdain. He

glanced down at himself in reflex to check his appearance. Nothing obviously out of place.

He was actually dressed fairly nicely for a day at home. Maybe the guy just didn’t like

shaggy hair. He was very clean-cut, bordering militaristic in his grooming, severely shaped

almost black hair with a hint of wave to it above a smoothly shaven face.

A man’s lips moved, and that’s when Kyrian realised that Michael Franti and

Spearhead were still happily ‘Say Hey’ing in his ear. He quickly pulled out the earpieces.

“Hi there. Sorry about laughing. I don’t know why I did that.”

Tall, Dark and Dangerous narrowed his eyes, apparently at the reminder of Kyrian’s

faux pas, and said something incomprehensible in a deep, almost gravelly voice. Ah ha, a


“No comprende,” he apologised.

His visitor actually rolled his eyes in disgust. At him! Kyrian would’ve jumped to his

feet to tell him off if he didn’t have the flipping cast on his ankle.

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His visitor angrily spouted off more gibberish in whatever language he was speaking,

and Kyrian rolled his own eyes in response, which apparently wasn’t very well received

since suddenly the man was looming threateningly over him.

Trapped in the chaise lounge, at his mercy, Kyrian could only freeze and hope the man

wouldn’t get violent.

Holding out his hands in what he hoped was the universal symbol for wait a sec, he

tried placating the aggressor. “Hey, hey, I’m sorry, okay? I. Don’t. Understand. You,” he

enunciated. Using basic body language, he thumped his chest, shook his head, and tapped

his temple as he tried Tarzan-esque simplicity. “Me no understand.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” The man threw up his hands as if Kyrian was the one acting like

an idiot.

“Geez, why didn’t you just speak English in the first place? That would be the logical

language to start with considering the country we’re in.” Kyrian snarked as he tried to keep

his lips from twitching into another inappropriate smile. The whole thing really was pretty

funny in a weird way. “I’m Kyrian.”

“Kyrian…?” the other man prompted.

Kyrian quirked his brow. Liked to get formal, did he? “De Angelo.”

The other man winced and groaned, “Oh, that’s fucking original,” and shook his head

with a huff.

What the heck? “Say buddy, where do you get off laughing at my name? And you

haven’t told me your name to make fun of.”

“I’m Seth.”

“Seth…?” Kyrian mocked Seth’s earlier tone.

He shrugged with a deliberate smirk. “Just Seth.”

Kyrian gasped with outrage and was about to attempt rising to confront him, cast or no

cast, when Seth leaned closer to him and inhaled. No two ways about it—he sniffed him.

Okay, this was getting a bit odd, even for him. He needed to nip this visit in the bud.

“Okay, just Seth.” Kyrian watched warily as a contented look crossed the man’s face for

the first time, turning it into something serene and beautiful. “Thanks for visiting the house.

Hope you liked it. Uh—”

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Seth dropped to his knees, heavily lidded eyes locked on Kyrian’s startled ones, and

wasted no time in claiming a toe-curling, bone-melting kiss.

All coherent thought left Seth’s brain as he plundered Kyrian’s warm mouth, giving in

without a qualm to the insane need he felt in that moment. Why fight it? It wasn’t as if he

had any hard and fast rules about who to have fun with, and it had been a very long time

since he had felt anything like this gnawing urge to rub himself all over the man.



Slowly but insistently, he coaxed Kyrian into the carnal meeting of tongues, sleeking in

and out of his mouth in a sensuous parody of what he wanted to do to him later, without

clothes, preferably in a bed, but he wasn’t picky. He was beginning to think that a lounge

chair outdoors was looking pretty good when he heard a low growl from behind him.

His eyes popped open a second before Kyrian’s, and he watched those lashes fan

upwards, revealing luminous sky blue eyes that made him back away in a hurry. What the

hell had he been thinking? And why was he still alive? Kyrian should have roasted him by


“Lucky for you he has no idea what he’s capable of. Yet. Now back away, demon.”

The voice insinuating itself into Seth’s mind was at once wary and taunting, and Seth

carefully looked behind him to see a huge, pitch black mastiff regarding him with a constant

low, rumbling growl that finally caught the attention of his…owner?

“Lucifer, bad boy! Stop growling at the poor man.”

“Lucifer? Oh c’mon! And I thought De Angelo was bad.”
“He didn’t name me, or himself for that matter, tough guy. Now upsie daisy.”

Seth cleared his throat as he stood slowly, backing away at an angle that left him facing

somewhere between the two beings regarding him, one with antipathy, and one with

marked interest.

“Sorry about that, Luci’s usually a sweetie pie.” Kyrian beckoned to the mastiff, who

approached and sat squarely in front of his master, eyes still glued to Seth. “C’mere and pet

him. He’s very friendly.”

“Uh, I’m not sure he wants me to pet him.”

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“Oh, come on! Big guy like you isn’t scared of a dog.”

Seth assumed that the baby talk was more for the mutt’s benefit as Kyrian beckoned

Seth, and he found himself again inexplicably kneeling to do Kyrian’s bidding.

“Okay, Luci, don’t take my hand off.”

A growl erupted as the dog, or whatever it was, answered. “Don’t call me Luci unless you

like the idea of dismemberment.”

Seth smirked a bit at that, beginning to realise that Lucifer was, to coin a bad pun, all

bark and no bite. He tousled the dog’s head, rubbing at his ears none too gently, and earned

a beatific smile from Kyrian that made his chest seize. No powers yet, and still he had Seth

right in the palm of his hand.

“See? All friends now.” Kyrian met his eyes with a coy tilt of his head that practically

invited another kiss, and damned if Seth didn’t feel like taking him up on it. But he had a few

pressing problems, not the least of which was how an angel, who apparently didn’t know he

was an angel, came to be living here. Why was he selling his house? Who had been trying to

get into it? And what exactly was disguised as the mutt?

With effort, Seth extricated himself from the invisible threads tugging him back towards

those lush lips and stood, hoping that the evidence of his arousal wasn’t as obvious as it felt.

A quick glance down had him irritated and he made no secret of adjusting his erection to a

more comfortable position, after all, it was practically waving in his angel’s face.

‘My’ angel? Shit, he so had to get out of here. Feeling a bit panicked, he backed away,

nearly tripping over the side table in his haste.

“Great to meet you, Kyrian, and, uh, Lucifer. Gotta run.”

“See you soon, demon.”

“You sure you have to go?” Kyrian looked disappointed as he shifted himself with

effort, drawing Seth’s attention to the cast on his ankle.

The responses overlapped in Seth’s mind and he paused for a second to sort them out,

the injury to Kyrian nagging at him.

“What happened to your foot?” Seth felt an alien sensation of empathy as Kyrian’s face

reflected his discomfort and embarrassment, making him want to gather him into his arms

and soothe away the ill feelings.

“Ugh. I’m gonna ralph.”

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With a warning glance at Lucifer, Seth returned his attention to Kyrian, who quickly

looked down at his twisting hands. “It’s really dumb.”

“Tell me,” Seth urged, suddenly needing to know, a hinky feeling building in his spine.

Kyrian gave a little self-deprecating snort. “I, uh, fell off my deck and fractured my


Seth looked around. The patio was bordered on one side by a short deck surrounding

the hot tub that was only a few feet off the ground. “That one?” he asked incredulously,

wondering how someone could sustain such an injury from a fall from that height.

Kyrian turned beet red and looked up behind Seth. “No, that one.”

Seth twisted to look up at the second floor master suite deck, which had a substantial

railing around it that he estimated would’ve been over waist high on Kyrian. He didn’t

bother to ask out loud, giving Kyrian a questioning look that he was evidently expecting.

“I know, I can barely explain it. It sounds really weird.”

“Try,” Seth gritted, suspecting what he would hear next. And he wasn’t disappointed.

“I was just leaning against the rail looking out at the woods when…well, it felt almost

like someone pushed me.” Kyrian wouldn’t meet Seth’s eyes. “Crazy, huh?”

“What happened, mutt? Who was it?”

“I don’t know for certain who, but it was a demon. Such as yourself.”

Just then Seth’s cell phone rang, and he didn’t need two guesses to figure out who it

would be. Glancing at the display, he grimaced then answered carefully. “Hello?”

“Hi Seth, it’s Marianne. We were to meet back at my office, correct?”

Oops. “Yes, Marianne, I’m sorry. I got caught up talking to the owner here.”

“Oh? Well, I just spoke to his listing agent, who said that another party who is very

interested wants to look at the house tomorrow evening.”

“No!” he shouted before he thought. Crap. “I mean, if we put in an offer now, they

don’t need to be tromping through it, right?” Seth scowled at the thought of total strangers

walking through his and Kyrian’s house like it was an amusement park. Then another, more

sinister thought occurred to him. What if it was the other demon? If it was watching the

house, it might have seen Seth and decided to try its luck gaining entry the same way. A

tendril of fear for Kyrian snaked through him.

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“Well, I’m not sure, Seth.” She sounded doubtful. “Even if we came in a full price, the

owner would still have to accept the offer and even then, they might want to encourage a

bidding war. It’s just good business to show it to more potential buyers.”

“Let me call you back.” Seth hung up without a further word and turned his attention

back to Kyrian, who was listening with interest.

“Someone else wants to see the house? Oh, you’re making an offer! That’s great, but…”

he trailed off uncertainly. “I like you, Seth. I don’t want you to buy a haunted house.”

Seth suppressed a grin. “Don’t worry, I don’t believe in all that stuff. It’s a gorgeous

house, and I really want it.” And you, he finished silently, giving Kyrian a smouldering look

that was returned in full measure.

“Why don’t we take this party inside? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that things tend to happen

in the evening.” Lucifer sounded worried, if that was possible, and the feeling was contagious

when added to the suspicions Seth already held.

Seth sobered, casting a look around the deepening shadows of the yard. Damn it, he

needed to start thinking. “Can I help you inside? It’s getting chilly now that the sun’s going


Kyrian glanced down shyly, evidently still embarrassed about having to confess his fall.

“I can manage. I wouldn’t want to put you out.”

“It’s no problem.” Seth’s voice had deepened considerably at the thought of touching

Kyrian again. He assessed the cast and the drawn look beginning to flit around the corners of

Kyrian’s mouth and without another word bent to carefully gather Kyrian against his chest.

This put Kyrian’s face inches from Seth’s jaw, and the surprised puff of breath against

Seth’s neck sent a shiver through him that arrowed straight down to his cock. “Put your arm

around my neck,” he instructed softly, wondering what it was about Kyrian that made him

want to take care of him.

Like most demons, Seth had no love lost for angels. But unlike most of his counterparts,

he based his impressions on fact rather than myth. He’d seen firsthand the damage that a

pissed off angel could inflict upon a demon stupid enough to poke the tiger. But he also

knew that in most cases, the idiot demons were the instigators.

As Kyrian’s arm slowly slipped around his shoulders, Seth suddenly sensed movement

in the trees. “Kyrian, your keys?”

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Lucifer began growling.

“Front pocket,” came the short response, and Seth wasted no time thrusting his hand

into the down the front of Kyrian’s shorts, then stopped abruptly as his hand slid across an

unmistakable ridge. Shock and lust shot through him, but he didn’t have time to do more

than give Kyrian a light stroke before wrapping his fingers around the key ring.

He had no problem lifting Kyrian, and once he had him safely in his arms, he stood

brazenly staring towards the trees in challenge. Seth reached out, tuning out the growling


“Palaios.You are not welcome here.”

A menacing chuckle floated on the air. “You know me. But that matters not, guardian.” A

slight movement and the presence was gone.

“Did you hear something?” Kyrian craned his head towards the trees, and Seth came

back to his senses, unconsciously hugging him closer. What am I doing? Gotta get him inside.

“Why do you care what happens to him anyway, demon?” Lucifer sounded miffed.

Seth had no idea, so he avoided Lucifer’s question, instead answering Kyrian’s as he

carried him to the back door. “Something maybe. Probably just an animal. Hold on.” Seth

used the hand that was under Kyrian’s legs to unlock the deadbolt and pushed the door


Lucifer darted into the house ahead of Seth and Kyrian, prompting that musical chuckle

from Kyrian. Seth groaned as the sound of Kyrian’s laugh coupled with the feel of his lean,

solid frame cuddled against him sent his libido into overdrive. He chose that moment to step

across the threshold and, to his surprise, he felt no reaction at all.

Seth deposited Kyrian on the stool at the kitchen counter and made sure to securely

close and lock the back door. Taking a chance, laying his hand on the frame, he quickly

murmured a ward chant to strengthen the barrier. Thankfully, Kyrian didn’t appear to notice

anything unusual about his behaviour.

“Thanks for the lift, Seth.”

Seth inhaled sharply as his name on Kyrian’s lips almost pushed his control to the limit.

“No problem,” he managed. “Can we talk for a minute? I want you.” What the fuck? “Uh, I

mean your house.”

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Chapter Three

Trying to hide his disappointment, Kyrian nodded. Darn. Just when he thought the big

guy was interested in him, turns out he’s more interested in getting a good deal on the house.

Well, Kyrian had to hand it to him, he was working the angle really well. He was about

ready to just go ahead and give the house to him.

“I want to buy the house. I’ll have my agent draw up the contract today at full price if

you promise me that you won’t let anyone else look at it.”

“What?” So much for the working-the-discount theory. Kyrian met Seth’s intense gaze

and barely kept from panting. This guy was something else. He surreptitiously adjusted his

erection, dying to take it out and offer it to the man, wrapped in a bow if necessary, and he

didn’t even know if Seth was gay.

“Are you gay?” Ahh, stupid mouth. Kyrian could have smacked himself when he heard

the words tumble out. Especially since the guy was huge and strong and not hobbled by a

cast. He crossed his fingers. Please let him not be a homophobe.

Disbelief chased humour across Seth’s previously taut face, which relaxed at last into a

smile. “You just say whatever you think, don’t you?”

“Pretty much,” Kyrian confessed and decided he might as well go for broke. “Are you

interested in me or my house?”

“Both?” It barely came out a question after a slight pause. Seth followed up his response

with a sexy stalk in Kyrian’s direction, stopping just short of touching him. “Can we get this

house thing out of the way so we can concentrate on better things?”

“Such as?” Kyrian teased lightly, slipping off his sandal and using his good foot to run

slowly up and down Seth’s leg. A hot little growl came from the man before he leant in and

braced his muscular arms on either side of Kyrian, effectively trapping him in the seat. This

time, he wasn’t worried, just totally turned on.

“House. Offer. Yes?”

Just the fact that he had reduced Seth to monosyllables had him leaning in to rest his

forehead on Seth’s shoulder. Turning his head just a bit brought his lips brushing against

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Seth’s warm neck. Keeping his lips closed, he rubbed them gently back and forth before

pulling back.

“Okay. Call your agent.” But he worried about Seth having to deal with all the bad luck

and strange vibes that had prompted him to put the house on the market in the first place.

“Are you sure you aren’t bothered by ghosts, or,” he waved his hands around, “whatever it


Seth hesitated. “Is that the only reason you put the house on the market?”

Kyrian shrugged, still hating how strange and wimpy it made him sound, but he knew

he couldn’t live with the malevolent ‘presence’, whatever it was, any longer. He had felt a

definite push when he’d gone over the side of the deck. Who knew what it would try next?

And the feeling of being watched was… Kyrian shuddered and pulled away from the


“Yes. Silly, I know, when I love the house. But,” he shrugged again, “I just can’t live like


Seth cupped his jaw, stroking a thumb against the cleft in his chin. “Will you do

something for me?”

“What?” Kyrian breathed, falling into those magical, dark eyes. Anything.

“I think I can help you. Okay? So, take the house off the market if you want to keep it.

Or sell it to me if you don’t. But don’t let anyone else look at the house.” His thumb rose to

rub over Kyrian’s lower lip. “Please?”

It was the please that did it. Kyrian forgot about the ‘ghost’, the house, and everything

else not Seth. An unbidden and frightening urge to put his stamp of possession on Seth rode

his brain feverishly as he closed the distance between them and controlled the kiss from the


After a still pause, Seth groaned and opened to him, parting his lips slightly. Kyrian

took advantage of the acquiescence and slanted his head, softening his approach, stroking

into Seth’s mouth, learning the thrilling taste of him. He slid his hand up the back of Seth’s

neck, the feel of his short haircut tickling the pads of his fingers as he brushed upwards over

and over.

Anchoring Seth in place with his mouth and hand, Kyrian used his free hand to roam

down Seth’s side, pausing at his waistband before hooking a thumb inside his belt. The kiss

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continued unabated as he tugged, at first gently then with increasing force, until Seth had

moved into the cradle of his thighs, bringing him flush against Kyrian’s chest.

Kyrian felt like he could kiss this man forever. A breathy moan rose into his throat and

Seth fed him a growl in return. Needing pressure on his cock, his hips rocking on the chair,

trying to find a counterpoint, Kyrian hooked his legs around Seth’s hips…

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

…completely forgetting about his dang cast. His moan changed into a small whimper of

pain as he tried to ease the burdened foot back down to a safe place.

Seth finally seemed to realise Kyrian was no longer with the programme and pulled

back in question. “Kyrian?”

Kyrian pulled a hissing intake of breath through his teeth before looking up into those

dark eyes with a grimace. “Forgot about the cast.”

Seth winced. “Oh. Fuck, I’m sorry.” He backed carefully away. “Here, let me take you

to the couch.”

“No, actually I’d rather…” Kyrian stopped abruptly, realising he was just about to ask a

total stranger carry him to his bedroom. A wave of heat rushed to his face, and he closed his


Next thing he knew, he was being swept back up into those strong arms, his own going

automatically around Seth’s neck as Seth headed without being prompted towards the stairs.

“Oh, come on. I’m way too heavy for you to haul up the stairs,” Kyrian mumbled half-

heartedly into Seth’s neck.

“What the hell do you do when I’m not here?” Seth groused as he ascended the stairs

seemingly without effort, walking sideways to keep Kyrian’s foot from hitting the wall.

Kyrian lifted his head to try to catch his mood. Seth’s profile was set and stern-looking, and

Kyrian felt a whisper of trepidation. After all, what did he really know about the man, other

than he liked his house?

Kyrian tried to keep himself calm, but the seed of fear, once planted, grew unchecked.

He tensed in Seth’s hold, going rigid. All the strangeness and tension he had been

experiencing over the past couple of of weeks came to a head, and he began to struggle

frantically to free himself.

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“What the… Hold on! Are you trying to kill us?” Seth demanded angrily as he took the

last two steps at a jog then let Kyrian down in the upstairs hallway. Kyrian flushed as the

foolishness of his actions hit him. Probably not the best idea to try to jump out of someone’s

arms on the stairs, but it was hard to argue with hysteria. Lucifer nudged his hand for a pat

before going to sit next to Seth.

“I’m sorry. I just freaked out for a sec. It’s been a rough couple of of weeks.”

Seth’s expression softened. “That’s okay. I know I’d be a little bit uncomfortable with

trusting a complete stranger to carry me up the stairs. I don’t think anyone’s carried me

anywhere for…ages.” He snorted as if the thought of anyone carrying him was ludicrous,

and Kyrian smothered his own laugh at the thought of their roles being reversed and Kyrian

struggling to even pick the man up.

Seth must’ve noticed his smirk, because his eyebrow went up. “Think it’s funny, do

ya?” Kyrian went ahead and let the grin he’d been suppressing stretch his face, then gasped a

Seth reached once again for him, only this time tossing him over his shoulder like a maiden

he was carrying off to ravish.

At the thought of being ravished by Seth, Kyrian’s erection came back in full force, and

his grunt as he landed on Seth’s hard shoulder wasn’t only the breath being forced from him.

And the blood rushing to his head wasn’t the only reason his face felt as if it were sunburned

when Seth let him down on his bed with a gentle bounce.

In fact the only thing that could have possibly distracted him from his growing

attraction to Seth happened just then, another nasty twinge of pain from his broken ankle

that arrowed straight up his leg, wilting his hard-on and settling like an evil spirit in the pit

of his stomach. Kyrian curled onto his side, struggling to move the cast into a comfortable

position, as a wave of nausea hit in force.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to remember what time he last took his pain medication, still

able to appreciate the great view of Seth’s tight backside as he strode purposefully into

Kyrian’s bathroom with Lucifer trotting alongside. The defection of his dog prompted a

weak smile.

Sure, attach yourself to the mobile one who might be able to take you for a walk. I see how you


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Seth came back, miraculously carrying his two bottles of medication, a glass of water,

and a damp washcloth, which he offered to Kyrian as he set the rest on the bedside table.

“Lean up.” The voice was a low rumble close to his ear as Seth helped him sit upright

then piled a few pillows behind him before turning his attention to the pill bottles a bit


“I’m not sure which you take or how many.”

Kyrian’s heart warmed at the gruff man’s unexpected mothering. “A couple of of of the

Percocet and one of the over-the-counter ones.”

Seth set to extracting the pills and Kyrian let him even though he could have easily

done it himself. Good thing he’d eaten that bagel before the showing. That reminded him

about the house, and he got Seth’s attention with a light hand on his arm.

“About the house…” He stopped, unsure of what to say. Seth nudged his hand.

“Here, take these first and then we’ll talk.”

Kyrian obediently swallowed the pills, chasing them with a long drink of water. Then

to his utter shock, Seth took the washcloth from his lax hand and began running it along his

face and neck, the purposeful strokes soon giving way to more of a caress as Kyrian froze, his

eyes locked on Seth’s with only one thought pounding in his mind.

Kiss me.

“Kiss him, you dope.”
“Shut up, Luci.”

“Don’t call me Luci, demon. Come on, plant one on him. One.”

Seth very nearly rolled his eyes, but knowing that Kyrian would think his displeasure

was with him, he swallowed his frustration at the interference of the ‘dog’ and instead let a

wry smile tease at his lips. Kyrian did look like he was expecting a kiss, but remembering the

hot, soul-searing version they shared both times in the past, he was wary of letting himself

indulge while oh so conveniently here on the guy’s bed. Who knew how carried away they’d

get given the location?

“That’s why I said ‘one’, idiot.”

“Get out of my fucking head!”

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Seth glanced down at Lucifer and swore he saw a look of smug satisfaction on the

mutt’s face. Angry at himself for being baited, he made a shooing motion at Lucifer who

immediately got up and trotted off disdainfully, as if it were his own idea to leave.

Returning his focus to Kyrian, who has apparently been watching the little exchange

with a look of amazement, he laughed out loud, startling them both.

“Sorry, your, uh, dog is something else.”

Kyrian beamed with pride. “Yes, he is. I swear sometimes I think he can read my mind.

He’s such a good boy.”

Oh brother!

“And he’s great protection. Very loyal.”

Seth sobered as he recalled all that Kyrian had been tested by recently and relented in

his antipathy towards the mutt. Whoever, whatever Lucifer was, he was in the role of

protector for this incredible male here, and Seth would venture to guess that Lucifer had

done all in his power to keep Kyrian safe.

He felt a brief pulse of positive reaction, and smiled. Apparently Luci was taking Seth’s

demand to stay out of his head seriously. Seth felt the wave turn to disgust at the thought of

‘Luci’ and an abrupt withdrawal.

“He’s a great companion. How long have you had him?”

Kyrian relaxed back onto the pillows. “Oh, about fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years, huh? He looks pretty good for his age.” And Seth could guess why. He

changed the subject. “Are you comfortable like that?”

Kyrian smiled a slow, sweet smile that took Seth’s breath away. “I’m just fine, Seth.

Thanks for everything.”

Seth tried not to react to the dismissal that seemed to be looming. “So, the house,” he

prompted Kyrian.

A cloud crossed over Kyrian’s face. “I’m not sure what to do now. You said you can

help me, but I don’t know if there’s anything anyone can do.” He teared up just a little,

averting his gaze as moisture glinted in his sky blue eyes like misty rain. “I love this house. I

just don’t feel safe here anymore.”

Seth couldn’t resist pulling him into his arms again. Gods, the man was addictive. The

spicy aroma from earlier, Seth now recognised as the natural scent of the man in his embrace.

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He nuzzled the soft hair covering Kyrian’s neck, trying to distract Kyrian from his worries

and make him feel secure.

They sat that way for an unknown amount of time while the last of the evening light

gradually gave way to the darkness of night. Seth noted the rhythmic, deep pattern of

Kyrian’s breathing and eased away gently to confirm that he was asleep.

In repose, Kyrian truly did look angelic. Given some time to reflect on the bizarre

happenings he had stumbled onto, Seth was utterly mystified by this situation. How could

an angel be unaware of his status and powers, especially at this late an age? He’d known of

only a few half-breeds that were raised as their human side, but even they were brought into

their power by puberty at the very latest. Seth speculated on which angel Kyrian might have

been created by, but knew that without knowing Kyrian’s history, he was unlikely to ever

find out.

It was a quandary. Without Kyrian’s lineage, the naming ceremony couldn’t be held to

empower him. Seth shook his head as if that could clear thoughts of the angel from his mind,

growing angry at his perseverating on Kyrian. Why the hell was Seth even concerned?

Kyrian was just another fucking angel, who would be the first to shun Seth if he ever

discovered what he was. He might even kill him for the liberties Seth had taken earlier.

Angels were in power positions and demons only their toys. Which is why Seth

avoided angels like the plague. Seth’s eyes traced a sultry path over the sleeping form of

Kyrian, his mind whispering words that at once incited and repelled.

This is one angel that you wouldn’t have to be subservient to. Wouldn’t that be fun? To finally

get a bit of angel tail?

Seth wrestled with himself as a part of him nearly salivated at the thought of taking

Kyrian, roughly using him, rousing him and teasing mercilessly. All the things that had been

done to him over the ages by powerful, sensual angels whose paths he had unfortunately


Here is one that is powerless. And he trusts you.

Seth swallowed, watching Kyrian sleeping blissfully unaware of the battle raging just

inches from him. He fought against the dark need boiling up from his demon side, brutally

trying to push it down, submerge it under the voice of reason. He was strong. Kyrian was in

no danger from him. He never preyed upon the helpless. And never used force. Seth had

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almost gotten the door closed on that ill tide, when the tactic changed, tempting him with an

alternative even he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.

You won’t need to use force if you seduce him.

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Chapter Four

Kyrian was having a disturbing dream about a demon eating him from the inside out

when he abruptly surfaced from sleep as was his custom to find the early morning light

teasing beyond his blinds. A quick blink at the clock on the dresser made him smile. He

wasn’t certain without checking the paper, but it seemed almost every day of his life he

awoke at the dot of sunrise. Stretching and twisting under the sheet, Kyrian thought

amusedly, not for the first time, that he was like a reverse vampire.

The odd image of the demon chomping on his abdomen resolved itself into the more

understandable feeling of gnawing hunger, which wasn’t surprising considering he’d

apparently gone to bed without dinner. Kyrian sat up suddenly, just now remembering the

details of his bedtime. And Seth…

Listening intently, the house seemed still and empty. Most likely Seth had left as soon

as Kyrian had fallen asleep on him like a baby koala with its mother. Kyrian grimaced. Geez,

he was so unmanly, it was embarrassing. Not only did he let a total stranger carry him up to

bed then clean him up and tuck him in, he distinctly recalled falling asleep with the rhythmic

sound of Seth’s heart soothing him into slumber. Yikes, what a Nancy-boy you are. No wonder he

took off!

Kyrian glanced down at his morning wood with a shrug. “Sorry, guy. Looks like we’re

both out of luck.”

Lucifer came trotting into the room at the sound of his voice. Kyrian paused, thinking

that maybe Seth was still here after all. Luci always slept with him. Kyrian frowned. In fact,

he couldn’t think of a time since he was a child that Lucifer had been out of the bedroom

before he awoke.

“Hey there, boy. Is our friend still here?”

Lucifer met his gaze with the solemn doggy stare Kyrian always thought looked like he

was thinking about what Kyrian had said. Then he got up and left the room, leaving Kyrian

staring bemusedly after him.

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“Okay, guess I have to get up.” He tried to psych himself up, bracing himself for the

touch of cold air as he threw back the covers. Instead of his warm jammies, he was still in his

shorts and T-shirt from yesterday. Bypassing the luxurious, but currently not user friendly,

master bath, limping across to the guest bathroom with its normal-sized tub, he flipped on

the shower to warm up before taking care of his morning needs, his erection taking much

longer than normal to allow his stream to pass.

Showering was an interesting proposition right now, but he had learned to manage by

sitting down in the tub under the spray, with the cast propped up on the side of the tub

outside the shower curtain. Cleaned up and dressed in fresh clothing, he felt much more

chipper about the day. Or maybe that was because the night had passed uneventfully. No

strange noises, nothing odd except for his easily explained dream. And there was yummy

Seth to think about.

Kyrian did the sliding-down-the-stairs-on-his-butt thing, headed towards the kitchen to

make coffee, and stopped dead at the sight of Seth, sitting at his counter, cup in hand,

watching him scootch down the stairs. Instantly red, Kyrian levered himself up with the help

of the banister and gained his feet, if not his dignity.

“Good morning.” Seth’s voice was just as sexy as he remembered and then some, with

the addition of some morning gruffness. Kyrian’s cock began to perk back up at the sound.

“Sorry I didn’t come help when I heard you get up. I was kinda thinking you had all the

tricks figured out by now. Hope you were okay?” This last was made into a question by a

little rise at the end.

Kyrian gave a little shimmy that he hoped Seth didn’t notice as a shiver ran through

him at the thought of Seth being here in his house as he showered. Uh, bathed? Whatever.

He’d been naked and wet with that in the house.

“Fine. Yeah, you’re right. Living solo, I pretty much had to learn to deal with it


“Want some?”

Oh crap, are you kidding me?

Kyrian’s vision unfocused for a second as his erection reached dangerously

embarrassing proportions. Knowing, logically, that Seth wasn’t offering what Kyrian hoped

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he was offering didn’t lessen the effect those words spoken in that gravelly voice had on his

libido. What is it about this guy that pushes all my buttons?

Short of dropping his hands in front of his crotch, a sure way to draw attention rather

than hide, there was nothing keeping Seth from noticing the raging hard on, not in the least

restrained by Kyrian’s comfortable and loose yoga pants.

To Seth’s credit, other than a brief rolling glance down Kyrian’s body, his expression

didn’t change as he got up and walked over to the coffee pot. “It’s fresh, just made a new

batch when I heard the shower. How do you take it?”

For such a he-man, Seth sure was thoughtful. Kyrian felt himself melting into a puddle

of goo and decided it was past time to stop standing there like a stork with a short third leg.

Unfortunately, the stork’s one good leg picked that moment to decide to take an

unscheduled break, probably from being kept in the locked position for too long, and Kyrian

felt the lightheadedness overtake him a second too late to do anything but slump to the floor.

Seth was at his side in a flash. He must’ve blacked out for a second, because he didn’t

even see the man move. “Damn it, Kyrian. Where the fuck are your crutches?”

Oh brilliant. How was he going to explain this one?

“Um, they disappeared. I’ve been meaning to get some new ones, but—”

“Wait a minute,” Seth interrupted, lifting him up off the floor. Kyrian stifled a hysterical

laugh that threatened to bubble out. All the man did was carry him about. “What do you

mean they disappeared?”

Seth set him gently back in the very stool that they had kissed in the night before, the

one he had just vacated, still warm from his body heat. To Kyrian’s surprise and gratification,

Seth didn’t immediately move away, but stood within inches of him, one arm draped along

the back of the seat, the other hand resting on the counter, effectively enclosing him in a

touchless embrace. He could smell the musky, morning-warm scent of Seth, and regretted

once again that he didn’t wake up next to the man so he could have nuzzled into that neck

and seen if he tasted as good as he smelled.

Almost lost in the fantasy, finding himself leaning helplessly closer and closer to the

man, he came back to himself with a start.

“Oh! Crutches. Well, I was reading and listening to music out back a few days ago,

enjoying the sun. Kind of like when you came yesterday. I dozed off and when I woke up,

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my crutches weren’t by the chaise lounge anymore.” Kyrian shrugged uneasily, eyes on his

lap, conscious of how close Seth was to his shoulders as they moved.

He almost gasped when Seth gently took his jaw and forced him to look at him. Those

dark eyes were narrowed with anger, but he could sense it was not directed at him. In a way,

the intensity of his response felt comforting instead of frightening.

“Kyrian, I don’t want you going outside for a few days. Okay?”

“Wha…what do you mean?”

“Don’t you see? All these things have been happening when you’ve been outside. It’s

not your house or anything in it. It’s something outside.”

Even though he had been dealing with the increasingly odd happenings for weeks, an

instinctive denial of anything supernatural began to automatically rise to his lips before he

caught himself. Nonsense, a part of him that sounded like his mother claimed vehemently, but

he quickly stifled that voice. Obviously something unexplainable was happening, and he felt

almost faint with relief at the thought that this strong, sexy man believed him.

“You believe me?” he ventured softly, still trapped by those liquid night eyes.

“Yes.” Seth did not hesitate. And his firm response had Kyrian’s lips parting as if his

body’s demand for oxygen could not continue to be met without help. This time, he waited

for Seth to move, although recalling his own aggressive lip-lock of the night before had

redness creeping up Kyrian’s neck.

He dropped his gaze to those lush lips, parted as if mirroring his own, coming closer.

The tenderness of the kiss was wholly unexpected, yet why should it be? All this man

had shown him so far was caring, and still, it was at such odds with his general demeanour

and appearance that Kyrian kept feeling as though another shoe would surely drop.

In the meantime, Kyrian savoured the coaxing mouth plucking at his own, a light touch

resting along the side of his jaw, stroking in a fashion that sent tingles straight to his toes and

back like champagne bubbles, rousing all the way. Squirming in the chair, he rubbed against

the arm imprisoning him, which had the welcome effect of bringing those strong arms back

around him.

Seth pulled back slightly, his lips clinging for a moment as if they were loathe to be

parted from Kyrian’s. “Before you hurt yourself again, let’s move to a safer spot.”

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Kyrian nodded and felt like he was floating as Seth made quick work of carrying him to

the family room and depositing him on the couch. “Lean back,” Seth ordered, and as soon as

Kyrian complied, he bent to mouth Kyrian’s hard cock through his sweats.

Kyrian pushed out a ragged breath and was helpless to keep from pressing up against

the moist heat bathing his erection, raising his head to watch the stimulating sight of that

dark head moving over him. Seth seized the opportunity to slide his hands under Kyrian’s

buttocks as they were elevated, not allowing him to pull back away as he lightly gnawed his

way down his length.

“Omigod,” Kyrian groaned as his head fell back with a thump, arching into the new

sensation, his ass flexing in the hands kneading his flesh. They moved to tug his waistband

down past his thighs, and his cock sprang up as it was released, slapping up against his

abdomen with pre-come shining and smearing on his skin.

“Good,” Seth grunted just before he grasped the base of Kyrian’s shaft in his warm,

firm grasp. The stillness brought Kyrian’s head back up and he watched as Seth gave a

wicked smile just before he dove down to engulf his straining length in the warm cavern of

his mouth.

Seth had never tasted anything so fucking perfect and addictive in his life. Eyes

unfocused, he suckled strongly on the way back up that beautiful weeping shaft then probed

at the slit, determined to extract every drop possible. He used the saliva coating the shaft to

ease the pumping of his hand, milking Kyrian towards completion as he applied himself to

the head, circling the ridge with his tongue. He flicked under the cap in the spot he knew

drove himself crazy and was rewarded with another burst of pre-come as he became hard

pressed to keep Kyrian’s tossing hips still.

Certain that he was causing bruises, almost beyond caring, he relented and allowed

Kyrian to thrust unimpeded, relaxing his throat to take the angel deeply, swallowing around

that smooth, firm warmth until the gasp and broken rhythm told him Kyrian was there.

Quickly pulling back, Seth was able to take pulse after pulse onto his tongue, savouring the

taste as he gently pulled and licked until Kyrian lay spent.

Reluctantly allowing the semi-hard shaft to slip from between his lips, Seth let his eyes

wander up the firm abdomen partially exposed from the hastily pulled up T-shirt, the skin

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smooth and golden, lightly muscled and trim at the waist, widening to those perfectly

proportioned shoulders. Should’ve pulled his shirt off, Seth mourned, then on a whim, turned

thought into deed and stripped the shirt over Kyrian’s head, which emerged tousled and


“I want to see you.” Seth answered the unspoken question in Kyrian’s eyes, feeling

satisfaction as he blushed in a fucking adorable combination of embarrassment and pleasure.

That bewitching spicy scent was again filling Seth’s senses as he watched those sated blue

eyes drop to his chest. Seth responded by ripping his top over his head to even the playing

field. White teeth caught Kyrian’s lower lip in an unconsciously enticing manner as he ran

his gaze over Seth’s chest in the most innocent and alluring eye-fuck Seth had ever been on

the receiving end of.

That innocence was brought into question in the next moment, however, as Kyrian

leant forward and reached a hand out to brush across Seth’s chest before tweaking his nipple,

which instantly stood erect and sent a shot of lightening straight to his cock. Kyrian’s eyes

never left Seth’s, pinning him in place as he experimented with light brushes to each nub

followed by almost painful pinches and twists, seeming to gauge his responses.

Just when Seth felt the sensation tipping towards pain, Kyrian relented and drew his

hands down Seth’s abs, not pausing until they hit his waistband. “Stand,” Kyrian whispered,

leisurely undoing the button fly without unbuttoning the waist, and fishing out his erection

through the opening, followed carefully by his sac.

Seth breath shortened at the erotic picture of his genitals well on display, his still

partially clothed state contrasting with the debauched look of Kyrian casually displayed

below him, naked except for the sweats around his ankles, caught by the cast.

Kyrian tilted his head and lifted his hand to cup his sac. Seth watched as his achingly

hard cock jumped as if trying to get Kyrian’s attention.

“Hold them.”

Confused, Seth looked from the hands on his balls to Kyrian. “What?”

“Use your hands to hold them up.” He gave a little squeeze for emphasis, and Seth

immediately cupped his own genitalia, lifting as instructed. He felt his eyes widen as he

fought to control his expression, suddenly realising that without any prompting, he was

reacting as submissively as any demon would before an angel, and now that he was aware of

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it, he was pissed about it. Unlike some demons, he was not a plaything. He was a damn

guardian, and this powerless, half-breed boy had him wrapped around his little finger. He

was beginning to suspect that intoxicating scent that Kyrian gave off.

About to drop his privates and call a halt to the whole thing, Seth felt those warm,

nimble fingers brush against his lower sac. “Higher,” Kyrian coached as he did the lowest

button back up then removed Seth’s hands, a look of satisfaction crossing his face as he

regarded his handiwork.

The first step was admitting you had a problem, and Seth knew his plan had gotten

derailed, he just wasn’t sure how. One minute Seth was working on his seduction of Kyrian,

and now, somehow, he was standing here like an idiot, trussed up like a chicken for roasting.

Time to retake control.

“Suck it.”

Kyrian complied so quickly that Seth didn’t expect it and was caught off guard by the

firm grasp of Kyrian’s hands on his jeans-clad ass pulling him forwards and the feel of that

beautiful mouth sliding unhesitatingly down his now blood-red cock. For a brief, frightening

moment, he thought he would come right then, without being able to enjoy the amazing

spectacle of an angel, if not on his knees, at least seated before him, servicing him.

Kyrian flicked a glance up at him from under those dark lashes, cheeks hollowed with

his efforts, and Seth ran his hand through that silky hair, resting it at last against his scalp,

not holding him in place, but urging him on nonetheless.

He knew already he wouldn’t last long, and saw less and less reason to hold back as

Kyrian dove down his erection and he felt himself bump against and then wedge into the

back of Kyrian’s throat. Seth shook with the overload of sensation, hands flexing in Kyrian’s

hair, trembling with the effort of not cruelly seizing hold. The only way to end the battle with

himself was evident.

“Ahh, oh, so fucking good,” he groaned, and Kyrian pulled back off, taking Seth

swollen balls, protruding lewdly from his fly, gently one at a time in the warm, moist cavern.

Tugging gently, a bite of pain then soothed with his tongue, Kyrian played him expertly.

He felt the tension building at his spine and went rigid as his orgasm welled up with a

crescendo that never seemed to end. “Ah fuck. Oh, more, ahhh!”

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The world disappeared as he thrust helplessly in the air. Kyrian tugged at the base of

his cock with a firm grip, using the slick slide of saliva and pre-come to jack him perfectly

while he milked him, catching spurt after spurt on his cupped tongue, a visual that only

served to wrench Seth’s balls almost painfully, prolonging the most intense orgasm of his


Floating gradually back to reality, he watched Kyrian’s look of pleasure morph to

uncertainty and a plea for approval, Seth’s come still glistening on his puffed lips. He felt an

alien tug in the vicinity of his heart.

Oh shit. I am in big trouble.

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Chapter Five

The ringing of his land line was a jarring intrusion into the aftermath of the most erotic

experience Kyrian had ever had. He dropped his eyes from Seth’s intense and slightly

uncomfortable regard, which put him right front and centre on the semi-erect shaft he still

had in his lax grip. Pulling his hand away as if it were a live wire, Kyrian crawled the short

ways along the couch to the extension on the side table.

“Hello?” His voice was raspy and soft, and he cleared his well-used throat to try to

sound normal.

“Kyrian? This is Bill.” The cheerful voice boomed through the line. “Sorry it’s so early,

but I know you’re usually up and at ‘em. I have some good news for you.”

His listing agent. “Hi Bill, no problem. I’ve been awake for a while. What’s up?” The

sheen of sweat started to cool on his back. He suddenly realised he was naked except for his

pants around his ankles and stifled a moan of embarrassment, afraid to look back and see if

Seth was looking at his display. He managed to wrench his body around so he was at least

seated and pulled a pillow over his lap.

“You’ve gotten a full-price offer on the house. Non-contingent except for one thing,

they want to come view the house this evening.”

“View the house this evening?” Kyrian paused. He’d only had one showing and he’d

just blown the prospective buyer. His mouth quirked, and he smiled up at Seth, who had

tucked himself away and was buttoning up his jeans. Covering the mouthpiece, he mock

whispered, “You’ve been busy this morning.”

Returning to his call, he responded, “That’s great, Bill. Full price too, I’m shocked in this

market.” Kyrian watched Seth abrupt reaction with alarm, his teasing mood fading quickly

as Seth shook his head and signalled vehemently.

“Hold on, Bill.” He covered the phone again. “What?”

“It’s not me. Tell him no.”

“What? Listen, Seth, I just…”

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Seth interrupted, taking Kyrian none too gently by the shoulders. “You need to trust me

on this.” He blew out an exasperated breath, visibly trying to calm himself. “Tell him you’ll

think about it and call him back. Please?”

Mmm, there was that ‘please’ again. He couldn’t say no to that, not from this man.

“Okay,” he acquiesced, and got a relieved grin in response that made his mouth water.

“Hey, Bill. Let me think about it, okay?”

Bill sounded puzzled. “What’s to think about? It’s a full-price offer. Not contingent

even, talk about hitting the mother lode.”

“I know,” Kyrian stalled as he thought fast. “Maybe, uh, we listed it too low?”

“Hmm, I see where you’re going with this. Bidding war, maybe? Okay, I’ll tell the

client’s agent that you’re considering it. They want to do a viewing sometime between six

and seven tonight. Is that okay?”

“Between six and seven?” Kyrian glanced at Seth, who was shaking his head again,

mouthing ‘earlier’.

“It’s going to have to be earlier than that. I’m, uh, expecting company tonight.” He

seized on the first thing that came to mind, having Seth here for dinner. “Dinner guest.” He

looked at Seth and raised his brow questioningly.

A slow, hot smile spread across Seth’s face and he nodded, then, with a wicked look,

yanked the pillow off Kyrian’s lap.

Kyrian slammed his free hand down over his genitals as his heat rose instantly from his

chest to his face.

“Oh, okay,” Bill responded. “I’ll let them know it has to be before…five?”

“That’s great, Bill. Thanks.” Kyrian tried retrieving the pillow, and Seth winged it

across the room, almost hitting Lucifer, who looked up in surprise from his place by the


Seth pulled Kyrian to his feet then knelt before him, placing Kyrian’s hand on his broad

shoulder. “What are you…” he frantically asked Seth in a whisper, unnerved by the sight of

that dark head so close to his vulnerable and sensitive softened shaft.

He was surprised as Seth began to pull up his sweats, carefully loosening them where

they had gotten caught on the top of his cast before sliding them up over his hips.

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“I’ll call you later with the time.” Kyrian had forgotten all about Bill until his voice

reverberated in his ear.

“Oh, yeah, okay then. Bye, Bill.” Kyrian hurried the conversation to an end and pressed

the off button as Seth retrieved his shirt. Seth took the phone from his grasp, setting it back in

the cradle, and eased Kyrian back down onto the couch.

“Here.” Seth offered him the shirt head-hole first, and Kyrian obediently bent his head

then thrust his arms through the sleeves on his own. Seth finished by pulling the hem down,

smoothing the shirt down over his chest, his firm, questing touch rousing a myriad of

conflicting feelings in Kyrian. Need, comfort, wariness, want.

Seth’s hands slipped around to his back, and with light pressure, Kyrian was urged

forward inexorably until he was being held in Seth’s embrace. His chest was warm where it

rested against Seth’s, and he sighed as he wound his hands around Seth in return, closing the

circle. He hadn’t realised how much he missed simply human contact until just now. It felt

good to be held and to hold in return.

For some reason, Kyrian had always led a solitary life. He wasn’t sure why, but a friend

had once told him that he seemed aloof, larger than life. He had a positive outlook, and he

was gregarious enough to have hundreds of acquaintances, but few close friends. Really only

Locke and Lucifer. Sad and kinda pathetic.

His mom told him once that since things came easily to him, other people were just

jealous of his successes. Kyrian didn’t know about that; he didn’t think of himself as

particularly successful since the one thing he really wanted was a close connection with

someone who cared for him. His mom had been the only one who truly knew him, and she

had died three years before after a draining battle with leukaemia.

Since then, he’d had a few casual affairs, but for some reason, he seemed to attract guys

who had little respect for him as a person. It always puzzled him how out of a crowd of

people, he was a magnet for the man in the room least likely to commit.

Finally this year, Kyrian had given up on the club scene and, since he worked from

home, his contact with people had dwindled to nil. He sent a quick prayer winging upwards

that Seth might be interested in staying around for a while. Please, oh, please.

He snuggled farther into Seth’s neck, running his hands down that smoothly muscled

back, still bare to his touch. His thighs lightly squeezed along Seth’s sides, turning it into a

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whole-body hug. He felt a bit like a baby monkey clinging to its mother. The image of

hanging from Seth as he went about his day made him laugh out loud. Seth tried to pull

back, but Kyrian refused to relinquish his place, and Seth finally just gave him a breath-

shortening squeeze before easily extricating himself.

Kyrian pouted. “I wasn’t done yet.”

Seth smirked at him in that typical, arrogant way Kyrian was learning he loved to trot

out. “I know I’m irresistible, but we really should talk. After breakfast. I’m starved.”

Kyrian let out a huge, put-upon sigh, but readily let himself be pulled to his feet. “Let’s

go out for breakfast. You have a car here, right?”

“Yes, but…” Seth began a bit hesitantly, but Kyrian cut him off.

“No buts. I’m seriously short on groceries, and there’s a great café about a mile from

here that I don’t mind being seen in my sweats at. Let’s go. Grab your shirt."

Seth still seemed reluctant, but now that he’d brought it up, Kyrian’s hunger from

before came racing back. It felt like his stomach was gnawing on his spine. He began using

the furniture and walls to hop towards the kitchen to grab his wallet and keys from the bowl

by the phone.

After sliding his one sandal on, he was swept up in what was becoming a very familiar

manner by his houseguest. Seth stopped at the front door with an odd expression on his face.

“Do you need me to get the door?” Kyrian asked curiously.

“Yes,” Seth responded instantly then grimaced. “I mean…crap.”


Seth avoided his inquiring gaze and remained stubbornly silent. Quickly fed up with

the mysterious routine, Kyrian squirmed to get down until Seth complied.

“Okay, forget explanations, just tell me what you need me to do to get us going to the

restaurant already. I’m famished.” Kyrian knew he sounded uncharacteristically bossy and

irritated, but this man effortlessly brought it out of him.

Seth finally looked at him cautiously. “Can you let me have your keys and go outside

on your own?”

Kyrian bit back the ‘why’ that popped instantly to his lips and handed over the keys,

indicating which one locked the door. With one last thoughtful look, he turned and hopped

his way to the front steps, working his way down to the last step by holding onto the railing.

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He turned back in time to see Seth with his eyes closed, murmuring something under

his breath before stepping across the threshold. His shiver ran the length of his body as a

pained look shot across his face.

For just a moment, something, some knowledge pushed into Kyrian’s mind, but when

he tried to grasp it, it faded away, leaving him feeling frustrated and apprehensive. By this

time, Seth had locked the door and, with another quick muttering under his breath, jogged

down the steps to sweep Kyrian off his feet.

“C’mon,” Seth smiled down at his startled face. “Let’s go eat.”

* * * *

The café was warm and welcoming, and the aroma of what looked like the most

enormous cinnamon rolls he had ever seen reminded Seth of the natural scent of the man at

his side. Who is even more edible, he thought with a burst of lust that was beginning to become

commonplace around the slighter male.

Kyrian had refused to be carried into the restaurant, but allowed Seth to brace his

injured side with his arm hooked around Seth’s shoulders, using him as a living crutch. As

they approached the counter, an attractive male waiter came hurrying to their side.

“Kyr! Oh my God, what did you do to yourself? Why didn’t you call me?”

“Hey, Locke.” Kyrian smiled beautifully at the stranger, and Seth barely restrained a

growl of possessiveness that welled out of nowhere. Get a grip, he urged himself.

“I fractured my ankle. Don’t ask how, it’s too embarrassing,” Kyrian continued,

sounding friendly, but there was a tenseness to his frame, still pressed against Seth’s side.

“Here, I have a booth open. It’s kind of in the back…”

“Perfect,” Seth interjected. He wanted as much privacy as he could get.

Locke bent a cold look on Seth, who returned the look tit for tat.

“Uh, guys?” Kyrian broke the visual stand-off with his uneasy tone and they both

returned their attention to him. “Can we go sit?”

“Sure, babe, follow me.” Babe? Seth seethed. Locke grabbed a couple of of menus and

led the way to the very back of the café, Seth practically hauling Kyrian, who looked at him

in question.

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Not ready to address his possessive reaction, either in his head or out loud, he helped

Kyrian get comfortable in the booth with his cast up on the seat opposite then defiantly slid

in right next to him, ignoring the menu Locke had set in the opposite place setting.

“Hmph.” Locke stalked away, heading for the nearby drink station, and Seth used the

privacy to whisper to Kyrian.

“Who’s Locke to you?” There. That sounded reasonable. Casual.

Kyrian looked taken aback as a slight frown puckered his forehead. “He’s a close


“Just how close?” This barely not an accusation. Maybe.

A voice intruded into their space. “Close enough to know that you are a very recent

addition to his life.” A glass of water hit the table in front of him. Locke filled Kyrian’s

upturned coffee mug with a glare at Seth and set down the carafe along with a chilled pitcher

of cream. “And you appeared at the same time he ended up injured.”

“Locke! Goodness, it had nothing to do with Seth. Stop it.” Kyrian flushed as he glanced

pleadingly between the two men. “Both of you.”

Seth squeezed Kyrian’s thigh apologetically under the table as Locke responded, “I’m

sorry, babe. You’ve just been so quiet lately…” Locke’s eyes flicked again to Seth, this time

with markedly less hostility. “But I’m assuming the worst. Maybe you’ve been quiet because

all is good.”

“It’s getting better all the time.” Kyrian smiled gratefully at Seth, covering his hand

with his own, twining his fingers into his, and this went a long way towards convincing Seth

to let go of the rest of his jealousy of the other man. Locke was obviously a good friend and

protective of Kyrian. And it appeared that right now Kyrian needed all the looking after he

could get, even from a prickly, little omega werewolf.

Seth found himself chuckling inwardly at the thought of Kyrian’s two canine defenders.

Kyrian seemed to have no clue about the hidden side of his two best friends. Which made

him wonder—did Locke know about Kyrian’s hidden self?

Seth pushed the question aside with a shrug. Whether Locke knew or not, he was firmly

in Kyrian’s corner, and that was good enough for Seth. He let his acceptance show in his first

genuine smile at Locke and got a relieved grin in return.

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“Well, in that case, I’ll need details. Later.” He winked at Kyrian, who was an alarming

shade of red. “I know what you want, Kyr. Seth, how about you?”

“One of those enormous cinnamon rolls to start. We’ll see how much room I have after

I’m done. And coffee.”

Locke deftly flipped over his mug and poured from the carafe. “Here you go.” He

lowered his tone confidentially. “Always the special coffee for my special guy. Hmm, guys


Left alone, Seth found himself wanting to talk to Kyrian about them, the demon

besieging his house, Kyrian’s own strange situation, Lucifer. There was so much to learn and

to impart, he had no clue what to start with.

“What’s with the sigh?” Kyrian was still holding the hand that rested on his upper leg,

and Seth turned it over so that they clasped hands.

“Just wondering where to start,” he confessed honestly. His mind churned as he

wondered just how crazy he was going to sound if he told Kyrian the truth. Or even part of

the truth. “Will you tell me a little bit about your family?”

Kyrian laughed a bit. “That’s a good place to start, childhood.” He shrugged, fingers

idly playing with his. “Not too much to tell really. I didn’t really know my dad. And mom

was great, she was about my best friend until she died a few years ago.”

“Have you ever talked to your dad?”

Kyrian gave him a slightly curious look. “No. He was out of the picture before I was

born, evidently. I only know his name, nothing else. Never even seen a picture of him. The

only thing I have of him is a note that he sent my mom before I was born.”

Seth felt excitement well up at the mention of the name and the note. If he knew

Kyrian’s lineage, he might stand a chance of figuring out why he was being stalked by one of

the oldest of the old demons, and why he was still in the dark as far as his legacy.

Attempting to sound casual, an impossibility when so much was riding on the

information, he asked. “So what was his name?”

The look on Kyrian’s face told him he’d seen right through his casual manner but was

willing to go along for now. “The name for my father on my birth certificate is Sariel De


Seth could feel the blood draining from his face.

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The Archangel.


Kyrian’s voice echoed in his ears. “And now you need to tell me what that means to

you, because after a reaction like that, I promise you I will not let it rest until you tell me

everything you know.”

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Chapter Six

Kyrian felt a rush of shock followed closely by icy determination as he watched Seth

react to his father’s name. How did he know his father? A sickening thought popped into his

head. Did he know his father before they met? Is that why he’d come to the house?

His heart pounded and the adrenaline racing through his system was making him feel a

bit dizzy. Claustrophobia set in and he felt trapped. Hemmed into the booth by Seth’s bulk,

hampered by his bad ankle, he wanted badly to get up and storm out of Locke’s café. Taking

a deep breath, he tried to marshal his thoughts. Probably just as well he was prevented from

doing so, since he wouldn’t get the answers he needed by going off in a huff.

Seth hadn’t dropped his gaze since Kyrian’s pronouncement and was still focused on

Kyrian when he finally spoke.

“Before you ask, no, I don’t know your father. I know of him. We don’t exactly hang out

in the same circles.” Seth gave a short, humourless laugh. “And I don’t know much more

about him other than who he is.”

The use of present tense dropped into Kyrian’s stomach with a shocking thud. “‘Is’?

He’s alive?” Kyrian had many times over the years thought about what it would be like to

finally meet his father, but it was a childish dream. His mother had told him as a boy that his

father had gone to heaven, and he’d had no reason not to believe her.

Suddenly, all the years he had craved that masculine figure in his life seemed to take on

a new, more poignant meaning. If death hadn’t kept them apart, it must have been that he

didn’t want Kyrian. The hurt that thought brought with it nearly broke Kyrian right there,

but he needed to know more, so he swallowed with effort against the lump in his throat.

“Seth?” he prompted.

“I don’t know, Kyrian. I just don’t. The last thing I want to do is give you

misinformation, especially about something so important.” Seth slid his arm around Kyrian’s

shoulders, and he gratefully gave his weight to that broad shoulder, which shrugged.

“Maybe I can find something out for you. Okay?”

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Kyrian sat upright with a bounce on the cushioned booth seat. “You mean try to find


“Or information about him. He may not be ‘findable’, Kyrian,” Seth cautioned

meaningfully. “Okay?” he repeated.

“Yes, thank you, Seth.” He relaxed back against Seth’s arm again and changed the

subject. “So, speaking of help, you said that you might be able to help me with what’s

happening at my house.”

Seth had been taking a sip of coffee, and set the mug down quickly with a thump, so

hard a bit of coffee sloshed over the edge. “Damn.” Seth grabbed a napkin and mopped up

the mess.

The larger man was acting jumpy, and Kyrian thought he knew why. “I know it’s pretty

strange and unbelievable all that’s been happening, but I swear it’s all true. I’m not crazy.”

“No, I don’t think you’re crazy, Kyrian.” Seth’s voice was a soothing, low rumble in

Kyrian’s ear.

“Here you go, guys.” Locke set two plates with identical, gigantic frosted rolls in front

of them, almost the size of loaves of bread, along with a plate of sliced fruit. He picked up the

carafe to test the weight. “Better get going on the coffee, Kyr, or you’re headed for a

headache later this morning. Caffeine addict,” he explained in a mock aside to Seth.

Kyrian shot his friend an irritated look that had Locke holding up his hands in

surrender. “Sorry, Kyr, I know. You just drink it for the taste.”

Locke walked away on a laugh, and Seth grinned at Kyrian, the rare full smile melting

years and worry from his face.

“So tell me, Kyrian. How are you supposed to eat this thing anyway?”

* * * *

“Gods, that was good. I’m not going to be hungry for a week.”

“Yes, you will. Probably in about an hour. Happens to me all the time. I always have to

eat a second breakfast after one of Locke’s rolls.”

Seth was carrying him through the parking lot to the car and Kyrian was enjoying the

feel of being cradled against his chest.

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“If that’s the case, why do you bother?”

“Because I have a sweet tooth.” Kyrian was unrepentant. “A cinnamon roll is a great

way to start the day. And because I love Locke’s place and usually go back for brunch later.

Gets me out of the house.” Instantly Kyrian stiffened and clammed up, inadvertently having

disrupted the casual banter by revealing something he hadn’t intended to. He was well

aware he had little life beyond his work and his dog, but usually tried to keep that loneliness

to himself.

He knew Seth hadn’t missed his reaction, but when the moment passed without a

response, Kyrian again relaxed. Seth got them settled into the car without further comment,

apparently not one for pitching platitudes, for which Kyrian was grateful.

The reprieve lasted only until Seth started the car, though.

“You work from home.” This was a statement rather than a query.

Kyrian turned to watch Seth’s handsome profile. “Yes.”

“No family, just Lucifer.”

This induced a pang, but he muscled past it. “That’s right.”

“Is Locke your closest friend?”

The insane response, Until you came along, rose to his lips, but he quashed it. “Uh, yes.


He was cut off. “Your only friend?”

Part of him reared up in indignation at the cross-examination he was being subjected to,

but he continued to respond, wanting suddenly to see where Seth was going with this line of


He gathered his courage to admit his friendless state. “Yes.”

“Then what am I?”

His heart started thumping and he couldn’t for the life of him think of a proper

response. It was as if the grasp of the English language had escaped him.

They had traversed the short distance between Locke’s place and his home and were

pulling up into the driveway of the house.

“Can you think about it?” The tone gave Kyrian the impression of a goodbye.

“Aren’t you coming in?” Oh, Kyr, you sound pathetic.

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Seth finally turned his head to look at him, a sombre look in his eyes. “I need to go

home and see to a few things. But I’ll return this afternoon, if you wish.”

He was taken aback by the distant answer. About to demur, a thought skittered across

his mind.

Kyrian, ask for what you want.

Oh man, it was bad enough that he talked to himself all the time. Now he was hearing

strange voices in his head.

Go on.

Not a little freaked out, but strangely emboldened by what was apparently the newest

sign of his mental breakdown, he put it all on the line. “I do want you to come back, Seth.”

He dared to reach out and touch Seth’s hand resting on the console between them, and as if

that brought Seth out of a trance, those dark eyes went from distant to smouldering in an


Kyrian licked his lips, drawing Seth’s hot gaze. “I’m glad, Kyr.” The pet name on Seth’s

tongue as he stared at Kyrian’s lips drew him forward until they connected in a light but

intense kiss that was over way too quickly.

“Promise me that you’ll stay inside until I return. And don’t let anyone you don’t know

inside.” The dead seriousness in Seth’s voice caused a trickle of fear to slide down Kyrian’s


“Who do you think is…doing all this?” he ventured uneasily.

“Who or what.”

Or what? What on earth…?

“Listen, I’ll know more when I return, so sit tight and stay safe. Okay? Let’s get you

inside. I’m not leaving until you’re locked and loaded.” Seth gave him a reassuring smile, but

Kyrian could sense the concern lurking underneath.

Deposited on his threshold with another brief peck, he let himself in, then briefly forgot

his troubles as he looked out the window to admire Seth’s taut, jeans-clad backside retreating

towards his car. This afternoon couldn’t come soon enough.

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Every sense he had was screaming at him to stay with Kyrian, but Seth knew the best

way to protect him was to find answers, and in order to do that, he needed to make a little


He pulled out of the driveway and pulled around the block, parking just out of sight of

Kyrian’s house. Walking back to the green space that wound around the back of Kyrian’s

property, he silently navigated the woods until he reached a small, dense copse of trees from

which he could see the entire back of the house. No sign of any movement… Wait. Seth let

out a low growl as the back door opened.

C’mon, Kyr, what the hell? I told you to stay inside.

He could see Kyrian perched in the doorway, but instead of coming out, Lucifer

bounded out, stopping at the edge of the lawn and scanning the trees briefly before locking

onto Seth’s eyes across the distance.

“He is staying inside, demon. But I’m a dog. Gotta do my thing outdoors.”

“Well then, do it and get back inside with him, mutt. I can’t stand here all day while you sniff


Stripping his clothes off and laying them in a neat pile under a fallen tree, Seth waited

for Lucifer to return inside, watching Kyrian as he closed and presumably locked the door.

“It’s locked, just go do whatever it is you need to do.”
“Will you get out of my head?”

“Sorry, it’s what I do.”

Stifling an amused snort, Seth turned his focus to his slide into his demon form. His

powers were severely restricted in his human form, although he retained his heightened

senses and strength. The transformation was usually quite taxing, and he had been

expending copious amounts of energy with his efforts to cross the thresholds of Kyrian’s


As the change took place, he wondered about Kyrian coming to live in a warded house.

Not a coincidence, he was certain now. No more so than having the sentient Lucifer as a ‘pet’.

Then all thought was driven from his head as the shift took hold, the pressure giving way to

an intensely pleasurable sensation as his demon became fully realised.

Usually his erection upon emerging from the change was easily ignored, but today,

with the scent of Kyrian unmistakable to his demon self, even across the distance and

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through the structure of the house, he had a fight on his hands almost immediately.

Ruthlessly, he reined in his lust and submerged it into focus on the problem at hand. Namely

tracking and eliminating Palaios.

He spread his senses and knew right away that the other demon was not in the area.

Seth could feel the trace of Palaios lingering, and flashed across the woods to a different

vantage point where it was most strongly evident. Mentally marking the point as one to

return to if needed, he took one last look around and flashed to the antechamber of his

guardian guild.

“Seth. What an unexpected surprise.” The voice held curiosity but no malice. “To what

do we owe this honour?”

“Information on Palaios,” he replied succinctly, knowing that as much as the

gatekeeper enjoyed bantering, he was not tolerant of dissembling in return.

“Giving or receiving?”


“Please enter.”

Seth flashed himself through the now-accessible entry to the guardians’ guild. If he had

tried to enter without permission, it would have been the last thing he’d done. Demons were

not a trusting lot, and guardians least of all. Too many times throughout history, they had

been damaged by guardians who had ‘turned’, thus the entry ritual. Under the seemingly

innocent and brief conversation, Seth knew the gatekeeper had been scanning his mind for

any ill-intent. It was his particular gift, as magic and tracking were Seth’s.

Once inside, Seth went immediately to make his obeisance to the guild leader, as was

expected. The non-descript demon currently relaxing in a chair in the corner immediately

addressed him in a mild tone of voice that would have seemed disinterested to anyone who

knew his motivations less fully.

“Seth. What of Palaios? He has not been heard from in aeons. Long enough to be

thought lost.”

“He’s in the human realm. I felt him then spoke to him.” Seth didn’t want to mention

the particulars of where he had been until he had secured a pact of non-intervention.

Discussing Kyrian, even obliquely, in this realm would be akin to throwing the powerless

angel to the wolves.

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“What is it you want?”

“I need to know his history, strengths and weaknesses. And I also need access to

information regarding esoteric ceremonies.” He adroitly skirted around his real goal by

implying that it was related to Palaios, instead of what he actually wanted, to find the

naming ceremony that would bring Kyrian into power.

“Done.” Permissions to the information thus granted, Seth would be able to access the

relevant books and scrolls from the human realm. His purpose accomplished, he prepared

himself to leave.

“Seth, a word.”


“Yes, guild leader?”

“With whom have you been spending time?”

As the words were spoken, Seth sensed access to the portal snap closed and knew he

was in for the duration.

“I invoke the right of non-intervention.” Less than tactful to stymie the guild leader

right to his face, but Seth had no choice. Lying was not permitted, and talking about Kyrian

without ensuring his safety would guarantee his death.

A ripple of surprise, followed by a thoughtful pause. “Granted. For whom?”

“Request for privacy.” Seth didn’t want any demon not honourable enough to be bound

by the invocation to overhear what he had to say. For all he knew, Palaios was not working


“You are testing my patience today, Seth.” With a gesture, the guild leader cleared the

room. “You have your privacy. Now, answer me.”

“For Kyrian.”

Seth felt a mental nudge as the guild leader not-so-subtly accessed his memory.

Wincing with the effort it took not to try to eject the other demon from his mind, he waited

stoically for him to finish.

“For an angel?” The guild leader drew back in disgust. “And a powerless one at that?

I’m astonished that you haven’t subjugated him. How often does one run across an angel so

biddable? And yet you want to protect him? Why?” The questions escalated in force and

anger until they were battering at Seth like a firestorm.

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“I don’t know an answer that I can truthfully give to you, guild leader,” he confessed

honestly. “I only know that protecting him is important for our world.”

The guild leader nearly hissed in displeasure, but did not renounce his protection of

Kyrian, for which Seth was extremely grateful. He had put it all on the line and had counted

on the guild leader’s sense of honour to not revoke his promise. Feeling a bit torn between

the guild leader’s understandable hatred of angels and his own fledgeling feelings for

Kyrian, Seth shifted uncomfortably as he waited to be granted permission to leave. Time was

getting short in the human realm, every minute he remained here was close to an hour there.

“I will stand by my protection for your…Kyrian. But I forbid you to take any steps that

will bring him to knowledge of his power.”

Seth’s heart dropped and the breath whooshed out of his lungs with the impact of that

blunt pronouncement. Trying to embrace his ingrained obedience, he forced himself to

acknowledge, “Yes, guild leader,” knowing that he would surely have to break this pact.

This promise just doomed one of them to death. But whose life would end after this was

over? Seth’s or Kyrian’s?

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Chapter Seven

Mindful of the promise he had made to Seth, Kyrian dithered about what to say to his

listing agent when he called for the third time. Finally, Kyrian told Bill he was too busy

getting ready for his dinner guest and the viewing would have to take place the next day.

God, he hated lying…to anyone. But he had assured Seth he would remain alone inside until

he returned. Where was he?

Kyrian looked at the clock for about the dozenth time in the past hour, watching the

shadows lengthen outside. Nearly dusk, and no sign of him. He should’ve gotten his cell

number. Part of his nervousness stemmed from his agreement to stay safely inside and what

that meant by inference was there was someone—something?—malevolent outside his house,

watching, waiting…

Kyrian vented a huge sigh, wishing he could at least pace. He was going crazy trapped

inside this house. He hadn’t realised just how important his few little outings, like going back

to Locke’s for lunch or sitting out on the patio, meant to his mental health. Work hadn’t held

his interest today, and he had been parked on the couch, flipping through magazine articles

that didn’t register.

Lucifer perked up and scrambled to the back door. “What’s up, Luci? See a squirrel?”

Kyrian levered himself up off the couch and slowly hop-stepped his way to the back door.

Lucifer was quivering with anticipation. A bit apprehensive still about opening up, especially

so close to dark, he peered out first.


Taking a deep breath, he swung the door open and Lucifer immediately sprinted

towards the trees at the back of the property, straight to… Kyrian squinted in the low light

and jolted as a dark figure loomed menacingly over his dog.

“Lucifer!” he shouted frantically, taking a step across the threshold onto the patio

before remembering his promise. “Darn it,” he muttered.

“Lucifer, come!” he called again. The figure wasn’t moving, and Kyrian suddenly

doubted his own eyes. Maybe it was just a tree. Or an animal? Red eyes suddenly glinted in

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his direction from way too far off the ground to be an animal, and he stumbled back in

reaction, tripping over the weather-stripping and landing on his ass.

“Crap.” He scooted back into the house, heart thundering, torn between his fright and

his concern for his dog. Pulling himself back up, he saw Lucifer coming at a trot, followed by

what now looked like a man. Seth?

It was Seth, and he was naked and trudging as if all strength had left him. “Seth, oh

man, what happened to you?”

Stay there.” The words were unmistakably Seth, and the last of his paranoia left him,

replaced by confusion, since it was almost as if the words were written in his mind, rather

than heard by his ears.

Lucifer stopped to press closely to Seth’s leg as they stepped onto the patio, and Seth

reached down to brace his hand on the dog’s well-muscled back, as if for support.

Kyrian stepped forward to the edge of the doorway, instinctively reaching to help Seth,

who took his hand unhesitatingly. Backing up as he led Seth in, he felt a vibration zing up

from Seth’s palm against his, travelling up his arm, eliciting a gasp of shock that snapped

Seth’s head up as he paused on the threshold. The pain reflected there was stark and

desperate, and Kyrian reflexively gave a tug, which brought Seth in motion again. Seth

staggered forward into Kyrian’s arms, the tingling sensation abruptly ceasing as he caught

the muscular man to his chest.

“Seth, are you okay? Oh, unh.” He grunted with the effort it took to keep Seth upright

then gave up and eased them both to the floor.

He caught the movement of the door swinging out of the corner of his eye and Kyrian

raised his head, heart in his throat, only to see Lucifer pushing the door closed with his head.

Shocked, but setting aside the wonder of that for now, he took the hint and knelt up to lean

forward, finishing closing and deadbolting the door. He then returned to Seth, holding his

head up off the floor on his lap, stroking his face, wishing he knew how to help him.

“Kiss him.”

Kyrian, against his will, began laughing aloud with more than a touch of hysteria at the

return of that alien voice in his head. Well, it hadn’t steered him wrong yet. He gulped down

his laughter and bent to press his lips to Seth’s.

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At the first press of flesh, Seth’s eyes flew open to pinion Kyrian’s, so close to his own.

Kyrian absorbed the attention, even as he tried to express his caring in the kiss. It went on

and on, a platonic kiss on the surface, but the circular flow of emotions passing between the

two men was anything but brotherly. Breathing as one, inhaling the other’s breath only to

feed their own in return.

Letting Seth set the pace, Kyrian was thrilled when he felt those lips finally move under

his own, demanding more from the contact, spreading to invite Kyrian in, lightly plucking

and encouraging him to explore, and explore he did, at an unhurried pace that made it feel

like they had all the time in the world.

He finally pulled back only when the contorted position he was in, bent over Seth with

his injured leg stretched out the side, became too uncomfortable to ignore. Seth watched but

didn’t protest as he moved away, allowing Kyrian to help him into a seated position next to


Kyrian let his eyes wander down Seth’s beautiful, naked form, ostensibly searching for

injuries, but unable to keep himself from admiring the purely masculine vision seated before

him. Long legs lightly sprinkled with dark hair, Seth looked to be a runner with the

definition of muscle and tendon. His torso was a work of art that could have been a model

for Michaelangelo, with just enough of the dark hair to make him warm and human. Strong

arms that he was beginning to know intimately from all the carrying around braced Seth


His cock, thick with promise, currently lay flaccid against his full sac, but Kyrian

remembered how it had stretched the capacity of his lips and throat with its size,

remembered the weight of it on his tongue. Kyrian watched as it began to stir and thicken,

and looked up to see Seth watching him watch his penis.

“Oops.” Kyrian should have felt embarrassed at being caught, but would ogle again in

a heartbeat. He wondered at the ease with which he had fallen for this man. Knight in

shining armour, truth be told, yet it didn’t feel like a crush on a rescuer. He also saw the

caring and the uncertainty Seth tried to hide when they were vulnerable with one another.

Something about him made Kyrian want to care for him, protect him. But that was just silly.

Seth needing protection by Kyrian? Ha. Kind of like Robin looking out for Batman.

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Seth managed a smile, although he still looked drawn. “Hey, I don’t mind if you look.

Hell, look, touch, taste, I’m easy.” He winked, and it was all Kyrian could do to keep from

immediately taking him up on that.

“Maybe later,” he flirted back, sobering as he finished, “After you tell me why you

staggered in my back door naked rather than ringing the doorbell like a normal person.”

Seth sighed, but appeared to accept that he owed Kyrian an explanation. “Yes, it’s time

I told you everything, come what may.”

With that curious turn of phrase, Seth stood, then easily lifted Kyrian to his feet,

surprising him, for he thought that Seth had been on his last legs, so to speak. Before he

could ask, Seth lifted him up and headed for the stairs. “Dang it, Seth, you’re going to drop

me! You could barely walk into the house a minute ago.”

Seth said nothing as he ascended the stairs, and Kyrian didn’t push it, thinking that

maybe he was quiet because he was concentrating. Obviously, he’d been injured somehow.

Or in a fight? His pulse spiked. Maybe he had caught the man who’d been tormenting him?

Nothing visible to show this, but maybe he had internal injuries?

But naked? I don’t get it. Gotta love the view, but why naked?
“You will know soon enough.”

Man, that voice again. Now it was taking part in conversations with him?

“Stay out of my head,” he attempted bravely.

“I hear that a lot.”

Not just an alien voice, but one that talked back. Great.

“So,” he took a stab at conversation with Mr. Suddenly Silent. “Where are we going?”

Seth’s mouth quirked. “I need to clean up, and then we’re going to bed early.”

“Oh are we?” Kyrian couldn’t resist snarking back, rubbing his chest against Seth’s for a

moment before he was dropped on his bed. He laid back, propped up on his elbows, and

deliberately surveyed Seth’s mouth-watering body, Seth’s intentions starkly evident from the

erection so wantonly displayed. Licking his lower lip in anticipation, he nodded towards the

master bath. “Let’s see how long it takes you to get ready.”

“Oh baby, I’m ready. And in less than two minutes, you’re going to have company, so

I’d suggest getting undressed.”

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Kyrian glanced at the clock competitively. “Two minutes, you’re on.” He began to strip

his shirt over the top of his head, but stopped as the view of Seth’s taut ass flexing as he

walked away became something he didn’t want to miss a second of.

The sounds of the shower reached his ears and brought him out of his trance. Finishing

the motion, he laid back and hitched the waistband of his sweats under his thumbs, wiggling

his down to his thighs then sitting up to work the leg over the cast. The water turned off.

“Shoot.” He finally managed to get the hard legs off then flung the sweats across the

room just as Seth reappeared, water droplets clinging to his frame, a few breaking away,

gravity pulling them on an erotic journey down that gorgeous body. What a god. His mouth

instantly dried, thirsting for a taste. His lips parted, his breath coming more quickly as Seth

slowly ran the towel down his chest, around his back, between his legs…

The towel hit the floor, and Kyrian braced himself as Seth crawled across the bed like a

predator until he was pinned under his still damp form. Instinctively spreading his thighs to

cradle Seth between them, Kyrian watched as their erections came together, prompting

groans in unison.

“I don’t want to hurt you, baby,” Seth murmured huskily into Kyrian’s ear.

“You won’t. I know you won’t. Never.”

Seth sobered a bit and drew back. “I meant your ankle, but really, I mean in any way. I

won’t hurt you. I’ll protect you if it’s the last thing I do.”

Not liking the finality he sensed in that vow, Kyrian looped his arm around to bring

Seth down to meet his lips, and they both forgot all about conversation as they were lost in

the intensity and flavour of one another, the kiss searing through their souls.

Kyrian undulated beneath Seth, unable to keep still, feeling that firm shaft sliding

against his own. He was amazed at the amount of pre-come they had produced and took full

advantage of the slick to thrust and rub along Seth’s cock, up and down that rippled

abdomen, until he was almost insane with the need to come.

Just as it was about to become inevitable, Seth back away, and Kyrian whimpered in

response, arching up to try to maintain contact.

“Shhh,” Seth soothed. “How long since you’ve done this?” As he said ‘this’, he stroked

a finger across Kyrian’s pucker, and Kyrian clenched in response, sending a shiver of want

through him.

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“It’s been a while,” he managed, shamelessly lifting his hips to try to regain that touch.

Seth leaned away towards the nightstand and found what he was looking for in the drawer,

coming back with a tube of lube and a single condom.

“Is this your last rubber?” Seth asked with a questioning look, and Kyrian wasn’t about

to admit that it wasn’t the last of a roll, but only a single Locke had given him months ago for

‘just in case’. He nodded, feeling his face burn in reaction.

“Kiss me,” he asked plaintively, hearing the begging tone in his voice, but not caring as

Seth quickly complied, taking him back into his arms and kissing him deeply once again,

before starting to kiss his way down his body.

Kyrian hardened even further at the thought of where Seth’s lips were headed.

Acquiescing to the pressure of Seth’s hands on his thighs, he obediently spread his legs even

farther, making himself completely vulnerable to Seth as he licked his way from the base of

his cock to the tip then took him in to slide firmly down his shaft.

“Ohhh,” he breathed as Seth pulled off, the cool air hitting his erection. Another jolt of

cold as the lube hit his entrance, but then Seth was there to warm both places with his mouth

and a questing finger that slipped easily inside, drawn in as Kyrian relaxed into the


Seth made love to him with his mouth until Kyrian tossed his head, nearly out of his

mind with need. More pressure, a burn as Seth added another finger and slowly fucked in

and out, stretching and delving, adding more lube, then a third finger.

Kyrian caught his breath on this last intrusion, and he tensed up without meaning to.

Seth stilled his fingers and pulled back from his tender tonguing of his sac to rise up and kiss

him, devouring his lips, brooking no reticence as he demanded a response. Concentrating on

his kiss, Kyrian relaxed unconsciously and Seth used this to his advantage, curving up into

Kyrian and grazing his gland with a breathtaking stroke.

He fed a moan into Seth’s mouth and felt it echoed back before Seth tore himself away,

withdrawing his fingers to grab the rubber. “I have to be in you.” Kyrian nodded and

reached for his own erection, giving it a lazy stroke as he watched Seth roll on the condom.

Seth knocked his hand away when he spied his action. “Just wait, I’ll take care of that.”

With another generous dollop of lube to both Kyrian and his own cock, Seth made the

final preparations. The feel of that blunt pressure made Kyrian’s balls tighten with

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anticipation, and when Seth popped past the outer rim and paused, he was almost giddy

with the feeling of Seth inside him at last. As soon as the initial stretching burn passed, he

pushed back and Seth slid in smoothly to midpoint before halting, his eyes asking for

permission, lips whitened with the effort of his restraint.

“Come,” Kyrian whispered and arched up until Seth sank to the hilt, his warm sac

resting against his ass. Seth threw his head back then dropped from his pushup to brace his

hands on either side of Kyrian’s head on the mattress.

“You good?” Seth asked hoarsely. Kyrian smiled and Seth’s face relaxed.

“Better than good, and hoping to get even better. Soon,” he hinted with a thrust

upwards that had Seth pressing deep into him. Improbably, they laughed together before

Seth kissed the laughter away as he set into motion, giving them both the friction they

craved, the sheer possession reaching something somewhere deep inside Kyrian. Surrounded

by this man, he could think of nothing he wanted more than what he had right at this


Breaking the kiss, Seth lifted up enough to take Kyrian’s shaft in a firm grip, timing his

strokes with his thrusts until Kyrian was at the edge, teetering.

“Oh, I can’t—” he began, and Seth cut him off.

“Do it. Come on my cock. Kyrian…” he trailed off as Kyrian helplessly came in pulse

after pulse, warmth landing and smearing between their chests. Seth let out a groan as his

hips snapped erratically, before holding deep, filling the latex within Kyrian with his warm


Seth dropped into Kyrian’s arms with a grunt, and Kyrian took the dead weight gladly,

feeling closer to Seth and more complete than he ever had in his life. He held Seth even when

he would have risen, finally relenting as Seth began softening enough to start to slip out. Seth

withdrew and took care of the rubber, retreating to the bathroom for a washcloth before

returning to cleanse Kyrian then lifting him to pull the covers down.

Tucked securely into Seth’s protective embrace, Kyrian didn’t even fight the drowsiness

that overtook him, the long breaths behind him finally lulling him into a dreamless sleep.

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Chapter Eight

A loud thump awoke Seth. He was disoriented at first, struggling against a restraint

until he realised the weight holding him down was Kyrian, draped over him like a blanket.

He relaxed back into the pillow, wrapping his arms more tightly about his soon-to-be angel.

Restless earlier in the night, he had enjoyed simply holding Kyrian for a long time. But

the immediacy of the threat facing them kept nagging at him, and he had risen after about an

hour, sending for the materials he had placed in stasis in the backyard earlier regarding

Palaios and, more importantly, the naming ceremony for Kyrian. It had taken him hours of

scanning before he found it and, running it over in his head until he had it memorised, he

had rejoined Kyrian in bed, his angel immediately latching onto him, imparting his warmth.

He had mixed feeling about enacting the ceremony, not the least of which was that it

would put him in jeopardy with his guild. The punishment he would face would very likely

result in his death. More frightening to Seth was the prospect of Kyrian, once attaining his

true measure of power, reacting angrily to being fucked by a demon the night before and

withdrawing from him. Seth expected at the very least to be coldly dismissed, possibly even

killed, once Kyrian realised a lesser being had taken him. But as long as Kyrian was

powerless, he was vulnerable, and the surest way—the only way—to protect him from

Palaios was to bring him into power.

Unable to bring himself to wake Kyrian and face the beginning of the end, he instead

rejoined him in bed, savouring the feel of his angel in his arms, wishing desperately that

there was another way to protect him that would salvage their fragile, budding relationship.

But his research on Palaios was bleak. A powerful demon, older than himself, Palaios was

trained to the inner circle and able to draw upon the magic of others, turning it back against

his enemies. Almost impossible to fight, it had taken a cadre of angels to banish him to parts

unknown. The record spoke of him being killed, which had obviously not been accurate. So

where he had been all this time was still unknown, as were his reasons for pursing Kyrian.

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Seth ran his hand down Kyrian’s supple flank, that warm, sweet aroma surrounding

him, and almost drifted back to sleep. A second thump brought him bolt upright, dislodging

a sleepy Kyrian, who immediately seized Seth about the waist like a favourite cuddly toy.

Extricating himself with effort, making sure that Kyrian returned to sleep, Seth set out

to find the source of the noise.

“That you, mutt?”

The blank silence that met this brought a feeling of dread into Seth’s stomach, and he

silently navigated the dark stairs, reaching out with his natural senses, not wanting to shift

unless he had to. At the bottom of the stairs, he paused and tried to get a fix on what might

have caused the noise.


Again, no response, and he could only infer from that the dog was either asleep or

injured. Hoping it was the first, he motionlessly cast his gaze around the main floor. A dark

mass rested in the kitchen near the front hall, and even on short acquaintance, he knew it was

not a place Lucifer would choose to sleep. Shit.

Torn between retreating to protect Kyrian and figuring out if anything was in the house

with them, he waited, his instincts kicking in, keeping him still when a less experienced

being might have rushed into the trap.

A sudden movement along the wall in the family room. Knowing instantly that the

house was no longer theirs alone, he rushed through the change, emerging in his demon

form and flashing to the kitchen with a brief bout of dizziness at the abbreviated process.

“Well met, guardian.”

“How did you get in, Palaios?”


“I have you to thank for the chant to be able to cross the threshold.”

Double shit.

“Now, just concede, and we can part still friends.”

“Friends?” Seth snorted out loud, trying desperately to keep Palaios distracted until he

could think of what to do.

“Careful how loudly you speak, guardian. You don’t want to wake our sleeping angel.”

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“Not ours. Mine.”

“Possessive, aren’t you? I don’t blame you. He’s a tasty little thing, and an angel

amenable to being fucked? Unheard of.”

“Is that why you’re here?” Seth opened himself to try to gauge Palaios’ strength. Hitting

a wall, he cursed inwardly. No way he could fight him directly. “Maybe we could work

something out,” he lied.

Palaios remained still in the shadows of the wall. “Hmm, tempting as that offer is, I

have something a bit more eternally painful in mind for him.”

“Such as?”

Amusement coloured the demon’s voice. “So chatty. Are you trying to talk me to


Seth remained silent, knowing from past experience that most demons loved to hear

themselves talk, especially if they had something particularly juicy to relate. He wasn’t


“If you must know…” Seth barely restrained a smile when Palaios continued coldly, “I

plan to do as much to him as his soft human body can handle until I feel as though I’ve

exorcised all that his dear father has put me through for millennia.”

The smile vanished as images of the kind of torture Palaios was capable of inflicting

had Seth fighting to control his breathing when he placed Kyrian into the picture. Rage

engulfed him, hot and strengthening, leaving just a thin thread of control. The only thing that

kept him from striking out was the certain knowledge that it would be a death sentence for

Kyrian, sleeping oblivious above their heads.

What to do? Seth used everything he had to keep his thoughts private as he frantically

ran through option after option in his head, none ending well for either of them. One

terrifyingly complicated scenario popped into his head, but he wasn’t sure he could even get

that off the ground. His eyes went to Lucifer, searching for any movement, and to his relief

he saw the slow rise of his side, indicating there was still life there.

Keeping a wary eye on Palaios, he walked slowly over to the dog, kneeling down to

touch his head.

“Unfortunately devoted little thing. Dogs are pitiful creatures, blindly loyal to the

superior beings who treat them with kindness, not caring that the hand that feeds them one

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moment could strike them down the next. They just continue to debase themselves. Sad.”

Palaios had an edge of anger to his voice that indicated he was speaking of more than just

this dog.

Seth sent a pulse of healing through the knot he could feel seeping blood, but he was

afraid that was not the only injury Lucifer had sustained. He couldn’t expend the energy to

fix everything and he was surprised Palaios was allowing him to do as much as he was.

“I’m going to move him upstairs with Kyrian.” And with that he flashed upstairs with

Lucifer, placing him on the bed before flashing back down to the kitchen. Palios hadn’t


“Very thoughtful. I can torture the dog as well. I’m sure that would inflict an entirely

different level of pain on his psyche.”

Seth clenched his teeth, forcing himself to respond. “He is very devoted to his dog. I’m

certain that would prove painful indeed.” While he was conversing with Palaios, he was

sending instructions into Lucifer’s mind on a narrow and, he hoped, private band of


Keeping Palaios talking was proving easier than he had thought, and he forced himself

to not react as Palaios related with delight the horrible details of his plans for Kyrian.

“He’s awake, and I tried it just as you said, but nothing happened.”

“Shit. Try again.”

Something nagged at Seth’s memory, but juggling two conversations while straining to

keep Palaios out of his head was taxing him to the point where any further reflection was


“You’re up to something, guardian. I wonder what it is.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

C’mon Lucifer, hurry!”

“Still nothing. But I explained to Kyrian what I am trying to do, and he’s getting out a letter.”

That’s right, from Sariel to Kyrian as a boy. Seth could only hope there was something

in that missive that would help their cause, but chances were slim.

“What’s happening up there?”
“Nothing remarkable so far, except that instead of Kyrian, he calls the child Kyriel…oh shit.”

“Do it!”

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Palaios apparently caught some of this because without warning he struck out at Seth.

Taxed from his healing of Lucifer and his mental shielding, he was only able to deflect part of

the blow and dropped like a rock, the sudden pain visceral and overwhelming.

A burst of light just barely preceded an astounding wave of power, and Seth shivered

as it slid across him with discernable pressure. He rode the wave nearly unconscious,

holding on by sheer willpower, trying to do what little he could to protect Kyrian and


“Warn him—” His mental communication to Lucifer was cut off abruptly, and Seth

made a last effort to fight the growing darkness as he raised his head.

Palaios writhed on the floor before him. Exposed in the glow emanating from the stairs,

he was handsome, almost lovely if one didn’t know the evil that lurked beneath the surface.

Kyrian appeared at the bottom of the stairs, his face starkly beautiful in his fury,

carrying the limp body of Lucifer easily in his arms. He was naked, the cast gone, walking

easily upright for the first time since Seth had seen him.

He stopped above Palaios, no mercy on the face Seth had once known so well. He

glanced up to regard Seth with his pitiless gaze.

“Shield your eyes.”

Seth threw his face to the floor and covered his head with his arms. Even so, the flash of

light a moment later left him blind and shaking.

With the barest of senses remaining, even as overwhelmed as they were, Seth knew

Palaios was gone. No trace of him remained. Kyrian approached, and Seth, still blinded,

reached out towards him.

“I’m sorry, Kyrian. So sorry.”

“And I’m sorry for what I must now do.”

He felt a hand on his shoulder and a burning that seared through him before he knew

no more.

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Chapter Nine

When Seth awoke, he came up fighting the hands that tried to hold him.

“Shhh. Relax, demon. It’s just me.”

“You don’t have hands, mutt. What the hell?”

He blinked, trying to regain his focus, but everything remained tinged with dark and

blurry. Squinting, he was just able to make out the face of a man.

“Fuck, I wish I could see.”

Abruptly, everything came into focus and terror shot through him at the visage of

Palaios leaning over him. Scrambling back, he tried to dig for the resources to fight.

“Take it easy, Seth. It’s really me.”

Finding it nearly impossible to equate the voice the Palaios had used with the familiar

mental touch of Lucifer, he could only gape in astonishment.


Palaios/Lucifer made a face. “Don’t call me Luci,” he intoned in his usual put-upon

tone of voice. This more than anything served to prove his identity, and Seth relaxed his

guard, sitting up to look around.

“What the fuck happened? How are you…him? Where’s Kyrian?” He ran out of breath

as the other man held up a hand to halt his rambling.

“Okay, here’s the condensed version. Kyrian, or more appropriately Kyriel, came into

his power when we finally figured out the wrong name thing. When Palaios struck out, he

took you down and nearly killed me. Kyrian was pissed, and he basically tossed Palaios out

of his body and into mine, and vice versa. So when the dog died, so did Palaios.”

“Holy crap. He can do that?” Seth was stunned. That ability was beyond anything he

had ever heard of. Seth’s heart sank. He was toast. That powerful of an angel would never

keep around another being who had made him submit. No fucking way. He remembered

those merciless eyes, the pain Kyrian had inflicted on Seth right before he lost consciousness,

his cold apology.

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“Where is he?” Seth struggled to make his question nonchalant, but couldn’t keep the

tremor from his voice.


His heart leapt, but Seth dropped his chin at the sound of the achingly familiar voice,

not wanting to see the change in those eyes. So he was looking down when he was suddenly

flashed into the guild leader’s chambers.

Raising his head, he braced himself as he stoically met the guild leader’s furious gaze.

“How dare you bring that angel into power?”

An instant later, Kyrian appeared next to him.

The guild leader gasped in horror, flinching backwards as Kyrian calmly stepped

behind Seth, placing his hands on his shoulders.

“This is none of your affair, angel. I respectfully request that you leave at once.”

“You’re wrong. Anything to do with my property is my affair.”

Property? At once grateful and indignant, Seth just barely kept his mouth shut.

“He can’t be your property. He has to be marked, witnessed… You haven’t had time.”

“Here is the mark.” Kyrian ripped Seth’s sleeve from his right shoulder, and exposed

the scrolling tattoo bearing his name. “And it was inscribed before witnesses. Two to be


A sly look came into the demon’s eye. “Can you produce these witnesses?”

Palaios/Lucifer flashed into the room, and the guild leader froze in place. “Palaios?”

“The other witness unfortunately died,” Kyrian sounded anything but sorry. “However

it was properly done, I assure you.”

Before Seth’s increasingly amused gaze, the guild leader tried to gather what was left of

his authority. “This demon has expressly disobeyed a pact made upon his honour as guild

member and must be delivered for punishment.”

Kyrian laughed, the same tinkling sound Seth had first heard before he ever laid eyes

on him, and the guild leader winced as if struck. “Do you concede that I have the right to

administer punishment to my property?”

The demon glared at Seth then gave Kyrian an appraising look before nodding with a

smirk. “I will concede the punishment to you. He is hereby suspended from the guild until

such time as the punishment has been fully administered.”

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Kyrian acknowledged this with an insultingly slight incline of his head before he

flashed the three of them back to his house.

“Lucifer, can you excuse us?”

He nodded and immediately disappeared.

Seth tried to wrap his mind around the fact that overnight he’d gone from the most

powerful to apparently the least powerful being in the household. He tried to be grateful he

had escaped both Palaios and the guild with his life, but memories of the cold, emotionless

look in Kyrian’s eyes haunted him.

It would be hell to be condemned to a life with someone he loved, to receive only their

scorn and abuse in return. But compared to living without him? Seth would be satisfied with

whatever he could get.

Pitiful. You are just pathetic.

“Stop torturing yourself, love, I can’t bear it.”

Seth froze as that soft, mental touch stroked over him, and began to shudder, trying to

keep the painful, burning hope from welling up. His hands and jaw clenched as he warred

with himself.

“Look at me.”

Seth shook his head vehemently. He just couldn’t take another look in those changed



A sob broke free as the tears began to fall, and against his will, he raised his head to

look through moisture-laden eyes at Kyrian’s beloved, familiar face. Seeing his love reflected

in that sky blue gaze brought the emotion welling up unrestrained, and he fell into Kyrian’s

arms and wept in utter relief and joy.

“It’s still me, Seth,” his angel soothed as he locked him in his arms. “I’ve never stopped

loving you, caring for you. I don’t understand why you had so little faith in me.” Kyrian’s

tone was uncertain and a little disappointed as he drew away, and Seth found himself

comforting him in return, pulling him back into his arms.

As soon as he sealed Kyrian to his chest and was enveloped in that familiar scent, he felt

his heart soar. Everything was right with the world. He hadn’t lost his angel.

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Devon Rhodes


“I’m so sorry, I thought once you realised how much more powerful you are, you

would be angry that I, uh, took you.”

Kyrian’s face went through a series of expressions from disbelief to curiosity to lust. A

wicked smile teased at the corners of his mouth.

“Well, at least I know now what I’m doing to make good on the punishment I


Seth regarded him warily, a little nervous about where Kyrian had gone with him in his

mind. “What are you going to do?”

“Why, I’m going to do to you exactly what you did to me last night. Over…” He nipped

Seth’s ear. In the blink of an eye, Seth was naked. “And over…” He reached down to grasp

Seth’s ass in his hands, giving a hard squeeze that had the breathtaking effect of parting his

buttocks. Seth could feel the cool air teasing at his exposed hole. “And over again.”

Rubbing shamelessly against his erotic angel, his own personal catnip, Seth could

barely breathe at the thought of being taken by Kyrian again and again.

His vengeful angel. Punishment indeed.

Let the torture begin.

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Devon Rhodes



Locke winced as the voice of his best friend pleaded from his answering machine.

“C’mon, Locke. Pick up.” Kyrian begged. “He’s still not answering.” This was apparently an

aside to Seth, who answered with an indistinct, sympathetic rumble.

“We saw the sign, ‘Closed Until Further Notice’. Are you sick?” Kyrian sighed. “Listen,

I’m just worried about you. You’ve never closed the cafe like this.” One more sigh. “Okay,

well, I’m on my way over, so call if you want me to pick something up.”

Crap. He’d better hustle.

Locke looked wistfully around the only home he’d ever known. He hated to leave his

grandmother’s things behind, but his Prius would only hold so much. And his enraged pack

alpha had made it clear that twenty-four hours to clear out of town meant twenty-four

hours—and not a minute more. Tick tock. Never mind that he was leaving behind his home

and business and friends and—oh—his whole life.

Pressing his lips together in an effort to stem the emotional tide threatening to

overwhelm him, Locke turned his thoughts instead to the future and his improbable change

in status. Mate to a powerful mage. Unbelievable for an omega, yet the evidence was


Then why did Aspen leave you?

Good question. And it would be the first one he’d ask when given permission by his

new alpha, new mate, new everything.

At least, once he found him.

Now. Time to track a mage.

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About the Author

Devon started reading and writing at an early age and never looked back. After a
creatively-sapping career in the business world, she gratefully took some time off to
be at home. At thirty-nine and holding, Devon finally figured out the best way to
channel her midlife crisis was to morph from mild-mannered stay-at-home mom to
erotic romance writer. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two girls, who are
(mostly) understanding of all the time she spends on her laptop, aka the black hole.
(Author Bio from the website here)


Devon loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Devon Rhodes

Voracious Vamps: A Pint Light

Gaymes: Rough Riders

Homecoming: A Detour Home

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