Gabrielle Evans Gods of Chaos 02 Dance with the Devil

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Gods of Chaos 2

Dance with the Devil

When his fast and loose lifestyle finally catches up with him,

Archer finds himself in hot water with the Gods of Chaos. Cursed

by an irresistible charm that leaves men panting and pawing at

him sounded like a dream come true, but Archer soon finds

himself trapped in a nightmare.

Levi Dawson lived a lonely but content life in his little hometown.

When Archer Neilson walked into his bar for a drink, Levi knew he

had to have him. Rescuing the smaller man from the town

troublemakers wasn’t how he’d have planned their first meeting,

nor did he imagine himself inviting the man to live with him.

Doubting he can tame his lust and change his wicked ways in just

thirty days, Archer has no issues falling into bed with the cowboy.

Falling in love was a whole other story, though, and it was never

supposed to happen.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Western/Cowboys
Length: 36,979 words

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Gods of Chaos 2

Gabrielle Evans



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Gabrielle Evans
E-book ISBN: 1-61034-896-6

First E-book Publication: October 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Gods of Chaos 2


Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

He didn’t know how long he’d been there, or even where the hell

he was. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d worn a strip of
clothing, been given water to drink, or food to eat. Still, he wouldn’t
die. And oh, gods, he wanted to die.

Every vile and repulsive thing he’d ever done. Every injustice

slated against him. All of his misdeeds and transgressions played
through his mind on an endless loop until he thought he’d go mad
from them.

He couldn’t sleep. He was exhausted and felt barely human on

most days, but he could never fall asleep.

When it became too much, he’d scream. He’d scream until his

throat felt like it would bleed. Nothing eased the guilt or regret his
memories induced.

His cock stayed hard, and his balls ached constantly. The urge to

come never left him even though there was nothing remotely exciting
or desirable about the hell he’d been in for however long.

Since his first experience with the horizontal mambo, he’d had an

insatiable appetite for sex. Now, the mere thought of someone
touching him made him want to hurl. He’d attempted to ease the ache

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himself, but every time he tried to jerk off, the pain was too
excruciating to get in more than a handful of strokes.

No one ever came to visit him inside his prison cell that had been

cleverly disguised as a bedroom. Archer Neilson knew the truth,
though. He wasn’t ever going to leave the gaudily furnished hellhole.

Of all the shit that plagued him day after day, the memories of

Rayne were the worst. The horrible things he’d done to his friend
cycled through his mind repeatedly, never giving him a moment of
peace. He just couldn’t remember why he’d done those things. Sure,
he wanted Rayne, thought the man was gorgeous, but he’d never set
out to hurt him.

His brain supplied the images of him pushing Rayne up against

the wall in that small office, the vile things he’d said to him, the way
he’d pulled at his clothes and grinded against him. He had a healthy
sexual appetite, but he would never force anyone, and Rayne had
definitely not been willing.

He didn’t think he would have actually gone through with it—

gods, he prayed he wouldn’t have. When his boss, Dante Luca,
stormed into the room, ripped him away from Rayne, and began
pounding his massive fist into Archer’s face, all Archer had felt was
relief. He’d deserved everything Dante had dished out to him and

The door to his room creaked open, and a quiet groan filled the

room. “Well, fuck me sideways.”

“Who are you?” Damn, his throat burned, and his voice came out

small and creaky. Then again, the only time he ever spoke was when
he was screaming for them to let him go or because the memories had
become too much to bear.

“I promised Rayne that you were unharmed. I really fucking hate

breaking promises. Has he fed you at all?”

“Rayne asked about me?” Archer didn’t know how he felt about

that. Rayne should hate him. Part of him wanted the man to hate him.
He deserved it.

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“Yes, and I told him you were having the time of your life. So,

that’s exactly what you’ll say to him if he asks. It’s time for you to go
home, Archer. Pathos will oversee your punishment.”

“Punishment? What the hell do you call what’s been happening to


The small man shook his head and sighed. “Yeah, I see it hasn’t

been all sunshine and daisies for you, but I kind of like Rayne, and
you fucked up, man.”

Archer nodded silently. He would take his punishment without

argument. He deserved anything that happened to him. “What’s going
to happen?”

“Pathos will explain it to you.” Then he simply vanished.
At the same instant, Pathos appeared beside his bed. Archer

jumped, crawling up the mattress to the headboard, and wrapped his
arms around his knees. He tried to make himself as small as
possible—which was no easy feat at six-one.

“Are you ready to play a new game?” The tiny blond bounced on

his heels, his face lit with excitement. “This has been a lot of fun, but
I’m bored now.” The smile was momentarily replaced with a slight
pout before the grin snapped back into place. “Gordost said I get to
play a new game with you, and I have just the thing!”

“What are you going to do to me?” What he really meant was how

much worse could it get? He’d seen Pathos exactly twice since his
arrival, and each time the memories and pain became worse, more

“Well, your uncontrollable lust is what landed your very sexy ass

here in the first place, right? So, I figure you should have a taste of
your own medicine.” The little god looked quite proud of himself for
coming up with such a perfect punishment. “You will be irresistible to
men, but no girly bits.” He gave an exaggerated shudder. “All men
will want you, though.” He clapped his hands together happily. “You
won’t even have to work for it! Isn’t that wonderful?”

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Gabrielle Evans

“Uh, okay.” While it sounded great on the surface, Archer had a

feeling it was going to be anything but. “Is this, like, forever?”

“Oh, no, silly,” Pathos sang. “You have thirty days. I would love

to play with you longer, but Gordost says I can only keep you for
another month.” His bottom lip protruded in another pout. Then he
waved his hand around airily and giggled. “If you can mend your
deliciously wicked ways in thirty days, then you get to go back to
normal. I think that’s so very boring, but rules are rules.”

Hell, the man sounded like a bouncy preschooler with a new

favorite toy.

“And if I don’t?”
“Well, at least you will never want for a bed partner. Oh, this is

going to be so much fun!”

* * * *

Waking up alone in his apartment, nestled safely in his bed,

Archer cried out with the sheer relief of being free at last. The sun
peeked in through the broken blinds, and he turned his face toward it,
tears of joy pooling in his eyes as the warm rays bathed his face. It
had been so long since he’d seen the sun. He wanted to strip naked,
run outside, and just wallow in it.

Instead, he crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom,

intent on getting in the shower and washing the filth and guilt from
his body. Well, he couldn’t wash away the guilt with water, but the
filth he could manage just fine.

As he soaped and rinsed, he thought over the things he needed to

do. He definitely needed to find a job. He had a roof over his head,
but he didn’t know how long it would last. It wasn’t like they’d given
him a calendar or even a clock, so he had no idea how far behind he
was on his rent. The fact that he even had a place was remarkable.

“Your rent is all paid up for the next month, so don’t fret.”

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Archer screamed, actually fucking screamed as he ripped the

shower curtain off the rod in his attempt to see around it. The sight of
Pathos standing in his bathroom had him shaking right down to his
toes. This so couldn’t be happening again.

“Don’t worry. Gordost says I can’t play inside your head

anymore.” Pathos wrinkled his nose as though he didn’t like the
suggestion, but he shrugged just as quickly. “That’s okay. I’ll find
something new to play with. Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say.” He
gave a cheery little wave, but before he could disappear, another man
popped up beside him with a deep frown on his face.

“You were supposed to erase his memory.”
Pathos hung his head and pouted, scuffing his toe against the tiled

floor. “But then he wouldn’t know who I am, and the game wouldn’t
be as fun.” He lifted his head and smiled brightly. “Did you hear him
scream when he saw me? Gordost, that was so fucking cool!”

Gordost sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s not

how this is supposed to work.”

“You messed with Rayne every chance you got. You’re being a

dirty hypocrite!” Pathos stomped his foot and huffed. “Go away and
let me play.” He stuck his nose in the air and made a shooing gesture
with his hand.

“Fine.” Gordost gave his brother an indulgent smile. “Behave

yourself, though.” Then he vanished without even a glance in
Archer’s direction.

“Yay!” Pathos giggled, twirling around in a little circle and

shaking his ass. “We’re going to have so much fun.” He waved at
Archer again then disappeared from the room.

Sliding down the tiled wall of the shower, Archer curled into a

fetal position in the bathtub, shaking and panting until the water
turned cold. He didn’t like this game, and it had barely begun. He’d
do whatever he had to do to redeem himself if it meant he never had
to set eyes on Pathos or any of the other nine Gods of Chaos again.

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Gabrielle Evans

He needed to go see Rayne. That sounded like a good start. If he

groveled enough, maybe he could convince Rayne to forgive him.
Even if he wasn’t basically fighting for his life, he needed to do that
anyway. Rayne was a good man with a loving partner, and he didn’t
deserve the way Archer had treated him. He doubted he’d be
welcomed, but he had to try.

After dressing quickly, it was a little surreal to find the keys to his

truck on the end table in the living room, right where he always left
them. Snatching them up, he took one last look around his apartment,
just glad to be home, and hurried off to see an old friend—maybe for
the last time.

Doubts and uncertainty plagued him as he drove across town to

Dante and Rayne’s house. He’d caused so much damage. Maybe he
should just leave the men alone. He had a little money in his savings.
Starting over in a new town would probably be the better option.

By the time he pulled up to the curb in front of the small house,

his stomach was in knots and sweat poured down his face, though the
outside temperatures were hovering in the low sixties. “Man up,
Neilson,” he chastised himself. Rayne deserved an apology, and
Archer damn sure intended to give him a good one.

Climbing the front steps, his legs and hands shook, but Archer

took a deep breath and rapped his knuckles against the door. Then he
shoved his trembling hands into the pockets of his jeans and shifted
from foot to foot while he waited for someone to answer.

What if Dante came to the door? Would he even give Archer a

chance to say anything before beating the shit out of him? Though he
knew it was less than he deserved, Archer really wanted a chance to
speak his piece to Rayne.

Before he could decide whether to dip out and try again another

time, the door eased open, and Rayne Everest stood in the doorway,
looking just as gorgeous as the day Archer had met him. He’d never
in his life had anyone turn him down, and the memory of Rayne’s
rejection still stung. They could have been so good together. If

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Dance With the Devil


nothing else, they would have set fire to Archer’s bed, but he’d never
been given the chance. Rayne had found something lacking in him,
and he’d just have to live with that.

“Archer?” Rayne’s eyes rounded, and he pulled the door open

wider. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Swallowing hard, Archer pushed away his hurt feelings and

focused on the guilt that gnawed at him. Rayne couldn’t help that he
wasn’t attracted to him. Archer just had to remember that. “I, uh, just
got back.” Archer had the urge to roll his eyes at himself. He’d made
it sound like he’d been on a nice little vacation.

Closing his eyes for a moment to regain his composure, he took a

deep, calming breath and let it out slowly. “I came to apologize. There
is no excuse for what I did to you, and I hate myself for it. There’s
something wrong with me, Rayne, and I just wanted to tell you that
none of it was your fault. I didn’t mean those shitty things I said. This
is all on me. I just…I just wanted you to know that.”

Rayne didn’t blink throughout Archer’s entire ramble. Hell, he

didn’t even twitch when Archer was finished. He just stood there,
staring at him, and Archer had no trouble recognizing the heat in
Rayne’s eyes.

“Maybe you should come inside,” Rayne whispered. “We could

get more comfortable while we talk.”

Fuck! Though Archer wanted nothing more than to share Rayne’s

bed, he couldn’t do it. He’d completely forgotten about his curse
when he’d dreamed up this idiotic plan to talk to Rayne. If it weren’t
for Pathos’s little game, Rayne probably would have slammed the
door in Archer’s face the minute he’d opened his mouth.

“That’s not a good idea.” Archer shook his head and began

backing toward the porch steps. “I really just wanted to apologize and
make things right.”

“Who’s there, baby?” Dante called from somewhere behind


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Archer’s eyes rounded, and he took another step away. “I better be

going, Rayne.”

Before he could make his escape, though, Dante Luca appeared

over Rayne’s shoulder, his eyes landing on Archer as the smile
slipped from his face. “Archer,” he said coldly.

“Dante.” Archer gave a short dip of his head. “I was just leaving.”
He watched as the angry look vanished from Dante’s handsome

face, and the heat of desire sparked in his eyes. “Why are you
leaving? Come in and have something to drink.”

Dante stepped out onto the porch, Rayne following right behind

him. Rayne actually licked his lips, his gaze raking over Archer’s
body and ending at his groin. “Yes, come in, Archer,” he purred.

“I gotta go. I’ll come back when it’s safe.” Then Archer did the

only thing he could do. He turned around, bolted for his truck, and
sped off down the street.

“Fuck!” he screamed, banging his fist against the steering wheel.
With no idea of where he’d go, Archer didn’t even bother to go by

his place and pack a bag. The quicker he got the hell out of Dallas, the
better he’d be. Large cities were definitely out. He needed to find a
small, backwater town and just keep to himself until his thirty days
were up. Maybe if he kept his dick in his pants, he’d have a chance of
breaking the curse.

Somehow, he didn’t think it would be that easy, but what choice

did he have? Pointing his pickup toward the north, he left his old life
behind him and drove like death himself was on his heels. He couldn’t
outrun Pathos, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try.

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Dance With the Devil


Chapter Two

By midnight, Archer figured he’d need a crowbar or a surgeon to

pry his numb ass out of the driver’s seat. His stomach rumbled
uncomfortably, reminding him that he hadn’t taken the time to eat
since he’d woken up in his apartment.

Taking the Okmulgee exit, he prayed he’d be able to find

something open late where he could grab a burger and maybe a beer.
Hell, he’d skip the burger and take the beer if it came down to it.

Okmulgee, Oklahoma wasn’t a big city, but it was a college city,

and bigger than he was comfortable with, so he kept driving. When
the streetlights began to dwindle in his rearview mirror, the dreams of
food and alcohol went with them.

Reaching the outskirts of town, he traveled over the boundary

lines into the tiny town of Beggs and was pleasantly surprised to find
a little pub nestled on the side of the road. The place was packed, but
Archer didn’t think anyone would bother him. The bar looked about
as redneck as they came, complete with flashing marquee and arrow.

He doubted straight men would fall under the spell Pathos had

cast on him. Or maybe that was just his aching stomach talking.
Either way, Archer was willing to chance it. If things went south, he
could just hightail it out of there and never look back. He had to eat at
some point, though, and he’d have to interact with people to get that

Maybe there’d be a nice waitress in the bar that could help him get

what he needed while he hid out in one of the dark corners. It was the
most promising idea he’d had in a long time, so Archer decided to go
with it.

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Stepping into the dimly lit bar that reeked of stale beer and

cigarette smoke, Archer breathed a sigh of relief when no one even
glanced in his direction. He was even more thankful when he arrived
at the bar without incident and found that the grill was still open.
After placing his order, he paid the bartender, gave the guy a curt nod,
and settled back on the barstool to sip his beer while he waited for his
to-go order.

No one had spared him even a passing interest, but Archer wasn’t

going to take any chances. As soon as he had his food in his hand, he
was getting the hell out of the place. A quick scan of the bar made
him nervous. He didn’t see any waitresses, and only two other women
in the place.

He kept his eyes averted and gave a mumbled thank-you when the

bartender pushed a brown paper sack toward him that smelled like
heaven. Draining the last of his beer, Archer snatched the bag up,
ducked his head, and wound his way toward the exit. It wasn’t until
he stepped out into the cool night air that he realized he hadn’t gone
as undetected as he’d originally thought.

Three men leaned against the front bumper of his pickup,

watching him intently as he made his way across the parking lot.
Archer transferred the bag of food to his left hand, freeing up his right
and preparing to defend himself if necessary.

The men didn’t say anything as they uncrossed their arms and

pushed away from his Silverado. “Gentlemen,” Archer said tightly.

He didn’t have time to so much as blink before the guys were on

him, tackling him to the graveled parking lot and pulling at his
clothes. The bag containing his food ended up several feet away as
Archer kicked and swung out with his fists. It was hopeless, though.
Not only was he outnumbered, but the men were enormous.

“I don’t even like men, but I gotta have him,” one of the men

grunted as he sat on Archer’s back, pinning him facedown on the
ground. “I ain’t ever wanted no one like I want him.”

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“Get off me!” Archer screamed, wiggling and jerking, doing his

best to dislodge the man sitting on him. “Just leave me alone. You
don’t like men, remember?”

“Don’t matter,” another guy panted as he dragged Archer’s shirt

over his head. “I like you well enough, pretty boy.”

The more Archer screamed and fought, the more it seemed to urge

on his attackers. Between the three of them, it took only another
minute for them to get his jeans down around his knees and jerk his
naked ass into the air.

Archer went crazy, kicking and screaming louder, practically

sobbing as he struggled to free himself. “Don’t do this,” he pleaded. A
hand landed on his ass, and Archer thought he was going to be sick.
The unadulterated panic that flowed through him was unlike anything
he’d ever experienced.

The adrenaline surged through him, allowing him to jerk his arms

free and send an awkward right hook into one guy’s nose. “Son of a
bitch!” the man roared. Then all three were on Archer, pounding the
shit out of him while he curled into a ball and tried to protect his head.
As bad as it was, he’d rather take a beating than be raped and dumped
behind the bar.

Unfortunately, his tormentors had other ideas. While two

continued to wail on him, the third yanked on Archer’s hips, dragging
his ass back into the air, and Archer finally let go, shut down his
mind, and drifted off into the void where nothing could hurt him.

* * * *

The crowd inside the bar was restless, and all talk seemed to

center around the newcomer who’d strolled in to order a burger then
disappeared just as quickly. Surprisingly, everyone was commenting
on how much they wanted the man, though not a one of them swung
in that direction. It was damn strange.

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Gabrielle Evans

The kid had seemed nice enough, though he’d barely spoken a

handful of words during his brief sit at the bar. He looked a little pale
and kind of pinched, like he could have used more than the one burger
he’d ordered. Levi still thought he was the most gorgeous thing he’d
ever seen. While he felt a pull toward the younger man that made his
dick ache inside his Wranglers, it was nothing compared to how the
other cowboys were talking about the guy.

“Did you see how them Cooper boys lit outta here?” one of the

regulars asked the man sitting beside him. “I reckon they’re gonna
take care of that pretty boy. Hope he gives ’em a good ride.” His
laugh was harsh and made Levi’s skin crawl.

The Cooper brothers were Trouble with a capital T. Wherever

they went, bad shit was soon to follow. If they’d set their eyes on the
drifter, they’d have him with or without his consent.

“Fuck!” Levi didn’t like getting in the middle of shit, but three

against one was not only unfair but downright dangerous. Throwing
the dish rag on the bar, he motioned for his cook to keep an eye on
things before he hurried around the bar and right out through the front

His stomach flopped over and his heart kicked against his sternum

when he heard a soft whimper coming from the back of the parking
lot. Slipping behind the parked cars, Levi crouched low as he jogged
in the direction of the sound. He just hoped he wasn’t too late.

“Son of a bitch!” Justin Cooper yelled, and Levi ducked down

lower, pressing his back to the front bumper of an old, rusted Ford.

He closed his eyes and winced when the unmistakable sounds of

good beat down ensued. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he
called the sheriff’s department, keeping his voice low as he outlined
the situation. Ending the call, he crept closer to the side of the vehicle
and peeked around the side.

“Just spit in your hand,” Justin was telling his brother Jimmy.
They had the poor kid all but naked, his ass in the air, and

unconscious from the looks of him. No way could Levi wait for the

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sheriff to arrive. While he was a damn big man himself, there were
three of the Cooper bothers, and they were drunker than a couple of
skunks. Getting his ass handed to him wasn’t going to help the kid,
but Levi had seen enough. He wasn’t about to sit in the shadows like a
fucking coward and let them sexually assault the young man.

Rising to his full six-foot-six height, Levi walked around the

pickup and crossed his arms over his chest. “Is there a problem,

All three heads whipped around to stare at him. “This ain’t none

of your business, Dawson. Just turn around and go back inside,”
Justin said in a guttural tone.

Jimmy and Jed just blinked at him stupidly.
“Seein’ as this is my property, I’d guess this is my business. Now,

let him go and step away. I’ve already called the sheriff, and he’ll be
here soon, I reckon. Don’t make it worse for yourselves.”

“I said this ain’t none of your damn business!” Justin jumped to

his feet and stomped across the gravel to stand toe-to-toe with Levi.
His thick, beefy finger landed in the middle of Levi’s chest, prodding
him hard enough to leave a bruise. “You didn’t see anything.”

“I’m surprised,” Levi answered calmly. “I didn’t think you boys

were interested in men.”

“I ain’t no fuckin’ fag!” Instead of releasing his hold on the man’s

hips, Jimmy’s fingers seemed to dig into them as he growled and

“Let him go, Jimmy. You boys are in enough trouble.” Levi

sighed in relief when the sheriff pulled into the parking lot and
stopped right beside them. “Sheriff Rivera,” he called as the man
climbed out of his SUV.

“Levi.” The sheriff dipped his head and touched the brim of his

cowboy hat. His keen eyes traveled to the body slumped on the
ground then around the group of guilty-looking brothers. “What’s
goin’ on here, boys?”

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Jimmy and Jed jumped to their feet, hurrying across the gravel to

stand beside their brother. “We was only funnin’, Sheriff.”

Rivera jerked his thumb toward the man on the ground before

addressing Justin. “It don’t look like he was havin’ much fun, now
does it?”

Levi took advantage of the men’s distraction to ease around them

and kneel down beside the young man. Rolling him gently to his side,
Levi fought against his body’s reaction to the gorgeous male
specimen laid out before him. Gritting his teeth and ignoring the
growing erection behind his zipper, he quickly put the man’s clothes
back to rights, almost losing it when a soft moan drifted up to him.

“Can you hear me, kid?”
“S’not a kid.”
Levi bit his lip to keep from smiling. All the youngins thought

they were full grown the minute they hit eighteen. A few even figured
it was all downhill after twenty-one. “I beg ya pardon. You gotta

“Archer.” His eyes fluttered for a moment before finally opening.

Levi couldn’t tell what color they were in the dark, but he could see
the haunted sadness there, and he wanted nothing more than to do
whatever he could to take it away.

“Well, I’m Levi Dawson. I’ve got the sheriff here, and I’d be

happy to take you into town to the hospital if you think that’s

“No, no, thank you.” Archer waved his hand around dismissively.

“Ain’t the first time I’ve had my ass kicked, and I doubt it’ll be the
last. Thank you, though.”

“You mind if I ask how old you are, Archer?”
“Twenty-two. I know I’ve got a lot to learn about life, but I ain’t a


“No, I don’t guess you are.” Levi couldn’t take his eyes off the

guy’s lips. They were lush and perfectly shaped, like little pillows that
begged for Levi’s mouth to rest against them. His cock grew harder,

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his heart beat faster, and every part of him wanted to crawl inside
Archer and never leave.

“This ain’t fuckin’ right, Luke, and ya know it!” Justin Cooper

was working himself into a good fit, and Levi was surprised to find
the idiot’s brothers already in the back of the SUV.

“No, it’s not right, Justin. You beat the shit out of that boy and

there ain’t no tellin’ what else you might have done if Levi hadn’t
stopped ya. We’re going to take a little trip down to the station. You
can sleep off your drunk and talk to me in the morning. You know I
gotta call your momma, though.”

Justin’s face paled, and he started shaking his head frantically.

“Don’t call my momma. C’mon, Luke, you cain’t call my momma.”

Shrugging, Luke manhandled Justin into the back with his

brothers and closed the door. Then he ran a hand through his black
hair and sighed. Crouching down on the ground, he held his other
hand out, and Levi swallowed back a growl when he saw Archer

Luke just ignored it. “I’m Sheriff Luke Rivera. You gotta name?”
“Archer Neilson. Look, I don’t want to press charges or nothing. I

was just passing through, and I don’t want any trouble.”

“Are you sure about that?” Levi helped Archer to his feet and

hovered close to him. He didn’t know what the hell had gotten into
him, but he just felt like the world would spin off its axis if he wasn’t
close to the man.

“I’m sure. I appreciate what y’all did for me, but I really just want

to forget this happened.”

“All right, son, just calm down.” While Levi fumed, the sheriff

looked almost relieved, which didn’t make any sense. The Cooper
boys were a damn menace, and everyone knew it.

“Archer, why don’t you go on inside and wait for me? We’re

getting ready to close the grill, but I’ll make sure you get something
in your belly before that happens. There’s a stool behind the bar. Just
go wait there.”

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Surprisingly, Archer didn’t offer any resistance. He gave a brief

nod, said his good-byes to the sheriff, and hustled back inside the bar.

“Let me talk to him. I’ll see if I can’t get him to come down and

make a statement in the morning.”

Luke nodded, his eyes glued to Archer’s ass as he watched him

walk away. “Don’t push too hard, or he might run.”

Why did Levi feel like he was being warned to let it go? “Right.”

He barely managed to sound human. He didn’t like Luke looking at
Archer—which was strange and damn confusing considering that he
didn’t even know the guy. He also didn’t like the fact that the sheriff
didn’t seem to be taking the situation seriously. “I’ll talk to you
tomorrow either way.”

After parting ways, Levi sighed heavily, shook his head, and

headed back toward the bar. What the hell had he just gotten himself

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Chapter Three

Walking into the pub, Archer made sure to keep his head ducked

as he made his way behind the bar. He didn’t make eye contact with
anyone, didn’t utter a word, and prayed he’d go undetected.

Of course, his luck was for shit lately, and the minute he stepped

behind the bar, five men crowded against the other side, all staring at
him like he was the special on the menu. There was a wild light in
their eyes that told him they didn’t understand their attraction to him,
and they didn’t really like it. That didn’t mean they were just going to
walk away, though.

Archer groaned quietly and backed as far away from the battered

oak bar as he could get. After the beating he’d just endured in the
parking lot, he didn’t know how much more he could take. His whole
body felt like one big bruise, and his face still burned with the
humiliation of it all.

“Hey, pretty boy,” some old codger called to him. The guy had to

be at least in his sixties. Archer wondered if he could even get it up

Ignoring the old fool, he crossed his arms over his midsection and

hoped Levi would return soon. Not only was the man drop-dead
gorgeous, but he had the kindest eyes Archer had ever seen. His slow
drawl was so damn sexy, Archer was pretty sure his knees were still
wobbly from their brief conversation. Most importantly, Levi was the
first man he’d met since beginning his punishment who hadn’t made a
single advance toward him.

Though the sheriff talked a good game, the look in his eyes had

made Archer nervous. He’d been more than happy to take Levi’s

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advice and return to the bar. Well, until he’d actually gotten inside
and saw what awaited him.

“Aww, hell, don’t be scared, little rabbit,” another guy drawled.

“We ain’t gonna hurt ya none, are we boys?” He glanced at the men
gathered around him and smiled wickedly. “Where’d you come from

Archer kept his eyes averted and didn’t answer. The less he

interacted with the drunken morons, the better off he’d be.

“Cat gotcha tongue, sugar?”
Archer glanced up to see the guy who’d spoken was practically

lying on the bar in his attempt to get closer to him. A few months ago,
he would have been lapping up the attention like a kitten with warm
milk. But as had just been proven in the parking lot, he wasn’t in
Kansas anymore. Things had changed, and Archer was scared shitless
that he’d spend the rest of his life warding off unwanted advances.

“Get off the bar, dumbass.”
Archer’s head snapped up again, and he sighed in relief as he

watched Levi sauntered around the end of the bar and right up to
stand beside him. He wanted to say something, to thank the man for
saving his ass out in the parking lot, but his mouth was dry and his
vocal cords didn’t seem to want to function correctly.

“You all right?” Levi’s voice was soft, smooth, and cool as lake

water. It flowed over Archer like a soothing balm, easing his frayed

“I’m fine. Thank you.” He didn’t know what else to say. Half the

damn patrons were crowded around the bar now, all making catcalls
and lewd remarks toward him. “I think I best be going. I appreciate
your help.”

“Just have a seat. I said I was going to feed you, and that’s what I

intend to do. You want another Corona?”

Archer glanced at the men surrounding the bar again. “I appreciate

the offer, Mr. Dawson, but I really think I need to go.”

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“You’ll call me Levi, and you ain’t going nowhere until you sit

your ass down and eat something. You look dead on your feet.”

“Levi, this really isn’t necessary. I need to be head—”
“Get the fuck off my bar!” Levi shouted, effectually cutting off

Archer’s protest. “I don’t know what’s gotten into the lot of ya, but
this is my place, and you’ll do well to remember that. Now, go sit
yourselves down or go on home. It don’t much matter to me.”

The crowd grumbled, but everyone slowly started making their

way back to their tables. They glanced at Archer over their shoulders
a few times, watched him from their seats, but otherwise left him
alone after that.

“Thank you.”
“You can thank me by having a seat and letting me fix you

something to eat. Do you want that Corona or not?”

Archer couldn’t help but smile. Levi Dawson was a big man, and

it was apparent that he was used to getting what he wanted. The fact
that he hadn’t made a single pass or let his gaze linger too long earned
him high praise in Archer’s book. “Yeah, I’ll have a Corona, and
another one of those burgers. It smelled like heaven, but I’m afraid I
never got a chance to taste it.”

“Now, was that so hard?” Levi gave him a little smirk that made

Archer’s heart gallop. “Have a seat right here behind the bar. I don’t
know what’s in the air tonight, but I think it’s best that we don’t tempt
fate. I’ll grab you an ice pack for that eye and a couple of aspirin
while I’m at it.” Then he popped the top on Archer’s beer, set it in
front of him, and disappeared through the swinging doors at the end
of the bar without another word.

Archer pushed back into the counter behind him, sipping his beer

and trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. A few men shuffled
closer to the bar in Levi’s absence, all leering at Archer and licking
their lips.

Pretending not to notice, Archer nevertheless kept a tight grip on

the bottle in his hand and glanced toward the double doors, hoping

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Levi wouldn’t be long. Yeah, it made him a big pussy, but he felt
comfortable with Levi. If he was being honest, he felt safe with the
bigger man, but to admit that would be to admit that he couldn’t take
care of himself. According to the pain in his face and body, there
might be some truth in the statement.

“Where you from, pretty boy? You just passin’ through? Maybe

you need a place to stay.” A young man, probably not much older
than Archer, leaned heavily on the bar as he spoke. “I’m Garret Wade,
and I wouldn’t hurt ya none. You look a little lost.”

“Yeah, I’m passing through,” Archer replied quietly.
“You got a nice shiner there. Why don’t you come back to my

place and let me take care of you.”

“I’m just passing through,” Archer repeated. He couldn’t deny

that the cowboy was handsome, and definitely his type, but it would
pay to be cautious. The look in the blond’s eyes told Archer exactly
how the man wanted to take care of him.

“Oh, don’t be that way. I ain’t like them Cooper bastards. I’ll treat

ya real nice, sugar.”

“Have you ever been with a man before?” Archer took a sip of his

beer and cocked an eyebrow while keeping his distance.

“Nope.” Garret’s brow furrowed in what appeared to be

confusion. Then the lines smoothed out, and he smiled slow and
cocky. “I guess there’s a first time for everything, though, ’cause I
sure do like you.”

“You don’t even know me.”
“Well, then let me get to know you,” Garret countered.
Archer shrugged but didn’t answer. He seriously considered

taking Garret up on his offer, though. If he were willing, there
wouldn’t be any need for the lanky cowboy to beat the shit out of him.
Besides, he could take on one man. The three-against-one had gotten
his ass handed to him earlier.

Still, there was something in the way that Garret stared at him that

made Archer hesitate. Every man in the bar had given him the same

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look. A look that said they wanted him and wanted to kick the crap
out of him for it.

“Wade, go home to your wife,” Levi growled, making Archer

jump and nearly choke on his next swallow.

It had never crossed his mind that the man might be married. Hell,

he figured it made sense, though. Most of the guys in the place
probably had a woman waiting at home for them.

Garret sneered a little but spun around on his heels and stomped

across the bar. Archer sighed and dropped his head. He’d almost told
Garret yes. How fucking stupid was he? When was he going to stop
letting his dick do his thinking for him? A pretty face and a dozen
smooth words, and Archer had been damn close to forgetting all about
caution and discretion.

“You trying to get yourself killed?” Levi slammed a plate down

on the bar and kicked a stool toward it. “Just eat.”

Without a good reason to argue, Archer obediently sat and picked

up his burger. He ate quietly but quickly, barely tasting his food or
taking time for such mundane things as chewing. When he finished,
he tipped back the rest of his beer, tossed the bottle in the waste can
under the bar, and took the plate back to the kitchen. After Levi’s
generosity, the least he could do was clean up after himself. He didn’t
make eye contact with the cook, didn’t speak, just left his plate and
hurried back out to the bar.

“Thank you,” he mumbled to Levi. The man had been nothing but

good to him, and Archer had only brought him trouble. “How much
do I owe ya?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Levi answered him gruffly. “You gotta

place to stay tonight?”

“I’m going to get back on the road, try to make the city before the

sun comes up.”

“Don’t be a fool.” Turning around, Levi held out an ice pack and

two white tablets. “I’m not letting you drive all that way while you’re

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Archer dry-swallowed the aspirin and took the ice pack, hissing

when he pressed it to his battered cheek. “Look, man. I appreciate
what you’ve done for me, but I’m not going to sue or anything. I’ve
caused you enough trouble, and I just want to get out of here.”

“I don’t think you came in here lookin’ for trouble. Just a hot meal

and a cold beer. I ain’t worried about being sued, either. I don’t
rightly know what’s going on with you, but you have that look of
someone who’s runnin’ away from something.” Levi waved his hand
and shook his head. “I don’t need all the particulars, but in my
experience, you can’t outrun most things. It all catches up with you

No, Archer didn’t think he’d be able to outrun this particular

problem. He just wanted to find a place to lay low and hide out until
his thirty days were up. He didn’t have a clue what would happen
after that, but at this point, he figured he’d just take it a day at time.

“Now, I gotta spare room at my place. It ain’t much, but it’s a

warm bed, and I won’t bother ya. If you still feel the need to keep
truckin’ in the morning, I won’t stop ya.”

Archer believed him. He didn’t understand how he knew it, but he

had no doubts that he’d be safe with Levi. He also couldn’t deny that
he was weary to the bone. A hot shower, a soft bed, and a little sleep
sounded like just the medicine he needed.

“Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to be any trouble.”
“Well, I wouldn’t have offered if I minded, now would I? You

always like this?”

“No.” Archer shook his head slowly. He’d never been very

choosey about who he went home with. That was before Pathos
popped into his life, though. “It’s a recent development.”

“Well, it’s not a bad thing, necessarily. You just need to recognize

an offer for help and accept it when you need it. You ’bout ready to
head out?”

Archer glanced at the still-crowded bar. “Don’t you need to stay

and close up?”

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“Nah, that’s the nice thing about being the boss. Mike’ll make

sure these fellas find their way home and lock the place up. You
wanna ride with me and get your truck tomorrow?”

“No,” Archer replied a little too quickly. He didn’t think that Levi

meant him any harm, but he still didn’t want to be stranded at the
guy’s house with no means of escape if things went sour. “My truck is
the only thing I have that’s worth anything. After the welcome I
received, I’m a little concerned that something might happen to it.”
There, that sounded like a logical excuse, and didn’t make him look
like an asshole.

Levi eyed him for a moment before dipping his head and jerking a

thumb toward the front exit. “You can follow me out to my place. Just
let me talk to Mike, and I’ll be right there.”

Archer returned the nod and hustled out of the bar, not stopping

until he reached the safety of his pickup and locked the doors. Settling
back in his seat, he rested his forehead on the steering wheel and took
several deep breaths to calm his nerves. This was insane. After
everything that had happened, was he seriously considering going
home with a man he’d only met? It sure seemed that way.

“I like him,” a subdued voice answered from the passenger seat,

making Archer yelp and nearly jump out of his skin.

Turning in his seat, he pressed as close to the door as he could,

keeping his eyes on his companion. “Pathos.”

“Hello, Archer.” Pathos sat very still, his hands linked together in

his lap. There was none of the usual bounciness or excitement about
him that Archer had come to expect. In fact, he looked a little sad.

“Why are you here?”
Pathos smiled shyly but continued to stare straight ahead through

the windshield. “I like him,” he repeated. “Your cowboy is a good

“He’s not my cowboy, but yeah, he seems like a pretty good guy. I

still don’t understand why you’re here.” It was on the tip of his tongue

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to ask why the little god looked so sad, but he pressed his lips together
and resisted the urge to offer comfort.

“He could be yours. You could love him.”
The conversation was going places that Archer didn’t want to

travel. He’d only met Levi, and while he found the cowboy damn
sexy, he had no intentions of sticking around long enough to even
contemplate falling in love.

“Why are you so sad?” And what the hell was wrong with him?

Pathos had turned his life on its ear, held him captive for months, used
Archer’s mind as his personal playground, and then had cursed him.
What did he care if the guy was upset about something?

“Oh, I’m not sad, not really.” Pathos looked at him and smiled

softly. “My twin, Zavist, is a bit distraught right now. We have a
special bond, and I can feel his pain. It’s made me somewhat of a
killjoy, I’m afraid.”

Archer thought back to when the men had appeared in Dante’s

office. “Zavist is dishing out Hudson’s punishment, right?” He waited
for Pathos’s nod. “Is Hudson okay?” He hadn’t seen the man since
that day, and had no desire to ever again. Archer would take
responsibility for his own actions, but a small part of him still
resented Hudson for egging him on the way he had. Still, he didn’t
want to see anyone hurt.

“Oh, he’s okay. Zavist is having a hard time letting go, however.

Gordost is trying to reason with him, but my twin thinks he’s in love.”
Pathos laughed quietly and shook his head. “In love with a mortal.
Can you imagine?”

No, Archer couldn’t imagine it. He didn’t think the greedy, selfish

gods were capable of such feelings.

“I wish he’d just get over it already.” Pathos pouted. “I don’t like

being unhappy.”

“Maybe you should go try to cheer him up.”

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Pathos beamed at him. “Oh, what a good idea! Okay, you play

with your cowboy, and I’ll check in on you later.” Then he winked,
wiggled his fingers, and disappeared.

“He’s not my cowboy,” Archer grumbled to the empty cab. He

had no claim to Levi, and didn’t want one. If everything worked out,
he’d be on the road with the podunk town in his rearview mirror
before Levi even woke up in the morning.

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Chapter Four

Stepping out of his pickup, Levi waited nervously beside the

driver’s door as he watched Archer cut the engine on his own truck
and do the same. What the hell had he been thinking asking a
complete stranger to his house? Add to it the fact that Archer had the
most breathtaking example of the male body that he’d ever seen, and
he just knew it was a bad idea.

It was too late to turn back now, though. Besides, he’d meant what

he said. It didn’t matter how much he wanted Archer. Right now the
man needed a friend, a place to rest, and maybe another good meal.
He hadn’t forgotten his conversation with the sheriff, but he wouldn’t
push his guest on the issue just yet.

“Nice place,” Archer offered as he stepped up beside him, his eyes

focused on the small, three-bedroom ranch house.

“Thanks. I wasn’t expecting company, and I honestly can’t

remember if I cleaned up or not.” Levi cut himself off and wiped his
sweaty palms against his thighs. He was being ridiculous. This wasn’t
a date, and he didn’t have to impress the man. “Well, let’s get inside,
and I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.”

“You mind if I grab a shower?”
Levi bit his lip to keep from groaning as he led the way into his

living room and flipped on the lights. The mental image of Archer wet
and naked in his shower sent his libido into overdrive. “Not at all.
You need something to wear?”

“Uh, if you don’t mind, that’d be great. I took off yesterday

morning in a hurry and didn’t bother to grab anything. I figured I’d
just set up shop when I got to where I was going.”

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“And where would that be?” Levi motioned for his visitor to have

a seat on the burgundy leather sofa.

“I’m not sure. I guess wherever feels right.”
Levi had guessed Archer was running from something, and now

he was almost positive of it. He wondered if the younger man was in
trouble with the law. It would be a good explanation of why he didn’t
want to press charges against the Cooper brothers. “Can I ask you

“Sure. Don’t mean I’ll answer.” Archer dropped down on the sofa,

rested his head against the cushion and groaned. “Nice couch, man.”

“You in some kind of trouble?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Don’t worry, though. I know

what you’re thinking, and it’s not that kind of trouble. I didn’t kill
anybody, rob a bank, or do anything else to have the cops after me. I
wouldn’t bring that kind of shit to your doorstep.” He spoke without
opening his eyes, but Levi could hear the truth and conviction in
Archer’s voice. It went a long way in soothing some of his

“How about that shower?”
Archer opened his eyes and lifted his head, eyeing Levi warily for

a moment before nodding slowly. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

“I’ll show you where everything is. I think I have a pair of sleep

pants that’ll work for the night. They’ll be a little big, but you can roll
’em up.”

Archer gave him another strange look before levering himself up

from the cushions. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“No problem. We’ll find you something more suitable to wear in

the morning.”

“I’m not going to sleep with you,” Archer blurted then looked

away as his cheeks flushed.

Levi didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t opposed to sharing his

bed with the gorgeous man, but he wasn’t going to force himself on
the guy either. “That’s good to know.” He decided to move past the

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awkward situation instead of dwelling on why the man thought he
needed to make the declaration. “Tomorrow is Sunday, the bar’s
closed, and I usually sleep late in the mornings. There’s food in the
kitchen, though, so if you wake up before I do, just help yourself to
whatever you like.”

There was that strange look again. Ignoring and pushing away his

curiosity and frustration, Levi led the way down the hall, waiting for
Archer to catch up with him before pushing open a door and turning
on the light. “Here’s the bathroom. I don’t have a lot of company, but
there’s soap and towels.”

He shut the light off and stepped across the hall to open another

door. “This room has the biggest bed, but there’s another farther down
the hall if you’d rather have it.”

“No, this is fine. Thank you.” Archer spoke quietly, hesitantly, as

if he couldn’t figure out why Levi was offering him these things. It
was as though he kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, or Levi to
turn around and tackle him to the floor.

“I’ll leave the sleep pants on the bed.” He pointed to a door at the

end of the long hallway. “That’s my room. Just let me know if you
need anything. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Archer dipped his head, a slight frown on his face. Levi didn’t

comment but left the man standing in the hall and hurried into his
room. His cock throbbed and ached, testing the strength of his zipper.
He just hoped that Archer hadn’t noticed.

Waiting until he heard the shower come on, Levi grabbed the first

pair of cotton sleep pants he could find, rushed down the hall and
tossed them toward the mattress in the guest bedroom. He didn’t even
wait to see if they actually landed on the bed before turning and
hustling back to his room.

Stripping out of his clothes, he briefly debated a shower, but in the

end, he decided to wait until morning. He was exhausted, confused,
and strung tighter than a banjo. Being the only gay man in a town
with a population of only thirteen hundred or so didn’t afford him the

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occasion of scratching his itch too often. He had to travel into the city
to get the kind of attention he desired, and with his work schedule, it
would be months at a time before he could get away.

He was currently staring down the long end of six months since

he’d had a man beneath him. Now, temptation was sleeping just down
the hall, and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. He felt dirty for his
attraction to Archer. Not because he had some hang-ups about being
gay, but because the man seemed so lost and sad.

Levi knew in his heart and mind that he shouldn’t lust after the

man, but his body had other ideas. Climbing into bed, he slipped
under the covers and reached down to grip his flexing cock. He
stopped just before wrapping his fingers around the pulsing length
and sighed. Even jerking off while thinking about the sexy blond felt

Maybe forgoing the conversation he had planned for the morning

would be best for both of them. While Levi desperately wanted to see
Justin Cooper pay for the things he’d done to Archer, maybe it was
best for Archer to be moving along.

Levi could no more turn him out than he could shoot himself in

the foot. Having the man sharing his house for any length of time was
a temptation he didn’t need, though. Not knowing why he felt so
drawn to Archer was something else he didn’t need.

With a frustrated growl, Levi flopped over to his stomach,

punched his pillow, and closed his eyes. Archer reminded him of a
startled rabbit, just looking for an escape before he bolted. He’d
probably be gone before Levi even woke up in the morning.

It was for the best, so why did it make his gut clench at the


* * * *

Freshly showered and dressed in sleep pants at least a size too

large, Archer crawled into bed and pulled the blankets up around his

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shoulders. Unbidden, his thoughts strayed to Levi Dawson. The
brawny cowboy was unlike anyone he’d ever met. Archer still
couldn’t figure out why Levi was being so nice to him unless he
expected something in return.

Archer might have been fibbing a little when he said he wouldn’t

sleep with his host. He’d just wanted to gauge Levi’s reaction, but the
man hadn’t reacted at all. He hadn’t leered, tossed out lewd
comments, or made even the subtlest advance. Hell, he barely
breathed in Archer’s direction, and rarely made eye contact.

How was it that Levi was impervious to the curse? It didn’t make

sense, and Archer liked all his ducks lined up in a row. If the man was
straight—which he probably was—it still didn’t explain anything.
Archer had no doubt that the men in that bar were straight as arrows,
but that hadn’t stopped them from swarming to him like flies to

Why the fuck did it even matter? Wasn’t it a good thing? It proved

that not everyone would be trying to jump him each time he left the
house. He had an ally, someone he could turn to and trust to watch his
back until his sentence was up.

Maybe Levi would let him hang around for the rest of the month.

Archer hadn’t seen the little town during the day, but from what he’d
seen on the drive to Levi’s house, the place looked quiet and sleepy in
the moonlight. It seemed as good of a place to hide out as any.

The fact that he wouldn’t mind spending some more time with the

handsome cowboy had nothing to do with his decision.

Absolutely none whatsoever.
Archer sighed and closed his eyes. If he could find someone to

believe that, he could sell firewood in hell. By the time he drifted off
to sleep, he still hadn’t made a firm decision on whether he would
stay or go.

* * * *

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Blinking open his eyes against the sunlight pouring in through the

window, Archer sat up in bed and groaned as he stretched his aching
muscles. He didn’t have any idea what time it was, but the smells
drifting down the hallway told him that his companion was already
awake and making breakfast.

Well, that answered one question. He definitely wouldn’t be gone

before Levi awoke for the day. Uncertainty filled him, and Archer
didn’t know what to do. Would there be that awkward morning-after
routine where they danced around each other? That didn’t seem fair
considering that he hadn’t gotten to sink his dick into something
warm beforehand.

His stomach snarled angrily, and the smell of bacon and coffee

made his mouth water. In the end, his hunger won out, and Archer
hurriedly made the bed and slipped out of the room, following his
nose to the kitchen.

Pausing inside the doorway, he watched as Levi padded about the

kitchen, dressed in nothing but a pair of loose-fitting pajama pants
that looked much the same as Archer’s. Tan skin stretched tightly
across the hard muscles on his back, highlighting each dip, valley, and
bulge with the man’s every move.

Archer’s mouth began to water for a whole other reason as he felt

his cock perk up to take notice. Things only got worse from there
when Levi turned and graced him with a brilliant smile. “Mornin’.”

“Mornin’,” Archer mumbled back.
Levi’s front was even better than his back. Little copper-colored

nipples adorned his broad, muscled chest. His corrugated abs flexed
when he took a step toward the refrigerator, and Archer found himself
wanting to run his tongue over the tightly packed and nicely defined

His cock gave another jerk, swelling rapidly before he could even

think to tame his response to the gorgeous bar owner. Levi turned to
look at him again, and Archer hurried to the kitchen table, sliding into

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a chair before the man could see the effect that his half-naked body
had on Archer’s overactive hormones.

“I’ve got coffee, orange juice, or water. Help yourself, and

breakfast will be ready in a few. I hope you like pancakes and bacon.”

Archer’s stomach gave another grumble in appreciation. “It’s my


Levi winked over his shoulder, and it was all Archer could do to

not swoon right then and there. Had anyone ever made him so hard
with nothing more than a smile? If so, he couldn’t remember it. Then
again, he doubted he’d ever had a bed partner who looked half as
edible as Levi Dawson.

It was several minutes before he could convince his cock that it

wasn’t playtime. Once it finally decided to play nice and lie down,
Archer rose from the table and shuffled over to the counter to pour
himself a cup of coffee.

“Would you like anything with that?” Levi flipped the pancakes

on the griddle as he spoke. “I have creamer, milk, and sugar.”

“Creamer’s fine.” Archer wasn’t too particular about what he put

in his coffee as long as it didn’t actually taste like coffee. He just
couldn’t fathom how people could drink the stuff black.

Sneaking covert glances at Levi out of the corner of his eye, he set

about doctoring his coffee then took it to the table where he could
openly contemplate the sexy cowboy without being caught. He
thought over all the things they’d said the night before, but he
couldn’t find anything in the snatches of conversation to indication
Levi’s sexual orientation.

Granted he hadn’t seen much of the house, but what he had seen

didn’t give him any hints, either. The place was very much a bachelor
pad without any traces of a female inhabitant. All that really meant
was that Levi didn’t have a live-in girlfriend, though.

The longer Archer stared at his companion, the harder his cock

throbbed until he thought he’d have to excuse himself and go jerk off

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in the bathroom. Pre-cum leaked freely from his slit, creating a damp,
sticky patch of fabric in his cotton pants.

If Levi was gay, surely he’d have made a pass by now. Archer

wasn’t into trying to convert straight men, but he wanted Levi. He
couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted someone so much. Part
of him wondered if it was another one of Pathos’s little tricks,
especially after the god’s comments the night before.

Archer was making himself crazy. Was Levi gay or not? If he

was, why didn’t he want him? Why didn’t Archer’s curse affect him
like it did everyone else? Or maybe it did, and Levi just had more
self-control than those other guys.

Propping his elbows up on the table, Archer dropped his face into

his hands and groaned quietly. He was headed straight for a padded
room if he didn’t stop it.

“Something wrong?” Levi asked as he sat a heaping plate of

pancakes in front of him.

Archer figured he had two choices—continue to drive himself

insane with questions or just ask outright and risk getting his ass
kicked. Lifting his face from his hands, he locked eyes with Levi,
surprised when the man swallowed hard and spun away from him. He
didn’t turn quick enough for Archer to miss the impressive tent inside
his pants, though.

So, Mr. Dawson wasn’t as immune to Archer as he let on. Good to

know. Maybe Archer had been going about the situation the entirely
wrong way. After what happened at the bar, both inside and out,
Archer was convinced his irresistibility was a curse. While it was
obviously disastrous in large groups, maybe he could crank up the
charm in one-on-one situations to get what he wanted.

Right then, he wanted the cowboy with the sleep-tousled hair who

still had his back to him. “Levi.” Archer deepened his voice, making
it deep, rich, and smooth as silk. He heard Levi’s breath catch and
smiled to himself. Oh, yeah, this was a good thing.

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It wasn’t a curse but a blessing in disguise. The ability to have

anyone he wanted fall to their knees for him with just a crook of his
finger was a gift any man would give his left nut to have. Besides,
who was he kidding? Adding up all the terrible things he’d done in his
past, there was no way he could redeem himself in just four weeks.
He might as well take full advantage of his “curse.”

Part of him felt guilty for what he was about to do, but not enough

to keep from calling Levi’s name again. When the man finally turned
to face him, Archer grinned wickedly and rose to his feet before
sauntering around the table and crowding Levi’s personal space.

“What are you doing?” Levi asked shakily, his hands fisted at his


Archer thrust his hips forward, rubbing their hard cocks together

through the cotton of their pants. “What does it feel like I’m doing?”

He lifted his hands to touch Levi’s face, but the man jerked away,

shaking his head as he stumbled backward. “I can’t do this.”

“Are you straight?”
Levi continued to shake his head. “That’s not why I can’t do this.”
It felt like a ball of ice had formed in Archer’s gut. Levi was gay,

he was attracted to Archer’s body if his straining erection was any
indication, and he probably even felt the pull that all the other men
Archer had encountered did. Still, he found something so lacking in
Archer that he was able to fight his urges rather than give into them.

Breakfast forgotten, Archer dipped his head curtly and bolted

from the kitchen, too humiliated to stay in the same room with Levi
for another second. He didn’t even take the time to change into his
clothes. He just grabbed them up, shoved his feet into his boots sans
socks, and jogged through the house to the front door.

He skidded to a stop when he found Levi blocking his way, his

arms crossed over his chest, and a slight frown on his plump lips.
Bruised and aching from the previous night’s beating, Archer wasn’t
looking forward to another one. He figured he had it coming after the
ass he’d just made out of himself, though.

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Dropping his clothes to the floor, he let his arms hang limply at

his sides, dropped his chin to his chest, and closed his eyes. Maybe it
wouldn’t hurt so much if he didn’t see it coming.

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Chapter Five

Watching Archer drop his head and arms, looking for all the

world like he expected Levi to hit him and felt he deserved it, broke
Levi’s heart. He was pissed, but not at Archer. He was mad at himself
for his lack of self-control. Who could blame him, though? Archer
was sex personified, and everything about him made Levi ache.

“Look at me?” It came out more of a question than the command

he’d meant it to be. Usually calm, sure, and confident, Levi was now
wading through undiscovered territory. No one had ever made him
feel more uncertain than the blond in front of him with the haunted
gray eyes.

Archer kept his head hung and didn’t make a sound.
“Oh, your first fight and so soon!” a cheerful voice rang out

through the room.

Levi spun around, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head when a

tiny waif of a man with long golden hair sidled up to him and beamed.
“You are a big one,” he purred happily.

“You’re in a better mood,” Archer mumbled.
“You know him?” Levi pointed toward the little guy. “Who are

you? How did you get in my house? What the fuck are you doing

“Oooh, and so forceful!” The guy clapped his hands together and

growled playfully at Levi. “This will be so much fun!”

Levi turned back to Archer. “Who the hell is this and why is he

grinning at me like that?”

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“Levi Dawson, meet Pathos, one of the nine Gods of Chaos.”

Archer shook his head and sighed. “I have no idea why he’s here.
Apparently, he just loves to torture me.”

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud,” Pathos scoffed, waving his

delicate hand around. “I wanted to thank you! Zavist is much better
now and forgetting all about that silly mortal.” He pointed one long,
slim finger toward Archer. “You look sad, though. Why are you so
sad?” The god made it sound as though Archer had greatly offended
him with his lack of excitement to see him.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Levi crossed his arms over his chest again and

glared. “You’re a god? Riiight.” He dragged the word out, letting the
disbelief and sarcasm drip from his voice.

In the blink of an eye, Pathos transformed himself into a complete

replica of Levi, arms crossed, chest bare, and clad only in a pair of
checkered sleep pants. “I reckon you want to show me a little more
respect, partner.” Even his voice sounded like Levi’s, though Levi
couldn’t ever remember calling anyone “partner.”

In the next heartbeat, Pathos transformed again, and an Archer

lookalike stood in his place, complete with sexy smirk and twinkling
gray eyes. “I can feel the heat pouring off you from here. You really
want him.” Then Pathos was himself again, all bouncy five feet of
him. “Yes, yes, you will be a good match.”

“I don’t need a match, Pathos. I just need to be left alone until my

thirty days are up.” Archer growled low in his chest, the sound angry,
frustrated, and a whole lot sexy as far as Levi was concerned.

“What thirty days?” Levi was obviously missing something, but

with his head still reeling from having an honest to goodness god in
his living room, he couldn’t think.

“Our friend here has thirty days to mend his lustful ways.” Pathos

put a hand over his mouth and giggled. “He uses his body and charm
to get what he wants, and he thinks that people owe him and should
bend right over for him. Since he believes himself so irresistible, I

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have made him so. No man can resist him. The fact that you’ve done
so for so long just proves how strong you really are.”

Archer’s cheeks were bright red, and he was looking anywhere

but at Levi and Pathos. So, the man thought himself a playboy? Levi
had an inkling that it went much deeper than that, but he kept his
comments to himself. Something didn’t feel right, but he couldn’t
quite put his finger on it.

“So, last night at the bar? All those certifiable straight men falling

all over themselves to get to you? That was all part of this…this

Archer nodded, and Pathos giggled again. The little god was

actually kind of cute, if a little annoying. “The reason that I can’t get
you out of my head and want to bury my cock inside your tight ass is
also part of this, isn’t it?”

Archer’s face fell, but he nodded again. Levi, however, was

getting pissed. He’d been going out of his mind trying to figure out
why he felt such a pull toward his houseguest. Knowing that he had
no control over the feeling made him want to hit something.

His fists clenched at his sides, and his blood roared in his ears as

he stared at Archer with as much hatred as he could muster. Archer
had known from the beginning, and he’d even tried to use his
unnatural allure to seduce Levi in the kitchen. He’d paraded himself
through Levi’s home, lapping up his hospitality and giving nature, all
the while knowing how Levi must be feeling toward him.

Archer was a liar, a manipulator, and an asshole. Levi had no use

for any of those qualities. “That’s why you didn’t want to press
charges against the Cooper boys.” The words tasted bitter on his
tongue, and bile rose up in his throat. “Did you like it? Did I interrupt
too soon?”

The man’s face paled, but he pressed his lips together in a thin

line and didn’t say anything. Levi was so focused on his rage, he’d
forgotten about Pathos until the little twink spoke again. “You could

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always give up and come home with me,” he said to Archer. His face
lit up, and he had a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

If possible, Archer’s face paled further, and he started shaking his

head frantically. Realizing that the big blond was afraid of the little
god cooled some of Levi’s ire, replacing it with confusion. He didn’t
like being confused.

“What does he have to do?” He bit the words off, forcing each one

through his lips. No matter Archer’s faults, he knew his momma
would skin him alive if he didn’t offer help to someone who so
obviously needed it.

“He just needs to learn a little humbleness. Archer thinks he’s a

gift to mankind, so I have made him so. Unless he wants to find
himself in a position like the one in that parking lot, he’ll find the
balance.” Pathos spoke more seriously than Levi thought him possible
of. “If he doesn’t figure it out within thirty days, he’ll be fighting men
off for the rest of his life, and not all men are as honorable as you, Mr.

Archer looked like he was going to be sick.
With a deep sigh, Levi opened his mouth to say the words he

knew he was going to regret. “How do we do this?”

“That’s up to him,” Pathos responded immediately while Archer

coughed and sputtered from across the room. “Good luck!” Pathos
was back to his bouncy, excitable self. He wiggled a little, waved his
hand, then disappeared from the room.

Levi made a determined effort to stop his mouth from falling open

in shock. Maybe he was still asleep and this was just some crazy,
fucked-up dream. He even pinched the outside of his thigh, wincing
when it hurt like hell. Nope, definitely not sleeping.

“Why?” Archer whispered.
“Why am I going to help you?” Archer nodded but still wouldn’t

look at him. Levi sighed and scrubbed his hand over his face. “I
honestly don’t know. Maybe it’s this curse, or whatever. I don’t have

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a good answer for you. All I know is that you need help, and for
whatever reason, I’m going to be the one to give it to you.”

“I don’t think anyone can help me.” Archer echoed Levi’s sigh

and seemed to fold into himself. “I should just go.”

“You’ve pretty well proven that you can’t be on your own.

Thinking is what got you into this mess in the first place—well,
thinking with the wrong head. Maybe you should just shut up and let
me call the shots for the next month.”

Archer swallowed audibly, his eyes darkening as his soft pink

tongue darted out to wet his lips.

“And no sex,” Levi added sternly. “I won’t deny that I want you,

but that’s not what this is about. If you pull another stunt like you did
in the kitchen, you’re out on your ass. Got it?”

“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want apologies. I want to hear that it’s not going to

happen again.”

“I can’t stop wanting you, Levi.” Archer chuckled self-

depreciatively. “I won’t try to seduce you again, though.”

“Then we have an understanding.” Levi didn’t know how in the

hell he was going to help Archer redeem himself and get his life back,
but he figured keeping his dick in his pants was a good start. It also
might be a good idea to find out how Archer had landed himself in
hot water to begin with. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

He wasn’t surprised when Archer shook his head defiantly. “I

appreciate you letting me stay here and wanting to help me, but I
can’t talk about it.”

“Can’t or won’t?” Levi arched his eyebrow sardonically.
“Does it matter? Is there a difference?” Archer shrugged and

sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth. The action simultaneously
made Levi want to moan and shield the younger man from the
unforgiving realities of the world.

Pushing away his protective feelings, he dipped his head. “It

matters, and there’s definitely a difference.” When he didn’t receive

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anything further from Archer, Levi sighed heavily and waved a hand
toward the kitchen. “Let’s finish breakfast before we go down to the

That got a reaction. Archer started backing away, shaking his head

with force. “No. I don’t want to talk to the sheriff. I don’t want to
press charges. I just want everyone to leave me alone. They couldn’t
help themselves.”

“Those boys were trouble long before you came along. True, they

probably wouldn’t have been trying to get to your ass if it wasn’t for
your little curse, but that doesn’t make it right. It also doesn’t mean
that they won’t do it to some woman next time. Is that what you

Archer seemed to struggle with himself for a long time before he

finally shook his head. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“Then we’ll go talk to the sheriff and get those boys behind bars

where they belong.”

“Do you trust the sheriff?”
“Luke?” Levi opened his mouth to immediately reply in the

affirmative but snapped it closed almost as quickly. “He’s greedy and
power hungry, but I’ve never known him not to do his job,” he replied
neutrally. Luke Rivera had changed a lot in the years since he’d been
elected sheriff. The power of the position had gone straight to his
head, and there were even rumors that he was lusting after the
mayoral seat.

With the election coming up the next year, Luke would be doing

all he could to make sure the town knew how safe and clean he kept
their streets. Would he go so far as to falsify reports? Levi didn’t
think so, but he wouldn’t put it past the guy, either. “Yeah, it’ll be

“You don’t sound so sure about that, Levi.” Archer’s voice

quavered, and his hands trembled slightly. Another piece of the
puzzle fell into place, and Levi wondered what had happened to make
the younger man wary of authority.

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“This is the right thing to do.” Not exactly comforting, but it was

the best he had.

“If they’re as much trouble as you say, they’ll eventually be

arrested for something else. I don’t want to do this.” The pleading in
his voice almost undid Levi, but he held firm.

“I thought we decided to let me do the thinking? We’re going to

eat breakfast, get dressed, and go talk to Luke. We’ll figure shit out
from there.”

Like a small child who had been scolded and sent to his room,

Archer dropped his head, his shoulders sagged, and he shuffled
toward the kitchen. “Whatever you think is best.”

Levi smiled in approval. At least the man learned quickly. Very

rarely did Levi not get his way—especially when he set his mind to

Half an hour later, they headed to town with full bellies and

Archer dressed in his dirty jeans and one of Levi’s button-down
shirts. “We’re going to have to get you something to wear that
actually fits.” He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he liked the way
Archer looked in his clothes. Still, it would be better for both of them
if they didn’t get too comfortable together.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” It was the first thing Archer

had said since he’d told Levi to do what he thought was best. His
voice was low and muffled, and he shifted to turn himself more
toward the passenger door, as much as the safety belt would allow.

“You really don’t want to do this, do you?”
Archer continued to stare out the window, but he shook his head

slightly. “No, I really don’t.”

“What happened to make you distrust the police?”
“Nothing,” Archer answered flatly. There was a story there, but

Levi doubted he’d hear it any time soon.

Pulling up in front of the station, Levi cut the engine and stepped

out of the pickup. He walked around the front to stand at the foot of
the front steps and wait for Archer. The man moved slowly, and Levi

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wondered if he was hurting. His left eye was black and blue, and he
caught glimpses of the bruises marring the smooth skin over Archer’s
ribs and back. The guy hadn’t complained once, though.

“Maybe we should head over to the clinic and let Doc check you

out when we’re done here.”

“No doctors.”
So, it wasn’t only the police that Archer had issues with. It

seemed to be anyone in a position of power. It probably wasn’t any of
his business, but that didn’t damper Levi’s curiosity. Not only did he
usually get what he wanted, but he knew how to be patient and wait
for it to come to him.

“You might have some cracked ribs.”
“I don’t.”
Levi kept his groan to himself as he jogged up the wooden steps,

crossed the faded planks of the porch, and walked into the sheriff’s
station that looked more like a log cabin than anything. He greeted the
dispatcher by name, inquiring about her husband and kids. Archer just
kept darting glances toward the exit like he planned to run at any

Reaching out casually, Levi rested his hand on Archer’s shoulder

and squeezed the tight muscles in comfort while he continued to chat
with the pretty brunette. He smiled inwardly when he felt the tension
ease a bit, and Archer actually leaned more heavily against his side.
Levi doubted the kid even knew he did it.

“Well, Debbie, it sounds like you got your hands full with them

youngins. I think Luke is expecting us. Could you let him know we’re

“Oh, Levi, Luke went out on a call to the Cherokee Ranch. He’ll

probably be back soon if you want to wait for him.”

“Does he still have the Cooper boys here?” Archer asked with a

lot more hostility than Levi felt the question warranted. He squeezed
harder on the man’s shoulder in reprimand. Archer just ignored him
as he glared at Debbie in accusation.

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What the hell?
Debbie’s brow furrowed, and she looked up at Levi in confusion.

“Justin and his brothers ain’t been in since they got drunk and started
that fire about three weeks ago. Of course, they started the fire on
their own farm.”

“I watched Luke put those boys in the back of his SUV last

night.” Suddenly, Levi was the one tense and spoiling for a fight.
“They aren’t in the drunk tank?”

Debbie shook her head, her eyebrows drawing closer together.

“Levi, what on earth are you going on about? There weren’t nobody
here except Luke when I came in this morning. This is a quiet town,
and you know that. People mind their own and keep to themselves.”

Archer snorted derisively, and Levi felt the urge to do the same. It

was a nosey town full of gossip. He couldn’t so much as wipe his ass
on Friday night without it making the Sunday morning paper.

“Can we go now? Please?” Archer still sounded angry, but there

was a twinge of fear just under the surface.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.” He ushered Archer toward the exit,

his teeth grinding together at the implications of the entire incident.
“Tell Luke to give me a call,” he yelled over his shoulder as they
slipped out into the afternoon sunshine.

It was a warm, cloudless day, the sky that perfect shade of blue

that Levi assumed only existed in paintings. Though they were
winding down the first week of October, the grass was still green,
lush, and inviting. It wouldn’t last much longer, not now that fall had
taken over the land, turning the leaves and dropping them from the

While warm, there was a crisp breeze that ruffled his hair and

clothes. It wasn’t cold, but it carried the special scent of autumn that
Levi loved so much. It really was his favorite time of the year.

“I wanna show you something.”
Archer glanced from Levi’s groin to his face a couple of times and

wiggled his eyebrows playfully. Instead of pissing him off, Levi

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found himself laughing as he led the way to his truck. Damn, the man
was going to be the death of him. He didn’t know how he’d keep his
distance for another twenty-something days—not when Archer was
just too damn tempting for his own good.

The curse be damned, Levi only had to look at the man to know

that he’d want him regardless. The intensity of his feelings might be
affected by Pathos’s game, but the feelings themselves were genuine.
“I think I like you, Archer Neilson.”

Archer gave him a half smile and dipped his head. “I think I like

you, too, Levi Dawson.”

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Chapter Six

“Where are we going?” Once they’d arrived back at Levi’s house,

the man hadn’t even taken time to go inside. He’d immediately
jumped from the pickup and led Archer around the small ranch house
and across the field that served as his backyard. Archer idly wondered
how many acres Levi owned and if he did anything with them.

Levi smiled at him but didn’t answer. Instead he led him over a

small crest and waved his hand toward the view just down the slope.
Archer felt the grin stretch over his face to mirror Levi’s as he stared
down at the manmade pond. It wasn’t large, almost perfectly circular,
and the water was a dark, murky brown. Archer thought it was
awesome. “Do you fish?”

In answer, Levi pointed at a small, falling down wooden shack a

few hundred yards off to their right. “You got time?”

“I’ve got nothing but time. I haven’t fished in years.”
It didn’t take long for them to get the fishing poles, attach the

sinkers and hooks, and bait the ends. Archer liked to use live bait or
cut up pieces of perch when he fished. He didn’t know about this
stink bait Levi used. He could see where the stuff got its name from,
but he had his doubts about how many fish they’d catch with it.

Oh, well. He’d sat for hours at a time, just staring up at the sky

with his line in the water and not even a nibble. Most people didn’t
have the patience for it, but Archer found it peaceful. Casting his
hook out into the pond, Archer reeled the line in until it was tight and
settled down on the grassy bank.

“What kind of fish are in here?” he asked when Levi had done the

same, dropping down to sit beside him on the ground.

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“Mostly catfish, some perch, a few tadpoles.”
Archer chuckled. “Tadpoles?”
Levi just shrugged. “I don’t come out here much, but it seemed

like a good day for it.”

“I love autumn. It’s my favorite season.” He didn’t understand the

look Levi gave him, and it was gone before he could dwell on it.
Archer dismissed it, preferring to focus on relaxing in companionable

It felt nice to be able to just sit and not feel the need to speak. The

sun warmed his face, the wind drifted over his skin, and no one was
trying to molest him. Yep, everything felt right in the world for a

Archer didn’t know how long they sat there without so much as a

catching a rubber boot, but it didn’t matter. When the sun finally
began to sink toward the west, they packed up their poles and climbed
the hill toward the house.

“Thank you.”
“I enjoyed myself.” Levi let himself in through the back door,

leaving it open for Archer. “I have to work tomorrow. Would you like
to come with me? We could probably find something for you to do.
Have you ever bartended before?”

Archer shook his head. “I know how to mix whiskey and pop the

cap off a beer, though.” Levi’s little, run-down bar probably wasn’t
the best place for him. He didn’t want to spend his nights fighting off
advances or attacks. “You do remember what happened last night,

Levi pulled two bottles of water from the refrigerator and tossed

one to Archer. “Yeah, I remember, but you can’t hide out in the house
forever. You heard what the little guy said. There’s a chance that this
could be a permanent thing, so you might as well start learning to live
with it.”

Gulping down the water to give him time to think more than

because he was thirsty, Archer still didn’t have an answer when he

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pulled the bottle away from his lips. Would he really have to live out
the rest of his life on the shadows of society so as not to be mauled by
overzealous admirers?

Levi had a point, though. That could very well be his reality.

Maybe he’d just go with it. Men wanted him, and he didn’t rightly
care if they were gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, married, or attached.
As long has he had a warm hole to sink his cock into, he was a happy

“Yeah, I’ll come to the bar tomorrow night. I’ll need to get some

clothes before then, though.” While Levi’s clothes would do in a
pinch, they were much too big on him, and he felt like a little kid
playing dress up.

“We might as well do that now. We can drive into Okmulgee, get

your clothes, and grab something to eat.”

“Like a date?” Archer teased, batting his lashes. “Why, Mr.

Dawson, you devil, you.”

Levi chuckled and shook his head indulgently. “You are trouble.

Now, get your ass in the pickup.”

“Aye aye!” Archer snapped to attention and saluted.
“Oh, it’s going to be a long month.” Levi didn’t chuckle this time,

but groaned under his breath.

Archer still heard him, though, and it made him smile. He planned

to have the delectable morsel in his bed before the thirty days were
up, and he planned to use every dirty trick in his arsenal to get him

* * * *

“Do you want to tell me where the hell those Cooper boys are?”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” Luke said from behind

his desk. “Where’s your little pet?”

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Levi fisted his hands at his sides, but didn’t rise to the bait. “Why

would you ask me to bring him in to file charges if you have no
intentions on arresting Justin and his brothers?”

“That boy ain’t gonna press charges. He said so himself.” Luke

leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “This is a
nice, quiet town, Levi. We want to keep it that way.”

“And assault and attempted rape doesn’t look good on the annual

crime report,” Levi deduced. “You’re cleaning up this town and
making it safe. That’s your campaign gimmick, right?”

“I’ve worked damn hard for this town.” Luke sat up straight and

pounded his fist on the top of the desk. “I deserve to be mayor, and
I’m not going to let some little faggot blow in here and ruin it!”

Anger boiled in Levi’s gut, but he still refused to get into a

shouting match with the small-minded idiot. “What else have you
brushed under the rug, Luke? You’re not doing anyone any favors
with this.”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to do my job.” Luke finally

stood, but he didn’t move from behind his desk. “I tried doing the
right thing. My first year as sheriff, I did everything by the book. You
know what?” He planted his palms on the desk and leaned forward
over it. “People don’t give a rat’s ass about cleaning up the streets.
What they want is for there to be nothing to clean up.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that it’s still out there.”
“Once I’m mayor, the town will elect a new sheriff, and it will be

his problem. I’m not going to let you or that little queer fuck this up
for me!”

The conversation was going nowhere in a hurry. “I’m sorry you

feel that way.” There was nothing left to say that would change
anything, so Levi nodded and turned his back on his old friend.

Now he just had to figure out what in the hell he was going to tell

Archer. Maybe he didn’t need to tell him anything. The guy had been
pretty adamant about not pressing charges. He still insisted that he
just wanted to be left alone.

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Levi could respect that, even if he didn’t like it. He doubted

they’d seen the last of the Cooper brothers. If Luke wasn’t going to do
anything about it, it was up to him to keep Archer safe.

He probably shouldn’t be so pleased about that.

* * * *

Archer moved behind the bar, mixing drinks and serving them up

like a natural. He looked at home behind the scarred oak, and Levi
couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction.

In the week since Archer had dropped into his lap, things had been

progressively getting better between them. It wasn’t all smooth
sailing, though. Outside of Levi’s house, Archer couldn’t walk down
the sidewalk without someone grabbing at him or making a pass.
Some were more aggressive than others, but each one piqued Levi’s
jealousy—a jealousy he had no right to.

Archer had been fighting off lewd advances in the bar since day

one. Instead of getting better, things actually seemed to be getting
worse. More and more customers were pouring into his place every
night, crowding around the bar like a herd of buffalo at a watering

Well, at least business was booming.
After Levi had forcibly removed three of his customers the first

night, the others started getting the hint and refrained from actually
touching Archer. He just wondered how long it would last. Judging by
the hungry looks in their eyes, not long.

“Levi!” Archer called, pulling him out of his thoughts. Hurrying

around the bar, he took in Archer’s pale face and trembling hands,
barely resisting the urge to pull the man into his arms and soothe
away the fear.

“What happened?”
“Nothing yet.” Archer tilted his head back, indicating the pool

tables in the corner of the bar. “There’s an eight top that just walked

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in. I don’t recognize any of them. Maybe I should wait in the kitchen
until they leave.”

Levi scanned the newcomers, confirming in one glance that they

were indeed outsiders. He didn’t know why that meant Archer needed
to go to the kitchen, though. The man didn’t know anyone in the room
other than Levi. Besides, Archer couldn’t run and hide every time he
was faced with a new situation. “You’ve handled yourself well all
week. I have no doubt that you can dissuade these gentlemen as well.”

Archer closed his eyes and sighed. “I know the tall one with the

red shirt,” he confessed in a whisper. “He was there when shit went

“There how? You mean he was there for you? Or he instigated

it?” Levi reserved judgment until he had all the facts.

“I don’t really want to talk about this here.”
Noticing that those crowded around the bar were moving closer

and trying to eavesdrop, Levi took a step away from his new
bartender and dipped his head curtly. “Now’s not the time, but you
can bet your paycheck that we’re going to talk about this later.”

Archer nodded in resignation before going back to filling drink

orders. His eyes kept darting to the corner where the pool tables were,
and when his acquaintance broke free of the crowd to saunter up to
the bar, Levi thought Archer was going to have a stroke right where
he stood.

“I can’t do this,” he pleaded out of the side of his mouth. “Levi,


Before Levi could answer, the man squeezed his way between two

barstools and stood facing them. “Archer?” he asked in surprise.
“Small world, huh?” He looked a little uncomfortable, but not nearly
as much as Archer.

“Hudson.” Archer’s voice cracked on the second syllable. “Uh,

what can I get you?”

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The minute Archer spoke, something changed inside Hudson. His

eyes heated, his breathing accelerated, and his nostrils flared. “You
can meet me behind the bar in five minutes.”

Instead of taking time to examine the jealousy that rose up in him,

Levi wrapped his arm around Archer’s waist and pulled the man to
his side. The minute the action caught up with his brain, he regretted
it. Not only did he not have a claim on Archer, but Beggs was not the
type of town people went around flaunting their homosexuality in.

When Archer gasped and pressed closer to his side, Levi tightened

his grip and decided to deal with the fallout later. “I think you and
your friends should find somewhere else to get a drink.”

Hudson didn’t even spare him a glance. “Five minutes,” he

repeated to Archer. “I’ll have you screaming my name in two. It’ll be
just like old times.”

Levi growled, pulling Archer’s smaller body behind him as he

leaned over the bar to get right in Hudson’s face. “Leave.” Whatever
Archer’s faults, he didn’t deserve to be treated like some low-rent
prostitute. The fire that burned in his gut from the knowledge that this
asshole was Archer’s ex-lover had nothing to do with his sudden
desire to ram his fist into the man’s face.

“It’s a free country.”
“It’s my bar. Now, take your friends and get the fuck out.”
Hudson tried to lean around him to get another look at Archer, but

Levi grabbed him by the front of his shirt and hauled him close until
their noses almost touched. “Don’t even think about it. If you so much
as glance in his direction again, you’ll be pissing blood for a week.
Do I make myself clear?” Levi didn’t wait for a reply, but shoved the
man from him roughly, causing him to stumble several steps back
before he could catch his balance.

Hudson gave him one last withering glare then motioned for his

friends. Levi didn’t take his eyes off of them until the last one had
exited through the door. Now, he just had to worry if they’d be
waiting in the parking lot for him at closing time.

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“Should we call the sheriff?” Archer asked in a small voice that

didn’t fit his six-foot-one stature.

“No.” Levi still hadn’t told Archer that he’d spoken with the good

sheriff earlier in the week.

“I’m sorry, Levi.” Archer kept his voice quiet as he touched

Levi’s arm. “I don’t mean to keep bringing trouble to your doorstep.”

“I think it’s time for that talk now.” Levi didn’t want to be gruff

with the younger man, especially when Archer was still shaken and
scared. With his little show of possessiveness, he was fully invested
now, and he needed to know the truth.

Archer didn’t argue with him. “I’ll tell Mike to close up.”
“Meet me at the truck.” He watched Archer until he disappeared

through the swinging doors, then made his way to the exit. Stepping
out into the cool night air, he scanned the parking lot, looking for any
signs of trouble.

Letting out a breath in relief when everything appeared calm and

quiet, Levi made it to his pickup, settled into the driver’s seat, and
waited. All week he’d been fighting his attraction to Archer, and the
man certainly hadn’t made it easy.

Levi didn’t think the guy was tempting him on purpose, but his

cock couldn’t help but respond when Archer walked into a room.
He’d taken to wearing sweatpants around the house, and nothing else,
and Levi wanted to scream at him to cover up.

There were only three weeks left. Surely, he could hold out for

three more weeks.

Glancing up, he watched Archer emerge from the front door and

saunter toward him. The swagger in his step was sexy as hell, and
Levi groaned quietly, reaching down to adjust his very interested cock
as it swelled inside his jeans.

Yeah, he was going to make it for three more weeks without

having Archer pinned beneath him. Insert sarcasm here, asshole.

It was just damn sad that he couldn’t even lie to himself. The only

solace he had about the situation was that he no longer worried that

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his feelings were strictly because of Archer’s curse. Or maybe he just
didn’t care anymore. He wanted the guy with something akin to pain.
His desire only intensified the more he was around the gorgeous
blond, not the other way around. Surely, that had to mean something.

Archer came around to the passenger side and slid into his seat.

His naturally masculine scent filled the cab, and Levi’s dick jerked,
making a valiant effort to break through his zipper. “Do we do this
now?” he asked, proud that his voice was steady.

“Can we go down by the pond? The mosquitoes aren’t so bad this

time of year, and I like it there.” Even in the dim moonlight, Levi
could see Archer’s cheeks flush from the confession.

As long as he was getting answers, he didn’t rightly care where

they were when it happened. “Sure.”

The drive home was silent and filled with tension. Levi had never

been more grateful that he lived so close to his work. After parking
around the side of the house, he bailed out of the cab so quickly he
nearly lost his footing and fell on his ass.

Righting himself, he marched determinedly toward the pond that

sat on the back acre of his property, knowing Archer would follow.
He just needed to get a little distance between them before he let go of
his control and attacked the man like a wild beast.

When he made it to the edge of the water, he dropped down to the

grass and took several deep breaths to calm his frayed nerves. Why
was he letting Archer get to him? The man would be gone in a few
weeks, and Levi wouldn’t ever see him again. And why after only a
week did the thought make his gut clench and chest constrict?

Archer arrived a moment later, moving slowly as he eased himself

onto the grass a few feet away from Levi. He picked at the grass,
staring out over the water with his lips pressed together. Levi waited.
He was getting damn good at waiting.

“I grew up in a little town like this one in eastern Texas.” Archer

bent his legs, pulling his knees close to his chest and resting his chin
on them as he spoke. There was very little inflection in his voice, and

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it made Levi uneasy. “My mom died when I was nine, and my dad
was a sheriff’s deputy, which meant I spent a lot of time on my own
growing up. I don’t have any siblings, and I never really had any
friends, either.”

Levi moved a little closer, but stopped when Archer tensed. “Go


“I figured out that girls just didn’t do it for me when I was

fourteen. I never told anyone, but I think my dad knew. He never
wasted an opportunity to tell me exactly what a disappointment I was
to him.”

“What happened?” Archer wouldn’t have begun his story from his

childhood if it didn’t have significance to the conversation.

“When I was eighteen, I met a guy. He was my age, new in town,

and I thought he’d hung the moon and stars.”

Levi had a really bad feeling about where this story would lead.

He kept his mouth shut and waited for Archer to continue, though.

“My dad set the whole thing up. The guy was a prostitute that he

had paid to seduce me. He was my first,” Archer added quietly before
picking up the story again. “My dad finds us together with my cock
buried in this guy’s ass. Mark, the prostitute, starts shouting rape at
the top of his lungs, and I’m just sitting there with my dick in my
hand, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.”

“Oh, darlin’, I’m so sorry.”
Archer didn’t give any indication that he’d heard him. “I spent

four months in county before the guy came clean. I’d like to say that
the guilt got the better of him, but I found out later that my dad had
refused to pay him. Anyway, I packed my shit and went straight to
Dallas as soon as I could. I haven’t seen or spoken to either of them

They sat in silence for a while after that. Levi hurt for the man

beside him, but he was scared to speak or make a move to comfort
Archer. As tightly wound as Archer looked, he might shatter from the
slightest breeze.

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“I worked odd jobs wherever I could find them, and managed to

stay afloat. Then I met Davey Hudson just after I turned twenty-one.
He was handsome, charming, and I fell into the same damn trap. He
got me a job with the construction company he worked for, and Dante
was a damn good boss. I liked working for him.” There was a wistful
little sigh before Archer continued. “Everything was fine until Rayne
showed up.”

“Who’s Rayne?” Levi quelled his jealousy that always seemed to

simmer just below the surface these days. He also resisted the urge to
ask what trap Archer had fallen into. The man would get there in his
own good time, and Levi pushing him wouldn’t help.

“He’s Dante’s partner. I don’t really know the whole story. The

first time I met him was just after they’d fucked in the kitchen of this
house we were working on.” Archer chuckled quietly and shook his
head. “Rayne’s a damn spitfire, and so beautiful it almost hurts to
look at him.”

“Did you love him?” The way Archer spoke of the man, Levi

imagined that he did.

“No. I liked the hell out of him, but I loved Hudson. I’d have done

anything for that man.”

Ah, now they were getting to how Pathos had come into the

picture. Levi waited quietly, curling his hands into fists and tucking
them under his arms to keep from reaching out to Archer.

“I also knew that Hudson had a thing for the boss. He didn’t

exactly try to hide it. Dante never had time for a lover, though, and
that seemed to be okay. Then Rayne shows up, and Dante’s going all
googledy eyed for him. Hudson went nuts.”

“He used you to break them up.” It wasn’t a question, and Levi

felt sick to his stomach.

“He tried. Hudson paid me two hundred bucks and told me that if

I really cared about him, then I’d help him. Well, I cared about him all
right, so I said I’d do it. It was just taking Rayne out, keeping him
away from Dante. No big deal.”

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But it had been a big deal. Levi could hear it in Archer’s voice.
“The more time we spent together, the more I liked Rayne. He

didn’t even see me, though. Hudson didn’t want me, that prostitute
sure as hell didn’t want me, and then Rayne didn’t want me.”

“Archer, tell me what happened,” Levi prodded gently when his

companion went quiet again.

“I tried to kiss him in a club one night. Hudson had set it all up so

he could get pictures for Dante to prove that Rayne was nothing more
than a slut and split them up. I wasn’t playing games anymore,
though. I wanted Rayne. All I got was a knee to the balls from Rayne
and a pat on the back from Hudson for it, though.”

“So, Dante forgave Rayne?”
“Yeah. By the time I saw them Monday at work, it was like

nothing had happened. If anything, they were happier than ever.
Hudson chewed my ass out for screwing everything up, but I didn’t
care. I just couldn’t take watching Dante and Rayne together all the

“Where does Pathos come into this?”
“I couldn’t be there anymore, so I quit. I went to pick up my final

paycheck, and Rayne is spouting all this stuff about how I should
reconsider and stay. He was concerned for me, but all I could see was
red. What made him think that he was so much better than me? What
gave him the right to toy with me then cast me aside like a used
condom?” Archer paused and took a deep breath before whispering,
“What made me so damn undesirable?”

“Did you…did you hurt him?”
Archer closed his eyes and shuddered. “No, but I came close. I

don’t even know how we got there. One minute he was talking, and
the next second I have him pinned against the wall, telling him how
I’m going to fuck him until he bleeds. I had my goddamn fingers on
the button of his jeans when Dante ripped me off of him.”

Archer was sobbing in earnest now, and Levi couldn’t take it

anymore. He scooted the last few inches until their hips bumped

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together, wrapped his arm around the man, and pulled him close. “So,
you just snapped? Has anything ever happened like that before?”

Archer shook his head as he tried to calm his labored breathing

and quiet the sobs. “Never. I swear I’ve never even had the urge to do
anything like that before. After what happened with my dad, I stuck to
one-night stands, mostly in back alleys and the bathrooms at the
clubs. I like sex, Levi. I like it a lot. I’ve never in my life tried to force
myself on someone, though.”

Maybe it made him naïve, but Levi believed him. “So, Pathos just

pops up then, or how did that happen?”

“Dante beat the fuck out of me, and I deserved every punch he

threw. He wanted to call the cops, but Rayne said he had a better idea.
He says some guy’s name, and this little fucker pops into the room
out of nowhere. They talk a little, and the next thing I know Pathos is
there, tackling me to the floor and telling me how much fun we’re
going to have.”

“What happened after that?”
Archer went dead still. “Nothing. Nothing happened.”
“Okay, darlin’, we don’t have to talk about it now. You’ll tell me

when you’re ready.” Levi tightened his arms around Archer and
rocked him gently. “I think that’s enough for tonight.”

“Do you want me to leave now?”
“Why would I want you to do a fool thing like that?”
“Because I’m a fucked-up, demented pervert. I never wanted to

hurt Rayne. I knew I was scaring the hell out of him, and I hated
myself for it, but it was like I couldn’t stop. All this rage just came
pouring out of me, and I couldn’t stop it!”

“Hush now.”
Archer sat up so quickly he almost head-butted Levi in the nose.

“Don’t you get it? I’m fucking sick, Levi!”

“No you’re not,” came a voice that made Levi growl. He was not

in the mood to deal with the miniature-sized god just then. “Well, not

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completely. You were my birthday present.” He sounded very pleased
by this, and it only served to piss Levi off further.

“What?” Archer’s voice was low and dangerous. “What are you

talking about?”

Pathos walked around to stand in front of them. “Gordost

wouldn’t have let you hurt Rayne. He likes him a lot.” Pathos smiled
indulgently. “I was bored, and Gordost thought you would be a great
gift for me. I happen to agree.”

“Gordost made me do those things?”
Levi tightened his arm around Archer’s midsection when the man

made a lunge for Pathos. “Slow down there, tiger.”

“Well, he didn’t exactly control your body. He just gave you the

nudge you needed to push you over the edge.” Pathos sounded
completely unconcerned.

“I could have gone to jail!” Archer screamed.
“No.” Pathos continued to smile brightly and shook his head, not

intimidated in the least by Archer’s hostility. “You were my present.
Gordost wouldn’t have let you go to jail.”

Archer tried to make a grab for Pathos again, but Levi held him

back. “Get the fuck away from me, and take your curse with you. This
is bullshit!”

“You still have nineteen days,” Pathos answered as he studied his

nails in the moonlight. “Even if Gordost gave you a little nudge with
Rayne, you really do need to rethink your life. You’ve fucked
anything that walks for years without concern for anyone’s feelings
but your own.”

“Pathos,” Archer growled. “I’m warning you.”
“Oh, please. I’m a freaking god, Archer. What are you going to do

to me?” Pathos held his arms out to his sides and laughed before
disappearing completely.

“I’m going to kill him.”
Levi wasn’t far behind in Archer’s feelings about the pint-sized

god, but he knew Pathos was right. The man was untouchable. “I

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think you’ll do best to focus your energy on getting through the next
three weeks.”

Archer didn’t say anything as he untangled himself from Levi’s

arms and stood. He looked down at Levi for several seconds before
shaking his head and stomping back toward the house.

Levi made no move to follow him. He just sat there, staring at the

moon’s reflection on the surface of the pond, and pondered all the
things he’d learned.

He was still sitting there when the sky began to lighten and the

sun peeked over the eastern horizon.

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Chapter Seven

“I’m heading out to Silverstone today,” Levi announced Saturday

morning at breakfast.

Archer slowly lowered his coffee cup to the table and linked his

fingers together. “Okay.” He didn’t have a clue what Silverstone was
or why Levi was going. He didn’t reckon it was any of his business,
either. Things had remained easy and comfortable after he’d poured
his heart out down by the pond. Levi didn’t treat him any differently
or look at him with disgust in his eyes. Archer had no desire to rock
the boat now.

“I’ve called in a sub to work the bar this weekend. Would you like

to go with me?” There was a knowing look in Levi’s eyes, but Archer
couldn’t bring himself to care.

“Yeah, I think I’d like that. Where exactly are we going, though?”
“Silverstone is a cattle ranch about a half hour northwest of here.”
Archer frowned down at his plate. “Um, okay.”
“I gotta practice. I thought you might like to come watch me.”
In the two weeks they’d spent together, Archer was beginning to

realize he’d follow Levi anywhere the man wanted him to go. “What
am I going to watch you do?”

“The Halloween rodeo is coming up at the end of the month. It’s a

charity event for amateur bronc and bull riders. It’s been a couple of
months since I’ve been on the back of bucking bull. I got a friend up
in Coweta that’ll let me take a couple of turns on his stock.”

Archer swallowed hard. The idea of Levi being on the back of a

bucking bull made his stomach queasy. He’d grown up in Texas, so of
course, he’d been to several rodeos in his lifetime. While exciting, the

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bull riding competition was dangerous and just damn crazy as far as
he could see.

As if reading his mind, Levi slid his hand across the table and

placed it over Archer’s. “This isn’t my first rodeo.” He winked at the
cliché. “I know what I’m doing, Archer. You don’t have to come if
you don’t want to, but I hope that you will.”

It didn’t take him long to think through his answer. “Yeah, I want

to go.” Was it a good idea, though? “What about your friends and his
ranch hands? I doubt a bunch of tough cowboys are going to be too
keen when they see me and their dicks perk up to wave hello.” Oh,
Archer wanted to get his hands on cowboy butt in the worst way, but
to his surprise, only one man had starred in his fantasies lately, and
that man was currently caressing the side of his hand with his thumb.

“Benson is a good guy. We’ve been friends for years.” Levi lifted

both eyebrows and smirked. “And he’s gay. So is his foreman. I can’t
say for the other ranch hands, but Benson don’t tolerate any shit on
his ranch.”

Archer didn’t like the possessiveness that flared inside him at

Levi’s words. He sounded a little too “friendly” with the ranch owner.
He also didn’t like that said possessiveness cemented his decision to
accompany Levi to Silverstone. Since when had he come to think of
Levi Dawson as his?

“So, when do we leave?”
“As soon as you’re ready, darlin’.”
Levi had taken to using the endearment, and Archer wasn’t sure

how he felt about it. On one hand, it made him all warm and gooey on
the inside. Another part of him just felt confused. Levi still hadn’t
made a move on him or showed any sign that he was sexually
interested. He was kind and generous, never made Archer feel
unwelcome in his home. Hell, Levi had even given him a job and
chased Hudson off that night at the bar.

“I’ll be ready in ten. Just a couple changes of clothes and my

shaving kit?”

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Releasing Archer’s hand, Levi smiled and nodded as he pushed up

from his chair. “I’ll clean this up while you get packed.”

Dipping out of the kitchen, Archer hurried to his room. He packed

quickly as he thought about what a relief it was for someone to finally
know all his secrets. He’d been scared shitless that Levi would be
disgusted with him and kick his ass to the curb when he found out. Of
course, Archer knew he should have had more faith in the man than

Finding out about Gordost’s part in the upheaval of his life gave

him mixed emotions, though. It still made him want to hit something
to know that the gods could turn his life upside down just because it
struck their fancy. The pissed off part of him wanted to find Gordost
and beat him bloody for the incident in the construction office. The
scared part of him that craved acceptance was just grateful to know
that he hadn’t acted of his own accord.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Pathos said that his brother had

merely given Archer a push. To him, that meant he had the capacity
for vile, evil things like he’d done to Rayne—he’d just needed a little
nudge to set him off. That part of everything he learned frightened
him more than anything else.

“You ready?”
Archer hadn’t realized that he was just standing in the middle of

the room, staring off into space, until Levi stepped up behind him and
gently wrapped his arms around Archer’s waist. “You okay?”

As much as Archer wanted to lean back into the big cowboy, he

resisted and pulled away. Guys like Levi didn’t want to keep him. The
selfish part of him didn’t care, and would take Levi for as long as he
could have him. The rational part of him that was just beginning to
surface screamed that it would only make things worse in the end.
Besides, Levi was the good guy that everyone rooted for in the
movies. He deserved a hell of a lot better than someone like Archer.

“All set,” he said with false cheerfulness. He wanted to soak up

the little remaining time he had with Levi. For the first time, someone

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treated him like he actually mattered, and Archer couldn’t get enough
of it. He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that.

Levi’s eyebrows drew together, but he didn’t comment on

Archer’s odd behavior. Thankful for the reprieve, Archer grabbed his
bag up off the bed and gave Levi a playful shove to get him going. “I
grew up in Texas, but I don’t really know anything about cattle or
ranches. You’ll have to explain it to me on the way.”

Levi perked up at this and immediately launched into Bull Riding

101. Archer didn’t understand what he was talking about half the
time, but he found it interesting and listened with rapt attention as
they cruised along the paved road.

“They don’t really tie the flank strap around the bull’s balls,

right?” Archer winced just at the thought.

“Would you want to do a lot of kicking and jumping if you had a

rope tied around your sac?”

Archer shook his head quickly. He’d want to remain as still as


“There ya go. Besides, these bulls are worth up to a hundred

grand. Why would a rancher invest all that money into a bull then risk
not being able to breed him?”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Have you ever been gored?”
“Nope, but it’s definitely a risk—that or being trampled. I won’t

lie to you,” Levi added sternly when Archer flinched. “I’m as careful
as I can be, but it happens.”

“You cowboys are crazy,” Archer mumbled.
Levi just laughed. “Yeah, I reckon we are, but it’s no different

than skydiving or race car driving. Every extreme sport has its risks.”

Just because Archer could see the point didn’t mean he was going

to concede to it. “Is your friend entering a bull in the rodeo?”

“Yep, he’ll be bringing Diablo. That’s one mean motherfucker.

There’s only been a couple of cowboys to ride him for the full eight
seconds. He’s ranked high, though, which means a higher ride score.”

“So, why doesn’t Benson have him on the pro circuit then?”

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“He says he don’t wanna mess with it. I guess you’d have to ask

him the reason.”

“So, have you ever ridden Diablo?”
“No. Part of me wants a go ’round just to say I did it. The coward

in me hopes my ass never touches that animal’s back.”

“There’s not a damn part of you that’s cowardly.” Archer shook

his head firmly. Levi was the most amazing person he’d ever met, and
he’d be sorry to see their time end. “So, are we there yet?”

Levi chuckled in amusement, his infectious laughter ringing

through the cab. It brought a wide smile to Archer’s face. If he’d
never done anything right in his life, he’d definitely made a good
decision when he stopped off at a hole-in-the-wall bar to appease his
snarling stomach.

He didn’t want it to be over, but in just a couple of weeks, Levi

would realize that Archer’s curse was the only thing he was attracted
to—not Archer himself. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for the man
to resist him when others had failed.

Archer pushed the thoughts away, determined to enjoy his

weekend and not let things he couldn’t change depress him. When the
time came for him to move on, at least he’d have fond memories of
the man beside him.

It was more than he’d expected when all the craziness began. He

couldn’t change that he wanted it to be more, but he wouldn’t
begrudge their time together.

“Thank you,” he said quietly.
“You’re welcome.” Levi paused and cocked his head to the side.

“Why are you thanking me?”

Archer slumped back in his seat and stared out of his window.

“Just because.”

* * * *

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His heart hammered inside his chest as he watched the bull buck,

kick, and twist. It wasn’t the animal that held him mesmerized,
though. It was the man seated atop him. Levi was every wet dream
Archer had ever had come to life, but he was terrified that the man
would disappear if he took his eyes off him.

“Get him down!” Benson yelled. He wasn’t anything like what

Archer had expected. The guy couldn’t have been more than five-
foot-seven and a buck fifty soaking wet. What he lacked in height and
bulk, he made up for in personality, though.

Levi more fell off the beast than jumped, but he gained his feet

quickly and sprinted for the wooden fence, pulling himself up as Code
Blue barreled into the fence, causing the entire thing to shake

Archer was going to throw up. He just knew it. It didn’t matter

that Levi was perched on top of the fence, waving his cowboy hat at
him and smiling like a damn idiot.

“Breathe.” Benson slapped him on the shoulder and chuckled.

“It’s the excitement that they live for.” His hand lingered just a little
too long, slowly sliding its way down Archer’s arm. He licked his
plump lips, his green eyes raking over Archer’s body.

Archer sidestepped the man, brushing off his hand. He glanced up

to see if Levi had noticed.

Yep. He noticed.
Levi whirled around on the fence, dropped to the ground, and

stomped over to them, kicking up dust around his black boots. He
looked mad enough to chew glass, but Archer wasn’t sure exactly
who the anger was directed at. Levi’s face was red, all traces of his
former smile had vanished, and his eyes flashed with a possessiveness
that made Archer’s knees tremble.

When he reached them, he glared at his friend for no more than a

heartbeat before grabbing Archer’s hips in both hands and jerking him
forward until their groins met. Archer’s gasp turned into a quiet groan

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when their chests rubbed together, and Levi took full advantage,
capturing Archer’s lips and pillaging the depths of his mouth.

Archer groaned in earnest when their tongues met, slipping over

one another and twining together in a heated duel. He’d imagined this
a hundred times as he’d stared up at the ceiling, alone in his
temporary bed. It wasn’t even close to what his brain had conjured. It
was a million times better.

Levi tasted like heaven, and he didn’t just kiss Archer, he attacked

him, devoured him, and branded him. The kiss was full of need, heat,
and passion, with something primal on the edges. Levi was claiming
him, leaving no doubt about whom he belonged to, and Archer
shouldn’t have been as thrilled as he was about it.

When the kiss ended, Levi didn’t move far away. He leaned their

foreheads together, his hands still holding tightly to Archer’s hips as
he panted for breath. “I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw

“Does that mean we can do it again?” Archer didn’t know where

his boldness came from. He just knew that he’d do whatever it took to
get another kiss like that.

Levi leaned away, staring into Archer’s eyes for a long time

before he slowly reached up to cup his cheek and smooth his thumb
over Archer’s kiss-swollen lips. “Yeah, darlin’, I guess it does. I can’t
fight you anymore. After that kiss, I’d be a damn fool to try.”

“Are you done for the day?” Archer thrummed with pent-up

desire. He should probably take things slowly, but his body just
wasn’t listening. His cock ached, definitely unhappy with its current

Levi smirked at him as he bent forward and brushed his lips over

Archer’s again. “I could use a shower.”

“And someone to scrub your back?”
“No, not just anyone, darlin’.” Levi bent lower, skimming his

nose up Archer’s neck and nipping at the sensitive skin just behind his
ear. “There’s a lot of dirt. Do you think you’re up for it?”

In response, Archer stepped away, grabbed his cowboy’s wrist,

and practically dragged him toward the house.

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Chapter Eight

Levi didn’t let himself debate the wisdom of falling into bed with

Archer. He’d been too hard for too long, lusting after something he
kept telling himself he couldn’t have. The man was gorgeous both
inside and out, and Levi only had one concern as they barged into
Benson’s house and stumbled up the stairs to their rooms.

“Please tell me that you have condoms.”
Archer paused, bit his lip, and shook his head. “I didn’t exactly

plan this.”

Urging Archer backward into the guest bathroom, he motioned for

his soon-to-be lover to get the shower started while he rummaged in
the drawers. Coming up with a brand-new bottle of waterproof lube
and an unopened box of condoms, he had to smile and shake his head.

He hadn’t planned this any more than Archer had, but apparently

he hadn’t gotten that message across to Benson when he’d called to
tell his friend that he’d be bringing someone with him. He might have
seen red as he’d watched Benson paw at Archer, but he could
probably forgive the ranch owner after this. Besides, he’d never
known Benson to poach and could only assume it had to do with
Archer’s irresistible charm.

“Are you going to use them or frame them?” Archer called from

beneath the spray of the showerhead.

Levi had every intention of using them, but he need a lot more

room for what he wanted to do to Archer. He’d jacked off a dozen
times in the past week, imagining taking the gorgeous man in a
hundred different ways. Now that his fantasy had come to life, he
wanted to take his time and savor it.

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Setting the lube and box of condoms on the counter near the sink,

he stripped out of his dusty clothes and climbed into the small shower
stall behind Archer. All it took was one look at Archer’s nude, wet
body, and his cock swelled rapidly to jut proudly from his groin,
straining and begging for relief.

Watching Archer’s muscles flex and bunch, the water rush over

his supple skin, and the way his ass clenched and relaxed had Levi
fighting to hold his orgasm at bay. This was going to be harder than
he thought. “Wash quick,” he ground out.

Archer tossed him a smirk over his shoulder and reached for the

soap, lathering his body and putting on a damn fine show for Levi’s
viewing pleasure. His slippery hands skimmed down his broad chest
and over his taut abs before moving lower. Then those long, slender
fingers curled around his hard cock, stroking languidly and driving
Levi out of his mind with lust.

When Archer released his own length and stepped closer to wrap

those sudsy fingers around Levi’s cock, he thought he’d jump out of
his skin. A loud moan fell from his parted lips as he dropped his head
back on his shoulders and thrust into Archer’s loose grasp. This
wasn’t the way he wanted their first time to be, but he was powerless
to stop the skilled seduction.

Archer’s lips whispered up the column of his throat, and then his

teeth grazed back down, sending shivers up Levi’s spine and leaving
his head spinning. His cock flexed in Archer’s hand, silently begging
for more. He knew there was something he was supposed to say,
something he needed to say, but his brain short-circuited, coherent
thought taking a temporary vacation.

The fingers around his dick tightened, squeezing and massaging

him as they pumped up and down his length. Then Archer sucked
Levi’s earlobe into his mouth and nipped at it with his teeth. At the
same time, he rubbed the pad of his thumb over Levi’s slit, giving a
subtle twist of his wrist just under the crown, and Levi erupted like a

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geyser, roaring loud enough to shake the glass panes in the shower

Grabbing on to Archer’s shoulders to keep himself upright, Levi

didn’t think he’d ever come so hard from just a hand job. It hadn’t
taken the edge off at all, though. It had only whetted his appetite and
left him wanting more. If Archer’s hands on him felt that intense, he
imagined it would be explosive between them once they finally made
it to a flat surface.

Archer pecked at his lips and traced the seam with his tongue

teasingly before backing off just far enough to begin soaping Levi’s
body. He made a quick but thorough job of it, rubbing his slick hands
over every inch of Levi’s skin until he was hard and bordering on
desperate once again. He didn’t know exactly when the tables had
turned and Archer had taken control, but Levi wasn’t going to argue
when it felt so damn good.

When Archer had him clean from head to toe and everywhere in

between, he shut off the water and stepped from the shower, tugging
Levi’s hand to get him to follow. They didn’t bother with towels or
drying themselves. There’d be time for those mundane tasks later.

Grabbing up the little bottle of lube and the entire box of

condoms, Levi pushed Archer almost roughly, ushering his lover out
of the bathroom and across the hall to the guest room he was using.

They made it just inside the door before Levi’s self-control

snapped completely, and he kicked the door closed and tackled
Archer to the mattress. Tossing the supplies to the bed beside them,
he rolled his lover to his back and straddled his hips so that he could
look down into those gorgeous gray eyes that made him weak every

Fisting his hands in Archer’s blond locks, he bent from the waist,

growling like a wild animal when the heated skin of their chests met
and their lips crashed together. Just like the first time, Levi didn’t
bother with hesitancy and niceties. He wanted Archer, and the man
wanted him. He didn’t see any reason to beat around the bush.

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So, he attacked Archer’s mouth, sucking at his lips and tongue,

leaving no crevice of the sweet depths unexplored. His man tasted so
good, sweet but slightly tangy, and Levi found himself unable to stop
his body’s response to the passion-fueled mating of their lips.

He rocked his hips, grinding his pelvis against Archer, groaning in

pleasure when their weeping cocks rubbed together with a glorious
friction that had Levi teetering on the edge already. Archer jerked his
head away, gasping for breath as his chest heaved beneath Levi’s.

“Please,” he whimpered, his eyes blazing with a desire that rivaled

Levi’s own.

The one simple word finally brought home the words that Levi

needed to say before they went any farther. “I’m keeping you, Archer
Neilson. If you say yes and we do this, that’s it. I’m not letting you
go, so you need to be sure.”

Archer just smiled up at him and wound his arms around Levi’s

neck. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Levi’s dick screamed at him to shut the fuck up and get

on with the good stuff, but he had to be sure. He’d meant every word
of it, and he needed Archer to know that. “Are you sure? We haven’t
known each other long.”

“I know enough. I was scared that you wouldn’t want me around

when my thirty days are up, so yeah, I’m good with you wanting to
keep me. I’d be even better if you’d stop talking and fuck me

“Mouthy little shit.” Levi nipped at Archer’s lips in reprimand,

but it only served to make Archer’s chest rumble with a strangled
groan. Reaching for the box, Levi tore it open, ignoring Archer’s
chuckles when the strips of condoms flew out like one of those snake-
in-a-can gag gifts.

Tossing one at Archer, he hoped the man got the hint because

Levi was currently focused on trying to remove the safety seal on the
lube with trembling fingers. He wasn’t having much luck, though. A
loud snarl of frustration curled his lip, and he almost threw the bottle

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across the room. He was so relieved when he finally managed to get it
open that he actually let out a whoop of victory.

Looking down at his lover, Levi glared and pointed a finger in the

man’s amused face. “Don’t you do it.”

Archer squeezed his eyes together and shook his head quickly. “I

wouldn’t dream of it.” Then little snorts escaped his nose before he
broke down completely and began to laugh. It was so full of joy and
happiness that Levi couldn’t help but laugh right along with him.
He’d never had so much fun with a bed partner.

In just the short amount of time they’d been together, Archer was

quickly becoming more to him, though. He didn’t want the man in his
bed for only a night, or even two weeks. It was too early to tell if
they’d make it for the long haul, but he knew he wanted Archer to
stick around and give them a chance at a future.

A wave of tenderness swept over him, unlike anything he’d ever

felt before, and suddenly, everything needed to be perfect for their
first time together. While not a selfish lover, it was another first for
him. Levi had a feeling he’d experience a lot of those with the sweet
man beneath him.

Then those talented fingers wrapped around his hard cock again,

expertly rolling the rubber down his engorged length, and Levi gasped
and shuddered from the touch. Sliding down Archer’s body until he
knelt between his bent knees, he placed gentle kisses along the inside
of his lover’s thigh, ghosting his fingertips up the outside of the other.

He took his time, exploring Archer’s body like the treasure it was

until the man quaked beneath him and panted for breath. When he’d
tasted every part of Archer’s skin he could reach, he slithered his
tongue along the thick, pulsing length of Archer’s cock.

Archer cried out, his shoulders pressing deeper into the mattress

as he arched his hips, pressing up into Levi’s questing mouth. Levi
gave the gorgeous dick a few more good strokes with his tongue, and
then he backed off to just stare at the delectable picture of complete
debauchery below him.

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Slicking his fingers and coating his latex-covered cock, he tossed

the bottle back to the mattress and skimmed his slippery fingers along
Archer’s crease, glorying in the soft, needy whimpers pouring from
his lover’s pouty lips.

Pushing just one finger between the rounded globes, he circled the

tight muscles of Archer’s hole, caressing them with a gentle but
constant touch until they began to loosen for him. “That’s it, baby.
Just relax and let me take care of you.”

Archer’s eyelids flew open, and he stared up at Levi for the

longest time before nodding dazedly. Levi didn’t understand the
reaction, but he took Archer’s acceptance as a good sign to continue
what he was doing.

Inserting just the tip of his index finger through those clenching

muscles, Levi took a deep breath and groaned when Archer’s ass
seemed to suck the rest of his digit right in. “So eager,” he whispered.
“So hungry for me.”

“Yesss,” Archer hissed, jerking his hips and pushing back against

Levi’s hand. “More, please, more.”

Keeping his movements slow and steady, Levi pumped his finger

in and out of the silky channel until Archer relaxed enough for him to
add a second. By the time he had three fingers sawing in and out of
his lover’s welcoming heat, Levi was holding on to his control by a
thread. His cock throbbed to the point of pain, his balls ached, and his
belly cramped with the need for release.

Extracting his fingers, he lined up the tip of his cock, and covered

Archer’s torso, dipping low until they were nose to nose. “Tell me
you want this, Archer. I meant what I said before. I can’t have you for
just one night. I need more than that.”

“I want this, Levi. I want you. Please, don’t make me wait any


That was all he needed to hear. Levi rocked his hips forward,

nudging against Archer’s hole until the crown of his dick popped

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through the guarding muscles, and he sheathed himself in the mind-
melting heat.

God, this felt so right. The tenderness Levi had felt moments

before gave way to a sense of peace that settled over him like a warm
blanket. Staring into Archer’s eyes, feeling those inner walls grab his
cock and hold him in place felt like coming home. It felt right.

While it should have scared the hell out of him, there was only

contentment. He never took his eyes off of Archer as he began
thrusting, gently at first, then picking up in speed and intensity as they
both chased their own orgasmic euphoria.

Archer made a move to reach for his cock where it lay trapped

between them, but Levi batted his hand away and pressed their lips
together hard. “Just me. I’m all you need now.” He punctuated his
statement with another demanding kiss and a hard jab of his hips.

Dropping his head back to the pillow, Archer cried out and

wrapped his legs around Levi’s waist, squeezing him in a
stranglehold. Levi damned himself for a fool as he watched the
expressions play over Archer’s handsome face. Why the hell had he
waited so long to see this?

Over and over, he slammed into Archer’s convulsing hole, driving

them both up the mattress with the force. One arm slipped under his
lover’s lower back, arching him off the bed, and Levi’s next inward
slide sent Archer flying.

A sort of gurgling moan rose up from his chest, his eyelids

clamped together, and creamy ropes of hot seed splashed between
them, covering Levi’s chest and belly with his lover’s release.
Archer’s inner muscles clutched at Levi’s cock, massaging and
milking it until he had no choice but to close his eyes and fall over the
edge as well.

His fingers held a bruising hold on Archer’s hips as he pumped

twice more and stilled. Dropping his forehead to Archer’s chest, he
groaned as he filled the condom to capacity with endless ropes of

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Pinching the condom around the base of his cock, he slid from

Archer’s still twitching hole, removed the soiled rubber, tied it off,
and dropped it over the side of the bed. Gross maybe, but he didn’t
think his legs would work yet.

Using the last bit of his energy, he maneuvered up the mattress

until he could spoon around Archer’s back and tucked the man close
to his chest. Archer sighed, a happy little sound that made Levi’s
chest swell.

“You’re sticking around, right?” He felt needy and nagging for

voicing his concerns, but he had to know.

“For as long as you want me, Levi.” Archer rolled to face him and

burrowed into his arms, nuzzling his face against the side of Levi’s
throat. “I never say anything that I don’t mean.”

“We need to clean up, darlin’.”
Archer sighed. “Can’t feel my legs. Too tired.”
“Yeah,” Levi mumbled, his eyelids drifting closed against his

will. He’d regret it when they woke up stuck together, but just then he
couldn’t bring himself to care. The exhaustion was overpowering, and
Archer felt too good in his arms for him to want to move.

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Chapter Nine

Blinking open his eyes, Archer smiled at the warm weight pressed

against his back and the hard erection nestled along the crease of his
ass. Three different times they’d found their way together in the night,
and each time had been better than the one before it.

The pleasant ache in his ass was welcomed, reminding him that

he’d been well and truly ravished. The arm draped over him, the palm
pressed against his heart, and the moist breath that tickled the back of
his neck reminded him that it had all actually meant something. Levi
said all the right things when his cock was buried in Archer’s ass.
Archer just hoped they meant something in the light of morning.

Turning slowly, careful not to wake his tired lover, Archer studied

the peaceful expression on Levi’s face and decided it was a good
thing. When he dipped his head and pressed their lips together, Levi
responded by tightening his arm around Archer and grinding his
morning wood over his hip. If Levi didn’t really want to keep him,
surely he’d be running for the hills by now, right?

“Stop worrying,” Levi muttered, rubbing their noses together as

his eyelids fluttered open. “I never say anything that I don’t mean.”
He tossed Archer’s words back at him and smirked. “I’m keepin’ you,
Archer Neilson, so if you’re thinking otherwise, you best get those
thoughts right out of that pretty head.”

Archer had never done anything in his whole miserable life to

deserve someone like Levi. While he hadn’t intentionally been a
bastard, he’d fucked and forgotten more men than he could count. His
partner’s comfort and pleasure never came into play. As long as he
got the release he wanted, that’s all that mattered.

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Hell, he’d thought he’d been in love with Hudson, but he still

couldn’t remain faithful. Every weekend had found him with some
no-name twink sucking Archer’s cock down his throat like a Hoover.
There had been times that he hadn’t even gotten fully hard before
blowing his load. Then, more times than not, he’d simply zip up and
walk away, not caring in the least about the guy on his knees.

He really was a bastard.
“Archer, talk to me.” Levi’s fingers smoothed up and down

Archer’s spine in comfort, and he peppered little kisses along his
cheeks and jawline. “Tell me what’s wrong, darlin’.”

“I don’t deserve you.”
“I hate to break it to ya, but I ain’t no prize. We’ll do the best we

can and go from there.”

“I’ve done a lot of bad stuff, Levi.” Archer bit his lip and looked

away. He didn’t know what kind of reaction to expect, but he needed
to be completely honest with the big cowboy.

“You’re not going to chase me off, Archer.” Levi’s lips drifted up

the side of his neck. “Just tell me, sugar.”

“I cheated on Hudson…a lot.”
“That’s in the past, and he’s a fucker.”
“I don’t know how to be faithful, Levi. Don’t you understand? I

try! I try so fucking hard, but I can’t do it. There’s something wrong
with me!”

“That’s enough.” Levi’s hand came up to grip Archer’s chin,

making him look right into Levi’s eyes. “There is nothing wrong with
you. You cheated on Hudson because he was a bastard that treated
you like property. You wanted affection and tenderness, and he gave
you a quick fuck and a lot of grief while he chased after another man.
I plan to give you all the attention you can handle, darlin’. You won’t
have time to go lookin’ anywhere else.”

Archer’s smile started slow, but eventually stretched from ear to

ear. “Yeah?”

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Chuckling under his breath, Levi kissed the tip of his nose. “Yeah,


“You asked what happened after Pathos showed up in that office.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
It mattered to Archer, though. “I spent three months locked naked

inside a room, unable to sleep, and fed only rarely.”

Levi swallowed audibly. “Naked? Did they…What happened?”
“Not what you’re thinking, and probably a lot less than I

deserved.” Archer told him everything. He explained the best he
could about the constant bombardment of memories and the pain and
depression that had plagued him.

“Oh, darlin’, I’m so sorry.”
Archer shook his head. “I wanted to die. Having everything laid

out in front of me like that with no relief from those thoughts…I hated
myself. I hated what I’d let myself become. I don’t want to be that
person, but I never thought I could change.”

“You say that in the past tense.” Levi kissed his temple softly.

“What changed?”

Smiling to himself, Archer snuggled into Levi’s embrace and

kissed the sweet-smelling skin of his throat. “I met you.”

* * * *

Monday evening found them back at the bar, and Archer felt it

like a slap in the face. Time seemed to stand still at the Silverstone
Ranch. He’d lost himself in the acceptance of the owner and his ranch
hands, forgetting how unforgiving the real world could be.

Even if every man on the ranch had tried to play grab-ass with

him, at least they hadn’t wanted to throttle him because they couldn’t
control themselves.

All night, Archer found himself wanting to reach out and touch

Levi when he passed by, but fisted his hands and kept them safely to
himself. They weren’t in Kansas anymore—metaphorically speaking.

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It didn’t matter that half the customers in the bar had tried to sleep
with him since his arrival. They wouldn’t think twice about beating
him to a bloody pulp if they received any inclination that he’d
actually enjoy the fucking they wanted to give him.

“You going to the Halloween rodeo?”
Archer looked over into the deepest blue eyes he’d ever seen.

Mousy blond hair floated around an angelic face in bouncy curls. The
little guy talking to him was breathtaking and exactly the type that
Archer usually went for. His cock perked right up, taking notice of the
way the man licked his lips and the heat sparking in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
“Good to know.” He held his hand out over the bar and gave

Archer a million-watt smile. “I’m Jake.”

Archer took the hand, almost groaning at the softness of it.


“Mmm, I like that,” Jake purred. “You gotta break coming soon?”
Archer’s dick hardened to the point of pain at the blatant

invitation. “I haven’t seen you in here before.”

“I’m just here visiting my uncle. So, how about that break?” His

eyes raked over Archer’s chest and his nostrils flared.

Archer’s head swam, and he couldn’t think straight. Scanning the

bar to see if anyone was eavesdropping on their conversation, his eyes
landed on the sexiest ass he’d ever seen. The cowboy was bent over a
table, his palms pressed flat to the wood as he talked with the group of
men sitting there.

The muscles under his flannel shirt flexed and lengthened with

each subtle movement, and Archer’s mouth went desert dry as he
watched. He couldn’t take his eyes away. His heart galloped inside his
chest, kicking against his ribcage and making his head spin. His
already hard cock began to leak pre-cum and his ass clenched


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Dragging his eyes away from Levi’s backside, Archer looked at

Jake and blinked several times. He’d completely forgotten the man
was there. “Uh, sorry. I’m kind of seeing someone.”

“That’s okay. No one has to know, darlin’.”
Archer cringed. No one should call him that except Levi. He loved

it when Levi said the word in his slow drawl. It just made his stomach
turn when Jake used it. “No.”

“Your loss.”
“Not hardly.” Taking a chance, he pointed across the room to Levi

and dipped his head. “That’s what I’m going home to.”

Jake’s eyes followed his finger, and he actually moaned. “I see

what you’re saying.” He drifted away from the bar without another
word, and Archer let out a long, slow breath in relief.

Another emotion bubbled up inside him, but he couldn’t quite

name it. Once upon a time, he’d have had the little blond pressed
against the side of the building in the back alley and never thought
twice about the consequences. Things were different now. He was

And he knew exactly who to thank for the transformation.
Rounding the bar, he marched determinedly across the room and

tapped Levi on the shoulder. He waited for his lover to straighten to
his impressive six-six height then jerked his head back toward the
kitchen. “I need to talk to you for a minute.”

Levi’s brow formed a shallow V, but he nodded and followed

Archer through the swinging doors. Archer kept right on going,
stomping to the back door and straight out into the night.

“Archer, what’s wrong?”
Archer pounced, pushing Levi up against the bricks and attacking

his mouth like a starving man. He moaned and whimpered, grinding
his aching cock against Levi’s groin as his fingers fisted in the front
of his cowboy’s shirt. “Nothing wrong,” he panted a long time later.
“Just need you.”

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“Ah, darlin’, just look at that gorgeous mouth of yours.” Levi

cradled Archer’s cheek in the palm of his hand. “We’ll be closin’
down in just a couple of hours, and I’ll take good care of you when
we get home. Come here.”

He pulled Archer into his arms, holding him close and placing

little kisses against the top of his head. Archer wound his arms around
Levi’s waist and held on for dear life. Nothing in his life had ever felt
like this, as though he’d float right off the ground if he didn’t have
Levi to tether him to the earth.

“I want you now,” he pouted.
Leaning back, Levi chuckled before dropping a quick kiss on

Archer’s mouth. “Oh, I want you, too, baby, but we have work to do.
As soon as we get home, I promise.”

“Did you see the little blond at the bar?”
The smile slid from his face, and Levi nodded slowly.
“He asked me when I had a break. He was stunning, don’t you

think?” Archer’s insides glowed at Levi’s possessive growl. “I’ve
always gone for guys like him. My dick was so hard I could have
pounded nails with it.”

“Why are you telling me this? Do you want to fuck him? Are you

asking permission?” It was obvious that permission would not be

Archer rubbed himself against his lover and licked a slow path up

the column of Levi’s throat. “No, big guy. I’m telling you all of this
so I could tell you that I said no. One look at you, and I couldn’t even
remember his name.”

“And now you need my attention.” Levi spoke slowly as if

working something out inside his head. Archer had said everything he
wanted to say.

There was no underlying meaning. He just wanted Levi to know

that though he’d been tempted, he’d remained faithful. It might not
seem like much to some, but to him, it was a life-changing

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“I promised I’d give you all the attention you could handle.”
Oh! Archer smiled and shook his head. “No, Levi. It’s not like

that. I didn’t drag you out here because I was afraid if I didn’t I’d take
that little blond right there on the bar. I’ve been watching you all
night, aching to touch you, but knowing that I can’t. I just needed five
minutes alone with you.”

Levi’s eyes softened and the corners of his mouth tilted up in a

little smile. “You’re pretty proud of yourself, aren’t ya, darlin’?”

He thought it over for a minute before bobbing his head

enthusiastically. “Yeah, I am. I guess it’s silly to be proud of
something like that, but I think it just means that I have everything I
need right here.” Archer gripped Levi’s ass in both hands in case the
man needed it spelled out for him.

“The things you say. You’re gonna get us into all kinds of

trouble.” Levi’s fingers curled around Archer’s neck, and he pulled
him into a mind-numbing kiss that left them both gasping for breath
and harder than ever. “I have to go to the clinic tomorrow for a
physical before the rodeo.”

It took a minute for Archer’s brain to catch up with the shift in the

conversation. Was Levi saying what he thought he was saying? Why
else would he be telling him? Was he really ready to make a
commitment like that after only a couple of weeks?

“Do you want me to go with you?”
“Only if you’re ready.”
Okay, well at least he knew that Levi really was asking. But, he

didn’t know where to go from there. Could he do it? Was it worth it?
Looking up into Levi’s dark brown eyes, he felt his heart stutter at the
hope shining there. Everything he’d ever wanted or searched for was
being handed to him on silver platter. He’d be a damn fool to turn it

“Can I think about it?”
Levi kissed Archer’s nose and winked. “Absolutely.”
God, he so didn’t deserve this man. He wasn’t sure if he ever


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Chapter Ten

“Hello, Archer.”
Archer jerked his head up and stumbled away from the bar.

Scanning the room quickly, looking for Levi, he stopped mid-turn and
groaned inwardly at himself. He was a grown man, not some damsel
in distress. “Hello, Hudson.”

“Do you have a break coming tonight, or is that big cowboy of

yours going to kick me out again?”

“You’re drunk.” Archer knew it was more than that, but he also

didn’t think the booze and his curse was all there was to the story.
Hudson was just a grade-A prick. “I don’t know how you found me,
but you need to leave.”

“Come out back with me,” Hudson countered. He reached across

the bar, but Archer took another step back, so he dropped his hand
and grinned devilishly. “You know you can’t so no to me.”

“How did you find me?” Archer really wanted to know so he

could make sure that it never happened again.

“Come out back, and I’ll tell you.” Hudson paused and looked

around the bar. “Or would you rather me air all your dirty little secrets
right here? Maybe I could cause a scene, shake things up around here.
Or better yet, I wonder just how up to code this place is.”

Archer wasn’t afraid of the asshole, but he’d already caused

enough grief for Levi as it was. The man might be his lover, but
Archer knew the seedy little bar would always be Levi’s first love. No
way was he going to let his personal baggage do anything to
jeopardize that. “Mike! Watch the bar for a few.”

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Hudson smirked as he followed Archer through the kitchen and

out the back way. Once the door closed behind him, Archer spun
around and shoved his ex-lover up against the wall. “Say what you
want to say and get the fuck out of town.”

“Dante was supposed to be mine, and you fucked everything up.

You owe me.”

“I don’t owe you anything.” What the hell had he ever seen in the

guy? “You’re pathetic.”

“You think that cowboy is going to want you when your thirty

days are up?”

Archer jerked back and glared. “That’s how you knew where I

was. Zavist told you.”

Hudson laughed unpleasantly. “It’s easy to get what you want

when people worship the ground you walk on. Zavist might be a god,
but he was far too easy to manipulate.”

Archer felt sick. “What do you want with me? Dante’s happy. Just

leave him alone. I’m not going to help you.”

“There’s something different about you, Archer.” In the next

breath, Hudson reversed their positions, pressing Archer against the
side of the building and grinding against him. “You know you want
me. I can do whatever I want, and you’re not going to stop me.”

“You’re wrong.” That might have been the case at one time, but

things had changed since then. Archer had changed. “I’m not going to
let you hurt Dante, Rayne, Levi, or anyone else. Now get the fuck off
me and leave.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear you say that. Otherwise, I might have

misinterpreted this little scene.”

Archer groaned as he looked over Hudson’s shoulder to see Levi

standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and an angry
frown on his face. God, this just kept getting better.

Hudson stepped away from him and turned to face Levi. “You

didn’t really think you were his one and only, did you? Archer

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couldn’t keep it in his pants if you sewed his dick to his underwear.
As soon as something better comes along, he’ll be gone.”

“Levi, don’t listen to him.” Archer pushed away from the wall and

hurried over to stand in front of his lover. He grabbed Levi’s face in
both hands, forcing the man to look at him. “Don’t quit on me now.

Hudson snorted. “I would have had him bent over those trash cans

if you’d been even five minutes later. He’s playing you for a fool,

Levi stiffened and a low growl rumbled in his chest. Archer

started to panic until strong arms wound around his waist and pulled
him against his lover’s chest. Now, he was just confused. “Levi?”

“Hush, darlin’.” Levi kissed Archer’s temple. “I know who you

used to be, but I also know who you are now.”

Archer sagged against his man in relief, peppering kisses up and

down Levi’s throat. “Thank you.”

“Now, what do we do with that?” Levi jerked a thumb in

Hudson’s direction. “You know the sheriff ain’t gonna do shit.”

“Pathos,” Archer called quietly without looking away from


“Oh, you called for me!” Pathos popped into the alley and

bounced on his toes. “You do like me!”

Archer didn’t know about all that, but he did need the god’s help,

so he decided to keep his opinions to himself. “I think Zavist screwed
up with this one.”

“Oh, him.” Pathos actually sneered. “He tricked my brother and

broke his heart. He really doesn’t deserve another chance.”

“For once, I agree.” Archer had no sympathy for Hudson. “Do

what you think is right.”

Levi’s laughter startled him until he noticed what his lover found

so hilarious. Standing where Hudson had been was a petite woman
with blonde hair and a horrified look on her face. “Oh, you’re good,”
he told Pathos.

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Of course, the god was tickled pink at the compliment. Hudson,

on the other hand, looked like he was going to toss his cookies.

“Change me back!”
“Nope.” Pathos snapped his fingers, and the pissed off little

woman disappeared. “Well, that takes care of that. Is there anything
else I can do for you tonight?”

Archer shook his head. “Where did you send him, um her, uh,


Pathos’s eyebrows drew together, and he tilted his head to the

side. “I don’t really know.”

And that was just fine by Archer. He didn’t want to know.

Wrapping his arms around Levi’s neck, he planted a searing kiss on
his cowboy’s lips, so happy with the man he could burst.

Levi had trusted him, believed in him, and never questioned that

Archer was devoted to him. If that didn’t deserve a blow job, he
didn’t know what did.

* * * *

“What do you think will happen at the end of the month?”
Levi pressed the mute button on the remote and looked over at his

lover. Archer had his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth, and he
looked so young and innocent. Levi couldn’t even remember what it
was like to be that young. He wasn’t old, but at thirty-two, he didn’t
exactly feel young anymore either.

“I imagine life will go on.”
“Yeah, but do you think I’ll have to live forever with this curse? I

only have six days left until my thirty days are up. Do you think I
learned anything? Do you think I redeemed myself?”

When Archer had agreed to go get tested with him, Levi couldn’t

have been happier. He’d already made up his mind and knew he
wanted Archer with him for keeps. Every time the man walked into a
room, Levi’s heart skipped a beat and his palms went sweaty. The sex

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was earth-shattering, the conversation fun and engaging, and
something as simple as cuddling with Archer on the sofa made him
goofy with happiness.

Archer had valid concerns, though. Levi couldn’t imagine living

out the rest of his life, second-guessing his every move and fighting
off would-be suitors at every turn. He didn’t much like the idea of
having to watch people paw all over his man, either. None of it
mattered, though. He’d take Archer any way he could get him. “Are
you afraid you’ll be tempted to stray? You’re young, Archer. There’s
a whole world out there just waiting for you.” Maybe he’d misread
the situation. Perhaps Archer was trying to tell him that he’d made a

“I’m sure I’ll be tempted. Everyone is at some point. It’s what we

do about that temptation that makes or breaks us.”

“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“I just want to be good enough for you, Levi. It’s not fair to you.

How are we going to make this work if you always have to watch
people grab at me, rub against me, and proposition me at the grocery

“Well, I don’t like it, but as long as you don’t return the interest, I

don’t see it being an issue. No one’s perfect, Archer, but you’re
perfect for me. I just want a chance to prove that.”

The contented sigh that slipped through Archer’s lips was music

to his heart. “I’ve never been this happy. I’m scared that it won’t

“Nothing lasts forever, baby. We do the best we can and enjoy it

while we have it.”

“You’re always so calm. Nothing ever gets to you.” Archer smiled

and closed the space between them, pressing their mouths together in
sweet kiss. “I want this to work.”

“Then we’ll make it work.”
“Are you ready for the rodeo?”

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They were going to revisit the conversation, but Levi allowed his

flustered lover to change the topic for the time being. “I’m as ready as
I can be. I would have liked to have gone another round on Code
Blue.” Levi shrugged. He really liked Benson, and he knew the man
couldn’t help his attraction to Archer. That didn’t stop him from
wanting to plow his fist into the man’s face, though.

“You could have gone up to Coweta last weekend. I told you I’d

be fine here on my own.” There was a slight smirk in Archer’s voice,
and Levi knew the man was very pleased with by his possessive
attitude and the resulting romp in the sack from their first visit.

“I coulda. I like havin’ you with me, though.”
“Oh, you do say all the right things, Mr. Dawson.” Archer crawled

up in his lap, straddling his thighs and looping his arms loosely
around Levi’s neck. “What should we do until it’s time for work?”

Levi knew what he wanted to do, and it didn’t involve clothes or

being upright. In the week since he’d made Archer his lover, he
couldn’t get enough of the man. He was addicted to everything
Archer, and he hoped it never changed.

“I expect you naked, in bed, and sprawled out for my viewing

pleasure in the next thirty seconds.”

Archer jumped up from his lap like he’d been electrocuted and

sprinted from the room, stripping his clothes off as he went. Levi
chuckled at the man’s eagerness. All that energy and excitement, and
it was all for him.

Damn, he was a lucky man.

* * * *

Archer jumped around from foot to foot as he struggled to get his

boots off. It wasn’t totally unexpected when he lost his balance and
fell face-first onto the mattress with his jeans down around his knees
and his ass in the air.

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“Well, that’s not exactly what I had in mind, but it will work.”

Levi chuckled and his hands landed on Archer’s upturned ass in a
stinging swat. “Oh, yeah, this works just fine.”

Archer wiggled around on the mattress and groaned. His ass

stung, shooting lightning bolts of pleasure straight to his throbbing
cock. “Again.”

“My baby likes that, huh?” Levi’s hand landed on Archer’s ass

again, harder than the last time, and Archer nearly blew his load then
and there. He’d never been spanked before. He never thought he’d
enjoy something like that.

He’d been wrong.
The harder Levi smacked his cheeks, the more greedily his hole

clenched, begging to be filled. Archer wasn’t a small man, and with
his preference for twinks, he’d never thought to be dominated, never
imagined how much pleasure it would bring him to let go and turn
himself over to his lover’s care.

The spanking seemed to go on forever, and with each swat of

Levi’s hands, Archer moaned and writhed, unsure of whether to
scramble away from the touch or push back into it. His jeans were
still tangled around his knees, and his boots were still on his feet,
dangling off the end of the bed. Levi hadn’t bothered to remove any
of his clothing, and the entire scene was strangely erotic.

Something landed on the bed beside him with a soft whoosh, and

Archer turned his sweaty face just enough to see two envelopes beside
his head—one opened and one sealed. “What?”

“I picked these up on my way home from the grocer yesterday.

I’m clean, Archer.”

“You didn’t open mine?”
“It wasn’t mine to open.” Levi moved away, but Archer barely

noticed as he reached for the envelope with shaking hands.

He’d led a fast and loose life. There had been nights he’d been too

smashed to worry about such things as protection. There’d never been
reason to worry about it before, but he wanted to feel Levi inside him

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with no barriers. He wanted to give himself to his lover in every way
possible. Had his indiscriminant lifestyle ruined any chance of that

Ripping open the envelope, he extracted the paper inside and took

a deep breath before unfolding it. The snick of a bottle cap distracted
him before he could read his results, then a slick finger pushing into
his hole almost made him forget completely.

Levi pumped his finger lazily, sawing it in and out of Archer’s

twitching entrance. A little foil square landed near the other envelope,
and Archer just stared. “Are we going to need that?”

Knowing that Levi would still want him no matter what he found

on that piece of paper gave him the courage to proceed. It was damn
hard to concentrate with Levi’s fingers fucking into his hole and
making his eyes cross and his head spin. A second finger slipped in
beside the first, and Archer groaned, rocking back on his knees to take
the digits deeper.

A hard smack landed on his overheated ass. “Stop stalling and just

tell me what it says.”

The strain in Levi’s voice made him grin, and Archer forced

himself to focus on the words in front of his face. His mouth split into
a wide grin as he tossed the paper to the side and peeked over his
shoulder. “Clean as a whistle. Fuck me, cowboy.”

He wasn’t prepared for the swiftness of Levi’s next move. Still

fully dressed with his jeans pushed down just far enough on his hips
for his cock to bounce free, Levi slicked the impressive length and
pushed into Archer in one forceful plunge.

It burned, but it was a good burn, a delicious ache that he craved.

Fisting his hands in the blankets, Archer buried his face in the
mattress and moved his hips, fucking himself on Levi’s hard cock.
Apparently, he wasn’t doing it hard or fast enough, though, because
Levi grabbed him around the waist and slammed forward, his hips
jackhammering on overdrive.

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Content to just hold on for the ride, Archer bowed his back, tilting

his ass for deeper penetration as his skin burned and his belly tingled.
His cock bounced beneath him, weeping freely from the slit. His balls
drew tight to his body, begging for relief.

“No one else, Archer.” Levi’s voice was full of gravel and sexy as

hell. “You’re mine now. Say it!” The next hard thrust was punctuated
with a slap to Archer’s reddened ass.

Thankfully, it was a request he was too happy to oblige. “Yours,

Levi. Only yours.”

His response sent Levi into a tailspin of desire if the increased

pounding of his hips was any indication. The man grunted and
growled, driving into Archer’s needy hole with a wild abandon.
Archer loved it. He loved that he could make the easygoing cowboy
lose control.

While he wasn’t normally on the receiving end of things, he loved

the way Levi’s body covered him, surrounded him, and made him feel
safe. He reveled in the hard cock pounding into his ass, stretching him
wide, and sending him flying.

Levi’s weight settled over his back, and his big, rough hand

reached beneath Archer, palming his cock and stroking him in time to
the thrust of his hips. “Come for me, darlin’. Make me feel it. Milk
me dry.”

Archer couldn’t have stopped his orgasm if he wanted to when

Levi bit into his shoulder. It wasn’t hard enough to break the skin, but
he’d have a mark, and everyone would know he was claimed.

Tossing his head back, Archer screamed and his muscles tensed as

he shot creamy strings of cum from his slit to splash against the
blankets beneath him. Levi stilled, a low groan rumbling his chest,
and his hot, wet release painted Archer’s depths, filling him to

He’d never felt anything like it, and he wanted to experience it

again and again.

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Levi released his hold on Archer’s shoulder with his teeth and

swirled his tongue over it to soothe the burn. “I’m sorry, baby. You’re
going to have a bruise here.”

Archer ducked his head to hide his smile. “I know. It’s perfect.”
Slipping out of Archer’s hole, Levi kissed the back of his neck

and patted him on the hip. “I would love nothing more than a snuggle
and a nap, but we need to get cleaned up for work.”

Archer nodded his acceptance as he rolled to his back. They’d

have time for snuggling later. A lifetime of it if he had his way about

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Chapter Eleven

“Tomorrow’s the big day.”
“Yep.” Archer sounded nervous as he moved behind the bar

mixing drinks. “It’s the last night of my curse, and tomorrow is your
big ride.”

“Don’t worry about me, Archer. Have you talked to Pathos?”
Archer shook his head as he counted out change. “I haven’t seen

him since that night behind the bar.” His hands shook, and he looked
paler than usual, even in the dim light of the bar. “What if I messed
up, Levi? What if I’m stuck like this? I’m out of time now.”

Glancing around the bar to make sure they weren’t being watched,

Levi reached over and pinched Archer’s ass. “Stop worrying. We’ll
figure it out, no matter what happens. You’re mine now, so just deal
with it.”

The smile that spread over Archer’s face was worth its weight in

gold. “You just have an answer for everything, don’t you?”

“Naw, I just don’t feel the need to worry everything into the

ground like you. I mean it, baby. I’m keeping you no matter what
happens, so don’t let it get you down.”

He didn’t think he’d succeeded in reassuring his lover, but until

they were away from prying eyes and curious ears, there wasn’t much
more he could do about it. He’d been honest, though. No matter what
happened, Archer Neilson belonged to him. The man had blown in
out of nowhere, shaken up Levi’s life, and wiggled his way right into
his heart. Hell, he couldn’t even remember what life had been like
before Archer showed up in his parking lot.

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Thinking of the first night they met still had the ability to send

Levi’s blood pressure skyrocketing in a matter of seconds. The
Cooper boys hadn’t been back in his bar since the incident, but Luke’s
cover-up of the whole thing still set his teeth on edge. He’d briefly
thought about going to the county sheriff, but that would just open a
new can of worms that they didn’t need to deal with. There was no
doubt in his mind the backlash would come back to bite him in the

As long as the Coopers stayed off his property and away from his

lover, Levi would find a way to deal with it. He didn’t want trouble,
but he wasn’t impressed with Luke Rivera’s brand of justice, either.

“What are you thinking so hard about?”
Jerking out of his daze, Levi gave Archer a genuine smile and

shook his head. “Nothin’. We’re going to make this work.” He
wouldn’t be satisfied with any other result.

“Surprisingly, I believe you. It’s nice to know I’m wanted.”
It was more than just want, but Levi would keep that close to his

chest until the time was right. With Archer worried about what the
morning would bring, that time definitely wasn’t now.

Things would work themselves out soon enough, though.

* * * *

Archer tensed, scared to open his eyes when he felt the sun

warming his face the next morning. His thirty days were up, but he
still didn’t know his fate. Had he passed his test? What would happen
now? Would everything go back to how it was before he’d met Levi?
Would the man even still remember him?

“It is too damn early for so much seriousness.”
Archer’s breath rushed out on a whoosh, leaving him light-headed

and a little giddy. Levi was still in bed with him, so that had to be a
good sign. Right? Rolling over quickly, he climbed up his lover’s

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chest and cupped his whiskered cheeks in both hands as he beamed
down at him like an idiot.

“Who am I? What’s my name?”
“Darlin’, I’m too tired for kinky right now. Go back to sleep, and

I’ll try again when we wake up.”

Archer laughed, bending from the hips and mashing his mouth to

Levi’s. “You know who I am!”

“Of course I know who you are. Babe, you’re actin’ damn strange

this morning.”

“It’s day thirty-one, Levi! I’m free!”
This got his sleepy-eyed lover’s attention. Levi’s brown eyes

popped open, and he sat up so quickly that he almost threw Archer
from his lap. Scrambling to stay seated, Archer laughed the entire
time. Technically, he didn’t know if his curse had been lifted, but
Levi still wanted him, and that was all that mattered. Well, he thought
the cowboy still wanted him.

“How do you feel?”
Levi frowned and cocked his head to the side. “I should be askin’

you that.”

“No, no. How do you feel about me?”
“You want a confession of love right now?”
Archer rolled his eyes and snorted. While he wouldn’t be opposed

to it, it wasn’t what he’d meant. “Do you feel any differently than you
did yesterday? I mean, did you just want me because of the curse?”
He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and held his breath for the
answer. It wasn’t until that moment that he realized how important it
was to him.

“No, I don’t feel the same as I did yesterday.” Levi paused and

smirked. Archer thought his heart was going to fall out of his butt. He
started to crawl down from Levi’s lap, but the man held him in place
by his hips and pecked at his mouth. “Every day I want you a little
more, baby. Today’s not different.”

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“Yes!” Archer whooped in victory, tackling his lover back to the

mattress and peppering kisses all over his face. “Does that mean I can

“That’s somethin’ we need to talk about,” Levi said seriously.

“This ain’t Dallas, baby. People here aren’t going to be accepting of
us here. We’ll have to hide how we feel about each other when we’re
outside the house. Can you live with that?”

Archer wanted to agree immediately, but he wasn’t sure he could.

He wanted to be able to kiss Levi when he wanted to, hold hands with
him while they walked down the street, or offer comfort without
worrying that they’d get their asses kicked for the gesture.

Would it be worth hiding who he was to be with the big man?

Could he be happy with just loving Levi inside the safety of their
home? How far would they have to take the lie? He wasn’t about to
let his man go parading around with women just keep up the charade.

“I didn’t think so.” To his surprise, Levi was still smiling when he

said it. “Is that apartment in Dallas big enough for two?”

Archer shook his head before he realized what he was doing.

“You have the bar, this house, your land. You love it here. Why
would you want to give all that up and move to Dallas?”

“I don’t rightly care where we live as long as the we part is

involved. We can go up to Oklahoma City, Tulsa, maybe head east to
Little Rock. Anywhere you want to go where I can sneak kisses if I
feel the urge.”

Too fast. Everything was moving too fast. Levi was just going to

give up his life to run away and settle down with Archer? “Why
would you do something like that?”

Levi seemed to catch on to his lack of enthusiasm, because his

face fell, and he went very still. Running a hand through his short,
dark hair, he seemed to be searching for something to say. In the end,
he just shook his head, urged Archer off of his lap, and plodded to the
bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

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“What the fuck just happened?” Archer asked the empty room. It

was obvious that he’d hurt Levi, which had been the last thing he
wanted to do. It wasn’t that he was opposed to riding off into the
sunset with Levi. He just needed to know why the man was willing to
give up everything for Archer’s happiness.

Well, there was one way to find out. Archer never understood why

people just walked off when there were still things to be said. They’d
have to work on that, because he refused to lose everything they had
over some stupid miscommunication.

Stomping across the room, he threw the bathroom door open and

marched inside. Crossing his arms over his chest, he glared through
the glass shower door at Levi. His tongue suddenly felt too big for his
mouth, and his cock began to swell at the gorgeous sight that met his

Shaking his head and thumping his dick, Archer refused to be

distracted until he got some goddamn answers. “Why did you just
walk off like that?”

“I didn’t think there was anything left to say. You don’t want to

live with me, and I can’t make you change your mind. It’s fine,

“It’s not fine! I never said that I didn’t want to live with you. I just

wanted to know why you’d been willing to give up your life here for

The water shut off and the glass door slid open to reveal a very

confused-looking Levi. “This isn’t my home, Archer. It was just a
place to live. I don’t have friends here besides Benson, and I hardly
ever see him. The sheriff is crooked, and the mayor is about as dumb
as they come. The men drink too much, the women talk too much,
and everyone’s main goal is to look after number one. I’m sick of this

“So, it’s not just me? You’d leave even on your own, even if

you’d never met me?”

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Levi stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his

waist before he answered. “No. If I hadn’t met you, I’m sure I’d have
sat in this shithole until the day I died.” He chuckled and shook his
head. “Don’t you see? You gave me a reason to do something more,
to go search out a better life. I wouldn’t want that without you.”

Archer’s eyes stung and his throat burned with the effort to hold

his tears back. There didn’t really seem to be much left to say, either.
“Let’s get through this rodeo, and we’ll discuss options. I don’t know
if I’m still cursed, but I guess it’s as good of a time to test it out as

Levi looked at him for a long time before he grinned beautifully.

“You’re on. Get dressed, and we’ll have funnel cakes and beer for
breakfast out at the fairgrounds.”

“The breakfast of champions, I’m sure.” Archer shrugged. “What

the hell? Sounds like a good idea to me.”

Then again, anything that involved a happy, smiling Levi sounded

like a good thing to him.

* * * *

“You ready for this?”
Levi grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe I could use some

stress relief before I ride.” They’d had a perfect day, walking around
the different booths set up, seeing all the little ones dressed in their
Halloween costumes, and consuming massive amounts of sugar, fat,
and alcohol.

No one had been overfriendly to Archer, which suited Levi just

fine. They still hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Pathos, but Levi had a
feeling the little guy wasn’t gone for good.

Archer chuckled, but Levi didn’t miss the nervous quality of his

laughter or the way his eyes darted around the fairgrounds.
“Normally, I’d be all over those lips, but these guys make my skin

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As much as Levi hated to admit it, Archer had a point. Gay and

out wasn’t something most cowboys took kindly to. Levi had already
caught enough heat just for having Archer staying in his house. The
last thing they needed was to add fuel to the fire by playing grab ass
in front of everyone and their momma. “Just stick close to the gate.
I’ll be there right after my ride. Don’t talk to anyone, and keep your
head down, baby. No one’s going to mess with you.”

Archer didn’t look like he believed a word of it, but he gave Levi

a little grin and dipped his head. “I’ll be careful. You just worry about

Levi sighed. Archer still wasn’t convinced that he was free from

his curse. Some guy had bumped into him by accident while they’d
waited in line at the beer barn, and Archer had nearly jumped out of
his skin.

“I gotta head over to the chutes. Find a place you can watch, but

stick close.” Levi ached to lean in closer and brush their lips together,
but settled for squeezing Archer’s shoulder in reassurance.
“Everything will be fine.”

As he walked away, he could have sworn he heard his lover

mutter, “Famous last words.”

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Chapter Twelve

Archer found a seat near the gate and settled into it. There were

two riders before Levi was up, and he didn’t know how long he could
hold it together. The waiting was driving him crazy. He didn’t want to
watch his lover atop a bucking bull, but at the same time, he couldn’t
not watch. God, he just wanted the whole crazy mess to be over with.

“Have a little faith,” a peppy voice said from beside him.
Archer tensed, turning slowly to see Pathos sitting beside him

decked out in every piece of clichéd Western paraphernalia he could
imagine. The man even had on a string tie and spurs on his boots.
“This is exciting, huh?” Pathos bounced a little in his seat, pointing
out over the crowd toward the arena.

“Easy for you to say,” Archer mumbled. “Why are you here?”
“Well, to watch your big cowboy ride, of course.” Pathos snorted

and waved his hand around. “You’re free, Archer, but I like you. I
think I’d like to drop in and see you from time to time.”

Archer felt like he was going to throw up. “I don’t think that’s a

good idea.” He didn’t want to piss the little god off and have his ass in
a sling again, but he really didn’t want to see him anymore, either.
“Levi’s kind of jealous, and he might get the wrong idea.”

Pathos tilted his head to the side, and his eyebrows drew together

in concentration. “You love him?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I just know that I don’t want to screw

things up with him.” He took a deep breath and tried his best to
imitate a smile. “Am I really free?”

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Pathos’s smile returned in full force, and he bobbed his head

eagerly. “Oh, yes. You did fabulously. Although, I think most of the
credit should go to your hunky cowboy. He’s good for you.”

Archer couldn’t argue with that. “Yeah, he is. For what it’s worth,

I guess I should thank you. If it wasn’t for you and your crazy fucking
brother, I wouldn’t have had to run away from home, and I’d have
never met Levi.”

“Oh, goody!” Pathos clapped his hands together and bounced a

little more. He looked like he wanted to say more, but the announcer
came over the loudspeakers, and Archer’s gut clenched as he waved
his hand for Pathos to be quiet.

He didn’t recognize the rider’s name, but the next bull out of the

chute was Diablo from the Silverstone Ranch. He’d yet to see the
beast, but with a name like Diablo, and the reputation Levi had
spoken of, he expected the worst.

A cheer went up around the crowd when the gate swung open, and

Diablo launched out of the chute like he’d been shot from a rocket.
Everything happened so fast after that, Archer wasn’t even sure it was

Three seconds into the ride, Diablo made a hard right turn, kicking

and twisting his back legs and almost going vertical. That was all it
took for him to dislodge his rider, but Diablo wasn’t finished. Before
the cowboy could even hit the ground, the bull spun and kicked again,
catching its rider in the chest and launching him several feet across
the arena.

He didn’t get up.
Apparently, that wasn’t good enough for Diablo, though.

Completely ignoring the rodeo clowns, he dropped his head and
charged straight at the fallen cowboy, even while three men were
dragging the unconscious rider toward the gates.

“Is he going to be okay?” Pathos asked in a small voice. He

sounded as sick as Archer felt.

“I don’t think so.”

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“Their horns aren’t pointy.”
Archer didn’t have enough brain cells left to try and analyze the

statement. All he knew was that Levi was up next, and there was a
very real possibility that it could be his limp body the bullfighters
were dragging off.

“I have to stop him.”
“There’s no time.”
Sure enough, they’d no more than gotten Diablo out of the area

before they were announcing Levi’s name, trying to earn his eight
seconds on the back of Raging Bull. Pathos snorted at the name, but
Archer didn’t find anything humorous in the situation.

His heart climbed up in his throat, cutting off his oxygen as it

thumped faster than was probably safe. His palms felt damp, his knees
were shaking, and his stomach twisted violently. Without even
thinking about it, he reached over and took Pathos’s hand, clenching it
tightly when the gate burst open and Raging Bull torpedoed from the
bucking chute.

He kept his eyes glued to Levi while he ticked off the seconds in

his head. Archer didn’t know what the judges looked for, but he
thought it was a damn good ride. When the buzzer sounded and Levi
was safely on the fence, waving his hat to the crowd, Archer thought
he’d pass out in relief.

“I think you broke my hand,” Pathos whined. “It was so worth it,

though. That was fantastic!”

Archer released Pathos’s hand at the same time he released the

breath he’d been holding. “It’s over, right?”

Pathos shrugged.
The scores were good, among the best, which meant Levi would

be moving into the final round. Archer was pretty sure they had a
special rodeo name for it, but he didn’t give a shit. If he had his way,
Levi wouldn’t ride at all.

“Go get ’em, tiger.” Pathos winked up at him, but the smile fell

from his face quickly. “I really can’t come see you anymore?”

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“I’m sorry, Pathos, but I think that’s best. You want me to be

happy, right?”

Pathos nodded slowly and smiled again. “Yeah, I like you happy.

Okay, well good luck with your cowboy. I have to go find another toy
to play with.” He jumped up, kissed Archer’s cheek, and disappeared
where he stood.

Waiting a few more minutes until he felt his legs would support

him, and he wouldn’t launch himself into Levi’s arms the minute he
saw him, Archer finally stood and went in search of the man.

Levi was waiting for him near the bottom of the bleachers, a huge,

beaming smile on his face. “Good, right?”

That wasn’t exactly the word Archer would have used for it, but

he nodded anyway. “So, I guess you ride in the last round?”

“Yeah, it’s great. I got a real shot this year. I might just win it all.

I need to talk to a couple of people, but we can leave right

“You don’t ride again today?”
“Nope. I’ll ride tomorrow in the short go.” Archer didn’t think

he’d be able to pry the self-satisfied smile from Levi’s face with a

“Any idea which bull you’ll ride?”
“Nope, it’s just luck of the draw. I’ll find out tomorrow.”
Archer rested his hands on his hips and sighed. How could he beg

the man not to ride when it obviously meant so much to him?
Squashing down his fear, he dipped his head and smiled. “Do what
you have to do, and let’s go home.”

* * * *

“No! Absolutely not! Did you see what he did to that rider

yesterday? I heard some cowboys talking about how that damn bull
put a man in a wheelchair. Fuck this!”

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Levi whipped his cowboy hat off of his head and ran a hand

through his sweaty hair. He’d had a feeling this would be Archer’s
reaction when he found out that he’d be riding Diablo in the short go.
“Archer, I’m not going to get hurt.”

“You don’t know that.”
Glancing around, Levi realized they were beginning to draw

attention to themselves. Grabbing Archer around the elbow, he
dragged him farther down the fence and pushed him roughly against
it. “You’ve got to calm down. Yeah, riders get hurt. It’s the risk you
take in this sport. I’m smart, and I know what I’m doing. Trust me.”
He didn’t want to beg, but there was no way he was going to back
down now. He had a chance to win it all and prove to himself and
everyone else that he was the best.

Archer glared at him and shook his head. “Then do what you have

to do, but I’m not going to stick around watch you get yourself

“Don’t be that way, darlin’. I need you in the stands cheerin’ for

me. Can’t you just understand?”

“No. I can’t.” Archer’s voice was cold and even, and he took

several steps back. “Go dance with the Devil, Levi, but I won’t be
here to watch it.” Then he spun on his heels and strode away.

Levi let him go. His lover was in a huff, but he’d get over it.


He started to turn away, not liking Archer walking away from

him, when a familiar face in the crowd caught his attention. A face he
hadn’t seen in weeks.

Justin Cooper marched determinedly toward Archer, an evil smile

on his lips and something held behind his back. From the distance,
Levi couldn’t make out what it was, but he doubted it was anything

Fear and rage warred for dominance when he realized that no

matter how fast he ran, he’d never make it in time to keep his lover
from harm. That didn’t mean he was just going to sit there and do

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nothing, though. Wherever Justin was, his brothers were never far

Before he’d taken more than two steps, a little blond appeared in

front of him, blocking his way and bouncing on his toes. “Three for
one? Can I please, please, please?”

Levi glanced up to where Archer continued to walk, unaware of

the danger lurking just behind him, then back to Pathos. “Will you
keep Archer safe?”

Pathos bobbed his head excitedly. “Yes, yes, but I get the brothers


“Is this another thing like with Archer? They’ll get a second

chance at redemption.” Levi didn’t like that at all. It didn’t sit well
with him. They didn’t deserve it.

“No.” Pathos giggled a little. “There is absolutely nothing

redeemable about them. I just want to play with them then maybe pass
them on to my brothers to play with.” He stepped a little closer and
whispered conspiratorially. “I hear they’re not gay. Is that true?”

Levi smiled wickedly and dipped his head. “It’s true.” He thought

the pint-sized god was going to wet himself, he got so excited.

“Oh, I like those best! Can I please?”
Levi didn’t know why Pathos was asking his permission, but if it

kept the Cooper boys away from him and Archer, and kept Archer
from being hurt, he was all for it. “I don’t want to ever see them
again. Promise me that, and you can do whatever you want with

“Yes!” Pathos pumped his fist in the air and did a little jig right

there in the dirt. “Done.” Then he flashed out of sight. He reappeared
just behind Justin Cooper, tackled him to the ground, then looked up
to wave over at Levi. Then just like that, they were both gone.

Sighing in relief, and trying not to laugh at what Pathos had

planned for the assholes, Levi jogged across the fairgrounds toward
Archer. He couldn’t believe that he’d been so wrapped up in winning

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some belt buckle that he’d been willing to put that above what he felt
for Archer.

The hell of it was, Archer had been right. There was a better

chance than not that Diablo would wipe the arena with him. Would he
really jeopardize his future with Archer for eight seconds of glory? He
knew some who would, but he wasn’t one of them.

Picking up his pace, he caught up to Archer just as he reached

Levi’s truck in the parking lot. Instead of calling his lover’s name, he
kept going until he could reach the smaller man, then turned him
sharply and pushed him up against the driver’s door.

“Where are you going?”
Archer sighed and dropped his head. “I can’t do this, Levi. I’m

sorry. I know this is important to you, but I already feel like I’m going
to puke just thinking about it. I can’t just sit up in those bleachers and
hope you don’t die.”

His head snapped up, and Archer’s eyes went wide as saucers.

“Why what?”

“Why can’t you stay?”
“I just told you.”
“You told me you couldn’t watch me get hurt. You didn’t tell me

why. Give me a reason, and I won’t ride.”

Archer looked away and pressed his lips together in a thin line.
“So, it’s just because you think I can’t do it. Maybe I’ll live but be

in a wheelchair like that cowboy you heard about. You’re too good to
be seen with a cripple.”

Archer’s attention whipped back to him, and he narrowed his

eyes. “Fuck you. I don’t give a shit what you look like or if you can
walk or not. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Because, I love you!” Archer shouted the words in his face. “Is

that what you want to hear? I love you so much I don’t even feel like

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myself unless I’m with you! You have completely ruined me for
everyone else, so you can’t leave me now.”

Levi thought his face would split in two from smiling so big.

“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to hear.”

Archer deflated, sagging against the pickup. “So, what do we do


“We go home so I can show you how much I love you.”
“You…you love me?”
Levi chuckled, leaning in to crowd Archer against the door. “How

could I not? What does it matter that it’s only been four weeks? I
know what feels right, and this feels right. We can go anywhere you
want. I’d follow you to the ends of the world, even if you won’t stop
and ask directions.”

Archer smiled sheepishly. “I know how to get to where I’m going.

I don’t need to ask directions.”

Leaning a little closer, Levi risked a quick peck to his lover’s lips.

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep us on the right road.”

“Can we get out of here before someone comes along and wants

to kick the faggots’ asses?”

Levi grimaced, but stepped away, readjusting the hard-on in his

jeans. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Maybe you’d like Little
Rock. It’s a pretty nice place.”

Archer glanced around then reached out to give Levi’s groin a

nice squeeze. “As long as you’re with me, I don’t care where we go.”

“Good, because right now, I want to find a flat surface and lick

every inch of your body.”

Groaning, Archer shoved away from the door and sprinted around

the truck to the passenger side. “Move your ass, cowboy!”

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Chapter Thirteen

“Hey, Rayne, it’s Archer.”
“Archer! Oh, my God, where are you?”
Archer smiled. He missed Rayne. “We just moved into a little

two-bedroom house in Little Rock.”

“Levi Dawson. Rayne, he’s amazing. I can’t even describe how

amazing he is.” Archer felt like a gushing schoolgirl, but just thinking
about Levi did that to him.

“You sound really happy. How long have you guys been


“About three months now.” Archer took a deep breath and

fidgeted on the edge of his bed where he sat. “Look, I just wanted to
call and tell you how sorry I am about everything.” He went on to tell
Rayne about Pathos, what the little god had told him about Gordost’s
hand in what had happened in the office. “That’s no excuse, though. It
was still me who did it, and I feel like a huge piece of shit about it.”

“Archer, stop. I don’t know if we’ll ever be friends like we were,

but I forgive you, okay?”

“Thank you, Rayne. I really hate what happened. I’m happy for

you and Dante. I guess I was a little jealous at first, but I get it now. I
can’t even imagine my life without Levi, and I’m glad that you have
that with Dante.”

“Yeah, just don’t expect the same from him. He just can’t seem to

let it go. Then after you showed up on our doorstep, and we both tried

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to molest you right there, well, you might not want to drop in
unannounced any time soon.”

Archer actually chuckled. “No worries about that, and you don’t

have to apologize for Dante. Levi is an overprotective fool, but I
know he means well. It’s kind of nice to have someone to worry about
me, as well.”

“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, man. What’s up?”
Why did I want to jump your bones and rub all over you like a

bitch in heat that morning?”

“Ah, I guess I never explained that part.” Archer paused and ran a

hand over his face. “I wasn’t a good guy, Rayne. I fucked anything
that walked. I wasn’t even careful about it. I never cared about
anyone’s feelings other than my own. I was just a big fucking mess.”

“So, your sin was lust.” Rayne said it so calmly, so matter-of-

factly, Archer was struck speechless.

When he finally found his voice, it took him another few seconds

to form what he wanted to ask. “You sound like you know from
experience.” Okay, so that hadn’t exactly been a question, but Rayne
was smart. He’d figure it out.

“Pride. I smacked the shit out of Pathos’s brother Gordost at a

party one night. Believe it or not, I didn’t always look like this. I was
a model, tall, gorgeous, tons of money. I wasn’t a very nice guy,
either, Archer. I like me better this way.”

“Well, I don’t know what you looked like before, but I think

you’re hot as fuck now.” The words just kind of poured out without
any conscious thought to say them. When he realized what he’d said,
Archer pressed his lips together and groaned. “Crap, I’m sorry, man. I
didn’t mean it like that.”

Rayne chuckled. “Relax. I think you’re pretty hot, too, but don’t

you dare tell Dante I said that. If you do, I’ll tell him you’re a dirty
whore liar.”

“Fine, as long as you don’t tell Levi.”

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“It feels good, doesn’t it? Being in love?”
“Absolutely, and I’m really happy for you, man. It was great

talking to you, but I gotta go before the boss catches me slacking off
on the job.” He chuckled a little before continuing. “Take care of
yourself and call me sometime, okay?”

Archer said his good-byes and disconnected just as Levi

swaggered into the room in nothing but a towel and a smile. “How did
it go, darlin’?”

“I think it’s okay.” Dropping his cell phone to the nightstand in

their new bedroom, Archer slipped his boxers down his legs and
positioned himself in the middle of the bed. His eyes roamed over the
rugged cowboy standing just inside the door, drinking in all the
luscious tanned skin on display for him.

It took only seconds for his cock to fill and lengthen against his

belly. With a mischievous smile, he slid a hand down his chest, over
his clenching abs, and palmed his erection, stroking it slowly,
seductively, as he licked his lips and stared up at his lover. “See
something you like?”

Levi ripped the towel away from his waist, revealing his own

impressive cock. Long and thick, it jutted from his nest of closely
cropped black curls, the tip glistening with pre-cum. Desire and need
darkened Levi’s eyes, and a growl rumbled in his chest. He took a
step closer to the bed, prowling toward Archer, and his stomach
muscles rippled with the movement, demanding Archer’s attention
and causing his breath to catch in his throat.

Stretching out his left arm, he fumbled blindly at the nightstand,

looking for the trusty bottle of lube that was never far from reach.
Curling his fingers around it, he popped the cap with his thumb and
generously slicked the fingers of his other hands. Never taking his
eyes off of Levi, he bent his knees, spread his legs wide, and pushed
two fingers into his aching hole.

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Levi growled again, crawling up on the bed and just kneeling

there as he watched. His eyes kept darting from Archer’s face and
back to the two fingers pumping into his ass as he stroked his cock
and panted.

When Archer added a third finger, Levi closed his eyes and

groaned, his own fingers squeezing tight around the base of his cock
while his other hand pulled roughly at his tight sac.

Archer loved teasing his cowboy, but he was dangling on the edge

himself. He moved his fingers faster, pushing them deeper into his
hungry channel. Without warning, Levi dove forward, spread himself
out between Archer’s thighs, gripped his cock, and enveloped it in the
moist heat of his mouth.

His shoulders came up off the mattress, and Archer cried out as

his orgasm took him by surprise, racing up his cock and exploding
from the tip to fill Levi’s mouth and slide down his throat. Sagging
back to the bed, Archer panted for breath as he eased his fingers from
his quivering hole. “More,” he demanded hoarsely.

“Oh, I plan to give you a lot more.” Rising up to his knees, Levi

grabbed the slick and coated his cock, positioning it at Archer’s
entrance. “Hands over your head and grab the headboard.”

Archer didn’t even think about. If that was what Levi wanted,

he’d do anything for him. Reaching over his head, he curled his
fingers around the slats, holding them in a white-knuckled grip and
eagerly awaiting his next directive.

“Close your eyes, press those pretty lips together, and don’t make

a sound. I just want you to hear and feel. That’s all you have to do.”

Archer was more hesitant to close his eyes. He adored watching

his lover in the throes of passion, the way the cords in his neck
strained, how his muscles bunched, and the glistening of his sweat-
slicked skin. Still, he did what Levi wanted, letting his eyelashes rest
against the tops of his cheeks and pressing his lips together.

The last order would be the hardest to follow, but he’d do his best.

When Levi bent over him and his hard cock slid into Archer’s needy

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passage, he realized just how hard it would be. He sucked his bottom
lip into his mouth and bit it hard to keep from crying out at the
exquisite pleasure that coursed through him from his man’s touch.

Levi’s throbbing length filled him, stretching his inner walls until

he could feel every vein and ridge, every pulse of his lover’s heart.
Soft lips kissed their way up the side of his neck, nipping at all the
most sensitive parts and driving him out of his mind. Slowly, gently,
languidly, Levi made love to him with his entire body. His hands
roamed, his lips and tongue tortured Archer’s nipples, but his thrusts
never increased in pace or intensity.

Still, Archer felt every slow glide, every tender caress, every

sweet kiss like a sledgehammer to his libido. His desire rocketed to a
fever pitch, his skin broke out in beads of sweat, and his muscles
clenched and relaxed, warning of his impending climax.

His lower lip felt raw from chewing on it, and the coppery taste of

blood filled his mouth, but he refused to make a sound until Levi told
him he could. Whatever Levi wanted him to be, he’d be it. He needed
the man more than he needed air.

“Oh, darlin’, you’re so beautiful. Open those gorgeous gray eyes

and stop chewing your lip off.”

Archer’s eyes sprang open, blinking several times to dispel the

bleariness. He released his hold on his lip, groaning loudly when Levi
swirled his tongue over the abused flesh and kissed it softly.

“Scream as loud as you want. Let the neighbors hear you. I want

the entire block to know you belong to me.”

“I want to touch you.”
“Then touch me.” Levi rolled his hips, thrusting a little faster, a

little deeper. “Touch me however you want, baby.”

Releasing his hold on the headboard, Archer grabbed Levi’s face

in both hands, jerking the man to him and devouring his mouth in a
kiss that he felt right down to his soul. His lover growled against his
lips, his hands ceased their exploration to grab onto Archer’s hips, and
his thrusts became wild and erratic.

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“Just like that,” Archer mumbled. Damn, he loved it when that

last little bit of control slid away, and Levi became a machine, driven
by passion and need—all of it directed toward Archer.

It didn’t matter how many times they came together, how many

different and inventive ways they discovered. Every time was filled
with an electric charge that just seemed to gain in voltage with each
new coupling.

“Are you gonna come for me, darlin’? Will you paint me with

your cum if I beg?”

“No need to beg,” Archer ground out. Tossing his head back, he

ended his statement on a strangled groan as hot ropes of cream
erupted from his cock to fill the space between them.

“I love that look on your face.” Then Levi gave two hard thrusts

of his hips and followed Archer over the edge, roaring his name and
coating his inner walls with his hot, wet release.

They lay together for a long time, neither saying a word as they let

their breathing slow and heart rates return to normal. “I love you,

“But not as much as I love you.” Levi nipped him on the

collarbone, slid from his body, and hurried out of the bedroom.

Archer chuckled and shook his head. It was kind of adorable the

way Levi always had to have the last word. He’d get him back one
day. Just then, however, in his postcoital glow, it didn’t seem too

* * * *

“Honey, I’m home!”
Levi still couldn’t believe how quickly he’d been able to sell his

house, land, and bar. Well, it helped that Benson had been the one to
snatch up all three. He didn’t have a clue what his friend intended to
do with any of it, but as long as he had the check in the bank and the
property off his hands, he didn’t really care either.

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“In the kitchen,” Archer called.
A heavenly smell wafted into the living room, making Levi’s

mouth water and his stomach snarl hungrily. After hours of signing
closing documents and listening to a lot of crap he didn’t understand,
it was damn nice to come home to a hot meal and someone happy to
see him.

Shrugging out of his jacket, he hung it on the peg near the door

and shuffled back to the kitchen. Stopping just inside, he leaned his
shoulder against the doorway and watched Archer where he hovered
near the stove. His blond hair was a little longer, reaching almost to
his collar now, and Levi loved every extra inch of it—all the better to
tangle his fingers in.

“Can you hit the play button on the CD player in the living

room?” Archer spoke without turning, but Levi wasn’t really
surprised that his man knew he was there. They just always seemed to
be in tune with one another.

Walking back into the living room, Levi pushed the play button

on, smiling when a slow country tune floated out through the
surround sound speakers. It was one of his favorites, a song talking of
love and commitment, and making dreams come true.

When he made it back to the kitchen, he found the lights had been

dimmed, and Archer stood in the middle of the kitchen, completely
nude, except for a straw cowboy hat and a scarred pair of black
leather chaps.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I hope you’ll tell me

so I can do it again.”

Archer smiled and crooked his finger. “C’mere, cowboy.”
Sauntering over to his lover, Levi wrapped his arms around

Archer’s waist and tugged him to his chest. He shuffled his feet,
swaying them from side to side and dancing his man around the
kitchen. “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Neilson?”

“Is it working?”

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Archer chuckled quietly and rested his head on Levi’s shoulder,

melting into him. Levi’s hands roamed down Archer’s back, and he
whimpered a little when he came to the bare ass cheeks. “Oh, you are

He felt Archer’s lips stretch into a grin against the side of his

throat. “I owed you a dance with the Devil. I’m no bucking bull, but
this is the best I could do.”

“Take them back!”
Levi released Archer and spun around, pushing his man behind

him and blocking him from view. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Pathos crossed his arms over his slender chest and poked his

bottom lip out. “Take them back. I don’t want them.”

“Levi, what the hell is he talking about?”
“He told me they were straight!” Pathos pointed his finger in

Levi’s face and glared. “Those are the biggest bunch of bottom boys
I’ve ever met. They love the cock like a clear creek on a summer

Levi gaped in shock. “Pathos, I didn’t lie to you. I swear the

Cooper boys are a bunch of bigoted assholes.”

“No, they’re not. They won’t leave me alone. I wanted someone

to play with, but I think I’ve become the toy. They came into my
room last night!” Pathos fisted his hands on his hips and stamped his
foot. “They’re everywhere. I can’t get rid of them!”

Archer started to laugh. It began as a soft chuckle but quickly

turned into a loud, rolling belly laugh. “You turned Pathos loose on
the Cooper brothers? Then they turned out to be flaming
homosexuals. Oh, that is fucking epic.”

“Yes, well, I’m glad you find it amusing. Now, take them back.”
“We made a deal. I told you I don’t ever want to see them again.”

Levi crossed his arms over his own chest, the action much more
intimidating. “They’re not my responsibility. Just drop them back in
Beggs, and be done with it.”

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Gabrielle Evans

“Gordost says someone has to be responsible for them. I think I

kind of did something to their brains when I zapped them out of the
rodeo. I didn’t mean to.” Now he was back to pouting.

“Then I guess you’re stuck with them.”
“Take ’em to the hospital. You know, like one of those loony

bins?” Archer moved closer to Levi’s back, but kept his nude body
shielded from view. Levi rumbled in approval.

Pathos’s expression brightened immediately. “Can I do that?


Levi shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t see why not. They’ll have someone

responsible for them, you’re off the hook, and I don’t ever have to see
them again. Just make sure you take them far away from here.”

“Yes, yes, I can do that. Okay, I won’t bother you again…for a

while.” Pathos’s smile was impish.

Pathos’s eyes widened, and he looked up at Archer. “Yes?”
“Is there something you can do about that fucktard sheriff, Luke


Pathos tapped his chin several times as he seemed to consider it.

“Wait right here.” He vanished from the room, and before Levi could
even question it, he was back, both hands wrapped around Luke’s
wrist. “This one?”

Levi chuckled at the astonished look on Luke’s face. “Yeah, that’s

the one.” While Luke hadn’t done anything to physically harm them,
he’d not done anything to protect them either. He’d heard of more
than one shady dealing whispered around the town that involved the
good sheriff.

“Well, I can’t help you, but I know someone who can.”
“Levi? What the fuck are you doing here? Where the hell am I?

Who is this? Someone tell me what’s going on!” Luke looked on the
verge of a nervous breakdown, not that Levi could blame him. He
imagined it was quite a shock for the man when a little blond just
popped into his living room then transported him a state away.

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Dance With the Devil


“You have another brother, don’t you?” Archer asked with a smile

in his voice.

“Well, there are nine of us,” Pathos said haughtily. He sniffed at

the air as if highly affronted then lost his composure and began to
giggle. “Avarus!”

In the next heartbeat, a slender man only a few inches taller than

Pathos with short brown hair and a bored expression appeared in their
kitchen. It really was turning into Grand Central Station of the
immortal world.

“Yes, Pathos?”
“I have a surprise for you, brother!” Pathos bounced excitedly and

pointed up to Luke. “He’s kind of surly, but I’m sure you can bring
him around.”

The bored look slid off of Avarus’s face, replaced by a shining

excitement much like Pathos’s. “Oh, he’s very big. And an officer of
the law? Ooh, I just love a man in uniform,” he purred, slowly
circling Luke and looking him up and down like a painting he wished
to acquire from an exhibit.

“What’s he talking about? Levi?” Luke was shaking like a leaf,

cowering from the two much smaller men surrounding him. “Who are
these guys, and why am I here?”

Levi kept silent, watching Avarus with a whole lot of amusement.

“So, can you do something with this?”

“He does have some good qualities, you know. I could oversee his

reformation if you’d like.”

Levi glanced over his shoulder to see what Archer thought about

it. He’d been the one wronged after all. “Everyone deserves a second
chance,” Archer answered after several seconds of silence. “Yeah,
reformation is good. I’m sure you can come up with a suitable

“What exactly was his crime?” Avarus didn’t look like he really

cared about the answer, but he seemed to enjoy making Luke squirm.

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Gabrielle Evans

“I’ll tell you all about it,” Pathos chimed in. “It really is a

wonderful story.”

“In that case”—Avarus gave them a regal bow then burst into

giggles—“it was a pleasure doing business with you, and I bid you a
very fond farewell.”

Pathos rolled his eyes. “Ignore him. He reads too much.” Then he

blew kisses at them, grabbed one of Luke’s wrists while Avarus held
the other, and disappeared as per his style.

“Well, that was interesting.” Turning around, Levi wrapped

Archer up in his arms again and kissed his lips, the episode already
forgotten in light of new, more pleasing pursuits. “Now, where were

Archer eased out of his arms and took both of his hands, walking

backward out of the kitchen. “I believe we have a dance to finish.”

“Maybe we could have our own private rodeo.”
Archer cocked and eyebrow and smirked. “You going to mount

me and try to stay on for eight seconds?”

Levi chuckled, spun Archer around, and swatted his ass. “I’ll

make a cowboy out of you yet.”

“I don’t have an ounce of cowboy in me,” Archer shot back. Then

he grinned and winked over his shoulder. “But I will in the next three
minutes if you play your cards right.”



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Gabrielle Evans grew up in a small town in southern Oklahoma.

We are talking one red light that may or may not work depending on
the day of the week. She married her high school sweetheart and the
rest is pretty much history. They have two very active boys and one
high-strung wiener dog that keeps her constantly on the go. For now,
she parks her car in central Indiana, but who knows what tomorrow
will bring.

Gabrielle believes in love at first sight, falling hard and fast,

taking chances, and grabbing your happy-ever-after with both hands.
Most importantly, she believes that a great cup of coffee can cure

Also by Gabrielle Evans

Siren Classic ManLove: Gods of Chaos 1: Devil Did Grin

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

Document Outline


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