Joyee Flynn Unmated at Midnight Two Wiggles and Some Fur

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Unmated at Midnight

Two Wiggles and Some Fur

Jensen has wanted a mate for a long, long time. Picked on for his
size and growing up in a time when being gay could get him killed,
happiness was always out of reach for him. But then he found a
role in a pack he was made for… Beta. Ever since, all he's done is
protect people and keep his pack safe, and he is good at it. So
when he meets two men eating out of the garbage, all his instincts
kick in to help them.

Kyd and Redley have been on the run, and they’re tired, hurt, and
desperate. When a huge wolf shifter shows up and offers help,
they don’t know whether to trust him or run because he might eat
them. As salamander shifters they have a few special gifts and
realize they can trust him. But when they begin having trouble
with the pack, who will Jensen listen to?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-
Length: 35,633 words

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Unmated at Midnight

Joyee Flynn



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Joyee Flynn
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-780-3

First E-book Publication: November 2012

Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Unmated at Midnight


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1


“I know you’re tired of eating garbage, baby. But you have to

eat,” someone said gently as I walked towards one of the few bars in
Woodstock, Illinois. I froze and moved closer to the side of the
building that looked deserted.

I’d been spending a little too much time at the bars, needing to

drown my sorrows. I was happy for my friend Rip, and his sweet,
gorgeous mate, Lys, that things had worked out. But the jealousy of
wanting my own mate was eating me and then I would feel guilty
because I should be a better friend than wanting to not see them fawn
all over each other. It was a vicious loop of jealousy, guilt,
depression, and a few other things.

“We should go back to those men,” a quiet voice replied. “They

weren’t that mean when they raped me, Redley. It’s better than
starving to death or getting heatstroke.”

“No! I won’t let them touch you again.”
I clutched my chest as I listened to this. What had these poor guys

been through? Obviously hell.

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Joyee Flynn

“Maybe I could help?” I asked quietly as I moved around the two

huge garbage receptacles. They both gasped and one pushed the other
behind him as two sets of the biggest dark brown, almost black eyes
stared at me in fear. I squatted down and sniffed the air. “I’m not
going to hurt you guys. I’m a shifter too, okay? What type are you?”

“Don’t tell him,” the smaller one squeaked and clutched the one in

front of him. “He’s wolf. He’ll eat us!”

“Not into eating people, but thanks,” I chuckled. “So you’re prey?

That’s cool. There’s a penguin shifter who’s mated to our Alpha and
lives with us. Lys is a great guy. Would you let me help you if I
brought him here?”

The one in front eyed me suspiciously. “What happens if we come

with you? You give us food, let us shower, before you bend us over
something and take what we won’t offer?”

“No, never,” I whispered in horror. “I’d never hurt or rape

someone. My job for the pack is to protect and make sure people
follow our laws.”

“You’re a Beta?” the smaller one asked me with wide eyes,

glancing over me appreciatively. “He could protect us, Redley, and
he’s hot.”

“I give you my protection without any strings attached,” I swore

as I placed my hand over my heart. “I’ll take you right to Lys and
hopefully he won’t be as intimidating as I am to you.”

“He’s mated, right? You said he was with your Alpha, but as a

mate? He can’t cheat then,” Redley hedged. I nodded and gave them
my most gentle smile.

“They’re going to find us anyways, Redley. At least this guy is

asking when the other guys just took us. Please? I want a real shower
and he’s sexy. They’ve got to have water too if there’s a penguin in
the house. I want to shift,” the little guy whimpered.

“Okay,” Redley whispered with a nod. “Please, just don’t hurt


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“Never.” I waited until he took my hand and then stood. He did as

well and gasped in pain.

“Redley’s leg is broken from the escape,” the guy announced with

a worried look. “It’s not healing.”

“Because you guys haven’t been eating properly,” I replied

quietly as I lifted Redley into my arms. “You’re so thin.” They
glanced at each other nervously and I realized that wasn’t very
flattering to say. “But we’ll fix that right up. There’s lots of food in
the house always with a bunch of wolves living there.”

“As long as they don’t eat us,” the guy whispered. He stood and I

smiled as he wrapped his hands around my arm holding his friend.

“Everything will be just fine,” I promised as I headed back to my

truck. I pressed the fob on my keys and opened the door, doing my
best to not jar Redley, but it didn’t work and he moaned in pain before
his eyes rolled up into his head. “Shit. I didn’t mean to.”

“He’s been doing that a lot,” his friend said nervously. “I think

something’s really wrong. We couldn’t go to the hospital because
then someone would ask questions we couldn’t answer.”

“We’ll figure this out and keep you safe.” He nodded as I closed

the passenger’s door and walked around with me to the other side of
the truck. I opened the door for him and he looked up at the truck.

“Did you have to get one so tall?” he asked as he stepped up on

the running board. He didn’t grab the handle fast enough and started
to fall back. I caught him but I hadn’t been paying attention to where
my hands went and one was right on his firm little ass.

“Sorry about that,” I mumbled as I mentally gave my now-hard

cock a stern talking-to. Even bruised, beaten, starving, and filthy, they
were two of the most beautiful men I’d ever seen.

“Your hand is so big,” he whispered, his eyes flashing with lust. “I

bet your hands could cover my whole butt. Are you strong too?”

I groaned and lifted him into the truck with ease. “Don’t tempt the

wolf who thinks you’re hot and hasn’t had sex in so long I stopped
counting months and months ago.”

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“I’m tempting?” He smiled brightly at me as if I’d just given him

the best present ever.

“You have to know you’re sexy as sin,” I chuckled as I got into

the truck next to him.

“No one’s ever told me that besides Redley,” he muttered. “Just

that I’m a good fuck, tight ass, and have easily marked skin.”

“But those were the bad men you’re running from?” I swallowed

loudly when he nodded and looked at his friend. “I’m sorry you went
through that. Things will be different now.”

“I hope so.” I started the truck with the knowledge that I had a

new purpose in life… Take care of these two men at all costs. They
would want for nothing and be treated as they deserved. “I’m Kyd, by
the way.

“Jensen Bowen.” I held out my hand while focusing on the road

and my cock twitched as his smaller hand squeezed mine. “What’s
your last name?”

“No, if I tell you that then you could look up what we are,” he

whimpered and pulled his hand from mine.

“I’m going to need to know to protect you, Kyd,” I said gently.

“You said you needed water. If you won’t tell me what you are then at
least tell me what you’ll need so I can help.”

He was quiet several moments, glancing at Redley as if wanting

him to wake up to tell him what to do. Finally he sighed and rubbed
his hands over his face as we pulled into the pack estate.
“Salamanders. We’re salamanders and we’re really rare. We can
secrete a poison that’s a neurotoxin to shifters. That’s why those bear
shifters wanted us. They used us in so many ways.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” I said tenderly and wrapped my arm around

him. “No one here will use you.”

“We’ll see,” he muttered under his breath. “I’m Kyd Emerson and

that’s Redley Morton but you can’t tell anyone who we are. I mean,
don’t contact our parents because they’re the ones who sold us to
begin with.”

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I growled at the idea of someone selling their own children and

Kyd shivered against me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just
can’t get over how fucking horrible people can be to their own

“I wasn’t scared,” he admitted. I parked the truck and looked at

him, seeing him eye me over as if he wanted to see me naked. “When
the bears growled I got scared. When you do it I get butterflies in my

“How old are you?” I groaned, his innocent comment driving me


“Twenty-six and Redley’s almost thirty,” he answered as I opened

the door. I got out, nodding that I’d heard him, and turned to lift him
out of the truck. He wrapped his body around me, shocking me down
to my core when I’d been careful to not show affection to him when I
touched him. “You’re so big and sweet.”

“Is that a good thing?” I rubbed my hands over his back, liking the

feel of him in my arms.

“Yes, but you’ve been hurt, haven’t you?” he whispered gently as

he ran his hands up my shoulders. “You need to be loved and taken
care of, Jensen. I can see it in your aura how sad and lonely you are.”

“You can see auras?” I felt my eyes go wide at that one. Most

shifters didn’t have that ability.

“It’s a salamander thing.” He shrugged as I set him on his feet.

“Sorry, sometimes I just blurt out what I see. It’s hard not to want to
help when I know for sure that someone’s upset.”

“You’ve got a kind heart then.”
He smiled brightly at me again and walked around the truck and I

gently picked up Redley. Kyd wrapped his hands around my arm
again, as if too afraid to be separated from me. I led them up the porch
and then gestured for Kyd to open the door. He did but wouldn’t go in
until I did. I was glad that my buddy Gaven was walking through the
hallway right then. His eyes went wide and he raced over to us.

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Joyee Flynn

“What happened? Who are they?” he asked as he eyed over the

two men I’d brought with me.

“We’re Jensen’s,” Kyd blurted out and moved behind me slightly.

“We belong to him.”

“It’s okay, Kyd,” I said gently and smiled at him. “Gaven’s a

friend. He won’t hurt you. You don’t have to say you’re mine or be
afraid.” He nodded and I looked back at my friend. “I found them
eating out of the garbage on my way to the bar. This one has a broken
leg that’s not healing. Can you ask Jim to come up to the guest room
next to mine? I’m going to take them up there and show Kyd where
he can get cleaned up.”

“I’ll ask Danielle to bring up some food as well,” he agreed with a

nod before racing off.

“Do you not want me as yours?” Kyd asked so quietly as I led him

up the stairs that I almost tripped.

“Sweetie, you’ve been so hurt and I’m simply trying to provide

help,” I hedged as I glanced at him. He nodded sadly and let go of my
arm. “That doesn’t mean I’ve not had all kinds of dirty thoughts about
you but that’s not appropriate and I’m not some slimeball who takes
advantage of people.”

“It’s not taking advantage if I want it,” he grumbled. That had me

smiling. He really was a little firecracker and I adored that.

“Let’s talk after we get you cleaned up, fed, settled, and Redley

healed.” I cleared my throat as he stepped off the stairs and went right
where I gestured him to. Even in rags I couldn’t help but look at his
pert little ass.

I had a feeling I was going to have a very, very hard time keeping

my hands off of them while protecting them and helping them.
Between his cute little butt that made my cock stand up and ask to
fuck it and the way Redley felt so perfect in my arms, I was screwed.

“This gets to be our room?” Kyd gasped after opening the door

and darting inside. “This is awesome! They kept us in this like closet
room and only gave us nasty sleeping bags.” He moaned and

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practically dove on the bed. “Pillows, soft sheets, a bed. I’m in
fucking heaven.”

“Umm, right, so, what’s up, Jensen?” Rip asked from the doorway

as I laid Redley down. I glanced at my friend and Alpha and scratched
my head. “Get some new friends?”

“Well,” I drawled, not sure how to answer that one.
“He found us eating out of the garbage and said he’d protect us.

He can keep us, right, Alpha?” Kyd asked innocently. I groaned and
buried my face in my hands. That was so not how I’d have gone about
explaining things.

* * * *


I thought if I kept telling people we belonged to Jensen and we

were his, he might start looking at us that way. The man was hot,
sweet, huge, strong, loving, and hot. That and he had one of the
brightest auras I’d ever seen. Redley wasn’t as good at seeing them as
I was and with his injury I knew he hadn’t been able to tell much
about Jensen behind the bar. I on the other hand had been so scared at
the smell of wolf that I hadn’t been focusing.

But when he’d helped Redley I finally saw it and I wanted to be

his. Redley and I would heal this giant man and he’d protect us…
And have lots of hot sex along the way. I thought it was win-win if I
could tempt him into it.

“How about I show you where to get cleaned up while Jim looks

at your friend and Jensen explains things to Rip?” a man about my
height with long gorgeous hair said from behind the Alpha. Jensen
glanced at the man and smiled warmly.

“Thanks for coming to help, Lys.”
“No problem,” the man replied. I saw both their auras flare. They

loved each other. Wait, this was the penguin mated to the Alpha. So

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why did he love another wolf? There were different types of love,
sure, and I couldn’t tell them apart when looking at an aura but I still
thought it weird.

“You’re not going to help me wash in all my nooks and

crannies?” I asked Jensen, batting my eyelashes at him. I didn’t like
how he cared for this bird. I wanted him to be ours!

“Uh-huh.” Jensen’s head bobbed as he moved closer to me as if in

a trance. I wanted to pump my fist in the air that I could turn him on
even thin as bones and dirty. I reached for his hand but the bird
stepped in the way.

“Jensen, let’s get them taken care of and help them before you

share their bed,” Lys said gently. “They might think they have to
given it’s obvious they’ve been through something.”

“I’m not stupid,” I said firmly and darted around the bird. “I know

we don’t have to, but he wants me. Aren’t you mated?”

“He is,” the Alpha growled and pulled the bird against him. “To


“Good,” I sighed in relief, glad I’d figured that one out correctly.

“I saw their auras and wondered.”

Lys flinched and probably figured out what I meant as the Alpha’s

eyes darkened with anger. “I love Rip and only want him. Let’s get
you cleaned up and we can talk.”

“You’ll be right here and not leave us?” I asked Jensen quietly,

not sure how he took what I’d been saying.

“I’m all yours today, sweetie.”
Don’t I wish. But I nodded and went with Lys. We were quiet as

he started the shower in the attached bathroom and pulled out guest

“I don’t know what you saw with our auras but I can tell you that

there’s nothing between Jensen and I,” he said quietly.

“You love him,” I stated, not making it an accusation, just fact.
“I do but I’m not in love with him. Rip and I got trapped into

mating at the last UPAC conference and it didn’t start well to say the

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least. Jensen offered to switch, that he wanted me, and it made Rip
pull his head out of his ass. I love him like a brother now. A big
brother who’s been there for me, defended me, and always had my

“But he’s in love with you?” I asked quietly as I took off my

clothes and set them on the sink. Lys picked them up and chuckled as
he threw them in the trash.

“I’ll get you something to wear since we’re about the same size,”

he offered with a wink. “And no. Jensen’s not in love with me. He
likes me, but he’s distant. He wants what Rip and I have. He wants a
mate and someone to love him, put him first, and take care of him.”

“What if it was two someones who did that for him?” I moaned as

I stepped into the shower, loving the warm water and how it almost
made me feel as if I was washing part of the past off of me.

“He’s a good enough man to deserve that.” Lys was quiet a

moment as I lathered up my hair. “But as his friend I need to know
your issues or whatever trauma you’ve been through won’t hurt him.”

“Who could promise that?” I asked as I looked at him through the

glass door. “I want him. He’s nice, sexy, and he’d be able to protect

“You don’t have to sleep with him to get his protection,” Lys

snapped. “He’s not like that. He’d help you no matter what.”

“I said he was nice and sexy first,” I threw right back. “But yes,

for me, a mate that can protect me is something I look for after all
I’ve been through. He’s strong and I like that. I won’t apologize for

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” I went back to showering, deciding to

let it go. “What about the guy you came in with?”

“I love Redley and we’re together but we always knew we’d have

a third when we mate,” I said honestly. I saw no point in hiding what I
wanted or lying. “We always dreamed of a big, strong, hot man in
between us when we were held captive, raped, tortured, and used in

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the worst ways. We could be really good for Jensen, treat him like a

“Just be careful with my friend and wanting him for the wrong

reasons,” he said quietly before he left.

I didn’t see the big deal. It wasn’t like I wasn’t attracted to Jensen

and only saw him as a protector. But he did save us without hesitation
and was a good person. He was sexy and all I could think about was
how it would feel to ride him while Redley took me as well. The bird
couldn’t make that into a bad thing and I wouldn’t let him sway
Jensen away from us.

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Chapter 2


“Be careful with these two,” Lys warned as he walked over to Rip

after helping Kyd in the bathroom.

“Are they bad news?” Rip asked hesitantly and I shook my head.
“No way. They’re both as sweet as can be and have been abused.

They need help and they were so scared it took me a bit to even talk
them into coming back with me,” I defended.

“I believe that and I’m not saying they’re bad. But they’ve been

hurt. I think they will do anything for someone to keep them safe.” It
took me a minute to realize what Lys was trying to say.

“You think the only reason he could want me was because I’d

protect them?” I growled, pissed at Lys for the first time ever. “That’s
the only reason someone could want me, right? Hell, it was what you
wanted me for when we met. You wanted me to save you from Rip.”

“That’s not what I mean,” Lys whispered, his face paling. “I’m

just worried about you.”

“Don’t be,” Redley growled from the bed. I turned and glanced at

him, staring daggers at Lys. “We’ve had strong men offer us
protection before and turned them down. We’re not whores who sell
ourselves for safety. If Kyd has been making advances on Jensen it’s
because he’s hot, nice, and he sees something in the man’s aura.
Personally, if I didn’t feel like shit and wasn’t starving I’d be offering
myself up to him on a platter because he’s so damn fine and sweet.”

“Really?” I gasped, ignoring Lys and his accusations. “You like


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“Well, duh,” he giggled. I saw Jim set an empty syringe on the

nightstand. “Dude, what did you give me? This shit rocks.”

“Something for the pain because there’s going to be lots of it

when I set your leg,” Jim answered gently. “Are you ready?”

“You’ll be here when I wake up and keep Kyd safe?” Redley

asked me, glancing at Lys.

“I’m not a threat to you guys,” my friend whispered as tears rolled

down his cheeks. “I would love Jensen to have two caring mates but
I’m his friend so that makes me worry. I don’t know you and you
could hurt him.”

“Fair enough but we won’t,” Kyd said from the doorway of the

bathroom. “Please help my man. I appreciate you taking away his

“Love you,” Redley slurred.
“Love you more,” he giggled as he walked over to me in nothing

but a towel. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in
my shirt. “I can’t watch him set Redley’s leg. I’m not good with
seeing pain especially when it flares in their auras.”

“He’ll be fine, sweetie,” I promised him as I held him tight.

Redley cried out in pain and I met Lys’s gaze.

I’m sorry, he mouthed as he wiped his eyes. I nodded and gave

him a weak smile. Lys didn’t have a bad bone in his body and I
believed he had been worried for me. But I wasn’t his to protect and I
was way older than him. I knew when someone was trying to use me
and Kyd and Redley weren’t.

But they did want me it seemed and that was pleasantly

surprising… And the feeling was mutual. Hell, I was having a hard
time not ripping the towel off Kyd and taking him right then he was
so devastatingly gorgeous.

“You feel very big,” Kyd whispered. I glanced down at him and

saw lust shining in his eyes. “Your body is really big.” I got the
distinct feeling he meant a certain part of my body.

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I leaned over and put my lips to his ear. “You don’t always come

on so strong to someone you want, right?”

“No, not at all actually,” he giggled. “There’s something about

you. I’m drawn to you and your aura like a moth to a flame.” I nodded
and started to move back upright again but he took my face in his
hands. “Just don’t burn this moth, okay?”

“I’ll do my best not to,” I agreed. Then I shocked both of us by

brushing my mouth over his. So much for my promising to behave.
Kyd moaned and slanted his lips to get more access to mine as he
threw his arms around my neck.

“Never kissed anyone but Redley,” he panted after we parted.

“You taste so different but still so good. Like you could engulf me in
passion and make me scream for hours in pleasure.”

“Something to think about for the future.” I swallowed nervously

as he smiled.

“Got me hard,” Redley slurred from the bed. Then a small snore

escaped his lips. I shook my head as I held on to Kyd. I could tell they
were going to be trouble in the best way. I welcomed it.

“Let’s get you fed,” I chuckled as Danielle walked into the room

with a cart of food.

“I’m going to set up an IV for Redley while he sleeps. He’s

severely dehydrated and malnourished,” Jim said as he worked.

“Because he’s selfless and always gave me any safe liquids we

could find,” Kyd whimpered. “He’s going to be okay though, right?
He’s such a stubborn mule and wouldn’t take half of anything.”

“He’ll be just fine, son,” Jim said and gave Kyd a wink. “I think it

best you let me give you an exam as well.”

“I’m okay, I promise.” He shook his head and glanced up at me.

“Besides, I’m hoping a certain someone will examine me everywhere
after eating.”

“Eventually but I’d like to take things a little slower than that,” I

hedged and closed my eyes. “I know you want me and I feel the same.
But let’s not jump right into this.” They could really hurt me if they

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wanted and I needed them to see that I’d protect them even if they
weren’t in my bed.

“I do like foreplay,” he giggled and gave me a wink, letting me

know he fully understood what I needed. “And I could use a nap in
that comfy-looking bed if someone was willing to stay with us so we
didn’t get scared when we wake up somewhere strange.”

“I could do that,” I agreed. Kyd gave me another bright smile and

practically dragged me over to the table where Danielle had left the
cart. I was going to be so wrapped around his little finger if he kept
smiling at me like that. I hoped Redley didn’t have the same smile I
so obviously couldn’t say no to as well. Because then I’d really be

“So okay, now that we’ve got it settled where you found them and

want to help them,” Rip hedged. “Which is cool. You know I’m all
for helping others and shifters. Um, I still have a concern.”

“What would that be, Alpha?” Kyd asked hesitantly he nudged me

into the chair before plopping down on my lap once he put the tray of
food on the table. I watched as he set everything up nicely as if
fidgeting or making a presentation of his meal because he didn’t want
to simply dive right in. “Do you like plain or BBQ chips?”

“I like BBQ chips,” I answered, my eyebrows scrunching

together. “Why?”

“That’s good, I prefer plain.” He smiled brightly at me and then

opened the bag, taking one out and holding it out to my mouth. “Eat.”

“Sweetie, this is for you and Redley,” I said gently. He raised an

eyebrow at me and wiggled the chip. I gave him a wink and opened.

“Redley will be out for a while I’m sure with the drugs and pain.

He’s got an IV. I couldn’t eat all this food and either way, you said
there was lots of food where you lived so there’s enough for us to
have seconds. You found us around dinnertime which means you
probably hadn’t eaten. That’s unacceptable and you will eat one of
these sandwiches, the chips, and the apple to get your vitamins. If I’m
still hungry, or you are, we’ll go get more.”

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“I officially am no longer concerned,” Lys admitted with a bright

smile. “Welcome to the family, Kyd.”

“Because I want to make sure he gets dinner?” he asked with a

raised eyebrow and handed me half a sandwich. I took it and bit right
into it so I didn’t have to answer, a little shocked at what was going
on myself.

“Or not drink a liquid dinner for once,” Rip grumbled. My head

snapped to his.

“Are you trying to make me look bad?” I growled as I started to

stand, moving Kyd off my lap. He clung to me with wide, fear-filled
eyes. I swallowed some of my anger and stayed seated. “Don’t throw
stones, Rip. I’m over five hundred years old and always alone. I
didn’t handle your mating with Lys the best and it’s been hard for me
to watch you guys blissfully happy when I’m miserable. I didn’t want
to rain on your parade or be a downer.”

“Would you rather the bird than us?” Kyd asked quietly, not

looking happy about the idea.

“I wanted to be happy like they were. Not make Lys my mate.” It

was the most honest statement I ever made. It was really how I felt.

“If we make you happy will you stop drinking so much as your

Alpha implied you’ve been doing?” he asked as he raised my hand to
my lips and I bit my sandwich again. “Because personally I think you
were just going to drink because we got the wrong date on when to be
there so fate would make us find each other. So it’s acceptable that
you were stressed and drinking waiting for us but not after you have
us now.”

I swallowed my food loudly, his meaning a little intense. “You’re

saying you and Redley will save me from the bottle as I did you living
on the streets because we’re meant to be mates?”

“Do you have a better explanation as to why, of all the people

who walked by during the day, you were the one to stop? That of all
the people who could have found us it was you who deserves the love
of two men because you’re so good? I see your aura, Jensen. You

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protect people because it’s in your very soul to help, not because it’s
your job as Beta.”

I growled as I grabbed the rest of the sandwich in his hands,

having eaten mine already. His eyes did that wide, bugging-out thing
again as I turned him on my lap and molded his body to mine. My
wolf was taking over and I knew it. I felt my eyes go lupine, hands
shifting into claws, and my teeth as well.

“Shit,” Rip hissed.
“Are you mad?” Kyd asked quietly, shivering on my lap.
“No, I’m making you mine,” I snarled before sinking my teeth

into his neck. My wolf howled inside, thrilled we’d claimed this
sweet, loving man.

“Jensen!” Kyd went wild in my arms, yanking off his towel and

moving my hand to his dick, careful of my claws. I tugged his cock
twice and he exploded. Moaning at the taste of him, and the way his
body responded to me, I knew Kyd would become my drug of choice.

When he slumped against me, completely spent, I licked the

wound so it stopped bleeding but left the marks. “Leave us so I can
claim what’s mine.”

“Let them watch and see for themselves that I belong to you,”

Kyd whispered with a pleading tone. My wolf loved the idea. I moved
us to the floor and shredded my clothes getting them off. Kyd was on
all fours and I pulled the cheeks of his ass apart and started licking his
sweet, tiny hole. “Yes, Jensen. Oh gods, that’s awesome.”

“Yes, I’m yours and Redley’s. We’re all yours.”
“Good,” I growled and focused enough to shift my hands back to

human ones. Rip sighed and then a small tube of lube landed by my
mate’s knee.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, old friend.” I could hear the

concern in Rip’s tone but I didn’t address it. My wolf knew what was
best for us and Kyd had already taken better care of me than any lover
I’d ever had… And we hadn’t even had sex yet.

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A few minutes later, Kyd was stretched out and making the

prettiest sounds as he rode my fingers. I pulled them out and used the
extra slick on my cock. “The bite will wear off in a few days, Kyd.
You still have an out but if we do this now then that’s it. You’re mine
even if Redley ends up not wanting me.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Redley said from the bed. I

glanced over at him and saw his bright smile and the lust in his eyes.
“I plan on begging you to make me as happy as Kyd obviously is the
moment I’m better.”

“Good, no more reason not to take me now,” Kyd whimpered as

he pushed his ass higher in the air. “I’m yours, Jensen.”

I didn’t ask again, unwilling to risk the gift that was in front of

me. I pushed my dick into his tight, firm ass and we both moaned.
Then I moved over him, dominating him even in my position as I
molded my chest to his back.

“I’m going to love you so good, sweetie. You’ll never want for

anything ever again and I’ll protect you always.”

“We just want you, Jensen. That’s all I want and to take care of

you,” he whispered as he looked up at me over his shoulder. I saw the
truth of his words in his eyes and started moving my hips. He cried
out in pleasure and lowered his shoulders to the floor. It was a
completely submitting posture to my wolf and we liked it.

I took him as gently as I could under the circumstances. I didn’t

want to hurt him but my wolf wanted to fuck him so he’d feel me for
days. But he was frail with the treatment he’d received before. I
wouldn’t add to that.

“His cock is so fucking huge, Redley,” Kyd moaned and spread

his legs farther. “I swear I feel him hitting my rib cage.”

“Sounds pleasant,” Redley teased.
“Gods, is it ever.” He yelped as I wrapped my arms around his

chest and pulled us up to our knees, staring at the people watching.

“He is mine. He is my mate and I will kill anyone who threatens

him or tries to take him away from me. And that includes meddling in

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our mating that starts trouble.” My hips started moving faster as he
reached back and grabbed my ass. “We are pack as my mate is now
and we die for our pack if need be.”

“Amen to that,” Danielle agreed. “I witness and recognize your

mating, Jensen Bowen. May the gods bless it and it make you happy.”
I gave her a nod of my appreciation as I reached down and stroked my
mate’s long, hard cock.

“Such a giving lover,” he praised as his ass slapped my hips as he

met my thrusts. “I promise to always be what you need, Jensen. We’ll
make you happy.”

“I know, my sweet salamander,” I purred as my teeth elongated

slightly again. I bit his other shoulder, making sure to break the skin
enough that it would leave an official mating bite instead of just a
love nip.

“Salamander,” Lys gasped and I barely registered it. I shouldn’t

have said anything and wondered how badly that would come to bite
me in the ass later. But then again, it was Lys and he was a good man.

My mate screamed my name and came all over my hand. His

perfect, tight hole massaged my dick and I roared against his skin as I
filled him with my seed. When we were both spent I sat back on my
heels and lovingly stroked his skin as I held him to me.

“I’ve never felt skin so soft,” I cooed as I licked the bite once.

Then I nuzzled his neck and made happy wolf noises like a purr.
“Whatever lotion you use I’m going to buy stock in.”

“Lotion?” he giggled and turned his head so our lips met briefly.

“I was sold to my first captors when I was twelve because a
salamander shifter can produce poison. Then I was traded as a butt
boy and blood bag for some vamps with serious issues about gays and
not wanting to admit they were. After that they sold me to some bear
shifters whose leader couldn’t get it up unless there was extreme
violence. I didn’t exactly have the luxury of lotion, Jensen.”

“I’m so sorry, sweetie,” I whispered, horrified at what he’d been

through. “I wasn’t thinking about what you told me about escaping.

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I’m just so enamored with you and the way you feel against me that I
got lost in it.”

“I know, my big mate,” he said gently, realizing I felt bad for the

slipup. “It’s a salamander thing. Redley’s skin is the same.”

“No, you’re much softer,” he mumbled.
“How are you feeling?” Jim asked the injured man now that our

show was over.

“Better but definitely not best. I would kill for a Gatorade or

something. My throat feels like the damn desert.”

“I’ll get a bunch brought up right away, cutie,” Danielle said with

a wink before slipping out the door.

“You’re on the clock, Kyd. I’m fine, I swear, and he can claim me

when I’m better so don’t worry about that.” Redley shot me a look
that said clearly my mate would and I nodded my understanding.

“I want you too,” I growled and let the man see I felt him

desirable. Of course I wanted him. He was just as gorgeous and sweet.
Plus, I knew they were a package deal and so did my wolf when we
bit Kyd. “What do you mean he’s on the clock?”

“We only produce mating pheromones for about a half an hour

after sex. I’ve got to rub them all over you to claim you,” he said
quietly, almost embarrassed.

“Dude, you rub on Jensen anymore and I think you’ll be

permanently attached to him,” Lys joked and I couldn’t agree more.
That didn’t sound like a bad idea actually.

“Um, not in this form.”
“You need to rub all over my body in salamander form?” Okaaay

then. I pulled out of him and he turned in my arms, nodding. “Do we
need water?”

“Bathtub’s best so I don’t have to worry about pool jets or

anything pulling me away from you.”

“I want a kiss first,” I said, realizing I’d not gotten much of his

plump lips yet. He smiled and tilted his head, offering what I wanted.
I leaned down and plundered his mouth, mentally smiling when he

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moaned and tried to climb my body to get closer to me. “We can kiss
more after you cover me with pheromones.”

“You’re sure?” he whispered, gazing up at me with those big, dark


“Oh yeah,” I moaned. “Shift for me, sweetie, and I’ll run us a

bath.” He gave me that bright smile that melted my insides and I felt
the air vibrate before he changed into a tiny salamander.

“He’s so cute!” Lys exclaimed.
“Says the man who shifts into a penguin,” I chuckled, never

taking my eyes off my mate. “You are an adorable little thing, my
mate.” I leaned down and held my hands out to him. He wiggled the
few inches to me and climbed up my hands. “That explains the blond
hair with the dark eyes.” He was a black salamander with bright
yellow spots on him. I got to my feet slowly, careful not to jar him as
I headed to the bathroom.

“Hey,” Rip said quietly, grabbing my shoulder as I walked by

him. I glanced at my longtime friend. “Be happy, Jensen. You deserve
it. I’ll let the pack know you’ve mated, that I witnessed it, and blessed

“Thanks, Alpha.” I smiled at him before walking to the attached


“That doesn’t mean I’m still not concerned,” Rip said with a sigh

to Lys though I could hear him. “If they were running from someone
it could bring trouble to our door. But we protect pack. We just need
to add some security.”

“I think that would be wise,” Lys agreed.
I set my mate down before plugging the tub and filling it with

lukewarm water. I wasn’t sure what temperature was best but figured
that would do. Then I sat down in it and held out my hand to Kyd.
Again, he wiggled onto my fingers and I couldn’t help but smile. He
really was a cute little guy in animal form.

As he moved up my arm and over my collarbone to my other

shoulder, I sighed. I didn’t know if it was his pheromones, though

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those felt like a cooling relief rub, but I felt relaxed for the first time
in a long time. I chuckled when Kyd launched himself off my other
hand and onto my hip, his little legs spread wide as if to get some

I couldn’t even imagine what it was like to shift into such a

smaller animal. I mean, my wolf was smaller than my human form
but really not by much. Kyd shifted into something about the size of
my hand. What must everything look like to him?

I’d been so lost in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed he’d finished until

the air vibrated and I suddenly had my lap full of naked, wet mate.
“You’re mine now, Jensen.”

“That’s good. I like the idea of being yours,” I slurred a bit. “Um,

are your pheromones like a drug?”

“Happy drug, but yes. It releases endorphins like your bite does

but also lasts a bit longer. You should feel loopy and relaxed for the
next hour or so,” he said hesitantly.

“Warn a guy next time?” I giggled. Wow. I don’t remember ever

giggling in my life or hearing that sound come out of my mouth.

“I’d forgotten about that part until I shifted and you looked ready

to take a nap.” He sighed in a frustrated tone. I glanced at him and
saw he was pouting.

“Why so glum, my little wiggler?” I asked as I stood with him in

my arms.

“I want to ride you but it seems like taking advantage of you since

you’re kinda drugged or drunk.”

I instantly got hard and Kyd groaned as he felt it against his ass.

“Not so relaxed anymore, am I? I think I’m down with the idea of you
riding me.” I giggled again when I stepped into the room after
fumbling with the bathroom doorknob.

“Did he just giggle?” Jim asked Rip before turning to me. “Did

you just giggle, son?”

“My mate gave me the happy mating drugs,” I slurred, suddenly

needing to sit down.

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“You did what?” Rip bellowed and reached for Kyd.
“Not real drugs and if you hurt or touch my mate I will kill you,” I

growled. But it was like a little pup’s growl that doesn’t scare anyone.
I took Kyd’s face in my hands and tried to focus. “I think I’m going to
pass out now. Don’t be mad, okay? Promise you’ll ride me when I
wake up?”

“Of course, Jensen,” he said sadly. “I’m sorry I didn’t know my

pheromones would affect you like this. There aren’t a lot of
salamanders around and it’s not like our parents taught us what to

“Rip, you’re my Alpha and my friend. Protect my mates and be

nice to them or so help me I will use Lys’s charm bracelet as a bore
snake to clean the mean out of you.”

“That’s an interesting visual,” Rip drawled before I passed out.

I’m sure it was but in my drunken state it was all I could come up

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Chapter 3


“Don’t eat, Kyd,” I said in as authoritative a voice as I could for

someone who woke at the tail end of all this after having passed out
from the pain. “A wolf’s bite can make someone pass out afterward
when all the endorphins are released from it. Jensen didn’t pass right
out because it wasn’t during sex when other happy hormones are
released and it wasn’t directly into his bloodstream. It’s more like
rubbing topical cream all over your body that has painkillers in it.”

“Thank you for explaining why my friend and Beta just passed

out,” Rip replied after a moment. I looked over to Jensen as he did.
“Is he fondling his mate’s ass in his sleep?” Sure enough, our big Beta
was. When he’d passed out he’d been sitting so it was more a falling
over to the side and Kyd had slid off his lap. But Jensen’s hands were
still on his ass and they were moving.

“Well, it’s a nice ass,” Lys giggled and gave Kyd a wink. The

Alpha growled and pulled his mate closer to him. The penguin
smacked his chest. “Not in that way. I just mean I’d love to have his
ass. Mine jiggles more than his does. I mean, you could bounce a
quarter off that thing.”

“Oh baby, wanna eat your pert ass all night,” Jensen mumbled and

then moaned in his sleep. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. “Then
you can ride Redley while I fuck him.”

“I’m all for that plan,” I whimpered. It wouldn’t happen because

my leg was killing be and I was hooked up to an IV.

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“No sex for you for a few days,” Jim said gently. “We’ll get you

rehydrated and some food into you and then you can shift. I’ll
reevaluate after that but you’re healing at a human rate because of
your malnutrition, Redley. If you push it now you could do permanent
damage to your leg. I can’t say you’ll even fully recover now but I
have confidence you will after we take care of you.”

“Thank you, Elder.” I gave him a respectful nod.
“Is it wrong I want to slick his hand up and ride his fingers while

he’s out of it?” Kyd mumbled as he stared at Jensen. I shared a look
with the Alpha and his mate before we all burst out laughing. “What?
Even in his sleep he’s attentive and loving. It’s hard not to get turned
on by that.”

“Can you guys tell us what you’re running from or do you want to

wait until Jensen is awake?” Lys asked quietly. I studied his aura,
seeing nothing but good, but the Alpha was swirling with emotions
and I wasn’t as good at reading auras as Kyd was.

“They mean us no harm. The Alpha’s simply frustrated and I

think that’s because he sees someone after us as being a potential
danger to his mate,” he answered me. “His aura’s pure and I see no ill
will even directed at us.”

“That’s so cool that you can tell that,” Lys said with a bright

smile. He moved away from his mate and sat on the edge of my bed.
“What does it look like?”

“It’s kind of like when you look directly at a strong shifter when

they’re changing and you can almost see the vibrations in the air
when they shift. But for us there’s color involved if we focus.”

“So it’s not there all the time? I think that would be like walking

around with beer goggles on if you were distracted by colors.” Lys
had a good question there. I’d never thought about it.

“No, it’s more like concentrating when you want to shift,” Kyd

explained as he lay down on the floor and snuggled with Jensen. “We
have to focus and tap into that energy. So it’s hard to do when we’re

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startled or scared like when Jensen found us and asked if we wanted
his help.”

“But yet you came with him?” Rip asked, raising an eyebrow.
“For one he asked whereas the others just grabbed us after we

escaped once. They weren’t the same bears we were sold to but they
knew we’d run away.” I thought about what else made me trust
Jensen. “He was sweet and immediately said Lys lived here so we
weren’t worried about being the only prey shifters in the house. It was
very considerate.”

“And we wanted to jump his bones because he was hot,” Kyd


“That too,” I drawled, rolling my eyes.
“So, not to be rude but I was startled when Jensen said you were

salamanders because I thought touching you was poisonous in all
forms,” Lys said gently as he glanced between us.

“Common lie salamanders spread since we’re rare, normally

small, and wanted for the poison,” I answered with a shrug. “We only
secrete the poison if we want to in our animal form.”

“Explain to us what this poison is and why it’s so desired,” the

elder requested softly. I searched his eyes and they were kind.

“He wants to help.” Kyd gave me a glance that let me know it was

up to me. I sighed in relief as the woman came back and brought a
small cooler full of drinks on a tray with food.

“Thank you, sweet, sweet woman,” I whimpered and blew her a

kiss. “My throat is on fire and feels like sandpaper.”

“And here we’re asking you all these questions.” Rip swore and I

shrugged my shoulders. I could have reminded him again. “Jensen
will kick my butt for that.”

“Probably,” my mate-to-be groaned from the floor. “After I’m

done feeling drunk.”

“Horny drunk?” Kyd asked in a hopeful voice.
“Not yet. More like confused drunk and loopy.” Jensen wrapped

his arms around Kyd as if his favorite comforting blanket. “So we

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were talking about your poison while Redley drinks two of the sports
drinks, eats all those eggs, and the toast if he wants me to give him a
massaging bath.”

“Deal,” I chuckled and got to it. I wanted his hands on me more

than I wanted air.

“It’s one of the few things that can affect shifters,” Kyd said

quietly and I noted he was shivering in Jensen’s arms. “If I shifted
and started producing the poison while on Jensen it would take the
time to enter his system like a pain cream so almost instantly. He’d go
numb in that spot and it would spread until he was paralyzed. If I kept
at it or it got right into his blood stream there’s a chance it could
paralyze his heart and kill him.”

“There’s not much that works on shifters,” Jim mumbled as he

looked at the Alpha. “This is bad. I wonder if UPAC knows
salamanders can do this.” Then he glanced back at Kyd while I made
myself busy eating. It wasn’t that I was avoiding the conversation
really. It’s just cold eggs and toast suck. “I assume they did something
to the poison. It wouldn’t be very effective to simply wipe it on
someone because it would get them too.”

“No, they used it as a base for their injector drug.” Kyd held up

his hands and shook his head. “Don’t even ask me what that means.
We just heard the bears say that it was the fundamental ingredient and
if they didn’t have more of it or we didn’t start producing more they
wouldn’t make the orders they had. I got the feeling they were starting
to sell lots of it on the black market. Also they were working on
putting it in gas grenades.”

“Oh shit, that’s bad,” Jensen grumbled. “Were there other

salamanders there? How did you guys even escape?”

“I tricked the guard, bit off his dick, and then killed him,” Kyd

blurted out immediately. Jensen held him close and tried to soothe

“No you didn’t,” I sighed, unable to let him try and take the rap

for me. “I did. Kyd, no one here is going to care that I killed someone

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during our escape of torture. I don’t regret it. That man needed to
learn the pain he inflicted before dying.”

“He never bit off our dicks,” Kyd muttered in a confused voice.
“Same general area,” I snapped. “Shoving things up our asses that

weren’t supposed to go there is probably as painful as getting your
dick bitten off.”

“Right, I’m sorry, Redley,” Kyd whispered as he hung his head

and pulled away from Jensen.

“No, I’m sorry, my sweet better half,” I sighed as I stretched out a

hand to him. He shook his head but I know he saw it. “Please? You
should have one of these sports drinks too and I’m getting kind of

“The hell you are,” he growled and jumped to his feet. “You’ve

been starving for days. I will force-feed you what looks to be yummy
goodness there if you’re not going to take care of yourself.” He huffed
and plopped on the bed, putting what was left of the eggs on the last
piece of toast and holding it up to my mouth.

“I love you too.”
“You snot.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “You said that because

you knew I’d come shove the food in your mouth.”

“And be closer to me so I could do this,” I finished for him. I

lifted his free hand to my lips and gave both sides a soft kiss. “I’m
sorry I snapped at you. I’m having trouble with the fact I killed
someone. I don’t feel guilty at all but I think I should. I just didn’t
want to talk about it yet. And I had to watch for years as that guy
tortured you. Death was too good for him and I wish I had time to
inflict more pain on him. And then that makes me think I’m a horrible

“Just stop and eat your eggs,” Kyd said gently, interrupting me

when I went to take a breath. “Let’s get you all better then we can
examine what’s going on in that smart brain of yours.” I opened my
mouth obediently and made all kinds of animallike noises as I snarfed
down the last of my food. Kyd chuckled and shook his head. “You are

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such a goof.” Then his gaze met mine and I saw the love shining in
his eyes. “But I would never have made it without you.”

“Ditto, Kyd. Ditto.” I glanced at Jensen on the floor who was

watching our interaction intently. “And now we found the dream guy
we always talked about.”

“Really?” he whispered, seeming to have shaken off some of his


“I didn’t tell him the list,” Kyd chuckled, waggling his eyebrows

at me.

“Go ahead,” I snickered. “It would be nice to talk about it now

that we’re free.” I glanced up and saw everyone else in the room
staring at us like we were off our rockers. “We used to dream and talk
about the man we’d find if we ever got free. The life we’d have

“He was going to have broad, muscular shoulders he could throw

us both over,” Kyd drawled and ticked off a finger. We eyed Jensen

“Check,” I groaned.
“A bright aura that told us he had the heart for all the love we’d be

giving him and needed us.”

“Check,” I agreed again as Jensen’s cheeks heated up.
“Bright eyes that were gorgeous and expressive,” Kyd purred.

“Double check.” Then we both zeroed in on his groin, knowing what
was next. “A thick, long cock that he knew how to use.” Kyd looked
over to me then. “Yeah, I can attest to the fact we got that.”

“I saw,” I giggled, shaking my head. “And he’s a generous lover

who thought about you first.”

“Check. Someone adventurous so things would never get boring.”
“We’ll have to wait and see on that one.” I thought Jensen would

be but only time would tell. “A man that would be understanding of
what we’d been through and would love us anyways while making
everything better.”

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“Check,” Jensen whispered as he stared at us with tears shining in

his eyes. “All I want is to love you both and give you everything you
never had.” We both smiled at him. “What else was on the list?”

“Someone who didn’t treat me like a housewife or bottom boy

because I would want to take care of them,” Kyd mumbled.

“Never crossed my mind, little wiggler.” Jensen got to his knees

and moved to the edge of the bed, placing on hand on Kyd’s thigh
before the other hand found mine. “Nothing wrong with taking care of
your mate and it’s certainly not something that should be looked
down on.” Kyd nodded and I made kissy noises at Jensen so he’d
know I was grateful at how he’d handled it. “What else was on the

“He’d have lots of passion that would always let us know how

much he desired and wanted us,” I admitted, watching our man’s eyes
flare with lust.

“I think I can make sure of that.” His hand traveled up Kyd’s

thigh until he was fondling his groin. “Is it mean to play in front of
you when you can’t have sex yet?” Then he looked at the elder. “He
can’t have sex but we can do other things to him, right?”

“The less he moves the better,” Jim snickered and starter gesturing

everyone to leave. “We’ll send up some food in a bit because there’s
no such thing as overfeeding them for the next few weeks as long as it
doesn’t make them sick to their stomachs. Think grazing. Their
bodies aren’t used to real food so half a meal every few hours would
be best.”

“Yes, send up food,” Jensen agreed as he moved the tray from my

lap before going back to touching Kyd. “Let’s get him wound up and
then suck him off together.”

“Now I need to get laid,” the Alpha grumbled as they walked out

the door.

“I can take care of that,” Lys giggled. “You did just get me a new

gem and all that said I was hot in bed.”

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“You’re going to have to explain that one to us later,” I said to

Jensen as we all shared a look.

“It’s a penguin thing.” He shrugged his shoulders before

spreading Kyd out on the bed next to me and grabbing the lube. “You
want sweet, hot, or to ride me?”

“Ride you,” Kyd whimpered. I smiled. It was his favorite

position… Actually, they all were really. I watched as Jensen quickly
restretched out Kyd for his massive cock and then lowered him onto

“Damn, you feel so good,” Jensen moaned as he wrapped his arms

around Kyd.

“Just sit back and enjoy, my large mate,” he purred and licked

along Jensen’s neck, giving me a wink. “I’ll take good care of you.”

“Will you? Will you really, Kyd?” He sounded so dejected and

lost that Kyd stopped riding him and leaned back. I reached over and
touched Jensen’s shoulder as well. He looked at me with such sadness
in his eyes. “Will you too, Redley?”

“Of course we will, Jensen. Talk to us.”
“I’m ruining the moment,” he sighed and flopped back to the bed.

Then he moaned when Kyd leaned over him and took more of his
cock into his tight little ass.

“Then tell us quick and we’ll get right back to it like a time-out,”

Kyd offered.

“I’ve been so messed up.” Jensen covered his face with his hands

and gave a disgruntled shout. “It’s more than drinking. I go to the bar
and stare off into space. But I nurse my beers or I thought I did, just to
let go a bit of all the swirling thoughts and emotions. I kept blacking
out though. I mean, I wasn’t even paying attention enough to how
much I was drinking. I’m so lost and confused about so many things.”

“About us?” Kyd asked hesitantly.
“No, I know I want you both,” he answered as I reached up and

cupped Kyd’s cheek while taking Jensen’s hand.

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“Then the rest is in the past and doesn’t matter anymore,” I said

gently. Jensen raised my hand to his lips as Kyd started moving his
hips again. “That’s it, baby. Give our man the relief he needs.”

“So good to me,” Jensen moaned as he arched his back and thrust

into Kyd. “I could get used to this treatment.”

“Wait until Redley’s better and then there will be two of us,” Kyd

chuckled. “We can put you in the middle and take you places you’ve
never dreamed of before if you let Redley take you.”

Jensen licked his lips and glanced at me. “I think I’d like that. I’ve

not bottomed in a century because I didn’t trust anyone after the guy
screwed me over. I want that feeling of letting go and trusting
someone again.”

“We won’t ever hurt you, Jensen,” I swore to him. He nodded his

head but I knew that time would show him that it was the truth.

Kyd picked up speed, bouncing on Jensen’s lap. They came

together and by then I was so hard it almost hurt as my cock leaked on
the sheets. When they were spent Kyd flopped onto his massive chest
and purred in delight.

“Was that enough teasing?” They both looked at me at Jensen’s


“Yes, please,” I whimpered. They pulled apart and crawled over

to me, careful of my leg. Then they licked my cock like their favorite
treat until I came, Jensen swallowing me down. It was perfect and just
what I needed. I sighed as Kyd moved to lie against me while Jensen
spooned his back.

We were safe and wanted and that was more than I’d ever hoped

for when I broke us out of the place the bears had kept us. Now if we
could just show the gorgeous man that we were worth loving… And
that he was too.

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Chapter 4


Two days later I knew I was falling for Jensen. He’d been so kind

and attentive to both of us, especially Redley as he healed. Our big
man had needed to get back to work this morning and since it was
lunchtime now, I figured he could use a break.

“Hey,” a shorter guy said as I walked by him in the hallway. He

was still taller than me, though most were, but short for a wolf. I
stared at him a moment, trying to remember his name. “Neville. I’m
Jensen’s friend.”

“Right, sorry,” I replied with an apologetic tone. “Lots of names

to remember.”

“I know the feeling,” he chuckled and shrugged. “I’ve only been

with the pack for about six months and still there are people who I
can’t remember.” I nodded and smiled as I went to walk past him.
“Are you looking for Jensen?”

“Yeah, do you know where he is?”
“He’s in a meeting with Rip and Jim. They’re going to be at least

another hour or so.” He looked almost shy as he gestured to the front
of the house. “I was just about to head to the grocery store. Is there
anything you guys want? I didn’t know if salamanders had a special

“No, we’re good with just about anything,” I answered, touched at

how welcoming he was being. “I’ve got some time to kill until their
meeting’s over then since Redley’s asleep. You want some help or at
least company?”

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“That would be great, thanks.” I nodded and followed him along,

wondering if I’d been too nice in offering. Jensen was freaked the
bears were going to take us from him. So it seemed stupid to go out
with a wolf who didn’t look like he’d be much of a threat in a fight
and head to a public place.

Too late now. I’d be a douche if I pulled back my offer. We

headed outside to his waiting SUV and climbed in, quiet the whole
trip. When he parked I got out and walked over to get a cart out of the
corrals people leave them in when they’re done with them. I turned to
ask Neville what was on the list but he wasn’t there… And the SUV
was gone.

“What the hell?” I whispered and searched the parking lot. The

green SUV that we’d come in was nowhere to be found. Did that
asshole just ditch me? “Oh fuck.”

I had no money, no phone, didn’t know Jensen’s cell number or

the pack house’s main line. I was screwed. And alone which meant I
was vulnerable to being nabbed if someone found me.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I chanted, tears burning in my eyes. “How could

I have been so stupid?”

“Are you okay, young man?” a soft voice asked gently. I wiped

my eyes and turned as I looked at the mid-fifties lady standing in front
of me with a worried look on her face.

“I think my boyfriend’s friend is trying to start trouble,” I

admitted with a wince at how lame that sounded. “I offered to help
him grocery shop and he ditched me. I didn’t even grab my wallet or

“So no money for a cab,” she surmised with a nod. “Could I give

you a ride?”

I glanced at her aura, seeing it was bright and clear. She was a

good person. But I also made sure that she didn’t smell like predator
or shifter. She was human. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“As long as you don’t live in Rockford or somewhere far,” she

chuckled and gestured to the car a few feet away.

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“I’m local in Woodstock. It’s about five miles away.” A thought

struck me then. “Actually, it’s a nice day. I’ll just walk and clear my
head. I need to have a serious talk with my boyfriend.”

“Are you sure? That’s a long walk.”
“I’ve been eating a lot lately. Don’t want to lose my figure,” I

blurted out, trying to think of how to get out of her offer. The wolves
could be really pissed if I showed a human woman where they lived. I
didn’t know the rules for that with the pack. Add that to the list of
things to ask about.

“Alright. Go clear your head,” she said with a shrug. “Best of luck

to you.”

I thought of a compromise then. “Are you heading west?”
“Yes, a few miles before I turn north towards my house.”
“Can I get a ride until there? That way I get part of my walk

without taking all day and you don’t have to go out of your way.”

“Deal,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “I swear you kids today

confuse me.”

“If I take the full ride then I have to see my boyfriend right away,”

I said with a sigh as I helped her put her bags in the trunk of her car.
“And I have no idea how to talk to him about his friend.”

“That is a tough one.” She nodded and I put back the cart while

she got in the car before I did as well. “Are they close friends?”

“I don’t know but it’s a new relationship. Plus, I’m an idiot for not

having brought my phone and wallet.”

“A mistake you won’t ever make again, I imagine.” That was a

good point. I didn’t want to tell her I didn’t have a wallet or a phone
but I couldn’t leave the pack house without some type of way to call
for help or help myself.

I thanked the nice woman when she pulled over a few miles later.

By my guess I had like a mile and a half left to walk now. She wished
me luck and I could see the hesitation in her eyes. After I assured her
my boyfriend was awesome and I wasn’t even remotely being abused,

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that it was probably a practical joke, she relaxed and gave me a wave.
After she pulled away I started jogging towards the pack house.

The bears wouldn’t have made a move when I’d been with a

human and while I doubted, even if they’d seen me, they’d risk being
this close to the wolves… Paranoia might just keep me safe. And I’d
die before I’d go back there alone. Redley was the only reason I’d
survived it and I couldn’t do it again.

I thought about Neville and what to tell Jensen. Should I just let it

go? I didn’t want to start trouble but then I’d be hiding something
from him. Maybe it was just a prank like I’d told the lady who gave
me a ride? A really, really stupid prank, but a prank just the same.

Finally as I got to the drive the realization that I had to tell him

sunk in. He needed to know in case there really was a problem. Just as
I got to the porch the front door swung open.

“Oh thank the gods you’re okay,” Neville blubbered as he came

towards me. “Where did you go? I looked everywhere for you.”

“Are you off your meds?” I asked with wide eyes as I stepped out

of his reach. “You ditched me!”

“What?” Jensen and Rip gasped at the same time.
“I did no such thing!” Neville screeched. “You ditched me!”
Yeah, he was nuts. I glanced over at Jensen. “I went with him to

go grocery shopping, trying to be nice and help.”

“Even after I told you not to leave the grounds without me or at

least some guards.” I nodded my head at the statement. I’d screwed
up on that and my mate was pissed, rightfully so.

“Yeah, I didn’t think about that until we were in the car. I didn’t

want to be a dick and look like I was backing out on him. I wasn’t
thinking. It won’t happen again.”

“Okay then,” Jensen huffed and crossed his arms over his massive

chest. He nodded for me to continue.

“Neville parked and I got out of the SUV. I went to get a cart

across the row of the parking lot and when I turned around, Neville
wasn’t there and the SUV was gone.”

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“Could you have gotten turned around?” Rip suggested gently. “I

know you guys haven’t been out much and all.”

“I’m not dense,” I scoffed, annoyed he’d even suggest that. “It’s

not like it was some huge shopping mall, Alpha. There were only a
few cars in the lot and it’s not that big. He was gone. He ditched me

“No I didn’t,” Neville sobbed. My eyes went wide with disbelief

as Jensen wrapped his arm around the man in comfort. I was his mate
and had been wronged! “I was in the store having the manager page
you. I searched everywhere.”

“So you looked for me, couldn’t find me, and just came home?” I

asked with a raised brow, not buying it for a second. I waited until
Neville nodded. “Isn’t there only one road to get back here? How
could you have missed me?”

“That’s a good point, Neville,” Rip agreed as he glanced between


“He must have gotten a ride and I wasn’t paying attention to the

car. There’s no way he could have walked home this fast,” Neville

“Did you get a ride home with someone?” Jensen asked darkly.
“A nice human woman offered me a ride part of the way down the

main road. She was going to go left when I’d needed to turn right and
I jogged from there.”

“Go to our room and I’ll deal with you later,” he growled.
“Are you fucking grounding me?” I bitched after what he said

sank in.

“No, I’m saying go wait for me there while I handle the drama

you’ve caused,” he snapped back. He hugged Neville and tried to
comfort him. “Neville’s a good person and your not paying attention
has upset him, Kyd.”

“Oh, fuck this shit,” I snarled and pushed past them. I stormed up

to our room, wanting to go back to the guest room instead of staying
with Jensen now that we’d moved into his room.

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“What’s up?” Redley asked after I slammed the door and flopped

on the chair.

“Sorry, wasn’t thinking. Go back to bed,” I said with a wince. He

needed his sleep and strength to heal, not get woken up because I was
throwing a hissy fit.

“Kyd, what’s wrong?” He held out his hands to me and the next

thing I knew I was on the bed next to him, spilling everything. When I
was done he was comforting me as he ran his hands through my hair.

“Maybe I was wrong about Jensen,” I whispered as I wiped away

my tears angrily. “How could he believe that other guy over me and
yell at me to go to our room like this in front of people?”

“Neville is his friend apparently,” Redley drawled, not sounding

happy. “And we’re just the idiots he barely knows over someone he’s
known for a whole six months or so. Yeah, I’d totally believe them
over my mate too.”

“So you’re pissed too,” I chuckled, loving how sarcastic Redley

got when he was upset. It wasn’t funny that he was pissed, just the
way he phrased things when he was angry was comical.

“Yeah, and Jensen’s got some serious groveling to do. Help me

up,” he growled. I hopped out of bed and he wrapped his arm around
my shoulder as he got up. Just as we got to the door it swung open
with a pissed-off Jensen standing there. His nostrils and eyes flared
with anger when he saw us leaving.

“I told you to wait for me here.”
“And I told you I wasn’t going to be grounded,” I whispered,

shaking in fear.

“We’re going back to the guest room until you pull your head out

of your ass,” Redley informed him as he gestured Jensen to move.
“Go hug Neville some more. I’m sure his performance was wonderful
and all. But I thought you were smarter than you obviously are.”

“What does that mean?” Jensen growled, not moving except to

cross his arms over his chest.

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“The guy wants you, dumbass,” Redley spat out. “He doesn’t

drink but he was always going to the bar when you were there to hang
out with you. He then takes your mate out when you didn’t want him
to leave without a guard, knowing Kyd didn’t have money or a phone.
And then conveniently loses a full-grown man at a medium-size
grocery store parking lot. Kyd has no reason to have ditched the guy
but apparently you believe someone you’ve known for six months
over your own damn mate.”

“Well, I, um, well, no, but,” Jensen stuttered, his eyes glancing

between us as they lost their anger. I shoved him with the arm not
next to Redley but the man didn’t even budge. He flinched when he
saw we were both pissed and stepped aside. “I didn’t think it was
Kyd’s fault, just they missed each other and it was an accident. I told
him not to leave without a guard and he caught a ride with a human.”

“Yeah, the bears finding him alone would have been much better

than catching a ride with a nice human woman,” Redley drawled. “He
can see auras. He would have checked out the lady. I personally think
it would have been a much better plan for him to stand in the parking
lot all day with his thumb up his ass instead.”

I bit my lip to keep in the snicker at that one. Redley really did

have a way with words. We shuffled past Jensen, careful of Redley’s

“I was scared and I got angry,” Jensen whispered as he trailed

after us.

“Yeah, you were so scared about me you were hugging the guy

who ditched me,” I snapped. I couldn’t even look at him. I didn’t
know what Neville’s problem was or what was going on, but Jensen
should have immediately been on my side as my mate. Or at least
talked to me in private or gotten to the bottom of all of this instead of
grounding me to my room.

“Just save it, Jensen,” Redley sighed as I opened the door to the

guest room. “You’re focusing on the wrong thing here. You should be
figuring out what Neville has against us or is willing to do next time

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instead of just ditching Kyd. Besides the bears finding him, who
knows what else could have happened.”

“If he had listened to me—” he started to defend.
I spun around after I got Redley past the doorway, not moving

enough so Jensen could follow us in. “I screwed up in going with him.
I got that and I said I was sorry. But you keep right on focusing on
that instead of the threat against your mates that lives in the same
house as us. Great protector you are.” Then I closed the door without
another word. Let him stew on that.

“Okay, I think you’re ready for a nap,” Redley said gently as I

helped him over to the bed. I nodded as he lay down, suddenly very

“Is our mating over with him before it really even started? You’ve

not even claimed him yet,” I whispered as I snuggled up against him.

“I don’t know,” Redley answered as he pulled the covers up over

us. “He’s allowed a screwup, even if it’s a big one. It depends what he
does now to fix it or if he’ll trust us over someone he barely knows.”

“Thanks for believing me, Redley. Nice to know someone does,” I

mumbled as sleep pulled me under.

* * * *


“Of course I believe you, Kyd. The other guy’s story just doesn’t

make sense,” Redley said quietly. I was listening through the door,
my heart twisting in my chest that they were so upset. When Kyd had
said he was glad at least Redley had believed him, I felt daggers in my

He was right. I was his mate and I should have believed him. It

wasn’t that I didn’t believe him, just the whole thing was a cluster
fuck. I hurried off to find Rip and maybe Jim. My friend might have

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been clueless in his mating but he was pretty observant when it came
to his pack and interpersonal conflict.

“I don’t know for sure but my gut is telling me that Neville is

starting trouble so you don’t claim your second mate,” Rip said
immediately when I saw him… Jogging towards the stairs with his
mate over his shoulder. No wonder he was in a hurry. “I suggest you
do what you do best, buddy.” And then he was gone.

“What I do best,” I parroted. I think my subconscious already

knew what that meant while I figured it out because when I did, I
realized I was at my car on the side of the house. I knew what I did
best. I solved problems. I was the Beta of this pack and that meant
finding the truth, investigating problems, and solving conflict.

Damn straight I knew what to do. If only I had thought of this

before upsetting my mates. I drove to the grocery store and parked,
looking around as I got out. The parking lot and store couldn’t have
been on even an acre of space. It was a smaller Jewel-Osco with a
square parking lot. Someone would have to be a moron to
accidentally lose someone there.

I headed inside and found the manger. “Excuse me. Did you have

a short guy come find you around noon and ask you to page someone
that he lost?”

“No,” the guy answered, looking at me a little funny. “It’s not a

big store and we rarely get requests to have someone paged.”

“And you’ve been here all day?”
“Yeah, since six this morning.”
“Thank you for your time,” I said politely before setting off any of

his warning bells. He shrugged and walked away. Well now I knew
Neville was a big fat liar. But why? What could be the goal besides
starting shit with my mate? Did he want them, me, or just for them to
not live in the house?

I didn’t know but I figured two people who hadn’t gotten much

fun in life deserved some extra fun when it was groveling time. I
grabbed a cart and spent the next half an hour buying gobs of

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unhealthy and fun food for them to try. Everyone should have a few
favorite treats and they’d need to try everything to know what their
favorite was.

Then I got flowers… Lots of flowers. I quickly paid and had an

idea of something else I should have done as their mate. Driving to
the bank, I went inside and added them both to my account, ordering
them each a debit card. Then it was the cell phone store.

All of this could have been avoided and my panicking never have

happened if I had given them what they needed to always be able to
contact me. When I was done I drove home quickly so their treats
didn’t spoil.

“Hey, are you okay? I heard what happened,” Danielle hedged as I

got out of my car. She had just pulled in as well and was unloading a
few things.

“Neville lied to me,” I growled. I gestured to the trunk and

backseat that was full of bags. “And now I’ve got some groveling to
do but I want to know why first.”

“Want me to take that up to your room?”
“Would you mind the kitchen and I’ll meet you there to set it up

on a cart? I don’t think they need all the treats I got in one sitting.”

“You owe me a favor though,” she chuckled, shaking her head.
“That I do,” I agreed and tossed her the keys. I raced to the front

door and searched for Neville. I found him with Gaven in one of the
common rooms… Having sex.

“I’m so glad you finally said yes, baby,” Gaven moaned as he

helped Neville ride him reverse cowboy style.

“You said you’d share me so there was no reason not to,” Neville

moaned and glanced to his right. I followed his gaze and saw three
other men of the pack watching and waiting. “Who wants me to suck
their cock before they fuck me?”

“I can’t believe you agreed to take us all at once,” Patrick said in

awe as he stepped forward. “That’s hot, Neville.”

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“I’d do anything for my pack. I’m always there for you guys,

right? I just didn’t know you wanted me this way.”

“Of course we do,” Gaven cooed. “You’re so sexy and sweet,


“Your cock is amazing,” Neville moaned and I looked at his eyes

and found them on me. “My ass is all yours anytime you want it. Do
you like it?”

“Yeah,” Gaven growled and fucked him faster. “I’d do anything

to feel your tight hole around my dick again after this.” And just like
that I understood. He was making friends in the most carnal way
because who wouldn’t stick up for their lover?

Me apparently because I’d been confused and so worried about

Kyd I’d handled things badly. I’d never doubt him ever again, that
was for sure. I flipped Neville off before stepping back into the
hallway so everyone couldn’t see me. Then I headed to the kitchen. I
quickly filled Danielle in and she promised to go check things out
herself before talking with Rip and Lys about the situation. It seemed
she didn’t trust Neville either.

How could I have been so blind? What, because he was a smaller

guy I assumed he was sweet and not conniving? No, it was that I’d
checked him out with his last pack and there had never been any
problems with him.

Now I wondered if it was simply any problems they had known

of. How long was Neville playing the innocent victim? Or had he
made allies in his old pack the same way where they wouldn’t have
said anything bad about him?

Time would only tell but for now I had some groveling to do. I

refused to let Neville and the idiotic way I’d handled this break me
apart from the best things that had ever happened to me… Kyd and

I thanked Danielle and pushed the large cart up to the guest room

where my mates were. It killed me inside that they weren’t in our
room anymore because it wasn’t even my room in my head anymore.

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It was ours, just like I was supposed to be theirs and put them first.
But I would make this right.

I turned the knob and cracked open the door enough to push the

cart in.

“So you just fucking walk in without even knocking?” Kyd

growled quietly. My head snapped to the right and I saw him sitting
there in the oversized chair with a book in his lap.

“I thought you guys would be sleeping and didn’t want to wake

you up,” I answered. I glanced to the bed and nodded towards Redley
who was sleeping. “I wasn’t just assuming I was welcome.”

Kyd eyed me over before nodding. “Want to say the words that I

see in your aura?”

“I’m so fucking sorry, my little wiggler,” I whispered as tears

burned in my eyes. I quickly closed the door and moved away from
the cart, kneeling before the chair he was sitting in as I placed my
hands on his legs. “I was wrong, so wrong, and even if it had been a
misunderstanding I screwed up handling it. I was scared but I
wouldn’t have been if I’d been a better mate and gotten you what you

“Please forgive me. You and Redley are the best thing that has

ever happened to me and I never meant to upset you. It’s been a
century since I’ve been in a relationship and never a mating. I’m out
of practice on handling things and how to let go of being a Beta and
bossing people around.”

“Did you realize all of this before or after whatever proof you got

that makes you believe Kyd now?” Redley asked from the bed.

“Before,” I admitted as I wiped my eyes and glanced at him.

“When I heard you guys talking before and Kyd thanked you for
believing him. I realized I should have no matter what he said at least
in front of others. I didn’t have his back and I should have. I just don’t
think I’ve ever felt that kind of fear before when Neville told me he’d
lost Kyd, it was debilitating. And the next thing I knew it was like

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rage at the situation because it all seemed so stupid in my head but
worried more than just me.”

“So you believe me?” Kyd whispered, his eyes showing how

scared he was at my answer.

“Yeah. I spoke with Rip and he said he thought Neville was up to

shit but didn’t know why. When I stopped to listen to my gut that’s
what I got too. So I went to the store and looked around. There’s no
way you could have gotten confused and wandered off in one square
parking lot. I asked the manager of the store and he said that they
hadn’t had anyone say they lost someone today or ask to page a

“I forgive them then, you?” Redley asked our mate.
“Yes, but if you ever don’t have my back like that again in front

of people or ground me to our room or some bullshit, I’m kicking you
in the nuts and you won’t get sex for at least a week,” Kyd rambled.
“Now I want to see the presents you have on the cart that I think are
for us because you came to grovel.”

“Thank you, guys,” I sighed in relief and lowered my head to his


“Everyone screws up, Jensen. It’s how you handle it after that that

makes the difference,” Kyd said gently, basically saying what I’d
heard Redley tell him earlier. “And I’ve never like gotten presents so
I’d pretty much forgive you anything at this point. But I want one of
those back rubs again.”

“Those just get you horny,” I chuckled. I’d been giving them both

rubdowns with some herbal cream that Jim had given me to help with
their achy bodies after being so dehydrated and malnourished.

“Are you complaining, my mate?” he drawled. I lifted my head

and quickly shook it. “Good. Then you get Redley while I push the
cart because I think we should be in our room for fun, don’t you?”

“Yes, more than anything. Our room is all about fun.” I was

thrilled they were coming back where they belonged and they weren’t
going to make me suffer anymore. What had I done right to deserve

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them? I didn’t know but I would do whatever it took to show them
that I did.

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Chapter 5


I practically squealed in delight when I saw how many yummy

chocolate treats Jensen had got in his apology gift. It had been so, so,
so long since I’d had a simple candy bar when I was a kid. And now
there was a cart full of it along with a few things on the bottom of it. I
wanted to put it all on the bed and just swim in sugary goodness.

Sounded messy but worth it.
“Okay, so let’s start with one of my favorites,” Jensen said as he

glanced at us, sitting next to each other practically vibrating. He
handed us Double Stuf Oreos and I shared a glance with Kyd and we
giggled as we took them. “You guys are so dirty. It just means twice
the cream.”

“Yeah, that description helps us be less dirty,” Kyd managed to

reply before we both burst out into peals of giggles. I was laughing so
hard that my side hurt before I could even start to calm down.

“Fine,” Jensen drawled as he pulled back the package. “If you

guys are going to pick on my cookies…” We somehow were able to
stop laughing at the threat. Don’t ask me how.

“We’ll be good,” Kyd purred and yanked off his shirt.
“Why are you undressing?” Jensen asked, swallowing loudly. I

snagged the cookies and opened them up.

“Because you’ll give us anything we want if we’re naked,” Kyd

teased as I handed him one. “I should have just gotten naked earlier
and then you would have been on my side.” I froze with the cookie

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halfway to my mouth and so did he. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it
like that. Or I shouldn’t have said it at all actually.”

“No, I deserve it and while you forgave me it obviously still

bothers you.”

“Yeah, a little,” Kyd admitted before biting into the cookie. I did

the same and we moaned at that wondrous taste that is a Double Stuf
Oreo… Even if the name was funny. “We need to always keep some
of these stocked in our room. I’m willing to give blow jobs for them.”

“No need,” Jensen said quietly as he moved the cart closer and

then lifted Kyd before putting him on his lap. I saw Kyd’s shoulders
go tense as he went stiff on our mate’s lap. “Do you want me to

“No, I want to not feel this way,” he whispered and ate another

cookie. “I’ll get over it and relax. I don’t want it to spoil our fun.”

“Okay, my little wiggler,” Jensen mumbled sadly. I get he

screwed up and felt bad but the last thing I wanted was the man I
already cared about a great deal to look as if his puppy had been

“What else is your favorite?” Kyd asked quietly after we each had

three cookies and set them off to the side.

“I like Twix.” Jensen shrugged and looked away from us.
“Do those have caramel? I remember liking that,” I offered, trying

to get us back to happy.

“Yeah, they do.” He handed them to me and we both opened a

bite-size one and moaned. “You like?”

“Yes, better than the cookies,” Kyd groaned and squirmed on

Jensen’s lap to get more. “What else you got?” Just then there was a
knock at the door and Danielle popped her head in after Jensen told
her to come in.

“You forgot the other part of your groveling gift,” she teased. I

gasped as she wheeled in a cart full of flowers in vases.

“That’s for us?” Kyd whispered reverently.

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“Yeah, I thought you guys deserved flowers,” Jensen replied as

Kyd got off his lap and went over to the cart. “Nothing says I screwed
up and want you to know how sorry I am like flowers.”

“They’re so pretty!” Kyd let out another squeal and started

placing the vases where they belonged around the room. Granted, he
was deciding where that was, but it worked for me. I leaned over
when he put the two dozen red roses by the bed and smelled them.

“These are amazing, Jensen, thank you.” I glanced over at him

from the flowers and he was smiling shyly. “Do I get a kiss to declare
this fight over?”

“Gladly,” he growled. He carefully moved over my body and

mashed his mouth down to mine. I moaned and melted against him,
throwing my arms around his neck. Gods, I wanted to be well enough
to shift and heal so we could go past second and third base and right
to hot sex.

Danielle left when Kyd was done with the empty cart and he’d

placed all the flowers where he wanted. Then he plopped himself on
Jensen’s lap when we were done kissing.

“We should get some live plants in here once the flowers are

gone,” Kyd said as if to himself while eating another Twix. “It would
be good juju for our room. Cleaner air while we sleep too.”

“Anything you want, sweetie,” Jensen immediately agreed.
“Only if you really want them too,” Kyd said as he looked over

his shoulder. “Please don’t just say yes to me because you think you
have to make things right. I’m okay, I swear. I was just thinking of
ways to make our room a little bit livelier.”

“I like orchids but most other plants and flowers I like have to be

outside,” Jensen replied after a moment of thought.

“Orchid it is then.” Kyd smiled at him before giving me a wink to

let me know he really was okay. Then we tried several other goodies
before I was starting to feel a little too full.

“On to the nonfood presents?” I suggested.

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“Good deal,” Jensen chuckled. “I went to the bank and ordered

you guys debit cards on my account so you’ll never be without money
again.” He reached down on the cart and pulled out two boxes. “And
these are cell phones that I hope you’ll always have with you when
you’re not in our room. I never ever want you guys stranded or unable
to call me if you need me.”

“That’s really sweet,” Kyd whispered as he held his box and

stared at it. “This means a lot to me, Jensen. I was so scared when
Neville ditched me. I didn’t know what to do.”

“I’ll show you how to program in my number so you can always

call for help.” In a flash, Kyd turned around on his lap and hugged
him fiercely. “I’m sorry Neville did that to you. I promised to all
always protect you and I didn’t.”

“It was my fault for going with him without having a guard. I just

wasn’t thinking and wanted to make friends here,” Kyd mumbled.
And just like that I knew everything was going to be okay.

Jensen spent the next half hour showing us how to use them

before Jim knocked on the door. Then he gave me the best news… I
was better enough to shift. After I did and my leg was almost healed
he said I needed one more day of rest and then I should be fine. I
waggled my eyebrows at Jensen as our wolf growled, knowing full
well what that meant.

Fine by me. I wanted him more than I wanted the candy. And that

should say it all.

* * * *


The next morning at breakfast I was able to pull Gaven off to the

side without Neville around. I’d already updated Rip, Lys, Danielle,
and Jim, all of us agreeing to keep an eye on the little bugger. But I
wanted to warn my friend.

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“Did Neville tell you about yesterday?” I asked after he followed

me out onto the back terrace.

“Yeah, he’s really torn up about it,” Gaven answered with a

frown. “Seems like they were both kind of dunces on that one. I don’t
understand how they lost each other like that.”

“I went to the store and talked to the manager who had been there

since six that morning, Gaven.” I waited until he nodded for me to
continue. “He said no one had anyone paged because they were lost.
The store isn’t that big and the parking lot is a square that’s less than
an acre. This was more than them being dunces. Kyd had no reason to
ditch Neville. He had no phone or money. He was stranded and

“You think it’s Neville,” he growled. “I like the guy, Jensen. Why

are you trying to blow that? Of course you’d side with your mate.”

“But he didn’t to start with,” Kyd said quietly from behind us. We

both spun around and he shrugged. “I got worried that something was
going on and slipped out after you. Sorry.” He looked at his feet then.
“Plus Neville’s in the dining room going on and on about how I got
lost at the store like a little kid. I figured coming out here was better
than punching him in the nuts.”

I had another thought then. “What time did you guys leave for the


Kyd bit his lower lip and scratched his neck while thinking. It was

cute. “Redley fell asleep around eleven and I went in search of you. I
bumped into Neville right after that and we left. Why?”

“Because Neville interrupted our meeting at eleven forty to tell us

he’d been searching for you everywhere but you ran.”

“It’s about ten minutes each way to the store,” Gaven mumbled,

catching on to my meaning. Then he sighed heavily. “I saw him pull
in. I’d gone for a run and was in wolf form so I doubt he saw me. I
didn’t know that’s where he’d been but he jumped out of his car with
a big smile on his face. Sounds like he was putting on an act.”

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“And he’s looking for allies when this blows up,” I added, staring

at Gaven until he got the meaning.

“He finally lets me fuck him and there’s an agenda? That little

shit! He was like the pack pleaser last night.”

“How many?” I groaned. This just kept getting better and better.
“I think like six. But he said I was the best,” Gaven grumbled


“You’re very handsome and I’m sure you were the best,” Kyd

said gently and hugged my friend. “But let’s find you someone
worthy of you instead of someone trying to use you. You deserve that,

“Can I have this one?” Gaven whimpered and hugged my mate.

“Come on, you got two, Jensen! Share the love, man.”

“I’ll ignore you talking about me like I’m not here because you’re

upset,” Kyd snickered and smacked Gaven’s chest. “You know we’ve
already claimed each other.”

“Fine.” Gaven rolled his eyes like he was put out and let go of my


They were joking around about it but my wolf was pissed that our

friend wanted our mate. I yanked Kyd against me and bit his neck,
snarling. “He’s mine!”

“Yes, all yours,” Kyd cried out and moved my hand down his

shorts. I rubbed my little mate off and he came all over my hand.

“Sorry,” I whispered as I pulled out my teeth and licked the bite

so it stopped bleeding.

“Don’t be,” Kyd purred and pulled away before I could close the

wound. He pulled off his shirt so we could both see the bite. “I like
when you get all possessive.” He handed me his shirt and sauntered
back to the door, glancing back at us once it was open. “Be really
good and maybe I’ll let you fuck me on the table in front of everyone
for breakfast.”

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Gaven whimpered.

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“You’ll find yours, pup,” I chuckled as we followed my mate.

“I’m several centuries old and you’re what, thirty?”

“Yeah but I feel older most days,” he grumbled. I laughed and

threw my arm over his shoulder. He’d be fine. He simply wanted
what we all wanted… Someone to love and love them.

I let him go when we walked into the dining room and all heads

snapped towards Kyd, scenting the air. Shit.

“Why are they looking at me like they want to eat me?” he

whispered as he started shaking.

“You smell like sex,” Lys giggled and waved his hand in front of

his nose before smacking Rip. “The wolves get all riled up and revert
to basic animal needs when they smell it.”

“Jensen bit me when Gaven was goofing around about stealing

me,” Kyd explained and shrugged. Wrong answer. All their eyes
focused on his bite and several licked their lips. “Okay, that’s just
creepy. I can’t even smell when someone’s had sex.”

“You don’t have a heightened sense of smell?” Lys asked, trying

to draw everyone’s attention back to something normal. “I thought all
shifters did.”

“I’m an amphibian. In water I probably have a better sense of

smell, but on land? No, not any better than humans.”

“I thought you were with me, Gaven?” Neville asked in a shrill

voice that hurt my ears. “Now you want the twerp?”

“Please, fucker,” Kyd drawled in a bored tone. “You have a whole

inch or two on me and I doubt you’re as flexible.”

“I’m not with you,” Gaven answered instead. “We fucked and you

fucked a lot of people last night, Neville. I’m surprised you even
remember me.” He was ignoring Gaven though and focused on Kyd.

“Why would you be more flexible than a wolf? Being a

salamander shouldn’t help you there.”

“I’m double-jointed everywhere,” he giggled and glanced at me.

“We’ve not explored that yet.” I didn’t even get a chance to answer

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before he lifted his leg and then pulled it up to his chest, keeping it
straight while the other was still on the floor. Basically he’d done the
splits standing. If that wasn’t enough then he bent over until his hands
touched the ground and did the splits in a handstand.

“Fuck me,” I growled and walked over to my mate. I ran my

hands down his thighs until I was cupping his ass. “Could you hold
this while we had sex?”

“Yes, but not while holding up my weight,” he panted. “It’s kind

of hard to focus when you’re touching me like that, Jensen.”

“I can handle that.” I moved my hands under his thighs and picked

him up until his ass was level with my groin. He stared up at me and
then winked before pulling himself up like a reverse sit-up until he
could reach the table. Then he moved his hands on it and smiled
seductively at me.

“I’d let you do it now if I thought the others in the room wouldn’t

try to eat me.”

“Full moon cycle starts tonight and it screws with our control,”

Rip said quietly. “I don’t leave Lys alone during that time. Some of
the pups have tried to play with him in bird form.”

Neville gave a throaty scream and stormed out of the room. I

shared a glance with Rip and knew we’d be talking about that later.

“We’re going to need water then and not the pool with jets though

that might be good for Redley in human form to stretch out his sore
muscles and joints,” Kyd blurted out when everyone stared at us with
questioning looks.

“Agreed,” I said as I lowered one of his legs and then the other. I

moved closer so he was crowded against the table, staring down at
him with all the lust I felt right now. “You make me so hard, my little

“Would they eat me if I took care of this for you with a blow

job?” he asked in a breathy voice, rubbing against my groin. “I did
cause it and so I should help with that.”

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I leaned in and put my lips against his hear, a thrill going through

me when he shivered. “I have plans for my erection and you after
breakfast. Mainly fucking you until you pass out for being such a
good mate that wants to tend to all my needs.” He nodded, his heart
racing as he started breathing faster with desire. “And I bet those toys
I ordered will be here today too. You said you wanted to experiment.”

“I do, yes,” he whimpered and fisted his hands in my shirt. “Take

me upstairs and fuck me, Jensen. Please? You’re killing me here.”

“You need to eat first, baby,” I chuckled, loving how easily I

could get him wound up and desperate. But then again, it wasn’t like
he couldn’t do the exact same thing to me. I backed away so he could
move and he stuck his tongue out at me before sauntering over to the
sideboard where tons of food always was during meals.

“Fine, whatever,” he bitched as he loaded up his plate. “I wanted

you to feed me your cock, but bacon’s almost as good.” He bit into a
piece and made happy noises. “Yeah, totally satisfies my craving.”
Then he bit into an apple. “Yup, much better than a fat cock in my

“You going to let him talk to you like that and keep going on and

on?” Rip asked quietly as my mate kept eating and comparing it to

“Oh yeah,” I chuckled, watching Kyd in his prime. “I think it’s

hysterical and when he’s done, he’ll ride me like a cowboy until we
both pass out.”

“Interesting,” Rip drawled and looked at his mate. “I can’t ever

deny Lys when he wants sex.”

“The plan might backfire but it works for us.” I threw back my

head and laughed as Rip stalked Lys. “You have to get him wound up

“That’s never a problem,” Lys purred as he hopped up on the table

and spread his legs before Rip inserted himself in between them. “Rip
just can’t say no to me.”

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“But you can to me?” Kyd whispered sadly. I snapped my head in

his direction as his gaze darted between me and my friends. “You can
say no to me.”

“No, my little wiggler,” I choked out, devastated that he was sad

and how he was taking all this. I set his plate down and pulled him
into my arms. “I could never deny you. We’re playing to draw out our
desire. We both know we’re going to go upstairs and fuck like
animals. It’s like a form of foreplay and I love how you bring your
meal back to sex.”

“So if I asked you to really fuck me right here and right now

because I needed it…” He trailed off.

“I’d yank off your shorts and sink my cock into your perfect ass,”

I finished for him. He searched my face for a moment before nodding.
“I like our game. It gets me so hot and then you get all demanding
when we get upstairs that it takes everything I have not to blow the
minute you touch me.”

“So you have restraint to make things more interesting at times

while Rip has none is what you’re saying,” he teased.

“Exactly. Rip couldn’t go an hour with teasing before he took Lys.

I’m older and have more control,” I said loudly, taunting the other

“Oh, it’s on now,” Lys growled playfully. “My mate is all about

teasing and rocking my world. I accept that challenge. We tease you
guys at breakfast and we’ll see who has to leave first.”

“Deal,” Kyd giggled as he picked up his plate again. “Rules? And

what does the winner get?”

“Loser watches the mates while the winner gets to go on the pack

run tomorrow night,” I answered. I always watched Lys to make sure
none of the younger wolves came back and made a meal out of his
mate. So I’d missed all the runs since they’d mated. My friend’s face
fell as he realized that.

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“Deal, but I’ll still stand guard next month so you can go with the

pack,” he said with a smile. “I didn’t realize you were sacrificing so
much to protect Lys.”

“I never told you.” I shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal

about it when others were watching.

“Pants stay on but everything else is fair game,” Lys said, defining

the rules after we were quiet a moment.

“Deal.” Kyd nodded in agreement and elbowed me when I didn’t.

I gave him a feral smile and nodded as well. He shivered at the look
and filled up two plates. I knew one was for me without even asking.
We sat next to my friends and he immediately plopped in my lap as
Lys did in Rip’s.

“I got twenty on Jensen and Kyd,” Gaven called out.
“I’ll take that bet,” Danielle agreed. Moments later the other

fifteen people in the room had placed their wagers.

“Oops,” Kyd giggled as he dropped a slice of orange on his chest.

“That’s going to make me all sticky.”

“Sticky like my cum makes you?” I purred and turned him around

on my lap. I stuck the fruit in my mouth and moaned before leaning
him over the table and licking his chest, stopping to bite his nipple.

“Nothing compares to your cum leaking out of my ass after you

fuck me silly,” he moaned. I lifted my head and fed him some bacon.

“Shrimp!” Lys exclaimed as he humped against Rip. I watched

my Alpha feed his little penguin mate seafood, knowing it turned Lys
into a horny, begging slut.

“Kyd,” I growled as he dumped a forkful of eggs on my shoulder.
“My bad.” He leaned over and ate them off of me, taking his time

to lick every inch of my skin there when they were gone. Then he
kissed up to my ear and nipped the lobe. “Not as good as your cock
but filling all the same.”

“I’m going to fill you.” I fed him some toast when he opened his

mouth. Then while he was eating it I moved the plates aside and sat
him on the table. He raised an eyebrow but let me push him back so

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he was lying on it. I stood and dumped the plate of food on his
stomach and chest.

“That’s hot, Jensen!” he yelped. None of it was hot enough to

burn him, but I’m sure it kept him warm.

“Not as hot as your sweet ass.” I met his gaze as I ate eggs off of

him, taking the time to tip my tongue into his belly button. “These
pancakes need syrup.”

“Oh yeah they do,” he whimpered. I tore them into smaller pieces

and reached for the syrup, pouring it all over them and his chest.

“Fuck me, Jensen,” he begged, rubbing against me. “I need to

come so bad.”

“Not yet.” I teased him by slowly licking some of the syrup up

before eating the pancakes.

“Damn, I’m hard just from their show,” Lys grumbled. “We’re

never that kinky.”

“I beg to differ,” Rip chuckled. “I remember fucking you all over

this table with nothing but melted butter several times.”

“That’s true.” Lys hopped up on the table and let his hair fall in

his face. “And you did other things with my hair too.”

“It’s like silk wrapped around my cock,” Rip agreed.
“Do you want me to grow out my hair?” Kyd asked me hesitantly.
“Nope. I like that you have just enough to hold on to but doesn’t

cover up your beautiful face.” His was about ear length and while it
needed a trim and a style, I loved the length.

“I finished my toast.” He smiled widely at me and I knew he

believed what I’d said and the compliment meant something to him. I
picked up a strawberry and put it between my lips before leaning over
and kissing him. Kyd wrapped his legs around my hips and went wild
as we made out. I grabbed his firm ass and rubbed our groins together.

“Come for your mate, my little wiggler,” I demanded as I made

sure his hard cock rubbed my stomach. Kyd’s eyes went wide before
he threw back his head and cried out as he creamed his shorts.

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“Damn,” I heard a few gasp as my mate rode his orgasm. When he

was spent I went back to torturing his body as I fed him. Then I sat
back in the chair and made sure my wet noodle of a mate ate
everything on his plate.

“Aren’t you dying to fuck him?” Rip asked as Lys sucked a

hickey on his neck. “You demanded his orgasm and he went like a
geyser. How are you not buried inside of him right now?”

“Because I want to build his need back up before we go upstairs to

play. That way I’ll come so hard inside of him that Kyd will have
aftershocks from it for a while.”

“You do love giving me multiple orgasms and aftershocks,” my

mate groaned and started eating faster.

“Rip, please, make me come,” Lys begged. “I want to feel you

inside of me.”

“Yes, my love,” Rip growled and lifted his mate up. “You win but

really I do too.” He threw his mate over his shoulder and raced out of
the room.

“Now that we’ve won,” I purred in Kyd’s ear. “Go fix a couple of

plates for Redley and let’s get into bed.”

“Deal!” He squeaked and hopped up from my lap. It was going to

be a fun morning.

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Chapter 6


That afternoon I was still walking a little funny from the marathon

of pleasure Jensen and I had. I’d ridden him while Redley watched
and ate his breakfast. After that, Jensen rode me and I sucked Redley
off. I was so excited that he was going to shift once more tonight and
then could finally be able to join in. I knew Jensen was dying to claim
his other mate.

Life was good.
And then I saw a wolf racing towards me. I didn’t know much

about wolves but I could tell when another animal wasn’t happy. Shit.
I had just come outside to stretch out and get some air. I groaned
when I remembered Jensen and Rip talking about how wolf pups
didn’t do well around prey animals during the lunar cycle. I glanced
back at the house and saw the distance. There was no way I could
outrun this wolf.

Fuck on a stick.
I quickly shifted, hoping to hide in my clothes. Maybe if he didn’t

see me or couldn’t get at me because he didn’t have thumbs, then he’d
realize what he was doing. Good plan… But it didn’t work. The wolf
was on me and shredding my clothes like paper to get at me.

I had to go with plan B though I didn’t like it. I started secreting

the poison salamanders could make to knock out attackers. Then I
leapt out of my clothes and landed on the wolf’s face. He snarled and
tried to toss me off, but I wrapped my little salamander fingers around
his fur and held on. He moaned and started swaying after a moment. I

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didn’t let go though because I didn’t think this was a pup who had
gotten overly excited.

I was pretty sure this was an attack and there was one person I

knew didn’t like me… Neville. I held on until they passed out,
flopping onto their side. Then I jumped off his face, shifted back,
grabbed my phone, and snapped a picture of the wolf like Jensen had
showed me how to do. I picked up my tattered clothes and raced back
to the house. I sent the picture with a message that the wolf had tried
to eat me.

Just as I got to the terrace the back doors opened and I launched

myself into Jensen’s arms. “I’m sorry. You said no going anywhere
alone. I didn’t realize that meant the back yard. I just wanted to get
some air. I won’t do it again.”

“Sweetie, it’s okay,” he soothed as he held me tightly. Then he

growled when he realized I was naked and yanked off his shirt,
covering me with it. “You’re allowed to be on the grounds. I just
think you shouldn’t do it alone during the lunar cycle.”

“Thank you for not ordering me or treating me like a child,” I said

quietly. I’d screwed up and I knew that, Jensen knew that. But we
were partners and one didn’t tell off the other for disobeying when
they were equals. It meant a lot to me that he’d changed his tune so
quickly on that.

“I just don’t want you hurt. Where is the wolf?”
“I knocked him out over there with my poison stuff,” I admitted

and I buried my face in his neck, completely embarrassed.

“I’m on it,” Gaven said before taking off.
“I thought it was a pup who maybe was excited, but they came

racing at me when they saw me, Jensen. I think this was deliberate.”

“Like someone saw you leave our room and followed you?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I just don’t feel in my gut this was an


“Okay, sweetie. I believe you.” He carried me into the kitchen and

set me down on the counter. I watched as he grabbed a bottle of water

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from the fridge and handed it to me. I was grateful because I hadn’t
even realized I was thirsty until I started drinking it and then I
chugged it down.

“There wasn’t a wolf there anymore,” Gaven said as he jogged

into the kitchen a few minutes later. “And all I could smell was your
toxin stuff. That shit stinks!”

“Wow, I never knew it smelled bad before.” I shrugged. “I sent a

picture of the wolf to Jensen. I didn’t know if you guys could tell each
other apart like you can in human form or if it’s more of a smell

“It’s a smell thing,” they said together.
“Well balls,” I grumbled and finished my water. Then I had

another thought. “Even if the toxin wore off enough where they were
able to move it wouldn’t fully wear off. There would be parts of them
that didn’t work right for hours yet.”

“Like what?”
“Like when your foot falls asleep and it tingles. They’d have that

in some of their limbs.”

“Let’s see who’s acting funny or doesn’t show up to lunch then,”

Jensen said with a wolfish grin. He leaned forward and gave me a
loud kiss, making sure he slipped his hands under his shirt and cupped
my ass.

“Gaven, could you give us a minute?” I asked when Jensen went

to pick me up.

“Sure.” He smiled widely and ducked out the door.
“I love you, Jensen,” I whispered as I pulled his head down to

mine. He gasped in shock and I kissed him deeply, letting him see
exactly how I felt. “I love you so much that being with you is as vital
to me now as breathing, as it is being with Redley.”

“You love so openly and without any walls,” he said quietly as he

searched my eyes. “That astounds me after all you’ve been through
and here I’m having trouble saying the words back.”

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“Do you feel them?” I asked, already knowing the answer. He

nodded and I smiled. “I know you do. You show me and I can see it
in your aura, Jensen. They’re just words and you’ll say them when
you’re ready.”

“I don’t deserve you, my little wiggler,” he whispered as he buried

his face in my neck, holding me tightly.

“Of course you do but I think I get an extra treat with lunch,” I

chuckled. He smiled and lifted me into his arms, twirling us around
while I squealed. He was so happy. I could practically feel it coming
off of him in waves and his aura shined with it. “I guess you like my

“You have no idea what it means to me,” he whispered as he held

me tight. I heard him sniff and wanted to push, ask him what was
going on but now was not the time or place. He’d tell us when he was
ready. But something had hurt our mate deeply if he really didn’t
think he was worth loving like this. He carried me into the dining
room before setting me on my feet. There was a commotion in the
hallway and both our heads snapped in that direction.

“I’m fucking free of that goddamn bed!” Redley bellowed as he

came racing in the room. I stepped aside just in time for him to launch
himself into Jensen’s arms. “I can have sex. Lots of sex. Almost a
week of watching you guys fuck and not being able to play like that.
Want to have sex? You still want to claim me now that I’m not a

Jensen stared at him like a crazy man for a moment before simply

mashing his mouth down to Redley’s to shut up his rambling. Worked
for me. They moaned and practically ate each other’s faces with no
inhibitions while I walked over to the sideboard and started putting
together sandwiches for them.

“Did you have more sex?” Gaven asked someone quietly. I lifted

my head and reached for another sandwich roll I didn’t really need so
I could see who he was talking to.

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“Nah, my foot fell asleep while I was reading. I was waiting to

find you for more sex,” Neville answered with a purr. I met Gaven’s
gaze and saw how sad he was. I felt bad for the man. He thought he’d
met someone who liked him for him.

“That sucks. Maybe we should have Jim look at it to make sure

you’re okay,” Gaven offered. He didn’t wait for an answer. “Jim,
come take a look at Neville. His foot fell asleep.”

“Don’t make a big deal about it,” Neville hissed under his breath.
“But it is a big deal,” Jensen snarled as he pushed me behind him.

I’d been so drawn in to the conversation I hadn’t even noticed he
stopped making out with Redley.

“What’s going on?” Redley whispered as he pulled me into his

arms. “You’re shaking and that douchebag looks ready to shit

“He tried to attack me outside and I shifted and covered him in

toxins in his wolf form. We weren’t sure who it was but he says his
foot fell asleep.”

“Aftereffects of the toxin,” Redley growled. “Why, Neville? Why

are you trying to get rid of Kyd?”

“Are we still on his getting lost?” Neville drawled, crossing his

arms over his chest and shooting daggers at us with his eyes.

“No, now we’re talking about the wolf who tried to eat my mate

outside. Kyd knocked you out and your foot falling asleep is a lot like
the effects of the toxin wearing off,” Jensen answered as he moved

“You can’t prove anything so don’t throw around accusations like

that,” Neville snapped. “Kyd can’t tell you for sure it was me because
he can’t smell like we can. It could have been any wolf that tried to
attack him.”

“Nice of you to have thought of your defense already,” Jim

drawled. “Come with me, Neville.”

“No, you can’t lock me up.”

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“I’m just taking you to our Alpha to get your side of the story

before everyone else tells what they know as well. Or are you
disobeying an order from an elder of this pack?” Jim raised an
eyebrow as if daring him to say no again.

“Of course not, Jim. I just am not a fan of witch hunts on people

of our pack when we know nothing about the guests staying here
making the accusations.” Neville’s tone was haughty and I wanted to
bash his face in. I thought that was a pretty fair reaction considering
all the shit the man was causing.

“They’re not guests,” Jensen growled, but then took a deep breath

when Redley and I moved to either side of him and wrapped our arms
around him. He would only add fuel to the fire if he couldn’t stay
calm about this. “They’re my mates. They’re pack just as much as
you are now, Neville.”

“I don’t understand any of this, Jensen. I thought we were

friends,” Neville whispered, turning on the waterworks. “You’ve
known them not even a week and suddenly you hate me and believe
all this crap about me.”

“I spoke to the manager at the store, Neville. He was very

confused when I told him a friend of mine was paging someone
they’d lost. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, when I shouldn’t have
and believed my mate. He turned out not to be the liar or confused
one. I won’t make that mistake again.”

Neville sniffled and went to hug Jim for comfort but the elder

simply pushed the man towards the door. “I don’t fall for tricks,
youngin. And I don’t play games. Try someone else for your
sympathy vote.”

“I like Jim,” I giggled when they were gone.
“You okay?” Jensen asked, Redley looking just as worried as our


“No, but let’s eat anyways before you claim our man here. I won’t

let Neville’s bullshit and issues ruin something so important.”

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“Thank you,” Redley whispered as he hugged me. “If you want to

talk or just want to go back to bed to cuddle, all you have to do is say

“Nah, I’d much rather watch hot sex and you claim our mate.” I

wanted it to happen, but I did want comfort and cuddling too. This
was their moment though I knew they’d hold me and soothe my fried
nerves after they were mated. I could wait.

* * * *


“We need to stretch you out some more, sweetie,” Jensen moaned

as I slicked up his cock.

“No, no more waiting, delaying, excuses, or reasons not to claim

me. If you don’t want me just say it now!” I knew I was being
unreasonable but it was like having what I wanted most just out of
reach for the past week. It was maddening and I was ready to snap
under the pressure.

“Hey now, that’s not what’s going on here.” I was instantly in

Jensen’s arms as he comforted me.

“I’m ruining this,” I whimpered, wiping away tears. “All I wanted

was for you to jump me like you did Kyd. To need me and crave me
like you do him. You would already have been buried inside of him
and making him scream.”

“That’s not true either, my little wiggler,” he whispered as he

kissed my neck. His hands moved to my hips, rubbing them over the
bones there as he swayed his hips. “I don’t want Kyd any more than I
want you. It was simply different circumstances and I wasn’t in

“I don’t want you in control. I want you so full of lust that you

can’t help but throw me down and fuck me senseless before you claim

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“And see, it hurts me when I think that that’s how I claimed my

mate. I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.”

“I don’t understand,” I mumbled as I turned my head to look up at

him. He gave me a feral smile that reached his eyes and made me

“Going fast is great, but for our first time together I want to

explore, build up the need, and watch my sweet mate blow so hard at
the end of it that you turn into happy goo.”

“That’s sounds nice too,” I panted, my eyes going wide at the

scene he was drawing for me. He gave me a wink and then lowered
his head down to mine, turning me enough so he could lift me into his
arms. I moaned as he licked my lips before diving in for more.
Wrapping myself around him, I got so lost in the kiss that I didn’t
even realize he was lowering me to the bed until I felt the comforter
rub against my naked body.

“Are you truly mine as you are Kyd’s?” He stared at me and I saw

a sliver of fear in his gaze.

“Yes. I’m equally and truly both of yours, Jensen. I wouldn’t tie

us together forever if I wasn’t completely sure of that.”

“Good,” he growled. I gasped as he kissed along my neck while

fondling my cock. Then he moved down my body, his lips touching
every spot on my body… Even the ticklish ones as he kept stroking
me. When he got to my hip he went even faster. “Come for your

“Yes, Jensen,” I cried out as he swallowed me down and my cock

exploded in his mouth. Wow! I’d never had someone play my body so
well that they could order my orgasm like dinner. It was fantastic and
it seemed to never want to end. “Oh gods, oh gods, oh godlike

“I like that,” he chuckled when I came back down from my bliss. I

hadn’t even noticed he had fingers in my ass until I could think again.
Sneaky, talented man. “You are so damn gorgeous, Redley. Watching

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you ride the pleasure I bring you is one of the hottest things I’ve ever
seen.” I blushed and ducked my head. “That’s sexy too.”

I yelped as he pulled his fingers out and flipped me over with a

growl. “Control all gone?”

“Yes, I want to fuck this sweet ass for hours and bite you so

everyone sees the marks and how much I needed to claim you.”

“I’m good with that,” I panted, pushing my ass up for him like an


“Baby, I’m so glad you’re not bone thin anymore,” he whispered

in a choked voice. “It killed me to see how hurt and abused you’d
both been.”

“That’s all over with now,” I said gently, glancing at him over my

shoulder. “A knight in shining armor rescued us, protected us, loved
us, and we fell in love with him.”

His eyes went wide at my words and he nodded his understanding

while licking his lips. Then he looked down at my ass and growled,
moving my hips so it jiggled for him. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

“Why don’t you see if your cock likes being inside of me?” I

taunted, needing to feel that big piece of meat connect us. He didn’t
wait any longer then, spreading my cheeks wide and pushing against
my back door.

“How badly do you want it?” Now it was his turn to tease


“So bad I’m willing to offer you anything you want to thrust

forward,” I whimpered as I tried to push my hips back. “Please,
Jensen? It’s been a week of tease-Redley time and I can’t take any

“I know, baby. Me neither.” He thrust into me hard and my body

convulsed, throwing me into a mini-climax. I shook from it as my
cock gave two small spurts of cum but still stayed hard. “That’s sexy.
I didn’t know you could have little orgasms.”

“Neither did I,” I giggled. “Want to do it again?”

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“No, I want to make you scream and have a tidal-wave kind of


“Yes please,” I groaned and pushed my hips back. He got the idea

and started pounding his huge cock in and out of my body. “Never
been so full. Never been so hard.”

“You’re perfect,” he moaned as he molded his body to my back.

“And all mine. All mine forever.”

“Yes,” I hissed and tilted my neck so he had access to it. “Claim

me.” He growled and licked my neck as he fucked me like an animal.
When it was time he sank his teeth into my flesh and I came,
screaming his name for everyone to hear. My soul soared when he
cried out around my skin and shot his seed deep into my channel.

“Holy shit, that was hot,” Kyd whispered from behind us. He had

said he was going to take a long bath and give us some time alone.
Either we were loud and he couldn’t resist… Or it was just Kyd and
he didn’t want to resist fun.

“Couldn’t stay away, could you?” I chuckled as my body gave

out. Jensen’s strong arms kept me up and I glanced at him. Why
didn’t he let me fall to the bed?

“Once isn’t going to be enough,” he whispered, seeming unsure. I

whimpered and pushed my ass against him as a very clear indication
that I was completely alright with that. “And I think we should all
play. Kyd? Want a blow job from our mate?”

“What idiot would say no to that?” Kyd snickered and raced

around to the front of me. “Want to be double stuffed, Redley?”

“Uh-huh,” I moaned as I eyed his leaking cock. Then I simply

opened my mouth and gestured him forward with my tongue because
I wanted his yummy treat. Kyd climbed on the bed and sat down,
spreading his legs wide so I didn’t have to keep my weight up with
my arms. I immediately took him into my mouth and groaned at the
taste of the man I loved.

“Damn, that’s fucking sexy as hell,” Jensen growled as he started

moving his hips again. I felt his cum running down my ass and thigh,

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shivering at the intensity of his need that I was already full of his seed
and he was taking me again.

Kyd started making those pretty mewling noises as I took him

deeper into my throat and leaned back on his hands to watch the
show. It didn’t take long for the dominoes to start falling. Jensen bit
the other side of my neck as I screamed around Kyd’s cock. Then he
shot down my throat, and Jensen filled my ass… Again.

This time we all flopped to the bed, nothing but heavy breathing

to be heard.

“You’re on the clock,” Kyd groaned, reminding me that we only

produced mating pheromones for a little while after claiming. “I got
the tub ready.”

“And you’ll get lots of kisses for that when we’re done.” He lifted

his hand and gave me a thumbs-up, which of course made me giggle.
Then I yelped as Jensen lifted me up, still inside of me, and raced into
the bathroom. “It’s like you really want me to claim you or

“Me? Nooo,” he drawled as he pulled me off his cock and got us

into the tub. “Now shift and make me loopy, my little wiggler. I have
a meeting in a few hours, but this is more important.”

“You really believe that, don’t you?” I whispered.
“With all my heart.” He cupped my cheek and brushed his lips

over mine before waggling his eyebrows at me. I got the idea and
shifted so I ended up on his chest. “That really tickles.”

Good to know. I got to work, making sure to spread pheromones

all around his chest, then up his shoulders and arms before getting his
neck just for good measure. I didn’t want to miss a spot and risk our
mating not taking right away. A little more over there.

I wiggled back down his body and he lifted his leg so it was

floating and all my pheromones wouldn’t just be washed away in the
water if I had to submerge.

Can’t forget his knee. It was kind of funny, like trying to make

sure I got every inch of the floor I was mopping or something. I leapt

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into the air and landed on his other leg, my mate chuckling at my
airborne lunge.

When he was all done his eyes were closed and he was sinking in

the water. Shit. I quickly shifted back and pulled the plug of the drain.
“Kyd! I think I overdid it.” I gently smacked Jensen’s cheek, trying to
hold him up so he didn’t sink into the water. “Stay with me until we
get you out of the tub.”

“Want to fuck,” he slurred as he groped me.
“Not until after a nap, stud,” Kyd said firmly and helped me get

him out of the tub. We managed to drag him back into our room but
there was no way we were going to be able to lift his three-hundred-
pound, tall body up onto the bed. Instead we pulled the bedding onto
the floor and made sure he was comfortable before snuggling up
against our mate.

“Love you both so much,” he whispered before starting to snore


“He loves us,” Kyd said in a relieved tone. Yeah, I felt the same

way. We were going to be blissfully happy from now on.

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Chapter 7


“So you’re saying we can’t touch Neville?” I growled, trying to

keep my tone respectful as I spoke to my Alpha. We were in a
meeting with Lys and Jim, along with Gaven and Danielle, to discuss
the situation.

“No, I’m saying we can’t do anything yet,” Rip clarified. “His dad

is an Alpha of another pack. A well-connected one. I’m waiting for a
call back from him to discuss what’s been going on. We don’t have
any proof that’s not circumstantial. I don’t want to draw attention to
your mates or what they can do, Jensen. We don’t know what UPAC
knows or if they’d want them for their poison. I’m trying to protect all
of us.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” I sighed and flopped back into the

chair. “But you have to understand where I’m coming from, Rip.
What if Neville had Lys in his sights?”

“I’d tear the fucker to shreds,” he agreed. “Look, I’ll try things

with the Alpha. For all we know everyone was so quick to sing
Neville’s praises from his last pack because they wanted him gone.
Worst case, Neville will have an accident he doesn’t survive.”

“Alpha?” Jim gasped.
“He’s threatened not only a member of this pack’s mates, but my

best friend’s happiness. If I didn’t think there might be more severe
consequences than we could handle then I would have already ended
him.” His tone brokered no room for argument and I felt worlds better

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about the situation. “For now, we try doing this the right way and
watch Jensen’s mates with both eyes to keep them safe.”

“Good deal. Thanks, Rip,” I said, making sure he heard my

genuine appreciation in my voice.

“You’re happy. They make you happy and that’s all I ever wanted

for you, my friend.”

We settled a few other things for the pack and called the meeting

over. I headed to the door, ready to get back to my hot, wonderful
mates, only to come up short when I got to the hallway.

“Fuck me!” I exclaimed.
“We were hoping you’d fuck us,” Kyd giggled and wiggled his

tight ass. They were both kneeling on all fours in the hallway, slicked
up, stretched, and ready to go.

“We know how growly and possessive you get when people see

us naked and want us,” Redley added. My gaze snapped to the guy I’d
assigned to guard them, Barclay.

He held his hands up in surrender and paled slightly. “They went

into their bathroom saying they were going to take a shower together.
Next thing I know they’re racing out of the room, naked, and I’m
running after them to make sure they were okay. They came straight
here about five minutes ago and haven’t moved waiting for you.
Never touched them.”

“Mine!” I snarled. Both my mates shivered and nodded.
“Yes, we’re yours,” Kyd moaned and pushed his ass in the air.

“Fuck and bite your bad little mates. Everyone saw what’s yours as
we raced all around naked.”

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing here,” I said as I

unzipped my fly. “But I would never deny my mates. Whose idea was
it though?”

“You really have to ask?” Redley snickered, shaking his head.
“That’s what I thought. Then Redley gets fucked first,” I purred

and knelt behind him. I leaned over and sank my teeth into his round,
pert ass, getting a moan from him.

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“You like this, admit it.” Kyd pouted.
“Oh I do, but I plan on fucking you until you pass out and I didn’t

want to leave you full of cum, lying on the floor debauched while I
took care of our mate. So you can wait and build the anticipation.”

“You’d have to fuck him at least twice to make him pass out.

Think you have three times in you?” Redley teased. I smacked his ass
hard and he moaned as his cock leaked onto the carpet.

“Let’s find out.” I slammed into him, knowing they were more

than slicked up for it. I grabbed his shoulders and started a punishing
pace. He screamed my name loudly, drawing a crowd since we were
in the main hallway… And blocking it.

“I want,” I heard Lys whimper behind me. “Fuck me against the

wall, my Alpha.”

“The buttons you push,” Rip growled. Good that we were helping

others in their sex lives as well.

Redley didn’t last long. I bit him and filled him with my seed,

chuckling when he flopped on the floor. I pulled out of him and
moved behind Kyd.

“Love you,” he moaned as I thrust into him.
“And I you.” That was as far as I could get in saying the words,

but it was progress and neither of my mates had pushed me for more.
I fucked him hard and fast, loving the happy sounds he made for all to

“So full, so strong, so hits every good spot,” he mewled as he

fisted the carpet. I bit him once and slowed down so I didn’t blow my
load. He came with a scream, his ass clamping down on me. The
moment he was done I started pounding into him again. “Oh, you are
such a sex god.”

“I try,” I grunted and took him faster. I pulled him up against my

chest and thrust hard enough that I knew his knees would have rug
burn. “Bad little wiggler. Bad mate. No one should see your assets but
me and Redley.”

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“Then you’ll just have to spank me each time I flaunt what’s

yours,” he taunted.

“Mine!” I snarled and bit the other side of his neck. He screamed

my name and came as I found my release deep in his ass. I licked both
bites so they stopped bleeding but the marks would stay. He was still
awake though boneless when we were spent. “Come again for me, my

“I can’t, too much,” he gasped.
“Everyone’s watching me fuck your hot little ass,” I purred as I

stroked his flagging cock. I had an idea then. I pulled out of him and
used the strength he loved so much to lift him so his legs were over
my shoulders as I swallowed down his cock. His shoulders thumped
against the wall and he went wild.

“So strong,” he moaned and thrust his hips forward. I smiled as I

kept sucking him off, fingering his well-used hole that was leaking
my seed. “Oh shit, that’s good.” Minutes later he came again and his
eyes fluttered as he passed out. I chuckled and pulled off his dick,
laying him gently on the carpet. I turned like the predator I was to my
prey as he whimpered.

“I love when you get that look in your eyes and it’s directed at


“What look?” I growled as I stalked over to Redley.
“The one that says you’re going to eat me up in the best way

possible,” he whispered. I tackled him to the floor, careful not to get
tangled in my jeans as they slid down to my thighs. Hell, during all
this sex I hadn’t even pushed down my pants more than just to make
sure the zipper didn’t hurt them.

“Mine!” I spread his legs wide in the air and slammed back into

him. He cried out over and over again until I leaned down and licked
the other side of his neck and bit him. Redley’s screams were hoarse
from a well-used throat as he came all over my shirt. I followed him
right over into bliss and filled his sweet ass with my cum.

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“You fucked them both into passing out, dude,” Gaven chuckled

as I gasped for air. I stared down at my second mate who was softly
snoring while my cock was still inside of him. “You’re an animal,

“Yeah, but kind of an old one,” I moaned as I pulled out of him

and flopped to the floor on my back. “I’m ready to pass out now too.”

“Well, you got quite a workout,” Lys giggled. “Maybe Rip has a

standard to live up to now.”

“I’ll give you a standard,” Rip snarled and thrust into his mate

after they’d clearly had at least one round of sex. He raced towards
their rooms, Lys bouncing on his cock and crying out in pleasure.

“Glad I could help,” I mumbled and waved a hand in the air, not

willing to use what little energy I had left to even lift my head. “Oh
shit, I’m tired.”

“Want us to help you get them to your room?” Danielle asked

with a smirk. “If you hadn’t been such a dominant wolf they could be
walking up there on their own right now.”

“They taunted me into it,” I defended.
“Sure they did. Poor, poor Jensen,” Gaven snickered as he lifted

Redley up into his arms. “You get Kyd and Barclay can help you, old

“I’m going to kick your ass on the run tomorrow night. Do you

know how many times I’ve had sex today?” I groaned as I got to my
feet, zipping up my jeans after tucking in my spent cock. “I’ve lost
count. I have two horny, sexy mates.”

“Again, we feel so bad for poor you,” Barclay said with a snort.

Fine, they had a point. I was a lucky bastard and couldn’t even hide
my smile at how blessed I was to have my mates. I wrapped an arm
around him and leaned on him slightly, my whole body feeling like
jelly after all the exertion I put forth.

I was half asleep on my feet by the time we got to my room. I

crashed on the bed and my friends put one of my sleeping mates on
either side of me. I barely remember my head hitting the pillow.

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But I woke to two sets of soft lips licking my nipples with their

hands down my jeans. “You guys are insatiable.”

“We have a hot mate,” Redley giggled. “But Kyd and I talked and

we want to know more about your past. We figured touching and
loving on you would help.”

“How do you know it’s bad?” I asked quietly, shocked they’d

figured that out.

“You give hints here and there that you don’t believe you’re

worthy of love,” Kyd hedged. “That’s not something that normally
develops overnight.”

“Smart and sexy,” I chuckled and then sighed. “Yeah, I didn’t

have the best time growing up.”

“Tell us and then we’ll lick your whole body to work the pain out

of your system,” Redley offered. Who could pass up an offer like

“I grew up in a different time,” I said quietly as I wrapped my

arms around them for comfort. “It was centuries ago and most people
were shorter then, no knowledge about paranormals. But I was tall
even for a wolf and so fucking skinny. I shot up around my eighteenth
birthday and was bone thin. My brothers were normal height and
filled out, very handsome men. And my sisters were curvy in all the
right places.

“Both had potential suitors all over the place while I was skinny,

awkward, and clumsy. It made me a severe disappointment to my
parents. They were well-to-do in what was the area Boston now was
and threw lavish parties where I’d hide in a corner because no one
would dance with me or want to be caught talking to me. And then to
top it off, I knew I was gay so they probably figured it out before I

“We know what it’s like to not be treated by your family the way

you should be,” Kyd said sadly. I hugged them both closer. They
weren’t touching me for sexual contact anymore, simply caressing my

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chest in a need to comfort me. It felt fabulous and actually made the
conversation easier.

“No matter what I did or ate I couldn’t fill out. It happens that way

sometimes because when a person can live forever, they don’t age
like humans. So most human teens shoot up and fill out by their
twenties. For whatever reason, I didn’t. I was fifty with the body of a
very tall nineteen-year-old. Hell, I was a virgin until I was sixty.”

“Good to know that didn’t stop you from being the most

wondrous lover ever,” Redley purred and rubbed against me in case I
didn’t get his point.

“Thanks, baby.” I held them tight and swallowed loudly at what

came next in the story. “I made one friend, a young female wolf who
hated her parents and the way they paraded her around like their meal
ticket to mate her to a wealthy family. We’d hide at parties together
and stuff our faces with all the lavish foods there. But then she met
someone and stopped coming around so often.”

“I doubt this has a happy ending,” Kyd whispered as he leaned

forward and kissed my chest.

“No, not really. She gave in to him, thinking they would mate, but

he used her and then left her when she got pregnant. My heart broke
for her and I did the best I could to help her. I said I’d run away with
her so her family didn’t ever find out. We could get jobs and live as a
married couple to keep her and the baby safe. I think in the back of
her mind she kept thinking the father of her child would pull his head
out of his ass and come back for her.

“But he never did and her family figured out that she was

pregnant when she started showing. They asked and she told them I
was the father. Well, I was from a good enough family but not the son
they would have chosen from her. So it started a huge uproar about
my disgracing her and we needed to get mated. As this was all going
on, I was finally losing my virginity.

“I was balls deep in the cute stableboy who took care of my horse

and had started hinting around that he liked me. We’d just finished

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and that’s when her parents and mine found us. Needless to say things
got worse from there. I felt horrible I’d failed her and ruined her story
but if I had known first I would have been right at her side claiming
the child as mine. Instead, I either had to admit I was gay and the
child wasn’t mine or that I cheated on the mother of my baby.

“I was screwed either way but cheating on a wolf that you plan to

mate back then would have had me strung up at the gallows so I had
to tell the truth. I assured them that I would still marry my friend and
claim the child as mine. But they weren’t having any of it. They
didn’t want a queer stepping in to raise their grandchild especially
when their daughter was obviously a whore.”

“People suck,” Redley grumbled. I couldn’t agree with him more.
“Her father backhanded her when she defended herself against his

vile words and I watched in horror as she hit a post in the barn and her
neck snapped. It was an accident and shocking since she was a wolf
that something so random could have killed her. I was devastated. I
fell to the ground and pulled her into my lap, sobbing because she was
my only real friend and I would have loved to have raised her baby
with her. I had always really liked kids and being a gay man I never
thought I’d have any.”

“What happened after that?” Redley asked quietly when I stopped.
“Next thing I knew my father made a deal with her father that I

was to be blamed for the accident and banished from the pack. That
was as long as her father never told anyone that my parents had a
queer for a child. Minutes after it happened I was being dragged out
of the barn and given enough time to pack what I could in a few bags
and sent on my way. My father told me if I ever came back he would
shoot me on sight.

“It was like in his mind I really had been the cause of her death

and I was gay so he wanted me gone. I left and found work. Odd jobs,
whatever I could, and then building railways for trains after they were
invented, started filling out, and stopped ever wanting to be around
people. It was another fifty years until I even opened up enough to

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take someone to bed. And then I met a wolf who was part of the DC
pack and they didn’t like having a random wolf around.

“I joined their pack but never really got involved. Years and years

later the Alpha told me that a Chicago-land pack needed someone
strong because they were a small pack and I thought, why not? Why
not join a newer pack, get away from the East Coast, and be in a
position to protect and make sure pack laws were followed? It
sounded perfect for me to get over some of my demons.”

“Did it help?” Kyd was so focused on playing with the few chest

hairs I had I was shocked he was still listening. But then I chastised
myself. That was my issue about not feeling as if I meant anything to
anyone, not his.

I thought about his question for a few minutes. “Yes, it made me

more confident and I felt better about my height, especially since once
I moved here I was filled out and built. I was good at being a Beta and
protecting people. It didn’t really help with the feeling unloved and
not loveable. What happened with Lys and Rip killed me and I went
spiraling out of control and started heavily drinking until I met you

“I’m still not sure I understand why it upset you so much if you

didn’t want Lys really,” Redley said gently as he propped his chin on
my chest so he could see me.

“It just drove me insane that he had this gorgeous man wanting to

be his mate and give him everything I’d ever wanted right in front of
me. And he just couldn’t accept it because Lys was a man. Or a bird.
Or who knows why but it was like watching a train wreck when I’d
been searching for centuries to find someone to date me instead of all
the hookups and meaningless sex. And it was within reach for him. It
pissed me off.

“I mean, the last time I was even with someone, and that was only

for a short while, was like a century ago. And he ended up having the
goal of sleeping with as many Betas as he could behind my back. He

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was all about his list of conquests. I wanted something real and Rip
was throwing his away.”

“So if he wasn’t going to value it and appreciate Lys you were

willing to do it,” Kyd mumbled.

“Yeah. I couldn’t see something so potentially wonderful go down

the drain. But I’m glad they worked it out.” I chuckled, thinking about
the way I’d threatened Rip if he didn’t pull his head out of his ass. “It
took several verbal beatings to get Rip on the right path. They belong

“So you don’t regret not snatching up Lys when you had the

chance?” Redley sounded like he didn’t want the answer to the
question but I knew better. I knew I could never have loved Lys like I
did them.

“No, not at all. See, I stumbled upon two gorgeous, blond hotties

one day and they agreed to let me help them.”

“Then what happened?” Kyd giggled, his eyes shining with


“Once upon a time,” I started and went into our mating so far as

how I saw it. I told them how lucky I was and how I would cherish
the men I mated until my last breath and maybe even after that. They
listened, completely riveted as if they didn’t know the ending.

When I was done I made sweet love to Redley as he took Kyd and

then we went to dinner with our pack. It was magical and meant more
to me than hot, sweaty sex in the hallway because it was heart filled.

That didn’t mean I was giving up our kinky sex. I’m not stupid.

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Chapter 8


“We need a purpose,” I announced the next morning after I was

done cleaning our room… Yet again. “We’re no longer captives,
we’re not being abused in any way, and you’re healed. We need to
contribute to this pack. Otherwise they’re going to see us as Jensen’s
boy toys that sit around waiting for him to fuck us. Plus, I’m losing
my ever-loving mind.”

“What did you have in mind?” Redley chuckled as he set down

his book. He was excited to have the chance to read books and while I
was working on getting better at reading, I had trouble sitting still. I
wanted to do something and then relax with a book. If that made any

“I don’t know but I think we should talk with the man behind the

Alpha because I get the sense that Lys would know. Rip handles the
inner workings of the pack but I bet he doesn’t know every little thing
that could be done to help the pack or give us something to do. He’d
probably want us to lounge around and wait every day until Jensen
was done with pack stuff and then please him all night.”

“Maybe, but I think that might be a little harsh.”
“I don’t mean it to be,” I sighed as I threw out the paper towels I’d

been using and hid the cleaning spray back in the cabinet in the
bathroom. “I just think Lys would be the better option.”

“We can even ask them both,” he teased as he set his book down.

I watched him stand and stretch, licking my lips at how tasty Redley

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looked. “If you keep staring at me like that all we’re going to do is get
naked and have sexy fun.”

“After we talk to Lys then,” I giggled and raced to the door. I

opened it and wasn’t surprised that Gaven was there on guard duty.
That was another thing that irked me. Not only were we not
contributing to the household but we were taking someone away from
their normal duties to guard us. It bothered me and I didn’t like it.
“Do you know where Lys is?”

“Probably in his workshop. Why?” He raised an eyebrow as if

wondering what trouble we were planning on getting into.

“It’s top secret,” I said quietly and took Redley’s hand in mine

before we raced to the stairs.

“The pack gets more and more interesting the more people who

find mates,” he snickered as he jogged after us. I couldn’t say either
way so I just nodded that I’d heard him. Five minutes later we were
knocking on the door to Lys’s workshop in the basement of the house.

“Fuck!” he shouted and then cursed some more. “Come in.”
“Did we ruin something by knocking?” I asked hesitantly as we

stuck our heads in his room.

“No, I’m having a shit hard time trying to figure out new motion

sensors.” He sighed and threw his wrench on his workbench. “Now
that my company is known for security systems for not just humans
but paranormals, they keep adding stuff they want. I can’t get a grip
on sensors for those who don’t give off a heat signature.”

“Do you have someone you’re testing it on?” Redley asked,

raising an eyebrow. I wondered the same. We were the only cold-
blooded animals in the house.

“No, I keep tweaking things, sending what I did to my main

office, and they test it on one of our employees. It’s a very time-
consuming and annoying process.”

“Have us do it,” I giggled, shrugging my shoulders. “We’re cold-

blooded, Lys. We won’t give off a heat signature.”

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“Oh my gods! Why didn’t I think of that!” he bellowed and

jumped up from his stool, racing over to us and hugging us each with
one arm. “Would you really do that for me?”

“Of course we would. We were coming down here to see if there

was something we could do to help the pack besides sit in Jensen’s
room all day like spoiled mistresses,” I answered honestly.

“Please, you’ve been here like a week,” he drawled. “You have to

be doing that for at least a month to get that label.” I laughed when I
saw the cheeky grin he was giving us. So did Redley before he pushed
the penguin shifter away.

“Dork,” Redley snorted.
“I am,” Lys agreed with a wide smile. “Okay, but helping me and

being test subjects wouldn’t keep you busy all day. So we need to find
you a purpose.” He rubbed his chin and glanced over at Gaven. “You
pretty much handle the running of this house. What’s missing or
hasn’t been going well?”

“You’re not going to like my answer and Jensen won’t want his

mates doing it,” Gaven grumbled.

“We’re not all that educated,” I explained and shrugged again.

“It’s not like we thought we were going to be redesigning computer
systems. I only got through fourth grade before my family sold me.
I’m so not scrubbing toilets though. People can handle their own shit

“Nicely put,” Redley agreed with a smirk. “So what is it?”
“The cook could use some help with prep for meals, cutting,

washing, pulling shit out, and whatnot. But what we really need is
someone for laundry detail.”

“Perfect!” I exclaimed, practically bouncing at the idea.
“Seriously?” Gaven asked with wide eyes.
“Yeah, Kyd likes to take care of people. He’s a cleaning machine

sometimes and he likes fluffy. Giving him cleaning duty that takes
care of people, smells pretty, and lets him give people their fluffy
stuff back is about his idea of a wet dream.”

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“Be nice,” I warned him. “You’d help the cook for sure. You used

to watch that cooking show all the time when we had to be in the lab
and they left it on.”

“I think it’s fascinating to take raw ingredients and turn it into

something that makes people’s mouths water.” He blushed at the idea
but still looked excited. “Can I go help him now?”

“Yeah,” Gaven replied, looking pleasantly surprised. “We’ll take

you up there now. You know Barclay.”

“Oh, I didn’t know he was the cook and a guard,” I said and

glanced over at Lys. “Let us know when you want test subjects!”

“You guys are too much,” he chuckled, shaking his head before

sitting down at his workbench. He was smiling so I assumed it was a
good thing. Hey, we were free and loved by someone wonderful. If
doing the pack’s laundry would help with that, I was all for it.

“We try!” Redley exclaimed as we booked it out of his workroom.

I followed along to drop off Redley to the kitchen, making sure
Barclay was there so Redley would be protected. It annoyed me to no
avail but I gave a fake smile and we headed to the laundry room.

“Okay, spill, pint size. You’re pissed and not very good at hiding

it,” Gaven said gently when we were alone. I glanced around the
room that looked like a mini-size Laundromat. There were three
industrial-size washers and dryers. This would do nicely.

The massive fucking pile of clothes and linens wouldn’t.
“I don’t like that we have to be guarded,” I answered honestly as I

checked what was already in the washers. The moment I opened them
I caught a whiff of moldy, wet clothes. “Those will have to be
rewashed.” I glanced around and couldn’t even find detergent. “And
this whole place needs to be reorganized. We need supplies and a

“I have a notepad if you want me to take notes,” Gaven offered

gently. I glanced at him then. “If you were my mates I’d want you
guarded too, Kyd. Don’t be hard on Jensen about all of this.”

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“You misunderstand me,” I sighed and kept looking for detergent.

“I don’t blame him and I’m grateful to him for wanting to protect us. I
hate that it’s needed. Neville needs a serious ass kicking and there’s
no reason for him to hate me. I was nice to him. I wanted to make
friends and instead there’s all this damn drama. I’ve had enough
fucking drama in my life and I just want some goddamn peace and to
love my mates!”

“Feel better now that you got that out?” He smirked at me and I

blushed because I hadn’t even realized I’d been shouting until he said

“Yes, actually I do,” I giggled after a moment’s thought. “Thanks,


“You do have friends here, just for the record, pint size. Danielle

adores you guys, I like you, and Barclay’s a fan too. So don’t worry
about Neville. We’ll figure this out.”

“Good.” I gestured around the chaos in the room. “Then for now

we just need to figure this out.”

“We? Oh no, no we. I’m taking notes and guarding you. You’re

touching other people’s stinky clothes.”

“Pussy,” I snickered, getting a growl from him. I found the

detergent and dryer sheets, wincing when I realized this would barely
get me started. “First things first. I need more supplies. I want at least
a dozen different huge bottles of detergent. One with bleach for
whites, one with color bleach for colors, and some of that oxy shit.
We’ll also need something for delicates and lots of fabric softener
along with dryer sheets.”

“Can I ask how you know all this given where you lived most of

your life?” he asked quietly.

“We spent a lot of time in the lab, in animal form when we

weren’t locked in our room,” I answered, starting the wash cycle on
the moldy clothes. “We’d lie there and produce as much poison as we
could but at least they left the TV on for us. They’d even ask what we
wanted on, like a treat for behaving. We watched a lot of HGTV and

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while Redley focused on cooking shows, I liked the household ones
about cleaning and taking care of a home.”

“Because you always dreamed of having one,” he finished for me.
“Yeah, I did. Jensen’s better than the dream and I like that the

pack is like a big family, I just didn’t ever dream of having such
issues when we finally found a home.”

“Understandable.” He was quiet then as he jotted down notes.
I set the dryers that had stuff in them for another five minutes just

to get some of the wrinkles out. “We need hanging racks too so nicer
shirts don’t have to be folded. And some shelves. I’d like a large table
to fold.”

“What do you see when you think of this room being most


“I think it would be best to separate types of laundry by days. Like

Monday is sheets and bedding day. Tuesday would be colors,
Wednesday whites, Thursday delicates, and Friday jeans and
miscellaneous. Get some really big bins for people to dump the stuff
in the night before and then say like after dinner they could come pick
up their clothes that I’ll have folded neatly on the table.”

“I think that’s a great plan. I’ll make sure someone goes out today

to Costco and buys everything you need.”

“Thanks, Gaven.” I gave him a bright smile and he chuckled.
“That’s much better than having to do my own damn laundry.”
I shook my head and got back to work. For now I found a small

card table that we set up so I could fold laundry. I got the first load
from the dryer folded and then stuffed as many of the sheets I found
into the free washer while the others rewashed clothes. The job was
systematic, and let my mind decompress from everything going on.

“Hungry?” Gaven asked a few hours later. I glanced over to the

clock and saw it was already noon and I had made a fair dent in the

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“Yeah and let’s announce the schedule and for people to come

look through what I have done already so the piles don’t get too big. I
don’t have room for people to just leave their clothing here for long.”

“Good deal.” I transferred the load I had from washer to dryer, put

more in the washer, and we headed up to lunch.

“How’s it going?” Redley asked excitedly as he carried a large

tray of pasta salad to the sideboard.

“There’s lots of organization that needs to be done and supplies to

purchase,” I answered with a shrug. “And back laundry to get done
but it shouldn’t be a big deal. I mean, if I get a good system down it
shouldn’t matter that I’m doing laundry for this many people.”

“You’re doing the laundry?” Rip and Jensen asked at the same

time as they walked into the room. Rip came and lifted me into his
arms, hugging me tightly. “I love you something fierce right now.”

“Okay, you big goof,” I giggled and smacked his chest. “Put me

down before Jensen bites you.”

“It’s just I’m a disaster at doing laundry,” Rip blubbered as he set

me on my feet. Man, the guy was really grateful for some clean

“And I don’t do laundry,” Lys chuckled. Everyone froze and

stared at him. There was way too much attitude in that statement.

“Because it’s beneath you but not my mate?” Jensen growled as

he pulled me back against his chest and wrapped his arms around me.
“There’s nothing wrong with doing the laundry to help the pack. I’m
just a stupid enforcer and I understand that.”

“No, no!” Lys gasped, his eyes going wide. “I swear I didn’t mean

it like that. I don’t look down on you or Kyd.”

“Tell them how you did mean it then, baby,” Rip said evenly, not

looking happy either.

“I–I just meant that everyone has their li–limits,” Lys stuttered as

his eyes filled with tears. “Th–The idea of touching other p–people’s
dirty clothes gr–grosses me out. I’d rather do dishes all day than wash

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Everyone was still staring at him but I understood what he’d

meant now and took pity on him. “I get you. I’d rather do laundry all
day than clean a bathroom. You couldn’t pay me enough to touch
someone else’s toilet bowel.”

Thank you, he mouthed as he wiped his eyes. I gave him a wink.

Us prey and non-wolves had to stick together.

“I don’t mind laundry just I’m not allowed to do it because I swear

no matter what I do everything comes out pink,” Rip bitched as he
hugged Lys. “So you’ve already started? What do you need so I never
have to ruin any clothing ever again?”

“Gaven took down a list,” I said, seeing pretty much everyone else

was there so I raised my voice. “We’re instituting a schedule. Bring
your clothes down the night before on the right day, I’ll have them
done by dinner and folded on the big tables we’re getting, and you
will come pick them up that night or you’re on your own.”

“Deal,” several people said while others murmured, “Very fair.”
“I’m glad you think so because lugging that amount of laundry to

and from people’s rooms might kill me,” I said with a snicker.

Everyone else laughed and I turned just in time to see Neville

giving me the evil eye before slipping out the door to the kitchen.
Fuck. Him. I was tired of his shit and the drama he caused.

“Everyone please go downstairs after lunch and see if anything

I’ve done is yours. Give me a few days to get caught up and by
Monday I’ll get the schedule implemented for new laundry.”

“What’s Monday’s day?” Danielle asked with a smile. Guess she

didn’t want to do her laundry either.

“Monday is sheets and bedding,” I answered loudly so everyone

could hear.

“Thank gods because my bed smells,” Barclay moaned. “You get

to pick dessert for giving me a nice-smelling bed soon, Kyd.”

“Hmmm,” I drawled, tapping my chin as I thought. “Could you

make that Oreo cookie pie again? That was fucking orgasmic!”

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“Done and done,” he chuckled. He and Redley brought out the

rest of the food and we all sat down to eat. It was fun… Like a family
meal. People talked about what they’d been up to, how the pack was
running, and the full moon that night. I saw Rip and Jensen take notes
here and there on some of the updates and I realized they didn’t have
formal meetings, but handled things like a family.

It impressed me to no end. I thought it was a great way to run a

pack and it had me giving Rip just a little bit more respect.

“How did the cooking go?” Jensen asked Redley when we were

wrapping up.

“Great. Barclay was very patient with me but things will run much

smoother once I get the lay of the kitchen. He said we could
implement a few new meal ideas but that everyone bitched if he got
too fancy so to keep things simple. I’ve got a few hours before we
start dinner and he said he likes to hang in the library. So I’ve got a
guard and a reading buddy.”

“That’s great, sweetie,” Jensen replied with a happy sigh. “I’m

glad you guys found something to keep you busy and that you like.”

“You guys want to run with me to Costco and get some of this list

knocked out?” Danielle offered. Barclay nodded when he saw how
excited Redley was at the idea. “Who else is going to volunteer to
help before I assign people?”

“I’ll go,” Rip answered, showing he wasn’t above something as

menial as shopping. “My little birdy needs some good seafood and
they have a great selection.”

“I love you,” Lys cooed before turning to Redley. “When you

guys get back do you mind testing out the new motion sensors?”

“What’s this all about?” Jensen asked with a raised brow. We

quickly filled him in on the help we offered Lys and he smiled
proudly. “You guys are becoming an essential part of the pack. It
makes me proud to have such selfless mates.”

“You’re the Beta,” I said as I felt my face heat up. “We just

wanted to help and show we support you and the pack.”

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“Lucky bastard,” someone mumbled, sounding jealous. It made

me preen that my mate was so proud and people agreed with him.
Made the fact that I was just doing the laundry seem important and
while I hadn’t expected that, it was nice. It also made me feel less like
the captive victim I’d spent most of my life being and more like a real

As if I was normal and functional instead of someone who was

still plagued by nightmares and had a bucket full of issues.

When we were done with lunch and everyone brought their dishes

into the kitchen, the two teenagers of the pack, who were tasked with
cleanup, got to work on them. I knew they were being homeschooled
but I liked that they also had chores. It made the pack seem so normal
and well rounded.

Gaven came back down with me to the laundry room, bringing his

laptop to get some work done. It made me wonder something that I’d
not thought to ask yet.

“What do you do for a living, Gaven?” I was folding laundry and

glancing over at him to make sure he knew I was interested instead of
just trying to make conversation.

“I’m the editor in chief of the wolves’ newsletter. Our elder insists

that we have a monthly newsletter that all the wolves are required to
read so no one is left out of the loop. It gets e-mailed to every
registered wolf and they have to sign something that they read it.”

“That’s genius!” My eyes went wide at how simple but smart the

idea was. “I wish the amphibian elder did something like that. It
might help us as a people. Plus, if he was paying attention better to his
constituents maybe parents wouldn’t think they could get away with
selling their own children.”

“Rip and I are pretty tight with the wolf elder. You might want to

think about sitting down with him and telling him your story, Redley
too. For one, it might help get the bears locked up so you’d be safe
and so they didn’t take someone else.” I scrunched my eyebrows in
thought on that one. “Just a suggestion.”

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“No, it’s a really good one. Thank you, Gaven. I’ll think about it

and discuss it with Redley and Jensen at dinner. I’m not one to start
trouble but if it saves one person from having to go through what
Redley and I did, if Jensen agrees to it, I’d be glad to meet with the

“Good deal.” He gave me an approving nod just as the washer

beeped. I glanced down and smiled when I saw that all the clothes I
had been working on were folded. Time flew when I was thinking. It
also gave me an idea.

“Do you think Jensen or Rip would let me have a TV down here?

It would be nice to get caught up on some movies so I didn’t always
feel as if I was out of the loop or behind a decade.”

“Are you kidding me?” He chuckled and then full-out laughed.

“The way Rip reacted to you doing his laundry, the man would put in
a hot tub down here to make you happy.”

“That’s a little extreme,” I giggled. I did agree with him on his

assessment though. The Alpha really did hate doing his laundry. We
all had our limits of what we wouldn’t do and laundry seemed to be

Good thing it wasn’t mine because from the piles and piles I had

of clothes to catch up on I was surprised that the whole pack wasn’t
walking around naked.

The afternoon rolled on quietly, people stopping in and going

through the clothes to find what was theirs, thanking me for washing
them. I smiled and told them it was no big deal, making a point to
learn their names and faces. I hadn’t had much one-on-one time to get
to know most members of the pack but I was glad that was going to

“Well aren’t you just everyone’s golden boy now,” Neville

growled as he stood in the doorway. I saw Gaven stand and move into
the shadows of the corner at the man’s arrival. What was he doing?

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“I’m just doing the laundry to help out, Neville.” I narrowed my

eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you do to
help out the pack? Or do you simply cause trouble always?”

“I handle the vehicles of the pack. I’m quite good with my hands

as your mate well knows.”

“You liar,” I seethed. “Jensen said you guys were just friends and

not even good ones at that. There’s no way he touched you!”

“Oh? Are you so sure about that?” he taunted.
“Yes,” I answered honestly and firmly. Jensen would never lie to

me. “He would have no reason to lie about what happened before we
met and I was his mate.”

“Then I’ll just have to drop off some of the pictures I took to your

room later and prove you wrong.” His eyes were filled with such rage
as was his aura that it was disturbing. What I didn’t see was that flash
in color when someone was lying. “Do you want four-by-six photos
or should I go broke with eight-by-tens?”

“Four-by-six is fine,” I snapped. He gave me a firm nod and spun

on his heel, his nose in the air as he walked away with a triumphant

“What did I ever see in that little shit?” Gaven whispered to


“Why did you hide?” I asked, confused and hurt that Neville had

proof. I wouldn’t believe it until I saw it but to offer proof said he had
it in my mind. “I thought you were my guard?”

“I would have jumped in if you needed me to, Kyd. But I was

hoping he’d speak freely and we could get some answers if he didn’t
see me. I figured the detergent and bleach would mask my scent and I
think it did. He didn’t seem to know you weren’t alone.” He looked
about as sad as I felt. “I can’t believe he was with Jensen. I never saw
them act like they were anything to each other.”

“And why would he lie to Redley and I about it?” I whispered,

completely heartbroken.

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Chapter 9


“Tell me there’s a reason,” Kyd whimpered as he threw a stack of

photos on my desk. I had a smaller office next to Rip’s that I shared
with some of the guards. There was another room we used at the front
of the house for all the security monitors and electrical stuff. So I was
basically the only one who used this office.

“What’s wrong, little wiggler?” I asked, not even looking at what

he threw yet.

Look at them!” Redley bellowed and pointed to the stack. I froze

with fear. What was so wrong that my sweet mate was screaming at
me like this? I picked up a few and looked, trying to make out what I
was seeing as if it was a puzzle. It simply didn’t make sense to my

“What?” I gasped as it finally came into focus. “This can’t be.”
“Tell me there’s a reason,” Kyd whimpered as he sagged against

Redley. “I trusted you would never lie to us.”

“I wouldn’t,” I moaned as suddenly my chest hurt. I turned in a

flash and emptied my stomach contents into the trash can. “Get Rip.”

“We verified the pictures weren’t altered and are real,” Redley

growled. “Lys was the one who did it.”

“Get Rip,” I repeated as I retched again.
“Redley, I think something’s wrong,” Gaven said quietly. “I’m

going to get Rip but give him a chance to explain. He didn’t look like
he knows about what was going on in those pictures.”

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“You didn’t have sex with Neville?” Redley asked, his tone a little

less volatile.

I shook my head as I sat back in my chair and grabbed the cold

bottle of water I was drinking. I held it to my forehead as I closed my
eyes and tried to learn how to breathe again. “I never knowingly had
sex with Neville. I don’t look very awake in those pictures. How
active am I when we have sex?”

“Your blackouts!” Kyd cried out and I heard shuffling on my

desk. “You’re limp in all of these. He had sex with you when you
weren’t conscious? I’ll kill the fucking bastard!”

“I’m sorry I doubted you,” Redley whispered, sounding as if he

was dying inside.

“The proof was right in front of you,” I said as I held out my free

hand to him. I sighed when he took it and held it against his body. “I
would have thought the same thing. My brain couldn’t even process
what I was seeing. Please take those away so I don’t have to look at
them ever again.”

“He raped you, Jensen,” Redley whispered as he moved onto my

lap. “You’re going to have to deal with that and show Rip the proof.”

“I will but I don’t have to look at it. I don’t ever want to see it

again because I’ll kill him.”

“Okay, you don’t have to, our mate.” I heard shuffling and

cracked open an eye in time to see Kyd scrambling to pick up every
picture. “We would never have handled it like this if we’d thought
this was even a possibility.”

“I know, baby. None of this is your fault. I just need a minute to

wrap my brain around all this and try and keep what’s left in my
stomach down.” I pulled Redley against me, hugging him tightly as if
he was a security blanket. Right then, I just needed some form of
comfort because I was freaking out.

“What’s going on now?” Rip growled as he stepped into my

office. I opened my eyes and gestured for Kyd to give him the

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“It seems Neville was having sex with me when I blacked out,” I

answered quietly, feeling as if I was going to spin out of control. I
started shaking and breathing too fast.

“Slow, deep breaths, Jensen,” Redley whispered as he turned to

straddle my lap and hugged me tightly. Next thing I knew Kyd was on
my lap right behind him. It would have been funny under different
circumstances, that my lap was big enough for both of them. But right
then I was simply grateful I could hold them both at once.

“I thought it was a little weird since Jensen seems so animalistic

from what I saw during your couplings that he’d be completely still
with Neville,” Lys grumbled. “I’m going to kill that fucker.”

“Get in line,” Kyd snarled. “And that asshole bragged about

having proof that he was Jensen’s lover.”

“Start from the beginning,” Rip sighed as he sat down in one of

the chairs in front of my desk, still flipping through the pictures.

Kyd and Gaven told us about how Neville had showed up in the

laundry room to taunt my mate about his being intimate with me. Kyd
had demanded proof and when he’d gone upstairs to shower before
dinner, there had been an envelope waiting for him outside our room
door. He opened it, saw what was inside, and went to Redley. Then
Redley explained that at first he thought they were altered pictures, so
they went to Lys.

“I scanned a few and saw that they weren’t digitally altered and

were fluent grains so I told them that I was sorry, but the pictures
were real,” Lys said sadly.

“And you didn’t know about any of this until your mates came to

confront you?” Rip asked gently.

“No, I had no clue. I never touched Neville in any way that was

more than I have you or Gaven. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever even
hugged the man.”

“You never woke with any proof of having sex after your


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“Once yes, but I had been drinking and flirting with a human at

the bar. I thought we’d hooked up or something and I didn’t
remember,” I whispered, starting to shake again. “How was I hard
while blacked out?”

“How do we wake up hard with morning wood?” Rip shrugged

and then shook his head. “Gaven, I want Neville arrested and locked
in a cell in the basement. I’m calling his father again and if the man
ducks my calls I’m going straight to the elder on this shit. We now
have concrete proof to bring charges against him. And you heard the
conversation so now we also have a witness to his harassment of

“Alpha, I respectfully request that someone other than me detain

him, please,” Gaven whispered, looking torn. Rip’s head snapped in
the man’s direction. “Rip, please. I–I liked Neville. I have for months
and we were finally intimate. Please don’t make me arrest him.”

“Right, I forgot about that. Sorry, Gaven. Was Barclay with him

as well?”

“Not to my knowledge,” Gaven answered, blinking rapidly.
“Bring him here and I’ll have him handle it.”
“Thank you, Alpha,” he said quickly and bolted from the room.
“This is some fucked-up shit like I’ve never even heard of

before,” Lys growled. “There’s got to be something we’ve missed
here. Wolves have a fast metabolism and you can drink almost half a
bottle of whiskey before you get a real buzz.”

“I only had a few beers and then I’d black out the rest. But my bar

tabs were always around twenty or thirty dollars,” I added, getting his
point. “How was I blacking out if I barely drank anything?”

“You only had a few beers? I saw you smashed to high heaven

one time that you said you blacked out,” Rip hedged. “And you were
with Neville. He was helping you to your room.”

“If this was a mystery novel or drama show Neville would have

been slipping Jensen roofies or something,” Redley grumbled.

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I had a thought then. “Maybe he’s not far off.” I glanced between

my mates before my Alpha. “What if he got that drug the bears were
making but only gave me a small dose? Think about it. The raw
poison from Kyd and Redley made Neville pass out and not use his
limbs fully when he woke up. Their pheromones were like drinking a
bottle of booze. It fits.”

“Assuming Neville knows these bear shifters or anything about

it,” Lys said gently.

“I can’t think of any other way to fit the pieces of this puzzle

together.” I really couldn’t. Nothing else made sense. When I was
upset and drinking, I chalked it up to being depressed and drinking
more than I thought I had. But now, looking back, it just didn’t make
sense. I rarely even remembered getting a buzz on the nights I blacked
out. That was a pretty big leap.

Barclay and Gaven came back then and we filled in the other man.

He said he’d get it done as my mates slipped off my lap.

“Don’t you guys believe me?” I whispered as my eyes filled with

tears. Why were they putting space between us? “I’m not lying.”

“We know you’re not, our sweet mate,” Kyd said gently as he

pulled on my hand to get me to stand. “You need to go lie down and
trust your friends will handle this. You don’t have to see Neville or
witness what comes next. Let’s get you to bed.”

I glanced at Rip and waited for him to nod his agreement. “But

you guys are coming with me, right? I don’t have to be alone?” Wow,
I sounded a little fragile and ready to fall apart right then. Who
wouldn’t though? Someone I thought was kind of my friend and a
member of my extended family in the pack raped me after maybe
drugging me, and took pictures of it.

I was lucky I wasn’t in a fucking padded room already.
“We’d never leave you,” Redley said firmly and I got that he

didn’t mean just for the nap. I let them lead me up to our room and
they tucked me into bed. “We love you, Jensen.”

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“I wanted to tell you guys tonight on our first full moon together

that I felt the same way. It’s ruined now,” I whimpered and jumped
out of bed. “I feel so dirty.” I booked it into the bathroom and turned
on the shower. Grabbing the soap, I fell to my knees and sobbed as I
scrubbed my skin. Everything felt so wrong now. Why did this have
to happen when I was finally happy?

And I still couldn’t decide if it was better that I knew what Neville

did to me or not. Maybe ignorance was truly bliss? Either way it
happened, and yeah, I probably would be glad that I knew after I
calmed down instead of Neville never being held accountable for
what he’d done. But right then, I wished I didn’t know. I could have
never known nor had to deal with the fallout of it.

“Shhh,” Kyd cooed gently as he took the soap from me. It was

then that I realized I hadn’t been scrubbing skin but my jeans in an
effort to get clean. Well that wouldn’t have worked and it wasn’t like
Neville was still on me. I could only imagine how many showers I’d
had since he’d raped me.

“I wish I never knew but then I can’t help but wonder how many

times it happened?” I whispered as I lowered my head to the shower
floor and beat my fists on the tiles.

“Oh, Jensen,” Redley whispered as he wrapped his arms around

me the moment Kyd did. “We can only tell you how many different
date stamps were on the pictures. He might not have brought his
camera each time though.”

“Redley!” Kyd growled.
“Wouldn’t you want to know?” he shot right back. “He deserves

to know so he can process.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” Kyd conceded after a moment. “It just

sounded harsh.”

“The whole situation is harsh,” I blubbered. “How many date


“Eleven,” Redley admitted and then swallowed loudly. “There

were eleven different dates.”

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“Eleven?” I wailed and curled into a ball. “Eleven different times!

How could he? I was the first person to welcome him to the pack! I
went to sit by him at dinner and made sure he didn’t feel alone. He
betrayed me in the most basic way.”

“He won’t ever touch you again,” Kyd said firmly. “We’ll get

through this. We’ll be just fine.”

I wasn’t sure that was true. I mean, I knew this wouldn’t break up

our mating or anything. But I wasn’t sure I’d ever be fine ever again.

My mates helped me rinse off the soap on my clothes before

shutting off the shower and getting us all undressed. We left our wet
clothes in the shower and then they pulled me back to the bed. I
climbed in, shivering from being cold in a way that had nothing to do
with the temperature of the room or being wet.

They talked quietly to me, soothing me until the exhaustion of the

situation finally won out and I fell asleep.

I woke sometime later, alone in the bed and glancing around for

my mates. “Guys?”

Nothing. They left me during something this major? I never

thought they’d do that to me. Then I had a thought that maybe they
went to go get us dinner. I sat up and threw back the covers, gasping
when something moved against my skin.

“Well hello there,” I chuckled as my two tiny salamander mates

wiggled along my left arm. “Full moon getting to you guys?” I knew
they wouldn’t answer but I wanted them to know I understood. The
full moon affected pretty much every shifter there was in different
ways and it wasn’t always a conscious shift. “You guys are so damn

I got out of bed carefully so as to not dislodge them and brought

them to the bathroom. After the tub was filled with a few inches of
water, I stuck my arm in it and let them hop down. I sat back on my
feet and watched them swim around for a bit, finding their
movements soothing.

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“Come in,” I called out when I heard a knock at the door. I looked

over my shoulder and frowned when Rip came through the door with
a look on his face that told me I wasn’t going to like what he had to

“Neville’s gone,” he said gently as he joined us in the bathroom,

sitting on the closed lid of the toilet.

“He’s dead?” I asked, feeling a little bit of peace that I’d never

have to see him again.

“No, not dead,” he answered with a wince. “He’s gone. He must

have known we’d come for him after your mates confronted you
about the pictures because some of his stuff was missing from his
room and we can’t find him.”

“Of course. Nothing’s ever that easy,” I bitched. I sighed and laid

my head on the lip of the tub, staring at my cute, innocent little mates.
“Kyd and Redley told me there were eleven different date stamps on
the pictures. How many more times do you think Neville did that to
me that he didn’t take proof of?”

“How many times did you black out?” Rip countered quietly.
“Oh gods,” I whispered, closing my eyes to keep back the tears. It

didn’t work as they burned and overflowed my eyes. “Dozens of
times, Rip. I don’t even know the count. But there had to be dozens of
times I blacked out. I’m so stupid. I was so upset and depressed, my
watching you get everything I wanted after you fought so hard against
it brought back all these issues from when I was younger that it was
suffocating me.”

“And you weren’t paying attention to much else like if you were

drinking enough to even have blackouts,” he finished for me. I
nodded, unable to say the words.

“That tickles, guys,” I said to my mates as they nibbled on my

fingers. “I get it. You’re giving me love bites and kisses when you
can’t in human form. We’ll find Neville, make sure he’s punished for
what he’s done, work through this, and be happy together.”

Now if I could just make myself believe that.

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Rip and I talked a little bit more. He pushed me to go on the full

moon run with the pack that night because if there was ever a time I
needed to let my wolf out and hunt… It was now. I couldn’t disagree
with him. We agreed that he’d be back in a couple of hours to guard
my mates and his so I could run while Gaven and Barclay kept an eye
on me.

“I’ll have some dinner sent up as well,” he said as he stood and

walked towards the bathroom door. “You’re a growing wolf who
needs his strength so I better see you ate it all when I come back later
or no sex with your mates.”

I flicked him off with my free hand, making sure he saw it. He

laughed as he left my room and I couldn’t help but smile as well.
He’d gotten what he wanted out of the comment, a little less stress in
my heart.

Five minutes later there was another knock at the door. “That was

fast.” My mates let go of my fingers and I got to my feet. I walked
over to the main door of the room and opened it. “Neville.”

“I want more from you,” he growled as he shoved me back into

the room. I’d been so shocked, so scared to see him that I didn’t react
right away. That was the only excuse I had. He lifted an injection gun
and quickly shoved it into my arm.

“No!” I cried out and knocked it away but it was too late. I felt

woozy almost instantly.

“We’re going to have so much hot sex once I kill your mates. You

are mine, Jensen. Best sex and cock I’ve ever had and I’m not giving
that up for a couple of fucking amphibians.”

“Hate. You,” I managed to get out before everything went black.

* * * *


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I heard something funny while underwater and thought I should

resurface. All was quiet besides a slight thump sound. Jensen
probably dropped something on the floor while he was eating. Kyd
must have heard it too because he moved up along next to me and the
two of us held still to listen against the side of the tub.

“Gotcha!” someone exclaimed as a hand dove towards us and

grabbed us both. Neville lifted us up towards his face, squeezing too
hard on our fragile bodies. “Fucking die, you assholes. Jensen is

I had just enough time to see Jensen lying on the floor, out for the

count, before he tossed us into the toilet. Seriously? What a douche!
He gave a maniac laugh and I saw he was reaching to flush us down
the damn thing. I instinctively jumped and grabbed onto the lip of the
toilet seat. I felt Kyd do the same but he must have been hurt because
he didn’t make it but grabbed onto me.

I heard the flush and saw the water start swirling. No, this is NOT

how we are going to die! For fuck’s sake! Kyd’s weight got twice as
heavy as his legs were pulled in the flow of the water. I prayed to
whoever was listening that he had enough strength to hold on just a
little longer. I could see up into the bathroom and Neville left after he
flushed the handle.

He sucked as a villain. He really did. He was like the cartoons or

Bond movies where they never waited to see that the person was
really dead before they went on to the next part of their plan.

I wouldn’t be making the same mistake. The water stopped

swirling and Kyd let go, probably guessing I couldn’t pull us both up
or I would have already. I quickly scampered onto the seat and
shifted. Then I reached in, picked the salamander shifter I loved out of
the fucking toilet, and set him on the floor. Kyd shifted back silently
and held his ribs tightly.

“Hand me the phone and save Jensen,” he breathed so our idiotic

villain wouldn’t hear him. I looked to where he was nodding towards

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and saw Kyd’s cell phone. Quick as a flash I handed it to him and
quietly walked into the other room.

What I saw filled me with a red-hot rage like I never felt before.

Neville had gotten our mate naked, just as he was, and was getting
into position to lower himself onto Jensen’s dick. Over my dead

“Mother fucker!” I roared and dove at him. I got the drop on him

and knocked him away from Jensen.

“Why won’t you die?” Neville screeched as he rolled us across the


“Stupid villain with stupid lines,” I grunted as he punched me in

the face. He wasn’t much bigger than me but he was obviously trained
to fight. I, on the other hand, had no clue what to do in a fight and my
instincts weren’t cutting it.

I was going to lose and Kyd and Jensen would be screwed. Shit.

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Chapter 10


I shot off a text to everyone I trusted in the pack house telling

them we were in trouble in Jensen’s room and then got to my feet. I
was in insane amounts of pain from what I guessed were a few broken
ribs but I knew from what I was hearing in the other room that both of
the men I loved were in deep shit.

And I knew what I had to do. I hobbled as quickly as I could to

one of my drawers and opened it, dumping the contents on the floor.
When Neville had first started shit, I had snuck into the gun hold they
had at the pack house and swiped the smallest gun I could find. I
hadn’t told anyone, and while I felt guilty for stealing, every instinct I
had told me I would need it.

Picking it up, I swung around to aim at the man who had to die. I

didn’t care about morals. I didn’t care about whether I’d get in
trouble. As I saw the blood all over Redley’s face and Jensen drugged
and out again I knew what I had to do to protect my family.

“Neville,” I shouted, needing him to not be so close to Redley. His

head snapped up and his eyes went wide.

“No. No fucking way! This was not how it was supposed to go,”

he bitched and growled.

“Then make sure the heroes really are dead, dumbass. Now get

away from my mate!”

“No, you’ll shoot me.”
“Fucker, I’m shooting you either way. At least if I wait for you to

get off of him you have a better chance at jumping me. But I’m

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pulling this trigger whether I have to walk over there and shoot you
close enough not to miss.” I took a step forward as if to prove my

“Wait!” he screeched and held up his hands. He slowly got up and

I saw him tense up to leap at me. I sighted down the gun and ignored
the door I heard behind me opening. I knew what I had to do.

“We’re here,” Rip growled.
“Too late,” I said as Neville leapt towards me. I pulled the trigger

and watched the bullet go right into his skull. He fell about five feet
away from Redley and Jensen, dead as he landed on the ground. I
walked over to him and kept the gun aimed on him.

“He’s dead, Kyd,” Redley said gently. “You can put the gun down


“I’m not taking any more chances with my family. We tried doing

things the right way, following rules all our lives, and never has it
worked out for us. No more.” Then I put three more bullets in
Neville’s chest. “He ain’t healing, miraculously recovering, or
escaping from that to hurt us again.”

“Give me the gun,” Gaven said quietly. I nodded and handed it to

him, collapsing to my knees and acknowledging the pain now that it
was over. “Anyone asks, I walked in and shot Neville because he was
attacking you guys.”

“What does it matter who shot him?” I asked with a moan as I lay

down on the floor.

“Because you weren’t authorized to have a gun in the house and I

am. You could get into trouble.”

“I don’t care. I did what I had to and now my family is safe,” I

said as I stared up at him, making sure he saw the truth in my eyes.

“I do care,” he replied just as firmly. “If you got taken away from

Jensen it would crush him and he’s my friend. We’re pack, Kyd. We
protect our own. Right, Alpha?” He glanced over at Rip and Lys.

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“I saw Gaven shoot Neville in the chest when we found him

attacking you guys and when he still didn’t go down he shot the man
in the head,” Rip agreed with a nod.

“Okay. Going to pass out now,” Redley gasped.
“Sounds about right,” I mumbled as the darkness swarmed over


* * * *


“He did what?” I shouted, grabbing my head. Damn, that shit

Neville gave me really made me feel like ass when I woke up. “My
sweet, innocent Kyd shot Neville.”

“Dude, it was cold like an assassin,” Gaven hissed at me and

elbowed me to remind me to keep my voice down. “It was like
nothing I’d ever seen before and a little scary.”

“That wasn’t scary,” Rip mumbled as we watched Jim check out

my mates. They had moved us into the guest bedroom next door so
we didn’t wake up to see a dead body. Both my mates were out and I
was glad because their bruises looked painful.

“How can you say that?” Gaven asked with wide eyes.
Rip shot me a look that I completely understood without a word

even being spoken. “Because I have a mate. I would kill anyone
without a moment’s hesitation if I knew they were a threat to Lys and
would keep trying to come back to hurt him. You’ll understand when
you’re mated.”

“Pretty much,” I agreed.
“Can you shift?” Jim asked when Redley woke up with a groan.
“Yeah,” he hissed and then did it.
“Stay like that about ten minutes to give the healing a boost,” he

said gently, chuckling at how cute my mate was. “You were healing
fast anyways now that you’ve been eating properly.”

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“We need to find out where Neville got that shit,” I mumbled as I

watched the same conversation happen with Kyd a few minutes later.
“There’s something else going on here that we’re missing.”

“Agreed, but for now, all you have to worry about is taking the

night off and comforting your mates,” Rip said firmly.

“Thanks for coming when Kyd called you for help.”
“That’s what a pack does.” He shrugged and Gaven patted me on

the back before heading towards the door.

“They’re fine and so are you,” Jim said when we were alone.

“They might be sore when they shift back but Kyd’s ribs were
bruised, not broken, and nothing was broken on Redley. Just relax
tonight and hold your mates.”

“Sounds like the best idea ever,” I agreed and walked over to the

bed. I gently got on it, moving between my two wigglers, and lay
down. Jim said his good-byes and left, closing the door behind him.
Moments later my mates shifted back one after the other and snuggled
up against me. “I love you both so fucking much it’s like an all-
consuming fire. When I saw it was Neville at the door all I could
think about was how stupid it was that I didn’t tell you sooner.”

“You told us now and even after what I did so that’s all that’s

important,” Kyd said quietly.

“You protected us when we needed you. I would never love you

any less for that,” I replied and kissed his forehead. “I’m just sorry I
wasn’t the one to do it so I could spare you this pain.”

He was quiet a minute while we waited for him to process what I

said. “I don’t feel pain. I feel relief, not even a hint of guilt. He was a
bad man doing bad things and would keep doing them until he was
stopped permanently. He was a threat to our family and I’m glad he’s

“Amen to that,” Redley agreed. “Are you in trouble for stealing

the gun?”

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“Nope, it never happened,” I chuckled, hugging them closer. “Rip

already called Neville’s family and told them what Gaven did and
how things went down.”

“So it’s really over?” Kyd asked, his voice hopeful.
“It’s really over. Now we have a drama-free mating filled with

lots of love and many years to come.”

“Sounds good,” Redley sighed as he kissed my chest. “Sounds

perfect actually.”

“Yeah, what we always dreamed about with the man that’s better

than the dream ever was,” Kyd whispered and then yawned.

“You guys are more than I could ever even have dreamed up and I

love you both.”

“We love you too,” Redley said quietly. “Let’s get some sleep

tonight and wake up to the rest of our lives tomorrow.”

“Gladly,” Kyd and I replied together. We snuggled down in the

covers and did just that. Spending the rest of my life with two perfect,
sweet, kind, loving men was more than I ever deserved and I would
treasure them always.






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Joyee dreams of one day living on enough land to have a few

horses, and find a couple of cowboys or pool boys of her own. A
lover of men, Joyee is all about them in any form in her books;
vampire, werewolf, shape-shifter, military...It’s all good! She loves to
get lost in fantasy that only books can bring. Her wide interest in
reading is reflected in her writings, whether short stories, romance, or
mystical. Currently Joyee lives with her dog, Marius, named after a
vampire from Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series.

For all titles by Joyee Flynn, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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