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By Charlie Samples

This book was written for essentially two reasons. To expose the erroneous

teachings of the modern day churches regarding the second coming of Christ; and
to prove that the "churches" in America have been teaching and propagating the
doctrine of the New World Order for over 100 years.

Jonathan Williams recorded in his book, LEGIONS OF SATAN , in 1781,
THAT Cornwallis revealed to Washington that a "holy war will now begin on
America, and when it is ended America will supposedly be the citadel of
freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be the loyal subjects of the Crown."

Cornwallis went on to explain that what was coming would seem to be a

"Your churches will be used to teach the Jews' religion and in less than two
hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government.
That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All
religions will be years. The second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth has been
the most predominant, the most talked about, and the most commonly known
doctrine by church people and non-church people alike. It is the single tie that
binds virtually all sects and branches of ‘Christianity' world-wide. From the
Catholic church, to the most ‘separate' of Baptist churches, when it comes to this
doctrine, there is very little deviation of faith and anticipation. Truly the
‘separation' of faiths ends there, and finally the ‘oneness' taught in Ephesians can
apply, if only to this single Bible doctrine.

"What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"

Those few words of Christ's disciples are probably the most permeated with
Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the
invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."

And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back
through false religion what he had won with his army.

This divine world government that Cornwallis spoke of, was the religion of
the New World Order. The religions of America deceive their followers into

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believing that there will be a one world government and it will be the fulfillment
of bible prophecy. They say, however, that Jesus Christ will be the ruler.

You must read this book to see that this simply is not true and that it is in
fact the religion of the New World Order that is preparing this world for a ONE
WORLD GOVERNMENT of enslavement and despotism for the entire world.

The theme of this booklet has been the driving force behind religious
thought and practice for as long as I have been alive, which is now a little past
thirty misrepresented words in the New Testament, if not the Bible. The hopeless
attitude that the world is now in, is due largely to the misunderstanding of those
simple words. There is a ‘church building' on virtually every street corner in this
country. There are more religious radio stations and television programs than at
any time in the world's history, and yet the level of ‘right living' (righteousness)
in this world is at an all time low.

I have been told over and over that there are over 80 million ‘Christians'

living in this country alone. All through Scripture we see that God used one
person here, or two people there, to demonstrate His mighty power. And yet,
now there are over 80 million ‘God-fearing, Bible believing, church going,
rapture anticipating Christians' in this country, and there is not enough power in
the churches combined to make even the slightest difference or change in this
God-forsaken society in which we now live. Could there possibly be a
relationship between the words of Christ's disciples and what is now taking
place in this world? Could it be that these words have been twisted from
their true meaning and then used against an unsuspecting and unknowing
world in order to produce the generation that we are now seeing?

The religious world answers with a resounding, "YES!" to question number
one. The religious leaders of the world would have us believe that the world
situation is the way it is because, "We are in the last days, and we are seeing
the fulfillment of Bible prophecy before our eyes"

They would have us believe that the evil that is so prevalent in the world is
the way it is because God has willed it to be so. It is God's plan for ‘the end
times'. This teaching has produced a ‘flock' of religious people who have not
only adopted this as the gospel, but have passed on to an unsuspecting world the
atmosphere of complete ineptness, complacency, and downright laziness. We

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are lead to believe that not only is there nothing that we can do about this
world situation, but there is nothing that should be done, because, after all,
it's Bible prophecy.

Is it Bible prophecy though? Could you take your Bible and prove these
things? Or can you only hope to ‘parrot' the supposed interpretations of this
‘Bible Prophecy' that has been forced down your throat since the day you heard
your first ‘sermon"? Religious people that I talk to almost daily on this subject,
could no more convince a little child of what they believe based on firm teachings
of Scripture, than a child could convince a NASA expert that he could fly the
space shuttle.

I talk to people nearly everyday, religious and non-religious people, who are
obsessed by this ‘end of the world' message. Most of the people I talk to do not
believe that there will be anything past the year two thousand for mankind. There
is an almost uncontrollable train of thought that people are bound to everywhere
because of this ‘end of the world' thinking.

Is there any chance that all this complacency could be exactly what the

enemies of Christ have masterminded for ages? Could it be possible that our
complacency has occurred by design? I believe that it has! I believe it to the
point where I challenge people daily to "search the Scriptures, for in them ye
think ye have eternal life"
. Is what you believe concerning the Scripture based
on what you KNOW to be true, because you know where it is and you can prove
it? Or is what you believe based on the fact that you have paid someone else to
‘read and study' for you so that he can tell you what you are supposed to believe?

What is it? Do you KNOW what you believe because it is firmly grounded
into your soul because YOU HAVE STUDIED IT? Can you find your way
through the Scriptures to convince your neighbor that what you believe is in fact
the truth? How many times have I been in conversation with people who have
said, "If you would just talk to my preacher, he'd show you".

All that I have ever asked anyone to do, is sit down and open the book with
me. Let's examine the Scriptures honestly and without preconceived ideas to see
if anything other than truth is what we have been following. How could studying
the Scriptures be so threatening to so many people? Read this booklet, if you find

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error, then HELP ME! All that I have ever wanted is truth! So far, no one has
even cared enough to say, "Well, Charlie, I think that you missed a passage of
Scripture here", or "I think you should read these verses over there." No one has
yet seemed able to respond to what is simply laid out within the pages of this little

Matthew 24 - The end of the temple, the end of the world!

Verse one sets the stage for the rest of the chapter. In verse one we find that
Jesus' disciples came to him to show him the buildings of the temple. What
temple were they going to show him? Can it be denied that they were talking
about the very temple that was in existence in their day?

In verse two, Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say
unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not
be thrown down
. If it wasn't the temple of Christ's day, then what was it that
they were supposed to be seeing? Could it be anything but the same temple?

I find it impossible to believe that anything but the temple that was in
existence in the day of Christ – 2,000 years ago, was the temple being referred to
by Christ and his disciples, in verses one and two. It seems so obvious that the
temple in question was the very temple of 2,000 years ago, and yet, the Bible
teachers of America today would have us believe that Christ was actually talking
about a temple 2,000 years in the disciples' future.

Why all the confusion? Was Christ intentionally misleading His disciples?
Did He lie to them? If you believe that the temple in Matthew 24 was anything
but what the verses so plainly say, then you must believe that Christ intentionally
mislead His disciples; that He lied to them. I do not believe that Christ at anytime
lied to His disciples. I believe that He told them exactly what He wanted to say –
and they understood Him correctly.

Study to shew thyself approved...

Verse Three - The controversy begins (or continues)!

I say that the controversy begins here because I cannot even begin to fathom
that verses one and two could refer to anything but the temple that the disciples
and Christ and all of those living 2,000 years ago could touch and see and feel.

Verse three tells us that as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples

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came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? And what
shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

It is very interesting that these three questions were asked after Jesus had
told His disciples that their temple was going to be destroyed. Why did the
disciples equate the ‘end of the world' with, ‘the sign of thy coming' and with the
utter and complete destruction of the temple of Jerusalem? What did the "end of
the world and the coming of Christ" have to do with "not one stone would be left
standing"? A little later I will bring Scriptures in that will give a clear and concise
answer as to why those three events occur(ed) simultaneously.

One of the ways that we can begin looking for an answer is to be faithful to
II Timothy 2:15 - Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth
. Is it possible
that we could ‘wrongly divide the word of truth'? In my Bible studies I learned a
few years ago that we can never take any word for granted. A complete and
thorough study of each word is needed in order to rightly divide this word of

The Authorized Version of the Bible was translated into the English
language in 1611 A.D. The English definitions used in 1611 A.D. are in many
cases different from those which we use today, in 1992. It would be very helpful
then to obtain the oldest English dictionary that we could find, so that we could
get as close to the 1611 A.D. definitions as possible. The oldest dictionary that I
currently have is the Webster's 1828 dictionary. Since the New Testament was
originally written in the Greek language, it makes sense that we should study with
a Greek dictionary also.

There is an invaluable study tool that I purchased years ago that is available
for anyone who wants to study the Scriptures. The Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance has not only a Greek dictionary, but also a Hebrew dictionary for
effective study of the Old Testament. I always study with my Bible, my Strong's
Concordance, and my Webster's 1828 dictionary. It takes a little longer, but who
is in a hurry anyway?

Maybe if we all had our eyes focused upon "He who is the Word made flesh"
and off the "Eastern sky", we would be able to find the time to study the Scripture
as we are commanded to do. By the way, why does the religious world so

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desperately want the world to end? Have all of your family members and loved
ones been "won to Christ"?
Definitions of the word "WORLD".

The word ‘world' is a very interesting word when exhausted throughout
Matthew 24. The word ‘world' appears three times in Matthew 24. A simple
study of those words shows that each time the word is used, it comes from a
completely different Greek word, each with a completely different definition in
the Greek. The first time it is mentioned is in verse three, "and what shall be
the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?"

The Greek word for world here is number 165 in the Greek dictionary of
Strong's and means - aion: an age: perpetuity; by implication the world;
specifically (Jewish) a Messianic period (present or future): – age, course,
eternal, (for)ever etc. The word 'world' here is concerned with the Jewish age or
the Messianic period
. Keep this in mind while we look at the other two times
that the word ‘world' is used in this passage.

Are there any passages of Scripture that talk about an end to the Jewish age?
There are and I will bring them to you later. There is something interesting
about this usage here that only recently dawned on me as having any significance.
The religious communities that have disregarded the Authorized Version of the
Bible in favor of such versions as the New International Version and others, still
cling to the phrase ‘the end of the world', even though in the NIV, the Greek word
aion is translated in the English as AGE. They still talk about the ‘end of the
world' (and use that exact same phrase) but the Bible that they use doesn't even
say it. Interesting.

The word ‘world' is also found in verse 14, where Christ tells his disciples:
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come
. The word ‘world' here
comes from the Greek world ‘oikoumene' (oykoomenay) which is 3625 in the
Strong's and means – land, i.e. the (terrene part of the) globe; specifically the
Roman empire; – earth, world. Now we find that Christ says that the gospel will
be preached in all the Roman empire, then shall the end come.

In all my days of being brought up in the religious world, not once was I told
that the word ‘world' here could have meant anything other than the entire

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inhabited world. Does this change anything? Does the fact that Christ used the
Greek word for the Roman Empire do anything to the meaning of this passage?
If nothing else, it should show us that someone or some people are not doing
even a minimal amount of studying when preparing messages on these passages.

The last time we find the word ‘world' is in verse 21. Christ is telling his
disciples that there would be great tribulation such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be

The word ‘world' here comes from the Greek word cosmos (2889 in
Strong's) which means orderly arrangement, i.e. decoration; by implication the
world (in a wide or narrow sense, including its inhabitants, literally or
figuratively. – adorning, world. Why wasn't this word used for verse 14? Or even
more so for verse three? Shouldn't the ‘end of the world' be the ‘end of the

Each one of these usages are extraordinary in and of themselves. Organized
religion would have us believe that Christ was teaching the end of the cosmos in
verse three. The truth is, Christ was referring to the end of the Jewish age or the
Messianic age
. They would also have us believe that the gospel had to be
preached to the ends of the cosmos before the end would come.

A few years ago, someone told me that we were getting closer than ever to
the return of Christ because of something that Oral Roberts was getting ready to
do. I was told that Oral Roberts was going to play a major part in the fulfillment
of the Bible prophecy concerning the gospel reaching the world. I was told that
he was going to parachute television sets down into the remotest tribes of Africa
so that they could tune into his show and hear the gospel, then Christ would
come. My reply was then, well, what would they plug the TV's into? They have
electricity coming into their huts, but they've never heard the gospel???

The truth is, Christ said the gospel would be preached throughout the Roman
empire, then the end would come. Those two miscarriages of Scripture have
caused great harm to the truth of what Christ was talking about in Matthew 24.
Before we dig deeper into this wonderful chapter, I think there is something else
that is extremely vital to the proper understanding of this passage.

Who was Christ talking to? Verse one makes it clear that Jesus and his
disciples are the key figures in this passage of Scripture. Verse two says And

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Jesus said unto THEM, See YE...

Verse three, ... the disciples came unto him privately saying, Tell US...

Verse four, And Jesus answered and said unto THEM, Take heed that
no man deceive YOU

Verse six, And YE shall hear of ... wars: see that YE be not troubled:...

Verse nine, then shall they deliver YOU up to be afflicted, and shall kill
YOU: and YE shall be hated...

Verse 15, When YE therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,...

Verse 20, But pray YE that YOUR flight be not in the winter,...

Verse 25, Behold, I have told YOU before.

Verse 26, Wherefore if they shall say unto YOU, Behold he is in the

Verse 32, Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet
tender, and putteth forth leaves, YE know that summer is nigh

Verse 33, So likewise YE, when YE shall see all these things, know that
it is near, even at the doors

Verse 34, Verily I say unto YOU, THIS generation shall not pass, till all
these things be fulfilled

I have added the capital letters for emphasis. In my Bible, I have gone
through Matthew 24 and have circled every time there is a word that describes
who is talking and to whom the words are spoken. It is overwhelmingly clear to
me that Christ was talking to his disciples, 2000 years ago, and not to some future
generation some 2,000 years later. Once again, was Christ speaking to His
disciples, or was He again misleading them? Was He lying? Did He intend those
things for the ones that He said them to, or was it all a clever way of keeping
them faithful and devoted by giving them false hopes of His return for them?

Not one word of the Bible was written to us, but every word was written

for us!

Think about it. Neither one of us was alive 2000 years ago when the book
was written. How can we say that any of the New Testament was written to us?
When Christ told His disciples that they would see all these things... why is it
so difficult to simply believe what Christ said?

Well, here is one reason. Virtually all of the prophecy that is being

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preached in the church buildings today has come from a scheme of Bible
interpretation propagated by C.I. Scofield early in the 1900's.
Organized religion embraced Scofield's new interpretations. (In Scofield's
own writings – What Do the Prophets Say? he admits to having "controversy
with well-meaning bible students over the too exclusively Jewish conception of
the age to come
." P161).

Let's examine what Scofield says about Matthew 24 in his reference notes
and I will show you how he intentionally has mislead those individuals who have
chosen to adopt his schemes. In verse 34, Christ tells His disciples, Verily I say
unto you. This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled
Scofield says in his notes that we know that Christ could not have possibly been
referring to that generation in which the disciples were living because of the
definitions of the Greek words for generation. He says that generation here
comes from the Greek word GENEA. Well, it does. It is number 1074 in the
Greek dictionary of Strong's Concordance. But, the deceiver does not give you
the definition of GENEA, he instead goes down to 1085 – GENOS – and gives
you that definition, all the while telling you that he is giving you the definition for

He uses the definition GENOS, which says, "off-spring, stock, nation, et.al."
and tells you that it means that the word generation in Matthew 24:34 can mean A
FUTURE GENERATION and NOT the one that Christ was talking to 2,000
years ago! Not only that but he also says that we KNOW that He was talking
about a future generation because "NONE OF THESE THINGS, I.E. THE

If that were true, then I would have no choice but to concede that as the
truth, and stop writing this booklet immediately. But, somehow this great Bible
scholar seems to be missing some passages of Scripture that are in my Bible, but
simply must not have been in his or any other ‘preacher's' in this country.

LOOK at Colossians 1:23!

COLOSSIANS – 2,000 years ago!!!

If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away

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from the hope of the gospel, which ye HAVE HEARD, AND WHICH WAS
whereof I Paul am made a minister;

WHAT???? Paul said that the gospel was preached to every creature
which is under heaven!
Did the apostle Paul make the same kind of ‘mistakes'
that the Lord Jesus made when He taught? Was Paul misleading these people?
Was he lying to them? Paul also told them earlier in verses five and six that the
gospel had come unto them as it IS IN ALL THE WORLD!
How could
Scofield say that WE KNOW that the word generation of Matthew 24:34 could
not have meant that generation because the gospel had never been preached to the
whole world?

My friends, the gospel not only filled the Roman Empire, which is all it had
to do to fulfill the Bible prophecy, but it was preached to EVERY CREATURE

Why is it so hard to just believe what the Bible says? Do you have any idea
how many times people have said to me, "Well, I never saw those verses in
COLOSSIANS."? Well, why haven't you? Why don't you know those verses? If
you don't know such incredibly powerful verses as those, then what else don't you
know? How could people supposedly interested in truth not know that Paul said
that the gospel had been preached to EVERY CREATURE WHICH IS

How could someone like the supposed great C.I. Scofield say emphatically

that Matthew 24:14 has never been fulfilled? Men's lives have depended on the
fact that Matthew 24:14 has supposedly never been fulfilled. The entire scheme
of modern day religious Bible teaching on the "end of the world" must come
crashing down because of this awesome lie that all of the religious world has

There is something else that is amazing to me when reading Scofield's notes
of Matthew 24. He says that we are seeing wonderful fulfillments of God's
promises to Israel taking place right before our eyes. Promises of land, blessings,
etc., fulfilled right before our eyes.

TAKE A LOOK at JOSHUA 21:43 - 45.

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Verse 43: And the Lord gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to
give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein.

Verse 44: And the Lord gave them rest round about, according to all
that he sware unto their fathers: and there stood not a man of all their
enemies before them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand.

Verse 45: There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had
spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass

How many notes do you think Scofield makes concerning this passage? Not
one. Scofield does not place one single margin note on what his ideas are
concerning this passage of Scripture. Somehow it isn't amazing to me by now
that the same people that didn't know COLOSSIANS 1:6 and 23 were in the
Bible, don't know that Joshua 21:43 - 45 are in their either. [So much for running
the Palestinians out of their homes and off their land by the force of ‘assault
weapons', to deliver the ‘Jews' to their ‘promised land'.]


There are many more prophecies that Christ related to His disciples within

the verses of Matthew that should be discussed. He talks of false Christs coming
in His name and deceiving many. He tells of wars and rumors of wars, and
famines, and earthquakes, and pestilence. He tells them all these are the
beginning of sorrows. He tells the disciples that THEY will be delivered up to be
afflicted, THEY will be killed, and THEY will be hated. The talk about the
abounding of iniquity. Verse 13 has caused great dissension among religious
people. But when it is placed in its perspective according to its time and place,
then it is easily understood. (More on this verse later).

He tells His disciples that WHEN YE SHALL SEE THE

If all of the events that were being described to these men were somewhere
2,000 years in the future, how could they possibly understand? Yet, Christ tells
THEM to read and understand. He tells THEM that when they see these things,
they are to flee into the mountains of Judea. He is telling them to get out of the

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city so that THEY will be saved. PHYSICALLY! (This is what is meant in verse
13). Christ says, if you do what I tell you, when I tell you, you will be saved.
Stay in the city, you die. Flee when you see these things, you'll be saved.

Verse 20 says pray ye that your flight not be in the winter or on the
If Christ was talking to some future generation (like me and you), then
why did He talk about the Sabbath? Does your religious organization observe the
Sabbath day? If not, and if this is talking to us, then why aren't you observing it?


In verse 21 and 22 He begins to tell His disciples that For then shall be
great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this
time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there
should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be

Just as we examined who Christ was talking to in these verses of Matthew
24, let's change gears for a minute and go to I Thessalonians and make some of
the same applications – all the while keeping in mind the things that we have
discussed so far.


As you should know, chapter four of this book contains the great passage
concerning Christ's second coming that is so quoted throughout "Christendom". I
can't wait until we make it over to chapter four, but we really need to start in
chapter one and verse one.

Verse one: Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the
Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ:
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus

Now honestly, who is this book written to? Can you honestly say that it was
written to anyone other than the church of the Thessalonians – 2,000 years ago?
Can unto the church of the Thessalonians be ‘interpreted' or taught to mean
anything but unto the church of the Thessalonians?

He goes on in verse two, saying, We give thanks to God always for you

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all, making mention of you in our prayers;

Verse three: Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and
labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of
God and our Father


Paul tells them that he KNOWS that they are elect of God. Is there any chance
that these people could have also been the ones that Christ was talking about in
Matthew 24 when He said that there should no flesh be saved, BUT FOR THE

How was it that Paul was so convinced of their election that he KNEW it?
Paul had read Matthew 24 when Christ said, Behold, I have told you before!
There is no doubt in my mind that the elect of I Thessalonians 1:4 and the elect
of Matthew 24:22, are one and the same. Look down at I Thessalonians 1:9-10:
For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering we had unto you,
and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God

Verse 10: And to wait for his Son from heaven, who he raised from the
dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come
. Was Paul
giving these people misguided hope for their future? Was he misleading these
people as Christ supposedly mislead His disciples in Matthew 24? How can we
even begin to believe anything other than what is so plainly stated in black and
white (and red) in the Scripture?

Chapter Two

Look at verses 13 through 20 of chapter two. For this cause also thank we
God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye
have heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth,
the word of God, which effectually worketh in you that believe

Verse 14: For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God
which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of
your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews

Verse 15: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and

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have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

Verse 16: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might fill up
their sins alway: for the WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE


These past few verses must be reckoned with. Paul has told the
Thessalonians that he knows about their persecutions. He knows about all of the
tribulations that they are being put through. And he says about the ones who have
done the persecuting – THE WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE
! Can you get anymore wrath than the uttermost? Is not this
almost word for word what Christ talked about in Matthew 24? The WRATH IS
! That is present tense! He told them that the wrath is come and that

Verse 17: But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in
presence, not in heart, endeavored the more abundantly to see your face with
great desire

Verse 18: Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once
and again; but Satan hindered us

Verse 19: For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not
even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

WHAT??? Paul told THEM that THEY would be in the presence of the
Lord Jesus Christ AT HIS COMING!
Paul was telling them that their
persecutions would end at the coming of Christ. This was the hope that the
Thessalonian church was looking for. This was what sustained their faith
throughout all of the terrible persecutions that they were going through at that
time! Paul told them that THEY would be in Christ's presence at his coming.
Was this another in a long line of misrepresentations? Is all of what we have
been taught about the new Testament based on lies and misrepresentations? If the
Thessalonians did not go through all that was promised to them, was that not an
unbelievably cruel thing to do to a group of sincere, Christ loving, God serving,
persecuted people?

In verse two Paul tells them that he sent Timotheus to establish them, and to
comfort them concerning their faith.

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Verse 3: That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for
. Paul said
that they knew that that is what they were supposed to go through! Christ told
them in Matthew 24 that they would be delivered up to be afflicted and to be
persecuted! The words are almost identical to those found in Matthew 24!

In verse 4 he tells them: For verily, when we were with you, we TOLD
! It must be noted that I Thessalonians
was written during the same generation in which Christ spoke of in Matthew 24,
when He said (v. 34) This generation shall not pass, till all these things be
. Matthew 24 spoke of "the end of the world", the destruction of the
temple, and the coming of Christ. To this point, we have seen the persecutions,
afflictions, tribulations, hope of the coming Christ, and the evidence that all of
these things happened in the lives of the Thessalonian Christians. Let's continue
with chapter three to see if there are anymore points of special interest related to
this subject.

We see in verse 7 that Paul was happy to note that these Christians were
"keeping their faith unto the end". They were "enduring unto the end". Look at
verses 11-13: Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ,
direct our way unto you

Verse 12: And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one
toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you

Verse 13: TO THE END he may stablish your hearts unblameable in
holiness before God, even our Father, AT THE COMING OF OUR LORD


Furthermore, then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the
Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please
God, so ye would abound more and more. For ye know what commandments
we gave you by the Lord Jesus

Verse 13: But I would not have YOU to be ignorant, brethren,
concerning them which are asleep, that YE sorrow not, even as others which
have no hope

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(14) For if WE believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so
them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him

(15) For this WE say unto YOU by THE WORD OF THE
OF THE LORD shall not prevent them which are asleep

(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the
dead in Christ shall rise first

caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and
so shall WE ever be with the Lord

(18) Wherefore comfort ONE ANOTHER with these words.

Is this another cruel misrepresentation? Paul told them that they would
witness and be a part of this blessed event. Paul told them that many of them
would BE ALIVE AND REMAINING to be CAUGHT UP together with
them in clouds, to meet the Lord in the air

Did God keep his word to those Thessalonian Christians 2,000 years ago?
Or was it all a hoax to keep them from falling away under the tremendous
persecution that they were under? Why is it so difficult to believe God's word for
exactly what it says? Paul very plainly says that he is doing the talking and they
are the ones receiving the letter.

How can we say that those words were "really meant for a future
"? Well, if you can trust Scofield with your eternal soul, then I guess
we can believe that the entire scope of what we have read and studied in Matthew
24 and in the book of I Thessalonians, was a misguided riddle that was designed
to keep those early Christians buoyed up above fear and anxiety, giving them a
false hope in order to make our generation feel that somehow all these verses are
for us – to help us through the tremendous sufferings and persecutions that we are
going through.

As we gorge ourselves around the table at dinner time and drive our luxury
cars and live in our fancy homes. Our ‘church buildings' are multi-million dollar
superstructures with padded pews, air conditioning, heating, and fleets of
Greyhound buses to carry us on our tours. We have state of the art gymnasiums

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and athletic facilities that rival anything the world has. We are filthy rich. Yet,
the teachings of the New Testament regarding persecution and the deliverance
received from the second coming of Christ refers to us? How could we be so


But of the times and the seasons, brethren ye have no need that I write
unto you

Verse Two: For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so
cometh as a thief in the night
. Why did Paul tell them that he really didn't even
need to talk to them about the times and the seasons? And that they knew
perfectly well about the day of the Lord. Paul didn't need to talk about it because
Jesus Christ Himself gave clear and concise lessons on the subject in Matthew 24.
Chris said, "When YE therefore shall see all these things, KNOW that it is
near, even at the doors

Verse Three: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden
destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they
shall not escape

Verse Four: But YE, BRETHREN, are not in darkness, that that day
should overtake you as a thief
. They were not in darkness because THEY
KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that THEY WERE THE FULFILLMENT of
Christ's words in Matthew 24. You see, when those people received the
Scriptures, they believed it. They didn't have the opportunity to listen to religious
professionals explain away and tell them that what they were reading actually
applied to some future generation some 2,000 years down the road. They KNEW
that what they were going through was the fulfilling of Christ's Matthew 24
prophecy and these things were not surprises to them because of Christ's own
words, "Behold, I have told you before".

Look at verse nine: For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to
obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ
. Paul again tries to console these
suffering saints, that they were going to be spared the awful things that were still
yet coming.

Verse 23: And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray

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God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
. If these people did not see the coming of
their Lord Jesus Christ, then truly they were the victims of one of the cruelest
jokes ever perpetrated on mankind. Wouldn't it just be so much easier to believe
that God's word is true, regardless of the level of our understanding: that Jesus
wonderfully fulfilled all of His promises to "THAT GENERATION"?

I would much rather believe that Christ and Paul kept their word to those
people and that they were not mislead or lived and served Christ their Lord under
some false or misguided pretense.


God promised that before this great and dreadful day of judgement would
come, that He would first send Elijah the prophet to Israel. This would be a
major sign that the end was upon them and that his words should be obeyed.
Let's go back to the New Testament to see if, just like all of the prophecy that we
have seen thus far, we can find fulfillment within the pages of God's word. In
Matthew 16, Christ and His disciples are in the middle of another confrontation
with the Sadducees, the religious leaders in Israel. They had asked Christ to
provide them with a sign from heaven. Christ responded that only wicked and
adulterous generations seek for signs. He asks them why they can't discern the
signs of the times? Christ warned His disciples that the leaven He was talking
about was actually the doctrines and teachings of the Pharisees and the

In verse 13, Christ asks His disciples who people said that He was. Their
response was that some said he was John the Baptist, Elijah, and others said
Jeremiah. Let's hold that thought for a minute and go down to verses 24 through

Verse 24: Then Jesus said unto his disciples... Stop right there! Who is
doing the talking? To whom is He talking? The Bible said that Jesus said unto
his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up
his cross, and follow me

Verse 25: For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever
will lose his life for my sake shall find it

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Verse 26: For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Now watch this!!!

Verse 27: For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with
his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works

Verse 28: Verily I say unto you (Christ to His disciples – 2,000 years

Again, did the disciples witness the coming of Christ in his kingdom? Or
did he mislead them into thinking something other than what was actually the
truth? If they didn't have those words fulfilled in their lives, then why did Christ
even bother to say it to them? Was the whole bible written to people who were
completely kept in the dark?

Now before you think that we have ventured into something other than
finding Elijah, the promised messenger and forerunner spoken of by Malachi, let's
go to chapter 17. In verse one through seven we find the story of Christ's
transfiguration. The disciples were witnesses of God the Father speaking from
heaven that Christ was His beloved Son. He was the promised Messiah. He was
the Lord's Christ. He was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy concerning
the promised King of the Jews, the Redeemer, the Anointed One, the Most High!

In verse nine He tells His disciples that they should tell no man, until the
Son of man be risen from the dead

Verse ten: And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes
that Elias must first come?

Verse eleven: And Jesus answered and said unto them. Elias truly shall
first come, and restore all things.

Verse twelve: but I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they
knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. I likewise
shall also the Son of man suffer of them.


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OF BY MALACHI, IN Malachi Chapter Four!

The scribes who were teachers of the Old Testament, knew the teachings of
Malachi. That's why the disciples asked why they were saying that Elijah should
come first. One of the reasons that the religious leaders of Christ's day rejected
Him, is because they were so spiritually illiterate that they were expecting some
physical return of the Elijah of the Old Testament. They could not see that the
fulfillment of the prophecy was of a spiritual nature and their earthly fleshly
appetites could not be satisfied by a spiritual application of Bible prophecy. It's
amazing to me that religious leaders have never changed their spots – from that
day till this, religion still seeks to satisfy the physical, all the while rejecting the
trueness of the spiritual.
There was something said to me a few years ago by a Baptist 'preacher'
concerning this lesson on John the Baptist being the Elijah of Malachi. I was
talking about Matthew chapter 11 to this ‘preacher' when the comment was made
to me. In verse 7 the Scripture says that Jesus began to teach the multitudes
concerning John. He says in verse 10: For this is he, of whom it is written
Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way
before thee
. He goes on to say in verse 14: And if ye will receive it, this is
Elias, which was for to come
. Would you believe that this Baptist ‘preacher' said
to me, that since the people didn't receive it, then John the Baptist was not really
the Elijah that was to come? Incredible! The ‘preachers' in this country, in this
day, no more believe the words of Christ, than did the religious leaders who
actually heard and saw Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago. If Christ were here today,
the religious leaders of the organized church would crucify Him just the same as
they did 2,000 years ago!


I have asked many people to do a simple study of the word generation as it is
used in the four gospels of the New Testament. It is very interesting to see how it
is used and to whom the word is spoken. Since almost all of the teachings of the
gospels can be found within each other, let's look at the word generation from the

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book of Matthew. I can only hope that you would take this serious enough to do
your own study throughout, not only Mark, Luke, and John, but throughout the
rest of the new Testament.

Probably the most interesting usages of the word generation (or generations)
is found in chapter one. For the time being though, we will skip chapter one and
go to chapter eleven. Chapter eleven is a mirror of what we have already seen
from Luke chapter three. Matthew 11:16 – But whereunto shall I liken this
generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto
their fellows,
(V.17) and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not
danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.
(V.18) For
John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The
Son of man came eating and drinking and they say, Behold a man
gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom
is justified of her children.

Have you ever heard the phrase – You just can't win for losing? Christ said
of the generation that he lived in that, even though John the Baptist and Christ
Himself did opposite things, the Jews were equally critical of each. They found
fault with both of God's men.

It is also interesting to note the next few verses concerning the generation
that Christ was living in. In verse twenty the Scripture says that he began to
upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they
repented not:

(V.21) Woe unto thee, Chorazin! Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! For if the
mighty works which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon,
they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

(V.22) But I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon
at the day of judgement, than for you.

(V.23) And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be
brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee
had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.

(V.24) but I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of
Sodom in the day of judgement, than for thee

When I was involved in the organized religious church, I used to hear the

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‘preachers' make comments concerning America that would go something like
this: "If God doesn't destroy America because of all of its wickedness, then He'll
have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah". Have you ever heard them say such
things? Yet, Christ told the generation of jews that were alive during His day,
that they were exceedingly worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodom and
Gomorrah had the wretched Lot as their only hope; the Jews of Christ's day had
GOD HIMSELF and yet they didn't come near to repentance.

They rejected everything that was good. They rejected the final call from
God the Father when they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ the Messiah was
sent to that generation! Christ fulfilled His Messiahship and His work as Messiah
is over. It is blasphemy to say that Christ will return to this earth as Messiah.
The redemptive work of Christ the Messiah is over!

This reminds me of a Baptist anthem that was pounded into my head from
my youth until I finally studied the Scripture for myself and saw the glaring error
that this song so thoroughly brainwashed me with. The song was called, Lift Up
Your Head, Redemption Draweth Nigh
. The words of the song go something like

Wars and strifes are on every hand. And violence fills the land. Yet some

doubt He'll ever come again. But the word of God is true. He'll redeem His
Chosen few. Don't lose hope. For Christ's coming draweth nigh. Signs of the
times are everywhere. There's a brand new feeling in the air. Keep your
eyes upon the eastern sky...
This sounds to me more like a Jewish anthem. It's the ‘so-called' Jews that
believe that their Messiah has never come; and that when he does then they will
be redeemed. These Baptists are saying that the Messiahship of Jesus Christ will
take place at this supposed rapture (a word that doesn't even appear in the Bible –
NOT ONCE!). What utter blasphemy. They have denied the work of Jesus
Christ while He was here – and they have adopted the Jewish belief that the
messiah is yet to come. The organized religious church is powerless because they
have never met the One who gives the Power!

They are lining up with the Jew waiting on their ‘promised messiah'. If all
of what we have read were somehow Bible prophecy, the generation of religious
teachers could easily be compared with those of Matthew 11 and 23.

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We are still talking about the word generation. The next time we find it is in
Matthew 23. But, Matthew 23 is such a key chapter, we need to go through it
from the beginning and then work toward verse 36, where we find the word
generation. Verse one tells us again, plainly, that Jesus was talking to the
multitude and to His disciples. If you will take the time to read it for yourself,
you will see that Christ is absolutely blasting the religious leaders of the Jews up
one side and then down the other. He talks of how they love to be seen of men.
He talks about how they try to carry on as Moses did, but the truth is that they
didn't have a clue concerning the life that Moses spoke of.

In verse thirteen, He goes on an all out lambasting of the scribes and
Pharisees. He says that they shut up the kingdom of God against men. They
devour widows' houses and they pray long prayers for an outward showing. They
cross the seas to make a proselyte of someone, and when they succeed, they end
up making the proselyte twofold more the child of hell than themselves. He calls
them fools and blind. He calls them blind guides that strain at a gnat and swallow
a camel. He says that they try to clean up their outward appearances but inside
they are full of extortion and excess. He says that they

are whited sepulchers

which appear beautiful on the outside but on the inside they are full of dead men's
bones and all uncleanness.

Needless to say, He was not very pleased with the religious leaders of His
day. We have now nearly arrived to the point for which we set out at the
beginning of this chapter. He tells them in verse 30: And say, if we had been in
the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the
blood of the prophets

(V.31) Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the
children of them which killed the prophets.

(V.32) Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.

(V.33) Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the
damnation of hell?

(V.34) Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and
scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye

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scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: NOW

(V.35) That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the
earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of
Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.

(V.36) Verily I say unto you, all these things shall come upon this

(V.37) O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and
stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy
children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and
ye would not

(V.38) Behold, Your house is left unto you desolate.

I see no possible way that the words of Christ in this chapter can be
attributed to any generation except for the generation in which and to which He
was speaking. Of course, the religious leaders of Christ's day did not believe that
His words were meant for them. Therefore, it only makes sense that the religious
leaders of our day would have us believe that those words were spoken for some
other future generation. Because, as Scofield says, we know that the word
generation here could not possibly refer to the generation of Christ's day because
the promise of the gospel being preached to all nations HAS NEVER

The ugly awful truth is: The religious leaders of Christ's day that shut up the
kingdom of heaven against men, are still doing it today! It's not the exact same
group of men, because they died 2,000 years ago, and they wore robes. Today,
they wear suits and ties. They are still the cleanest and sharpest looking on the
outside – but their inwardness is still the same! They have denied the Christ of
the New Testament, in favor of the ‘coming Christ, the messiah of the Jews.

As long as I have been alive, I have heard one ‘preacher' after another say
that he ‘wasn't setting dates", but then proceed to tell us when the Second Coming
of Christ was to occur. One of the main dates that I remember was 1981. Then it
was ‘84. The it was ‘88. Now I guess I hear ‘93 ad nauseum infinitum. What a
joke! They base all of their ideologies on different passages of Scriptures – Old
and New Testaments. The truth is, they don't have a clue, yet they continue on,

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and all of the little ‘church sheeple' follow along. It does make sense to me
though, that if the event already took place, then we could look at certain
Scriptures in order to make ‘guesses' about the Second Coming.

Funny thing, the greatest evidence of Scripture causes us to end up at –
guess what time? Would you believe around the time of the generation that
Christ said would see His coming? Amazing, isn't it? Let's look at it. I said that
we would deal with the importance of Matthew chapter one. So, here goes.


Verse seventeen of chapter one tells us the following: So all the generations
from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the
carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away
into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations. Now since all of the dates that
the ‘preachers' have set have come and gone, one of their biggest excuses has
been that they must have miscalculated due to the lengths of generations. This
basically gives them an out to recalculate each time their fraudulent theories are
proven wrong.

But since the easiest thing to do is just believe the Bible, why don't we just
use Hebrews chapter three where the Book says that a generation is forty years?
This is probably too easy, but let's just try it.

Now to find the answer to what I am suggesting, we must go to Daniel
chapter nine. Daniel chapter nine needs to be addressed (although very briefly),
because it is a major passage that the organized religious ‘churches' use when
discussing ‘end time prophecy'.

Just keep in mind those three sets of 14 generations found in Matthew 1. By
the way, 14 times 40 years equals 560 years. Daniel chapter nine and beginning
in verse 24, we find that God has spoken that there are seventy weeks determined
upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make
an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting
righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most

Now I realize that the verse here says seventy weeks, which doesn't seem
like any length of time at all. Seventy weeks is barely more than one year. The

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religious leaders of this world and myself agree on one thing – the word weeks
here actually means sevens of years. So the amount of time that God said were
determined for the jew and Jerusalem was 490 years. You can see that weeks
here means sevens of years in Strong's Concordance; but for even more
conclusive evidence you can read in Genesis 29 that the seven years that Jacob
worked for Rachel was called ‘the fulfilling of her week'.

Without going into great dissertations on Daniel's chapter nine prophecy (we
will at a later date), I would like to prove the time of Christ's coming by going
backward, instead of forward. What I mean is this, the modern day bible
‘teachers' will set their dates on certain events and then proceed from that point.
Let us take the fourteen generations of Matthew Chapter one and go backwards.
Remember though, we are looking for 560 years based on the 14 generations of
Matthew one. Comparing this time period with Daniel 9:24, we apparently have
a 70 year discrepancy. But, upon closer observation, we see that Matthew says
from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.

Go back to Daniel chapter nine and look at verse two. Daniel says: In the
first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by the books the number of the
years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he
would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem
. Compare
this with Jeremiah chapter 25 and you will see that this was a direct comment
regarding the Babylonian captivity of the jews that lasted 70 YEARS! Add this
70 years to Daniel's 490 years and how many do you have? 560 YEARS!

Are you beginning to see how the simple truths of God's word becomes so
clear when they are read and believed for exactly what they say? Before we leave
Matthew one and Daniel nine, I would like to make a comment. Do you
remember a few paragraphs ago when we were studying the word generations in
Matthew 23? We read that Christ told the Jews of HIS GENERATION that their

Look at the last verse of Daniel 9: (Verse 27) And he shall confirm the
covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall
cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, AND

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Isn't that exactly what Christ said about that generation? It's clear. Christ
told them to read and understand the book of Daniel didn't He? What was the
purpose for their reading Daniel? Before we go on to II Thessalonians, let's look
at one more point of interest in Daniel. As Daniel's prophecy was coming to a
close, we find in Chapter 12,

(Verse one: And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince
which standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of
trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:
and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found
written in the book

(Verse2) And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt
I quote those verses only for familiarities sake. What I really want you to see is
in verse nine: And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are closed up
and sealed till the time of the end

God tells Daniel that his book is sealed up until the time of the end. Now
compare this verse to what John is instructed to do with his book, The Revelation
of Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:10 And he saith unto me, SEAL NOT THE
Enough said.


Well, if you can remember back, all of what was said concerning Malachi,
John the Baptist, and this generation, was said because we were finishing up I
Thessalonians and getting ready to go into II Thessalonians. Now, let's go on into
II Thessalonians. We basically will look at the first several verses of chapter one.

Since we looked at Malachi and read that the day of the Lord will burn as an
oven, and John the Baptist – Malachi's Elijah – confirmed the same, we only need
to look briefly at II Thessalonians to drive a piercing blow into the unscriptural
teaching of the religious leaders of this world concerning Matthew 24. Verse one
again makes it clear who is doing the talking and who is receiving the words. It is
the church of the Thessalonians, 2,000 years ago! In verse four he tells them

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again that he recognizes their patience and continued faith amidst all of the
persecutions that they are enduring. He tells them in verse five that: Which is a
manifest token of the righteous judgement of God, that ye may be counted
worthy of the kingdom of God, for which y also suffer

(Verse 6) Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense

tribulation to them that trouble you;





Is it still some demented delusion that Paul was leading these suffering
Christians through? Did God keep His word to these people? Did He do to them
what He said He would do? Did He keep the delusion going in chapter two when
he begs them by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering
together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled,
neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, AS THAT THE DAY


I am amazed at how far gone organized religion has shown that it is through
its politics. George Bush, the elder, finally used the phrase "The New World
Order", and I thought for sure that we might see a little bit of stirring from the
organized religious churches. I thought that we would possibly see an outcry
against even the usage of this phrase. Instead, it seems that the organized
religious church has embraced it the same way that the rest of the world has.

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This "end of the world" GARBAGE that has been preached from the pulpits
of American and English churches for more than one hundred years now, HAS

In order for the new World Order to be established there could be nothing
less than total acceptance from the religious community of the world. The
complacency, ineptness, and laziness that the "end of the world" message has
produced, was exactly the goal of the One Worlders.

Many Americans are now claiming to be "patriots" and are very much
involved in fighting for the liberties that have been taken from Americans
through the years. They have not realized that their religious thought
concerning the "end of the world" is actually one of their biggest enemies.

They are trying to effect change in a society that believes that change will

only come when "Jesus returns to rule the world". After all, everything that is
going on in this world today, is Bible prophecy and there is nothing we can do
about it, or nothing that we should do about it. Just wait, and let Jesus straighten
out all of His/our enemies.

The enemies of Christ have propagated this “earthly kingdom, end of
the world" message just the same as they have manipulated society to bring
about all of the ruin that they have caused through the years.

We have been diverted into thinking that our battle has been with the
Democrats, the Bureaurats (not a misprint), and the Republicans. The enemy is
much smarter than that. The enemy is in the pulpits of the churches. The enemy
dresses in suits and ties and makes pretty speeches. Our battle is a spiritual
battle with the same enemy that attacked Christ

I have shown within the pages of this booklet, that religious leaders such as
Scofield, Van Impe, Lindsey, Falwell, Graham, Swaggart, Stanley, and others
who preach Scofieldism (Dispensationalism is its religious term), have dealt
treacherously with the Scriptures. I have shown you where, in Scofield's notes –
he either tells bold face lies, or he is really a pathetic student of God's word. How
can someone that claims to be such a Bible expositor, skip over a passage of
Scripture such as Colossians 1:23 – telling us the gospel was preached to every
creature which is under heaven!

How does this happen? Is it by design? Or is it truly a mistake? As I told

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you earlier, I will show you another heretical teaching that Scofield taught in his
book, What Do the Prophets Say? Scofield, Graham, Falwell, and the others
want us to believe the British Israel lie that Jesus Christ is going to return to this
earth and actually sit on the throne of David and rule the world from Jerusalem.

After all, isn't that what God promised David in II Samuel 7:12 and 13?
Look at it: II Samuel 7:12: And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt
sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed
out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom
(V. 13) He shall build an
house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom forever.

Now verse 16: And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established

forever before thee: thy throne shall be established forever. Okay. So you
and I don't actually see Christ ruling on earth from these verses, but that is what
the religious world gets around to saying. However, we do see an establishment
of David's spiritual kingdom that apparently will be carried out by the Lord Jesus.

Is it possible again that we could find the fulfillment of this
promise/prophecy within the pages of the New Testament? Scofield and the
others say, "NO!". It is unfulfilled prophecy that will be fulfilled in our future.
But what does the book say?


We will see the fulfillment of the "Davidic Covenant" before we leave the
pages of the New Testament – proving again that the religious leaders of today
are either pathetic Bible students, or miserable, deceitful men who have "made
merchandise" of their followers according to II Peter 2:3. In Acts, chapter two
we find one of the most fantastic sermons ever preached by someone other than
the Lord Jesus himself. It is Peter preaching and it would be good for you to
study it again starting from verse one. We, however, will begin in verse 14.

Peter is trying to explain to the assembly that what they have been
witnessing that day was not a matter of a bunch of drunks and that they needed to
hearken to his words. It is of special note that he says in

Verse 16: But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel;

Verse 17: And it shall come to pass IN THE LAST DAYS, saith God, I

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will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall
dream dreams

Verse 18: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out
in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

Verse 19: And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the
earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke

Verse 20: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into
blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come

Verse 21: And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the
name of the Lord shall be saved.

Verse 22: Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man
approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God
did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know;

Verse 23: Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and
foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified
and slain

Verse 24: Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death:
because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.

Verse 25: For David speaketh concerning Him. I foresaw the Lord
always before my face, for He is on my right hand, that I should not be

Verse 26: Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad,
moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:

Verse 27: Because Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou
suffer thine holy one to see corruption.

Verse 28: Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; Thou shalt
make me full of joy with Thy countenance.

Verse 29: Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the
patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with
us unto this day.

Verse 30: Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn
with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, He

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would raise up Christ to sit on His throne:

Verse 31: You must read and understand this verse. HE, SEEING THIS

Now, is there any doubt in your mind that God's promise to David was
fulfilled? He said that the resurrection of Christ was the fulfillment of the
prophecy. Verse 31: He, seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of
Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption
You see, the religious leaders who have always been interested in the fleshly and
not the spiritual, cannot see this as the fulfilled prophecy because it had a spiritual


In Scofield's book, What Do the Prophets Say?, Scofield gives a couple of
paragraphs to the Davidic Covenant. He says on page 161, in the second, third
and fourth paragraphs:

"Doubtless the whole subject has been made an offense to many sincere

and well-meaning students of the Bible by the too exclusively Jewish
conception of the "age to come" in controversies over it. That the coming
age is to fulfill the Davidic Covenant of the earth-rule of Messiah, as
explained by the Prophets and confirmed by the oath of Jehovah and the
message through Gabriel, is most true.

But the New Testament lifts the purpose of the age to come into a breadth
and majesty far beyond the promises to Israel, while including – nay, resting
upon those promises. For the thought and word of God have an ever inner
and vaster content than appears upon the surface. There are perpetual
surprises in the interpretation of Scripture by Scripture as the student
follows the progressive unfolding of the Divine will.

The Davidic Covenant is indeed to be fulfilled in the age to come, but a
vastly grander thing is fulfilled – THE DESTINY OF THE RACE "
emphasis added).

What exactly is Scofield trying to say here? Could there be anything more

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grand than the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, evidently Scofield
thinks so.

You see, to Scofield, et.al., it is more important that the people who call
themselves Jews in the Middle East today have land and "a place to call home".
The sad truth is, Scofield's true belief on this subject is that the Jesus Christ of
the New Testament was not the Messiah. He believes as the other Baptist
‘preacher' I referred to earlier that He would have been the Messiah had the jews
accepted Him. But, since they didn't He will have to return as Messiah again.

At that time, the jews will believe and then everything will be wonderful.
Well, at least according to this Pharisaical religious deception, Scofield goes on
in his book, What Do the Prophets Say? to talk about what will happen to the
earth during this "golden age of the earth-rule of Messiah".

On page 168 Scofield lets us know how this message has prepared the world
for the Jewish, United Nation's New World Order. He states as follows:

The "righteousness," which is the ethical keyword of the age to come,
is simply right doing. The end of wars, the protection of the poor, the widow,
and the orphan (Psa. 72:2-4, 12-15), the inflexible demand for just
dealing—all will be enforced by resistless power. It is the age of the "rod of
iron". Whatever the inner thought of man may be, he must do right or die
(Isa. 11:4; Psa.2.9; Rev.2:27).

What is he saying?! He is telling us that "righteousness" is not for this age.
IT IS FOR THE AGE TO COME. This is why no one is interested in doing right
today. Right living is not for this age.

Scofield says that we only need to: “Preach the gospel.” We shouldn't be
involved in politics. We shouldn't let the politicians of this country know that
they pass evil legislation; we should ignor that the judges do not rule justly. We
shouldn't teach people that usurious paper money is an abomination to God. We
shouldn't talk about the fact that taxes on labor are despised by God; and that
Social Security participants make God's word of no effect. Just give lip service to
the gospel.

This is the summation of the religion of the New World Order. Stay in your
little buildings and sing your pretty little songs – but that's it! And, if you'll be
good little "sheeple" we'll give you tax credits for contributions that you make to

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your church organizations. We'll give your CHURCH CORPORATION tax-
exempt status. Sounds like a payoff for a "job-well-done".

Upon closer examination of the preceding words of Scofield, not only is it

apparent that he is teaching that "right living" is for the age to come, but another
glaring statement of blasphemy needs to be addressed. He states that whatever
the inner thought of man may be, he must do right or die. Can you not see that
this completely nullifies the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ?

This should be a clear indication of what I have been saying concerning
Scofield's thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament. Scofield's
Jesus is a Messiah yet to come in the future, when he will establish an earthly,
fleshly kingdom.

This is NOT the Christ of the New Testament who said that His kingdom is

It is NOT the same Jesus of whom Paul stated that FLESH AND BLOOD
CAN NOT INHERIT His kingdom.

This "end of the world" teaching that was brought to the forefront by
Scofield and perpetuated by Billy Graham, and many others with full cooperation
of the media, has produced exactly what it was designed to do: Create a
population of
sleeping people who think that government is God, and that it
is a sin to question the bureaucracy that rules this New World Order.

It has produced a country filled with religious people who claim to know
God, but in their works they deny Him. It has filled the country and the world
with people that are begging to have one world government. They have deceived
the people into believing that this one world government will be led by the Lord
Jesus Christ — their soon coming Messiah.

While the religious crowd looks for their Messiah to rule and reign, the
enemies of Christ who have been the deceivers are laughing. They know that their
one world government of slavery is coming and that ALL OF THE RELIGIOUS

They have the blessing of the entire religious world – excluding the religion
of the Arab world. Search the Scriptures, for in them, YE THINK YE HAVE
ETERNAL LIFE – Jesus Christ.


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As this booklet may never actually come to a close, there are a few things
that must be covered yet. I will cover these two issues only briefly, and if you
would like further information,... you'll have to study if for yourself...

A.D. 70 - The destruction of Jerusalem.

We started this little booklet talking about Christ informing His disciples
that before that generation passed away, the temple of the Jews would be
destroyed. Have you ever heard of a Jewish historian named, Josephus? Most
religious people have. He was a man who was born around 37 A.D. and died
around 100 A.D. He is regarded as one of the foremost historians that the world
has ever known.

In the book, The Works of Josephus, a complete analysis of the events that
took place in Jerusalem in the days after the resurrection of Christ and through the
year 70 A.D. is chronicled. The religious community has told us that Christ was
born around 3.B.C. The Bible tells us that he was 331/2 years when He was
crucified. That would put His words of Matthew 24 somewhere around 30 A.D.

Remember that Christ said: This generation shall not pass, till all these
things be fulfille
d? Well, what do you think is recorded within the pages of the
Works of Josephus? How about the complete destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
by Titus, the prince son of Vespasian. In fact, Josephus records that the
destruction of Jerusalem prophetically thorough.
You will find it in BOOK VII ---- Containing the interval of about three

Chapter I – How the entire city of Jerusalem was demolished, excepting three
towers; and how Titus commended his soldiers, in a speech made to them, and
distributed rewards to them, and then dismissed many of them.

1. Now, as soon as the army had no more people to slay or to plunder,
because there remained none to be the object of their fury, (for they would not
have spared any other such work to be done,) Caesar gave orders that they
should now demolish the entire city AND TEMPLE (my emphasis added) but
should leave as many of the towers standing as were of the greatest eminency;
that is, Phasaelus, and Hippicus, and Mariamne, and so much of the wall as

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enclosed the city on the west side.

This wall was spared, in order to afford a camp for such as were to lie in
garrison; as were the towers also spared, in order to demonstrate to posterity
what kind of city it was, and how well fortified, which the Roman valour had
subdued; but for all the rest of the wall, it was so thoroughly laid even with the
ground by those that dug it up to the foundations, that there was left nothing to
make those that came hither believe IT HAD EVER BEEN INHABITED (my
emphasis added) . This was the end which Jerusalem came to by the madness of
those that were for innovations; a city otherwise of great magnificence, and of
mighty fame among all mankind. —

This took place at 70 A.D. Forty years from the time that Christ told His
this some coincidence? How is it that such an incredible event like this took
place and yet we never hear anything about it in the ‘churches'? It's because it
doesn't fit. It is purposely left untold.

Josephus' account of the time between 63 A.D. and 70 A.D. (Seven years)
covers some 300 pages. You can pick up a copy of Josephus in just about any
book store. Read for yourself that when Titus came into the city and his soldiers
began their slaughter, there was so much blood that it ran to the top of the steps of
the inner court of the temple. Incidentally, there were 13 steps. Read how he
said that over 1.3 million Jews died from starvation. You know, Josephus'
writings are only icing on the cake. It is not God's word – it is Josephus' words.
We have covered more than enough of God's word on the subject that it should
be believed regardless os what Josephus says.
When Christ says, "All these things shall come upon this generation",
we should believe Christ and let God be true and every man a liar.


When the first verse of Revelation says, The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must
, and when it says in verse seven: Behold, he
cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, AND THEY ALSO
WHICH PIERCED HIM: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of

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him; we need to believe those verses.

The book of Revelation is a history book. It was written to the Christians of
the first generation of saints and the events inside, SHORTLY TOOK PLACE!
Shortly meant shortly! The ones that pierced him — SAW HIM AT HIS
COMING! It's what the book says.

It is completely consistent with what Christ said in Matthew 26:64. Christ
was before Caiaphas the high priest. After being questioned by Caiaphas, Christ
answered: Jesus saith unto him, Thou has said: nevertheless I say unto you,

Did our generation pierce Christ? Of course not, we weren't even alive. Did
Caiaphas pierce Christ? As sure as you are alive this minute — Caiaphas killed
Christ! There is so much more scripture to look at in dealing with this issue. In
fact, in light of what you have read, you will begin to see this truth everywhere
you look, every time you read your Bible! I will continue to add to this booklet
— probably daily. But for now, I will close this section.

As I go back over the pages that I have written, I see that some of what I
have written has appeared to be very harsh and stern. I will make no apologies
for this. Religious deception is the most cruel, as well as the most damaging of
all deceptions. It must be met "head-on".

I do feel tremendous compassion for those people that fill pews week after
week. However, they must be warned as Isaiah warned years ago, "The leaders
of this people have caused them to err; and they that are led of them are

Each of us has an excuse for not knowing what is in the pages of God's
word. It's all there in black and white. Are you willing to keep trusting your
eternal soul to someone who is as flesh and blood as you are? Not this guy! I
know what I believe because I have seen it within the pages of the Bible. I can
take you on a guided tour from cover to cover. This is not an arrogant statement.
It is a simple fact of obedience. Peter tells us that we are to: Be ready always to
give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in
you with meekness and fear

Can you give an answer? Or will you continue to be just like everyone else,

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"Well, if you'd just talk to my preacher, he'd tell you.


When discussing C.I. Scofield's influence on modern bible teachers, one of
Scofield's biggest disciples needs to be mentioned. His name is Hal Lindsey and
he has written such books as the Late Great Planet Earth, Satan is Alive and
Well on Planet Earth,
and for this booklet, There's a New World Coming.

In Lindsey's book, There a New World Coming, I want to take a few
exceptions from his writings to show you how Lindsey is one of the greatest allies
that the proponents of the new World Order have. His teachings should illustrate
clearly why he is given and benefits from tax exempt status and tax-deductible
gifts. Both pay-offs for advocating and promoting the New World Order.

On page 3 of his book, Lindsey gives his honor and respect to that:

"venerable old Bible scholar, C.I. Scofield, who said that, 'The book
(Revelation) is so written that as the actual time of these events approach, the
current events will unlock the meaning of the book.

He pointed out that the Book of Revelation didn't have too much meaning to
people a few centuries ago, and that for this reason very few people were willing
to study its meaning'. He goes on to say,

'Interestingly, even the great reformers of past centuries, such as Luther,
Zwingli, and Calvin, knew little about prophecy. They were primarily interested
in unlocking Biblical truths desperately needed for their own generation. They
therefore didn't spend much time studying truths about the future. Possibly they
sensed that their age would not witness the fulfillment of the book of Revelation'."

NO KIDDING!!! Those reformers didn't spend any time on prophecy

because it had ALL BEEN FULFILLED!!! There was no prophecy to

On page four of Lindsey's book, he makes good mention of Daniel's words in
Daniel Chapter 12. In verses 8-10 Daniel writes, And I heard, but I understood
not; then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he

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said, Go thy way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time
of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the
wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the
wise shall understand

Lindsey goes on to say (after these verses are quoted and in regard to

"I believe that down through the centuries since John wrote these incredible

revelations from God, men have received a blessing from reading them even if
they understood very little of what they read. But today we live in a unique era.
Now the promise of blessing carries an unprecedented comfort and practical
fulfillment for every person who lets the Holy Spirit illuminate the words he

Why did Christ tell His disciples in Matthew 24 — When ye therefore shall
see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in
the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

What was the purpose of them reading Daniel, if according to Lindsey, they
could not understand what they were reading? If what Lindsey was saying had
any merit to it at all, let's examine two passages of Scripture to see if even a child
could understand the ridiculous thinking and logic that Lindsey tries to convince
people of.

First, Lindsey quotes Daniel 12 where the angel tells Daniel to SEAL UP
. Okay. If
Lindsey's logic were correct that would mean that Daniel's prophecy was
"unsealed" after approximately 2500 years, because we are now in the ‘END
TIME' and because knowledge is increasing. Daniel's book has been unsealed.
That would mean that even though Christ told His disciples to READ AND
UNDERSTAND, they were not capable of it.

Second, compare again, John's words in Revelation 22:10 where the angel tells
John, And he saith unto me, Seal Not the sayings of the prophecy of this

So what is being said is that God sealed Daniel's book for 2,500 years while
John's book, which was written 500 years AFTER DANIEL'S was left unsealed.
It absolutely doesn't make any sense! Unless of course, you believe in the same

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god and jesus that Lindsey, Scofield and the others teach. Their jesus taught
things that were misunderstood, filled with deception, and filled with false hopes
for people who lived and sustained themselves on the very words of the ones they
were following.

Why not just believe the Bible for its plain truth? The times of the end took
place during the lifetimes of the disciples. When Christ told them that WHEN
THEY SEE all these things, read Daniel and you'll understand.

That obviously means that Daniel's book was unsealed during their day. It
also means that Revelations was left unsealed because that TIME WAS AT
. You know the verse in Revelations (verse one) that says that those things
should shortly come to pass? Well, here's what Lindsey says about that verse:

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ" — theme; "God gave... to show" — source

and purpose; "Sent... by His angel" — intermediary; "To His servant John" —
recipient and writer.

Does Lindsey's version leave that out? Well, I checked. Here's what I found:

The New International Version says: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which
God gave unto him to show his servants what must soon take place.

The New King James Version says: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which
God gave Him to show His servants – things which must shortly take place.

The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures (JW version) says: A
revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that
must shortly take place.

The Geneva Bible says: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave
unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly be done.

Why does Lindsey leave this phrase out? Is there a hidden agenda
somewhere? I believe so! Let me show you another passage in Lindsey's book
that I believe links him to the religion of the New World Order. We find it on
page 64. I quote verbatim:

"Since the Bible teaches the Rapture is going to occur before the Tribulation

period begins, and since there are increasing signs that this time of God's

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judgement is nearing, it would be good to briefly summarize the major signs that
Jesus and the prophets said would herald the Tribulation and the return of Jesus to
this earth".

At this point I want to make a couple of comments. Note the usage of the
word Rapture. Once again, here is a word that doesn't even appear in the Bible.
Also note that he says that the Rapture is going to occur BEFORE the
Tribulation period begins. Note he puts the word ‘before' in italics for emphasis.
There is a very important reason why he does this and I will explain later. He
says that the world is nearing God's judgement. In other words, the time is
nearing where God is going to pour out all types of terrible things on the earth
and there is going to be tremendous suffering on the earth.

Keep those two things in mind as I will be back to them shortly. Lindsey
goes on to make a list of all the things that we are seeing as fulfilled Bible
prophecy in our lifetimes. The list goes like this:


The return of the dispersed Jews to Israel to become a nation again in



The Jews' recapture of the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1967 Arab-Israeli



The rise of Russia as a powerful nation and enemy of Israel.


The Arab confederation against the new State of Israel.


The rise of a military power in the Orient that can field an army of 200

million soldiers. (Red china alone boasts that she has this number of troops!)


The revival of the old Roman Empire in the form of a ten-nation

confederacy. (I believe the European Common Market is ultimately going to be
this power.)


The revival of the dark occultic practices of ancient Babylon.


The unprecedented turn to drugs.


The increase of international revolution.


The increase of wars.


The increase of earthquakes.


The increase of famines through the population explosion.


The coming of plagues.

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The increase of pollution.


The departure of many Christian churches from the historic truths of



The move toward a one-world religion.


The move toward a one-world government.


The decline of the United States as a major world power.


The increase of lawlessness.


The decline of the family unit.

Before I discuss the significance of this list, I want to go back to the
paragraph where Lindsey was talking about the Rapture occurring before the
Tribulation period begins. After Lindsey says that it would be good to briefly
summarize the major signs that Jesus and the prophets said would herald the
Tribulation and the return of Jesus to this earth... he goes on to say: "Even
though many of these signs are appalling in themselves, their tremendous
significance should gladden the heart of every true believer in Christ."

WHAT??? He is saying that all of the things that he listed should make
Christians happy! Look again at the list.

The revival of the occult... the unprecedented turn to drugs... international
revolution... increase of wars... famines.... plagues... increase of pollution... the
departure of many Christian churches from the historic truths of Christianity (he
got that one right!!!

He says that these things should make us happy.


There are forces at work in this world that have been trying to destroy this
country for decades. There have been individuals with literally limitless financial
resources who have openly stated that they want to destroy the sovereignty of the

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United States. One such group of people are RHODES' SCHOLARS! That's
right, Rhodes' Scholars. The Rhodes' Scholarships were set up by the late Cecil
Rhodes who wrote that he wanted the United States recovered by England as an
integral part of the British Empire.

Do you know of any influential Rhodes' Scholars? Where are Rhodes'
Scholars indoctrinated? Oxford. In England. Pick up a copy of Scofield's
Reference Bible and look at the binding. Where does it say the book is
published? Oxford. See the connection? I think it is very clear. It is Rhodes'
Scholars who have been responsible for most of the legislation and rulings in this
country that seem to be counter-productive. Why? For the benefit of this
country? Not hardly. There is an all out effort, funded by English money, namely
Rhodes', Carnegie's, Rothschild's and others, to destroy this country.

Wake up, America. You have been lulled to sleep in your padded pews!
You have been gassed with a religious indoctrination that has led you down a
path of destruction and slavery. Your pastors have you convinced that you are
seeing bible prophecy fulfilled. So, just sit back and make the best of it. Forget
about what's coming. After all, before it gets TOO BAD, you'll be Raptured out!
You won't be left to face it. WAKE UP!!!

While all of you religious people who have bought this lie are sitting back in
near poverty, barely scratching by, taxed to death, licensed to death, and so on, ad
nauseum; the MEN who have conned you into believing this is the fulfillment of
Bible prophecy, live in $million dollar homes, drive new cars every year, receive
all types of tax credits and exemptions, and play golf three or four times a week!
All of this supposed fulfillment of bible prophecy has been bought and paid
for by the people who created it. None of what is going on today is bible (or
Bible) prophecy. It has been masterminded and carried out on an unsuspecting
world by the ultra, ultra rich. Yes, they want what would appear to be a one-world
government. They want what would appear to be a one-world religion. It is a
plan for ultimate control of the life of every individual that lives on the planet.
They have used the religions of the world to anesthestise their adherents into
accepting this most sinister lie and devious plan. Wake up! Wake up! Wake

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