OLD TIME RELIJUN 2012 CDLP (K Records) KLP171cdlpklp171

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Start packing your survival kits, music lovers, because the world will end on December
21, 2012. This is the dead stop predicted in the Mayan Long Count calendar, and it's
also where the next stage in the feral mythopoetic dance groove of Old Time Relijun
begins. Place this record in your music-reproduction device of choice and groove upon
the sound of loud giants striding around in the post-apocalypse, mud and dead scorpions
clinging to those dancing shoes, dream wolves feasting on their synapses. 2012 is the
next stage in the evolution of Old Time Relijun, and you will wonder where on earth this
album's set you down once you've heard it.

The current incarnation of Old Time Relijun features writer/shouter/guitarist/saxophon-
ist/mad-prophet Arrington de Dionyso and brilliant upright bassist Aaron Hartman, plus a
new drummer, Jamie Peterson (formerly of Deerhoof side project The Curtains). The new
record – recorded at the mythical Dub Narcotic Studio with Calvin Johnson -- is some-
thing of a sequel to the sexy stompfest of Lost Light (which, mark my words, will surely
be ranked among the best song sequences of the second millennium). The dance groove the
band creates here gets faster and snakier, even as the sermons and dreamscapes plunge
back to earth. Imagine a baptismal hand gripping the back of your head, allowing you a
brief moment to inhale that L.A. smog real deep before you're head's underwater scatter-
ing the tadpoles and cold-muffling your ears. That's what we have in 2012: a crazed,
visceral song sequence that generates a groove smiled upon by the ghosts of Howlin'
Wolf, Pere Ubu, James Brown, the Gang of Four, John the Baptist, and Albert Ayler.

Highlights include the serpentine Velveteen opener, "Chemical Factory" (roll away the
clone), the eternally groovy "Your Mama Used to Dance" (sidewinding like a labyrinth in
praise of a sad mama's lost skillz), and "The King of Lost Light" (proving beyond a
doubt that Arrington de Dionyso shall yea verily become the Barry White of the basement-
gig apocalypse). But turn your brain sideways and dig "Los Angeles", where a tangled
transit-route of deceit is shouted like God's face moving upon the cloverleafs. Or set
down in front of the band and breathe deep the gathering gloom of Arrington's nightmare,
"Wolves and Wolverines", where this hobo preacher sleepwalks along with you about an old
home beset by wolves. AND the closing track, "The Blood and the Milk" fascinates with
its evocation of those twin fluids of new birth, featuring a squall of reference points
which range from obvious (Albert Ayler), to spiritual (Kadri Gopalnath), to obscure
(Maher Shalal Hash Baz). 2012 is a agical record: biblical and sexy, dreamy and earth-
bound, horny and drummy, dancy and swimmy, chemical and alchemical. Lift your face out
of themud, earth people, and get up to stomp the seeds in!

Catalogue number: KLP171
Formats: LP, Enhanced CD
Release date: September 6, 2005
UPC: 789856117123

12 Songs: Chemical Factory · Los Angeles · Wolves and
Wolverines · Reptilians · Magnetic Electric · Your Mama
Used to Dance · Lions and Lambs · Burial Mound · Her
Fires Chill Me · Tundra · The King of Lost Light (a
reprise) · The Blood and the Milk · *mpeg video of “Cold
Water” live in Milano Italy (courtesy State Grezzi Prod.)

Old Time Relijun

Box 7154, Olympia, Wash. 98507
U.S.A. (360) 786-1594 fax 786-5024
www.krecs.com, promo@krecs.com


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