Glenn Stormy Heir of the Wolf That Bit You130325 0245

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Wolf Haven 1

Heir of the Wolf That Bit You

Matthew Jackson’s life just went from somewhat normal to a
Hollywood horror movie, and just because he spent one weekend

with the man of his dreams. It would be spectacular if that man
was still around, but Rico Sullivan had split without a word. Now,
Matty is left to deal with the aftereffects of their weekend of bliss

together all by himself.

Getting dragged into a world he knew nothing about, Matty has to

rely on complete strangers to keep him safe. When he finally does
find Rico, life doesn’t get any better. For one, Rico thinks he’s

insane. And for two, the same people that are after Rico have put
Matty on their kill-on-sight list.

Matty and Rico are on the run from hunters out to execute them
because they have violated shifter law by falling for each other.
Escaping them would be a lot easier if they knew who they could

trust or where they might find a safe haven. Until they do, they
only have themselves to rely on…and the strange abilities Matty

seems to be developing.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 36,642 words

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Wolf Haven 1

Stormy Glenn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Stormy Glenn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-747-5

First E-book Publication: March 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Wolf Haven 1


Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

It just wasn’t possible. Matthew Jackson pushed a shaky hand

through his short, brown hair and stared down at the little stick again.
The stupid, little window still read positive.

Two lines.
Not one.
Matty grabbed the directions that had come with the box and read

them again, just knowing that he had to have messed up the test
somehow. It was the only explanation because any other outcome just
wasn’t fucking possible.

One line meant negative.
Two lines meant positive.
Matty glanced at the white stick again, hoping one of the lines

would suddenly disappear or that someone would jump into the room
and scream “fooled ya!” Yeah, no one was there except him. He even
closed his eyes and called in every birthday wish he had ever made.
When he opened his eyes again, he still saw two thin, pink lines.


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Matty groaned and tossed the stick into the garbage can right

along with the first five tests he had taken—all of which had been
positive. Staring down at his hands for a moment, he pressed his
fingers together as he tried to accept what he was seeing with his own
two eyes.

He had dismissed the nausea that had come last month as the

stomach bug that had been going around the grocery store where he
worked. When he started to throw up at the smallest little whiff of
almost anything, being sick made sense. Everyone was getting sick.
When he started to add on a couple of pounds a few weeks later, his
renewed appetite after being sick was the perfect explanation.

But the butterflies that started fluttering in his stomach last week

couldn’t be explained away by overeating or a stomach bug. Matty
didn’t have a single explanation for them. Not one. And that made
him more scared than he could ever remember being.

Hell, he was downright terrified.
Maybe it was gallstones?
Or a tumor?
He was even hoping for a brain aneurism right about now.
There had to be a reasonable explanation because the one he was

coming up with just wasn’t possible. He had taken the stupid test just
because he had run out of answers. Matty had full confidence that
couldn’t possibly be the answer.

Fuck if he hadn’t been wrong.
Matty pushed to his feet and walked out of the bathroom and

down the hallway to the kitchen. He grabbed the phone book and
started looking through the white pages for the free clinic down in
Old Town.

Maybe it was time to call in the experts.
Once he found what he was looking for, Matty wrote the address

down then went to find his jacket. He started to grab his wallet off the
entry table then had a second thought about that. Did he really want
anyone knowing who he really was under the circumstances?

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The Old Town Free Clinic took in a lot of indigent patients.

Maybe he could get away with telling them he was homeless and
didn’t have any identification. It was better than the alternative—
which would most likely get him a free ride to the local insane

Matty grabbed his bus pass, some cash, his house keys, and his

brown hoody. He left everything else behind as he walked out of the
front door and headed for the closest bus stop. His stomach was in
knots and threatening to rebel, but this time, Matty was pretty sure
that it was due to nerves. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to run to
the nearest bathroom the second he got off the bus and throw up.

He’d say that being nauseous was the worst part of this whole

ordeal, but he’d be lying through his teeth. Not even the looming
chaos he was pretty sure his life was about to fall into was the worst.

No, not knowing what in the hell was going on was the worst part.

At least if he knew, or had some warning, he might know what to
expect. Instead, he was finding everything out as it happened and then
freaking out because shit like this just wasn’t possible.

The bus ride seemed to take forever, and Matty could swear that

every unbathed, sweaty person on the planet sat right next to him. By
the time the bus stopped down the block from the clinic, Matty
practically ran from the bus.

He ignored the whistles from a couple of smarmy-looking men

standing on the corner, stopped long enough to drop a couple of
dollars into the can the homeless man was holding, then made his way
inside the clinic.

“I…uh…need to see a doctor,” Matty said when he reached the

check-in counter. He tapped his fingers nervously on the countertop
as he waited for the registration nurse to acknowledge him.

“Fill this out.” The woman held out a clipboard with a form on it

and a pen attached to the clipboard by a small, silver chain.

“Thank you,” Matty whispered then turned away and walked over

to one of the empty chairs. It didn’t take more than ten minutes for

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Matty to fill out the form, mostly because he wasn’t exactly sure what
to check besides his vital statistics.

Stomach cramps…check.
Weight gain…check.
Frequent urination…check.
Strange cravings…check.
Sore nipples—yeah, he was thrilled with that one—check.
God! Matty tilted his head back and stared up at the ceiling. He

was a fucking idiot. He knew that. And the second he turned this
damn form in, everyone else would know it as well. But Matty needed
answers. He needed to know if he was really crazy or not.

He was pretty sure that he was.
Standing up, Matty carried the clipboard back to the registration

desk. He laid it down and waited. Why did he feel like he was
marching to his doom?

“Have a seat and the nurse will call you,” the woman behind the

counter said without even looking up at him.

He was going through a crisis of epic proportions, and all she

could say was have a seat? Why wasn’t there a blinking sign above
his head stating that his situation was a dire emergency? They should
be rushing him to the back on a cart and screaming for everyone to
get out of the way.

But the lady behind the counter just looked bored.
Matty nodded absently and went back to his chair, wanting to

crawl inside his hoody and hide from everyone in the waiting room.
He glanced around at the people while he waited, not really interested
in anything that was going on, but even less interested in the things
floating through his head.

He kind of wished he could go back five weeks and start over—

back to when he met the man of his dreams and spent one

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unforgettable weekend with him only to wake up alone when Monday
rolled around.

He hadn’t heard from Rico again, but he was starting to get the

feeling that they would always have a connection. That was assuming
Matty didn’t have the world’s biggest tumor growing in his gut.

After sitting there half the day, a nurse finally came out and

called, “Mr. Jackson, the doctor will see you now.”

Matty swallowed hard, stood on shaky legs, and followed the cute,

little male nurse back to one of the examination rooms. His weight
was taken—one hundred fifty-five pounds, which was up from his
usual one hundred and forty-five pounds. His height was measured—
five foot, eight inches tall. Yeah, he hadn’t miraculously grown a few

And then he was handed a gown and told to undress. The doctor

would be in soon. Matty almost ran from the room when he got a
good look at the gown. One, it was made of paper. Two, there was a
huge gap in the back, or maybe that was the front. Matty had no idea.

Slowly undressing down to his boxers, he folded his clothes and

stacked them neatly on the chair. He held the paper gown up and
turned it all around, trying to figure out which way it was supposed to
go on. Finally giving up, he pulled the gown over his front—which
left his ass exposed—and sat on the exam table.

His legs started swinging as he sat there and stared at the colorful

pictures on the walls and the laminated medical information sheets.
For a free clinic, the place was surprisingly clean and nicely
decorated. He had been expecting to see bloody towels laying all
around, filthy equipment, and even possibly a sign that said a person
could smoke if they wanted to.

Nope, the place was spotless and gleaming.
Matty’s eyes snapped up and his heart began beating out of

control when the door opened and a man in a white doctor’s coat
walked in. This was it. Either he was truly pregnant or insane.
Honestly, Matty was hoping for insanity at this point.

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“Mr. Jackson, what seems to be the problem today?”
Matty gulped nervously. If he knew the answer to that question,

he wouldn’t be here. “I haven’t been feeling well, doctor. I think I
might have that stomach bug that’s going around.”

Or gallstones.
Please let it be gallstones.
Fuck if he was telling the guy he might be pregnant. Let the man

discover that on his own. Then he could pass out right along with the

“Why don’t you lie back and we’ll take a look.” The doctor set the

file in his hand aside and pulled a pair of rubber gloves on. When he
walked over to the exam table, he had a smile on his face, but it didn’t
reach his eyes. They weren’t cold necessarily, just distant, like he had
been doing this job a little too long and had grown used to seeing
thousands of patients a day.

It made Matty feel more like a number than a person.
“Have you been throwing up?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Drinking lots of fluids?” The doctor checked Matty’s ears.
“Yes, sir.”
Matty almost gagged when a tongue depressor was placed in his

mouth. For someone that said he was throwing up, he didn’t
understand why the doctor would be taking the chance.

“Any other symptoms? Headaches? Fever?”
“I’ve had some headaches but no fever.”
Matty shivered when the doctor lifted the gown and began to

probe his stomach with his fingers. The breath in Matty’s lungs
seemed to still when the doctor suddenly frowned. He just knew what
was coming, and he didn’t have an answer for the question he could
see forming on the doctor’s face.

“Is your abdomen tender?”
“A little.”

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“Any problems urinating?”
Matty shrugged. “I’m drinking a lot of water and juice, so I’m

peeing a lot.”

“Any pain in your back or between your shoulder blades?”
“No, sir.”
“What about your ribs? Any pain there?”
“No, sir.”
“Do you still have your appendix?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Okay, Mr. Jackson,” the doctor said when he leaned back and

pulled off the rubber gloves on his hands, dropping them in the trash.
“I’m going to order you an ultrasound. I want to take a look at your
appendix and check you for gallstones.”

Yes! Matty wanted to get up and dance. Gallstones. He really

wanted this to be gallstones. He barely schooled his features before
the doctor looked at him again. “Okay.”

“I’ll write up the order then have the nurse come escort you to the

ultrasound room.”

The second the door closed behind the doctor, Matty slumped

back against the little, plastic covered pillow on the exam bed. He had
heard that gallstones could be incredibly painful—almost like what a
woman went through giving birth. And he was so looking forward to
the prognoses. Gallstones he could deal with.

This other stuff, not so much.
When the door opened and the same cute, little, blond nurse

walked in, Matty could do nothing but smile at the man. The nurse
looked at Matty curiously but smiled back and gestured to the
wheelchair sitting just outside the door that he had brought with him.

“Mr. Jackson, the doctor has ordered an ultrasound for you. If

you’d like to get in the wheelchair, I’ll take you over.”

“Yes, sir.” Matty hopped off the table and started for the door.
“Oh, grab your clothes, Mr. Jackson,” the nurse said. “This room

may not be available when you come back.”

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Matty quickly grabbed his pile of clothes and held them to his

chest as he walked over and sat down in the wheelchair.

“Could you hold this for me?”
Matty glanced back and saw the nurse holding his file. He smiled

and took it, holding it against his chest along with his clothes. The
nurse hummed as he wheeled Matty down the hallway to the elevator.
They took it to the second floor and then went down another hallway
until the nurse stopped before a door with a sign reading ultrasound
hanging over the top of it.

The nurse opened the door and wheeled Matty into a small

waiting room. He took the medical chart from him and placed it in the
file hanger next to a door on the far side of the room. The nurse
smiled at Matty as he turned around.

“The technician will be with you in just a minute.”
“Thank you.”
Matty waited for probably ten minutes before the door opened and

a man walked in and grabbed his chart. He flipped it open and read
over it for a moment then closed it and slipped it under his arm.

“Okay, Mr. Jackson, we’re going to take you in to the exam room.

Have you ever had an ultrasound before?” the man asked as he
grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and pushed Matty into the other

“No, sir.”
“Well, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Ultrasounds are much safer

than X-rays.”

“How does an ultrasound work?”
“An abdominal ultrasound scan uses sound waves to produce

images of internal organs. Sound waves are sent into the abdomen
through a handheld probe that I will glide over your abdominal area.
They bounce off the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and other organs and
return to the probe. The machine converts these sound-wave ‘echoes’
into images that can be seen on the monitor. Gallstones usually
produce a strong echo and are clearly visible on the monitor.”

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“Sounds simple enough.”
“Yep.” The technician smacked the exam table. “Climb on up and

we’ll get this over and done with in just a few minutes.”

Matty was all too eager to get this over with. He climbed up onto

the exam table and stretched out. He shivered when his gown was
pushed up around his armpits and the technician applied a very cold
gel to his stomach.

“You can see what we’re seeing here on the monitor.” The

technician pointed to the large monitor in front of him, tilting it
slightly in Matty’s direction. He grabbed a small, handheld device
that had a long cord attaching it to the base of the screen and started
pressing it along Matty’s abdomen.

“See here, that’s your heart and lungs,” the man said as he ran the

probe over Matty’s upper chest. “This is your stomach, a kidney, and
your bladder.”

“How do they look?”
“They all look fine.”
“No gallstones?”
The technician smiled over at Matty. “None yet.”
“This is your…” The technician frowned as his voice trailed off.

He moved the probe over Matty’s abdomen from one side to the other
then back again.

“What’s wrong?”
Matty started to grow concerned when the man’s face drained of

color. “What’s wrong?” he asked again, his earlier fears coming back
in a rush of panicked breath.

“I need to go get the doctor and get a second opinion.” The

technician jumped up so fast that his chair toppled over backward. He
backed out of the door, never taking his eyes off the screen until he
was through the doorway, and then he turned and ran like the hounds
of hell were after him.

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Matty stared at the monitor with a sense of horror he hadn’t felt

since he got caught by his grandmother jerking off in the pantry when
he was fifteen years old. Well, this might be worse. He grabbed the
probe and moved it over his stomach, keeping his eyes glued to the

He had no idea what he was looking at until the small, dark image

on the screen suddenly moved. Matty inhaled sharply and dropped the
probe. He gripped the edges of the exam table and stared up at the
ceiling, praying that what he had seen, he hadn’t actually seen.

Swallowing hard, Matty slid his legs over the side of the exam

table and stood up. He stepped over to stand directly in front of the
screen then reached for the probe once again. This time, when he
moved the small, handheld device over his stomach, he thought he
was prepared for what he was going to see.

He wasn’t.
Matty gasped and dropped the probe again when the small image

nestled in his abdomen moved. He rubbed his shaking hands over his
face. Okay, he could deal with this. He had to. He didn’t have any
other choice.

Pulling the gown back down, Matty started pacing back and forth

across the small exam room. He wanted answers. He wanted to find
Rico and beat the shit out of him, and then he wanted answers. Rico
had to have them. He was the only man Matty had ever been with,
and if what Matty suspected was growing in his abdomen was right, it
was all Rico’s fault.

He just freaking didn’t understand how.
Matty glanced at his watch and realized that the technician had

been gone for more than ten minutes. He rolled his eyes, exasperated.
Surely it didn’t take that long to go get the doctor for a second

Matty walked out of the exam room to the door leading to the

hallway. He turned the handle and started to pull the door open when

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he heard agitated voices coming from down the hallway. He cracked
the door just enough to peek through and glanced out.

The technician was standing at the end of the corridor with the

same doctor that had examined Matty. The technician was wringing
his hands together so hard that Matty was surprised they still had skin
on them.

The doctor, however, was talking on his cell phone, gesturing

wildly with his other hand. “I’m telling you what I saw,” the doctor
said. “It was right there in living color.” The doctor’s lips pressed
together tightly. “Of course, I saw them myself. My technician
transferred the images to my office.” The doctor nodded. “Right.” He
nodded again. “Right. Okay, just hurry. I’m not sure how long we can
keep him in there before he figures out something is wrong.”

The doctor snapped his cell phone closed then turned to the

technician. “Go back in there and keep him occupied. Help is on the
way to deal with the situation.”

Matty closed the door as quietly as he could and raced back into

the exam room. He walked the full length of the room—which
consisted of about four steps—then walked back before his eyes fell
on his clothes.

Matty grabbed them and pulled them on as fast as he could. It

wasn’t until he started to pull his hoody on that he realized he still had
the paper gown on. He pulled the hoody down over the gown,
knowing he didn’t have time to get undressed.

He needed to get the hell out of there. He didn’t know who the

doctor had called, but being detained was not on his list of things to
do today. Matty headed for the door again. Now, he just had to figure
out how to get out of the clinic without being seen.

Matty listened at the door once again. He could hear the doctor

and technician arguing down the hallway and knew he couldn’t get
out that way. He walked over to the window. He was on the second
floor. If he jumped, he was almost guaranteed to hurt himself, if not

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worse. That didn’t leave Matty any other options. It was either the
window or the hallway.

He walked back to the door leading to the hallway and peeked out

just in time to see the technician start down the hallway toward the
room he was in. Matty shut the door and then raced over to shut the
exam room door. He ran back and pressed himself against the wall
behind the door just as it opened.

Matty held his breath as the technician walked over to the exam

door and slowly turned the door handle. The second the door started
to move, Matty leapt across the room and shoved the technician into
the room. He heard a loud crash as he grabbed the door handle and
pulled the door closed.

It would only give him a few seconds, but it might be enough.

Matty ran for the hallway door. He stopped long enough to push a
chair in front of the ultrasound room door then raced out into the

Instead of heading for the elevator, Matty turned toward the stairs.

His hands slammed into the door, pushing it open with a loud clank.
He went down the stairs so fast that he had to grab onto the handrail
to keep from falling. By the time he reached the bottom, he was
panting heavily.

He didn’t think it all came from running.
He was in full panic mode, and he knew it. His life had just gone

from mildly boring to outright chaotic hell. He was fucked. And if he
ever saw Rico again, he was going to beat the ever-loving shit out of
the man.

Matty paused at the bottom of the stairs and pressed his hands

against his chest, trying to slow his racing heart. Soft music played
over the stereo system. Nurses walked by, some carrying medical
charts, others carrying medication. Patients walked down the

It all seemed so disgustingly normal.

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Matty swallowed hard and pulled his hoody down then started

down the hallway toward the exit. When he reached the checkout
desk, he paused. He couldn’t just walk out. They would stop him for

“Excuse me,” he said to the woman behind the counter,

interrupting the phone call she was on. “I was told to wait for the
doctor to call me about my test results.” Matty pointed to the exam
room he had first been in before he was taken back for his ultrasound.
“Should I wait there?”

The woman nodded but didn’t even look up. Matty took that as a

sign and walked right past reception and out the front door. He tried
to remain calm as he walked down the sidewalk, keeping his head
bent down and his hoody pulled up firmly over his hair.

Just as he reached the corner, two black SUVs pulled up in front

of the clinic. Several very large men climbed out and rushed into the
building. Matty waited until he rounded the corner, and then he ran
for his life.

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Chapter 2

Matty had no idea what he was going to do, but he knew he

needed to do it fast. Whatever in the hell was going on with him had
something to do with Rico. Matty knew it down to his bones. Rico
was responsible…and he could damn well help Matty deal with it.

Whatever it was.
Matty shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoody as he

stepped down off the bus and started down the sidewalk toward his
apartment. He had a really bad feeling that whatever Rico had
dragged him into had just changed his life forever. The reality he had
known when he woke up this morning was gone, and he was falling
head first into the Twilight Zone.

And what really sucked was that he saw no way out of it. It wasn’t

like he could go to sleep and suddenly wake up not knowing what he
now knew—not that he exactly knew anything.

His mind was still twirling in the chaotic nightmare. He felt like

he was drowning, spiraling out of control with no end in sight. He
knew what he felt, what he saw on that damn image screen. He knew
that something was alive inside of him.

Visions of an alien breaking out of his chest and killing him

briefly flickered in his mind. That felt wrong. It was still a possibility,
but it felt wrong. He didn’t know what this was growing inside of his
body, but it wasn’t an alien.

Matty drew in a shaky breath and pressed his hand against his

stomach. He couldn’t feel anything against the fabric of his hoody,
but he still felt an answering movement deep in his abdomen.

Butterfly wings.

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That was the only way to describe the sensation. It felt like

butterfly wings brushing against his insides. It didn’t hurt, but it was
still an odd sensation, one that made Matty’s heart pound just a little

Every step he took seemed heavier and more precarious. Not

because he was walking to his doom but because he didn’t have a clue
what he was heading into. The world as he knew it was gone, and a
new one had been opened up to him.

And there was no fucking guidebook.
Matty clenched his hands, wishing he could wrap them around

Rico’s throat. No matter how sexy the guy was or how much he made
Matty laugh or feel wanted and cared for—not even the way Rico
made Matty feel special when they cuddled in bed until the wee hours
of the morning. None of that mattered when the man had obviously
done something to him, and then split.

Matty was going to plant his knee in Rico’s family jewels the first

chance he got, and then he was going to plant his fist in the guy’s face
and demand to know what in the hell was going on because it sure as
hell wasn’t normal.

Matty was pretty sure normal was no longer part of his

vocabulary. Bizarre had been added though. Bizarre, wacky, weird,
peculiar, out of the ordinary, off the wall, fucking freaky—those were
the new words he had to explain his situation. But they were the only

When Matty reached his apartment, he hurried up the stairs to the

second floor and quickly made his way down the hallway to his little
one bedroom apartment. It wasn’t much, but it was his. It was his
place to escape from the world when his day was hard. Today was a
glowing example of a hard day.

He locked the door behind him once he got to his apartment and

let himself in then walked over to stare out the window. It amazed
him that traffic continued to drive by and people walked up and down
the streets like nothing in the world had changed—and yet it had.

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Everything had changed.
Matty suddenly had the knowledge that not everything in the

world was right and the more bizarre aspects of Hollywood might
actually be true. Granted, Matty didn’t exactly know what those
aspects were, but he knew they were out there.

Matty pushed his hand through his hair. He didn’t know what to

do. He didn’t know who to talk to. He had met Rico in a bar. Granted,
he didn’t make a practice out of taking guys home from bars, but Rico
had called to him on some deeper level that he had been unable to

Unfortunately, his raging libido made him forget to get anything

but the basic information about the guy—like his name. Sure, they
had talked about a lot of different things that weekend, but they had
never covered home or work or even phone numbers.

Matty had no idea where to find the man.
After waking up alone in his bed—and the fact that he hadn’t

heard from Rico in the five weeks since—Matty doubted that Rico
would even remember him if he did track the jackass down. Rico
probably had weekend flings on a regular basis. Matty was more than
likely just one of hundreds of men that Rico had fucked—and then
fucked over.

Matty wiped at his nose as he sniffled. He didn’t know why that

thought made his chest ache so much, but it did. It was probably a
symptom of whatever was going on with him. That was the only
explanation because Matty certainly didn’t care who the hell Rico

The man could take a long walk off a short pier for all Matty


Matty didn’t need him.
He just needed…Oh, hell. Matty had no idea what he needed, but

he knew it wasn’t Mr. Tall and sexy and desert me in the morning.
Whatever in the hell was going on with him, he would handle it on his

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own. He just needed to figure out exactly what that was, and then he
would be fine.

He was always fine.
He had been fine when his dad took off for parts unknown when

he was five. He had been fine when his mom overdosed on drugs
given to her by one of her paying clients when he was ten. And he had
been fine when his foster parents kicked him out on his ass the day he
turned eighteen.

“I’ll be fine,” Matty whispered to himself. He wiped at the tears in

his eyes again then glanced down at his abdomen as he rubbed his
hand over the small, rounded mound. “We’ll be fine.”

Matty inhaled a deep breath and tried to remind himself that the

world had not come to an end. The deep need that seemed to be eating
him up inside to feel Rico’s strong arms wrap around him and tell him
he wasn’t alone was just his overactive emotions.

It didn’t mean anything.
It certainly didn’t mean he really needed Rico or—the long deep

breath Matty had been inhaling caught in his throat when he spotted
two black SUVs pulling to a stop outside him apartment building. He
watched with a sense of dread as the same men he had seen at the
clinic climbed out and headed for his building.

Matty stood there frozen for a moment as his mind jumped from

scenario to scenario, and not a damn one of them had a good ending.
He didn’t quite understand why these men were after him, but he was
pretty damn sure it had something to do with the little butterfly
growing inside of him.

And Matty couldn’t allow that. He knew it just as much as he

knew he was breathing.

Matty lived in a security building, so the guys after him would

either need to break in or go to the super’s office and be let in. That
would give Matty just a few minutes to grab what he could and get
the hell out of his apartment.

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Matty sprang into action. He ran to his room and rummaged

around in the closet until he found his duffle bag. He grabbed a few
spare sets of clothes and shoved them into the bag then ran around his
apartment grabbing anything he didn’t want to leave behind—an old
photograph of his parents before they split, one of him and his mother
when he was a baby, his toothbrush and deodorant, a heavier jacket,
and the money he kept in his lockbox. For the first time in as long as
he could remember, he was grateful that he didn’t trust banks.

The last thing he grabbed was the box of crackers he had been

living on for the last several days and the only three cans of ginger ale
he had left. Matty shoved his wallet into his back pocket, slung the
shoulder strap of his duffle bag over his shoulder, and then walked to
the door.

He cracked the door just enough to peek down the hallway. Once

he was assured that both directions were empty, he slid out and started
making his way as quickly as he could down the hallway toward the
back entrance.

Matty had spent a lot of time roaming the halls at night when it

was too cold to go outside. He knew every nook and cranny of the
place. He probably knew about places in the older building that the
super didn’t even know about.

Matty hurried down the back stairs when he reached them. When

he got to the first floor, he kept right on going, heading straight down
to the basement. He didn’t waste any time trying to quiet his
movements. If they heard him, they heard him. His concern was
putting as much distance between them as he possibly could.

And it just so happened that the maintenance tunnel in the

basement went right under the street to the building across the way.
Matty knew if he could get to the other building, he could sneak out
the back, and no one would even see him leave.

He just had no idea where he was going to go.
Matty didn’t hear anyone following him down the stairs, so

hopefully that meant they were either still trying to get into the

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building or they were searching for him upstairs. As much as Matty
didn’t like the thought of strangers being inside of his apartment, the
longer they stayed upstairs, the more time he had to escape.

Matty’s heart hammered in his chest as he pulled the heavy, steel

door to the basement open and walked through it. He pushed against it
with his hands as it slowly closed, knowing from experience how
much noise it made when it closed. Maybe he could lessen that sound
just a little if he didn’t let it slam closed.

Okay, not so much. Matty winced as the sound echoed through the

small, cement basement area he stood in. He knew that the sound was
even worse on the other side. The staircase made a tunnel of noise
going straight up. If anyone was listening, they would know right
where he was.

Matty quickly glanced around until he spotted the heavy garbage

containers set aside for recycling. He knew that the super collected
the cans and bottles and turned them into the recycling center,
pocketing the cash, but at least they were being turned in and not
dropped in a landfill somewhere.

He pushed the Dumpster over in front of the door then took off

running across the room to the archway that led to the maintenance
tunnel. At this point, he just wanted to run. He didn’t care if anyone
heard him.

Well, he did. He prayed with everything in him that they would

find his empty apartment and just give up. He just didn’t think he
would be that lucky. Running, and getting as far away as he could,
seemed like his best course of action.

The tunnel between the two buildings seemed a lot longer when

he was running for his life. Matty felt like he had been going down
the gray, cement corridor forever before he reached the thick, steel
door on the other end.

He leaned his shoulder against it and pushed the door open,

wincing when it clanked closed behind him. Yeah, anyone that wasn’t

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deaf was going to hear that. Matty mentally berated himself for not
being quieter as he tried to escape then immediately berated himself
for berating himself. It wasn’t like he made a usual practice of being
chased. He didn’t do this shit.

He didn’t know anyone that did.
It wasn’t like there was a manual out there on the Internet about

escaping bad guys, and even if there was, he didn’t have Internet.
That stuff cost money, and he had a hard enough time trying to feed
himself. Luxuries like that just didn’t happen.

Matty made his way up to the first floor of the building then

headed right for the back door. This apartment building was a security
building just like his was. People could get out, but they needed a key
to get in.

Matty was no one’s dummy. As soon as he reached the back door,

he peeked out through glass before pushing the door open. It would
just be his luck to escape all of the way to this point and get caught
sneaking out the back.

And that was just what Matty did—snuck out the door into the

small parking lot behind the building. His apartments didn’t have
private parking like this building, which was okay considering he
didn’t have a car. Mass transit was his friend.

Matty pulled the hood of his hoody up over his head and slid his

hands into his pockets. He kept his head tilted toward his chest and
walked down the sidewalk as fast as he could while trying to look like
he wasn’t hurrying.

It amazed him that cars still drove down the street and people

continued to walk up and down the sidewalks, passing by him as they
chatted with friends or hurried to get to their destination, and all the
while, Matty’s entire world was crashing down around his ears.

He wanted to scream, to shout at someone to tell him what was

going on and how his life had suddenly become a Hollywood horror
movie. He wanted someone to explain to him what was going on with
his body and why he felt this overwhelming need to keep the life

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moving inside of him safe from all harm. He wanted someone to tell
him everything would be okay.

He just kept walking.
Matty was pretty damn sure that if he started spouting off what

was going on with him, not only would he end up in a rubber room
for life, but that life would only last long enough for some maniacal
government scientist to get a hold of him.

Whatever this thing was inside of him was not normal, maybe not

even by Hollywood standards. Matty had never heard of a horror
movie where the hero got pregnant. Maybe that meant he wasn’t the
hero. He just didn’t know what that made him. He sure as shit wasn’t
the damsel even if he was in distress.

Matty glanced up when he heard a horn honk. He was six blocks

from his apartment building. That still wasn’t far enough in his mind.
The other side of the world was looking pretty damn good right about
now. Too bad he didn’t have the money to buy a plane ticket.

He was hoofing it to wherever it was he was going—and he had

no idea where that was. Matty didn’t have a lot of friends. He
certainly wasn’t friends with any of the assholes that worked down at
the grocery store where he stocked shelves. And the friends he did
have weren’t ones he would go to in a crisis.

This definitely qualified as a crisis.
That meant Matty was pretty much on his own. Getting out of the

city sounded like a plan. He was pretty sure he had just enough to buy
a bus ticket out of town. It might only get him a few hundred miles
away, but that was better than sticking around.

With that plan in mind, Matty crossed the street and started

heading downtown toward the bus station. It wasn’t more than twenty
blocks. He could walk that fairly quickly. He just hoped he didn’t get
spotted in the meantime.

He had no idea how hard the people after him would be searching

for him, and he could only hope that they didn’t figure he would try

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and leave town. Getting out of town was always what the escapee did
when being chased.

Hopefully, they didn’t watch television.
Matty’s nerves were frayed by the time he reached the bus

terminal. He jumped at every honking horn and every tire screech.
The sight of any black SUV sent his pulse racing. His stomach was
tied up in so many knots by the time he rounded the corner across the
street from the bus station that he thought he was hallucinating when
he saw the small group of men standing in front of the building.

Matty paused for a split second then spun around and stepped

back behind the corner of the building he stood next to. He pressed
himself as close to the brown brick as he could get and closed his
eyes, panting heavily as he stared up at the cloudy sky above.

He was so incredibly fucked.
Maybe it was just a group of really big, really mean-looking guys?

Maybe they weren’t looking for him at all? Maybe he really was
hallucinating? Matty drew in a fortifying breath and leaned his head
around the corner, just to check.

Just as quickly, he pulled back.
Two black SUVs sat in front of the main doors. Matty couldn’t

swear that they were the same SUVs he had seen before, but
considering the circumstances, he was pretty damn sure that they
were. How many black SUVs could there be out hunting for him?

Matty turned to head back down the sidewalk the way he had

come. It was obvious that catching a bus out of town wasn’t going to
happen. He’d have to find another way to escape. He just had to
figure out what—and he was quickly running out of options.

Hurrying down the sidewalk, Matty headed away from the bus

terminal. As he started to cross the street, a car suddenly screeched to
a stop right in front of him, stopping him from getting all of the way
to the other side of the street.

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Matty felt his heart fly into his throat when the passenger door

swung open and a male voice from inside yelled at him to get in.
Matty leaned down and looked inside the small vehicle. Whatever
blood might have given his face some color instantly drained away
when he recognized the cute, little, blond nurse from the clinic.

Matty started shaking as he took a step back.
The nurse cursed, opened his door, and stood up to look at Matty

over the top of his car. “Get into the damn car, Matt.”

“How do you know my name?”
“Duh!” The guy rolled his pale-blue eyes. “Your medical chart.”

He slapped the top of the silver car with his hand. “Now, get in the
damn car so we can get the hell out of here before they catch us.”

Matty’s eyes almost bugged out of his head. “You know who’s

after me?”

“Yeah.” The little blond’s lips turned down, and his face paled as

if he was about to toss his cookies. “And believe me when I tell you
that you do not want an introduction. Now, get in the fucking car!”

Matty didn’t know if he could trust the guy or not. He did work at

the clinic after all. This could all be a huge setup to catch him. The
sudden screech of tires and a loud shout from behind him decided
things for Matty. He jumped into the car and slammed the door shut.

The nurse had the car moving before his door even closed all of

the way. The tires on his car spun out as he took off faster than Matty
thought was safe, but it had them a block away from the bus terminal
in mere seconds. They were two blocks away, then three and four,
then down an onramp to the freeway and headed away from the city
before Matty could even begin to breathe normally.

As the big buildings faded behind them and the areas on either

side of the freeway turned to fields and the occasional farmhouse,
Matty turned to look at the driver of his getaway car. The nurse really
was cute, but he wasn’t Rico, and for some reason, Matty’s heart only
called out for the man that had gotten him in this position.

Speaking of which…

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“What in the hell is going on?” Matty snapped. “Who were those

men, and why are they after me?”

“I’m Ollie.” The man held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, too.”
Matty curled his lip back as he shook the man’s hand. “Matty.”
“Yes, I know.” Ollie grabbed the steering wheel with both hands

again. “And you, my friend, are in a shitload of trouble.”

Matty snorted as he leaned back in his seat. “Tell me something I

don’t know.”

“You’re pregnant.”
“Oh no, I know that.” Matty rolled his head to look at Ollie again.

“Now, tell me something I really don’t know.”

Ollie’s jaw hit his chest as he turned to look at Matty. “You know

you’re pregnant?”

Matty snickered at the astonishment he could see on Ollie’s face.

“The five positive pregnancy tests were kind of hard to dismiss.”

“You took a pregnancy test?” Ollie shouted as his eyebrows shot

up to the top of his forehead. “Damn. I never would have thought of
doing that.”

Matty shrugged and looked back out the front window. “I knew

something was wrong. At first, I just thought I had the flu. And then I
thought I was eating like a maniac and gaining weight because I was
recovering from the flu. But the butterfly wings were kind of a dead
giveaway that something wasn’t quite right.”

“Butterfly wings?”
Matty almost laughed at how confused Ollie looked. He reached

down and settled his hand over the miniscule mound growing in his
abdomen. “It feels like butterfly wings brushing against my insides
when it moves.”

It is a wolf-human hybrid.”
Matty gulped. “Wolf?”
“He didn’t explain any of this to you?” Ollie asked as he waved

his hand toward Matty’s stomach.

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“He who?” Matty asked although he was pretty damn sure he

knew who Ollie was talking about.

“The guy that knocked you up.”
“No.” Matty ground his molars together to keep from screaming

out the word. “He didn’t explain anything to me. Not one damn thing.
He just fucked me and left. I had to discover this all on my own.”

“I don’t even know who he is.”
“He didn’t tell you his name?”
“Oh no, he gave me his name”—Matty gently patted his small

rounded stomach—“and apparently a little something extra. But that
was all he gave me.”

“So, what’s his name?”
Matty’s eyes narrowed, the hairs on the back of his neck standing

up. “Why should I tell you?”

“Because if I know who he is, I might be able to help you find

him.” Ollie drew in a deep breath as he eyed Matty intently. “I’m a

Matty felt his throat start to close up, a scream clawing to get out.

He swallowed hard and tried to get past the lump of fear clogging his
breathing. “You’re a wolf?”

Ollie looked at Matty like he was afraid Matty would suddenly

lunge at him and try to hurt him for his confession. “Yes.”

Matty sighed as he rubbed his hands down his face then dropped

them back into his lap, clenching them into fists as he turned to gaze
out the window. “Okay, my nightmare is now complete.”

“I won’t hurt you,” Ollie said quickly.
“And I’m supposed to believe you?” Matty asked as he turned to

look at Ollie again. “My life has totally gone to shit since the moment
I met Rico. It would only make sense that—”

“Shit!” Ollie quickly righted the car when it suddenly swerved.

“Rico is the wolf that knocked you up?”

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Matty frowned. “Well, as far as I know, he’s the only wolf I’ve

been with, so yeah.” His frown deepened when Ollie’s face drained.
“Why? Do you know him?”

“Not personally, but I’ve heard of him.” His hands tightened on

the steering wheel as he shook his head and blew out a slow breath.
“Man, when you pick ’em, you really know how to pick ’em.”

“What in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Matty was so

confused he didn’t know which way was up. Ollie was making it
sound like Matty had landed a rock star or something.

“Rico is a legend. He’s on the Senate’s most wanted list.”
Matty’s eyebrows shot up. “The Senate? What Senate?”
“The Loup-Garou Senate, dummy.”
“Wolves have a Senate?”
“Oh yeah.” Ollie laughed, but it wasn’t one of those happy laughs

that made Matty want to laugh right along with him. Instead, it made
Matty wonder how he was still breathing. “Not only do they have a
Senate, but they are ruthless about enforcing the laws that govern all
of the Loup-Garou.”

“The Loup-Garou?”
“That’s what we call my kind, Loup-Garou. Loup is French for

wolf, and garou is from the Frankish garulf, similar to the English
werewolf. It means a man who transforms into an animal.” Ollie
flashed a quick glance at Matty. “That’s who’s hunting you, you
know, enforcers of the Loup-Garou Senate.”

While that was a little more than he wanted to know about why

they were called Loup-Garou, Matty did want to know why he was
being hunted. “The Loup-Garou Senate is after me?”

Ollie nodded.
“Why? What did I do?”
“You got knocked up.”

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Chapter 3

The glass felt cold against his face as Matty leaned into it, staring

out the window as he watched the countryside fly past. He wasn’t
really paying attention to where they were going. He just knew he
hadn’t seen a building or a light in ages. They were so deep inside the
country that he didn’t think he would ever find his way out if he
wanted to.

That was a little unnerving.
Hell, it was a whole lot unnerving. Matty didn’t really know Ollie,

and the man had stopped talking just as soon as Matty mentioned that
Rico was the one that had knocked him up—no matter how many
times Matty asked about what was going on.

Ollie simply said that Rico would explain everything, and that was

that. The man had just clammed right up. He hadn’t spoken a single
word in over three hours. It was driving Matty out of his ever-loving

He could be driving to his doom for all he knew.
He was just doing it in a small, silver two-door instead of

surrounded by large, bulky men in a black SUV. Somehow, that
didn’t make Matty feel any safer. He had been giving serious thought
to running the first time they stopped except they hadn’t stopped.
Ollie just kept on driving, right through the night.

Matty was pretty sure that they had to stop at some point even if it

was just to refuel. The damn car was too small to have a gas tank big
enough to allow them to keep going. Going to the bathroom at some
point would be nice, too. Matty pretty much had to pee constantly

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Matty lifted his head and glanced around when Ollie slowed the

car and pulled off the main road to another smaller, single-lane road.
They had left the freeway a couple of hours ago and seemed to be
taking back roads to wherever they were headed, but this road didn’t
even qualify as a back road.

It was barely a road.
It wasn’t even paved.
“Where are we?” Matty asked, hoping he might get some sort of

response from Ollie this time. If he didn’t, the second they stopped,
Matty promised himself that he was going to jump ship and run for
his life.

“We’re meeting up with some friends.”
Matty gulped. “Friends?”
“Well…” Ollie shrugged. “Sort of friends.”
“Sort of friends.” Matty snickered. “Oh, that makes me feel so

much better.”

“Look, I didn’t know where else to take you. These people can

help get you to Rico.”

“Who says I want to get to Rico?” Matty snapped. He was still

pissed that Rico had gotten him into this situation without warning
him that it might happen. Rico should have at least told him that
getting knocked up and tossed into a monster movie could be a

“But he’s the father,” Ollie protested.
“And?” What the fuck did that have to do with anything? Rico

was the reason Matty was in this mess in the first place. Matty
probably could have gone right on living his simply oblivious life if
he had never slept with the sexy man—and just because Rico was
fantastic in bed didn’t mean Matty wanted anything to do with the

“He’s the only one that can protect you.”

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“Protect me from what?” he asked, trying to keep the

confrontational quality out of his tone.

“The hunters,” Ollie replied, anger beginning to tighten his voice.
“And why exactly are they after me again?” Not that Ollie had

informed him of that in the first place. Getting knocked up, while
totally bizarre, was not a good enough explanation for the chaos
Matty’s life had fallen into.

Ollie heaved a deep sigh and rubbed at his temple. “Because.”
Matty crossed his arms. “Not good enough, Ollie. I want a real

explanation this time or I’m out of here.”

“It’s against our laws, that’s why.”
Matty gritted his teeth. “What exactly is against your laws?”
“Being gay.”
Matty blinked, his eyelashes fluttering as he stared at Ollie in

shock. “It’s against wolfie law to be gay?”

Ollie’s eyes were blazing with fury as he turned to look at Matty.

“Don’t make fun of it, Matty. More men than you can count have
been put to death because of their sexual preferences. It’s an instant
death sentence for a man to have sexual relations with another man.”

Matty’s arms came apart, his hands clenching as they dropped into

his lap. “You’re serious.”

Ollie’s face was set in a viscous expression as he glanced at

Matty. “I’m deadly serious, Matty.”

“Then why would Rico…” Matty couldn’t finish what he was

saying. He could barely conceive of what he was thinking. Why in the
hell would Rico fool around with him if he knew it was an instant
death sentence?

“I don’t know,” Ollie replied as he looked back out the front

window. “I can only assume he saw something in you that called to
his wolf.”

“His wolf?” Matty’s mouth dropped. “Something in me called to

his wolf?”

Ollie shrugged. “It happens.”

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Matty looked Ollie up and down, trepidation rolling through him.

“I don’t call to your wolf, do I?”

“No.” Ollie chuckled. “My wolf hasn’t met the man that calls to

him. But I’ll know when it happens. We all do.”

Matty’s eyebrows scrunched together as he considered Ollie’s

words and came up with even more questions. “How?”

“It wouldn’t make sense to a human.”
“A human.” Matty snorted as he closed his eyes and rubbed the

bridge of his nose. “God! Do you have any idea how odd that phrase
is and how much the meaning behind it has changed in the last five

“I have a pretty good idea.”
“No.” Matty shook his head ruefully as he blinked rapidly, trying

to keep his despair locked behind his eyelids. “No, Ollie, you don’t.
You don’t have a fucking clue. You’re not human.”

Matty wasn’t one to feel sorry for himself all that often. Life

hadn’t been that good so far, but he muddled through. The only way
he could continue to get out of bed every morning was the hope that
the new day would bring about something better.

Most of the time, it didn’t.
But every once in a while, something would happen—like

spending the weekend in bed with Rico—that would show Matty the
brighter side of life.

And then usually, his parade of happiness got rained on—like

when he woke up alone and hadn’t heard from Rico since—and Matty
was once again hard-pressed to find a reason to get out of bed.

But he kept trying. He had to believe there was something better

out there, something more. He just had no idea that that something
more was another species.

“The movies have most of the wolf stuff wrong,” Ollie said,

surprising Matty since the man seemed unwilling to speak of it before
now. “Unlike in the movies, we aren’t able to smell any better in our
human form or hear things that normal humans can’t. We are a bit

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stronger, but that’s just because we have built up muscles from
running in our four-legged form.”

“What about the moon?” Matty asked. “Do you have to shift in to

your wolf form with the phases of the moon like in the movies?”

“Yes and no.”
“Well, that explains oh so much.”
Ollie chuckled. “We are born human, but we go through our

transition when we hit puberty, usually around the age of fourteen or
so. That’s when we shift for the first time. After that, we’re bound by
the phases of the moon until we mate, which is why we all search for
our mates so hard. Once we mate, it frees us from the moon’s
embrace and we can shift whenever we want to.”

“Do you think that’s why Rico hasn’t contacted me?” Matty could

barely whisper the words that tore at his heart. “Do you think he’s
found his mate?”

Ollie eyed Matty with a calculating expression that made him

shiver with dread. He wasn’t going to like what Ollie had to say. He
just knew it.

“Dude, you are Rico’s mate.”

* * * *

Rico kept his features deceptively composed as he walked into the

roadside tavern behind his friends, Graham and Flaco. No one looking
at him would be able to see the rage barely concealed under his skin.

He didn’t want to be here.
And if Graham and Flaco hadn’t insisted that he be here, he

wouldn’t be. It wasn’t safe to go out in public. If there was a Senate
enforcer within fifty miles of them, Rico and his friends would be in
danger of capture.

And capture led to death, but only after hours, possibly days, of


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The Loup-Garou Senate was everywhere. They had eyes even in

the deepest, darkest, dankest of places—this stupid-ass backwater bar
for instance. Finding a place where they could hide from the death
sentences hanging over their heads because they preferred to be with
men instead of women was a full-time job.

And one Rico really did not want.
So far, he and his friends had been lucky. The enforcers had come

close to capturing the three of them on a few different occasions, but
they always got away—usually by the skin of their very sharp teeth.

Walking into a bar to meet with a stranger wasn’t the smartest

move they could make. Rico smelled setup and wanted to leave.
Graham and Flaco insisted he stay and meet with whoever wanted to
speak with them so badly.

Rico thought they were nuts.
Word had come through from Graham’s baby brother, the one

brother that still cared for Graham and was on speaking terms with
him, even if he had to do it in secret. Someone had been asking about
them—more specifically, about Rico.

He paused just inside the door and scanned the low-lit bar. There

were several people inside the place, mostly locals by the way they
were dressed. Jeans and T-shirts seemed to be the norm in this
sparsely populated area. Dressing up consisted of putting a flannel
shirt on over your T-shirt.

“So,” Rico said as he leaned his head toward Graham, “where is

this guy we’re supposed to meet?”

“I don’t think he’s here yet,” Graham replied. “He said we

wouldn’t be able to miss him. He has spiky, blond hair and a piercing
in his eyebrow. None of the guys here would be caught dead with a
piercing anywhere.”

That was true enough. The guys in the bar seemed to pretty much

be hardworking men, but they were simple men. Most of the people in
this area were. Someone with a piercing in their eyebrow would stand
out—a lot.

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Rico nodded toward the vacant tables in the back. “Let’s find a

table and order something. We need to blend in.”

“Blend in.” Flaco snorted. “Right, like we could blend in.”
Rico rolled his eyes. They were dressed much the same as the

others in the place, in jeans and T-shirts. They even had scruffy jaws
like a lot of the men.

But that was where the similarities ended.
Rico, Graham, and even Flaco were all bigger than almost anyone

in the room. Their muscles were clearly evident under their T-shirts.
While many of the men in the room—and strangely enough, some of
the women—were muscular, they weren’t fine toned like Rico and his
friends were.

“Let’s just find a quiet corner and wait for whoever it is Graham’s

brother sent down here to talk to us. I want to get out of this place as
quickly as possible. This place is too wide open for my liking.”

Besides, Rico still wasn’t sure if this was a setup by the Senate or

not, but he wanted to be prepared in case it was. He wanted to be able
to keep an eye on the door and still watch the room. A table in the
back was the perfect place.

It wasn’t that he suspected Graham’s baby brother of setting them

up, because he didn’t. Owen had been too good to them since they
had been on the run—sending them money when they needed it,
warning them of the Senate’s movements when he could, and even
helping them find places to hide.

But Rico wouldn’t put it past someone to try and fool Owen to get

to them. The Loup-Garou Senate wanted Rico’s head on a platter,
especially his father—the Senior Senator on the Senate.

Rico was pretty sure the man had ordered his long torture before

he begged for death. His father hated him with a passion that bordered
on obsessive.

And just because Rico preferred men to women.
Yes, it was against wolf law for one man to become intimately

involved with another man. And yes, Rico had broken that law.

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But it was a stupid law.
People couldn’t choose who they were attracted to. Rico just

happened to be more attracted to a thick dick than he was pussy. So
the fuck what? It should not be a crime, and it certainly shouldn’t be
an instant death sentence.

But that was exactly what it was. And since Rico had broken that

law, he now had a price on his head. As the son of the Senior Senator
on the Loup-Garou Senate, everyone was out to turn him in,
especially those that wanted to collect the money his father was
offering for his capture. The large amount would set someone up for

Rico didn’t plan to let anyone collect.
Just as Rico took a step forward, away from the door, it swung

open and slammed right into his back. Rico grunted and turned to
growl at whoever wasn’t watching where they were going, but the
face that peered up at him froze him in his place.

Rico saw shock and recognition fill Matty’s coffee-brown eyes a

split second before pain exploded in his face. Rico’s head snapped
back, and he felt a trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth from the
fist Matty hit him with.

Rico wiped at the blood then stared down at the red smear on his

fingers for a moment before looking at the man he hadn’t seen in over
five weeks, the one he hadn’t been able to forget.

“What did you do that for?”
“Fuck you, Rico,” Matty snarled before swinging around and

going back out the door he had just walked in.

Stunned, Rico stood there and stared as the door swung closed. He

didn’t know how long he stood there before it dawned on him that
Matty—the man he had been dreaming about since he left him
sleeping in the bed they had shared for a weekend—was here and
walking away from him.

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Rico growled and charged out of the bar, intent on tracking Matty

down and demanding answers. He was totally confused as to how
Matty had found him. And he was scared to death that he had also.
Rico had purposely left Matty to keep him safe.

And now, here he was, right in the thick of things.
“Damn it, Matty!” Rico shouted when he saw the guy climbing

into a small, silver two-door car. “Stop!”

Rico reached the little car just as Matty closed and locked the

door. Rico waited, tapping his foot impatiently. When Matty refused
to open the door, he rapped on the glass. The slight jerk of Matty’s
body was the only sign that he had even heard Rico.

“So, you’re Rico, huh?”
Rico’s gaze snapped up to the little, blond man standing on the

opposite side of the car from him. “Who in the hell are you?” And
why in the hell are you with Matty?

“I’m Ollie.” The man calmly folded his hands together and rested

them on the roof of the car. “I’m the guy that’s been looking for you.”

Rico tensed, his eyes narrowing. “Why?” he growled.
“Because Matty’s name just joined yours on the Senate’s most

wanted list.”

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Chapter 4

Matty was livid. He was so pissed that tears filled his eyes and

blinded him. He hadn’t known he was this upset with Rico until he
saw the surprise on the man’s face. It was clear that Rico totally
hadn’t expected to see him. Rico probably never expected to see him

And considering the state that Matty was currently in, that totally


He could hear Ollie and Rico talking over the top of the car. The

deep timbre of Rico’s voice could be heard through the thick metal all
of the way down inside of the car. Every rumble reminded Matty of
the weekend they had spent together and the way that Rico’s voice
had aroused him time and time again.

It made Matty’s body ache.
And that made him even more pissed. Rico had left him, not the

other way around. Rico had gotten him knocked the fuck up and
dragged him into some bad, B-rated monster movie.

And Rico had the gall to be upset at him? Matty didn’t fucking

think so. He hadn’t asked for this shit. He just wanted to have a good
time with a sexy guy. He hadn’t even asked for a phone number, let
alone a commitment. He hadn’t asked for anything.

But he was damn well going to ask for something this time. He

wanted a fucking explanation, and he wanted it now. And then Mr.
Tall and sexy and desert me in the morning
could take a flying leap
into hell.

Matty unlocked the door and pushed it open. He felt it hit Rico

then the man stepped back, allowing Matty out of the vehicle. Matty

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stood up and slammed the door closed behind him. He crossed his
arms over his chest as he faced the man that had deserted him when
he needed him most.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, mister.”
Rico’s brows pulled together in an angry frown. “I have a lot of

explaining to do? What about you? What in the hell are you doing
here? I left you back in the city where you would be safe.”

Matty stiffened. “Safe?” he asked, his voice clipped. “You call

being hunted by a group of bloodthirsty bigots being safe? Are you
out of your fucking mind?”

“If you had stayed where I left you, you wouldn’t be in any


“Really?” Matty’s eyes narrowed. “Because it damn sure looked

like I was in danger when two SUVs full of guys chased me down the
street. And it damn sure looked like I was in danger when they chased
me out of my apartment.”

Rico’s dark eyebrows slanted in a frown. “They chased you from

your apartment?”

“Yes,” Matty answered honestly. What else could he say?
Rico’s lips thinned right before he spun around. He took several

steps away and then stopped, rubbing the back of his neck as if it was
the center of all of his tension. Rico’s tone was flat, deadpan, when he
replied. “I didn’t mean for that to happen, Matty. I really thought you
would be safe if I left you in the city.”

“Do you think you could look at me when you talk to me?” Matty

asked, fighting the temptation to walk over and touch Rico, stroke
him. He hadn’t seen the man in over five weeks, and strangely
enough, despite the mess his life was currently in, Matty missed Rico.

“I’m sorry, Matty.” Rico’s voice was beginning to lose the edge of

anger it had before. There was sadness and regret in Rico’s eyes when
he turned and glanced back at Matty. “I tried to keep you away from
my world.”

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“Yeah, well.” Matty wrapped his arms around his waist to keep

himself from reaching out for Rico. He desperately wanted to feel the
large man’s arms around him again, but Rico looked as approachable
as a twenty-foot brick wall. “That didn’t work out so well.”

Matty’s stomach started to clench when Rico went back to

rubbing his neck. He suddenly felt like he was somewhere he wasn’t
wanted. Rico had obviously left him for a reason. The man said it was
to keep Matty safe, but what if it was something else?

Everyone that was ever supposed to be special in Matty’s life had

left him in one way or another. Why should Rico be any different?

Matty turned and opened the car door. He nodded at Ollie then

climbed inside and shut the door. A moment later, Ollie climbed
inside the vehicle then turned to look at Matty.

“Where to?”
Matty let out a sound that was half-chuckle, half-sob. “If I knew

that, I wouldn’t be in this mess.” He waved his hand toward the road.
“Just drive.”

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
Hell, no!
“I’m not sure I have any other choice,” he replied, saddened

beyond what he was sure he could handle. While he hadn’t known
how Rico would react when he showed up, a tiny part of him had
hoped that the man would welcome him with open arms.

That had certainly blown up in his face.
Rico was pissed that Matty had shown up. Oh sure, he had

reasons, good reasons, but the fact remained, Rico didn’t want him
there. So, Matty would go somewhere else.

He just had to figure out where that somewhere else was.
“How much gas do we have?” he asked as he glanced at the gas


“A little less than a quarter of a tank.”
“Is there a gas station close to here?”

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Ollie shrugged. “Hell if I know.”
“I have three hundred dollars,” Matty said as he reached into the

backseat for his duffle bag. He pulled the bag onto his lap and
unzipped it, digging out his rainy-day fund. He held it out to Ollie.
“How far will this get us?”

“Far enough.” Ollie turned on the engine and put the car in drive.
As they pulled out of the parking lot, Matty glanced over his

shoulder. Rico stood there, his arms crossed over his wide chest as he
watched the car drive away. Any hope that Matty harbored tanked
when Rico didn’t even raise a hand to stop him from leaving.

Matty’s bottom lip quivered as he turned back around in his seat.

Rico’s reaction—or lack of—pretty much told him where he stood,
which was exactly nowhere. He was totally on his own—pregnant
with a wolf-human hybrid child and totally on his own.

He was fucked.
“We’re being followed.”
Matty’s heart jumped into his throat as he swung around in the

seat again and glanced out the back window. Sure enough, headlights
could be seen following behind them, and they were catching up fast.

“Go faster!”
“This is as fast as this hunk of junk goes!” Ollie shouted back.
Matty’s eyes snapped back and forth between the front window

and the back window. The vehicle behind them was gaining fast. And
the closer it got, the bigger it looked. When it pulled up right behind
them, Matty slammed the dashboard with his hand.

“Whoever they are, they mean business.”
No sooner had those words left his mouth than the vehicle pulled

around them. It drove several yards down the road in front of them
then suddenly turned sharply and stopped, sitting across the entire
road sideways.

Matty’s hands hit the dashboard as he braced himself when Ollie

slammed on the brakes. The car swerved and swung sideways. When
the dust settled, Matty glanced over to see that the vehicle that had

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been following them was actually a truck, and it was mere feet from
him. Matty’s heart thundered in his chest as he just sat there and
stared at the mud-splattered truck.

Holy shit!
He couldn’t have been more shocked when the passenger door on

the truck opened and Rico climbed out. The man didn’t say a thing,
but his lips were pressed together in a thin, angry line as he walked
over, yanked the car door open, and held his hand out to Matty.

Matty’s hand trembled as he took it off the dashboard and placed

it into Rico’s. Hell, his entire body trembled. He was scared out of his
mind and riding on enough terror-filled adrenaline that he could shoot
him to the moon under his own steam.

When Rico tugged on his hand, Matty climbed out of the car. He

was led over to the truck and helped into the front seat. Matty scooted
to the middle of the bench seat. As soon as he was in place, Rico
climbed in next to him and slammed the door closed. Rico reached
over and snapped Matty’s seat belt into place then glanced at the

“Go,” Rico growled.
Matty blinked in surprise when the truck immediately started

moving. “Wait…Ollie,” Matty whispered. “I can’t leave Ollie.”

“Who is he to you?” Rico snapped.
“Just a friend.” Matty gulped at the low edge of anger he could

hear in Rico’s voice. He had no idea what was going on here or why
Rico had come after him. It seemed like the man was angry enough at
Matty’s arrival to just let him leave. He didn’t understand why Rico
had come after him.

Rico glared for a minute then jerked his head. The back door of

the king cab opened, and the man in the backseat climbed out. Matty
glanced through the window and watched him open the driver door,
say something to Ollie, then climb in once Ollie scooted to the
passenger seat. As soon as the large truck got moving, the car spun
around and began following closely behind them.

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“Where are we going?”
Rico shot Matty a look that told him he probably shouldn’t be

asking questions. “You’ll find out when we get there.”

Well, that was reassuring as all hell. Matty felt like punching Rico

all over again. The guy was about as forthcoming as a rattlesnake—
the total opposite of the loving affectionate man Matty had spent the
weekend with.

Matty didn’t like this rougher version. This wasn’t the same man

that had held him and caressed him while whispering sweet words
into his ear. This wasn’t the same man that had fucked him in the
shower until Matty didn’t know his own name. And this definitely
wasn’t the same man that had laughed with him, talked with him, and
made Matty feel like more than just a one-night stand.

Rico sat rigidly beside Matty as if he couldn’t stand the idea that

their bodies might actually touch or brush together. There wasn’t any
softness in his entire demeanor. This man was cold and unyielding,
and downright scary.

Matty didn’t know this man.
And he wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Matty kept his hands clasped together in his lap, his shoulders and

arms pulled in so he wouldn’t touch Rico, or the stranger sitting on
the other side of him. Both men made him feel cold and lonely—kind
of like he had been feeling for the last few weeks.

Ollie had been his one bright spot, a ray of hope among all of the

chaos going on in his life. And yet, Ollie did nothing for him. He
could have been looking at a female for all of the arousal Ollie
brought to him. Not even the sexy giant driving the truck did anything
for him, and he would have weeks earlier.

But one glance in Rico’s direction, one whiff of his masculine

scent, and Matty was ready to pound nails with his cock. The longer
he sat next to Rico, the more he wanted him. By the time they turned
down an old dirt road, Matty’s nerves were so wired, he could have
jumped to the moon, and yet he just wanted to jump Rico.

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He wanted to go back to their time together five weeks ago and

relive it all over again. Back to when the man sitting next to him had
been the lover Matty dreamed of when he was feeling lonely—like

Matty knew from the odd look that Rico gave him that he was

supposed to be surprised, and maybe even disgusted, when they
pulled up in front of a run-down, two-story farmhouse. He just
wasn’t. For one, if Rico really was on the run, staying at a ritzy hotel
probably wasn’t his best option. For two, Matty had seen worse.

Hell, he had lived in worse.
At least the old place was out in the woods and not in the worst

part of the city. If he had to fight to keep his house from falling down
around his ears, he preferred not to have to fight to keep away from
the gangs, drug runners, and the crazies.

Although, after recent events, Matty wasn’t so sure he didn’t fit in

with the crazies. Life had taken on a definite insane quality. And he
had a very strong feeling it wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

“This isn’t bad,” Matty said as he followed Rico up the rickety

front steps.

Rico shot him a look over his shoulder that clearly said he thought

Matty had lost his marbles. Matty just shrugged and walked into the
house behind him. What did he have to complain about? If he wasn’t
running for his life, he was pretty damn happy.

So, the inside was just as bad as the outside. Paint was faded and

peeling off the walls. A couple of windows had broken glass in them.
Matty kicked at the scuffed floor, wondering what color the carpet
used to be before it was obviously yanked up by someone that didn’t
know what they were doing. Chunks of carpet remnants still stuck to
the wood floor.

Having lived in some of the dungier places around the city, Matty

had to make do with what he had. He had learned to take the dungy
and dank and turn it into hospitable and homey. This place would take
a lot of work.

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“How’s the plumbing and electrical?” Matty asked as he turned to

Rico. If the foundation of the house was sound, including the
electrical and plumbing, everything else could be fixed.

“What in the hell are you talking about, Matty?”
“The house,” Matty replied, spreading his arms out to his side.

“How’s the plumbing and electrical in this place?”

“What does it matter? We won’t be here long enough to do

anything about it.”

“Oh.” Matty glanced around, wondering where everything was.

There wasn’t even a chair in the room. “I thought this was where you
were staying.”

“It is, but you’re not staying.”
Matty’s eyebrows shot up. “I’m not?”
“No, it’s not safe for you here.”
“Then why did you grab me?”
“Because it’s not safe for you out there either.”
Matty had the insane urge to laugh. “If it’s not safe for me

here”—Matty pointed to the floor—“and it’s not safe for me out
there”—Matty pointed out the front window—“just where do you
plan for me to be? The moon?”

Rico’s angry expression tightened, a tic pulsing in his jaw.

“You’re not helping, Matty.”

“I’m not sure I’m supposed to.”
“Look, it’s obvious that you don’t want me here, so—”
“Matty, have you looked around here, I mean really looked?”

Rico waved his hands in the air as he spun in a circle. “This place is a
dump. It’s on the verge of falling down. The electric comes and goes,
the plumbing is questionable, and it’s colder in here than a witch’s tit
in a brass bra. And if that’s not enough, I’m being hunted by people
that want my head on a platter. This is my reality, Matty. It’s no place
for you.”

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Matty pulled up his shirt and pointed to his baby bump. “And this

is my reality. It doesn’t leave me much room to be picky.”

“What is that?”
Rico’s voice was so guarded, so lacking any emotion that Matty

dropped his shirt and took a quick step back. “You know what this
is.” He had to. Rico was the wolf that did this to him.

Rico’s eyes were glued to Matty’s stomach as he shook his head

in confusion. “No, I don’t.”

Matty’s eyes shot to Ollie, who stood just inside the front door

with the two men that had shown up at the bar with Rico. “Ollie?”

“Don’t look at me, man,” Ollie said. “I didn’t sleep with him.”
“Matty?” Rico frowned, his thick, dark brow lowering in concern

as he finally lifted his eyes. “Are you sick?”

“No, I’m pregnant.”
The worry and concern that had been on Rico’s face disappeared

so fast that Matty wondered if he had imagined them. His face set into
a dark, viscous expression. “Men don’t get pregnant, Matty.”

“And they don’t shape-shift into werewolves either.”
Rico’s eyes narrowed, his expression becoming a mask of stone.

“Who told you that?”

“Well, at least you’re not denying it.” Matty arched an eyebrow at


“I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, Matty, but—”
“Are you honestly going to try and convince me that you don’t

turn furry at least once a month?” Matty sliced at Rico’s attitude with
the sharp edge of his tongue. “Do you really think I’m that stupid just
because I’m a human?”

“I’ve never thought you were stupid, Matty, but what you’re

suggesting is just—”

“Crazy?” When Rico just continued to stare at him, Matty sighed

and rubbed his hand down his face. He was so tired that his nerves
throbbed. “Look, you can deny it all you want, but I know that you’re
a wolf-shifter. You’re Loup-Garou. It would have been nice if you

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had explained this all to me before we slept together, but under the
circumstances, I can understand why you didn’t. I’d be a little leery,
too, if someone sent hunters after me just because I was gay.”

Rico’s shoulders slumped. “I thought if I left, they wouldn’t go

after you, Matty. I swear. I never would have dragged you into this
mess if I could have prevented it.”

“I hate to burst your bubble, but I don’t think they are after me for

being gay or having sex with a gay werewolf.”

Rico’s shoulders stiffened right back up, not the reaction Matty

had been hoping for. “Why else would they be after you?”

“Duh.” Matty pointed to his stomach again. “Because of this.”
“Because you’re sick?”
“I am not sick!” Matty stomped his foot in frustration. “I’m

pregnant because I let you fuck me, wolf man.”

“You’re not blaming this on me”—Rico waved his hand at

Matty’s stomach—“whatever this is.”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m going to ask this.” Matty rubbed

his hands down his face again then planted them on his hips, glaring
across the room at Rico. “Are you actually going to get me knocked
up and then deny that you’re the father?”

“Men don’t get pregnant!” Rico bellowed.
“Whatever.” Matty had had enough. He was tired, hungry, scared,

and now the one person he had thought he could rely on was denying
what was happening to him. Matty was done. Rico could go fuck

Matty shot Rico a withering glare then stalked toward the

doorway. When the two men with Rico moved to block his escape,
Matty was at the end of his limit. He slammed his hands into their
chests, hoping they would just step aside and let him go.

Matty didn’t get his wish. Instead—with his jaw dropped to his

chest in shock—he watched as both men flew backward out of the
doorway and crashed onto the ground several feet in front of the

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“Um…” Matty was perplexed. There was no way that he was

strong enough to knock one of those powerful men out the door, let
alone both of them. He’d be lucky to simply get them to step back.

Ollie snickered as he bumped shoulders with Matty. “Welcome to

my world.”

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Chapter 5

A warning cloud settled on Rico’s features as he watched Graham

and Flaco climb to their feet and start back toward the house, looks of
total disbelief on their faces. Even if he had witnessed it with his own
eyes, Rico still had a hard time believing that his little Matty had just
tossed both of his friends on their asses with just a simple touch of his

Things like that just did not happen.
Of course, there seemed like a lot of things going on right now

that just did not happen. Rico had a list of things going on a mile long,
and the strange happenings listed at the top just kept changing
depending on the time of day or the train of thought floating through
his head.

Was his beautiful Matty really here?
And pregnant?
How was that possible?
And if he was here, and pregnant, did that explain why the hunters

were after him, or did they really want to punish Rico for having sex
with another man?

Rico had tried so hard to keep his desires to himself. He very

rarely went looking for sex. The last time he had, he found Matty.
And those were the two best days of his life.

Rico pulled out the memory of his weekend with Matty when he

was lonely and trying not to give up and just let the hunters find him.
The dream he had created of gaining his freedom and going back for
Matty was what he lived for.

And now Matty was here.

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And pregnant?
How was that possible?
Rico felt like banging his head against the wall. It was impossible

for men to get pregnant. It was a fact of life. Of course, from Matty’s
point of view, he guessed that anything was possible after learning
that Rico could shift into a wolf.

“He really is pregnant, you know?”
Rico’s eyes cut to the little blond that arrived with Matty. “Who

are you again?”

“Ollie.” The man held his hand out. “Oliver Fremont, to be exact.”
Rico’s brows rose as he shook Ollie’s hand. “As in Senator


“One and the same.” Ollie’s grin went from ear to ear as if he was

proud of what he was saying. “I’m the black sheep of the family,
though. I imagine right about now, my father is wishing I had been a
stain on the sheets.”

“Why?” Rico wasn’t above taking someone out to keep Matty

safe, even the man that had brought his lover to him.

Ollie smirked. “I thought you might ask that.” He reached into his

pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. “I suspected I might
need this after I learned what happened with Matty. Who knew I’d be

Rico frowned as he took the paper from the odd little man. “What

happened with Matty?”

“He got sick, so he went to a clinic, one where I happened to be a

nurse. Unfortunately, it was a Senate run clinic in Old Town. The
second the doctor heard about the ultrasound results, he called the
Senate, who sent in the hunters. Luckily, Matty was able to escape
before they got there”—Ollie tapped the paper in Rico’s hand—“but
not before proof of his claim was verified in black and white.”

Rico sucked in a shaky breath when he looked down and realized

that the paper he held in his hand was actually a black-and-white
ultrasound picture of an unborn fetus. His hands started shaking as he

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stepped back to lean against the wall, afraid that he was going to fall
over in a dead faint.

“Is this…?”
“That’s your son.” Ollie shrugged. “Or your daughter. It’s a little

too early to tell.”

“He’s really pregnant?”
“Oh yeah.” Ollie laughed.
“Duh, he’s an omega.”
Rico frowned in exasperation. He felt like he and Ollie were

talking in circles. “He’s human. He can’t be an omega.”

Rico knew the rules. Omegas were rogue werewolves. The laws

clearly stated that any omega was to be instantly put to death when
their omega status was discovered, which was during transition. A
human did not go through transition.

They were a danger to all of wolf society.
“Dude, someone fed you a line of shit a mile long.”
“Ollie!” Rico growled. He was getting damn tired of the

runaround he was getting from the man.

“Okay, look, omegas are always male, but you don’t have to be

born a werewolf to be an omega. Werewolf-born omegas come into
their powers at transition. Human omegas come into their powers
after mating. Both can create children after coming into their powers.”

“So, he’s going to turn into a werewolf then?” Rico didn’t know if

he liked that idea or not.

“Naw, human omegas can be bitten, but they won’t transform.

They are immune to the werewolf bite.”

“But they’re still omegas?”
“Fully.” Ollie glanced toward the doorway. “And now that you’ve

mated, he’s coming into his powers.”

Rico’s jaw dropped. “We mated?”
“How do you think you got him knocked up? An omega can only

get pregnant by his mate.” Ollie blinked at him. “Didn’t you notice

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that you could shift whenever you wanted to? It’s a classic symptom
of being mated.”

Rico shook his head. “We haven’t been anywhere safe enough to

shift since we started running. I haven’t even tried to shift.”

“Well, now that you’re mated, you can shift whenever you want

to. And I imagine your wolf is going to be thrilled.”

Rico slid down the wall, landing on his ass with a thud. He stared

at the ultrasound picture in one hand, pushing the other hand through
his hair. “He’s really pregnant,” he whispered.

“Oh, now you believe me?” Matty snapped as he swung around.

Rico just held the photograph out to Matty. “What’s this?” Matty
asked as he took it. His face paled almost immediately. “Oh.”

“For what it’s worth,” Ollie said, “that’s the only proof there is

that you’re carrying a kid. I destroyed all of the other evidence before
I left the clinic.”

“Why would you do that?” Rico asked as he glanced between

Ollie and Matty.

“You know that whole black sheep thing I mentioned?”
Rico nodded.
“I’m an omega, and my father knows it. The only reason I was

never reported to the Senate was because he didn’t want anyone to
know he had fathered an omega. He couldn’t stand the shame of it. He
kept me under wraps until just a few years ago when my only brother
died. Now, I’m the heir apparent, so he had to let me out.”

“Is that how you ended up working at the clinic?” Matty asked.
“As long as I behaved myself, I was allowed out of the house, but

always under the watchful eye of one of his cronies. In this case, it
was Dr. Carter, the doctor that saw you at the clinic. Everyone was so
worried about trying to find you that I was able to slip away

“Just why are they so hot to catch my ass, anyway?”

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Ollie chuckled. “Because you are living proof of what they fear

the most. You’re a human omega, able to reproduce now that you’ve

“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Omegas are powerful, very powerful, more powerful than the

Senate would like. Omegas are also always male and always gay.
Since the Senate outlawed gays, omegas, and any hybrid child of the
two, having you show up looks bad for them.”

Matty scratched the side of his head. “I still don’t get it.”
Matty might not, but Rico did, and he suddenly understood why

Matty was so important. “You’re living proof of what they have
outlawed, baby. If more people knew the truth, that omegas are alive
and well and able to reproduce, the Senate would lose their power.
They can’t have that, which is why they have sent the hunters after

“But I didn’t do anything,” Matty protested.
Rico grimaced, suddenly seeing the tension lines around Matty’s

beautiful, brown eyes and the paleness of his face. After everything
Matty had been through, least of which was Rico deserting him in the
first place, he now had hunters after him and a baby on the way. The
strain was starting to pull Matty apart.

“Come here, baby.” Rico refused to take no for an answer. He

grabbed Matty’s hand and pulled the guy down into the juncture of
his thighs. He heard a protest on Matty’s lips as he tucked Matty’s
head under his chin, but it was gone a moment later, a deep sigh of
contentment filling the air instead.

“I’m sorry you got pulled into this, Matty,” Rico began, knowing

he had a lot to make up for. He could start with an apology. “I’m
sorry I left without saying good-bye. And I’m sorry that you’re now
on the most wanted list. But I’m not sorry that we’re together again,
and once I get my head wrapped around what’s on that ultrasound
picture, I won’t be sorry about that either.”

“Yeah?” Matty half laughed, half sniffled.

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“Yeah.” Although Rico wasn’t sure how long it would take for the

reality of a pregnant mate to settle into his mind. He had no idea he
had mated the human. Sure, he felt a connection with the man the
moment he had laid eyes on him, but what was now happening was

It had been hard as hell for him to leave Matty in the wee hours of

the morning after their weekend together, but Rico had no choice. He
had received information that the Senate found out about him, and he
knew he had to leave.

He had been on the run ever since.
Running his hand up and down Matty’s back, Rico knew he

would protect the man with his life. But more importantly, he needed
to find a decent place for them to stay. Running from shit hole to shit
hole wasn’t an option any longer—not when his mate and…unborn
child were involved.

Fuck, he was going to be a father. How in the hell had that

happened? Well, he knew how, but he never—god, this was all
screwing with his head.

“You look like you are going to be sick,” Matty said as he lifted

his head to look up at Rico. “I have some crackers if you need them.
They help settle my stomach when I’m queasy.”

The only thing Rico could do was chuckle. This shit was too

bizarre not to. “Thanks, but I’ll pass on the offer.”

“What are we going to do now?”
Good question. But it was a question Rico lacked an answer for.

Hiding out when it was just him was one thing. Trying to hide a
pregnant male mate was something he knew would be impossible.

“We’ll have to stay here tonight,” Rico said, although he didn’t

like the idea. “I have some blankets in the room I’m sleeping in. It
should keep us warm for the night.”

And then he was going to have to figure out what to do tomorrow.

There was no way he was keeping Matty in this rathole.

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* * * *

Rico was nervous as he led Matty into the second floor bedroom

he had claimed as his own. Their time together before had been
memorable but brief. Despite the fact that they had somehow ended
up mated, and Matty was obviously carrying proof of that, Rico didn’t
know if Matty wanted to take that relationship further.

He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to know without asking, and

he was afraid to ask. If Matty said no, Rico knew he would be
devastated. The connection he had felt to Matty when they first had
sex was unlike anything he had ever felt.

It was what had made him leave in the first place.
Rico didn’t want Matty involved in his crazy world. He didn’t

deserve that kind of hell. Matty was sweet and kind, unassuming. It
had taken Rico forever to talk the man into going home with him, and
even longer to talk him out of his pants.

Rico thought it was just going to be a onetime thing until he

experienced the ecstasy of Matty’s body and heard the joy in the
man’s laughter. He had ended up staying the entire weekend, far
longer than he had intended.

And now, because of his need to be closer to Matty, the man was

running for his life. If Matty told Rico to go take a flying leap, Rico
wouldn’t blame him in the least. Rico just hoped that Matty had
mercy on him.

“So…” Matty chewed on his lower lip as his eyes darted

nervously around the room, resting everywhere except on Rico. “This
is your room, huh?”

“This is our room, Matty,” Rico replied. “If you want it to be.”
“Do you?”
Matty swallowed, still looking nervous. “Okay.”
Rico wasn’t sure if that was an agreement or not, but he was

willing to take what he could get. He slowly crossed the room and

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pulled Matty into his arms. He reached down with his hands and
framed Matty’s face.

“I think it’s time for me to claim my mate.”
“I thought you already claimed me,” Matty replied, sounding


“I did, but this time, I know I’m claiming you.” Rico grinned just

before he lowered his lips to Matty’s, kissing him for all he was
worth. He was instantly overwhelmed by the sweet taste of honeyed
wine, and Rico wanted to taste Matty for the rest of his life.

Matty’s hands clutched at Rico’s shirt as he explored the depths of

his mouth. Rico ran his tongue along Matty’s lips, feeling his canines
drop down, the need to claim Matty riding him hard. Matty groaned
when Rico ran his tongue quickly across them before diving into his

“Matty,” Rico murmured when he finally lifted his head. He

opened his eyes to look down at him, chuckling at the stunned look in
his vivid, brown eyes. “Are you ready for me to make you mine?”

Rico could see Matty swallow as he looked up at him, considering

his words. Matty held the power of the world in his hands at that
moment. Rico would do whatever the man wanted. As much as he
hoped that his mate would accept him, after leaving him the way he
had and then dragging him into the chaos of his life, Rico wouldn’t be
surprised if Matty told him to go to hell.

He was never more grateful as when Matty nodded his head,

giving his consent. Matty was already his mate, so this was basically a
formality. But Rico wanted Matty’s agreement. He needed to know
that his mate wanted this just as much as he did.

Lowering his head, Rico once again claimed the swollen lips

below him. He wasn’t going to give Matty a chance to change his
mind. Moving his hands further down Matty’s body, he pushed them
up under the edge of his shirt, feeling the smooth, lean-muscled skin

But it wasn’t enough.

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Grabbing the edge of Matty’s shirt, Rico pulled, ripping the thin

shirt down the middle. He glanced at Matty when he heard a soft
laugh. His face turned a little red as Matty looked down at the torn
shirt in his hands.

“A little eager, are you?”
“It may have been a while since I last touched you, but I haven’t

forgotten how much I like it.” Rico bent his head to lick at the soft
skin between Matty’s neck and shoulder. As he swiped his tongue
over the sensitive flesh, he felt Matty shudder then groan as he arched
his neck, giving Rico better access to his throat.

Rico scraped his teeth gently across a small patch of skin. “This is

where I’m going to bite you when I claim you, Matty,” he whispered.
He guided Matty back onto the blankets laid out on the floor and
eased him down before kneeling between Matty’s thighs.

Rico reached down to the buttons of Matty’s pants. He quickly

freed Matty’s cock from his pants, rubbing his hand briefly over the
hard flesh. As his thumb skimmed across the top, smearing pre-cum
in its wake, he scraped his teeth over his neck again.

“Do you want me to claim you, Matty?” he whispered.
“Yesss,” Matty hissed. His hands came up to grab Rico’s head, his

fingers fisting in his hair as he pulled his head down to his neck.
“Now, Rico, do it now!”

Rico tightened his fingers around the cock in his hand, quickly

stroking the hard length as he sank his teeth into Matty’s neck. His
eyes drifted closed as he savored the sweet taste of his mate, now his
forever. Matty tasted just as he did when Rico had kissed him, like
sweet honeyed wine. It was a delicious flavor that he knew he would
be obsessed with for the rest of his life.

Rico opened his eyes as he lifted his head, looking down in

astonishment as Matty cried out. His hips lifted frantically, pushing
against Rico as he came, covering Rico’s hand with shot after shot of
pearly-white seed.

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“Fuck!” he whispered vehemently, feeling his own cock throb

against his zipper. That was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. He
lifted his hand to his lips, his tongue darting out to lick at some of the
seed on his hand.

Oh damn!
Even this tasted like sweet honeyed wine, just a bit tangier. He

was doomed. Everything about his mate said that he was going to
quickly become an obsession, if not a downright need—like

Rico’s eyes fell down to Matty’s burning face at the softly spoken

word. He was avoiding Rico’s gaze, his face filled with
embarrassment. Rico quickly realized that Matty was upset that he
had come so quickly.

“I’m not.” He chuckled before he licked the rest of his hand off.

“That was fucking hot. I plan on seeing that look on your face again at
least once more tonight.”

Matty’s eyes rounded as surprise filled them. “You’re not upset?”
“Why would I be upset?” Rico asked curiously.
“Because I…uh…came so fast?” Matty murmured, his face

flushing even more.

“Hell, no. That was fucking hot.” Rico grinned as he scooted

down Matty’s body. He pulled Matty’s jeans down his legs and tossed
them over his shoulder. Scooting up between Matty’s legs, he looked
up at his stunned face, wiggling his eyebrows. “Let’s see if we can get
you to do it again.”

A moment later, Matty was crying out again as Rico took his still-

sensitive cock into his mouth, his tongue cleaning up any remaining
seed as he licked his cock up one side and back down the other, like
an ice cream cone.

“Rico,” Matty groaned, his hands grabbing at his hair. “Need…”
Rico climbed his way back up the smooth body beneath him until

he was straddling Matty’s body. Rico grabbed the hem of his shirt and

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pulled it up, whipping the shirt over his head and sending it flying
across the room. Matty had a dazed look in his eyes as he reached out
with a shaky hand and placed them against Rico’s chest just below his

“Baby?” Rico asked after a moment when Matty didn’t move.
“Huh?” Matty said, his eyes moving up to Rico’s worried face.


“Are you okay?”
A small grin curved the corners of Matt’s lips. “Yeah.” His eyes

dropped back down to scan Rico’s chest. “I’ve waited so long to
touch you again. I’m not sure where to touch first.”

“How about here?” Rico asked as he grabbed Matty’s hands and

moved them up to his light-brown nipples, hissing softly when nimble
fingers grabbed his nipples, pulling at them gently.

Rico’s head fell back on his shoulders, and his hands began to rub

up and down Matty’s arms. He suddenly felt the need to have his lips
on Matty’s nipples as well. He leaned down and stuck his tongue out,
circling one taut nipple before sucking it in between his lips. He
almost smiled when Matty’s heady cry filled the room.

He pulled the nipple into his mouth and gently bit down. It was

like turning on an electrical switch. Matty went wild. His hips began
thrusting up against Rico. The harder he bit down, the wilder Matty

Hot damn! His mate liked to be nibbled on. For a wolf-shifter, that

was paramount to finding the fountain of youth. Rico had just hit the

“My turn.” Matty laughed as soon as Rico was naked. He reached

up to push Rico over onto his back. He grabbed the legs of Rico’s
pants and pulled them down his legs before crawling over Rico,
straddling his body.

Rico’s chest contracted when Matty lowered his mouth to lick at

his nipples. He hissed and arched up, pressing his nipple further into
Matt’s mouth.

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Rico ran his hands down Matty’s back to grab his ass, gently

massaging him with his hands. Damn! Matty must have been working
out—a lot. His ass was nice and tight. Rico couldn’t wait to fuck it.

Rico gently swatted him. “Turn around, baby.”
Matty lifted his head and raised an eyebrow in query as he stared

down at him. Rico couldn’t help but grin as he helped his mate turn
around until he was straddling his head.

As he opened his mouth and swallowed Matty’s cock, he realized

that Matty was a quick study. He already had his lips wrapped around
Rico’s cock, his tongue stroking over the head and the glands just

Damn! He was good. Rico wasn’t sure how long he was going to

be able to hold on. Matty was lavishing his cock like he had been
doing it for years. Knowing he would just get better with time was
almost scary.

Not to be outdone, considering he was the one with all of the

experience, Rico began his own exploration, starting at the top of
Matty’s cock and working his way up to his balls. His hands moved
up to caress his ass, moving down between his cheeks and the small
hole waiting for him.

He could feel the body above him tremble as he swallowed his

cock and pushed a finger deep in his ass at the same time. No sooner
had he pushed a finger in when Matty began humping his hips back
for more.

Rico moved his head back, dropping the cock from his lips and

moving up to the tight, puckered hole above. Pulling Matty’s cheeks
apart, he dragged his tongue slowly over the pulsing hole.

“You like that, baby?” he asked when he heard a long moan. He

reached over with his hand and pushed two fingers into Matty’s ass,
dragging another moan from the man. Oh yeah, he liked that. Rico
grinned. Just wait until he found his sweet spot. He was going to

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Rico watched eagerly as his stretched his lover, taking special

note of what seemed to make him squirm. He certainly liked Rico’s
tongue on him. Two fingers seemed to be better than one. On a hunch,
Rico inserted a third finger, moving them around together.

Matty gave up any pretence of trying to suck Rico’s cock and just

started moaning. “Rico,” Matty groaned, “you have to stop. I’m

“Okay, baby, swing around,” Rico said as he swatted Matty on the

ass again, pulling his fingers free. Matty quickly turned around so that
he was facing Rico, his legs straddling his hips.

“You ready, baby?” Rico asked. At the quick nod of assent he

received, he grabbed his cock. “Okay, you’re in charge here. Take it
as slow as you need to.”

Matty lifted himself up so that Rico could place his cock against

him. Rico looked up into Matty’s eyes as he slowly lowered himself
until he was fully impaled. He could see Matty’s beautiful, brown
eyes getting darker with each inch he took.

Once his body was flush with Rico’s, Matty paused, as if he was

savoring the feeling of having his mate deep within him.

“Matty, baby?” Rico asked, his breath starting come faster as

Matty’s inner muscles gently squeezed his cock, massaging it. “You

Rico grabbed Matty’s hips and slowly began thrusting up into his

mate’s tight body. “Oh yeah, just like that,” Rico groaned as his mate
began riding him. A little twinkle in his eyes, Rico moved his hands
up to Matty’s chest, his fingers going to his nipples again, pulling and
pinching gently.

“Tha—that’s good,” Matty replied.
“How about this?” Rico asked as he reached down and wrapped

his fingers around Matty’s cock. He began stroking him to the same
rhythm Matty was humping his hips against his groin.

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“That’s better,” Matty cried out, his movements beginning to

become frantic.

Rico knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. The tight feeling

of his mate wrapped around his aching cock was driving him out of
his mind. Quickly rolling them over, he lifted Matty’s legs and pushed
them back against his chest. As he started driving his cock deep inside
of Matty, he glanced down into the dazed face staring back at him.

“Sorry, baby. I couldn’t wait. You’re just so damn tight, Matty.

I’m not going to last much longer.”

“Yes,” Matty groaned as he wrapped his legs around Rico’s waist

and his hands around his neck, pulling him down until their bodies
were pressed together.

Rico moaned into his mouth, his thrusts becoming rapid and

ungraceful. As he felt himself getting closer to release, he turned his
head, nuzzling into Matty’s neck.

“Matty, please,” he whispered desperately.
Matty nodded and tilted his head back. Rico groaned as his

canines sank into the soft skin of Matty’s shoulder. As Rico drew in
his mate’s taste, Rico climaxed, sending spurt after spurt deep inside
of him.

He continued to thrust into Matty until he heard him cry out,

feeling his hot seed splash between them. Licking the bite mark
closed, he lifted his head and looked down at the sweet face below
him, noting his closed eyes and heavy breathing.

“You’re mine now, baby, and I’m never letting you go.”

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Chapter 6

The next morning, Rico was just putting the last of his things in

the truck when he saw trouble coming down the driveway in the form
of a black SUV. His eyes snapped to the house, fear driving through
him like a knife blade when he saw Matty walking down the steps.

“They found us!” he shouted as he ran toward the run-down

house. Rico didn’t waste any time. He grabbed Matty around the
waist and carried him back to the truck. He tossed his mate into the
truck, slammed the door, and ran around to jump in on his side.

Rico hauled ass down the driveway just as fast as he could.

Graham and Flaco were just going to have to take Ollie’s car. Maybe
Rico could pull the hunters away. He knew the silver piece of shit
wasn’t going to help the others escape. He had to think quick. As Rico
passed the hunters, he reached out of his window and flipped the
driver off.

Yep, that did it.
The truck spun around and gave chase.
“Do you think that was very smart?” Matty asked. “I mean, I

would love to kick all their asses, but antagonizing the bad guys is
never a bright thing to do.”

“Do you think my friends and Ollie can get away in Ollie’s piece-

of-shit car?” Rico asked as he took a corner sharply, sending up
billows of dust from the dirt road.

“Good point.” Matty glanced behind them and then quickly turned

back around. His face was pinched and pale. “They are still very close
behind us.”

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“I’ve been outrunning them for some time. You just stay belted

in.” Rico wasn’t sure where to go, but getting away from the hunters
was his first priority. No. Rico shook his head. Keeping Matty and
their baby safe was his first priority.

But getting the goons off of his ass was a close second. The

problem was, the SUV had a little more power than his truck. He
wasn’t losing the hunters as quickly as he would have liked. But he
knew getting caught was an instant death sentence for him and
Matty…and ultimately, their child.

That thought made Rico press the gas pedal into the floor. “Hang

on, babe.”

“Hanging on,” Matty squeaked as he grabbed the dashboard with

one hand and pressed the other into the ceiling of the cab.

Rico nearly missed his turn. He cut it so sharply the truck damn

near turned over. He knew these parts like the back of his hand. There
were roads down this way that weren’t even on a map. He was
praying like hell that he could get the hunter lost long enough for him
and Matty to get away.

He took another turn, and then another, driving down every back

road he could remember until even he didn’t know where they were.

“You keep driving like that and I’m going to spew,” Matty


Rico chanced a quick glanced over to see how green his mate was.

“Don’t you dare throw up in my truck.”

“Oh, like I can help that!” Matty snapped. Tears welled up in the

man’s eyes. “You try carrying a baby inside of you and see how well
you can keep your stomach contents down when you’re being tossed
around like a sack of potatoes.”

Rico was at a loss.
What in the hell was wrong with the guy?
“My hormones are all over the fucking place and you are sitting

there threatening me?” Matty whimpered before his bottom lip stuck
out, and he glared at Rico. “Just shut the hell up.”

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Damn, was it going to be like this the entire time?
Rico wasn’t used to dealing with someone on an emotional roller

coaster. It was making his head spin. But he knew yelling at Matty
wasn’t going to accomplish anything. He drew in a deep breath and
then did the one thing he hadn’t done in years.

“Okay, I’m sorry.”
Matty grinned at him. “Apology accepted.”
Damn psycho human.
Rico wasn’t sure if he should laugh or bang his head into the

steering wheel. Matty was confusing the shit out of him. He knew
how to deal with angry wolves fighting over territory or perceived
threats. He knew how to deal with hunters and Senate members bent
on running the world.

He wasn’t used to dealing with mates who had emotional issues.

Rico was so far out of his comfort zone he might as well be on the

“Hey, I think we lost them.”
Rico slowed the truck as he looked into the rearview mirror.

Matty was right. There was no one behind them. He took a few more
corners and drove down several more dirt roads before he felt safe
enough to stop driving like a maniac.

“Now what?” Matty asked.
“Now, we meet up with the others.”
“How are we going to know where they are? Go back to the


“Oh, no. We won’t be seeing that place again.”
“Then how?”
“Like I said earlier, we’ve been avoiding the hunters for a while

now. In case we get separated, like now, Flaco, Graham, and I have a
prearranged meeting point set up. We head there and wait. If the guys
don’t show up within two hours of our first sight of the hunters, then
we move on to the next safe point and wait again. We’ve learned
never to stay in one place too long.”

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Matty started to look a little green around the gills as he rubbed

his hands down over his stomach. “That doesn’t sound like much

“No, but it keeps us alive.”
“Yeah, I suppose there is that.”
Rico felt like a first-class heel. Matty had to be scared out of his

mind. Rico knew he was very scared every time he was faced with the
hunters chasing after him, and he was better equipped to fight them.
He had experience dealing with the hunters.

Matty was new to all of this.
“Matty, do you want me to drop you off in the city?” Rico asked.

Everything in him rebelled at the idea, but if that was what Matty
wanted, that was what he would do. “You could probably lose the
hunters in the city.”

Assuming he didn’t run into any other wolves.
Matty’s face paled even more as he looked at Rico for a moment

then his eyes darted away. “But I thought we were…” Matty
swallowed hard and turned away to look out the window. “If that’s
what you want.”

Rico could hear the heartache in Matty’s voice, and even if he

couldn’t, it was in every line of his stiff body. Growling deep in his
throat, Rico pulled to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes,
bringing the truck to an abrupt halt.

Matty’s jaw was hanging open as he stared at him when Rico

turned to look at his mate. “What did you do that for?”

“Look, Matty, there are a lot of people out there that would like

nothing better than to kill both of us. If we have any hope of escaping
them, we can’t be arguing between ourselves. We have to work as a
team here. Do you understand that?”

Matty frowned, his eyes dropping down to his lap. “I suppose.”
“We haven’t known each other long, Matty, I know that. But there

has to be some level of trust between us if we want to have any hope
of this working.” Rico’s fingers tightened around the steering wheel

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until it creaked under his hands. “I know I’m asking a lot, but I need
you to trust me, and that means I need you to be truthful with me. Do
you really want me to drop you off in the city?”

Matty was silent for the longest time. Rico almost started to give

up hope and start to drive Matty to the nearest big town when the man
finally turned to look at him.

“I’d like to stay.”
“Good, I want you to stay as well.” Once again, Rico got the

euphoric feeling like he had won the lottery. He grinned at Matty and
drove the truck back onto the road, heading for the next safe spot.

“Are we going to have to keep on running?”
A reasonable question for which Rico had no answer. He glanced

at Matty, wondering just how truthful he should be. He didn’t want to
scare Matty anymore than he already was, but Rico really didn’t have
a clue how to escape the hunters for more than a few days at a time.
Escaping them long term felt nearly impossible.

“I honestly don’t know, Matty.” Rico decided to go with the truth.

The more that Matty knew right from the beginning, the better he
would be able to handle it. He hoped. “At this point, I’m just trying to
stay one step ahead of them.”

“Isn’t there some way that we can fight them? It’s not against the

law to be gay.”

“It is if you’re a wolf.”
“What about human law?” Matty asked. “Hunting us down like

dogs has to be against the law. Can’t we call the Feds or something?”

“Hell, no!” Rico pushed his hand through his hair, the mere

thought of going to the human government enough to make his shake.
“Can you imagine what the government would do to us if they knew
we existed?”

Even though the Loup-Garou had been around since the beginning

of time, they had mostly stayed out of the eyes of human awareness.
Over the centuries, there had been a few occasions here and there

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where one of his kind had been discovered, but they were far and
large considered isolated incidents.

Rico preferred to keep it that way.
He could just imagine what the government would do if they

learned of the existence of wolf-shifters, and it wasn’t a pretty image.
If the movies were to be believed, the scientific world would have a
heyday with them, the government would exploit them for their
powers, and humans would band together to kill them all.

Rico would prefer to stay hidden. He liked his genetics right

where they were, thank you very much. He had no intention of
allowing his DNA to be used to create some sort of military-
sanctioned super soldier.

“Going to the humans won’t work. Of course, going to the Loup-

Garou won’t work either. We’re pretty much on our own here,

“What about others like you?” Matty asked. “There has to be

others, right? You can’t be the only gay wolf-shifter in existence.”

“I’m not.” Rico chuckled briefly at the thought of how lonely that

would be. “Graham and Flaco are gay as well. It’s one of the reasons
they came with me when I ran. I know of a few others, but they stay

“Why didn’t you?”
“I did for the most part. I’ve known I was gay for years. I hid that

part of myself for the longest time, dating girls and never giving in to
my desire for men.” Rico shot Matty a twisted smile, remembering
vividly the first time he had seen the man. “And then I walked into a
bar and met the sexiest human alive.”

Matty’s face drained of every bit of color in it as he inhaled

sharply. “You came out because of me?”

“Not exactly.” Rico could see the disbelief and horror on Matty’s

face and ached to relieve it. “When I left you that weekend, I had
every intention of coming back. Hell, I had just gone down to the

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corner to get us some pastries and coffee, but I ran into one of my
pack members. Going back to you wasn’t an option at that point.”

“You never meant to leave me?” Matty’s voice was breathless,


“No, baby, I didn’t. But I couldn’t put you in danger. My pack

knew what I had been up to. He just didn’t know who I had been up to
it with, and I wasn’t about to inform him.”

“So what happened?” Matty asked. “If you didn’t say anything,

how did they find out?”

“That, I don’t know. I immediately went home. I didn’t want to

draw anyone to you. The Senate Sentries showed up on my doorstep
and told me that I was ordered to appear before the Senate on charges
that I had violated one of our most sacred laws. From the way the
sentries were looking at me, I had a pretty good idea of what that law
was. I asked for a few minutes to get dressed and snuck out the
bathroom window. I’ve been on the run ever since.”

“How did your friends end up with you?”
“How else?” Rico shrugged. “I went to them for help. I was just

trying to get a little running cash since my accounts had been frozen.
Damned if Flaco and Graham didn’t pack their bags and go with me
when I left town. They said they were tired of hiding who they were,
and if I was going to run, they were going to run with me.”

“And you’ve been running ever since?”
“And now we’re going to be running together?”
Matty asked the question so hesitantly that Rico couldn’t help but

look at him. When he saw the cautious gleam in Matty’s eyes, he
reached over and clasped their hands together, giving Matty’s hand a
reassuring squeeze.

“I wish we could just find a place to settle down and live our lives,

but until the hunters are no longer after us, that just isn’t possible. So,
yeah, we’re going to be running together until we can figure a way
out of this mess.”

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Rico winced when Matty bit his bottom lip and nodded. “I’m

sorry, Matty,” Rico said with a heavy sigh. “I really tried to keep you
out of this. I never wanted this life for you. Hell, I can’t even promise
you a life. If they catch us, they will kill us, you included.”

Matty squeezed Rico’s hand back even as he turned his gaze

toward the window again. “I’d rather have a few days of danger with
you,” Matty said so softly that Rico almost didn’t hear him, “than a
lifetime of safety without you.”

Rico didn’t have response to that. He really didn’t. He knew he

cared for Matty, and that had happened even before they had mated.
There was just something about the man that drew Rico to him.

Maybe that was what mating was all about?
But he didn’t know if he was actually in love with Matty. He was

pretty sure he was. The deep ache he felt in his chest when the man
wasn’t glued to his side was a big clue. So was the happiness that
welled up inside of him every time Matty laughed or smiled.

Rico was still coming to terms with the overwhelming need he

had to keep Matty safe and protected. Just the thought of someone
touching a hair on his beautiful head made Rico so angry he had
trouble controlling his wolf.

Rico wasn’t even ready to begin to assess his feelings toward the

child they had created together.

Rico glanced over at Matty, watching his mate for a moment

before his eyes dropped to the man’s obviously rounded stomach.
“You know, I knew nothing about you being an omega or even that
there was a chance you could get pregnant.”

“Me neither,” Matty snorted.
“That isn’t something that is widely known in my world, Matty.

The Senate has kept it very secret.”

“For obvious reasons.”
“So it would seem.” Rico’s lips pressed together for a moment as

anger at the people that were supposed to keep his kind safe overcame

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him. “I never would have left you if I had known this could happen,
Matty. I hope you believe that.”

Matty had to believe that. Rico didn’t know how to make up for

what he had done to his mate, but he at least wanted a place to start.

“I don’t understand how you couldn’t have known.”
Rico sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. That was what he

had been afraid of. “Matty, I swear, I—”

“No, I get it that you didn’t know. I just don’t understand how you

couldn’t know. You’re a wolf-shifter. This is part of your world. You
seem to know about omegas, so how could you not know I could get

“Oh.” Rico grabbed the steering wheel again and tried to come up

with an answer that didn’t make him sound like a complete idiot. “It
just wasn’t something that I grew up knowing. I think that the Senate
kept is from us on purpose.”

“Makes you kind of wonder what else they have been keeping

from you, doesn’t it?”

Rico turned to stare at Matty as the implications of the man’s

words hit him. And it felt like being hit by a freight train. “Matty, do
you know what you’re saying?”

“Hell, yeah.” Matty snickered. “Your Loup-Garou Senate is a

bunch of big, fat liars who hide the truth from your people so that they
can remain in power.”

“It’s our people now, Matty.”
“If you say so.”
Rico felt his heart stutter in his chest at Matty’s noncommittal

response. “You don’t want to be part of my pack?”

“I have no problem being part of your pack. What I have a

problem with is being a part of a group of people that want to put me
to death just because I’m different. I had enough of that from humans
that don’t like the fact that I’m gay.”

“Not all Loup-Garou believe that way, Matty.”

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“No, but the ones that are in power do or we wouldn’t be running

for our lives.”

Matty had him there. “You’re right, Matty.”
“So, we need to do something to change that.”
Rico’s eyebrows shot up. “How?”
The mischievous smile that crossed Matty’s face as he leaned

back in his seat and looked out the front window again worried Rico,
but only in the fact that he felt like he wasn’t in on whatever
diabolical plan Matty was coming up with.

“I’m still working on that part.”
“You’ll let me know when you figure it out?”
Matty arched an eyebrow at Rico. “Maybe.”
Rico shook his head and laughed ruefully. “You’re going to be so

much trouble.”

Matty just grinned. “If you’re lucky.”
Even though they were running for their lives and didn’t know

what tomorrow would bring, Rico was pretty sure that he was the
luckiest damn man in the world.

He had Matty.

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Chapter 7

“We’re here, baby.”
Matty rubbed his tired eyes before opening them and glanced

around. He didn’t know exactly what Rico meant by here because it
looked like they were in the middle of nowhere. They were parked on
the side of a dirt road in the middle of a bunch of trees. There wasn’t a
building in sight.

“Here where?”
“This is where we’re supposed to meet the others.”
“Are they here yet?” Matty asked as he looked around for Ollie’s

silver car.

“No, not yet. If the hunters went after them, they wouldn’t come

here. They’ll either drive around until its safe or head to the next
meeting point. We’ll wait for a little while then head on to the next
spot if they don’t show up.”

“Oh.” Matty’s shoulders slumped. He was scared for the others,

especially Ollie. That man had a lot to lose. Not only was he an
omega like Matty, but his father was on the Loup-Garou Senate.

Senator Fremont had a lot of reasons to hunt his son down. The

main one being not letting the rest of the wolf world know his son
was an omega. The fact that Ollie could become pregnant just like
Matty was probably a secondary reason to the Senator.

Gods, Matty hated politicians.
“Where exactly is here?”
“It’s a rest area off the highway.”
“It’s not paved.”

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“I didn’t say it was a five-star rest area, baby, just that it was a rest

area.” His tone was amused, not mocking. Which was good because
as tired as he was, if Rico had laughed at him, Matty would have
smacked the man right in the mouth.

“How are you feeling, baby?” Rico asked.
“I’ll bet.” Rico’s eyes dropped to Matty’s protruding stomach, his

hand hovering over the small mound. “How is—”

Matty rolled his eyes then pulled his shirt up, revealing his baby

bump. “You can touch, you know. It is your kid.”

“I know, I just…” Rico shrugged like he didn’t know what to say

but thought he should at least say something.

This was ridiculous.
Matty grabbed Rico’s hand and pressed it over his rounded

stomach. “Rico, this is your baby. Baby, this is Rico, your daddy.”

Daddy.” Rico’s voice echoed with surprise as his vivid blue eyes

flickered up to meet Matty’s. “You have no idea how much that word
has changed in the last twenty-four hours.”

“Wanna bet?”
Rico’s face flushed as he shook his head, which looked odd to

Matty because he didn’t think the man knew how to be embarrassed.
He had thought Rico would be too self-assured, too macho to blush.

Guess he was wrong.
“If you think this is weird for you, imagine being in my shoes. In

all of my wildest fantasies, I never imagined that I would end up

“Does it bother you that much?” Rico sounded so cool and

collected, but Matty could see the worry gleaming in his eyes.

“Yes and no, I suppose. I never thought that I would be pregnant,

or that I could even get pregnant. What man does?” His voice chilled
a few degrees as he considered the possibility of what he was going to
say next. “But this is my child, and I’ll kill anyone that tries to take
him or her from me.”

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“Me first.” Rico’s words were so lethally controlled that Matty

knew he was fighting the finest edge of rage. “You and this child
belong to me. No one will hurt you, either of you. And the first person
that even dares lay a hand on you will face a very pissed-off wolf.”

Matty blinked as he stared at Rico in wonder. “Why does that turn

me on?”

Rico smirked. “Because you’re my mate.”
Matty opened his mouth to argue that that was beside the point,

but Rico captured his lips in that very moment, stealing all thoughts
from Matty’s head just as he stole the breath from his lungs. He
groaned into the kiss. For a large man, Rico’s lips were buttery soft.
Matty could become quickly addicted to kissing the man all day,
every day.

It was that damn good.
He whimpered when he felt a large, smooth hand skim up his

chest until Rico’s hand was loosely wrapped around Matty’s throat.
He should be terrified that he had a wolf-shifter hovering over him
with a hand wrapped around his throat, but oddly enough, he wasn’t.

It aroused him instead. Matty was quickly finding that a lot of

things about Rico aroused him—like breathing.

Rico growled into Matty’s mouth as his tongue traced along

Matty’s bottom lip, making Matty’s entire body shiver. He wiggled
under Rico when he felt his mate unsnapping his pants. Matty was
desperate to feel the man’s large, hard dick in his ass.

“I need skin.” Rico’s voice was strained, almost as if he were as

desperate as Matty was to feel skin against skin.

When Rico’s hand dipped between Matty’s legs, massaging his

raging hard-on through the opening of his pants, he grabbed the edge
of the bench seat, groaning as he wiggled his ass to kick his pants

He wanted to feel Rico all over him, marking him, fucking him.

He reached down, yanking at Rico’s jeans. Rico just leaned back and

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allowed Matty to undress him. Rico’s pants pooled down at his ankles
as he pulled the glove box open and extracted a tube of lube.

Matty could taste his mate in his mouth even before Matty

dropped to the floor at Rico’s feet. He swallowed around the dry lump
in his throat. Who knew wolves were this well-endowed?

Or was it just Rico?
“Suck it, Matty,” Rico groaned.
Oh, he planned on doing that and so much more. Rico’s body was

something to be worshipped and explored. The fine lines running
along his mate’s six-pack abdomen were definitely worth his

Matty was going to worship every damn inch of Rico’s body.
He leaned forward to swipe his tongue across the weeping head,

licking at the clear liquid that seemed to have multiplied as his other
hand reached beneath Rico and gently massaged the man’s balls.
Matty leaned a little closer, taking his mate’s cock further into his
mouth as his tongue flattened and ran the length of Rico’s fat cock.

“Fuck, yeah, baby, suck it.”
Matty crawled closer, practically shoving his face into Rico’s

groin as he took him to the back of his throat. Rico’s pubic hairs
tickled Matty’s face as he breathed through his nose, using his throat
muscles to milk his mate’s shaft.

“Not like this,” Rico growled suddenly, jerking out of Matty’s

mouth and pulling him to his feet.

Well damn!
“I’m open to suggestions.” Matty turned around and climbed up

on the bench seat, giving Rico a nice view of his ass. He stuck his ass
higher in the air, trying desperately to tempt his mate into fucking him
and shutting up. “Are you going to claim me or what?”

“Is that what my baby wants?” Rico asked as his fingers grazed

over Matty’s puckered hole.

“Oh hell, yeah,” Matty moaned. He wanted to be fucked until he

couldn’t remember his own name. His head dropped down to the seat

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when Rico blanketed his back, his fingers reaching below as Rico
pinched at Matty’s ultrasensitive nipples. He could feel his cock
growing in excitement as Rico skillfully mastered his body.

Matty cried out when he felt a finger rim around his asshole. A

slight pressure was applied, and then Rico’s slick finger sunk deep.
He panted, wanting to feel more but needing a minute to adjust.

He wasn’t sure whether to scream time-out or rock back and forth.

The rocking won out as Matty began to move back and forth on his
hands and knees, crying out loudly when Rico added a second finger.

He felt so full and wonderful.
“I see I have a very noisy mate,” Rico commented as he twisted

his wrist, grazing over Matty’s sweet spot. His cock shot a spurt of
pre-cum as Matty cried louder. His fingers stroked Matty’s mounds,
and then he felt moist, wet fingers enter him. Matty rocked back,
impaling himself on Rico’s long, lithe fingers as he lowered his
shoulders to the seat.

When Rico pulled his hand free, Matty inhaled sharply as felt the

blunt head of Rico’s cock pushing at his entrance a moment later.
Matty was wired so tight that he plunged back, impaling his body on
Rico’s cock.

He could feel his body opening up, begging for more. He didn’t

know how much more he could take without exploding into a million
pieces. Matty ached so bad that his entire body shuddered. Taking his
bottom lip between his teeth, Matty rode out the pain knowing it
would morph into unbelievable pleasure.

And he was right.
Matty keened loudly as Rico took him with brutal force. His lungs

expanded as his cries echoed through the air. He knew he was loud
and couldn’t care less as Rico pounded his cock into Matty’s ass,
making him scream as though he were being strangled.

“Rico, please,” Matty begged as he slammed back into Rico. He

could feel every inch of his mate’s cock in his ass as his fingers dug
into the seat.

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Shivers broke out all over Matty’s body when Rico’s hand snaked

up his neck and over his scalp as Rico grabbed a fistful of Matty’s
hair and gave a light tug. Matty lifted his ass higher as he shouted out
his pleasure.

“So fucking responsive,” Rico growled possessively. “And all


He reached underneath his body, curling his fingers around his

cock, and then began to stroke it to Rico’s pace. His release was
close. Matty could feel it clawing its way up his spine. His balls were
nestled tightly to his body as he worked his shaft.

“Coming!” he shouted as Rico pounded into his ass so hard that

the truck began to rock. His mind splintered as his cock exploded,
pulling his balls so tight against his body that Matty thought they
would stay that way permanently.

Rico pounded his ass harder, small growls coming from his mate.

Matty screamed at the top of his lungs when Rico leaned forward and
bit into his neck. Rico growled around the bite mark in Matty’s neck
as his cock hammered into Matty’s ass.

Matty cried out in protest when Rico extracted his sharp teeth, and

his cock, until Matty saw what his mate was doing. Rico flipped
Matty over to lie on his back and then thrust back into him.

Rico threw Matty’s legs back as he pounded into him. He

suddenly stiffened, his head falling back. Rough growls spilled from
between his clenched lips before he shoved his cock deep into Matty’s
ass and roared out his release.

Matty could feel his mate’s cock pulse and throb deep inside him,

something burning hot suddenly filling him as he lay there
desperately trying to catch his breath. He blinked a few times and then
slumped back against the seat, his heart beating out of control.

He could hear the heavy thud of Rico’s heartbeat beneath his ear.

Every few seconds, the cock in his ass would spasm, sending little
shockwaves through Matty. He lay there with a big goofy grin on his
face as Rico slid from his body.

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“Maybe next time we could try a real bed?”
Rico chuckled and leaned up to lick away the small trail over

Matty’s chest. He did the same to the bite mark he had left on Matty’s
throat then planted a small kiss across Matty’s lips before grinning
down at him.

Matty laughed as he was pulled up into a sitting position. He took

the wipe Rico handed him and cleaned himself up then pulled his
pants back on, laughing softly when he realized he had forgotten to
take his shirt off.

“As interesting as outdoor sex is, I’d prefer a nice, soft mattress.”
“I can’t promise anything, baby,” Rico replied. “But I’ll try.”
“I know.” Matty could feel the heartache coming off of Rico that

the man couldn’t provide the simplest of material possessions to him.
He just didn’t know why he could feel it. “Rico, can you tell me more
about being an omega?”

“I can tell you what I know, but after recent revelations, I can’t

promise how accurate that information is.” Rico grimaced before
dropping his eyes to zip up and button his jeans. “Ollie might be a
better person to talk to. He seems to know more about it than I do.”

“Tell me what you know,” Matty insisted. “We can talk to Ollie

when he gets here and find out if what you tell me is the same as what
he knows. Maybe if we compare notes, we can find out what in the
hell being an omega means.”

“Well.” Rico pushed his hand through his deep, rich, collar-

length, brown hair. “We both now know that being an omega means
you can get pregnant. Apparently that is true for both humans and

“I gathered that from Ollie.”
“Omegas are only born male. Wolf omegas get their powers when

they transition. The Senate has deemed omegas rogues. The law says
they are to be put down as soon as it is discovered that they are

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omegas. There are actual hunter groups that hunt them down and kill
them once they have been found guilty of being omegas.”

“Well, that’s new.”
“Now that we’re mated, you are also coming into your powers.”
“Yeah, about those…just what exactly are my powers?”
“I have no idea, babe.” Rico shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out

when they manifest themselves.”

“Flaco and Graham are going to love that.”
“Yeah, you might want to lay off tossing my friends around.”
Matty’s heart jumped up into his throat when he felt a cold dread

climb up his spine. He glanced up just in time to see several figures
separate from the darkness surrounding them. He tensed, grabbing for

“Wh–what about them?” he stammered and began to

uncontrollably shake.

He saw sharp teeth flash in the moonlight as Rico curled his lips

back and hissed out a terrible threat that made his stomach clench.
“Toss as many of them around as you want, Matty. I intend to.”

Matty’s jaw dropped as Rico suddenly grew more menacing. His

features were still human but not. His face extended to a short muzzle.
Dark, thick, sharp-looking claws grew out of his fingertips. His shirt
ripped and split as his muscles expanded and his body grew larger.
And fur sprouted up to cover every inch of his body.

Matty had never seen anything like it, at least not outside of a

Hollywood horror movie. Except this time, he didn’t think he was in
danger from this werewolf. He couldn’t say the same for the four
large men advancing on their position.

“Stay away from my mate,” Rico snapped in a voice low with


“That’s not going to happen, Rico,” one of the men answered.

“You know that.”

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“I will kill you before I let you hurt a hair on his head.” Rico’s

words were so lethally controlled that Matty knew his mate was
fighting the edge of rage.

“He’s an omega, Rico. He has to be put down for the safety of all

the Loup-Garou.”

Matty shuddered at hearing his death so casually talked about. His

hand slid down to cover his growing abdomen, suddenly more afraid
than he could ever remember being. If he died, then so did his child.

“Why?” Rico shouted. “Because he chooses to love another


“It’s against the law,” another one of the men shouted. “He’s an

abomination. He has to die.”

Matty stiffened at the lack of humanity in the man’s tone. “You’re

talking about killing me like it’s an everyday thing. What kind of
people are you?”

“That’s just it, human.” One of the men smirked, his upper lip

curling up to show his sharp canines. “We’re not people. We’re Loup-

“You’re monsters.” Matty’s rough whisper was tortured, filled

with disgust. “You’re the ones that need to be put down for the safety
of everyone.”

The man’s eyes narrowed. “You dare threaten a sentry of the

Loup-Garou Senate?”

Matty didn’t think he could be any more surprised. “You’re

insulted by what I said? Really?”

The man growled, his fingers flicking out and long, sharp claws

growing out of the tips.

A burst of laughter sputtered past Matty’s lips. “Dude, you need to

get a hobby.”

“I have one.” The man’s response was scalpel sharp and quick.

“Killing you.”

“You first.” Matty didn’t know if it would work a second time,

but he hoped it would. He stepped out from behind Rico and threw his

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hands up and out. A gust of wind blew through the area between
Matty and the four men threatening him. It spun and spun, like a
tornado, blowing up dirt and leaves as it swirled.

Matty’s jaw dropped when the small tornado slammed into the

four men, lifting them several feet into the air before tossing them in
different directions. The hunters crashed to the ground with painful
sounding thuds.

They didn’t get back up.
“Did I do that?” Even as he asked his question, a strange sense of

something more menacing whispered through Matty’s mind. He
turned, scanning the surrounding forest. There was something out
there, something worse than the hunters that were after them. Matty
just couldn’t pinpoint where the danger was coming from.

“Rico,” he murmured as he tugged on his arm. “We need to go.”
“Just a minute, Matty.”
Matty tugged harder, backing up toward the truck. “No, now,


“There’s something out there. I can feel it.” Matty swallowed

hard. “Waiting.”

“Waiting for what?” Rico asked as his head snapped back and

forth as he looked at the woods.

“I don’t know.” He just knew that they needed to go and they

needed to go now. “Please, I want to go, Rico, right now.”

“Okay, Matty, go get into the truck. I’m right behind you.”
Matty started back toward the truck, but the eerie feeling crawling

over his skin gave him the sickening feeling that he was heading
toward danger, not away from it. Matty spun around on his heels and
raced back to Rico. He reached his mate’s side just as the truck
exploded into a huge ball of flames and twisted metal.

Matty cried out as he was grabbed and pushed to the ground,

Rico’s larger body covering him and pressing him into the dirt. Matty

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covered his ears and screamed. The noise was deafening, making his
ears hurt.

The fear was even worse.
Matty could barely breathe, not even when Rico rolled off of him

and pulled him into a sitting position. He felt frozen in place,
paralyzed by the terror of the moment. He wasn’t used to this shit. He
dodged manic drivers and gang members, druggies wanting another

He did not do exploding vehicles and shape-shifting hunters bent

on killing him.

“Matty, baby.” Rico’s hands cupped his face, tilting it up to the

moonlight. There was a hint of desperation in their blue depths as
Rico stared down at him. “Are you okay?”

For the longest time, Matty said nothing. The evil presence was

gone, but traces of it still crawled along his skin.

“Matty? Talk to me, baby.”
Matty shuddered and looked up at Rico. He couldn’t conceal the

thread of terror in his voice as he replied, “I want to go now.”

“Okay, baby.” Rico helped Matty to his feet then glanced around.

Matty didn’t know what the man was looking for, but he must have
found it. Rico’s lips firmed, and he grabbed Matty’s arm. “Come on,
we’ll go this way.”

Matty trailed along beside Rico as he was led into the woods

alongside of the road. They didn’t walk along the road but several
yards off of it, walking right along the route it took back to the

Matty didn’t know how far they walked because his head was

kind of foggy. When Rico suddenly grabbed him and yanked him
down into the bushes, Matty froze again, wondering if the hunters
were back.

He couldn’t feel anything evil, not like he had last time.
When Rico jumped to his feet and ran out onto the road, waving

his hands wildly and yelling, Matty let the tension release from his

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body and stood up. He walked out onto the edge of the road just as the
truck and car Rico was waving down stopped.

“Come on, baby,” Rico said as he grabbed Matty’s arm and led

him to the truck, “the cavalry is here.”

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Chapter 8

Rico was worried about Matty. He was being awfully quiet, sitting

in the seat between Rico and Graham and just staring out the front
window. Rico just didn’t think he was looking at any one thing in
particular. And he didn’t think that Matty was so interested in the
landscape that he hadn’t spoken in several hours.

Something else was wrong.
“Matty?” Rico said as gently as he could. When he received no

response, he wrapped his arm around Matty’s shoulders and pulled his
mate up against his chest, resting his lips against Matty’s head.
“Please talk to me, baby. You’re scaring me.”

“I felt it,” Matty whispered. “I felt the explosion before it


Shock rendered Rico speechless for a moment. He raised his head

so that he could get a better look into Matty’s face. “What do you

“I felt it, Rico. It was cold and creepy, like something crawling

over my skin. As I was walking toward the truck, it felt like I was
walking to my death. I just knew that I had to get out of there, get
away from the truck.”

Rico’s breath was shaky as he inhaled, tightening his arms around

Matty. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but I’ll forever
be thankful that it happened. If you had been any closer to that truck,
we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.”

“Could it be one of his omega powers coming in?” Graham asked

from the driver’s seat.

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Rico threaded his fingers through Matty’s hair and pulled the

man’s head down to his chest. “I wish I knew, Graham. I wish I

Rico felt like he was trying to read a book in a foreign language.

He had the damn material right in front of him. He just didn’t
understand it.

He needed an interpreter.
“We need to find somewhere to crash and soon, Graham. Matty

needs some food and some rest, and I need to talk to Ollie. He knows
more about being an omega than any of us. Maybe he can tell us what
is going on.”

“The next safe house we set up is about an hour away.”
Rico nodded.
“If I remember correctly, this one has a tub, so maybe—”

Whatever else Graham was going to say was cut off when his phone
rang. Both Rico and Graham stared at it for a moment. Only one
person had the number of the disposable cell they had purchased
when they left town. Only one person would be calling it.

Rico reached down and grabbed the cell phone, hitting the answer

button before holding the phone to his ear. “Hello?”

“Mr. Anderson, this is Owen Jenson. I am so sorry to call you at


That was code that Owen’s phone lines were being monitored.
“That’s no problem, Mr. Jenson,” Rico replied smoothly. “What

can I do for you?”

“I have some papers that I need to courier out to you. I need your

signature on them right away, Mr. Anderson.”

Owen needed to get something, or someone, into Rico’s hands.
“I’m out of the office at the moment, Mr. Jenson.”
Code for being on the run.
“Oh, well, is there an address where I can have them delivered?”

Owen asked. “I really need to get these papers to you as soon as

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possible. If I don’t get your signature on them right away, the deal
may fall through.”

Meaning that whatever Owen needed to get to him was in danger

from the Senate.

Rico snapped his fingers at Graham. The man pulled out a pad of

paper and flipped through it until he came to the address of a bar not
far from the safe house they were headed toward.

“I’ll be staying at the Hilton Hotel in Roundtree, Virginia for the

next couple of nights, Mr. Jenson. You can have the papers delivered
there. The address is 555 West Tenth Street.”

They had worked out a code system before they left, one where

Owen could get a hold of them when he needed to. Anyone listening
would probably head to the hotel.

But neither the hotel or the address were correct, and Owen knew

it. They were a code. Owen would be sending his package to the fifth
tavern listed in the phone book of the next town west of Roundtree.
The package was to be delivered at ten o’clock at night.

“That’s perfect, Mr. Anderson, thank you. I’ll have those papers

sent right out to you. They should be to your location by tomorrow.”

“I’ll be waiting for them, Mr. Jenson.”
“Say hello to your wife for me.”
Another code phrase, this one meant for Graham.
“I’ll do that. Have a good day.”
Rico hung up and set the phone back in the console under the

dashboard. “Your brother says hello.”

“What’s he sending us?”
“I have no idea. His phone was being monitored, so he couldn’t

say much. Just that whatever he was sending was in danger from the
Senate and important enough for him to break silence and call.”

“That can’t be good.”
Rico agreed. Whenever the Senate was involved, shit was going to

get dicey. “Just keep your eyes open. If anyone has figured out that
Owen is helping us, we could be in a lot of trouble.”

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“I wish he’d stop,” Graham grumbled. “He’s just asking for

trouble if the Senate ever finds out what he’s doing. They’ll string
him up just as fast as they will us.”

“Try telling that to your baby brother.”
“Stubborn little shit.”
“He’s a good brother, and he loves you.”
“I know, I just…” Graham frowned. “What he is doing is

dangerous, Rico. You know that as well as anyone. He’s going
against the council to help rogue wolves. That in itself is dangerous. If
they ever found out he’s gay, he’d be dead before we could get to

“Owen is careful. You know that.”
“Just because he’s still a damn virgin doesn’t mean he’s careful.

One mistake, one look too long, one word out of place, and he’s done

“And if my father goes through with his threat and finds Owen a

wife, he’s totally fucked.”

Yeah, that was not a good thought. Some men could fake arousal

when it came to women. Some could not. Rico was pretty sure that
Owen fell into the could not category. The man couldn’t hide much.
Rico didn’t actually understand how Owen had kept his desire for
men hidden this long.

“Maybe we should send for him,” Rico suggested.
“So he can be on the run with us?” Graham snorted. “Oh yeah,

that’s so much better.”

“What do you want me to say, Graham?”
Graham’s lips thinned into an angry line. “I don’t know.”
Rico didn’t either. There wasn’t really anything he could say that

would make Graham feel better about the predicament that his brother
was in. There was no right or wrong answer and no right or wrong
solution. Owen was in danger back home, and he’d be in danger if he
joined them on the road.

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Until the laws changed, they were all in danger.

* * * *

Rico didn’t like it one damn bit. He had fought with Matty,

insisting that he stay back at the safe house. He even tried to reason
that Matty needed to stay somewhere safe because of the baby.

Matty was having none of it. The man was so fucking stubborn

that Rico considered paddling his ass. Walking into a bar they had
never been in and waiting for a package to arrive from Owen, not to
mention the fact that they still had hunters after them, was the height
of stupidity as far as Rico was concerned.

Matty insisted that his presence was the best weapon that Rico

had. For some odd reason, Matty could feel danger. Ollie explained it
as one of Matty’s omega powers, and he was probably right. But it
was still weird.

And not a good enough reason in Rico’s mind for Matty to put

himself in danger. He had been outvoted, which was why he was
currently hovering over Matty as the man walked through the bar and
headed for one of the vacant tables at the back of the room.

Rico scanned the room with a deadly intent, assessing every

person in there for potential threat. If a single one of them stepped in
Matty’s direction, Rico would rip them apart limb by limb.

“Would you mellow out?” Matty whispered into Rico’s ear. “The

natives are getting restless.”

Rico’s head whipped around. Matty was right. Several of the

locals were eyeing them like they were suddenly going to pull out
guns and hold them all up. Rico tried to relax, to look less threatening.
He didn’t think he did a good job of it when Matty rolled his eyes and
walked over to a table in the corner.

Rico sat down next to him, Graham sitting across from them.

Flaco and Ollie had stayed outside in one of the trucks, keeping an
eye on everyone that came and went from the small bar. Or in case

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they needed to run suddenly. One phone call and they would come
running, their main focus to get to Matty as fast as they could and get
him to safety.

That had been the only reason Rico had agreed to let Matty come.
“How will you know when the package arrives?” Matty asked.
Rico shrugged. “There really isn’t one way to tell. There’ve been

a few times when Owen has sent money, and it’s always delivered by
messenger. When he sent you and Ollie, we kind of knew it was you
when I saw your face.”

“Has he sent other people?”
“A few.”
“What happened to them?”
“We found safe places for them throughout the country, places

that didn’t have wolf packs.” Rico wasn’t really in favor of having
others sent in his direction. He had a hard enough time keeping
himself alive. He didn’t need to be responsible for others.

Matty and their child didn’t count.
Speaking of which…Rico glanced down at Matty. “How are you

feeling, babe?”

Matty shrugged.
“That is so not an answer.”
“Physically, I’m fine, although I could really go for a bacon

cheeseburger. Emotionally, I’m scared and worried but glad I’m at
your side. Mentally, I’m pretty sure that I lost my marbles about
seventy-two hours ago.”

Rico raised his hand in the air to get the waitress’s attention. “One

bacon cheeseburger coming up.”

Matty didn’t even blink. “No ketchup or mustard, add onions.”
“Got it.”
“And I want a glass of milk.”
Rico’s eyebrows shot up as he glanced own at Matty. “Milk?”
“Yeah, milk. It’s good for me and the baby.”

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“Right…milk.” It was probably going to get him into a fight, but

if Matty wanted milk, Matty would get milk. When the waitress came
over, pen and pad of paper in hand, Rico smiled and hoped she kept
her voice down.

“What can I get ya, honey?” the woman asked, smacking the gum

in her mouth. Rico had visions of a cow chewing its cud.

“I need four bacon cheeseburgers with everything, two of them to

go. I also need one bacon cheeseburger with no mustard or ketchup
but add onions. I also need two beers and one glass of milk.”

The waitress frowned, her mouth dropping open. Rico knew she

was in shock at his order, but at least it kept her from smacking her
lips together and chewing on her gum while she was talking.

Rico straightened, trying to look intimidating while not being too

totally scary. “Yes, I like milk with my cheeseburgers.”

The woman shrugged and started writing on her pad. “Whatever

trips your trigger, honey.”

Rico’s trigger would be greatly tripped if the woman would stop

calling him honey. “Thank you.”

Matty’s laughter was not muzzled by the hand he held over his

mouth. Rico still heard it. He shot Matty a little glare even though he
wasn’t upset. In fact, he was elated to hear that sound come out of
Matty’s mouth. It had been a while since he had heard it.

“I miss that sound,” Rico said as he leaned down to whisper into

Matty’s ears. “You should do it more often.”

Matty dipped his head but not before Rico saw the light flush that

filled his cheeks. He chuckled and reached under the table where no
one could see his gesture and patted Matty’s thigh.

“It’s a beautiful sound, Matty.”
Matty had a smile on his face when he tilted his face up. “I’ll see

what I can do.”

Rico was just as elated by the smile on Matty’s face as he was by

his soft laughter. With life the way it was for them at the moment,

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Matty didn’t have a lot to smile about. Rico hoped to change that. He
just had to figure out how.

They talked quietly amongst themselves until their bacon

cheeseburgers—and Matty’s milk—arrived. Rico was happy to see
Matty dig into his food with gusto. He worried about his mate, doubly
so because Matty was carrying a baby.

He was even more worried—and downright terrified—when the

tavern door opened and two men walked in. One was a total stranger.
Rico couldn’t ever remember seeing the tall, muscular man before in
his life.

The other one he knew, and as much as he was glad to see Owen

after all of this time, he couldn’t help but wonder why the man was
here. Owen had stated that the package he was sending was in danger
from the Senate. That meant Owen was in danger, and that wasn’t

Rico quickly wiped his mouth with a napkin as he kicked Graham

under the table and nodded toward the door. Graham frowned then
slowly turned around. His head almost immediately snapped back, a
look of total terror on his face.

“Calm, Graham,” Rico said low under his voice. “Keep your cool.

Owen and his friend will join us.”

“But, Rico—”
Rico narrowed his eyes. “If anyone sees anything out of place,

we’ll have trouble. Stay calm.”

“Rico, what’s going on?” Matty asked as he glanced between


“The two men that just came through the door,” Rico said, trying

not to look at the men in question. “One of them is Graham’s brother

“Isn’t he the one that—”
“He is.”
“But that means—”
“It does.” Rico nodded. It meant that they might all be in trouble.

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“What should we do?”
“Nothing,” Rico replied. “Let them come to us. We’re just a few

friends sitting in a bar waiting for some more friends to join us.”

Rico clasped his hands together and rested his elbows on the table

as he waited, and the waiting seemed to take forever. Owen and the
man he was with glanced around the room like they didn’t have a care
in the world. They were talking, laughing, and hanging out by the
door like they did this every damn night.

Rico was ready to strangle the man by the time Owen’s eyes

settled on him. Owen stood up on his tiptoes and waved as if he had
just spotted an old friend. Rico plastered a smile on his face and stood
up, waving back.

Yep, it was official. He was going to strangle Owen just as soon

as he found out why the man was here.

“Owen, glad you could make it,” Rico said when the two men

reached their table. “Pull up a seat.” He quickly sat down next to
Matty. Graham scooted in on the other side, making sure Matty was
surrounded on both sides.

Owen sat down next to Graham, looking up at the man with bright

eyes that almost shed tears. “Hey, Graham, it’s good to see you.”

Graham swallowed so hard that it was audible. “It’s good to see

you, too, little brother.”

“Things got a little”—Owen’s eyes dropped to the table for a brief

second—“tense back home. I’m glad you invited me for an evening

Rico really wanted to know what that statement meant, but he

knew Owen wouldn’t say anything until they were alone. If there
were any ears listening inside the bar, they couldn’t say anything that
would give them away.

“You’re always welcome to join us for an evening out, Owen.”

Rico smiled. “You know that.”


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Rico glanced at the other man, not missing the way he seemed to

be watching everyone at the table with an intensity that bordered on
obsession. It unnerved Rico and made him wary of the man.

“Hi,” Rico said as he held out his hand to the stranger. “I’m Rico


“Griffin Gates,” the man said as he shook Rico’s hand.
Rico could tell that the man was a wolf-shifter. Up close like this,

he could smell it. “How did you meet Owen?”

“We met recently,” Owen said, glancing around again. He

lowered his voice when he spoke again. “I thought you all should
meet up, what with your mutual interests and all. If things hadn’t
gotten so tense at home, I would have sent him to you after he came
to me and expressed an interest in wanting to get out and visit the
world like you all have.”

Rico could read between the lines of what Owen was saying—he

hoped—and if he understood correctly, Griffin was gay just like Rico,
Flaco, and Graham. He had gone to Owen for help getting away.

Whether Rico could trust the man remained to be seen. He was

quickly learning that there were very few people in the world that he
could, and most of them were people he already knew or was on the
run with.

Considering the unexpected addition of a stranger to their ranks

and his own personal wariness, Rico was curious about the man’s
reaction to gay werewolves. He settled his arm on the back of Matty’s
chair and smiled as he leaned closer to him.

“This is my mate.”
The man’s smile wobbled for just a moment then spread across his

lips as if that was what he had intended the entire time, but Rico saw
the slip. He tried not to let his sudden tension show through as he
leaned toward Matty to whisper in his ear.

“How’s your little danger barometer right now, baby? Anything

going off?” Rico relaxed when Matty shook his head. Maybe he was

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just seeing things where there weren’t any. He was paranoid, and he
knew it, but he had reason to be. Lives were at stake.

Rico kept his attention on Griffin but smiled at Owen. “It’s really

good to see you again, Owen. It’s been a while. I wanted to thank you
for helping my mate out. I had no idea he had lost my phone number.
If he hadn’t been able to get in contact with me, I don’t know what I
would have done.”

Owen grinned. “It was no problem. I’m just glad I was able to


“You did, a lot.”
“I don’t think that cheeseburger agreed with me,” Matty suddenly

said. “I don’t feel so well. Can we go?”

Rico’s eyes snapped to Matty. His face had gone ashen white. “Is

it upset like it was before?” Rico prayed that Matty read between the
lines of what he said. If there was danger nearby, he couldn’t exactly
ask outright about it.

Matty looked him straight in the eyes. “Exactly like before.”
That was clear enough. Rico stood and pulled Matty to his feet.

He pulled some cash out of his pocket and tossed it onto the table.
“Come on, we need to go.”

“Why?” Griffin asked. “What’s wrong?”
“My mate doesn’t feel well,” Rico said, and that was all he was

going to say about it. If, and only if, Rico felt he could trust Griffin
would he tell him about Matty’s little gift for feeling out danger and
not a second before then. He trusted no one with his mate’s secret
except those closest to him, and Griffin wasn’t one of those men.

Rico escorted Matty out of the bar through the front door, praying

that there were no hunters waiting outside for them or that Flaco and
Ollie had been taken. His first priority was getting Matty to safety.
His second was his friends.

“If we go by the same thing as last time,” Matty said, “then we’re

in trouble. My skin is starting to crawl.”

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“Understood.” Rico’s hand tightened around Matty’s arm as he

glanced over his shoulder at Graham, nodding to him. Graham knew
what was going on. Rico could see it in his eyes. He had also heard
the conversation that had taken place in the truck.

Graham nodded and grabbed Owen’s arm, leading him toward his

truck. “Why don’t you ride with me, little brother?”

“What’s going on, Graham?” Owen whispered.
One word, one simple word, and Owen’s eyes widened before

they started darting wildly around. Rico was glad the man got the
message because Griffin seemed to be off in his own fantasy land,
walking slowly behind them like he had all of the time in the world to
reach the vehicles.

Rico was half tempted to leave him behind, but if there was even a

bit of possibility of the man being on the up and up, Rico couldn’t do
that to him. “Griffin, you’d better hurry the hell up or we’re leaving
your ass behind.”

Rico heard footsteps hurry up behind him just as he opened the

door on his truck and helped Matty inside. He swung around,
growling at the threat. “Are you stupid?” he snapped when he realized
who it was.

“You said hurry up.”
“Just get in the fucking truck, Griffin.” If that was indeed his

name. Rico was beginning to suspect that it wasn’t. He was also
beginning to suspect that Griffin was trying to slow them down.

Rico hurried around to the other side of the truck and climbed into

the driver’s seat. He wasn’t real thrilled about Griffin riding in the
same cab as him and Matty, and even less thrilled that the man was
sitting next to Matty. He just had no other choice. Graham and Owen
were riding in Ollie’s car with Ollie and Flaco, and there was no more
room in the little, piece-of-shit car.

The second Griffin slammed the door closed—which seemed to

take forever—Rico hit the gas and drove out of the parking lot. He

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could see the headlights of the other vehicle following right behind

Rico debated about whether to head for the safe house or just keep

driving down the road. Seeing the shaking hand Matty held over his
mouth decided it for him. Matty needed to rest, and if there was the
slightest chance that they were being currently hunted, then the more
rest he could get the better, because he might not get any in the
foreseeable future.

Rico didn’t see anyone following them, but he didn’t for a

moment believe they were out of the woods yet. If there were hunters
around, they could be in hiding or waiting for them to return to the
safe house.

Anything was possible.
Rico’s heart rate didn’t slow down at all when they pulled up in

front of the safe house twenty minutes later. Nothing seemed out of
place, but looks could be deceiving. The hunters were very good at
what they did.

Rico pulled the truck to a stop in front of the new safe house and

turned the engine off. He waited until Ollie’s car pulled up before
turning to his mate. “You wait here while I check things out, baby.”

Matty looked like he wanted to argue, but he nodded anyway.


“You’ll let me know if you start feeling worse?”
Matty nodded again.
“Thank you, baby.” Rico grabbed Matty’s chin between his

fingertips and leaned in to kiss him. Matty’s eyes were misty when
Rico raised his head. Rico didn’t believe it was due to the kiss they
had just shared. “I’ll be careful.”

Matty pressed his lips together, nodding once again.
Rico raised his eyes to meet Griffin’s, not missing the strange way

that the man was staring at them. “Keep him safe, Griffin. He’s my
entire world.”

“Yeah, sure,” Griffin replied. “I’ll take care of your mate.”

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Rico almost took Matty with him after that comment, but he knew

it was far safer for Matty in the truck than outside of it, at least until
he knew if the safe house was clear. Rico dropped one more kiss on
Matty’s lips then climbed out of the truck.

“Owen, I want you to stay here. We’ll go check out the house.”

Rico clenched his fists, hating the fact that he had to leave his mate in
anyone’s care but his own. “Keep an eye on my mate. If he starts
feeling worse, let me know immediately.”

“Got it.” Owen climbed into the truck, taking the spot Rico had

sat in moments before.

“Okay, let’s go.”

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Chapter 9

Matty felt his stomach roll as he watched Rico, Graham, and

Flaco walk away and into the house. He understood the necessity of
them checking the place out before anyone else went inside, but he
really didn’t like the fact that Rico was leaving his side.

It just felt wrong.
“How are you feeling, man?”
“Okay, I guess.” Matty smiled weakly.
Matty glanced at the man only to find Owen’s eyes riveted on

Matty’s rounded stomach. Right, he had forgotten. Owen knew about
the baby. Ollie had told him back when they were trying to track Rico

“Not right now.”
“Good, good.” Owen’s eyes came up to meet Matty’s. “You’ll tell

me if anything develops, right?”

Owen seemed to be talking in riddles, and Matty didn’t have a

clue why. He was confused as hell but willing to play along until he
knew what was up. “Yeah, sure.”

What in the hell was going on?
Why was Owen talking in riddles?
Matty glanced over at Griffin to see how he was taking the strange

conversation. The intense but guarded gleam in the man’s eyes did
not reassure him one damn bit. Matty quickly dropped his eyes to his
hands, and he covered his stomach, feeling like he needed to protect
his unborn child.

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From what, he wasn’t quite sure. He just knew that the need was

there in the back of his mind like a whispering voice filled with static.
As the minutes passed by, Matty could feel his stomach start to roll.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” he whispered, desperate to get out

of the truck and go find Rico despite the danger that might be inside
the safe house. Anything was better than sitting in the truck waiting
for someone to attack.

“That must have been a really bad cheeseburger,” Griffin said. He

looked skeptical like he knew something no one else did.

“Yeah.” Matty tried to act casual as he huddled closer to Owen.

He seriously wanted out of the truck and away from Griffin. His skin
was starting to crawl more and more with each passing moment, and
it felt like the air in the truck had dropped by twenty degrees at least.
“I think I need some air.”

“Rico will be out in just a moment.”
Matty pressed his lips together, shaking his head. He couldn’t wait

for Rico to come out. He needed to go to him. He needed to feel the
safety of Rico’s arms wrapping around him. He needed his mate.

“Okay, come on, Matty,” Owen said as he opened the door and

slid from the truck. He turned and reached back for Matty, holding his
hand out. “We’ll go see what’s keeping Rico and the others.”

Matty started to slide from the truck when he felt fingers close

around his wrist, holding him in place. His eyes snapped to Griffin.
“What are you doing?”

Griffin’s face set in a dark expression. “You should stay here,


“I—” Matty yelped when he was suddenly grabbed and dragged

from the cab of the truck. He stumbled, almost falling to the ground.
Instead of letting go of his hand, Owen started pulling Matty away
from the truck. “What are you doing?”

“I didn’t tell him your name,” Owen said, never looking away

from the truck. “I never give out information on others that I’ve sent
through to my brother.”

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Matty twirled around to stare at the truck. His heart started

thundering in his chest when Griffin casually opened the passenger
side door and climbed out before walking around the front of the

“You’re really making this a whole lot harder on yourself than it

needs to be, Matty,” Griffin said as he nonchalantly crossed his arms
over his chest. “You know I’ll only hunt you down if you run.”

“You’re a hunter,” Matty gasped as he backed away.
“I am.” Griffin seemed unhurried in his movements as he reached

behind him and pulled out a black gun. “You’ve broken one of our
most sacred laws, and the Senate has ordered your execution.”

“So, you’re just going to kill me?”
“I have my orders.” Griffin was so blasé in his movements as he

screwed a long black cylinder piece onto the end of the gun.

“Your orders are wrong,” Matty cried out. “Your Senate is wrong.

I’ve done nothing to deserve this.”

“I’m sorry, but that is not for me to say.”
The chill running down Matty’s spine wrapped around his entire

body when Griffin pointed the gun at him. He was shocked that
someone could be so casual about killing another human being—
except that Griffin wasn’t a human being.

“I’m unarmed.” Matty spread his hands to his sides, clearly

showing that he was unarmed. “And you are just going to shoot me in
cold blood because I choose to love another man?”

“It is against our laws,” Griffin insisted.
Matty’s eyes narrowed. “And do you know why your precious

Senate has made it against your laws?”

“It is not for me to question our Senate. I just need to follow their


“You moron!” Matty screamed. He felt like stomping his foot. He

also felt like he was talking to a machine. “They want me dead
because I am living proof that they are all a bunch of power-hungry

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For the first time since he had gotten out of the truck, Matty saw a

response in Griffin. “You dare speak such of our Senate?” Griffin
bellowed. “You are human. You know nothing of our history, of our
people. Your kind destroys itself and the world around us just so that
you can have a fancier vehicle than your next-door neighbor. You
steal and betray each other, taking instead of giving to your

“At least we don’t kill people just because of who they choose to


“Don’t you?”
Okay, Griffin had him there. Gay bashings and killings happened

all of the time. That didn’t mean it was right.

Matty had one more trick up his sleeve that might save him from

getting shot. If that didn’t work, he would wipe the floor with the guy.
Matty raised his shirt, barring his slightly rounded abdomen. “And do
the Loup-Garou also kill innocent children?”

“Is that…?” The gun in Griffin’s hand wavered, slowly lowering

as he stared at Matty’s stomach. “You’re pregnant?”

“Bravo.” Matty smirked. “You win a kewpie doll.”
“But how?” Griffin waved the gun up and down in the, gesturing

to Matty’s body. “You’re a man.”

“Duh, I’m an omega.”
Griffin started to shake his head, looking slightly confused. “The

ability of an omega to get pregnant is just a myth started by those that
wish to bring down the Senate. They are not real.”

Matty pointed to his stomach. “Does this look like a fucking myth

to you?”

“The Senate has deemed omegas as rogues, liars, betrayers of our

people. The law clearly states that any omega was to be instantly put
to death when their omega status was discovered.” Griffin raised the
gun, pointing it at Matty again. “I have to fulfill my duty.”

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“It’s your funeral, dude,” Owen said as he stepped up next to

Matty. He turned and winked at Matty then raised his hands into the

Matty smiled, suddenly feeling like they might actually have a

chance, and raised his own hands into the air.

Just as the wind started to pick up, the front door on the house

burst open and Ollie came barreling out. “Rico says you can—” The
rest of his words were lost in a high-pitched scream as Griffin jumped
forward and grabbed Ollie, pressing the barrel of the gun against his

“Stop now or I pull the trigger!” Griffin shouted.
Matty slowly lowered his hands to his sides, letting the wind die

down. Ollie had helped him when no one else would, when he was
desperate. He would be devastated if anything happened to the man.

“Get over here.” Griffin waved the gun.
Matty kept close to Ollie as he walked over to stand in front of the

steps. He was desperate to come up with a plan that would free Ollie,
but nothing came to mind. He knew if he even looked like he was
going to raise his hand into the air, Griffin would shoot and Ollie
would die.

“Don’t hurt him,” Matty pleaded, wondering where in the hell

Rico, Graham, and Flaco were. They should have at least heard Ollie
scream and come running. Where in the hell were they? “He didn’t do

“Shut up!” Griffin snapped. “Don’t move a muscle.” Matty’s

knees nearly gave out when Griffin half glanced over his shoulder but
still kept an eye on him. “I don’t have all night. Are you going to
come out or not?”

Matty paled and swallowed hard when four men stepped out of

the shadows and started across the yard toward them.

More hunters.

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There was no way that they were going to get out of this alive, not


Matty whimpered, positive that he was going to die any second.

He felt Owen’s hand settle on the middle of his back. He knew it was
meant to be reassuring, but it really wasn’t, not when he was facing
imminent death.

Matty’s jaw dropped, and he stumbled back to drop down on the

steps when Griffin turned without another word and pulled the trigger,
shooting each of the other hunters until not one of them were left

Before he could fully understand what was going on, Griffin

pushed Ollie toward the steps and raced over to take the weapons off
of each of the men he had shot, and then he tied their hands behind
their backs with silver cuffs.

When Griffin started back toward him, Matty scrambled up the

steps, desperate to get away from the crazy man. He had no idea if
Griffin was still going to kill him or not, and he wasn’t taking any

“Owen, would you please go get the others,” Griffin said as he

laid the weapons he had gathered down on the bottom step. He even
set his own gun down then stepped back until several feet stood
between him and the steps.

Owen ran up the stairs and into the house as if the hounds of hell

were chasing after him. Ollie just stood there and stared at Griffin like
he had suddenly grown two heads. Matty knew how he felt.

“Why?” Matty asked as his eyes flickered to the four prone

figures on the ground then back to Griffin. “You’re a hunter. Why
would you kill your own men?”

“I didn’t kill them,” Griffin replied simply. “I merely

incapacitated them. They will be fine.”

Matty rolled his eyes. “Okay, then why did you shoot your own


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“As a sentry of the Loup-Garou Senate, we are taught to adapt to

new situations and intel as it occurs.” Griffin’s eyes briefly flickered
away from Matty before coming back, filled with confusion and
something that Matty couldn’t quite identify. “I found that I needed to

Matty’s eyebrows rose at a surprising speed. “So, you shot your


“I had to.”
“I’d like to know that as well.”
Matty spun around to see Rico, Graham, and Flaco standing at the

top of the stairs, their arms crossed over their chests as they glared
down at Griffin. Owen stood behind them, wringing his hands
together as if he didn’t know whether to come down the steps or stay
where he was.

“Rico,” Matty whispered, never so glad to see someone in his life.

His mate glanced down at him then walked down the steps to stand in
front of him, putting himself between Matty and Griffin.

“I’d be very interested to know why you shot your fellow


“The situation changed, and I was required to adapt,” Griffin


“Changed how?” Rico demanded.
There was an arrested expression on his face Griffin’s face when

he turned to look straight at Rico. “I found my mate.”

Rico growled. “Matty is—”
“Not my mate,” Griffin finished for him. Matty’s jaw dropped

when Griffin pointed at Ollie. “He is.”

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Chapter 10

Rico didn’t know what to think of Griffin Gates. It was obvious

from the situation that the man was a hunter sent by the Senate to
infiltrate their little band of misfits and take them all out—except the
man hadn’t. Instead, he had shot his fellow hunters because he
believed he had found his mate.

Ollie didn’t seem to be buying it. He was staying on the far side of

the room from Griffin, making sure there was a sufficient amount of
space between them. He kept eyeing Griffin as if he thought the man
would jump up and attack him at any moment.

Rico wasn’t sure that he wouldn’t.
“So, you think Ollie is your mate?”
“I know he is,” Griffin replied.
“I still don’t see what that has to do with you shooting your men.

You were more than ready to kill my mate because he’s a man. As a
sentry of the Loup-Garou Senate, you should be even more willing to
kill your own mate since he’s a man.”

Rico pushed away from the wall and held out a gun. “Do you

want to do it, or shall I?”

“Rico!” Matty shouted.
Rico silenced him with a single glare then turned back to Griffin.


“Do you really think I’m that stupid?” Griffin snarled.
“Yes.” Rico snorted. “I do.”
“You won’t shoot him. He’s your friend.”
“Actually, I just met him yesterday. I would shoot him.” Rico

turned the gun on Ollie and pulled the trigger. Ollie cried out as the

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bullet embedded in his shoulder, right where Rico had intended it to

Griffin roared and launched himself across the room, right at

Rico. He had been expecting it, but it still came as a surprise when
Griffin barreled into him. Rico barely had time to drop the gun and
put up his arms before Griffin tore into him with teeth and claws.

Rico tried to defend himself while not injuring Griffin too much.

For one, he had questions that needed answers. For two, if he was
indeed Ollie’s mate, Rico couldn’t kill the man. He owed Ollie too
much to take his mate from him.

Rico felt one particular painful slash of Griffin’s claws slice

across his chest before Graham and Flaco pulled the man off of him.
They forced Griffin to his knees in the middle of the room, each of
them holding the seething man back.

Rico slumped back against the wall and pressed his hand over his

bleeding chest. It took several deep breaths before he could get
through the pain swamping him and raise his head to look at the
hunter once more.

“Things are a little different when it’s your own mate looking

down the barrel of a gun, aren’t they?”

Griffin growled, curling his lip back to bare his canines at Rico. “I

will kill you.”

“Not if I kill you first,” Ollie said as he grabbed one of the guns

and pointed it at the man. He held his other hand against the bleeding
wound in his shoulder. “You actually think I want to acknowledge
that we’re mates after the things you’ve done? I’m an omega,
Griffin.” His lips twisted in disgust. “Your kind hunt people like me
down and kill us just because we’re different. They lock us away and
pretend we don’t exist because they don’t want the world to know
they’ve spawned an abomination. Well, fuck you, Griffin. Rico can
kill you for all I care.”

The fight seemed to drain out of Griffin as he stared up at Ollie.

“But I’m your mate.”

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A cold, congested expression settled on Ollie’s face.


Okay, Rico hadn’t seen that coming.
“Ollie, hand me the gun,” he said as he held out his hand. “You

don’t want to do this.”

“The hell I don’t. I’ve spent my entire life being persecuted for

something I had no control over, and now I find out that my mate is
one of the very people that have tortured me because I’m different?”
Ollie laughed. It was a cold, bitter sound. “Fate really is a bitch.”

Rico’s eyes widened when Ollie slapped the gun into his hand and

walked out of the room. A moment later, he heard the front door crash
open. He swore softly and rolled his eyes when the sound of a car
starting up came from the front yard.

“Flaco, go stop Ollie. He’s angry right now, but he still doesn’t

need to be out there on his own. Those four may not be the only
hunters out there looking for us.”

“They’re not,” Griffin said. “We always get sent out in four teams

of four hunters. There are three more teams out there looking for

Rico was stunned by Griffin’s offering of hunter activities. In all

of his dealings with them, he had never once heard of a hunter freely
giving up information on their own people. That wasn’t to say he
wasn’t grateful, because he was.

He was just shocked.
“Do you think the other teams know where we are?”
Griffin tilted his head to look up at Rico. “They know.”
“I need a knife.”
“Please,” Griffin growled through clenched teeth. “Either get me a

knife or shoot me in the head. But whatever you decide, you need to
do it now. There isn’t much time.”

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Rico glanced at the other men in the room, gauging their

reactions. When his eyes finally settled on Matty, he was surprised to
find his mate holding a knife out to him. Trusting Matty’s judgment,
Rico took the knife and handed it to Griffin.

Rico’s jaw dropped as he watched Griffin strip off his shirt and

use the knife to cut into his side between his ribcage and his hipbone.
Blood started trickling from the wound, saturating the carpet. After
several tense moments, Griffin dug a small, black, square device out
of his skin. He dropped it on the floor and smashed it with the handle
of the knife.

“The other hunter teams already have this location because of that

tracking device. If you leave here now, they won’t be able to find
you.” Griffin held out the knife until Rico took it then slumped back
onto his legs, swaying. “Take my mate with you.”

Rico’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening.

Unfortunately, he was injured and moved too slowly to catch Griffin
before he crashed to the floor, his eyes drifting closed.

“Well, shit.”
“Well, now what?” Matty asked.
Rico rubbed the back of his neck with both of his hands as he

tilted his head back and looked up at the ceiling. Matty was asking a
question he had no answer to. And why in the hell was everyone
always looking to him for the answers? What about the other men in
the room? Couldn’t they be responsible for things for once?

Rico sighed and lowered his arms when he felt Matty press up

against his chest. “I don’t know what to do, baby.”

“Well, luckily for you, I think I do.” Matty reached up and tugged

on Rico’s collars, straightening them before stroking his hands down
Rico’s chest. Rico wasn’t sure if the guy had a plan or was trying to
get him worked up, or both.

“And that plan would be?”
“We need to get the hell out of here, and now. My radar isn’t

going off at the moment, but that doesn’t mean it won’t. If what

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Griffin says is true, and I suspect it is, then we don’t have long before
the other hunter teams arrive. I think it would be best not to be here
when that happens.”

“I really hate the idea that we have to run again so soon, Matty.

Rico cupped Matty’s chin tenderly in his warm hand. “You haven’t
even had the time to rest yet.”

“I’ll rest in the car.”
“We need to go, Rico.”
Frustrated, Rico ran his hands through his hair. “Fine, get

everyone loaded up. We’ll head to the next safe house.”

“Uh, dude,” Graham said, “you do realize that we’re running out

of safe houses, right?”

“Yeah, I know.” Rico’s lips thinned as he pressed them together to

keep from growling. “We’ll figure something out.”

“What do you want me to do with him?” Graham asked, gesturing

to the man lying on the floor.

Rico glanced own at Griffin. In all good conscience, he couldn’t

leave the guy behind for the hunters. Even Rico wasn’t that cruel.
“Bring him, but keep an eye on him. I don’t trust him any farther than
I can throw him.”

Rico locked his arm firmly around Matty’s waist and led him

toward the door. “I will find you a place to rest, baby, if it’s the last
thing I do.”

“I really hope it’s not the last thing you do.” Matty peeked up at

Rico through his bangs. “I kind of had plans for you later.”

“Oh yeah?” Rico surprised himself when he grinned. He didn’t

think he had an ounce of amusement in him. Apparently, his mate
brought out that hidden part of him. “Maybe you can tell me about it
in the truck.”

“Only if we’re alone.”

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Rico chuckled as he led Matty out of the house and down the front

steps. He wasn’t surprised to see Ollie leaning up against his car,
Flaco treating his wound. Rico grimaced as he walked up to the pair.

“Sorry about shooting you, Ollie. I hope I didn’t hurt you too


“Oh please.” Ollie snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’ve had worse


“Still, I am sorry.”
Ollie shrugged. “The full moon isn’t too far away. It’ll heal just as

soon as I shift.”

“Well, we need to get on the road as soon as possible. Griffin

seems to think that there are more hunters on their way here. I’d like
to be gone before they get here.”

“And you believe that asshole?” Ollie sputtered as he clenched

and unclenched his hands. “He’s a fucking hunter. You can’t believe a
word he says.”

“The evidence says otherwise.”
Ollie’s head snapped back. “What evidence?”
“He dug a tracking chip out of his side.”
Ollie’s jaw dropped. “He did what?”
“He used my knife to dig a tracking device out of his side.” Rico

saw anxiety in Ollie’s eyes as they flickered toward the house and
knew that the man wasn’t as unaffected by his mate’s presence as he
wanted everyone to believe. “He’ll be okay, Ollie.”

Ollie’s eyes snapped back to Rico, a slow snarl curling his back.

“Like I give a fuck. He can bleed to death for all I care.”

Right. Like Rico believed that one.
“Okay, I want everyone loaded and on the road in the next five

minutes. Ollie, you’ll have to leave your car here. There’s no way it
will keep up with us. We might have to go off-road if hunters catch

“And how in the hell am I supposed to do that? We’re not all

gonna fit in your truck.”

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Rico grinned, feeling slightly optimistic for the first time in

forever. “We planned ahead. There’s another truck parked out behind
the house.”

“Fine.” Ollie crossed his arms as he nodded toward the house

where Graham and Flaco were carrying Griffin out the front door.
“But I’m not riding with him.”

Rico sighed, knowing that his alone time with Matty would have

to wait. “You and Owen can ride with Matty and me. Graham and
Flaco can take Griffin with them.”

“Fine.” Ollie spun around and grabbed his stuff from his car then

headed for Rico’s truck.

Rico rubbed his temples, feeling a migraine coming on. “Okay.”

Rico looked up at everyone. “Load up. Matty, get in the truck with
Ollie and Owen. Graham, Flaco, put Griffin in your truck. We need to
get on the road and head toward the next safe house.”

Rico made one more pass through the house to make sure that

they had everything then walked outside and climbed into his truck.
Matty sat in the front seat next to him. Ollie and Owen were in the
back. It was a good thing they weren’t large men or they never would
have fit in the back of the quad cab. It was not built for tall men.

When he saw the headlights of the other truck flash, Rico put his

truck in drive and headed out. The next safe house was five hours
away through good traffic. If they hit bad traffic or bad weather, it
would take much longer.

“Is that cheeseburger going to hold you over for a while, Matty?”
“Yeah, but we’ll need to stop at some point so that the others can


“We will,” Rico replied. “I just want to put some miles between

us and the hunters first.”

“Do you think we’ll be running like this all of the time?”
“God, I hope not, baby.” But he was very much afraid they would.

He had yet to find a place to stay for any length of time without the
hunters finding them. Nowhere seemed safe enough.

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Rico was beginning to suspect that someone knew their every

move and was feeding information to the hunters. He just didn’t think
it was any of the men with him. He didn’t even think it was Griffin.

“Owen,” Rico glanced into the rearview mirror, his eyes meeting

Owen’s for a moment before he looked out the front window again,
“is there any way that anyone could have figured out that you were
helping us?”

“There’s always a possibility, Rico. Computers can be hacked,

phone calls listened in on, and money traced. I tried to be careful and
always used the code we worked out, but there’s always a possibility
that someone figured it out.” Owen’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

“It just seems like the hunters are finding us too easily. Every time

we get to a new safe house, they show up. They have to be tracking us

“What about that tracking device in Griffin’s side? Could they be

tracking us that way?”

“No, he took it out. There has to be—” Rico suddenly slowed the

truck as he glanced at Matty then to the rearview mirror to look at
Ollie and Owen. “Fuck me running.” Rico cut the truck to the left and
pulled over to the side of the road. Just as he turned off the engine and
opened his door, he saw the other truck pull in behind him.

“What is it, Rico?” Matty asked as he unbuckled his seat belt and

climbed across the seat to the driver’s side.

“I need to talk to Griffin.” Rico walked back to the other truck and

pulled the back door of the king cab open. He leaned in and grabbed
Griffin’s chin, raising it up until their eyes met. Griffin’s eyes were
glossy, but at least they were open. “Griffin, listen to me, how are the
hunters tracking us?”

“Come on, man.” Rico smacked Griffin lightly on the side of the

face. “I need you to pay attention.”

Griffin widened his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering wildly. “Hey,


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“Hey, Griffin. I need to ask you something, okay?”
Griffin’s head weaved just a bit when he nodded. “Okay.”
Wow, the dude must have lost more blood than he had thought.

Griffin was really out of it. “Listen carefully, Griffin, how are the
hunters finding us?”

“Don’t know.”
“Could there be more tracking devices?”
“On you?”
“Could there be tracking devices on any of the rest of us?”
“Shit, I was afraid of that.” Rico thought hard. There had to be a

way out of this. “Griffin, is there any way to locate the tracking
devices or disable them?”

“Radio Shack.”
Now it was Rico’s turn to wonder if he was woozy. “Radio


“Scrubber,” Griffin’s lips split into a wide grin. “Need a scrubber.

They have them at Radio Shack for twenty-four ninety-five.”

“Okay.” Rico glanced at Flaco and Graham. “Either of you have

any idea what a scrubber is?”

“Nope, but the guys at Radio Shack might.”
“Right.” Rico settled Griffin back into his seat then turned his

eyes back toward his two friends sitting in the front seat. “Someone
find me the closest Radio Shack.”

“On it,” Graham said as he spun around and started tapping away

on his disposable cell phone. God, technology was fantastic. “Okay,”
he said after a minute, “there’s a Radio Shack twelve miles from here
in Bull Creek. Maybe we can find what we’re looking for there.”

“Follow me and stay close.” Rico slammed the truck door closed

then walked back to his truck. He climbed in and started the engine
up, driving back onto the road.

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“Well?” Matty asked. “What did he say?”
“We’re headed to the nearest Radio Shack. Apparently, we need a

scrubber.” Rico swerved and almost drove the truck off the road when
Owen suddenly inhaled and started swearing. “Owen? What do you
know? What’s a scrubber?”

“A scrubber is a device that renders anything with an electronic

signature useless. It’s like a mini EMP pulse.”

“And when I asked Griffin about tracking devices, why would he

tell me we needed a scrubber?”

“If any of us have a tracking device implanted in us, running a

scrubber up and down our bodies will render the device inactive, just
like a computer.” Owen’s lips twisted into a grimace. “A tracking
chip is really just a small computer. It’s subject to the same
fluctuating magnetic fields as any other electronic device.”

“Okay, in English please.”
“You know what an EMP does, right?”
“Yeah, it makes anything electronic useless.”
“Most people think of nuclear bombs when they think of EMPs.

Those types of EMPs wipe out entire cities. A scrubber is much
smaller than that and usually only used by hackers or the federal
government. It does the same thing as a normal EMP except on a
much smaller scale. Hackers like to have them around doorways into
their secure rooms. That way, if anyone—like the police—tries to
remove their computers as evidence, the computers are wiped clean
the second they pass through any doorway.”

“Okay, I understand all of that, but how does this scrubber thing

help us?”

“Like I said, it’s the same process,” Owen said. “If we run the

scrubber up and down our bodies, any tracking device will be wiped

“Can it be reactivated?”
“Nope. Once it’s wiped, it’s wiped.”

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Rico breathed deeply. “Perfect.”

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Chapter 11

Matty stared at the circular antenna device in Owen’s hand like it

was going to bite him. It had been passed up and down everyone
except him. And he wasn’t sure he was ready to have it passed over
his body.

“I swear, Matty,” Owen said. “It won’t hurt you.”
“What about the baby?” Matty asked as he eyed the evil device.

“Will it hurt the baby?”

“Only if he’s made from a computer chip.”
“He’s a hybrid. How in the hell do I know what he’s made of?”
Matty tucked his lips in. Owen was clearly getting upset with him.

Matty just couldn’t help his aversion to anything he didn’t understand.
He didn’t even own a computer.

“Baby.” Rico’s fingers were cool and smooth as they stroked

Matty’s cheek. “I swear to you that I would never do anything that
would put our child in jeopardy. I wouldn’t allow anyone else to do it

“But there’s no—”
“It’s a simple process, Matty. Owen is just going to wave the

antenna over you. That’s it, nothing more. It doesn’t hurt, and it won’t
harm the baby.”

“There is no way that I could have a tracking device implanted in

me anywhere unless one of you did it,” Matty said as quickly as he
could because no one was letting him get a word in edgewise. “No
one except you has gotten close enough to me to implant anything
since I left the clinic several days ago.”

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Ollie growled and edged back when Griffin stepped closer. Griffin

rolled his eyes. It had been going that way between the two men since
they both shifted to heal during the full moon and run off into the

Matty wasn’t exactly sure what was going on between them, and

he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. When they returned an hour later,
Ollie climbed right into the truck and refused to come out. He avoided
Griffin like the man had the plague ever since.

“Matty,” Griffin said as he shot a low glare at Ollie, “tracking

devices come in every shape and size. They can be as small as an
aspirin. If someone really wanted to put one on you, they could find a

Matty’s lips curved down as he looked at the stupid antenna in

Owen’s hands. “I’m not going to get out of this, am I?”

“Sorry, baby,” Rico said. “This is for your own safety.”
“Okay, but if our baby is born with an arm coming out of his face,

I’m blaming you.” Matty squeezed his eyes closed and waited for
Owen to scan him. His heart thudded in his chest, beating faster the
longer he waited. “Would you hurry the hell up?”

“We’re done, Matty.”
“What?” Matty’s eyes popped open, swinging quickly from side

to side as he looked down at his body. “We’re done?”

“Yep.” Owen smiled. “All done. If there were any tracking

devices on you, they are inactive now.”

“What happens to them?” Matty had pictures of small, black

devices getting into his bloodstream and floating up to his brain,
giving him an aneurysm or something just as life threatening.

“If they’re small enough, you’ll just poop them out. If they’re

bigger, they will just stay where they are.”

“Okay.” Matty held one hand up and covered his mouth with the

other when his stomach started to roll. “Let’s not go there.”

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Owen chuckled, which was a switch from his usual sourpuss

grimace of late. “You’ll be fine, Matty. You won’t even know
anything is there, assuming there is.”

Matty settled back in Rico’s arms when the man wrapped them

around him and watched as Owen packed the scrubber away. He
knew they would probably be using it again. This thing with the
hunters wasn’t over even if they had their first real chance at freedom.

“So, what now?” Matty asked as he tilted his head back to look up

at Rico. “Where do we go now?”

“I think we need to stay away from any of the safe houses we had

set up. If the Senate has figured out how to implant us with tracking
devices without our knowledge, then there is always a possibility they
know about our safe houses.”

“That doesn’t leave us with a lot of options, Rico,” Flaco said.

“We’re almost out of money as it is.”

“We could go camping,” Matty suggested.
“That will only work for a little while, baby,” Rico replied as he

patted Matty’s arm in a reassuring gesture. “We have the summer
months, but winter will be here soon enough. Besides, I don’t want
my child raised in a tent. He—”

“Or she.”
“Or she.” Rico grinned down at Matty. “He or she needs a safe

place to grow up, not a tent in the woods.”

“Uh…” Owen seemed a little confused. “You do realize that your

son or daughter will be a wolf-shifter, right?”

“Not until they go through their transition. Until then, he or she

will be in human form.”

“Good point.”
“We can head out west,” Flaco suggested. “So far, we’ve been

staying to the eastern states. We haven’t traveled out west.”

“There are still wolf packs out west, Flaco.”
“True, but there’s also a lot more wide open space out west. There

are just not that many wolf packs out there. They can’t cover every

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square inch of land. There has to be some place that we can find to
settle down for a while.”

“Uh, I might have a suggestion.”
Matty turned in Rico’s arms to look over at Griffin. The man

looked hesitant as if he was afraid no one would believe his words.

“We’re listening, Griffin,” Rico said.
Griffin looked down at the ground as he kicked at a small pile of

gravel with his boot. “I might have purchased a plot of land in the
Rocky Mountains about a hundred miles from the nearest town.”

Matty’s eyebrows rose. “You what?”
“And I might have used an assumed name when I did it,” Griffin

continued. “I also might have paid for it using an offshore numbered
account under a dummy corporation. I might have even had some
supplies shipped there on orders of said dummy corporation.”

“Well, damn, boy.” Graham slapped Griffin on the back. “What in

the hell are we waiting for?”

Matty felt Rico’s chest rumble as the man chuckled. “Directions.”

* * * *

“Breathe, baby,” Rico whispered, clasping Matty’s hand. “You

need to breathe.”

Matty nodded, but not a sound slid past his pale lips. He kept them

pressed tightly together as wave after wave of the most intense pain
he had ever felt swept through his body. He had never felt anything
like it, and he hoped to never feel anything like it again.

This whole birthing thing sucked.
Everyone had tried to explain to him what would happen when he

went into labor, but somehow they had missed the part where he felt
like his insides were being ripped out by Freddy Krueger’s clawed

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The longer it went on, the less confidence Matty had that he

would survive it. People were not meant to feel this level of agony.
How women did it on a daily basis was a complete mystery to him.

Matty was just glad that they had rented a cabin for the event. He

so did not want to give birth in a tent. The camping had been fun for
the first couple of weeks. After Matty’s stomach had grown to bigger
proportions, it had grown less fun. Almost everything had grown less

Luckily, depending on how he looked at the entire situation, it

turned out that the pregnancy time of an omega only lasted ten weeks.
By the time Matty had found Rico again, he had been halfway done.
Unluckily, the last five weeks had been the hardest.

Again, Matty couldn’t understand how women did this every day,

all over the world. They had to be out of their minds.

Matty couldn’t wait until they reached the place in the Rocky

Mountains that Griffin was leading them to. He described the place as
a haven away from the world, which was just what they were all
looking for.

A haven.
Since using the scrubber, they had been able to avoid the hunters,

which told them all that at least one of them had been implanted with
a tracking device. They had still decided to slow down and weave
their way through the states to throw anyone chasing them off their

They had even gone down into Mexico and up into Canada. That

had taken a simple trip of a week and turned it into several weeks, but
they were pretty sure no one was following them anymore.

They were free and clear to head toward Griffin’s land—just as

soon as the baby was born.

“Matty, you’re not breathing.”
Matty ground his molars together. He was breathing, damn it. He

just wasn’t making any noises, and he knew it. He couldn’t, not with

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Rico looking down at him like his whole world would fall apart at the
simplest of sounds.

Rico was a mess. Matty was in unimaginable pain, but Rico

looked like he was going through hell. The man refused to leave his
side the second Matty started feeling contractions. And Matty was
grateful for that. But if Rico didn’t loosen his grip on his hand, Matty
was afraid he’d end up with crushed bones.

“Rico,” he murmured as he pressed his head back into the pillow

behind him, an intense pressure filling his abdomen.

“I’m here, baby. I’m here.”
“Need to push.”
“Hold it for a moment, Matty.”
Hold it?
Was he fucking serious?
Matty had no idea what Rico was doing until the man lifted him

up then slid behind him. When Matty leaned back, he was effectively
propped up by Rico’s strong chest.

“Okay, baby, go ahead and push.”
Matty grabbed his thighs, using them as leverage, and then he

pushed. He tried to keep his pain locked behind his lips because Rico
freaked out if he stubbed his toe. But the level of agony he was
feeling seemed to intensify with every passing second.

By the time he was about halfway done pushing out the elephant-

sized baby he felt like he was giving birth to, Matty couldn’t hold his
screams back anymore. Under any other normal circumstance, the
scream that left his mouth would have freaked Matty out.

But nothing in his life had been normal since the day he met Rico.

Why should giving birth to the man’s child be any different?

Matty screamed his damn fool head off.
He pushed and pushed, and then there was a sudden release of

pressure. Matty’s head turned toward Rico’s chest as he dropped his
legs. The silence that filled the room was thick, almost consuming.

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Heir of the Wolf That Bit You


Matty panted heavily, out of breath and out of energy. He couldn’t

even muster up the strength to push his damp hair off his forehead.
Luckily, Rico did it for him, wiping a cool cloth across his skin.

Matty heard a small cry that sounded suspiciously like a cat’s

meow. Considering that he was surrounded by wolf-shifters, it was
enough to gain his attention. Matty turned his head, only to cry out
himself when he saw Owen holding out a small bundle wrapped in a

“Oh.” Matty’s hands trembled as Owen laid the bundle in his

arms. He pulled back the edge of the blanket to see two bright-blue
eyes staring back up at him. “Oh, Rico, look.”

Matty frowned when Rico didn’t say anything. The man had come

to terms with the fact that he was going to be a father weeks ago. He
was even more excited about the event than Matty was.

So…Matty tilted his head to look back at Rico only to burst out


“That, baby,” Matty said as he looked back down at the bundle in

his arms, amusement lacing his voice, “is your big, bad wolf-shifter
daddy. And just as soon as he regains consciousness, he’ll be very
excited to meet you.”



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Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots

is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first
sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her

gorgeous husband and soul Mate, six very active teenagers, two
boxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand

and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man
for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You
can find her website at

For all titles by Stormy Glenn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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