Wake Up from the Nightmare Sage Marlowe

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A Totally Bound Publication

Wake Up from the Nightmare

ISBN # 978-0-85715-659-4

©Copyright Sage Marlowe 2014

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2014

Edited by Sue Meadows

Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination

and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or

places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,

whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of

the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound

Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil

proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs

and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator

of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,

Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This

story has a heat rating of Totally Melting and a Sexometer of 3.

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Sage Marlowe

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Book six in the Nightmares series

When the lines between nightmares and reality become blurred, it’s time to wake up and put an end to

life’s horrors

When Ben reveals yet more of his secrets, including a piquant part of his past and the last

vital element in the plan to put an end to their enemy’s evil deeds, Colin is determined to see

this plan through—whatever it takes. He surrenders to vampire Dom Ben’s special brand of

training technique and finds some solace in the fact that a ménage à trois with a vampire is a

very satisfying arrangement for an incubus demon.

Fuelled by his lovers’ highly potent emotions, Colin’s demon side is stronger than ever

mentally, but his weakness lies in his heart. He struggles to accept the truths he can no longer

deny and the time has come for him to reconsider what he knows about the people he

thought he could trust—and those he thought he couldn’t.

As the last pieces of the puzzle fall into place and people reveal their true colours, Colin

realises that some horrors linger even after he has woken from the nightmare.

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To all the wonderful readers who have received my work with open hearts and minds

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

Frankenstein: Mary Shelley

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Chapter One


“We have a problem,” I told Ben as soon as I marched into his room—his office this

time, not his private playroom. I still doubted that we even stood a chance at all, but Mikey’s
pep talk at the hospital had convinced me that I was the one who could take down Pete and
his evil gang—or die trying.

Arching one perfectly shaped eyebrow, Ben regarded me. “Good evening to you, too. It

may be best—”

“We don’t have time for pleasantries, Ben,” I snapped. “I’m serious. We have a real

problem. More than that—this has the potential to destroy our plan.”

The haughty expression vanished from Ben’s face. “Tell me.”
“Pete has given me an ultimatum. I have forty-three and a half hours left to…um, get

you out of the way.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good to know.” He looked at me with perfect indifference. “I suppose

that means we’re going to spend that time training you. Did you get back together with

I nodded.
“Good. Your energy levels are high, so I take it the reunion was successful.”
“It was.”
“Excellent. Did you bring him?”
“No. There’s…something else I need to tell you.”
My tone must have caught Ben’s attention. His eyes narrowed briefly and a hint of

suspicion had crept into them. “What’s that?”

“Another complication. Sasha’s dad is in hospital, just recovering from emergency

surgery. Sash is with him, as is Mikey.”

“I’m sorry. I hope his condition is stable and he will get well soon.” It was the kind of

phrase people always seemed to say in these situations and I could tell Ben just spooled it off

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while he focused on the effect this had on us. “That could indeed complicate things, but I
doubt that Sasha will be able to resist your seduction techniques.”

I winced and grimaced. “No, probably not. I may have to put a little more effort into it,

but that isn’t what bothers me.”

“Well, what is?”
“Pete knows we’re up to something and he said he wanted to teach me a lesson. He said

if I didn’t comply, Sash would be next.”

Ben frowned. “That sounds ominous. What has he done?”
“That’s the thing,” I replied reluctantly. “Mikey wasn’t with us when we saw Pete and I

thought… Well, I thought they’d harmed him, but we came home and he was fine and
dandy—apart from being upset because of Sasha’s dad, who happened to have just suffered
this unexpected brain haemorrhage.”

“And now you think they had something to do with that?”
“I’m not sure. You see, I was certain they’d gone after Mikey, but he’s okay and it

would be just too much of a coincidence. I just…”

Chewing my lip, I tried to find the right words to express my thoughts but I didn’t want

to say them out loud. “Forget it, Ben. This is just me being stressed out, I guess. I’m
panicking, seeing things where there is nothing. If Pete had wanted to teach me a lesson by
hurting Mikey, he would have done so, don’t you think?”

Ben continued to look at me for another moment, then he twitched his shoulders. “I

suppose so. Anyway, speaking of teaching someone a lesson—it’s time for us to get started.
There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

I stared at him, more uneasy than curious, but he just smiled back. “It’s okay, Colin.

He’s one of the good boys.”

“Right. I hope so.”
“He is. Trust me.”
“I do.”
I felt his presence on my mind even before the door opened and he entered the room. I

couldn’t quite place him, didn’t know who he was, only that he was a he—and powerful.
Very, very powerful. Powerful enough to break down my mental walls as easily as a

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toddler’s block building. When he came in, I recognised him instantly although I had only
seen him once before—in front of Ben’s room, not long ago. His long, straight, black hair
framed his alabaster face like an exquisite curtain. I hadn’t had time to study the details back
then, but now I was mesmerised. He looked like a statue, with features so even and void of
expression, it was hard to recognise him as a living, breathing…being. He wasn’t human—I
knew that much with absolute certainty.

He made his way across the room and stopped right in front of me, close enough to

touch if one of us reached out. We didn’t. He looked at me curiously, but with an air of
scepticism that riled me.

“He’s the one?” I heard his question in my mind even though he clearly wasn’t talking to


“He is.”
“Well, he does smell rather appealing, although he is unusually subdued for an incubus.”
“You know I can hear you, right?”
I grumbled.
“Why yes, of course. At least that is what Ben told me. How nice of you to join the conversation.

I was beginning to think you’d lost your powers.”

I glared at him. No matter what Ben thought of this guy, he already irritated the hell out

of me with his expressionless face and complete lack of emotions. “Excuse me? You waltz in
here without bothering to even say hi, and give me lip? Seems your manners took off along with your
feelings—if you ever had any of either.”

Behind me, Ben chuckled. “Easy, Colin. Don’t bite his head off. Raven is only testing the

waters a little.”

“He’s what?”
In front of me, Raven leaned his head to the side and continued to stare at me with his

unreadable, strange eyes. “Ben has told me everything about you,” he explained. “And while
I am willing to trust his judgement, I’m very much aware of the fact that you are an incubus.
I have to say, I don’t trust your kind as far as I can throw you. He claims you are different,
and maybe you are, seeing as you’re only part-demon, but still… I prefer to base my opinion
on my own observations.”

“Oh. Nice. Is that why you’re digging around in my mind?”

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One corner of his mouth curved into something which remotely resembled a smile. “It’s

not like you could stop me, is it?”

Smiling back at him, I tilted my head at the same angle as he held his. “What makes you

think I’m even trying to stop you?”

A flicker of surprise appeared in his eyes, but he covered himself up quickly. “Why

wouldn’t you?”

“Because it’s the only way to convince an arrogant bastard like yourself of my honest

intentions,” I said calmly, then I turned around to Ben. “Now that we’ve made introductions,
would you mind telling me what this charming individual is doing here?”

It was the most certain method to piss off statue boy, and judging by the crackling of

annoyance I felt from him, I’d succeeded.

“Raven is here to teach you how to control your mind,” Ben said. “He’s an extremely

powerful telepath with several decades of experience, and better suited to train you than I
am because he doesn’t have such a close, ahem, personal bond.”

“I understand.” I understood indeed, and even though I didn’t like it, what Ben had

said made sense. We had become close, and what had happened with Mikey had taught me
how much love and affection could influence a mental connection. If I wanted our plan to
succeed, I had to be able to function under the least favourable circumstances. “He’s a
vampire too, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Ben answered. “We’ve known each other for quite a long time and he knows

about the situation with Pete.”

“Good for him. So, what’s this training gonna look like?”
“Quite simple.” Raven’s voice was so strong in my mind that I flinched. “I will control

your mind while you try to keep me out.”

My anger rose. Bloody presumptuous bastard. “Try to keep you out?”
He sneered. “Indeed. I wish you good luck with that.”
It turned out his wish was useless. I didn’t stand a chance against him. Like Ben, or

even Mikey, I could feel his presence but trying to block him from my mind only gave me a
massive headache. Struggling to protect my most intimate thoughts from a stranger while
my brain throbbed with every beat of my heart was no fun at all.

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Raven showed no mercy. He must have known that I could barely handle his intrusion,

let alone form a coherent thought, but he didn’t hold back. He was in my head, sorting
through my memories and messing with my perceptions in a way I’d never experienced
before. With Ben at least I’d been aware of where he was and what he did, but Raven was
more than that. I couldn’t even tell anymore where he began and I ended. Images whirled in
my mind that I had never seen before and yet they were familiar. I saw people, perfect
strangers, who suddenly turned into someone I’d known, a long time ago. But were those
really my own, buried memories that finally made it to the surface or were they projections
of Raven’s powerful brain?

Cool fingers were curled around my wrist. “Don’t fight it, Colin. You can’t keep me out.

We both know that and I can show you something you’ve wanted for so long.”

“What would that be?”
“Can’t you guess?”
I tried to find my own sense in this flood of impressions. He was baiting me, I knew

that, and I had to resist him. “The only thing I want is for the men I love to be safe,” I
muttered. “If it is within your power, then by all means go on and do your magic. If it’s not,
however, then I suggest you stop wasting my time and let me get on with whatever I have to
do to get the job done myself.”

The overwhelming presence of Raven’s mind remained with me a little longer, then he

laughed out loud and the mental pressure on me vanished. “You’re better than I’ve given
you credit for,” he said. “Frightfully inexperienced, as was to be expected, but you are
gifted—and you have real determination, which is almost as important.”

“Well, I am motivated, so let’s get this over with, okay? For some reason Ben seems to

think you can help me with my training. I’m not sure I believe him, but maybe you could tell
me what it is that you’re supposed to be doing to help.” I glared at him. The emphasis I’d put
on the last word had been strong enough. Now it was up to him to show if Ben’s trust in him
was justified.

A faint smile rearranged Raven’s exquisite features. “I assume you have already

realised that I’m a far more powerful telepath than even our friend Ben here. I have just
explored your mental powers to assess whether or not you even stand a remote chance

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against Pete, especially at such short notice, and I’m also here to test your strength once more
after training.”

“Oh, fantastic,” I mumbled. “The two of you keep waffling on about this training but so

far no one has told me exactly what it’s supposed to look like.”

At last Ben took a step forwards, apparently willing to join the conversation again. “My

apologies for that, Colin. I meant to take it a little more slowly with you and give you time to
understand your powers better, but we all know that time is running out. We’ll train you
with sex.”

I was baffled. “Train me with sex? Are you joking? What’s that supposed to look like?”
Ben smiled at me calmly and even Raven’s stone- cold eyes glittered with amusement

as he watched passively. “That’s the point of the self-control exercise Mike and I have started
putting you through. Orgasm control is a relatively simple way to make you get a feel for
your body and at the same time it helps you to separate your mind from your emotions. That
is what you need to do if you want to stand a chance against Pete.” He smirked. “And
incidentally, it’s an excellent way of providing you with lots and lots of energy. You will
need as much as you can possibly get, but you already know that part.”

“Yeah, I know,” I sighed. “The reason Mikey got Sasha back. It seems really everything

in my life revolves around sex, doesn’t it?”

“You’re an incubus,” Raven said softly. “It’s in your nature, but if it helps—we’re all on

this planet because someone at some point had sex. It’s the most natural thing in the world.”

I rolled my eyes. “Good grief, I really don’t need wise words from a vampire.”
Raven shrugged. “Just saying. But you’re right. The clock is ticking and we’ve wasted

enough valuable time talking when you really should be training.”

“Wait.” Staring at Raven, I took in his unnaturally smooth face, the cold, dead eyes, the

emaciated body. I shivered. I’d never been picky, but…

He leaned in and smiled. “Don’t worry, pretty demon. I’m not here to play with you, at

least not that way. My only interest lies in your mind, not your body.” His smile turned cold
when he added, “Then again, it’s a shame, really, that you need your energy. I wouldn’t
mind a pint or two of fresh incubus blood.”

I jerked back, horrified as he licked his lips while keeping his gaze on my neck. “No!

Ben, I’m not letting him near me again!”

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Grinning, Ben shook his head. “Shh. Colin, calm down. Raven is only pulling your leg a

bit. He won’t feed on you, promise. He will stay with us, however, and help with your

“Training? Now? But Mikey and Sash are still at the hospital. I thought they’d—”
“They can do their part later. We don’t have any more time to waste, so I’d like to take

this opportunity to do a first session with you. Then they can take over when you go home.
What do you think?”

Watching Raven from the corners of my eyes, I nodded. I’d known that sex would be a

vital part of the plan all along, and I didn’t really mind it. I was hungry. I was used to being
used—and I was used to using people to satisfy my needs.

I dropped my voice to the husky purr my fans loved. “First session, huh?”
“Mm-hmm. One of a few to come during the next two and a half days.” He smirked.

“Too bad you won’t get to come a lot of the time.”

“Very funny. You are serious about all this, aren’t you?”
“Absolutely. And now that I’m thinking about it, I have to say that we have drifted

quite far away from the original arrangement.”

“Original arrangement?”
Ben approached me slowly. “Why yes. You came here asking to be my toy boy,

remember? You wanted me to teach you some kinky stuff. With everything that has
happened, we never really found the time for that.”

“True. So what, you want to start your Dom stuff on me now?”
Ben cupped my face, gently holding me as he kissed me, then he said, “Why wouldn’t

I? You want strong emotions, my dear, and there isn’t much that rocks my world like a
sweet, submissive boy in need of a strong hand.”

“What about him?” I jerked my hand in Raven’s direction. Standing there completely

motionless, he could have been a fancy piece of interior design, but I could still feel his
immense power.

“Oh, never mind Raven. He’s just a silent observer. I’m the one you have to concentrate

on. For now, I am all that matters to you. I’m the centre of your world and my every wish is
your command.”

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I shivered. His deep voice reverberated inside me, touching something and making an

almost forgotten part of me sing. I remembered the dark but intense pleasure I’d experienced
whenever Mikey had let his inner Dom out to play and I realised that no, those sessions
hadn’t been about my demon responding to Mikey’s desires. The desires had been mine, too,
and Mikey had first awoken, then fulfilled them. Well, some of them anyway.

Another shudder rocked me, stronger than before. Ben’s scent filled my nostrils and the

sight of him, lean but broad-shouldered, sophisticated but with that irresistible dark side he
hid, was all that I could take in. I sank to my knees and ended up with my face just inches
from his crotch. My mouth watered in anticipation. I longed to lick him and taste him. I
wanted him to invade me and just…take me. I stifled a moan. “What do you want me to do?”
I whispered.

“Take off your clothes.”
I undressed as quickly as I could in this position, then I looked up at him. I didn’t dare

ask again.

“Now wait. And watch.”
“I’m sorry?” Bewildered, I looked up. Ben had turned away from me, apparently not at

all interested in what I had to offer.

“Don’t be,” he said as he went to his desk. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

Hopefully you will find it as…inspiring as I do.” He pressed a button on what I’d assumed to
be his phone and what I’d thought was just a decorative wooden panel on the wall slid to the
side. Behind it were several flat screens, arranged so they created one large, even surface. Ben
pushed another button and the monitors came to life.

“Oh. Wow,” I muttered, surprised and instantly turned on even though I struggled to

take in all there was to see.

“You didn’t expect that, did you?” Ben asked, smirking.
“Well, I knew you had video surveillance, but… I guess I wasn’t expecting it to look

like this. Then again, maybe I should’ve seen it coming.”

Ben chuckled. “Now what is that supposed to mean? You don’t think I’m a pervert, do


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“Hmm, let’s see… You run a chain of very successful sex clubs, you have a high-tech

surveillance system installed in at least one of those clubs and right now, there’s a naked man
kneeling in your office awaiting orders… No, I’d say you’re really just an ordinary guy.”

Ben didn’t reply. He gave me a curious look, then he walked to somewhere behind me

and out of my line of vision. Trying to follow him with my gaze, I turned my head.

“Nn-nn. Eyes straight ahead,” Ben ordered. “I told you to wait and watch, remember?”

His voice had that tone in it. The tone that told me I’d better obey or I’d regret it. I looked at
the screens again, at all those couples and small groups of people talking, playing and

I would’ve loved to know what Ben was doing, but what I saw caught my attention

more than I’d thought it would. I’d never had myself down as a voyeur, certainly not to the
same degree as Mikey, but there was a strange fascination in watching them. And in
knowing that they didn’t even know I was there. I focused on three men. Two of them were
naked, the third wore leather chaps and a chest harness. The game they were playing wasn’t
elaborate, but it was passionate. They were all over one another, kissing and stroking,
groping and fondling. My dick twitched, eager to join in the action. I reached down to give it
the touch it craved, but before my fingers made contact, a sharp pain snapped across my

“Ouch! What the fuck—?” I rubbed my smarting arm and tried to catch a glimpse of

whatever Ben had hit me with. I got my answer when he placed the tip of a short riding crop
under my chin and nudged me so I faced the wall again.

“I told you to wait and watch, Colin. Touching yourself isn’t watching.”
“Just so we’re clear, I expect you to obey my orders to the letter. If you don’t, I will

punish you. The rules are simple. Watch, don’t touch yourself and don’t come, but above all,
don’t let Raven enter your mind. Can you do that?”

I gritted my teeth. “Yes.”
“Hmm. We’ll see about that.” His smug tone combined with the amusement in his

voice made me even more determined. I’d show the arrogant bugger what I was capable of.

I pretended to continue watching the action on screen while I really tried to figure out

what Ben was doing. He’d disappeared from view again and I could hear him rummage in

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the cupboard behind me. I didn’t really know what he stored in it, but seeing as he must
have taken the crop from it, I had a pretty good idea what else it contained.

Multicoloured fireworks exploded in my head. With them came a bright, searing pain

so strong it made me nauseated. Toppling over, I only just managed to catch myself before
diving nose-first on the floor.

“You’ve let your guard down.” Raven’s words were like thunder rolling in my mind.
“I’m sorry, I—”
“I don’t care for your apologies. Try harder.”
The pain vanished and I scrambled up, settling in my former position. Ben had come to

my side. He brushed the hair out of my eyes, but then he grabbed a handful of it and yanked
my head back, forcing me to look up at him. “This isn’t a game, Colin. We’re doing this for a

“I know that,” I snarled.
Was I pissed off? Hell, yes. I hated being treated like a child. I hated even more that

Raven could apparently read my mind even when I wasn’t aware of it. And I hated that Ben
seemed to be able to predict my reactions better than I could.

“Don’t be cranky, love,” he whispered, confirming my assumption. “You can do it. I

have every confidence in you, but you have to pull yourself together. This won’t be easy.”

“I know.”
“Good. Then act like it and get a grip on yourself. And now bend over.”
“Uh, why?”
This time, Ben flicked the crop across my butt cheeks. I yelped, more in surprise than in

real pain, although my skin burnt like it was on fire. I leaned forward, carefully lowering
myself until my forehead rested on the plush carpet and my aching arse was high up in the

“Very pretty,” Ben said. He put the tip of the crop on my back, right between my

shoulder blades. Expecting more pain, I flinched, but he just traced my ribs, drawing a
delicate pattern on my skin. Then he ran it down my spine. He never broke the contact, but
he changed the angle of the crop and pressed the thin bar into my crack. I couldn’t see much
in this position, but I could tell that he stood right behind me which meant that he could see
everything. I shivered. Ben chuckled.

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“You like that, don’t you? You like the idea that I can see you, that pretty hole all ready

and waiting to be filled. Do you want me to fill it now?” He teased me with the crop, pushed
the tip against the pucker and rubbed it, but didn’t enter me. I couldn’t help myself. “Yeah,” I
moaned and hollowed my back, offering my arse to him.

“I thought so. I just wonder if your answer would’ve been the same if you’d known

what I’m going to fill you with.”

He said it calmly, but I squirmed nonetheless. It didn’t take much to imagine the things

he would come up with, and I quivered in anticipation. I caught a warning flicker from
Raven and quickly concentrated on my mind again, putting a lot of energy into maintaining
my barriers.

“Not quite, but a lot better than the last time,” he whispered in my head, then he left me

alone again. I was thrilled. Attack deflected, at least for now.

“Well done,” Ben praised. “You definitely deserve a reward for that.” He shuffled

behind me, then the rustling of clothes told me he’d dropped to his knees. I would have
loved to have known what he was up to, but all I could see was the carpet right in front of
my face. Something cold and hard brushed my skin, breached me and slipped inside me
before I even realised what was happening. My insides quivered again, but this time in
shock. Whatever Ben had shoved into me froze every nerve ending.

“Like it?” he teased.
“What the fuck is that?”
“A steel plug, well chilled. You didn’t answer my question.”
“Uh…” Question? I forgot all about that when he slapped the base of that gruesome

thing, causing it to shift inside me and numb yet more sensitive tissue with its icy cold. I

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Ben left the icicle where it was and wrapped my cock in

warmth. The combined sensation was amazing, even more so because I wondered how Ben
had managed to get his hands so hot. They seemed to scorch my skin as he stroked me from
base to tip, over and over again, with increasing tightness until my shaft had grown hard.

“How’s this?” he enquired with the scientific detachment he apparently always

revealed in situations like this.

“It’s… Oh, fuck, it’s… fucking fantastic.”

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“Good. We’ll stick with that then.” Despite his promise, the snug glove of his hands

disappeared. Instead, he tugged at me and something solid nudged my glans, then scratched
along my shaft, right down to the base. Before I had time to figure out what it was, Ben
squeezed my balls and pulled at them until I feared he’d rip them off.

“What the fuck are you doing down there?” I grumbled, clenching my fists to distract

me from the ache.

“Putting a ring on you. And a pump.”
“A what? Gosh, Ben, that’s taking it a bit far, don’t you—”
“Shut up, Colin. Don’t argue or I might be tempted to use the dilator that comes with it

as well.”

I didn’t say another word. Partly because of Ben’s warning—a dilator really wasn’t

something I cared to be introduced to—and partly because I probably wouldn’t have been
able to speak if I’d wanted to. Ben left me with the appliance around my dick only to play
with the steel plug in my arse, fucking and teasing me with it until even the last of the cool
metal had warmed from my body heat. More than that, the dratted thing now felt actually
hot but maybe that was only a misinterpretation. My neural system was on overload and
couldn’t be trusted anymore.

Just when I thought Ben had run out of ways to torment me, he removed the plug. The

sudden emptiness frustrated me, but it didn’t last long. The pressure returned. Ben shoved
something else into me. Unlike with the plug though, I didn’t get the feeling of relief when
the widest part had passed. Quite the opposite—this thing seemed to be made to stretch, not
to settle.

“It’s a tunnel plug,” Ben explained. “Short and wide. It holds you open and allows me

to look right in there. It also allows me to stuff other things into you, like this dildo for
instance.” He’d barely finished speaking when something nudged me quite far inside. I
twitched in surprise. It was weird to have something prod me so far in without being able to
feel it move along the rim as well.

“That feels amazing, doesn’t it?” Ben asked. “And believe me, it looks just as hot. Let’s

see if I can find the right spot.” He poked around for a bit, then he hit the right spot dead on.
I yelped and cringed. Without any of the sensations that usually came with being penetrated,
the stimulation was so intense I could hardly bear it. But Ben, being the cruel, knowing

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bastard he was, wouldn’t let me wriggle away from it. No matter how I twisted and turned,
he chased me until I gave up. I forced myself to remain still even though the unyielding
pressure on my prostate made me want to scream.

“Good boy,” Ben whispered. “You take it so well. Let’s see how much more you are

willing to endure for me.”

The tube around my cock leapt into life. On the up side, it diverted my attention from

the intense burn in my arse a little. On the down side, the suction was so strong that it did
make me scream. Instinctively trying to escape the pain by following the direction of the
tugging, I thrust in—which promptly turned out to be a mistake, as the movement also made
the evil instrument in my arse shift and press my sweet spot hard enough to make me see
stars. I had nowhere to go. Pushing down meant getting my prostate crushed, pulling back
was the equivalent of ripping off my dick.

I held still, even though my whole body trembled. My groin was on fire. I’d never felt

pleasure—or pain—this intense and just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, the
sensations grew even stronger. I tried to writhe away from it all but found I couldn’t, and
this time it was neither the rod in my arse nor the tube around my dick that stopped me.

Pain spread through me, crawled up my spine and into my legs, my arms, my head… I

couldn’t move. I couldn’t escape. I tried to yell, wanted to beg Ben to make it stop, but my
voice was useless.

You’ve let your guard down. Again,” Raven snarled in my tormented brain. “This is what

it feels like when your mind is under someone else’s control. Oh, the things I could do to you right
now. The things I could make
you do. What do you think, Ben—would you like to have some fun with
my little puppet? He’ll do anything I ask of him. Maybe… Would you care for a snack? You must be

I couldn’t do anything to stop him. I struggled to resist, poured every ounce of strength

I had into reinforcing my mental barriers, but I failed. Observing my body’s actions like a
powerless passenger, I let Raven steer me. Despite the pain it caused me, I straightened up
but remained on my knees so my neck was level with Ben’s face. I saw the greed in his eyes.
Hunger, dark and overwhelming. And it wasn’t sexual desire that had him licking his lips.

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Horrified, I tilted my head to the side and offered him my neck even though everything

inside my brain yelled in protest. But my body didn’t belong to me anymore and when
Raven crossed the room and stood next to Ben, there was nothing I could have done.

“Do you really think Pete would stop now?” Raven replied coldly. “Do you believe that he

would let you go if he had you in this position?”

He reached out and traced my throat with cool fingertips. “Pete may not be after the same

thing as I am, but he wouldn’t hesitate to destroy you. Not for a single second.” He wrapped his
hands around my neck and dug his thumbs into the little hollow at the base of my skull.
“He’d rip off your pretty head and send it to your lovers, then feed the rest of your body to the dogs.
You mean nothing to him. Don’t forget that. Ever.”

“Just like I mean nothing to you,” I thought defiantly, then I broke down, sobbing. “Go on,

take what you want. Get it over with already.”

Shifting his grip, he exposed the artery and leaned in. When he tilted his head and

opened his mouth, I caught a flash of shiny white fangs. I closed my eyes. I didn’t need to
watch to know what was going to happen.

I wouldn’t mind a pint or two of fresh incubus blood.

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Chapter Two

I woke disoriented and sore. It took me a while to understand that I was still in Ben’s

playroom, but the details of how I’d got into the big bed remained blurry. I’d had a crazy sex
session with Ben that had somehow involved the vampire freak Raven—that much I recalled.

Ben wasn’t around, which didn’t surprise me when I glanced at my phone. It was past

eight in the morning, which did surprise me. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d slept
in so late, and we’d had sex, so I really should have been full of energy and bouncing around
the room. And yet I felt strangely lethargic and could barely keep my eyes from drifting shut

I finally summoned the strength to throw back the quilt and sit up. A minute later I

managed to swing my legs out of bed and eventually I stood. My knees were a bit weak as I
gathered my clothes and went to the bathroom. I cleaned up thoroughly and tried to coax my
hair into a style that would do without actually having to wash it. All the time I felt as
though lead was tugging at my hands and feet and the idea of simply going back to bed for
another hour or two was far more appealing than it should have been to someone who used
it more for sex than sleep.

The memories of how the session with Ben and Raven had ended still escaped me, but

despite my expectations, there were no fresh bite marks on my neck or anywhere else on my
body. It bugged me that I didn’t know what had happened, and I was going to give Ben a
piece of my mind about that, but for now, I could only assume that it was all part of the plan.
I no longer believed that I knew everything the two vampires had concocted. Time to face the
facts—vampires and incubus demons didn’t mix well. We could join forces to fight a
common enemy, but that didn’t mean that we trusted each other, it seemed. Only thing was,
I did trust Ben. Even now.

The sound of voices had me perk up. They were both familiar, but muffled and it took

me a moment to identify them.

“Didn’t you say you’d left him in your bed?” Mikey said, his tone playful with that

distinct roughness in it. Warmth pooled in my groin—and in my heart. I’d missed him so

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much. I’d wanted him to be there last night, both as reassurance for me, and also because I
knew how much he would have enjoyed it. With the exception of the gruesome finale aside,
it had been one incredibly hot experience. My hole tingled and my dick began to fill as I
recalled the intense stimulation. My body’s eager response reminded me of something else. I
hadn’t come last night.

“I did say I left him in my bed,” I heard Ben reply. “And I did leave him there. Seems he

woke up. Ah well, next time I shall chain him to the bed, that’ll teach him to leave his place
without permission.” A wave of excitement zinged through me. Chain me to the bed?
Permission? Of course, Ben was still on his Dom trip. All I could hope was that Raven wasn’t
lingering in the wings anymore. I finally understood that the horror he’d put me through had
only been his way of showing me what could have happened, but much as I appreciated the
effort, I had no desire to have him in my head ever again. But maybe he wasn’t there this
morning. Maybe it was only Mikey and Ben out there, and by the hoarse tightness of their
voices, they were both turned on.

Contemplating whether or not to reveal my whereabouts, I stroked myself, slowly

spreading the heat from root to sensitive tip.

“Next time, eh?” Mikey chuckled. “How about you do that now? And maybe punish

him a little for his disobedience.”

Ben’s answering laugh made me tingle all over. It sounded amused and naughty at the

same time, promising pleasure that, knowing Ben’s preferences, would doubtlessly border
on pain. The thought excited me, far more than I’d thought it would. He was going to show
Mikey another neat trick to torture me, I was certain of that. I opened the door.

“Oh, look.” Ben smiled at me. “My toy boy. All nice and fresh and ready to use.”
I swallowed. My knees went weak again, but this time for a different reason than just

minutes ago.

Your toy boy?” Mikey promptly challenged. Ben’s grin widened and turned a notch

more mischievous.

“For now, yes. I’m going to show you how to use him properly, and then you can play

with him. What do you think?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea,” Mikey said and rubbed the massive bulge at his

crotch. My mouth watered. I wanted to taste him, smell him and feel him, and Ben’s words

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lingered on my mind. “I’m going to show you how to use him properly.” Just what did he have
planned for me this time? I still couldn’t access his thoughts, but the brief, reassuring smile
he gave me when our gazes met told me it was okay. This was all part of the game.

“Come here, boy,” he said softly and I took the first step without even thinking about it.

Then I saw Raven standing by the window, motionless as usual, and I froze.

“Never mind him, Colin,” Ben ordered. “We will focus on the physical part of your

training today.”

I snorted. “Physical? If last night wasn’t physical, then I don’t know what is.”
Ben made an amused noise. “I know what you mean, but we thought it was the best

way to bring our point across.”

“Yeah, well. I guess I can safely say point taken,” I replied.
“We will see. Raven will test you once more, but he won’t be as hard on you again. You

need your strength and fighting him would burn off more energy than you could consume
within the next thirty-three hours. But don’t worry about that now. Come here and kneel.”

I didn’t like Raven’s presence one bit, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I

made my way across the room to where Mikey and Ben stood by the bed. Then I knelt.

“Good boy,” Ben said. “Mike, you know I have already started training Colin. Last

night Raven and I gave him a lesson to teach him the importance of self-control.” Ben started
to walk a circle around me. I tried to follow him with my gaze, but he stopped right behind
me and tapped the top of my head. “Keep your eyes down,” he reminded me in a stage
whisper, then he continued, “His self-control, precisely. Last night was about controlling
your mind, Colin, and I believe you have understood what we tried to tell you, haven’t

I nodded.
“Today’s lesson is going to be a bit different,” Ben continued. “It’s about practice and

about supplying you with the energy you need. I believe that enjoying what you do is a vital
element in learning, so we’re all going to have a little fun. That brings us to you, Mike, and
your wonderful Dominant tendencies. We’ll simply consider this a kinky session and the
chance for you to hone your skills in edging.”

Mikey inhaled audibly and I could picture the look on his face. He loved it. Me, not so

much. Ben offered us a distraction, and I appreciated it, but the torment of the night before

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was still fresh on my mind, as was the other time before that, when he’d made me wait so
much it had hurt. Ben had made his point then, showing me what I could and could not do—
and what he could do to me.

“Colin, your basic rule for this session is not to come,” Ben instructed, sounding

perfectly calm. My stomach gave a twinge.

“Not at all?” I asked.
“That’s what I said,” he replied.
“Oh. Um…”
“Don’t worry. It will be a lot easier now that you don’t have to worry about Raven. And

as this is just the beginning of your submissive training, I will give you help.”

“How nice of you.”
“It is, but just so we’re clear—the next comment of that sort will earn you a


“What, but—?”
“Don’t argue, Colin. I’m the boss and it’s time you understood what that means. I’ve

given you far too much slack as it is.”

“Fine,” I muttered, swallowing the rest of what I really wanted to say. It was only the

logical part of me that wanted to contradict him anyway. The other me—the one that
trembled with excitement at the notion of being tied up and at the mercy of a man who had
near-total control over me—agreed wholeheartedly. I wanted him to show me. I wanted him
to make me ache in that bittersweet way again, the way he had done last night. And I wanted
Mikey to be present this time.

“Good boy,” Ben whispered, then he turned away from me. “Mike? Ready?”
“Sure. What do you want me to do?”
“First of all, watch.” A smile had crept into Ben’s voice. “I believe you’re good at that

and I know you’re already familiar with Colin’s reactions, but I want you to pay close
attention anyway. Edging is best when it is fine-tuned to an art.”

I was nervous. I trusted Ben and I knew Mike would always look out for me, but was

this really the right approach to make me understand myself better and help me put the reins
on that beast inside? Just how much of a chance did a young, inexperienced half-demon
stand against a powerful telepath like Pete who could apparently give even Ben a run for his

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money? I’d failed before, when Raven had tested me. If I failed again, the outcome would be
far, far worse than a bruised ego.

Ben brushed my shoulder with his fingers. “Don’t be afraid, Colin. I will look out for you,

too, and so will Raven. Don’t let the uncertainty of the future take away the magic of the present.
Focus on the moment and on the task ahead.”

I huffed. “Easier said than done. I’m not sure I can do what you ask of me.”
He stroked back my hair, then caressed my cheek. “I know how much you can take, my

beautiful boy. I have every faith in you, but you always have your safe word. I will respect that, no
matter what.”

Most of the tension left me after that. Ben was right. I ought to make the most of the

present, because if the plan failed, this would be one of the last good times I’d have. One of
the last chances I’d get to let my kinky side out to play. One of the last intimate moments I’d
get to spend with Mikey—and with Ben. I nodded lightly to indicate that I was ready.

“Get up and sit on the chair,” Ben instructed. I didn’t need to ask which one he meant.

The big gynaecological examination chair I’d become familiar with during my first visit stood
in a corner, looking like any other innocent piece of furniture despite the humiliating
experience it provided for most of its occupants. I sat on the edge, shuffled around until my
butt was in the right position, then I lifted my legs and put them in the stirrups.

“Very good. Lean back and close your eyes.”
I obeyed and tried to keep my breathing even while my heart pumped arousal through

my veins at a hundred-odd beats per minute. I was open and exposed, my most intimate
parts laid out to be examined and played with. Constant worries had kept me busy or I
would have realised sooner how much I missed this element of my job. The part where I
offered myself to be looked at, knowing that I was in the incredibly powerful position of
making unknown men’s fantasies come true. Spreading my legs a little wider, I concentrated
on the caress of cool air between my parted butt cheeks.

“Slut,” Mikey muttered, but from him it was an endearment, not an insult. I purred in

reply, earning myself a gentle stroke of warm fingers along my thigh.

“He’s a slut indeed, which should make this a lot of fun,” Ben commented. “It’s

ridiculously easy to excite him and he has hardly any triggers that could spoil it for him, so
we can focus on pushing him as close as we possibly can.”

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“Hey!” I protested. “You’re making me sound like an insensitive horndog.”
“Colin,” Mikey said, faking serenity. “You are a total horndog and there really isn’t

much that spoils it for you.”

“Yeah, so?”
“Quiet now, both of you,” Ben ordered, his voice bubbly with suppressed laughter.

“Colin, you keep your eyes shut and focus on not coming. Mike, there are some cuffs in the
top drawer over there. Bring them here, please.”

I listened to the shuffling sound of Mikey’s footsteps, then Ben said, “Thank you.”

His soft words were the only warning I got before sturdy leather brushed my left wrist.

Cuffs. Much as I liked the idea of being tied down, the memory of the cuffs that had held me
against my will was still vivid in my mind. The echo of strangers’ voices filled my ears,
shouting out numbers and making lewd comments about me and the plans they had. I

A hand rested on my forehead. It was cool, so it must have been Ben’s. “You’re safe. You

will ache, but I would never hurt you, and even though you’re in ties, you’re free to go anytime you
want. All you have to do is say the word and I will stop. Always.”

“I know.”
“Good. Now believe it.”
The touch of his hand vanished and instead I felt nimble fingers on my wrist. Ben

closed the shackle, then he proceeded with the one on my right arm. He must have given
Mikey some sort of signal, because while he was still busy tugging the wrist cuffs in place,
the set of ankle restraints were tightened. Amazing how they could plot without
communicating in words—or words that needed to be spoken out loud.

“Very good, Colin. I’m proud of you.” Ben’s praise helped more than I’d thought it

would, especially as he chose that moment to put another band on me. That one went around
my head, effectively rendering me immobile. My fingers twitched, but I fought the instinct to
thrash against my ties. I was safe. We were only playing. The game was kink, but it was
nothing to be afraid of.

Ben ran his cool, firm hand over me, from my shoulder over my chest and belly, past

my groin and down my legs to my feet, then back up again on the other side. “He’s an

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exquisite creature,” he whispered. “Time to have some fun with him and take what he offers
us so willingly.”

The hollow ache of lust spread between my legs, making every nerve ending from my

hole to my balls and my hard, swollen cock prickle with desire. Ben put his hand on my
stomach, a casual touch that had an almost detached feel to it. Far from a lover’s caress, it
was a matter of practicality. He needed a place to rest his hand, and I happened to be

“Let’s see,” he said in a tone that matched the peculiar detachedness of his touch.

“What would be a good start, Mike? What would you like to do?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure.” Mikey sounded surprised. “I thought you were…”
“Ah, well. We’re playing with him together, really. I’m here mostly to give a general

direction and of course to draw your attention to certain aspects of his responses, or give
some recommendations, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get to put your fingers on him. Or
in him,” he added with a mischievous chuckle.

“Maybe that would be a good thing to start with then,” Mikey said thoughtfully. “You

see, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to…you know. Find out how many I can

“Fingers into him, you mean?”
“Hm, quite a few, I should think, given the right preparation. I take it you haven’t done

that before?”

“Nice. Colin, will you be okay with that?”
I gulped. “Yes.” Who would have thought that Mikey would come up with one of the

few things we hadn’t tried yet?

The fingers between my legs felt familiar and warm. Mikey took his time stroking up

and down the insides of my thighs, finding his way to my crotch slowly but surely. He
brushed my balls with the back of his hand, pushed them up a bit. Then he pressed one of his
knuckles against the patch of skin below them, massaging me gently. I groaned. The pressure
wasn’t uncomfortable but persistent. Mikey changed the angle, worked his way around the
sealed entrance and back in a very effective attempt to relax the tissue around my hole.

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With my eyes closed, I had little distraction and could concentrate on his slow, playful

progress. His fingertip was on the spot now, but instead of continuing to tease like I’d
expected him to do, Mikey pushed his finger in deep. The sudden intrusion made me yelp as
a fresh wave of arousal burst through me, followed by a warm, sizzling sensation in my
groin. His fist bumped my balls and added to the overall feeling of pressure while little
sparks of delight exploded in me with every new twist and wriggle of that magic hand.

Mikey played with me only briefly before he added a second finger. He kept the

pressure up and even used his thumb to rub the area between my hole and sac as he
stretched me. There was a purpose to his motions that I liked. It added a sense of
achievement to him invading me with a third finger, then, carefully, the fourth. Still, he
continued to stroke my balls with the pad of his thumb, but that wouldn’t go on for much
longer now.

I knew that it worked, but I felt so full already and there was a definite difference in

size between a man’s fingers and the width of his hand.

“We’re almost there now, baby,” Mikey whispered, apparently sensing my moment of


“Yeah, I…know.”
He made a sexy, throaty sound, part hum, part purr, and changed the angle of his hand,

then shoved it in again. It felt amazing, a bright, burning spike of pain amidst the blunt ache
I’d got used to. The sting grew sharper. Instinctively avoiding it, I tried to wriggle away, but
Ben held me in place with his cool and strong grip on my stomach and shoulder.

The scrape of a fingernail on my rim was the last warning I got. There was more of the

blunt pressure, more of the stinging pain from the stretch, but above all, there was an
incredible, unexpected feeling of elation. Mikey’s first movement was gentle and very, very
careful, but I felt it with every single nerve as though it was magnified. Every inch of me
throbbed and tingled and when he curled his fingers, showing me exactly where they were,
tremors of ecstasy licked the insides of my thighs, my spine, up to my shoulders and neck
and the very inside of my head. My brain shut down. Thinking became impossible and I was
well beyond worry. I vaguely thought that it was a pity I hadn’t tried this before, then Mikey
moved again and I was lost in the sensations he inflicted upon me.

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I lost all sense of time and space as I lay there, rocking in the gentle rhythm he’d

established, making noises I didn’t recall ever having made before and more charged with
arousal than I could remember having felt in my entire life. My nipples buzzed and prickled,
my—untouched—cock seemed to have turned into a hot iron rod that throbbed with every
excited heart beat and my balls felt as full and close to bursting as my insides.

“Remember, you’re not allowed to come,” Ben said suddenly, right next to my ear and I

nearly howled in frustration. I couldn’t have come like this anyway, not just from it, but I
was so damn close and a few strokes would have done the job.

“P-please,” I croaked. My lips were dry and chafed, my throat felt like it had been

rubbed down with sandpaper. I hadn’t even noticed how ragged my breathing had become
until now.

“No,” Ben said. “Not yet. You’re far too beautiful like this, and I can tell Mike is having

a very fulfilling time.”

Unable to speak, I groaned my protest. I couldn’t stand this much longer. I’d been

fucked enough times to know when my body simply couldn’t take any more and climax or
not, I was on the verge to being thoroughly over-sensitised. Cool fingers were curled around
mine and their comforting squeeze distracted me a little from the fire in my groin.

“You’ll have to detach yourself from the sensations,” Ben explained quietly. “Let the

stimulation become something that is done to your body, but keep control of your mind and
ultimately, your mind will be capable of controlling your body’s responses.”

“I…can’t,” I grunted through clenched teeth. My legs shook so much the muscles were

about to cramp and every single fibre in my body screamed for the relief only a good, strong
orgasm could bring.

“You can,” Ben said. A bright spark of pain shot through me when he bit my nipple. I

screamed and jerked, making Mikey’s hand shift inside me, but I couldn’t focus on it
anymore. Ben rubbed and pinched the tormented nub with his fingers, squeezed it and even
dug his nails into it.

“Stop that, you bastard, that hurts!” I yelled, but he only laughed and twisted my nipple

until I saw stars.

“Don’t say you don’t like a little pain with your pleasure,” Ben said and bit the other

nipple, the one with the piercing in it. His bite was different than before and I didn’t need to

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look to know he’d drawn blood. Mikey would probably freak out if he noticed, but I couldn’t
worry about that. Ben hadn’t just punctured my skin, he was sucking for real. His lips
covered the areola and he continued to tease the swollen bud in its middle with flicks of his
tongue. Or maybe he just lapped up my blood. Again, I lost the thought the moment it appeared
because Mikey changed the rhythm and range of his motions, fucking me with deep thrusts
and increasing speed.

Ben bit me again, almost in the same spot but harder this time. It didn’t hurt, just added

to the insane, mind-blowing mix that was my arousal. I was painfully close, yearning for
every shove that would make my raw nerves howl again even though I wished for it to stop.

It didn’t. Mikey added a half-twist to his strokes that hit me right where it counted and

sent shockwave after shockwave of lust through me. The brush of soft lips and teeth on the
tip of my dick surprised me. I’d lost track of what happened, who was where and in which
position, but the coolness of that mouth told me it belonged to Ben and even though I knew
exactly what he was about to do, I couldn’t stop him.

Despite what I feared, it didn’t hurt. I barely even felt the fangs piercing my skin

because the wet mouth enveloping me was all it took to trigger the pre-orgasmic spasms in
my groin.

“Now,” I heard Ben’s voice in my mind, then ecstasy exploded somewhere deep in my

core and for a moment, the world jerked to a halt. I lay there, a screaming, twitching,
powerless heap of flesh and bones. Every cell in my body burnt with the bittersweet ache of a
climax that seemed to go on forever. The tightness around my dick subsided, then there was
a waft of cool air around it, followed by the touch of another mouth, slightly warmer this
time. Somehow I managed a few uncontrolled stabs that resulted in another, weaker wave of
pleasure, then it was finally over—at least for me. Mikey, however, let go of me, straightened
up where he stood between my legs and entered me with one swift, long shove. I was almost
too sore to be able to stand it, but I knew that what he was about to do would make this
experience even better.

With my eyes still closed, I couldn’t tell what Ben was doing, but I didn’t feel him on or

around me, so he had probably retreated. Maybe he watched us from the big comfy chair. It
didn’t matter. What mattered was Mikey, feeling him in me, his hands on my hips, as he
fucked me hard and fast. I wished I could have come again, but this round was for him.

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As usual, I could tell the exact moment he climaxed. His rhythm faltered, and even

though he’d succeeded in turning my insides into a mass of quivering jelly, I could feel the
pulsing of his cock as he filled me once more, this time with the delicious, rich cream that
was the perfect dessert for this feast. The brush of his exhaled breath caressed my neck and I
turned my head for a kiss, but my lover evaded me. I was surprised to feel his lips on my
throat—too surprised to even try to fight him off when he pierced my vein with needle-sharp

Stunned, I lay there, listening to the harsh, ragged breathing just below my ear and the

occasional slurping sounds he made. I was confused, out of my mind. I’d thought Mikey was
the one leaning over me, but of course it was Ben. It must have been Ben. Just why didn’t it
bother Mikey to watch him feeding on me? Even seeing Ben suck my cock had apparently not
been a problem for him, despite the fuss he’d made about the vampire earlier.

I couldn’t open my eyes. A strange fatigue settled over me, but the truth was that I just

didn’t want to see. I didn’t want to see Ben bent over me and I didn’t want to see the
fascination on Mikey’s face as he watched us. I wanted this to end. When it was over, I
turned my head away. The side of my neck stung a bit but I ignored it and simply lay there,
trying not to think.

“Colin? You okay?” Mikey’s tone was gentle and a little concerned, but it wasn’t what I

wanted to hear right now. I didn’t want to hear anything and above all, I didn’t want to
think. I didn’t want to know what was going on. Something definitely was going on and I
knew I would have to face it soon, but I longed to remain wrapped in this state of blissful
ignorance for just a little longer. Apparently understanding, he brushed back my fringe and
kissed my forehead, then the weight of his fingers on my shoulder disappeared.

“I love you, baby,” he whispered. I didn’t reply as I listened to the sounds of his

retreating footsteps. The bathroom door fell shut with a soft thud.

“Colin? You okay?” Ben asked after a while, destroying my bubble of fucked-out

lethargy. His skin felt warm where he brushed mine as he undid the restraints.

“Yeah. Sure. Just…digesting, I guess. I’m not used to feeding quite so much anymore. I

don’t seem to need it.”

“You will need it,” Ben pointed out. “Every bit of energy you can get, in fact.”
“I know.” I paused, chewing my lip as I tried to find the courage to ask. “Ben?”

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“What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?”
“Being…you know.” At last I opened my eyes to look at him. A thoughtful expression

lay on his face, but there was something else in his gaze, too. Sadness. Sympathy. He sighed.

“No, I don’t know, Colin. You’ll have to make your question a little bit clearer, I’m


“Fine.” I slid off the chair. My legs buckled and I had to use the armrest for support to

steady myself. Quite a few of my muscles were sore, including the ones in my thighs and
calves, and even though I had fed, I was a little shaky. I did manage to make it across the
room though and gather my clothes. I would have liked to take a shower, but Mikey was still
in the bathroom and much as I loved him, I didn’t want to see him right now. So instead I
ignored the stickiness and got dressed, starting with my jeans.

Ben watched me calmly. “Does that mean you don’t want any answers?” he enquired


Belt in hand, I paused. “I do. I just don’t know where to start asking.”
Ben’s detached features melted a little. “Start wherever you want.”
A thousand questions spun in my mind, but all of them were only variations of the

same theme, the same need to know one thing. And yet, I couldn’t make myself say it. I held
the can of worms in my hand and I felt them wriggle, but I was too much of a coward to
open the lid and peer inside. “What exactly happened between you and Pete? What has
made him hate you so much?”

Ben blinked and took a deep breath. Then he smoothed over his goatee, wrinkled his

forehead and nodded. “I suppose you deserve to know the full truth by now.”

I looked at him and waited. He’d told me what I presumed to be most of his story, but

I’d been aware that he had left out some decisive pieces of information all along.

“I told you that Pete and I founded Ben’s Chambers as an establishment for paranormal

creatures to meet in a safe, human-free environment,” Ben said.

I nodded. “Right. Best friends who’ve fallen out over a business project. It’s not the first

time that’s happened.”

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“No, probably not,” Ben confirmed. “But we were far more than business partners and

even more than friends.”

What?” I should’ve seen it. Really, I should have, but my mind had been so full with

my own worries that I’d closed my eyes to the most obvious facts of Ben’s history.

He nodded. “Yes. Pete and I used to be lovers. We spent more than half a century

together. I trusted him, despite the things legends say about incubus demons. Don’t look at
me like that. It’s not my fault that they’re not the honourable kind. I’m not the romantic type
as you’ve probably realised by now, but I did believe I’d found someone to…to keep me
company. Someone who would make eternity a little less solitary.”

I swallowed. The concept of eternity was something I had yet to consider. I’d never

expected it for myself. Being the half-demon I was, I’d always known that the rules of neither
species applied to me in full—too bad nobody knew which rules applied to me. “Did you
love him?” I asked quietly.

A muscle twitched in Ben’s cheek. “I think I did. At least it felt like that at the time.”
“I’m sorry.”
He smiled sadly. “It’s not your fault, Colin. Most of this happened before you were

even born. If anything, I’m the one who ought to be sorry.”

“You couldn’t have known that he’d turn into Frankenstein to take revenge,” I said

sensibly even though a part of me wanted to rant and rage.

“No, but I should have known that he wouldn’t stop until he found a way to get back at

me. I saw enough of his true colours when he suggested we keep slaves at the Chambers to
provide entertainment for paying customers.”

“Well, you denied him and bore the consequences.”
“Yes, I know, but… I spent years making sure he couldn’t get to me, and even though

I’ve wanted to find a way to stop him, I never did.” He didn’t look at me as he added,
“Maybe if I’d tried harder, you wouldn’t be here now. If I’d done what I should have done all
along, you’d still be living the life you were supposed to live.”

His repentance seemed genuine, and despite my anger, I was touched by his remorse.

“Maybe. But you couldn’t have foreseen what he would do so what happened is not your

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He met my gaze and regarded me thoughtfully, as if he was trying to find an answer in

my eyes. “You’re serious, aren’t you? You really don’t blame me, do you?”

“Ben. A demon and a vampire were lovers and I am the result. The twisted irony isn’t

lost on me. Pete has always been like a father to me and you… Well, I guess a lot of what we
did shouldn’t happen between parents and their kids, but…” I hoped for him to fill in the

“I believe I know what you mean,” he said. “I promised myself never to trust another

incubus, but you… You’re different, Colin. I don’t know if my judgement is reliable—in all
probability it isn’t—but you’re not like him. Not at all. You have the loose morals that come
with your survival instinct, but you’re not malicious. You’re more human than a lot of the
men I’ve met, and believe me when I say I’ve met a lot of men throughout the centuries. You
care about people. You put up with a lot from Raven and me, you even risk your life by
turning against Pete, and you’re not doing it for yourself. Pete may have been like a father to
you, but you certainly don’t take after him.” He put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it

Still looking into my eyes, he added, “I’d be proud to have a son like you, Colin. I mean


“Thank you.”
He grinned. “No need to thank me. I’d just rather not think of you as my son, if that’s

okay for you.”

I made a face. “Hey, I wasn’t gonna call you Daddy.”
“I know.” His smile faltered and frown lines appeared on his forehead. “I know.”
Both of us stared into space. I couldn’t address what else was on my mind, least of all

now. This was Ben’s moment.

“No, this is where you ask me what you really want to know,” he said quietly. I looked

up, puzzled. He shrugged. “It doesn’t take a mind reader to guess what you are thinking.”

“Doesn’t it?”
“No. Not after what happened earlier.”
“Does it…does it hurt?”
“Transitioning, you mean?”

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I bit my lip. My eyes stung again and the lump was back in my throat. I nodded mutely,

too scared to speak for fear of hearing the pain in my voice.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Colin. It’s not a pleasant experience and the process as such

takes some time. How long depends on several factors, but the longer it takes, the less it

“Okay, so…?”
“It’s been over twelve hours and the process is in full flow, but he’s very strong and can

still function almost normally,” Ben answered my unspoken question. “Transitioning takes
anything between a couple of hours and a few days to complete.”

“Oh. And what then?”
“Then life goes on.”
I tried to smile in spite of the pain from the bleeding wound where my heart had used

to be. “You make it sound so simple.”

He looked at me a little longer, then he pulled me close and wrapped his arms around

me. For the first time, I was aware of how quiet he was. He didn’t breathe and even though
my ear rested on his chest, I couldn’t hear the rhythmic thudding that should have been
there. All I could hear was the sound of silence and I realised it was something I’d have to get
used to.

Moisture seeped from my tightly closed eyes, leaking onto his shirt where my face was

buried against his shoulder.

Incubi couldn’t cry, so it must have been my heart that wept.

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Chapter Three

When Mikey returned from the bathroom, I was still wrapped up in Ben’s arms.

Nobody said a word, but I could feel Ben raise his head and shake it lightly, then Mikey
padded to the chair where he’d left his clothes. Clearly trying to be quiet, he picked them up
and shuffled past us once more. The door closed almost noiselessly behind him. I needed a
few deep breaths before I managed to pull back and look up at Ben. “What now?”

Smiling softly, he lowered his head and kissed the tip of my nose. “Quite simple. Go to

the bathroom.”

“Go to the bathroom. Sitting here isn’t going to change anything, and there’s only so

much time you can spend wallowing in self-pity. Then it’s time to face the facts and make the
best of the situation.”

I was about to tell him exactly what I thought of his advice and where he could put it,

but I bit my tongue. He was right, wasn’t he? The clock was ticking and I could either make
the most of what I had while I still had it or mourn it even before it was gone. But I wouldn’t
gain anything by lamenting what was irretrievably lost whereas I could still save the people
who needed me. People who counted on me to consider the cards I’d been dealt an
enrichment, not a curse.

I got up and did what Ben had told me to do.
Mikey jumped a little when I opened the door. He’d put on his jeans, which wasn’t

much considering the time he’d had to get dressed. He stood in front of the mirror, a slightly
put out look on his face. I glanced at his reflection, then back at him. The bright light didn’t
do his complexion any favours but even so, it was obvious that he was far too pale.

Unable to look at him for a second longer, I turned to the cabinet and took out a towel.

“Wanna take a shower?”

Mikey huffed. “Another? I’ve just had one and not much time to get filthy since.”
“Yeah, but that one didn’t have me in it, did it?” I retorted light-heartedly and went to

the shower cabin. I switched on the water and dumped the towel on a nearby stool, then I

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began to take off my clothes. “I haven’t had the chance to wash yet and I am filthy,” I said in
a throaty whisper. “Very, very filthy.”

“Oh. Are you?”
“Uh-huh. Someone stuck his fist up my arse, among other things.”
“Um… Okay. I guess it’s my duty as your boyfriend to help you clean up.”
“It is. Inside and out.” I waggled my eyebrows meaningfully.
“Get in the shower,” Mikey growled.
The sound made me quiver, but not in an entirely pleasant way. I stepped under the hot

jet and stuck out my butt to mask the fact that I faced the wall also for another reason.

Mikey stood behind me, his strong fingers on my hips. “Fuck, Colin, you’re so

incredibly beautiful,” he whispered, then he pressed his naked front to my back, dry-
humping my arse as he roamed his hands over my belly and up. He squeezed my nipples,
then drew gentle circles around them only to zero in and pinch them again. He nibbled the
rim of my ear, then suckled the lobe before he nuzzled the nape of my neck. Shudders ran up
and down my spine, setting off sparks of pleasure in my groin.

Mikey brought his hands lower, on my package. Groaning, I bucked and thrust into his

right hand while he massaged my balls and the sensitive skin behind them with the left. He
knew just how to rub me and I moaned in protest when the sweet tightness around my shaft
subsided. Mikey chuckled and nipped my shoulder with his front teeth. I flinched but he
didn’t notice and I was too aroused to let it spoil my fun.

“Remember what we spoke about the first time we were here at the club?”
I hummed. “How could I not?”
“Wanna do it?”
“What, now?”
“Hmm, do you think Ben has the right equipment?”
He chuckled. “From what I’ve seen, Ben’s equipment is fabulous.”
I rolled my eyes and reached behind me to slap his thigh. “Silly. You know what I


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Mikey smacked my butt in return and I shrieked. “Brat,” he said. “Be careful. I might be

tempted to spank you before I wash the dirt off you. But check out the extra nozzle next to
the showerhead. It’s the same construction as down in the club, so that’s all we need.”

I glanced at it. “Oh. I see. Right. That should work.”
“So? Gonna let me do it?”
Mikey’s movements were a little uncertain at first, but he quickly got the hang of it and

the sensations became overwhelming. None of this was new to me, but this time it was

I wasn’t human, had never needed to be quite so thorough, but he insisted we do it

according to the instructions he’d received—from whom I could only guess, but I had a fairly
good idea. Mikey being there, watching and doing to me for stimulation what I had only ever
done for practical purposes once turned the experience into something surprisingly sensual.
When I had done it, years ago, I hadn’t taken the time to focus on my body’s responses,
hadn’t let myself enjoy the unusual, intense feelings this act of cleansing evoked.

Mikey held me and consoled me when the pressure inside was more than I thought I

could bear. He was there when the sudden relief nearly knocked me off my feet. He held me,
stroked me, tilted my head up and kissed me until I was steady again. Then he took me by
the shoulders, turned me around and trailed my arms with his fingers, all the way down to
my hands. He pressed his chest against my back and nudged my crack with his dick. I was
ready and stuck out my arse, but he just chuckled. “Not yet, baby. At least not that way.” He
took me by the wrists and steered my arms until I stood bracing myself against the wall,
palms resting on the cool, wet tiles.

Mikey sank to his knees behind me and the first touch of his fingers on my hole almost

sent me into orbit. I was incredibly sensitive and yet every nerve ending tingled with
excitement. I pushed back a little, just enough to let him know that I wanted more. He spread
my butt cheeks, teasing me by holding me open.

Trying to look over my shoulder, I asked, “Are you staring at my arse hole?”
“Oh, good. Like what you see?”
“Mm-hmm. The prettiest I’ve ever stared at.”

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“Very funny. You know, I’d tell you to kiss my arse, but I have a feeling you’re going to

do just that anyway.”

“Ah, you know me too well, sweetheart.” He chuckled, then he dived right in. He

lapped at the puckered skin, melted me with the softness of his tongue only to graze me with
his stubbly chin afterwards. I moaned and groaned, never quite knowing whether to shrink
away from his next touch or welcome it. The intrusion, when it finally came, was heavenly.
He knew exactly what I liked and he let me feel just how much he enjoyed this too.

He continued to lick me, along the rim, just before and just beyond, until I was dizzy

with arousal. Flashbacks of the last time he’d tongue-fucked me shot through my mind. Me
and Sasha, curled up together on the sofa. Sasha’s slender but strong limbs tangled with
mine as he’d pinned me down, both of us enjoying our lover’s attentions. Both of us. Both of
them. Bring one of your boyfriends.

I couldn’t breathe. I chocked, gulped down some air and coughed. The shower cabin

was filled with steam, enveloping us like a warm, moist cloud but blocking the oxygen.
Blocking my mind.

“Mikey…” He didn’t respond, just continued to twirl his tongue in the most exciting

ways, so I twitched a little to get his attention. “Mikey, I’m sorry. It’s so fucking hot in here,
and not in a good way—could we let some air in?”

Mikey let out a frustrated groan, but he leant back, so at least he’d heard me this time.

“Uh, sure.” He opened the glass door and I sighed in relief when cool, clear air rushed in.

I took several deep breaths, then I said, “Thank you. Now, where were we?” I was

ready to turn around again in an instant, but he shook his head.

“Sorry, but no. You got spoilt far too much already, so now it’s your turn.” He reached

down and tugged at his dick, then grabbed it around the base and pointed it at me. “On your
knees and suck it.”

He steadied himself by leaning his back against the wall and I dropped to my knees,

holding on to his hips. Then I took him in slowly, just the first half inch and let him feel
nothing but the soft brush of my lips. I licked and carefully suckled his glans until he
shuddered and let out the stifled squeals I loved so much.

“You’re a bad, bad boy,” Mikey whispered and took my face between his palms.

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“Nn-hngh-ngh,” I confirmed, unable to speak because he held me in place, his tasty

shaft halfway in my mouth.

“Come on, you know how I like it.”
I did. And I liked what he liked. I took him in deep, until my nose was pressed against

his belly and the soft head of his cock rubbed against the back of my throat, blocking my
airway. Then I let him slide out again, almost completely, before I devoured him once more.

We repeated this game several times and Mikey’s groans and thrusts became

increasingly demanding. Clenching his fingers in my hair, he steered me as he pleased. I
loved every second of it, even though he nearly choked me more than once and pulled my
hair so much it hurt.

“Fuck, Colin,” he groaned and flexed his hips to thrust in harder, deeper. I longed to

feel him and share his emotions, but I wasn’t allowed to. I had to keep my mind under
control all of the time, detached from him. It was a part of my training.

Remaining passive, I let him take me just the way he liked it. He was so close, barely

able to keep his rhythm going, and I loved to witness the orgasm approaching in all the small
reactions of his body. Usually I didn’t pay quite as much attention to the subtleties. But now
that I couldn’t feel him, I noticed the flutter of his stomach muscles, heard the harsh breaths
he took and felt his hand shake even as he steadied himself by resting it on my head.

At some point I’d sneaked my hand to my own throbbing shaft, and tugged it without

really paying attention. I was still focused on Mikey, still trying to share this moment of
fulfilment with him even though it was like navigating in thick fog.

A groan escaped him and he yanked my head back, far enough to pull my mouth off

him. I knew what that meant and welcomed it. With my eyelids half closed, I watched him
jerk his dick to finish himself off. When the tell-tale twitches started, I opened my mouth and
stuck out my tongue as far as the piercing would let me.

The first burst of warm, tangy wetness hit my chin and cheek. The second landed on

and in my mouth. I licked it off, as far as I could reach, while Mikey splattered more of his
tasty juice all over my face. When he had finished shooting, he grabbed me harder once more
and pulled me to him.

“You’re so fucking hot like this,” he murmured, watching me with unconcealed awe in

his eyes. “I could fuck you all over again, just so I can feed you my cum.”

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“You haven’t, actually,” I pointed out. “Not yet, anyway.”
Apparently he knew me well enough. Still holding me in check with that hand on my

hair, he used his other thumb to swipe the spunk from where it was drying on my face to my
mouth. “Want your treat now?” he asked.

“Yes please,” I rasped, getting desperate. I pulled at my cock with enthusiasm and I

probably could have come within another minute or two, but I forced myself to slow down.

He must have noticed the change in speed and he smiled. “Good boy. Open your


“Yeah,” I moaned, biting back the curse of frustration. Instead I tried to concentrate on

the sight of Mikey and the smell of his cum.

Moving his thumb, he coated my lips with it, smeared it over my chin and tongue, then

he shoved his digit into my mouth. I sucked it, licked it, sucked it again until he stopped me
by curling his fingers around my jaw and pressing down. He was still hard and fed me his
cock once more. Then he pulled out, nudged me so I sat back and proceeded to wash himself
as though nothing had happened.

I ached. The blood in my dick throbbed in time with every heart beat, my balls felt so

full I thought they might burst and that persistent tingle in my groin threatened to drive me
crazy. I wanted to get off. I needed it. The bitter aftertaste of Mikey’s semen lingered on my
tongue and the energy it had provided burnt in my veins.

Looking down at me, Mikey gave me a gentle, compassionate smile. Then he reached

out and brushed back my hair. “Not yet. Get up and I’ll wash you instead, okay?”

I made a face. “Do you really think having you touch me all over with soapy fingers

would make my current condition any more bearable?”

He grinned. “Probably not, but I want to do it—and I’m the boss, so come on, baby. On

your feet.”

His soapy fingers were delicious as he roamed them everywhere, from shoulders over

back, chest and belly, my butt, my legs and down to my feet. On the way up, he gathered yet
more of the wonderfully slick shower gel and of course, he seized the chance to slip his
fingers into me. I was still ready, still aching for it and when the bastard pressed that little
hot spot inside me, I jerked so hard I nearly knocked myself out on the wall. He draped his
free arm across my chest, steadying me as he continued to rub me in a way that was both

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heaven and hell. He brought me close, right to the edge when all I would have needed were a
few more nudges and maybe a little attention to my dick, but no, he just backed off again and
lathered my groin instead—of course giving my balls a good rubbing that only added to my

“I’m beginning to wonder which one of us is the demon,” I muttered, struggling to

keep upright on legs that had turned to rubber.

“That good, eh?” Mikey teased and brushed my cock. I felt electrified, but the caress

was gone before I had a chance to fully enjoy it.

“That…evil,” I gasped.
“Good. Means I’m doing it right.”
Please. Just once.”
“No, baby. Sorry.”
“Plee-eee-eeease!” I sobbed. By now I would’ve done anything for this incredible

torment to stop. Desire burnt in me so bright it hurt. I could barely think anymore and
keeping up my mental barriers was harder than ever. I just wanted this to be over. I needed
this overwhelming, intense sensation to sweep me away and devour me.

Suddenly Mikey changed his angle behind me and grabbed me by the hips. It was the

only warning I got, then he entered me. I screamed and only just managed to brace myself
against the wall. Fucking me hard and fast, he left me winded, and when he finally
whispered the word I’d been yearning to hear, I didn’t know if I could have held back a
moment longer. My reward was an orgasm so intense I lost awareness of everything around
me. Heat exploded in my groin, spread in my belly, arms and legs. Then it took over my
brain and for one frightening, blissful moment, it felt like I was falling into a dark, bottomless
pit. But Mikey was still there, behind me, holding me, stroking me and gently easing me back
into myself. When the world had returned, I shuffled around on unsteady feet and clung on
to Mikey’s neck.

“How do you feel?” he asked. For the first time, a hint of insecurity had sneaked into

his voice.

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“Not sure.” I tried to pin down the commotion inside me and find a word to describe it.

“I feel…elated. Ecstatic. Like I could take on the world.” And it was true. I was brimming
with energy, like a battery charged too high, and in a way, that was exactly what I was.

Mikey nuzzled my neck. “That’s good then. And you didn’t connect to me.”
“No, I didn’t. But you didn’t try to read my mind either,” I reminded him. The magic of

the moment had passed and cold reality returned as I remembered that this overwhelming
experience served a purpose.

Mikey kissed my shoulder. “I know, but still, the plan is working. Now we just have to

play with you a bit more to keep your engine running.”

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Chapter Four

I felt like a traitor when I left Mikey alone in the bathroom, pretending to go and fetch

our clothes. I wasn’t surprised to find Ben sitting in his chair, looking at me as I walked to
him. The state of my mind must have shown on my face because he stood and opened his
arms even though he hadn’t read my thoughts. Letting myself get pulled into his comforting
hug, I rested my head against his shoulder. Then I poured it all out to him, more grateful
than ever for the mental connection we shared—the connection that made words
redundant—because I couldn’t have said it out loud. Something had changed in the way we
communicated. His mind had begun to feel like an extension of my own. I no longer had to
focus on individual thoughts but could convey complex ideas as one.

“You’re beginning to master your power,” Ben explained, then he helped me fill in some

gaps, leaving me horrified and heart-broken once again.

“Just what am I supposed to do now?” I whispered when I had told him everything.
“You know what you have to do, sweetheart,” Ben replied softly. “And you have

started it already, haven’t you?”

I nodded weakly. “Yes. Mikey’s got this idea that his manscaping needs a little touch-

up. That will keep him busy for a while.”

Ben let out a soft snort. “You’ve manipulated the poor bugger into shaving himself all

over? I was right, you are a stirrer.”

“I prefer to think of it as a suggestion,” I pointed out. “And it’s not as funny as it may

sound, but it was the only thing I could think of at the time.”

“Shh. I know. I’m sorry. Use the time. Go find Sasha and talk to him. I’ll keep an eye on

Mike and make sure he stays here and out of trouble.”

“Okay. Just…” I swallowed and inhaled Ben’s cool, clean scent. His body had barely

any odour of its own, which still struck me as weird, but I knew I’d get used to it. “How long

“I honestly don’t know. But hanging around waiting for it to happen won’t stop it and

you have other things to do,” Ben reminded me gently. “He’s safe with me.”

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“Right. Yes, I know he is. Just please call me, if—when…” I still couldn’t say it. Ben

stroked my hair and squeezed me tightly, then he pushed me back with tender insistence.
“Of course I will, but it’s too early. It will be at least another day.”

“So his clock is ticking just like mine,” I said, struggling in vain to keep the bitterness

out of my voice.

“Yes. But you will survive. Both of you will. Now go.”
He kissed me and hugged me again, quickly this time, then I got dressed in a hurry and


* * * *

When I arrived at home half an hour later, Sasha was already in. I found him sitting on

the sofa, legs drawn up underneath him and a cushion in his lap. He looked lost and sad, and
I cursed myself for having been so wrapped up in my own problems. I loved this man,
wanted him to be happy, but it seemed that whenever he’d needed me the most, I hadn’t
been around. Locking away my feelings, I went to sit next to Sash.

Head hanging low, he continued to stare at the cushion and plucked at its corners. I

sneaked my hand into his, gently tracing his fingers with mine. “How’s your dad?”

“Good,” he replied and nodded as though he needed to reassure himself of the fact.

“He’s stable.”

I squeezed his fingers. “And how are you?”
Sash took a deep breath. When he exhaled, he did so in the carefully controlled way of

someone struggling not to break into sobs. “I’m holding up,” he whispered. “Just barely.”

“I know. I’m so sorry, baby. Can they say what caused it?”
“Apparently it’s a common side effect of the therapy they’re putting him through. He

knew about the risk but preferred not to tell us about it. Well, not me, anyway. Mum knew,
but she also thought it would be better not to worry me and just pray for the best.”

“Oh.” I realised that I was rubbing Sash’s wrist with my thumb, stroking indefinite

circles on his warm, soft skin. His pulse throbbed, not quite as fast as mine but just as strong
and steady. What would it be like to touch my lover and not feel this sign of life in him? I’d
already experienced it. With Ben it had always been that way, but how long would it take me

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to get used to it when it was another man? When it was the man whose vitality and strength
I adored?

I tried not to let my thoughts go down that path again. This wasn’t the time or the place.

This moment was about Sasha. He had problems and emotions, too. He, too, needed
someone, although I doubted that my chances to help him were any better than those I stood
to save Mikey. “You’re mad because they didn’t trust you with the facts, right?” I asked.

Of course I was right—his feelings of indignity and suppressed rage were storming

around me, but I wanted him to talk to me. He needed to say those things out loud to be able
to cope with them.

“Yes,” he answered quietly. Suddenly he clasped my hand with his free one, forcing me

to hold still. He looked at me with eyes full of unshed tears and unspoken accusations. “I’m
tired of people trying to protect me, Colin. I may be young, but I’m not a child anymore. I
already know life isn’t a garden full of roses, but I can handle it. I can handle the facts and I
can handle the truth. You know that.”

I nodded. “We’re not talking about your father, are we?”
I took a deep breath. “All right. How much do you know?”
“About Mike?” Staring glumly at where our hands lay in his lap, Sasha shrugged. “It’s

just like it was with you, Colin. I don’t really know anything. I only have this feeling that…
That something isn’t quite right.”

“I see. Well—you’re right. You see, I’m a demon, but we’re not the only things out there

that go bump in the night.”

Sasha held his breath. “What do you mean?”
“Just that this world isn’t half as settled and peaceful as you may think.”
His look of total surprise bewildered me, but then I recognised the expression in his

eyes as he regarded me. “You thought I had something to do with it, didn’t you?”

“Good grief, Sash! Don’t you know I would’ve never done anything to put the two of

you in danger? In fact I’m doing everything in my power to keep you safe. How can you
even think I’d do something like that?”

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“Colin…” He sighed and sadness filled his features, but he was tense—on guard. “This

is all a bit much for me, okay?”

He moved slowly as if hoping that I wouldn’t notice, but when he pulled back his hand,

it felt like he’d stabbed me in the heart. He assumed I still needed to touch. My poor Sasha,
he couldn’t know I had figured out that it wasn’t the lack of physical contact that kept me
from reading his mind.

“What is?” I asked hoarsely.
“Well… You being what you are, Mikey being whatever he is… Assuming that there is

a lot more you haven’t told me yet.” Eyebrows raised, he dared me to answer.

I swallowed, cleared my throat. I took a breath, then took another. “Just tell me one

thing, Sash—is it a bit much or too much?”

A weak smile broke through the dark clouds on his face and his hand was back, a soft,

reassuring pressure on my thigh. “Hey… I’m not going to leave again, okay? I know this isn’t
easy and even though I have no idea what’s happening with Mikey, I’m willing to stick it out
with you. I love you, Colin, and I love Mikey. I just… I’m worried about him, you know?”

I covered his hand with mine. “I know. So am I.”
His eyes widened and he opened his mouth, then closed it again. “What the hell is

going on, Colin?” he finally asked in a tone that tore at my heart strings.

All I could do was shake my head. Why did this have to be so damn hard? “I want you

to meet someone, Sash.”

“Who? The mysterious Ben?”
He nodded. “Okay.”
We talked some more on the way—mainly it was me trying to get some information

about his dad’s health—but Sasha left no doubt that he considered his problems second class.
I wasn’t one hundred per cent sure if he, like me, was simply too worried about Mikey to
think of anything else or if he’d just run out of things to confide in me. That was where he
and Mikey worked so much better together. I was too wrapped up in my own shit to give
Sash what he needed—what he deserved—and I couldn’t help but wonder how things might
have been if I’d had more time for him. Mikey had been the one to hold Sasha’s hand, trying

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to ease his worries and it was only now that Mikey had become our mutual worry that Sash
and I could connect this way. Too bad it was too late.

We didn’t discuss Mikey, even though my thoughts kept drifting to him. But I shut

down that part of my mind. I couldn’t allow for it to take over and keep me from doing what
I had to do. And yet, by the time we arrived at the Chambers, I was nervous and anxious for

Darian was on bouncer duty, just as I’d known he would be. He greeted us with a grin.

He checked out Sasha, who squirmed a little under the open assessment, then he looked at
me. “You do have good taste, I have to give you that. Very good taste. But then I already
knew that.” He licked his lips and for a split second, something flashed in his eyes. It was
gone before I could pin it down, and Sasha distracted me by fidgeting.

“Thanks,” I mumbled and put a hand on Sash’s arm to soothe him. My mental barriers

were up, just like they had been since Raven had taught me his lesson, but this time the
direct physical contact allowed me to feel Sasha’s emotions. I flinched when I realised how
scared he was. Worried, yes, but what I felt from him was genuine fear. And sure enough,
when I glanced at him, he had angled himself away from Darian, instinctively using me as a

“Sasha, this is Darian,” I introduced with reluctant politeness. “He’s Ben’s security guy


“The guy you and Mike fucked.”
“Yeah. Darian, this is Sasha, my boyfriend.”
A knowing grin on his face, Darian nodded. “Sweet. You like them blond and young,

don’t you?”

I glared at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I just noticed. It’s something we definitely have in common, although I enjoy

the occasional nibble on tall, dark and handsome too as you know.” He leered as he rested
his gaze on my crotch. In spite of the situation, my pulse leapt a little in response.

“I wouldn’t mind nibbling some more, you know? And sucking, potentially,” he added

with a smirk. His choice of words made me squirm and I turned the hold I had on Sasha’s
arm into a tug.

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“Maybe some other time,” I said to Darian who looked strangely smug, then I dragged

Sash along to the reception desk.

The expression on his face as we crossed the foyer almost made me laugh, despite

everything. Wide-eyed and blushing, he alternately craned his neck to glance at the
displayed kinky objects and pictures or stared at the floor as if pretending not to be

“Like what you see?” I enquired, relaxing a little.
“Uh… It’s pretty, um, interesting stuff,” he admitted and blushed a bit more, a shy

smile on his face. Then his smile contorted into a blurry grimace as pain exploded in my
head. Stars sparked in front of my eyes and my knees buckled. I tried to cling to Sasha,
desperate to stay on my feet, but my hands clasped at thin air and I doubled over.

Shaken by waves of nausea as I was, it took me a moment to understand what was

going on. The pain I experienced wasn’t a result of something—it was a means to an end. It
was a distraction created by someone with enormous empathic powers to weaken my mental
barriers. The moment I realised this, I poured all my energy into reinforcing the walls around
my mind and the pain subsided almost instantly. My vision returned to normal and I took a
look around, merely glancing at Sasha who had gone pale and stared back at me. Then I met
Darian’s gaze and something inside me gave.

“It was you!” I screamed and launched myself at him. “You fucking traitor! How could

you do that?”

He had the nerve to keep smiling at me even though I was about to punch him in the

face. Of course I never got to land the blow. Darian caught my fist in the air, curling his huge
hand around it and twisting my wrist. Before I realised what he was doing, he’d whirled me
around and pinned my arm behind my back. Pain shot through my shoulder and elbow, real
this time. I groaned and bent forward in an instinctive attempt to lessen the strain on my
joints, but Darian wrapped his other arm around my chest and yanked me against his
massive frame. A nasty, crunching noise echoed in my ears, accompanied by a high-pitched
scream. Agony licked at my arm with white-hot tongues. Darian released me, nudged me in
the back and I crashed on the floor, at his feet, like a bag of potatoes.

“It was ridiculously simple,” he said, then gave me a hearty kick in the side that set off

another flash of pain and left me winded. I tried to curl up into a ball, instinctively protecting

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the most vulnerable area of my body, but my broken arm made moving an ordeal. When
Darian grabbed me by the neck and waistband and hauled me to my feet, there was nothing I
could do to resist him. One huge paw wrapped around the base of my head, he forced me to
look at him. His face was a contorted grimace, displaying greed, hatred and glee at the same

“You’re so fucking easy, Colin. Easy to fuck, easy to deceive. It’s funny. They say that

incubus demons are the ones who manipulate people, but you are a lost cause. You never
saw it coming, did you? You and Ben, you are both too willing to trust. It’s like your wish for
people to be good makes you fail to see them for what they are.”

Forcing myself to hold his gaze, I straightened up as best I could with the weight of his

arm bearing down on me.

“You’re right about one thing, Darian,” I whispered. My throat was sore, probably from

the screams, but maybe also from the lump of sadness and regret that had crept into it once
again. I turned to Sasha, who, as expected, stood just a few feet away from us and watched
the scene. His face displayed a mixture of curiosity—and yes, gloating.

I made myself continue to speak even though it was tearing me apart. “Ben and I, we

wish for people to be good. Sometimes so much we pray with all our hearts that they won’t
betray us. We may be stirrers, but that doesn’t mean we cannot love.”

Sasha’s beautiful features twisted into a sneer. “Love? Who are you fooling, Colin? You

don’t love me. I don’t know if you love Mikey, but I have only ever been alluring for you.
You wanted me so much you were only too ready to believe everything we told you.
Darian’s right. You’re easy. And pathetic.”

“Nice to finally know what you think of me,” I retorted, but he just kept looking at me

with that nasty little half-grin, so I fought down my hurt feelings and tried to focus on the
facts. “How did you do it anyway? How did you keep me from getting into your mind and
learning the truth?”

“Oh, that. Can’t you guess?”
“Uh-huh. Of course.”
“But… He wasn’t always around. When we were together, I mean. How could he have

had such a hold over me then?”

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Sasha shrugged. “He didn’t have to. He had more than enough time to condition your

subconscious in all those years you spent together. It’s a lasting effect and while I’m just
human, I know a thing or two about telepathy. I may not be able to actively do it, but I’ve
been taught to shield parts of my mind to the point where someone who doesn’t actually
make a real effort to intrude won’t know what’s going on.”

“And I trusted you and respected your privacy, so I never tried to get into your head

beyond what you allowed me to see,” I added.

“Exactly. See, you are easy to control, Colin. All it takes is a pretty guy and some sweet

talking, and you’re a tame little lamb.”

Darian chuckled at that and Sasha grinned. I ignored the anger and hurt their glee


“So you were Pete’s secret pair of eyes on me, but you couldn’t risk meeting Ben, so

when he entered the scene you broke up with me,” I concluded.

“Yep. We figured that he would be less trusting than you are and of course he’s a lot

more powerful. Besides, we already had someone to keep an eye on him.”

“The one,” Sasha confirmed, smirking, and exchanged a look with Darian. “It took

years, but Ben, stupid, soft-hearted sod that he is, trusted Darian. Just like you, all he needed
was a tear-jerking story to make a stray vampire his best friend.”

“But… How come Ben didn’t see through him?” I asked, a little embarrassed at how

easy it had been to fool both of us.

Shifting his weight, Darian drew my attention to him. “Well, supernatural powers are

peculiar,” he said. “They manifest differently in everyone who has them. You see, some
telepaths—you, for instance, or Ben, and the new vamp around the block, too—are
extroverted. You have the power to communicate amongst yourselves and with receptive
individuals. You can even influence people. But there are others—those we commonly refer
to as shielders. Sasha and I can only connect to very powerful extroverted telepaths, but we
have the ability to block our minds almost completely against unwanted intrusion. With a
little bit of training we can make it look as though we’re easy to read while keeping our true
intentions locked away in a part of our subconscious that no one even knows exists.”

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“I see. You don’t raise suspicions because you reveal enough to appear trustworthy.

And because you cannot actively establish a mental connection, extroverted telepaths assume
you have no powers in that regard.”

“Exactly.” Darian grinned. “It makes us the perfect enemy for someone like you.”
“Looks like it. But if you can’t direct your power outwards, then what was that earlier?”
“The agony you imagined feeling? That was courtesy of your old friend Pete. We can

channel an extroverted telepath’s power extremely well. We can even store and release it
when needed, like batteries. You see, I just couldn’t let you take Sasha to meet Ben.”

That was a lesson I wished Ben and Raven had taught me. “Right. But even channelling

Pete’s power doesn’t allow you to be in contact with him, does it?” It was a guess, but I
needed to know.

“No, it doesn’t, but communication is what you use phones for. This kind of power is

far better employed to inflict torture on an annoying little demon.”

“Shame you’ve used it all up in one go then.” Just another guess, but he confirmed it

when he pouted in exaggerated disappointment.

“I must admit, I’d happily inflict more than just mental torture on you.” He trailed a

greedy gaze over my body. “Breaking your arm was a good start. Breaking every single one
of your bones would be a lot more fun, but sadly, Pete’s plans for you mean you’ll have to
stay intact—mostly, that is.”

My stomach churned. I didn’t doubt for a second that, given the chance, he’d do exactly

what he’d just said.

“I know that technically, the time Pete has given you isn’t up,” Darian continued. “But

frankly, I’ve waited long enough. I want you to finish your task—now.”

I swallowed and nodded slowly. “I figured as much.” Jerking my head in the direction

of the surveillance camera, I asked, “Guess that’s conveniently out of order, huh? So Ben
doesn’t even know we’re here.”

“Clever boy.” Darian sneered and reached behind him, under his jacket. When he

brought his hand back into view, he held a thin, pointed stake. He twisted it thoughtfully in
his fingers, then thrust it out towards me.

I didn’t take it. “You’re not expecting me to attack a vampire with a big toothpick and a

broken arm, are you?”

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Darian shrugged. “I suggest you use the element of surprise. You don’t expect anyone

to care whether you survive the attack or not, do you?”

“No. But I suppose you’d like me to succeed.”
“You will. Because you know that if you don’t, Mikey won’t survive either.”
My hand trembled as I took the stake from him.
An evil smile danced across Darian’s features. “Seems you’ve finally found your match,

demon boy.”

I looked at him, then at Sasha, who was also still smiling. “It seems that way,” I said.
“What, you don’t think so?” Sasha asked.
Holding his gaze, taking in his beautiful, deceptive blue eyes, I said my goodbyes.

Silently, with the part of my mind that he couldn’t hear. Then I shook my head. “I think the
power you have is both a blessing and a curse. It makes you vulnerable. Because you can’t
reach out, you don’t know what’s going on around you. You need someone like Pete to
provide you with information. Without him, you’re blind.”

“So what? As long as you trusting fools confide in us, we’re fine.”
“Yes,” I whispered miserably. “As long as we confide in you. But what if we don’t?

What if we have decided to wake up from the nightmare you put us through?” I winced as I
uttered the words that condemned my lovers. It felt like cutting off a limb, but that part of
me had long since been infected with evil and even though it hurt now, only letting go
would allow the wound to heal eventually.

My broken arm was useless and hurt like hell, but I was grateful for it. The fact I was

physically disabled meant I didn’t have to get involved and the agony was a welcome
distraction from my tormented heart’s suffering.

I didn’t want to see. I didn’t want to hear, but I couldn’t close my eyes to the sight of

Raven and some other, unknown vampires charging in. I couldn’t close my ears to the blood-
curdling screams when three huge men ripped Darian to shreds right in front of me. And I
couldn’t close my mouth when my own screams wanted out, desperate, mindless howls of
horror and torment. I never tried to stop what I’d known would happen, but apparently
Raven took mercy on me. At a glance from him, the two men who had taken hold of Sasha
dragged him outside and spared me being witness to my former lover meeting his fate.
Unable to move, I held Sasha’s gaze as they carried him away, then I continued to stare at the

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door until after it had closed. I kept staring until a cold but surprisingly soft hand rested on
my shoulder.

“You did the right thing, Colin,” Raven said quietly.
I swallowed, struggling to speak through the unbearable ache in my chest. “I know. I

just wish it felt right, too.”

“It will. One day the pain will lift and you will forget.” He paused briefly, then he

added, “I can make it go away if you want.”

“Nn-nn. No. Absolutely not. I know I will never forget this, but I’ve had more than

enough people messing with my head.”

He nodded. “Yes indeed. And I admire your decision. This wasn’t easy. You’re far

stronger than I’ve given you credit for.”

“Thanks. Just…”
“Strong or not, I think I’m about to pass out.”
“Oh. Right. The arm, is it?”
“Uh-huh.” Now that the adrenaline was leaving my system, it was as though my

strength evaporated. My body was strangely lethargic, like my veins were filled with lead.
While everything from wrist to shoulder throbbed with a dull, burning ache, I became
incredibly tired. My vision was blurry once more and I wondered if Raven had anything to
do with it after all, but the thought ceased to matter. Everything ceased to matter.

Thin, yet hard as steel arms wrapped around me, then unconsciousness gathered me up

in an all forgiving, merciful embrace.

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Chapter Five

The touch of gentle but persistent hands on my hips and lower back were the first thing

I felt.

Then a dull, throbbing pain in my right arm and shoulder reminded me of what had

happened. Refusing to let the emotional hurt draw me in, I pretended to still be asleep while
I took stock of my body and surroundings. I lay in bed, on my unharmed side, with my
aching arm wrapped in a bandage and draped across a thick cushion for support. So that had
been taken care of while I’d been unconscious, which was probably for the best. I’d never
had a broken bone before, but something told me the pain of it being treated would have
been excruciating.

I focused on the bed. The pillow smelt clean, of washing powder and expensive

conditioner. The sheets were cool and wonderfully soft against my skin so the bed must have
been Ben’s. That made sense. I’d been at the club after all and Raven and Ben could’ve hardly
taken me to a hospital.

Behind me, Mikey stirred again and an overwhelming rush of love washed away most

of my regrets. I’d done the right thing. Now all I needed was to learn not to let the memories
haunt me. And knowing Mikey, he would be only too happy to help me search for some
peace of mind. I lowered my mental barriers a little until I could feel him in my head. His
arousal washed over me and lingered, sparking my own. Yes, Mikey would help me find the
oblivion I craved, even if only for a few blissful moments.

Hollowing my back slightly, I pushed back into his groin, offering him my arse. A soft

gush of air tickled my ear as he chuckled. His face was right next to my head, buried in the
crook of my neck. I heard him inhale deeply, smelling me, then he moved his hands, down
along my belly, past my swelling dick and over my hip to my butt. He dug his fingers deep
into my flesh, kneading it and teasing my cleft with his thumb.

I let a moan escape, a throaty sound that told my lover how much I wanted him, and I

was rewarded with a kiss on my shoulder. Spooned up behind me, Mikey wriggled closer.
He slipped an arm around me, carefully avoiding my injured limb, then he pressed the solid

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length of his chest and stomach against my back. His erection poked my butt and the
shallow, rolling movements of his hips told me exactly what he had in mind.

I wore nothing but a pair of thin boxer shorts, so he could touch my bare skin. His

fingers made me tingle as he dragged them over my thighs and buttocks, my belly and chest,
extricating more shivers from me.

Then he sneaked his other arm underneath me, angling his hand so he could reach my

nipple—the pierced one. Even though it was less sensitive and required him to be more
careful, it was the one he preferred to play with. The skilful touch of his fingertips sent
shudders of delight through me, little waves of pleasure that zinged from my chest to my
groin and left me tingling. I rocked against him, grinding my arse against the hard ridge of
his erection.

Mikey chuckled again. “Gosh, Colin, you’re so fucking hot. I want you.” His voice had

that tight roughness in it, the tone that always gave him away and I knew how much he liked
to play with me, how much he thrived on bringing me pleasure and turning me into a
mindless heap of aroused flesh. And he knew just how to do it.

He licked my neck from shoulder to ear, flicking his tongue against my skin and

tickling the hair at my nape, then he bit down on my earlobe, tormented it with his teeth
until the bright flashes of desire sizzling through me left me dizzy and gasping. Damn, why
did he seem to know about every single one of my trigger points, those hot-wire connections
that made my cock swell, ache and drip?

I burnt for him. My body had turned into one nerve-tingling chaos of need from the

waist down and I couldn’t decide what I wanted more—to stick my dick into a welcoming,
wet channel or to have Mikey fill me, thrust into me and caress all those places that could
make me lose control.

Want me to fuck you?” Mikey breathed into my ear, but he hadn’t asked the question

with words. He was in my head, using the mental connection we’d established.

“Yeah,” I groaned, abandoning the last of my barriers to let him feel my arousal and

grinding my arse against him shamelessly. I knew I wasn’t supposed to do this, but I
couldn’t help it. I needed to feel Mikey this way. Just this one time.

“Okay. Get them wet. That’s all the slick you’re gonna get.” He brought his free hand to

my face and pressed down on my chin to make me open my mouth, then he shoved his

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index and middle finger in. I licked them, curled my tongue around them and suckled,
working up as much spit as I could and coating them with it. I rubbed the metal stud in my
tongue along the sensitive insides and pressed it into his flesh until he moaned. Mikey’s
fingers were so receptive and more than that, I’d sucked his cock often enough for him to
remember what it felt like to feel my pierced tongue on it, the pleasure I could bring him by
stimulating the right nerves with the little ball in my mouth.

He must have liked what I did, because he rewarded me by shifting his left hand to my

groin and curling his fist around my swollen shaft. I groaned in delight and gladly accepted
the offer. Flexing my hips, I met his motions as he pumped my cock, gently at first, letting me
get used to it, then with hard, tight tugs that left me breathless and needy, thrusting into the
channel even as he stilled. “Mikey,” I moaned in protest, but he only laughed.

“No, baby, I say where and when, remember?”
My heart sank a little. “Even now?” I whispered.
“Of course. We’re still playing that game. You’ve already broken the rules by letting me

into your head, but that doesn’t mean we won’t stick with the physical aspect. You still need
my permission to get off. If I don’t give it, you don’t get to come, no matter what we do.”

I squirmed at his words. The way he said them, the detailed repetition of the rules, told

me how much the idea appealed to him. He’d always enjoyed tormenting me and his
dominant side was growing even stronger. My physical self-control was excellent, we both
knew that, and it only made it easier for him to push me right to the edge and leave me

“Please?” I asked, ready to beg and play every trick I had to offer so he’d let me come. I

was tired of him and Ben torturing me by fucking me silly and never being quite sure if
they’d deny me climax at the very last moment. Even though a part of me found it incredibly
hot to be controlled in those most basic of instincts, it wasn’t what I was in the mood for. I
needed love and reassurance rather than kink and purpose.

“We’ll see,” Mikey murmured.
He played with my mouth some more, finger-fucking it and wrestling with my tongue

in a tantalising game of catch and slip, then he withdrew. I lifted my leg and hooked it back
over his thighs, opening myself up for him. Mikey didn’t fuss. He found the spot right away
and dragged his spit-slicked fingertips across my sensitive skin, but he didn’t push in. The

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bastard was going to tease me. I groaned in frustration and pushed back, trying to get him to
breach me, but he must have anticipated me and backed off.

“Easy, baby,” he said, a soft scold in his voice. “I love it when you beg, but being a

pushy bottom ain’t getting you anywhere.”

“Please, Mike,” I groaned. “Fuck me already. Wanna feel you in me. I want that big, fat

cock of yours all the way inside me, filling me up and stretching me as you nail me and then
I want you to spill your spunk in me. Give me something to remind me I’m yours.”

Mikey’s breath hitched and he pinched my skin where he’d been nibbling my neck.

“Nicely played,” he whispered and licked the spot he’d just bitten, only to bite down again
but harder. A jolt of pleasure shot through my body, leaving my nipples and cock tingling as
though they were electrically charged. I squealed, then screamed as Mikey entered me with
two fingers and no warning. He shoved them right in to the root, pressing down on my
prostate so abruptly it hurt more than it felt good, then he fucked me with fast, hard stabs.
“That what you want, baby?” he whispered into my ear. “Want me to show you that you’re

“Yeah,” I gasped, tilting my hips to take him in deeper. My body adapted quickly and I

could draw enough pleasure from a rough fuck to make me wish he’d replace his fingers
with his huge, handsome dick.

“Fine. Come,” he ordered gruffly.
“Come. You’ve got two minutes to get there. After that I’m going to fuck you, but

you’re not allowed to come anymore.”

“Mikey, that’s—”
“One minute and forty-five seconds,” he warned. I hesitated for another second or two,

then I surrendered. A hundred and five seconds didn’t give me much time to think and I’d
rather have an uncomfortable orgasm than not to get off at all. It was uncomfortable. I
focused on the stimulation Mike gave me, the pressure of his fingers inside me and where
they stretched my rim, rubbing nerves that responded to any kind of friction, no matter how
roughly applied. He continued to nudge my prostate, making it somewhat easier to reach the
right state of arousal, yet at the same time he was making me sore, giving me no choice but to
come quickly before the touch became too much to bear.

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I could feel the pressure in my groin, that tingling of nerves where my pleasure built, so

I concentrated on it with everything that I had. I could influence other people’s emotions
after all—surely that would help me with my own? As soon as I’d singled out the sensation, I
blocked out everything else until all I could feel were my lover’s fingers inside me, sending
sparks of pleasure through the little hot spot, and that burning fire in my groin. Tilting my
hips, I changed the angle ever so slightly, so now Mikey’s thrusts hit my prostate dead on
and made the tip of my cock bump into the mattress. Still not ideal, but the sensations were
intense now, still almost too much, and they helped me increase my excitement until at last,
it boiled over and orgasm kicked in. It wasn’t good, too fast and shallow to satisfy and more
frustrating than fulfilling, but at least it had taken the edge off. Panting, I lay there and tried
to catch my breath, the touch of Mikey’s fingers where they rested in me now an almost
unwelcome intrusion.

“Good boy,” Mikey murmured. “I knew you could do it. You had two seconds left.”
“Fucker,” I grunted, attempting to wriggle into a more comfortable position, but Mikey

stopped me by pushing half on top of me.

“Nn-nn. Stay where you are. Gonna fuck you now, remember?”
“Oh. Okay.” Something in his tone made me shiver all over again. I knew we were only

playing. Mike was dominant, but he wasn’t a sadist and would never hurt me—well, never
beyond what I was willing to take—and yet I found myself wondering where he’d draw the
line from now on. I trusted the man without any reserve, but could I trust the creature he was
changing into?

Mikey withdrew his fingers and shoved all of his considerable length into me only to

pull halfway out again then thrust back in. I screamed and bucked as pain nipped at my
insides, but he held me down and he didn’t stop. The pain subsided as my muscles yielded,
but a mild burn remained and more than that, Mikey’s actions confused me. He’d never been
like that, fucking me so hard, almost brutally. We’d done it roughly, but this was different,
and I understood that fighting him was not an option, so I did the only other thing I could
do—I submitted. I let him get on with it, grinding my teeth against the sting until he tensed
and went still over me. I was too sore inside to feel him shoot, so I waited until he rolled off
me and settled on his back, then I got up.

“Where are you going?” he asked, sounding puzzled.

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“Need a shower,” I replied, already on my way to the bathroom. Drops of a distinct

warm slickness ran down my thighs and while I usually adored my lovers’ spunk in and on
me, this time I couldn’t stand it. It made me wonder if this would be the last time I’d felt it
and, more than that, it reminded me of what I was about to lose.

* * * *

I spent an indefinite time in the shower. My position was awkward at first because I

held my arm stretched out, braced against the wall so as not to get the bandage wet. Then I
realised that not only could I move my arm without restriction, but that it didn’t hurt
anymore either, so maybe it hadn’t been broken after all. Or perhaps my demon physiology
was even weirder than I had assumed. In all honesty, I didn’t care. My mind’s agony was
worse than any physical torment that could have been inflicted upon me. The water was hot,
almost scalding, and I took a perverted pleasure in feeling it singe my skin. I wanted to hurt.
Pain was my absolution.

Yes, I had done the right thing by contributing to Sasha’s punishment. He deserved to

pay for his sins, and the bereavement I felt at losing him was nothing but the wish for
something that had never even existed. Sasha had chosen to commit his crimes. I hadn’t
actively made a decision, but ultimately it was my fault and my deeds were going to haunt
me for the rest of my life. Ironic that this would be my punishment. To live with the constant
reminder of my failure while Sasha had met the solace of annihilation.

During those endless, lonely minutes, I wished more than ever to be able to cry, but the

tears wouldn’t come. When I couldn’t stand my own misery any longer, I switched off the
water and grabbed a towel. Someone had left a bundle of fresh clothes next to the rack,
which I was immensely grateful for. I dressed quickly and combed my hair into place with
my fingers. Then I opened the door. Time to quit hiding and face the truth.

Mikey sat on the bed, dressed but dishevelled. Ben was with him, one hand on his thigh

and his shoulder against Mikey’s. He raised his head when I entered but said nothing. Mikey
didn’t look up. He had a book in front of him and stared at it although I doubted that he was
reading. They waited in silence as I walked to the bed and stood there, unsure what to do
next. Then Mikey tilted his head up and met my gaze. His eyes were rimmed with red. A

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gash marred his bottom lip. It was a little swollen, like he’d chewed it and hadn’t stopped in
time. And he was pale, so very, very pale.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” I choked out. There was more to say, much more, but my

throat was blocked. I could barely breathe.

He opened his mouth, gingerly licked his sore lip again, then he closed it and shook his

head. “I’m the one who’s sorry, baby. Don’t blame yourself for what happened.”

A sad chuckle found its way out of me. “How can I not?” I whispered. “I should have

known. I should have warned you.”

“You did.”
“Not really. I never told you what exactly was going on.”
“I gathered enough to figure out most of it,” he said and made a face. “Just not


“I know. And that’s why I am to blame. I had this feeling about Darian the other day,

just a vague sense that something wasn’t right. It was nothing specific, but I should’ve paid
attention to that. I should’ve at least told you.”

“You couldn’t have known, Colin. He managed to deceive even me,” Ben pointed out.

“I am far more experienced in these things and have known him for a lot longer. And I
trusted him completely.”

“Yes, but I felt something that day. I caught that vibe from him and—”
“Colin,” Ben cut me off sternly. “Darian was a powerful vampire. He was almost as old

as I am and almost as strong, while you’re a young, inexperienced half-demon. Admittedly,
the empathic powers of your kind exceed ours, but you’ve never been taught how to
properly use them—well, you hadn’t been at the time you met Darian.”

“Well, maybe, but—”
“And I shouldn’t have trusted him so easily, not with everything that’s been going on,”

Mikey said. “But I remembered him from the club, from what we did together, and when he
turned up at your place and said you and Ben were waiting to meet me, I believed him. I
didn’t know he would…” He broke off and, raising a hand to his throat, he brushed the skin.
Then, as if the touch was too much to bear, he dropped his hand into his lap. “There was
nothing I could do. I tried to fight him off, but the bastard was too fucking strong.”

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Putting a finger to his lips, I silenced him. Then I knelt on the bed, wrapped my arms

around him and pulled him close. “I know,” I whispered into the soft, cool hair at the nape of
his neck. “I know. Shh. You’ll be okay. We will be okay.”

He twitched and made a strangled noise. “Will we?”
“Yes. We will,” I replied firmly. “I love you, Mikey, any which way and whatever shape

you come in. Besides, you already know that I have a thing about vampires. I just wish this
hadn’t been done to you.”

Mikey stiffened in my embrace, then he pulled back to look at me. “Colin, baby,” he

said softly. “I don’t blame you for anything that’s happened, so don’t blame yourself. I love
you, always have and always will, and if what has happened to me means that I will
understand the paranormal aspect of your being better, or that I will have a life expectancy
that’s closer to yours, then as far as I’m concerned, this is actually a good thing.”

“Uh…what?” I was puzzled. I hadn’t seen it that way and there was something about

what he’d said that I didn’t understand. “What about my life expectancy?”

Mikey raised his eyebrows and looked at Ben. “Doesn’t he know?”
Ben shrugged. “Apparently not. Well, I never told him and if Pete didn’t either, then he

hasn’t got a clue.”

I was getting uncomfortable and wriggled around to scowl at Ben. “Stop talking like

I’m not around. What is it that I haven’t got a clue about?”

“Your life span, obviously,” Ben said levelly.
“Why, what about it?”
With his finger crooked and tucked under my chin, Mikey made me turn my head and

meet his gaze. He grinned as he gave me a quick kiss on the mouth. “Well, my love—as long
as you consume enough energy to sustain you, you won’t die.”

Mikey only nodded, so I glanced at Ben again.
“You’re immortal,” he confirmed. “Technically, anyway. The only way to kill an

incubus is to starve him, and even that takes months and a very specific environment
because they have to be cut off from every possible supply of emotions, but I won’t scare you
with the details. Just make sure you never get stuck into a lead box and dropped into salt

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I shuddered. “Uh, thanks for putting that image in my head. Fortunately that wasn’t

among my plans for the future.”

Ben smirked. “Good. Now that that’s settled, I believe we have a demon to feed.”
“What, again?” I asked, still somewhat shaken up.
“Yes, of course. Time is running out, and with all the energy your body required to heal

itself, you’ll need as much extra food as you can get.”

I held up my hand. “Wait. What’s that thing about my body healing itself? I thought my

arm had been broken, but apparently, well, it’s not.” I raised my eyebrows in question.

“Well, it was broken,” Ben explained. “But you heal very quickly, in case you didn’t

know. I believe the bone has yet to reach its former stability, but as long as you don’t get into
a fight you should be okay.”

“I see. All part of being a paranormal creature, right?”
“Yes,” Ben said. He picked up the book Mikey had had in front of him. “You can read

up on it if you want.”

I reached out to take the book, but he snatched it away and shook his head. “Not now


“No. Remember, there isn’t much time left. Just a few hours until…”
I nodded. “Okay. So what do you want us to do?”
“First I want you to put this book aside.” He held it out to me again and allowed me to

take it. “Uh…why?” I stole a glance at the cover. Paranormal Creatures. No surprise there.

“Because I’d hate for it to get damaged,” Ben said sweetly.
Batting my eyelids, I looked at him. “And why would it get damaged?”
“Because you will soon be lying on the floor.”
“Oh. Will I?”
“Yes.” Ben nodded and shuffled closer. Desire burnt in his eyes and I could tell he

wouldn’t play nice much longer.

I pouted, the way I knew would make him want to kiss me breathless. “And why’s


“That’s because I’m going to tie you down and then Mikey and I will take turns

screwing you. How does that sound?”

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I gulped. It sounded devious, dangerous and altogether exciting. The thought of being

tied up and helpless in the hands of those two turned me on immensely and yet…

“Don’t worry,” Ben invaded my thoughts. “Mike may need a little time to adapt, but he’s

safe. I wouldn’t allow him near you if I didn’t think he was.”

“I know.” Ignoring the mild unease I still harboured, I tried to play it cool. Vampires

liked the chase, didn’t they? Maybe letting him chase me first would help quench his thirst a
little. I rearranged my position, tilted my head, acted coy. “That sounds, um…not very

Mikey grinned. “Pleasurable? Don’t worry about that, baby. It will be very

pleasurable—at least for us.” His grin dimmed, gave way to a more serious, almost pleading
expression. “Trust me, Colin. I know my limits, even now, and I know yours. You’re the love of my
life and I’d never—never—hurt you. Besides, he can kick my arse without even touching me.”
twitched his head in Ben’s direction but his gaze remained locked with mine and I saw the
truth in his eyes. I nodded and put the book on the nightstand.

Ben had got out of bed and gone to the wardrobe. He returned with a long, sleek

bondage rope.

“Get up,” he ordered in that tight, but firm voice that turned my legs to rubber. I

pushed to my feet.

Ben turned to Mikey. “Do you want to help him undress?”
“Too right I do,” Mikey muttered, then he was at my side. He wasn’t submissive, not

the way I was, but he’d be happy to do as Ben pleased just as long as he got his chance at
using me. Mikey was dominant, like Ben, but he lacked experience in Domination
techniques—something Ben was only too willing to teach him, using me as a demonstration

And just like Mikey, Ben was a voyeur. The hungry look on his face gave him away.

He’d get a kick out of watching Mikey taking me. Already he caressed the bulge at his groin
with rubs and squeezes, while Mikey cupped my face with his hands and tilted my head at
the right angle for a kiss.

I loved Mikey’s kisses. He tasted and felt so familiar, yet he was still curious and

playful when he explored me. He slid his hands lower, over my shoulders to my chest where
he pinched my nipples through my jumper until I gasped and writhed from the stimulation.

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That was a move Ben didn’t have to teach him. Mikey had always enjoyed torturing me with
nipple and mild pain play.

Taking mercy on me, Mikey moved farther down and shoved his hands under my

jumper, then pushed it up and over my head. He trailed his fingers over bare skin. I shivered
as he traced my ribs ever so slowly, his touch soft as a butterfly’s wings. Goose bumps
popped up, but he continued his way, up to my nipples. They ached in anticipation, despite
the assault I knew they would have to endure soon. I glanced across to Ben. He’d unzipped
his trousers and was stroking himself, the velvety head of his cock a mouthwatering tease as
he slid it through his hand.

I groaned. Mikey, horny devil that he was, undid my fly with his skilful fingers and

pushed down my jeans. I’d gone commando as usual, and my cock smacked him in the face
as it sprang free. He chuckled and wrapped his fist around it. A shudder rocked me and I
thrust into his hand, too happy about the friction to keep the reins on my arousal.

“Easy,” Ben warned. “He will have to last a while. We don’t want him to end up sore,

do we?”

Mikey smiled and eased his grip after a few more long, tight strokes of his hand. “Why

not?” he asked in the kind of innocently playful tone that made my dick twitch.

“Clever boy,” Ben praised and approached me with the rope. “And indeed, why not?”
I groaned, but even I couldn’t have said whether it was in delight or fear. They were

vampires, for crying out loud, and I was the thing that appealed to them more than any other
creature on the planet. I was their drug, a kick they couldn’t find anywhere else.

“Hands on your back, love,” Mikey whispered behind my ear. His breath caressed my

neck and I shuddered. My nipples perked up and I longed to be touched, but neither of my
lovers fulfilled that wish. I didn’t know what kind of plot they had going, but they made it
hard for me to guess what was coming. I assumed that they used telepathy to communicate,
but my barriers were firmly back in place so all I could read was their emotions.

“Don’t torment your pretty head, Colin,” Ben said gently and ruffled my hair. There

was a flash, a brief moment of bright emotions I received from him. He was turned on. Yes,
of course. But what—

“I said don’t torment yourself,” he repeated and grinned. “You’ll find out what I have

in store for you soon enough.”

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He knew me too well, knew how much his bossy words aroused me. I swallowed,

trying to dislodge the tightness in my throat even as my excited heartbeat seemed to flutter
right behind that knot. My untouched shaft wept salty tears of anticipation and my nipples
tingled with the need for stimulation.

I licked my lips. They were dry and my shaky breath cooled the spit I’d coated them

with. “Ben…please…”

His soft laugh caressed my ears. “I love it when you beg, boy. It makes me want to do

unspeakable things to you.”

Another jolt of pleasure zinged through me, nesting in my groin where it caused my

cock to twitch and leak more pre-cum. A drop fell to the floor, leaving behind a glistening
string like the single thread of a spider’s web. I moaned and at last, Ben circled my wrists
with the thin, smooth rope.

Ben knew what he was doing, and I trusted him. He didn’t just bind my wrists together

but wound a complicated pattern that connected my arms and my legs. I stood upright still,
but I couldn’t have moved without tripping myself up. He’d effectively tied me to the spot,
and my body was his to take.

Mikey had retreated and played with himself as he watched me watching Ben take

another piece of rope. It was even thinner and soft as silk and even though I’d never felt it, I
could easily guess that the pain it could cause was stronger than that of even the coarsest
whip. Standing in front of me, Ben brushed it over my thigh, my lower belly, then in a circle
around my groin. When he trailed the string over my erection, I twitched, my body’s
instinctive attempt to escape the hurt I knew was coming.

Ben merely smiled and followed my motion gracefully. He wrapped a loose loop

around the base of my shaft, hooked it below my sac and pulled it just tight enough for me to
feel it. Then he wrapped his hand around me and pumped, teasing me with the friction I’d
yearned for as much as with the softness of his touch. I was horny as hell and wanted relief,
but he wasn’t nearly done with me yet. Just as I couldn’t hold back and gave in to the need to
thrust, he let go, leaving me with nothing but the memory of his grip—and the sudden
tightness of the string that encircled my privates like a vice. A small scream escaped me, not
quite pain yet, but the sound of a man’s basic fear of terrible agony.

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“Shh.” Ben soothed me with the soft sound of his voice but even more with the gentle

touch of his hand. He stroked his knuckle over my stomach, trailed my abs up to my chest
and brushed my nipple. It was the lightest of contacts, but it was enough to give me the
reassurance I needed to allow him to continue tying my cock and balls into two separate
bundles. No one had ever done this to me before. Some squeezing and pulling, and the
occasional slap had been all, but now Ben proceeded to calmly wrap loop after loop around
my genitals until they were on fire.

The tightness was damn near unbearable and my pulse throbbed against the bindings.

When Ben had tied the last knot into place, he took a moment to admire his work. I squirmed
under his assessing stare. No, I wasn’t self-conscious at all, but this wasn’t your average porn
fuck. This was bondage, one of Ben’s kinks. I’d seen enough pictures to know what a sight I
presented. I tried to stand straight, or as straight as I could when all I wanted was to double
over in the hope to ease the excruciating burn in my groin.

“Good boy,” Ben praised. His voice had a distinct tone in it, so he must have been

pleased with me and I could feel his arousal like a strong, steady flow. The demon in me
thrived on it, greedily imbibing the enormous amount of energy Ben released. “I know it
hurts,” he said and tucked a finger under my chin to make me look up. “But you’re taking it
so well and I’m very proud of you. Now let’s see if we can make it a bit easier for you to

Turning his head, he glanced at Mikey, who had settled on the sofa and slowly jerked

himself. “Mike? Would you get us some clamps, please?”

Mikey smiled. I groaned. Much as I enjoyed nipple play, clamps were close to the limit

of what I was willing to take.

“Would you like to put them on him?” Ben offered when Mikey joined us.
“Hell, yeah.” Mikey ogled me with undisguised lust and I loved him for it. With Ben, I

wanted to get everything right. I wanted to please him to an extent that almost made me
forget that this was, among other things, a celebration of our mutual love for each other.
Mikey gave me the confirmation that I succeeded in pleasing him, no matter what I did.

But passive though he was, he had learnt from Ben, and he was a good student. I

flinched when he rubbed my nipples. It felt good and the stimulation distracted me
somewhat from the pain farther down but I was afraid of the clamps he was holding. He

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didn’t fuss much. My left nipple, the pierced one, was relatively safe. Mikey knew that I
wanted the metal stud to stay in, so he couldn’t really tighten the screw, but he didn’t have
mercy on the right one. The sting was so bad it made me forget about the bondage rope
between my legs for a moment, then everything from my chest to my groin seemed to consist
of a dull, throbbing ache. Heat seeped through me. Every nerve ending sizzled and suddenly
I felt a desperate need to be filled.

Head tilted to the side like a big cat watching the mouse he played with, Ben looked at

me. I shivered under his gaze. Staying upright was so hard all of a sudden. My legs shook
and I could no longer fight the instinct to bend over in the futile attempt to shrink away from
the pain. Ben cupped my chin and leaned in, then he pressed a gentle kiss to my mouth. I felt
his love for me in the touch of his lips, and I recognised pride and lust, but above all, there
was this sense of completion, and the promise that he’d look out for me, always.

“Lie down, boy,” he whispered as he pulled back. “I’ll help you.”
He moved to stand behind me and hooked his hands under my arms to ease me to the

floor, astonishing me with his strength as he took a lot of my weight. I loved this power in
him, this underlying feral force. He put me on my back and made me bend my legs, feet on
the floor. Then he readjusted the rope that connected my wrists to my ankles, forcing me to
spread my legs while leaving me once again immobile. I was dizzy with a mix of agony,
arousal and anticipation and his first touch seemed to singe my flesh. I moaned as Ben put
his hands on my knees and followed each of my thighs up to my groin. He flicked my bound
cock almost casually, making it sway and sending waves of pleasure and pain through me.

Mikey joined us on the floor and the torture continued. They teased me with hands and

lips, then, when I thought I was going to burst with need, Mikey made me bend my head
back and knelt over me. His dick, swollen and beautiful, was less than half an inch from my
face. He played with me, kept edging me on, yet stayed out of reach and I groaned in
frustration. I wanted to suck him, wanted him to fuck my mouth until my throat ached, but
he denied me that pleasure.

A slap to my thigh caught my attention. I looked down at Ben, who knelt between my

legs. “Push your hips up, boy,” he ordered. I did as I’d been told, and he pushed a thick
cushion under my lower back. He was getting me into the right position, ready for easy

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access and I was about to faint. This was what I’d yearned for. I loved being at my lovers’
mercy, helpless and exposed, and they knew just how to take me.

Ben trailed his thumbs down my crack. He parted my buttocks and went right for the

goal. His fingers were inside me before I even realised it. The dull ache in my cock and balls
had become so strong that it blocked out almost everything else. I could still feel the burn of
the stretch in my hole, and Ben did some pretty exciting things to my prostate, but I could
barely focus on the lust it brought me.

“Colin? Colin, look at me.” Ben’s voice was clear now, without the lust that had

darkened it earlier. I forced myself to meet his eyes. “Can you hold on? We still have to fuck
you, at least for a bit, but—”

“Yeah,” I rasped. “Please. Please, just fuck me… Both of you.”
Ben searched my face for a moment, but he seemed content with what he saw. The

pressure inside me returned, stronger now and more determined as he finger-fucked me.
Mikey let me have his dick at last, or rather he held my head in place as he shoved his shaft
right down my throat. My gag reflex had been trained out of me, but he was a lot to take, and
he gave me all of it, pushing in until my chin was pressed to his stomach and his balls almost
blocked my nose. Breathing became difficult, once again, but I’d had my share of experience
with that. I’d fainted during sex twice before, although I still wasn’t sure if it had been from
lack of oxygen or something else. Either way, Mikey was concerned now to the point where
he kept a very close eye on my breathing, always, and I was under orders not to risk
anything. I didn’t want to spoil it, so I obeyed.

Mikey pulled out and thrust back into me and Ben also got ready. He removed his

fingers and the blunt head of his erection bumped my muscle, then slid in. I sighed. He felt
so good inside me, filling me up so well, not too much, just right. I still couldn’t feel him as
well as I would’ve liked to since most of my sensation consisted of bright, burning pain in
my genitals. Then Ben reached up and flicked the nipple clamp. I howled and bucked, trying
to shake him off.

“You like it when it hurts, boy, don’t you?” Ben whispered and gave me several hard,

fast thrusts, pegging my prostate every time he shoved in.

I couldn’t grasp a single thought. My mind floated in the overwhelming sensations of

pain and pleasure and I knew I couldn’t take it much longer. The emotions Mikey and Ben

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generated were too much, too strong, almost impossible to channel and even harder to

“I—I,” I started a desperate attempt at explaining, but my voice didn’t seem up for it.

All I could do was moan helplessly and writhe on the carpet. I was so turned on and yet in so
much pain that I shouldn’t even have been able to think of sex, but suddenly, my feelings
seemed to change. The pain was laced with something else, also warm but not as
overwhelming as the ache. Mikey’s love for me, and Ben’s. Their arousal, hopes and dreams,
fantasies, expectations and desires.

They were both fucking me now, filling me at either end and adding to the mix of

overwhelming sensations. I lost all sense of time and space. They could have been going on
for hours, or mere minutes—I didn’t know. A strange calm settled over me. I was still more
aroused than ever, still felt them electrify every single nerve ending in every one of my
body’s pleasure zones, but I could no longer respond. I could only be, drifting in the extreme
stimulation they subjected me to until at last, Mikey went still over me in that tell-tale way.
Spurts of musky, creamy cum filled my throat and the smell of male sweat and sex wafted
around my nostrils. I groaned, twitched and for the first time wished my ties were gone. I
liked to move during sex and while I enjoyed the being tied down and used as a toy part, I
couldn’t come this way.

“Ben…” I groaned, unable to voice my wish. I could’ve used my safe word, but that

wasn’t what I meant and wouldn’t have helped me reach my goal. I wanted to come, needed
that sweet, cleansing wave of relief, but I couldn’t ask for it.

“Yes, I know,” Ben replied, surprising me with his answer. How did he always seem to

know just what I needed? “You’ll get there. Promise. Just let me, uh, finish and…oh, I will
take care of you. You will love it, I promise.”

I had no choice but to surrender. Ben fucked me a little longer then he, too, came,

shooting his load inside me. His cock seemed huge where it stretched me, breaching muscles
that smouldered along with the rest of my groin. The sensations confused me more than
ever. My hole was loose and filled at the same time while my dick and balls were about to
burst. My whole body was crammed full—full of energy, full of my lovers’ seed. Sparks of
overexertion and desperate need danced before my eyes. I was about to explode and was

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close to passing out. I bit my lip to fight unconsciousness, but I was near the end of what I
could take.

Resting his head on my chest, Ben caught his breath. “I think that’s it,” he whispered.

“Time for your reward. You’ve been such a good boy. I’m proud of you.”

He pushed up and, still kneeling between my legs, he untucked the ends of the rope

and started to remove it ever so slowly. More liquid fire poured through me, starting in my
balls and seeping through my groin to the tip of my shaft. It must have been the blood that at
last flowed again and it was one of the most amazing sensations I’d ever experienced. Every
fibre in my groin sizzled and my arousal burnt with an intensity that blocked everything and
shattered my thoughts. I could barely breathe. Every muscle in my body was tense and my
legs shook uncontrollably.

Amidst all this uproar, Mikey found me. He held me down as Ben breached me once

more, sliding easily on the cum he’d dumped inside me, then he hit that spot and I lost it. I
knew I must’ve screamed and I thrashed wildly. I was out of control, a mess of overexcited
flesh and tingling nerves.

Orgasm swept me up, made me soar to a place where everything else ceased to exist for

what seemed like a small eternity and yet wasn’t nearly enough. Then I fell, and I crashed
completely. The stimulation had been so intense that the loss of it left me hanging on an
emotional high I didn’t know how to end. I was on overload and raw not just in the physical
sense. I’d caught a glimpse of something magical and I couldn’t cope. I just wanted away
from it all. Ben must have anticipated me, because when I moved to roll on my side, the ties
were gone. I was trembling, so overexcited and brimming with energy that I couldn’t think. I
wasn’t even aware that my teeth chattered until Mikey cupped my jaw to put an end to it.
Spooning up behind me, he pushed one arm under my head as a cushion and wrapped the
other one around my chest, holding me tight. Ben threw a blanket over us. I appreciated the
warmth. Mikey’s body temperature had dropped considerably and he was cold against my
overheated skin. Feeling him so close helped soothe the emotional uproar a little and I
calmed down to the point where I could at least breathe normally even though I still
trembled from the enormous amount of power trapped in my body.

“This is it,” Mikey whispered in my head. “You’re ready. You can do it. I’m with you and I

always will be.”

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Chapter Six

A few hours later, I was sore. Not just physically, but emotionally, if such a thing

existed. The experience had touched something inside me and shaken me to the core, even
though I couldn’t grasp what it was. I’d had a fair share of extreme sexual encounters, but
none of them had ever affected me the way that this did.

I stared at the huge, old oak door as I waited. Years of use had left its wood worn and

marked while the handle gleamed, polished by countless hands that had touched, held and
used it. How many people had stood here before us, grabbing the elegant piece of metal with
a trembling hand, knowing that it opened the door to their future but wondering whether it
would be good or bad?

It seemed to take forever until the door finally opened with an ominous screech of its

hinges. I forced myself to remain still even though everything inside me itched to simply
shove it out of my way and enter.

My legs twitched and my palms ached with the sharp sting of my nails digging into


“Colin! What a surprise! Come in.” Pete didn’t seem surprised, but then he’d always

been good at covering up his emotions—or maybe he’d just efficiently blocked my reception.

“How are you?” he asked as I walked past him. He extended a hand and it didn’t take

much to guess what he planned to do. Dodging him, I made my way inside. “Still fucking
mad at you, so you might as well quit playing nice,” I grumbled as I walked down the hall.
He could hear me even though my back was turned, I knew that.

“Watch your tongue,” Pete said sharply. “Did you forget your manners or did your

parents never teach you?”

At the last words, I whirled around and glared at him. He returned my angry look with

a cruel sneer. “Oh, how tactless of me. Of course you wouldn’t remember what your parents
taught you—or has your memory returned by now?”

“Only in parts.”

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“Hmm, judging by that sourpuss look on your face, I’d say you’re not too happy about


I didn’t take the bait and kept quiet about how much I did or did not remember. Instead

I forced myself to look at him with a confidence I didn’t feel. “It’s only a matter of days until
the rest will be back,” I said calmly. “You know that as well as I do, just like you know that
you won’t get access to my mind again. It’s over, Pete.”

“Hmm. And what is that supposed to mean precisely?” The nasty expression was still

on his face but I hadn’t missed the flicker in his eyes, the brief contraction of his pupils. They,
like mine, were vertical slits and although his irises were blue, not green, they were a shade
that clearly wasn’t human. His visual deception no longer worked on me.

“It means that I know what you are,” I said, answering his question.
He snorted. “You’ve known that for years.”
“Not quite. I’ve always known that you’re a demon, but I didn’t know that you were

also an immoral monster.”

“Hear, hear.” His lips were thin, tense lines, but then he shrugged and twisted his

mouth into another grimace. “You can call me any name you want, Colin. It’s not going to
change a thing. That’s the beauty of being an immoral monster—we don’t care about other
people’s feelings.”

Holding his gaze, I nodded slowly. “I know. It took me a while to understand that, but I

can see it now. I was really only ever a means to an end for you, despite all your pretence of
looking out for me and regarding me as the son you never had. You were good, I must
admit. You fooled me and a part of me still sees you as my best friend and the father I can’t

A triumphant smile tugged at his eyes and I swallowed, fighting the emotions that

suddenly welled up. “And yes, that part of me still cares about you and wishes for things to
be different, but they’re not. You may not care about hurting my feelings—or me. That is a
luxury I don’t have, but you’d be a fool to believe I’d let that stop me.”

Pete’s smug grin turned into a frown. “What the fuck are you on about, you little brat?

Stop you from doing what?”

I smiled back at him. “Stopping you, of course.”

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When he burst into disbelieving laughter, just as expected, I forced myself to remain

calm and consider this reaction from him a test for me.

“You? Stopping me?” he gasped in between fits of giggles. Still smiling, I nodded.
“And how exactly would you do that?” he asked, wiping non-existent tears from his


“Oh, I won’t bore you with the details,” I said pleasantly. “But I will give you a

warning. I want you, Alan and anybody else who is engaged in this organisation of yours to
abandon all plans and activities with immediate effect. Release all the creatures that you are
holding captive at once and tell your buyers to let their pets go as well. You may also want to
tell them that they’d better not get caught trying to find replacements, or they shall regret it.”

“Oh my, this is bad,” Pete murmured as if speaking to himself. “Apparently one of the

long-term side effects of your transition is insanity.”

I flashed my teeth in a mirthless smile. “I assure you that I’m quite sane. I’m also very

serious about this matter. I want your promise that you’ll do as I say and I want proof by
midnight that you’ve released your prisoners and informed the buyers.”

Chuckling, Pete shook his head. “Oh, Colin. Sweet, naïve Colin. You still have no idea

what you’re up against, do you? It must be that, or you’d be plain stupid to come here and
threaten me.” His expression grew cold and hard as steel. He took the few steps that
separated us and stopped just inches away from me, his nose so close to mine that I
involuntarily leant back. Mouth curled into a snarl, he glared at me.

“You come here and threaten me in my own home? How dare you, you little piece of

shit. If you think you’re special to us because of what you are, you’re mistaken. You’re
serving a purpose, but you’re just as easily replaceable as everybody else and you’re lucky I
haven’t ripped your throat out yet.”

I knew it wasn’t an empty threat. Pete would kill me if he considered me more of a risk

than a useful tool. My pulse pounded loudly in my ears. Adrenaline flooded my system,
leaving me shaking with barely controllable fury. I wanted to lash out, to hurt and possibly
destroy, but I had to keep a grip on my instincts. I had to wait my turn and play my cards

I leaned in to him, secretly amused when he evaded me. Apparently the expression on

my face was fierce and determined enough to make even him back away. “You wouldn’t do

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that because by now you’re far too intrigued to find out what it is that I am going to use
against you if you don’t comply.”

A muscle twitched under his right eye and I knew I had him. It was just as I had said—

to him, the mere fact that I stood here talking to him the way I did must have meant that I
had something very powerful against them—a weapon powerful enough to destroy them.
And of course, the lack of communication from Darian must have been making him antsy as

Neither of us spoke for several long, nerve-wrecking minutes. Pete tried to break

through my mental barriers with more determination than ever. I realised that before, he’d
never really made an effort but now he did. He reached out to me, attempting to use well-
worn paths into my subconscious then, whenever I caught and blocked him, he changed
tactics and tried to sneak in a different way. It was annoying, confusing and tiring to the
point of painful exhaustion and I finally understood why Ben had wanted to pump as much
energy into me as he could. My strength slipped away from me like water running out of a
broken bucket. Pete had experience I lacked, and being a full-blooded demon, his powers
were far better developed than mine. Sooner than I had thought, I lost my nerve.

Pete constantly changed the points of attack and he was incredibly good at it. Whenever

I left a part of my mind unguarded to protect another, he unerringly found it and zoned in
on it. The pressure increased, threatening to shatter my concentration any moment. My
thoughts were scattering like a flock of frightened lambs and it was only a matter of time
until Pete would manage to separate one of them and latch onto it, using it to attach himself
to my subconscious.

A hollow, nagging ache started in my stomach. My temples throbbed with the same

dull, empty feeling and my vision became a little blurry. All of those were signs that I needed
to feed very soon, and the suddenness and intensity of my hunger scared me. I’d come here
brimming with strength, but Pete’s attack had reduced me to a shivering, starved bundle
within minutes. I needed to leave, but I couldn’t. Pete blocked my way physically and I was
too busy fighting him mentally to make my body move around him. I was trapped and, fool
that I was, I’d brought myself into this situation.

“Nice try.” Pete’s voice sent shudders of terror through me. He hadn’t spoken those

words aloud, so he had found a way to connect. Panic welled up in me, one more distraction

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I had to withstand. “Your strength is astonishing, but you’re still just an inexperienced, silly child,”
Pete said. “You have no idea how mind control works. You can’t even control your own thoughts
sufficiently and here you are, thinking you could take a stand against
me. You stupid, clueless idiot.
You should have done what was expected of you, not try to save the world.”

Helpless, I watched him raise his hand and reach out. I’d been avoiding his touch,

knowing that physical contact would only intensify the connection and make it so much
easier for him, but I couldn’t move. Frozen to the spot like a deer in the blasting glare of a
car’s headlights, I waited. Triumph gleamed in his eyes in those terrifying seconds before he
laid his fingers on me. His skin was burning like he had a fever. He’d siphoned off all that
energy from me and must have been near overload. He pressed his palm to the side of my
neck, curled his fingers around the back and dug his nails into my spine while pressing his
thumb into my throat.

“Fight me now, why don’t you?” he whispered, then he laughed, a cruel, tormenting

sound that hurt my ears. “Oh, I forgot, you can’t. See, this is how mind control works. No
need to even try to resist me, Colin. You don’t stand a chance. You never did. You’re nothing
but my tool. You always have been, and I’m going to use you to my purposes—the way I
always have.”

Sparks danced in front of my eyes. I still fought to withstand him, but I was about to

lose the battle. He was taking over, invading more and more of my mind, searching my
memories and thoughts. Soon he would reach that last corner, the one I’d kept so well
hidden. There was nothing I could do now to stop him. But I didn’t have to.

A blinding, dazzling sensation started at the back of my head. It didn’t hurt, but it made

me shake all over from the sheer intensity of it. I’d never experienced anything like it before.
It was as though I could feel the pure power of my friends’ thoughts. I’d only caught a
glimpse of what Ben alone was capable of when he’d fucked me earlier. Combined with
Raven’s, his strength was overwhelming. And unstoppable.

A mere bystander now, I observed Pete’s eyes widen in horror as he realised what was

happening. Our plan had worked. Ben and Raven used the connection Pete himself had
established with me to enter his mind. Despite Pete’s hasty attempt to retreat, he didn’t stand
a chance. I felt it all, the whole extent of the mental power that was being channelled through
me. It restored a little of my own strength so I no longer feared a breakdown. When the

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intensity eased off, I squared my shoulders and lifted my hand to remove Pete’s grip from
my neck. His fingers were limp. I lowered both our hands, but held his in mine to keep the
connection. Inanimate like a mannequin, he let it happen.

I saw the shock in his eyes, the terror, surprise and powerless fury. I gently squeezed

his flaccid fingers as I said, “See, this is how mind control works. I have powerful friends too.
You really should have known better than to trust an incubus. Didn’t you know that we are
stirrers and plotters who always find a way to manipulate those around them? Well, consider
this my payback for the last decade.”

He glared at me, but even that simple expression seemed to be hard for him to make

and he ended up grimacing. When I put my free hand on his shoulder to spin him around, he
complied meekly. I walked him to the door, which took a while since he seemed barely able
to stay upright. I couldn’t tell whether it was still him controlling his feet, and I didn’t really
care. I yanked open the door and instant relief filled me when I saw Ben, Raven and some
other vampires standing outside. Their faces revealed some of the concentration required to
perform this neat trick, but all of them smiled. Raven entered. He stopped in front of me.

“Thank you, that was a magnificent piece of work,” he whispered and bowed his head

a little.

Then he turned to Pete and his eyes lost the last traces of kindness. He reached out and

covered our hands with his. After a moment, he gently pried my fingers apart but clung on
to Pete’s. He’d established a direct connection and no longer needed me.

I didn’t know what he told Pete and frankly, I preferred it that way. Seeing the horror

and fear spread across the features of the man I had once considered my closest friend was
bad enough. The gentle, yet firm grip of strong hands on my shoulders yanked me away
from the scene. Ben

“Come now, my love,” he said quietly. “Our duty here is done. Let Raven and the

others take care of the rest.”

I could only nod. I knew what that one little word, ‘rest’, implied. Now that the monster

had lost its head, the end had come for Alan and all the others connected to this ugly
business. Without a doubt, they would find ways to extract the information they needed on
the identity and whereabouts of every single person involved from Pete, and his phone
would also provide a lot of usable data. But my part in this battle was over.

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I was tired to the point of lethargy and just setting one foot in front of the other seemed

like an insurmountable challenge. When I stumbled on the uneven path that led from the
house to the road, Ben picked me up. Holding me like a groom would his bride, he carried
me to the car. Somehow he managed to open the door without putting me down and when I
found myself in the passenger seat with the belt fastened, I didn’t know how I’d ended up
there. Ben was in the seat next to me before I’d even noticed he was gone, weaving his
fingers through mine and looking at me with the kind of expression in his eyes that made my
groin tingle in anticipation. He smiled, probably in response to the thought that had just
crossed my mind. I returned the smile. I was too exhausted to block him.

“Just relax and enjoy the ride,” he told me. “Mike can’t wait to have you back and help fill up

your energy levels.”

“Hmm, food. Sounds good.” Another thought struck me, far less welcome than the one

before. I grasped his hand more tightly. “Wait. Are you going to stay?”

Head tilted to the side, he gave me a peculiar look. “Do you want me to?”
“You know I do—don’t you?”
He nodded thoughtfully. “I thought it was what you wanted, but what about Mike? His

rights are older and I respect them. I wouldn’t want to risk taking you away from him.”

“I know and I appreciate it. It’s just… Well, we have always known that it would never

be just us. Mikey knew right from the word go that there will always be other men in my life
and you’ve seen how much he likes watching me with them. So while he doesn’t need to
have sex with others, he certainly enjoys it when I do.”

A slow smile spread across Ben’s face. “So… An open ménage à trois, is that what you


“Yes. Well, I think I do. You see, I don’t need nearly as much energy as I used to, now

that Pete no longer messes with my head, and once Mike has finished transitioning, I have a
very potent host to feed on. But I know Mikey has the mother of all crushes on you and now
that he no longer considers you a threat, he appreciates how hot and kinky you are.”

“Hmm, so you think he wouldn’t mind?”
“Okay, just… What about you?”

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“Huh?” I stifled a yawn. I was far too tired for this kind of conversation, but I feared

that if I didn’t pin him down now, he might be gone before I had another chance. “I already
said that I want you to stay.”

“Yes, I know, but will you be okay with it? Living with one man isn’t easy, but two…

Also, you should be aware that I have no intention of giving up snacking on you. You’re far
too delicious, my darling, but I wouldn’t want you to feel like I’m using you.”

Looking into his eyes, I squeezed his fingers again. “I’m hardly one to complain about

being snacked on, am I? I don’t mind you drinking my blood. It’s sexy somehow. Dark and a
little disturbing, but sexy. And Mikey is going to do it anyway. So if that’s all you’re
concerned about, I’d say we should go home now and fuck—um, feed. What do you think?”

He grinned and leaned across the gap between the seats to kiss me. “I think that’s an

excellent idea. Let’s go fuck-feed.”

* * * *

I sighed, sated and happy, and rolled on my back. My energy levels were restored to

normal, thanks to my gorgeous lovers who had treated me to an unusually gentle and kink-
free—if you considered threesome sex between a demon and two vampires vanilla—night of
lovemaking, interrupted only by the odd hour or two of dozing in between rounds. Ben and
Mikey snuggled up on either side of me, Ben with his leg hooked possessively over my
thighs, Mikey with an arm thrown across my chest.

Such was life with two dominant vampires. My rear end stung with a pleasant soreness

and my cock rested spent against my groin. My throat, wrists and various other access points
prickled during the healing process. The room reeked of sex, sweat and blood, and the sheets
were probably beyond saving, but I didn’t care. I hadn’t felt this happy and at ease in
months. There were still some lingering sorrows, regrets and hurt to deal with, but for now, I
was safe and at liberty to romp to my heart’s content with my beautiful, dirty boyfriends.

“Oh my fucking gosh, Colin,” Mikey groaned. “Do you ever stop thinking?”
“You’re thinking. I can hear you,” he pointed out, a mischievous smirk on his face.
“So can I,” Ben chimed in.

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“Well, I’m sorry—not. Ever heard of privacy of thought and all that?” I grabbed the

sheet—or what was left of it—and tugged it up to my chin, pretending to hide under it.

Mikey watched me with raised eyebrows and snorted when I gave him an innocent

look. “Yeah, right, princess. You know we’re in your head, right? It belongs to us now, just
like the rest of your pretty body.”

I batted my eyelids and pouted. “Oh, does it?”
“It does,” Ben confirmed. He turned on his side and pushed up on his elbow so he

towered over me.

“Hey, it’s not fair if the two of you gang up on me,” I pointed out.
Mikey shrugged. “Tough, love. Life ain’t fair.”
“True,” I said and bit my lip as unwanted emotions welled up. Mikey seemed to feel

it—of course he did. He frowned a little and looked into my eyes as if trying to find the
answer to a question in them.

“He made a decision,” Ben said softly.
“Bugger,” I groaned. “Seems my thoughts really aren’t private anymore.”
“They would be if you bothered to block us,” Mikey replied and sneaked his fingers

into my hand. “I miss him too, baby.”

I swallowed. “I know. And I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. None of it is your fault, remember?”
“I try to, but it’s hard. I still can’t believe Sasha was part of the ploy. I trusted him. I

never would’ve believed him to be such a lying, evil—”

“Shh.” Ben kissed me. “In a way he was a victim too. He fell for Pete’s lies and


“Yes, but why didn’t he fight him? Pete lied to me too, and he manipulated me. And

still I chose to fight back,” I said heatedly.

Ben smiled. “I know. And that’s the difference. Our choices make us who we are. You

decided to withstand while Sasha decided to succumb. That’s why he had to face the
consequences and pay for his sins while you were swept away by two glorious princes who
will make your life a dream.”

I rolled my eyes. “Drop the soppy act, Ben. You’re scaring me.”

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He laughed and Mikey chuckled. “He’s scaring me too, but it’s true what he says. We’re

gonna make you happy and treat you like a princess.”

I glared at him. “You’re too funny. Not.”
Something hard and feral manifested in his eyes as he held my gaze. “I wasn’t joking,”

he said.

“I know. But the princess part aside, what exactly are our plans for the future?” I looked

at both of them in turn.

“Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts now,” Ben said.
“I don’t. I just wonder how we’re going to do it.”
“Well, it depends on whether you two want us all to live together. My house is big

enough for three, so that wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Hmm. Are you sure you want us around though?” Mikey asked.
Ben smiled at him. “Yes. I’ve spent enough time on my own. And you shouldn’t be left

alone for the next few weeks anyway, so it would actually make my life a lot easier if I could
just keep you at home.”

“Hey, I’m not a pet!” Mikey protested.
Ben’s grin turned mischievous. “I know. You’re an animal. Colin here would make a

perfect pet though, which is the other reason I’d love to have the two of you stay with me.
You could learn the art of bondage and Domination, Mike, and together we could explore
Colin’s submissive side. We’d have so much fun playing with him. We could train him
properly, teach him some tricks… Have our wicked ways with him and see how much he’s
willing to take. What do you think, Colin? Would you like to be our toy boy?”

The image he painted made me shiver in delight. Automatic response or not, every fibre

of my kinky self vibrated with lust at the thought of what they could do with me. And there
was more. I felt my own desire mirrored in the emotions I perceived from Ben.

“This kind of game generates an awful lot of energy from you,” I mused.
Ben grinned. “I should think it does.”
“But why? It must mean you really enjoy what—Oh. Oh, I get it.”
“Clever boy. You’re right. I’m a Dominant. I like making people hurt.” He kissed the tip

of my nose. “But don’t worry, I respect boundaries. I would never push you beyond what

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you’re willing and able to take. That doesn’t mean I won’t explore your limits though. All of

I shuddered and moaned. Just thinking about all those possibilities, all the ways he

could make me ache, nearly blew my mind, but I pulled myself together. “What about work
though? Food? I’m the sole owner of Centre Studs now and I will have to decide what to do
with it.”

“Well, it’s up to you, really. I should think that Mike and I provide enough energy to

keep you happy so you don’t have to do the porn thing anymore if you don’t want to.”

“Does that mean you’d let me?”
“Sure, why not? I, for my part, like watching you getting screwed and I know Mike

feels the same. Then again I still have my clubs, so we could arrange for the occasional play
time there. What do you think?”

I considered it for a moment. “I think it sounds good. I will probably keep Centre Studs

though. It will give me something to do besides playing your princess and I like the idea of
being the one in charge at least occasionally. And of course we could use the equipment to
make our very own home videos.”

“Oh, I like that idea a lot.”
Mikey let me feel just how much he liked the idea when he kissed me. He rubbed my

wrist, caressing the spot he’d bitten just a few minutes ago. My skin tingled.

“What, again?” Ben chuckled.
“Sorry. I can’t help it. Amazing what the two of you do to me. It’s like you’re turning

every part of my body into a pleasure zone.”

“Hmm, I thought that might happen.” Ben traced my ribs and stomach with his

fingernail, and I promptly shuddered again. “It’s the effect we have on our prey. You enjoy
what we do to you, so you keep coming back for more.”

Stretching out, I offered myself to his touch. “Funny. I thought it was me who adapted

to what you want so I can feed on you.”

Mikey lowered his head and gently bit my lip. He nibbled it, sucked it a little, then he

let go. “I guess it goes both ways,” he said. “We’re each other’s addiction. Good job we can
feed on one another too.”

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“Yeah, although with a two-on-one ratio, it’s a bit unfair on me, don’t you think?” I

asked, spreading my legs to invite Mikey’s touch.

“Hmm,” Mikey purred as he brushed that tender spot with his fingertip. “It would only

be unfair on you if you didn’t enjoy being a slut for two so much.”

Hollowing my back, I pushed against him. I liked how he explored me afterwards when

my body was relaxed and every caress made me recall the pleasures I’d just experienced.

“You—uh—figured that out, have you?” He had two, maybe three fingers inside me

and stretched me while he traced my rim with his thumb.

“Uh-huh. Wasn’t that hard.”
“Oh, some of it was very hard.” I groaned and wriggled a bit to make him give me


Ben chuckled. “Boys, behave.” His words didn’t fool me. He liked what he saw.

Turning my head, I offered my mouth for a kiss. He accepted and took me in a playful kiss
that increased in heat along the way. Then he joined Mikey in feeling me up and I was ready
to go all over again. Their hands on and in me drove me wild with need. I wanted them,

I twisted and turned, trying to get up. Mikey was the first to understand. He wrapped

his arms around me and pulled me with him when he lay on his back. I used the momentum
to throw one leg over his hip and straddle him. He was hard and nudged the top of my thigh
with his dick, then I lowered myself on to him. I focused on the slow progress of his shaft
inside me. I was ready and relaxed and my muscles were used to accommodating a hard,
hungry rod.

“Yeah, but can they take two as well?” Ben enquired, sounding both amused and


“Oi, stay out of my mind!” I scolded and tilted my hips to take all of Mikey’s dick in,

then I rode him with deliberately slow, shallow motions. “And yeah, they can,” I added after
a few minutes and leant forwards.

Ben settled on his knees behind me. The bastard resisted my prompt and continued to

touch me instead. I felt his fingers on my balls, the base of my shaft, then on my rim, stroking
the stretched skin. Apparently he fondled Mikey too, because Mikey groaned and writhed
underneath me. The pressure increased when Ben slipped a finger into me. Another one

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followed, and he massaged us both. Then he used his other hand and two more fingers to
hold me open. It felt strange, a bit like the time he’d used the tunnel plug on me. Mikey
fucked me with slow but deep thrusts. They were getting me ready, heightening my arousal
until I was ready to beg. Amazing how they were so in tune with one another, yet always
knew what I, the odd one out in our ménage, needed.

“Fuck me, Ben,” I thought. “I want you both. I’m yours. You know I am. So take me and show

me how much you want me.”

Ben let out a low growl. He tugged at me again, as if convincing himself that I was

ready. I adored that in him, this conscientiousness—the fact that he always made sure I was
okay. The pressure eased off as he removed his fingers, then a new, stronger sensation
replaced it. Ben shoved into me, as carefully as he could, but still the intrusion stung. I yelped
and bit down on Mikey’s shoulder to stifle the scream that wanted out. He held me and
stroked my back until the burn had worn off. Then they both started moving, in perfect
synchronisation right from the start. It felt amazing. None of the awkward bumping and
grinding, or accidental slipping out because one of the tops made a wrong move. Their
rhythm was easy and flawless, like a dance they performed with me in the middle.

It was slow, sweet, and it totally overwhelmed me. I buried my face in the crook of

Mikey’s neck, panting and groaning, desperate to keep control but little by little, one thrust at
a time, they stripped me of my last defences.

Then Ben grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back. He moved, stretched

and applied the bite on the left side of my throat just as Mikey sank his teeth into the artery
on the right, but I didn’t feel the fangs that pierced my skin. I felt the awe-inspiring love they
had for me, the sense of completion they experienced at this union. I witnessed the rush of
orgasm in both of them, not just on the physical level, but on the emotional stage as well.
Their passion and devotion surrounded me, filled my entire being and fed my own desire.
Yes, I loved them both. That didn’t invalidate what I’d felt for each of them individually or
what I’d felt for my sweet Sasha, who had chosen the wrong side.

Love was a peculiar thing. Sometimes we spent an eternity looking for it and found

nothing. Sometimes we were blessed with a partner who was our companion for decades.
And sometimes, if we were very, very lucky, we were blessed with more than just one love of
our lives.

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I had found mine and it didn’t matter who fed on whom or whose predispositions

triggered what responses. We were good together and that was all that mattered.

Trapped between my lovers’ bodies, with my blood fuelling their ecstatic pleasure

while their joy gave me the nourishment I needed, I realised that I was more than happy to
face eternity if it looked like this. And even happier if it entailed orgasms like the one that
had just started deep inside me. They held me throughout, and in those bittersweet seconds
when I lost the ability to think, I could still feel them on my mind, strong and steady.

We didn’t need words anymore. The very essence of our beings was connected and

despite our differences, we were a perfect match—all three of us.

We completed one another and together, we were whole.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Stockholm Syndrome

Sage Marlowe


Chapter One

I looked up from my desk and tossed aside the paper clip I’d been toying with.

“Seriously, an actor? You know that’s not my usual clientele. Tell them to look elsewhere. Or
send someone else, I don’t care. I’m not interested.”

Michelle met my scowl with perfect calm. “Bronson wants you for the job, Daniel.”
“Why on earth does he want me?”
“Make an educated guess.”
Michelle was my boss’s secretary. As she stood there in my office, arms crossed in front

of her chest and hips tilted, I realised once again that she combined the looks of an Afghan
with the personality of a Doberman. I let out a weary sigh. “Babysitting Hollywood
wannabes really isn’t my field of expertise,” I pointed out. “And he’s on the other side of the
fucking continent. Have they run out of bodyguards in LA?”

She snorted. “Hardly, and it’s not that they want to haul your ass over there because

you’re so fucking fabulous either. The guy lives here in New York and you know, this is just
a thought, but maybe Bronson wants you away from your so-called field of expertise after the,
ahem, cock-up you made of your last assignment.” I didn’t like the sugary tone in her voice,
but she ignored the indignant stare I shot her and added, “Besides, Bryan McTiernan is
hardly a Hollywood wannabe. He’s establishing himself as a household name. His last three
films were huge box office hits, he earned himself an Academy Award nomination last year
and his current film will probably win him one of the little golden boys.”

“Good for him. If he’s such a big star, he ought to have at least a dozen bodyguards by

now. Why don’t they take care of him?”

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“Well, apparently Mr McTiernan has never been too concerned about his safety and

doesn’t think he needs any security at all except for the usual muscle at big events. He wasn’t
even the one who asked for protection. His management, however, has a different opinion.
They want him to be safe and they’re willing to pay pretty much any price.”

My curiosity was raised, despite my better judgement. “If they really said that, the

boy’s got to be worth something.”

“He’s just entered the eight figure league if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Ten million bucks?”
She smirked “Double that.”
Impressed, I whistled through my teeth. “Not bad. Tell me more. What’s his problem


Michelle gave me the kind of knowing half-smile that made me think she’d read my

thoughts. “Stalker,” she said.

I reached for my coffee and leant back, considering my options. When I’d started

working in personal security a few years ago, I’d promised myself to never get involved with
the Hollywood babes, no matter which place they called home, or with the rich and the
famous. As far as safety was concerned, it was hard enough to protect someone who didn’t
lead a life in the public eye, or had crazy fans that needed to be taken into account. But even I
recognised a big fish when I heard about it and if the guy was worth that kind of money,
then this case might be the perfect chance for me to prove my own value to my employer. I
put down the cup and took a breath. “Is it serious?”

Michelle gave a shrug. “I really have no idea, but it sounds serious enough. Looks like

his stalker is the kind who believes themselves to be his soul mate or some shit like that.”

“I see. What do we have?”
“A bunch of letters.”
“Okay. Threats?”
She shook her head.
“Personal contact of any kind?”
I paused briefly, then I said, “Could be nothing.”

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“I know. And yet it might be everything. Either way, it’s not as though you’ve got

anything else to do at the moment, and as you can probably imagine, Mr B is dying to bag
himself that assignment. You know you’re not in his good books right now. This could be
your chance to jump right back into the first chapter.”

So my thoughts hadn’t been all that wrong. “Bronson can just go fuck himself,” I

grumbled. “Why doesn’t he look after the kid himself if he wants the job so badly?”

Michelle rolled her eyes. “He wants you to do it, Dan, and he wants you to do it well.

Extremely well. He can charge McTiernan’s management basically anything he wants for this
job and they…will…pay. Having you as his watchdog is still cheaper than what they stand to
lose if anything happens to him. And as for Bronson fucking himself—rumour has it that you
are the one who will be seriously fucked if you don’t give Mr B a reason for keeping you, so
do I really have to tell you that this is going to be a test for you?”

“Fuck. Really?” I’d suspected as much, but knowing I was officially on the boss’s shit

list put a dent into my well-polished box of self-esteem.

“Really. As I said. He wasn’t impressed with what happened the last time.”
I bit back a groan. As if I needed reminding. “Fine. I’ll meet the kid. Make an

appointment, would you?”

Smirking, Michelle turned and walked to the door. “Already did. You’ll see him at

three. The address is in your phone.”

“Oh, what would I do without you?” I heaved a theatrical sigh.
“The same as you always do—try to knock down walls with that stubborn head of

yours and collect bruises in the process.”

Order your copy here

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About the Author

Sage has been passionate about books from a very early age on and dreamt of writing

one for years while working on the day job instead. It took a very persistent character

in the company of a treasured Muse to finally get the first novel going. The fact that he

was gay came as a bit of a surprise, but it explained a lot.

Ever since, Sage has been the willing slave to all the fascinating guys who just keep

queuing up and want their stories told. This has resulted in several manuscripts at

various stages of completion, so there’s always something to work on—preferably at

night when the rest of the house is asleep.

Sage’s characters often have a dramatic and sometimes traumatic past and need to

battle some demons to be with the one they love. It doesn’t hurt that they usually get

quite a lot of naughty action along the way!



Sage loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and

author biography at



Also by Sage Marlowe




Knives and Feathers

Fantasy for Sale

Stockholm Syndrome

Nightmares: A Nightmare Come True

Nightmares: A Living Nightmare

Nightmares: A Never Ending Nightmare

Nightmares: Only in Your Nightmares

Nightmares: Beyond Your Wildest Nightmares

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Totally Bound Publishing



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