Instructions Sacred Body

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Unleash Your Power to Change

Guided by Kelly Howell with Theta Waves and Music

Scientists have now proven beyond doubt that the contents of our thoughts and feelings have a direct
and immediate infl uence upon our physical being. Thoughts and emotions have the power to alter
how we look, feel and behave. In this special audio program you are guided to visualize and embody
your ideal self. Affi rmations help dissolve negative and self sabotaging thought processes. Precision-
engineered sound waves induce states of heightened receptivity where the positive messages you will
hear are absorbed for maximum impact. Track One is guided. And Track Two provides music and theta
waves so you can practice this meditation at your own pace.

Within minutes, window frequencies trigger the release of neurochemical messengers that immediately
begin to alter your body’s responses. Deep seated behavior patterns are powerfully changed so that
your appetite and self esteem work in harmony to help you attain and maintain your ideal weight.

As negative beliefs dissolve extra pounds fall away. You’ll feel vibrantly alive and full of energy. For
maximum results use this audio in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Clinically Proven Method

This program balances right and left hemispheres of the brain to produce the remarkable mental state
known as Hemispheric Synchronization. A special feature of Brain Sync technology is the use of
scientifi cally researched frequencies called Window Frequencies, which fi t through narrow biological
windows to impact the body at a cellular level. Listeners say they can actually feel their meditation on
a physical level, in rushes of positive energy and a fl ow of deep heartfelt emotions.

Instructions for Listening

To experience the powerful benefits of Brainwave Therapy stereo headphones are required. Listen at a
time when you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie comfortably with your spine straight. This allows your
natural channels of energy to open and flow freely. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. For
maximum long term benefits, listen daily for a period of six to eight weeks – or after as needed.

To experience the brain optimizing effects of this program,

listen with headphones.

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