The comparison of two differnt translation of Oscar Wilde

The comparison of two different translations of Oscar Wilde’s Picture of Dorian Gray.


  1. Literary translation

    1. Definition of literary translation

    2. Modern translation.

  2. Translation procedures

    1. Domestication

    2. Foreignisation

  3. Wordplay

    1. Definition

    2. Translation

  4. Oscar Wilde and his epoque

    1. Aestheticism

    2. Oscar Wilde- biography

    3. Characteristics of Oscar Wilde’s writings

    4. Wordplay in Oscar Wilde’s writings

    5. The Picture of Dorian Gray

  5. Comparison of two different translations of The Picture of Dorian Gray

    1. Domestication

      1. Maria Feldmanowa

      2. Marek Król

    2. Foreignization

      1. Maria Feldmanowa

      2. Marek Król

    3. Wordplay translation

      1. Maria Feldmanowa

      2. Marek Król

    4. Final conclusions


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